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The Vegan Spring 1956

Mar 31, 2016



The journal of The Vegan Society
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Page 1: The Vegan Spring 1956
Page 2: The Vegan Spring 1956

T H E VEGAN SOCIETY Founded November, 1944

President: Mrs. ELSIE B. SHRIOLEY, , Purley, Surrey.

Honorary Secretary : Mrs. HILDA HONEYSETT, , Surrey.

Honorary Treasurer : Miss WINIFRED SIMMONS, , London, N.W.I 1.

Minimum subscription, which includes "The Vegan," 7s. 6d. per annnm, payable in January. Life Membership, £7 7s. Od.


Editor: Mr. JOHN HERON, , Betchworth, Surrey. Editorial Board: Mrs. MURIEL DRAKE, Mrs. ELSIE B. SHRIOLEY.


Advertisement Manager : Mr. JACK SANDERSON, , London. S.W.10.

Published quarterly: Annual subscription, 4s. 6d. post free: single copies. Is. 2d. post free. Obtainable from the Hon. Secretary.


YORKSHIRE.—Miss Stella Rex, , Garforth, Nr. Leeds.

MIDLANDS.—Mr. Don Burton, . Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick*.

MANCHESTER.—Mrs. Ann E. Schofield, , Wythen-showe.

SCOTTISH SECTION.—Miss Dina M. Sutherland. , Liberton, Edinburgh, 9.

(Please communicate with your nearest Branch Secretary)

Page 3: The Vegan Spring 1956

THE VEGAN Journal of the Vegan Society

Vol. IX Spring, 1956 No. 8

EDITORIAL Vegetable Milk

There can be few vegans, particularly vegan parents, who would not welcome the appearance of a nourishing and workable vegetable milk, ready-made and suitable for a wide variety of uses. Yet no such product is at present marketed in this country.

The use of a vegetable milk is not to be disparaged on the grounds that it is an aping of the animal milk habit. Like the compound solid vegan protein savoury, a compound liquid vegan protein food would be a valuable adjunct in broadening the scope and range of vegan catering. And it would undoubtedly have its place in providing quickly and conveniently for the needs of the growing vegan family.

Such a product would also prove helpful and attractive to vegetarians and others wishing to make the change over to a vegan diet with the minimum of difficulty.

Those with electric mixers can certainly make highly nutritious milks from nut creams, raw nuts, or soya flour, etc. But there is still room for a compound product of standardized vitamin, mineral and amino acid content. It is not that it is essential : but it would certainly be highly convenient.

Is the time and are circumstances ripe for the marketing of such a product? Mr. Leslie J. Cross intends to find out. He has proposed an entirely independent body, the Veganmilk Associa-tion, in no way connected with any existing organisation, to determine the response of vegans, vegetarians, food reformers and those of orthodox dietary habits to the idea of getting a good non-animal milk on to the market. His announcement appears in this magazine. What is your response? JOHN HERON.


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Provided sufficient support is forthcoming, an effort will be made as early in 1956 as possible to form an organisation with the above suggested title, for the following purpose : To produce and make available to the general public in Great Britain a milk, the ingredients of which would be of plant origin ; which would satisfy nutritional requirements; and which would be palatable, attractive, and simple to use for the purposes for which dairy milk is now used.

The Association would probably function in three main stages : (1) It would conduct an enquiry into progress made in this and other countries in the manufacture of non-animal milks. (2) Based upon information thus collected and collated, it would consider the problems connected with the successful manufacture and sale of such a milk upon the general market in this country, including the question of scientific research and experiment. (3) Upon the suc-cessful manufacture on a small scale of an acceptable milk, the Association would consider the question of large-scale manufacture and sale, including the organisation required to promote such manufacture and sale ; such, for example, as the formation of a Limited Company. -

While the work of the Association would be largely motivated by the ideals of vegetarianism and veganism, it would nevertheless function as a body with a precise practical job to do, and member-ship would be open to anyone prepared to support its work.

The work would take a number of years and require consider-able financial support. It would call for sustained and high en-deavour, and though difficult, would be by no means impossible to achieve. Its successful outcome would be of immense value in many ways.

Any person interested in the proposal should send their name and address to Leslie J. Cross, , Uxbridge, Middx., who will, if support is sufficient, act as convener of an inaugural meeting.

The above announcement has appeared elsewhere, and a num-ber of people have already offered support should the Association be formed. Among them are some who are well known in the vegetarian movement. Interest has also been expressed by a firm that supplied the raw materials for a non-animal milk distributed in this country for demonstrations carried out by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

It should be noted that membership would be open to anyone prepared to support the work of the Association, whether they are vegetarians or not.

All who respond to the suggestion will in due course be in-formed as to any further steps it may be decided to take. 2

Page 5: The Vegan Spring 1956


Vegetarianism proper (veganism) demands abstinence from eggs and dairy produce as well as from flesh foods. This is im-portant, because there is more cruelty here than is generally realised, the killing being a " by-product."

Let us consider the vegans' objection to " exploitation " in the light of the commandment, " Thou shalt not steal," put forward in support thereof. An animal's rights do not include that of property, for he is unable to exercise any such right, or to gain, or to dispose of, property. More to the point is the fact that stealing means taking without recompense. If, therefore, we fulfil our responsibility toward the animals in our care, and do not brutally exploit them, we are not taking without recompense. But our agricultural system is not that way inclined. The dairy cow, having borne her calf, is denied the full fruition of motherhood by being robbed of it so that the whole of her milk yield shall be available for human plunder. The Seventh Commandment is not without significance in the face of such a violation of nature.

Furthermore, in the quest for more and more eggs and dairy produce—for more efficiency in exploitation—our biological scientists, inebriated by the blasphemous, conceited illusion that they can improve upon Almighty God's creative wisdom, have devised such vile practices as artificial insemination, and drugs calculated to hasten fattening, and to induce milk production by virgin animals. (By the use of lactogens such as diethylstil-boestrol and hexoestrol, the killing of the unwanted calf is avoided. It is still an outrage against nature, however, for which man him-self will eventually suffer as well as his victims.) Hens are now being injected in the attempt to increase their egg production. The hens themselves are now required to lay their eggs in the battery, another unnatural, and therefore indirectly cruel, innovation.

To conclude : veganism is more ethically sound than lacto-vegetarianism.

" Let the principle once be grasped that man is not an isolated struggling unit but part of the great circle of life, inseparably connected from the highest to the lowest, respon-sible for the guardianship of that part of life within his power, then not this or that particular reform but our whole relation-ship with animals is in question. Food, dress, medicine, science, sport, amusement, all these and our habits and customs concerning them must be reconsidered in the light of the new principle. No one change but a whole series of changes in the life is then demanded." (H. J. Stone.)


Page 6: The Vegan Spring 1956



I should like to recommend all those who possess an electric mixer to experiment with the use of sesame seed. Those who have read " Oleaginous Seeds," by Teofilo de la Torre, in our Winter 1953 issue, and "Sesame," by Jerome Olds, in our Spring 1955 issue, will realise the high potential value of sesame as a source of protein, lecithin, vitamins and minerals in the vegan diet. It is, of course, used by vegetarians and vegans in the U.S.A. At a fruit breakfast in Fresno, California, two years ago, J was served with a thick, rich sesame cream which proved to be entirely delicious and satisfying. - Since then 1 have made my own sesame cream in this country,

and hope other vegans here will follow suit. It is best to use the seed without husks : the latter impart an extremely bitter flavour which the palate immediately rejects. This bitterness can be removed from the whole seed in the manner described by Teofilo de la Torre in his article ; but the process is rather laborious. So r obtain hulled seeds at 3/- a lb. from the Oriental Provision Stores Ltd., 25 Charlotte Street, London, W.l. Incidentally, it is to be noted that all nuts, with the exception of peanuts, are more expensive than this.

I place two lablespoonsful of sesame seed, together with a pint of water, in my electric mixer, and switch on at full speed for 3 minutes. I then strain the liquefied seeds through a cheesecloth. The resultant creamy liquid, with a subtle flavour reminiscent of pine kernels, is ready for use—on cereals, fresh or dried fruits, etc. Sugar or fruit juices can be added to the cream according to taste. And the experimentalist can use the residual oily fibre deposited in the cheesecloth in bread, biscuits, cakes or savouries. The cream can also be applied straight from the liquefier, without straining : in this case, of course, it has much more body.

Personally. 1 greatly enjoy this, for me, new addition to the vegan diet. And I understand it has a relatively high content of the essential sulphur containing amino-acid methionine. Finally, here is an endorsement from Dr. W. R. Raymond, who has used sesame extensively : " One of the finest sources of lecithin are seeds, especially sesame seeds, which contain a fat content of 50-53 per cent. Sesame seeds are also a good source of essential amino-acids, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, in which they are quite rich." A" Nature's Path." December, 1949.) We would do well to welcome this ancient crop to the modern table.


Page 7: The Vegan Spring 1956


Cabbage Cream Soup Fricassee of Sweet Corn, Tomato Sauce

Spinach, Stuffed Aubergines, Roast Potatoes Lemon and Banana Jelly, Nut Cream

Easter Biscuits and Simnel Cake

CABBAGE CREAM SOUP 1 cream cabbage (H lbs.). 2 pts. stock. I potato. | bunch watercress. I onion. Seasoning. I oz. margarine.

Make stock of outer leaves of cabbage, also stems of water-cress. Shred finely heart of cabbage, cut onion finely, braise in margarine. Then add potato, cut into dice. Add bay leaf and seasoning. When cooked, press through sieve, re-boil, garnish with chopped leaves of watercress, serve with croutons of bread.

FRICASSEE OF SWEET CORN 1 lb. sweet corn (or I tin). 2 oz. wholemeal breadcrumbs. 2 oz. margarine. Seasoning. 1 onion. i teaspoon celery salt. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley.

Strip off husks, cut off silk, wash and cook 20 to 30 minutes. Mix corn, breadcrumbs, chopped parsley and onion (chopped finely and fried a golden brown) and seasoning together, put into a greased dish, bake in hot oven 20 minutes.

STUFFED AUBERGINES 4 aubergines. Grated rind | lemon. I oz. breadcrumbs. Celery salt. I oz. margarine. Pepper. -J saltspoon thyme.

Cook aubergines until soft. Cut in halves. Remove pulp, add to pulp melted margarine, breadcrumbs, grated lemon rind, thyme, celery salt. Mix well with fork. Place mixture in halves of aubergines, put in greased dish, brown in hot oven. Place a knob of cashew nut butter on top of each aubergine.

BANANA AND LEMON JELLY 1 large lemon. I pint water. I j oz. sugar. I dessertspoon agar. 2 bananas. Crystallized orange and lemon fruits.

Put lemon juice, sugar and water into an enamel saucepan, sprinkle over agar, bring to the boil, grate in lemon rind. Cut bananas into rings, place in glass dish, pour over cooled jelly. Decorate with chopped walnuts and crystallized orange and lemon slices, Serve with nut cream,


Page 8: The Vegan Spring 1956

EASTER BISCUITS AND STMNEL CAKE Easter Biscuits i lb. wholemeal flour. v lb. soft sugar. i lb. nutter. Kind of 1 orange.

Cream nutter and sugar, gradually add flour and grated orange. Put on to a board and knead. Roll out \ inch thick, cut in rounds, bake golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Decorate with cherry and angelica.

Simnel Cake I lb. flour. ± lb. currants. 5 oz. nutter. I orange rind-and juice. v lb. soft sugar. I teaspoon baking powder. v //). sultanas.

Cream nutter and sugar, add alternately, fruit and flour, grated orange rind and juice. Beat very well. Lastly, add baking powder. Put into a lined cake tin, place in hot oven. Regulo 4, cook about 2 hours. When cold, cover with marzipan, then put in oven to make golden brown. Decorate with crystallized fruits.


British Bata Shoe Co. Ltd.. East Tilbury, Essex. As it is extremely difficult to determine the origin of each

individual component of all the various types of footwear, this firm cannot guarantee any of its products to be vegan. Beverly Vegetarian Restaurant, 24/25, Binney Street, W.l.

At Christmas, vegetarian cakes and marzipans were on sale, but these were not vegan. Granose Foods Ltd.. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.

10 oz. and 16 oz. tins of Sausalatas are now available at 2/-and 2/10. Sausalatas are sausages with edible skins and are made of wheat protein, mixed nuts, vegetable shortening, rusk, whole-wheat flour, salt, onion, yeast extract and seasoning. They are already cooked and can be served in a variety of ways. Sausalene is a new nutmeat of the same ingredients. 10 oz. and 16 oz. tins are on sale at 1/9 and 2/6.

Health Supply, Halfield, Herts. The Christmas boxes of marzipans contained milk powder.

Nutona Ltd., 32a. Commercial Street, Shipley. Yorks. The Dessert Xmas Boxes were vegan. The Lemon Fruit

Cream Sandwich is now called the Sicilian Fruit Cream Sandwich. It is still vegan. 6

Page 9: The Vegan Spring 1956

Orchard Products Ltd., Wisbech. We have received this letter in reference to the product

" Appella " :— " In the process of clarification we do use a small quantity of

high-grade gelatine. The amount is only of the order of 0.1 per cent, and the bulk of this is removed in the final filtration. No other animal product is used." Protheroe Bakery, The Camp, Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Raw sugar marzipan and wholemeal mince-pies were vegan products on sale this Christmas. Saxby Bros. Ltd., Melton Works, Wellingborough.

The vegetarian Christmas Puddings contained eggs. V. B. Weston Co. Ltd., Clifton Road, Harlesden, N.W.10.

Salted peanuts, cashews, almonds and brazils, are, of course, vegan. Apple Cider Fudge, a new product, unfortunately contains full cream milk and cannot be made without it.

It is very much regretted that further investigations into vegan products will be very limited, because the Society's finances are not now able to bear heavy postage expenditure. However, as far as possible, contact will be maintained with those firms that have the vegetarian cause at heart. Interesting food and com-modity news will be even more appreciated by the Vegan Society, and should be sent to :—

Christina Harvey, , Hornsey Rise, N.19.


" No Animal Food " is the title of a book by Rupert H. Wheldon. I have the American reprint of the English edition. No date is given, but it seems it was written some time during the first quarter of this century. The book is a vindication of a dietary consisting wholly of products of the vegetable kingdom. And as such it must have been the first, and to my knowledge is still the only work in which the vegan diet is advocated in a com-prehensive and all-round manner. The author, a pioneer advocate of what we now call veganism, considers his subject from the physical, ethical, aesthetic and economic points of view. The result is a sane, well-balanced, rational and impelling plea for a truly reformed dietary. This book should be rescued from obscurity and recommended as a sound and inspiring introduction to the ideals of veganism. It also contains largely good advice on what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. There is a concluding section of 100 useful vegan recipes. The American edition is published by the Health Culture Co., 1133 Broadway, New York 10, N.Y., U.S.A.


Page 10: The Vegan Spring 1956

SUBSCRIPTIONS Mr. Warren has regretfully had to lay down the office of

Subscription Secretary, and in future all subscriptions and dona-tions should be sent direct to the Treasurer, Miss D. W. Simmons,

, N:W.l 1. Ln view of the very high cost of production, it is regretted that

those who have not paid their subscription for one year or more can no longer receive copies of " The Vegan."

FINANCE Finance is an integral part of the life and the work of the Vegan

Society, and although this must of necessity always be so, yet this aspect of the work should never be allowed to overshadow the true aims of the society or the true purpose of its work.

Those of us who were at the Annual General Meeting last year were reminded that there were no funds at the disposal of the Society. Nearly six months later, regretfully the position is still unchanged.

The Vegan Society calls its members to a very high standard of life, in that they abstain from all those things which involve the exploitation of the creatures. Because of this high calling the outer membership is small, as only those who are able to endorse its'principles as their own, link their names with the Vegan Move-ment. The work of the Society is, however, world-wide.

May the present urgent needs of the Vegan Society find res-ponse in its own particular way through each one of us at this time, so that the work may be enabled to go forward during the coming year. 6th January, 1956. (Signed): D. W. S I M M O N S , Treasurer.

E . B . SHRIGLEY. President.

BUFFET CONVERSAZIONE The Vegan Society will hold a Buffet Conversazione at 50

Gloucester Place, London, W.I, on April 20th, 1956, 6 for 6.30 p.m. The speakers will be Dr. Douglas Latto and Mrs. Yvonne Stott. All members, associates, friends and well-wishers of the Society are warmly welcomed. Tickets, 4/- each, from Mrs. Muriel. Drake, Bromley, Kent. Telephone : Ravensbourne 2809.

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS . .To be held in Holland, August 18th to September 1st; organised by the Dutch Society of Young Vegetarians. For details and particulars of the party from England, write : Don Burton, , Stratford-on-Avon.


Page 11: The Vegan Spring 1956


Some years ago you became a Life Member "of the Vegan Society, and sent a subscription in support of this Membership.

We now feel that the time has arrived when our Membership! records should be reviewed, and we should be glad to be assured; that you regularly receive your copy of " The Vegan " Magazine.'

As the work of the Society goes forward year by year, it isi our earnest prayer and sincere hope that the thoughts and the| actions of mankind be turned away from the exploitation of the creatures. i

Yours very sincerely, (Mrs.) E. B. SHR1GLEY,

President. ! i


Those of us who knew Marion always like to think of her as] .we saw her so often—full of joy and happiness. It is difficult to believe that she is no longer with us in a physical sense, but we! have so much by which to remember her. !

A number of vegans and friends—of all..ages—cherish .happy memories of hot June afternoons spent with Marion and. John Reid.. in their lovely and artistic homes at Rickmansworth and Cran- j brook. On two occasions we went to Rickmansworth, and after a delightful walk in the vicinity in the morning and early afternoon, J we reached the charming house and garden, which was at that; time the home of Marion and John. A most warm welcome; awaited us, as it did on two other occasions at their next home"at! Cranbrook. in another picturesque setting, and each time adults; and children alike were made to feel thoroughly at home for several hours, which passed all too rapidly.

Marion was a great lover of the sun, and in addition to her constant endeavour to create a sunny atmosphere around her. she;

literally loved to drink in the sunshine whenever possible. It was, because she was so anxious to be in the sun that she ran and! slipped on the thawing garden path at her Hastings home, on the: afternoon of January 24th, and fractured a femur. After an! operation in hospital she was making very good progress, and in! her bright and cheerful manner was looking forward to the 1 sunshine and airiness of her own home. She was'not to'return-' there, however, for on February 10th she was suddenly taken from! our midst. 1

We extend our sincere sympathy to Marion's beloved husband, John, who was a great source of strength to her, as she was to him.j May an inner strength sustain him in his loss. M.E.D.


Page 12: The Vegan Spring 1956


IN T H E H E A R T O F L O N D O N ' S S H O P P I N G C E N T R E

XLhe 3 B e v > e r l £ G O L D M E D A L L I S T S H O T E L Y M P I A 1956

24 B I N N E Y S T R E E T , L O N D O N , W . l . (Near Bond Street Tube)

10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Saturday

Closed Sunday Dinner Reservations : MAYfair 5740 •



Direc tors : Edward Hain Constancc Leigh Manager: Edmond Dc V o s

Member V . C . A .



HYDRO Treatments include:

Fast ing, Dietetics, Colonic Irrigation, Spinal Manipu-lation, Massage, Bergonie The rapy . Radiant Light

and Heat, Baths, etc.

Diet ingisonnon-f lesh food re form lines sympathetic towards Vegan principles

A fully qualified physician is in residence

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in which are listed many hundreds of Vegan foods and other products, and the firms who make them. Wonderful value at 1/3 post free from the Hon. Secretary, 38 Stane Way, Ewell,



Page 13: The Vegan Spring 1956

MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS (Two lines $/•: extra lines 2/- each; 20% allowed on four consecutive iuuet.)

DR. R. CLAUSEN-STERNWALD, Naturopathic Physician, available again for uncured cases anywhere in the world. Write : , Tring, Herts., England.

HELP to save-animals now from suffering and exploitation. Wri te : Sec-retary, St. Francis Fields of Rest, Northiam, Sussex.

NATURAL Grown Dried Bilberries. Valuable nutritional source of potassium, iron, etc. A truly organically grown food. Delightful flavour. Grows only wild. Packet sufficient for 20-24 servings, 6s. l i d . post free, or Trial Package 2s. 3d. post free. Quotations larger quantities. Easy to prepare. For enjoyment and for your good health. Central Health Stores, 4, Clarence Street, Brighton.

" ORGANIC HUSBANDRY—A Symposium" compiled by John S. Blackburn. 2 /9 post free from the Secretary, , Ewell, Surrey.

SPEAKING d W R I T I N G lessons (correspondence, visit) 5/-, classes 1/6.— Dorothy Matthews, B.A., , London, N.W.3. PRImrose 5686.

STOP SUFFERING! Write! Describe Ailments! Regd. Naturopath. 49, Adelaide Road. Dublin. Reply envelope brings Positive Proof.

VEGAN TRADE LIST, 1/3 post free from the Hon. Secretary, Ewell, Surrey.

WHY BE ILL? Radiesthesia can find any vitamins or tissue salts that may be missing, thus causing fatigue. Write Box 265, c /o " The Vegan."

ESTABLISHMENTS CATERING FOR VEGANS (First two lines free: extra lines 2/- each; 20% discount on four

consecutive issues.) BROOK. LINN'.—Callander, Perthshire. Excellent position overlooking

valley, near Trossachs and Western Highlands. Easy access, station •J mile. Good centre for walking and touring. Vegetarian and Vegan meals 'carefully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable amenities. Special family terms for Annexe rooms with all conveniences. Write for brochure. Muriel Sewell (Mrs. C. M. Choffin). Tel. : Callander 103.

COOMBE LODGE, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, a household where visiting Veganj say they feel they " belong." Bircher-Benner diet if desired. All fruit and vegetables home-grown and compost-grown. Ideal for week-end conferences. Beautiful views of valley from terrace. Excellent centre for lovely walks in Cotswold Hills. Children alwayr welcomed. Write to Kathleen Mayo.

CORNWALL.—Vegans welcomed, lovely roseland garden to private beach Brochure f rom: Trewithian Cove House, Portscatho (75), nr. Truro.

DUBLIN New Health Group welcomes visitors. 49 Adelaide Road, Dublin. Tel. 67047.

EASTBOURNE.—Board Residence. Bed and Breakfast. Mrs. Clifford, , Eastbourne. Tel. 7024.

EASTBOURNE. Edgehill Nursing Home, 6 Mill Road. Acute, chronic, convalescent rest cure, spiritual healing. Miss M. Fisher, S.R.N., R.F.N., S.C.M. Tel. 627.

HINDHEAD.—Mrs. Nicholson, garden adjoins golf course. Children welcome. Tel. : Hindhead 389.

(Continued on page 3 cover)


Page 14: The Vegan Spring 1956

pluftr a, tuco of 9hdtr6il wt Ik,


TWO intrinsic qualities single o u t GOLDEN BLOCK m a r g a r i n e

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GOLDEN BLOCK p r o d u c t s a re also unique in being Cold Processed a n d , un t i l GOLDEN BLOCK Vege t -arian Margarine has found its way to your table, you will never know margarine at its delicious best.


Only by eating pastry made with GOLDEN BLOCK Vegetarian Cook ing Fat can you savour the difference this marvellous fat will make to flavour and texture.

Make a test — the test of your o w n t a s t e ; c o m p a r e GOLDEN BLOCK with any other brand at whatever price and you'll be for ever a d e v o t e e o f GOLDEN BLOCK. YOU c a n

buy it at all high-class Grocers, Co-operative and Health Stores — M a r g a r i n e at lOld . a i - l b . , Cooking Fat at 1/Id. a J-lb.



Page 15: The Vegan Spring 1956

far fkufourmg Soups. Stews. QTtuftGR ebx

Stimulates the appetite and enhances the

flavour of all Vege-tarian and Health Foods. Ask your

local Health Food Store for VESOP.


(Continued from page 11) KESWICK.—Highfield Vegetarian Guest House, The Heads, offers beautiful

views; varied food and friendly atmosphere.—Anne Horner. Te l . : 508. LAKE DISTRICT. Rothay Bank, Grasmere. Attractive guest house for

invigorating, refreshing holidays.—Write Isabel James. Tel. 134. LEAMINGTON SPA.—" Quisisana." First class guest house with every

modern comfort, vegetarian or vegan die t Mrs. H. Newman, Tel. 2148.

LONDON.—Small vegetarian guest house, 20 mins. London. Terms moderate. Mrs. M. Noble, , Wimbledon. CHE. 3587.

N O R T H WALES.—Vegan and vegetarian guest house, nr. mountains and sea. Lovely woodland garden. Brochure from Jeannie and George Lake,

Penmaen Park, Llanfairfechan. Tel . : 161. SCARBOROUGH.—Select guest house overlooking both bays. Highly

recommended by vegetarians and vegans. Mulgrave House, 168 Castle Road. Tel. 3793.

SCARBOROUGH.—Uplands Private Hotel. , Prince of Wales Terrace. Tel. 2631.

ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL, Almondsbury, Near Bristol.—Co-educational, boarding school for children from 7 to 17. 400 ft. up, overlooking Channel and Welsh Hills. Usual academic subjects, also Art, Music, Dancing, Speech Training, etc.

WESTGATE-ON-SEA, KENT. Holiday Flatlets, self-catering, for Vegans and Vegetarians, 30/- to 50/- each guest. Occasional Vegan meals available; excellent bathing ; no smoking. Stamp for leaflet. Mrs. Arnaldi, " . Tel . : Thanet 31942. Please support our advertisers and mention THE VEGAN to them.

Page 16: The Vegan Spring 1956

Jn igi6 Mr. Pierce A. Arnold proudly brought hom» from the laboratory the first garlic preparation which did not convey the odour of garlic to the partaker.

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NEORM Tablets Liquid

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It has a variety of uses—as- a spread, as a beverage, in soups and in savouries

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PI ease support our advertisers and mention THE VEGAN to them. Printed by H. H. GIBAVES LTD.. 106/110 Lord«hip Lane. Eait Dulwich, London. S.E.22