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c ^ A - 1 " KvV'A? gf'J *' - i « -V j *r, > > *>"Y Y flf 4 ' V* T V> it< * (. ^ *> I.. ' > •> t y .•* -/ nv>,t c v •' ' ' '\ ' *! * *- > r " V ••' * « T'-TTH. -"-'V <v .N vt u-ka •: J «?- «*•» a . ^ V O . O - K f M /V P 3 M , .*vf„?>*:.t7 jrffvf •• * jt « rv t i ? 15 u p< 1 u v •. r'«•• n . r^--? ! •n» l^R \ •'»! ;?«> HKWSPAPEtt IN , i»R'n COUNTY" •» •n.iv-(* f » c««ftr r*to«* «nt.*rM •<« i^s-it HfaMttti-ft, i. O'iSt, « i ..*!«* "«i«:l Wtvor j /• s •> » s *> r .ii i N jii' i ,f : ^pj=f. Kiiit.n ' .}(*'-• I IS' ~ f^.1 Av •» T H -a. ii'it! or Y E A H ^ w ci* c M "'i TODAY ! Norwt.'^i: IV! :u ; Jv i 17 <!c n -lol'flay. & o- » A NHMUKR of "'I!' citi '/'MIS will go to Milbunk t'. is evening 10 hear "Puchi'oii: Til-man." o t> If we>-c. s;(•.•>•'(, ini»ti;?h the huihiintf vv.;;t wr-'eked. There wa*> isiKi-rnn-'i on the huil'lin< r . We sin'-i 'i - i !v It : >" llvit the old ...^.yintf "three times and out" .., . .2 ;. (Ticicnlly reliable to I } 1C ! mark a co:: ation of the unusual 'activity - f the destroying ele- ' merit. " IIku , i Chicago," that city. That is a warning to 'he unrighteous. <t «*• Kt Roturninsr explorers from the neighborhood of .Jamestown re-! port it in much the same con- dition ; s when first discovered by Capt. John Smith. , t y it ^ (!I:N. KIJHOKI has visited Washington and gone without expressing a single opinion on the San Francisco school ques- tion. .Those Japs are diplomats as well as fritters. <f> » o Now it. is claimed with some show of reason, that Willie Moore , tne chief of the weather bureau, is in cahoots with the bull clique in the wheat market. o -a I Farmers who are raising; wheat at fii'ty cents a bushel ought to be able to get some re- (lax consolation out of the fact that it is selling for a dollar a bushel on the Chicago Exchange. & *> n UNDER the direction of the Secretory of the Navy a vigorous crusade will be started against all derelict:-.. Col. Bryan ought to be thankful that the Navy Department does not operate on land. v » n Ever since the plans for the st:ste capitol were drawn the stone men at Sioux Falls have claimed that they were drawn in such a manner as to preclude the use of Sioux Falls stone, as that stone could not be made to fit the requirements of the plans. Ax a conference, attended by C. E. Bell of Minneapolis, the ar- chitect of the building, and /'•sjph Swart?, 0 T-'oux Falls ar- chitect, with the members of the commission, the plans were mod Memorial Day Program. The Memorial Day program will not differ materially from those of preceding years. The edition of ays a minister of terrible w '" f (,vrn :l ' 1" o'clock wilh inl'-rest w.r. :n; ::'. r -ted in the topics discussed. An excellent program had been arranged, and although there were some disrj - pointments, it was still full of good tilings. Prof, 3. C. Ilart- r •:ft. of Aberdeen. Supt. K<- ui If'c.i.L C'.'U i ! vV r i). s i oi Minnoapeys,-*<"•!!. 1 »; s-o ir te: - .e;.;t of *.1 1 :' e t' --hers of tl.o rr:\. f: of ve;*y < r r : -<-• v'i/i). on ;";b; ii' . ! -- ' 1- •.! ii:. ; ,'rest arui . T : .• n ' : d part of the ; u , ; .ie£* the iiianag- :rr r, m -.>1 //ho. F. l 5. Rhodes, and was inno:: ^a- i. It inelu-ied solos by Ivl i .s: - WILLIAMS !| ^ppr.uLisT I i iBi . & ® iicl G. T. eyl; srf.cialio T I w 1 ii hr :i» Hit- ('•uiifni'ri'i i }]•. i*'1 in '' I j tulicnviiiv' <latu. TUESDAY. (JUNE 18IH. ,";^ _ 1 j » •••! 1 j I ;i 1 .11 •• :i I > 1 * •; t r- U j'' I Wt -it w ciles ;w & \ r * We to c !' o s !, s hn r r! p C- i Ct i vV i\ Vh \ kj i s % OS A lid ri and (!;-j jinan aiid j ri vr- L% a •V & y ^ 1 o- fcr> tion bu t yrui ' i . Mrs. Rhodes, a piano solo by Miss Shank, and a selection by a 1; dies' quartette. a. m. on ^nd Ave. East, right resting on Maple St. in the following order: Conn! Band ! '' ; t,v Cj'iiv.'d Civic Societies Company !, infantry, S. D: N. C. School Children and Teachers (J. A. R. headed by Drum Corps W. R. C. in carriages Cit i/.e ns Toe p u\t 1 will vn ivo at 10 o'clock share and march to the cemetery. The following exercises will Hindered at the cemetery: Song by school children. Prayer by Chaplain. Ritual service by the (!. A. R. Strewing flowers by school children on the graves of the C. A. R, W. R. C. services to the un- known dead. Firing of salute by detail from Company J. Taps. _J3hort, memorial service by the Woodmen, after which tl.ey will return to the city in same form of parade, and disband. Basket dinner at the opera house. At 2:00 o'clock, the following- program will be given at the op- era house. Opuii'iitf Suhg... And'U'iH.'O The S ;ir . U k -: I'rayrr l.'i-v !• ii. I <urm . L.nrolu's Atidri'SN Mi-s Amlrrvv- i>ril! .(M»vi-r.,in nl School I'upil* Spi»ui;il Honhlt; CJum im »-J * <• Wren .trio:. Miss SwrtUuitd Sojij/ (f «»vujv: nn-ni >choi>l PuniU Si-s»'UM) Srhoiil ilii'is Short Miwfi'hrs Did Sohtii'i's Siiug, •*'Jov , t , r lh(MM in'i'i'.". Don 1 , m* ri Ct'»• Oration of Liir Day C. V. t'arjicnior Anii'i'U'ii Amlienco :it'lU'tio n Kcv. \V 1*1. AiehiMiu May. IV .liiuf NoTicK oi ; SAI-K. I \ \'.v' l' I/r having niidtr i it l.'iotuffli 1 ' iMiiH »»1 a. ii-n ai ii trax;<'., tMHHauar ^ r of sale, ^'ivrji bi' Martiu timi 1\ iiitnn MuiK<;ii, v.-ifr, of i 'iiH.y. South UuUo:a. inort^.i^orb. to (•. 1^. VS »ofl. nt" MiU>;ini;. SmlL Dul'.uta, f j i*»•* , it: : .Mi May }\*. UKKJ. and tiU.Ml f.n j- < 11 •»»r < i in the otlice of U, !l*^isi»;r of Deeds, in au<i for ltoh'Ti- '•n iiiiy. S<iuth DaK"i.a, on .!urn» "i'.ith and i-oforiltMl in Hook 3*5 of Morl«a^«-s, mii 231 a.n<l inortj^a^ing the r 1 ;il ystatf- siiuato in Huberts County SojhJ j MaUot i, (k'ticrihcd as Lot one (I) of *<;uii<>n •M^'httM-n (l^i ; I.ot one (1) uni so?j Ui wrsi <ju; v nrr of north wi^i quart*;!' f'Wb nwM) 'Uid ; northwest quarter t»r south west (iua.rttM- oi w 1 'i aw l 4 ) of seel ion ninoteon i Ity : ano norih ; vest «] ari.-r |n\v l .i] suri ion i .hirty ali in to wnshi p Hue Hundred Twenty -Throe ' V.ot Iviuine rWiy Kiutit W of tlie I 1 M; ami houi.Ii east quarter «f .-outit-ea.-l ' quartcr (se^.j se'j > and lot three of s-ji'tion ; Uiirbcn (J3>: and aor Si-ea^i q".°.r '"r of south-' 'Mist i|iiarlei' [ne'.i se'-J ^fclioh Tu-i -nt\-F--i.r (Uii. ali in Township « n.e Hundred Twenty i'liree (TJ.'h N. »»f 1?:iii'_re Kortv-nixie [I'Ji W of -Mli P. M containing' in ull 1^1 03 a<n'e'.s, to si- ..' m- the payment of ail iusi alfment note for, Three Huudre<l Sixty HoMars <n d»;- , •,1-tibeo in suit! mortu'airc, whielt saitl tlefauh i ciMi^iy's in Mi" iion payment l<y the mort^uy ors .if an insi.illinent of Thirty-six Hollars' ("3ii.n0> of said ii"te which became due o' : I mii her 1, i IK).", he ivafirtii of which saul u 'faul 1 ~-a ill iiu)rl^a^« |i li:is Jeelared the >-n Hn» debt secured by said inort^a^c imuiedi I ia - el.v due uiul p.iyaliie. and there Is now One | an I unpn W t hereon Hie sum of Tiir< e Hun dred Ki:tv <U in i Dollar^ now Ifiere | for* N-)t ier ts hereby cr. en tn:-.t aaid mort'.:a};e will b<- foreelosed by a sale of the above.1?- S''rit'ett land eovi.-retl ;»v ba.ii) uiori^/ or so ririi'h 'hereof us may be iiei-p«.^irv Ui satHt'y Said indebtedness, by the sheriff ofsnui Kob ens ''ounty. South Hakoi-i, on the ^'.'th day ol lune, 1*>"7 a' one o'clofk \* " that day. in tlie front door of the court m-uso in the j j city of sf--.eton, lloberis County Sotuh |)aki.»- \ I i, tonansiyan ind' iM ednoss of Three Hun dreti FsfJy •>! ux» HoPars (^3r»0.'Ub now due on i saul ifi<:^:L«e totretle-r with aecruini? inter- ; e.-t, co-lsand expenses of sale allowed by inw. i ibiled Mav P., VMt: I i. L. Wood. Mortgagee, i How Ann HanrncK. \ : y b »r Mort u' i _r<• . in tlie same house with a bottle of oim B uj ; I Sxtvirmlimtoi". '1'iiey be ^ 1: t 1.1 •• I- >oi»n as I be bottle Is opened, our lixtcrininnt- v>r -.isy 1 < ;j-e. i:.d i.t- 'Us 'i di'K r ! oauee to every Kind o! t)U^ r tb.o era ^ Is. *'any famines te.sufy 'o r Cilee'ivt lies:; as n V«.'rinin Destroyer l^njr I-i\tcrminnl.oi' ^ "l,. ,1 - .-e t'l ; III' III He. I i Uw- !Jo.t''he«s \V.uer Hutfs. and everv bujr of unnoy- a-i, e to ' > lisekeepers. I.a' - u T e but tie, with brush for upl'ly- in«.'ir»c. ' J3£» 'Mfci T& '09 % !5S <4 , tii : 4 f r' r r : a'.cer '• :•' "t •' C-. ! i V! pe r. you iiu ve sale. ? .A. 4- !"• 1 t \ / k.j 4_". V ' O C\ ! v . ^ t'' auc~ . We u to s h e pa- us g'O! !'?S" TO : C -is -D clei le \ QO ?. OC'. •: .h.. L if S fc O 1^ I an auction w, f 1 It will be to your advantage. I Red « * Cross I # ?!| 11 SisseLon, South Dakota. | Drug Store I|5 IS BLUE FRONT LIVERY Will's Place BBST EQUIPPED Pool and Billiard Parlor IX 1'IIK NOUTUWEST I I s Barn East End Main St. Sisseton, S. D. 2 7rr&rrrrr.rjrrrM V M. HART - J. H. MPAD PROPRIETORS Lrvery &. Feed Stable V b tC !/• L ATTENTION TC TRAVELING MEN May 1. -June T, CwNTK-T NoTICK. Pntted <tat •- Land Cullce. Abeuleon. ,s. D.. A pj n l 1'?. !(X : T. \ - i' l-'F 11' i KNT contest, at'tida cit haviL^r t ^ b»*»'u tiled m this otlice by Fren Xelsoii. .•t-s^s«a<«n. r*. H.. ceitcsi mil. again,-t (.'Mi v No. vt 11 XT t made June 2»>th P'OS, tor se'i of tie*:} ot sectu.n 7.. township 121. r;ui M , west ofjtb i'. .M .. bj Ludwj^ Fuil- maii. > --stee. in whieli ii, isuiief-e! that tl.i, s i L-i.lwig Kuilmmi has -vhuliy ahandc: e-.i the sai l ;aud i< r more i naa hix moiuhd since date i.i entry an t ne .1 prior to date of eon tosi at.-" "".rih . r ac. .urther ground of con- test .be ; .is wh -ov f iled to estaMi-h a re>i- dencu o». said land uid cultivate sa id land, as require! the Pnitod States Government homesKsmi law and that sa'd allegon ahsenee trym the raid land was uu. due ( 0 his em- plovmrnt in llje Army X..vy or Mar'ne Corps of tlie Unite»i -Mutes: said j/arties a.o hereby notilieO. t•» appear, -espond and offer evideiu'i.- ton citing saio uoet'a ion at 1" o cloc"; a. m., on June'j'tb. J'.Mfi, before the resist', r and rc- \\-r at the United States Lane: OHice in A herd' en. S 1). The .-onlcstatit hnviu: r . in a .u-oper af- ildavit. tiled Mav 7th, T'eT, ct forth facts which show that aftcrdue eidtjonee personal service nf »nis-n.t lee cannot be it is hereby ordered a d directed t uatsh di notice bo givim '.i\ due and pmper put-Pc itmn. vjz, for four successive weeks ir: The Sisseton Weekly Standard nt Sisseton, S H. oone meneinsj.luue 17th P.»"7. J. K, A L IAMS, Jveceivcr. KiMiAH M Mknnktt and Loi'CK «!t HaNI'iiX. \t >0 :n«-\*s tor c. lilt efil :i i| ' These irarnos are a pastime and brain toon for n^'ii of brains and should be en j $ rournged in all safe ways. It must be rPKifdcd 'J-S one of llic most charniinf; ij james invented. No recreation .rmnlimoR | | health-givinc i -vercisu and pl .iasant com- panlonsli'ii in a trreaM.-r (.legree ilwiii Inll- liiriis ami pool. 1 li'ive a billiard table in my house.—Henry Ward Heeiiior. r.IO FliESlI LINK OK Conlectionery Soft Drinks Fresh Fruits Tobaccos Cigars, Etc. Buy Your Garden Seeds at Half Price These seeds are new and fresh. Also bring us yaur produce, for which we will allow you the highest market price. BURINS & WOLFF CLEAN, LIGHT. " COMFORTABLE Wm. SwedluDd, Prop PAUL BABCOCK United States Commissioner, Dist. S. D (M arch h U)"7 ) Educational Meeting. The educational meeting held i ified to lix them so that it is pos-! at the opera house last Saturday ! sihlc for the Sioux Falls people ! was an interesting one. and well to bid. It's now up to them to attended. There was a good up bid at a figure where they can get their stone used. Two More Fires. We seem to be having a little more than our proportion of fires. Last Friday evening as v some of our citizens were pass- ing the Farmers' Exchange store « the smell of smoke led to the if discovery that the interior of * that building was on fire. The alarm was sounded and the fire I department responded promptly, but although the building was! not burned, the fire had obtained ; insufficient headway to partially destroy the stock of goods on >'Khand. The fire was discovered at about ten o'clock in the even- ^-"ing. The store, of course,, '.-being closed, the firemen met with some difficulty in effecting an entrance, The adjusters came Tuesday 'and finished the work of adjust- ing the loss last night, paying $1,375.20. the store will open again about next Friday. On Saturday morning at about •' eleven o'clock the dreaded sound iof the fire alarm was again v heard. This time the fire was 1 located in the dwelling house of Mrs. McGowan, in the third ward. By prompt work, the ' most of the household goods representation of teachers and school officers from different parts of the county, and a lively r cr Foil Sunburn and T an. The daily use of Cream of Roses will render your hands and face immune to every^skin blemish. The raw winds of late spring are apt to make the skin rough and the sunburn, freckle and tan season will soon be here. This need not bother you, however, if you bear Cream of Rosesinmind. It keeps the skin soft, smooth, fair. Your money back if it fails to please you. i- Price 25 Cts. Palace Drug Store, SISSETON, S. DAK. Lv 4?* All Ulmls o! Land Ollico Imsim-ss iransai'U'tl. Filing.-, and Filial Proofs Contest Art! davits and all Contest Papers nrido. Call win.'n you want information about Uovorn meiit land l-iLisim-ss. Blanks furnishi'd tree. IS k DOLLAR EARNED Yell cilli Siivc in; by trading at the iiy dollars Farmers Excliang 8 Kvcrythin^' iii the store must go at greatly reduced prices to make room for the new stock. New goods will be arriving shortly. Come in and see us. \\ e can and will save you money. ' « ***.. ii. t? .---a ' v! - - - r-r.-. rj. » - 'X,r i'^ * *, -i, 1906 The Pioneer Livery W II. SON IIKO'., I'HOI-. I IM-.S'i 'III Ntil.'TS IN Till-. NORTH WF.ST SiiiKi- lint' 11. avi;s Slsseion dull^- for Cadwell, Kiltly, V::: a: i: Vi llei, at. 1 a. in., ri.-lnriilin.-5.30 p in. v s Si S M/i,oii (iaily (or (-ioi:rl Will, the A^micv and l.oliri »| 7 a . n,., returnirji 12 m . '1 K I. I. !• H ii K , > _ ' »IJ (-><>«111- ' ell,ini.'i'i la 1 Hotel -ifHO.on, Sotilli Daliotn' A Proper Memorial kiviTj cetin tary should be the pride of all eitl- zei.s. Nothing ai.'ds mueli to the beaiiiyab ai rr onunients. We Will Rrske Cue For that tvilj t.f u cri-tilt toll,' fiiniily unci u> the city r'a to nnilvi' you nr < stiniiui-. Sisseton Marble Works Geo. Adkins & Son. Pr.ops. Kail and Farm Insurance. Talk with Knappen. If you have valuable stock, it will pay you to insure then:: - r \ -> , j ' s'- a.* ^»'L J&?,

The Sisseton weekly standard. (Sisseton, Roberts County, S ...€¦ · Said indebtedness, by the sheriff ofsnui Kob ens ''ounty. South Hakoi-i, on the ^'.'th day ol lune, 1*>"7 a'

May 23, 2020



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Page 1: The Sisseton weekly standard. (Sisseton, Roberts County, S ...€¦ · Said indebtedness, by the sheriff ofsnui Kob ens ''ounty. South Hakoi-i, on the ^'.'th day ol lune, 1*>"7 a'

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! •n» l^R \ •'»! ;?«> HKWSPAPEtt

IN , i»R'n COUNTY"

•» •n.iv-(* f» c««ftr r*to«*

«nt.*rM •<« i^s-it • HfaMttti-ft , i . O'iSt,

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TODAY ! Norwt. '^i:

IV! :u ; •J v i 17 <!c n -lol ' f lay.

& o- » A NHMUKR of "'I! ' citi ' / 'MIS will

go to Milbunk t ' . is evening 10 hear "Puchi 'oii : Til-man."

o t> If

we>-c. s;(• .•>• '( , ini»ti ;?h the huihiintf vv.;; t wr- 'eked. There wa*>

isiKi-rnn- ' i on the huil ' l in< r . We sin'- i ' i - i!v I t : >" l lvit the old

. . .^.yintf " three times and out"

. . , . .2 ; . (Ticicnlly reliable to I }1 C ! mark a co:: ation of the unusual

'activity - f the destroying ele-

' merit .

" I Iku, i Chicago," that city. That is a warning to 'he unrighteous.

<t «*• Kt Roturninsr explorers from the

neighborhood of .Jamestown re-! port i t in much the same con­dition ; s when first discovered by Capt. John Smith. ,

ty it ̂(!I:N. KIJHOKI has visited

Washington and gone without expressing a single opinion on the San Francisco school ques­tion. .Those Japs are diplomats

as well as fri t ters. <f> » o

Now it. is claimed with some show of reason, that Willie Moore , t n e chief of the weather bureau, is in cahoots with the bull cl ique in the wheat market.

o -a I • Farmers who are raising; wheat at fii ' ty cents a bushel ought to be able to get some re-(lax consolation out of the fact that i t is sell ing for a dollar a bushel on the Chicago Exchange.

& *> n UNDER the direction of the

Secretory of the Navy a vigorous crusade will be started against all derelict:- . . Col. Bryan ought to be thankful that the Navy Department does not operate on land.

v » n

Ever since the plans for the st:ste capitol were drawn the stone men at Sioux Falls have claimed that they were drawn in such a manner as to preclude the use of Sioux Falls stone, as that stone could not be made to fi t the requirements of the plans. Ax a conference, attended by C. E. Bell of Minneapolis, the ar­chitect of the building, and / '•sjph Swart?, 0 T-'oux Falls ar­chitect , with the members of the commission, the plans were mod

Memorial Day Program.

The Memorial Day program will not differ materially from those of preceding years. The

edition of ays a minister of

terrible w ' " f ( , v r n : l ' 1" o'clock wilh

inl ' -rest w.r. :n; : : ' . r -ted in the topics discussed. An excellent program had been arranged, and although there were some disrj -pointments, i t was sti l l full of good ti l ings. Prof, 3. C. I lart-r •:ft . of Aberdeen. Supt. K<-u i I f ' c . i . L C ' . ' U i ! v V r • i ) . s • • i

oi Minnoapeys,-*<"•!!. 1 »; • s-o ir te:-.e;.;t of *.1 1 :' e t' --hers of tl.o rr:\. f: of ve;*y <rr : • • -<-•

v'i/i). on ;";b; ii' . ! -- ' 1- •.! ii:.; ,'rest arui . T: .• n ' : d part of the ;

u ,;.ie£* the iiianag- :rr r,m -.>1 //ho. F. l5. Rhodes, and was inno:: ^a-

i. It inelu-ied solos by Ivl i.s: -

WILLIAMS !| ^ppr.uLisT I i iBi . & ® iicl G. T.

eyl; srf.cialioT I w 1 i i hr :i» Hit- ( ' •uiifni ' r i ' i i

} ] • . i * '1 in ' ' Ij tu l i cnv i i i v ' < la tu .

TUESDAY. (JUNE 18IH. , " ;^ _ 1 j • » • • • ! 1 j I ; i 1 . 11 • • : i I > 1 * • ; t r - U j ' ' • I '» Wt- i t

w ciles ;w

& \ r * We


c !' o s ! , s hn r r! p C- i Ct i

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OS A lid ri and (!;-j j inan aiid j

r i vr-






^ 1


t i o n b u

t y r u i

' i .

Mrs. Rhodes, a piano solo by Miss Shank, and a selection by a 1; dies ' quartette.

a. m. on ^nd Ave. East, r ight resting on Maple St. in the following order:

Conn! Band ! ' ' ; t ,v Cj ' i iv. 'd

Civic Societies Company ! , infantry, S. D: N. C.

School Children and Teachers (J. A. R. headed by Drum Corps

W. R. C. in carriages Cit i / .e ns

Toe p u\t 1 • will vn ivo at 10 o'clock share and march to the cemetery.

The following exercises will Hindered at the cemetery:

Song by school children. Prayer by Chaplain. Ritual service by the (!. A. R. Strewing flowers by school

children on the graves of the C.

A. R, W. R. C. services to the un­

known dead. Firing of salute by detail from

Company J .

Taps. _J3hort , memorial service by the

Woodmen, after which tl .ey will return to the city in same form of parade, and disband.

Basket dinner at the opera house.

At 2:00 o'clock, the following-program will be given at the op­era house. Opuii ' i i tf Suhg.. . And'U'iH. 'O

The S ;ir . Uk-: I ' rayrr l. ' i -v !• i i . I <urm . L.nrolu's Atidri 'SN Mi-s Amlrrvv-i>ril! .(M»vi-r. , in nl School I 'upil* Spi»ui;i l Honhlt; CJum im »-J * <• Wren . tr io: . Miss SwrtUuitd Sojij/ (f«»vujv: nn-ni >choi>l PuniU

Si - s» 'UM) S rho i i l i l i i ' i s Short Miwfi 'hrs Did Sohtii ' i 's Si iug , •* ' Jov , t , r l h (MM in ' i ' i ' . " . Don 1 , m* r i C t ' » • Oration of Liir Day C . V . t 'arj icnior Anii ' i 'U'i i Amlienco

:i t ' lU't io n Kcv. \V 1*1. AiehiMiu

May. IV . l i i u f NoTicK oi; SAI-K.

I \ \'.v'l ' I/r having niidtr i i t l . ' iotuffl i 1 ' iMiiH »»1 a. ii-n ai ii trax;<'., tMHHauar ^ r of sale, ^'ivrji bi' Martiu timi

1\ iiitnn MuiK<;ii, v.-ifr, of i 'iiH.y. South UuUo:a . inort^.i^orb. to ( • . 1^. V S » o f l . n t " M i U > ; i n i ; . S m l L D u l ' . u t a , f j i * » • * , it: : .Mi May }\*. UKKJ. and tiU.Ml f.n j- < 11 •»»r < i in the otlice of U, !l*^isi»;r of Deeds, in au<i for ltoh'Ti-'•n iiiiy. S<iuth DaK"i.a, on .!urn» "i'.ith and i-oforiltMl in Hook 3*5 of Morl«a^«-s, mii 231 a.n<l inortj^a^ing the r1 ;il ystatf- siiuato in Huberts County SojhJ j MaUot i, (k'ticrihcd as Lot one (I) of *<;uii<>n •M^'httM-n (l^i ; I.ot one (1) uni so?jU i wrsi <ju;vnrr of north wi^i quart*;!' f'Wb nwM) 'Uid ; northwest quarter t»r south west (iua.rttM-oi w1'i aw l4) of seel ion ninoteon i Ity : ano norih ; vest «] ari.-r |n\vl.i] suri ion i .hirty ali in to wnshi p Hue Hundred Twenty -Throe ' V.ot Iviuine rWiy Kiutit W of tlie I1 M; ami houi.I i east quarter «f .-outit-ea.-l ' quartcr (se^.j se'j > and lot three of s-ji'tion ; Uiirbcn (J3>: and aor Si-ea^i q".°.r'"r of south-' 'Mist i|iiarlei' [ne'.i se'-J ^fclioh Tu-i-nt\-F--i.r (Uii. ali in Township « n.e Hundred Twenty i'liree (TJ.'h N. »»f 1?:iii'_re Kortv-nixie [I'Ji W of

-Mli P. M containing' in ull 1^1 03 a<n'e'.s, to si-..'m- the payment of ail iusi alfment note for, Three Huudre<l Sixty HoMars <n d»;- , •,1-tibeo in suit! mortu'airc, whielt saitl tlefauh i ciMi^iy's in Mi" iion payment l<y the mort^uy ors .if an insi.illinent of Thirty-six Hollars' ("3ii.n0> of said ii"te which became due o' : I mii her 1, i IK).", he ivafirtii of which saul u 'faul1 ~-a ill iiu)rl^a^« |i li:is Jeelared the >-n Hn» debt secured by said inort^a^c imuiedi I ia- el.v due uiul p.iyaliie. and there Is now One | an I unpn W t hereon Hie sum of Tiir< e Hun dred Ki:tv <U in i Dollar^ now Ifiere | for*

N-)t ier ts hereby cr. en tn:-.t aaid mort'.:a};e will b<- foreelosed by a sale of the above.1?-S''rit'ett land eovi.-retl ;»v ba.ii) uiori^/ or so ririi'h 'hereof us may be iiei-p«.^irv Ui satHt'y Said indebtedness, by the sheriff ofsnui Kob ens ''ounty. South Hakoi-i, on the ^'.'th day ol lune, 1*>"7 a' one o'clofk \* " that day. in tlie front door of the court m-uso in the j j city of sf--.eton, lloberis County Sotuh |)aki.»- \ I i, tonansiyan ind' iM ednoss of Three Hun dreti FsfJy •>! ux» HoPars (^3r»0.'Ub now due on i

saul ifi<:^:L«e totretle-r with aecruini? inter- ; e.-t, co-lsand expenses of sale allowed by inw. i

ibiled Mav P., VMt: I i. L. Wood. Mortgagee, i How Ann HanrncK.

\ • „ : y b »r Mort u' i _r<• • .

in t l i e same house wi th a bo t t l e o f oim Buj ; I Sx tv i rml imto i" . '1 ' i i ey be ^ 1: t 1 .1 • • I - >o i»n a s I b e bo t t l e I s opened , our l i x t cr in innt -v>r - . i sy 1 < ; j -e. i : .d i . t- 'Us ' i di 'K r ! oauee to every Kind o ! t )U^ r tb .o era ̂ I s . * 'any famines t e . su fy ' o r Ci l ee ' i v t l i e s : ; a s n V« . ' r in in Des troyer

l^njr I - i \ t crminn l .o i ' ^ "l , . ,1 - . -e t ' l ; III ' III He. I i Uw- !Jo.t ' 'he«s \V.uer Hutfs. and everv bujr of unnoy-a- i , e to ' > l i s ekeepers .

I . a ' - u T e but t i e , w i th brush for up l ' l y -

in« . ' i r»c .

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It will be to your advantage.

I Red « *

Cross I # ?!|

11 SisseLon, South Dakota.

| Drug Store

I |5 IS


Will's Place

BBST EQUIPPED Pool and Billiard Parlor



I s

Barn East End Main St. Sisseton, S. D. 2


V M. HART - J . H . MPAD


Lrvery &. Feed Stable



May 1 . - June T, CwNTK-T NoTICK.

Pnt ted < ta t • - Land Cul l ce . Abeu leon . , s . D . . A pjn l 1 '? . ! (X : T.

\ - i ' l - 'F 11 ' i KNT contes t , a t ' t ida c i t hav iL^r • t ^ b»*» 'u t i l ed m th i s o t l i c e by Fren Xe l so i i . . • t - s^s«a<«n . r* . H . . c e i t c s i mi l . aga in , - t • ( . 'Mi v No . v t 11 XT t made June 2»>th P 'OS , t or s e ' i o f t i e* : } o t s ec tu .n 7 . . t ownsh ip 121 . r ;u i M , wes t o f j tb i ' . .M . . b j Ludwj^ Fu i l -mai i . > - - s t ee . in wh ie l i i i , i su i i e f - e ! tha t t l . i , s i L - i . lw ig Kui lmmi has -vhu l iy ahandc: e - . i t he sa i l ; aud i< r more i naa hix moiuhd s ince da te i.i entry an t ne .1 pr ior t o da te o f eon tos i a t . -" "" . r ih . r ac . . ur ther ground o f con­t e s t . be ; . i s wh -ov f i l ed to e s taMi -h a re> i -dencu o» . sa id l and u id cu l t i va te sa id l and , a s requ ire ! • t he Pn i tod S ta te s Government homesKsmi l aw and tha t sa 'd a l l egon ahsenee t rym the ra id l and was uu . due ( 0 hi s em-p lovmrnt in l l j e Army X . .vy or Mar 'ne Corps o f t l i e Un i t e» i -Mutes : sa id j / ar t i e s a . o hereby not i l i eO. t •» appear , - e spond and o f f er ev ide iu ' i . -t on c i t ing sa io uoe t 'a • i on a t 1" o c loc"; a . m . , on June ' j ' tb . J ' .Mf i , b e fore the re s i s t ' , r and rc -

\ \ - r a t the Uni t ed S ta te s Lane: OHice in A herd ' en . S 1 ) .

The . -on lc s ta t i t hnv iu : r . i n a .u -oper a f -i ldav i t . t i l ed Mav 7 th , T 'eT , c t for th fac t s wh ich show tha t a f t crdue e id t jonee persona l s erv i ce n f »n i s -n . t l e e cannot be u ia .de . i t i s hereby ordered a d d i rec ted t ua t sh d i no t i ce bo g iv im ' . i \ due and pmper put -Pc i tmn . v jz , f or four succes s ive weeks ir : The S i s se ton Week ly S tandard nt S i s se ton , S H. oone mene ins j . luue 17 th P .»"7 .

J . K , A L I A M S , Jvece ivc r .

KiMiAH M Mknnktt and Loi'CK «!t HaNI'iiX.

\ t>0 :n« - \* s t or c . l i l t e f i l : i i | '

These i rarnos are a pas t ime and bra in toon for n^ ' i i o f bra ins and shou ld be en

j $ rournged in a l l sa f e ways . I t mus t be rPKi fdcd 'J -S one o f l l i c mos t charn i in f ;

i j james invented . No recreat ion . rmnl imoR | | health-givinc i-vercisu and pl.iasant com-

pan lons l i ' i i in a trreaM. -r ( . l egree i lw i i i In l l -l i i r i i s ami poo l . 1 l i ' i ve a b i l l i ard tab le in my house .—Henry Ward Hee i i i or .


Conlectionery Soft Drinks Fresh Fruits Tobaccos Cigars, Etc.

Buy Your Garden Seeds at Half Price

These seeds are new and fresh.

Also bring us yaur produce, for which we will allow you the highest market price.



Wm. SwedluDd, Prop


United States Commissioner, Dist. S. D (M arch h U)"7 )

Educational Meeting. The educational meeting held i

ified to lix them so that it is pos-! at the opera house last Saturday ! sihlc for the Sioux Falls people ! was an interesting one. and well to bid. It's now up to them to attended. There was a good up bid at a figure where they can get their stone used.

Two More Fires. We seem to be having a little

more than our proportion of fires. Last Friday evening as

v some of our citizens were pass­ing the Farmers' Exchange store

« the smell of smoke led to the if discovery that the interior of * that building was on fire. The

alarm was sounded and the fire I department responded promptly,

but although the building was! not burned, the fire had obtained

; insufficient headway to partially destroy the stock of goods on

>'Khand. The fire was discovered at about ten o'clock in the even-

^-"ing. The store, of course,, '.-being closed, the firemen met

with some difficulty in effecting an entrance,

The adjusters came Tuesday 'and finished the work of adjust­ing the loss last night, paying $1,375.20. the store will open again about next Friday.

On Saturday morning at about • •' eleven o'clock the dreaded sound

iof the fire alarm was again v heard. This time the fire was

1 located in the dwelling house of Mrs. McGowan, in the third ward. By prompt work, the

' • most of the household goods

representation of teachers and school officers from different parts of the county, and a lively

r cr

Foil Sunburn

and Tan. The daily use of Cream of Roses will render your hands and face immune to every^skin blemish.

The raw winds of late spring are apt to make the skin rough and the sunburn, freckle and tan season will soon be here.

This need not bother you, however, if you bear Cream of Rosesinmind. It keeps the skin soft, smooth, fair. Your money back if it fails to please you.


Price 25 Cts.

Palace Drug Store, SISSETON, S . DAK.

Lv 4?*

All Ulmls o! Land Ollico Imsim-ss iransai 'U't l . Fil ing.- , and Filial Proofs Contest Art! davits and all Contest Papers nrido. Call win. 'n you want information about Uovorn meiit land l-iLisim-ss. Blanks furnishi 'd tree.

IS k DOLLAR EARNED Yell cil l i Siivc in;

by trading at the

i iy dollars

Farmers Excliang 8

Kvcrythin^' iii the store must

go at greatly reduced prices

to make room for the new

stock. New goods will be

arriving shortly. Come in

and see us. \\ e can and will

save you money.

' « * * * . . i i . t? . - - -a ' v ! - • - - r - r . - .

rj. » - 'X,r

i'^ * * , - i ,


The Pioneer Livery W I I .S O N I IKO'., I 'HOI-.

I IM-.S' i ' I II Ntil . 'TS IN Till- . NORTH WF.ST SiiiKi- l int ' 11. avi;s Slsseion dull^- for Cadwell , Kilt ly, V::: a: i: Vi l lei , at . 1 a. in. , r i .- lnrii l in.-5.30 p in.

v s S i S M/i ,o i i ( i a i l y (or ( - io i : r l Wi l l , the A^micv and l.oliri »| 7 a . n,., returnirji 12 m .

'1 K I . I. !• H ii K , > _

' »I J ( -><>«111- ' e l l , in i . ' i ' i l a 1 Ho te l -ifHO.on, Sotilli Daliotn'

A Proper Memorial kiv iTj ce t in tary shou ld be the pr ide o f a l l e i t l -ze i . s . Noth ing a i . 'd s mue l i t o the bea i i i yab a i propr i i . t c rr onun ient s .

We Will Rrske Cue For that tvilj t.f u cri-tilt toll,' fiiniily unci u> the city

r'a to nnilvi' you nr < stiniiui-.

Sisseton Marble Works Geo. Adkins & Son. Pr.ops.

Kail and Farm Insurance. Talk with Knappen. If you have valuable stock, it will pay you to insure then::

- •

r \ • -> , j ' s'- • a.* ^»'L J&?,