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A ll grades are learning, davening, saying Tehillim and discussing which middah they would like to strengthen so the sad events in Eretz Yisroel can come to an end! We are davening for Moshiach bimheira biyameinu and shalom al Yisroel! If you would have visited kitah daled on Monday morning you would have noced how and busy the girls were with a huge mitzva! They worked hard cung and preparing vegetable containers for Chessed 24/7 L'Zecher Nishmas Hadassah Shaindel bas Nissim Tal. They worked as a team and really enjoyed preparing these vegetables which were delivered to hospitals nearby. Ateres Bais Yaakov was asked to pilot a new program this year! It is a Live Long Distance Learning Program called 'Eretz Chemda'. Rabbi Fink chose to iniate this program in kitah vav in conjuncon with project Yud Beis. The first session began on Tuesday. Rabbi Fink connected the classroom screen to a laptop and special skype camera which allowed the girls to experience an interacve session live from Eretz Yisroel on the screen. The teacher was able to see them and hear their responses to his quesons. It was prey amazing! The first lesson on Tuesday covered the geographical locaon of Israel and the disproporon of its physical size relave to its global significance throughout history and its constant feature in the world news. The girls enjoyed every minute and really learned a lot. All future lessons will focus on the topic of Eretz Yisroel and Mitzvos Teluyos Baaretz. IyH every two weeks the girls will enjoy another interacve live lesson which will build a love for kedushas Eretz Yisroel. Wednesday, the East Ramapo bus company held their annual bus drill for elementary and junior high students. Each class sat on a school bus and were instructed and reminded of the bus safety rules both on and off the bus as well as what to do in case of an emergency. It is very important for the students to be aware of their responsibilies as a rider on the bus each day. We thank East Ramapo presenters for taking the me to educate our students. Now let's take a peek into the week: There is always something new and excing occurring in Morah Miriam’s Kitah Aleph. Last week, kitah alef yelados began to use their siddurim for the very first me. The girls all made bookmarks to help them find the correct pages. Aſter discussing the kedusha of the siddur and how it should be treated, the girls opened up their siddurim and began davening with much kavanah. Morah Miriam’s bracha to her students is that they always connue to be as movated and excited to daven as they are now. It is so beauful to see. The girls were asked to describe their feelings as they embarked on their newest achievement. Kinderquotes: I feel… Kayla R. - Happy because Hashem is proud of me. Shaindy – Big because now I could point to the words. Adina – Happy because I feel close to Hashem. Michalee – Happy because we could daven to Hashem with more kavana now that we are using His name. Charna – Happy because the siddur is holy and special and you could talk to Hashem and thank Him. Bailey – Excited because I’m learning to read Hebrew from it and I can say the morning brachos. Meira – Happy, I hold my siddur carefully because it’s very special. Zehava – Now I can say thank you to Hashem in Hebrew. Tamar – The siddur has special words to say thank you. Atara W. – Special because you see Hashem's name over and over in the siddur Rochel – I felt like I was about to explode and I just wanted to kiss my siddur and hold it. I put it on the shelf with other siddurim and chumashim and parsha books. I felt very grown up. Morah Heitner’s Kitah Beis has already learned the first five peukim in chumash! They pracced singing and translang the pesukim. They were able to idenfy the ending and beginning leers in each pasuk. The girls are working hard at applying all the skills they have been learning since the first day of school. Morah Ehrman's Kitah Gimmel finished a second page full of shorashim! They had plenty of games to review and now it is me to go 'fishing'. The girls worked with a partner to review the new safa words and they played with the wheels that they made out of cloth. It is amazing to see that kitah gimmel has many girls who act with zerizus to do whatever they can for others! It is beauful to see! Morah Almog’s Kitah Daled took their first chumash test this week and did so well! They also started their Chofetz Chaim Heritage program-Shomrei Halashon. It is a special program for 4th graders across the globe to teach the girls not to speak lashon hara through stories, games, lessons, poems and contests. Kitah Daled is flourishing in every way – keep up the fabulous work! Morah Marn’s Kitah Hey is Baruch Hashem so enthusiasc and is showing real growth in their learning! Shayna Golumb went ahead at home in the chumash and impressed the whole class by teaching the new passuk to the class the next day! Ellie Greenwald demonstrated her Rashi skills as she looked ahead on her own and read the correct answer from Rashi to a queson the class was discussing! May they all connue to grow and love to learn, iyH! Morah Fergusson’s Kitah Vav is working so hard towards their 100 shorashim party! They began Parshas Behaloscha this week and had the privilege of learning about Aharon’s special responsibility to light the menorah. What an appropriate topic to learn about right before Chanukah! Best wishes for a lovely Shabbos. A ſter more than 20 years in Lavan’s home, Yaakov Avinu overhears his cousins, (Lavan’s children) speaking despairingly of him. We are told “Vayar Yaakov es pnei Lavan v’henei ainenu emanu imo kismol shilshom” - and Yaakov saw that Lavan’s face wasn’t the same as it was the day before. What was it that Yaakov saw? In truth, upon learning of his true standing in the house of Lavan, Yaakov introspected. He reexamined his relaonship with his uncle and realized it was one sided. He reassessed his life in Golus away from Eretz Yisrael and away from his parents. He realized he didn’t really belong. Something was amiss. Hashem Yisborach had not spoken with him for over twenty years. It was me for a change. Comes the next Posuk: “Vayomer Hashem El Yaakov Shuv El Eretz Avosecha Ul’moladtecha” - Hashem says to Yaakov, “Return to the land of your fathers and your birthright”. What happened? Why is it that Hashem Yisborach finally speaks to Yaakov Avinu again, in the very next posuk? The answer is obvious and insighul. Unl Yaakov Avinu recognized that something was wrong, Hakadosh Boruch Hu could not help him make it right. Once Yaakov understood the realies of raising his children in Golus he longed for his true home in Eretz Yisroel. He was then blessed with Geulah, as Hashem spoke to him and directed his return. This maxim is true in both Ruchniyus and Gashmiyus. The first step to correcng any problem is recognizing it. Once one idenfies the issues, steps can be taken to go and improve. Indeed, in dealing with the challenges of rearing our children, educang them for success and building their self-esteem we must take honest stock of their strengths and weaknesses. Then we must look at ourselves and the environment we provide to nurture these goals. If we are honest in our assessment, we can create a game plan for advancement and our children will IY”H thrive. As soon as Yaakov Avinu realized the risk of further remaining in the Golus of Lavan’s home, he was blessed to merit redempon with his return to Eretz Yisroel. “Maasei Avos Siman LaBanim”: May we, too, be blessed to sense the urgency and danger of our long Golus and our need to reconnect spiritually so that we may strive to merit the brachos of Geulah, bimahara biyameinu, amen. NSHEI CORNER Chanukka is around the corner! We are looking forward to acknowledging the heart and soul the Ateres staff pour into our daughters every day, with Chanukka giſt cards. If you want your name included on your daughter’s teacher’s giſt card, please be sure to send in a check for $25 made out to Ateres N'shei or conveniently pay online through the direct pay on the Ateres website We hope by now your daughters created their fesve Chanukka masterpieces in me to decorate your home for Chanukka. Thank you to the Fine family for sponsoring those prey gliery Chanukka craſts for Rosh Chodesh Kislev. We are sll looking for a Rosh Chodesh Teves sponsor. It falls out on Chanukka itself and we would love for the girls to have a treat in your daughter’s honor. If you would like to take advantage of this special opportunity, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know! Chanukka Joke Corner: Q: What do you get when you cross an Apple computer, a taxi, and a bumble bee? A: A Mac-cab-bee Q: Why was the dreidel not feeling well? A: He kept geng dizzy spells Q: What do you get when you feed Yehuda Hamaccabi a sufganiya? A: A holy donut Have any Chanukka jokes you would like to share? Submit them via e-mail with your name and grade. If we print it here you will receive a treat! Did your daughter outgrow last seasons school appropriate winter clothes? Great news: The Ateres Clothing exchange is open for shopping or drop offs! Call Zipi to make an appointment 845-362-5892 Let us give thanks that Shabbos is here and that we get to share that with our loved ones! Ateres N’shei Chaya Cohen Michelle Gabay Chany Silverman [email protected] The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres Bais Yaakov בס" דAs we commence our fifteenth year, we welcome you to this year’s new feature column "הקהל"Insights into building the parent-child relationship, reinforced with a “quote of the week” inspired by the parshas hashavua. “V’chol asher titein li aaser a’asrenu lach” (Bereishis 28:22) Yaakov made a promise that if Hashem would protect him he will give maser, from all his earnings. Yaakov understood that true life is found in giving. It is a lesson we must continue to teach our children. פרשת ויצא תשע"ו

The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres ais Yaakov דעשת אשת יכ … of him. We are told Vayar Yaakov es pnei Lavan v [henei ainenu emanu imo kismol shilshom - and Yaakov saw that Lavan

May 26, 2018



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres ais Yaakov דעשת אשת יכ … of him. We are told Vayar Yaakov es pnei Lavan v [henei ainenu emanu imo kismol shilshom - and Yaakov saw that Lavan

A ll grades are learning, davening, saying Tehillim and discussing which middah

they would like to strengthen so the sad events in Eretz Yisroel can come to an end! We are davening for Moshiach bimheira biyameinu and shalom al Yisroel!

If you would have visited kitah daled on Monday morning you would have noticed how and busy the girls were with a huge mitzva! They worked hard cutting and preparing vegetable containers for Chessed 24/7 L'Zecher Nishmas Hadassah Shaindel bas Nissim Tal. They worked as a team and really enjoyed preparing these vegetables which were delivered to hospitals nearby.

Ateres Bais Yaakov was asked to pilot a new program this year! It is a Live Long Distance Learning Program called 'Eretz Chemda'. Rabbi Fink chose to initiate this program in kitah vav in conjunction with project Yud Beis. The first session began on Tuesday. Rabbi Fink connected the classroom screen to a laptop and special skype camera which allowed the girls to experience an interactive session live from Eretz Yisroel on the screen. The teacher was able to see them and hear their responses to his questions. It was pretty amazing! The first lesson on Tuesday covered the geographical

location of Israel and the disproportion of its physical size relative to its global significance throughout history and its constant feature in the world news. The girls enjoyed every minute and really learned a lot. All future lessons will focus on the topic of Eretz Yisroel and Mitzvos Teluyos Baaretz. IyH every two weeks the girls will enjoy another interactive live lesson which will build a love for kedushas Eretz Yisroel.

Wednesday, the East Ramapo bus company held their annual bus drill for elementary and junior high students. Each class sat on a school bus and were instructed and reminded of the bus safety rules both on and off the bus as well as what to do in case of an emergency. It is very important for the students to be aware of their responsibilities as a rider on the bus each day. We thank East Ramapo presenters for taking the time to educate our students.

Now let's take a peek into the week:

There is always something new and exciting occurring in Morah Miriam’s Kitah Aleph. Last week, kitah alef yelados began to use their siddurim for the very first time. The girls all made bookmarks to help them find the correct pages. After discussing the kedusha of the siddur and how it should be treated, the girls opened up their siddurim and began davening with much kavanah. Morah Miriam’s bracha to her students is that they always continue to be as motivated and excited to daven as they are now. It is so beautiful to see. The girls were asked to describe their feelings as they embarked on their newest achievement.

Kinderquotes: I feel…

Kayla R. - Happy because Hashem is proud of me. Shaindy – Big because now I could point to the words. Adina – Happy because I feel close to Hashem. Michalee – Happy because we could daven to Hashem with more kavana now that we are using His name. Charna – Happy because the siddur is holy and special and you could talk to Hashem and thank Him. Bailey – Excited because I’m learning to read Hebrew from it and I can say the morning brachos. Meira – Happy, I hold my siddur carefully

because it’s very special.

Zehava – Now I can say thank you to Hashem in Hebrew. Tamar – The siddur has special words to say thank you. Atara W. – Special because you see Hashem's name over and over in the siddur Rochel – I felt like I was about to explode and I just wanted to kiss my siddur and hold it. I put it on the shelf with other siddurim and chumashim and parsha books. I felt very grown up.

Morah Heitner’s Kitah Beis has already learned the first five peukim in chumash! They practiced singing and translating the pesukim. They were able to identify the ending and beginning letters in each pasuk. The girls are working hard at applying all the skills they have been learning since the first day of school.

Morah Ehrman's Kitah Gimmel finished a second page full of shorashim! They had plenty of games to review and now it is time to go 'fishing'. The girls worked with a partner to review the new safa words and they played with the wheels that they made out of cloth. It is amazing to see that kitah gimmel has many girls who act with zerizus to do whatever they can for others! It is beautiful to see!

Morah Almog’s Kitah Daled took their first chumash test this week and did so well! They also started their Chofetz Chaim Heritage program-Shomrei Halashon. It is a special program for 4th graders across the globe to teach the girls not to speak lashon hara through stories, games, lessons, poems and contests. Kitah Daled is flourishing in every way – keep up the fabulous work!

Morah Martin’s Kitah Hey is Baruch Hashem so enthusiastic and is showing real growth in their learning! Shayna Golumb went ahead at home in the chumash and impressed the whole class by teaching the new passuk to the class the next day! Ellie Greenwald demonstrated her Rashi skills as she looked ahead on her own and read the correct answer from Rashi to a question the class was discussing! May they all continue to grow and love to learn, iyH!

Morah Fergusson’s Kitah Vav is working so hard towards their 100 shorashim party! They began Parshas Behaloscha this week and had the privilege of learning about Aharon’s special responsibility to light the menorah. What an appropriate topic to learn about right before Chanukah!

Best wishes for a lovely Shabbos.

A fter more than 20 years in Lavan’s home, Yaakov Avinu overhears his cousins, (Lavan’s children) speaking despairingly of him. We are told “Vayar Yaakov es pnei Lavan v’henei ainenu emanu imo kismol shilshom” -

and Yaakov saw that Lavan’s face wasn’t the same as it was the day before. What was it that Yaakov saw? In truth, upon learning of his true standing in the house of Lavan, Yaakov introspected. He reexamined his relationship with his uncle and realized it was one sided. He reassessed his life in Golus away from Eretz Yisrael and away from his parents. He realized he didn’t really belong. Something was amiss. Hashem Yisborach had not spoken with him for over twenty years. It was time for a change.

Comes the next Posuk: “Vayomer Hashem El Yaakov Shuv El Eretz Avosecha Ul’moladtecha” - Hashem says to Yaakov, “Return to the land of your fathers and your birthright”. What happened? Why is it that Hashem Yisborach finally speaks to Yaakov Avinu again, in the very next posuk?

The answer is obvious and insightful. Until Yaakov Avinu recognized that something was wrong, Hakadosh Boruch Hu could not help him make it right. Once Yaakov understood the realities of raising his children in Golus he longed for his true home in Eretz Yisroel. He was then blessed with Geulah, as Hashem spoke to him and directed his return.

This maxim is true in both Ruchniyus and Gashmiyus. The first step to correcting any problem is recognizing it. Once one identifies the issues, steps can be taken to go and improve. Indeed, in dealing with the challenges of rearing our children, educating them for success and building their self-esteem we must take honest stock of their strengths and weaknesses. Then we must look at ourselves and the environment we provide to nurture these goals. If we are honest in our assessment, we can create a game plan for advancement and our children will IY”H thrive.

As soon as Yaakov Avinu realized the risk of further remaining in the Golus of Lavan’s home, he was blessed to merit redemption with his return to Eretz Yisroel. “Maasei Avos Siman LaBanim”: May we, too, be blessed to sense the urgency and danger of our long Golus and our need to reconnect spiritually so that we may strive to merit the brachos of Geulah, bimahara biyameinu, amen.


Chanukka is around the corner! We are looking forward to acknowledging the

heart and soul the Ateres staff pour into our daughters every day, with Chanukka gift cards. If you want your name included on your daughter’s teacher’s gift card, please be sure to send in a check for $25 made out to Ateres N'shei or conveniently pay online through the direct pay on the Ateres website

We hope by now your daughters created their festive Chanukka masterpieces in time to decorate your home for Chanukka. Thank you to the Fine family for sponsoring those pretty glittery Chanukka crafts for Rosh Chodesh Kislev. We are still looking for a Rosh Chodesh Teves sponsor. It falls out on Chanukka itself and we would love for the girls to have a treat in your daughter’s honor. If you would like to take advantage of this special opportunity, please contact us at [email protected] and let us know!

Chanukka Joke Corner:

Q: What do you get when you cross an Apple computer, a taxi, and a bumble bee? A: A Mac-cab-bee

Q: Why was the dreidel not feeling well? A: He kept getting dizzy spells

Q: What do you get when you feed Yehuda Hamaccabi a sufganiya? A: A holy donut

Have any Chanukka jokes you would like to share? Submit them via e-mail with your name and grade. If we print it here you will receive a treat!

Did your daughter outgrow last seasons school appropriate winter clothes? Great news: The Ateres Clothing exchange is open for shopping or drop offs! Call Zipi to make an appointment 845-362-5892

Let us give thanks that Shabbos is here and that we get to share that with our loved ones!

Ateres N’shei

Chaya Cohen

Michelle Gabay

Chany Silverman

[email protected]

ד“פרשת כי תשא תשע" The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres Bais Yaakov


As we commence our fifteenth

year, we welcome you to this

year’s new feature column

"הקהל"Insights into building the

parent-child relationship,

reinforced with a “quote of the

week” inspired by the

parshas hashavua.

“V’chol asher titein li

aaser a’asrenu lach” (Bereishis 28:22)

Yaakov made a promise that if

Hashem would protect him he

will give maser, from all his

earnings. Yaakov understood

that true life is found in

giving. It is a lesson we must

continue to teach our children.

פרשת ויצא תשע"ו

Page 2: The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres ais Yaakov דעשת אשת יכ … of him. We are told Vayar Yaakov es pnei Lavan v [henei ainenu emanu imo kismol shilshom - and Yaakov saw that Lavan

The Greatness Within Us By Mrs. Jenny Samet

Perhaps the angels in Yaakov's dream were climbing the ladder to teach us that we must be deliberate in our behavior, considerate in our relationships, responsible in our work and thoughtful in the many facets of our lives.

We all know the well known phrase: "patience is a virtue" and climbing the rungs of a ladder, one by one, certainly reflects a respect for the benefits of incremental growth and development. "Trust the process" is a phrase used by social workers and planners. "Don't jump to conclusions" is a phrase we all use when we know that there are more facts available than are readily evident. "Slow and steady wins the race" is the lesson learned from a fable about the tortoise and the hare. All of these expressions relate back to the imagery contained in this Parsha as Yaakov sets out on his journey to find a wife, build a family, create a nation and initiate the exciting history of klal Yisroel.

What can we keep in mind when we get frustrated by the challenges present themselves as we too, aim for personal growth each day?

I think we can adopt the wonderful attitude of I CAN from Rivka Shoenfeld:

C: CONCENTRATE ON THE POSITIVE. The key to success is focusing on the positive in our daily interactions with others. Even something as small as an intentional smile can set one on the right path. Research in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that smiling can actually make you happier and less self-doubting. When you use the muscles in your face to smile, those muscles trigger hormones that in your brain that make you more relaxed and happy.

A: AIM FOR CAN DO GOALS. Regardless of the challenge and struggle, identify where you want to be. This way you can create a step-by-step plan of how you want to get there. Breaking a long-term goal into shorter steps can make your goal seem more manageable. For instance, if you would like to de clutter your home, that might trigger the response, “I just can’t do it. This is too overwhelming.” Instead break the goal into smaller pieces, deciding what you will start with and then what you will move to after you accomplish the first step.

N: NEVER FORCE YOURSELF TO GO AT IT ALONE. If the people around you don’t believe in you, there is no way, you will believe in yourself. Therefore, separate yourself from friends who put you down or underestimate your abilities. Instead, cultivate friendships with people who support you and appreciate your strengths. Find the friends who seem growth oriented and who will bring you along to shiurim they attend. It is so special to grow with friends, pick the ones who will support the upward advancement rung by rung on the ladder of life.

This week on Wednesday Ateres fifth and sixth graders got to hear a wonderful speaker, Mrs. Nicole Greenwald (mother of Ellie, grade 5). She spoke about her job, and all that it entails, as a family lawyer. The girls were spellbound listening to Mrs. Greenwald’s presentation. Following her talk, the girls asked some very high-level, insightful questions. Back in class they wrote about some of the things they learned from the speaker. A sample of their work follows.

Aviva Kopstick, grade five :

What I learned about lawyers was that there are a lot of types of lawyers. They help their clients with their problems. A lawyer makes a decision and tries to convince a judge. If the judge retires, then they vote for another judge. If a child comes to them and they have a problem, they have to take the child’s side. They have a hard job. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up!

Rivka Nir, grade six:

I learned that being a lawyer is a very hard job. You have to defend someone who asks you even if you don’t agree with them. Some people like being lawyers because they like to help people solve arguments. Being a lawyer is a very busy job. All in all, a lawyer is a hard but satisfying job.

First grade has reached a huge milestone. The girls have finished their first reading textbook. They are so excited to take home these books and read them to their family. Mrs. Wingate is so proud of each girl ‘s accomplishments. The class has begun silent reading in class; each girl has her own reading book. It’s one of their favorite parts of the day. First grade really enjoys their new found love of reading! A special thank you to Charna’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Gelman, for coming into class and sharing their professions with us. The girls really enjoyed when Dr. Gelman showed each girl how to listen to her heartbeat using a stethoscope. Each girl was given a cool pen and note pad from Mrs. Gelman’s job as a pharmacist. What a fun and hands- on approach to learning.

This week Mrs. Baron’s second graders completed a diorama of a suburban neighborhood. We distinguished between urban, suburban and rural ways of life. The students learned about where they live. They started by writing their street addresses and street names. Incrementally we continued by learning the name of each town, the county, state, country, continent and finally the name of our planet. After labeling a compass rose, the girls read a neighborhood map and answered questions pertaining to E, W, N, and South directions.

Third grade wrote in their journals this week about which room is their favorite and why. Mrs. Feldman enjoyed reading their entries. So many girls wrote that their favorite room is their bedroom because that is where they can read quietly. It was so nice to see that so many girls enjoy reading in their spare time. The girls have continued to progress in multiplication and this week they learned the four and ten times table. They are doing so well!

Mrs. Paley’s fourth graders are well into their study of New York. This week the class learned about the natural resources (three lakes, four rivers, and one ocean) that border the state. They used the compass rose to travel to different cities around New York and also used clues to help them locate the 62 counties. The most fun, however, was using a road map with Interstate highways, U.S. highways, and State highways to find different cities on the map using the map index. Fourth grade parents can get rid of their GPS. Your daughters will direct you!

The fifth graders are completing an important math unit on division, understanding its relationship with multiplication. This will lead into Order of Operations. Math is so challenging and exciting. Mrs. Horowitz is so pleased to see the strong effort put forth by the girls!

In Mrs. Berkovic's 6th grade English class, the girls began reading the short story "Darnell Rock Reporting" in their literature books. They recognized how Darnell, the main character, used the written and spoken word to convince his school district to support the homeless. Next week, the girls will begin brainstorming topics to use in their own persuasive speeches, in which they too will use the written and spoken word to try to effect change!

The sixth graders enjoyed presenting their Mesopotamia posters in Mrs. Karash’s class and teaching the rest of the class about their topic. They looked at the map of ancient Mesopotamia and found some familiar names fromTanach. The class discussed the connections between what they are learning in social studies with what they know about Avraham Avinu. In science sixth grade explored the steps of the scientific method in preparation for a cell experiment next week.

T his Wednesday we took some of the yearbook pictures for the eighth graders at ABY. The class pictures were beautiful, and

the committee pictures were so creative. We can't wait to see how the yearbook will look!

Mrs. Eisenstein's science students gained a colorful, hands on understanding of the rock cycle this week. They modeled the ways which rocks can undergo changes and reformations; and how sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks are formed. The girls scraped crayons into pieces, demonstrating how rock is weathered into sediment. They compressed the pile of crayon shavings, molding them together the same way sediment can become sedimentary rock. After applying a bit of heat, the crayon rock changed again into a sturdier, different looking crayon formation, just as heat and pressure can turn rock into metamorphic rock. A bit more heat was added, fully melting the crayons into liquid (magma!). It then cooled into a completely new crayon just as cooled magma yields igneous rock.

Mrs. Karash's class learned how to write and solve two step equations. They are developing the skill of solving equations with variables on both sides as well as those with the distributive property.

Mrs. Steinfeld's eighth grade math class is finishing Chapter 2, in which they have learned to model and solve real life problems using algebraic equations. Next week, they will be beginning

From the desk of Mrs. Kayla Stimmel

Chapter 3. They are looking forward to mastering the skill of graphing linear equations.

In Navi class, Mrs. Taubenblat has been providing the girls with a vivid and colorful description of life during the Malchus of Shlomo HaMelech. Making their knowledge more personal, the girls wrote compositions on what life may have been like for a girl their age during that time period. The following paragraph was written by Dina Zeitlin.

“Today I went to work again at the palace. My job is to make bread for the king. There is so much flour, I don’t even know where to start. The officers came today to bring the taxes and nag. I love going to the stables and seeing rows of horses. I feel lucky that we have such a smart king and that our economy is good. I’ve heard that Shlomo is smarter than the East and the people in Egypt. I’m really lucky to be part of this kingdom where there is no crime, no war, and plenty of wealth.”

Together with Mrs. Brecher, the eighth graders have completed learning the second bracha of Shmona Esrei. They ended off with a beautiful message from the words, “matzmiach yeshuah.” The concept they learned is that Hashem can always bring a yeshua. Just as He is able to breathe life into a pile of flesh and bones, so too He can help us out and save us from any situation. In Chumash class, they wrapped up the topic of pigul. This is the idea that any bad thought can invalidate a korban. Based on this Halacha, they came to the realization that Hashem holds us responsible for our thoughts. They need to put effort into controlling their thoughts and maintaining a pure mindset.

Mrs. Rube’s seventh graders are hard at work furthering their character sketches. They learned to depict their characters using many different techniques. Additionally, the girls have finished reading, “The Red Headed League,” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in literature class. They analyzed this story using the five basic elements of plot and conducted an in-depth

“Parent-hetically” Speaking Mrs. Levin’s Update A Peek into the Week

236 Cherry Lane ∙ Monsey, NY 10952 ∙ tel. 845-368-2200 ∙ fax 845-368-2210 ∙ [email protected]

Live Long Distance Learning Program in Kitah Vav

Kitah Daled preparing packaged vegetables for Chessed 24/7

Art with Mrs.Weinstein in fifth grade

character analysis. The eighth graders finished their next story in literature, “The Eclipse,” by Selma Lagerlof, a story about a few women who lived very dreary lives. Yet despite their circumstances, these women found things for which to be grateful. They looked forward to the eclipse of sun, as the message they found in it was one of hope. We discussed the concept of hope, and that no matter how bleak a situation seems, we can always find hope in the darkness. The girls also began their first novel of the year, “Where the Red Fern Grows,” by Wilson Rawls, and they are looking forward to reading the rest of it.

Mrs. Kahn's Lashon class is moving on in their unit on clothing. The eighth grade had a Hebrew discussion based on these new words. They explored topics like: Do clothing really make the man? Can we judge one based on the clothing that he wears? The girls debated these topics using only Hebrew while engaging their newly expanded vocabulary.

In Mrs. Hoffman's class, the girls continued with the lessons of the mitzvah of challah and discussed the role of women verses men. They compared the women to the FBI, who work behind the scenes to make sure no outside influences or danger enter our lives. They compared men to the Secret Service who are more outwardly visible and take care of direct protection in case of danger. Both are equally vital members of protection and yet have different roles to play. They discussed the beautiful differences in the roles of men vs. women in Jewish life. The girls also had our tzedaka box contest, and the girls really outdid themselves with their creations. Each class in Ateres will IyH receive one box to use for their classroom.

With much enthusiasm and excitement, Mrs. Rokowsky and our seventh graders set out to begin their new perek in Chumash: Perek Hay. In this perek, Moshe repeats all ten of the Aseres Hadibros. The girls will be exploring each dibrah in depth, guided by the Sefer Hachinuch. Though studying these topics, our students will gain a newfound appreciation for the Aseres Hadibros and IyH come out with many practical, lifelong lessons.

We are very much looking forward to our Mechaneches Melava Malka this Motzai Shabbos!

Chavrusa review games in Ivrit class Kitah Hey

Mrs. Nicole Greenwald, Esq. discusses being a lawyer with 5th and 6th graders

Your “I Can” is more


than your IQ!