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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1939 e Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 6-30-1939 e Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the e Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1939 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "e Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939." 9, 4 (1939). hps:// daily_lobo_1939/36

The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939

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Page 1: The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

1939 The Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940


The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939University of New Mexico

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The Daily Lobo 1931 - 1940 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted forinclusion in 1939 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationUniversity of New Mexico. "The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939." 9, 4 (1939).

Page 2: The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939

Page Fowr

Kwataka Sleepers Out Awakened by Birdies

Fred Warb&is and Wayne Erwin are hunting the "louse" who woke them at 4:30 a.m., last Wednes. day,

The boys found the Old Dorm en­tirely too warm for comfort, so, marvelling at their own ingenuity, they dragged mattresses out on the lawn in front of Holmna and spent two nights under the stars.

On the third night; a bird ( ?) , screaming shrilly and steadily from a nearby bush, woke them in time for a look at the sunrise.

Since the boys have never been quite awake after losing those two hours o:f sleep, they are seeking revenge, They would like to ltnow how big the conspirators a1·e, how­ever, before making any rash state. ments as to what is going to' hap­pen to them.

UNMDames Read Life Histories

University of New Mexico Dames


Parents Felicitate Finalist

The smilil}g c~ap in the center is John Archer, otherwise Ralph ~owman of Lmcoln, Neb,, fortunate finalist in Jesse L, Lasky's Gateway-to-Hollywood" talent search. Under his newly adopt­

ed. professional name he will be featured in support of Anne Shirley and Edward Ellis in .RKO Radio's "Career," and that is why Fa Bowman and Ma -!3owman, seen here with him, are

snuling, too. met Wednesday at 3 o'clock in the: --------------,---

south parlor, Hokona. Following lucre lake Gets the business session Mrs. L. C. Coffey gave the history of the U.

Dancers Hold Workout Baile N. M. Dames Club. Each member Summer Cleanup,·

gave a bistory of her life. Tea was served by Mmes. Floyd y· Jd T s· A practice baile was held by

Gay L. C. Coffey, and Eldred Har- Je S WO ItS members of the Mexican and New rington to tbe following members: Mexican folk-dancing class at the Mmes. Harriet C. Graham, Doro- LUCl'e Lake, combination fish hom: of Albert Neely, Tuesday thy Gatewood, Lucille Dillworth, pond and wishing pond, yielded a evemng.. . . . W. L. Jackson,. Gertrude Searcy, good collection of coins tax tokens The practice routme contamed Albuquerque; Rowan Keith, Soc- and slugs when it recei~ed its sum~ ~e ~a~be. Tapito, la Varsoviana, orro; Ruby M. Remmele, Magda- mer cleaning Tuesday afternoon ~ c ottlsche, the Polka, la. Ga­lena; Freda Panel, Estancia· Gor- James Walker Student U . ' mila, and la Vaquerita. Alumni don Clouser, Roswell; Morris janitor, announded. mon Harry and Owen per­Jac?bs, Chicago, Dlinois; Eloise The money, twenty-three cents formed a set ?f exhibJtton dances, Wh•ttle~, Claunch; Josephine Han- in all, will" be added to previous The attendmg. members of the Ion, W1llard; John Garcia, Santa collections to make up a fund f class were Maurice and Dorothea Fe; Rodger Williams, Boston, supplying the pond with addition:~ ~orton, . Jane Black, Crawford Mass.; Sue E. Savage, Grants. fish (a likely story). Seventeen den, ~•chard Joseph, Ray Lin-Da~es wil~ meet again June 28, mills, three pennies, and a couple d:nschmJdt, Albert Ne.ely. Other

at 3 o clock m the south parlor of of siugs were put back . t th g ests were Patty MJlner, alum-H k '- 11 I: 't' · m 0 e nus· Nancy Neel M 't o ana ua . m Iahon for new lake to serve as ''bait" for other . ' . y, arguen e members will be held. students who desire to make a wish L•;~enschmJdt. .

at the pool and then dr . e program was mterrunted by into the ~ater for goo~ al~~~n refresh~.ents, then cont'inued with

California Editor Visits Campus for Summer

Walker said. ' a r~pebtJO.n of the Jara~e routine, A turtl endmg With la Varsov1ana The

e named Dopey and seven- baile broke up at 10.05 · teen gold fish received fresh water · ·

Coac~ing School S Ia ted for Last Week of July

Friday, June 23, 1939

Long Day's Work by Man Worth Only Few Cents

Speaking electrically, a long day's w<>rk by a man is worth only a few cents, A. C. Stevens, Gen­eral Electric public relations coun­sel, w1·ites the Lobo ..

Summer· co'aching school will Working all day, a. man ex­take place during the last week of pends an equivahmt of less than a July, Coach Ted Shipkey announced half kilowatt hour, he explained. Wednesday. He added that a kilowatt-hour is

The school will feature instruc- equivalent to 2,655,200· foot-pounds tion by Ray Morrison, nationally of work.. famous coach at Southern Metho- ---------dist university and Vandel·~ilt. Goodbear Does Mural Morrison is known for developing ~assing techniqu_e in players, hav- The conventionalized Indian. ~~g ~een ~·esp~~s1ble ;for the ;famous dance panel at the Hilton Hotel in aerial c1rcus at SMU. downtown Albuquergue, was done Instruction will be given in the by Paul Goodbear, member .of Uni­

a:fternoon and evening, Fee for the ve1·sity of New Mexico Art Depart-course was fixed at $7,50, ment last seme2ter.

In order that extent of inte1•est r:::.:~.:.:·-::-::·~~=---:-=======:=; in the cou1·se can be determined Sbipkey asked that those intendin~ to enroll fo1• the coaching school fill in the form below and mail it to him, School --·--------------------­]qarne -------------------------Position (in the school) ----------

The Indian Art School is sche­duled to be held in Santa Fe, July .24 to August 19.

Teachers' 1\fusical · Supplies

Study Books :_ Band Instruments


406 W. Central Ave ..

Enjoy the Summer


Automatic Hot Water

• Albuquerque Gas and

Electric Company ARTHUR PRAGER, Vice President and General Manager Dr. Louis K. Koontz editor of while one fish was killed in at~ Get your copy of "Pueblo on the

t?~ Hist?ria. Pacific R~view, is a t:mpting to escape through a drain Mesa," by Dorothy Hughes, at

~~~~fub~~~ ojn;c;~~Y~o~u~1~l~l~~~e~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sity history department. • • Dr. Koontz came here from the Mint for Mint Juleps •

University of California, where he Located in Sub Patio has been a member of the faculty for seventeen years.

Mint juleps might well be added ;.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:. to the Sub fountain. menu, local

I ~ b.everage . con. noisseurs observed. UNIQUE yesterday at the Student Union

S d building patio. an wich Shop Cause for such comment is the 2130 E. Central thriving mint bed growing around

a water pipe at the east end of the • • • " .. · • · • · · • . , • • enclosure.


• For Lunches and Dinners

• For Cokes and Sandwiches

• Twenty-Four Hour Service

•Beer and Light Wines

CHARLIE'S PIG STAND Phone 1632-W Across from "U"

'Do You Know? Who was responsible for the founding of the University?

Where the first University Building stands 1

Who was resi)Qnsible for "Pueblo Architecture"?

What is the most valuable spot on the campus'?

What was "Jumbo"?

. All tke Answers are in

Pueblo on the Mesa 168 pages

At the




•. !. ~ :•i.o ~ ij ''', •[i


Edited and Published by the Journalism Class VoL. IX ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1939 No.4

Cheney, ·C.unningham Get Government Fellowships

Other Political Science Students Are Honored

Funerals of Former lobos Held Here This Week -------------------------~

Mrs. Simpson Attends Montoya-Hester Rites AAUW Convention Attended by Students

Page 3: The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939

>ge Two


Edited and Published by the Class in Journalism

~YNOLDS JOHNSON • ---------·---------·---------------- Editor ILLIAM COLBY ----------------··------------ Business Manager lllWIS BUTLER ----------------------------------- News Editor A.Y1~0ND HERNES ------------------------------ Sports Editor

STAFF me Black, Bill Colby, Adelia Hasquet, Madeline Howston, Roy indenschmidt, Helen Looney, Carroll McCleary, Albert Neely, Doro­tea Norton, Maurice No~·ton, Alice Parkes, Mary Margaret Parkes,

Jeannette Schulz, Gertrude Searcy, Evelyn Slaten, Helen D. Tefertiller, Florida Tones, Ruby Wyper, Lewis Butler

m Independent N cwspaper Implications cast in this direction by faculty members

nd others to the effect that the Lobo publicizes some depart­Ients more than others and that possibly faculty influence as been brought to bear are entirely ungrounded.

The Lobo is one of the few college newspapers that enjoys omplete independence from faculty, administrat~ve, and ven publications board influence as to editorial policy. We


Set for Jungle Romance '•

Friday, June 30, 1939

.-,.-.-.-,-.-..... -.............. -.... -........ .,., Questions & Answers

B;r Adelia Hasquet and Evelyn Slaten ............. -... -.-.-..-.-.... -.---~---.-... -...,..

What do you expect of n date?

Mickey McFadden: Ability to have a good time.

Alice Ruth Williams: I expect him tp really take me some place and not just drive.

Willis Jacobs: I don't expect anything.

Julie Carr~ll: Enjoyable time­the kind of a time depends on the mood I'm in.

Lois Gerard: A gentleman who will ring the bell instead of honk-ing,

Sam Cooksey: Nothing, I give up.

Bill McCormick: An interesting but unbelievable line.

Bob Dean: Plenty of money and · a nifty car,

Pete Sterling: A good listener. laVe avowed a policy of cooperation with these groups, but Lucille Ball and Chester Morris are posed with tl\e btg tran£port he paper itself belongs entirely to the students and is respon- plane which figures in "Five Came Back," exciting drama of a ive only to their influence. dozen strongly contrasting personalities who become stranded +•_,_,_,_,_.,_,_,_,_, __ ,+

P bl. t• f th L b • "d f b f in a South American jungle and are faced with the crucial task I I u Ica lon ° e 0 o !S Pat .or Y money rom of determining which of them are to sacrifice themselves in order · I

,tudent subscriptions and from downtown advertisers who to save the lives of five. A powerful cast has been assembled by CLEARANCE SAlE f ook to student support for their own businesses. The paper ,.... RKO Radio for this opus. · I . T 0 D A y 1 s written and edited in the students' own building and is lrinted by the University Press at regular job-printing rates. Milholland-Garcia Show ,Rj p} ey Jacket t DRESSES rhe printing could be done almost as conveniently and pos- Lauded by Students M k D b libly at less cost by a downtown firm. -- a es e ut $12.75 value ___ $5.00

If a preponderance of news comes in from any one de- Approximately 250 students at- $14.75 value ___ $7.00 ~artment, it is because-of the cooperation of the members of tended the Howard Milholland and Fashion fanciers raised eye- $16.75 to $24 val., $10 Ghat department. We have asked repeatedly for this faculty Eva Garcia program Monday eve- ~rov.:s at the apRe~rance of a ' .. t' ning June 26 in Carlisle Gym- Beheve It Ol' Not Jacket on the ~ HATS SlJITS ~oopera lOll. . • ' campus Wednesday.

nasmm. . , , • • The jacket was made in pictorial Drastic Reductions Horgan Lectures Dames ln~t'ate .Fourteen Mr. Mtlholland s recttatlon of print featuring ttipley's oddity ' At Rodey Hall " "Vacation Fever" left the audi- cartoons. J

. . ence in a state. of physical exhaus- Classmates removed the jacket 11 J E R R Y ' S

p 1 H R 11 1 Untverstty of New Mexico tion and the "itch.'' Miss Garcia's from the wca1•er and passed it 1806 E C t 1 • au organ,, oswe P ny- ~ames met Wednesday at 3 o'clock musical numbers were encored. around for perusal. 1 ' en ra

wr1ght and novel1st, lectured Wed- m the South parlor of Hokona hall N t . 1 tt t' h +·--·-.. --.. --"--nesday evening at Rodey hall in for initiation ceremonies. d 1 edxf spWeccdla ad rac.J10

1n 159c ':

f h f • d b u e or nes ay, u y , m a ourt !' a senes sponsore Y The following were initiated in- Carlisle gym offers the famous the Engl1sh department. to the society· Mmcs Susie Kle F' k J b'l ·s· h h , • · " • • • • • 'IS u 1 ee mgers, w o ave ap-

H~~ ~UbJect, .A Ltterary New~- mas, Wager-Sm1~h Rousseau, Marie peared before audiences in Europe reel, mcluded excerpts from h1s Benner, :R. T. Ke1th, Dorothy Gate- and America with interpretations works. wood, Odie Ludlow, Earl C!!-rt- of Negro folk music.

Horgan, author of "A Lamp on wright, Katherine Wortman, Louis the Plains," was the winner of the Koontz, John Garcia, Gertrude Harper's magazine prize for fie- Searcy, R .R. Lewis, D. Pierce, Coeds go "Back to Land"; tion in 1933. Ruby Remmel e. Take Up Spinning

Born in Buffalo, N. Y., he moved The candle light ceremony was --to Albuquerque in 1912 and at- performed by Mmes. Charles Soto, It must be a "back to the land" tended school here. He is now em- Jr., Ann Tope, Blanch Mitchell, movement when coeds take their played at the New Mexico Mili- Laura Jacobs, and W. L. Jackson. spinning instead of knitting to as­tary Institute at Roswell, where he Music was furnished by Miss Joan sembly was a student. Rosseau. The ~ountry lasses of the Art de-

Refreshments were served by the parlmcnt are learning the method hostesses, Mmcs. Robert E. Hurd, of manufacturing their own cloth, Harriet Graham, R. Spriuel, J. T. of which spinning is but a step in University Poets Listed

In Major Anthologies

Three University poets will be represented in the major anthol­ogies which Henry Harrison, New York poetry publisher, is issuing this summer, according to a Tecent copy of the Alumnus.

These books are Eros, Sonnets, Music Unheard, and The North American Book of Verse.

Alice Gill Benton, a post-gradu­ate student at the University, 1n 1934-36, Marie Ely, who graduated from the University in 1934; and Helen Wroughton will be listed in the anthologies.

Misses Benton and· Ely have both been contributors to the New Mex­ico Quarterly and the New Mexico Magazine.

Get a New Summer Hair Style at the

VARSITY SHOP 106 Har\fard Ph. 2823

Reid, and Ralph Rainey. the process.


at the


When it gets too hot to study, drop in and enjoy a cool

summer cocktail

!=ran~, Ceci~ and Dick 923 South Second Phone 481


MILLINERY Newest treatments and Trimmings! Smartest Styles Imaginable!

Ask to see "Fair Girl'' and "Stepper" $ 98


Quality finish W oolfelts, Full Brimmed Chalk Felts, Large Brimmed ttough Straws; New Novelty Cloths, and Velvets.

"Second Floor"

Friday, June SO, 1939

McCormick Calls For Water Poloists

Returns from Convention

Students interested in water IJ01o arc requested to leave names with Bill McCormick at the swimming

• pool. Scve1•al students already have

enlisted, but there is still a need for players.

Last summer the University water polo team defeated the AI-buquerque consel"Vancy bench team. It is hoped that this summer a game can again be arranged with them.

Practice and game schedules will be announced as soon as suf­ficient students sign up and games arc arranged.

Do You Enjoy Studying? if not consult



For All Occasions


BRIDAL BOUQUET ------------------------------ $2.50.up BRIDESMAID BOUQUET ----------------------- $1.50_up JUNIOR CORSAGES --------~-----"----------------- $1.00


Telephone 1340

. . . . .. . .. . ................• A Cool Convenient Spot for



1802 East Central ·Phone 795



Shelton Returns From National library Convention

Miss Wilma Shelton, head of the University Library, retl.lrned Mon­day from the American Library


cool drinks sandi.viches lunches dinners

board by the month


1910 E. Central



Goes to D. U.

Page Three

Russell Resigns As Electrical Engineering Head

Professor Chester Russell, Jr., resigned his position this week as head of the Electrical Eng}neering

+---.. .. • .. "t Practical methods in nursery I school operation and child guid-T CASH AND CARRY j ance are being observed at the I j Federal Nursery school located on 1 20% Off I East Coronado avenue by home i ! economics classes in child devel-. Eastside opment.

11 Cleaners J Each .student enrolled in these

! classes spends two hours a week Under New Management 1 at the nursery school.

• 1 4-Hour Service ! Attention is given to physical

• i Day or Night ~- care, food Tequirements, growth i 1800 E. Central Ph. 1214 and development, play materials, • +--·- ---+ and equipment •

At Your ALBUQUERQUE THEATRES •............ ··········• -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.


Paul Muni • Bette Davis in

"JUAREZ" A Mi!fhty Motion Picture

•••• ' ••••• t •••••••••••••••••••••

•• 4 ¥ ¥ 4 4 4 W ¥ • I ¥ 4 4 4 4 + 4 Y 4 W 4 4 F W y 4 4.


Jimmy Cagney in

"OKLAHOMA KID" ..... t e • t ; • ' 0

' , e •• , t i •. , .••.•.•••




IRENE DUNNE-FRED McMURRAY CHARLIE RUGGLES . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . ......... .




••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••••••




Nothing Quite Like It in the Country SPORTING GOQDS


STAMMS INC. Corner Tenth and Kent Phone 86

• • • . • . .. . • . • • • • . • ...................... * • • • • •

Luncheons Dinners Buffet Service For Reservations, Call 3600

• ; , t t ; j t 1 t t t , • , •••.•• + •• + ! •••• t ........ ,;, • ,; •••••.•••••• ; ;, •••••••• ' •••••• ,;, ±..±...•

Page 4: The Summer Lobo, Volume 009, No 4, 6/30/1939

'age Four

A' and •g• Teams I ake Top Spots n Softball Tilts "A" and "B" team~ were\ tied :for

>p spot at the end of the first Jund in the so:ftball tourney Wed­esday. Players have shown great im­

rovement in handling the ball arid eamwork, Johnny Dolzadelli, in harge o:f the softball tilts, said. The standings are as follows:

A" team has won 2, lost none; "B" as won 2, lost none; "C" has won .one, lost 2; and "li'" has won none, >st 2.

Two games scheduled for next reek will be between "A" and "F" Vednesday, between "B" and "C" 'hursday. Games will be played .at he softbull field east of the sta­ium at 4:30 o'clock.


Steffi Does Her Stuffi!

Friday, June 30, 1939

Chern Student Takes Part In Nude Electrons' Dance


Dr. Workman induced me to en- was streaming in the window and ter his physics den, where the my room mate was bending over lighting of a match caused a deaf- me asking, "Who can't do what

to you ?II ening explosion which banged the ' -------dOOl' and put out the lights.

A stifling cloud of smoke hov- Hokona Fire Drill ered over us like a, thQusand clam- Stirs Motley Throng my bats and a phonograJ?h __ _ screeched, "Chevrolet--Chevrolet- Sirens Chevrolet!" The Dance of the sent ladies streaming Electrons was onl from every exit of Hokona at

A white glass disk floated weird- 10.:45 Tuesday nignt. ly in the darkness and was shat- Some were clad in nightgowns tered into atoms by sound waves. and hair-curlers, others clutched The atoms twisted into fantastic personal belongings· and one had curves and formed the 1image of . 1 th h f1

soap- a er on er ace. Dangerous Dan Magrue, who · · . wailed the strains of "The Man on Hokona ladies rushed mndly to the Flying Trapeze" the safety of out-of-doors to :find

acobs1 Nanninga Aver ~o Holiday Monday

Th · d th ' . t d t that the disturbance was ony a fire e w1zar en pom e o a d ·n

=~~~t ~*rf!~~tYe~!~~~ji;;~~:~~~~~~~J:~~a~ ~:~ a~~~:~:il! !~~~h~~:~f :~i sa=::u:hop

Stetfi Duna, efi'e1'Vescent Hungarian actress, rehearses a Mexican capsule and cackled, 11Na0h as in _n~;;;;· ~~~· ~~~~~~FF~ ~olk d!ince for "The Girl an~ !he Gambler," RKO Radio offering Noah's Ark!" A nozzle sprayed my • • ~ which she plays the femmme lead opposite Leo Carrillo and 1 d b • tl' h · · h .1 ,- · · • • • · · • · · · • · • • • · ' ·~

1---------------:--------------l produced a rayon affect on my tin-"If a student of mines cuts class gling scalp. 2130 E. ~ntral

'n July 3rd," said Willis Jacobs, B 11 h L M · Connell and Gradner h ~nglish instructor, as he sat on the TekamaPI. eeTs adrnage To Leave for Mexico ji=W~e~n~I~nw~o~k~e~t~h~e~a;fte~rn~o~on~su~n~·~-~-~-~-~-~·~·~·~·~·~· ~-~· ~· ~· ~-~· ~-~-~-~-~· ~· :dge of the . swimming po.ol, 111 a es ace ues ay hall make h1m go down m the __ . ~ater three times and only let him Dale Bellamah, University stu- M1ss .Mary K, Connell! secretary :ome up twice.'' dent, and Jeanne Lees, both of Al- to Pre~1dent James F. Z1mmer~n,

Classes will be held as usual on buquerque, were married Tuesday and Miss. Mar~ Gardner, Washmg­,londay. The actual penalty for morning at the Immaculate Con- ton Jumor high school teacher, :utting on this particular day has caption Church. Albuquerqu~, are ~ea.v~ng S~nda.y 1ot been decided yet, Dr. Nan- Miss Lees is a graduate of St. for a months vacation m Mexico. I 1inga said, but it probably will b\l Vincent's Academy, where she be- Mexico City will be the .:first 1omething for the student to be- came known in locbl music circles. stop, with further plans to be made vare of, She has -recently completed a course there.

at the Modern Beauty Academy. ---------

L.oclted Door Fails ro Halt Embattled f!}nglish Students

Mr. Bellamah is a member of R the University chapter of Pi Kap- odey to Speak pa Alpha, social fraternity, the Before Schoolmasters vice-president of Tau Kappa Alpha, debating honorary. Pearce Rodey, prominent Albu-

Students in English 161 were so querque lawyer, will speak before lager to attend class Wednesday Women Complete First the schoolmaster's club at its next ;hat a locked ~oor could not. keep Rounds in Tennis Matches me;ting! Th~r~day, June 29, at the ;hem from the1r lesson. Umvers1ty dmmg hall. Mr. Rodey

While !'fiss s.imons, instructor, First series~nnis matches 1w ·r:l:.l:l :t:al:k=o:n="C=it:iz:e:n:sh:i:p:.':' ==::; ;vas ~eseiged With pleas to hold scheduled for the '1 and 8 o'clockli :lass m the ~rove t~e Man of the tennis classes show Flora Lopez, B:oLur spKrang mto ~ction. ~ xt' Lucille Everett, and Virgniia Ortiz

ee arson, usmg a ure e m- • th fi t th · · t -" · h f b t 1 d t.h m e rs ree places m he urst ~u1s er or a oos , sen e e 1 loor and slid through the open c aRs~. ult f • th 8 ' 1 ·k . .,s s so a-r m e o c oc ;ransom. 1 h M 't L. d

B f h c ass s ow arguen e m en-e. ore~ e happy students could schmidt victorious over Joan Rous-

lccla!m h1m hero a crash of glass 64 M s· 1 r E interrupted them, the transom shat- s.eau, . i ary. Iege ove z:-~red into pieces at thei feet hnda Maestes,. 6·1, and ~ver Lupi·

. • r • ta Maestes, 6-3; 1\lary Siegel over Class began ten mmutes late. Marguerite Lindenschmidt, 6-3;

Bertha Keller over Jessie Rogers,

Teachers' Musical Supplies

Study Books - Band Instruments


406 W. Central .Ave.

Vasquez-Trujillo Wed

Joe D. Vasquez and Miss Tere-

6-4; and Wilna Gillespie over Jane '---------------....1. Whitesides, 6-0.

cina Trujillo were married Sunday Mmes. Alice Davidson, Ralph at the bride's home. Simpson, Misses Harriet Gluck-

Mr. Vasquez was graduated this holm, Jane Ulrich, and Dean Lena June. He had majored in biology C. Clauve visited Carlsbad Cav­and was outstanding in Coronado ems and Juarez, Mexico, last club and in Spanish debate. · week-end.


• For Lunches and Dinners

.. For Cokes and Sandwiches

• Twenty-Four Hour Service

•Beer and Light Wines

CHARLIE'S PIG STAND Phone 1632-W Across from "U"




at it's Best





71!0 Nortlt Broadway


Get Your Fourth of July Supply from the Store That Covers the Hilltop

DALE'S DISPENSARY 2906 East Central

Phone 5454 for Free Fast Delivery

DANCING In the Beautiful Ball Room of the Hilton Hotel

JOHN MORGAN And His Orchestra


Refreshments Served on COOL TERRACE

The HILTON HOTEL Second and Copper Phone 5100



One Lot Sport Shirts -----~-------- 2 for $1.29 Values to $1.50

One Lot Sport Shirts or Jackets----- $1.29 each · Value to $3.00

Wash Pants ____ ..:. __________________ , ____ $1.25

Tropical Worsted Suits -----------------$11.50

Fred Mackey's 209 West Central


Guest -Band Leaders Ptaunt Batons For, Assembly


Edited and Published by the Journalism Class ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939

Johnson Recovering Softball Champs Down Faculty .18-4 ~'A" team retained its lead in the

campus softball tangle today by trouncing the "F" (faculty) team 16-4 in the first game of the second round Wednesday afternoon.

The '1A'a" chalked up an early

Thompson Vacationing Lobo Socialized As Summer Student Activity

No Longer Private Swdent Business


Babes in Woods Return From New Mexico Wilds

Orchestra, Chorus Present Flotow's Opera, "Martha''


, I