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JOB PRINTING Neatly and prcpnj pre-war prices, specialty. Phohe VOLUMI 23 ss MB ptly done at Mail orders a 2637. Indicator COLUMBIA, S.C. SAT UR|*Y, JULY 30 1921 ADVERTISING PAYS When placed in The Indicator. Read by over 5,000 in-Columbia alone. NUMBER 36 LEADING PHYSICIAN ENDORSES THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR Dr. J. W. Hepes Sexto] Thinks Live Negro Journals One ef Our Speaks In Glowing Terms of Sumter Attjorney. Reads 13 Negro Journals Spartanburg, S. C, July 24th, 1921. Mr. J. A. Roactt, Editor of The Indicator. Dear Sir:- Enclosed find check for $2.00 to apply to my sub- scription. I do not know whether I owe you or not as I have never applied business methods to my busy life that counts for anything in an unbusmess vay. I never take time to congratulate the man who is making i : possible for us all. But by your continual appeal in a Christian ar d gentlemanly way lam forced this morning to lay aside my bn ad winning time and use the same to give you an expression that reaches my heart's sincere desire which is my highest ideals o: a true and worthy man, like you, standing on the highest and loft / peak, looking into the future from its lofty heights viewing and julging the past advents of great nations and those that have passai that way into the great beyond, I can not bi t admire you in your beauty and splendor of race cooperation and racial building. No man today is doing more than men like you in your beautiful and unprejudiced Editorial of the rape case of Mr Thomas, the white man, who raped or attempted to rape a poor defenseless Negro girl. Yob are to be commended a thousand times for your recommendation of a true and only way to meet justice is by employing such men as our Hon. M. J. Frederick the coming Negro Statesman and Lawyer of South Caro- lina. I have thi utmost confidence in him and know from a pro- fessional stand point he can do more in those cases for his race than any other tor us. The same applies to such men as yourself and other Negri) Editors along with the Hon. M. J. Frederick. Mr. Editor, that dark cloud let me mention here before I forget, that I saw arise from the Baptist State Convention to drown you with its clo id burst rain. But you were like the truth crushed to earth, rose again and with business-like methods still shine with the sun. Since all others went down with the sun to rise no more, you are still on the job pleading in terms of a true patriotic Journalist for the race cooperation of those who smote you. Long may you live anjd God bless you. I want you to know deep down have my heart's sincera sympathy and congratu- you on your way. in my heart you! lations to cheer I admira you from my bleeding heart when think of poor Edi tor Labon Morgan, who lived from hand to mouth for more than 30 years, trying to establish the Piedmont Indicator, to do that which you are trying to continue with same paper and contending for that greatest need for our people that they can only become a cientious pe ople by ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^^^tin^^É for want of his ] retting a living out ofwhat he, fike you wash frying to do for his pec pie and neighbors were cursing him for making auch efforts and did not appreciate his life of service. 4'SUCH A SACRIFICE." No greater service any man has given than Mor- gan who stuck to this paper till the last breath was gone. Yes, died without clothes to be buried in. Yet he is áead and no one appreciates him But thanks be to God his widow and three boys still live and hia boys are making good. Buster is in Claflin Uni- versity and om of the bright boys for his age. When his poor mother wants ir oney from the First National Bank of Spartanburg, Mr. A. M. Chriiitburg, the president will at any time upon my re- quest of long yc ars ago, when Morgan was struggling, lend her $50.00 with no visible means of paying back except my name upon the back. Mr. Editor,* this will never be your lot; for in you are greater possibilities, th 5 time is more ripe for a greater harvest. You con- tinue pour out the great truth that you are at the door of high and lowly that are trying to kill you and your paper. I only regret that I did not make you a present of the money I gave to that great Baptist Convention paper that went to bed never to rise again leaving in its wjake a claim against the stock holders of $43.00 each. I paid for a shape but never received a certificate of share These great men of ours who made the mistake, like all of us do, should confess to the public that it takes business men like you to head a business enterp rise. Every press upon our ing of Negro * uplift and coop|eration up-lif t till our and race pride Columbia, the preácher should in every sermon preached, try to im- ir people that the greatest need of today is the read- journals. It is their God given duty to preach racial jeration. We will never reach our goal in our racial preachers and teachers teach this race cooperation or realization of our hopes will never mature. I read and (pay for 13 Negro papers and must say that my hat is off to the tw ) greatest Southern Negro papers in their worth as freedom of the press, namely; The Indicator and the Atlanta Inde- nandent Hurrah for Ben Dayis of Atlanta, and J. A. Roach of p9UWVu»< il_XT_T~_l'i... liT_ /"I_Í two greatest Southern Negro Journalists. May God ever bless youj peace and happiness ever attend your ways is my prayer for you my Dear Mr. Editor DR. J. W. SEXTON Box 482, Spartanburg, S. C. OUR WOM$N MEET PRESIDENT. Negro Woknen's National RepublicanLeague Calls At White House. Washingtoni, D. C, July 20- President Harding today was notified of (the completion of plans for holding the First Nat- ional Republican Convention of Colored Wom^n in Kansas City, Mo., August 22-27, by a commit tee of the Negro Women's Nat- ional League, who were received by the President at the White House today. Buy The committee was headed by Mrs, M. L. Gray, president of the League, who also extended to the President an invitation to attend a session of the conven- tion. In extending the invita- tion Mrs. Gray said in part. "We want to see our race represented as far as possible in the various departments of the government .men and women of the highest character and ability, We want to unite our women to the end that you will have a Republican Congress next year. The members of the committee accompanying Mrs. Gray were Miss Essie Jaekson, vice presi- dent of New Jersey; Mrs. Irving Norris, secretary of Odgen, Utah; Guarnteed shoes for the w OF THE M << 7 Gethsemane Union an| Sunday School Convention > To be held with the St. Peter Baptist Church, Irmo, S. C, July 30 31, Rev. W. Jumper, pa8tor. SATURDAY SERVICES, (10:00 a. m. Devotionals led by Dea. R. Griffin. 10:30 a. m. Introductory Sermon, Rev^ J, ty. Ferguson, Alternate Rev. T. J. Lawrence. | 12:00 m. Reception and reading of letters. 1:30 p. m. Recess. Dinner. | 3:00 p. m. Business. Appointment ofCommittees. 4:00 p. m. Institute Lecture, Prof. RJF. Lee, Columbia, 5:00 p. m. Echoes from Rural Schools. Collection. Adjournment. 8:00 p. m. Devotionals led by Dea. C E. Bailey. 8:30 p. m. Sermon.Rev. W. P. Peterson, Alternate Rev. Mat- thew Ford. Collection. Adjournment. SUNDAY SERVICES. 9:30 a. m. Model Sunday School.Supts. E. E. Cornwell and A B. Holloway. 11:00 a. m. Missionary Sermon, Rev. J. C. White, D. D. Alter- nate, Rev. J. R. Chandler. Collection. Recess. Dinner. 3:00 p. m. Devotionals led by Dea. John Suber. 3:30 p. m. Addresses and Papers by Representatives. 4:00 p. in. Closing Sermon, Rev. D. Thompson, D. D. Alter- nate, Rev. W. Jumper. Collection. Reports of Committees. Adjournment. REV. J. C. WMTE, D. D., President E. E. CORNwÜiL, Clerk SECOND CALVARY BAP-pT CHURCH Bull Street, Between Taylor and Smptcn Streets. Invites you and your friends to worjafe with them at all of their services. ?»5 \ í§fl?^^P?5P(^^P^Jíejsa^Bjas^sjsjp Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday Sem Sunday 11 a. m., Morning Service.! Sunday 6 p. m., B. Y. P. U. 1. Sunday 7:30 p. m., Evening Servi<|e. H. M. Moore,SA- B.f D. D., Pastor. Miss Mamie Young, correspond- ing secretary; Mr3. Susie C. Fountaine of New York: Mrs. Gabrielle Pelham of Michigan; Miss Olive A. Young of Florida; Mrs. Fleming A. Jones of South Carolina; Mrs. Curtis Sexton- Home of Illinois and Mrs. S. L. Carson of South Dakota. EMPHASIS ON THE WRONG SYLLABLE Meditations and Wayside Notes. By Rev. Richard Carroll During the Baptist Sunday School Convention, Dr. J. P. Garrick made a speech' on the Bible. He spoke especially on: "Laying Emphasis on the Wrong syllable and in pronouncing words correctly/' I got a moral from this speech. We are a race, who are a great people for putting the cart be- fore the horse.laying stress on the wrong syllable, or putting the "bridle on the horse" at the wrong end; "for bragging too much on what the race has done or can do. " We are a great peo. pie for going too far, or do things at the wrong time.for blowing off to much steam. It really takes to much steam to blow our religious and educational whistle any way. I am a Baptist from principle and try to know the Baptist doc- trine, but I get disgusted some- times when our brethren "blow the whistle" or put the emphasis on the wrong syllable. I asked Gardena, the little four year old daughter of Dr. J. P. Garrick, was she a Christian; her answer was "no, I am a Baptist." This was a good answer. That little child put the emphasis where hole family and most of us put it, or the cart be- fore the horse.the shadow be- fore the substance. "What Bap- tists believe," should be studied by many of our pastors, preach- ers, believers and ckurch mem- bers. Baptism has a place in our denominational career. Let other racials find their places. Some of our other brethren em- phasize Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian and Catholic, too much. A woman or man of character is worthy of standing. Let us all learn, that high life is better than high standing. THIEF GOT $237. Mr. J. F. Roberts began search for his purse Sunday morning, July 17th, only to find that a rob- ber had entered his home and rid j him of it. The purse con- tained $237. Who ever the rob- ber^ was evidently well under- stood where the money was sup- posed to be as nothing else in the house was moved out of its pldce. ft a late hour ih the night 2 nefct door neighbor heard sonu onfewalk up on the back porcb h shoes on and come out oi front door without shoes bui ;n at this the neighbor's sus- *°n was not aroused. And il 'not known what the missior *e late traveler was until thi rch for the purse the nexl J^ing ended in vain. J*. Roberts being a carpentei builder, had just completec building the day before anc ived payment in full too lato toake his deposit in the bant *r meeting his pay roll, hence e money was placed in his * to await the opening of th< lk on Monday is why the 0I*y was in the house. ents t^urnishini w t e P o AFTERMATH OF THE S. S- AND B. Y. P. U. CON- VENTION AT SUMTER WAYSIDE NOTES. By Rev. Richard Carroll It was good to be there. I with many others stopped with Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Garrick. Mrs. Garrick did her best to make things comfortable. A- mong the distinguished visitors, who stayed there were Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Boykin, Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ler of Greer, Rev. William How- ard, Miss Janie Brock, Mrs. Mike Watson, Miss Mamie Sum- ter, Mrs. Richard Carroll and others that I did not know. I know poor Mrs, Garrick is tired out and sick until this day. The entertainment all around was most excellent. Dr, and Mrs. J. J. Starks had more than they could say grace over at Morris College. I preached the Convention sermon from Jeremiah 5:1. I was a sick man, but did my best. Rev. S. J. Rice, D. D., preached the Educational Sermon. Drs. J. C. White and H. M. Moore presided and made the proceed- ings pleasant. Dr. D. F. Thomp- son delivered one of the finest speeches on "The Graded Sun- day School," that I have ever heard; he certainly did himself credit. They tell me that Dr. E. R. Roberts, "got there also" on "The Cradle Roll. " The Rev. J. P. Garrick, B. D,, crowned him- self with glory and honor. The singing of the Convention was it and áfae tehayior ©f tfee lege, showed us the spirit of the] Master; he was the meekest man in the bunch. Though Dr. An- tisdel had the greatest scholar- ship, he did not go on display. The convention unanimously endorsed him as president of Benedict College and expressed themselves as sympathizers and helpers in his five thousand dollar drive. The Rev. J. C. Tobin, D. D., was the finest speaker in the body, The Presiding Elders and visitors of other denominations spoke feelingly and encouraging- ly of Morris College, Dr. Starks and Negro ownership, They pushed the Baptist brethren up and eluded them somewhat. There were too many "hot" speeches about Negro ownership; too much race prejudice and Bap- tist talk. The cart was often be- fore the horse. There was toe much stress and emphasis 01 Baptistism and not enough or character and real religion There was not enough attentior given to the "stranger" in theii midst; we were too free to give insults to our visiting brethren in our eloquent speeches. Then was too much stress laid on th« wrong syllable and too muci boasting of learning. There was Too Much child likeness, play talk of our equality ("a little learning made us mad") anc play to the gallery. In the absence of the president, Dr. J. C. White made a gooc presiding officer: He is a gooc mixer and is not easily provoked, The Rev. William Howard oi Darlington, came a little late, t but talked enough' to show ui /'where he was at". Dr. Tobin's eyes turned red when he begar to "fling his eloquence." Prof S. L. Finley, Pres. Reed and Mr, John Finley were equal to th< occasion. _ . I was glad to see the brethrer treat Dr. Antisdel as well as thej did. He is a man, who deservei *s from I. S. Lecvy MR. C. C SPAULDING AD DRESSED MASS MEET- ING IN INTEREST OF THE VICTORY BANK. Representative Body of Men and Women Applauded Competent Speaker. The promoters of The Victory Bank movement, Friday called a mass meeting to further the bank's interest, Friday night, July 22nd, at Sydney Park C. M. E. Church. Mr. I. J. Joseph, presided over the meeting. Mr. C. C. Spaulding, Vice President and Manager of the great North Carolina Mutual Insurance Com- pany of Durham, N. C, was in- vited to address meeting which he did with dignity and honor, frequently bringing laughter and applauses from a representative audience of men and women who are anxious to see The Victory Bank, a much needed institution put over in Columbia. The strong and helpful mes- sage brought by Mr. Spaulding will repay Columbians for having extended the- invitation and urg- ing the coming of this man who has wrought so well in the insur- ance and banking field. As a result of Mr. Spaulding's message many shares were sold and interest injected into the al- ready interested members of this institution while the banking laws and plans were made so bare to those who were waiting until the institution got down to business before taking shares, that many were converted to the necessity of a bank for and by our people, that they fell in the still coming over. Dr. R. W. Mance, president of Allen University, the educator, pulpiteer, and orator, responded to Mr. Spaulding's timely address as only a Mance could do. Bishop W. D. Chappelle made the closing remarks. Like Dr. Mance, he strongly endorsed Mr. Spaulding's address and bank movement for Columbia. REGISTER! REGISTER!! REGISTER!!! Next Monday, Aug. 1st, and every first Monday is registra- tion day. Every person, man and woman, who has not as yet secured his or her registration certificate, should make it their business to go to their court house Monday next, and secure their registration certificate. If you have any doubts about your being qualified for registra- tion see some one who has al- ready secured his or hers and they will lend any assistance possible. By all means put forth the ef- fort and be prepared for any emergency. A VOTER. _._ We want your printing. Special cash prices on letter heads, note heads, bill heads, envelopes, cards, etc., until the 15th. Cheaper than you can get elsewhere. Call phone 2637 and get prices on what you need. O^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOO' MILLINERY.Hats made to order, old Hats remodeled and trimmed. Wav- erly Millinery and Dressmaking Shop, end of Waverley car line. honor, whether he is prej of Benedict College or nAf f* and his wife have wa|^m- selves out in Africa. Jp Rev. H. M. M00J& * Kood man to stand in the§^> *nd the brethren will mafcp mlltake m following his leápship. It was a goojpúigto be there. f on Taj&r Steet. /

The Southern indicator.(Columbia, S.C.) 1921-07-30.

Nov 15, 2021



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Page 1: The Southern indicator.(Columbia, S.C.) 1921-07-30.

JOB PRINTINGNeatly and prcpnjpre-war prices,specialty. Phohe




ptly done atMail orders a2637. Indicator


ADVERTISING PAYSWhen placed in The Indicator.Read by over 5,000 in-Columbiaalone.



Dr. J. W.Hepes

Sexto] Thinks Live Negro Journals One ef OurSpeaks In Glowing Terms of Sumter

Attjorney. Reads 13 Negro Journals

Spartanburg, S. C, July 24th, 1921.Mr. J. A. Roactt, Editor of The Indicator.

Dear Sir:- Enclosed find check for $2.00 to apply to my sub-scription. I do not know whether I owe you or not as I have never

applied business methods to my busy life that counts for anything inan unbusmess vay. I never take time to congratulate the man

who is making i : possible for us all. But by your continual appealin a Christian ar d gentlemanly way lam forced this morning tolay aside my bn ad winning time and use the same to give you an

expression that reaches my heart's sincere desire which is myhighest ideals o: a true and worthy man, like you, standing on thehighest and loft / peak, looking into the future from its lofty heightsviewing and julging the past advents of great nations and thosethat have passai that way into the great beyond,

I can not bi t admire you in your beauty and splendor of race

cooperation and racial building. No man today is doing more thanmen like you in your beautiful and unprejudiced Editorial of therape case of Mr Thomas, the white man, who raped or attemptedto rape a poor defenseless Negro girl. Yob are to be commendeda thousand times for your recommendation of a true and only wayto meet justice is by employing such men as our Hon. M. J.Frederick the coming Negro Statesman and Lawyer of South Caro-lina. I have thi utmost confidence in him and know from a pro-fessional stand point he can do more in those cases for his race

than any other tor us. The same applies to such men as yourselfand other Negri) Editors along with the Hon. M. J. Frederick.

Mr. Editor,that dark cloud

let me mention here before I forget, that I saw

arise from the Baptist State Convention to drownyou with its clo id burst rain. But you were like the truth crushedto earth, rose again and with business-like methods still shinewith the sun. Since all others went down with the sun to rise nomore, you are still on the job pleading in terms of a true patrioticJournalist for the race cooperation of those who smote you. Longmay you live anjd God bless you. I want you to know deep down

have my heart's sincera sympathy and congratu-you on your way.

in my heart you!lations to cheer

I admira you from my bleeding heart when think of poor Editor Labon Morgan, who lived from hand to mouth for more than30 years, trying to establish the Piedmont Indicator, to do thatwhich you are trying to continue with same paper and contendingfor that greatest need for our people that they can only become a

cientious pe ople by ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^^^tin^^Éfor want of his ] retting a living out ofwhat he, fike you washfryingto do for his pec pie and neighbors were cursing him for makingauch efforts and did not appreciate his life of service. 4'SUCH A

SACRIFICE." No greater service any man has given than Mor-

gan who stuck to this paper till the last breath was gone. Yes,died without clothes to be buried in. Yet he is áead and no one

appreciates him But thanks be to God his widow and three boysstill live and hia boys are making good. Buster is in Claflin Uni-

versity and om of the bright boys for his age. When his poor

mother wants ir oney from the First National Bank of Spartanburg,Mr. A. M. Chriiitburg, the president will at any time upon my re-

quest of long yc ars ago, when Morgan was struggling, lend her

$50.00 with no visible means of paying back except my name upon

the back.Mr. Editor,* this will never be your lot; for in you are greater

possibilities, th 5 time is more ripe for a greater harvest. You con-

tinue pour out the great truth that you are at the door of high and

lowly that are trying to kill you and your paper. I only regretthat I did not make you a present of the money I gave to that greatBaptist Convention paper that went to bed never to rise againleaving in its wjake a claim against the stock holders of $43.00 each.I paid for a shape but never received a certificate of share These

great men of ours who made the mistake, like all of us do, should

confess to the public that it takes business men like you to head a

business enterp rise.

Everypress upon our

ing of Negro*

uplift and coop|erationup-lift till ourand race pride

Columbia, the

preácher should in every sermon preached, try to im-ir people that the greatest need of today is the read-journals. It is their God given duty to preach racialjeration. We will never reach our goal in our racialpreachers and teachers teach this race cooperationor realization of our hopes will never mature.

I read and (pay for 13 Negro papers and must say that my hat

is off to the tw ) greatest Southern Negro papers in their worth as

freedom of the press, namely; The Indicator and the Atlanta Inde-

nandent Hurrah for Ben Dayis of Atlanta, and J. A. Roach ofp9UWVu»<r» il_XT_T~_l'i... liT_ /"I_Í

two greatest Southern Negro Journalists. May God

ever bless youj peace and happiness ever attend your ways is my

prayer for you my Dear Mr. EditorDR. J. W. SEXTON

Box 482, Spartanburg, S. C.


Negro Woknen's NationalRepublicanLeague Calls

At White House.

Washingtoni, D. C, July 20-President Harding today was

notified of (the completion of

plans for holding the First Nat-ional Republican Convention ofColored Wom^n in Kansas City,Mo., August 22-27, by a committee of the Negro Women's Nat-ional League, who were receivedby the President at the WhiteHouse today.


The committee was headed byMrs, M. L. Gray, president ofthe League, who also extendedto the President an invitation toattend a session of the conven-

tion. In extending the invita-tion Mrs. Gray said in part. "Wewant to see our race representedas far as possible in the variousdepartments of the and women of the highestcharacter and ability, We wantto unite our women to the endthat you will have a RepublicanCongress next year.The members of the committee

accompanying Mrs. Gray were

Miss Essie Jaekson, vice presi-dent of New Jersey; Mrs. IrvingNorris, secretary of Odgen, Utah;

Guarnteed shoes for the w


Gethsemane Union an| Sunday SchoolConvention


To be held with the St. Peter Baptist Church, Irmo, S. C,July 30 31, Rev. W. Jumper, pa8tor.

SATURDAY SERVICES,(10:00 a. m. Devotionals led by Dea. DÌ R. Griffin.10:30 a. m. Introductory Sermon, Rev^ J, ty. Ferguson, Alternate

Rev. T. J. Lawrence. |12:00 m. Reception and reading of letters.1:30 p. m. Recess. Dinner. |3:00 p. m. Business. Appointment ofCommittees.4:00 p. m. Institute Lecture, Prof. RJF. Lee, Columbia,5:00 p. m. Echoes from Rural Schools.

Collection. Adjournment.8:00 p. m. Devotionals led by Dea. C E. Bailey.8:30 p. m. Sermon.Rev. W. P. Peterson, Alternate Rev. Mat-

thew Ford.Collection. Adjournment.

SUNDAY SERVICES.9:30 a. m. Model Sunday School.Supts. E. E. Cornwell and A

B. Holloway.11:00 a. m. Missionary Sermon, Rev. J. C. White, D. D. Alter-

nate, Rev. J. R. Chandler.Collection. Recess. Dinner.

3:00 p. m. Devotionals led by Dea. John Suber.3:30 p. m. Addresses and Papers by Representatives.4:00 p. in. Closing Sermon, Rev. D. F± Thompson, D. D. Alter-

nate, Rev. W. Jumper.Collection. Reports of Committees. Adjournment.

REV. J. C. WMTE, D. D., PresidentE. E. CORNwÜiL, Clerk

SECOND CALVARY BAP-pT CHURCHBull Street, Between Taylor andSmptcn Streets.

Invites you and your friends to worjafe with them at all oftheir services.

?»5 \í§fl?^^P?5P(^^P^Jíejsa^Bjas^sjsjpSunday 10 a. m. Sunday SemSunday 11 a. m., Morning Service.!Sunday 6 p. m., B. Y. P. U. 1.Sunday 7:30 p. m., Evening Servi<|e.

H. M. Moore,SA- B.f D. D., Pastor.

Miss Mamie Young, correspond-ing secretary; Mr3. Susie C.Fountaine of New York: Mrs.Gabrielle Pelham of Michigan;Miss Olive A. Young of Florida;Mrs. Fleming A. Jones of SouthCarolina; Mrs. Curtis Sexton-Home of Illinois and Mrs. S. L.Carson of South Dakota.


Meditations and WaysideNotes.

By Rev. Richard CarrollDuring the Baptist Sunday

School Convention, Dr. J. P.Garrick made a speech' on theBible. He spoke especially on:

"Laying Emphasis on the Wrongsyllable and in pronouncing wordscorrectly/' I got a moral fromthis speech.We are a race, who are a great

people for putting the cart be-fore the horse.laying stress on

the wrong syllable, or puttingthe "bridle on the horse" at thewrong end; "for bragging too

much on what the race has doneor can do. " We are a great peo.pie for going too far, or do thingsat the wrong time.for blowingoff to much steam. It reallytakes to much steam to blow our

religious and educational whistleany way.

I am a Baptist from principleand try to know the Baptist doc-trine, but I get disgusted some-times when our brethren "blowthe whistle" or put the emphasison the wrong syllable. I askedGardena, the little four year olddaughter of Dr. J. P. Garrick,was she a Christian; her answerwas "no, I am a Baptist." Thiswas a good answer. That littlechild put the emphasis where

hole family and

most of us put it, or the cart be-fore the horse.the shadow be-fore the substance. "What Bap-tists believe," should be studiedby many of our pastors, preach-ers, believers and ckurch mem-bers. Baptism has a place inour denominational career. Letother racials find their places.Some of our other brethren em-

phasize Methodist, Episcopalian,Presbyterian and Catholic, toomuch.A woman or man of character

is worthy of standing. Let us

all learn, that high life is betterthan high standing.

THIEF GOT $237.Mr. J. F. Roberts began search

for his purse Sunday morning,July 17th, only to find that a rob-ber had entered his home andrid j him of it. The purse con-

tained $237. Who ever the rob-ber^ was evidently well under-stood where the money was sup-posed to be as nothing else inthe house was moved out of itspldce.ft a late hour ih the night 2

nefct door neighbor heard sonuonfewalk up on the back porcb

h shoes on and come out oifront door without shoes bui

;n at this the neighbor's sus-*°n was not aroused. And il'not known what the missior*e late traveler was until thirch for the purse the nexl

J^ing ended in vain.J*. Roberts being a carpenteibuilder, had just completec

building the day before ancived payment in full too lato

toake his deposit in the bant*r meeting his pay roll, hencee money was placed in his* to await the opening of th<lk on Monday is why the0I*y was in the house.

ents t^urnishini






By Rev. Richard CarrollIt was good to be there. I

with many others stopped withRev. and Mrs. J. P. Garrick.Mrs. Garrick did her best tomake things comfortable. A-mong the distinguished visitors,who stayed there were Dr. andMrs. J. W. Boykin, Dr. and Mrs.H. M. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Mil-ler of Greer, Rev. William How-ard, Miss Janie Brock, Mrs.Mike Watson, Miss Mamie Sum-ter, Mrs. Richard Carroll andothers that I did not know. Iknow poor Mrs, Garrick is tiredout and sick until this day. Theentertainment all around was

most excellent. Dr, and Mrs. J.J. Starks had more than theycould say grace over at MorrisCollege.

I preached the Conventionsermon from Jeremiah 5:1. Iwas a sick man, but did my best.Rev. S. J. Rice, D. D., preachedthe Educational Sermon. Drs.J. C. White and H. M. Moorepresided and made the proceed-ings pleasant. Dr. D. F. Thomp-son delivered one of the finestspeeches on "The Graded Sun-day School," that I have ever

heard; he certainly did himselfcredit. They tell me that Dr. E.R. Roberts, "got there also" on

"The Cradle Roll. " The Rev. J.P. Garrick, B. D,, crowned him-self with glory and honor. Thesinging of the Convention was

it and áfae tehayior ©f tfee

lege, showed us the spirit of the]Master; he was the meekest manin the bunch. Though Dr. An-tisdel had the greatest scholar-ship, he did not go on display.The convention unanimously

endorsed him as president ofBenedict College and expressedthemselves as sympathizers andhelpers in his five thousand dollardrive. The Rev. J. C. Tobin, D.D., was the finest speaker in thebody, The Presiding Elders andvisitors of other denominationsspoke feelingly and encouraging-ly of Morris College, Dr. Starksand Negro ownership, Theypushed the Baptist brethren upand eluded them somewhat.There were too many "hot"

speeches about Negro ownership;too much race prejudice and Bap-tist talk. The cart was often be-fore the horse. There was toemuch stress and emphasis 01

Baptistism and not enough or

character and real religionThere was not enough attentiorgiven to the "stranger" in theiimidst; we were too free to giveinsults to our visiting brethrenin our eloquent speeches. Thenwas too much stress laid on th«wrong syllable and too muciboasting of learning. There was

Too Much child likeness, playtalk of our equality ("a littlelearning made us mad") anc

play to the gallery.In the absence of the president,

Dr. J. C. White made a gooc

presiding officer: He is a goocmixer and is not easily provoked,The Rev. William Howard oi

Darlington, came a little late,t but talked enough' to show ui

/'where he was at". Dr. Tobin'seyes turned red when he begarto "fling his eloquence." Prof

S. L. Finley, Pres. Reed and Mr,

John Finley were equal to th<

occasion. _ .

I was glad to see the brethrertreat Dr. Antisdel as well as thejdid. He is a man, who deservei

*s from I. S. Lecvy


Representative Body of Menand Women ApplaudedCompetent Speaker.

The promoters of The VictoryBank movement, Friday called amass meeting to further thebank's interest, Friday night,July 22nd, at Sydney Park C. M.E. Church. Mr. I. J. Joseph,presided over the meeting. Mr.C. C. Spaulding, Vice Presidentand Manager of the great NorthCarolina Mutual Insurance Com-pany of Durham, N. C, was in-vited to address meeting whichhe did with dignity and honor,frequently bringing laughter andapplauses from a representativeaudience of men and women whoare anxious to see The VictoryBank, a much needed institutionput over in Columbia.The strong and helpful mes-

sage brought by Mr. Spauldingwill repay Columbians for havingextended the- invitation and urg-ing the coming of this man whohas wrought so well in the insur-ance and banking field.As a result of Mr. Spaulding's

message many shares were soldand interest injected into the al-ready interested members of thisinstitution while the bankinglaws and plans were made so

bare to those who were waitinguntil the institution got down tobusiness before taking shares,that many were converted to thenecessity of a bank for and byour people, that they fell in the

still coming over.Dr. R. W. Mance, president of

Allen University, the educator,pulpiteer, and orator, respondedto Mr. Spaulding's timely addressas only a Mance could do.

Bishop W. D. Chappelle madethe closing remarks. Like Dr.Mance, he strongly endorsed Mr.Spaulding's address and bankmovement for Columbia.


Next Monday, Aug. 1st, andevery first Monday is registra-tion day. Every person, man

and woman, who has not as yetsecured his or her registrationcertificate, should make it theirbusiness to go to their courthouse Monday next, and secure

their registration certificate.If you have any doubts aboutyour being qualified for registra-tion see some one who has al-ready secured his or hers andthey will lend any assistancepossible.By all means put forth the ef-

fort and be prepared for anyemergency.



We want your printing. Specialcash prices on letter heads, note heads,bill heads, envelopes, cards, etc., untilthe 15th. Cheaper than you can getelsewhere. Call phone 2637 and getprices on what you need.O^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOO'MILLINERY.Hats made to order, old

Hats remodeled and trimmed. Wav-

erly Millinery and DressmakingShop, end of Waverley car line.

honor, whether he is prejof Benedict College or nAf f*

and his wife have wa|^m-selves out in Africa. JpRev. H. M. M00J& * Kood

man to stand in the§^> *nd thebrethren will mafcp mlltake mfollowing his leápship.

It was a goojpúigto be there.

fon Taj&r Steet.
