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the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations

Apr 15, 2016



This PDF has everything you need to play an Unspeakable horror from the Far Realms. An Unspeakable can take on the hideous form of an eldritch abomination with Traits that vary from Player to Player.
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Page 1: the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D;, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their

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All other original material in this work is copyright [2016] by eftexar (Carl Haggerty) and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon

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the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations
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Page 2: the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations


From the dark comes a hideous abomination covered in slimy tentacles. Just when you think it's about to eat you, it greets you instead. Maybe if you stand real still it'll forget your there. What you thought was an Elf suddenly morphs into a strange Aberration with many tentacles and claws. A Dwarf stumbles into a strange community. The houses are made of flesh and it's denizens behave oddly. He would have mistaken it for an Illithids' civilization if not for the fact not one is in sight. He also decides to give up ever drinking again. The Unspeakable has been touched by the Far Realms, whether she came from them, was exposed from them, or was created by some such Aberration. OF THE FAR REALMS As an Unspeakable you have been touched by the Far Realms. Expect others to be freaked out. In fact expect freaking others out to be a Weapon in itself.


Level Prof. Feature(s) Forms Traits

1 + 2 Aberrant Form, Strange Anatomy 2 - 2 + 2 Aberrant Traits 2 2 3 + 2 Aberrant Archetype and Feature 3 2 4 + 2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 5 + 3 Extra Attack 3 3 6 + 3 Malleable Shape 4 3 7 + 3 New Aberrant Feature 4 3 8 + 3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 9 + 4 Intimidating Presence 4 4

10 + 4 Legendary Resistance (one use) 4 4 11 + 4 Warped Mind 4 4 12 + 4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 13 + 5 New Aberrant Feature 5 5 14 + 5 Legendary Resistance (two uses) 5 5 15 + 5 Persistant Form 5 5 16 + 5 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 17 + 6 Mutate 6 6 18 + 6 Legendary Resistance (three uses) 6 6 19 + 6 New Aberrant Feature 6 6 20 + 6 Ability Score Improvement Unlimited 6

Note. Kudos to Middle Finger of Vecna for their cool ideas. Some of this homebrew is based off of their own homebrew (though modified).

Page 3: the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations


As an Unspeakable, you have the following Class Features : HIT POINTS Hit Dice : 1d8 per an Unspeakable level Hit Points at 1st : 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels : 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Unspeakable level after 1st PROFICIENCIES Armor : Light Armor, Shields Weapons : Simple Weapons Tools : None Saving Throws : Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma Skills : Select 2 : Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion STARTING GOLD 2d4x10 gp MULTICLASS REQUIREMENTS Strength 13 or Constitution 13, and Wisdom 13 or Charisma 13 ABERRANT FORM

Your Type changes to Aberration, you acquire Darkvision, out to a Range of 60 ft., and can speak Telepathically, out to a Range of 30 ft. You don't need to understand a Creature to communicate Telepathically, but the Creature must be able to understand at least one Language. Unless you wear a large cloak, to conceal your deformities, you are disturbing to behold. You are Proficient with Intimidation and may add twice your Proficiency Bonus to Intimidation Checks. Further, a limited number of times per a Long Rest, as indicated, you may take on an even more Aberrant Form. While in Aberrant Form you acquire the benefit of the following :

3 + your Constitution modifier, per an Unspeakable level, Temporary Hit Points, which remain until you exit Aberrant Form.

You have Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage.

You may remain in Aberrant Form for 1 Minute. It ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or lose all of the Temporary Hit Points this grants. You can also end it prematurely as a Bonus Action. STRANGE ANATOMY

Your organs bizarre in placement and composition, you possesses an AC of 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Furthermore, you are not subject to Critical Hits. This doesn't stack with that from Armor, but you can still benefit from a Shield.

Page 4: the Unspeakable : Strange Anatomies and Aberrations


You may pick a number of Traits, that you qualify for, equal to that indicated. You gain the benefits of these while in Aberrant Form. LV 3, 7, 13, 19 | ABERRANT ARCHETYPE AND FEATURES

At your 3rd level, of Unspeakable, you may select an Archetype from those detailed at the end of the Class description. Your choice determines your Features at your 3rd level and again at your 9th, 14th, and 19th levels. LV 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 | ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENTS

At each of the indicated levels you may increase one of your Ability Scores by + 2, two different Ability Scores by + 2, or acquire a bonus Feat, for which you qualify, of your choice. LV 5 | EXTRA ATTACK

Whenever you take the Attack Action you may attack twice, instead of only once. LV 6 | MALLEABLE SHAPE

You body more fluid, than solid, you can shift your features around to make herself appear different. This change of shape is retained for as long as you can maintain Concentration upon it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body type, but the extent of physical changes is otherwise up to you. Additionally, while in Aberrant Form, you are able to compress your body enough to squeeze through an inch-wide crack. You can't expand inside a space that offers any resistance, such as an occupied suit of armor. LV 9 | INTIMIDATING PRESENCE

As an Action you may become more frightening. Any Hostile Creature who can see, or hear, you must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw, at a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failed Saving Throw they are Frightened for 1 Round. A Creature who Saves becomes immune to Initimidating Presence for 24 Hours. LV 10, 14, 18 | LEGENDARY RESISTANCE

A limited number of Times per Long Rest, as indicated, when you would fail a Saving Throw you may choose to succeed instead. LV 11 | WARPED MIND

The nature of your brain altered, you are Resistant to Psychic Damage and have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed or Frightened. LV 15 | PERSISTENT FORM

Loss of her Temporary Hit Points no longer forces you out of Aberrant Form.

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You are no longer limited to your chosen Traits. Whenever you take Aberrant Form you may choose new Traits.

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Having taken a page from Illithids you focus on expanding your mind. With it comes great Psionic power. LV 3 | EXPANDED MIND

You add half of your Proficiency Bonus to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Check, or Saving Throw, you didn't before. LV 7 | MIND BLAST

(Recharge 5 or 6). As an Action you may attack the mind of a sentient Creature within 60 ft. You deal #d8, where # is equal to your Proficiency Bonus, Psychic Damage. LV 13 | ABLATIVE FIELD

Ready for the rigors of space, you possess Resistance to Cold, Fire, and Radiant Damage and, further, you no longer need to breathe and aren't subject to inhaled Poisons. LV 19 | ENERGY BEAM

(Recharge 5 or 6) As an Action you may fire a 60 ft. line of energy, that deals #d10 Force Damage and #d10 Radiant Damage, where # is equal to your Proficiency Bonus. A Dexterity Saving Throw, with a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier, can be made to halve the Damage. OOZEMASTER

All things gross and disgusting are in your domain. Ooze around harm's way and even Polymorph into other Creatures. LV 3 | ACIDIC TOUCH

When you make a successful Melee Attack, Unarmed or with a Natural Weapon, you can also deliver an Acid. The Target takes additional Acid Damage equal to #, where # is equal to your Proficiency Bonus. LV 7 | LIQUID BODY

You have Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage even while not in your Aberrant Form. When in your Aberrant Form you are also Immune to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from a non-Magical Weapon. LV 13 | SUPREME MALLEABILITY

You don't need to be in your Aberrant Form to use the full benefits of Malleable Shape.

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You may, as an Action take the form of any Ooze whose total Hit Die don't exceed your own. This functions as for the Polymorph Spell. You remain in this form until you exit it (as a Bonus Action) or are knocked Unconscious. You retain any Traits you might have through Aberrant Form (if in it). SIGILBORNE

You have learned to scribe strange eldritch symbols on your body. These Tattoos lend to your prowess. LV 3 | TATTOO

You can choose a new Tattoo at her 3rd, 7th, 13th, and 19th levels of Unspeakable. Unless indicated otherwise you can only take any particular Tattoo once.

Aegis. Your Strange Anatomy provides an AC of 13 + your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier.

Adept. Pick one Tool or Skill. You are now Proficient with it. This Tattoo can be taken multiple times; granting a new Proficiency each time.

Dash. Your Base Land Speed is increased by + 10 ft.

Evoke. You learn one Evocation Cantrip of your choice.

Feint. You learn one Illusion Cantrip of your choice.

Fettle. Your Constitution increases by + 2 and Your Maximum Constitution is now 24. This Tattoo can be taken multiple times; granting a + 2 increase each time.

Fist. Your Unarmed Strike deals 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage.

Nimble. Your Dexterity increases by + 2 and your Maximum Dexterity is now 24. This Tattoo can be taken multiple times; granting a + 2 increase each time.

Sight. You gain Blindsight out to 30 ft.

Titan. Your Strength increases by + 2 and your Maximum Strength is now 24. This Tattoo can be taken multiple times; granting a + 2 increase each time.

Vigil. You add your Proficiency Bonus to Intitiative Rolls.

War. Pick one Weapon. You are now Proficient with it. This Tattoo can be taken multiple times; granting a new Proficiency each time.


During each Short Rest you can grant the benefits of one of your Tattoos to an Ally. It remains until you apply a new Tattoo (not necessarily to the same Ally). It must be one you yourself possess. LV 13 | MUTABLE TATTOO

Pick one of your Tattoos. Youc can change which Tattoo it is during each Long Rest.

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You are able to cast Glyph of Warding on yourself. You are immune to it's effects, but may only have one Warding at a time. The Warding doesn't break if you move more than 10 ft.