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The Voice The monthly newsletter of Our Savior Lutheran Church 1103 N Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001 JULY 2017

The Voice - · The Voice The monthly newsletter of Our Savior Lutheran Church 1103 N Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001 JULY 2017

Jun 18, 2018



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Page 1: The Voice - · The Voice The monthly newsletter of Our Savior Lutheran Church 1103 N Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001 JULY 2017



The monthly newsletter of Our Savior Lutheran Church 1103 N Broad St., Mankato, MN 56001 JULY 2017

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Contact Info: Church Office: Phone: 507-385-2180 Fax: 507-345-5113 [email protected]

Senior Pastor Office phone: 507-385-2184 Rev. Paul Lauer: [email protected] Emergency number: 507-304-2402 Associate Pastor Office phone: 507-385-2183 Rev. Adam Matheny: [email protected] Emergency number: 812-449-6866 Deaconess Office phone: 507-385-2185 Lisa Brand: [email protected] Secretary Office phone: 507-385-2180 Sue Hendrickson: [email protected] Custodian Office phone: 507-385-2180 Larry Schultz: [email protected] Music Coordinator Home phone: 507-388-4215 Marcia Gustafson [email protected] Office hours are Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Unless there is an activity or event taking place, please use the Broad Street entrance by the mailbox.

In case of emergency or urgent need, our pastors are available at all hours and all days by calling their cell phone. Please use the office phone for other business. Please also remember that Sunday morning and other worship times are not for bring church business to other members or staff but for focusing upon the Word and gifts of God. “The seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work.” - Exodus 20:10

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From Pastor Lauer Imagine the perfect Summer’s evening. Imagine the sun at that perfect place, low in the sky, so that it doesn’t beat down into your face. The birds are singing. The dogs are frolicking in the grass. Or perhaps you’re on that special beach, listening to the water lap up on the shore. In my imagination, the perfect Summer evening includes the smell of steaks on the grill still filling the air though the meal already fills the stomach. A slight breeze keeps away the mosquitoes. And good company is important; with long conversations about old friends and new dreams. Amid the hot and humid dog days of Summer, there are also these moments of Summer’s perfection when the work is finished and there is the chance to relax and enjoy the benefits of the season. These are the times we dreamed of during the dark, cold months of Winter and in the heat and humidity of the dogs days of Summer. Life has its own seasons. In the course of our lives we all have known the “dog days” of life when the heat and heaviness of circumstances saps our strength and weighs us down. We have also known the seasons of life which are cold and dark; when we are alone and searching for direction. But thanks be to God that He has also shown us times of beauty, rest, comfort and renewal. Like an oasis in the dessert, God has given us the cool Summer evenings to remind us of His love and the true and final rest which still awaits us at the end of life’s journey. All of this is an analogy to the rest and renewal which God has given us in the company of His Church. Gathered around our Christian friends, we set aside the worries of the day and rest in the shade of His love. Our Lord Jesus speaks His cool and soothing Word of forgiveness and hope. He feeds our faith at His Table which strengthens us for another week. We talk about old friends and new dreams. It is the evening of life, between work and sleep and a coming new day. Whether your life seems more like the dog-days of Summer or the cold and dark nights of Winter, remember that God has given us this oasis of His love to refresh and renew your spirit. Come gather with your Christian friends in the Lord’s House and take the place He has prepared for you at His banquet. He’s provided everything you need.

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From Pastor Matheny

There is no doubt about it, new stuff is fun. It is exciting to travel

to new places, to see new sights, and to learn new things. But while

new things are fun, there is a special comfort to the things that are

familiar to us. There is no place like home, no cookies as good as

mom makes, and no place as good for sleeping as your own bed.

As Christians, church is a familiar place. We feel comfortable in

our building because we have come to it so many different times

for so many different reasons. We feel comfortable with our liturgy

because we have spoken it so frequently. Who could count how

many times we have heard, “If we say we have no sin we deceive

ourselves, and the truth is not in us…” Hymns too are an integral

part of our worship. They are a special part that, because it is set to

music, can sink in more than other parts. Hymns can be so familiar

that they almost become a part of us.

But there is just one problem. We have too many wonderful

hymns! We sing many of them throughout the year and there are

still quite a few that we don’t know, not to mention many favorites

that we don’t get to sing as often as we would like. That is why we

are going to have a few hymn sings this summer! The second and

fourth Sundays in July and August we will begin our service by

singing hymns together. We will begin five minutes before the

service and sing for about ten minutes. We will take requests, so

come prepared with hymns that you are itching to sing! The only

restriction is that you have to pick something that is in the hymnal

so that everyone has the words and music.

So let’s sing together! Let’s raise our voices in the familiar words

of these hymns. Let’s find comfort in the familiarity of the

message that they proclaim to us, that Christ has died, Christ has

risen, and Christ will come again!

Accessions & Losses


Daniel & Renee Harley; Lutheran Church of Our Savior,

Windom, MN; LCMS; June 12, 2017

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MINUTES – Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

1103 North Broad St. – Mankato, MN

June 13, 2017

Members Present: Gregg Marg, Cindy Hobbs, Denise Painter, Rob

Hobbs, Pastor Matheny, Matt Brand, Kay Hislop, Judy Mensing, Chris

Anderson, Nancy Claussen, Perry Eimers

Members Absent: Bob Timm, Pastor Lauer, Dave Eberhart, Barb


1. Meeting was called to order by President Denise Painter at 7:00


2. Pastor Matheny opened with prayer.

3. Congregation Public Presentation: none

4. Additions to Agenda

9a) Card Shop space

MOTION was made and SECONDED to approve the Planning

Council agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

5. Additions/Approval of Previous Planning Council Minutes

MOTION was made and SECONDED to approve the May 9,

2017, minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

6. Pastor’s Report

Pastor Matheny was pleased with the turn out for the new Book


7. Treasurer’s Report

Income for the month of May was $38,856.79, and expenses for

the month were $44,716.33. Current contributions are about

38.6% of our overall budget, which is as high as it has been for a

number of years. The $1,000 earnest money to Grandall and

Engen LLC, for the organ repair, has not been written yet.

MOTION was made and SECONDED to approve the OSLC

Treasurer’s Report as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

8. Unfinished Business

a. Organ Project – Fundraiser committee, Project committee

We need to organize Fundraising and Project committees for

the Organ Project. The kick-off for the Organ Project will

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begin in September. There should be five people on the

Fundraising committee. The Project committee consists of 2

Elders, Judd Schultz and Kirk Yungerberg, 2 Trustees, Chris

Anderson & Kurt Anderson, Edith Williams and 2 or 3 other

congregation members. The committee meetings will begin

in August. Denise will put something in the bulletin asking

for volunteers for the Project committee. The trustees will

ask Bob Mickelson, from I&S Group, to advise with

related work to the project area.

b. Stephen Ministry Update – lay representative, training

Becky Kitzmann is the lay representative for the Stephen

Ministry program. She and Lisa Brand will attend training

in Dallas, Texas on July 9-15.

c. Meeting date reminder

Trustees and Deacons will not meet in July. The Council

will meet on July 11.

9. New Business

a. Card Shop space

The Council agreed to let the Mission Sub Committee use

the Card Shop space for mission related material.

10. Board Sharing (additions, questions, or explanations of written


Trustees: The Trustees did a lot of projects on May 13; fixed the

kitchen faucets and put up parking lot signs. The air

conditioning will be kept on all summer in the sanctuary to keep

the humidity low to protect the organ.

Elders: Marcia Gustafson won’t be the Music Director this fall.

Suzie Gangi will take over most of her duties. A piano person is

needed for the Kids Praise practices. New communion ware has

been ordered.

Board of Ed: Moon Dog tickets are now on sale for $6, from

Pastor Matheny, for the June 18 and July 16 games. You may

also purchase tickets for these 2 games at the ball park by asking

for the Our Savior’s price of $6. Amy Mack has been appointed

to the Youth committee. The next meeting is June 20. The

Board will check into the Nursery staffing issue. Children’s

Ministry meets June 21, at 7:00, the VBS work night is July 19,

at 7:00, and VBS training is Sunday, July 23, at 9:15 a.m.

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Sundaes on Sunday was a success. The first Wednesday night

Sunday school was a success with 35 people attending.

Deacons: 70 people attended the church picnic on Sunday, June

11. Attendance was lower than last year, because of the weather.

A date needs to be scheduled for kitchen cleaning and the yearly

food safety training.

11. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

12. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.

13. Next Planning Council Meeting – Tuesday, July 11, 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Hobbs, Secretary

OSLC Planning Council

This month Deaconess Lisa Brand and Rebecca Kitzmann will

be leaving for the Stephen Series Leader’s Training Course in

Dallas for seven days. They will be learning techniques of

teaching others to do caring ministry. Soon after returning,

they will begin a class for our members, to train them to be

Stephen Ministers.

These Stephen Ministers will be part of the caring ministry

here at Our Savior’s by providing one-to-one care for those

who are in need. Please keep them and future leaders in your

prayers as we grow through this learning experience.

Our first class on Reopening the Back Door has ended. We’ve

had engaging discussions and obtained fresh perspectives.

The material is fitting for a variety of situations in life.

Everyone is invited to participated next time.

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OSLC Treasurer’s Report Commentary Period Ending May 31, 2017

Income and Expense Summary Current Month Y-T-D

Income $38,856.79 $237,733.43

Operating Expenses -$44,716.33 -$241,238.32

LCEF Mortgage Principal Payment -$876.59 -$4,354.83

Net for Period† -$6,736.13 -$7,859.72

✝Positive net value indicates we received more than our expenses, a negative number

indicates that we have spent more than we have received for that period (deficit).

Cash Summary Amount Notes

Checking Account $99,097.59 Daily checking account

Joyful Response $37,316.32 Joyful Response deposits and loan pmts

Library Fund $20,107.12 Certificate of Deposit

Accounts Receivable -$2.37

Total Cash Assets $156,518.66

Dedicated Accounts -$89,470.14 Amount of our cash balance designated for specific activities

Other Liabilities -$3750.00 Accruals for HSA payments, youth, etc.

Available Cash Balance

$63,298.52 $70,034.65 last month

Long Term Debt (LCEF Mortgage)

Current Balance $299,348.85

Monthly Payment $1,845.99

Interest Rate (Variable Annually) 3.875%

Pay-off Date 7/2036

Additional Comments: Expenses were pretty typical this month, at $45,592.92. Contributions were down, but that is typical for May. Our current contributions are about 38.6% of our overall budget, which is as high as it has been for a number of years.

Respectfully submitted, Matt Brand, Vice President, Acting Treasurer

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In Loving Memory

Richard Russell March 3, 1932 ~ November 23, 2015

Articles for the August VOICE are due by Friday, July 21st at 4 pm

Blue Ribbon Bible Club

It’s not too late!

There are three weeks left of the

Blue Ribbon Bible Club. Stories

include Joseph Forgives, Jesus’

Temptation, and the Fiery Furnace. Join us from 6-7pm

on July 12, 19, and 26. Everyone is welcome.

Bell Ringing Fun!

Kids entering 3rd grade on up:

if you are interested in trying out bell ringing, we invite you

to the balcony from 5:15-5:45 the week of VBS to try your

hand at ringing bells and tone chimes! We will have some

fun and maybe even play a song. Any

questions, contact Edith at 625-2153 or

[email protected].

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You’re invited… to help the students of our Vacation Bible School prepare “birthday bags” for the ECHO Food Shelf! Birthday bags are a frequently requested item at ECHO. They contain all the essentials for making and serving a birthday cake, with some special extras for a party:

- Medium size birthday gift bag - Cake mix (child-friendly variety) - Canned frosting - Birthday candles (packages of 24-36) - Party plates - Plastic forks (packages of 12; may be packaged at

home in Ziploc bags) - Party favors

Please bring your donation of any of the above items to the birthday bag display in the narthex from Sunday, July 2 through Tuesday, August 1.

Thank you!

Birthday Bags for ECHO VBS Mission Project


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June 2017 Music Notes

“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of

language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.”

Martin Luther

The following dates are still open: July 9th and 30th August 27th September 3rd and 10th If you are available, please contact Marcia at 388-4215. July July 2nd Lyle Kettner – both services July 9th Available – both services July 16th Kristi Hislop – both services July 23rd Suzie Gangi – both services July 30th Available – both services

Singing His Praises, Marcia

Widowed to Widowed

~ Welcomes all Widows ~

The Widowed-to-Widowed Ministry is gathering on Monday, July 10th at 11:30 at. the church Fireplace room.

Our group meets once a month for a potluck lunch, Bible study and fellowship. Please use the 4th

Street back entrance. Feel free to call Jean Beetsch at 345-5332 or Trudy Wiechmann at 345-2138 for more information.

If a ride is needed, perhaps a family friend could bring you or you may call Kato Cab for a taxi ride to and from. Call the taxi one-half hour ahead. Their number is 388-7433.

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Our Savior LCMS Women in Mission Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


“Jesus Christ above all.” Philippians 2:9

Providing you with Christian Friendship and Fellowship Exercising and Building your Christian Faith through Devotion, Bible Studies and Prayer Opening your life to new blessings through service to

the Lord and His people

Fellowship with Your Sisters In Christ: Ladies of Our Savior, we welcome you of every generation: 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. The Summer quarterly and the WOM (MN South District news) are in the Narthex for All members of Our Savior. Pick up a copy today. Thursday, July 6: 1:30pm Ruth/Lydia Bible Study Circle in the library Tuesday, July 11: 2pm LWML Board Meeting in the library Sunday, July 16: Mite Sunday Tuesday, July 18: 6:30pm LWML Quarterly Meeting in the Fireplace room for members and guests. Theme: Love All Around Thursday, July 20: 1:30pm Mary Circle Bible Study in the Fireplace Room Friday/Saturday, July 28-29: District Retreat “The Lord is My Rock” at Americinn Hotel, 240 Stadium Road, Mankato (All information and invitation in the Summer Women on a Mission)

The LWML’s basic purpose remains: MISSIONS!

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Future Dates: August 15: Ladies Night Out at 6pm. For All Our Savior ladies September 23: Conference Rally at Our Savior’s “Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

MISSION SERVICE: Next date is in August. Supplies are always needed to make kits. If you are able, please bring any of the following donations to the former Card Shop: toothpaste (any size), toothbrush, deodorant, hotel size soap and shampoo, gently used hand towels, cloth diapers, infant onesies, sleepers (no feet), sweaters and socks. Thank you for any donations. Donations of clean, used cotton sheets are needed. Please mark them “For Bandages”. Since many of the same items are needed for the Gifts from the Heart at Albuquerque, we may choose to use them here, your choice. If you desire, some can go with us to the convention. Remember to save Christian Christmas card fronts for our Operation Christmas Child boxes. Put them in the box in the former card shop. In the fall we will be collecting New Christian children’s books.

If you need more information on home projects, such as toolkits for new mom’s, military, cancer care, treats for construction workers and many more, letter writing to our Missionaries, patterns for dresses, knitting, etc., call 345-2138, leave a message.

Your voice matters! Any questions, please contact Sharon Anderson, 995.1727.

Membership: Please sign the membership book. Bring a friend.

WOM Newsletter Quarterly Mite Boxes Available in the Narthex

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Young at Heart / Lutheran Laymen’s League (YAH / LLL) FOR YOU of every age!!!

Lutheran Hour Ministries: Bringing Christ to the Nations – and the Nations to the Church. Many new activities for all ages. Visit the LHM website

Our Older Adult Ministry at OUR SAVIOR is the YAH (Young at Heart) and part of S.A.G.E.S. News for 2018 Gathering will be at Country Inn and Suites.

Pick up your copy of The Lutheran Layman News in the Narthex. Check out the Men’s network: and for children,

Radio – Every Sunday – The Lutheran Hour: 6 p.m. KJLY 107.1 6 a.m. WCCO 830

Read the S.A.G.E.S. newsletter Sagacity and other news at or Hard copies are available in the Narthex.

LLL/YAH’s next meeting will be October 2nd.

A Prayer Shawl, simply put, is a soft

warm shawl, knitted or crocheted, which is given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss or are in the

midst of a crisis. Shawls. . . made for centuries are universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving God.

If you know of anyone who you would like to receive a prayer shawl, please contact Nancy Clausen at 345-3063.

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Mighty Volunteers! Our VBS 2017, Mighty Fortress,

needs some mighty volunteers

You can interact with the kids or work behind the

scenes. The Work Night includs prepping crafts

and postcards. During VBS areas to serve range

from in the kitchen to outside to being with the

little ones.

Let Deaconess Lisa know how you can help:

385-2185 or [email protected]

VBS Work Night –

Wednesday, July 19 at 7:00pm

VBS Volunteer Training –

Sunday, July 23 at 9:15am

VBS: July 31 – August 4


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Watch Our Savior’s Sunday Worship anytime on KTV (Public Access)

After Our Savior’s worship has been uploaded for viewing on KTV, it may be viewed on their web site at your convenience. Go to:, hover over “Watch KTV”, then slide down and click on “Public Access”. Scroll down to the calendar and click on the original date aired (Tuesday or Wednesday). Select “Our Saviors Lutheran Church” from the schedule. Then click on the arrow to start play.

Donations Needed!

We are collecting paper towel and toilet paper tubes for a VBS craft project this summer. Please place donations in the box in the narthex. Thank you so much for your help and support!

Cancer Companions is on break until Thursday, September 7th. Time to be determined . . . 10am or 1:30pm. Please let Mel ([email protected]) or Lisa ([email protected]) know which time works best for you by August 17th. We will go with the time requested by the most responses. Look for the time in the September Voice.

We will meet for nine weeks ending November 2nd, with a reunion on November 16th. For more information on the program go to:

Mel Hendrickson, Cancer Companion facilitator

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Vacation Bible School 2017

Our Savior Lutheran Church July 31 - August 4, 6:00-8:00 p.m.


We welcome children age 3 through those entering 6th grade.

Child’s Name Age/Grade

If possible, please place my child in the same group as:



Home Address:

City: Zip:

Telephone/Cell Phone:

Secondary Emergency Contact:



Please list allergies, medical issues, or special needs which we

should be aware

Please also complete both release forms on the back.

Thank you.

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I give my permission for the VBS staff to administer basic

first aid to my child in the event of an injury. I understand

that the VBS staff will contact emergency services in the

event of a significant injury and all expenses for such

emergency services will be paid by me.

Parent Signature Date


We occasionally publish pictures of our events in print

and electronic publications. We will never publish names,

phone numbers, or email addresses.

_____ Yes, we give permission for photos of our child to be


_____ No, we do not give permission for photos of our child

to be published.

Parent Signature Date

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From the Stewardship Committee

“I will bless you …, so that you will be a blessing” (Gen. 12:2). The Lord blessed Abraham so that he would be a blessing. How did He bless Abraham? He promised that from His seed would come the savior of the nations. And Abraham believed that promise, trusted that the Lord would provide it just as He had promised. Thus, everything Abraham did was colored by that promise. He willingly gave of himself and his household in service to the Lord in view of that promise.

Our Father in heaven has richly blessed us. Not only has He given us everything that we need to support this body and life, but He has also provided, that promised seed in His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the savior of the nations. He is the redeemer of the world. He is the one who has conquered sin, death, and the power of the devil by His death, resurrection, and ascension.

Just as we are richly blessed, we are also thereby freed to be a blessing. Since God has endowed us with His gifts, we are set to endow others. Thus, we give of the blessings we have received so that others may be blessed. We do this in our homes, our communities, and our churches. We press the blessings God has lavished upon us in service to those around us. We use our time, our talents, and our treasures to be a blessing even as they have been a blessing to us.

The Lord blesses us. And He enlists us to be a blessing to others. So, whenever you put that envelope in the collection plate, when you set out to serve at the local food pantry, when you sit down to help your kids with homework, think of this: The Lord has blessed you, so that you will be a blessing.

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July 2017 Our Savior Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minnesota

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Our Savior’s Worship Service is aired Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 2 p.m. on KTV.

Sunday Matins is aired at 8:03 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. each Sunday on KTOE 1420AM.

1 6:00 Worship

2 8:00 Worship 10:30 Worship


4 Independence


Office Closed

5 6 1:30 Ruth/Lydia Circle

7 8 6:00 Worship

9 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 10:30 Worship 4:30 Book Club 6:00 Youth Group

10 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study 11:30 Widowed to Widowed

11 2:00 LWML Board Meeting 5:15 Bd of Ed 7:00 Church Council

12 6:00 Summer Wednesday

13 14 Office Closed

15 6:00 Worship

16 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 10:30 Worship 4:30 Book Club 6:00 Youth Group 6:05 Faith Night @ Moondogs

17 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study

18 9:00 Circuit Pastors 6:30 LWML Quarterly Mtg

19 6:00 Summer Wednesday 7:00 VBS Work Day

20 1:30 Mary Circle

21 4:00 Voice Deadline

22 6:00 Worship


8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 9:15 VBS Volunteer Training 10:30 Worship 4:30 Book Club 6:00 Youth Group

24 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study

25 10:00 Staff Meeting 1:00 Bible Study 1:00 Rebekah Circle

26 6:00 Summer Wednesday

27 28 29 6:00 Worship

30 8:00 Worship 9:15 Bible Class 10:30 Worship 4:30 Book Club 6:00 Youth Group

31 6:30 Early Bird Bible Study 6:00 VBS

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Serving in July


Elder of the Day Comm.Team Assistant Usher Usher Team Acolyte Greeter

8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 8:00 10:30 Breakfast

7/2/17 Dave W. Mark W. B

Early B Late

Gary R.

Kurt A.

1st Early

1st Late

Evan H.; Derrick


Sydney N.; Kaitlyn H.

Perry & Jan E.; Bernice W.

Dave & Barb E.; Mary H.


7/9/17 Roger

A. Immanuel

M. C

Early C Late

Gordy W.

Steve J.

2nd Early

2nd Late

Riley S.; RJ H.

Khia B.; Alexis A.

Pete & Jobi P.; Judy M.

Dave & Pam B.; Gwen C.


7/16/17 Pete P. Roger S. A

Early A Late

Kevin H.

Mark S.

3rd Early

3rd Late

Katelyn W.;

Naomi B.

Desiree L.; Julia J.

Bruce & Jeanne A.; Rhonda R.

Art & Dolly B.; Vicky S.


7/23/17 Judd S. Lon W B

Early B Late

Gary R.

Dave H.

4th Early

4th Late

Evan H.; Derrick


Caleb M.; Silas S.

Jerry & Nancy C.; Marie G.

Vern & Mona K.; Gwen C.


7/30/17 Kirk Y. Chris T. C

Early C Late

Gordy W.

Kurt A.

3rd Early

3rd Late

Riley S.; RJ H.

Sydney N.; Kaitlyn H.

Alex & Heather J.; Richard U.

Larry & Nancy H.;

Lisa M. None

Staff Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Deaconess Choir Director Secretary Custodian

Rev. Paul A. Lauer Rev. Adam M. Matheny Lisa Brand Marcia Gustafson Sue Hendrickson Larry Schultz Office: 385-2184 Office: 385-2183 Office: 385-2185 Home: 388-4215 Office: 385-2180 Office: 385-2180 Cell: 304-2402 Cell: 812-449-6866 Home: 389-9088

Congregational Officers and Elected Board Members

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary Denise Painter Matt Brand Cindy Hobbs Vacant Judy Mensing

387-4963 389-9088 243-3232 387-4908

Council Members at Large Board of Elders Board of Trustees Board of Education Rob Hobbs 243-3232 Gregg Marg-Chair 387-5096 Tim Hobbs 380-2131 Amy Mack 469-0989

Barb Anderson 388-6491 Mark Wellner 341-1393 Chris Anderson-Chair 388-6491 Dianne Willett 420-4010

Bob Timm 388-9213 Roger Schwanke 340-6182 Bruce Anderson 327-8559 Heather Johnson 382-2432 Dave Eberhart 549-3686 Immanuel Mueller 993-2953 Jerry Clausen 345-3063 Kathy Whitehead 388-4891

Board of Endowment Fund Lon Whitehead 388-4891 Kurt Anderson 381-9537 Lindsey Marso 382-6168 Perry Eimers-Chair 387-1650 Roger Asleson 947-3535 Nate Marso 327-4275 Kay Hislop-Chair 524-3210

Dave Kroells 345-4423 Mike Humburg 507-525-1130 Jerry Dehn 385-0600 Board of Deacons

Denny Zellmer 387-6939 Chris Thompson 388-2300 Jo Eversman 934-6161 Dave Borchert 931-1511 Judd Schultz 524-4521 Nancy Clausen 345-3063

Brian Schroeder 625-6153 Pete Preston 245-3304 Katie Wilson 514-4847 Janet Timm 388-9213 Kirk Yungerberg 345-8059 Marcella Eilders 388-9185 Jan Eimers 387-1650 Dave Wintheiser 507-384-1551 Kristeen Asleson 947-3535
