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The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Heather E.P. Cattell and Alan D. Mead INTRODUCTION The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a comprehensive measure of normal- range personality found to be effective in a variety of settings where an in-depth assess- ment of the whole person is needed. The 16PF traits, presented in Table 7.1, are the result of years of factor-analytic research focused on discovering the basic structural elements of personality (Cattell, R.B., 1957, 1973). In addition to discovering the sixteen normal-range personality traits for which the instrument is named, these researchers iden- tified the five broad dimensions – a variant of the ‘Big Five’ factors (Cattell, R.B., 1957, 1970). From the beginning, Cattell proposed a multi-level, hierarchical structure of per- sonality: the second-order global measures describe personality at a broader, conceptual level, while the more precise primary factors reveal the fine details and nuances that make each person unique, and are more powerful in predicting actual behavior. In addition, this factor-analytic structure includes a set of third- order factors, also discussed in this chapter. Due to its scientific origins, the 16PF Questionnaire has a long history of empirical research and is embedded in a well-established theory of individual differences. This ques- tionnaire’s extensive body of research stretches back over half a century, providing evidence of its utility in clinical, counseling, industrial-organizational, educational, and research settings (Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970; H.E.P. Cattell and Schuerger, 2003; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Krug and Johns, 1990; Russell and Karol, 2002). A conservative estimate of 16PF research since 1974 includes more than 2,000 publications (Hofer and Eber, 2002). Most studies have found the 16PF to be among the top five most commonly used normal-range instruments in both research and practice (Butcher and Rouse, 1996; Piotrowski and Zalewski, 1993; Watkins et al., 1995). The measure is also widely used inter- nationally, and since its inception has been adapted into over 35 languages worldwide. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE 16PF QUESTIONNAIRE The history of the 16PF Questionnaire spans almost the entire history of standardized 7 9781412946520-Ch07 5/7/08 7:03 PM Page 135

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The Sixteen Personality FactorQuestionnaire (16PF)

Heather E.P. Cattell and Alan D. Mead


The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) is a comprehensive measure of normal-range personality found to be effective in avariety of settings where an in-depth assess-ment of the whole person is needed. The 16PFtraits, presented in Table 7.1, are the result ofyears of factor-analytic research focused ondiscovering the basic structural elements ofpersonality (Cattell, R.B., 1957, 1973).

In addition to discovering the sixteennormal-range personality traits for which theinstrument is named, these researchers iden-tified the five broad dimensions – a variant ofthe ‘Big Five’ factors (Cattell, R.B., 1957,1970). From the beginning, Cattell proposeda multi-level, hierarchical structure of per-sonality: the second-order global measuresdescribe personality at a broader, conceptuallevel, while the more precise primary factorsreveal the fine details and nuances that makeeach person unique, and are more powerfulin predicting actual behavior. In addition, thisfactor-analytic structure includes a set of third-order factors, also discussed in this chapter.

Due to its scientific origins, the 16PFQuestionnaire has a long history of empirical

research and is embedded in a well-establishedtheory of individual differences. This ques-tionnaire’s extensive body of researchstretches back over half a century, providingevidence of its utility in clinical, counseling,industrial-organizational, educational, andresearch settings (Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970;H.E.P. Cattell and Schuerger, 2003; Conn andRieke, 1994; Krug and Johns, 1990; Russelland Karol, 2002). A conservative estimate of16PF research since 1974 includes more than 2,000 publications (Hofer and Eber, 2002).Most studies have found the 16PF to beamong the top five most commonly usednormal-range instruments in both research and practice (Butcher and Rouse, 1996;Piotrowski and Zalewski, 1993; Watkins et al.,1995). The measure is also widely used inter-nationally, and since its inception has beenadapted into over 35 languages worldwide.


The history of the 16PF Questionnaire spans almost the entire history of standardized


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personality measurement. Instead of beingdeveloped to measure preconceived dimen-sions of interest to a particular author, theinstrument was developed from the uniqueperspective of a scientific quest to try to discover the basic structural elements of personality.

Raymond Cattell’s personality researchwas based on his strong background in thephysical sciences; born in 1905, he witnessedthe first-hand awe-inspiring results of sci-ence, from electricity and telephones to auto-mobiles, airplanes, and medicine. He wantedto apply these scientific methods to theuncharted domain of human personality withthe goal of discovering the basic elements ofpersonality (much as the basic elements of thephysical world were discovered and organ-ized into the periodic table). He believed thathuman characteristics such as creativity,authoritarianism, altruism, or leadership skillscould be predicted from these fundamentalpersonality traits (much as water was aweighted combination of the elements of

hydrogen and oxygen). For psychology toadvance as a science, he felt it also neededbasic measurement techniques for personality.Thus, through factor analysis – the powerfulnew tool for identifying underlying dimen-sions behind complex phenomena – Cattellbelieved the basic dimensions of personalitycould be discovered and then measured.

Over several decades, Cattell and his col-leagues carried out a program of comprehen-sive, international research seeking athorough, research-based map of normal per-sonality. They systematically measured thewidest possible range of personality dimen-sions, believing that ‘all aspects of human personality which are or have been of impor-tance, interest, or utility have already becomerecorded in the substance of language’(Cattell, R.B., 1943: 483). They studied thesetraits in diverse populations, using three differ-ent methodologies (Cattell, R.B., 1973):observation of natural, in-situ life behavior orL-data (e.g. academic grades, number of trafficaccidents, or social contacts); questionnaire


Table 7.1 16PF Scale Names and DescriptorsDescriptors of Low Range Primary Scales Descriptors of High RangeReserved, Impersonal, Distant Warmth (A) Warm-hearted, Caring, Attentive To OthersConcrete, Lower Mental Capacity Reasoning (B) Abstract, Bright, Fast-LearnerReactive, Affected By Feelings Emotional Stability (C) Emotionally Stable, Adaptive, MatureDeferential, Cooperative, Avoids Conflict Dominance (E) Dominant, Forceful, AssertiveSerious, Restrained, Careful Liveliness (F) Enthusiastic, Animated, SpontaneousExpedient, Nonconforming Rule-Consciousness (G) Rule-Conscious, DutifulShy, Timid, Threat-Sensitive Social Boldness (H) Socially Bold, Venturesome, Thick-SkinnedTough, Objective, Unsentimental Sensitivity (I) Sensitive, Aesthetic, Tender-MindedTrusting, Unsuspecting, Accepting Vigilance (L) Vigilant, Suspicious, Skeptical, WaryPractical, Grounded, Down-To-Earth Abstractedness (M) Abstracted, Imaginative, Idea-OrientedForthright, Genuine, Artless Privateness (N) Private, Discreet, Non-DisclosingSelf-Assured, Unworried, Complacent Apprehension (O) Apprehensive, Self-Doubting, WorriedTraditional, Attached To Familiar Openness to Change (Q1) Open To Change, ExperimentingGroup-Orientated, Affiliative Self-Reliance (Q2) Self-Reliant, Solitary, IndividualisticTolerates Disorder, Unexacting, Flexible Perfectionism (Q3) Perfectionistic, Organized, Self-DisciplinedRelaxed, Placid, Patient Tension (Q4) Tense, High Energy, Driven

Global ScalesIntroverted, Socially Inhibited Extraversion Extraverted, Socially ParticipatingLow Anxiety, Unperturbable Anxiety Neuroticism High Anxiety, PerturbableReceptive, Open-Minded, Intuitive Tough-Mindedness Tough-Minded, Resolute, UnempathicAccommodating, Agreeable, Selfless Independence Independent, Persuasive, WillfulUnrestrained, Follows Urges Self-Control Self-Controlled, Inhibits Urges

Adapted with permission from S.R. Conn and M.L. Rieke (1994). 16PF Fifth Edition Technical Manual. Champaign, IL: Institutefor Personality and Ability Testing, Inc.

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or Q-data from the self-report domain; andobjective behavior measured in standardized,experimental settings or T-data (e.g. numberof original solutions to problem presented,responses to frustrations). Eventually, thisresearch resulted in the 16 unitary traits ofthe 16PF Questionnaire shown in Table 7.1.

From the beginning, Cattell’s goal was toinvestigate universal aspects of personality.Thus, his University of Illinois laboratoryincluded researchers from many differentcountries who later continued their researchabroad. Ongoing collaborative research wascarried out with colleagues around the world,for example, in Japan (Akira Ishikawa andBien Tsujioka), Germany (Kurt Pawlik andKlaus Schneewind), India (S. Kapoor), SouthAfrica (Malcolm Coulter), England (FrankWarburton, Dennis Child), and Switzerland(Karl Delhees).

Since its first publication in 1949, therehave been four major revisions – the mostrecent release being the 16PF fifth edition(Cattell, R.B. et al., 1993). The main goals ofthe latest revision were to develop updated,refined item content and collect a large, newnorm sample. The item pool included thebest items from all five previous forms of the 16PF plus new items written by the testauthors and 16PF experts. Items were refinedin a four-stage, iterative process using large samples. The resulting instrument hasshorter, simpler items with updated lan-guage, a more standardized answer format,and has been reviewed for gender, cultural,and ethnic bias and ADA (Americans WithDisabilities Act) compliance. Psychometriccharacteristics are improved, hand scoring iseasier, and the standardization contains over10,000 people.

Because of its international origins, the16PF Questionnaire was quickly translatedand adapted into many other languages.Since its first publication in 1949, the instru-ment has been adapted into more than 35 lan-guages worldwide. These are not simplytranslations, as many questionnaires provide,but careful cultural adaptations, involvingnew norms and reliability and validity

research in each new country. Introduction ofWeb-based administration in 1999 allowedinternational test-users easy access to admin-istration, scoring, and reports in many differ-ent languages, using local norms


Primary and secondary-level traits

From its inception, the 16PF Questionnairewas a multi-level measure of personalitybased on Cattell’s factor-analytic theory(Cattell, R.B., 1933, 1946). Cattell and hiscolleagues first discovered the primary traits,which provide the most basic definition ofindividual personality differences. Thesemore specific primary traits are more power-ful in understanding and predicting the com-plexity of actual behavior (Ashton, 1998;Judge et al., 2002; Mershon and Gorsuch,1988; Paunonen and Ashton, 2001; Robertset al., 2005).

Next, these researchers factor-analyzed theprimary traits themselves in order to investi-gate personality structure at a higher level.From this, the broader ‘second-order’ orglobal factors emerged – the original BigFive. These researchers found that thenumerous primary traits consistently coa-lesced into these broad dimensions, eachwith its own independent focus and functionwithin personality, as described in Table 7.2.More recently, a similar set of Big Fivefactors has been rediscovered by otherresearchers (Costa and McCrae, 1992a;Goldberg, 1990), but using forced, orthogo-nal factor definitions. The five global factorsalso have been found in factor analyses of awide range of current personality instruments(as Dr. Herb Eber, one of the original 16PFauthors, used to say, ‘These broad factorsvalidate across very different populations andmethods because they are as big as elephantsand can be found in any large data set!’).

Thus, these five ‘second-order’ or globalfactors were found to define personality at a


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higher, more theoretical level of personality.However, because of their factor-analytic origins, the two levels of personality areessentially inter-related. The global factorsprovide the larger conceptual, organizingframework for understanding the meaningand function of the primary traits. However,the meanings of the globals themselves weredetermined by the primary traits which con-verged to make them up (see Table 7.2).

For example, the Extraversion/Introversionglobal factor was defined by the convergenceof the five primary scales that represent basichuman motivations for moving toward versusaway from social interaction. Similarly, the four primary traits that merged to defineTough-Mindedness versus Receptivitydescribe four different aspects of openness tothe world: openness to feelings and emotions(Sensitivity – I), openness to abstract ideasand imagination (Abstractedness – M), open-ness to new approaches and ideas (Openness-to-Change – Q1), and openness to people(Warmth – A).

Cattell’s hierarchical structure is based on the idea that all traits are inter-correlated in the real world (for example,intelligence and anxiety, although conceptu-ally quite distinct, are usually strongly inter-correlated). Because the basic 16PF primarytraits were naturally inter-correlated, theycould be factor-analyzed to find the secondary-level global traits. Thus, the data itself deter-mined the definitions of the primary andglobal factors (in contrast to the forcedorthogonal definitions of factors in the cur-rently popular Big Five models).

Thus, the global traits provide a broadoverview of personality, while the primarytraits provide the more detailed informationabout the richness and uniqueness of the indi-vidual. For example, two people may have thesame score on global Extraversion but may havequite different social styles. Someone who iswarm and supportive (A+) but shy and modest(H−) may have the exact same Extraversionscore as someone who is socially bold andgregarious (H+) but emotionally aloof anddetached (A−). However, the first person is

likely to come across as warm, modest, andconcerned about others, while the second islikely to seem bold, talkative, and attentionseeking (less concerned about others). Thus,although both may seek social interaction toan equal degree, they do so for very differentreasons and are likely to have a very differentimpact on their social environment.

The primary and global levels of 16PFtraits combine to provide a comprehensive,in-depth understanding of an individual’spersonality. For example, although knowingsomeone’s overall level of Self-Control/con-scientiousness is important, successfullymotivating that person to accomplish a particular goal depends on also knowingwhether their self-control is motivated moreby strong obedience to societal standards(Rule-Consciousness – G+), by a temperamen-tal tendency to be self-disciplined and organ-ized (Perfectionism – Q3+), or by a practical,focused perceptual style (low Abstractedness –M−). Thus, the 16PF Questionnaire can pro-vide an in-depth, integrated understanding ofan individual’s whole personality.

The super factors of personality:third-order factors

From the beginning, Cattell’s comprehensivetrait hierarchy was three-tiered: A wide sam-pling of everyday behaviors were factor-analyzed to find the primary factors; these primary traits were factor-analyzed, resulting in the five second-order, global traits; and then the global factors were factor-analyzedinto third-order traits at the highest, mostabstract level of personality organization(Cattell, R.B., 1946, 1957, 1973). Factoranalysis of secondary factors to find third-order factors was practiced first in the abilitydomain (e.g. Spearman, 1932), but a few personality theorists have also looked at this highest level of personality structure (e.g. Eysenck, 1978; Hampson, 1988;Digman, 1997; Peabody and Goldberg, 1989).

Because factor-analytic results at eachlevel depend on the clarity of the traits being


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factor-analyzed, early attempts to find third-order traits were less reliable. However, several independent studies have recentlyused large-scale samples to investigate thethird-order factor structure of the 16PF (H.E.P. Cattell, 1996; Dancer and Woods,2007; Gorsuch, 2007; Lounsbury et al.,2004). H.E.P. Cattell (1996) applied a commonfactor analysis to the global traits of the16PF Fifth Edition norm sample (n = 2,500),and found two well-defined third-order fac-tors. Richard Gorsuch (pers. comm., 12February 2007) applied a common factoranalysis to the 16PF global scores of 11,000subjects, and found two very similar third-order factors. Most recently, Dancer andWoods (2007) found very similar resultsworking with a sample of 4,405 workingadults, and this factor pattern is presented inTable 7.3.

Each of these independent studies foundthe same two-factor solution. The first factor,factor I, involves human activities that aredirected outward toward the world. Thisincludes both Extraversion (movementtoward social engagement, ‘communion’or ‘attachment’), as well as Independence(mastery/dominance of the social and non-social environment). Thus, third-order factorI encompasses tendencies to move assertivelyoutward into the world toward both socialconnection and toward exploration/masteryof the environment, and might be calledactive outward engagement.

Third-order factor II involves internaltypes of processes and events. It includes first the age-old dimension of instinctualimpulsivity versus self-restraint (global

Self-Control or conscientiousness); but alsothe dimensions of internal perceptual sensi-tivity, reactivity, and creativity – openness tofeelings, imagination, esthetics, and newideas (global Receptivity/openness versusTough-Mindedness). Note that higher levelsof Self-Control/conscientiousness are relatedto lower levels of openness/Receptivity:Thus, highly conscientiousness, self-con-trolled people also tend to be tough-mindedand less open to emotions and new ideas.Conversely, those who are more impulsiveand undisciplined also tend to be more creative and open to feelings and ideas (and to experience life more vividly). This third-order factor is well illustrated in thecontrasting styles of having a conscientiousfocus on concrete, objective, practical tasks, versus occupations that focus onabstract, imaginative, and innovative ideas.Thus, superfactor II might be called self-disciplined practicality versus unrestrained creativity.

The fifth global factor, Anxiety/neuroti-cism, then loads on both of these third-orderfactors. This suggests that the distressdescribed by Anxiety could arise either in theinward/outward engagement domain or in themore internalized unrestrained creativity/ self-disciplined practicality domain. Additionally,high levels of distress may affect either ofthese areas. This is consistent with the widerange of outward and inward human capaci-ties that can potentially become unbalanced,or can be affected by stress.

These results are consistent with Cattell’soriginal belief that these third-order factorsmay not represent personality traits in the usualsense, but might reflect some broad, abstractlevel of sociological or biological influenceson human temperament (Cattell, R.B., 1957;1973). For example, there may be some biological/neurological structure that affectsoutward engagement versus inhibition (super-factor I), or affects impulse control/restraint and perceptual sensitivity/reactivity (superfactor II). Definition and understandingof these third-order factors await further investigation.


Table 7.3 Varimax rotated factor loadingsof the second-order factors of the 16PF5questionnaire (n = 4,405)

Rotated factor I Rotated factor IIExtraversion 0.821Independence 0.669Anxiety −0.638 −0.522Self-control 0.816Tough-mindedness 0.737

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Comparison of the 16PF globalscales with other five-factor models

For over 50 years, the 16PF has included thebroad, second-order dimensions currentlycalled ‘the Big Five’ (Cattell, R.B., 1946; Krug and Johns, 1986). In fact, Cattell locatedthree of these five factors in his earliest stud-ies of temperament (1933) – which Digman(1996) called ‘the first glimpse of the BigFive’. Four of the five current traits werealready described in Cattell’s 1957 book. Allfive traits have been clearly identified andscorable from the questionnaire since therelease of the fourth edition around 1970.Although Cattell continued to believe thatthere were more than five factors, so havemany other prominent psychologists (Block,1995; Fiske, 1994; Hogan et al., 1996;Jackson et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2005;Ostendorf, 1990; Saucier 2001).

The 16PF scales and items also played animportant role in the development of the otherBig Five factor models (e.g. Costa andMcCrae, 1976, 1985; Norman, 1963;McKenzie et al., 1997; Tupes and Christal,1961). For example, the first NEO manual(Costa and McCrae, 1985: 26) describes thedevelopment of the questionnaire as beginningwith cluster analyses of 16PF scales, whichthese researchers had been using for over 20 years in their own research. However, thisorigin, or even acknowledgement of the exis-tence of the five 16PF global factors, does notappear in any current accounts of the develop-ment of the Big Five (Costa and McCrae,1992a; Digman, 1990; Goldberg, 1990).

Furthermore, when the 16PF correlationmatrix, which was used in the original devel-opment of the Big Five, is re-analyzed using more modern, rigorous factor-analytic

methods, Costa and McCrae’s results do notreplicate (McKenzie, 1998). Instead, appro-priate factoring (see R.B. Cattell, 1978;Gorsuch, 1983) of the original matrix pro-duces the five 16PF global factors, ratherthan the three orthogonal NEO factors thatCosta and McCrae chose to use.

A range of studies comparing the five 16PFglobal factors and the set of NEO Big Five fac-tors show a striking resemblance between thetwo (Carnivez and Allen, 2005; H.E.P. Cattell,1996; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Gerbing andTuley, 1991; Schneewind and Graf, 1998).These studies show strong correlational andfactor-analytic alignment between the twomodels: Between the two extraversion factors,between anxiety and neuroticism, betweenself-control and conscientiousness, betweentough-mindedness/receptivity and openness-to-experience, and between independence anddis-agreeableness. In fact, the average correla-tion between the 16PF global factors and theirrespective NEO five factors are just as high asthose between the NEO five factors and theBig Five markers which the NEO was devel-oped to measure (H.E.P. Cattell, 1996;Goldberg, 1992). The alignments among theBig Five models are summarized in Table 7.4.

However, there are important differencesbetween the two models. Although propo-nents of the other five-factor models have donemuch in the last decade to try to bring abouta consensus in psychology about the exis-tence of five global factors, their particularset of traits have been found to be problem-atic. In the development process, the NEO Big Five factors were forced to be statisti-cally uncorrelated or orthogonal for reasonsof theoretical and statistical simplicity.However, few have found this as a satisfactoryapproach for defining the basic dimensions


Table 7.4 Alignments among the three main five-factor models16PF (Cattell) NEO-PI-R (Costa and McCrae) Big Five (Goldberg)Extraversion/Introversion Extraversion SurgencyLow Anxiety/High Anxiety Neuroticism Emotional stabilityTough-Mindedness/Receptivity Openness Intellect or cultureIndependence/Accommodation Agreeableness AgreeablenessSelf-Control/Lack of Restraint Conscientiousness Conscientiousness or dependability

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of human personality. For example, Big Fivesupporter Jack Digman (1997) stated: ‘Theapparent orthogonality of the Big Five is adirect result of the general employment ofvarimax rotation, a procedure that imposesrather than finds independent factors.’Additi-onally, Loevinger writes:

There is no reason to believe that the bedrock ofpersonality is a set of orthogonal ... factors, unlessyou think that nature is constrained to present usa world in rows and columns. That would be con-venient for many purposes, particularly given thestatistical programs already installed on our com-puters. But is this realistic? (1994: 6)

The decision to impose orthogonal loca-tions had fundamental effects on the resultingfactors and their meanings. In his analysis of this basic issue of factor analysis, Child states:

Oblique solutions can spread the common vari-ance between and within factors; orthogonal rota-tion can only spread variance between factors.That is why it is so important to carry out anoblique solution, to allow no escape of importantvariance ... Unfortunately, the orthogonal compro-mise disguises both the relationship betweendomains and the number of factors which couldpossibly be present in hyperspace. (1998: 353–354)

In contrast to the orthogonal definitionsthat were fundamental to the development ofthe NEO factors, recent studies have foundthat the NEO five factors are actually sub-stantially inter-correlated (Carnivez and Allen,2005; Goldberg, 1992; Smith et al., 2001).Even the latest NEO-PI-R manual (Costa and McCrae, 1992: 100) shows neuroticismand conscientiousness to inter-correlate −0.53, and extraversion and openness to inter-correlate 0.40. Goldberg’s Big Five markersalso show substantial inter-correlations.These inter-correlations contradict the origi-nal premise on which the NEO Big Five fac-tors were defined.

The forced orthogonal factor locations ofthe five-factor model have had substantialeffects on the meanings of the traits. Forexample, although the basic traits of domi-nance (or agency) and warmth (or communion)have long been seen as two of the most fun-damental dimensions of human personality

(Wiggins, 2003), the five-factor model has nofactor that centrally includes either domi-nance or warmth. Rather factor analyses ofthe NEO-PI-R show that the central traits ofdominance and warmth are widely dispersedand spread thinly among several of the fivefactors, particularly extraversion and agreeableness (H.E.P. Cattell, 1996;Child, 1998; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Costaand McCrae, 1992).

However, in the 16PF Questionnaire, theIndependence global factor is organizedaround traits of assertiveness and influence in the world (high scorers are dominant, independent-minded and innovative, lowscorers are deferential, cooperative, andagreeable). Thus, the 16PF global Independ-ence factor is defined around traits of domi-nance or ‘agency’, while in the NEO model,the basic trait of dominance is split and relegated to small roles in several factorsincluding extraversion and dis-agreeableness(where dominance is centered in a negative,hostile context).

In a similar way, factor-analyses of theNEO-PI-R have found that the basic trait ofwarmth (or communion) is also divided, withlow loadings on several factors includingextraversion and agreeableness (H.E.P. Cattell,1996; Child, 1998; Conn and Rieke, 1994;Smith et al., 2001). However, in the 16PF,Warmth plays a central role in Extraversion,the factor that focuses on the basic dimensionsof interpersonal relating. Additionally, thesefactor analyses of the NEO-PI-R indicate thatthe openness trait (called ‘intellect’ inGoldberg’s model) tends to focus more on cog-nitive or intellectual curiosity, rather thanequally measuring the whole domain, whichincludes openness to feelings, emotions, andesthetics. Also, the Big Five factor ‘conscien-tiousness’ appears to be narrower in contentthan 16PF Self-Control and doesn’t include thewhole domain of human methods for self-control and self-restraint versus impulsivity(Roberts et al., 2005).

Thus, the imposed orthogonality of theNEO has had multiple impacts on its factor definitions. Furthermore, researchers


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have found that when oblique methods areused on the NEO-PI-R items, allowing the dataitself to determine factor definitions, the result-ing factor definitions are different, and showmore clarity and simple structure than do thecurrent NEO-PI-R factors (Child, 1998).

However, the biggest difference betweenthe two approaches is the method of develop-ment of the primary level traits. In the 16PFQuestionnaire, the first-order primary traitdefinitions are based on decades of scientificresearch, and have been confirmed in a widerange of independent studies (see the sectionon Validity). In contrast, the NEO-PI primary-level personality facets were decided by consensus among a small group of psycholo-gists (who selected what they felt shouldappear in each NEO domain). Child (1998)comments:

It does seem miraculous that the personalitydomains divided exactly into six facets. Of course,as the NEO PI-R is a “top-down” theory, theresearchers can choose whatever number theywish before tying up the parcel. The snag with thisprocedure is its arbitrary nature and proneness tocreating factors or traits to fit a theory. (1998: 352)

This method of selecting the fundamentalfacets of personality raises some basic ques-tions about the NEO model. First of all, thisarbitrary approach to choosing the facetsleaves them open to debate by every otherpsychologist who happens to conceptualizepersonality differently (e.g. Gough, 1987;Hogan et al., 1996; Wiggins, 2003). Moreimportantly, these facets are now used todefine and calculate scores on the basic Big Five factors, which have resulted inchanged definitions of the Big Five domainsthemselves.

Additionally, many correlational andfactor-analytic studies have found the under-lying factor structure of the NEO facetsinconsistent and confusing, and that thedomains do not actually hold together (Child,1998; Church and Burke, 1994; Conn andRieke, 1994; Loevinger, 1994; Parker et al.,1993; Roberts et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2001).These researchers have found that a largeproportion of the NEO facets actually correlate

just as well with other Big Five domains thantheir own (even the test authors stated thatthe 1992 revision of the NEO was promptedby the fact that the facets for neuroticism andextraversion did not cohere psychometrically(McCrae and Costa, 1992)). For example,Roberts et al. (2005) found that three of thesix conscientiousness facets do not adhere tothat domain, but are as strongly related toother Big Five domains as they are to consci-entiousness.

Overall, the strong correlations of manyfacets with theoretically unrelated domainsand facets bring into question the definitionof the Big Five factors. This lack of adher-ence of the NEO facets to their assigneddomains is inconsistent with the basic modelof the questionnaire (and probably a result ofthe non-empirical origins of the facets).Thus, a number of important issues havebeen raised about the integrity of the NEOmodel, as a result of both the arbitrary choiceof facet trait meanings and orthogonal globalfactor definitions.

Another important distinction between the16PF and other questionnaires is the contex-tualized nature of its items. For example,items on the NEO-PI-R involve a high degreeof transparent self-rating or self-assessmentof traits (e.g. ‘I’m an even-tempered person’;‘I am dominant, forceful, and assertive’; ‘I amknown as a warm and friendly person’).Although this type of transparent item maydo well in research settings, in most assess-ment situations where there are strong moti-vational components, these items tend to bevulnerable to distortion. For example, vari-ous studies have found that the basic factorstructure of the NEO-PI-R is different in jobapplicant samples, thus bringing into questionthe validity of the questionnaire in settingswhere motivation and social desirability areissues (Schmit and Ryan, 1993; Smith et al.,2001). In contrast, 16PF items tend to bemore indirect and involve more contextualizedquestions about actual behavior or experience(e.g. ‘When I find myself in a boring situa-tion, I usually “tune out” and daydream aboutother things’; ‘I hardly ever feel hurried or


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rushed as I go about my daily tasks’; ‘I some-times feel that I need my friends more thanthey need me’).

Furthermore, there is substantial researchindicating that self-ratings are differentfrom observer ratings in their factor struc-ture, and that they are only moderately cor-related with actual behavior (e.g. Paunonen,1993; Peabody and Goldberg, 1989). Thissuggests that much of the variance or mean-ing in self-ratings is not explained by theactual trait value, but rather is substantiallyaffected by self-perception or self-image.For example, self-ratings do not capture theimportant dimensions of personality that areoutside of a person’s awareness or inconsis-tent with their self-image. Therefore, indi-rect questions that ask about actual everydaybehavior (as 16PF items do) tend to measurepersonality more accurately, than asking a person to rate themselves on the trait –particularly where social desirability isinvolved or when no validity scales areavailable on the instrument.


First published in 1949, the 16PF Question-naire has had four major revisions, in 1956,1962, 1968, and the fifth edition in 1993(Cattell, R.B. et al.). The latest edition con-tains 185 multiple-choice items, with a three-point answer format. Item content isnon-threatening, asking about daily behavior,interests, and opinions. The short ability scaleitems (Factor B) are grouped together at theend of the questionnaire with separateinstructions. The questionnaire is written at a fifth grade reading level, and meant for use with people 16 years and older.

The instrument provides scores on the 16 primary scales, 5 global scales, and 3response bias scales. All personality scales arebipolar (have clear, meaningful definitions atboth ends), and are given in ‘stens’ (standard-

ized-ten scores) ranging from 1 to 10, with amean of 5.5 and a standard deviation of 2.0.The latest standardization includes over10,000 people and was published in 2001.

Because the questionnaire is un-timed andhas simple, straightforward instructions,administration requires minimal supervision in either individual or group settings.Administration time is about 35–50 minutesfor paper-and-pencil format, and about25–40 minutes for computer administration.Easy scoring procedures are provided for paper-and-pencil, computer, or Internetformats. The publisher provides various scor-ing services (mail-in, fax, software, andInternet) and a range of interpretive reportsfor different applications. Detailed instruc-tions for administration and scoring can be found in numerous places (H.E.P. Cattell and Schuerger, 2003; Russell and Karol,2002).

The questionnaire is available in many dif-ferent languages (international translationsexceed 35 languages worldwide). Unlikemany commercially available personalitymeasures, recent 16PF translations are cul-turally adapted, with local norms and relia-bility and validity information available inindividual manuals. Internet administrationalso allows use of international norms forscoring, plus reports in over a dozen differentlanguage groups.

The 16PF traits are also measured in par-allel versions for younger age ranges. Forexample, the 16PF Adolescent PersonalityQuestionnaire measures the 16PF traits in12–18 year olds (Schuerger, 2001). A shorter(20-minute) version of the questionnaire, con-sisting of a subset of somewhat-shortenedscales, was developed for use in employeeselection settings – the 16PF Select (Cattell,R.B. et al., 1999). The 16PF Express(Gorsuch, 2006) provides a very short, 15-minute measure of all the traits (with four or five items per factor). The 16PF traitsalso appear in the PsychEval PersonalityQuestionnaire (PEPQ; Cattell, R.B. et al.,2003), a comprehensive instrument which


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includes both normal and abnormal personal-ity dimensions.


Because of its strong scientific background,the 16PF Questionnaire is used in a widerange of settings, including industrial/organi-zational, counseling and clinical, basicresearch, educational, and medical settings.The instrument’s ability to provide compre-hensive, objective information in an efficientmanner makes it a particularly powerful toolfor industrial/organization applications, suchas employee selection, promotion, develop-ment, coaching, or outplacement counseling.The questionnaire is also widely used incareer counseling settings.

Although the 16PF Questionnaire is ameasure of normal-range personality, it canbe used in counseling/clinical settings to pro-vide an in-depth, integrated picture of thewhole person. Many experts have promotedthe use of normal-range measures in clinicalsettings (e.g. Butcher and Rouse, 1996;Costa and McCrae, 1992b). For example,16PF dimensions have proven useful in effi-ciently developing a comprehensive pictureof the whole person (including strengths andweaknesses), facilitating rapport and empathy,helping clients develop greater self-aware-ness, identifying relevant adjustment issues,choosing appropriate therapeutic strategies,and planning developmental goals (H.B. andH.E.P. Cattell, 1997; Karson et al., 1997).

Information about questionnaire interpre-tation can be found in numerous 16PFresource books. These include the test manu-als, clinically oriented interpretive books(e.g. H.B. Cattell, 1989; Karson et al., 1997;Meyer, 1996), resource books for I/O settings(e.g. Schuerger and Watterson, 1998; Lord,1999; Watterson, 2002); and comprehensiveinterpretive guidebooks (e.g. H.E.P. Cattelland Schuerger, 2003; H.E.P. Cattell, 2007),plus computer-generated interpretive reports.


Test–retest reliability

Test–retest reliabilities (measuring temporalconsistency or stability) are documented inthe 16PF Fifth Edition Technical Manual(Conn and Rieke, 1994). For the 16PF primaryscales, test–retest reliabilities average 0.80over a two-week interval (ranging from 0.69to 0.87), and 0.70 over a two-month interval(ranging from 0.56 to 0.79). The five globalscales of the 16PF Questionnaire show evenhigher test–retest reliabilities (they havemore items); they average 0.87 for a two-week interval (ranging from 0.84 to 0.91),and 0.78 for a two-month interval (rangingfrom 0.70 to 0.82).

International 16PF editions also showstrong test–retest reliabilities. For example,two-week test–retest reliabilities for theNorwegian edition average 0.80 for primaryscales and 0.87 for global scales (IPAT,2004b); for the German edition, primaryscale reliabilities average 0.83 over a one-month interval (Schneewind and Graf,1998); for the Danish edition, primary scalereliabilities average 0.86 over a two-weekinterval (IPAT, 2004c); and for the Frenchedition, one-month reliabilities average 0.73(IPAT, 1995).

Internal consistency

Internal consistency indicates the degree ofinter-relatedness or homogeneity of the itemsin a scale, and is thus a good estimate of reli-ability for narrowly defined scales. Internalconsistency estimates for the 16PF primaryscales on a diverse sample of 4,660, rangefrom 0.66 to 0.86, with a mean of 0.75 (Connand Rieke, 1994). Normal internal consis-tency estimates are not appropriate for theglobal scales, because of their heterogeneousnature as weighted composites of primaryscales. However, recently developed equa-tions (F. Drasgow, pers. comm., January 2005)


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for estimating internal consistency in hetero-geneous composites were applied, and aver-age 0.87 over the five global scales (S. Bedwell,pers. comm., February 2007).

Internal consistency for international versions of the instrument also meets profes-sionally accepted standards. For example,Cronbach alphas averaged 0.74 in theGerman edition (Schneewind and Graf,1998), 0.72 in the French edition (Rollandand Mogenet, 1996), 0.75 in the Japanese edi-tion (IPAT, 2007), 0.69 in the Chinese edition(Jia-xi and Guo-peng, 2006), and 0.73 in theSpanish-American or Pan-Spanish edition(H.E.P. Cattell, 2005).

Too much homogeneity?

Test developers often select items to maxi-mize the internal consistency of a scale bydeleting heterogeneous items. Cattell andothers (Cattell, R.B. and Tsujioka, 1964;Rosnowski, 1987) have questioned this prac-tice because it can lead to seemingly highlyreliable scales which actually measure only avery narrow, homogeneous segment of thetarget construct, or measure it only in a narrowgroup of people.

In fact, personality scales can be too homo-geneous. Lord (1980: 9) shows how, fordichotomous items, a single scale cannotmaximize both internal consistency reliabilityand validity. Reliability may be defined as:


where n is the number of items on thescale, rXX′ is the internal consistency reliabil-ity, rij is the correlation of items i and j, andsi and sj are the standard deviations of itemsi and j. Validity may be defined as:


where rXC is the criterion-related validity ofthe scale, riC is the criterion correlation ofitem i, and other terms are as defined inEquation 7.1. The term involving a ratio ofnumbers of items in Equation 7.1 approachesone quickly and can be ignored. The remain-der of Equation 7.1 looks quite like Equation7.2; both equations contain ratios of sumswith similar denominators. The denominatoris maximized when the items are highly cor-related (and a large denominator leads to asmall ratio). The key difference between thetwo equations is that the ratio is subtractedfrom 1 in Equation 7.1.

Thus, opposite conditions lead to maxi-mization of Equations 7.1 and 7.2. Equation7.1 shows that internal consistency is maxi-mized when items are highly correlated, andEquation 7.2 shows that criterion-relatedvalidity is maximized when items are uncor-related. In practical terms, this means it ismathematically impossible to simultaneouslymaximize reliability and validity of a scale.Therefore, test developers must choosebetween making very homogeneous scalesthat reliably predict only a narrow set ofbehaviors versus creating more heteroge-neous scales that measure more comprehen-sive scale content. Because the predictivevalidity of a scale is the ultimate measure ofits worth, internal consistency reliabilityshould not be the main criterion used in scaledevelopment.


One important source of validity for the16PF Questionnaire has been factor-analyticstudies of the structure of the primary andglobal traits across diverse samples of people(e.g. Boyle, 1989; Carnivez and Allen, 2005;H.E. Cattell, 1996; Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970;Cattell, R.B. and Krug, 1986; Chernyshenkoet al., 2001; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Dancerand Woods, 2007; Gerbing and Tuley, 1991;R. Gorsuch, pers. comm., February 2007;Hofer et al., 1997; Krug and Johns, 1986;


ρXCi iC

i j ij

= ∑∑∑


σ σ



i j ij


n' =−






σ σ


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McKenzie et al., 1997; Ormerod et al., 1995).These studies have used exploratory and con-firmatory factor analysis to confirm thenumber, identity, and independence of theprimary factors; and to confirm the number,identity, and primary factor make-up of theglobal factors.

For example, Dancer and Woods (2007)factor-analyzed the primary traits in a sampleof 4,414 business employees and foundstrong support for the 16PF global factorstructure. R. Gorsuch (pers. comm., February2007) factor-analyzed the primary traits tofind the global traits on a sample of 11,000test-takers, and then applied a common factoranalysis to the globals to confirm the third-order factors. Hofer et al. (1997) used confir-matory factor analysis and structuralequation modeling tests of factorial invari-ance to study the measurement properties of the questionnaire across six large, diverse,samples (n = 30,732), and concluded that‘the factor structure of the 16PF holdsremarkably well across radically differentsamples of people, across gender, and acrossdifferent forms of the 16PF’ (266).

Factor analyses of international editionshave also confirmed the structure of the 16PFprimary and global traits. For example, factoranalyses have confirmed the factor structurein the German edition (Schneewind and Graf,1998), the French edition (Rolland andMogenet, 1996), the Japanese edition (IPAT,2007), the Chinese edition (Jia-xi and Guo-peng, 2006), the Castilian Spanishedition (Prieto et al., 1996), the Italian edi-tion (Argentero, 1989), the South Africanedition (Van Eeden and Prinsloo, 1997;Schepers and Hassett, 2006); the Norwegianedition (IPAT, 2004b); and the Dutch edi-tion (IPAT, 2004a).


Construct validity of the 16PF scales hasbeen demonstrated by their correlations withscales on other instruments. The 16PF Fifth

Edition Administrator’s Manual (Russelland Karol, 2002) and the 16PF Fifth EditionTechnical Manual (Conn and Rieke, 1994)present correlations between the 16PF primary and global scales and a range ofother measures of normal, adult personality.These include the California PsychologicalInventory (Gough, 1987), the Myers-BriggsType Indicator (Myers and McCaulley,1985), the NEO-PI-R (Costa and McCrae,1992a), the Personality Research Form(Jackson, 1989), the Coopersmith Self-EsteemInventory (Coopersmith, 1981), the Hollandoccupational themes, as well as other meas-ures of creativity, leadership, and socialskills. These results consistently validate themeanings of the 16PF scales.

There are numerous independent studiesshowing strong relationships between the16PF scales and other questionnaire scales;for example, Boyle (1989) studied relation-ships with the Eysenck and Comrey scales;Dancer and Woods (2007) investigated rela-tionships with the FIRO-B; and many studieshave investigated the relationships betweenthe 16PF scales and the NEO-PI scales(Carnivez and Allen, 2005; H.E.P. Cattell,1996; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Gerbing andTuley, 1991).

International 16PF editions have alsoshown strong relationships with other instru-ments. For example, the Japanese 16PFmanual (IPAT, 2007) provides inter-correla-tions with the OPQ and the SPI (a Myers-Briggs type measure); the German editionprovides inter-correlations and multi-levelfactor analyses with the NEO-PI-R, the PRF,and the Locus of Control Inventory(Schneewind and Graf, 1998); the DutchManual provides inter-correlations with theMBTI as well as with peer-ratings of person-ality (IPAT, 2004a); the French edition(IPAT, 1995) provides inter-correlationswith the CPI, the Gordon PersonalityInventory, and the MBTI; and Schepers andHassett (2006) provide correlational, factor-analytic, and canonical correlations betweenthe South African 16PF and the Locus ofControl Inventory.


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For over half a century, the 16PF Questionnairehas proven useful in understanding and pre-dicting a wide range of important behaviors,thus providing a rich source of informationfor test users. For example, the instrumenthas been effective in predicting such diverseareas as creativity (Guastello and Rieke,1993b), social skills and empathy (Conn andRieke, 1994), marital compatibility (Russell,1995), and leadership potential (Conn andRieke, 1994), as well as over a hundred occu-pational profiles (Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970;Conn and Rieke, 1994; Schuerger andWatterson, 1998; Walter, 2000).

The 16PF Questionnaire has been particu-larly productive in the domain of basic person-ality measurement research. For example, instudies of underlying personality structure(Roberts et al., 2005), research into measure-ment equivalence across cultures (Ellis andMead, 2000); studies into differences betweenpeer-ratings and self-reports (IPAT, 2004a),and studies of response bias (Christiansen et al., 1994) and social desirability (Seisdedos,1996). The instrument has also been useful insocial and cognitive psychology, for example,in studies of social perception and judgments(Rohmer and Louvet, 2004), attributional style(Wang and Zhang, 2005), cognitive style anddecision-making (Bisset, 2000), and cult mem-bership (Kintlerova, 2000).

The measure has also been productive ineducational settings, for example, in predictingacademic achievement (Schuerger, 2001), char-acteristics of college drop-outs (Sanchez et al., 2001), choice of college major or spe-cialization (Hartung et al., 2005), and universitysports participation (Arora, 2005). The instru-ment has also been useful in medical studies,for example, of treatment issues in end-stageliver disease (Bonaguidi, 1996) and illnessessuch as coronary artery disease (Miller et al.,1996) or cancer (Nair et al., 1993). Because ofspace limitations, this review will focus on twobroad areas of use: organizational applications,such as employee selection and career develop-ment, and counseling and clinical uses.

Employee selection, promotion, anddevelopment

The 16PF Questionnaire has proven itselfinvaluable in making a range of organiza-tional decisions, such as employee hiring,promotion, development, coaching, outplacement, and retirement counseling.There is an extensive body of researchdemonstrating the 16PF Questionnaire’sability to predict a wide variety of occupational profiles (Cattell, R.B. et al.,1970; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Guastello andRieke, 1993a, 1993b; Russell and Karol,2002; Schuerger and Watterson, 1998;Walter, 2000). Additionally, the 16PF hasbeen useful in predicting many importantjob-related dimensions, for example, creativity (Guastello and Rieke, 1993b),leadership styles (Watterson, 2002), teamroles and team climate (Burch and Anderson, 2004; Fisher et al., 1998), socialskills (Conn and Rieke, 1994), job training success (Tango and Kolodinsky, 2004), and job satisfaction (Lounsdbury et al., 2004).International versions have also been effective in predicting important workdimensions, for example, punctuality, jobpreparedness, and ability to work alone in the Netherlands (IPAT, 2004a); call-center customer service performance in Britain(Williams, 1999); and leadership effective-ness ratings in Norwegian managers(Hetland and Sandal, 2003).

Note that almost all research results arelinear and assume that ‘more is better’ onpersonality dimensions, which may not bethe case. For example, although police offi-cers as a group generally score above aver-age on Rule-Consciousness (G+); higheron-the-job performance is often predicted bylower scores on Rule-Consciousness withinthis above average group – probably becauseextremely G+ people may be rigidly rule-bound (Adcox et al., 1999). Therefore, jobperformance results need to be taken in the context of the group’s general scorerange, and curvilinear relationships shouldbe considered.


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Meta-analytic job performanceevidence

Over two decades, a large body of evidencehas shown that various Big Five measures ofpersonality are valid predictors of job per-formance (Hough and Ones, 2001; Hurtz andDonovan, 2000; Salgado, 1997; Tett et al.,1991). Indeed, the 16PF Questionnaire showseven greater ability to predict occupationaloutcomes through its more fine-grained pri-mary traits, which are more powerful in cap-turing important variance about specificbehaviors (Ashton, 1998; Judge et al., 2002;Mershon and Gorsuch, 1988; Paunonen andAshton, 2001; Gorsuch, 2006).

Managers, executives, and leaders

The 16PF Questionnaire has a long history ofidentifying the personality traits of success-ful supervisors, managers, executives, andother leaders (Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970; Cattell, R.B. et al., 1999; Cattell, R.B. andStice, 1954; Christiansen et al., 1994; Connand Rieke, 1994; Guastello and Rieke,1993a; Johns et al., 1980; Roy, 1995;Schuerger and Watterson, 1998; Walter,2000; Watterson, 2002). These studies con-sistently indicate that three clusters of traitsare important for managerial success. First,effective managers tend to be higher onGlobal Independence and its primary traits ofDominance (E+), Social Boldness (H+), andOpenness-to-Change (Q1+). Second, leaderstend to be below average on Anxiety and itstraits of Apprehension (O−) and EmotionalStability (C+). Third, leaders tend to beabove average on Extraversion and its traits of Warmth (A+), Social Boldness (H+),Liveliness (F+), and Group-Orientation (Q2−). Leaders also tend to be above averageon Reasoning Ability (B+), and somewhatabove average on self-control traits.

Many of these studies also predicted impor-tant differences in management style andbehaviors. For example, top-level executiveswhose roles involve developing long-term,

innovative goals, tend to score higher onOpenness-to-Change (Q1+), Abstractedness(M+), Reasoning Ability (B+); average(below other managers) on Extraversiontraits such as Warmth (A), Forthrightness(N), and Group-Orientation (Q2); and aver-age to below on Rule-Consciousness (G−)(H.B. Cattell, 1989; Walter, 2000; Watterson,2002). On the other hand, managers who arein applied manufacturing and operationsroles tend to score below average onAbstractedness (M−) and Sensitivity (I−),and above average on Rule-Consciousness(G+) and Perfectionism (Q3+). Many studieshave predicted other aspects of managerialstyle such as achievement motivation orsupervision style, such as task-orientedversus relationship-oriented focus (Clark andClark, 1990; Dutta, 1995; Guastello andRieke, 1993a; Hinton and Barrow 1976;Johns et al., 1980; Roy, 1995; Walter, 2000).

Similar results have also been found ininternational samples, such as German man-agers, executives, and consultants (Schneewindand Graf, 1998); Norwegian managers andexecutives (IPAT, 2004b); middle- and senior-level British managers (Bartram, 1992; Singh,1989; Williams, 1999); high-performingJapanese managers (IPAT, 2006); autocraticversus democratic styles of managers inIndia (Singh and Kaur, 2001); and predic-tions of management level and income inDutch samples (IPAT, 2004a).


Aldridge (1997) studied the personalities ofentrepreneurs and found them to be signifi-cantly below average on anxiety traits – lowon Apprehensiveness (Self-Assured (O−))and above average on Emotional Stability(C+). They were also above average onIndependence and its traits of Dominance(E+), Social Boldness (H+), and Openness-to-Change (Q1+). They were also higher onSelf-Reliance (Q2+), Rule-Consciousness(G+), and Reasoning Ability (B+), and lowon Sensitivity (Utilitarian (I−)).


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H.B. Cattell confirmed many of theseresults in her applied research (H.B. Cattell,1989; H.B. Cattell and H.E.P. Cattell, 1997),identifying traits that distinguished entrepre-neurs from other executives: innovativethinking (Openness-to-Change (Q+)); abilityto step back and focus on the ‘big picture’(Abstractedness (M+)); and a preference forworking independently (Self-Reliance (Q2+)).Aldridge (1997) and Fraboni and Saltstone(1990) also found that entrepreneurs tendedto be less sociable than regular managers(low Warmth (A−), and low Trust (L+)), andprefer to work independently (Self-Reliance(Q2+)). Many of these results have also beenconfirmed in international samples, forexample, Norwegian entrepreneurs (IPAT,2004b). Thus, the traits that particularly dis-tinguish entrepreneurs from other businessmanagers include traits that cluster aroundqualities of innovation and self-reliance.


Many studies have identified a similar 16PFprofile for effective salespeople (e.g. Cattell,R.B. et al., 1970; Guastello and Rieke, 1993b;Rieke and Russell, 1987; Schuerger andWatterson, 1991; Tucker, 1991; Walter,2000). Salespeople tend to be high onExtraversion and its traits of Warmth (A+),Social Boldness (H+), Liveliness (F+), andGroup-Orientation (Q2−). They also tend to be low on Anxiety and its sub-traits ofApprehensiveness (Self-Assured (O−)), Vigi-lance (Trusting (L−)), and high on EmotionalStability (C+). They also tend to be somewhatabove average on Independence and its traitsof Social Boldness (H+) and Dominance(E+); and somewhat above average on Rule-Consciousness (G+) and Reasoning Ability(B+). Thus, salespeople tend to be generallysimilar to managers; however, salespeopletend to be even higher on the traits ofExtraversion (especially F+, H+, and A+) andlower on Anxiety traits (more Self-Assured(O−), and are Stable (C+)). This profile hasalso been validated in numerous international

samples, for example in several groups ofBritish salespeople (Williams, 1999), Germansalespeople (Schneewind, 1998), andNorwegian salespeople (IPAT, 2004b).

Social/helping occupations

16PF profiles have also been identified forsocial or helping occupations such as teach-ing, counseling, customer service, humanresource personnel, ministers/priests, nurses,and physical therapists (e.g. Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970; H.B. Cattell and H.E.P. Cattell,1997; Phillips et al., 1985; Roy, 1995;Schuerger and Watterson, 1998; Walter,2000). People in social/helping occupationstend to be above average on Extraversion, andparticularly on Warmth (A+); they also tend tobe below average on Tough-Mindedness (inthe Receptive/open direction) – above averageon Sensitivity (I+) and Open-to-Change(Q1+). They also tend to be below average onAnxiety: Relaxed (Q4−), Self-Assured (O−),Trusting (L−), and Emotionally Stable (C+);and above average on Self-Control traits ofPerfectionism (Q3) and Rule-Consciousness(G+). These results have been validated in var-ious international samples, such as Britishcounselors of adolescents (Lee, 1994) andcustomer service personnel (Williams, 1999).

Police, security, and protectiveservice personnel

The 16PF Questionnaire has a long history ofpredicting the personality profiles of effectivepolice officers, prison guards, firefighters,and other protective service and security per-sonnel (e.g. Adcox et al., 1999; Cattell, al., 1970; Cattell, R.B. et al., 1999; H. Eber,pers. comm., 10 February 2007; Hofer et al.,1997; IPAT, 2003; Jones et al., 2006;Schuerger and Watterson, 1998; Walter,2000). These studies indicate that protectiveservice officers tend to be calm and resilientunder stress (low Anxiety, Emotionally Stable(C+); Self-Assured (O−); and Trusting (L−)).


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They also tend to be responsible, self-disciplined, and task-focused (high self-con-trol; Rule-Conscious, G+; Perfectionistic,Q3+; Practical, M−; and Serious, F−). Theyalso tend to be tough and pragmatic (high onTough-Mindedness; Unsentimental (I−);Practical (M−); and Traditional (Q1−)).Additionally, protective service personnel areconsistently bold and fearless (high on SocialBoldness (H+), but not on other Extraversiontraits), and somewhat above average onDominance (E+).

These results have been confirmed acrossvery large samples. For example, HerbEber’s sample of 30,700 police officers con-firms all 12 of the trait findings noted above(H. Eber, pers. comm., 10 February, 2007).Additional trait patterns have been found tobe associated with particular job roles andfunctions, for example, officers who workalone versus in community-patrol situations,those who perform investigative roles, orthose who work on high-stress assignmentstend to show particular trait profiles.

Scientific, technology, and researchpersonnel

Distinct 16PF profiles have also been foundfor scientific or technological professionssuch as computer scientists, physicists, engi-neers, and research and development person-nel (Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970; Schuerger andWatterson, 1998; Walter, 2000). In additionto being high on Abstract Reasoning (B+),they tend be high on Independence and itstraits of Dominance (E+) and Openness-to-Change (Q1+); low on Extraversion Traits ofReserved (A−), Serious (F−), and Self-Reliant (Q2+); and below average on Anxietytraits of Self-Assured (O-), Relaxed (Q4−),and Emotionally Stable (C+). These resultshave been confirmed in international sam-ples, for example, groups of Norwegianresearchers, engineers, and computer pro-grammers (IPAT, 2004b), British engineers(Williams, 1999), and German technical pro-fessionals (Schneewind and Graf, 1998).


Many studies have examined the relationshipbetween 16PF scores and creativity. Conn andRieke (1994) summarized much of thisresearch, and these results have been confirmed in recent American and interna-tional samples (e.g. Joy and Hicks, 2004;Jurcova, 2000; Roy, 1995, 1996). Consistentpredictors of creativity include high scores onIndependence and its primary scalesDominance (E+), Social Boldness (H+), andOpenness-to-Change (Q1+); low scores onTough-Mindedness (in the Receptive or opendirection) and its traits of Openness-to-Change(Q1+), Sensitivity (I+), and Abstractedness(M+); and somewhat below average scores on Self-Control (unrestrained). These resultshave been confirmed in international samples,for example in Norwegian artists (IPAT,2004b) and in Korean, American, Finnish, andSlovak students (Shaughnessy et al., 2004).

Career development counseling and coaching

The 16PF Questionnaire is widely used incareer development planning, counseling, andcoaching, both inside and outside organiza-tions, to help clients understand their strengthsand limitations, and plan self-developmentgoals and effective career paths (Carson, 1998;Cattell, R.B. et al., 1970; H.E.P. Cattell andSchuerger, 2003; Conn and Rieke, 1994; Krugand Johns, 1990; Lowman, 1991; Schuerger,1995; Schuerger and Watterson, 1998;Watterson, 2002). In addition to using thenumerous 16PF occupational profiles to determine person–job fit, the questionnaire has been useful because of its long history ofpredicting the six Holland RIASEC occupa-tional dimensions (Schuerger and Watterson,1998; Schuerger and Sfiligoj, 1998). There is also empirical evidence of the relationshipbetween 16PF scores and important career out-comes such as career satisfaction (Lounsburyet al., 2004) and job-training success (Tangoand Kolodinsky, 2004).


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Counseling and clinical uses

The 16PF Questionnaire was developed as ameasure of normal adult personality, andcannot be used to diagnosis psychiatric disor-ders (e.g. Lally, 2003). However, 16PFdimensions have proven quite useful in coun-seling and clinical settings; for example, inquickly developing a picture of the individ-ual’s overall personality functioning (includ-ing strengths and weaknesses), in facilitatingthe development of empathy and rapport,helping the client gain greater self-awareness,planning developmental goals, anticipatingthe course of therapy, selecting optimal ther-apeutic interventions, and identifying rele-vant adjustment issues (H.B. Cattell, 1989;Karson et al., 1997; Meyer, 1996; Russell,1995; Schuerger, 2001).

16PF scores have also been successful inpredicting a diverse range of behaviors ofinterest to clinicians; for example, effects ofgroup therapy (Wang and Li, 2003), war-related stress (Poikolainen, 1993), alienation(Yi-Hui et al., 2004), types of substanceabuse (Carey et al., 1995), suicidal tenden-cies (Ferrero et al., 1997), delinquency(Junmai, 2005), law-breaking tendencies(Low et al., 2004), and excessive Internet use(Xiaoming, 2005).

One source of useful clinical informationhas been the qualitative research carried outin clinical settings (H.B. Cattell, 1989; H.B. Cattell and H.E.P. Cattell, 1997; Karsonet al., 1997). For example, H.B. Cattell stud-ied over 1,100 clients who were assessed ortreated over a 20-year period, and found thatspecific 16PF score combinations wererelated to distinct patterns of thinking, feel-ing, and behavior. She found that score com-binations predicted individuals’ capacity forinsight and introspection, difficulties inestablishing trust and rapport, sensitivity topower dynamics in relationships, effectivetreatment modalities, and capacity for suc-cessful termination.

The 16PF Questionnaire has proven par-ticularly useful in marital or couples counsel-ing, where it provides information about how

the two partners’ unique traits combine andinteract (Russell, 1995). In particular, 16PFresearch has predicted various aspects ofmarital satisfaction as a function of absoluteor relative levels of personality traits. Forexample, Krug (1976) found that differenttypes of marital dissatisfaction were relatedto large score differences between partnerson certain traits. He also found that dissatis-faction in wives was related to particular per-sonality traits in husbands, while husbands’dissatisfaction was related to largely differenttraits in wives.

Russell (1995) studied 321 couples andfound that several aspects of marital satisfac-tion were related to higher levels of particu-lar 16PF traits. She also found that several16PF traits predicted greater consensusbetween the partners on important topics,and that better problem-solving communica-tion was related to another set of traits. Shealso found that 16PF traits predicted moretraditional gender roles in relationships.Craig and Olson (1995) also studied 145marital therapy clients, and found that fivedifferent 16PF trait clusters represented dif-ferent marital types that required differenttypes of therapeutic goals.


The 16PF Questionnaire is a comprehensiveand widely used measure of normal, adultpersonality which was developed fromfactor-analytic research into the basic struc-tural elements of personality. First publishedin 1949, and now in its fifth edition, the ques-tionnaire is based on Cattell’s multi-levelpersonality theory, and measures 16 primaryfactors, 5 global or second-stratum factors(the original Big Five), and 2 third-stratumfactors. Although this chapter could notreview the decades of research on the 16PFQuestionnaire, a summary of reliability stud-ies indicates that the questionnaire providesreliable information, and a selection of valid-ity studies illustrates how the instrument isused effectively in a variety of contexts.


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