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1 Head teacher’s message Welcome back to everyone after the summer break and especially to our new Year 7s. The summer holidays were a busy time for the college. An extensive refurbishment programme was completed, which included all the classrooms in the C Block (which houses Maths and Humanities), IT2 (including new PCs and benching) and the library, which is due to be opened in the coming weeks. Many thanks to the site team and Jacky Lomax for their tremendous work. We were pleased with the summer exam results. At GCSE, we recorded our best grades for the last three years, even though schools generally in Devon saw a drop in the headline figures. English Language GCSE results rose by 14% and the percent of students achieving 2 A*-C grades in Science rose sharply to 79%. The vast majority of subjects achieved results above the national average, including Music (81% A*-C), Textiles (87%), PE (85%). Overall the percent of students achieving 5 A*-C including English and Maths was 56%. It is noteworthy that subjects consistently over-performed in the percent of A*-As they achieved, compared to targets. Photo of Y11 GCSE students with Mr Smith taken on results day courtesy of Pulman’s View Among the highest performing students were: Sian Summers (7 A*s, 3 As, 1 B), Oliver Bilbie (3 A*s, 5 As, 2 Bs), Grace Carpenter (3 A*s, 3 As, 2 Bs), Jade Bridge (2 A*s, 7 As, 1 B), Josh Bolton (2 A*s, 6 As, 1 B, 1 C), Chloe Burrough (2 A*s, 3 As, 2 Bs, C 1), Grace Lynn (1 A*, 6 As, 1 B). A Level results were similarly pleasing. Overall, 77% of A level grades were A* to C and 46% A to B. The average points score for Full Time A Level students was 694 and the average grade per entry was 209. Performance was strong in traditional academic subjects as well as newer vocational courses. In A Level Maths, for example, six out of the nine students taking the subject achieved A grades. (continued overleaf) The Update The Axe Valley Community College Newsletter: Friday 19th September 2014 - Issue 1 Diary Dates: 21st September - PTFA Quiz Night 29th September - Y12/13Globe Theatre Trip 2nd October - Y12/13 London Art Trip 29 Sept - 3 Oct GCSE PE Residential 30 September - Y7 Exeter Museum Trip 3rd October - Non-uniform Day 5th October - Minster Challenge 7th October - Y11 History Trip to Bath 8th October - Early closure day 22nd October - Skills Show Careers Fair, Exeter 24th October - PSHE Day 27 - 31 October - Half Term

The Update - · 29th September - Y12/13Globe Theatre Trip 2nd October - Y12/13 London Art Trip 29 Sept - 3 Oct GCSE PE Residential 30 September - Y7 Exeter

Aug 09, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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Head teacher’s message

Welcome back to everyone after the summer break and especially to our new Year 7s. The summer holidays were a busy time for the college. An extensive refurbishment programme was completed, which included all the classrooms in the C Block (which houses Maths and Humanities), IT2 (including new PCs and benching) and the library, which is due to be opened in the coming weeks. Many thanks to the site team and Jacky Lomax for their tremendous work. We were pleased with the summer exam results. At GCSE, we recorded our best grades for the last three years, even though schools generally in Devon saw a drop in the headline figures. English Language GCSE results rose by 14% and the percent of students achieving 2 A*-C grades in Science rose sharply to 79%. The vast majority of subjects achieved results above the national average, including Music (81% A*-C), Textiles (87%), PE (85%). Overall the percent of students achieving 5 A*-C including English and Maths was 56%. It is noteworthy that subjects consistently over-performed in the percent of A*-As they achieved, compared to targets.

Photo of Y11 GCSE students with Mr Smith taken on results day courtesy of Pulman’s View

Among the highest performing students were:

Sian Summers (7 A*s, 3 As, 1 B), Oliver Bilbie (3 A*s, 5 As, 2 Bs),

Grace Carpenter (3 A*s, 3 As, 2 Bs), Jade Bridge (2 A*s, 7 As, 1 B),

Josh Bolton (2 A*s, 6 As, 1 B, 1 C), Chloe Burrough (2 A*s, 3 As, 2 Bs, C 1),

Grace Lynn (1 A*, 6 As, 1 B). A Level results were similarly pleasing. Overall, 77% of A level grades were A* to C and 46% A to B. The average points score for Full Time A Level students was 694 and the average grade per entry was 209. Performance was strong in traditional academic subjects as well as newer vocational courses. In A Level Maths, for example, six out of the nine students taking the subject achieved A grades.

(continued overleaf)

The Update

The Axe Valley Community College Newsletter: Friday 19th September 2014 - Issue 1

Diary Dates: 21st September - PTFA Quiz Night

29th September - Y12/13Globe Theatre Trip

2nd October - Y12/13 London Art Trip

29 Sept - 3 Oct GCSE PE Residential

30 September - Y7 Exeter Museum Trip

3rd October - Non-uniform Day

5th October - Minster Challenge

7th October - Y11 History Trip to Bath

8th October - Early closure day

22nd October - Skills Show Careers Fair, Exeter

24th October - PSHE Day

27 - 31 October - Half Term

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Among the top A level performers were: Shavaun Womersley (AAB) - studying Law at Exeter University, Simon Holland (AAB) studying Chemistry at Warwick University, Hannah Elliot (AAB) studying Law at Exeter University, Jared Stevens (A*BB) – studying Law at the University of Law, Adele Gage (AAB) - studying Geography at Exeter University, Fiona Gage (AAB) - studying Geography at Exeter University, Marcus Wood (ABB) – studying Drama, Kieran Parker (ABB) – studying Physics at Southampton University Sophie Reeve (B, Distinction*, Distinction*) – studying nursing at Cardiff University. Congratulations to all those students at KS4 and KS5 on some superb exam results. Following the restructuring last year, I would like to explain how the new staffing structure operates within the college. The Senior Leadership Team is now composed of the following Assistant Head teachers:

Mr Cumming (Systems and Technologies): this role is responsible for collecting and analysing student academic data, the timetable, and the use of technology across the college, including IT

Mr Holland (KS5 / Curriculum and Destinations): this role includes overall responsibility for Post-16, developing the college's curriculum and ensuring that students have clear pathways to progress to the next phase of the education or career.

Mrs Jenkins (KS4 / Teaching): the role covers responsibility for the quality of teaching, learning and assessment within the college. Mrs Jenkins, who joins us from The Taunton Academy, will also be 'Head of School' for all students in Years 10 and 11.

Mr Perks (KS3 / Staff Development): this role includes responsibility for all staff training and development programmes and ASPIRE. Mr Perks also takes on the 'Head of School' role for Years

7,8 and 9.

Miss Lomax's role as School Business Manager remains largely unchanged, but does now include a greater role in overseeing the premises and organisation of college trips. Our Safeguarding arrangements have also changed. I am now the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mr Perks and Mrs Jenkins are Deputy Safeguarding Leads for their respective Key Stages. This means if you have a concern about the safety of welfare of a student then these are the people to contact. Our Child Protection policy is available on our college website. We are delighted to welcome new staff to the college:

Mrs Jenkins (mentioned above) - Assistant Head and Teacher of Science

Miss Bond – Teacher of Science

Mr Brookman – Subject Leader Computing and ICT

Mr Jervis – Trainee Maths Teacher

Mr Otty – Teacher of English and Higher Attainer Co-ordinator

Mr Scott – Teacher of Geography (maternity cover for Mrs Hawkes)

Miss Sloman – Teacher of English

Mr Trim – Assistant Subject Leader Science

Mr Weaver – Teacher of Maths

Miss Taylor – Teacher of Social Science (maternity cover for Mrs Baybutt)

Please note that there is an early closure day (1.10pm) on 8th October 2014, which will be used for staff training. Lots to look forward to in the new year ahead!

Martin Smith - Head teacher

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Prize Evening

Year 11 & Sixth Form Prize Evening was held on Thursday 11th September and was attended by prize winners, parents, staff, governors and VIPs from local businesses and organisations including councillor Andrew Moulding, John Foulkes from the Rotary Club, Caroline Lavender of the Axminster Care Trust and Jeremy Walden the Mayor of Axminster. Following words of congratulations and praise by Graham Watt, the Chair of Governors and Mr Smith, the Head, Mr Walden gave a moving speech

about the pride Axminster holds for the students of Axe Valley, he said “too often our young people are portrayed as out of control, lacking ambition and lazy, when the opposite is the case. I would like to put the record straight on behalf of the people of Axminster.” In addition to all the prize winners, many other students were nominated but are not mentioned here. The college would also like to congratulate them on their commitment and hard work.

Year 11 prize winners,Gracie Carpenter, Oliver Bilbie, Josh Bolton, Sian Summers, Jess Board, Josh Bolton , Sian Summers, Jade Bridge, Jess Evans, Leah Champion, Cameron MacDougall, Chloe Burrough, Jess King, Megan Ingerfield, Louisa Hutton, Josie Hunt, Mikila Vernon, Edenbelle Durias, Matthew Mortimer, Chloe Loveridge, Jess King, Callum Reed, Leah Cozens and Jessica King, with Mr Martin Smith and Mr Ian Hunt, former Head of Year 11.

Sixth form prize winners, Erica Adams, Abbie Dowse, Adele Gage, Amy Harris, Annabel Jackson, Beth Edwards, Emily Glover, Heather Rowley, Jack Paddick , Jared Steven, Jessica Potter, Kieran Parker, Marcus Wood, Matilda Board, Scarlett Clode, Simon Holland, Sophie Reeve, Zoe Braunton-Turner with Mr Martin Smith and Mr Rupert Carr, Head of Sixth Form.

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College Transport “No pass No Travel Scheme”

Axe Valley Community College supports the

(DCC) Devon County Council’s “No pass No

Travel Scheme” that operates on transport to

and from this school.

Only students who show a valid travel pass to

the driver on every journey will be allowed to

travel. Students must travel on the vehicle

indicated on their pass.

Please ensure that your child has their travel

pass before they leave home every day.

Please ensure that your child knows what to

do in the event they are not allowed to travel

or the bus does not arrive (e.g. because of

breakdown or traffic conditions or severe

weather). School attendance is very im-

portant and it is best to be prepared for any

of these eventualities.

DCC will carry out regular pass checks

throughout the year.

Drivers are not allowed to carry passengers

who cannot show a valid pass.

If your child loses their pass during the day

they should go to the administration office to

ask for a 10 day temporary pass. Replace-

ment passes cost £5 each and can be ordered

online, or by sending a cheque with a replace-

ment form.

Further info available at:

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College Counsellor

As many of you know, we have, as part of our Student Services team a school counsellor for students at the college. This is a confidential service and students can be referred in several ways; either by Heads of Year, Tutors, School Nurse, their G.P., Teachers or other staff at the college. Parents and carers are also able to refer, and students can refer themselves by asking a member of staff or, confidentially, through the post box in the Student Office or by texting:

0750 546 7578. Sometimes students feel that one or two ses-sions are enough, or they can see the counsel-lor for longer-term if appropriate, although there may be a waiting list for appointments. At the moment the counsellor is in school on Fridays. It is important to emphasise that counselling is voluntary and that the student must want to come to counselling even if they have been referred by someone else. Unless and parent/carer specifically objects to their child/ren see-ing the counsellor it will be assumed by the college that consent is given.

eSafety Advice - Trolling BE AWARE OF TROLLING:

There’s been a huge amount of media atten-tion over recent months in the UK and further afield of online troll attacks on celebrities and sportsmen and women – such as Noel Ed-munds and Tom Daly.

Older male teenagers are the most likely to be affected by trolling, according to research but younger school children can be equally vulnerable.

Trolling can affect your child’s mental and physical health, so it’s important to under-stand how a troll operates and what you can do to beat them.


Increase your child’s online confidence by showing them the advantages of using the Internet and social networking sites. Be frank and open about the negative side of Internet use too.

Be aware that trolling can also take place when using smartphones, laptops and tab-lets.

Show your child how to set security and priva-cy settings

If you are unsure about your child’s use of a social networking site, then join it yourself first and explore the functions.

Set computer guidelines in the household by establishing some ground rules and agree to beat the trolls. There is safety in numbers so get everyone involved.

Relocate all computers into the family living area – that way you can carefully monitor any unusual activity.

Talk to other parents about trolling and share tips and advice together.

(Source: )

Additional eSafety gudaince can be found on the weblinks listed on:

College Notices

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Samba Drumming / Percussion Mon - lunch B2

Choral Group Mon - lunch B1

Rock Choir Tue - lunch B1

Steel Band Year 9 Tue after school B1

Recorder / Woodwind Ensemble Wed - lunch B1

Steel Band Year 8 Wed - after school B1

Music Hive Orchestra Wed - after school B2

Orchestra Thur - lunch B1

Rock School Thur - after School B1

Jazz Band Fri – lunch B1

Trial Cello lessons Fri - lunch B2

Other clubs:

Gardening Club Mon - lunch Behind B2

LAMDA Acting Exams Years 7-9 Tue - lunch Drama Studio

Pottery Club Tue - lunch B7

Computer programming Club Tue - lunch & Wed after sch IT1

Study Club Tue & Thur - lunch E3

& Thur after school E3

KS4 IT Catch –up Tue after sch & Wed - lunch IT1

Chess Club Wed - lunch A7

Photography Club -8 week course

starting 2nd October) Wed - after school Conference room

IT Catch-up – Years 7-9 Thur - lunch IT1

Textiles Year 7 Thur Week 2 - lunch T5

Youth Speaks Thur - lunch A8

Art Club Years 10 & 11 Thur - lunch B6

English as a foreign language Thur - lunch C4

Cook Club Thur - after school T1

Drama Club Years 7-9 Fri - lunch Drama Studio

LAMDA Acting Exams Years 10-13 Fri - after school Drama Studio

Clubs and Activities

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Clubs and Activities

Sports: Basketball Years 10-13 Mon - Lunch Sports Hall

Sporting Chance Years 7 Mon - after school Sports Hall

Running Club All Years Tues - lunch Sports Field

Inter-tutor events Years 7-9 Tues - lunch Sports Hall

Girls Football Year 10-13 Tues - lunch Sports Field

Badminton Years 7 - 11 Tues - after school Sports Hall

Rugby Years 7-9 Tues - after school Sports Field

High 5s leaders Years 10-13 Tues - after school Hard Courts

Basketball Years 7-9 Wed - lunch Sports Hall

Netball Year 7-9 Wed - lunch Hard Courts

Badminton Years 7-11 Thur - lunch Sports Hall

Netball Years 10-13 Thur - lunch Hard Courts

Girls Football Year 7-9 Thur - lunch Sports Field

GCSE Catch-up Years 10-11 Thur - lunch check with teacher

Netball Years 10-13 Thur - after school Hard Courts

Rugby Years 10-13 Thur - after school Sports Field

Indoor Cricket Years 7-9 Fri - lunch Sports Hall

Fitness Years 10-13 Fri - lunch Axes Gym

Most of these clubs are free of charge. In some cases a contribution towards costs is requested from the students. To maximise the impact of these donations we request that they are made via the Local Giving website, through which the college will benefit from Gift Aid as well as match funding at certain times. Some additional clubs may be added later in the term / year in response to student demand and if volunteers come forward to help. The PTFA is very supportive of widening the range of clubs available - it already contributes towards the costs of several clubs and will consider requests for more. If you are interested in a sport or activity and would like to see a club set up please speak to Mrs Moran or email Mrs Pemberton on [email protected] Late buses are available at 5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays going to Musbury, Colyton and Seaton to enable as many students as possible to attend after school clubs.

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ASPIRE Update There are a number of exciting activities coming up on the ASPIRE programme this half term.

On Tuesday 23 September we are running our annual Maths, Science, and English Parents Workshop for year 6 ASPIRE students from our local primary schools. This workshop gives prospective parents and their children the unique opportunity to work together, gaining an insight into how these subjects are taught here at the college.

On Tuesday 23 September the Head of Space Weather at the Met Office will meet with six year 10 ASPIRE students and give a presentation on space weather. These six students are then invited to take a specific role in the official opening of the Met Office Weather Operations Centre (one of only four centres globally) on 8th October. The opening will be attended by 100 guests including a significant contingent from the US and the new Science Minister Greg Clark MP. This is a fantastic opportunity for these students.

On 30 September we are running a “Meet the Coaches” event for years 9-13 ASPIRE students. At this event the coaches will talk about their backgrounds and explain what their individual area of coaching expertise is. The students will then use this knowledge to select an appropriate coach for subsequent one-to-one coaching sessions which take place in October and November.

In October three representatives from EDF Energy’s Schools Programme are coming to the college to run an activity about the local climate with a group of years 7-9 ASPIRE students.

In October we will also be holding an event for our new youngest members of the ASPIRE programme with a Year 5 ASPIRE Welcome Meeting.

On 20th October our year 10 – 11 ASPIRE students will have the opportunity to take part in a STEM Challenge Day as part of the Astellas Innovation Challenge. We are one of the few schools nationally selected to take part in this event.

After half term, there will be a print making

workshop for ASPIRE ARTS student.

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REACH Update

Summer School 2014

This year’s week long Summer School was well attended with 38 new Year 7 REACH students attending.

Students arrived in the morning to a hearty breakfast in the canteen and were greeted by all the College staff helping on the day.

Once fuelled up, students were split into two groups for the morning and went to various teaching bases in school where they experienced a variety of fun taster sessions in English, Maths, Art and Science. The students particularly enjoyed burning crisps in science to see which type had the most energy!

After two fun taster sessions in the morning, students then were transported to the nearby Weycroft Hall, a beautiful listed country house. After a packed lunch provided by our canteen they embarked on an exciting variety of outdoor adventure activities including Kayaking on the Axe, Laser Quest, assault course and a variety of fun team building challenges. Each afternoon students would experience one of the four activities before getting cleaned up and

returning home. The activities were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, although students and staff alike particularly enjoyed the laser quest battles in and around the beautiful gardens.

As a reward for the students’ hard woirk (!) during the week, on Friday we went to Splashdown in Poole. Students were able to let off some steam in the water slide park, followed by some competitive ten pin bowling and a hot lunch afterwards.

Overall students enjoyed a fantastic week of activities which have helped them to feel more confident and ready for their new start at our college. I thouroughly enjoyed getting to know our delightful new students who were absolutely amazing all week.

Mr Davies - Yr7 Year Leader

“I loved kayaking and the assault course was so fun, but Splashdown was definitely the best bit as it was a totally new experience” Jess Pagano 7MBR

“I loved it all! Especially meeting new people and getting familiar with the school and teachers.” Ella Shepherd 7DW

The science lesson was “fantastic” Ben Churchill 7DW

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The PTFA BIG Summer Raffle

Well done to Claire Searle and her family for winning an Ecoburn Plus 5 stove and a factory tour in the recent Axe Valley Community College PTFA Big Summer Raffle!

Arada Stoves welcomed Claire, her husband John and two of her children- Benjamin (7) and Luke (14) to their factory to show them how they handcraft their range of stoves here in Devon!

With winter on the way, we are sure Claire’s new Ecoburn Plus 5 will keep her feeling warm and cosy!

Thanks again Arada Stoves!

Quiz Night - Sunday 21st September

The next event on the PTFA calendar is Quiz night on Sunday 21st September. As always, quiz master Martin Huscroft has devised a unique mix of devilishly hard and easy-peasy questions that will guarantee a fun evening for everyone.

If you want to be sure of a table please call the Old Inn on 01297 32096.

The next meeting is the PTFA AGM.

Please join us to discuss the year past and plans for the year ahead. Everyone is welcome and we will be serving refreshments.

Monday 29th September - 7.00pm in the Conference Room

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Student Initiative

Tanzania 2014 Sixth formers Chris Loveridge 12DT and Dan Bolton 12HT travelled to Tanzania this summer with Camp International. Following a presentation by the charitable organisation at the college, they were inspired to raise funds in order to take part in this exciting project. Their fundraising included bag packing at Tesco and abseiling off a tower in Exeter, among other initiatives, which allowed them to raise a grand total of £3,840 for the scheme over a period of more than a year. Chris writes, “Tanzania was no tough decision for me, for years I wanted to travel to Africa and see how they live and this gave us the opportunity to not only see how they live but also to help improve their quality of life in a sustainable way.

The people we met in Tanzania were welcoming and so grateful for us just being there that it was impossible to feel unwelcome, whether we were with a family with no home, or school children who only get one school uniform for their whole school life, they were just so friendly and kind. Our projects were all very rewarding, we helped build houses and maintain watering holes and repaint classrooms in schools that can’t afford to do it themselves.

The work we did was done to improve their lives for a long period of time. The people I worked with are now some of my closest friends. Whilst in Tanzania we had to work, eat, sleep and spend almost all our time with one another, so in a way these people became like family to me. The whole experience was life changing and enlightening and I am grateful to have had the chance to have done this.”

Chris Loveridge 12DT

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The Minster Challenge Sunday 5 October

How time flies! It is now only 2 weeks to go until the 3rd annual Minster Challenge running event. It looks like being another successful edition with application forms coming from far and wide. Don’t worry if you can’t make the postal deadline, you can still apply by post (avoiding the queue on the day) and numbers can be collected at the start of the event - or just turn up and our registration desk will accept your forms. Registration opens at 8.30 am. The Minster Challenge is divided into 3 runs for different ages and abilities:- The Challenge is a multi-terrain run of approx. 10k including country lanes, uneven footpaths, fields, streams and wooded areas. Hopefully we will have some more rain before then to make it

more interesting!! Last night’s storm certainly will have helped! The minimum age for this run is 17. The Fun Run is approx. 5k and is for the over 11’s and for those adults who would like a less demanding run. It comprises of the first and the last part of The Challenge. For the younger runners we have the Junior Run which is a race of approximately 1 mile which will start at the College, continue to Axminster Primary School and around their field and back to the College with 2 laps of the track before heading to the finish. Sponsors Many thanks go to our main sponsor SWH Build this year and also to Fred Hansford carpet fitters for their continued support of the event. More info Full details of times, fees and awards are on the College’s website following the link: Here you will also find the application form which you will need to download. Unfortunately at present we do not have on-line payment for this event.

Please find below the map of The Challenge. The Fun Run follows the number 1, 6 and 7

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Help needed An event like this is very hard to put on successfully without people donating their time to help. We still need volunteers to help with marshalling. It is a vital part of keeping the runners safe and going in the right direction - as well as encouraging the younger runners to complete their run!

More than just a run! It is truly an ideal family morning out. Karizma majorettes will keep you entertained with one of their dazzling routines. The Resource Centre is running a second hand book stall with an extensive range of books.

On the PFTA stand you will find a selection of delicious cakes, hot and cold drinks and bacon rolls being served from the barbecue. The Junior run will do two laps of the school track which will enable parents/guardians to watch their children run and cheer them on towards the finish. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact details for volunteering and any queries [email protected]

Mrs D Roberts - Race Organiser

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Community News New Youth Club in Axminster

As many of you may be aware, the youth club in Axminster has been closed since 1st Sep-tember. A group of very enthusiastic volun-teers who will be appropriately trained and police checked are now trying to set up a new youth club for young people in Axminster.

We want this to be a club for people aged 11 to 19 and we are therefore holding a drop-in session on Monday 22nd September at the Pip-pins centre Axminster from 7pm to 9pm. We would love any young people who are inter-ested in attending this club to come along, and talk to us about what they want from a youth club, what they would like to do and suggestions for a name for the club.

We would also like to invite any parents/carers along to this drop-in session so they can see for themselves where the club will be and if they have any ideas or if they would like to volunteer to help.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lara on [email protected] or phone Pam on 07713 863229. There is also a Facebook page ‘Axminster New Youth Club’ where you can find out further details or ask questions.

Air Cadets recruitment Honiton - 28th September

Are you in Year 8 or above? Do You Like Adventure, Fun , Sport & Team work? Would You like: The chance to learn to Fly and Glide To attend Air Displays for free. To shoot Take part in Public events or Play Music? Would you like Subsidised visits to major at-tractions. Visit RAF/ Army/ Navy Bases at home and abroad, Go on International Ex-changes, Gain additional Qualifications (e.g. BTec, DofE)

All this and more is available through the Air

Training Corps (Air Cadets) To find out more 1064 (Honiton) Squadron

will be holding a Recruitment afternoon at 2.00pm on Sunday 28th September Air Cadet HQ, St Marks Rd, Honiton.

Tel: 07794 972930 for info.