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The Ultimate Asset Protection Guide

Mar 02, 2016




The Ultimate Asset Protection Guide
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    The Ultimate

    Asset Protection&

    Privacy Guide4th Edition (2013)

    (visit to download the latest version)


    Steven Michaels

    Disclaimer: We do not give legal or tax advice. The following information is offered only as a point of view. You are encouraged to evaluate this information and act according to your own reasoning and conclusions. Because we encourage independent thought and personal responsibility, we do not accept credit nor liability for the use or misuse of this information.

    You are free to use and share this information provided you give proper credit with a link back to and with the understanding that you do not alter the content in any way.



    INTRODUCTION: The Need for Asset Protection & Privacy

    Chapter 1: Do Not Keep All Your Eggs In One Basket

    Chapter 2: Isolate "low risk" assets from "high risk" assets

    Chapter 3: How to Protect The Equity In Your Home

    Chapter 4: How To "Privatize" Your Life Using A New Mexico LLC

    Chapter 5: How You Can Sell Real Estate Without Triggering "Transfer" Taxes

    Chapter 6: How To Bank In Privacy Using The "Corporate Cloak"

    Chapter 7: Create Multiple Layers Of Asset Protection Using Multiple LLC's

    Chapter 8: Four "Must Read" Reports

    Chapter 9: "Loose Lips Sink Ships"

    Chapter 10: How To Set Up Your Own Anonymous Bank Account

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Chapter 11: Diversify Your Income and Boost Your Earning Potential

    Chapter 12: How to "Inflation Proof" Your Earnings

    Chapter 13: Private and Secure Communications

    Chapter 14: Anonymous Web Surfing

    Chapter 15: Safe Deposit Boxes: Safe or Not?

    Chapter 16: Legal Self-Defense

    Chapter 17: Code Talk

    Chapter 18: Become an Ordained Minister or Establish Your Own Tax Exempt Church

    Chapter 19: Free Your Mind


  • Morpheus: Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

    Neo: The Matrix.

    Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?

    Neo: Yes.

    Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

    Neo: What truth?

    Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

    - The Matrix Movie



    Before proceeding please watch the following 8 minute video:

    and read this short post:

    My Philosophy of Liberty by Anthony Freeman

    The Need for Asset Protection & Privacy



    Section 1: The Current Landscape (Battlefield)

    Out of control lawsuitsBloated government with an ever-increasing appetite.Advancing SocialismInsane over-regulation

    Section 2: Economic Slavery

    The Middle Class TreadmillHidden inflation guarantees failure"Debt is good" - another lieAnesthetized Society

    Section 3: Solutions

    Asset Protection for Current and Future WealthWhy a Bank may be the Worst Place For Your MoneySet Up Your Own Virtual Bank AccountTake Action


    We live in a dangerous world. What you do not know can hurt you.


  • The purpose of this report is to help you to better understand and protect yourself from the many dangers that threaten your economic survival.

    Section 1

    The Current Landscape (Battlefield)

    "America has degenerated into the most litigious society in the world history. There are now well over one million attorneys in our country - that's 70% of the world's attorney population, and Americans only comprise 5% of the world's people! Our law schools are presently graduating over 40,000 attorneys a year. For every 20 engineers, Japan only has one attorney. For every 2.5 attorneys, we have just one engineer. As some of them like to facetiously say, "So many hosts, so few parasites." Is it any wonder we can't find justice?

    In 1993, the American Bar Association estimated there to be a 37% probability of the average American becoming involved in some form of legal action in any given year. This, of course, is very good news to the trial attorney who will charge you an average of $100/hr and up: and whether he wins or loses your case, he still gets paid! What would you do if you were to be sued today? Hire an attorney? In many cases, having an attorney is worse than not having an attorney at all!

    At an American Bar Association dinner in New York in 1978, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, as the guest speaker, stated:

    "Ninety percent of all trial attorneys in this country areincompetent."

    If you believe that an attorney can always better represent you than you can represent yourself, you have bought the attorney's lie that, "The man that represents himself has a fool for a client." Did you believe that an attorney will always represent your best interests first?

    "The Attorney is an Officer of the Court. His first duty is to the courts and the public, not to his client" 7 Corpus Juris Secundum, 4, pg. 802- Economic Solutions, by Peter Kershaw, 1997

    The American landscape today is filled with multiple threats - any of which can spell financial disaster for you. Here are just a few of them:

    a. Out of control lawsuitsb. Bloated government with an ever-increasing appetitec. Advancing Socialismd. Insane "over-regulation"


  • Out of Control Lawsuits

    As noted in the opening quotation, lawsuits have now become so prevalent that you can no longer believe that you will not be affected. It is now a matter of "when" not "if" a lawsuit enters your life.

    Bloated Government

    Bloated governments are expanding at an incredible pace and they never seem to have enough money. Their growing appetite and inefficiency causes them to need more and more tax revenue.

    When they can't tax any more, they begin "licensing" and "permitting" those things that are supposed to be your "rights" and they tack on another fee. When they get desperate they resort to outright confiscation of private property.

    Advancing Socialist Philosophy

    Another dangerous trend is the Advancing Socialist Philosophy. This is the philosophy of "government knows best". This Advancing Socialist Philosophy punishes innovation and industry and rewards laziness and non-productivity.

    "During recent centuries, many aspiring rulers have curried the common man's favor by promising them other men's property ---"The redistribution of wealth." They call themselves socialists, and they seek power through an evolutionary process. There are others who share their socialist views, but who wish to speed the process through revolution and terror. These are known as Communists.

    In 1848, Karl Heinrich Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, which has since become the most widely read political pamphlet in the history of the world.

    These are Ten Planks of the Manifesto [author's comments in brackets]:

    1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. [Property taxes are "rent".]

    2. A heavy progressive or graduating income tax. [Internal Revenue Code]

    3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. [Estate and inheritance taxes]

    4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. [Ashcroft's Patriot Act: If you are designated a rebel "Enemy Combatant" you lose all pretended constitutional rights.]


  • 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. [Federal Reserve]

    6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. [FCC, TSA, controlled media]

    7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. [Bureau of Land Management]

    8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of population over the country.

    10. Free education for all children in public schools.

    Source: Economic Solutions, Peter Kershaw, 1997

    Many people will argue that most of these Planks are already in place! What do you think?

    Insane "Over-Regulation"

    Do you believe we live in a "free" country? Try and do something without a permit, license, or Social Security Number (read: Socialist Security Number).

    "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

    The immense explosion of laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations have created one the greatest threats to one's assets and private property.

    The following quote from Ayn Rand's novel says it well:

    "Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We WANT them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against - then you'll know that this is not the age of beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there


  • aren't enough criminals, one MAKES them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens?

    What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

    (Page 406 of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand).

    Consider another quote concerning the voluminous 6000 plus pages of the Internal Revenue Code that no one understands:

    "Is it possible to ever learn the truth about income taxes, especially in light of all the confusion, if not blatant misinformation? Yes, you can, but not by trusting attorneys and accountants. These, after all, are highly compromised individuals - taxes are their very livelihood! Higher taxation and more tax laws with ever-increasing complexity are to their advantage. Yet, even these tax "professionals" seldom have a clue as to how to properly interpret the tax laws.

    The results of a 1989 Money Magazine survey of 50 top "Professional Tax Preparers," unequivocally demonstrates the utter incomprehensibility of the income tax laws:

    The fifty preparers were given the assignment of preparing tax returns for a fictitious American family. None of them arrived at even close to the same bottom line figure. In fact, discrepancies ranged anywhere from $12,539 to $35,813! Imagine the absurdity of trying to figure your own taxes correctly, when even the "professionals" are incapable of doing so!" - Economic Solutions, Peter Kershaw, 1997

    In fact a survey in 2003 showed that the IRS "help line" gave wrong answers to taxpayers questions 47% of the time!

    Read what Ronald Reagan had to say in 1984:

    "The government has the nerve to tell the people of the country, 'You figure out how much you owe us, and we can't help you because our people don't understand it either; and if you make a mistake, we'll make you pay a penalty for making the mistake'."

    In summary, we live in a dangerous world and the American landscape is fraught with land mines that are direct threats to your financial well being.


  • Section 2

    Economic Slavery

    Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." - Billions for the Bankers,vDebt for the People, Pastor Sheldon Emry

    Have you ever wondered why you never seem to get ahead? One of the biggest lies is that the American Middle Class is "prospering". Do you ever feel like you are on the "Middle Class Treadmill"?

    What they don't tell you is that, after inflation, taxes and debt payments most people are worse off than when they started. They are simply taking one step forward and two steps back and they wonder why they never get ahead.

    Consider this statistic from a recent government report:

    At age 65, ninety-five out of one hundred people will be dependent in some way upon their family, their church, or the government. Four of them will be comfortable and only one will be rich.

    Society has been so "anesthetized" by television and recreation that we don't see our money being taken from us from right under our noses. Most people in America can tell you what episode of their favorite television show they saw last night but they can't tell you the last time they read the united states Constitution or the Declaration of Independence! Did you know that the U.S. Founding Fathers revolted over a 5% tax by the King of England? Yet today Americans pay as much as 50% in local, state and federal taxes.

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

    Because the Federal Reserve creates money and puts it into circulation by loaning it to the government, it is mathematically impossible to ever repay the national debt. The U.S. is slowly and methodically progressing towards the day that it goes


  • bankrupt.

    When this happens you will see the rapid drop in the value of the dollar. This will shatter the current economic condition and create the "mother of all depressions".

    For a sneak peak into the future do an Internet search on Argentina's recent default on their national debt in 2002. When this happened the Argentine Peso lost over 60% of its value in less than six months! Unemployment soared to over 25% percent and the country went from being a thriving economy to a third world country.

    "No currency has suffered a smaller loss from inflation since World War II than the German Mark. Yet even so, 71 percent of it's value vanished between January 1, 1949, and the end of June 1995. The world reserve currency during this period, the U.S. Dollar, lost 84 percent of its value. This is a measure of the wealth that governments expropriated by exploiting their territorial monopolies on legal tender." - The Sovereign Individual, by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg)

    The Federal Reserve, by attempting to regulate the economy with the expansion and contraction of credit, has created an economic environment that greatly magnifies our boom and bust cycle. The "boom" times are signified by greatly exaggerated prices like the stock market "bubble" of the nineties and the housing bubble of the years 2003 - 2005.

    The final expansion of credit and money printing will result in what Ludwig Von Mises referred to as The Crack-up Boom.

    Combine these two major forces and it doesn't take much to recognize that we are in for some very rough seas over the next 10 to 15 years. The place to be during these tumultuous times will be in precious metals. In times of economic uncertainty people will flock to gold and silver.

    Gold and Silver have been real money since biblical times - long before "paper" money was created - and they will be here long after "paper money" returns to dust.

    Here are some interesting quotes on gold:

    "For more than two thousand years gold's natural qualities made it man's universal medium of exchange. In contrast to political money, gold is honest money that survived the ages and will live on long after the political fiats of today have gone the way of all paper."- Hans F. Sennholz

    "If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a beautiful pine tree, worth about $4,000 - $5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp and then paper, putting some


  • ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?"- Kenneth J. Gerbino

    "Nothing beats a little cash in a bear market, of course, and the oldest form of cash is gold."- James Grant

    "Gold is not less but more rational than paper money. Money holds value so long as it is in limited supply; gold will always be in limited supply, and would require real resources to produce even from the sea; paper and printing ink are not in limited supply. The gold system is much closer to a modern automatic scientific control system than the crude and relatively unstable system of paper."- William Rees-Mogg

    "Were we to be directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread."- Thomas Jefferson

    "Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money."- Daniel Webster

    "Betting against gold is the same as betting on governments. He who bets on governments and government money bets against 6,000 years of recorded human history."- Gary North

    "Gold is worshiped in all climates, without a single temple, and by all classes, without a single hypocrite.- Caleb C. Colton

    Section 3


    How do you protect yourself and your assets in these treacherous times?

    We believe that there are two critical steps that you must take to protect your financial future.

    The first thing you must do is protect your current assets so they are insulated from these financial threats. The second thing you must do is create additional sources of income that will help you weather the storms that comes your way.


  • Asset Protection for Current and Future Wealth

    Asset Protection is the act of positioning your assets in such a way that they are out of reach of predators, lawsuits and even government agencies. The key is to "control" your assets without actually "owning" them.

    A good Asset Protection Plan is designed to make your assets difficult to discover or too expensive to pursue.

    A good Asset Protection Plan is put into place before it is needed. In a sense, it is a type of insurance that will enable you to sleep well at night knowing that you are protected.

    How do you "control" your assets without actually "owning" them?

    First, let us define "asset". An asset is anything of value that you want to preserve or protect against hostile third parties.

    To protect your valued assets against these predators you must own your assets in an entity other than in your own name. There are many types of entities that you can choose from and here are just a few:

    CorporationsPartnershipsTrustsLimited Liability Companies (LLCs)

    When you "control" the entity you also control the checkbook. As the President or Manager of your company you make all the decisions on behalf of the company and benefit from all the assets of the company.

    Corporations work well but are often difficult to maintain and, If you do not keep proper records, you can lose your personal liability protection.

    General Partnerships are generally not effective in asset protection although Limited Partnerships offer some liability protection.

    Limited Liability Companies are quickly replacing Limited Partnerships as Asset Protection vehicles.

    A Trust is an effective Asset Protection vehicle but only if it is an irrevocable trust. Another problem with trusts is that you need to involve other parties whom you have to trust to carry out your wishes and keep your information confidential.


  • Limited Liability Companies have become the premiere Asset Protection vehicle because of their superior asset protection features, their ease of operation, their low maintenance, and their relatively low cost.

    The best state to organize an LLC is in the state of New Mexico.

    In 1993 the state of New Mexico adopted some of the most powerful LLC legislation that has made New Mexico a premiere choice for those seeking privacy and asset protection.

    An LLC takes the limited liability features of a corporation and combines them with the "pass through" tax benefits of a partnership. It is literally the best of both worlds. LLCs are flexible and simple to form and are much easier to maintain than other entities.

    Internationally, the LLC is the most common form of business entity in use. It traces its roots to the German law of 1892, authorizing the Gesellschaft mit beschrnker Haftung (GmbH). While LLCs were being discussed in law reviews in the 1950s, it was not until Wyoming adopted its LLC Act in 1977, that the entity found its way to the United States. Soon after, virtually every state adopted their own LLC legislation.

    Limited liability companies are now the entity of choice for individuals and businesses seeking the ultimate in privacy and asset protection. Many Asset Protection Consultants promote Nevada Corporations at premium prices and high maintenance fees. What most of these promoters will not tell you is that the Invisible New Mexico LLC offers more benefits at a fraction of the price. You also have a much lower profile. The New Mexico LLC is one of the ultimate asset protection and privacy tools.

    In New Mexico, only the following information is required when filing the Articles of Organization:

    (1) the name of the company and the address of the principal office (which can be anywhere in the world)(2) the name and address of the Registered Agent, and(3) the duration of the LLC, which can be limited or perpetual.

    This state does not require the names of the owners therefore your name does not show up on the public records. There are no annual fees nor reports as long as you do not make sales in New Mexico. This means that changes in ownership are not public record. This is significant when compared to states like California that charge a minimum $800 annual franchise tax.

    It is not necessary to live in New Mexico to set up your asset protection plan with a New Mexico Limited Liability Company.


  • Protecting Real Estate, Rental Property, Business Assets, and Financial Accounts with Multiple LLC's

    The basic idea when using LLC's as an Asset Protection Strategy is to separate High Risk Assets (cars, businesses, rentals) from Low Risk Assets (bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds).

    You can protect the equity in your home, rentals, or business through a strategy called "equity stripping". Simply have your LLC record a "friendly" lien against the property in an amount up to and exceeding the value of the property (see our FAQ section for information on how to do this).

    Your anonymous LLC will now hold a "mortgage" on your property thus eliminating the equity that a potential "hostile party" can go after. When you have neither assets nor equity (control without "ownership") you are essentially "judgment proof". When an attorney or disgruntled party checks the public records and finds you have no assets they will most likely move on to an easier target.

    You can buy personal and real property in separate LLCs to maintain maximum privacy and asset protection.

    You can also have your business assets, real estate, and equipment owned by a separate LLC (or multiple LLCs) and then lease them back to your business.

    Owning a Vehicle With Limited Liability Company:

    LLCs are a great privacy tool and are great for owning cars, heavy equipment, and recreational vehicles.

    Imagine you are in an auto accident and you are sued. When the hostile party discovers that the owner of the vehicle is an LLC (which has no other assets) and that you don't own anything either (your assets are owned by other LLCs) they give up or settle at a greatly reduced amount.

    Below is an example of how one might use multiple LLCs to achieve bullet proof asset protection:

    A husband and wife who own their own small business, their own home, a rental house, two cars, a boat, and an investment portfolio of stocks and bonds may set up a structure using multiple LLCs like this:

    LLC #1: This LLC would own the two cars and boat (high risk assets)

    LLC #2: This LLC would own the rental house (another high risk asset)


  • LLC #3: This LLC would own all the assets of the business and lease them back to the business. It would also record liens up to the full market values (equity stripping) on the personal residence, the rental home, the automobiles and the boat. This LLC would also own the portfolio of stocks and bonds.

    LLC #4: This LLC would own the business.

    Let us now examine what they have achieved:

    First, the assets of their business are protected. If they are sued or go out of business, they still own the equipment through LLC #3 and can start a new business the very next day.

    Their home and rental property would be protected because they would be "mortgaged" to the hilt with no equity to go after. In addition, their rental property would be owned by a separate LLC.

    Their automobiles and boat are protected but, more importantly, their ownership is separated from the other assets. Prior to putting this asset protection structure in place they owned everything in their personal names and one simple car accident would have put ALL their assets at risk.

    And lastly, their business would be set up as its own LLC.

    The more assets you have, the more LLC's you may want to set up.

    NOTE: Do not order your LLC from an online "incorporation mill". They do not set up your LLC properly and they will not preserve your anonymity. In addition to protecting your anonymity, we provide you with our exclusive Operating Agreements. These proprietary Operating Agreements are written with specific language tailored to the privacy-minded individual. Included is specific language that can stop a creditor from attaching your assets even if they know you own the LLC. These Operating Agreements alone are worth their weight in gold. Contact us for more details.

    Why a Bank may be the worst place for Your Money:

    Did you know that banks may be the worst place to keep your money?

    Try this little experiment:

    Pick up your Account Holder Agreement (if you don't have one go pick one up from the bank) and read it. Here is what one from Wells Fargo states:


  • "The Bank may accept and act on any legal process that it believes is valid, whether served in person, by mail or by facsimile transmission, at any Bank location. Legal process includes, without limitation, a levy, garnishment or attachment, tax levy or withholding order, injunction, restraining order, subpoena, search warrant, government agency request for information or forfeiture relating to your account."

    ". . .The Bank will not notify you of a grand jury subpoena affecting your account."

    ". . . The Bank may, in its sole discretion, close your account at any time."

    ". . .when the Bank suspects that irregular, unauthorized, or unlawful activities may be involved with your account, the Bank may "freeze" (or place on hold) the balance in your account (and other accounts you maintain with the Bank) pending an investigation of such suspected activities."

    Does that make you sleep well at night? With the new, so-called "Patriot Laws" if you "look" suspicious you are at risk. (What does a suspicious person look like?)

    It gets worse. You must first understand the monster called "fractional reserve banking" (which is the way our banks operate).

    Fractional Reserve Banking means what it says. The banks only keep a fraction of the deposits on hand as reserves to cover any withdrawals.

    Sounds innocent enough but let's examine it further:

    Banks only keep about $1 in reserves for every $10 in deposits. This means that if more than one out of every ten account holders were to appear at the same time at the bank to make a withdrawal, THE MONEY WOULDN'T BE THERE.

    Sound far fetched? Do a "Google" search ( for Argentina's Debt and Banking Crisis and you'll get a preview of what can happen in the U.S. Another way of looking at this is the fact that the banks have the ability to loan out $10 for every $1 they take in.

    If you think Enron and WorldCom had crooked books, this makes them pale in comparison. Banks have the ability to create money out of thin air. If we tried that we would be thrown in prison for counterfeiting.

    What about the FDIC?

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only has about 1/2 of 1% in reserves to cover insurance claims. The FDIC is nothing more than a "confidence" game.


  • What's the solution?

    One solution is to keep as little money as possible in your bank. Only use banks to cash your checks. Learn to use Cash, bitcoin ( and Money Orders as often as possible. Convert savings, paper investments, and excess cash into bitcoin, physical gold and silver.


    Asset Protection Strategy #1

    Don't Keep All Your Eggs In One Basket

    The number one asset protection strategy is to not keep "all your eggs in one basket". What this really means is that you should spread out the ownership of your assets among several "entities". Let me explain what this really means by giving you an example of the typical person:

    The typical person owns everything in their own name; their house, their cars, their savings & checking accounts, their retirement accounts and even their investment accounts.

    Then one day this person gets in a car accident, makes an off-colored remark at work, becomes the target of a disgruntled customer or employee and now finds himself in a potentially messy legal entanglement.

    The disgruntled party visits his local attorney and the attorney wisely orders an asset search of the public records to see if there are any assets worth going after.

    To the his delight the attorney discovers that our friend has plenty of assets and agrees to take the case on "contingency" with no "up front" cost to the disgruntled party. The attorney does this because he knows the odds are good he'll be able to get a settlement that will be quite profitable.

    When our friend is named in the lawsuit every one of his assets are now at risk and his negotiating position is highly compromised.

    Now let's look what would happen if he owned none of his assets in his own name:

    The disgruntled party's attorney conducts his asset search and discovers that our friend has no assets to his name. The attorney advises his client that there is nothing worth going after although he would be happy to take the case for a large, non-refundable retainer.


  • The disgruntled party decides that he cannot afford the lawsuit - especially when he realizes his odds of capturing assets are remote.

    By strategically changing the way he owned his assets, our friend effectively made himself "judgment proof".`One of the most private and effective ways to own assets is with an Invisible New Mexico LLC . In the next series of Asset Protection Strategies, I will show you how the New Mexico LLC can be a powerful tool in helping you keep your hard-earned assets while maintaining your privacy.


    Asset Protection Strategy #2

    Isolate "low risk" assets from "high risk" assets

    When splitting up the way you own your assets it is important to make sure that you are not mixing "low risk" assets with "high risk" assets.

    For example, when you set up multiple New Mexico LLC's it would be a good idea to own your vehicles in an LLC that doesn't own your investment account.

    If you are involved in a car accident, and are at risk for a lawsuit, the first persons that are going to get named in the lawsuit are: 1. the driver of the car, and 2. the owner of the car.

    If the owner of record of the car is a New Mexico LLC, and the car is the ONLY thing the LLC owns, then the plaintiff can only go after the assets of the LLC itself (which is now a wrecked car!).

    When they also discover that you, as the driver, don't own anything yourself (it's all owned by other LLC's) you become noncollectable.

    If, for example, the LLC owned both your car and your home, they would both be subject to attachment in a lawsuit.

    Examples of high risk assets are boats, cars, rental properties, businesses, etc.

    Examples of low risk assets are stocks & bonds, savings accounts, annuities, etc.

    The more you want to protect each individual asset the more LLC's you would use.

    The New Mexico LLC is an excellent tool for owning assets.


  • In our next section we'll discuss the powerful Asset Protection Strategy called "Equity Stripping".


    Asset Protection Strategy #3

    How to Protect The Equity In Your Home

    How would you like to protect the equity in your home without changing the way you hold title?

    Because of possible tax benefits you may want to keep title to your home in your own name - but you can still protect the equity you've built up.

    Here's how:

    Through a little-known technique called "equity stripping" you can effectively "lock up" the equity you have in your home - or any other asset for that matter.

    Here's how you do it:

    Suppose you have $100,000 equity in your home and you want to protect it. First, you form a New Mexico LLC. Next, your LLC "loans" you $150,000 secured by a 2ND mortgage or trust deed that is recorded against your property.

    Let's see what has happened:

    By having your LLC place a 2ND mortgage or trust deed on your property you have effectively "stripped away" the equity!

    Now, in the event you are sued, any judgment creditor will have to stand in line behind your LLC before they can get paid. Since there is no equity above the $150,000 (in essence you are over-mortgaged by $50,000), there is no equity left for a judgment creditor to go after.

    Since you privately own the LLC, you also own and control the equity in your property. You are free to release this mortgage/trust deed at any time because you are the "Manager" of the LLC.

    You might be asking, "how do I plan for appreciation?". This is a valid concern because, as the property value increases, so does the equity. To account for this simply have the 2nd mortgage/trust deed "accrue" interest at 10% per year with no


  • monthly payments. Stipulate that "all accrued interest is payable on demand". As your equity grows so does the outstanding balance on the mortgage.

    With a little creativity you can effectively "strip away" the equity from everything you own. To the public you will look like an over-mortgaged debtor. Privately, you will control large amounts of equity. Visit our Member's Area for more details on how to do this:


    Asset Protection Strategy #4

    How To "Privatize" Your Life Using A New Mexico LLC

    When you give out your personal address you open yourself up to all kinds of potential snoopers - like prying government agencies, nosy individuals, and even stalkers.

    One of the golden rules of privacy is to not "advertise" where you live. A good example of advertising your home address is by putting it on your checks, drivers license, or by giving out your home address as your mailing address.

    A far better solution would be to rent a private mailbox (like Mail Boxes, Etc., or better yet, a small, non-franchise service) that you can receive personal mail and have your checks sent to.

    If you are looking for high-level privacy it is recommended that you take all utilities out of your name and put them in the name of your New Mexico LLC. In addition, I would have these bills sent to your private mailbox. A good rule of thumb is to avoid receiving mail at your personal residence.

    Owning your home in your own name also makes it easy for someone to find you. All they have to do is go down to their local tax assessor, punch your name in a computer, and "presto" up comes your property address. By transferring your title to your New Mexico LLC you will no longer "own" property and a name search at the county courthouse will turn up nothing.

    The process of privatizing your life can be overwhelming but, if your situation is not urgent, you can begin to make small changes in the way you conduct your life. Within a short period of time you will have everything out of your name and you will become "invisible" to the public.


  • ----------

    Asset Protection Strategy #5

    How You Can Sell Real Estate In Total Privacy Without Triggering "Transfer" Taxes.

    How would you like to transfer real estate ownership privately and anonymously?

    Okay, here's how you do it:

    First you simply transfer the title to your real estate to your New Mexico LLC by using whatever instrument is used in your county (IE. Warranty Deed, Grant Deed, etc.).

    Consult your tax adviser to make sure you don't create a "taxable event". This shouldn't be a problem provided you designate a "sales price" that is not greater than your "adjusted basis". Or, since you own the LLC, this transaction may be "transparent" for tax purposes. Again, consult your tax adviser for details.

    Now that you've transferred ownership to your New Mexico LLC you are ready to sell the property. Here's how you do it in total privacy:

    Rather than of selling the real estate by a deed instrument you will instead sell your OWNERSHIP INTEREST in the LLC. Since you own the LLC, and the property is the only asset owned by the LLC, you can simply sell the LLC and the property goes with it.

    What you have done is converted your "real property" to "personal property". Your ownership interest in the LLC (called Membership Interest evidenced by Membership Certificates/Units) is simply assigned to the individual that is buying your property.

    In essence, the property has never been transferred out of the LLC. The LLC itself is what has been sold. Since this is a private transaction involving personal property, there is no public record.

    The tax laws of most countries consider any profit a taxable gain subject to taxation so make sure and check with your tax adviser for tax advice.

    This same privacy principle can be applied to cars or any other asset.


    Asset Protection Strategy #6


  • How To Bank In Privacy Using The "Corporate Cloak"

    As you are already probably aware, there is not much privacy left in the world. It seems as though everything you do is tracked in one database or another somewhere.

    Using the New Mexico LLC to do your banking is an excellent privacy and asset protection strategy.

    With this strategy you will open a traditional business checking account in the name of your LLC. Our Private Banking Report shows you how to get a Tax ID (TIN) for your LLC. Use this number when opening your account.

    Since the account will be tied to the TIN and not your Social Security Number, this account will be hidden from an asset search and your funds will be protected.

    Since the LLC is a separate legal entity it cannot be held liable for personal debts or obligations.

    Now you can use this business account to cash checks, write checks, and pay bills - just like a regular personal checking account.

    Simply endorse the back of each check you receive and then deposit them into your LLC checking account. To access your funds simply write yourself a check or set up a Visa Check Card (debit card) on your account.

    NOTE: We have recently introduced a Special Report: How To Open an Invisible Bank Account WITHOUT a Social Security Number or Tax ID Number . Visit for details.


    "Greetings, Thanks so much for your advice it gave me the positive energy that I was lacking. I couldnt try Washington Mutual or Wells Fargo because I have property in South Florida that are in default. On the advice of a friend I and went to Heritage Bank Heritage bank has a policy that requires Virginia identification, so consequently I was turned down.

    The bank next-door was Wachovia. The gentleman there was very accommodating. He asked for my SS# and I gave it to him, and at the same time I requested that it not be in the bank records. He apologized and said, yes of course its not a sole proprietor and it is not necessary, all that is required is the EIN number. The moral of the story is perseverance, Stephen It has nothing to do with the banks. It depends


  • only on who you talk to. Obviously this man he was a patriot Anyway They put a four-day hold on my account since it was a new account. So I will be back to you soon." -Gregory


    Asset Protection Strategy #7

    How To Create Multiple Layers Of Asset Protection Using Multiple LLC's

    It is important that you think of asset protection as a series of "firewalls". The more firewalls you have, the more secure that you are.

    If someone has unlimited resources, time, and desire to come after you - they will eventually find you. Fortunately, most people don't have these unlimited resources and a well designed plan will easily frustrate them and force them to give up.

    There are two ways to use multiple LLC's to increase your number of firewalls:

    The first is to "break up" the ownership of your assets into various LLC's (horizontal approach).

    The second is to have your LLC's owned by other LLC's which are then owned by even more LLC's (vertical approach).

    The most powerful asset protection plan implements both of these strategies.

    Because the New Mexico LLC is so flexible, your possibilities are limited only by your imagination.----------

    Asset Protection Strategy #8

    Four "Must Read" Reports

    Privacy and the Digital Revolution

    Hyperinflation Special Report

    How to Prosper in Hyperinflation


  • How to pay off your debts for pennies on the dollar


    Asset Protection Strategy #9

    "Loose Lips Sink Ships"

    In the last sections we've shared some powerful asset protection techniques using the New Mexico LLC.

    All these are meaningless if you openly advertise what you are doing. The title of this strategy could just as easily have been titled "Three Can Keep A Secret If Two Are Dead" but we didn't want you to get the wrong idea!

    Our point is that, in order to have maximum privacy, you must disclose all information only on a "need to know" basis.

    More often than not the greatest plans can be foiled by a vindictive ex-spouse or business partner that you've "spilled the beans to" in a moment of weakness.


    Asset Protection Strategy #10

    How To Set Up Your Own Private Financial Account

    NOTE: We covered this info earlier but we now go into a little more detail.

    The Problem With Traditional Banking

    You must first understand the monster called "fractional reserve banking" (which is the way US banks operate). Fractional Reserve Banking means what it says. The banks only keep a fraction of the deposits on hand as reserves to cover any withdrawals.

    Sounds innocent enough but let's examine it further:

    Banks only keep about $1 in reserves for every $10 in deposits. This means that if more than one out of every ten account holders were to appear at the same time at the bank to make a withdrawal, THE MONEY WOULDN'T BE THERE.


  • Another way of looking at fractional reserve banking is the fact that the banks have the ability to loan out $10 for every $1 they take in.

    If you think Enron and WorldCom had crooked books, this makes them pale in comparison. Banks have the ability to create money out of thin air. If we tried that we would be thrown in prison for counterfeiting.

    Sound far fetched? Do a "Google" search for Argentina's Debt and Banking Crisis and you'll get a preview of what can happen in the U.S. Below are a few links in chronological order. Pay special attention to how bank depositors were restricted to only being able to withdraw $1,000 a month (this was their own money!) while the peso lost over 60% of its value.,8599,189393,00.html

    With U.S. government spending on special interest bills( and funding of numerous wars around the world it's only a matter of time before the U.S. experiences a similar crisis.

    U.S National Debt Clock - The Gross National Debt:

    What about the FDIC?

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only has about 1/2 of 1% in reserves to cover insurance claims. The FDIC is nothing more than a "confidence" game.

    What's the solution?

    One solution is to keep as little money as possible in your bank. Consider using an LLC or Corporation to hold your bank account. (You can set up a totally private LLC at Only use banks to cash your checks. Learn to use Cash and Money Orders as often as possible. Convert savings, paper investments, and excess cash into physical gold and silver.

    How to Open Your Own Secret Bank Account in the U.S.A.


  • In today's world of terror watch lists and ID theft it is getting increasingly difficult to achieve privacy in your financial affairs but there are still some ways to preserve your privacy. We have outlined some strategies below and we have mentioned a few e-currencies that have potential in the future for private transactions.

    Use Bitcoin

    For information on why this may be The Ultimate Offshore Bank Account visit the following link:

    The Corporate Cloak Bank Account

    The Corporate Cloak is a great way to have all the benefits of a traditional checking account while still maintaining a high degree of privacy. Heres how it works:

    1. Order an Invisible New Mexico LLC (order online at Open a business account at your local bank in the name of your LLC.3. Ask for a Visa Check Card on the account as well as regular business checks.5. Designate yourself as the Manager of the LLC and signer on the account.


    You now have an account with all the benefits of a traditional account. You can deposit checks made out to you (or names/companies controlled by you) into this account by simply endorsing the backs of the checks before depositing. You can write checks from this account to pay bills and also use your Visa Check Card. Since this account is in the name of the LLC it is treated as a separate, legal entity. This means that the funds in this account cannot be seized to pay your personal debts. You will still have to provide ID and Social Security Number as the signer of the account although the account will only be tied to the EIN and not your SSN. This means that the LLC cannot be held liable for any personal debts.

    Your personal information is used by the bank to make sure you dont have a history of writing bad checks. If you do not want your personal information disclosed, you can hire a friend as manager and open the account, sign a bunch of checks, and then turn everything over to you. Or, order a stamp with their signature and have them sign a document giving you authorization to use their signature for the checking account. You then use these pre-signed checks or the Visa Check Card to pay bills, withdraw funds, etc. You can also make deposits at any time to this account.


  • Other Tips & Tricks

    Money Orders: To avoid banks altogether have people pay you with blank (payee line is left blank) Money Orders. They can then be used to pay other bills. Postal Money Orders can be converted back into cash at your local post office.

    Check Recycling: When someone pays you by regular check, simply sign the back of it and forward it on to pay one of your other bills such as the car payment, utility bill, etc. Dont worry about the amounts being in odd amounts. Any overpayment that you make when paying your bill will show up as a credit on your next bill.

    Make sure to write pay to the order of and write the name of the person or company you are paying before signing.

    Family Member: You can also sign your checks and give them to a friend or family member to run through their checking account for cashing. Buy them lunch and youll both be happy! If you need a check, buy one from a friend or family member and pay them with cash or a money order.

    Barter: Whenever possible, trade in goods and services. Offer credits and gift certificates that are redeemable for your goods and services as payment when paying others. Accept credits from others as well. Always ask, are you open to trade?. Check out the following links:

    Cash, Gold & Silver: After all of this is said and done, cash is still king. Always keep a good supply of cash on hand. The majority of these funds should be held in gold and silver bullion the ultimate forms of cash. We recommend finding a local gold and silver bullion dealer that you can work with. If you are unable to find a local bullion dealer then we recommend for purchasing gold and silver at discount prices.

    Use Your Bullion Dealer as a Banker: Have people pay you in gold and silver bullion (see How to 'Inflation-Proof' Your Earnings below). When you need cash, sell some some bullion back to your local bullion dealer. Combine this strategy with money orders and check recycling and you may never need a bank.

    Stores of Value: In addition to gold and silver, your savings can be held in other stores of value such as: inventory for a business, food supplies, home & auto supplies, guns & ammo, as well as other goods that you can use or trade with in


  • the future.

    For further reading: Guerrilla Capitalism - by Adam Cash

    Digital Currencies:


    Visa/MasterCard Gift Cards

    These are actual debit cards that you can buy at any supermarket or drugstore. You can buy in amounts up to $500 anonymously and can be used to make both online and in-person purchases.

    Walmart or Target Gift Cards: Now here's a novel idea. Why not use Walmart gift cards as currency? You can send them through the mail and they can be used to buy all of the necessities of life all under one roof.


    MoneyPaks can be bought with cash. You can send the redemption code to someone who has a reloadable debit card and they can load the funds onto their card. An interesting way to pay or get paid. See

    Offshore Banks

    These banks require ID but give you the ability to have funds outside of the U.S.Belize Bank and

    More Offshore Bank Accounts


    NOTE: We have recently introduced a Special Report: How To Open an Invisible Bank Account WITHOUT a Social Security Number or Tax ID Number . Visit for details.

    NOTE: If you want privacy make sure that the offshore bank you use does not have any branches located in your home country because these banks can be forced to give up your information if they want to keep doing business in your home country.


  • Not so secret: UBS to divulge Swiss account namesread story:


    Frequently Asked Questions - Please see our FAQ page:


    Asset Protection Strategy #11

    Diversify Your Income and Boost Your Earning Potential

    An important asset protection strategy that most people overlook is in the area of diversifying their income and boosting their earning potential. They take all the steps to protect what they own but they never give a thought as to how they would handle the loss of their primary income. Ask yourself this question, "What would I do if my primary income stopped?"

    There are two solutions: The first is to create multiple streams of income and to always be on the lookout for ways of generating more revenue. Here are some examples of multiple streams of income:

    A Real Estate investor who has several rental properties (preferably owned in separate LLC's). Each one of these properties provides a different stream of income.

    An Entrepreneur who owns several businesses in unrelated industries or regions.

    An Internet Entrepreneur who has several affiliate relationships which generate multiple income streams.

    A Wage Earner who has built up a sizable Affiliate Income that can replace his employment income if he loses his job.

    Ideally you want to get to the point where all your income streams are passive and require little management. This gives you the free time to enjoy it.

    The second solution is to increase your knowledge, build your skill set and learn a new trade or profession as a back up. Take a look at our Affiliate Income Opportunity here:


  • ----------

    Asset Protection Strategy #12

    How to "Inflation Proof" Your Earnings

    With the prospect of high inflation on the horizon it is now more important than ever to protect your assets and your earnings.

    Here is a unique way that you can do this:

    Simply ask your employer to pay you in One Dollar Silver American Eagles or Fifty Dollar Gold American Eagles instead of paper dollars. These coins are legal tender and are fully acceptable in commerce.

    Example: Let's say you currently earn $2,000 per month from your job. The current price of a One Dollar Silver American Eagle is approximately $16 (as of 12/27/08). Divide $16 into $2,000 and you get 125 X One Dollar Silver Eagles. This is what you would ask your employer to pay you: $125 per month in the form of One Dollar Silver Eagles.

    Of course this is all easier said than done but I hope I have given you ideas on how you can protect the purchasing power of your earnings.

    If all else fails, take your regular pay and buy silver and gold. When you see the price of these metals rising start asking for pay raises (if employed) or raise your prices (if you own your own business).


    Asset Protection Strategy #13

    Private and Secure Communications

    ->For FREE private voice mail and fax search the web for free voicemail and fax.

    Back a few years ago, Echelon was big news. That's the global surveillance system used to log and eavesdrop on everyday global communications, using a keyword trigger mechanism. It covers all sorts of communication mediums, including phone calls. Basically, if what you're saying includes certain key words (like 'bomb' for example, or maybe even 'tax avoidance' etc.) then these words trigger the system to log your communication for future analysis.


  • If it sounds like something from Orwell's "1984", then you're right, it is.

    What can you do about all this? Well, one thing you can do is become more privacy-aware. Be aware that some innocent phone call you are having may be listened in on. Be aware that your everyday innocuous emails may be getting read.

    When it comes to the net, there is one very simple way to thwart the grand plans of surveillance state - and that is to learn how to encrypt any sensitive emails, or all your emails if you choose.

    Encryption is the process of turning your email text into "code" so that no one else can read it. When you encrypt a message you are "locking" it tight, so it can only be unlocked by the intended recipient.

    The best way to illustrate the importance of this is to realize that your ordinary email is very much like the traditional postcard. As you know, a postcard is something you write on and post without any cover. A postcard can be read by your local postal worker, while he sorts it. It can be read by the postman when he delivers it. And it can be read by anyone who picks it up in between. In other words, you would never write anything private or confidential on a postcard. No, at the very minimum you'd put your message on paper and seal it inside an envelope.

    Well, it's the same with email. Your everyday email is just like a postcard - a message without any "cover". Encryption allows you to communicate privately - to effectively seal your email.

    There are many ways you can communicate privately on the net - using various services and technologies - but the best and safest is to use PGP - Pretty Good Privacy.


    Free PGP Alternative

    Simple FREE software to make gnupg easier to use (highly recommended for Windows Users):

    This is a dedicated encryption program which you download and install on your own computer. In most cases this will work seamlessly with your email software, allowing you to send and receive PGP-encrypted email with ease.


  • The process itself is easy to understand. You create two "keys" - a public and private one. To send a message to someone else, they must have first given you their public key. You "lock" (encrypt) the message with their public key and send it. They can read the message by "unlocking" it (decrypting) with their private key. No one else can read the message (without the private key).

    In this way, you can create a privacy "channel" between yourself and any other nominated parties ( ).

    When PGP was first issued, many people found it a bit difficult to set up and use. But that is changing.

    The actual process of encrypting a message goes like this: you write your message as usual, but before hitting the "send" button you simply click on the encrypt button. When you then press send, you will be prompted to select the appropriate key (for the person you are sending it to) - then it's gone.

    At the other end, the recipient of your encrypted email would open it to see the encrypted message, then hit his "decrypt" button, enter his PGP password, and voila, the message magically coverts itself back to plain language.

    To show you how this all looks, here's an actual example of encrypted text.

    The plain text says simply, "How are you today?". The encrypted version of those words looks like this:

    -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----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    As you can see, they bear little resemblance to each other!

    To decode this message you would first have had to send me your PGP public key, and I would have had to send you mine - and I would have sent this message to you using your key to encrypt the message, while you would use your PGP decryption password to "unscramble" it.

    Contrary to many people's fears, PGP is not intimidating to use at all. Once you have created your keys, after installing the software, and distributed your public key to those people you want to communicate privately with, then the everyday process of sending and receiving encrypted email is a breeze.

    There are other email encryption services like hushmail but hushmail is known to have been compromised.

    You can also use PGP to encrypt files on your hard drive. Another excellent tool for encrypting your data is TrueCrypt ( TrueCrypt is a Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Main Features:

    * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk.

    * Encrypts an entire hard disk partition or a device, such as USB flash drive.


  • * Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent.

    * Provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password:

    1) Hidden volume

    2) No TrueCrypt volume can be identified

    Visit for more information on their product.

    Encrypted Phone Calls:

    Please visit our Members Area for the latest tools for encrypted phone calls and encrypted chat:

    Your Home Address:

    Also known as "where you sleep at night". Work at changing all your correspondence so that nothing leads back to where you sleep at night. Rent a mailbox with a street address (UPS Store, Pac-Mail, etc.). Change all of your bills, and driver's license to that address. Put your utilities in the name of an Invisible New Mexico LLC. Some people forget to update the home address they have on file with the mail service when they move. Read that last sentence again. A mailing address that does not lead back to "where you sleep at night" is what is know as a "dead drop". You certainly don't want jack-booted thugs kicking down your door at 4 o'clock in the morning.


    Asset Protection Strategy #14

    Anonymous Web Surfing

    If privacy is important to you then you must understand that each time you visit a website your IP address can be logged and can be traced back to you. Obviously this is not good if you wish to keep your web activities private especially if you may be viewing politically incorrect sites.

    With the increased surveillance state, viewing just about any web content that doesn't "tow" the proverbial "party line" can brand you as a "misfit" or "enemy combatant".


  • Fortunately, technology has given us some tools to help make our web surfing anonymous. These are "anonymizing" services that work like this:

    Instead of your computer transmitting the data directly to the recipient (Web-, News- or Email-Servers), these are transmitted to the anonymous server. The anonymous server anonymizes the transmitted data and continues to transmit these then to the actual recipient. A possible response (Web-Server) of the recipient is transmitted over the anonymous server back to you.

    We recommend:

    and (7 day FREE Trial at this link!)----------

    Asset Protection Strategy #15

    Safe Deposit Boxes: Safe or Not?

    Many people have the mistaken belief that their valuables are safe in a Safe Deposit Box. Read the following stories and decide:

    The Raid that Rocked the Met

    Anguished Tales of Property Taken by StateSan Francisco Chronicle

    Safety deposit box raids yield 1bn of drugs, cash and gunsTelegraph

    Not-So-Safe-Deposit Boxes: States Seize Citizens' Property to Balance Their BudgetsABC News - May 12, 2008

    Here are a few more risks:

    Access to your safe deposit box could be restricted in the event of


  • - a bank closure or bank declared holiday due to a monetary crisis- a natural disaster- a creditor wins a judgment and attempts to enforce collection- the IRS decides you owe them money

    In short, nothing beats having your valuables close by and easily accessible. It is always better when you do not have to ask someone else for their permission to access your valuables.

    One solution is to keep a safe in your home. There are also many less obvious places to hide valuables in and around your home. A good resource is the book "The Big Book of Secret Hiding Places" by Jack Luger and How To Hide Anything by Michael Conner.

    You can also buy what are known as "decoy safes". These are secret hiding compartments that are pre-made into common household items like soda cans, shaving cream containers, rocks, etc. Do a web search for "decoy safes" and you will find many of these products.


    Asset Protection Strategy #16

    Legal Self-Defense

    If you set up your Asset Protection & Privacy Strategies carefully you will most likely never have to worry about protecting yourself against a legal attack. But, in the event that you do, you will want to have a strategy for self-defense.

    As mentioned in previous e-mails, the best defense is to own no assets in your own name but, if you find your self the victim of a legal attack, in either a civil or criminal matter - you must be prepared.

    The number one action that gets most people in trouble is the act of arguing or attempting to "justify" or "prove" their position or case. The secret is to never assume the burden of proof.

    When an adversary makes a claim do not jump in and try to justify your position. Instead simply force them to prove theirs.

    Do you remember when you were a kid being teased by your brother or sister? Do you remember telling your Mom and Dad about it and your sibling saying, "Prove it!"? Can you remember how frustrating it was to try and prove something? That is the key


  • here. The truth is that NO THING can be proven with an absolute certainty. There is always that element of doubt that can be exploited.

    Another self-defense tactic is to question the adversary. The one who is asking the questions is the one who is in control. Always answer a question with another question. When the adversary makes a claim or presentment (which is merely an opinion) insist on the facts behind their opinions and do not settle for another opinion.

    For a deeper understanding I highly recommend you read the book "Adventures In Legal Land" by Marc Stevens which can be found at:

    Here is a great radio interview with Marc that illustrates this concept:

    Remember, never assume anything and question everything. When you force the adversary to prove, defend, define, and justify their argument (opinions) you have deflected 90% of the attack and their arguments will usually fall of their own weight.

    ----------Asset Protection Strategy #17

    Code Talk

    When governments become increasingly oppressive and restrictive many people must move into the underground economy in order to survive and protect themselves from state-sponsored violence. This is when you need to learn how to talk in code. Talking in code simply means that you say something without directly saying it. It can be the use of a different choice of words, a change in body language or even a pre-arranged set of signals used to communicate without incriminating oneself.

    For more information on this topic I highly recommend the following resources:

    As The Authoritarian State Expands Learn To Talk In Code by Robert Wenzell

    An Agorist Primer Counter-Economics, Total Freedom and You by Samuel Konkin III

    New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Konkin III


  • The Second Realm by Jonathan Logan and XYZEnglish: pdf, epub, mobiAlso see:

    Alongside Night by J. Neil Schulman and

    A Lodging of Wayfaring Men by Paul Rosenberg (free .pdf copy) (

    Asset Protection Strategy #18

    Become an Ordained Minisiter or Establish Your Own Tax-Exempt Church

    Become an ordained minister of the Church of Life ( The church has a program that pays their ministers a tax-free housing allowance. By taking advantage of this program you can reduce your tax bill by making a tax-deductable donation of up to 50% of your adjusted gross income and getting back most of it in the form of a tax-free housing allowance.

    You can also set up your own tax-exempt church. Order our Ultimate Asset Protection & Privacy Tool Kit for details:

    Asset Protection Strategy #19

    Free Your Mind

    To truly understand the concept of Asset Protection, you must first understand the greater concepts of freedom - the concepts of Life, Liberty, and Property. Unfortunately, most of us are living in a false reality to some degree. Until we learn to step away from this false reality, and see things as they really are, we will never truly be free. An excellent source of information on individual liberty is our exclusive and private Members Area: ----------

    Final Asset Protection Strategy


  • Act Now

    We have reached our final Asset Protection Strategy and I wanted to take a moment and encourage you to start taking action now.

    Too many people wait until they are "under fire" before deciding to take the necessary steps to protect their assets. Often, by this time, it is too late.

    Today the odds are overwhelming that you will be involved in some some sort of legal dispute and probably more than one.

    I've shared with you just of few the strategies that you can begin using right away. Now is the time to start putting these strategies into practice. I recommend ordering our Ultimate Asset Protection & Privacy Tool Kit and becoming a member of our private membership site designed exclusively for people who wish to be free and prosperous.

    Here are the details:

    Ultimate Asset Protection & Privacy Tool Kit

    Here are just a few of the benefits youll enjoy with your Tool Kit: Access to our Private Members Forum

    Access to our Mega-Library of Privacy & Asset Protection Resources, Tools & Strategies

    How To Set Up Your Own Anonymous, Numbered Bank Account

    How To Set Up a Virtual Corporation for Maximum Privacy & Protection

    PT Perpetual Traveler living free underground ebook collection - (this alone is worth more than the price of Membership)

    Weekly Asset Protection Update Service

    Get a FREE Trial to for private internet surfing

    FREE copy of the book BITCOIN What It Is and Why It Matters

    One FREE Invisible New Mexico LLC with 3 years FREE Registered Agent Service


  • Discounted pricing on additional Invisible New Mexico LLCs

    How to Get a Tax ID Number for your LLC

    How to Open a Bank Account for Your Invisible New Mexico LLC

    Sample Proprietary Operating Agreements for your LLC

    Private Banking Report & Offshore Services Directory

    How To Surf The Web Anonymously From Your Cell Phone

    SPECIAL REPORT: How the Rich Go Offshore

    SPECIAL REPORT: How To Protect Your Electronic Data While Crossing Borders

    How to set up an Invisible Trust

    Discount Buyers Club: Substantial savings at selected vendors who offer exclusive discounts to our Members.

    Ultimate Self-Defense Instructional Video Training Program - advanced street-fighting tactics for men and women that you wont learn from Hollywood movies or traditional martial arts schools.

    Affiliate Program! Earn $500 for every referred sale click here for details:


  • SPECIAL REPORT: American Expatriation Guide How to Divorce the US Government

    BONUS REPORT #1: Invisible Banking Report How to Open an Offshore Account WITHOUT a Social Security Number or Tax ID Numbe r

    BONUS REPORT #2: Mini-PT: How to Legally Avoid State Income Taxes as a Perpetual Traveler

    BONUS REPORT #3: BARTER TYCOON How To Trade Your Way To Financial Independence

    BONUS #4: FREE e-book: Boundaries of Order Private Property as a Social System by Butler Schaffer

    BONUS #5: FREE e-book: An Agorist Primer - Counter-Economics, Total Freedom, and You by Samuel Edward Konkin III

    BONUS #6: FREE e-book: The Philosophy of Ownership by Robert LeFevre

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    Ultimate Asset Protection & Privacy Tool KitHere are just a few of the benefits youll enjoy with your Tool Kit:Access to our Mega-Library of Privacy & Asset Protection Resources, Tools & StrategiesHow To Set Up Your Own Anonymous, Numbered Bank AccountHow To Set Up a Virtual Corporation for Maximum Privacy & ProtectionWeekly Asset Protection Update ServiceGet a FREE Trial to for private internet surfing FREE copy of the book BITCOIN What It Is and Why It MattersPrivate Banking Report & Offshore Services DirectorySPECIAL REPORT: How the Rich Go OffshoreSPECIAL REPORT: How To Protect Your Electronic Data While Crossing BordersHow to set up an Invisible TrustSPECIAL REPORT: American Expatriation Guide How to Divorce the US GovernmentBONUS REPORT #1: Invisible Banking Report How to Open an Offshore Account WITHOUT a Social Security Number or Tax ID NumberBONUS REPORT #2: Mini-PT: How to Legally Avoid State Income Taxes as a Perpetual TravelerBONUS REPORT #3: BARTER TYCOON How To Trade Your Way To Financial Independence