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The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in

Mar 23, 2020



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Page 1: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in


Page 2: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in






«Spirits assure us that the time appointedby Providence for a universal manifestationof their existence has now come; and thattheir mission, as the ministers of God and theinstruments of His will, is to inaugurate,through the instructions they are charged toconvey to us, a new era of regeneration forthe human race.

· This book is a compilation of theirteachings. It has been written by the order andunder the dictation of spirits of high degree,for the purpose of establishing the bases of arational philosophy, free from the influenceof prejudices and of preconceived opinions.It contains nothing that is not the expressionof their thought; nothing that has not beensubmitted to their approbation. The methodadopted in the arrangements of its contents,the comments upon these, and the form givento certain portions of the work, are all thathas been contributed by him to whom the dutyof publishing it has been entrusted.»

Allan Kardec(«The Spirits’ Book» – Prolegomena)

·«Be zealous and persevering in the workyou have undertaken in conjunction with us,

for this work is ours. In the book you are towrite, we shall lay the foundations of thenew edifice which is destined to unite allmen in a common sentiment of love andcharity.»

The Superior Spirits(«The Spirits’ Book» – Prolegomena)

«Just as Christ said: ‘I am not come todestroy the Law, but to fulfill it,’ so Spiritismsays: ‘We have not come to destroy theChristian Law, but to carry it out.’ Spiritismhas come at the predicted time to fulfill whatChrist announced and to prepare for theachievement of future things. It is then, thework of Christ, Who, as He also announced,presides over the regeneration which is nowtaking place and which will prepare theKingdom of God here on Earth.»

Allan Kardec(«The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1,

Item 7)

·«In a word, what characterizes thespiritist revelation is that while divine in itsorigin and of the initiative of the Spirits, itselaboration is fruit of man’s work.»

Allan Kardec(«Genesis» Ch. 1 - Item 13)

Observations of Allan KardecObservations of Allan KardecObservations of Allan KardecObservations of Allan KardecObservations of Allan Kardecand of the Superior Spiritsand of the Superior Spiritsand of the Superior Spiritsand of the Superior Spiritsand of the Superior Spirits

Page 3: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in


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The Spiritist ReviewThe Spiritist ReviewThe Spiritist ReviewThe Spiritist ReviewThe Spiritist ReviewEnglish [email protected]/thespiritistreview

n May of 1855, Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivailfirst witnessed the turning tables phenomena, andinstantly understood that the communicationbetween Spirits and mankind implied a scienceof profound moral consequences. He realizedthat in those phenomena laid the key to humanity’s

problems past and future, and the solution he hadsearched for his entire life.

To study these phenomena rigorously andsystematically, Rivail applied the scientific method. Hequestioned the Spirits about God, the invisible world,and the destiny of mankind on Earth. Upon realizingthe materials obtained from his researches wereextensive and encompassing, Rivail published thesefindings for the benefit and instruction of humanity.He was, however, unaware of the magnitude of thework he was performing: a doctrine capable ofimpacting and transforming the world.

The first revelation as to the nature of his missioncame in April of 1856 through the Spirit Zefiro, andwas later reiterated by the Spirit Hahnemann. The Spiritof Truth confirmed it to Rivail on June 12, 1856,explaining the significance of his mission, warning himof the arduous work of pioneers, and informing himthat the publishing of books alone would not be enough:«You must expose yourself.»

Rivail, not dismayed by the challenges presented tohim, accepts the task entrusted to him without hesitation:«Lord! You Who have cast Your eyes upon me for thefulfillment of Your ways, let Your will be done! My lifeis in Your hands; use Your servant at Your will.» Withthis approach of conviction and faith, the distinguishededucator Rivail gives way to the notable Allan Kardec,who brings to fruition on earth the Doctrine of theComforter promised by Jesus.

On October 3rd of this year of 2004, upon thecelebrations of the Bicentenary of Allan Kardec’s birth,the Spiritist Review, founded by him, renders tribute tothe Codifier of the Spiritist Doctrine – the body ofknowledge that laid the foundations for the building ofa new era for the regeneration of Humanity.

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Established in 1858 by Allan KardecThe official publication of the International SpiritistCouncil and of the French and Francophone Spiritist Union

Address:Address:Address:Address:Address:International Spiritist CouncilInternational Spiritist CouncilInternational Spiritist CouncilInternational Spiritist CouncilInternational Spiritist CouncilGeneral SecretaríatSGAN - Q. 603 - Conj. F70830-030 - Brasilia - [email protected]

French and Francophone Spiritist UnionFrench and Francophone Spiritist UnionFrench and Francophone Spiritist UnionFrench and Francophone Spiritist UnionFrench and Francophone Spiritist Union1 rue du Docteur FournierBoîte Postale 27 07 – 37027 Tours Cedex 137000 - Tours - [email protected]

Publishing DirectorsPublishing DirectorsPublishing DirectorsPublishing DirectorsPublishing DirectorsNestor João MasottiRoger Perez

Editorial BoardEditorial BoardEditorial BoardEditorial BoardEditorial BoardPresident:Roger PerezVice-President:Nestor João Masotti

Members:Anita Becquerel, Franck Clavaressa, Florbela Lopez, Bruno Gérard,Fatima Medjahed, Christiane Brageul, Gérard Ollagnier, BernadetteRougier, Michel Buffet, Patrick Rougier, Altivo Ferreira, AntonioCesar Perri de Carvalho, Antonio Vasconcelos, Arnaldo Costeira,Fábio R.Villarraga, Jean-Paul Evrard, Juan Antonio Durante,Vanderlei D.C. Marques, Karine Minko, Jerémie Philippe.

Managing CommitteeManaging CommitteeManaging CommitteeManaging CommitteeManaging CommitteePresident:Nestor João MasottiVice-President:Roger Perez

Members:Anita Becquerel, Antonio Cesar Perri de Carvalho, AntonioVasconcelos, Aparecido Belvedere, Charles Kempf, César Soaresdos Reis, Elsa Rossi, Jean-Claude Roche, João Pinto Rabelo, LuizCarlos Nerosky, Michel Buffet, Patrick Rougier.


ISC Executive CommissionISC Executive CommissionISC Executive CommissionISC Executive CommissionISC Executive CommissionNestor João Masotti (Brazil) - Secretary-General

Roger Perez (France) - First Secretary

Vitor Mora Feria (Portugal) - Deputy Secretary

Vanderlei D.C. Marques (USA) - First Treasurer

Juan A. Durante (Argentina) - Deputy Treasurer

Altivo Ferreira (Brazil)

Álvaro Vélez Pareja (Colombia)

Fabio R. Villarraga (Colombia)

Gloria Insfrán (Paraguay)

Jean-Paul Evrard (Belgium)

Olof Bergman (Sweden)

Salvador Martín (Spain)


Page 4: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in






Allan KardecOrigin, Authorship and Objective of the Spiritist Doctrine



Members of the ISC




La Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteN. 59/

La Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue SpiriteLa Revue Spirite


[email protected]/thespiritistreview


INTERNATIONAL SPIRITISTINTERNATIONAL SPIRITISTINTERNATIONAL SPIRITISTINTERNATIONAL SPIRITISTINTERNATIONAL SPIRITISTC O U N C I LC O U N C I LC O U N C I LC O U N C I LC O U N C I LTel: (55.61) 322-3024 -Tel: (55.61) 322-3024 -Tel: (55.61) 322-3024 -Tel: (55.61) 322-3024 -Tel: (55.61) 322-3024 -Fax: (55.61) 321-8760Fax: (55.61) 321-8760Fax: (55.61) 321-8760Fax: (55.61) 321-8760Fax: (55.61) 321-8760SGAN - Q. 603 - Conj. F70830-030 - Brasilia - [email protected]


In the pages of The Gospel According to SpiritismAllan Kardec urges us to practice charity, which hedescribes as the way to redemption. And we canfind him practicing this love towards others onmany occasions.

Together, Rivail and his wife Amélie foughtagainst social prejudices and defended noble causes

such as the freedom to teach and the educationfor girls. Even before codifying Spiritism, Rivailshowed great sensitivity to other people’s plightsand to those in need: he aided widows and orphans,and, in the schools he founded, free classes werealways offered to students without means.

A testimony to his gracious attitude can be foundin the book Amor e Ódio [Love and Hate], dictatedby the Spirit Charles to the medium Yvonne Pereira.The story, which takes place in France during the19th century, relates to one of Rivail’s formerstudents unjustly accused of a serious crime. Rivailvisited him in prison and “comforted him greatly,”renewing his moral energy with wise counsel.Moreover, Rivail provided support for his formerstudent’s mother, and sought help among his circle

and the Practice of Charityand the Practice of Charityand the Practice of Charityand the Practice of Charityand the Practice of Charity


Akemi AdamsLos Angeles - USA

Daniel Thorstensen-AssisLos Angeles - USA

Ily ReisWashington, DC - USA

Irvando de OliveiraLos Angeles - USA

Rita PatelliLos Angeles - USA

Translation andTranslation andTranslation andTranslation andTranslation andRevis ionRevis ionRevis ionRevis ionRevis ion

Col laboratorsCol laboratorsCol laboratorsCol laboratorsCol laborators

Antonio César Perri de CarvalhoBrasilia - Brazil

Divaldo Pereira FrancoSalvador - Brazil

José Carlos da SilvaBrasilia - Brazil

Luis Hu RivasBrasilia - Brazil

Sonia ZaghettoBrasilia - Brazil

Page 5: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in



0202020202 HistoryKardec and the Practice of CharityAllan Kardec, Codifier of SpiritismA Marriage of Love and Solidarity

MemoryMission of the SpiritistsMy Mission

Cover StoryAllan Kardec’s Biography

MessageThe Good Spiritists

A Frank DialogueAllan Kardec and Spiritism

DisseminationGet to Know Spiritism, A New Era for HumanityDisseminate Spiritism, A New Era for Humanity

PsicographyKardec and Napoleon





of friends to have the legal process reviewed andthe youth not condemned to death.

The Rivail couple led a simple life, at times facinggreat financial hardships. A few years after theirmarriage, they lost their estate due to unwiseinvestments by one of his relatives and an allegedfriend. But even amid so many difficulties, thecouple applied their scarce resources to thepublishing of Spiritist materials. During the mostdifficult times, Rivail supplemented his finances withtemporary modest jobs as an accountant.

At Villa Ségur, where they owned property,Kardec’s wish was that, after his and his wife´sdisincarnation, the house would become a homefor less fortunate Spiritists. This was the lastdemonstration of the kindness and good will thathad always characterized his good spirit.

Spiritisma RevuoSpiritisma RevuoSpiritisma RevuoSpiritisma RevuoSpiritisma RevuoN.

La Revista EspíritaLa Revista EspíritaLa Revista EspíritaLa Revista EspíritaLa Revista EspíritaN.



Page 6: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in







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Allan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan Kardec


n extraordinary man of great culture andirreproachable conduct, Hippolyte LéonDenizard Rivail (Allan Kardec) left an indeliblemark upon the 19th century by presenting aDoctrine capable of morally reformingHumanity: Spiritism.

Equipped with a refined intellect, an elevated moralstature, and due to the rigorous scientific method heutilized, Kardec was able to analyze thousands of spiritcommunications and ascertain their quality, eventuallyorganizing – codifying – them. His unwaveringcommitment and adherence to the highest ideals wereessential to ensure that the Spiritist Doctrine, still at itsstarting point, would not be formed solely by opinions(of both incarnate and discarnate intelligences), butinstead guided by universal Truth to become the exacttranslation of the laws that govern life.

In Lyon, the largest French city after Paris, HippolyteLéon Denizard Rivail was born on October 3, 1804. Hisparents, Jean-Baptiste Antoine Rivail and Jeanne LouiseDuhamel, lived on 76 Rue Sale. Their residence, the veryhouse in which Kardec was born, was eventuallydemolished during his lifetime.

In 1815, in what was to become a decisive event in hisintellectual formation, the Rivail boy moved toSwitzerland to attend the Pestalozzi Institute. Foundedby the famous educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, theInstitute was housed in a castle on Zahringen, in the cityof Yverdun, and functioned as both school and residenceto its students.

Seven years later, Rivail leaves Yverdun with a degreeof Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, and settles in Paris. Bythen Rivail was well versed in Plato, Aristotle, Descartes,Voltaire, Spinoza, Kant, Diderot, Montesquieu, andRousseau – the latter, Pestalozzi’s greatest influence. Likehis celebrated teacher, Rival had already developed a greatlove for learning, and placed much importance in passingon knowledge.

A talented linguist, Rivail mastered many languages –from which German, English, Italian, Spanish, and Dutchstood out. He translated, throughout his life, severalGerman and English works into French and vice-versa.Among the many classic French authors whose worksRivail translated, Fénelon (François de Salignac de LaMothe) is particularly noteworthy.

Although the family tradition suggested a career in Law,

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1804 – Hippolyte LéonDenizard Rivail is born on the thirdof October, in Lyon, France. Hisparents, Jean-Baptiste Antoine Rivailand Jeanne LouiseDuhamel, live at 76Rue Sale. The housethey lived in wasdemolished stillduring the 19th

century. 1815 – Rivail

travels to Yverdun,Switzerland, tostudy at ther e n o w n e dPestalozzi Institute. The Instituteserved as a boarding school wherestudents received full-timeinstruction according to the JohannHeinrich Pestalozzi’s method, basedon the idea that love is the eternalfoundation of education.

1823 – Rivail settles in Parisafter finishing his studies in Yverdun.In January of 1823, Rivail lives at117 Rue de la Harpe. During the

period 1828-1831, heestablishes residence at 65 Ruede Vaugirard.

1824 – Rivail publisheshis first educational book,Cours pratique et théoriqued’arithmétique [Course ofPractical and TheoreticArithmetic] utilizing theP e s t a l o z z imethod. Thebook is published

in Paris at the Imprimerie dePillet Ainé (5 RueChristine).

1825 – Rivailestablishes his firstschool, the École de PremierDegrée.

1826 – «Institution Rivail», atechnical institute, is established at 35Rue de Sèvres, and kept in existenceuntil 1834. Later, on the same site,the Lycée Polymathique takes its place.Rivail directs the Lycée until 1850,when it is passed on to A. Pilotetafter Rivail chooses to end histeaching career.

1828 – Rivail publishes his«Plan proposé pour l’amélioration del’éducation publique» [Proposed Planfor the Improvement of Public

Instruction], where hesuggests new guidelinesfor public education.

1831 – Rivailpublishes the GrammaireFrançaise Classique sur unnouveau plan [New Planfor a Classic Grammarfor the French Tongue].

Page 7: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in

Rivail followed his calling andstudied Science and Philosophy.An educator by vocation, hisknowledge stretched throughvarious branches of the Sciencesand of the Arts. He became amember of many respectedAcademies and earnednumerous diplomas. Contrary towhat the biographer Henri Sausseaffirmed, however, Rivail wasnot a doctor – a mistake probablydue to the fact that Rivail taughtcomparative anatomy.

Respected sources indicate atleast 21 works published byRivail concerning education,ranging from textbooks to articles. From an early age, hedemonstrated an unusual resourcefulness in teaching, ashe was able to aptly and confidently relate very differentareas, from grammar to arithmetic, from chemistry toastronomy. In 1824, when he was twenty, Rivail publishedhis first educational book, Cours pratique et théoriqued’arithmétique [Course of Practical and Theoretic Arithmetic],created on the molds of the Pestalozzi method, andpublished in Paris by the Imprimerie de Pillet Ainé.

At 24, Rivail made a daring proposal for thebetterment of the French public education in the Planproposé pour l’amélioration de l’éducation publique [ProposedPlan for the Improvement of Public Instruction]. Threeyears later, Hippolyte Léon Denizard published the

Grammaire Française Classique surun nouveau plan [New Plan for aClassical Grammar for theFrench Tongue].

The year before, Rivail hadalready established his firstschool, the École de PremierDegrée, which in 1826 gave wayto the Institution Rivail, locatedat 35 Rue de Sèvres. There, hetaught chemistry, physics,comparative anatomy, andastronomy until 1834. Later, stillon the same site, the LycéePolymathique is created, whereRivail taught physiology,astronomy, chemistry, and

physics. Rivail directed the Lycée until 1850, when he choseto end his teaching career.

His immense intellectual ability, his powerful criticalsense, and his balanced and impartial view of the worldwere instrumental in empowering Rivail to bring tofruition his life’s mission: the Codification of Spiritism.In order to face Academia, as well as the predominantreligion of the era and the prejudices of both past andpresent, only a determined character and a temperamentdistanced from fantasy could prevail. Throughout Rivail’swork – the Spiritist Codification, the twelve years of LaRevue Spirite [The Spiritist Review], as well as other writings– the contribution of his superior intellect, alwaysdedicated to method, order, discipline, and precisewording is undeniably evident.

1832 – Rivail marriesAmélie-Gabrielle Boudet (1795-1883), who wouldbecome his lifelongcompanion. Laterknown as «MadameAllan Kardec,» Amélie-Gabrielle was also ateacher, and collaboratedwith her husband inmany educationalendeavors. The Rivailcouple had no children.

1848 – Starting of the spiritualphenomena in the Fox familyresidence in Hydesville, New York.The first physical manifestations takeplace on March 28; three days later,the first tiptologic («rappings»)communication is established.Within a few years, similarphenomena become more widelyknown not only in the United States,

but also in Europe. It is the era ofthe so-called «turning tables.»

1854 – Mr.Fortier, a magne-tizer known toRivail, tells him ofthe phenomenaof the turningtables. Althoughat first doubtful,Rivail doesnot discardthem as

impossible or as fraud. Heconsiders that there couldbe an explanation still notknown. Yet, faced with Mr.Fortier’s observation thatthe tables also «talked,»Rivail’s reaction was one ofskepticism: «I will onlybelieve it when it is provento me that a table has a brain

with which to think, nerves withwhich to feel, and the ability to reacha state of somnambulism.»

1855 – Mr. Carlotti gives long,positive accounts on the turningtables phenomena. Although Rivailknew Mr. Carlotti for over 25 years,he keeps his reservations on whathe hears due to Mr. Carlotti’s overlyenthusiastic temperament.

1855 – Rivail, accompaniedby Mr. Fortier, pays a visit

to Mrs. Roger, asomnambulist. At herhouse, Rivail meets Mrs.Plainemaison and Mr.Pâtier, who describes tohim the phenomena ina serious and balancedmanner, leaving Rivailmore inclined toinvestigate the facts.

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n January 6, 1832, Hippolyte LéonDenizard Rivail [Allan Kardec] wedsAmélie-Gabrielle Boudet (1795-1883).Like himself, the sweet Amélie also hada fine education, with a degree to teachLetters and Fine Arts. Artist and poet,

Amélie had already written three books: Spring Tales(1825), Drawing Basics (1826), and The Essential inFine Arts (1828). The age difference – she was nineyears his senior – was never an obstacle to the couple’shappiness. A testimony to the beauty of their lovecan be found in the Annals of the Spiritist Congressof 1925, where Léon Denis describes the day hefirst met Allan Kardec.

According to Denis’ account, the Spiritists ofTours organized a reception for Kardec on his visitto their city. At the time, the French Empire hadsevere laws prohibiting public gatherings of 20 peopleor more. When the Town Hall denied authorizationfor the event at the last minute, the meeting wasquickly transferred to the gardens of Mr. Rebondin’shouse, the Spirito-Villa. Almost three hundred people

pressed together under the trees on thatunforgettable night, trampling over the gardens atthe Spirito-Villa to listen to the Codifier. Léon Deniswrites of that night with a touch of nostalgia and ahint of poetry: «The kind and deep voice of AllanKardec rose under the starlight. Illuminated by asmall lamp on a table in the middle of the gardens,his pondering face took on a fantastic aspect.» TheCodifier spoke about obsessions, and with «smilingkindness» answered all questions posed to him. Thus,in spite of the damage inflicted upon Mr. Rebondin’sgardens, Léon Denis assures us that all present leftwith indelible memories of that night.

The next day, Denis returned to the Spirito-Villato visit Kardec. There he witnessed a scene thatdepicts Allan Kardec’s gentle personality and his lovefor Amélie: «I found him there, atop a small benchnear a large cherry tree, picking its fruits and givingthem to Mrs. Allan Kardec – a most bucolic scenewhich greatly contrasted with his grave demeanor.»

Years later, upon Amélie’s disincarnation, Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie – one of the most distinguished

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1855 – Rivail is introduced tothe Baudin family, then living at RueRochechouart. Invited by Mr.Baudin, Rivail begins to attend theweekly sessions that take place in hishouse. The mediums, the Baudincouple’s daughters Caroline andJulie, start to write with the aid of asmall basket.

1856 – Rivail starts to alsoattend meetings at Mr. Roustan’sresidence, located on 14 RueTiquetonne. The medium was thesomnambulist Mrs. Japhet, throughwhom the Spirits help Rivailcompletely revise the texts obtainedthrough the mediumshipof the Baudin girls.

1856 – On April 30,through the mediumshipof Mrs. Japhet, Rivail firstreceives informationconcerning his mission.

Further communica-tions of a moredefinitive nature wouldfollow.

1857 – The firstmanuscript of Le Livre desEsprits [The Spirits’Book] is ready at thebeginning of the year.The editor, E. Dentu,has it printed at theImprimerie de Beau, in Saint-Germaine-en-Laye, 15 miles west ofParis. All expenses are funded byRivail. The Rivail couple then lived at8 Rue des Martyrs, on the second

floor. 1857 – The

first edition of TheSpirits’ Book reachesthe public on April18. It is in thispublication that

Rivail adopts thepenname of AllanKardec [at thesuggestion of theSpirits].

1857 – Spiritistsessions begin at theKardec residence, at 8Rue des Martyrs, inOctober. The meetingstake place on Tuesdaynights, the principal

medium being Ms. ErmanceDufaux. With the growing numberof attendees, it becomes necessaryto find a larger space. The solutionwas to rent a room exclusively forthat purpose, and divide the expensesamong the willing members.

1858 – Kardec publishes LaRevue Spirite [Spiritist Review, ajournal for psychological studies].The first issue of this magazine


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men carrying on Kardec’s work – woulddescribe how important she was in thestructuring of Spiritism: «The publishingof The Spirits’ Book as well as of The SpiritistReview is due, in large part, to the greatfortitude, insistence, and perseverance ofMadame Allan Kardec.» Still accordingto Leymarie, Kardec used to invite hisSpiritist friends to dine at his house,bringing them together in fraternalgatherings. In «Gaby» Kardec always hada companion to support him during thehardest days Spiritism brought him.Together they faced material losses,slander, difficulties at the Society of Paris,and the harsh criticism abundant in thenewspapers of the time. Together,however, they loved education and theArts, fostered goodness and charity, andwitnessed the birth of the Doctrine ofthe Spirits. The Rivail couple never hadchildren, but left thousands of spiritualsons and daughters who, today, in the yearof 2004, honor them as we celebrate thebicentenary of the reincarnation of theman who successfully carried out hismission of bringing to mankind theComforter promised by Jesus.


It builds of: Irene Hermanperez Malvezi

contains accounts of the first studiedSpirit manifestations, apparitions,evocations, etc., as well as newspertaining to the Spiritistmovement. The magazine washeadquartered at 8 Rue des Martyrs,Paris.

1858 – On April 1, the SociétéParisienne des Études Spirites [ParisianSociety for Spiritist Studies] is legallyestablished. (Kardec oftenshortened that name to SpiritistSociety of Paris, Societyfor Spiritist Studies, orsimply Society of Parisin his articles andconversations). It isduring the weeklymeetings of the Societythat good part of thestudies and medium-ship activities supervisedby Kardec take place.

1859 – Qu’est-ce que leSpiritisme [What is Spiritism]is published. The book is anintroduction to theknowledge of the spir i tworld obtained throughSpirit manifestations, andcontains the basic precepts ofthe Spiritist Doctrine, as wellas replies to main opposingarguments.

1860 – The secondedition of The Spirits’Book is published inMarch. The description«Spiritualist Philosophy»appears above the title forthe first time. This newedition, which became thedefinitive one, contains1019 questions andanswers, divided intofour parts.

1861 –The firstedition ofLe Livre desM é d i u m s[ T h eM e d i u m s ’Book] ispubl ishedon January15. Thisw o r k

comprises Spiritist teachingsconcerning all kinds of spiritualmanifestations, the means withwhich to communicate with the in-visible world, how to developmediumistic skills, and thedifficulties that could arise whileattempting to communicate withSpirits. It can be considered thelogical continuation to The Spirits’Book.

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1861 – Thesecond edition of TheMediums’ Book ,revised and correctedwith the aid of theSpirits, is offered tothe public. This newedition also presentsa large number ofnew comments andinstructions.

1861 – On October 9, BishopAntonio Palau y Termans ordersAllan Kardec’s books to be burnedat a public square in Barcelona, Spain,for being contrary to the Catholicfaith.

1862 – Allan Kardec publishesLe Spiritisme à sa plus simple expression[Spiritism in Its Simplest Form] inFebruary. It presents a summary

review of Spirits’manifestations and theirteachings.

1862 – VoyageSpirite en 1862 [TheSpiritist Voyage of1862] is published. Thework contains obser-vations concerning theg e n e r a l

state of Spiritistaffairs; instructionsgiven by Allan Kardecto various groupsthroughout Europe;and instructions as tothe formation ofgroups and societies,as well as modelguidelines for theiroperation.

1864 – Kardec publishesImitation de L’Évangile selon leSpiritisme [Imitation of the GospelAccording to Spiritism]. The bookcontains explanations on the moralteachings of Christ, their relation toSpiritism, and their application to allaspects of everyday life. Printed atImprimerie de P.-A. Bourdier et Cie, Rue

Mazarine, 30, the 444-page book is theprecursor of The GospelAccording to Spiritism.

1865 – On August1, Allan Kardecpublishes Le ciel et l’enfer,ou la justice divine selon leSpiritisme [Heaven andHell, or Divine JusticeAccording to Spiritism].The book presents a

Mission Mission Mission Mission Mission ofofofofofthe Spiritiststhe Spiritiststhe Spiritiststhe Spiritiststhe Spiritists


o you not already hear the noise of thetempest which will sweep away the old worldand destroy all the iniquities of this planet?Ah, praise the Lord all those who have puttheir faith in His sovereign justice and who,as new apostles of the belief revealed by

the superior prophetical voices, go forth to preachthe new doctrine of reincarnation and the elevationof Spirits according to whether they have fulfilledtheir missions and endured their terrestrial trials wellor badly.

Do not be afraid! The tongues of fire are aboveyour heads. Oh, true adepts of Spiritism!… you areGod’s chosen ones! Go forth and preach the DivineWorld. The time has come when you should sacrificeyour habits, your work, and your futile occupationsto its dissemination. Go forth and preach! TheElevated Spirits are with you. You will most certainly

speak to those who do not wish to hear the Voice ofGod, because this Voice calls them unceasingly toabnegation. You will preach disinterestedness to thosewho are avaricious, abstinence to the dissolute,gentleness to domestic tyrants and despots! Lostwords, I know, but it does not matter. It is necessarythat you irrigate the land to be sown with the sweatof your labour, seeing that it will not come to fruitnor produce except under the repeated blows of theevangelical hoe and plough. Go forth and preach!


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1209Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie

comparative studyof differentdoctrines regardingthe passage fromthe physical to thespirit world, futurepunishments andr e c o m p e n s e s ,angels anddemons, eternalpunishments, etc.It also containsmany examples of the condition ofsouls during and after death.

1866 – L’Évangile selon leSpiritisme [The Gospel According toSpiritism] is published. Thedescription is identical to that of theImitation of the Gospel, except for thedate and the sentence «Third edition,revised, corrected and modified.»Kardec considered it a new edition

of the previous version,even though the title wasslightly shortened.

1869 – La genèse, lesmiracles et les prédictionsselon le Spiritisme [TheGenesis, the Miracles andPredictions According toSpiritism] is published bythe Librairie Internationaleon January 6. This is thelast book published by

Allan Kardec. 1869 – On March 31,

Kardec disincarnatessuddenly and unexpectedly.While meeting with a bookdistributor in his apartmentat Passage Ste.-Anne, Rivailfalls victim to a rupture ofan aortic aneurysm. Hisremains are buried at the

Montmartre cemetery on April 2, atnoon.

1870 – The Druid Monumenton his tomb at Père-Lachaise cemeteryis inaugurated on March 31.

1883 – Madame Allan Kardecdisincarnates on January 21. Two dayslater, her remains are buried along herhusband’s at Père-Lachaise.

1890 – Œuvres Posthumes[Phostumous Works] is published inJanuary, by the Société de Libraire Spirite,

in Paris. Edited byP i e r r e - G a ë t a nLeymarie, the bookcontains texts andarticles on varioustopics, fromtheoretical essays todescriptions of someof Kardec’s Spiritistactivities.

Erastus, Guardian Angel of the medium - Paris,1863)(The Gospel According to Spiritism – Ch. 20 – Item 4)

To all of you, men and women of good faithwho are conscious of your inferiority before themany worlds scattered in infinite space!… Launchyourselves into the crusade against injustice andiniquity. Go forth and ostracize the worship of thegolden calf, which spreads more and more each day.Go forth; God guides you! Simple and ignoranthumanity, your tongues will be freed and you willspeak as no orator speaks. Go forth then and preach,for those of the population who are heedful will

happily take in your words of consolation, fraternity,hope and peace.

What matter the ambushes rigged against you alongthe pathway! Only wolves fall into wolf traps, sincethe Shepherd will know how to defend His sheep fromthe sacrificial butchers.

Go forth those who, great before God and moreblessed than Saint Thomas, believe without demandingto see and accept the fact of mediumship even whenthey have not managed to obtain it for themselves. Gothen, for the Spirit of God is guiding you.

March forward, magnificent phalanx of faith!Before you the great battalions of unbelievers willdissipate, as does the morning dew at the first rays ofsun.

Jesus said that faith is the virtue which movesmountains. However, heavier than the greatestmountains are the impurities and all the vices whichare derived from them, which lie deposited in the heartsof men. So then, depart full of courage to removethis mountain of iniquities which future generationsshould only known as legend, in the same way that youknow only very imperfectly of the times which prece-ded pagan civilization.

Moral and philosophical upheavals will be producedat all points of the globe; the hour approaches whenthe Divine Light will spread itself over both worlds.

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ood Spirit, I would like to knowwhat you make of the missionsome Spirits say is assigned to me.Could you tell me, please, if thisis a test for my ego? As you may

know, I have a great desire to contribute tothe dissemination of the Truth. However,there is much distance from the role of a mereworker to that of a leader, and I cannot seethat which would justify me such honor,especially when we consider there are manyothers who have talents and qualities I do notpossess.

Answer: I confirm what was said to you, butsuggest much discretion if you want to succeed init. Later you will come to know things that willexplain what may now surprise you. Do not forgetthat you may triumph as well as fail. In this lastinstance, others would substitute you because God’swork is not assigned to one man only. Never, then,speak of your mission; it would be the way toassure its failure. Your mission can only be justifiedby the work accomplished, and you have donenothing yet. If you fulfill your mission, sooner orlater mankind shall recognize you for it, given that itis by the fruits that we ascertain the quality of thetree.

Q: I have no desire to boast about amission in which I hardly believe. If I amdestined to serve as an instrument toProvidence’s plans, may it avail itself of me.If this is the case, I ask for your assistanceand that of the Good Spirits to aid and supportme in my task.

A: Our assistance shall not falter, but it shall beuseless if on your part you do not do what is

necessary. You have your free will which you mayuse as you best see fit. No one is constrained to doanything.

Question: What causes could lead me tofailure? Could it be my lack of abilities?

A: No, but the mission of reformers is fraughtwith trials and dangers. I forewarn you that yoursis hard because it will impact and transform theentire world. Do not suppose it will be enoughfor you to publish one book, two books, ten books,so that you may later rest comfortably at home.You will have to expose yourself. You shall incurgreat hatred; enemies in the flesh will convene toplot your downfall; you shall find yourself hand inhand with slander, malevolence, and betrayal fromthose who will seem the most loyal; your bestcounsels will be discarded and distorted; and morethan once you shall fall to exhaustion. In one word,you shall have to endure an almost continuousstruggle, to the detraction of your rest, yourtranquility, your health, and even your life, as withoutthis mission you would live longer. Behold: morethan a few retreat when, instead of a road pavedwith flowers, they see sharp rocks and serpentsunder their hurting feet. To begin with, humility,modesty, and disinterest are essential to please God– as He brings down the prideful, thepresumptuous, and the ambitious. To fight against



Interview with The Spirit of Truth conducted by AllanKardec on June 12, 1858, at Mr. C...’s house, throughthe medium Mlle. Aline C.


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mankind, courage, perseverance and unshakeablestrength are indispensable. Prudence and tact arealso of great necessity, so that things may be dealtwith in a suitable manner, without compromisingthem with unmeasured words or actions. Finally,devotion, selflessness, and a predisposition to allsorts of sacrifices are required.

The Spirit of Truth.

I thank you, The Spirit of Truth, for your wisecounsels. I accept everything, without restriction,and without preconceived ideas.

Lord! You who have cast Your eyes upon mefor the fulfillment of Your ways, let Your will bedone! My life is in Your hands; use Your servantat Your will. I recognize my weakness before suchgreat task; my will shall not wane, my strength,however, may betray me. Override myshortcomings; provide me with the moral andphysical strength that may be necessary. Sustain meduring the difficult moments and, with your aidand that of your celestial messengers, I shall devoteeverything to fulfilling your plans.

Note – I write this note on January 1, 1867,ten and a half years after I was given the abovecommunication, and I confirm that all of it cameto be, as I have experienced all the challengespredicted.

I fought against the hatred of incarnatedenemies,against injury, slander, jealousy and envy;infamous lies were published against my person;my best instructions were falsified; those in whomI placed the greatest confidence betrayed me, andthose whom I helped repaid me with ingratitude.The Society of Paris became a lair of never-endingintrigues against me engendered by the very peoplewho declared themselves my supporters beforeme, and who, behind my back, turned against me.It was even said that those who remained loyal tome were paid with the moneys I made withSpiritism. Nevermore was I given to know rest.And more than once I succumbed to the excessof work, my health shaken and my existencecompromised.

In spite of that, however, due to the protectionand assistance of the Good Spirits who providedme with unwavering support, I have the satisfactionto see that I never felt my resolve wane, and that Icontinued, with the same vigor, to carry out mytask without worrying about the evil I was a targetof. According to the message of The Spirit ofTruth, I was to go through all that, and so ithappened.

On the other hand, however, what joy have Iexperienced seeing the work grow in such aprodigious manner! What delightful compensationhave I received for my tribulations! What blessingsand proofs of sincere affection have I receivedfrom the many afflicted to whom the Doctrinebrought consolation! Such results the Spirit ofTruth did not tell me about; certainly intentionally,It only showed me the challenges along the way.How ungrateful would I be by complaining! If Iwere to say there is a compensation between goodand evil, I would not be truthful because good(and I refer to moral satisfaction) far outweighsevil. Whenever a disappointment or a hardship wasupon me, through thought I would place myselfin the realm of Spirits, away from Humanity, and,from this vantage point, I would envision myselfarriving in the Spirit world, with all miseries of lifesliding over me without affecting me. So habitualdid this practice become that the shouts of the wickednever disturbed me.

(Extracted from “Posthumous Works,”published in Paris in 1890).


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n presenting to her countrymen a workwhich has long since obtained a wideacceptance on the Continent, the translatorhas thought that a brief notice of its author,and of the circumstances under which itwas produced, might not be without interest

for English readers.Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, better known

by his nom de plume of ALLAN KARDEC, wasborn at Lyons, on the 4th of October 1804, of anold family of Bourg-en-Bresse, that had been formany generations honourably distinguished in themagistracy and at the bar. His father, like hisgrandfather, was a barrister of good standing andhigh character; his mother, remarkably beautiful,accomplished, elegant, and amiable, was the object,on his part, of a profound and worshipping affection,maintained unchanged throughout the whole of hislife.

Educated at the Institution of Pestalozzi, atYverdun (Canton de Vaud), he acquired at an earlyage the habit of investigation and the freedom ofthought of which his later life was destined to furnishso striking an example. Endowed by nature with apassion for teaching, he devoted himself, from theage of fourteen, to aiding the studies of those of hisschoolfellows who were less advanced than himself;while such was his fondness for botany, that he oftenspent an entire dayamong the mountains,walking twenty or thirtymiles, with a wallet on hisback, in search ofspecimens for hisherbarium. Born in aCatholic country, buteducated in a Protestantone, he began, while yeta mere boy, to meditateon the means ofbringing about a unity of

belief among the various Christian sects-a projectof religious reform at which he laboured in silencefor many years, but necessarily without success, theelements of the desired solution not being at thattime in his possession.

Having finished his studies at Yverdun, hereturned to Lyons in 24, with the intention of devotinghimself to the law; but various acts of religiousintolerance to which he unexpectedly found himselfsubjected led him to renounce the idea of fittinghimself for the bar, and to take up his abode inParis, where he occupied himself for some time intranslating Telemachus and other standard Frenchbooks for youth into German. Having at lengthdetermined upon his career, he purchased, in 1828,a large and flourishing educational establishment forboys, and devoted himself to the work of teaching,for which, by his tastes and acquirements, he waspeculiarly fitted. In 1830 he hired, at his own expense,a large hall in the Rue de Sèvres, and opened thereincourses of gratuitous lectures on Chemistry, Physics,Comparative Anatomy, and Astronomy. Theselectures, continued by him through a period of tenyears, were highly successful, being attended by anauditory of over five hundred persons of every rankof society, many of whom have since attained toeminence in the scientific world.

Always desirous to render instruction attractiveas well as profitable, heinvented an ingeniousmethod of computation,and constructed amnemotechnic table ofFrench history, forassisting students toremember theremarkable events anddiscoveries of eachreign.

Of the numerouseducational works

Allan Kardec´sAllan Kardec´sAllan Kardec´sAllan Kardec´sAllan Kardec´s


Illustration of the Turning Tables



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published by him may be mentioned, A Plan for theImprovement of Public Instruction, submitted byhim in 1828 to the French Legislative Chamber, bywhich body it was highly extolled, though not actedupon; A Course of Practical and TheoreticArithmetic, on the Pestalozzian System, for the useof Teachers and Mothers (1829); A ClassicalGrammar of the French Tongue (1831); A Manualfor the use of Candidates for Examination in thePublic Schools; with Explanatory Solutions of variousProblems of Arithmetic and Geometry (1848); Nor-mal Dictations for the Examinations of the Hotelde Ville and the Sorbonne, with Special Dictationson Orthographic Difficulties (1849).

These works, highly esteemed at the time of theirpublication, are still in use in many French schools;and their author was bringing out new editions ofsome of them at the time of his death.

He was a member of several learned societies;among others, of the Royal Society of Arras, which,in 1831, awarded to him the Prize of Honour for aremarkable essay on the question, «What is the Systemof Study most in Harmony with the Needs of theEpoch?» He was for several years Secretary to thePhrenological Society of Paris, and took an activepart in the labours of the Society of Magnetism,giving much time to the practical investigation ofsomnambulism, trance, clairvoyance, and the variousother phenomena connected with the mesmericaction. This brief outline of his labours will sufficeto show his mental activity, the variety of hisknowledge, the eminently practical turn of his mind,and his constant endeavour to be useful to his fellow-men.

When, about 1850, the phenomenon of «table-turning» was exciting the attention of Europe andushering in the other phenomena since known as«spiritist», he quickly divined the real nature of thosephenomena, as evidence of the existence of an orderof relationships hitherto suspected rather thanknown-viz., those which unite the visible and invisi-ble worlds.

Foreseeing the vast importance, to science andto religion, of such an extension of the field ofhuman observation, he entered at once upon acareful investigation of the new phenomena. A friendof his had two daughters who had become what arenow called «mediums.» They were gay, lively, amiablegirls, fond of society, dancing, and amusement, andhabitually received, when «sitting» by themselves orwith their young companions, «communications» inharmony with their worldly and somewhat frivolous

disposition. But, to the surprise of all concerned, itwas found that, whenever he was present, themessages transmitted through these young ladies wereof a very grave and serious character; and on hisinquiring of the invisible intelligences as to the causeof this change, he was told that «spirits of a muchhigher order than those who habituallycommunicated through the two young mediumscame expressly for him, and would continue to doso, in order to enable him to fulfil an importantreligious mission.»

Much astonished at so unlooked-for anannouncement, he at once proceeded to test itstruthfulness by drawing up a series of progressivequestions in relation to the various problems ofhuman life and the universe in which we findourselves, and submitted them to his unseeninterlocutors, receiving their answers to the samethrough the instrumentality of the two youngmediums, who willingly consented to devote a coupleof evenings every week to this purpose, and whothus obtained, through table-rapping and planchette-writing, the replies which have become the basis of

"The SpiritistDoctrine marksan importantstage of humanprogress - notimposing beliefs,inviting study,enriching reasonand sentiments,and satisfying ourconscience."(Allan Kardec)

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the spiritist theory, and which theywere as little capable of appreciatingas of inventing.

When these conversations hadbeen going on for nearly two years,he one day remarked to his wife, inreference to the unfolding of theseviews, which she had followed withintelligent sympathy: «It is a mostcurious thing! My conversations withthe invisible intelligences havecompletely revolutionised my ideasand convictions. The instructions thustransmitted constitute an entirely new theory ofhuman life, duty, and destiny, that appears to me tobe perfectly rational and coherent, admirably lucidand consoling, and intensely interesting.

I have a great mind to publish these conversationsin a book; for it seems to me that what interests meso deeply might very likely prove interesting toothers.» His wife warmly approving the idea, he nextsubmitted it to his unseen interlocutors, who repliedin the usual way, that it was they who had suggestedit to his mind, that their communications had beenmade to him, not for himself alone, but for theexpress purpose of being given to the world as heproposed to do, and that the time had now come forputting this plan into execution. «To the book inwhich you will embody our instructions,» continuedthe communicating intelligences, «you will give, asbeing our work rather than yours, the title of LeLivre des Esprits (THE SPIRITS’ BOOK); and youwill publish it, not under your own name, but underthe pseudonym of ALLAN KARDEC.¹ Keep yourown name of Rivail for your own books alreadypublished; but take and keep the name we have nowgiven you for the book you areabout to publish by our order, and,in general, for all the work thatyou will have to do in thefulfilment of the mission which,as we have already told you, hasbeen confided to you by

Providence, and which willgradually open before you as youproceed in it under our guidance.»

The book thus produced andpublished sold with great rapidity,making converts not in Franceonly, but all over the Continent,and rendering the name ofALLAN KARDEC «a householdword» with the readers who knewhim only in connection with it; sothat he was thenceforth called onlyby that name, excepting by his old

personal friends, with whom both he and his wifealways retained their family-name. Soon after itspublication, he founded The Parisian Society ofPsychologic Studies, of which he was President untilhis death, and which met every Friday evening at hishouse, for the purpose of obtaining from spirits,through writing mediums, instructions in elucidationof truth and duty.

He also founded and edited until he died amonthly magazine, entitled La Revue Spirite, Journalof Psychologic Studies, devoted to the advocacy ofthe views set forth in The Spirit’s Book.

Similar associations were speedily formed all overthe world. Many of these published periodicals ofmore or less importance in support of the newdoctrine; and all of them transmitted to the ParisianSociety the most remarkable of the spirit-communications received by them. An enormousmass of spirit-teaching, unique both in quantity andin the variety of the sources from which it wasobtained, thus found its way into the hands ofALLANKARDEC by whom it was studied, collated,co-ordinated, with unwearied zeal and devotion,

during a period of fifteen years.From the materials thus furnishedto him from every quarter of theglobe he enlarged and completedTHE SPIRITS’ BOOK, under thedirection of the spirits by whomit was originally dictated; the

"Spiritism, better than any other creed, makes us feel the need for personal bettermentbecause it explains to mankind where we come from, were we are going, and why we areon Earth; it presents an end, a practical purpose; it doesn't concern itself only with what

will be: it deals with the present, for society as a whole." (Allan Kardec)14

Spiritual communicationsfrom personalities such as

Mozart, Homer, andFenelon, the explanationof legends and popular

folk beliefs, as well as theinvestigation of spiritual

phenomena published innewspapers attractedsubscribers of many

countries to The SpiritistReview.


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«Revised Edition» of whichwork, brought out by him in1857 (vide «Preface to theRevised Edition,» p. 19) hasbecome the recognised textbookof the school of SpiritualistPhilosophy so intimatelyassociated with his name. Fromthe same materials hesubsequently compiled fourother works, viz., The Mediums’Book (a practical treatise onMedianimity and Evocations),1861; The Gospel as Explainedby Spirits (an exposition ofmorality from the spiritist pointof view), 1864; Heaven and Hell (a vindication ofthe justice of the divine government of the humanrace), 1865; and Genesis (showing the concordanceof the spiritist theory with the discoveries of modernscience and with the general tenor of the Mosaicrecord as explained by spirits), 1867. He alsopublished two short treatises, entitled What isSpiritism? and Spiritism Reduced to its SimplestExpression.

It is to be remarked, in connection with the worksjust enumerated, that ALLAN KARDEC was not a«medium,» and was consequently obliged to availhimself of the medianimity of others in obtainingthe spirit-communications from which they wereevolved. The theory of life and duty, so immediatelyconnected with his name and labours that it is oftenerroneously supposed to have been the product ofhis single mind or of the spirits in immediateconnection with him, is therefore far less theexpression of a personal or individual opinion thanare any other of the spiritualistictheories hitherto propounded;for the basis of religiousphilosophy laid down in hisworks was not, in any way, theproduction of his ownintelligence, but was as new to

him as to any of his readers, having beenprogressively educed by him from theconcurrent statements of a legion ofspirits, through many thousands ofmediums, unknown to each other,belonging to different countries, and toevery variety of social position.

In person, ALLAN KARDEC wassomewhat under middle height. Stronglybuilt, with a large, round, massive head,well-marked features, and clear grey eyes,he looked more like a German than aFrenchman. Energetic and persevering,but of a temperament that was calm,cautious, and unimaginative almost tocoldness, incredulous by nature and by

education, a close, logical reasoner, and eminentlypractical in thought and deed, he was equally free frommysticism and from enthusiasm. Devoid of ambition,indifferent to luxury and display, the modest income hehad acquired from teaching and from the sale of hiseducational works sufficed for the simple style of li-ving he had adopted, and allowed him to devote thewhole of the profits arising from the sale of his spiritistbooks and from the Revue Spirite to the propagationof the movement initiated by him. His excellent wiferelieved him of all domestic and worldly cares, and thusenabled him to consecrate himself entirely to the workto which he believed himself to have been called, andwhich he prosecuted with unswerving devotion, to theexclusion of all extraneous occupations, interests, andcompanionships, from the time when he first enteredupon it until he died. He made no visits beyond a smallcircle of intimate friends, and very rarely absentedhimself from Paris, passing his winters in the heart ofthe town, in the rooms where be published his Revue,

and his summers at the VillaSégur, a little semi-rural retreatwhich he had built and planted,as the home of his old age andthat of his wife, in the suburbanregion behind the Champ deMars, now crossed in every

"For their moral improvement, men prepare on Earth the kingdom of peace and fraternity.As a consequence, the Spiritist Doctrine is the most powerful moralizing agent because,

at once, it speaks to our heart, reason, intelligence, and best interest." (Allan Kardec)


"The belief in a future lifeis, then, an element ofprogress because it

stimulates the Spirit. Onlythis can strengthen us inour trials because only

this offers us anunderstanding of life, andencourages us to perse-

vere in our struggleagainst evil if we wish to

achieve our destiny."(Allan Kardec)

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direction by broad avenues andbeing rapidly built over, but whichat that time was a sort of wasteland that might still pass for «thecountry.»

Grave, slow of speech,unassuming in manner, yet notwithout a certain quiet dignityresulting from the earnestness andsingle-mindedness which were thedistinguishing traits of hischaracter, neither courting noravoiding discussion, but nevervolunteering any remark upon thesubject to which he had devotedhis life, he received with affabilitythe innumerable visitors fromevery part of the world who cameto converse with him in regard tothe views of which he was therecognised exponent, answeringquestions and objections,explaining difficulties, and givingin- formation to all seriousinquirers, with whom he talkedwith freedom and animation, his face occasionallylighting up with a genial and pleasant smile, thoughsuch was his habitual sobriety of demeanour that hewas never known to laugh.

Among the thousands by whom he was thusvisited were many of high rank in the social, literary,artistic, and scientific worlds. The Emperor NapoleonIII., the fact of whose interest in spiritist-phenomenawas no mystery, sent for him several times, and heldlong conversations with him at the Tuileries uponthe doctrines of THE SPIRITS’ BOOK.

Having suffered for many years from heart-disease, ALLAN KARDEC drew up, in 1869, theplan of a new spiritist organisation, that should carryon the work of propagandism after his death. Inorder to assure its existence, by giving to it a legaland commercial status, he determined to make it aregularly constituted joint-stock limited liabilitypublishing and bookselling company, to be constitutedfor a period of ninety-nine years, with power to buyand sell, to issue stock, to receive donations andbequests, etc. To this society, which was to be called«The Joint Stock Company for the Continuation ofthe Works of ALLAN KARDEC,» he intended tobequeath the copyright of his spiritist writings andof the Revue Spirite.

But ALLAN KARDEC was not destined towitness the realisation of the project in which he

"How many hearts wereconsoled by this religiouscreed! How many tearswere dried! How many

consciences were opento the light of spiritual

beauty!"(Camille Flammarion)

took so deep an interest, and whichhas since been carried out with entireexactitude by his widow.

On the 31st of March 1869,having just finished drawing up theconstitution and rules of the societythat was to take the place from whichhe foresaw that he would soon be re-moved, he was seated in his usual chairat his study-table, in his rooms in theRue Sainte Anne, in the act of tyingup a bundle of papers, when his busylife was suddenly brought to an endby the rupture of the aneurysm fromwhich he had so long suffered. Hispassage from the earth to the spirit-world, with which he had so closelyidentified himself, was instantaneous,painless, without a sigh or a tremor; amost peaceful falling asleep andreawaking-fit ending of such a life.

His remains were interred in thecemetery of Montmartre, in presenceof a great concourse of friends, many

hundreds of whom assemble there every year, onthe anniversary of his decease, when a fewcommemorative words are spoken, and fresh flowersand wreaths, as is usual in Continental graveyards,are laid upon his tomb.

It is impossible to ascertain with any exactnessthe number of those who have adopted the viewsset forth by ALLAN KARDEC; estimated bythemselves at many millions, they are incontestablyvery numerous. The periodicals devoted to theadvocacy of these views in various countries alreadynumber over forty, and new ones are constantlyappearing. The death of ALLAN KARDEC has notslackened the acceptance of the views set forth byhim, and which are believed by those who hold themto be the basis, but the basis only, of the newdevelopment of religious truth predicted by Christ;the beginning of the promised revelation of «manythings» that have been «kept hidden since thefoundation of the world,» and for the knowledge ofwhich the human race was «not ready» at the timeof that prediction.

In executing, with scrupulous fidelity, the taskconfided to her by ALLAN KARDEC, the translatorhas followed, in all quotations from the NewTestament, the version by Le Maistre de Sacy, theone always used by ALLAN KARDEC.

Anna BlackwellAnna BlackwellAnna BlackwellAnna BlackwellAnna BlackwellThe Spirits’ Book -Translator's Preface


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SpiritistsSpiritistsSpiritistsSpiritistsSpiritistsThe GoodThe GoodThe GoodThe GoodThe Good



piritism, when thoroughly understood andabove all when deeply and sincerely felt,leads to the results already expounded,which characterize the true Spiritist justas much as the true Christian, for theyare one and the same. Spiritism does not

institute any new morals; it only makes it easier formankind to understand and practise Christ’s moralsby given unshakable and enlightened faith to thosewho are in doubt or who waver.

Meanwhile, many of those who believe in thefact of mediumistic manifestations do notcomprehend the consequences nor the far reachingmoral effects, or if they do, then they do not applythem to themselves. To what is this attributed? Is itdue to some failing in the clarity of the doctrine?No, because it does not contain any allegories orforms which could lead to false interpretations.Clarity is the very essence from which it gets itsstrength, because it touches Man’s intelligencedirectly. There is no mystery, and those who areinitiated are not in possession of any secrets hiddenfrom the people.

It is indispensable then to possess an outstandingintelligence in order to understand? No, in as muchas there are people of notable capacities who do notunderstand, whereas there are many of the ordinaryintelligence, even young people, who grasp themeaning of even the most delicate points withremarkable precision. This proves that the so calledphysical part of science only requires eyes to be ableto observe, while the essential part demands a certaindegree of sensitivity, which can be called maturity inthe moral sense and which is quite independent of ageor level of education, because it is peculiar to thespiritual advancement of the incarnate soul.

In some people, material ties are still too strongfor them to be able to release themselves from earthlythings. A kind of mist with which they aresurrounded, does not allow them to see into theinfinite future. This results in the fact of them notbeing able to break away from old tendencies orhabits because they cannot see that there exists

something better than what they already have. Theybelieve in Spirits as a simple fact. But this modifiesnone or very few of their instinctive tendencies. In aword, they perceive nothing more than a small rayof light insufficient to guide them or offer profoundaspirations which would make it possible for themto overcome their inclinations. The phenomenontouches them more than the morality, which seemsto them to be hackneyed and monotonous.

They ask only that the Spirits unceasingly initiatenew mysteries, without asking themselves if they havebecome worthy of penetrating the hidden secrets ofthe Creator as yet. These then are the imperfectSpiritists, some of whom have remained stationaryin time or have turned away from their brother’sand sister’s faith, due to their having drawn backbefore the necessity of self-reform, or perhaps theyhave kept sympathy with those who share the sameweaknesses or prejudices. Nevertheless, theacceptance of the fundamental principles of theDoctrine is the first step, from which it will be easierfor them to take a second step in a future life.

The person who can be justifiably classified as atrue and sincere Spiritist is to be found on a superiorlevel of moral progress. The spirit of this personalmost completely dominates their physical body, sogiving them a clearer perception of the future. Theprinciples of the doctrine, which leave manyuntouched, cause them to feel deep inner vibrations.In short, their heart is moved and this is what makestheir faith unshakable. It is like a musician who istouched by only a few chords, whereas anotherperson hears only sounds. The true Spiritist can berecognized by their moral transformation and by theefforts they employ in order to dominate their badinstincts. While one is content with a limited horizon,the other, who understands that better things exist,makes every effort to liberate himself and alwaysmanages to do this when their desire is strong andtrue.

Allan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecThe Gospel According to Spiritism – Ch. 17, Item 4

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WWWWWho was Allan Kardec?

Allan Kardec, the noble Codifier of theSpiritist Doctrine, was Jesus’ Emissaryresponsible for establishing on Earth thebeginnings of the promised Comforter, whichhas come to restore the purity of the doctrine

Jesus lived and taught.A teacher and writer, a man of immense intellectual

prowess, Allan Kardec investigated the mediumisticphenomena that took place in Europe, especially in Paris,in the early 1850s. From his thorough scientificobservations, he was able to extract the philosophical,ethical/moral, and religious content that comprise theSpiritist Doctrine.

While still writing as DenizardRivail, Kardec published manyeducational books, having alsotranslated Fenelon’s Telemachus intoGerman with personal notationsthat earned high praise fromPestalozzi, his teacher. For suchaccomplishments, Rivail earnednumerous diplomas fromdistinguished institutions.

A man of great perseverance,Kardec faced uncommon difficultiesand challenges, overcame slander andpersecution by the moral pygmiesof his period, and was consideredone of the greatest grammaticiansof his time.

As a Spiritist, Kardec workedceaselessly until his death at 65,leaving a rare legacy ofaccomplishments that include thebasic books of Spiritism, othercomplementary works, and theSpiritist Review – which he founded,directed, and wrote for from January1858 until March 1869, when hedisincarnated.

Kardec was married to Amélie-Gabrielle Boudet, poet, artist and,like Mrs. Pestalozzi, model wife.After her husband’s death, as thesole heir to his estate, she bequeathedthe copyrights of all Spiritistmaterials he ever wrote, edited, and

SpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismAllan Kardec andAllan Kardec andAllan Kardec andAllan Kardec andAllan Kardec and

published to the preservation and continuation ofSpiritism.

What is the importance of Allan Kardec’s works toHumanity?

The works of Allan Kardec are of the utmostimportance – even indispensable – to Humanity becausein them we can find credible information that enables usto better understand life, the Universe, the origin ofeverything, and the destination and purpose of theexistence of spirits.

A science because it explains all phenomena aroundus, Spiritism is also the bearer of a philosophy that shedslight on the reasons for our existence, destiny, andsuffering.

As a religion, it offers incom-parable moral ethics as itsfoundations are deeply rooted inthe Gospel of Jesus as He taughtand lived it.

Thanks to Allan Kardec’sworks, a new era of light dawnsupon us that will disperse theshadows of ignorance once and forall.

How did the spirit worldfollow the Codifier’s work?

According to our Spiritualbenefactors, Allan Kardec was amember of The Comforter’s teamincarnated on Earth, all the whileremaining in perfect tuning withthe Spirit Guides of Humanity,capturing their thoughts and thedirection he should follow. As aconsequence, he was able to leaveus with this unparalleled legacy, theSpiritist Doctrine, capable ofwithstanding all moralcatastrophies of society, as well asfacing all scientific and technologicadvancements while remainingcurrent.

None of his activities were leftunsupervised by the venerableSpirit Guides – always by his side,inspiring and directing him in thecreation of the Spiritist thought.

Divaldo Pereira Franco,renowned instructor of the Spiritist

Doctrine. In 1952, along with his cousinNilson de Souza Pereira, Divaldo

established the "Mansao do Caminho", aninstitution that has provided housing,

education, and care for more than 600adopted children in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil,

through a system of foster homes.As a Spiritist speaker and medium,

Divaldo has given more than 11,000lectures and conferences in more than 54

countries. As a Spiritist writer and medium,Divaldo has co-authored more than 200

books through psychography (also knownas automatic writing), with more than 7.5million copies sold worldwide. His books

have been translated into 13 differentlanguages.

When speaking on Spiritism, Divaldoalways displays immense enthusiasm,

kindness, and wisdom. With all hisexperience, Divaldo is, undoubtedly, the

greatest exponent of the Spiritist Doctrine inthe world today.

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An Interview with Divaldo Franco byLuis Hu Rivas (The Spiritist Review).

In 2004, we celebratethe bicentenary ofAllan Kardec’s birth, theCodifier of the SpiritistDoctrine. What shouldwe reflect upon?

As we celebrate thebicentenary of AllanKardec’s birth, and as theSpiritists we strive totruly be, we realize thegreat responsibility thatlies upon our shoulders.Thus, we must strive notto detract from hismemory with ouractions, but to keep onenlightening minds as heused to do, and bycorrectly disseminating Spiritism – especially by servingas examples in our daily lives.

Today we find Humankind agonizing, sufferingsincreasing, and many human beings on the verge ofmadness. Science and Technology have brought muchcomfort and availed new means for our social, moral, andintellectual development on Earth, but have neithersucceeded in ending economic and moral misery, norproviding peace and happiness to men and women.

That task is reserved to Spiritism: to clarify and teachus about personal responsibility so that we may find ourplace on the earth, complete with the joy of living andthe courage to fight for our own personal development.

Only the clear and enlightened answers Spiritism bringsus will enable us to feel true enjoyment, freeing ourselvesfrom the baseness that still marks our existence.

These are the kinds of considerations we shouldentertain today and in the future.

We notice that there is a relationship between theSpiritist message and that of the Gospels. What is therelationship between Allan Kardec and Jesus?

If Jesus had not come first, Spiritism would not haveappeared later.

Because our Master Jesus knew that His message andteachings would be distorted by human passions to fitlower, immediate human interests, He promised that Hewould pray to the Father, and He would give us anotherComforter, and it would bring all things to our remembrance andteach us new things which we could not then comprehend – as ithas been happening.

Thus, the Spiritist Message is a current version ofJesus’ Gospel and Allan Kardec is the good disciple whoimitated his Master, modernizing his teachings anddedicating his existence to teach the world how humankindcan achieve happiness.

You once said that Jesus would utilize Spiritismto change the world. In your many travels throughout

the 5 continents, haveyou already seen thesechanges? If not, howwill they take place?

Without a doubt,Spiritism comes at theright time to establish thekingdom of God on Earth– although difficultiesexist, even within theSpiritist Movement, as isexpected.

Wherever I go todisseminate Spiritism orwhenever I come acrossit, I soon notice thechanges it brings intopeople’s lives,transforming them for

the better, dignifying them. It is natural that a Doctrineso young on Earth – it has been only 147 years since thepublishing of The Spirits’ Book – is still not known by all.Only now, with the resources offered by modern mediaand because cultural, religious, and scientific intolerancehas gradually decreased, is Spiritism becoming morewidespread, entering people’s minds and hearts one at atime, so as to later grow throughout our society as aharmonious whole.

Once the various human groups become aware oftheir own immortality, reincarnation, the existing exchangebetween the so-called dead and the so-called living, of themultitude of inhabited worlds, and the excellence of Love,only then the laws, behaviors, and goals of our societywill change.

Will future generations pay closer attention toSpiritism and to Allan Kardec’s mission as milestonesfor a new era for Humanity? What can our spiritualbenefactors tell us about it?

Our Spirit Mentors inform us that Allan Kardec ismore studied and widely known today than during thetime he was with us in his physical body.

They further convey that all who come in contact withthe Spiritist Doctrine modify their behaviors for the better,contributing to a positive outlook for the future – and assuch, lay the foundations for the Era of the ImmortalSpirit, which began on April 18, 1857.

Allan Kardec will be known, without a doubt, as thegreat navigator who faced great tides in turbulent days ofhuman knowledge, and lead us triumphantly to the shoresof peace and happiness we all aspire.

To live the Spiritis Doctrine as he left it to us,demonstrating the beauty it is composed of – thanks toits noble Codifier – is a duty we must not postpone.

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SpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismGet To KnowGet To KnowGet To KnowGet To KnowGet To Know

The Spiritist Doctrine orThe Spiritist Doctrine orThe Spiritist Doctrine orThe Spiritist Doctrine orThe Spiritist Doctrine orSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritismSpiritism

What it ist is the set of laws and principles, asrevealed by the Superior Spirits, containedin the works of Allan Kardec, whichconstitute the Spiritist Codification: TheSpirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The

Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell,and The Genesis.

* «Spiritism is a science which deals with thenature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as theirrelationship with the corporealworld.»

Allan Kardec(Taken from Qu’est-ce que le

Spiritisme? - Préambule) Translatedfrom the original French

* «Spiritism realises what Jesussaid of the promised Consoler, bybringing knowledge of those thingswhich allow Man to know where hecame from, where he is going andwhy he is on Earth; so attractingmankind towards the true principlesof God’s law and offeringconsolation through faith and hope.»

Allan Kardec





A new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanity

(Taken from The Gospel According toSpiritism - Chap. 6 - Item 4) Translated from the ori-ginal French

What it reveals* It reveals new and more profound concepts

with respect to God, the Universe, the HumanBeing, the Spirits and the Laws which govern lifeitself.

* Furthermore, it reveals what we are; wherewe have come from; where we are going; what isthe objective of our existence; and what is the reasonfor pain and suffering.

What it comprises* By bringing new

concepts about the Human Beingand everything that surrounds it,Spiritism touches on all areas ofknowledge, human activities andbehaviour, thus opening a new erafor the regeneration of Humanity.

* Spiritism can andshould be studied, analyzed, andpracticed in all the fundamentalaspects of life, such as: scientific,philosophical, religious, ethical,moral, educational, and social.

What it teaches* God is the Supreme

Intelligence, first cause of all things.

Page 23: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in

The study of the works of AllanKardec is fundamentalfor the correct knowledge of theSpiritist Doctrine


God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique,omnipotent, supremely just and good.

* The Universe is God’s creation. Itencompasses all rational and non-rational beings,both animate and inanimate, material andimmaterial.

* In addition to the corporeal world inhabitedby incarnate Spirits, which are human beings, thereexists the spiritual world, inhabited by discarnateSpirits.

* Within the Universe there are other inhabitedworlds, with beings at different degrees ofevolution: some equal, othersmore or less evolved thanearthly Man.

* All the Laws of Natureare Divine Laws because Godis their author. They cover boththe physical and moral laws.

* A Human Being is a Spiritincarnated in a material body.The perispirit is the semi-mate-rial body which unites the Spiritto the physical body.

* Spirits are the intelligentbeings of creation. Theyconstitute the world of theSpirits, which pre-exists andoutlives everything.

* Spirits are created simpleand ignorant. They evolveintellectually and morally, passing

from a lower order to a higher one, until they attainperfection, where they will enjoy unalterable bliss.

* Spirits preserve their individuality before,during, and after each incarnation.

* Spirits reincarnate as many times as isnecessary for their spiritual advancement.

* Spirits are always progressing. In theirmultiple physical existences, they may sometimesbecome stationary but they never regress. Thespeed of their intellectual and moral progressdepends on the efforts they make to attain

perfection.* Spirits belong to

different orders according tothe degree of perfection theyhave attained: Pure Spirits, whohave attained maximumperfection; Good Spirits,whose predominant desire istowards goodness; andImperfect Spirits, characterizedby their ignorance, theirtendency towards evil, and bytheir inferior passions.

* The Spirits’ relationswith Human Beings areconstant and have alwaysexisted. The Good Spiritsattract us towards goodness,sustain us in life’s trials, and helpus bear them with courage and

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Printable posters in honor of Allan Kardec celebrating the bicentenary of his birth can be found atwww.spir i t ist .org/kardec200www.spir i t ist .org/kardec200www.spir i t ist .org/kardec200www.spir i t ist .org/kardec200www.spir i t ist .org/kardec200

resignation. The Imperfect Spirits induce ustowards error.

* Jesus is the Guide and Model for allHumankind. The Doctrine He taught andexemplified is the purest expression of God’s Law.

* The morality of Christ, as contained in theGospels, is the guidence for the secure progressof all Human Beings. Its practice is the solution forall human problems and the objective to be attainedby Humankind.

* Human Beings are given free-will to act, butthey must answer for the consequences of theiractions.

* Future life reserves for Human Beingspenalties and pleasures according to the respect theydo or do not show for God’s laws.

* Prayer is an act of adoration for God. It isfound in the natural law and is the result of aninnate sentiment in every Human Being, just as theidea of the existence of the Creator is innate.

* Prayer makes Human Beings better.Whoever prays with fervour and confidence growsstronger against evil temptations, and God sendsthe Good Spirits to assist them. This assistance willnever be denied when requested with sincerity.

Spiritist PracticeSpiritist PracticeSpiritist PracticeSpiritist PracticeSpiritist Practice* All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, following

the orientation of the moral principle found in theGospel: «Give for free what you receive for free.»

* Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, withoutany external forms of worship, within the Christianprinciple that God should be worshipped in spiritand in truth.

* Spiritism has no clergy, nor does it adoptor use at any of its meetings or during its practicesthe following: altars, images, candles, processions,sacraments, concession of indulgences, religiousvestiments, alcoholic or hallucinogenic beverages,incense, tobacco, talismans, amulets, horoscopes,cartomancy, pyramids, crystals, or any otherobjects, rituals or external forms of worship.

* Spiritism does not impose its principles. Itinvites those interested in knowing it to submit itsteachings to the test of reason before acceptingthem.

* Mediumship, which allows the Spirits tocommunicate with Human Beings, is a facultywhich many individuals bring with them at birth,independent of whatever religion or beliefs theymay come to adopt.

* Spiritist mediumship practice is solely thatwhich is exercised based on the principles of theSpiritist Doctrine and within the Christian moralconcepts.

* Spiritism respects all religions anddoctrines; values all efforts towards the practiceof goodness; works towards peace andfellowship between all nations and all peoples,regardless of race, colour, nationality, creed, cul-tural or social standing. It also recognizes that «thetruly good person is one who complies with thelaws of justice, love, and charity in their highestdegree of purity.» (The Gospel According toSpiritism – chapter 17 – item 3)


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A new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanityA new era for humanity

What It Is

he Spiritist Movement is the clusterof activities whose objective is thestudy, dissemination,and practice of theSpiritist Doctrine, as

contained in the basic works ofAllan Kardec, placing it within thereach and at the service of allHumanity.

* The activities which composethe Spiritist Movement are carriedout by individuals, jointly or on theirown, and by Spiritist Institutions.

* The Spiritist Institutionsconsist of:

* Spiritist Groups, Centers, orSocieties, which develop general


The Spiritist MovementThe Spiritist MovementThe Spiritist MovementThe Spiritist MovementThe Spiritist Movement“Spirits assure us that the time appointed by Providence for a universal manifestation oftheir existence has now come; and that their mission, as the ministers of God and theinstruments of His will, is to inaugurate, through the instructions they are charged to

convey to us, a new era of regeneration for the human race.”Allan Kardec (The Spirits’ Book – Prolegomena)

activities related to the study, dissemination, and practiceof the Spiritist Doctrine. They may be small, medium, or

large in size;* Federations, which

develop activities aimed at theunion of the SpiritistInstitutions and the unificationof the Spiritist Movement;

* Specialized Entities,which develop specific Spiritistactivities, such as those devotedto social assistance and doctri-nal dissemination; and

* Study Groups ofSpiritism, basicallyconcentrating on the initial studyof the Spiritist Doctrine.


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Spiritist Groups, CentersSpiritist Groups, CentersSpiritist Groups, CentersSpiritist Groups, CentersSpiritist Groups, Centersor Societiesor Societiesor Societiesor Societiesor Societies

“These Groups, corresponding together, visiting eachother, and transmitting to one another the results arrivedat by each, may, even now, form the nucleus of the greatspiritist family which will one day rally to itself allopinions, and unite all men in the common brotherhoodof Christian charity.”

Allan Kardec(The Mediums’ Book – Chapt. XXIX – Item 334)

What They Are

The Spiritist Groups, Centers, or Societies are:* Nucleuses of study, fraternity, prayer, and

activities practiced within the Spiritist principles;* Schools of spiritual and moral education,

operating according to the Spiritist Doctrine;* Posts of fraternal assistance open to everyone

in search for guidance, enlightenment, help, orconsolation;

* Workshops which provide participantsopportunities to exercise their inner growth throughthe practice of the Gospel in their activities;

* Places where the children, the youth, theadults, and the elderly have the opportunity tosocialize, study, and perform activities together tounite the family under the guidance of Spiritism;

* Retreats of peace which offer participantsopportunities for spiritual renewal and fraternal unionthrough the practice of the maxim “Love oneanother”;

* Nucleuses characterized by the simplicitytypical of the first congregations of the nascentChristianity; by the practice of charity; and by the

total absence of images, symbols, rituals, or otherexterior manifestations; and

* Institutions that represent the fundamentalunits of the Spiritist Movement.

Their Objectives

The objectives of the Spiritist Groups, Centers,or Societies are:

To promote the study, dissemination, and practiceof the Spiritist Doctrine, while tending to individuals who:

* seek enlightenment, guidance, and help fortheir spiritual, moral, and material problems;

* wish to get acquainted with and study theSpiritist Doctrine;

* wish to work, collaborate, and serve in anyfield of action the Spiritist practice has to offer.

Their Basic Activities

The basic activities of the Spiritist Groups,Centers, or Societies are:

* To conduct meetings for the study of theSpiritist Doctrine, in a programmed, methodical, andsystematic form, open to individuals of all ages andevery cultural and social standing, and aimed atenabling a deep and wide-ranging knowledge ofSpiritism in all of its aspects.

* To conduct meetings for the explanation ofthe Gospel according to the Spiritist Doctrine, thepractice of passes (laying on of hands), and to extendfraternal assistance through dialogue to those whoapproach the Spiritist Centers in search ofenlightenment, guidance, help, and spiritual and mo-ral assistance.


The Influence of Spiritism on ProgressThe Influence of Spiritism on ProgressThe Influence of Spiritism on ProgressThe Influence of Spiritism on ProgressThe Influence of Spiritism on Progress798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will its798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will its798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will its798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will its798. Will Spiritism become the general belief, or will itsacceptance remain confined to the few?acceptance remain confined to the few?acceptance remain confined to the few?acceptance remain confined to the few?acceptance remain confined to the few?“It will certainly become the general belief, and will mark a new era in thehistory of the human race, because it belongs to the natural order ofthings, and because the time has come for it to be ranked among thebranches of human knowledge. It will nevertheless have to withstand agood many violent attacks - attacks that will be prompted rather by interestthan by conviction, for you must not lose sight of the fact that there arepersons whose interest is to combat this belief, some from self-conceit,others from worldly considerations; but its opponents, finding themselvesin a decreasing minority, will at length be obliged to rally to the generalopinion, on pain of rendering themselves ridiculous.”(The Spirits’ Book - Chapt. VIII - Part Three)

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Work of the FederationsWork of the FederationsWork of the FederationsWork of the FederationsWork of the Federationsand of Unification of theand of Unification of theand of Unification of theand of Unification of theand of Unification of theSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist Movement

“Spiritism is a question of depth; to be bound by formwould be a folly unworthy of the magnitude of the subject.Therefore, Centers which believe they fully understand trueSpiritism should extend a helping hand to others, in fraternity,and so unite in order to combat the common enemies: incredulityand fanaticism.”

Allan Kardec(Posthumous Works – The Constitution of Spiritism– Item VI)

What It Is* The work of the Federations and of

unification of the Spiritist Movement serves tostrengthen, facilitate, expand, and improve the effortsof the Spiritist Movement in its ultimate goal ofpromoting the study, dissemination, and practice ofthe Spiritist Doctrine.

* It derives from the fraternal, voluntary,conscientious, and operational union of Spiritists andSpiritist Institutions through the exchange ofinformation and experiences, mutual help, and jointactivities.

* It is fundamental to the strengthening,improvement, and growth of Spiritist Institutions,and for the correction of eventual deviations fromproper doctrinal and administrative practices.

What It Does* It promotes a continuous contact with the

Spiritist Groups, Centers, or Societies, therebypromoting their union and integration while placing


* To conduct meetings for the study, education,and practice of mediumship based on Spiritistprinciples and objectives, thereby enlightening,guiding, and preparing individuals for mediumshipactivities.

* To conduct meetings for the Spiritistevangelization of children and the youth, in aprogrammed, methodical, and systematic form,thereby assisting, enlightening, and guiding themwithin the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine.

* To carry out the work of dissemination ofthe Spiritist Doctrine through all modes of socialcommunication compatible with the Spiritistprinciples, such as lectures, conferences, books,newspapers, magazines, bulletins, pamphlets, hand-outs, radio, TV, posters, audio and video tapes.

* To carry out Spiritist assistance activities forthe needy by helping them with their most pressingneeds, and by enlightening them with the moralteachings of the Gospel according to the SpiritistDoctrine.

* To encourage and offer guidelines toindividuals who attend their meetings towardimplanting and maintaining the “Gospel at Home”practice, as sustenance for the spiritual harmonizationof their families.

* To participate in activities aimed at the unionof Spiritists and Spiritist Institutions as well as theunification of the Spiritist Movement by joining theirefforts together; summing up their experiences;providing mutual help and support; improvingSpiritist activities in general; and strengthening theactions of the Spiritists.

* To perform the administrative tasks necessaryto their regular operation in accordance with theirorganizational structure and in compliance with allapplicable local legislation.

Spirit ismSpirit ismSpirit ismSpirit ismSpirit ismJust as Christ said: “I am not come to destroy the Law but tofulfill it”, so Spiritism says: We have not come to destroy theChristian Law but to carry it out. It teaches nothing contrary towhat was taught by Christ. Rather it develops it, explains it in amanner that can be understood by all and completes that whichhad previously been known only in its allegoric form. Spiritismhas come at the predicted time to fulfill what Christ announcedand to prepare for the achievement of future things. It is then,the work of Christ Who, as He also announced, presides overthe regeneration which is now taking place and which will pre-pare the reign of the Kingdom of God here on Earth.Allan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan KardecAllan Kardec(The Gospel According to Spiritism - Chapt. I - Item 7)

Page 28: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in






ObservationsObservationsObservationsObservationsObservations1. 1. 1. 1. 1. The Regulations of theInternational Spiritist Councilstate that:* The International SpiritistCouncil (ISC) is an organizationresulting from the union, on aworld-wide level, of theorganizations representingnational Spiritist Movements.* The main purposes andobjectives of the ISC are:I - I - I - I - I - To promote the fraternalunion of the Spiritist Institutionsof all countries and theUnification of the InternationalSpiritist Movement.II - II - II - II - II - To promote the study anddissemination of the SpiritistDoctrine in its three basicaspects: scientific,philosophical, and religious.III - III - III - III - III - To promote the practice of

at their disposal suggestions, expertise, and supportingprograms and materials needed for their activities.

* It conducts meetings, courses, fellowshipgatherings, and other events directed at administratorsand workers of Spiritist organizations to refresh andupdate doctrinal knowledge and administrativeprocedures aimed at improving and expanding theSpiritist Institutions’ activities, and to open up newareas of action and work.

* It organizes events directed at the generalpublic for the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine,thus enabling Spiritism to be better known and betterpracticed.

How It Is Structured

* It is structured through the union of theSpiritist Groups, Centers, or Societies which, whilepreserving their autonomy and freedom of action,join forces and sum up experiences aimed at thecontinuous improvement and strengthening of theiractivities and the Spiritist Movement in general.

* By joining together, the Spiritist Groups,Centers, or Societies constitute the Federations andEntities of Unification of the Spiritist Movement atlocal, regional, state, or national level.

* AThe Federations and Entities of Unificationof the Spiritist Movement at the national levelconstitute in turn the Entity of Unification of theSpiritist Movement at the international level: theInternational Spiritist Council.

spiritual, moral, and materialcharity according to the SpiritistDoctrine.* The purposes and objectivesof the ISC are founded upon theSpiritist Doctrine codified byAllan Kardec, and on the workswhich, by following itsguidelines, becomecomplementary and subsidiaryto the Codification.* The programs and supportingmaterials offered by the ISC shallnot be obligatory. It shall be leftto the discretion of the Spiritistorganizations of each country thedecision to adopt them or not,partially or in their entirety, or toadapt them to their own needs orconveniences.* The organizations affiliated tothe ISC shall maintain their

autonomy, independence, andfreedom of action. Their affiliationwith the ISC shall be based upon,and have as its objective,solidarity and fraternal union.2. 2. 2. 2. 2. The activities related in thisdocument are proposed assuggestions. The SpiritistInstitutions, at their discretion,may adopt them as their growthand development create theappropriate conditions, and atsuch a time as theiradministrators considersuitable.3. 3. 3. 3. 3. Spiritist activities shall alwaysbe carried out in a mannercompatible with the socialenvironment characteristics andin full compliance with locallegislation.

Guidelines for the WorkGuidelines for the WorkGuidelines for the WorkGuidelines for the WorkGuidelines for the Workof the Federations andof the Federations andof the Federations andof the Federations andof the Federations andof Unification of theof Unification of theof Unification of theof Unification of theof Unification of theSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist MovementSpiritist Movement

* The work of the Federations and of unificationof the Spiritist Movement, as well as that of the unionof the Spiritists and the Spiritist Institutions, is basedupon the principles of fraternity, solidarity, freedom,and responsibility as prescribed by the Spiritist Doctrine.

Page 29: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in


In the Work of UnificationIn the Work of UnificationIn the Work of UnificationIn the Work of UnificationIn the Work of Unification

* The work for the unification in our ranks isurgent, but not rushed. One assertion seems tocontradict the other. But it is not so. It is urgentbecause it defines the goal that we should aim at; butnot rushed because it is not granted to us to violateanyone’s conscience.

* Let us preserve the purpose of uniting,approaching, and understanding one another; and,if possible, let us establish at every site where thename of Spiritism has been brought to light, a studygroup, however small, of the works of Kardec, inthe light of the Christ of God.

* The Spiritist Doctrine holds its essentialaspects in triple configuration. Thus, no one shouldbe restricted in their desire to work and produce.Let those inclined toward the sciences to cultivatethem in their dignity; those who devote themselvesto philosophy to ennoble its postulates; and thosewho consecrate themselves to religion to turn divineits aspirations. Yet, above all, it is necessary that thebasis of the Spiritist Doctrine remain in everyoneand everything so that we don’t lose the balance atthe base over which the organization is raised.

* To teach, but also to put into practice; tobelieve, but also to study; to counsel, but also toexemplify; to unite, but also to nourish.

* It is indispensable that Spiritism be maintainedexactly as it was conveyed to Allan Kardec by theDivine Messengers, that is, without politicalcompromises, without religious professionalism,without degrading personalisms, and without burningdesires of conquest of fleeting earthly powers.

* Let us follow Allan Kardec in our studies,aspirations, activities, and deeds so that our faith doesnot turn into hypnosis, whereby the power of darknessestablishes its influence over the weaker minds,enchaining them to centuries of illusion and suffering.

* Let Allan Kardec’s work not only be believedor felt, proclaimed or manifested in our convictions,but also be sufficiently lived, suffered, wept over,and put into practice in our own lives. Without thisfoundation, it is difficult to forge the Christian-Spiritist character which the troubled world awaitsfrom us through unification.

* May the love of Jesus be upon all, and thetruth of Kardec be for all.

The Workers of the LordThe Workers of the LordThe Workers of the LordThe Workers of the LordThe Workers of the Lord· The time approaches when those things

which have been announced for thetransformation of humanity will be

accomplished. All those who have worked inthe field of the Lord with disinterestedness and

no other motive than charity, will be blessed!Their working days will be paid a hundred

times more than was expected.· Blessed are those who have said to theirfellow men: “Let us work together and unite our

efforts so that when the Lord arrives He willfind His work finished’ ”, seeing that the Lord

will say to them: “Come unto me, you whohave been good servants, you who knew how

to silence your rivalries and discords so thatno harm should come to the work.”

The Spirit of Truth(The Gospel According to Spiritism –

Chapt. XX – Item 5)

* It is characterized by offering assistancewithout demanding compensation; by helping withoutcreating conditions; by instructing without imposingresults; and by uniting without inhibiting initiatives,thereby preserving the values and distinctivecharacteristics of both individuals and institutions.

* The integration and participation of SpiritistInstitutions in this work, which shall always bevoluntary and conscientious, are carried out on thebasis of equality without subordination, thusrespecting and preserving the institutions’independence, autonomy, and freedom of action.

* The programs and supporting materials madeavailable to the Spiritist Institutions are not obligatory.It is left to their own discretion to adopt them ornot, partially or in their entirety, or to adapt them totheir own needs and conveniences.

* In all activities the methodical, deep, andconstant study of the works of Allan Kardec, whichconstitute the Spiritist Codification, should be alwaysencouraged while underscoring the basis on whichthe Doctrine is established.

* All work and activities have as their highestobjective the placing with simplicity and clarity ofthe Spiritist Doctrine’s consoling and guiding messagewithin the reach and at the service of everyonethrough study, prayer, and other joint activities.

* Work of Federations as well as activities ofunification of the Spiritist Movement must alwayspreserve the participants’ inherent right to think,create, and act, as professed and praised by theSpiritist Doctrine, with the understanding, however,that each and every activity must be in accord withthe works of the Codification by Allan Kardec.

Bezerra de Menezes(Excerpts from the message “Unification,”through the medium ship of FranciscoCandido Xavier – Reformador, Dec/1975)

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KardecKardecKardecKardecKardecand Napoleonand Napoleonand Napoleonand Napoleonand Napoleon

Message extracted from the book "Letters and Chronicles," dictated by theSpirit Brother X(*) to the medium Francisco Candido Xavier, and published

by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation

oon after the 18 Brumaire (November 9,1799), and after Napoleon had appointedhimself First-Consul of the French Republic,on the night of December 31, 1799, a largeassembly of wise and benevolent Spiritsgathered in the heart of the Latin spiritual

quarters in the Superior Planes of the spirit world tomark the momentous beginning of the new century.Ancient personalities from imperial Rome, pontiffsand warriors from Galia, and notable figures linkedto Spain were assembled there for the expressiveevent.

Legions of the Caesars with their banners;phalanxes of Gaelic warriors; and groups of pioneersof the Hispanic evolvement, along with numerousrepresentatives from the Americas, stood alongsymbolic lines representing positions of prominence.

But not only dignitaries of Latin descent wererepresented at the great conclave. Also present wereillustrious Greeks, recalling the confabulations of theglorious Acropolis; renowned Jews, awakeningremembrances of the Temple of Jerusalem; Slavicand Germanic delegations; great figures fromEngland; Chinese wise men; Hindu philosophers;Buddhist theologians; ancient priests of Olympiandeities; renowned clerics of the Roman Church; andfollowers of Muhammad. It appeared as ifHumanity’s scientific and cultural forces had beenconvoked to gather in one sole place.

SSSSSIn the midst of the magnificence of the

delegations gathered there in all their representativesplendor were Spirits of early supporters of humanprogress who would soon return to the incarnateworld, or would follow it closely to give combat toignorance and misery in the arduous preparation ofthe new era of fraternity and light.

Amid the fulgent sight of the Superior Spirits,showing the resplendence of their souls, wereSocrates, Plato, Aristotle, Appolonius of Tyana, Ori-gen, Hippocrates, Augustine, Fénelon, GiordanoBruno, Thomas Aquinas, Louis of France, Vincentde Paul, Joan of Arc, Teresa of Avila, Catherine ofSiena, Bossuet, Spinoza, Erasmus, Milton,Christopher Columbus, Gutemberg, Galileo, Pascal,Swedenborg, and Dante Alighieri, to mention just afew of the heroes and champions of terrestrialrenewal. In a less prominent position in thismagnificent place stood Spirits of a lower order,including several of the well known figures guillotinedduring the French Revolution, namely Louis XVI,Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, Danton, MadameRoland, André Chenier, Bailly, Camille Desmoulins,along with other great personalities such as Voltaireand Rousseau.

After brief remarks from eminent Spirit Guides,invisible trumpets directed towards the earth wereheard. Moments later, from within the thick of thenight shrouding the colossal body of the Europeanworld, and under the custody of enlightened Spirits,

According to chronicles of the spirit world, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), French Emperor (1804-1814 and1815), was called to an important assembly of Enlightened Spirits in the beginning of the 19th century.

Page 31: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in


In November of 1799, Napoleon crowns himselfbefore Pope Pio VII, becoming the First Consul of the

French Republic.

emerged a small procession of shadows, appearingstrange and hesitant against the brilliance of thefestive palace.

It consisted of a group of souls still incarnated, whounder the power of the Celestial Organization werebrought to the spirit world to reaffirm their commitments.

Heading the group, drawing the attention of allassembled, was Napoleon himself. It was indeed thegreat Corsican, wearing his usual garments andcharacteristic hat.

Greeted by several figures from ancient Romehastily lending him their aid and support, the winner ofthe battle of Rivoli took seat on a magnificent chairprepared for him beforehand.

Among those accompanying him in this uniqueexcursion were respectable authorities reincarnated inthe planet: Beethoven, Ampère, Fulton, Faraday, Goethe,John Dalton, Pestalozzi, and Pius VII, along with manyothers supporting the welfare of the world and itsmovements of independence.

Though spiritually constrained by the ties linkingthem to their carnal bodies, almost all of the newlyarrived shed tears of emotion and joy.

The eyes of the First-consul of France, however,were dry in spite of the extreme pallor covering hisface. As various Roman legions proceeded to payhomage to him, to which he responded with discreetnoddings, the trumpets sounded again, this timedifferently, as if preparing to soar upward, in thedirection of the infinite vastness.

Immediately after, a pathway of light resembling adrawbridge projected from the sky connected itself tothe extraordinary citadel, letting through countlessresplendent stars.

Upon reaching the delicate soil, however, these starstransformed themselves into human beings covered inradiant celestial light.

Among them all there was one who excelled insuperiority and beauty. A brilliant diadem shined on hishead, as if surrounding with blessings his gaze filledwith tenderness and strength. In his right hand, a goldscepter shone withsublime scintillations.

I m p e r c e p t i b l emusicians, by way of thegentle breezes whichdrifted by swiftly, brokeinto a chant of hosannaswithout articulating anywords.

The assembly showedprofound reverence.Many of the wise men,warriors, artists, andthinkers knelt down whilethe banners of the

vexilaries were lowered silently in a sign of respect.It was then that the great Corsican began to weep.

Standing up, he started to move with great difficultytoward the messenger who held the gold scepter,kneeling before him.

The celestial emissary, smiling naturally, lifted himup at once and motioned to embrace him when theSky appeared to open up before all present. A voice,energetic yet gentle, strong as the wind and harmoniousas the stream of a fountain, called out to Napoleon,who seemed exhilarated both by fright and joy:

«Brother and friend, listen to the Truth which inmy spirit speaks to you! You stand before the apostleof the faith which, under Christ’s shield, will break opena new cycle of knowledge on the tormented Earth.»

«Caesar yesterday, and guiding leader today,surrender the cult of your adoration to the pontiff ofthe light! Reaffirm, before the Gospel, yourcommitment to aid it in its mission of renewal!»

«Congregated here are the leaders of all epochs.Patriots of Rome andGalia; generals andsoldiers whoaccompanied you in thebattles of Pharsalus,Thapsus and Munda;and remnants of thebattles of Gergoviaand Alesia surprise youhere with sympathy andanticipation. In earliertimes, seated on thethrone of absolutism,you pretended to

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Julio Caesar (100 A.C. - 44 A.C.),creator of the most important

empire in antiquity, military geniusand talented politician, would returnto the physical plane as the figure

of Napoleón Bonaparte with thetask of aiding Kardec's work.

(*) Brother X - pseudonymadopted by Humberto deCampos (1886-1934),Brazilian journalist andwriter, author of manySpiritist books.

be a descendant of the gods in order to dominatethe Earth and annihilate your enemies. Now, however,the Supreme Lord granted you as cradle an islandlost in the sea so you would not lose sight of humansmallness. He also determined that you return to themidst of the people you once scorned and humiliatedin order to ensure their immense mission amongHumanity in the new century that is about to begin.»

«Placed by Celestial Wisdom as the helmsman oforder in the sea of blood of the Revolution, do notforget the mandate for which you were chosen.»

«Do not believe that thevictories you were vested in bythe Consulate should beattributed exclusively to yourmilitary and political genius. TheWill of the Lord expresses itselfin the circumstances of life.Invest yourself with courage togovern without ambition and torule without hatred. Draw onprayer and humility to avoidfalling down the cliffs of tyrannyand violence!»

«Designated to consolidatethe peace and security necessariesfor the exit of the mission ofthe selfless apostle who will unveilthe new era, you shall be visitedby the dreadful temptations of power.»

«Do not be fascinated by vanity which will seek toset a crown on your head. Remember that the sufferingof the French people, inflicted by the calamity of thecivil war, is the price of the human liberty you shalldefend up to your own sacrifice. Do not degradeyourself by enslaving weak and oppressed populations,nor taint your commitments with exclusiveness orrevenge!»

«Remember that because of injunctions of the pastyou were reborn to guarantee the spiritual ministry ofthe disciple of Jesus who returns to the terrestrial plane.Make use of this opportunity to sanctify the sublimeprinciples of goodness and forgiveness, of service andfraternity of the Lamb of God, Who hears us in hisglorified throne of wisdom and love!»

«If you honor your promises, you will accomplishthe mission with the recognition of posterity and youwill climb to higher horizons of life, however, if yourresponsibilities are neglected, grim torments will heaponto your days which will become dismal lamentationsin a vast desert.»

«In the new century, we will begin the preparationof the third millennium of Christianity on Earth.»

«New concepts of freedom will surface forhumankind; Science will elevate itself to indefinable

heights; cultured nations will forever abandon slaveryand the traffic of free people; and religion will releasethe chains on the minds that up to now locked up thebest aspirations of the soul in a hell without mercy!»

«We entrust, therefore, to your valorous spirit thepolitical administration of the impending events. Maythe Lord bless you!»

Songs of hope and happiness announced in theheavens the arrival of the nineteenth century, and asthe Spirit of Truth returned to the Heights followed byseveral resplendent cohorts, the unforgettable assembly

began to dissolve.The apostle who would later

become Allan Kardec, holdingNapoleon in his arms, drew himcloser to his heart and stayed withhim, caringly, until reconnecting himto his carnal body lying on his ownbed on the earth.

On October 3, 1804, themessenger of renewal was rebornin a blessed home in Lyon, whereasthe First-consul of the FrenchRepublic, as soon as he foundhimself free of the protecting andbeneficial influence of AllanKardec’s spirit and his cooperatorswho one by one resumed, confidentand optimistic, their journey in a

carnal body, adorned himself with the purple robe ofpower, and inebriated by it proclaimed himself Emperoron May 18, 1804, commanding Pius VII to come toParis to crown him.

Thus, Napoleon, who converted celestialconcessions into bloody adventures, ended up beinghastily relocated by a determination from the HighAbove to the healing solitude of Santa Helena, wherehe awaited death. Meanwhile, Allan Kardec,concealing his own greatness, living as a simple manof the people in the humble role of a school mastermany times tormented and disappointed,accomplished entirely the divine mission he broughtto Earth, initiating the Christian-Spiritist era whichgradually will be considered in all quadrants of theEarth as the sublime revival of the Light for theentire world.

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INTERNATIONAL SPIRITIST COUNCILGeneral Secretariat - Phone: (55.61) 322-3024 - Fax: (55.61) 321-8760

SGAN Q. 603 – Conj. F - Brasília - DF - Brazil - Cep: [email protected]


CENTRAL THEME«Allan Kardec: Builder of a New Era for the Regeneration of Humanity»LOCATIONMaison de la MutualitéRue Saint Victor, 24 Paris - France 75005

Sponsored by: International Spiritist Council

Hosted by: French and Francophone Spiritist Union

Executed by: Kardec Association

ththththth PPPPParis aris aris aris aris October2-5, 2004

2 Oct. - SaturdayI – 7 PM - 9 PMOpening CeremonyLecture: «ALLAN KARDEC: THEEDUCATOR AND THE CODIFIER OF THESPIRITIST DOCTRINE»Presented by: José Raul Teixeira(Brazil)

3 Oct. - SundayII – 9 AM - 12:30 PMPanel: «THE SPIRITS’ BOOK:SPIRITIST PHILOSOPHICALPRINCIPLES FOR A NEW SOCIETY»Objective: To emphasize the doctrinalbasis of Spiritism and the consequencesof accepting the reality of the spiritual andimmortal being.Activity / Theme- Philosophical Basis for the Spiritist Doctrine- Mankind and Its Spiritual Evolution- Influences of Spiritism on the March of Progress- Spiritist Ethics

III – 2:30 PM - 6 PMPanel: «THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK:MEDIUMISTIC INTERCHANGE BASEDON THE SPIRITIST DOCTRINE»Objective: To emphasize the purpose ofspiritual manifestations and guidelines forits practice based on Spiritist guidance,highlighting the role of this interchange in


the lives of people and families as a naturalconsequence of Spiritist knowledge.Activity / Theme- Influence of the Spirits in the History of Humanity- Criteria for the Analysis of Mediumistic Manifestations- Mediumistic Influence and the Identity of Communicating Spirits- Mechanisms and Practice of Mediumship

IV – 16 PM - Artistic Performance

4 Oct. - MondayV – 9 AM - 12:30 PMPanel: «THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TOSPIRITISM: ETHICAL AND MORAL BASIS OFTHE SPIRITIST DOCTRINE»Objective: To emphasize the importance of amoral and Christian way of life in interpersonaland social relationships.Activity / Theme- Proposal of the Spiritist Doctrine for the Education of Mankind- Charity from the Spiritist Point-of-View- Family Ties: Basis of Society- Promoting Goodness in the Building of Peace


Page 34: The Spiritist Review 001 · Allan Kardec («The Gospel According to Spiritism» - Ch. 1, Item 7) ·«In a word, what characterizes the spiritist revelation is that while divine in







INTERNATIONAL SPIRITIST COUNCILGeneral Secretariat - Phone: (55.61) 322-3024 - Fax: (55.61) 321-8760

SGAN Q. 603 – Conj. F - Brasília - DF - Brazil - Cep: [email protected]

ththththth PPPPParis aris aris aris aris October2-5, 20044

VI – 2:15 PM – 4:30 PMPanel: «HEAVEN AND HELL: IMMORTALITYOF THE SOUL AND ITS CONSEQUENCES INEDUCATION, CULTURE, AND SOCIETY»Objective: To emphasize psychological andsocial consequences based on the knowledgeof the various states of the soul in the spiritworld.Activity / Theme- Death and Spirit Life According to the Spiritist Doctrine- States of the Souls of Communicating Spirits- Repercussion of Messages from Spirits of Relatives- Justice and Harmony of the Divine Laws

VII – 4:45 PM – 7 PMPanel: «GENESIS: INTERACTION BETWEENTHE SPIRITIST DOCTRINE AND SCIENCE»Objective: To focus on scientific evidence onthe reality of the interchange with the spiritworld and on reincarnation.Activity / Theme- Character of the Spiritist Revelation: The Relationship Between Spiritism and Science- Role of the Perispirit in Reincarnation and Spiritual Manifestations- Health, Bioethics, and Ecology in the Spiritist Doctrine- Spiritism's Position on the Human Genome

VIII – 7 PM - Artistic Performance

5 Oct. - TuesdayIX – 9 AM – 11:15 AMPanel: «EVOLUTION OF THE SPIRITISTMOVEMENT»Objective: To offer a panoramic view of thedevelopment of the Spiritist Movement in theinternational arena.Activity / Theme- Birth of the Spiritist Movement in the XIX Century- Evolution of the Spiritist Movement in the XIX Century- Spiritist Movement in the XX Century- International Spiritist Movement: Current Phase

X - 11:30 AM - 12:15 PMLecture: «LA REVUE SPIRITE: ITS HISTORYAND OBJECTIVES»Presented by: Roger Perez (France)

XI – 2:00 PM – 4:15 PMPanel: «THE DISSEMINATION OF THESPIRITIST DOCTRINE «Objective: To offer a panoramic view on theexperiences related to the Systematic Studyand the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine.Activity / Theme- Systematic Study Courses on the Spiritist Doctrine Campaign for the Dissemination of Spiritism- Dissemination Through Radio, TV, and the Internet- The Virtual International Encyclopedia Project

XII – 5 PM – 7 PM

Closing CeremonyLecture: «DISSEMINATION OF THESPIRITIST DOCTRINE AND ITS ROLE IN THENEW ERA»Presented by: Divaldo Pereira Franco (Brazil)

NOTE: Books, Exhibit on Allan Kardec,information on the Spiritist Movement in variouscountries, and book signings will be available toCongress participants throughout the duration ofthe event.


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1—ANGOLA1—ANGOLA1—ANGOLA1—ANGOLA1—ANGOLASociedade Espírita Allan Kardec de AngolaRua Amilcar Cabral, 29 - 4°. BLUANDA - ANGOLATel/Fax: 00 2 442 334 030 (residencial)[email protected] — A R G E N T I N A2 — A R G E N T I N A2 — A R G E N T I N A2 — A R G E N T I N A2 — A R G E N T I N AConfederación Espiritista ArgentinaSánchez de Bustamante, 4631173 - BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINATel/Fax: 00 54 11 4862-63 [email protected]—B3—B3—B3—B3—B ELGIUMELGIUMELGIUMELGIUMELGIUMUnion Spirite Belge43 Rue Maghin,B-4000 LIEGE - BELGIQUE (BÉLGICA)Tel: 00 32 (04) 227-6076 [email protected]—BOLIVIA4—BOLIVIA4—BOLIVIA4—BOLIVIA4—BOLIVIAFEBOL - Federación Espírita BolivianaCalle Libertad, 382 entre Seoane y Buenos AiresCasilla de Correo 6756SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIERRA, BOLÍVIATel: 00 59 133363998 - 00 591 3 [email protected]—BRA5—BRA5—BRA5—BRA5—BRA ZZZZZ ILILILILILFederação Espírita BrasileiraAv.L2 Norte - Quadra 603 - Conj.F - Asa Norte70830-030 – BRASÍLIA - DF - BRASILTel: 00 55 (0) 61 [email protected]—CHILE6—CHILE6—CHILE6—CHILE6—CHILECentro de Estudios Espíritas Buena NuevaCalle Nelson, 1721 – Ñuñoa – Santiago.SANTIAGO - CHILETel: 056 2 [email protected]—COLOMBIA7—COLOMBIA7—COLOMBIA7—COLOMBIA7—COLOMBIAConfederación Espiritista ColombianaCalle 22 A Sur No. 9-71/81BOGOTÁ—COLOMBIATel/Fax: 00 57 1[email protected]—EL SALVADOR8—EL SALVADOR8—EL SALVADOR8—EL SALVADOR8—EL SALVADORFederación Espírita de El Salvador39 Calle Poniente No. 579 y 571, Barrio BelénSAN SALVADOR - EL SALVADORAmérica CentralTel. 00 (503) 502 [email protected] — F R A N C— F R A N C— F R A N C— F R A N C— F R A N C EEEEEUnion Spirite Française et Francophone1, Rue du Docteur Fournier37000 TOURS - FRANCETel/Fax: 00 33 (2) 4746-2790 -

Alto da Damaia 2720 - AmadoraLISBOA - PORTUGALTel: 00 351 21 497-5754http://www.feportuguesa.pte-mail: [email protected] 9—9—9—9—9— SPAINSPAINSPAINSPAINSPAINFederación Espírita EspañolaC/Dr. Sirvent, 36 A. 0316 - AlmoradíALICANTE - ESPAÑATel: 00 34 [email protected] 00000 —S—S—S—S—S WEDENWEDENWEDENWEDENWEDENSvenska Spiritistiska Förbundetc/o Olof BergmanSotingeplan 44, 1tr - 16361STOCKHOLM - SUÉCIATel: 00 46 (8) [email protected] 11111 —S—S—S—S—S WITZERLANDWITZERLANDWITZERLANDWITZERLANDWITZERLANDUnion des Centres d’Études Spirites en SuissePostfach: 8404WINTERTHUR - SUIÇATel.privé: ++ 41/ 055 210 [email protected]————— UNIUNIUNIUNIUNITED KINGDOMTED KINGDOMTED KINGDOMTED KINGDOMTED KINGDOMBritish Union of Spiritist Societies-BUSS25 Blyte HouseKennington Park RoadLONDON SE 11 5TXENGLAND - [email protected]—————UNITED STATES OF AMERICAUNITED STATES OF AMERICAUNITED STATES OF AMERICAUNITED STATES OF AMERICAUNITED STATES OF AMERICAUnited States Spiritist CouncilP.O .BOX 1402620044-4026, WASHINGTON, D.C., USATel: 00 1 (240) 453.0361, Fax: 00 1 (240) [email protected] 4 — U R U G U A2 4 — U R U G U A2 4 — U R U G U A2 4 — U R U G U A2 4 — U R U G U A YYYYYFederación Espírita UruguayaArenal Grande, 141511100 - MONTEVIDÉO - URUGUAYTel: 00 598 62 [email protected][email protected] 00000 —GUATEMALA—GUATEMALA—GUATEMALA—GUATEMALA—GUATEMALACadena Heliosóphica Guatemalteca14 Avenida 9-66, Zona 12.Ciudad de GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA. 01012.Tel. 00 (502) 440 1292 - 00 (502) - 471 [email protected] 11111—ITAL—ITAL—ITAL—ITAL—ITAL YYYYYCentro Italiano Studi Spiritici Allan KardecCasella Postale 207, Aosta Centro, 11100 - Aosta - ITALIAwww.spiritismoitalia.orgTel: 00 39 (0) 165 [email protected] 22222 —JAP—JAP—JAP—JAP—JAPAAAAANNNNNComunhão Espírita Cristã Francisco C. XavierCodigo Postal 272-0143Flat Top Valley 1013-13-20 Ainokawa - Ichikawa-shi, [email protected] 33333 —M—M—M—M—M EEEEEXICOXICOXICOXICOXICOCentral Espírita MexicanaRetorno Armando Leal 14- Apartado Postal No.117-060. CP. 07091 -----CIUDAD DE MÉXICO - D. F. - MEXICOTel: 00 52 5715-0660 - Fax: 00 52 [email protected]—————THE NETHERLANDSTHE NETHERLANDSTHE NETHERLANDSTHE NETHERLANDSTHE NETHERLANDSConselho Espírita HolandesKlokketuin 15 1689 KN - HOORN - HOLLANDTel: 00 31 (0)229 [email protected] 55555 — N O R— N O R— N O R— N O R— N O R WAYWAYWAYWAYWAYGruppen for Spiritistiske Studier Allan KardecMajorstuveien 26 0367 OSLO - NORGETel. 00 47 (22)[email protected] 66666 —PARAGUAY—PARAGUAY—PARAGUAY—PARAGUAY—PARAGUAYCentro de Filosofía Espiritista ParaguayoCalle Amânio Gonzáles, 265ASUNCIÓN – PARAGUAYTel/Fax: 00 595 21 [email protected] 77777 — P E R— P E R— P E R— P E R— P E RUUUUUFederación Espírita del Perú - FEPERÚJr. Salaverry N° 632 - Dpto. 1A.Magdalena del Mar - LIMA 17 PERUTef: 00 51 1 263[email protected] 81 81 81 81 8 —PORTUGAL—PORTUGAL—PORTUGAL—PORTUGAL—PORTUGALFederação Espírita PortuguesaCasal de Cascais Lote 4 R/C -


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