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THE WAYNE ·DE OCRAT. "" In.dependent ill all in _____ .::-.=::_ . . -:---.c::::-':::=.:.-c_ + Subscription $1.00. ! WiYNK COUNTY; JUXK 26, -. I I ,- ERS ;MENT1ON. I Tbt) crops in Wayne Wi.o Maude Th In...· f E WI I cel"u\ term of school ill the Von Seg._ e 0 Xpert e ty -- are immense. Insure them cern diatriet Friday and.[ i. actieg aa Sele Days: Dr. fuQ. k \'L rt .l! l cr hail with S. -H. Alexander at allbitilllte in the Rooth (or the Eve ry . Of the ....... of the CoURty Clerks of Wayne Coun- Mrs. Bressler WpJo:e6el4 . coming three .. ee .... as the teacher i::J Monday. Wayne ISatlOnal Bank. ' who hu been teaching there, a young During this Month. ty for··ttie·P4gt '{-en Years Showing the Total Mrs. L F.. Hunter "isited Wakenel' -- - ------- - -- --- !, -- lady fro ... Wayne. waa ta"en 8ick and - yesterday. Mrs. R. £. Hu.c rcturned to Ponca cou-Id. l10t Dl1iah her teem. * • • It. Special will COllllHellce AtTfOUftt of F Rived Each Year Bargain> ill drc'MlIaking- at Mi •• Mont1ay. I (;.Pewelt-received-a letter Wednesday urday. June. 6. und' . ees ece June '24, H"j(,. -delltl>t, om thin!; IU ",Iitin!;s. Gilbert childrells' hats,ladic,' ,hirt met pnrauant to "djouru,ucnt: all meUlbers prelent. ional bank. Bargains in millinery at. "lsi!. S. ,:o .. ell. haa su<;celluuUy withstood lind hoJicl'Y, ,n -r in g.eneral. 0. motion the folloWIDg official bonds were approvc(]; C. H. CU.llen .. ri t No. 31. .35 No .. at tbilt tillle. to·wit: the 24th di''' of June 1896. it being a meeting of the Boar1l adjourned. from a regular weeting held June 15th 1896 appears T. J. Welty. the per_ appointed to .... ,st the county cOll!'\llbsioners in i ... eltitratiQI' til!' ''It_Cor4& of the o.lIice of the. county clerk. county Judge and aheriff of Wayne COU.tT .. Nebr ...... "; and to mll;ke a report of ,ueh d);---tnvesti. cation to the County Board, "Whieh report made at this time. of the records of the ollice of the county clerk and -shows the fce's reech'cd by the ,ererill COIlDty clerks the year 188(0 to thc year 1895 indus;'·c. which arc as fol· lows: ____ cou.!!.!y_ cJcrk; 6th, to J!;.... let. 1887. Fer {c;wcJi4.r.t.Jlk. CbMflef ioobt't(kl:. $1:!60 191 20 206 51 .• __ __ -- ------_. Tota1 $li15t1 St\ l'or warraatti i"ued by couuty boart1 for ,salary-<..-terk . of cou Q tT beaN . :f 4O(j 00 Tu Ii,.. .. 312 80 26 00 .. 6, 00 1IIitd..- .... 1IiIICWCtiQ ... '!e .... 0(/lI hooh 64 9,; Total llalcinc a total reet/plie of tilC ofticc for the yeat . Ttoe ideo ....... _Unnn tlse firbtO .. ,. of Jaa .. 1888. the fees lefiliiaoa ue ao follows: F,," $1069 75 CIIMMl' " 226 20 <*M*eI.. t coart 18239 Total For 'II'iri'iliita _"ean,. county boarll',- fOl" ·"'alary .. dedi: of count,. board 400 00 Tn: llat.. 38b 80 EilectioG Certifi,ates -- _. 42 00 . _I .. jl-1I,d. OOrrectilti al.essor's hook. 88 20 869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1<. S. H. Alcwand-r left Tue.' day of the ... ea apon her throat. with No'" supply of J'u t ill ' - - .. liich ahe haa bten alIlict<:d for lU'US,. Y." 5 .' mornin 011 a viait to her rr:ut. ill Sioux City 'l'uesday. Diller, Nebraska. A. H. Carter of Winside was a Sioult City visitor y, ..1,0 had a tumor tCmo,'cd frolll hil PootoNloe. Mrs. Blair .... ho h ... been vi,.iting knce.:-Wlonu Cl!roa!cle: her sen, Dr. Blair, retttifted her home in Sioux Cit,. Monday. Judge Barnes over froUl Nor. fblk Wednesday morning. Fitzgerald and '1'. W. Moran <trove over to ''''bner yestorday; in ladies' shirt waists an{\ . notions p.t l\lbs II. Mrs. W. H. anu sou returned JUST RgCEIV&D: A car of Stand •. ard mowen. llJO.,;et- made. tbe beat Tower & Bencho9f.· '\'c now have plenty of ice for: the sca:Sdu'and can our custol1ter8 regularly. 1{OJtTRICHT ,,'l.-: to hcr home in Sioux Falls yest:rday. Da\d4 Thomas of 'Vhiting,-"lowa, 1. O. Woolston and daughter DaisT 'Who h .. s been vi.iting the family of of Rev. S. Joneti, returnetl Giv\ your o,'der for,. Deering binder. Saturday. join the Deering family a.nd be happy. E. W. Winter, 1lliLuag-er of f Tower & Benchoof. .!:e.tern rjlllrQillL= IHlIU... That alley path to the .COllrt house haa been elected president of tlte will not be traveled 50 much in the Northern Pacific. future. Mi •• N. Le.ona HUllter left Mouday John Connor and J. H. Asbley eame iu frolK Fort Scott, Kansas, yesterday U10rU!nc· J. F. IUliall. anil ... ife of Waukeegan, lllioob, arc 'visiting their son, James W. Ingalls. Two inches a day reprc.ent. tbe way (':Orn has 1;'fovrn for the past eight or te:! day •. Mrs. R. It. and Mi •• Kdith UUBe spent Sunday with W. N. Huse and family .. t Norfolk. Plenty of bome growu pntatoes have been on the market the paat week at cen s per us e . ------- - -------.--- Lotus lodge No. 65. K. of P •• will hold memorial serviceo !it the M. E. church next Sunday. to take a apecial in the De» Moines training 8chool for prinsary ant1 Jones & Cook the' neatest little binder you ever :,aw. It will pay every fanner to call and gCC it. at Jones' livery bara. Z6·tf J.G. Morrisoll aad Wilfred H. Smith arrived here Monday nl&,ht frolll Lin" cot. alld will spent1 .sowe tinte here looking after .their intercob. There be .. llleeti1t!ffor praeti.,. of l;t1e fire nel<t 'Iuesda,. evening at 7:30' "nl,1 Ohie! Moral1 re- evety member to prefiCll. Tho board of commi .. ioners to· gether with the connty attorney .. nd J. B, Barne., J(oadwuterWillis and 81iperilltendent Jaynes went u!' the branch WednesdiLy to look the- irotitld.' over ant1 stipnlate in regard to the crooings over the public highway. Tiley alrreed to stipulate that tbe st .. te bdar. sJt&ll order an overhead cross- ing on line and.·llI.-,2i -J .... Comml •• loften' Proc:eedioJl8. ,VAYNE, Nlm., JUlle II, b':f-.ltr-. 'Hoa.rJ a board of cqualil.a.tiutl as l,rovided by la,,'. All member:; pre,cnC . ;, No business having been complell.:t1. the adjourncu until Wcdllc:-:.d;ly morning, June 10; at H:OO o'dvd;:. ATTI(S'f: S.J$,.: Russm.(" Okrk. U"." ______ \£A.Dili. •. .. __ ,._ 11-27-1. a Kr .. de croa.inor over track on !lond mct to adjourlllUent. line bet.n it aad 11"27-1 altd one on AU meltlbers present. section- lin. bet .. eeq. 16 .. nd naviitg Cl>lIIpldeo,' l'bele at" .ueeded cro •• inga and tbe board adjourned until 'rhursoay the co.t of puttill, ,hemJn •. ,'!!'Jti£.b'lfill · ... 8.0{I-tJ-'cloeltr-J-tHM7--H,-l!>')I..·_-. -' -. Itot fall far 'b9rt of $1,000 'Or --ATT1\sT: . ._--. - baa kept the compan,. from putting theSIS in before. All Ui on .. book account Dl\Ist--PIIY up, we need tbcmolley. BARTLETt' & HIESTER, Thore is nothing ltktl feeling tllilt your 8110iIJ crop safc, Bure a.gainst hail. S. H. Alex- auder. at the Wayne National Bank writes insu ... nce; Th.e ,hitt", Champioa 'binder, with Jlle. ecceift"", j)tndet" .. heel th .. t dolo .. presiiing. beiLtti them all. Call and 26-tf WA\'NE, NEB., June Board met pursuant to adjournment. ·AII me.nbers . No business havIng been cQmp.lctcci l the board adjourned until Friday morning at &:00 O'clock, Jllnc J::!, 181)(" A'tTIlST: S. D. RVSSIlI.L, ClCrk. - WAYNg, Juno lZ, UN\). !loard wet All mewber .. havibB' been CQwplctcu, the board u·nti\.. Juuc\22, 1896, a.t 8'!1)&'o'clock n. lU. ATSEST: WAYNE, NJtlJ." 111m;. :2. '0' lloard met puni'lIli.iit ('I: aajo';'.'hlilcllt All mewbcrs present. After tlte corrections were made iIi To'll'a 101, .. 206 40 Total Maki"i a lutal uf for the yeal' 1!9i7 llZ5 40 O. J,. Buffington no", has a position in the general mcrchancise store of 64 FUrcl;;;er,'Duerig & Co. ClArence Corbit entertained a Dum", ber of hIs friend. on Saturd.ay evening. The favora ... ere .. on by Mio. Mau<1e Brittoq 'and'RoUl!; LV' 'l'he New Champion hinder with low fDrce feed elevator will beat any binder in the world elevating all kinds o( grain. Sold by Jones & Cook. Z6-U AD\"ERTISI!D LETTER us,. equalizing the assessed valitation of the several prccinct.s- thc were The following i ... U.tofletters, etc.,· found to be as follows: ren,aining intbe-poalollice at Wayne, Nebraska. for the week ent1ing PRKCINC1' E J{ I .. $i(;, Ji.) Beie, & 19tal of receipts forlll<fCi'iilo-nmlr.-affUTIGTor- A letter was received a.t the postot. J5132 05 fire at this pJace .-I.ddrcssed to elIas. Jlllte 21. 1896: Allderaon.lIlre, M. Georlre Lo"" .... -::-:-:-:.:.:.: William M.iller, county clerk, feelS rccch··eu hom January 5, 188l-\, to January 1. 1889. For recording, etc. Cha tfehlsortjl:age. Feea district courT-' '51277 iO 270. on 237 For ..,,,rranta i ••• el1 by C011Uty ho<t(d f01' t"I<llcry det'k con n t1 boarll. 400 (10 For t .. " tiot J7S on CertificlLteo o( election 31 50 Makin.g &"8eS80ra' 1Joo\u'! liS on Tot,,1 liIakin, a total uf recciptl Df the oflicc for the ye«r leSS of The report ohow. that front the 1st day of Jan· nar,., 1889. to the 8th day of January, 1890, Ule fec> received from said Wm .. Mlller are as follows: Yor recor4iq. Ftc. Chattel "",It!>ag.' Feescletlr district court 'folal :ror w&franb by cuunty uoard for clerk ot county board Tu tist. 188' .. eooQf.· bo.ok' Correctia". as.easora books Making road hDO'" Election ccrtificatc8 Tuta! Makl"" total reeeil)t. fur the ollke fur the year :Being the tota,l rece;pb for the- "{cfijj--of --tARH a-1-Hl JSS9 of S. B. j:{u •• ell, county clerk, fcc. received January 1890. to 1. 1891: :"148.1 0(1 3M 00 ';29 '2H ·jOO 011 32 MOO 12 00 30011 su ;ji1515 $t7HS JJ 50 83 JUH HI 93 2f;: Bast Blue street. Morie Slatcr'.s delivery team in- dulg-ed in a runaway thc other day, but fortnnatel,. did little dawage. The uext UleetIng' of Wayne council of the Loyal My.tie l,eg-ion wilt' be held on Friday evening of next woek. Mrs. Robert Mellor and Mr,. H. P. \Vilsol1 eHlert.lined friends .t the home of the latter \V after- nuot). gave a very plea.s .. aut lawn fetc on evening in honor of her two \vho arc visit- ing her. Thomatio J, Hr ... dy , .. ;.I.., brought be- fore the insanity but after it lIrotrdctC'll'cxatllinOltion he was dec1.u·cd sane. Mr!'.. 1. J. COOU;j,.!1l1U hcr niecc, 1¥1iss L·uIu came over front Dixon county reUlaining Qver Sunday visiting friends. ' Gen. Peebles ill town Monday nil{bt and Iruc'!day iuteryiewiug the delegates to the tepublicau eOllgres" sional convention. The report of the ClI:pert covering the fees of the clerk of the district court are not very flattering for the clerk who has to make his liviDG" out of tlte office. The jury in the ca .... of the St .. te vO. T. J. Brady found him guilt,. and he is now iu duress vile in dcfilult of the payment of the fine of $IS impuse<1 by 'Judge Marlin. Chief Moran wbhcB all 1llembers of lhe 6re department to he prcsent .. t house "_ext Tuesday even .. ing for... important Meeting at 7:30. Boyd, J. F. Louitb. R. Vunthaake. Wn T Schnell. Annie Partie. calling for the .. bove please give date .. hen at1vertised. A. P. CHIJ.DS. P. M. FOUIITU OF JULV IlXCURSION. 1'or the above excursion tickete will bc oold July J and 4, good returning July 6, at onc and one·third fare for the round trip. 'l'jckett:; arc not sold to aDY point beyond 300 miles. . ;:9-2", T. W. MOHAN, Agent. N.lTlONAL-DloMO,R.t.TIC CONVENTION. Chapin ......... . Brenna.", .. , ... , .... , Deer Cr.eek ....... . Hoskins ......... '. Carroll. ...... .-: ... . Wilbur. ...... : . Winside. , ..... , , . I •••• Hancock ....... : ..... .. Leslie ................. .............. . Hunter .............. . PluUl Creek ........ ",' lJ·arfic1d... . ...... , .... Shermall, Wayne ........ . 81,320 ·1f),6RS 9-1,175 1.1.1011 bS,BS4 BO,US 1 q /)()2 ,\'J90 t1S,174 lO,l,h30 lOIl,·HI) ')S,7·W lO,Ohh -11},2-fT5---- 2-:2,-I-bS 21,1),:;1 1H,5,:;,:; 11(,O()K H,,).1S h4,O.t7 14,4',-0 (,B,,118 Chicago, Illinois. July 7. For the. .. bove excursion ticlletH .. ill bc July 4, 5 and 6, good returninl: until . and inchuling July lZ, at one {-.irc for :t.l .... 1.e!:'.1.1'. the round trip. '1'. W. MOHAN, Agent. l-i.allrvad ... . ::!:!'/,i!lO 2,()')1 Arb.s r; I"ada. .M. Hay, formerly one of Wa.ync's priuJary tea.chers, was tnarricd at Frcmont last week to Nr. Roy Sol'tupSUn of :Mariou, Iowa, at which place they,.ilI be at home to their after July 1. TBII VI'1l0N I'ACIFIC WILJ. CIILII8RATIl Walter, the younlr SOil of Gilbert By giving ito ,nan,. p .. trons a rate uf Har .. ;';on, JUUlped off the 'porch of A. onc fare for tbe round trip to T0taJ. . 1."1,.-, Uu mution t:hc following levies were P. Chi1ds' ' cvcnin& points anft.· Nebraska, not lfcucral FUtlll .,., , ,'I tliilb onto a. garden rake, runuing two of wore than ZOO tui1es di-stan t ; on Ole- County Hridgc- .1 111111" the tine> of the rake nearly ;'in. ::::::: I wade: hi:; fool. 'rbe foot rapic.11y swelled and your friends. Full 'lllforJlIation high will be __ .__ urer, was iu the city \VculJesday feel- The rc:;,idencc of Frank Graham, Mesdtl.me5. W'ils-on,._tmtc-JteJit,; , ing republican s1tuated about twelvc northwelSt 'I'owCl', Welch, Williams, .nei Jltes District tu,. . .. 10 tuiti:. ·-Nr'.'D,m Blanchard entertained the witll the - --'-'--__ . .'- .. -.-.-J .. "", .. iHll-&.:-- M P F S week'andpaid lit-a. Dt', Loy8' an aU day ....... ,., .10111ilb . . .. ' aturday evening. Mrs. E. greater part of its contents destroyed viSit. and report enjo¥alJle time. .." 50....... . .1o-"mills P. Ellis ,.on the first and :/1<1rs.· F':' L. " d 8 'I .. I'·. . by' fire between. I an ° c .._ :.M-. --t.'athan Chace. assistant of the Neely the secoDd prize.. Yriday evening. The fire FI ... , k.tlonaillaak. wl1ll>o ... rded 8t AI· MesHs. Bres"ler and McNeal reo 'between the partltioDs in tire rear of leeb"'y Pa '11" Tu .. day l1est, to Mi .. turned front St. Louis Saturday even .. the cook stove. Loss about $600; in .. Ha-uda .. lormel·ly of thi. clty. " 51 .... ". U .. ' ... ... J milb .15 mills For etc. ·niortealres Fee. di.ttrict court 440 41L '"Z91O'J - - ing:, but Mr. f'rencllretniiliieila-m:fle 5ureuTors.!SO;--· .--' --.--"'- ThtItsday ., ,58 ", .•••. ,.. , . 30 111 il ts H. 62.,.,.,. .1U Ulilb. -'1-- 6J .... - .. -.-. - .. -. . .. S _. -- . Total I t · '1 d . m Mrs Cot'bit wall thrown Opel} to '\ 18J'ge ong-er, rc urnlng .l.¥, ,on ay c\'enltt6:" Hon. 'John T. lireboler and. ,fife left ladies &ood in lR:t:Aorof benator Bre::,slcr never exercised today' for Qmaba, frOllt which place Me&4awea Oram and Suutb".-ortll, sidtcl'1j of .. 65., .. , .. .10 mil), .... Yot i •• ucd uy couuty uO,a.'rd .. vi clerk . OfcOUiffy ooull --.. --"- -0 Tax Hot •. c.' i ll-iH>y-othe . uo<o"'l'ao, Se .... · __ place than \Vayue county, Nebraska, to Canton, Ohio, :Mr. BresB" O.u;Ucate_ ,.,.s t.he orderoftb,6 cy.&n- " 66 ..... ; '.' r 151l1ills I' 68_ .... .' :" 30 ···p2. ,.' ',' ... , ,3U 1l1ilt5' Certificates of eiecti"Jll 114" lJO M.aking ."efUufs' Looka 10 UU Correcting as&C""O!.' book. 30 00 Mallin&, road book. '1'otal H&king reeeipt .. for tlie. year 1890 The ... th .. t froU1 Jhe lot <lay of J lIary 1891 to the '6th t1ay of·J .. >\Il .... ?'.·IR92. f:": by the.ald. S. B. Rnssell are ao follows: " F .... __ rdia" . __ sg 259 4\J Veeo c1latr.ct ___ Total Fnr warrants- i •• ued hoard for salary cotlllil7 bOart\ ..' T, .. ; list. 1!!9l._. 1i:lection of ____ __ "i-.- $ 400 00 42884 4660 tJI85 02 $2380 90 ! I 'fi' . ing. after Which Wel'e Hiel'\-'ed WH;rc he .':>ctt cdatthcagcof22inJ8TO. tt.r a.s a. member of, the noh -cahoD andaJ1 went bome teeling that is. wae. one You can put hay in the stack: or barn committee and !lr. 'l'hurefon as chair .. of the moat pleaSing aud elljoYJ:l.ble of " iO ..... , . .... : ••. 15·mil1s " '71. ......... ,,-.,.20wi:: ___ lI:ith a Keystone loader _sit1e man of the' republican convention. the ......... . I doli'.er,- cheaper au,l better t1mn From Onlaka'Iir. ant1 Mea. B. go as 'Netra.,ka Sliver Train:' ... P, by ;lll)' otl1l'r lilt!thod.__ thejt1vite d guests of Senator Thurs.. f[he route of the Silver /.).. .::O'll1ili. .... .':::0 milb ,:n . .,; Z!) t{ 'fvvn.:r'"'= Bcuthuuf. ton artd \vire. Train" to 'DeUlocratic Nat10ual Scveral dimes have oeeu :\lany uf !..Jut l'itiz':n'-. 11<1\'(' Conveution at CI,licago, July 7th, ia offereu merchants and other busineJia' greatly iutcrc::> iu the..: llC\\" 'H':Cty· vi;:!. the Union Paci.fic and North:west .. men of late. of the parties clrcu- lene gao as exhibited here thi. week , .... R.ys. <I 7+ ... -:-:--0 75 ... .. •• , ,lD wills .::"ln4Ii;., 'J •. ',. .:. rui?ls J8 •.• ........ ,' 4-mills .No furtheJ' jJmsiness ! appearing •. 'board adjonrned sine die. ATTI!ST: S. It RVSSE!,!" Clerk. lating them and may &,et byDr.J. Perrin Johnsoltbi Sioux City. l.IcUlQcrata· and himself in;1' bDt box if he offers more, ILba .... ·.-ith: ;Lclear white flame and tl b I' .". eta\,'am have .• 0 ler e .ever.. m ." \Vool1!tUillif gives, a great t1eal more liR'ht tltan the&ignifiedtheir,.. .' f gOiltg-OD- to ,be a decidetl.,anthority among stamp o'rt1ittary Iras and. in c910r .. aud bri!o •. train. A ,large" ifelegatibn hal· WAYNE, NEB •• June 23,isoo. collectors and is a regular contributor liancy reseiliblea the electtic"·Hght. rea<\ya •• nretS. One faR for rQund Commissioners met pnrsilant' to ad. to all Illinois Philalelie jOllrnal. In Reeifut. experiments 8how that th!, trip is aD4jiartiea delir· JOnrtlDlent. All membsl'8 WhicT,·hi.' l!J''pcared. calci carbic:'te from which it n made .... trai .. ....aboU14· '1't,ltrJollolring PrOQeediDgB were bad It was ·aloo. republished. in a atamp will soon be ma.teriaUy reduced' and feaeli Omaha via the UJlion 'Pacific . collectors'pape,. hI thi. .. t iTisto bt tiJdig}ttohljt) 11.-40 ... m.;J,d,.u$th. ___ L . '-----_.-.L-__ __ _ ." ,._---

THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1

Apr 10, 2018



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Page 1: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1


In.dependent ill all t"illg~; ~-:ptral in _____ .::-.=::_ . . -:---.c::::-':::=.:.-c_ + Subscription $1.00.



~~~~~~~~==~==~.---~ I ,- ERS ;MENT1ON. I Tbt) crops in Wayne CO~llty Wi.o Maude Bu."i;"~IO.e4~~UG~Orand --~- --~-~~~

Th ~I_I In...· f E WI I cel"u\ term of school ill the Von Seg._ e v.~. ~~port 0 Xpert e ty -- are immense. Insure them ag~in8t cern diatriet Friday and.[ i. actieg aa Sele Days: Dr. fuQ.k\'L

rt.l! _l!1~ hail with S. -H. Alexander at allbitilllte in the Rooth distri~t (or the Eve ry .....J:!..-atu·rd-ay-~-,-': . Of the ....... of the CoURty Clerks of Wayne Coun- Mrs. Bressler VISlt~d WpJo:e6el4 . • coming three .. ee .... as the teacher i::J

Monday. Wayne ISatlOnal Bank. ' who hu been teaching there, a young During this Month. ty for··ttie·P4gt '{-en Years Showing the Total Mrs. L F.. Hunter "isited Wakenel' --~- -- - ------- - - - --- !, - - lady fro ... Wayne. waa ta"en 8ick and

- yesterday. Mrs. R. £. Hu.c rcturned to Ponca cou-Id. l10t Dl1iah her teem. * • • It. Special ~nlcs will COllllHellce Sllt~ AtTfOUftt of F Rived Each Year Bargain> ill drc'MlIaking- at Mi •• Mont1ay. I (;.Pewelt-received-a letter Wednesday urday. June. 6. LaL1ic~' und'

. ees ece June '24, H"j(,. W~~i~~oI~'~;)' -delltl>t, om Fi::;~a. tlt~~:~~:. thin!; IU ",Iitin!;s. Gilbert !~:~n~"th':tO~~:r":~~~:~ ~~:~;:~: childrells' hats,ladic,' ,hirt Co".l1~sio.~ra met pnrauant to "djouru,ucnt: all meUlbers prelent. ional bank. Bargains in millinery at. "lsi!. S. ,:o .. ell. haa su<;celluuUy withstood ~~aists lind yest~, hoJicl'Y, cursct~,

,n -r tip~:" in g.eneral. 0. motion the folloWIDg official bonds were approvc(];

C. H. CU.llen ..


ri t No. 31.

.35 No .. at tbilt tillle. to·wit: the 24th di''' of June 1896. it being a meeting of

the Boar1l adjourned. from a regular weeting held June 15th 1896 appears T. J. Welty. the per_ ~or. appointed to .... ,st the county cOll!'\llbsioners in i ... eltitratiQI' til!' ''It_Cor4& of the o.lIice of the. county clerk. county Judge and aheriff of Wayne COU.tT .. Nebr ...... "; and to mll;ke a report of ,ueh d);---tnvesti. cation to the County Board, "Whieh report made at this time. of the records of the ollice of the county clerk and -shows the fce's reech'cd by the ,ererill COIlDty clerks fr~m the year 188(0 to thc year 1895 indus;'·c. which arc as fol·

lows: ____ .ch~MPI!. cou.!!.!y_ cJcrk; fe,,-._<:.~ccis':'i frow.~iU1II_~r,r 6th, Ib~. to J!; ....

let. 1887.

Fer {c;wcJi4.r.t.Jlk. CbMflef ioobt't(kl:.

$1:!60 ~7 191 20 206 51 _Jl.~~ .• 4~~1 ~ __ "_'_~ __ --

-'~~ ------_. Tota1 $li15t1 St\

l'or warraatti i"ued by couuty boart1 for ,salary-<..-terk . of cou Q tT beaN . :f 4O(j 00 Tu Ii,.. .. 312 80 ~\eeti9n ~~a 26 00 ~vUe"~ .. 6, 00 1IIitd..- .... 1IiIICWCtiQ ... '!e .... 0(/lI hooh 64 9,;


llalcinc a total ~ reet/plie of tilC ofticc for the yeat l~of .

Ttoe ~ ideo ....... _Unnn tlse firbtO .. ,. of

~".""_"'of Jaa .. 1888. the fees D~ lefiliiaoa ue ao follows:

F,," $1069 75 CIIMMl' " 226 20 <*M*eI.. t coart 18239

Total For 'II'iri'iliita _"ean,. county boarll',- fOl" ·"'alary ..

dedi: of count,. board .~ 400 00 Tn: llat.. 38b 80 EilectioG Certifi,ates -- _. -~- 42 00

. _I .. jl-1I,d. OOrrectilti al.essor's hook. 88 20

869 7!

tor Tuesday. MY1<. S. H. Alcwand-r left Tue.' day of the ... ea apon her throat. with No'" supply of ~ailol" J'u t ill ' - - .. liich ahe haa bten alIlict<:d for lU'US,. Y." ~ 5 .'

mornin 011 a viait to her rr:ut. ill Sioux City 'l'uesday. Diller, Nebraska.

A. H. Carter of Winside was a Sioult City visitor yc~terda y,

..1,0 had a tumor tCmo,'cd frolll hil PootoNloe. Mrs. Blair .... ho h ... been vi,.iting knce.:-Wlonu Cl!roa!cle:

her sen, Dr. Blair, retttifted to~ her home in Sioux Cit,. Monday. Judge Barnes wa~ over froUl Nor.

fblk Wednesday morning.

".~ev. Fitzgerald and '1'. W. Moran <trove over to ''''bner yestorday;

nargait1~ in ladies' shirt waists an{\ . notions p.t l\lbs II. Wilkin~ou.s.' 21~tf

Mrs. W. H. Nan~le anu sou returned

JUST RgCEIV&D: A car of Stand •. ard mowen. llJO.,;et- made.

Ab~olutely tbe beat Tower & Bencho9f.·

'\'c now have plenty of ice for: the sca:Sdu'and can ~\1l'ply our custol1ter8 regularly. 1{OJtTRICHT ,,'l.-: NF.w·to~·.

to hcr home in Sioux Falls yest:rday. Da\d4 Thomas of 'Vhiting,-"lowa,

1. O. Woolston and daughter DaisT 'Who h .. s been vi.iting the family of ;ercdo;n-!ro~ W"~ide ,"rednesda,~' of Rev. S. Joneti, returnetl to-hr.·l~oUle

Giv\ your o,'der for,. Deering binder. Saturday. join the Deering family a.nd be happy. E. W. Winter, '~cHeral 1lliLuag-er of

~9-t f Tower & Benchoof. .!:e.tern rjlllrQillL= IHlIU... That alley path to the .COllrt house haa been elected president of tlte

will not be traveled 50 much in the Northern Pacific.

future. Mi •• N. Le.ona HUllter left Mouday John Connor and J. H. Asbley eame

iu frolK Fort Scott, Kansas, yesterday U10rU!nc·

J. F. IUliall. anil ... ife of Waukeegan, lllioob, arc 'visiting their son, James W. Ingalls.

Two inches a day reprc.ent. tbe way (':Orn has 1;'fovrn for the past eight or te:! day •.

Mrs. R. It. and Mi •• Kdith UUBe spent Sunday with W. N. Huse and family .. t Norfolk.

.~. Plenty of bome growu pntatoes have been on the market the paat week at ~ cen s per us e . ------- --------.---

Lotus lodge No. 65. K. of P •• will hold memorial serviceo !it the M. E. church next Sunday.

to take a apecial ~oursc in the De» Moines training 8chool for prinsary ant1 kind~rtel\.

Jones & Cook s~ii the' neatest little binder you ever :,aw. It will pay every fanner to call and gCC it. ~aU1ple at Jones' livery bara. Z6·tf

J.G. Morrisoll aad Wilfred H. Smith arrived here Monday nl&,ht frolll Lin" cot. alld will spent1 .sowe tinte here looking after .their intercob.

There be .. llleeti1t!ffor praeti.,. of l;t1e fire ~)artmel!l nel<t 'Iuesda,. evening at 7:30' "nl,1 Ohie! Moral1 re-~Qetit.. evety member to prefiCll.

Tho board of commi .. ioners to· gether with the connty attorney .. nd J. B, Barne., J(oadwuterWillis and 81iperilltendent Jaynes went u!' the branch WednesdiLy to look the- irotitld.' over ant1 stipnlate in regard to the crooings over the public highway. Tiley alrreed to stipulate that tbe st .. te bdar. sJt&ll order an overhead cross­ing on line between.~ and.·llI.-,2i -J .... ~,

Comml •• loften' Proc:eedioJl8.

,VAYNE, Nlm., JUlle II, b':f-.ltr-. 'Hoa.rJ '~cl a~ a board of cqualil.a.tiutl

as l,rovided by la,,'. All member:; pre,cnC . ;,

No business having been complell.:t1. the bo~rd adjourncu until Wcdllc:-:.d;ly morning, June 10; at H:OO o'dvd;:.

ATTI(S'f: S.J$,.: Russm.(" Okrk.

brid~lli!'!!ll&OIl U"." bet.'!~ 1~~d ______ \£A.Dili. •. IDlli:,!1.lli~U._ .. __ ,._ 11-27-1. a Kr .. de croa.inor over track on !lond mct pllr~lIanf to adjourlllUent. line bet.n it aad 11"27-1 altd one on AU meltlbers present. section- lin. bet .. eeq. 16 .. nd lS~26-3. ~NoDusrnCss naviitg b~el1 Cl>lIIpldeo,' l'bele at" .ueeded cro •• inga and tbe board adjourned until 'rhursoay the co.t of puttill, ,hemJn •. ,'!!'Jti£.b'lfill · ... erlli~t 8.0{I-tJ-'cloeltr-J-tHM7--H,-l!>')I..·_-. -' -. Itot fall far 'b9rt of $1,000 'Or $l.SOO~ - -ATT1\sT: . -S:-B.R~SSI!~~L: -cl';-rl~ ._--. -baa kept the compan,. from putting theSIS in before.

All th~~e owi~g Ui on .. book account Dl\Ist--PIIY up, we need tbcmolley.


Thore is nothing ltktl feeling tllilt your 8110iIJ crop i~ safc, In~ Bure a.gainst hail. S. H. Alex­auder. at the Wayne National Bank writes insu ... nce;

Th.e ,hitt", Champioa 'binder, with Jlle. ecceift"", j)tndet" .. heel th .. t dolo ..

presiiing. beiLtti them all. ~eit.

Call and 26-tf

WA\'NE, NEB., June l1,.l~9ti. Board met pursuant to adjournment.

·AII me.nbers pre~ent,.· . No business havIng been cQmp.lctcci l

the board adjourned until Friday morning at &:00 O'clock, Jllnc J::!, 181)("

A'tTIlST: S. D. RVSSIlI.L, ClCrk. -

WAYNg, N)~H" Juno lZ, UN\).

!loard wet pursua~',tpadJoltru1l1cllt. All mewber .. pre~ni:·· NQ;'bus~ne&s havibB' been CQwplctcu,

the board adjollrne~ u·nti\.. MOl1d,~; Juuc\22, 1896, a.t 8'!1)&'o'clock n. lU.

ATSEST: ~:!._~.!;'SilKU:;\'Jlel'IF·:;:

WAYNE, NJtlJ." 111m;. :2. l1)~'{i..- '0'

lloard met puni'lIli.iit ('I: aajo';'.'hlilcllt All mewbcrs present.

----~--, After tlte corrections were made iIi To'll'a 101, .. 206 40


Maki"i a lutal uf ,.erril't~ for the yeal' 1!9i7

llZ5 40 O. J,. Buffington no", has a position

in the general mcrchancise store of ~6Q3 64 FUrcl;;;er,'Duerig & Co.

ClArence Corbit entertained a Dum", ber of hIs v~lti friend. on Saturd.ay evening. The favora ... ere .. on by Mio. Mau<1e Brittoq 'and'RoUl!; LV'

'l'he New Champion hinder with low fDrce feed elevator will beat any binder in the world elevating all kinds o( grain. Sold by Jones & Cook. Z6-U

AD\"ERTISI!D LETTER us,. equalizing the assessed valitation of the several prccinct.s- thc total~' were

The following i ... U.tofletters, etc.,· found to be as follows: ren,aining intbe-poalollice at Wayne, Nebraska. for the week ent1ing PRKCINC1'

Ih~AI. ~l~' E J{ ICsTATl~ I Hd~Ar.

.. '-$-'/6.6~4 $i(;, Ji.) Beie, & 19tal of receipts forlll<fCi'iilo-nmlr.-affUTIGTor-A letter was received a.t the postot.

J5132 05 fire at this pJace .-I.ddrcssed to elIas. Jlllte 21. 1896: Allderaon.lIlre, M. Pete...-.;o;;-~ Georlre

Lo"" .... -::-:-:-:.:.:.:

William M.iller, county clerk, feelS rccch··eu hom January 5, 188l-\, to January 1. 1889. For recording, etc.

Cha tfehlsortjl:age. Feea district courT-'

'51277 iO 270. on 237 o~

For ..,,,rranta i ••• el1 by C011Uty ho<t(d f01' t"I<llcry det'k con n t1 boarll. ~ 400 (10

For t .. " tiot J7S on CertificlLteo o( election 31 50 Makin.g &"8eS80ra' 1Joo\u'! liS on


liIakin, a total uf recciptl Df the oflicc for the ye«r leSS of The report ohow. that front the 1st day of Jan·

nar,., 1889. to the 8th day of January, 1890, Ule fec> received from said Wm .. Mlller are as follows: Yor recor4iq. Ftc.

Chattel "",It!>ag.' Feescletlr district court

'folal :ror w&franb illaue~ by cuunty uoard for ~._dar)'

clerk ot county board Tu tist. 188' 1l~~t.~-, .. eooQf.· bo.ok' Correctia". as.easora books Making road hDO'" Election ccrtificatc8


Makl"" total reeeil)t. fur the ollke fur the year 18~q

:Being the tota,l rece;pb for the- "{cfijj--of --tARH a-1-Hl JSS9 of

S. B. j:{u •• ell, county clerk, fcc. received January 1890. to Ja~u"ry 1. 1891:

:"148.1 0(1 3M 00 ';29 '2H

~ ·jOO 011 3~8 32 MOO 12 00 30011 4-~ su

;ji1515 ~(j

$t7HS JJ

~71 50

~265tJ. 83


~G71 93

I~arison, 2f;: Bast Blue street.

Morie Slatcr'.s delivery team in­dulg-ed in a runaway thc other day, but fortnnatel,. did little dawage.

The uext UleetIng' of Wayne council of the Loyal My.tie l,eg-ion wilt' be held on Friday evening of next woek.

Mrs. Robert Mellor and Mr,. H. P. \Vilsol1 eHlert.lined friends .t the home of the latter \V cdnc~day after­nuot).

~'1rs. HCllry.I~cy gave a very plea.s .. aut lawn fetc on 'L'uc~day evening in honor of her two ~btcrs, \vho arc visit­ing her.

Thomatio J, Hr ... dy , .. ;.I.., brought be­fore the insanity cou~Uljs~iouer!:i. but after it lIrotrdctC'll'cxatllinOltion he was dec1.u·cd sane.

Mr!'.. 1. J. COOU;j,.!1l1U hcr niecc, 1¥1iss

L·uIu Tbotnl'~un. came over front Dixon county ~'l'iday, reUlaining Qver Sunday visiting friends. '

Gen. Peebles wa~ ill town Monday nil{bt and Iruc'!day iuteryiewiug the delegates to the tepublicau eOllgres" sional convention.

The report of the ClI:pert covering the fees of the clerk of the district court are not very flattering for the clerk who has to make his liviDG" out of tlte office.

The jury in the ca .... of the St .. te vO. T. J. Brady found him guilt,. and he is now iu duress vile in dcfilult of the payment of the fine of $IS impuse<1 by 'Judge Marlin.

Chief Moran wbhcB all 1llembers of lhe 6re department to he prcsent .. t th~engine house "_ext Tuesday even .. ing for... important bu~incbt:l. Meeting at 7:30.

Boyd, J. F. Louitb. R. Vunthaake. Wn T Schnell. Annie

Partie. calling for the .. bove please give date .. hen at1vertised.

A. P. CHIJ.DS. P. M.


1'or the above excursion tickete will bc oold July J and 4, good returning July 6, at onc and one·third fare for the round trip. 'l'jckett:; arc not sold to aDY point beyond 300 miles. . ;:9-2", T. W. MOHAN, Agent.


Chapin ......... . Brenna.", .. , ... , .... , Deer Cr.eek ....... . Hoskins ......... '. Carroll. ...... .-: ... . Wilbur. ...... : . Winside. , ..... , , . I •••• Hancock ....... : ..... .. Leslie •................. S~rahal1 .............. . Hunter .............. . PluUl Creek •........ ",' lJ·arfic1d... . ...... , .... Shermall, Wayne ........ .

81,320 ·1f),6RS 9-1,175 1.1.1011 bS,BS4 l:),()~H

BO,US 1q /)()2 ,\'J90 (:;,~I)

Hq,,~1J 14,3~2

~\I,t-:,H 17,:~4q

t1S,174 72.~7tl7

lO,l,h30 lOIl,·HI)




2-:2,-I-bS 21,1),:;1 1H,5,:;,:;

11(,O()K H,,).1S

h4,O.t7 14,4',-0

10S,~h"""" (,B,,118 Chicago, Illinois. July 7. For the.

.. bove excursion ticlletH .. ill bc ~old July 4, 5 and 6, good returninl: until . and inchuling July lZ, at one {-.irc for

:t.l ,'~1 S.l,;,~,:t<~KlJj::'!nl)

.... 1.e!:'.1.1'.

the round trip. 2')-~w '1'. W. MOHAN, Agent.

l-i.allrvad ... Tdc~raph, .


::!:!'/,i!lO 2,()')1

Arb.s r; I"ada. .M. Hay, formerly one of Wa.ync's priuJary tea.chers, was tnarricd at Frcmont last week to Nr. Roy Sol'tupSUn of :Mariou, Iowa, at which place they,.ilI be at home to their friend~ after July 1. TBII VI'1l0N I'ACIFIC WILJ. CIILII8RATIl

Walter, the younlr SOil of Gilbert By giving ito ,nan,. p .. trons a rate uf Har .. ;';on, JUUlped off the 'porch of A. onc fare for tbe round trip to

T0taJ. . ~1/7J'1, 1."1,.-,

Uu mution t:hc following levies were

P. Chi1ds' re~idence ' cvcnin& points inKan5,a-~ anft.· Nebraska, not CUl1ut)~ lfcucral FUtlll .,., , ,'I tliilb onto a. garden rake, runuing two of wore than ZOO tui1es di-stan t ; on Ole- County Hridgc- }~Ut1..9~._,_. .1 111111"

the tine> of the rake nearly throu~h ~::~ o~o;~ei:"~hU::: ~!~~i~:I:~:~ ~~:;yy ~~~~ot~!::;;t.. ;'in. :::::::

I wade:

hi:; fool. 'rbe foot rapic.11y swelled and vi~it your friends. Full 'lllforJlIation

P:~ii:~~:l'~~/w~!~t~~!O~~~U=t!~: t~~~::: ~~t~:~~~ ~t-~~~ ~e~~;~ high fC~'er, will be gi~~~_a_g_e_u_t. __ .__ S~~~~~~ti~:l!~~ ~~~~:'~1'~11~ ~I ;~:j~~'J ~:JiIJI1,'j' urer, was iu the city \VculJesday feel- The rc:;,idencc of Frank Graham, Mesdtl.me5. 'Bre!)~ler, W'ils-on,._tmtc-JteJit,; levic~ WCic--uH1Ct;:----.r-~ ,

ing republican pulse~, s1tuated about twelvc mi1~a northwelSt 'I'owCl', Welch, OOl'b1t.-~ Williams, .nei Jltes District N~. tu,. . .. 10 tuiti:. ·-Nr'.'D,m Blanchard entertained the ·';fW-;;'y-.;e;--~as-together witll the -~--.4A~ --'-'--__ "".4.C,_~~.- . .'-.. -.-.-J .. "", .. iHll-&.:---M P F S week'andpaid lit-a. Dt', Loy8' an aU day 48:._~ ....... ,., .10111ilb

. . .. ' aturday evening. Mrs. E. greater part of its contents destroyed viSit. and report ~:mQft enjo¥alJle time. .." 50....... . .1o-"mills P. Ellis ,.on the first and :/1<1rs.· F':' L. " d 8 'I .. I'·. . by' fire between. I an ° c ~c .. _ :.M-. --t.'athan Chace. assistant of the Neely the secoDd prize.. Yriday evening. The fire orlginat.e~ FI ... , k.tlonaillaak. wl1ll>o ... rded 8t AI·

MesHs. Bres"ler and McNeal reo 'between the partltioDs in tire rear of leeb"'y CII~. Pa '11" Tu .. day l1est, to Mi .. turned front St. Louis Saturday even .. the cook stove. Loss about $600; in .. Ha-uda Wach~b .. lormel·ly of thi. clty.

" 51 .... ". U 54l~ .. ' ... ~ ...

J milb .15 mills

For .t:~f~ln". etc. ~ittr ·niortealres Fee. di.ttrict court ~

440 41L '"Z91O'J - - ing:, but Mr. f'rencllretniiliieila-m:fle 5ureuTors.!SO;--· .--' --.--"'- ThtItsday e\'ffit\1i,:tM-pl"~1Il

., ,58 ", .•••. ,.. , . 30 111 il ts H. 62.,.,.,. .1U Ulilb. -'1-- 6J .... -.. -.-. -.. -. . .. S Uli11.~:

_. -- .~~~-

. Total I t · '1 d . m Mrs Cot'bit wall thrown Opel} to '\ 18J'ge ong-er, rc urnlng .l.¥, ,on ay c\'enltt6:" Hon. 'John T. lireboler and. ,fife left a~m~l'Of ladies &ood .en~lem.n in lR:t:Aorof

benator Bre::,slcr ha.~ never exercised today' for Qmaba, frOllt which place Me&4awea Oram and Suutb".-ortll, sidtcl'1j of .. 65., .. , .. ~. .10 mil), ....

Yot ~&J;'ta.ltt. i •• ucd uy couuty uO,a.'rd ~a\ar: .. vi clerk . OfcOUiffy ooull --.. --"- -0 ~~~ ~~------

Tax Hot ~ •. c.' ;;'-Hg.h~.~J,;.,. i ll-iH>y-othe . uo<o"'l'ao, Se .... · t.J~t><l-'MJ_-Hltnrll~ry--he:ro..-bid-lmt-IH __ H>""';,,*,+-~

place than \Vayue county, Nebraska, Tbur~-ton to Canton, Ohio, :Mr. BresB" O.u;Ucate_ whist~ ,.,.s t.he orderoftb,6 cy.&n-

" 66 ..... ; '.' r 151l1ills I' 68_ .... ~ ~ .' :" 30 illill~

~"_ ···p2. ,.' ',' ... , ,3U 1l1ilt5' Certificates of eiecti"Jll 114" lJO M.aking ."efUufs' Looka 10 UU Correcting as&C""O!.' book. 30 00 Mallin&, road book.


H&king reeeipt .. for tlie. year 1890

The reportai~o;'i)o ... th .. t froU1 Jhe lot <lay of J lIary 1891 to the '6th t1ay of·J .. >\Il .... ?'.·IR92. ~he f:": rec~iyed by the.ald. S. B. Rnssell are ao follows: " F .... __ rdia" . __ ,Sl~~~ sg

C\)att~1 ",~rtgageo 259 4\J Veeo c1latr.ct ~ourt ___ ~

Total Fnr warrants- i •• ued b,.~ ~01fnty hoard for salary A~rk.of cotlllil7 bOart\ ..' T, .. ; list. 1!!9l._. 1i:lection c~tifl~ates



____ ~ __ "i-.-

$ 400 00 42884 4660

tJI85 02

$2380 90

! I 'fi' . ing. after Which ~'rMhtp.el!ts Wel'e Hiel'\-'ed WH;rc he .':>ctt cdatthcagcof22inJ8TO. tt.r a.s a. member of, the noh -cahoD andaJ1 went bome teeling that is. wae. one

You can put hay in the stack: or barn committee and !lr. 'l'hurefon as chair .. of the moat pleaSing aud elljoYJ:l.ble ~tfalr::l of " iO ..... , . .... : ••. 15·mil1s " '71. ......... ,,-.,.20wi:: ___

lI:ith a Keystone ~av loader a~d _sit1e man of the' republican convention. the ......... . I

doli'.er,- 'nlk~ cheaper au,l better t1mn From Onlaka'Iir. ant1 Mea. B. go as 'Netra.,ka Sliver Train:' ... P, by ;lll)' otl1l'r H:U~)\\o'11 lilt!thod.__ thejt1vited guests of Senator Thurs.. f[he route of the "~ebraska Silver


.::O'll1ili. ....

.':::0 milb ,:n lHii~ . .,;

Z!) t{ 'fvvn.:r'"'= Bcuthuuf. ton artd \vire. Train" to ~tbe 'DeUlocratic Nat10ual

Scveral cou'uferf~it dimes have oeeu :\lany uf !..Jut l'itiz':n'-. 11<1\'(' h~'('u Conveution at CI,licago, July 7th, ia offereu merchants and other busineJia' greatly iutcrc::> iu the..: llC\\" 'H':Cty· vi;:!. the Union Paci.fic and North:west .. men of late. ~-One of the parties clrcu- lene gao as exhibited here thi. week , .... R.ys.

<I 7+ ... -:-:--0

75 ... .. •• 7..(~.,

, ,lD wills .::"ln4Ii;.,

'J •. ',. ~j-~ .:. rui?ls ~, J8 •.• ~., ........ ,' 4-mills

.No furtheJ' jJmsiness ! appearing •. 'board adjonrned sine die.

ATTI!ST: S. It RVSSE!,!" Clerk.

lating them is"know~ and may &,et byDr.J. Perrin Johnsoltbi Sioux City. ~f,"'Y _prom~' l.IcUlQcrata· and himself in;1' bDt box if he offers more, ILba .... ·.-ith: ;Lclear white flame and tl b I' .". eta\,'am have ~ .• ~_~ 0 ler e .ever.. m ." Fr~d \Vool1!tUillif Wia5id~ing gives, a great t1eal more liR'ht tltan the&ignifiedtheir,.. .' f gOiltg-OD-

to ,be a decidetl.,anthority among stamp o'rt1ittary Iras and. in c910r .. aud bri!o •. train. A ,large" ifelegatibn hal· WAYNE, NEB •• June 23,isoo. collectors and is a regular contributor liancy reseiliblea the electtic"·Hght. rea<\ya •• nretS. One faR for rQund Commissioners met pnrsilant' to ad. to all Illinois Philalelie jOllrnal. In Reeifut. experiments 8how that th!, trip is authori~e4, aD4jiartiea delir· JOnrtlDlent. All membsl'8 present~ WhicT,·hi.' po~trartrecently l!J''pcared. calci carbic:'te from which it n made ·,ti&JQ:g~.a' .... ~ial trai .. ....aboU14· '1't,ltrJollolring PrOQeediDgB were bad It was ·aloo. republished. in a atamp will soon be ma.teriaUy reduced' and feaeli Omaha via the UJlion 'Pacific . collectors'pape,. hI thi. ~t"kru .. t iTisto bt tiJdig}ttohljt) !u~ul'e.- -Ilot'lat~r-'tll&u 11.-40 ... m.;J,d,.u$th. _LQ9D\iDl!e(l~Q!l_Pli.ge_8~l ___ ~:::f~

L . '-----_.-.L-__ "_~". __ _ ." ,._---

Page 2: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1



'~~ee Certain Ruin if Gold Is . ~ot Beaten.

~ Appeal CO All Belley" ... In Free 8Uy.,.. &0 Suppar' tho White

lIlaae7 C.n<ll<ll\ltl··· .. :~· <lOrl.", tbe Repnb­

demands, basi 3 4:lUr relat~h ely

contru.c·t!''l~. and the people are passing int,) a S~'r\ ItUj~ :111 the mQ~ dangerlO)u~ lH'~ aus~ it 1~ thlt l)hYSilcally app~r' .. ~nt TIl(' 1I.atl .n lt~. If n.s ,ll~,) othrr nath)n~ i:s lilsin't tlw stur~i)' ~ nurllg~~ \~ hie h. ('oulll r~l.l.K!".J,t d\ ttl-Ile In Uh ra.N~ Qf mJusn,,;-e rt.nd hl~Nflll '~r lIlJot...

• lo"'rom t)l>' (IU))1I r 8,n(1 thC' trad<~s1ll3n to th(lo g~)\'crnm..:nl thl'le Is appar .. '>y)t the

A ~ H,)ht rt~,)n, A. C C'1t'\" ·ll:Hl. WlIlTSS\\t"t. Anh)~ H Ca:11pb<t. ... n ,Archi~ ~1 ~tl;'v.::nsvn. :l:-~n()eh ~tr(}thf>r

selec-tio-ns: o'f the dIstrict conyentlons. heold early' thIs mornmg "e~ tndo-rsed These -pr~lul11ua.ry curt'; entlous iudlc-cl..­tl:'i"-'-df'arlv that the- ~ld tn ..... n had In!l cuntlof of thE" con'\:('ntlon that tl..

------- ~ -Yeaa~~.-- --- ---1-~'~onUgll.KnDc~e~or~Ul.Uo~!~.,~eM#o~~~e~n~d~"d~~fi~n~a~n~ct;a~I~~----~~C~hrrallr~!e~.~H~B~rn!C~kue~n-st~e~I~----~~~~~~ua~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~an~~~~~~~~V' should di"scend. The buslness 'l'homas K~arnes.. Bt. Louis. June 19~e- followln-g ad- man .submits some portion or hlS Judge C J Hart,

4H.s W'&15 glYen out. toda)t by the silH'"r m~nt an i tIS \\ 11l and the natlon sub- Llttlt:'MlJ PrIce, 4elegatee who'bolted the repubhcan na- mits some portion of its Intt'!,rrnational .racob.I Eiltott. ~1 convention -Y~5~df.\)",,---- _ dKhLI~ ~fL mighty foreIgn credr- 0 J SalIsbury.

"To the- people of the United States: oor shall make destructive demands. J B OV( rton Obeying the. Call ot ,juty, and Justified "Wher~ will all thl. end Ie the people Frank C Goudy. by the COmmon citizenshiP ot IbIs re- ~hall decline to .... ert themselves; John F Ylvl",-n, public. we address thttl communication Where will it end It the otder paI'ties in J ".,. R6ckfell p r


to the people and forthcoming oon ... en~ their determinatIon to maIntain them- Robert V\r Bonyage. tJon ot the UnLted Stat~s In doing ItO, sf'lvE's in pot ... €'r t.)r power's sake a.lone-, John.ll Wllliams, we clalrn no authorHy -o-r right other !hall refuse to recognJze the right and Delegates or natrona1- commltteemen. thAn that whIch belong'S to every ma.n th~ hope or humanity? <

to exprHs his per&onal convJc lion; but "This country cannot much Iongpr we respectfully solicit the' co..;operaUon exls-t tree 'and independent against of...a---who--belteve--tha-t the t!me--has e<>m~ h"he Tesrot-the world, nor can its tor a return to the simpler and more much longer b~ frep In the noblest s.?nse dIrect meth-od of naming men tor na.- of the term. 1! the Unlted States, a debt­tlonal service than has obta.lned In re- or natlon, shaH !ollow a, ~ol1cy d1£tated

---_Ilt--~""'r.-~--------·---·------_,H" .... .,....ttt'~r nations. -··Pol1 tical party organizatlon 18 ne.c­

...... ry because wlthQut it the 1ndlvld­__ I Vot"r 18 dumb, but tiro paTty Is only

:"'~~-n'IJ-;-no:t the end. it lift the volee .114 not the sen.., I

"As the world ftl'vances In this won­deTful epoch. ot intell~ctual de-velQ1?­ment and p-hysi-cru imj)r-ov~ment the-re


'f'be MUlionaire DescrlbE18 In C011l"t tbe \rtch'!ii~de. of lUra. Lealle Oartel·'. Dranlntto Career. New York, June 19,-In the hearing-of

the--ae<l_ --I>r_gM -I>r ..Belasoo. agamst N K Falrhank to recO\ er $65,~ 000 for training Mrs LesUe Carter for the pratt ssion of an actress, after a bnet


~~~~ ~n~~~J~~A?a7e~~!~~h·a~':'t ·'r·"e·~.·+t:,re,..,t~tl>'H .. ef\~\'-·1~"1'M'rlr.g,".'4-th'.+ ba.nk,

qulrement and heeds It. or he talle in In­lice's endeavors Partlea must al,s() obey (':reas~s on thif! masse:-J or the lll.tlnn, tbe sarno. Jav.: It foHows, theref)1 L', the prlre- or human III oduC'tl<)n on tlll~ that the moment n. party R~lBll ('h\)<')Sc t,) farm and in the \\ lH kshop i~ 11!'C'rt>aspd



th~~ ~om·cntl(,"ln. savE.> in ttle matter'Ot-­few delegate$ to \th.~ ¢:hlcago C(lnve~ ... tlOn. "h0rt'in s.Qm~ Ute- trymS'ti) down ,--nngressman Ball!~~, who Is ,ClY atix .... )..1)\1::;. ~.e.Lu1l .th(> xldegatlOn.

, F .. ~e Silver TeXftl1s. Austin, Tt;x, June 24 -The largEr sil ..

\e-r democr:HH' conv"'ntlOn thiS morning l.~"opte-d a plafform ~ hlCh favors the trc~ and unlImited COinage of gold and slh "'r at the ratIO of 16 to 1, independent ..if the a-etl-Ol'L&f any natll.}]l


Tho COllservatlv('s l\oIet Their "'"ater­Joo '\: estel'day.

Toronto June 24 -While "the returns of, toe domin!qn election are not "UU In they are sufficleFl tly complete to show the defeat of the government. The CathoHc \ ote, upon \'W hieh the ministry relIed, bas utt"2rb faIled to go conserv­atn e Quebec, which in the last elec-tIon gftve toe lIberals a majorIty of only --­the votes, and which, on the strength of the remedial I~glslatlon to WhlCh the gove1Pment IS pledged, \\ as expected to go stronglY consen aUv e, has \\ h~eled round and g1\ren the liberals from 20 to !.!.; majority In TOl0rrt'0l~as--a- --­straight one a:; It.~liraraS the separate lwhools lssup and the antis can h.~d all f~lUt Sl'ats by largE.' majorities-

GI t'a t int01 GlH \1t as taken in thC" 'fight in \'~mnlpeg <CIty betwec'n Joseph Mar~ tm, lIberal, aU,h\)r of the billabblishing Stpar.lte ~~hovh'l In Manlt,ob:l.. and Hu;-h. John 1i1a('Don3Id, ::>on e.f Can.:l~ da s formt'r prenllcr, Slr John A Mac­Donald ~ M<lcDonA.ld won, his pers:mal popUlarity carr:nng him throtigh

The followmg Hi the total vote of to-d'a) s dect'ions

Con Lib 42 - 1:1 17

Ind G 1 o o c _

o 1 2 o

at&n.d stUt (lr re-trogl'€ss, it Is n~ longe-r wHh appalling rapidity, ~'X li'ting mOl C'

.mclent to achieve th(t end to "hkh and more toll from our dtlz,( m. to In 'ct

~~~;!~ut~~~~~~·~:~i~~~~r~~~~~~I.~.L~~~ ~~~~-~onTffi:rufmnKrr.~"·~TITe-,>IT1TIn:m·ln~:~~~~:~~~~~~,;~untir;TIT·:nT~~;~~~tt~·nn~·~~~"~rn~~~nt!,·~1m,,~rrrrnr.·~~~~3~~(f"(~·r·~:~~·,~~:=-rhe·-i-l',uT~'·'--·-­and. the mark or dot!ay \s lwt on \108.1 Itre.nlrtn J1\ a naLknl v.: hen tllP". lute rule o! poUllcal orga.nizatlon coer­... man trom the truth tor thll! sake of

"ReCOgtltz~~e ~~u~;:e°:;'~~n. the single gold standard The r('s-

CUd achievements of pollttcal parties in !~~~~:'b~! ~~:l~~sl:!S~ ~~r t~~~::~~:_ Chi. country, a~ ('ise:where, we are }:et In tlme It will d,Juble the s.ock eon&tralnea to bellsVC th&t,1Q[ more tha.l\ ry mQney o! the world-wtll t'IVen~ years nV--Qne ()t them haa been prIces and st't-"adHy elpvate them entIrely aufU('lent tnr the needs ot the ntll they will r(~gatn th(.lr normal re-ptople. Th. great trt'nd to l1~tt.r thing., Illtion to the volumo of debt. and cr<d­h.tlng in the heart and purpoae of all its In the world .... n ... haa been stay:ed durin..8' the latter "Blmetaillsn:t wlll hE'lp to bring s,lx>ut part of thtB generatkm by the {a.llure of the great hope ot t:-very So;)clal reformer, ~leB to express in their a.chievements ~:n ery beUeVttl in th~ advancement of the highest hope and aspirf1.tion of the the ra('p. who rf'atlzes that the In:atabll­mall of the people who constitute the tty of prices has been the dp.adly foe Qr parttes. And there has be,en..gz:owm,f-l;"foftr' tollers 6.n~ th~ servan.t ()f the for­th .. countl'Y. IwelUng wlth each recur~ l~lgn Interest ~athQrer, Blmetall.lsm will renee of nationa.l election. a. great masa help to bring thre time when a certaIn of Independent thInkers and ·vot~"'rs. expendltul~ Q~ human toil wHI pNducc Which talUn" itself to control, has a u-rtaln. financial result. an,vltated between the tVirQ grea,t par- "Who am..:mg the grea t masses of OUr tie.. peopl~~ In the United States but feE-1s

his 11)t wII.)uld bl" 1' better lllS

crom aide to lude wit, e-ach 'our yeal$ }{)1OW In the pPlf')lman~e of lahor In 1872 the repllbllcan pal ty \'ll'cll'U the \\ hat ,,<}uld b.~ the price of his pro: pre.ldent: In 187.6 the demo(\r/l( Y (iu('t ~ claimed the electlon. In IBM th~~ rf'puo- ~"ls not this purr,o!'le w<)rth th(' attcn~ Ilcan pa.rty elected. in 1884 the dl~m.o- tion ot thf> p.e()ph~ U!'l in4ilvldual~ .and cra.te elect<x1; in IS96-~llptll with1n a the- atu'nt\on ()f 1~ollti('111 ('onven­C:.w 'Weeks) it had been cOllcc>de.d that horus yet to bl'" lwid In thl.s yt"ar, 1896' the republlcans would elect. Is nQt tllls ,f,O grf~at an end that all who "~What halJ been the caU9:e or thiD believe 111 th{~ possIbility 01' n.ttn.lnlng

mighty OftciJIation of a m8.BS whIch thIS' Jt hy tlR!- me:an.s PlOPi)fH'cl (,Rn ") It"lrl "ear has probably obt.alned controllJng some-thing of their pal tlsanshlp both m proportions? E\ery" man can lLn$Wer cUIlventlOI'lS and 'Ilt lhe polls'" to hImself. It' he has bt:"en an obscrvt"\or, "Il Is the hl)I>€' that the TnIlSS(!:'I and .ct h.e has Interests that wore effected, th",') rt.:>.ma,lnlng com;ent1on~ w111 have the Itt he ho.a felt a. hope to eeC! gr~o.ter jU:l!:- courage and tile- generosity to unlt(- fOt

'" ttloe done. a.nd has seen that hope blast- this purpose ttm.t "e have dal ed to offel ~.d, bg knows that the genl!ral dlssnttB- our vieWS to Ultl' people of tlH.'" United faction h .... twltffift-fi'OM --t-he-~,t t-hat States, and bel.'llUSe In the I).l,st thl're p .. rty promil!Hls made were broken to has hlCh:t'd tl. rU.llyLng.J..X?'nt for tlw tl1.'lSS­-the people by pal ty,,}; ho E/:8 who hold. 6S we do, to this helief, we &now8 tha.t so Boon U the electlol\ was venture an 'lll~t, tl usting It will be re­over and successful ca.ndldates installed ()etved In the same 8plrlt of concilla.tIon, they became the servitors or the party <:once-~;;;m..,--td'id hope wlth whIch we put and the a.dvoca.tes of a naroow and i1()n- it forth prosressJve polley within which alone "We have, in $, plaIn way, there seemed to be an assurance OI:"'''Lc.j--'''''''''''''hp ma.tter before the eyes of our

---jllh sa.te£Y a.nd partisan approval fell'l.1w Cltizens We in"'V'Oke the un-fon .. ·,During all this period we have lacked 6.11 men and aU parties who believe that

.. great constructive a.dminlstratlon the tlm~ has come for) the triumph or No new special truth has been put for- justtc~'" It when ward In an effective wa.y. whUe in all may HI)t'flk fnr the departments of physical Ufe there u8.I~. un'(l through oonventIons ytlt to bt~ have been devt""lopmenta and aehieve~ held. It l~ thE" right of every cItizen to menta of ease and comfort to the fa.. mdlc,lte 111:01 pl:iefelences ~red of mankind, in thQ sUll greatci "With tJlIS In \ lew. we otrer to the and more important domain ot: social fOl'thiX)rrting I.~on\entlon.!!l.~ a'rid~ t~ the retorm we have stood sUll or retIo- pt .... ,ple th(1 of a man 101 the prt'Sl­creased. dpncy of the United Sta.teR ,,,Hos(' lite-

"It Is not that t.he people have not 1n publh' and in private repI€Sents those felt the stirrings of determinatlon, that vii tues which adorn~~d thIs inaction has endurQd, but hecaUSt~ daYR e.nd the deeds of the earller of the rule of-V3.l' has largely tlme of this r(~pubhc, a r~tttrn to­<lontrolled men In and out of offict'! It vh'tue-s Is rpquh'llite for the prosp(~rlty &1as become a flOUrCIJ--9f 1 {'proach to any a.nd thO' ('un tpntment of the Ih"ople, and man that lw Ahould uara to IenounC'e al~ thQ lWrJwtullY and {'onlmun.tltng exam~ leclance to 01 ganlzatlon. have b\~~'n plt) of fLC'P II\~tttutlonA . • xpe<"ted to Flubmlt to 01(' "Th~'1t man l~ HpI1l Y M TC'll(>r--a man d.icta.tes of it is of the D~ nn(l fl)r HlP. pp()pll Ht~

Is nt no SN'tiOl'l His t""XPE'J 1. UN' 3.111'1 s, r ..

--~--Ilt"""--l),,,,,,,--ie_ye<f-t<H,w.I¥l!\-al'd-.declnll'.'_+ "!<'<',.J:ili!, cau:~~ ~~~n;~l~j\~~!t~f~

tracts tha.t ,,111 protect you just as I am protected'

, I then 5 lid, • C'ontInued ~:rt' Fairbank, "thn.t 1 "0uId l('nd the $tO,OOO .and ar­langt' to h tVe my attr)rn~y tUrnish the money as it '" as needed r said that had guar"tnteed $10 000 to Mrs. Carter to begm ,\ilth Gilmore I paid $.],000 tha.t he had expended aftt"r glvmg her up I then gave her fS,OOO, all she asked for Subsequentll" I 8.1ranged to gl\'t? her $7,000 more \\' hen she mad':' her arrl.llgt'''­ments "ith Mr PrIce Ag<!l,lu, '! loaned l\Ir BelascQ J1J) 000, whtch he promIsed ~o 'sacledly and on hIs IlClnor' see that I ' .. I1.S repaid out of the -receIpts I had paId at the mom .. ~nt ,)f raism~ the cur­tain , "hleh they PloPllseu MI

ih!?' ) Q-

rnon('y to gt~t them tl) C'l1h'UI;,} , I told He1.L~(,o th{tt I \\ Lntpd no mnrf'

'piny a< tlng' . He tll ~n thr~3..t('neu rn~

\\!th t};w IH~w~p!J.pel s-· Mr Fail bank sallj that he had known

Mrs Ca.t tt r s husband \\ ell La.\\ \ \ r D~~xte'F had- asl{~'d Uw- \\ ltn( 53 to mt("Hst hinuH'lf in Mr~ Ca.l tt'l'~ favor He '\'n.~ the attoln'"3- of Mrs Cal ter In h(>r fil-


The l"unml\n~ "Ia~~at("~ Danghtpr's

~t'!.,n_1cuL-~Ottds-'S(,'(,l'Cll In St.


JoJlght('cnth i\.ITIlll-al Convention 1'1e.~t"" at Dayton.

Page 3: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1

I ..

- - I "My d""",." 8Ald .TuUa.". wb""

M R S B 0 B 1 they were comfortAbly settled before tb, f~~~:~hl~:~~~~~~ . "I fire in the littl~ boudoir. hI A$.~nre you I _ ____ bl~ the kind Providence ~Vf'rv day whicb

I B~ .JOHN STRA~GE WINTER. permits me t.o ltVd in A nat. No. It is not

~~·P':ill;t!~dtoen~~~t... ~~:,.,.Je;!4 ! "Ob. no! It WAS not ;i~ tbat- ';rset b'tl=~UIM§X~tIDgltt._",,-.. g!Ollnd '\hut. give Ticor a.o.d vitaUt.y by ta.kue , : at an:' re-plle.d Miss 'r.heodo~ia .• who was 1 "\\"pll, I sbouM.n't mln\\ b",'\"in!:t

H d" a.fHlcted with an insat}a~le tll$lt"e for a..b- ft~t lU sny eA~e-.H el"f~\l I",anra.,

O· S 'Iolute-t'ruth_fulness. '):ou see they aTe ronncllh(' (Oh~:.tR.tlt httl~m • .

O m\" Tu:b~s that are gone-my' sls.ter's du,,· I J nlll\ looke-d round. too. and thl."'n Clltl\l:l,t - ",-_ monds are 1n town be1n~re-set ....... so ~h$urll, I tht' ~lauce or lie':." lln:lbaud'l!I ~'r(>S. "~,-),"

~ liS I t.old her, t.Q have uu~mond" rt.' set at shl:'l Mld,j.)11'uln)t back to her ~1I;h"r. -nft('r

S our tim(> of Hte-Rn(l with ht'r" the gold I slllllltl~ $t :3tepbpn, "I d:ue sa\" not, It i~ arsapari Iia plate i.s rt'alh" R 'V{'ry F('t .. ~()ndarr ('ou~id('r.'\- : 1-\r-E'ttY. llH\'t nP n~· th(' br, l. ... lttlo Street "'Vt'-Il, 1 ~uow what I tl~ink about.. Uon. Bnt l"ha wn.s \"1'1'>" Ut'l"VllU!1;. tj'lll'H~t\ I is n flu{. pln("~. i~ it ll\\t ,.. - , sShi L:ldy Stnuut0u. Sl~OIftC~tltl v.

trbeOneTrue}\J.oo I'utlftor. A.Ud.rucctsQ.,L ,thl\t bm'}tl,," ,,"oulll g~t in nud--:--i\n{\ - I "Oh' 1\ lO\'cl\'" p~~("('." IJ!lura. rE"pltN1. '·A~HJ. \~at do you thlU,"Jf~" crJ~d "Ho.od-';"'--::ui;:--~;: . well. Rud steal hC'r, 1 tMult; stud "he I "nut rt"ully nli tht, Mni~, I do not wondN I ano. Stepben ill the sam.(> breatb,

I WOUld4H\\'e all the n1eu-Ser\·fiuts to !'h't"p [I t1P~t tht>y Io'tot fhi' burgIlus in, 1'he dJ"'p\ay I "I ~hlUk that she went 1;"-.ccid,on't:\l!ly - 1'h~ 1,HZ) )(nu'F! 1,4Ul{'Ut.. up tn the ~nest~rooms Rud t~lI\t 1 W(tS per thl"Y l:nake is realh' rldiculotls, nud !J l,l to t.o 'her room. and snrpps~d

OJ. ''In.11 \\0' n(> ~~r :l£::',l.ln l)+;,,",)ld {e('tly cold-hloode-d to be- thlUkln~ about pl€"t~e- that sllly Mi~s La\"'l!liu. who Jleully I work-amll thInk that sho~,.<"v.,_.,"_" rth I" l't' "!to,,, /,1.;,1:: .. 0:,\ • .., ,:u1t\ lazy? my ruhlt!-swhen she was fri~htenel1 outu1 j doE'S tbf3 moo.t awtul 1:001 or herself I him." ,

T~\-!~:f\. \~~'-'b~ ~l,~~;t~:<;~~l .. t~~~, 7~~\ ! hfr. seve.u..sense&.,,a,rn\.th"~ just, bm~~'\'ll'S~ 11 you-can possibtyimugint- -') - "Them why d~dll't Stn.untoo. tI~';l\ll~~~~~dd~~~~t b/ ~~lht~~!~~;'I't~(~.' told her she couldn't posslQly be fri:!'hten~! "'Vel] if she WRS a.nvthinJ;t like what she I about it?" "hL)-th0' tt's mIll ty ll1 lh~' ,La .... \.'- ed ont or what ~he hadrrt got. she took ,tt; wns in t~wn last se-ason--=-'!"can iml\ZlIle It 1 "Anthony did broach the 8ubje.ct,

BC'eUl,t.'S m~ tlll I m en(>!"£L"~JI."!. as s. personal ,~atter auu weut. lut-o bJ& I '\'"(>LY well," -Sllltl JUlia, wIth a laugh, Hshe the Teliiult "US such n much ",or ... e' 0.. ter}c~ over it. .. . I 'Was ~lUy enonlitb the-n." -- - 1 hy~terlc~ th:\n she had e,-€or , I"hl~ft ~Cl~~!trha~ '.:J~~~~01k! ." ell, but I daT'p.. @oay ~hss Lavmul j'.:\I,r deal', 'I sRld LR.u1"a,- fmpl"essiv€'ly, ·bt'fM1"e that Anthony W:lS '

All.i '{T.:" ::'ObU~H>""l1kt'-tw n't"ro(l! would not hA."e ~Olle lU.tO hys"encs O\'eI "she was ration-al ..comp1lreq. _wltb w.hat" dODa" ith the s\lbjl!~t tlnd "!~~l~ ~~l~~~C-;~~ ~1~i~~!r~:J~:I:'\~l~t;l'~'I~t I the. same remark at any other hme." Sf\l(t she i~ nbw. I aS~Hlre you thnt the whole of b\'! d hi f H '

T~lls d.'tn1o<:;i:'l jUst ada::; tu tuo:o!.:. ('- the doctQ't. 8oothin~ly. "And, liS is R(>U' the tim~ we were there=.-tE:'<n days-she trgf." m or .ea.'\'"en!'l: SQTnt Ill' \ 11"\\ tnll.lll\ "1100) t I" g Ullt.~ I erruly the CRS~ '\v~th hysterI.1., she 18 ~ow: was dOlr~~ th.Q lnva.lul. talked .n.b()ut her mentJon the robbery to ~;r .

'I'h.l t :<hV\\ oS lH I ..1.1 klt.~ .i.lIll' h( r muscl("~ 'Y(lry weak anti plostr:de- nn<1 lllW:.;t be kt"pt shattt'l'ell ner\'es Bl)d scr(>l\med everY time And or CtHU'SP yen kno,,,,, I,.,sd\ Sh(> rna", be pretty' hut lt pl::l'\ s ptrfl'ctly qUiet for to-Ul~ht, I told a cln(ler ft:'ll out or the fir-e. An"1 the \V(,llt on, ~'Anthony hns to he

"'rifii-dll k~'n!'; l\ ltll~ lhl~0ld .\lll11llC Wl\rot'f that I win scn:t ovel' a. cOmpOSlUi! heauty of it nll i~ that her jl~wel.'5 ,lre !';a!e what he !nys to hel', for the-y Id\~~;t~~)f b~l~l~t\~" ;\l~~~. s~\\l\ ~~:~~~:, draught, nnd is the morlllu<:!; I hav6 no in Bond Street nn(l her sister hl.l,s }():;;t thOll!mlH1", Jt'sr each au~\ If,ht! Sht' m n 1)(> t('tdl,r1~':- ,'I, n,(:othlnks- doubt that she will be better." eTerlthin~ !=:he hus," shl" \\"111 thmk n.O~htull nf, RS Auut

A". lllY by rl:.n hl'l ;;kl~!;; d mm.:;h- Ann when the morniu~ CI1ml" Mis!' "I can qmh' bl"he'\"c it." said JlTlla: "1 dos~ten gR\~. lett>l,og the ~hol<" I ~t'c thl . eteI nal womanly" Lavinia WH,S better, dechled1r b('tt .. er, but I\lwa)'s thon~ht her tht" ~11l1e~t woman J to thl\t detewtllbh, EUllly Hpend

AnJ muscle ttghtll'g to a' fi:.~sh. 'Wore the interestIng nir of an invalld eyer knew lmt I'Ye uotlCed that she. gen. hateful bo\'.' And or cOllrs" ~ '\Ylth a g'olt "tick, tennl" r3ck."t~ oar, I jnst dashed with m::trtYl'dom.- Shc gl)t I erallv cont'rh"Ni to /Zt."t the ('USIC'- ch.l1r noes uot t'xuct1v w1sh that to

I Or ,dpl'n~t(H'k .. "hI.' ",till \1, \\ ltd),,":;. out ot her bed iate In the afternoull llnd. and t.he blJ:{~est pe~~h. l\I\d the mo~t com, ,that he <;a.nnot tollow IIp thiS AE;·J~~~~~~(=h~o~,~,I<il\n IC~('~" l~llg __ S! appear.ed In the drawmg:-room In 8 T('ry I for-t~ble seat in a Cllrl'lllge fof-hers(.lt, $( ~i~n~ l~~l~dtl:ll~~ ~~~~o Bnt

rJ To hettt.f'. thlng-<.:I '-'h,~ n' n but b1 !ze- I becomlU~ black. mOlr,? te,\-~own wlth 8 tJnnk h.~ujlli~~lS Wl put ~ , __ _ Tlw p 1 th., til(· iatif ul. ~l ' ngW~m-€'r, ~ A'~ dt>ttl o-f'l'O[I<t'=Corort'd-sllk--nnd n mDre or ."'----- [ ~ood de,itJ1TtJ~ ttrn-n

---w11u'sJ,:otno(nlt ~f (l~"h lIn,l ,(:0 - loldla'ceauontit. "Of it.i n tit 1 D1t' t(l Ilndthlltifsbe('hogetosp~nk. ShB nut, 0, ~he make::> Uh' t1n~,) 111 ~umm~'r. ('our.s-e s.... n ptlZZ ('oS I ~I\'e the -clne which the pollee want."

-B{lston Globe. know wllY she should h1n.k(' ~l1cl~ n fn~s "It Seeltl'3 lnCr-edlblc," Julia cncd, T-h ... -G-.-~n-pr-n-I-L-iff'. abo~t~hls{ affltlr If eye'\" MI~g 'lheOllf"13 "X('lrn[,"~"Rtt~' --s;mt St-EtpheDl ...!'-i

many or their triends bad drJ.l~n over to mentiolled thof' robhery, she would sf1< ~1'fli. Laura 11M3 jnst hit the rhtht nail on {nqUlre into th(~ truth of the rumor and And shut her eyt's anti b('lirln to ~~~;~~ h~ad. But how do )':ou know the pa'Hc8's Cnt.nrJ,"h C\l1"C Is a constitutional Jli'fe.I)J?1ce 75 cents.

Tilt" }'trniriC" I,"'i .. t", A mlRt of alllll('r ll'i! tht' n(!(!nt,I;{' ~lnre,

A ~l\nKu{lle ~Nl th", "'lll'-l,'t lICI\\'-I, A ~('f'llt or burnhlK HI <t'ol"f:'S In I~h' .-lIr.

A l~d wwd (1\ (>1" the pl.U1'I(' 11/\1\.\":', -1) A. Elhm'OI Ih. in the lt0tU!.

"The po1itlclan Is my: sht'phprd: I shall not want for anything durIn&, the

He l~adcth me into a

mfM'--lrn:~·fr 'CUnuui~c-e8 hll\Te----tI-6t-gOt hoM tll-th-Is clue Als.n.!Il-. I_ I tht'lr 1rretnC''ra.ble loss, 1t WI\S nos1tl'rely \Y1Jrl}g}"~s tQ.l'i!._~.n.2~b,!.~t.r_,",""-_+,,,,,,,

!lta.rtHns:!; to :!\ItS!! '1'ht'odo~ln to sec the wav Anthony Ru(l me And '\~arner WIll TIlWhlch matters n.rran:red theUl"elves S:l.Y a wor-d-!\I1~s Lrninu\ g(\YC her It.('n

I She- had lost her rubleS but It ' .... M' frall pOllnds the- other dl\Y, b('c:mse hn nefV" lmndle at In st('l'illllnd nen'(,s in the t'lab- ongnp~s lind ~l\"eu h('r 80 milch extra

I orate hlaG\i and reqe te~~~own whn com tronhl('-IHlll \V:tl'ller hl!~ ueen nbont th{r. I pj,aC',(Hltly reC€!iv('u nIl the plty and the h T '"NUS Wlth tb(,lll, and Rhe nIHl J\fi~!l

Rytnpnth\', .!HHl at thnt J">OllIt. thnt 18 \,b('u I~fI'IB1:t und~rstauiJ. oue .. noUler tllor" 1~~~;~""i~~-;,':i~~~~~t\~~.;~~if.i:!i~1if.~~~~~~~~~~~;'k;....,......,..."':' ~ tht' inP"":t fn1rtv ctuwtrechrpon th~ C\ E'r

" - 1 ~~n~~ll~ lS Stf~ ~o ~aYhthltL ~ll~" 1 r 918 "An.l did Ml"l.s Theodoqla sny," tu;·I-tA.,~odn~.~Cf"o'ol~'lOlfosl~mw~~l~~~~'~ .r •• Win_low'. fO()TlH'\u "Tn!"\, f(1t' ("hilt!t~ V U ( ent" v 1 ~t" 0 IlYe R l,t 'en l{" • - ask(>.ti Stephlt~. LQ.grcHt l\mll~E'~" .. ~ Tn) u.~~;;"-W>;"'1m-'tl,.-8';;'~,,~~

.... "'thIna-. ao{l-cu& t!Hl ilUIlH. If'',jUC~'' IU~Mlim'llou -t t.{'r, Tnrtr-ed 1 heTIeve-l1rat i[ Clr('um~tRTI"cE'S .. 'Ohl my dt"ar,' ~he ~Itld," Laura. nn wi1l1os~onr crr-Al]ee .U&1a.~.!n, cure. wluJ CQ'I<.; ~c. ut)(tjl) I had perrp1!t~d at such a process ocmg put BwererL...:'....don't let La~inln. hear YOU sa~ 'finPRt rubies In Europe-,! crieu Mrs.

-- - ~ - - tnto Opt:rRtlOU, the' shakm\t would l~aye that. She 18 qlute capa.ble of lc~\Ving th~ ell, in nnutternble·dl~g\lst, ner tort~<>-thftt'--'detl'Stftbk>

Emil\' Spcnderley's 11nteful boy-nnd if I (>vel' thonght that horrld boy would be m:lster or tlli~ houso, I Rm Roure I coulll not rC'st in mv gr-R\"e--I bellc\'e I should haunt the...-p-la.c..e...~ beautIful old pInee," Lalll"a went on,

-W-h~n-~~;;tttng to adveptisers it wUl he tQ your Inte!{"~t to say you saw their adv61-tisement in thl. paper,

the gold. plate was a dr~am~ 1 dare say wns al-l-melted uown wlthm a few hours and gold plate >r'~.~~~"1\ft:~l;'i~~~fI;::::::;;::::::;::::=::::=~p:::::::::lr;l?c:;;;rsVlmnffiOl;cA~~)Ei~ii1~~iiit~::::::; a rear- 10r, Mij;(s'r AND

the dreadful hysterICs and thE' 'Litter T"'" "HE SHO..EMAKER of liB dlsa.ppearance," mo,,,,,:t-,mc'lri'on'i lif..- -m1)et>e<li_",",tre-t-'-' "D1l,l sliOiITUl h1ll1C so,",7 J n lIn .agreNl-

I not pra('tlcnble and so :'I11s5o La'VJUI,l COll~ then after a moment'~ panse ~he stull. re­ ~'::'~;;;:I~~(~~~~~~~I~~e·~?~;Il~~ CONSU---""MPTION "ORE CO.-wh() knows the vnlue of a good Rntl1ncra, l.; tive place, unes not sC'c "hut she ,,"nnW

tlnlH'(im th~ character of nn loteH:stmg ftectIvel), "J).~,H mE', what n lot of people luy»IHl, and by the alLl of her tea-,:.,ro\\ n. we know who hat:e lo~t theIr plt\te nud b('r fan. lwr gold tOPT1Cd. smeTliu:;t bottle jewels In the Sllme wav. I wontler if It WIth the moao/<trllnl "L S." set in dlH.- Is"the snme gallg who dId all the others," mond~ on tll(' 10p of It, of ctll'rfullr lo\\pr- ... .-'yf'ry imVl'obabl~," put In Stephen,

~,lttl by op<'OIng: her month fiO ~he ven OF .IOUX OITY, lO'WA.., "15("ly keeps It shut. Ami I must say I Has Successfully Trallted Ovor Eighty CaSeS: ' Hunk thnt I should do tbe same It 1.. wt!re d

ed ulmrls Al1l1 rose.shaded lumps, contrlvetl careless!y. ~

!ih~~l~r~~~n~~tl"~~l~~~~'\f~~~ ~\~:n 8~';~;O;;~~ "Y(>s. I snppose RO," nnswereu Laura.

Tho OtfiC&rI. Director5 and Stockholders ,.re the Belt an her p1.1ce," MOlt SueceSiful BUllnon Mon of Sioux ctty.

HAnd I utll'e 8ily1 shou1<1, too," BaM Refcrebces' Any Bank. ColXlDlorotal AIleney or ~1lJ: repua.. ~ - HBnt, (10 yon know, It pl.'l,zlf'!-,; me nIl(l

npon tht' mvncr nnu lOser of "the 1iUt:bt worlles me to guess why MISS Llt'Vl11la .ll, I rubles III Europe,_"__ \'i a'LS.~llted to urop the subJ~ct-allu

Julin, but all the !':.mne !'lhl't gave n "'I)!'h to ablo bualn.(\ls· house in \h(l otty, Wrl\e tor term., 0 t<'oUl~~t

~\~I~le~I:~r~:H~~~~: t~~:~i~:~~t: :;;;Ylh*,--H~:.8k£~~~~~~:d:::!o.::t.~t~.~m~'~Qta~.~nd::;IQ~!O~r~m~.~'I~o::U.:tO::;A~' D::::,O:::O::I.WlIJl:::;:::.,::800:;;;:.'~L.~~X_--, du1. 1\'

.. ~o. I dldo't, for I tutti Authouy ,-nd he tlllnlw nil' same t111n~. I clllJ'L m,lJ...e it

At t 1w h,l1·,tJ"'Jn (If-l')l~l:p --;:;:I~\\a-rt. ~0n : n.nlly on thesubj{'ct <>f t1l1'll" ll11sforllllll'. uut now," Lllur L COI1t!lllH'(i in a dt.-ter ot)1J .tll\1)'1!~.C'\1al:'t"<.:F {)IlT1(,f~(" 1nfact they lHademlHh more l'PRl fn<;!-1 lnlIledtoue,"but.l.sballne\erre.:lt tIll J Bllt,un. l'()·Ill. \\Ilhh 1<::' h' t.ll~<2 rld .. (,' thnnnuyofth"'peopleltlthe Blalll~harnp- hl\vem·tde it ont. 0111 von mllV Jnn~h .lU11t' H, chtl\l1f'l\'~ ~u"d,n tht"l"l:' \' 1111 t.on 1l(-Ig:hburholl(l wno 111\(1 Ut>l'\1 relwYed as TllIHh a~ von ilko," t>IHH..dded toS(eph" be 11\ l' ~l'n,\l ,1 tl(\n~ I'rt '-', lit hi" P (.l-t- of their property ju U. ht{o TIl:1tlUC1" had "'ll-"Butl(all tile same I, meau wilnt I gfl'<1t- gl.tndnwtlhr t\,'1 ~~r(~lt-~ld.nd- dout'. fi:1.V ' "

Dloth(IS .mll t,," gldl(1111111,(1~' 'l'llt'lrnt'plww,S.i~Anthon~,hna StephenHowardwentofr Into a fit ot {"Tl]()v{'(l HlHl lel"llHll,ltpd JlJ~ lOll!:!: 11l11Lthter

rl~I"sCllle('1r'l'{'n~,Tl1p \' h SS\\(~ Ibutontho~tr0n!..:;thoftltollllestrIlUi(}Sl11 "\VI']1,"he!i'oaldM1Ast,whe-n h~ ('on1d

111 am 11.\\ !';orry' D1cnt, dear, for lt lnust be 1\ dif';Jlproint­llH'ut to q'e ~nch j<"wf'ls R~ those ~llp out (,f \OHr gl.ISp _\n11 I (lo hope thH~ you Will take cnrtl to IHiVl\ your sap'pillres 10 ca1t~ ke{'plllg,~' i

"YPQ," L"nrn an<:(U'l"retl. "I ,yIll take ('are of 11)1'111 I 1)1'1111' ~f' ' 0\ 1 '1

(Continueu next week.)

"'lth a Proviso.

me 1 u gl' ,hl( 'Ill tllJ!... \' L 1:.11" 1, L_' I Em·ope bt' ('ontrl\l'll to get nn extra fon- rommllutl hlm<;e-lf snffielently io I'ip('a1,;:, .. A certain j!HI~p who loS blc;;;,,(>(l. w1th II Itt g, IH ;:';q. 1'1\111,1, il,111 I 1'1 Il\ I ~ ~f-, I DIg-lit'" l(',l\(' I\llrl prnmpth' C,II110 ,tlOIl~ • I !';ometlmC'~ tl!1nk .Ttlev goes III for pro" tt'(,tlI(,lldo\l~ Iwad of 1t.1I1', '\ lUt'h 11i I~en"

to Llttl(' Rtn_·(~t. llC('OIl1P,llllt' f l h\' I...lllrl pnunlll\1~ th~ fllnlll(,l"lt. HieRS III nIl tho er.tlh· In a. st,ltP of ,\.'11\1 dl~t)nh'l', WH!I A '-'It'] ~ I~,~ "11l~ (hI lI'l!Yld~ I'll a (\Illl'h I Rn(l the hl('~",eil haby, to glYP 111;;; ,J,.llllt!'l! he ,\,urld, hnt In her ,,1l<1('st flights of Imll(Z: 'luL"SilOllll1g n YOllthflll w~llless tn J.Jla.kc

of l.~'\1ng Pt, \1i<' \" ii" ,~t~1 11111 d ,l h( tllH I bcnel1t ot lus :\(hICf" nnll tn }\('lp to 8111'- inatwu sh{' 11M3 neyel equnlled J<Jn" I'llg- Bure th<lhhe l'omprebcndul the cl1.lracter 1n I"1,~1l' UW\{ nll.ll,h \\'11, n ~n( (\'\- I port th~m in thelr ll1ls(ortnrH', ~('stlOn Smely you uon't mean to B'iY t1ud import.mce of the oatli he wusaLout It,,,·tlllll \\ ,l~ lh'lrIl.~ t, 1 {ll lll' 'he ,(1,.n~ I 1'heu th~ otl!."r lHid pre .... lOuslv e-xpecte-rl. thnt tile old lad¥ 19 mixed up wlth to take. rn,tIl (t1111l1h lw('(l 11",lllng m 1, lR p~~C'k('t gue~ts hpo;~n to :\r-rlve, nUll gr,ldu tlly tho robbery in any wnv, or thnt she has act· "Boy," he, with his Iilc,eresj:, and {ot'a dune HIS ta.ct.; ex[·r~ s'::£,u Ill::'- I..1n- house fille-d, and also hy hook or by crook ul111v stolen the thmgg herqelfp" most ruacristenal manner, "do vou feel ban a'" ~mcnt ~lS he ll(ld'f:::;.., ly ';\ hIs-per-cd ~ they had to put np ql1l~ a St.iff' '~-o, r don't," Ruswcred IJ,lura, ~toutly, that you ("ould Hlell~,-_n·,e_,-'lJlJ.eJL_1 ·'1 gll~SS I ha\('n t a l?-Ent I changed my I faced g.entlemen ht.ulIl1C!: from Scot}/lntl "but I do think this, that-Miss hicffiiffi--l<!'+'C'2"m-""ontn:,P Now va careful. 'l'bink pant~' The Y0ung lady \\ 110 hau b-efcon I Yard. or wherever the Crimlllal iuvestig-Il- a thoI.Q.ughl¥ .sharp befol'P YOll /O'neal\:. " eXRl1lmmg- the unkno\\ n n}~1(ln8 (If II tion people happen to hav~ theIr head.. who choo .. es to w('ar a mask of utter 81111· - ~',..' '\om,i!l'S dress f~'r h~.·r '[Iur"'i:, 1urr.(d [j qna.rters. ne""~ 'whieh--sh-e--e:l-lIS' .. V\ ... ..Qlh~I~Hl!lQ.r~ f.Dplied.....the pink color and sald "I rn 111 the samt But nt th..e ~t\tl1e time they fonnd out her~eIr look interesting and COqlH'ttlsh. after a. plolouged ~\ln \:"Y nf ';;~t:~;;'4:1==illttt: ~ __ ~_~~ ________ I noth1ng-llb~(llntely nothing. tlH'r('wl1sna atHI I tlllnk ~h~ lcnow!l more nbont thIS portly 1igl1)'t· -at'l-ti- 1'IlgMPd ---~---------- --~--- I tr[l(':t': \\hate,'er .. not a footlllfll'k, not 11 to'-llt particular Mfllll' tlu\1l she Cfll'{'lSl to tt"ll" .1I11

1t SlIt'l', [)lIt I thillk 1 l'QuId you

I kit t" tl' wa:su't to ('oL1lb '-our ball',"-Plulade!" ,. S H & M I not 1\ slgn of u.ny -IIHI except t H1 ue "But pm", ('ould she know nnv ling .J

- •• • I plate and jewels were gnne about It if she was not impllcnted in the plna RccO_'_d_. __ ~_-,,-_--:-- I And gr;J,t11l111ly the excitement subSIded 'matter herself?" Rtephen eXclAlm{'ld. or ~ a little, Hlld the hon~e-pH.rty at Little "Vel'Y N1Slly," said LR.l1!"rt, qnllklv, "for l\leerschaurn.

N t"h·o , " • Street be&ran ttO enjoy Ilft~ somewhat, and instance. t!lB robber-y took phl.-ce th,it pl~r o I g. I at the end or ten dIlYS:SIT Anthony, tiuu- tIcular evellll1g Il.hout ten o'clock. or rath· "A great many pe::plc are under the . .. ling that his pre~('nce W<lS llctull,.lly of no I er a.bout te.n o'clOck the nig:ht nfter tllC'v impn',;sion tktt'tlw !:illbstance of ,1y"'1l1ch

'That S lhe stand t<r- ut'le wltate\"er tAl Ius onl1".9 nnd that the !lot back to LIttle Street the robbel'v ",'[I" a llIe~rs('h,lllm }s madp i::l \\ :lobed up Ly take WIth your ~ ~ I ('Je\ e-l'est detect I \'E'S 111. England were at ulscoyere~l br -"rnrner, whoh:. npper lao\' 5 the S{;.l," said C E. Cartl'l', of T('rre d 1 ~~ I theu' Wits' eud forva cIne, and gnessing m<lld to the- tW;) ol(lla(lJes. M1SS L,tvlnla jJ,lUte. "1 S!lPP()·,t~ thE'y got t~at idea

ea er on~ ~~ -.-....iro:n one or two g'entl~_Jlttle hmtf; which hall gone ll[l to her l'oom for somet!llng flom the word, .lVhlCh slgmhes S('a, the q...'t.:iJ were droPPNl 1)\' Ml"~ 1hl'odosl~ th,tt immed!,ltet)7a(t('r-dmncr, t~jl.t l"1IlUont 1\ il'oth,,lmt. lPally file llnmc Oligin:1.ted

:Q" i guests were H.lrC vlv lllVlt{>(L to till the (JuH-r-ter rust, nine. She fltay(>!l np"tlul"s flOIl'. the Ltd tha,t tht· day, when dry,

~ ~Q..~ BIAS I f<XHns nt III ('seut m. tlt(' (lccnp,ltlOll pf JIlIn I nhont tWE'nt'\ .mmntE'q, wpnt Qniptlv wtn will !..lOttt 011 the f':UlfllcC of the water.

':\"~ 6('lf, his wife lUlll the l)10""ed La-by -f·olll the llttl(' dmwlllg' room IttHl Silt down In nand ti-U'll app(>ars like white, foamy it-~\j \'ELVETEEl\ II hit'> Hunts tlult he wa<; nw[ully sorry hu ~ha1r wltltont ~p('nklllg tlrlll ill fd('t ~O\('l" buub1t·s Tlllij day IS ta.ken from beds

hlu1n't been tl.ble t.o bp of: more w;e 10 ell h('1" (>v<"~ 'WIth hpr hnn\l,n mo~t nnu~unl In thA solHl earth. In~ Its pJ'Imitive SKIRT BINDING them. but re3.11y the HfLur Reerne<l t(l be I tlung ,,,HI! ht·r Al)(1'lt teu o'clock, or n F.tatc. It IS wtlltu aud ~ott, and you can

- :-. -- - I nlt--c--o-mprehpll-:--tttn, 11n(1 d~ h "leave , ,rrtmltt--e-~ past-;--W1t--rtt~r \vent-up cat It like cbeese. It i:; found emcfty in • questIOn, \ : W'1S nearly u~~. he and the· wlfe wonl(1 he the upper sel"vants' supp<'r whIch beglUs Tur\ and 1Il1ng:tl'Y, When the

If he will not supply you we wilt I off m the morUlllg tis tIlt·," ",",tilted-to ~t(Jp fit nine pll!letu,llh', nnd, fin(hug that lH)wb; of theso pIPP~ al"(I nQW tiley look .. ~ : a couple of days WIth Julia Hm\ a..rd ou '::oml'-one had ueell in the ofoom !lnd tha.t ,el y much hke i\ory, IHlt in uSing they

Home Dressm;;,kmF; M~Ge E.2sy ;;l. flew boo~ I tt\E'lr way home tlw WHS gone," she uttere-n an . ually III to a mellow brown by MISS Emr.'.:1 ~,1 HC'opc~ Of tile Ladles' Ho:-n~ :lnu ran down to the draw- _

-JCUl"Tl.ltsenli~~d~~ --~-

S. H. &. 1\-1, Co., P. O. Box 699. N. V. City_

-Of course it's imitated­anything good always is--­that's endorsement;' not a pleasant kind, but still en­dorsement. HIRES Root­beer is imitated.

Five cents' worth of -il BATTbB-AX 't wi1l--serve cnewers just about as long as 5 cents


l!llil--'~'th of otm1' bra1!~wi1L,-se1'V-e v ...... ,-,·~ man. Tllis 1S because a 5 Ca,lt Piec.e of HBA TTLE AX tt is almost as large as the 10 cent piec~ ot other high grade .brands. -


Page 4: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1

r' ·· .... -.-..-......."."...1,. ~

If You 'bore not a SUbS_Cl_'_lO_t::,~U fhe Demociat becon:te .one now, it 'is the best local paper in··Wayne will be sent to new suBscriber.; J.l1tiI ~~~~~~7 .. ~~~~

.... ~ W:YNEmDBn-:O-C-R.-A-~~-~ I[~l~:' =-r~.~:·I'li ·':'::~,~i:-,~~j. r-:~~~~-~' •. ~~t~;~~~dc:=:~~~~~~~~~t~~:.~j==4 , , 111\".1."'1-. ,'. -ITldly to tb" tar:,

---::~~. ____ --.--k E. HUNIER.--(-____ 01:.~i.:~-.lLil~GJ:JL~~~\ll!l~:~i_!;;J_:y. iii Third \. ~ tlfi })_\,(11:--: 1 ,', a-d'lli-: ~:l'tl't'i" , ·~~bllsher and Proprietor. lIn· 'f "'". ·,icied .dLlil., hut "d,d! ' \,I.I.I·k". ' .,. ,: ". "I tT,,:· fn.;:: _.~:~:::"~-~'=:.!.'~~'~~:=~:~?~'':~.'

-.-'-~~. -----!tlH ~·(ilr:\':ti;:111 ... t~'('"i(l[lth~ ul1,.;a!:d {udiflut4..'~j t, t., :n .. (If both F,lj,· ~\1.\. ·EDITORIAL COn·nENT, i 1'0'11 wiil "('" Ii"·,,, !:t"{ ('lit ',f ti" ; ~'d,l/:lIId "II "1 ·,1 till' 1'1".(·"t _ .. ···-··-·---·-____ ·_1_·-'.

_ .... _.B.y.~~!:_~~~~,,: ... _, ._ i I: ''''1; :.wl I :tI,,· "(' Ii\'(, i"u<', .il' '''' i~ '"t I!; :'f 1. la.lel. ill 11,"'. ('Jly I V:~I:,;-;;:,;:.:~ Md'e'lI ,."." Ih'lt "the i.I",t !l1,kr I" ,"\(' lill'Ill,,'II'(" fron, j .. [ L"lutldJtl' .• 11111(' I." I ".1", "II. .'

..I.. ~ !" • " I old: Cllt'd.·l.

'}ui<1f'(';·JUI('l' all' IUl!ll ~~Ul~ cHIt' or tll(~ W(lt:"t (!'l'(t.'al~ tb('.\ 'p~dtl:('aJ p:n'th·:-. IH.'ing l'l'IH't'-.ellt- j

nft. ,,;.:-Ie)· .. · • ' l~lcr \\ itll(",,·<I. "d, Ih,' follo\\ ill~~ 1'j(·:lluIoJ.. :Ind .re:-.o!utioll,'" were

It i~ ~'li,1 (If ~h(·::-it. Loui,. rr.- • . '!'L'l' lkl'lIhli_can evide·ntly a(lopl .. d: l'u!,l.ictln l'Oflvenl ion: I iew,,' \I it h a f('~lin!.!' ,,[ alarlll \r h"h'a", TI:,,· IJlig hi ill,!.!' ,. 11',·(, b \n~l on lIP\' hl'tlll~1 ""park ;jl\~ ("111."'''l!Oll~ \'I'tlI1' < .

·Wh\('hJ\~wt'\mtttht.kis .. aH't'lIIrl'd~jHl"J(·.'the(,tl\H:.~(tf tlat":-:.ilvcltte:,tn I o.f ~he ~jllgl!::.,.,~!!oitl :--t~llltl~ll'(l i~ -1'°1"· p:linfully apparent on "Icer) t!t'/'onl1! ml1 ... t pny

lL(, IIlt1llry·. .John T. Br('s<IH i, \\'u)'nl' counl" IS ill politi(.~· \0 lilly alarming oxtl'llt and it i,,"'l w'll'll·politk,


\Vheu the pn)tediolli,t,; lIdl·

'lelluiulll eOllles en,l';\, r"Il"ly win prod.uct' CVl,}·~·t,hillg it rOIl:-:uIlJ~, kecl' its 1Il01ll'Y !)l home':l1Id ,t,,1' the CXhllll .. tilig drain Oil 'it, n'· sources wh!C'h j,.,,,ult .. fro\ll huy',

inl< the pl'lllluctf'of o.11J('r falllili(· ....

AfieJ: Ih6 y,n\rB:\1ri{inl~: ,fhe

Ohio state"Ill'>ln', bas succeeded l\l

. getting:l new trilll with :\lad, Hannn UH the in lint.! ,lhA 1m,,'

"lIcccml in making II ·holler sholl'­k:.:· Inlln 4c-cI[d in 1 i:l[IO \l'e II\'('

af!',,;.1 tho "eIlIOllj:l~'will reat1 "we

=.-=-. .IJl!.'.: .... r:y;to'·rlnly-impnn-nJurJ m; II

. jury I '.1, \ w('.11 and truly l\l,rjol'

•. i\I<·Ki!,.!\'.' . .I .• lind hliil guilty a~ 1'1\11\,1":" I" i IH' \"'lllplllint "1I\1\.1

I hal h,· I'"~ "., 1\"', I for life. ---,~,

FuJ." ;1 IItillt 1\ 1,<, ·JHtt'i a ('onuit.\atc WhOC-l' IU1('1 t'-t·~ he i::; .trying' to

I'roll,ot " .1; I:' 11 unt Hhow~' ;'ery (lOOI' jll<i;;·Il.lcnt III his cI·cl'lastin,'.!' ti~hL ugaiut tJuug-c Xorl'i;-:; and h1:-' tl'iulldti •. Thol(\ IIIlty ('01110 alill!t: wlleu this mall might. I.e 1I01Ul·

IllltCtl if ho ('oul(1 cOI1I1,fne hi:;

rict to. ell1ct a ('(lllgrc~ ... tw\n

pi .. dg",1 10 ~ul'l'{)rt: the ('oina"c of' ,il\'(,1' lind ha~tcIH' 10 inform

il" 1'l·:l(h·\'~ that it ib ,I denlo-('''!' ~t:hcnl(~. 'W C ",i,h tll illful'lll tl"",dil,,\' or thatl'al'n that tlie Ill'!ll ill (hi,; 'lI\ove ,,1'0 h{)lI~,t ill Ill1'i .. IllOV.~IllCllb !,lId lhllt tlw

'";",, '''1'''1) w liom I hoy 611 ill 1.1' ,..t­lJ~\ ~\'ill tw ·rlle 'next ('ongl(l~~mall pC 1 h .. Thin] ,1ht.ri('l., \\'e' ('arc

lIDI II'h{>lher·hi~ 1"'IIl;;"' \)(> ,Judge ;';llll'h', \\'. \Y. \"(1111)<, or \\'m. \I.W;·iglit. 'l'hocai;dithte"r;

hand, produdn~ ~lllgllat.iot} In

('~;" .i·obbillg labor of ·.ls

jm .. t \,eward alltl lllultll)l~ illg- hy thoiJ>alld,", (he al'll,y (If (Illl UIl­

(,1l'l,I(I~ ('d ; ':',,'Hl

. \\!II."I:t::I~'~ .. ~,:.\!llIt:o ill fal~Il'1 OJ -el'ty, fal'lll 1'I'Ollll('b, lllCIl'hau· rli ... l', lind ,,1I~othe\' '''l'cl'il's l'l'ol'Nty, hll",.." ,..hlllllkcll hy tIl\' inl'l'l","l'd ",tluc of the gold dol­lar·Qlr1.rllclioll (If tIll'

('.Ul'l'Cl1cy of tho"eol1lltry that we vicll' wilh alarlll the [l.I·o.spects in «tore; Ilot' onlyfol' the tillcr

li"ble to he a l'('publiclllll\ • ..,..··""·o,w~'"

[)\' "dl'llIocral, it will he a lIlotl ~1.1I~l,)' Ilw

an ctjuall'ight ttl (;ointlge at OUl' Tlw I'('puhli('an~ .

~ ~; :.;::;~~I::.;I·~~,:·~::~~~:':'I I ".lll Ill' 1/1 Ill\' UflH" ,11 1 L~·..J..:dil!·1 , \ll;-C

e\"t'l"v :!\1{'11l1ayallll~.I!il1"d.l\1 1·.,\)))11 '

1110 thiItI"',ltnJ(iay Gf 1'\ ,'r:: 111'Jlll11

Flld,IYll1'l't·t'cdlll:";- ]\[\](1\ I). i·l;

t '1I!.1\"·1 1


c·( I_t~ t (' I J Il) l}ltt t't1 II"' .. \I'ill :"'l'll

I \ \ I ~ :L t t '! I;, 1 . 1f-.\·(~lH wiaot

good",·dH .. \:li:, hu.\· tl!elll (l(lw.;

ll.\HTLETT & III 1-:"'1 Elt. ------ _. ---_.- -- ---_ ... _-

\lliul~ with gold; allll unt,\ .. llIt:\. lll,lc\\'()ck.lliltl e j' I . . ' , ''''-'~''''-'--'..l.·lter~t1,,;··\re m'e cnlilled to ".! .) .,: "I.)i.A~:i~U:uJll·(')/II().'I: Ii 0

tleleu:ite, 1,0 Ihe "la_tl' , /lntl COIl- . . !.. . I' .. lint! desire to cled a IIlcl',hcr of 11 !'iC I iiUM ii' (,ol/l'c!IIi,nt--~j(l II "'l'cs::;j";lIll C()lIle\ltioll~ Ul)Oll'a '-I • I !'t' II' ,.. of congress from t!1lo', thc"'Third UIII!" Ifill IltOllOj") IS S . S ([ pllltfol'lll demunding the g'O\'Cl'Il' 1/I,'w!tu/rII't'S !'iiill·OII.:I·III: II Rofll-

diHlrict of Nebrasku, ,,,htl io in n.lellt. COIIIl',,1 of raii'roll\!:;, l'allill!.!' ' ('/li/,,I;,.' ('<iIII,'llii,)/! llii l,tll l'l'l'jl)j'(',

~ '.nllpalhy witli the massel; of the .. . atl.,·III;OIl 10 the r:lr!!o trusts and ·it is jll'//('I'IiJ/'IJ)!)JJ'IIj!l'illti: i,l sc-

I I people 011 the vital '1llc,~li()1\ of 11·,·,,/ ."IIIIIII'j'(II' (",'II/J/II,;/l Il/,'r! ('11.'11 IlItlllOpO Il'o 11111. dOlll:lllllill1( II I,

the free l·.oil)age (If gold at. the mil:/'Ii/' 1I1/(lI'IIC.lls /1'l'clli.I.,.;(/IIi'lI." I'('alir~ down (If the ~kKl\lIl'y .. .1

tin (If Iii to 1 ;. lIud ---Frc(!. IJi:/;"/8, 1.'1').1. Sowt{)r {)J ilill t.o \\leet the IIC(·O,."U·Y \\,lwrca~. W~ liclie;'c we hal'e .(dol,,). 1'('1\"(', (If llH' 1(o\'('rlllllcnt with a -the llulIIcriea11;lrellgth, ifUllltcd, ".IIIOII.l'm of Mark ][mllla'~ lIe· '1'1 ,. 1"'I)lll,l'l "'II 1""'('\" "1\' . to<lccolllplishlliatn'::;ull. The]'c- j l l. "l' ""J

hre\\' HiOIH'Y plallk. «'Twa" rorll'he it the br,jl' i, to he tho priul'ip,d I,,·itl,,·\, !ish, !loch, ((111'1 or (he itc;'oll'cd, That a IlOIl-I>Hrti:;all i';'tic <If (he (·atlll'ai,'.!·\l hccllu,;e

"A'1'ALU(;l1l; Fmm.


. . . ..,..-.<~~'1"""";; :c q . ,;;.,:.....

. \,': " ,~,\:~Jl :' ~1 • '~111§#'

~\(ii p" . SAVI DGE ~ttu.. _. ,

T(tbular WellSinket. '.1

\\'i,,,1 jlilb, Tanks, Pumps, lr-on aud"

~nr",,,, FittiilK' Jl!llU'lllCS anJl','_

,r ell Supplies of all



. tl"l'iI," III its make Ill' but II ('Ol\l· cOldc!,(lIIcP hD ealleLl to I1lOl't at l\lcKil.lley f'\:tlld, alllll"t :lS tt . with ~Ol'l'i"' ,;lI·cn,'.!'th. !lilt l\ll'" . . I 0.. or. ' , d G' F e

---der--~e-c~hl--\\cffi<4t."H_~~ct..,;+;p.{).""cl.tne,,,;',",,(,,·I~U~!·~r.'-H(~,r.,:.' . .'.1:,.;;.'~I~'=";t~f'..;Jt~'1I='I~l'iol:[o1k ::1'tw.'sdal',. ,lilly it', '10% .ynollYll1 for [lI'OlCl·liu11. If this " '~1f' ft"'::" , ,111-. nana··rna e 19ar; re ~ i~ :~4!,",:~ ''')<r,iu,r fine .flavor' and made neither OliO will j,(' (·('ut.l.y atil>l'lcd at _. i:'it: LOllis.

II i., a lib(.'ral lJ I u.lfo\',1I1. I III:1de to ---...}J!.lU"'-.I=!!L..lli.'-lli--l!.!:J!.!:J..!!!:iHJ..)'. ....... !.!<...!L!..j~., (('It \\'al·\I·;';· :-it,;;,\, rttttT1h",·n.,t

tllO \'litO alit! 101\\,('" I he Ji('I,h:lear

tl~ '1\ o'clo('k p"m:: thZlt sa CfJll- ('mmot'~n>Peicc-t1,fr'!'-+''''-~''-''-'''---''"''''~'-<- --£(;1'('11\:0 when a.~.~clllblcd,·do 110t lUl'l\(lrl frum p'lI]d i;(anclal'd dem- from cl "i~e stoc.k; there i:: l.iOne better on tqe mar-1\/'i101l11tO It .('Il11didlite hI' (;01)- o('rah, fur wbi(e lht,,)' 1)(~lil'l'e·TlI ket an; ·,vhere. We. 2-1s0 •• ;'O'I,!I'" em I1JI11\ '", ~ i!"""", but l'/l('(lllllllClld:l eala<lid- soUlld m!Jll\',I' the,\' :'Ire l'lCi'l1:Llly mannfc ~tllre a Cigar caUcd'''·'' .. J ;;~tl1i ~ lli!~O@~ at,,' II'h"" .. 11allle i, to I)(J 1'I'e~(,l1t· IlI'IH':'l'd to lhe ~l',~lelll (If l'1'otce-· whid, '.; the best piece of sc goods O~l' th·~···-;:ilarket· for ~OIlJe good, ell-all l1Iall fr()fll

this r1urt of tho stutl' . to capt.ul'o tho plum. '

Tht! O'Nioll Fl'ollti,"1' walll" it dioLiudly ulldor,tood thllt Iltln,:

~. ~_!l.fUlr. null Iru:.o..\·crJ.Li.,;Jl~ 8wullowiug' el'~rYlhing l"lll'llcd "rcpu~lieall:' :\or will II. o'"IIC­tion the dirty work of \lily Il~t. of

1loliticiall8 ill I h~ future IlH it ha~ ill the paot COl' t ho ~ak(l of h:lr-

of Ill(' pol"', !:ul il \\'OIl'(..\I'OI'k to

cd to tlw ,eveml l1olllilialin.!.!' li'lil whidl 1'01" ollll (,la"s.for lhe t d 'I' 't '11 . " 0 ay. ry onc·j. WI, sutt your taste: cOll~'lmtiolls for the Pllrl'0>C ot hOlldil of anoth~r. 1.CiSjCI.:"...DUi E R PANKRATZ

Tim I':q!l:rt t'lllpl'oy(,d I.,\' lIw ullitillV- Uw' freo oi!vcl' fo\'('u" of they ('xl'oct any 11(,1]1 rnll!! the • • • hOlti'd "r flOUllty (,lIlllllli"iollor,.; (,0 thiti dj"tl'kt. Oil n "'~l)did.,tc fOl' frce Bilrer memher, of their O\l'll ... -.-----~.-.... --.-----.• -------------.~--.--...., .......... ~ extlmini, til<' ('ounly clerk',; r('t:- (long)'!"',", TlmL ill "aid l'ollfl'l'- party, for thcY"'ldlow filiI well ~T' U .. - L0'\L"'~-·~0T?I----.

nm--{lm;t-ttrYClITli 'h",h,ItT"" t=h- pttl-i+it-ttI 1tttrt Y ~+ til;! t .(}J.'1.'Il-i-l' Md~ --IWHFI~i;jt;;~. ==-=l . ..... ~~'"'.oJ.. ~",>l=tt~~=F~~~g.-=i-+-l-=I"""'~"'b,~~ ... --tillally Illlld" :t ,"lllllHU'Y ,,[ hi .. he elltitled 10 e'lllal I'l'prc~cnl:t- elcc\t"! thero ('ollld he I'" tal'lll' " '1'/' /' .1/.'//1i Sired. 'i',I'" Ii//II (!/I(;-IIII,'/'/,'!,!c.(.\' li'oll! Df'/iut. Hulling, lind liled a rliport of Ihe ti.l/JI. Eaeh COllllty "hall Lan) lillkering <I,uring hi.. adllllui,ira.

f . 11 t' 1 'II til'!" ,',11' RA·d::~~;:.!;;.1.0010~1.60P":"lr:.I).'(,OR$4.00'PERW"'EK • .c(" \'(H'CIVl~( 'y eitel, of the lIot (0 e",cecr/ twdvc dcle,'.!'alco, Illll, ,('1', I ,e ,C co,.. OJ' ';olla- • ~ .... clod,,.; fl'(l1II eha". ,John"lllt"~ til',;t and of "I)eh':ti pot mOlT to\'o \Vuul(hlall .. ,lliko a olollc~wall

ill!Y ul:lI'IlIiug' ('xlout ~bh; fall.

teml down to 1 HUlL, But ,,!tel' lball tlln'c :;hall j,c1oll to (ho

:t lturri('d 1!)(lIllIillut.iOIl of the 1'0- ,;'"lIe I)(u·'-y. ,;nell tl.l,llcgatc,;. (0 l,e tho 1I0111ill"e" of l'lll'uhliellllH w!Jen ' port, The U«';IlHlCl'Ilt is' 1I0t ahle sc:lcetcd by oue tlla~:; I' ('UI'l'~I1'',)' . the ta~k Illude it "i('k IJnd' it, couldn't look all hOlll'sL l'opulh;\,

ill the fape, hut it h".., a 1'1 iV('d at the dealh hell "olll'luHi')1I thtlt. tlw

. be~t. 1I'1l.l' to tl""i"t t'ol,uhlieallH i~

to uo 1\ little hOll;\, l'il'illlihg-. 'rhe DelllOorati" glad to >iCC the Ifl'onticr uoscrt its lllllllhood alld get Ollt fro\ll undcl' t.he ring that IlIls 1Vl'.ecked Holt ('olln!.y alld' i" now as;;idilOusiy lit work Vying hI got "tat'l JlOlttieH illto iLl! ltlllld" for tho HIl\llIl t)urJlo~\J. -


at this thile' to !l'kl' il,; r~IlII"l':; in each of ~hc '';l'vem'! COIUllil''; of :tIly inf;n':lIlallo'n tha.l. wmi'l<l he the db(l'Id, :;aid 11111>" ('011\'011'

b{'.lIdil'ial tl! tholll \II' would tioil~ 10 he t'alled hy 11w (·O.IIl­

nwk,· matter, plain. (Jill." the IP'o,," n)('eil't~ uf thc olliee have hl"'1l t'etlllilerl ,l.lIJd the ('lIflnty uthwltcy h", homl Il!;k to !live 1\

rittcil . opll)iqn a" 10 what till; cre<.\its sbillilcl he; until Ihat i" dOIlt', .IHI di'Hnllte' "l'lIl;Oll (·illt.

at't'il'pd at III;.t\lwlmt.tli,) :;bot'l

ag'\l.i~, if lillY .. , At the d"~I.' of Ill(? J S\l:l WOlle we tind till' [,,1-lowillg':-' "The H'COI'tl~ -Hf ·Uw (,Ollllty t1'.eusllt'Ol' ,;how,; t);at. h. B.Jtusollll paid tbo 'C,;ullty tt'illlS­

Aug. ;W, 11'\)·[, $8i l ; whi('h .• 5'dlliol·.l t!)nb the ~urplilB

clue JOI' .1I'lJl, 1I'B~" 18~~ .. }'or 1"8111, $14;j~1.J.Hl!):t, $tJ51. HW:j $72.a5 • .o~illg a total of $Sti6.50," This "e,e\l~s 10 he th~ 0111.1' il iug" the export 11118 :lIladll:-ol!wl'

Ilf j'ucoipl:; aua ~di,llll\'Sc-

mit~ocillCII .{ count.y t1H

hlJrl'inai'tcr p:ulIcd. '!'/l:)t 'that fullow Ill;.;' nalllod

persoll:; firc "l'poiulcd cOlllmit-teemen: <io

Boolle cOl)nty, ·F, ilLtlillid" ",Antclup~_Ib, ;\. Williams, · WaJllc-··L.l<1. HUlltel'. : l~lIrt-,L. \V uchtcr.

I Ccdlll'-W. 'F. ill'j'alll. ..

· C.uUlillg-l·,.F,J)'.tiqllivul\.... .' Dak;,l.a-.J .. J. l\lc,\lli,tol'.

i f)ixon-: l'illr·C~,.",.(J{jOlge l'" kuiper. · Ku()k..,;.:.Cllas.·Urockctt. ,

j)oqgt!-=-(}·"tL.l\!!.'Etill· _ .. . NllnCC-1'-,··C, H<lef1.-~---.' ~lel'l'ick~I. B. Tl'f~vcr, .

l\ladls~Hl-It D. Kelly, Uolfll:-i....;.Ue~lt·y. Bolten.

l'tlLt.lC~U '. W .. .l'hilfip;;. ~ltlUlqll-' . , Tlll;r~i~-ii= .

Htar\(',,:' 1111'l'!) is lillie d,'ld\(. hut thai (110 tllti'\I'1\"l'uleo'll will !I1CI'1. II' i ll! :111 i,'.!·lI"jlllill iou, ,Idl'" tat t L,· poll" ill :\o\' •. :ltlhel', l'l'uviricd Ilil' oppoNitiull (':\11 ullite Oil ;t "i)\.~ l() tickec' .

Seven Months WEll h~lU·., , 'Vo:ldcrfttl :tI~e1·~);rJ,;",""~~"'1~~.

·~'l'llltt.tliec(liiiruittee bc·~~-··l~·'il1i!~~~rff~~~~~Jj~ "",',."" .. ,_., iiod' to iii I vacanClos:

CIt.\SW90S'l'feu. J,,)\r. 'J.'4NNlm.

C~ii.irtlian. . . 8eoro~lll'Y, "

'-$-"\1\T1\ YNE~

Monun'1(:; ~,;cLl ~orks, ~.:lo .

(} ,¥>. ~'-; itdH::och, ~ropf.

.": )"

\~onumcnts,. IlC'J(~s[oncs, Tal)lcts and Vaults~

'n" \ill~ 1 \1··,'hl's' ll-tLo 'clIi;"I' stock of' b6t.b,'r'ongh 1lI1I1'jilli,.!, .,i , t·'i~,·lb('j' \" ilil- 1111 Khop',j;fxtnrelJ

. ·I"J(I.J,~i"~,.l,, l~", !:.\\' i'irlll ..r Hitch(l,,~"k & l)urriu, I ."ill l~;d,) nil GIl'[' ',,[: i\Il)]llllllcllflll 'vork~

SR.t.i ;~fi"dion Guarante@d.

H. P. WILSON Cashie _ t .... ,\Ol HAN CI-L\CE., Ass't Cashier.

• ••• 0; ••• i"


DlRECTOl,tS. (lcorlSe Bog-art. . Prank IiI. Nn!'throp. F'rank . .Fulle

Frank);;. !3trahaJl. H .. ¥.< WilBon,

dnnA: .. A<"nonn1-~-()r-1\Iei'~haJit~ Itarmerj ~olioited-! .. - --,---_.-.. . ~.,

Page 5: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1

,: '.\.." ==="-'-----,----~-.-' -.:.~ ':~~':..':,

l',\\,~;Vtl~,~ .\~~d\.

Jol'reqted l-cul'uan \', l~q, ~==~~.- -----_._----

------DR. G. NlcM~N, 1l0)I<Eql',\TIII('

Physician and Surg'eon,

Treatment of gal vani.: auu foradtc electricity a.nd OX} gcn ill chronic cas~s.

- AU caUs pro:11[Jtly attcn,l-;::f, ou· 5uita..tion in ,~llgJi.::ih a~Jd Gel'lUan.


EdwarJ S. Bbir X; -jl. ~l. n, WAYNE, c-a;U,",\SK.\,

--.--~" Ul~FICE HOUR.':! ... 'jo,l;llO"lza;, m . .z 5 p. m.

O);1'li.;1(: OYLH 'suIU,\<;\I,.'h Dh. (;

! \ l' ~ 1 ('" • ~ -' t' I I' j ,t 1 \

,i'lr{ nIt tld,t,t ~ \',1 "\lfj~. ,\ m) ",,'\,d~ Il\'it' \1 i.l'l

11"-1..'\1\11(' lUl' 1'1 "t~l '"' 1..'1-_\ ,ll .. :,""" Ie I ,1:":11' .i ,y ill'

jill I ~ II I".' \)~ ..... t(l,,'i( .'" II'lh'rw-r'"" 111'11.'1,\' ,l~ -d,·t.j\e"ln'~,·l\,'",id,~tJh, .J" ,\ tl~ql"'I,\l!l)n.

'\ 1 >\.),1 \ ('n: l'Ul<l1 ~ Ill.d{'l Ill.· I" \1\ l"'l< lll'" ,~j 11'f'

\:\\\"'01 ,""~l).\",,\,. " 1'1'\"1" 11'1' h' ;wllt ;\'..., {Ii \H, Ull\\\\,\\ J,':I 1,'\\ 111\' :~'I, HU lit jll ... 1,,'11 !w .... II ,\'(11

11:11111 (1 ""Hlllla',.. \ 1

,U( I.::, PIt·ttl', ,\Uh':"I'L, h:n\Jx, i"j,', {\J\-

I :..'; ll) tilt' .. ltH,'kho l2Ct":'!i ('f • I nddn''''''Nl t~~ tj,\'J.r l,t..,:

:-t~.t it ~ thl' l\l:~k( ~ <.'t "til h I '~ Illt.' l~Utl.· .ilw..i l' .It',-'\·I l

---t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gw~ 1 ,~. !lll',llo,J ()t \,'11.1":' til ud {'\}l'\nln<1('

IIH'd.H~"" .... llttl1 hi' b~ ,tH' \,q\tl.\!''''l\\.('l .. alii! ~':":~"\l..l~kh'lt\l('l''''lltll h' "Ht,t,td h\ ~H\tc' ,',llt'tol t !lell \'\.,lIt' ,II .. Io,·\'" b~'hl"~ nllll :UH\

Meals "(1 t ~1.j;1iOu:i-:s;--, ',' 'I: ~ '~.,~1 ' "

. Good\1t1 A'RM MEAL l?rims., Frss~Oy5tSr;'S


~'::~: \~>\:';~ll~l~: ,~~:a ~~)~:;~.~~' ;l~~'~; ~ ~1(11~1' ++iT.;!,~~!;:t';;,~i~~:ii;~":;;~;;\i~:i;~i'\'~,iii~~~i~~tHw ~l~Hll .. nn, Xn'i .... , .lJ\LlII, 1ll. lhlj '-\41tl' ot S,,­Ijm."h..l hl,lIll'l\ ,,' ,l\I"UI.II~ \).H~'~..., \01 lht'

tlI\U"Il( tlull u! 11' 11\''-uH '~\.., I~ 1I1:\~ It.'1.'1l1

/J..,IH'IlI;[nJ to tll\' lll(llli )'lllll oj lip' ~'n"'l-

\ I: ! I ~ 1 l.·1 I

,) I j,ll l\ !I",l',)llil ' 't) 1,1'

UtH::-.1t \.\ It h \ tlll" l IJ\ \. 'f d IU!J ',~j~lil \,l' till

llllnlCll-wlt:l., (i11.-1 llH' HllHll,ll wC'I'llng of

lIlI' ",\rld, '1'~I"!'l ,~\ntl""'h'l1 0111 t'l .... ~llltll hoItl

!,1I11It--["'\1 \\'I..'t11I:I'I' UI llH~ \1\ln ul \jill'

:,>, "I :,0111 .... tl' II \ \'\ 11011 ~fl Ill,t 1I.I!l\ I< '"II,

I.t'· .... "r .. ,ll\ ('1\'ll(.1 nu!! '11111~lllt.l,

\uy ,",le,lllI'), tH(Ultlll:":- III Ill!' I;o,\u\nf Dllt, !o[-- Ul 1,1,111'1 unit'('!.' \Il t111

\\Vhll~r chrO-nh~k.:

:-;l'na\or Teller made a 111

ii"ht fur ,jln'!' in the f:lec of " w\H'llllillg and ,'crtain <lduat



Ht\ll;iring of un kh)dlS l'l'01ll1)t,ly att~l;detl!1 d ¥f N '1.., Cll-llOnmel\Ufll Wll1(lo~'()ltROOd, .en e., eU.


hl'~lgl' ,-Ul,1 \\[il" jt'lIl'''' 'dill"lUid .tl~,) l)l('

lllantln-:;;'---tt-tH-l----glj)\\~_v. t~I.H':'_ U~l(t

101'su(II iH'(lge lQ\\" lU.ltl IJI'tl',I' h'lut-; a\ .. " till' ~,Ih.l ,t.lI<llra \ 11'1' II) till' ol!lt'l' p,q:,;un:-.

u1 l'!)III!), ,\111"\'" \h tIll' 1, .11, .. ,\lllt 1I,l\lt'hl"\';-',

h,'llt ,UH\ u\\IH·1\ I'~ 1111" I H)I\l\lltllIH \,\I\(kl

tlUd ,.,1,.111 lit> HitI'd ],\ ,IPlll..nll!UH'1I11)1 t'It'l'-

11\\1i hy 111l:' hWin' III HIIITtO'" Hlltl -~U!,:l1

,qll~,l\nt(~' :-.hal1 >llllllt hi .. q{th,' Ilntll Ill('

IU·,t :I}lIlIUI 1I~~'t·tlUg-.

th(,11 l"ft tho p:lrty with tlli .,il\(>r dell'gales. Tille l'l'opln n'nt hut :ltllllLl'l' tll"lll f,)r thl' nilimL,'oll1'ag" of \ hl,ir L~_!_~.!-~~·~.~~ .... ~.!.L""",~4"·"" •• " '~';.LL.e ft •• , •• '.!.L!.!..1.

i+.Kl'lU_O "\ ,

lilt' L{.1!l'l'!:> 1'111, III :.-\1..'''' 1))(' 111~"1It"t :lHllllllll of illtlt'uh,tlIH .... _1H

\\)11,'1, t\lI-- \II-!\I')j,1110ll ",'Il nl ,IllY luBC

__ u1l11'1'1 11~1'1! .. 1l,11! 1lut 1':'\1.'1\1'11 Ollll per



Ins m'M eel



Oftk('oVOI' Hu}thl"(,; LIl\'l.l'·~ H11)'i·.

LOCf\l p,\U'g-con for till' C. ~t. P. u. &. O. 1l1l~1

Union Pac-inc 1{1\1lwaYb.


Attorneys at Law,



Attorney 'It Law,.


\Vill praelice in all (;UUlt:4, l)j'ii!.:l; lnCI'~ Bank.

Attorney at I..,;},VV)

Real Estate Agent.

. . t lLIU::- ,'I 1111' I Ir-;Ill II) p1.l.Itl, 1111111, pLI .... II. ~I\ltl Ull1--11 1 hLl Itl,tI,..!;l' "1)\\'"-, 1l\'t1~~l'; '\'lll"\'::. III lI!.:d ;t'

,11I,\ \\ lit' 11"ll't'~ llll\1l11111l d \1"1\11('1' 111 ' \, ll('111

l""-IU't\ tl-j N, :"i1.'1t:'"" \)\ ttd~ hJ]I, UII,H, HI1I1

1~I\\I\\ 1\ ,h til\' St'l! !',tlL;lll, II d 11111 tlll1 t{llili.

Ul':-I abll\I' lHlHIl,] III ,III) p,ll! Illl'II'ol ,,\I\tl

t9 1 il.ll ('.Ill :~\lll-1-ul' I Ill' pHI PI)"t' 01 llH' jlLO­

IllUUOll u1 Un' ;,;oll~~l blhUlI~:1 iJl thl., . ;-."u­

l'I \ t I()l'" till' HjJI)llltll~ lU1,l ~lrall·1l!~\ I' tJII' I Jgllt

to Ul~,llll;.'O loc,ll 1'001l1r.Lllll'~ \~ IUIlII ally 01'

OltltL'l u1 \11~ .. aHt (;l~I1\ltlt'~ Hl"\..fllW 10 the

l' ~t\Jl.:h, HI "HI 11 a~"-\JI..-l.llWll, ,tlH.l 1,tl~1' tunl hulll ...,Iuck ll1t'l('oi \ll "Ill h 11l1(.,t\!lI .... ,I'lll

unde!' Hll'1I ~'IH !l1l1"i.11l1 1 --l .ulIl l Hll1!11Ull"­

.IL., lhl'(':-.;eculn~'(JIl\'·I'l '~1 Illl"--~i")IJl\j1111,m ,,11.111 <.it't'ttl to Illl' l,t'.1 Illll"I!"'\ tl\ till' ,1""0-

CllIllun, ,\\-\1'1;'1 .• 1(:,

"LIlt (>I l\t·),)u,), t dU'] t 011\ "! "'1)l'I,ltlOH )':'1 til!' p,ttlIUI'I' \' ]I\l'n 11llJ.{ 1'1'1· ....

Ilhllt"l\ll'l 1111\ 11t'",I'''' ,11\' Ill'II'i,) \ I llH (\ ,It

UII o,l\\lIul UIH .. 1I\1I,111I\1 l,\u\,I.\\ld PUll1l',',

WAYNE NEB~, 1l.!l<IJ 1\

TIll-, ,UI [lUI ,111\)1) '\1 I' 1 ~ (I\j lJlI'I'l1 ,

I:-",~HI IHlllll ):1)1,,1 ;\LI' j:-';''J,IIPl .... 11.\\\ lOll

______ .. A~~11~lIArlc~~dc~ill~'- l+tltW tt!1,'r-t<;u-t-I·, fur --rilCIl'llliIl 1 T\\\'l11

- \i'ill:-l,Ulllll,\Ll"' I'TIt l:l,I,,~IHll ,\I,,!! 11,[\1'1111'

Office over Ahern's) {171Ttllt 1< lH'\\lal 11 lid Ill'l]llltl.LJ ',1l(1~ IPl!,

1 • Uti [ILL \

\1,1'1( I l~ ,,\ I. 1 ~('vll~ c'[ 1 (',II \' .. 111 I {' tllld ('\)lIv t" lilll t' ..... :-lIn 11

l,t' l'--'-l'\,:ulcd, hy Ute PlC,",(lh'1l1 .tlill ,",(,(,Iola)'y

11!1 l' .... 1 l'<1

'1 )l\'H\l~hl' tt'11njnll\I'I\ 01' lli'"

,[)I\t'<1,ll,IIl),1111mhY:l', 'mlr.-i-Hritv----',-lj~-1! nt

It-. '"\1)1 klwllll~I:'1' HIlli "-t~!...any It'f~lllal

nH'I'llIl~ 1:.J;.1lw (U\ll\!l,lIHlU \II l\t an~ ~llCC

tt1T·ttM-hg, ~lt·H..-.I.--tm' -ltU~Ul.q)O~ <111 uLWL~CWim". dl'l'i" aud 11H)lil!ttP~nllg- becn pn'vlOu::;lf

11.l11l and dbc1m1'ge/l Al: I \( Ll: ),.1;"',

'nil' \\)lll)WJll~ lWl::;l)lJ" :\JC hl!l'('by ,I" tIl(' 1il~1 Boarti of iltll'l'tor" 01 llds a"l:\!iO"

;, \,ll \\)11 \ I.' ..• hlIlH' .... BillIon, .John '1'. BIN''"'"

lt'l, I' .\ 11;,'alllolll, .JOllll :--, Ll'\\ l", .11'" l' 11.1\\>111,1::111. FI.I/:II'I, .1,M l"il~, ('. n, 1'1, :LIlli \. J ,11(1'/111('1"" h) :-:.lwll llOhl

• ;H,Ulll!:Ll

l!l" 01 !hl' I.::OlpUl .. 11011, iln~l 1he ,to.lOWlllg

pl'1 .... (Jus ale herel)'\.' nalllCIl a~ tlw 111'St U11kCl"S ot Ibe ,1 ..... u~i,\tiul1;' II':: 1'1c;3ideHt, J~l."", Brit­tOil: \-J(.:\'-J~1"I' 'l(ll'llt, .\. F. Brenner; . ,lllltn!"' Lt '\\ i .... II; [n'u"-uICl') 1', H, l\plll, ,,1 \\ 110m ~11all hold 111('11' n'I'Jl(>{·tlVt' ollh.:p,s

'1l1111111Tr'tll"'t':llln!lallH~·t·lJ'ng ot tlw Boalll )1 I )Il~" lUI" 01 tlll'" t'OI pIJI\ll lUll 01' vnlil thcll'

'"'IH'I ('''-;.010, nil' 11111;<- 1'1Ct:led alltl qnall·llet!. l~,\\ 1'\ t \If.::!~~lI,1 tIlY o~,M-tty. l~\lh,

J \\tl'" HUtT'IU:-':

1', \t, i.. tn:.ell, .rolls ". L1-.\\ r", , I', \, llg \J:lll)1tN,

,JOliN 'l' 1;t\l', .... 1.l l~

\ F Ht:l·.l\ .... lUt .\ l', ( Ill! 11:->.

~\\ ~ -f..k ~ll)lu:l:-.. 1:\ ..... !·I!\;tll'nr. ....

I.: ,J. 'I B \11

I', J1. hOPI, ,) ,l\!, I'\LL,


Bt' \1 Il'llll IlilH'II'(lll\,ll \I!! ti,J' ot ,11IlH" 1"-"1 I, llt'IUll' 111(' I', \\ ~\!t.ll\" \'Illdlt 111 :1114\ tor ,,:\i(l ('ounly,

.... (llllll·\'.I)'lll,ttl,!l .JallH'" 1\1ltll111,.' M, ('01

1Iil, Joliu:.. Ll'\\ i .. , ,11', FU~\Ik.!\l NlJlthlOP, I, \. tll':nJ)[)lll, .lullll T. Uu.':':i1':lit.:r, \ l<". BIPll­\\1']', \ 1'. ('hillh, nllll.l-l'IZIt'l, W 0, .!\IOI·M

, tlH'T(, JllU-:1, l){1 SUUl\, u~od l't;'aS<'ll 1'o:r thf'lr fl,f't 'Pll. ,],hi~ r\':lf'iOIl l1lHlonbtr'llly is 1ht' many adY:l!lt:\I~\ ~ whi( h gold lJo~. flC~SC~ '-I" a Jll0111'1 an' ~1 :m(1.u'd.

1'lli' f:l('t-Umt llh: k,~~ PHllghtP1H'd :tml mnrh pnol'Pl' IJl'opl(,R (If ltl\!}:~, 'Clnna alHl otJwr .. i1"( l' 1),U;:1"11IHHi'1)."; Ill:' "() far lH'hlW11hl,' ~,\1111Vd))g ,·(qnIl 1ll ., 1,' ('pH­c1a~jy(" li1'(l,t1 that, l'!wap !lWll\':f~ dOCR lint milL,

in 1111" (,~:!l\l:y if lHlopt i'l\'l' l' :11(' \\ ()1'1hk"" ah'llgsic1<' tilt' l)laill"f\ll"t~ nf faJ' 1-"1'1' ~!I'l' \\t'alth fl.Jjd (,OlJ,lfnl'U lU ~:()1'1 Ft,dtri,ll d Jl;d,OlJ.'i , t'\lltqJ;u('-(l \\ Itll tll" nlnli",j 11' I'.' ~"tl p,n dy 1l1l(11l\1~( ry 1lI- lH .r!'1\" ~'I] i I,{, (U.Cltl'll~ \\ hit'h, u.n' O~l thu bi\rl' l" H;1. ~

11"-1,!-{ I. 'J'l.It.'Y, p, 1', hO\II,.1, ,;\I,l'll(~dllll ~1! lIl.tny \'l'tlI'J{) ale juuklllg 101' liOllle,"',

Until·,Yol1 h;1\:" seen what we can sell you one,for.

, t'l ~ II i', 10 lilt· Pt,t.,",oll!llly ldW\\ II 10 lie 1111' 1:1~1I1CHllr('I', tlla! tflo 1::i00llll j" ,ll1l"H'tlng- ltJOl'i-' A,L .TUCKER, President, E: D. MITCHJ-<::'LL, Vice 1'rc8. r5. C, MAI-N\ Caepier

1, ,1-', aI1)1 k~ oj IllVOIPIlI\ttiOll lS a lith an-l\ IlIv.l1ng 11('111, l)otil 101' thl' ~. IdqlllJl 11 P' I '011-' 1\1JO el\lUllu.lll' "ulJ"ll'iue(\ people th,ln o.nyothl'l' ('ol1nt1'Y, lWl:HlHlC It I· ZEN S' BAN K.

-~---'~IIHlljl1r:1tlHl1t1H1'-ir~t-tn~~~~ITm~~~-H~~~~~~~~~~rtt~~~~,:~hU~~Lw~:~~~~~~Bn~~~~~~~~~~~I~u~tl~"'~'~ __ ~ ____ ~~JL_~". , H( t 11'jllll'k:--.", HlLll "aIn an(1 \-e,'!L- 'NA\'-NE-;-WAYNECOUN~Y, NEffiB';;R:'A';:S;'K~A:-,-"-''''-'~'~' --~-~--


ShOll on WCl:lt side 1OW('1' .l\lH i n !-'t r('eL 0)10-.sitePhillco &Sou't:j LutlllH'I' )"1-11(1


Sttam- 0 Laundry-

Mrsv D. T. Roush, Pro.

Yiert dU.Jr south of WlO·bot:.'

. ani HoplIil'ing \ '.'


{lIt'lltH 10 tll(' (',qlltal].",1 No "JUliO 111'0 theIl'

1\\0 111')11' IIPPOltlllllti()S 11o!\11 ,~IOlig tile

"lJ:'I:!! I' -.,\1,1. .

\ 1111\1' 01 ,III (,t "',Ill' j ..... :.I11d

II\' t hI d('1 k 01 the dl~tll'"t ('1)111 t til \\ aync

(""Ull [\ j ~l'lll'il ,t~:t, on t !iI' 1'2[11 iI,l}, 01 ~luy A, D. 18 III, J II .tll ,Il tioJl " 11I'l'elll ,j, J. H1H(\:J.' \\ n,;,;

pl..tlll1111 IUl(\ ',ll))IJI M\dlCl' and. 11.11('11 M,ther,

Ilu .... 1J.\nd <I lid ,\ II e, \\ ere

NEW h)lll~;h Clly, J'IUt:01Jlll~ & ldlll Itluil'ol1l1 now h\\lIdlU~ 011 an tlll' lillP tlOLH l\an~aH CtLy 10 1'01! _\llh1llj tlJc W W lI~(~p~wl\l('r. (,llif

(uast.Ulty, 'flilS 1'oild II,tH dl'('IIl'd up KOO

(\llll}llIOiWg tlw Hllt'Ht tll21nifl~ (~01!lIIIY in SOllth\'\'('st J\1li-,I:IOtili ann NOl'th

AllmnslI),I, puach.l ___ l:ltl'1!.',1,I.11.IT.Y: and 001-lUll l:tlllh; ill l'cntmlllUil Suutilel'll Al'lnnf'\:\l'h

HIHlllCI!; sHg:nr eu-nu, Ol'lmg(lllnti HcnH·tl'olll­l"li flllit IIUl(l-3 in ~lJnthern LOllu"ianH UUIl 't'tl~l\i;. 'rile IIJil.d pl>nctwtclj Vilst foi'etlU:I alltl IH'h 1111 lllH lLl Heidi;; lutd opew:I up to HctLJe-

CAPITAL STOCK JS75tOOQ. Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.


on' ~riTllo Deposits. , . :"i;,

J. W Jones. ·c A. C::hal.:t',., 'ViI"'A i)lrA~'t-,


Page 6: THE WAYNE ·DE Democrat (1895-1897)/1896/10) June...869 7! tor Tuesday. MY1


11 you don't get all the news it is because you ar.: not a Subscriber to the BEST NEW.SPAPER in NGrtbeast Nebraska. -------:----;:::;'""'-~~ . ----- -~-

Th-iOn{dal Report of-Expert Wel-ty. \CotttillUCU frOtll l'~ir~t Page"

,-----. ----_._-----

A~";":!:I.'Ior;_.· btlokti f'.orrC'ctin,.; d~~eS!iOr~' bookb Kt,Md hook!'>


Commissioner's Proceedlnf'

[Continued froill l~t,cpage.]

and done to-wit:

+,;'..:l="=~.::i 0",;.,,-' ..:t.::v.::ta"'l"r:..:c:..:c::"''-'P''''t ... "o'''t,,· .::tl:::,e~"::.ffi.::' c~,e'-f.::uC"r_t .. I.::'e'-'JL·eo::::::tr'-"'18"'~C'1'--~_. _____ . 33;.):4

-<The matter of the petition of-David McIntire et al asking th"t a publio road

·be located on the section line between sections 3! . and 35, twp. 25-~, and that. I'ortion.of the road in eaid seotion no. ;14 kno_wn as road no. 2 be vacated, was tRken up, "nd it apooaring._that 1 .... 1 notice of the hearing of said petition ha. been gil-en, and. John Liverioc' house haYing ""r88u toarade the bot. tom land on said section line. without charge, and no remonstrauces or claims for damages having been Illeduoept ol .. im.for damage of W. A. Jones tor f,SO.OO"the said road is doolared opened as follows:

I~ MUCH THi aUT When buying LUG~ _ al\vays


Tin the little round red Tag. It·~ th~ sign by

which you can protect yourself against inferior brands. It is an assurance of quality. purity and substance. It rep­resents the word and honor of the oldest tobacco manufacturers in Amer­ica and the largest in the world. When

you want a delicious chew" a lasting chew, a satisfying chew, be sure and get LORILLARD'I

CLIMAX RLUG. \.....A.A ••••••••••• ' •• _'fA' ..... « • « « •• .......... ~A-. .. to .......... ~ I •• " "! ' .. ~.~_~ ~ ... _. "::.'. ~ ~,' ._._.~ ~ _._+ • ~,~ ~ •. _~_. ,*: __ 6 __ .,'

~\ ::[\\1 dvertising

I~ THAT' • li,\, PAYS

.Mom'., t~ Hot cuI,. 1\ mra.';:Uri' (If "al· I tH"~., lmt a niprt-"Ilntativ~ of vBhl~ 9S

I w .. n, In thil'! it dit'ff'ra from "vard~tiok. , Tht' lath>t' IH('a~mT'eq, but d()~~ 'Hot repre­! A(\nt. T\vo dull,," m{l:\~nrI:'S, l,>t n~ say,

I, tht' ",aluE' of a d!lV'8work. It aJ~) rt"pre-

fllf'lni,; a dH~"'f' work. At: tht~ do:·w nf the I tilt! t.lw w{,rkrnrm ~t"JP~ 11p fllt' his woogt:'. 10 A" wnnt!-l f()o(\ and olothing, That j",

1 wl11\t, hl'l hall! hf>t'-lt working for.' Rut it

1 I ' . . i wou111 ho mt,nif{'~tl:r im'onv('nicnt fot' • t '" (l1l!'.- ltw.t p!'oj!le an' the mUot habIt: tll ri'lHj, And IHl\lllgollee II' t . f J' t. h' 1 . hI

I 11m 0 re,-'fllVO res 1 mea, W 101 llllg

l'o'Jd tj'ULl, they alway,; 1'011Jt'wl)(\\' wl,,,t tIlt", IUIlY" ]'('",I-"L'bllCcillJJ~' if , "p"il I",foro h. coul<l· curry it home, or (jwre i. fUlything ill tillilll that Htrik,', tI", ]'('11(1,.'1' lI8 The I othor thin!!"whichhe might Il"t be jn.t damp, UI' at 1m!"! It little' "d,)w th,' pri"" Ill'! hUH Knack then ,,;ally t".n,celvo. RO the employer L . L .. hi" f . '. gIve, hUl) .• ~ III mOllH. That '·"pro"ent.

ef'D 10 tue a Ht of payIng Ill" H ('iTtHlIJ I'lm'H-i pi of ~h;R dnv'~ 'Work, and h'e can (Ioxr:hRngo it goo,I~. Tlw Hurelit way to ,·"mllil""l trfldtl i~ tn n,l- Advertising at his ~"m'eni.uce for >neh Ihiug.,,,, h. Advertising verhse yonr lllllgllill". DOll'j gtlllllrl\lizEl but gil''' 1\ nl":Y' r.quae "".d 1\11 b. requlr •• them.

Th .. . . . It ,. of greAt Import",]c" t<> the work-____ . at deHCrtytlOll <>f_lt togt't!l.'r WIth t~,-p_nce rO~lIro'nll- man that th~r"""i"e"orhi • .,ork

Wins lIlg to Hell Ill, ...... , .. "."" .', ... " " .• , .. " ,. .ill'lt bo good <lollar •. ,"'jlh t,he gr~ .. t,"t 'l'lwr(, iN hnnlly" \llnn·lwlll ill \YII\,lI<' hilt whnt h,,"._11 lllrgt' llll'go lot po'~ibJ. purcha.illg p<"er, At ono time

. ~, .', ,,(lurIng th.; war t·wo jJOld aollprA would of 11lll'gIllJlf; Oil hlH Hill'''''''' \\hll'll w,,,li.] ),nllg lltllJ lotH "I 1rlldB If 1", ihuy n. mudt n" .1;< QTcenb,lck dolln .... could oitly hrillg !Iwlt! tn th,' f\ttlllltioll "f th,. huying pnldi!' .... , .... ! No kitH\ of <Iollar will bo of full pur· It ,. \ J 't tl t' t . tit' t' t' I' t 'I d"",ng pow!'. unit'" it non h. ",,,uily

oJ III ll\yen Ie llnn () \\'~'l ("I fill fl( \'{'l' H.;('mCm JUt-' gl\'n I1R It I~ (I t'xchnuij'f'd for f\ g'old (101lat". 'rho silvf'lr

yonr hnrgnil\8 "nd w"J] ,In thl' I'PHt. 'I'ry it otiC,'. ! ill" oilver doll"r i. worth onl,. " litile

I moro th!u\ halt R!I' lUuch 1\& t:he gold in

<0 n, unltl dollur. . ~\Ild yet at, tkiA time.,


",paoiat Attention Oiven to Ohlldren.

HilvHY ijnllaT"wilftmy as lime-a 1\8 a 8'old dolbl'. 'j'hl' J'e:J~()l1 III thl~ ~!< tbat by th" ·"et or ! RHO it jqiJ.p dP'J'lI'"d \?'llioy or tho 't'I1!!ed ~tat~~ t., """l) t,bi> eilYer'llo\­I". e'ln • .! to t.ho gold doll"r_ And tb~ g\)Vl;"rnnH~nt, i~ reooy at -ADJ' t,iroe_t.o gut' a RoIrl dollar in exoluUlgo for the fiil..-rr dollar. A~ long aA tha.t COUthlU08 the t,'Wo llwtalr; will lw In:)intained at t,he rn.t,jr)of 113 to 1. The danger of free (·t)ina.KI.-~ i~ thai ';0 UUUl,y Ailvf'r dolla,~

wonhl ht' coinf'd that it would 00 .im~ ~nB:dhhl t,(I (l~eh~llgo t~(>rn for gol<t The

-\~ry inntHnt tu"t-h"p\*, .nvo" dol.­lar will ,kprccinte--tllat is. it will bllY lesA Hum ;1, gold d<;ll1ar, or only al!ll much a.fl tho hnltion cOl16l:i"t'rcd, ,in"H is worth in gold. rrbi~ iR whmt haR, h"ppcnrd in nU fn'f' 1"ilYI'r coinage ('ol1utri('!III. In Pa.nalua, j t is "'niti. t.h"rtl iH a hot,el whpn~ thn rat,('A f\Te *.') t\ day_ Uecflntly a tr:wdpr fnllll Ull~ Unit~)rl Stat,f'A g3Vt1

~~~~.~;..!.J'~.~"AIE~ a t:) ~old}lj(,(,t~ at tlHlt hot-wI for a day'l; CL:~~~~=~~~~:~~ __ ~ __ :-::--:":"'~-::-:::::-::::::-:::;:.:::===::== ooa.rd. and in hifil IR1.U~pri)\fI, hfl rt~eeiTerl

., ,

",~ .... :



,;; ~ih-er dollars in ('hnrlA'~·. The real Tall' wag *:!.llO a day, anel t,he Hilver pif'!~f':;. palINl rlollaTR, wf're, in fBOt, only 60 l'f'lltJ.'t 11'1'(,0 coinago would tho etl'l'l't of 41rh'iug gold dollarfl Ol1to of tho Uilitpa Statl\~, f\lia tllt' (>h1r lJiI'f'lTInting moJlt·y woulcl I'M' dolll.rR worth u.bout. 60 e('utM t'll(~h. -naltimot'f\ SUB.

BeinK d. tc}tal of receipt~ for the:: term of 18'.)() dod 1801 of

s. B. Ru&~ell, ciiluniy d'edc Fj~eb recei\"et1 fronl Jan. 6 1891 to Jan. 1, 1893-

For f{"cordiof{ eie Chattel mortgagc:s F~~.'L..£l('.r.lL.Qf_ th~_distri('t c_ourlt

~222.3 90 .... 220 305 33

Total .alar,. For wa.rrants i",sued hy I.~OUlltJ board for

clerk of county boart1 S 400 00 Tax li!t 1892 Election ccrtific:ite~ ASl"e.slion~ hookb Hoad book8 J1:xtr~l llf'tp ~)n ~'()lInt.1 1 c{ ut"dl>


rrlte report .deo ~hOWl" that froUl the 1st Jat,. IH",\ to the 3rt dar of Jan, 1894 the f •• o el! by S. B. Russell are a. follow.: '

d .. , of receiv~

434 8·~ <46 50 '75 00 ,'J 00 tl7 00

For recordin~ etc. Chattel1l1ortgages Fees distri:t court

$1734 55 J9'l bO 30436

Tot_al ___ _ F·lf warr~'\.nb. is"u~d by cOl].nty·~r ~al&r,.

clerk of county l>qard ~ .. 00 00 Tax list 1893 -477 tlO

Election certificate,," ,.:;.-; 'ZS ,\t>se,'iSOrR book!'. ';,0::.. O!'

-'Correding .tlfP!SeMf.1()t';I~ hU()KPII ~ -JS'OO-1<mH1 IH10h, S3 {ll


Mal<i II/; " \u\,,1 receipt. for the office for 1893

Being it total t('cciph, for termti vf 18i)~ 1893

S, B. Russ(1l, county clerk l fees received in-fIll

Januar"", 1894, to Jauuary 1. l~9S, For recording, etc $1667 00

~~::t~te~~o~i~:r~: courr i~ ~~ Total

1,"01' ~arrat1t:s iSbued by clerk of county board' Tax list. 1894

coun)y uoard for ~;:-tli11'Y

Election Asgessors t bookr,; Correcting assesson;1 book!; Road book.


~rhc 'repol"t also ~hOWB that froUt the lot day of January I 189.1, to the 8th day of January, 189h, in· elusive, the fees received by S. B. ~tl~selt ar~ liS

foilow.: }"or recordiul;, etc

Chattel ruortgageh Fees dirtr~ct conrt


$ 400 DO 4iD to 4000 7500 25 O~ 5300

$1354 50 44. 40

"'t '2

For warrants issued by i:OUl.1t)' boan1 for salary clerk of cou"ty board " :~ ~~

'l'~1~~~1~!8~:rtificatcti 49 75 Assessor,' books 75 0/1 Correcting a8l"iCtiSorr,' bookft JS 00 Road hooks .10 0\1


Total rCt..:cipts of the utlice for the year lS<).)

Being- a tutal of receipts for the term of 1~1j" awJ 1~95 of

~I094 05

, $3~32 56

\ $7601 i5 1 7620 2li

1073 00

SJ~12 h3

JJ06 81

The repurt further shows tbat the folluvdug cuurt a.nd jury triai -fees' and­

nues collected were a.! follows: Chag Johnson, county clerk, co_l~-ected as court iiUld jurv trial fees, for the yea.r

1S86, '87 the sum of $t2.00 and that he paid the H,LtUe to the county treasurer. ,\Vlll. Miller t COUllt) clerk, collected court and jury trial fees for the years

1&l8 and 1889 the SUIll of $~.OO and paid to the county treasurer $46,00. H. B, Hussell, county clerk, collected court and jury trial fees for the years

IH80 and 1881 the sum of $48,00 .. n<1 fines Jw.oe .. n~ paid to the county trcas.

urer iS5~.Ot).

S. B. Russell, county clerk, collecled court anu jury trial fees for the years

1892 and tH93 the sum of $10800 and fines J!'I25 00 and paid to the cQunt, treas·

urer $133.00

Commencing at the northeast oorner of soo. 34, twp. :!5, R. 1 E. thence south on the seoti()I!. line petween seotions 3,1 "u~ 35, to the sonth line I)f Wayne Co. '

That part of the petition relating to th .. vacation of {)art of the road shall not be aoted upon nor be vacated until the S$id Uveringhouse has graded the sootion line road a8 agreed, and said work hRS been accepted b:ytheflommla. oloners ..

W. A. Jones is allowed $50 on his claim for damage b:y reason of the opening of said road and a warrant Ia hereby ordered drawn on County gen. sral fund to pa:y same.

Comes now Wm. A. Cottrell and sub. mit. ;,'proposition to [jut In a telephone In the County Court House; ",'hereupon the following resolution was passed:

R6Ilolvetl, That the Count:y 01 WaTne Nabr8Ska~hereb:y~rees topa:y six. dol­lars per month for the period of thre .. Tears, to M. R. Smith and Wm. A. Oot­trell or their successors and &Salam&. for the use of one long distance tele­phone, to be plaoed in the OountT Court Honse, oonne()ting with their Sioux City Line. Said telephone to be used b:y the county Oflioers tor' count;r business. The County Clerk is hereby' authorized to sign torthe CountT. the same subscription list for the 10Ngoing amount, that is signed by certain oltl. zens of Wayne, Nebraska. .

Board adjourned until Wedn89dar. June 21, 1896.

Attest: 8. ll. RtiSSELL, Cl.rk.

Excursion Rates.

cu[\,V EN'flOh R~1'AlJ. CI.HRKSP 1\.1\-'




·riONAI,. ASSOCIAl'I01\.

])-cn\i'~ CotorjlUO~ Jury/=1U:"l8%. For the abo\"c excursiotl tickets will be sold Juty 4 and 5, Komi returning July 11 and 12, at one fare plus $2 for the round trip. An extension of titue until July ~S can be obtained at Den­ver, 28-:·.2,v 'I'. W. MORA!'.-, Agent.

CHAtT-TAlJ-2 U ,\. 'I

The dates of the Beatrice chautauqua. arc June 1(1 to :S. ,Crete cJ1a1ttauqua

July.} to 1S. anil the_ I'ate it:) ~l1C fa~ for the ronnd trip frolll all points in the state. If YO\1 want a ticlwt over a fa:::;t !ill\! and one that offers snperior tranlSportatiol1 facilities call ou your neal'Ctit Union PaCific ·agcnt 'and be will sell you one. 28-3w

SUMMEl'{ H.ACE MEl-':Tlr-;l~.

Sioux City, Iowa, July 1-4. For the above excursion tidicts will be sold Jhne "30- h)-!ti1y-~i-UCIusivc! gootrre· turning 'J uly h inclusiv~, at oue and ouc~third farc fare for the round trip,

28-J,v T. \V. MOfL\N, Agent.

--So -B-;-Russc1i-.- -county-dedc, col-ke-t-ed--cour-t---a-n-d---j-u tri01-~tfte-ye'lfirl--l1 tH94 and HN.=i tht slIm of 59200 and tin~s $5&00 and paid to the county treasur-


er $14H.OO. 1:"_ 'fhe roport aloo sllow" froUl copi'" of the clerk'. fee book an<1 the treasur: OinT DEMDeD'TIO D'llY

cr's CdHh hook that surplus fce ... \"ere 'paid to the county treasurer as fullows ft[J\ Oft"

- Wm. Miller paid to county trC<.l;,\urcl' Jan. S i~9

April IO,IM4 Jan. 17, 18~)

~. G. t{U.bbC',1t pa;c.l to I.;U1.l11t_\' trc.abu/~r June ::, t~ryt ,\\lll" ~(!, 1~94

$466 :3

12.0 00 Wi! (l()

., Ute .ortltwHt. WfI •• _ .......... _, ......... & • .,. - .... . ... ,..,. ..,. ....... .