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The University of West Bohemia The University of West Bohemia

The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

Dec 10, 2015



Thomas Powell
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Page 1: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

The University of West BohemiaThe University of West BohemiaThe University of West BohemiaThe University of West Bohemia

Page 2: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial ZoneZone

The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial ZoneZone

Page 3: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

1945 Establishment of the Faculty of Medicine as part of Charles University in Prague

1948 Establishment of an independent Faculty of Education (FPE) 1949 Establishment of the Institute of Technology (VŠSE) as a branch of the Czech Technical University in Prague; as of 1950 acting as an independent faculty 1960 Establishment of two independent faculties: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering 1990 Establishment of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Economics 28. 9. 1991 Establishment of the University of West Bohemia as a result of the merger of VŠSE and FPE 1993 Establishment of the Faculty of Law 1999 Establishment of the Faculty of Philosophy (originally as the Faculty of Humanities) 2004 Establishment of the Institute of Art and Design

The Development of Higher The Development of Higher Education in Pilsen and Education in Pilsen and tthe Current he Current


The Development of Higher The Development of Higher Education in Pilsen and Education in Pilsen and tthe Current he Current


Page 4: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.


Number of students

AApppplliieedd SScciieenncceess 1,488

EEccoonnoommiiccss 2,174

EElleeccttrriiccaall EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg 2,094

PPhhiilloossoopphhyy 2,730

EEdduuccaattiioonn 3,330

LLaaww 2,608

MMeecchhaanniiccaall EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg 1,707

IInnssttiittuuttee ooff AArrtt aanndd DDeessiiggnn 234

Page 5: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

The University of West The University of West BohemiaBohemiaThe University of West The University of West BohemiaBohemia

Number of full-time students: current 16,365 Number of employees: 1,808 Number of teachers from that: 1,010

Study programmes: Bachelor Master PhD Forms of study: full - time distance combined

Page 6: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

The Vision of the University of West The Vision of the University of West BohemiaBohemiaThe Vision of the University of West The Vision of the University of West BohemiaBohemia

The university has been founded on the principles of knowledgeand creative potential. In a partnership with society

the university is on the road to success.




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Page 7: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

Strategic Strategic AAims ims ofof the the University of West University of West


Strategic Strategic AAims ims ofof the the University of West University of West


• Funding from external sources: 55% (in addition to the state budget contribution)

• Share of the market for tertiary education: 6-8%• Total number of students: 20,000• Number of students obtaining employment in their branch

of study: 55%• Faculty staff with very high reputation in their fields: 25%• Number of research centres higher than number of faculties

Page 8: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

UWB‘s MissionUWB‘s MissionUWB‘s MissionUWB‘s Mission

• Education

• Science, applied research, creative inventions

• Internationalization

• Participating in the formation of an open society

• Having an impact on the region

• Process and project administration management

• Resources Provision and their Strategic distribution

• Creating UWB’s organizational culture

Page 9: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

UWB harmonizes the life of the city and the region, their wealth grows with the level of education

The University increases the city and region’s significance for Czech and foreign enterpreneurs and investors as the centre of education and research

Significant impact on Czech & foreign investors

Influx of the young generation

Cultural & sports activities


UWB‘s Value for the City of PilsenUWB‘s Value for the City of Pilsenand the Pilsen Regionand the Pilsen Region

UWB‘s Value for the City of PilsenUWB‘s Value for the City of Pilsenand the Pilsen Regionand the Pilsen Region

Page 10: The University of West Bohemia. The University of West Bohemia & The Industrial Zone.

European CompatibilityEuropean CompatibilityEuropean CompatibilityEuropean Compatibility

• Study credit system• Internal decentralization & cohesion• ECTS compatibility• Accreditation for FEANI (EUR ING)• Evaluation• Information systems• Student autonomy