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The True Negro

The True Negro VOL III 1

Oct 26, 2014



Mike Kerali

The Changing Landscape of North Africa and Western Asia (Middle East).

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The True Negro

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It has come to our attention that some people are casting Aspersions on the veracity of our site. This because when they come upon pictures of ancient Black Egyptians, Europeans, Middle Easterners etc. they say "those are NOT Black people, Black people do NOT look like that". In a "Normal" world, that would be an extremely inane proposition. After all, the Black Man is the original Human, and from where all other Humans descend. And though duly noted in science, simple observation would indicate that the Black Man is the Earths most diverse creature.

He possesses all of the known types and colors of Hair, Eyes, Noses, Mouths, Bodies, and even skin colors. But alas, in the White mans racist world that we all live in, the proposition is instead, very understandable. They have come expecting to see pictures of: (that which the White Man has Defined as the "True" Negro); and there are few to be found. To explain this seeming contradiction, we must first begin with a little history.

When the Prophet Muhammad allowed Whites, mostly Greeks, who had migrated south as a result of Alexander's victory over the Persians; then Romans, together with the latest migrants, the Turks from Asia, to join his army of conquest. He unknowingly was finalizing a process that began about 2,000 years earlier; when the first Whites from central Asia first entered southern Europe. First Greece fell to them, then Italy, then France and Spain, until finally, all of Europe was theirs.

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Later, Alexander's conquest of the Persian Empire gave Whites dominance over all that Persia had acquired, namely Egypt and Western Asia. The resurgent Sassanian Persians had later managed to take most of it back (except Egypt and the western Levant, which stayed in Greek, then Roman hands). But now Muhammad was determined to conquer all of it.

Which he did, but at the price of dooming all of the Black civilizations which still existed. Because as in Europe, Whites were not content with just being a part of the "New Order" they wanted to control and dominate it! Because of the meager population of Arabia, and also because of the Arab tribesman's resistance to his new religion, (he would later offer them the choice of conversion or Death!); Muhammad had no choice but to include Whites in his army. First the Greeks, then when the Romans quit the Western Levant in 639-640 A.D.

(at Muhammads invitation), the Romans who remained behind, had no choice but to join him too. But the Caliphs still needed more men; therefore Turkish men were imported from Central Asia as Slave soldiers for the Caliphs army, and Turkish women were imported as Slaves for the Caliphs Harem (a practice that the Berbers (Moors) continued.

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With these Whites as the backbone of his army, Muhammads Islamic army was able to conquer parts of Eastern Europe, all of Western Asia, North Africa and Spain. But the fatal error by Blacks, came under Umayyad Caliph Umar II (reigned 717-720), it was by his decree that the now discontented "Mawali" Troops (Whites and non-Arab Muslims) were placed on the same footing with Arab Muslims, without respect to color or nationality. This decree allowed Greeks, Turks, Romans, and all other Eurasians to fully assimilate into the Muslim brotherhood.

At first it was the old-line Greeks and Romans who held sway. But as Turks kept coming in (first as Slave Soldiers), and as their population kept increasing, there could be no doubt as to who would triumph in the end.

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The Turks first big break came in 868 A.D. It was during the rule of Abbasid Caliph Harun ar-Rashid (ruled 786-809), that the Caliphs began assigning Egypt to Turks rather than to Arabs. The first Turkish dynasty of Egypt was The Tulunid dynasty of Ibn Tulun, who entered Egypt in 868 A.D.

In Persia and Mesopotamia (which imported the first Turkish Slave Soldiers), the end came when Toghril Beg, the Turkish "Seljuq" Sultan, entered Baghdad in 1055 A.D, at which point, Buyid power was terminated, thus ending what Vladimir Minorsky, the great Persiaologist, called the “Persian intermezzo.”

In Anatolia, now called Turkey: In 1071 A.D. the Seljuq sultan Alp-Arslan defeated the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert and thereby opened the way for several million Oguz tribesmen to settle in Anatolia. These Turks came to form the bulk of the population there, and one Oguz tribal chief, "Osman" founded the Ottoman dynasty (early 14th century): This dynasty would subsequently extend Turkish power throughout the eastern Mediterranean. The Oguz are the primary ancestors of the Turks of present-day Turkey.

In Egypt 1250 A.D. The Turkish Mamluk Slave Troops rebelled, and established their own dynasty in Egypt, independent of the Caliphs.

The White and "Mixed-race" people of the Middle East and North Africa, invariably identify themselves as Berber, Arab, or Persian - which of course, they are not, they are mainly Turkish. How refreshing then, to find a Middle Eastern organization that is comfortable acknowledging their true Turkish identity. Please visit the "Iran Chamber Society's" site page on the "Islamic Conquest". You will find that it is about the same as that contained in our own Persian history in the Elam section.

On a wishful note: It would certainly be nice if the Chinese Government would also update their website history on the beginnings of Chinese civilization. As it stands now, if you don't already know Chinese history, you certainly won't learn it from their website. Their presentation is "mealy mouthed" confusing, and refuses to acknowledge the obvious influences of Blacks and Whites in China's beginnings. Luckily there are skeletons, Mummies, and scientific studies which do.

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In Muhammads own homeland of Arabia, the end came late, but it came: In Arabia, the domination of Mecca and Medina by the resurgent Black Wahhabi Muslims, was a serious embarrassment to the Turkish Ottoman sultan - who was the titular overlord of the Arabian territory, and the leading Muslim sovereign. Therefore, at the invitation of Turkish Sultan Mahmud II (1808-39), Muhammad Ali Pasha (an Albanian Turk); sent an expedition to Arabia that between 1811 and 1813 expelled the Wahhabis from the Hejaz. In a further campaign (1816-18), Ibrahim Pasha, the viceroy's eldest son, defeated the Wahhabis in their homeland of Najd, and thus brought Central Arabia under Turkish Albanian control. With the taking of Arabia, Whites now had control over all of it - the territories and the Religions. And after each victory, they sought to insure that the Black man would never raise again in his former territories.

The White man found that to accomplish this, there was a weapon just as effective as the Sword or Gun - the Lie! With the lie, the White man was able to convince everyone that his own weakness, the Pale Albino like skin that he wore, was a strength and denoted superiority. Thus no meaning was to be given to the fact that unlike the Normal and Natural inhabitants of those lands, the White Man found it necessary to completely cover his body in clothing, from head to toe, in order to survive the Sunlight of those regions. There is no known record of what he told Blacks to convince them to wear the Total Body Robes that they now wear, but we know that it is not natural for them, as Black skin is natures natural protection against Sunburn and skin cancer, and because the Blacks of those regions wore light attractive clothing before the White mans conquest. The Black mans only consolation in all of this, is that even as he endures through hardship in those regions that were formerly his; Few "Pure Whites" still exist in the southern regions. They have been "Absorbed" and replaced by a "Mixed Race" people; who themselves have turned against the White Man. (The mainly "mixed-race" people of Turkey - keep petitioning to join the White European Community. But that has so-far not been forthcoming - the claim is that they are too "Different").

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The Power of the Lie

The ancient Persians understood the power of the Lie: they were probably the first Middle Eastern Blacks to have day-to-day dealings with Whites; owing to the large numbers of Arian's immigrating across their Eastern borders. Perhaps it was these White people that Darius the Great (522-486 B.C.); had in mind when he inscribed the following on the south retaining wall of his palace at Persepolis.

Inscription:3. (12-24.) Darius the King says: May Ahuramazda bear me aid, with the gods of the royal house; and may Ahuramazda protect this country from a (hostile) army, from famine, from the Lie! Upon this country may there not come an army, nor famine, nor the Lie; this I pray as a boon from Ahuramazda together with the gods of the royal house. This boon may Ahuramazda together with the gods of the royal house give to me!

In Darius the Great's "Behistun Inscription" the Lie is mentioned twenty one (21) times:

Inscription:55. (4.36-40.). Darius the King says: You who shall be king hereafter, protect yourself vigorously

from the Lie; the man who shall be a Lie-follower, him do you punish well, if thus you shall think, "May my country be secure!"


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The Changing Face of Egyptian Rule



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Somewhere along the way, the White man decided that it was not enough to proclaim himself superior, he must make Blacks "Inferior" (for reasons that will be explained). To this end, he instituted something that was not known to the world before, "Racism". No one knows exactly when it began, but it evolved into one of mans most vile creations. In the United States of America, it reached its zenith with the Dred Scott decision.

Dred Scott In March 1857, the Supreme Court of the United States answered a question that Congress had evaded for decades: whether Congress had the power to prohibit slavery in the territories. The case originated in 1846, when a Missouri slave, Dred Scott, sued to gain his freedom. Scott argued that while he had been the slave of an army surgeon he had lived for four years in Illinois, a free state, and Wisconsin, a free territory, and that his residence on free soil had erased his slave status.

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Roger Brooke Taney

Chief Justice of the United States

Chief Justice Taney delivered the opinion of the Court....

In the opinion of the Court the legislation and histories of the times, and the language used in the Declaration of Independence, show that neither the class of persons who had been imported as slaves nor their descendants, whether they had become free or not, were then acknowledged as a part of the people nor intended to be included in the general words used in that memorable instrument....

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They had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic whenever a profit could be made by it. This opinion was at that time fixed and universal in the civilized portion of the white race....

No one, we presume, supposes that any change in public opinion or feeling, in relation to this unfortunate race, in the civilized nations of Europe or in this country should induce the Court to give to the words of the Constitution a more liberal construction in their favor than they were intended to bear when the instrument was framed and adopted....And upon a full and careful consideration of the subject, the Court is of opinion that, upon the facts stated in the plea in abatement, Dred Scott was not a citizen of Missouri within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States and not entitled as such to sue in its courts.

The White man taught racism in his Schools and Universities; and since by now, he controlled most of the World and its media, everyone was taught racism!

The New Student's Reference Work (1914)

NegroesNe′groes, a name given to most of the races inhabiting Africa, though it does not include all the inhabitants. The inhabitants of northern Africa, as the Abyssinians or Nubians, and the Hottentots of the south do not belong to the negro race. The physical characteristics of the true negro are black skin, woolly hair, flat nose and thick lips. Their skin is soft, and in the infant is a dull red, becoming black very soon. The negroes of the Guinea coast, who are rude savages, have a deep-black color and ugly features. Other tribes of the interior are tall, well-formed and warlike, and have some ingenuity in making implements from iron. The skull is long and narrow, with low forehead, prominent jaws and retreating chin. As a rule they are of a low order of intelligence, mechanical in their work but capable of great endurance. They are of a less nervous disposition than whites, more frequently color-blind, have smaller lungs and larger livers. The negro has long been a prey to the slave-traffic, being captured in large numbers and sold as slaves in other countries. The first slaves were brought to the United States in 1619, and this traffic was not discontinued until 1794, when it was prohibited by act of congress.

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The Spaniards began the trade, and King James and Queen Elizabeth both issued patents to companies. Between 1794 and 1840 the trade was confined mostly from the African coast to the West Indies and Brazil. The coast of Guinea was the largest slave-market, but inasmuch as they sold none of their own people but relied on those captured in war or by strategem, most of the slaves sent to the United States were of the pure negro type of the interior; while most of those taken to Brazil and the West Indies were closely allied to the Kafir and Zulu stock of the eastern coast. The mortality among the negroes is greater than the whites, attributed in the south much to the fact of their low condition and inattention to the laws of health, in the north to their inability to withstand the cold and variable weather, as the diseases from which they suffer are mostly those of the respiratory organs. Therefore the publication, at frequent intervals, of accounts of long-lived negroes may be ascribed to the ignorance of their ages, and not to any exceptional tenacity of life. In disposition the negro, as a rule, is cheerful and peaceable, unconcerned for the future, inclined to live in colonies and of emotionally religious instincts. Common among them even to the present day is the exercise of a certain form of witchcraft, called voodooism, prosecuted by means of charms, philters and fetiches.

But not content with the lie of speech, the White man in the 19th. and 20th. centuries, created scientific lies to bolster his claim. Samuel George Morton (1799-1851), one of the inspirers of physical anthropology, collected hundreds of human skulls from all over the world and started trying to find a way to classify them according to some logical criterion. Influenced by the common theories of his time, he claimed that he could judge the intellectual capacity of a race by the cranial capacity (the measure of the volume of the interior of the skull). A large skull meant a large brain and high intellectual capacity, and a small skull indicated a small brain and decreased intellectual capacity. By studying these skulls he decided at what point Caucasians stopped being Caucasians, and at what point Negroes began. Morton had many skulls from ancient Egypt, and concluded that the ancient Egyptians were not African, but were White.

Morton's big mistake here was evidence (there were just too many Egyptian statues hanging around, which clearly showed that Egyptians were of course Black people). Thus, this was too big a lie, even for the White man; so Morton and his theories quickly fell into disrepute. But an indication of just how pathetic some Whites are as regards to race - Some still believe that Egyptians were White people (You really really have to WANT to believe it, for that to make any sense at all). Has anyone noticed the virulence of the words used above? Those were not words of description, or even words of criticism, they were words of hatred and Damnation! What could it be that compels the White man to use such hateful words against another Human being? More follows:

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The true Negro(This from a White scientific Journal)

In modern craniofacial anthropometry, Negroid describes features that typify skulls of Black people.

These include a broad and round nasal cavity; no dam or nasal sill (skin below the nostral);

A notable facial projection in the jaw and mouth area (prognathism);

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rectangular-shaped palate (roof of the mouth);

A square or rectangular eye orbit shape;

And large, megadontic teeth (very big teeth).

Thus - The True Negro!

While at the same time, the White man says this:

"Though African populations are relatively dark, according to a recent study; they possess a greater genetic, phenotype, and skin complexion diversity than all other populations". (Seems that the White man is of two worlds here, schizophrenic even, and can't seem to make up his mind). In times past, his lies were believable, because few people had ever traveled the world, or been to Africa and seen real Africans. So even though the young man above is quite handsome in his own right - There really aren't many actual Africans who look like him.

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Real Africans(A small sample, and by no means comprehensive of the great diversity of African types)


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There is probably surprise that "Real" Egyptians look as they do, this is certainly not what you see in the White mans Books, television programs, and Movies. That is because the White mans media is merely a tool, or weapon, in the White mans vendetta against Blacks. We have seen his vitriol in describing Blacks; but that would ring hollow - when considered against the majesty of Black achievements in the past. Therefore he has, with the aid of his media, tried to take that past away. His media shows the creators of the worlds great civilizations as Whites, or at the very least, the mixed race people who currently inhabit those lands - But never as the Blacks that they truly were. In the case of Egypt: most "mixed race" and all White Egyptians, live in the large cities of Egypt. Therefore the White man very skillfully uses his media to show the world only those, or what he wants it to see. Thus all that he will show you, is the Whites and "mixed race" people of Egypt.

But this is also true the world over, though Blacks are the most ancient inhabitants of lands the world over, the White man will rarely show Blacks of any consequence, anywhere outside of Sub-Sahara Africa that is. The White man seems to have some deep-seated need to portray the world, and to see the world, as full of his own kind. Though part of that may be a subconscious response to the fact that Whites are the least numerous of the worlds people, there is much more to it! And certainly, no one could argue that on-line publications like Wikipedia, and the like; which claim to impart knowledge - would not be quite different with Black ownership, or at the very least, some semblance of Black oversight.

But what's the point of all of this? The White man has gone to great lengths to lie about, and to denigrate Blacks. Why does he do that, if he doesn't like Blacks, why not just leave them alone? After all, when the White man was in central Asia, Blacks did not follow him there, they left him alone. It was the White man who intruded upon Blacks in Europe, it was the White man who intruded upon Blacks in western Asia, it was the White man who intruded upon Blacks in Australia, it was the White man who intruded upon Blacks and Asians in the Americas, it was the White man who intruded upon Blacks in their own homeland of Africa. So why doesn't he just leave them alone?

There answer is really quite simple, if you feel that you have an inherent weakness, the best defense is a good offense. The White man was, and still is, quite sensitive and defensive about his genesis, and his "Un-naturalness". The White man is the result of the Albinos of Southern Africa joining together and trekking to North Asia, as part of the second (OOA) migration event ca. 50,000 B.C. White Skinned people exist as a result of Black Skinned people "MAKING" them, these people are called Albinos. Once they have been created, if they are foolish enough to mate with each other, then they will only produce other Albinos. To produce a normal human, they MUST mate with Melaninated humans.

They did this on their way to North-Central Asia, and that is why modern Whites are NOT "Full-fledged" Albinos any longer; but rather "Partially" Melaninated Humans. But for reasons unknown, perhaps because there was not enough Melaninated Humans available to mate with in Central Asia; (note the skin color variations in their former neighbors to the East in China), these Whites were not able to return to "Full Melanination." And so at some point, the White man decided that he was going to make, by proclamation and force of arms, his defect and "Disadvantage" into an "Advantage". It worked for a long time!

Returning to the United States of America, which as we saw above, seemingly tried to refine racism to an "Artform". It is amusing to note that when the Whites in that place are not engaging in some sort of overt racism, they are "Applauding" themselves for managing NOT to do it - they MUST view it as the "Normal" and "Natural" thing to do!

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Recently, the people of the United States elected a Black man "Barak Obama" as President of that country. Since then, there has been no end to the self congratulations of Whites upon this great deed. They just cannot get over the fact of their great magnanimity in accomplishing the great feat of electing their leadership - BASED PURELY ON QUALIFICATIONS AND MERIT and NOT on Race!

Ah, but as always is the case when dealing with Whites and the truth, it is never what they tell you it is. A closer look at the numbers revels that in fact, the majority of Whites in the United States did NOT vote for Barak Obama. Fifty six percent (56%) voted "against" him: Of the 44% who did vote for him, that may simply reflect the "Nothing to loose" rule, which became prevalent in the American "Rustbelt" in the 1960s and 70s. Rustbelt refers to the former American region of heavy manufacturing in the North: In these northern cities such as Detroit and Cleveland, as manufacturing moved elsewhere, and Whites followed; Blacks were able to gain political advantage. Then the remaining Whites joined with Blacks to elect political leadership.

But for Whites, this did not reflect a change in attitude towards Blacks, rather, it was simply an acceptance of reality. Things were bad and getting worst, the outlook was hopeless and there was "Nothing to loose" so why not give the Blacks a chance. If they succeeded, Whites would benefit the most, owing to their more advantageous positions. And if the Blacks failed, then they would take the blame for the entire debacle - no one ever said Whites were necessarily stupid!

Having said all of that, this is of course only one; the obvious aspect; of the White Mans many and complicated feelings toward Black people. And it must be noted that there are many fine and upstanding White people in the world, no people are all bad or all good. Similarly, it must be noted that Albinism is a trial, and a debilitating defect for those who suffer with it. And it is duly noted, the discrimination and assaults that people with it suffer in Southern Africa - and thus the White Man may have some "Ancient" justification for his "ill will" towards Black people. And we regret having to use pictures of these suffering people in making our point.

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Normal people and their Albino children or siblings.

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The Arabs Though by the White Mans edict, not a part of Africa. The people of the Arabian Peninsula and Africa have freely interchanged since man first walked the Earth. All of the people of the Desert regions from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf share a similar physical type, Black skin color (pale skinned people would not survive long in the Desert - Turkish Wives stayed in the tents), lifestyle and culture.

As with the Berbers, Egyptians, etc. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, and the granting of independence to those countries after WWII, The Arabs saw their identity stolen, or more politely "usurped" by Whites and the mixed race people. Thus Egypt is; "The Arab Republic of Egypt"

: Syria is "The Syrian Arab Republic": Libya is "The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya": Jordan is "The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan": (Hashemite is the Latinate version of the Arabic transliteration of Hāšimī) and traditionally refers to those belonging to the Banu Hashim Arabs, or "clan of Hashim", a clan within the larger Arab Quraish tribe.

It also refers to an Arab dynasty whose original strength stemmed from the network of tribal alliances and blood loyalties in the Hejaz region of Arabia, along the Red Sea. (One can only wonder how sparsely populated Arabia could have possibly produced all of those people)!

As in Egypt, Whites and the mixed race people, live in and around the cities; leaving the countryside to the "Real" Arabs.

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