Top Banner Bio 5/6 Name: Period: 5 The Skeletal System Study Guide THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: The skeleton is constructed of two of the most supportive tissues found in the human body - cartilage and bone. Besides supporting and protecting the body as an internal framework, the skeleton provides a system of levers that the skeletal muscles use to move the body. In addition, the bones provide a storage depot for substances such as lipids and calcium, and blood cell formation goes on within their red marrow cavities. The skeleton consists of bones connected at joints, or articulations, and is subdivided into two divisions. The axial skeleton includes those bones that lie around the body's center of gravity. The appendicular skeleton in- cludes the bones of the limbs. Topics for review include structure and function of long bones and location and naming of specific bones in the skeleton. BONES - AN OVERVIEW 1. Figure A is a diagrammatic view of a cross section of bone, and Figure B, a higher magnified view of compact bone tissue. Label the corresponding structures on the figure diagrams. Central (Haversian) canal Concentric lamellae Lacunae Canaliculi Bone matrix Osteocyte A 8 1 Miss School, Miss Out!

THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: BONES - !AN · PDF file5 The Skeletal System ! Study Guide ... The skeleton consists of bones connected at joints, or articulations, and is subdivided into two

Mar 06, 2018



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Page 1: THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: BONES - !AN · PDF file5 The Skeletal System ! Study Guide ... The skeleton consists of bones connected at joints, or articulations, and is subdivided into two Bio 5/6

Name: Period:

5 The Skeletal System Study Guide !

THE SKELETAL SYSTEM: The skeleton is constructed of two of the most supportive tissues found in the human body - cartilage and bone.

Besides supporting and protecting the body as an internal framework, the skeleton provides a system of levers that the skeletal muscles use to move the body. In addition, the bones provide a storage depot for substances such as lipids and calcium, and blood cell formation goes on within their red marrow cavities. !

The skeleton consists of bones connected at joints, or articulations, and is subdivided into two divisions. The axial skeleton includes those bones that lie around the body's center of gravity. The appendicular skeleton in-cludes the bones of the limbs. !

Topics for review include structure and function of long bones and location and naming of specific bones in the skeleton. !

BONES - AN OVERVIEW !1. Figure A is a diagrammatic view of a cross section of bone, and Figure B, a higher magnified view of compact

bone tissue. Label the corresponding structures on the figure diagrams.

Central (Haversian) canal Concentric lamellae Lacunae

Canaliculi Bone matrix Osteocyte !

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2. Figure A is a midlevel, cross-sectional view of the diaphysis of the femur. Label the membrane that lines the cav -ity and the membrane that covers the outside surface. Figure B is a drawing of a longitudinal section of the femur. Label the following structures:

Diaphysis Compact Bone Spongy Bone Epiphyseal plate Area where red marrow is found Area where yellow marrow is found

!3. List and describe the two methods of bone formation. Identify bones of the adult skeleton that are produced by

one method or the other. !a. !!!!b. !!

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AXIAL SKELETON - The Skull 4. Using the choices, identify the bones indicated by the following descriptions. Enter

the appropriate term or letter in the answer blanks. !a. _______________ Forehead bone

b. _______________ Cheekbone

c. _______________ Lower jaw

d. _______________ Bridge of nose

e. _______________ Posterior part of hard palate

f. _______________ Much of the lateral and superior cranium

g. _______________ Most posterior part of cranium

h. _______________ Single, irregular, bat-shaped bone, forming part of the cra-nial floor

i. _______________ Tiny bones, bearing tear ducts

j. _______________ Anterior part of hard palate

k. _______________ Superior and middle nasal conchae formed from its projections

l. _______________ Site of mastoid process

m. _______________ Site of sella turcica

n. _______________ Site of cribriform plate

o. _______________ Site of mental foramen

p. _______________ Site of styloid process

q. _______________ r. _______________ s. _______________ t. _______________ Four bones, containing parana- sal sinuses

u. _______________ Its condyles articulate with the atlas

v. _______________ Foramen magnum contained here

w. _______________ Middle ear found here

x. _______________ Nasal septum

y. _______________ Rears an upward protrusion, the "cock's comb," or crista galli

z. _______________ Site of external acoustic meatus

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!Ethmoid Frontal Hyoid Lacrimals Mandible Maxillae Nasals Occipital Palatines Parietals Sphenoid Temporals Vomer Zygomatic

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5. The following figures show lateral, anterior, and inferior views of the skull. Select different colors for the bones listed below and color the coding circles and corresponding bones in the figure. Complete the figure by labeling the bone markings indicated by leader lines.













❍Vomer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4

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6. An anterior view of the skull, showing the positions of the sinuses, is provided in the figure. Label the corre -sponding structures on the figure. Then briefly answer the following questions concerning the sinuses.

! Sphenoid sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoid sinuses Maxillary sinus !

! a. What are sinuses? !!!! b. What purpose do they serve in the skull? !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Vertebral Column 7. This figure shows superior views of four types of vertebrae. In the spaces provided below each vertebra, indi -

cate in which region of the spinal column it would be found. Where indicated by leader lines, identify the verte-bral body, spinous and transverse processes, superior articular processes, and vertebral foramen. !

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8. This figure is a lateral view of the vertebral column. Identify each numbered region of the column by listing in the numbered answer blanks the region name first and then the specific vertebrae involved (for example, sacral region, S# to S#). Also identify the modified vertebrae indicated by numbers 6 and 7 in the figure. !

1. ________________________ !2. ________________________ !3. ________________________ !4. ________________________ !5. ________________________ !6. ________________________ !7. ________________________ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

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Thoracic Cage !9. This figure is an anterior view of the thoracic cage. Label the structures below and then label the subdivisions of

the sternum indicated by leader lines. !True ribs Costal cartilages False ribs Floating ribs Sternum !

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APPENDICULAR SKELETON ! Several bones forming part of the upper limb and/or shoulder girdle are shown in the following figures. Follow

the specific directions for each figure. !10. Identity the bone below. Insert your answer in the blank below the illustration. Label the corresponding structures

in the diagram. Then, label the angles indicated by leader lines. !! Spine Glenoid Cavity Coracoid process Acromion !

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11. Identify the bones below by labeling the leader lines identified as A, B, and C. Using the following terms, com -plete the illustration by labeling all bone markings provided by leader lines.



Trochlear notch Trochlea Radial tuberosity

Capitulum Deltoid tuberosity Head (three) Styloid process

Coronoid process Olecranon process Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle

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12. This figure is a diagram of the hand and foot. Label the corresponding structures in the diagram. Label the individual carpals and tarsals.

Carpals/Tarsal Metacarpals/Metatarsals Phalanges Calcaneus and Talus !


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13. This figure is a diagram of the articulated pelvis. Identify the bones and bone markings indicated by leader lines on the figure. Select different colors for the structures listed below and use them to color the coding circles and the corresponding structures in the figure. Also, label the dashed line showing the dimensions of the true pelvis and that showing the diameter of the false pelvis. Complete the illustration by labeling the following bone mark-ings: obturator foramen, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, ischial spine, pubic ramus, and pelvic brim. !

❍Coxal bone ❍Sacrum ❍Pubic symphysis ❍Acetabulum !!!!!

List three ways in which the female pelvis differs from the male pelvis.



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14. The bones of the thigh and the leg are shown in the figure. Identify each and put your answers in the blanks labeled A, B, and C. Complete the illustration by inserting the terms indicating bone markings at the ends of the appropriate leader lines in the figure.

Femur Tibia Fibula Head of femur Anterior border of tibia Head of fibula Intercondylar eminence Lesser trochanter Medial malleolus Tibial tuberosity Greater trochanter Lateral malleolus

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15. This figure is a diagram of the articulated skeleton. Identify all bones or groups of bones by writing the correct labels at the end of the leader lines. Then, select two different colors for the bones of the axial and appendicu-

lar skeletons and use them to color in the coding circles and corresponding structures in the diagram.

❍Axial skeleton ❍Appendicular skeleton

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JOINTS !16. This figure shows the structure of a typical diarthrotic joint. Identify each of the following areas and the corre -

sponding structures on the figure. Then, complete the statements below the figure. ! Articular cartilage of bone ends ! Fibrous capsule ! Synovial membrane ! Joint cavity !!!!!!!!!!!! !


a. ________________________ The lubricant that minimizes friction and abrasion of joint surfaces is _?_. !b. ________________________ The resilient substance that keeps bone ends from crushing when compressed

is? c. ________________________ _?_, which reinforce the fibrous capsule, help to prevent dislocation of the joint. !!!

17. Which structural joint type is not commonly found in the axial skeleton and why not? !!!!!!!!!!!!! 16

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18. For each joint described below, select an answer from Key A. Then, if the Key A selection is other than C (a synovial joint), see if you can classify the joint further by making a choice from Key B.

a. ________________________ Has amphiarthrotic and synarthrotic examples

b. ________________________ All have a fibrous capsule lined with synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity

c. ________________________ Bone regions united by fibrous connective tissue

d. ________________________ Joints between skull bones

e. ________________________ Joint between the atlas and axis

f. ________________________ Hip, elbow, and knee

g. ________________________ All examples are diarthroses

h. ________________________ Pubic symphysis

i. ________________________ All are reinforced by ligaments

j. ________________________ Joint providing the most protection to underlying structures

k. ________________________ Often contains a fluid-filled cushion

l. ________________________ Child's long-bone growth plate made of hyaline cartilage

m. ________________________ Most joints of the limbs

n. ________________________ Often associated with bursae

o. ________________________ Have the greatest mobility

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Key A: !Cartilaginous Fibrous Synovial

Key B: !Epiphyseal disk Suture Symphysis

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19. Identify the following types of synovial joints. State if the joint is uniaxial, biaxial, or multiaxial.

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5 The Skeletal System

Functions of Bones






Classification of Bones





Functional Categories of





Structural Categories of





Types of Synovial Joints







Organized into 2 Main Sections

Appendicular Skeleton





Types of Bone Cells




Important Hormones





Bone Membranes



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Chapter 5 - The Skeletal System Chapter Objectives !

Bones: An Overview !20.Describe the subdivisions of the skeleton as axial or appendicular. !!!!21. List at least three functions of the skeletal system. !!!!!22.Name the four main kinds of bones. !!!!!23.Identify the major anatomical areas of a long bone. !!!!!!!!!!!24.Explain the role of bone salts and the organic matrix in making bone both hard and flexible. !!!!!25.Describe briefly the process of bone formation in the fetus and summarize the events of bone remodeling

throughout life. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20

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Axial Skeleton !26.Name the bones of the skull. !!!27.Describe how the skull of a newborn infant (or fetus) differs from that of an adult, and explain the function

of fontanels. !!!28.Name the parts of a typical vertebra and explain in general how the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae

differ from one another. !!!!29.Discuss the importance of the intervertebral discs and spinal curvatures. !!!!30.Explain how the abnormal spinal curvatures (scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis) differ from one another. !!!!!!!

Appendicular Skeleton !31. Identify the bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdles and their attached limbs. !!!!32.Describe important differences between a male and female pelvis. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Joints !33.Name the three major categories of joints and compare the amount of movement allowed by each. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Developmental Aspects of the Skeleton !34.Identify some of the causes of bone and joint problems throughout life. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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