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The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Dec 19, 2015



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Page 1: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration

Rattan LalDirector, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center

The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Page 2: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Global Climate Change

∆T over the 20th century…………. +0.6+0.2°C

Rate of ∆T increase since 1950……+0.17°C/decade

Sea level rise over 20th century….. +0.1-0.2 m

Change in precipitation…………..+0.5-1%/decade

Extreme events……………………. +2-4%

………..IPCC (2001)

Page 3: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Atmospheric Concentration of Trace Gases Between 1750 and 1999

Gas ConcentrationRate of increase






280 - 367 ppm700 - 1745 ppb270 - 314 ppb 0 - 268 ppt

1.5 ppm7.0 ppb0.8 ppb-1.4 ppt


IPCC (2001)

Page 4: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Global Carbon Budget

Activity 1980-1989 1989-1998

-----------Pg C/y----------

A. Source Fossil fuel emission Land use change

B. Sink Atmosphere Ocean Terrestrial/missing carbon

5.0 + 0.51.7 + 0.8

3.3 + 0.21.9 + 0.61.9 + 1.3

6.3 + 0.61.6 + 0.8

3.2 + 0.21.7 + 0.52.3 + 1.3

IPCC (2001)

Page 5: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 6: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

How Much C is in Soil?

(i) Soil organic C = 1550 Pg

Soil inorganic C = 750 Pg

Total = 2300 Pg

(ii) Atmosphere = 720 Pg

(iii) Biota = 560 Pg

(iv) Ocean = 38,000 Pg• SOC pool = 40 - 100 Mg/ha

Page 7: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Soil vs. Atmospheric C

1 Pg (billion tonnes) of soil C = 0.47 ppm of CO2

Page 8: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Mean Residence Time of C in Different Pools

The average atom of C spends about:

• 5 yrs in the atmosphere,

• 10 yrs in vegetation (including trees),

• 35 yrs in soil, and

• 100 yrs in the sea.

Residence time = pool / flux

The residence time is longer in soils of high latitude.

Page 9: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 10: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 11: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 12: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 13: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 14: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.


Page 15: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Depressed oxidation of CH4

C burial

Effects of Soil Erosion and Redistribution on Trace Gases Emissions.



C burialDOC



Page 16: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Soil erosion and C emission

Land Area(Mha)

Emission(Pg C/yr)


World croplandWorld soils



Jacinthe & Lal (2001)Lal (1995)

Page 17: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

1.14 x 1015 g/yr decomposition and emission to the atmosphere 3.99 x 1015 g/yr stored

within the terrestrial ecosystem

0.57 x 1015 g/yr transported to the ocean

5.7 x 1015 g/yr C displaced due to erosion

1500 x 1015 C in world soil


Global soil erosion and dynamics of soil organic carbon (Lal, 1995).

Page 18: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Historic Soil C Loss

World soils…….. 66-90 Pg

U.S. soils……….. 5 Pg

Recoverable C…. 50-75%

Time horizon……25-50 yrs

Page 19: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

The magnitude of soil C loss

30-40 Mg/ha

Agricultural soils now contain lower SOC pool than their potential, and thus have a C sink capacity.

Page 20: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Anthropogenic emissions (1850-2000)

1. Fossil fuel: 270 + 30 Pg

2. Land use change: 136 + 55 Pg

Soil: 78 + 12

Page 21: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Soils and Global Warming

Can we use soils and vegetation for scrubbing a dirty atmosphere?

Page 22: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Carbon Sequestration

It is the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere into the long-lived pools of C such as vegetation and soil by biotic and abiotic processes.

Page 23: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

A New Definition of Agriculture

It is an anthropogenic manipulation of carbon through: uptake, fixation, emission and transfer.

CU + CF = CE + CT

Page 24: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

How to Increase Soil C

A. Increase

(i) density of C in the soil

(ii) depth of C in the profile

B. Decrease

(i) decomposition of C

(ii) losses due to erosion

Page 25: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Increasing Density of C in Soil

Plow No till

Residue removed Residue return

Bare fallow Cover crops

Low input Judicious input (precision farming, IPM)

No water control Water conservation and

supplemental irrigation

Fence to fence cropping Forestation/vegetation on

marginal lands/CRP

Page 26: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 27: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Disposition of Organic ResiduesCO2


3-8% 3-8% 10-30%

Biomass(soil organisms)


(polyuronides,acids, etc.)




Organic residues100 grams

Page 28: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Mulch Rate and SOC Content in Ohio

No till:

SOC (Mg ha-1) = 15.2 + 0.321 M R = 0.68

Plow till:

SOC (Mg ha-1) = 11.9 + 0.266 M R = 0.72

Page 29: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Cover Crop and SOC Pool in a Miamian Soil in Ohio

Treatment SOC (0-30 cm)


Relative SOC

(5 yr)

Continuous corn


Continuous soybean



Birdsfoot trefoil

White clover

Kentucky blue grass

Tall fescue

Smooth bromegrass























112Lal (1998)

Page 30: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 31: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 32: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 33: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 34: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

SOC pool in 0-30 cm depth over a 60-year period at Coshocton, OH (Hao, Lal, Owen, 2002)

Management SOC pool(Mg C/ha)

Rate(Kg C/ha/yr)

Conventional tillageConventional tillage-rotationChisel tillage (C-S)No tillage (C-S)No tillage (C-C)No tillage (C-C)+manure




Page 35: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Biofuel vs. Fossil Fuel

1 gallon of biofuel = 0.5 gallon of oil/diesel saving

Page 36: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Global Cooling Potential

GCP = (GWP)-1

• Conservation tillage

• Cover crops

• Nutrient management

• Soil restoration


• Land use and afforestation

100-1000Kg C/ha/y

Page 37: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Land Use and Soil C Sequestration in the U.S.

Land use Area Net potential

Mha MMTC/yr

CroplandGrazing landForest landCRPWRPUrbanTotal


75-20881-9149-1869.7-14.60.5-0.92.2-8.6154-509 (332)

Page 38: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

U.S. Emissions and Soil C Sequestration

• Total U.S. gas emissions……………….1500 MMTC/yr

• Emission from agricultural activities…133 MMTC/yr

• Net soil C sequestration potential……..332 MMTC/yr

Page 39: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Agricultural Soils and Mitigation of GHE

1 bbl of diesel = 220 L

1 L of diesel = 0.73 Kg C

1 ton of C = 1370 L of diesel = 6.2 bbl of diesel

C sequestration potential of ag soils = 2 billion barrels/yr

Page 40: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Potential of Global Soil C Sequestration

1-2 Pg C/yr or

24% of the total emissions by fossil fuel combustion.

Page 41: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Is Soil C Sequestration A Free Lunch?

• Not really!

• Additional N, P, S etc. are needed for humification of residue C.

• There are hidden C costs of RMPs.

Page 42: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Building Blocks of Humus

• C is only one of several constituents of humus.

• Other constituents are H, O, N, P, S and micronutrients.

Page 43: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Nutrients Needed for Humification

• How much N, P and S are needed to convert residue into humus?

• How to adjust fertilizer use for desired productivity and converting residue into humus?

Page 44: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Elemental Composition of Humus and Crop Residues

Ratio Humus Crop Residue










Page 45: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Additional Nutrients Required to Convert 10,000kg of Carbon into Humus

Nutrient Quantity needed (kg)







Page 46: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 47: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Energy-based Input and C Sequestration

1. What is the carbon budget in relation to:(i) Fertilizer use(ii) Manure application(iii) Tillage practices(iv) Irrigation(v) Liming of acid soils

2. C sequestration occurs only if output > input.

Page 48: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Hidden C costs of tillage methods

Method Kg C/ha/yr

Conventional tillageMinimum tillageNo tillage


Page 49: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Hidden C cost of fertilizers

Fertilizer type Kg C/kg of fertilizer





Page 50: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Hidden C cost of pesticides

Pesticide Kg C/kg of pesticide


Page 51: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Hidden C cost of irrigation

Method Kg C/ha/yr



Page 52: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Farming Carbon

1. Commodification of C (price)

2. Incentives

Page 53: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Societal Value of Carbon

Nutrients and H2O contained in 1 kg of humus = $0.2

Rational price = $200/ton

Page 54: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Undervaluing a Commodity

Undervaluing carbon has and will perpetuate its misuse.

Page 55: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

0 10 20 30 40 500





Time after conversion (yrs)




ve C







Page 56: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Page 57: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Economics of C Sequestration

1. Assessing economics of C by itself is not adequate.

2. Evaluate the entire package of benefits:

(i) To the farmer

(ii) To the society

Page 58: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Can soil C sequestration mitigate the greenhouse effect?

Page 59: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Dependency on Carbon

Modern civilization is hooked on carbon. It needs rehabilitation, in a big way.

Page 60: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Role of soil and biomass C in global C management.Source: The Global Energy Technology Strategy, Battelle, Washington, D.C., 1998

Page 61: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Soil C Sequestration

• It is a:Development challenge in the tropics and sub-tropics.

• Policy reform and implementation challenge in developed countries.

Page 62: The Societal Value of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rattan Lal Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

A Bridge to the Future

• C sequestration in soil and vegetation is a bridge to the future.

• It buys us time while alternatives to fossil fuel take effect.

• It is a good thing to do, regardless of what happens to the climate.

It is truly a win-win strategy.