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Written By Lisa Diane

The Ultimate Secret to Getting What You Want Now!

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"The Law of Attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thought life. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. Thought rules the world." Dr. Joseph Murphy “Like a magnet, your mind attracts. What you think about intently, with attention and feeling is attracted to you. The mind has wonderful powers.” Remez Sasson

“You are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, situations and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. The Law of Attraction in action.” Brian Tracy

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How to Be a Money Magnet

Is There Really A “Road to Riches?” When you hear people talk about making big money… getting rich… “having it all”… or living the “good life”… what’s your first reaction, your gut feeling about it? Do you feel like wealth is beyond your reach? Do you believe success and riches are “for the other guy”… but not for you? Are you convinced that the real key to wealth is a secret that belongs to a few lucky people—while all the regular people are left to struggle and strain just to get by?

When you don’t have money… when it’s not flowing freely in your life… it’s easy to believe that it never will. But somewhere deep inside your soul, you DO BELIEVE you have what it takes to be rich, wealthy and successful. You wouldn’t have spent your hard earned money on this course if you didn’t. So my friend, I have some very good news for you. There IS a way… a ROAD TO RICHES… and I’m going to invite you to travel that road along with me. Everything you need to know is included in this course. The truth is, your money is waiting for you right now, this very minute.

Making money can be hard… a real struggle. Attracting money is effortless.

Up until now, you’ve spent your time and money in an attempt to discover the secret to MAKING money. And in most cases, the harder you work the less you make. All that’s about to change. When you learn to ATTRACT money it’s like an avalanche of good floods your life. You immediately feel the difference. Everything just seems to go your way. We’ve all had those moments from time to time when you feel like you’re “in the zone”… like you’re on a roll… like you’re invincible. Unfortunately, most folks only experience momentary glimmers of this powerful state of attraction. In this course, I’ll reveal exactly what you need to know to live in that awesome state of attraction, full-time. Your entire life will turnaround once you embrace this state of mind and being.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

Most People REPEL Money… YOU Can Learn to ATTRACT It!

I’m truly excited for you. Although you may not fully realize it now, you stand on the threshold of a totally new and empowered life. You’re on the brink of living in total peace, health, wealth, happiness, success and prosperity. Once you have mastered the principles revealed in this course, you can literally custom-design your entire life. Although this course is focused on becoming a MONEY MAGNET, you will use these exact principles to attract everything good into your life… including success, health, wealth, happiness, peace of mind, financial freedom and more. It all starts here and now! You see, all change happens in an INSTANT. And my dear friend, this is the MOMENT your life can change forever. Please don’t let it pass you by. Stop settling for what comes your way, wishing life could be different. It’s time to grab hold of your destiny and create the life you desire and deserve. I’m here to show you how. As we move through this course please take time to read each section and participate in every activity or exercise. Take this seriously and allow these ideas to soak deep within your spirit. Embrace these ideas and use them to truly become a MONEY MAGNET. Let’s get started.

Looking For Wealth in All the Wrong Places I see it happening everyday. People are searching for ways to make money. They’re desperate for a solution to their financial troubles—yet no matter how hard they try and how long they search, the money continues to allude them. Be honest. How many money-making programs have you purchased over the last several years? Why did you buy them? If you’re like most people, you bought the programs believing they had the ANSWER… the solution to your money problems. You were looking for a quick-fix… the way out… the light at the end of the financial tunnel. What happened? How did the programs work for you? Here’s the truth. You can make money with virtually any of those programs or you can fail miserably with them. Once again, the choice is yours. You see, it’s not really about the specific program, company or products. Those are just vehicles. Are some better than others? Of course. Are some of them totally worthless? Yes. But none of that really matters in the long-run.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

The real key to it all is found inside of you. If you can understand this one concept you can literally achieve extraordinary success in virtually anything and everything you touch. You’ll begin to attract money and success like a magnet—instead of repelling it. You see, we live in a universe made up of energy. Everything is energy—including you and me. In our universe we attract the experiences and the things that are in harmony with our level of energy. I know it sounds a little strange, but stay with me for minute. Think about it this way. Have you ever known someone that seems to only have bad things happen to them? I mean, the worst luck of all. It’s not uncommon for this type person to lose their job, have their car breakdown and their spouse threaten divorce all in the same week. Do you know anyone like that? Take a close look at that person’s life. You’ll notice that most everything they do is what I consider very “Low Energy.” Most of what they talk about is bad news. They constantly point out what’s wrong and complain about how life isn’t fair—and why it’s always someone else’s fault. They’re jealous of other people who are more successful. They most likely have unhealthy habits—like smoking and/or drinking and they hang out with people who are also struggling in life. Does that description sound about right? Of course it does. Why? Because in order for someone to experience a life full of hard times and struggle they must be attracting those low-energy conditions with their thoughts, words and actions. Of course, this goes the same for “High Energy” people. Have you ever known someone who is successful at everything they do? Sometimes we call it having the “Midas Touch”… where everything they get involved in works out spectacularly. Success and good fortune seems to follow them. Everything goes their way. They live almost a “charmed” life. Have you ever known anyone like this? This kind of person can even take what seems like a bad situation and come out smelling like roses. Once again, take a closer look at this person’s life and you’ll undoubtedly discover that they operate at very high levels of energy. They attract everything that is good and they live a very happy, healthy, wealthy, fulfilled and joyful life.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

Who are you most like? You’re probably somewhere in-between. But, the key to being happy, healthy and wealthy lies in you raising your energy levels by thinking and talking about what’s good and what’s right most of the time. It really is that simple, yet it’s not usually all that easy when you first become aware of these principles. Most people are stuck in ruts of complaining, playing the “blame game” and giving their attention to things and experiences that are negative and not what they want. The more you do that, the more of those things and experiences you’ll have in your life. The truth is, what you expect is what you will get. Think about it for a minute. What kind of “expectations” do you have about wealth? If you’re really honest with yourself you’ll probably find that you expect exactly what you have right now. Your expectations are based largely on what you BELIEVE about money and wealth. So let's start there...

What’s Wealth Anyway? Before we start seriously discussing how to put an end to your money troubles forever, let’s talk about what wealth is NOT. ♦ Wealth is not winning the lottery. ♦ Wealth is not found in a “get rich quick” scheme. ♦ Wealth is not something you inherit from your Rich Uncle Charlie—

although it IS your birthright! ♦ Wealth is not the balance in your checking account. ♦ Wealth is not the size of your stock and investment portfolio. ♦ Wealth is not the real estate you own. ♦ Wealth is not your 401K plan. ♦ Wealth is not cash-flow. ♦ Wealth is not your paycheck. ♦ Wealth is not your cars, your clothes, your trips or your jewelry. Real Wealth is not anything you own or control. Real Wealth is a state of mind—a state of being. Real Wealth happens from the inside out—not the outside in. This is why almost 100% of the people who win a major lottery lose everything within 2 years and find themselves worse off than before their big windfall. It’s also

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How to Be a Money Magnet

why Donald Trump could be over $9 BILLION in debt and have it all back—and more—within just a few years. Wealth isn’t “out there”—it’s not something you stumble on, luck into, scheme for or earn. Real Wealth isn’t measured by your bank balance. Real Wealth isn’t something you have to spend years to achieve. Discovering The Real Source of Everything You Want

Everything you want (whether it’s success, wealth, happiness, health or peace of mind)… it all starts inside of YOU. You are the only one in control of the reality you live. How much money you have, how happy you are, how healthy you are, how successful you are… it’s all up to you and only you. YOU get to choose the life you live. You get to choose your own experiences.

Are You Making Wise Choices? Look around at your life right now. Are you happy, healthy and wealthy? Are you living in abundance or in lack? The truth, whether you choose to accept it or not, is that YOU are the one and only person responsible for the condition of the life you’re living today. I know it’s a hard reality to swallow… but it’s absolutely true. What’s more important is that because of this truth you can now make better choices and design the life you DESIRE to live. You’re not a victim… nothing is done to you. You are in charge of your destiny. You are the writer and director of the script for the production called YOUR LIFE. Nothing can come into your life that you don’t allow. Nothing can exist in your reality that wasn’t first created in your thoughts and mind. Nothing and no one has any power over you, unless you give it to them. Now I don’t know about you, but to me, this is exciting news! If you’ll really stop and let this reality sink in you’ll realize that YOU can literally custom-design the life of your dreams—down to the smallest detail. The truth is, you’re already doing it. You create your life and everything in it… success or failure, wealth or poverty, joy or pain, happiness or despair… it’s all up to you.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

YOU WERE BORN RICH You were born rich… wealthy… loaded! You were designed to live an abundant life full of peace, health, happiness and WEALTH.

Are you ready to claim your birthright? As we work through this course together, you’re going to hear new ideas that you’ve probably never heard before. Ideas that may go against everything you’ve ever heard, believed or been taught about wealth. Some of these ideas may seem too good to be true, others may challenge your belief system and make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy. Here’s what I want you to ask yourself when one of your beliefs about wealth is challenged, “How has this belief been working out for me?” If you’re not experiencing a life full of abundance and wealth, then it’s time for you to reconsider the ideas and beliefs you hold about wealth. The truth is, 97% of the world operates from what I call a “lack mindset”—meaning they aren’t living the abundant, rich, wealthy life they were created for. Less than 3% of everyone on the planet “get it” and operate out of an “abundance mindset.” I want you to make the shift from the 97% to the 3% and start living the rich life you desire and deserve. To do this, you’re going to need to CHANGE your beliefs about wealth, money, success, freedom and more. Are you willing to give up old, worn out beliefs that do NOT serve you in order to embrace a whole new life? Most of us were conditioned to believe that you have to work hard, “give it your all” and “put your nose to the grindstone” to make a decent living. At the same time, we believed that achieving “wealth” was a matter of luck or being “born” into the right family.

What are your beliefs about money and wealth? (Jot them down… just write the first thing that comes to mind.)


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How to Be a Money Magnet

Wealth isn’t something you ACHIEVE, it’s something you RECEIVE.

The Bible says, “Ask and Receive”…

it doesn’t say anything about “achieve.” When you think about wealth, if you’re still looking at it as something you must “do” or something you have to “figure out how to make happen”—then you’re still operating under the belief that wealth is “out there” somewhere.

Here’s the TRUTH… YOU WERE BORN RICH. This is great news for you! Once you change your perspective and understand that wealth happens from the “inside out”, you will never again be a victim of “circumstance.” No outside force, organization, government or person can withhold or take away your wealth.

So if this is true, then why aren’t you living a rich life today?

It may be difficult for you to believe or understand right now, but your life today—what you have or don’t have, how rich or poor you are, how happy or unhappy, sick or healthy, successful or unsuccessful you may be—is a direct result of your own choosing. Now before you get upset with me, remember that I told you that some of your beliefs would be challenged and that you would need to be open to new ideas if you want to live a rich life. This is one of those ideas.


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These 5 little words…

Can mean the difference for you between abundance and prosperity and a life of mediocrity and struggle.

These 5 words…

Are the secret to success for the people in this world who live life according to their dreams.

These 5 words...

Reveal the source of your problems and your solutions.

These 5 words… Contain the key to all success and fortune.

These 5 words…

Hold the power to change your life this very moment.

Do you know THE 5 MAGIC WORDS?

YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR LIFE! Your Thoughts Create Your Life—these are THE 5 MAGIC WORDS! If you’re rich, healthy, successful, happy, fulfilled and joyful—it’s because of the THOUGHTS that you dwell on most of the time. If you’re poor, broke, sick, miserable and unsuccessful—it’s because of the THOUGHTS that you dwell on most of the time. You and your THOUGHTS are both the source of your problem AND your solution. Your whole world can change by simply changing the THOUGHTS that you constantly focus on. This includes thoughts about money and wealth.

YOU WERE BORN RICH! I keep repeating it because it’s true. You were created to experience a life of rich abundance. Your Creator wants to provide you with the best of everything, only you must be willing to accept it.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

True Success is a spiritual thing! In some religious circles being poor, denial or struggling financially is portrayed as “noble” or “spiritual.” Terms like, “poor as a church mouse” lead people to believe that not having money is what God expects. Our society depicts rich people as greedy, selfish or outright crooks. The media is always attacking the wealthy people, doing whatever they can to make them look bad. And when a wealthy person makes a mistake, the media celebrates their misfortune. These attitudes toward wealth and wealthy people are nothing more than jealousy and envy rearing their ugly heads. In truth, those news writers who earn $25,000 a year would gladly change places with billionaires like Bill Gates or Donald Trump in a second. They’d trade their beat-up Chevy’s for a limo and a private jet any day.

It’s time to separate fact from fiction and set the record straight. GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH.

As a matter of fact, I’ll even take it one step further and tell you that it’s a SIN to be poor. Alright, I know what you’re thinking. But stay with me for a minute. Once again, this is one of those times when I’m going to challenge your old belief system and ask you to consider a new, more empowering point of view. The definition of “sin” is to “miss the mark.” If you’re poor, it’s impossible for you to live up to your potential and have, do and be all that you were created to be. If you’re struggling to pay your VISA bill and having to count your grocery total as you place your items on the checkout counter, then you’re definitely NOT living up to your potential. You’re “missing the mark.” The fact is, you were created for greatness. There’s a wonderful plan and purpose for your life. Your Heavenly Father created the entire world and everything in it to provide a totally fulfilling life for you.

Jesus says, “I have come so that you may have life

and have it more abundantly.” Think about the terms used to describe Heaven. Does it sound like a place for poor people? Streets of gold, crowns of jewels, mansions on every turn… this is the design work of a truly rich developer. God is the ultimate “gazillionaire.”

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How to Be a Money Magnet

He makes Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Donald Trump look like penny-pinchers. God wants you to be RICH! And I do mean RICH. Not just having enough to “get by”… not just being able to pay your bills with a few dollars left over. I believe He wants you to have it all!

It’s Time to Discover the Attitudes of Attraction When I tell you that God wants you to be rich… and that you should enjoy a life of total financial freedom…

I’m talking about you becoming a real life MONEY MAGNET.

Once again, experiencing ultimate levels of real wealth have little to do with “DOING”… it’s not about a certain business or learning how to MAKE money. Real wealth is about ATTRACTING abundance in every area of your life. It takes a real shift in your thinking to stop focusing on the “how to” side of making money and instead begin to enjoy the experience of effortless attraction into your life. I’ve identified what I call the “10 Attitudes of Attraction”… which will help you experience all the success and financial freedom you deserve. Let’s take a look at them.


1. Be willing to accept abundance and financial increase as

your birthright.

2. Expect abundance and financial increase as the only acceptable state.

3. Think only thoughts of success, prosperity, love and abundance.

4. Speak only words of success, prosperity, love and abundance.

5. Act successful and wealthy at all times, operating out of love and abundance.

6. Be open and receptive to new avenues of income.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

7. Operate out of abundance, recognizing that the universe is unlimited in its supply of anything and everything you want or desire and is ready and willing to provide it for you.

8. Do not work for money, but instead insist that money work for you.

9. Live in state of thanksgiving and maintain an attitude of gratitude.

10. Practice giving as a way of life and tithe 10% of your income back to God.

Once you apply these Attitudes of Attraction to your life and begin living by them everyday, you will indeed be RICH—on the outside and the inside. You see, getting rich and being wealthy doesn’t happen by chance or fluke. It’s not something you “luck into” or figure out how to “beat the odds.” Everyone has the ability to be rich and enjoy wealth. It doesn’t matter how old or young you may be, who your parents were, what your background is, if you’re college educated or a grade school drop out, if you have a million dollars in the bank or you’re a million dollars in debt. The ability to enjoy wealth and be rich is just as scientific and predictable as the law of gravity, mathematics or the law of sowing and reaping. Getting rich is not about lucky breaks or Las Vegas odds. Just as sure as the farmer who plants his seeds and tends his fields expects to harvest his crop or as the sun sets we expect it to also rise for the next day, that’s how predictable and systematic the process is for getting rich.

Your success and financial abundance is not something that has been withheld from you

by outside forces—like the economy, the government, your upbringing or

your lack of skill—your success and fortune has been prevented by YOU.

You haven’t followed the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance, therefore, you’re not experiencing success, wealth and abundance. It’s that simple.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

The really great news is that nothing can stand in the way of your success and fortune—but you! You’re not a victim to outside circumstances or things that are beyond your control. It doesn’t matter what’s happening around you—you can be rich regardless. The key is to learn and live the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance. Now here’s the thing. You may or may not believe me that all you have to do to be rich and successful is adopt these 10 Attitudes, just like you may not believe in gravity—but if you jump off a building, I can guarantee that you’ll only move in one direction. These 10 Attitudes of Attraction work—period. They work each and every time anyone applies them—regardless of who they are, their background or their current conditions. These 10 Attitudes show no prejudice. They don’t decide to work for some people but not for others… and they don’t decide to work some of the time but other times not. These 10 Attitudes work every time, for every person, end of story. It’s absolutely impossible for them not to work, just as it would be impossible to jump off a cliff and fall up instead of down.

The 10 Attitudes of Attraction will work for YOU. The fact is, it takes some effort to live by these 10 Attitudes of Attraction—especially if you’ve spent your life doing exactly the opposite (which most people have). This is why OVER 97% of the population is broke, unhappy, unhealthy, tired, frustrated and miserable—while LESS than 3% are rich, prosperous, successful, happy and fulfilled. Which group do you want to belong to? The decision is yours and yours alone. You can make the shift from the 97% to the 3% anytime. It’s simply a matter of learning and applying the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance in your life and everything will change.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says,

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.”

As you begin living by these 10 Attitudes you will see your world in a whole new light. Suddenly things will begin to “click” for you. Everything will fall into place and “work” for what could be the first time ever. You’ll feel like you’re living a “charmed life”—like everything you touch turns to gold. For the first time in your life you will be living up to your potential, knowing that absolutely anything is possible and nothing is too good to be true. It’s at this point that you will realize you’ve made the shift and joined the exclusive 3% club.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

I’m going to spend a few minutes to go over each of the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance now. Don’t just skim past this section. Allow yourself to begin adapting these new attitudes NOW. 1 Be willing to accept abundance and financial increase as your birthright. Abundance, in all areas of your life—including financial—is a gift. You don’t have to earn the right to be rich or do something spectacular to deserve success and personal fortune. The only requirement for being wealthy is to accept the gift. 2 Expect abundance and financial increase as the only acceptable state—being unwilling to accept anything less. What we focus on we attract. What we expect, we tend to get. Most people go around expecting bad things to happen. And you know what happens? They continue to have all sorts of bad stuff show up. They struggle financially, they hate their job, they’re unhappy with their spouse, their kids drive them crazy and they spend much of their time complaining about all the unhappy, undesirable conditions of their life. If you want to get rich, if you want to live an abundant life, you must expect abundance and financial increase—and be unwilling to even acknowledge anything less than what you desire as part of your world. 3 Think only thoughts of success, prosperity, love and abundance. What you think about you bring about. You can’t go around focusing on everything that’s wrong in your life—thinking negative, fearful, desperate thoughts of lack and poverty and expect to live a rich, abundant life. If you want to attract wealth and live a successful and prosperous life, you must fill your mind with successful, prosperous thoughts. Remember the “5 Magic Words”… Your Thoughts Create Your Life? This is the idea. Your THOUGHTS create your LIFE. Your success, wealth and personal fortune

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How to Be a Money Magnet

isn’t out there somewhere—it starts right inside your head. You create your world in your mind by the thoughts you dwell on most of the time. If you want to get rich and be successful, make sure that you’re dwelling on successful, positive, prosperous thoughts all day long. 4 Speak only words of success, prosperity, love and abundance. Just like your thoughts, what you talk about you bring about. Your words are charged with prospering power. They’re also charged with poverty power. It’s up to you what condition you create in your life. You decide by choosing your words. You need to speak only words of success, abundance and prosperity. You must speak kind, uplifting, faith-filled words. You must use your words to bless your life. The Bible says, “we hold the power of life and death, blessing or curse in our words.” Your words are very powerful. They can create or destroy, build-up or tear down, cause fabulous success or immense failure. Your words are commands carried out precisely as you dictate. Choose your words carefully and be sure that you want to live the life that you describe in every word you say. 5 Act successful and wealthy at all times, operating out of love and abundance. There’s an old saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” When it comes to success and wealth, you must learn to “act as if.” Wealth is a state of being. Success and riches are created first in your mind. There’s a period of time that it takes for your success, wealth and personal fortune to be created in your mind and then show up in your reality. We call this “lag time.” Although I do believe that you create instant results in your mind, it doesn’t usually happen that way in your outside reality. This is the time when you need to “act as if”—allowing time for your circumstances to catch up with your inner thought world. This is a very important lesson to learn. You must choose to be successful and wealthy, create it in your mind and then immediately begin “acting as if” in your outside reality. You’ll never get rich if you go around acting poor. If you’ll begin thinking and speaking like the rich, successful person you are and immediately begin to “act as if” you’re already living the life you desire, your reality will soon follow suit—I guarantee it.

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How to Be a Money Magnet

6 Be open and receptive to new avenues of income. Your wealth and abundance does not come from your employer, the government, your business or your family. Your abundance comes from the Universe—which is unlimited in its supply—ready and able to meet every one of your needs and desires. When you begin to imagine your new rich, abundant life you must be careful that you don’t try to limit where or how your abundance will be supplied. Don’t believe that your only channel of supply is through your job or through your current source of income. In reality, the Universe supplies all of your needs. Your Creator owns everything and is in control of your supply. Be open to the amazing channels of supply—wherever or however they may come to you. 7 Operate out of abundance, recognizing that the Universe is unlimited in its supply of anything and everything you want or desire and is ready and willing to provide it for you. There is no lack in our world. The only place lack or poverty exists is in your mind. The Universe lacks nothing. Everything is available in a never-ending, inexhaustible supply. This includes money and riches. Begin to notice your beliefs about supply. Do you see things (especially money) as being limited or scarce? Or do you believe there’s an unlimited supply of everything you desire and that all your needs will be met out of this never-ending abundance? You must embrace the idea of abundance and unlimited supply. 8 Do not work for money, but instead insist that money work for you. Most of us were taught that way to success was to study hard in school, get good grades, go to college, graduate, get a good job, work hard and make sacrifices to prove to your company that you are a valuable asset, then retire 40 years later. This concept is about as relevant today as living in a cave and using a stone tablet and chisel as your primary method of correspondence. Working hard does not bring success and riches—not if you value your freedom. Creating true successful and financial abundance requires a shift in

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the way you think about money. You are the master, money is your servant. You don’t work for money, money works for you. If you have it backwards (like the 97% of people who work for their money), success and real wealth will continue to allude you. It’s when you finally wise up and put your money to work for you that you discover what true financial freedom is all about. 9 Live in state of thanksgiving and maintain an attitude of gratitude. The Universe loves and rewards a grateful heart and attitude. Begin looking for opportunities to express your thanks and gratitude. Create a gratitude journal and write down all the big and little blessings that you receive each day. You’d be surprised how many there are. Practice living with an attitude of gratitude and you will find that your blessings increase many times over. The more grateful you are the more you will have to be grateful for. Let your Creator, and others, know how thankful and grateful you are for the many blessings that come your way. 10 Practice giving as a way of life and tithe 10% of your income back to God. You can’t be a “taker” in the land of givers. Our Universe is designed around the concept of contribution and giving. As you GIVE so shall you RECEIVE. You must become a giver. Most of the richest and ultra-successful people throughout all time have been big givers. It’s the whole idea of sowing and reaping. You can’t collect a harvest if you’ve never sown a seed. Giving is the cornerstone of any good plan for success and wealth. Just as with giving, many of the richest most successful people throughout time have understood the power of tithing. I personally believe it’s the single greatest secret to success and personal fortune you will ever uncover. A tithe is simply the first 10% of all your income given to the source of your spiritual support or instruction. Tithing is not a charity and it’s not about giving to a good cause—that’s giving. Tithing should go to the source of your spiritual support. This is a very important distinction to make. Your tithe belongs to God. It’s payment back to the Universe. The Bible tells us that our tithe will bring back a multiplied return. The rule of thumb is a 10 fold return.

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You may or may not belong to church and you may or may not be “religious.” That’s OK. Tithing will work for you regardless. By practicing tithing on a regular basis, giving 10% off the top of your income, you will guarantee yourself protection from many negative experiences and financial reversals, as well as an ever-increasing state of abundance. This is a promise that God makes each of us. And it’s absolutely essential that you begin tithing right away if you want to build your personal fortune. If you don’t have a church that you attend, you can send your tithe to a person or organization that provides your spiritual support and guidance. But be sure it’s not just a check to a needy person or a charity you enjoy—these are wonderful gifts—but not your tithe. My challenge to you is to try tithing for at least the next 3 months and prove to yourself that it works. Don’t wait until you feel you have enough extra—the 90% you keep after tithing will go much further than the 100% and you’ll begin to see an increase very quickly. I absolutely promise you that tithing works—try it and see! Now that we’ve covered the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance, it’s time for you to begin living them every day. These 10 simple attitudes hold the power to absolutely transform your world, in no time flat. I know they work—I’m living proof. With these 10 Attitudes, I’m literally handing you the blueprint for outrageous success and wealth. I’m giving you a roadmap that leads to your own personal fortune. You finally know exactly what it takes to be rich and this course offers you the exact step-by-step plan to make it happen. This course will prepare you for this exciting and rewarding journey.

What’s Your W.Q.? (Wealth Quotient) In thinking about the 10 Attitudes of Attraction you’ll recall that we talk about accepting and expecting abundance in your life. In order to do this, you must believe that wealth is a good thing and that you deserve success and wealth. On the surface I’m sure you automatically assume that these are your beliefs, but it’s important to understand that most people (those 97% we talk about) have many negative, limiting beliefs about money and success. These beliefs are what stand in your way of experiencing incredible abundance in your life. In order to begin truly living by the 10 Attitudes of Attraction, you’re most likely going to need to change several of your beliefs. The first thing we’re going to do is look at some common beliefs that many people (those 97%) tend to have about success and money. Then, I’m going to ask you to take the W.Q. Test and see how your beliefs stack up. You’ll be able to identify beliefs that

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may be preventing you from experiencing success and fortune, and I’ll help you choose new, empowering beliefs that will support the life you desire and deserve.

Here are some common beliefs that people hold about wealth and rich people:

Wealth is something that you’re born into or inherit from

your rich relatives.

Wealth is something that “other people” have, but not you.

Wealth is something you have to work hard to earn.

Wealth comes from some outside force that you have no control over.

Wealth requires a “financial mind” or understanding complicated financial concepts.

Creating wealth requires a large amount of capital-- It takes money to make money.

Only a few special, “chosen few” get rich.

It takes a lot of hard work and a long time to get rich.

You have to be really smart to be rich.

To be rich you must be lucky or win the lottery.

To be rich you must be greedy, selfish or care about things more than people.

To be rich you must be shady, crooked or involved in illegal activities.

To be rich you must have a special skill or education.

To be rich you must have “connections” with other rich people.

Do you share any of these same beliefs? Let’s take the W.Q. Test and find out.

Take a look at the list again and place a check mark beside each one of the statements if you believe it’s true. Don’t take time to think hard about it—just go with your first gut reaction. Go ahead and read through the list now.

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OK, go back and add up all the checkmarks you’ve made. Add one point for each mark. Now look at the scoring below to discover your W.Q. (Wealth Quotient).

WHAT’S YOUR SCORE? If you scored between 0 and 2 points, you’re a MONEY MAGNET. You have a great belief system about money and you should have no problem creating all the wealth and abundance you desire. If you scored between 3 and 6 points, you’re a LACK-LUSTER MEDIOCRATE. You have some mixed beliefs about wealth and abundance. This course will be your road to creating a positive money mindset. You should have no problem learning new, more empowering beliefs that will support you in creating the new life you desire and deserve. If you scored between 7 and 14 points, you’re a POVERTY PONDERER. You, my friend, have some very serious “negative belief busting” to do. The core reason you’ve been unable to create success and wealth in your life is due to the limiting, lack-based beliefs that rule your world. But don’t despair—this course will show you the way to a whole new world where success, wealth and abundance is yours for the asking.

A Penny For Your Thoughts…

Your Thoughts Create Your Cash-Flow What you think about you bring about—we discussed that back on Attitude #3. But I want you to really get what I’m saying and understand the enormous, long-reaching impact your thoughts have on you. Each day the average person has over 60,000 thoughts. You’re only aware of a small fraction of them. Stop for a minute and think back over your day yesterday. Try to recall specific thoughts you had throughout your day. Were they generally positive, negative or kind of neutral? As you recall your thoughts, pick out some of the ones you have repeatedly. The rule of thumb is, if you have a specific thought or dwell on an idea more than 3x, it’s a pattern thought. This means it’s something that shows up over and over again. It’s also a thought that is very powerful—because it most likely is already being or will soon be lived out in your reality. Good or bad, happy or negative—these patterns thoughts create the world you live in.

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How many of your pattern thoughts are about money? The truth is, an overwhelming number of them are about money, lack of money or something financially related. Maybe you think about your bills or your paycheck or how you will make it after you retire. Maybe you spend time wishing you had more money, a better job or a way to eliminate your debt. Many of your thoughts about money may be fear based and cause you to worry, feel stressed or even panic. Fear is an extremely powerful emotion—the second most powerful emotion of all. In fact, the only emotion that is more powerful than fear is love. When you think fear based thoughts, especially about money, you intensify those circumstances that you’re thinking about. For example, if you’re consumed with fear over not being able to pay your bills this month and you continue to dwell on these thoughts and ideas, you will find that your financial situation continues to worsen and paying your bills becomes more of a struggle. I call it the “Spiral of Fear”. Once you begin focusing on a fear-based thought, your whole world begins to spiral out of control and you can quickly find yourself literally paralyzed by your own thoughts. One thought leads to another, which leads to a whole host of negative, fear-based thoughts and emotions that can literally consume you to the point of absolute hopelessness and despair. And what’s even worse is that those thoughts that you’re dwelling on will soon move from just illusions in your head to actual nightmare conditions in your world. What you think about you bring about… it’s that simple. This is why the thoughts you have about money are such a big deal. You can’t walk around focusing on and thinking about the money you don’t have, the bills you can’t pay, the account that’s almost dry and the paycheck that’s too small—expecting to somehow wake up and find that all your financial problems are a thing of the past. It just doesn’t work that way.

The 10 Attitudes of Attraction give you the exact rules of the game when it

comes to getting rich. You just have to follow them. You’ve spent far too long waiting to be rescued from your financial plight—hoping to finally hit it big and win the lottery or that the next “get rich quick” scheme or miracle money-making plan will be finally be “the one” that changes everything.

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You need to stop waiting for that magical event or discovery to happen “out there” and commit to embracing the unlimited abundance inside of you. That’s the real magic—the real secret to success and personal fortune. You must master your thoughts or your thoughts will master you. You are in charge of what you think. You can’t think anything without your permission and willingness to dwell on an idea or thought. It doesn’t matter how wonderful or how horrid a thought may be, it can only exist in your mind with your allowance. We were raised in a society that both fears and reveres money. Most of us were raised by parents who taught us that money was hard to come by and scarce in supply, and our experiences tended to mirror these thoughts and attitudes. This is true for the 97% who struggle and live in lack. A fear, scarcity and lack-based thought system will produce a fear, scarcity and lack-based existence. Just look around and see that it’s true. To be one of the 3% who experience absolute abundance and wealth, you must be willing to fly in the face of the normal, accepted beliefs about money. You must begin to fill your mind with only thoughts to riches, success, wealth—accepting nothing less than absolute abundance and prosperity in your life. As those old negative thoughts creep up on you, simply replace them with your new empowering thoughts and beliefs about money. When you master this new way of thinking, your whole world will transform before your very eyes.

Are You a Money Magnet? Earlier in this course I touched on this truth… now it’s time to look at it more closely.

Everything is energy. Our perception is that we live in a world of solids. But if I were to take your hand and place it under a powerful microscope you would see nothing but movement—energy. The truth is, everything is energy—from the house we live in, the car we drive, the people we spend time with to the money in your pocket. Things that operate at slow energy take the form of solids— like us, our house, our car, etc. Things that operate at fast energy aren’t visible— like light & sound. Regardless of the speed of movement— nothing is ever standing still. When I first heard this idea—that everything is energy—I didn’t grasp the point. For the purpose of this course I want you to understand some basic ideas.

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First, everything is energy.

Things exist at different levels of energy.

To keep it simple, we’re going to discuss high energy and low energy.

Have you ever met someone who exuded positive energy all over the place... a person that everyone wanted to be around... whose presence just lifted the spirits of anyone near them and made everyone feel happy? This is a person operating at high energy. On the contrary, have you every met someone who could bring down the spirits of an entire room by just walking in it... someone who, after spending time with them, left you feeling drained and zapped of any positive outlooks or feelings you may have had before they came along? This is a person operating at low energy. Most people vary. Sometimes they’re up, feeling great with lots of passion and enthusiasm and other times they’re down, depressed and feeling kind of hopeless. We operate at different levels of energy on different weeks, days, hours or even minutes—many times influenced by our surroundings. People aren’t the only creations that operate on levels of energy. Everything operates on certain levels of energy—even inanimate objects, like your cell phone, a picture or a CD. Money operates on different levels of energy, too. Wealth (massive sums of money) operates at high energy and poverty (meager sums of money) operates at low energy.

With energy, like attracts like. If you operate at high energy most of the time, you can attract wealth into your life. If you operate at low energy you will attract poverty. Low-energy people are critical, negative, fear-filled, complainers. If you operate in low-energy, you repel money. Money will literally avoid you like the plague. It’s impossible to get rich if you live in low levels of energy. When you’re operating in low-energy, you are separating yourself from God. High energy people are loving, positive, faith-filled, believers. High energy people are connected to their Source. When you’re operating in high-energy you are connected to God. You attract money like a magnet. It comes from all sorts of wonderful unexpected channels of supply.

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Your abundance and supply comes from being connected to God, the Source of all abundance. So if you want to get rich, you must raise your energy level. The easiest way to begin operating at high energy is to follow the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Abundance. No one could hold these attitudes and operate at low energy. Abundance is right here waiting for you. Your money loves you and wants to support you in living the life you desire and deserve.

Becoming a Money Magnet

Have you ever known someone or known of someone who had the “Midas Touch”… where everything they touched turned to gold? Meaning, anything they endeavored to do was successful right from the start and they seemed to move from one success story to the next. Did you feel like they were some kind of freak of nature or that they knew a secret or some “inside information” that they weren’t sharing with you?

Well, the secret’s out. You can live the same

“charmed” existence. You can become what I call a MONEY MAGNET.

Creating success, wealth and your personal fortune is much easier than you would think. In fact, I believe it’s much harder to be poor, down-and-out, constantly struggling to keep things together. The 3% Club is full of “Money Magnet” high-energy people who simply learned and applied the same principles that I’m sharing with you in this course. That’s all it takes to make the move from the 97% and experience life at its best.

To become a Money Magnet you must do 4 things:

1 Begin living the 10 Attitudes of Attraction to Success, Wealth and Personal Fortune

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2 Get Clear on the Life You Intend to Create—If you don’t have a dream you will never have a dream come true. 3 Begin to Affirm this New Life as your Reality through Visualization and Affirmation daily. 4 Be open and receptive to creating and receiving multiple streams of income. We’ve already discussed the 10 Attitudes of Attraction. Now let’s take a look at the other 3 steps to becoming a Money Magnet. STEP #2: Get Clear on What You Want Most people are really good at knowing what they don’t want—but when it comes to what they DO want, they have very little idea. You can’t have what you want if you don’t know what you want. Seems simple, right? It’s extremely simple, but it’s also overlooked by over 97% of people everywhere. When you’re not clear on what you want... your life moves along without any true direction, goal or destination. You just take what comes your way and settle for what you get. This is no way to live. You’ve gotta know what you want and keep yourself fixed on that vision of success. When you do, your whole world will change—fast. Obviously, you desire more money, but simply saying that you want more money—or even to be rich—is not good enough. You must get very specific with your intention.

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Included with this course is a worksheet entitled, “Dream Planner.” Grab that worksheet and a pen. It’s time to get very clear on what exactly you want. Give yourself at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete this exercise. Then continue to add things whenever you think of them. This is an ongoing process that you should use for the rest of your life. When you’re ready to start the exercise ask yourself this question, “If I could have, do or be absolutely anything… regardless of time, money or talent… what would it be?” Go ahead and start making your list—using your Dream Planner Worksheet. List everything you can think of. Don’t limit yourself to what you think is realistic or what you think you should write. Just let your imagination run wild and list it all down. Have fun with this exercise. Return here when you’ve listed at least 25 dreams on your list. (Note: Don’t write the words, “I want… or I wish… or I will have”… instead write all of your dreams as if they have already happened. Use statements like, “I have and I am.” It’s very important to write your Dreams List correctly—using only the present tense. Otherwise, you’ll spend your life “wanting and wishing” for something to happen in the future.) STEP 3: See Yourself As Already Having It The next step in becoming a Money Magnet is to begin to imagine that you’re already living those dreams in your reality. You do this in your imagination. It’s proven that the mind doesn’t know the difference between things you vividly imagine and things you actually experience in your physical reality. Here we go with the idea of “energy” again. In order to have these dreams as your reality you must be in harmony with them. Meaning, you can’t go around thinking about being broke, complaining about not having money and blaming everyone under the sun for your financial plight and expect to have riches come knocking at your door. You won’t have anything in your life that you’re out of balance or harmony with. One way to come in harmony with what you desire is to begin to see yourself as already living those dreams. You must imagine yourself as already living in that home, driving those cars, wearing the clothes, having the big fat bank account, etc. Feel what it feels like to have all of these things as your reality. Create this picture in your mind—which I call your VIVID VISION—and begin to hold it in your mind

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throughout the day. Spend a few minutes several times each day really living in your vision and practice making it seem as real as you possibly can. You must BELIEVE that all these things are yours and that you are indeed RICH! And don’t forget to thank God—in advance—for these wonderful blessings. Your attitude of gratitude will be your “secret weapon” in experiencing abundance quickly and easily. Write your VIVID Vision on the worksheet provided. If you begin to spend time each day imagining that you already have those dreams as your reality… if you see it, smell it, taste it, feel it, hear it and experience it in vivid detail (inside your imagination)…you will have it show up in your outside reality quickly and easily. This isn’t about goal setting. It’s not about working hard and trying to achieve something or make it happen. I’m talking ease and effortless creation. All you have to do is begin to live it in your mind. Once you’re able to do that to a point where when you open your eyes you’re actually surprised that you’re not still in that world you were imagining, you can be sure that your dreams becoming reality are right around the corner. STEP 4: Be Open & Receptive to New Avenues of Income Begin living each day as the rich, successful person that you are. Do all that you can for that day. Don’t act poor, don’t be lazy and spend your days whining and complaining about your conditions. Instead, give your best to everything you do—all the time keeping your new vision of your new life bright and clear in your mind. This course gives you the tools you need to get rich—creating success, wealth and abundance. What you do with it is up to you. You see, this course isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme or a “pie-in-the-sky” moneymaking plan. It does not depend on chance or luck—or even on talent, skill or ability. In fact, this course only requires your willingness to fully embrace these simple ideas and concepts and put them into practice in your daily life. ELIMINATE THE ROADBLOCKS TO YOUR SUCCESS Zig Ziglar calls it, “Stinkin’ Thinkin” and it’s serious threat to your success, health, wealth and happiness. Very few people fully appreciate the power of their thoughts, attitudes and words. Every thought, every word and every action brings about a definite result. You can’t get away from this truth. What you think about… and what you talk about… you bring about. It’s plain and simple.

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If you want to knockdown the roadblocks to your success… if you want to attract wealth and have money flow through your life like the raging water at Niagara Falls… you MUST guard your thoughts and choose your words very carefully. Only think about and talk about what you want to have show up in your life—period. If you don’t want it… if it doesn’t make you feel good… refuse to give it any attention. So the best way to eliminate the bad and experience lots of the good is to change what you think about and talk about to include ONLY what you want to experience more of in your life. Open yourself up to the success and abundance waiting to flow into your life now.

The Fast Lane on the Road to Riches

Here’s what you need to remember… The only thing that ever prevents your receiving something that you desire is your habit of thought is different from your desire. Are you thinking of what you want...or the lack of it? The Law of Attraction is not responding to your words, but instead is responding to the vibrations (energy) that’s radiating from you feel is what matters. You can’t think about lack of money AND let money in. Instead of 'earning' abundance, learn to 'allow' abundance. You have the ability to place your attention anywhere you decide. If you spend your time on what you don't want, you are not allowing what you DO want to happen. The most important thing to remember is that you are the attractor of your experience and you are attracting it by virtue of the thoughts that you dwell on most of the time. Thoughts are magnetic and as you think a thought, it will attract another and another and another until eventually you have the physical manifestation (result) of whatever has been the subject of your thoughts.

Don’t Just Read these Words, LIVE Them... It’s my mission in life to bring these ideas to the awareness of as many people as possible. You see, it’s my belief that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are living their lives much like I was back over a decade ago. It breaks my heart to think of their struggle. Yet I know that the main reason this goes on is that they simply don’t know they have a choice—they don’t realize there’s an alternative to a life of struggle and financial strain.

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My purpose and focus is on helping as many people as possible break free and experience a life of success, wealth, personal fortune and abundance. I’m honored and blessed to be with you today, having the opportunity to share these life-changing ideas with you and your loved ones. What you do with the information is up to you. I’ve done my part—now it’s your turn.

Take the Next Step Now… As you complete this course you begin a whole new journey into an exciting world where you ATTRACT all the money, success, happiness, health and wealth you deserve. To help you on your journey I recommend you take advantage of my DreamLife Discovery Personal Seminar. It’s my personal blueprint to creating the life you truly desire. Take a look at the letter I’ve enclosed for more info, then go ahead and request DreamLife Discovery right now.

You’re On the Brink of a Whole New Life! Will a group of open and receptive students with big visions become millionaires through the life-changing information in this course? I believe they can. Will some people earn six figure annual incomes? I believe they will. Will many people earn solid full-time incomes that allow them the opportunity to design a life they truly love? I know they will. Will some people do nothing and not earn a penny? Probably so. But I can tell you this for sure. For those people who don’t make a change and become rich, this time it won’t be because the system failed them… it will be because they failed to use the system. Thanks for the privilege of sharing these life-changing ideas with you. Please drop me a letter or email and let me know what amazing results you experience through putting the ideas and step-by-step process of creating success, wealth and personal fortune to practice in your life. I would love the opportunity to celebrate with you! Until then, may God bless with all the success, wealth, happiness, prosperity and abundance that is yours!

Lisa Diane Lisa Diane

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If you don’t have a dream you will never have a dream come true!

If you could have, do or be absolutely anything, regardless of time, money or talent, what would it be?

Answer this question by listing a MINIMUM of 25 Dreams below. Be specific.

1. 21.

2. 22.

3. 23.

4. 24.

5. 25.

6. 26.

7. 27.

8. 28.

9. 29.

10. 30.

11. 31.

12. 32.

13. 33.

14. 34.

15. 35.

16. 36.

17. 37.

18. 38.

19. 39.

20. 40.

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Write out, in as much detail as possible, the picture of the life you intend to create. Be sure to read over your Vivid Vision Statement several times a day— and think of it in all your spare moments. Imagine yourself actually LIVING in your Vivid Vision— with all the feelings, emotions, sights, tastes and smells. The more real you make this, the faster it will indeed be your reality! Have fun with it! _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

What’s Your What’s Your What’s Your


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Page 37: The Ultimate Secret to Getting - Mission · PDF fileThe Ultimate Secret to Getting What You Want Now! FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT LISA DIANE ... Dr. Joseph Murphy “Like a magnet,

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How to Be a Money Magnet

This publication provides the Author’s opinion in regards to the subject matter contained herein. Neither the Publisher not the Author intends, with this publication, to render legal, accounting, medical, psychological or other professional advice. With regards to any of these matters, the Publisher and Author recommend that the reader seek the advice of an appropriately licensed professional. The Publisher and Author disclaim any personal liability, both tangible and intangible, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of the use and application, either directly or indirectly, of any advice, information or methods presented herein. The information included in the HOW TO BE A MONEY MAGNET COURSE, with regard to various medical, wealth building, income or business methods, is for information purposes only. No guarantees, promises, predictions or claims related to income are being made of any kind. This course is an information guide on the principles surrounding the Law of Attraction and are in no way in reference to or connected with any money making program, investment or business opportunity of any kind. Use of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader and use of such is done so at your own risk . Furthermore, the Publisher and Author strictly prohibit any unauthorized duplication or distribution of this material. Any violation of copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Page 38: The Ultimate Secret to Getting - Mission · PDF fileThe Ultimate Secret to Getting What You Want Now! FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT LISA DIANE ... Dr. Joseph Murphy “Like a magnet,