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The Simplistic Sign of Life (CHAPTER ONE) It seemed like any other Thursday morning on this the final week of August for the young but always confident John Walton. A smooth talking man's man like his father before him John, not even a year removed from his glory days back at Boston University, is mellifluous and handsome with emerald green eyes and a smile that's been turning heads since becoming the man of the house at the ripe old age of thirteen. Talented endowed with the gift of gab and an east coast education to back it up he is already Vice President of the Walton Corporation, a multi-million dollar family business answering only to his mother Glenda. Mother, she is a strong but supportive woman whom eagerly took the reins of the company over ten years ago after the untimely death of her husband, family patriarch William Walton. Answering to mother is something that all gifted young men must do at times during their young lives or at the very least until that first wife comes along to provide a symbolic bridge of insulation, 1

The Simplistic Sign of Life

Apr 14, 2017


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The Simplistic Sign of Life


It seemed like any other Thursday morning on this the final week of August for the young but always confident John Walton. A smooth talking man's man like his father before him John, not even a year removed from his glory days back at Boston University, is mellifluous and handsome with emerald green eyes and a smile that's been turning heads since becoming the man of the house at the ripe old age of thirteen.

Talented endowed with the gift of gab and an east coast education to back it up he is already Vice President of the Walton Corporation, a multi-million dollar family business answering only to his mother Glenda. Mother, she is a strong but supportive woman whom eagerly took the reins of the company over ten years ago after the untimely death of her husband, family patriarch William Walton.

Answering to mother is something that all gifted young men must do at times during their young lives or at the very least until that first wife comes along to provide a symbolic bridge of insulation, one separating the closeness of the mother son bond.

On the surface John might seem somehow different in this age old acknowledgement but in the end even he isn't the exception to the rule. Even though, answering to mother is something that he has learned to do very well during his first twenty-three years of life. In some measure of retrospect he now sees this relationship as an opportunity in his young life, not a burden. A


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symbolic jester of sorts as payment for the badge of pain his mother earned during childbirth.

John is both calculating and shrewd maybe even a little rough around the edges when it comes to experience yet still professionally polished enough the young man outwardly wise beyond his years. He is very likely on the fast track to running the Walton Corporation very soon.

Today with summer rapidly coming to an end John, on the third day of a business trip, is busy finishing up looking at warehouse properties for the family business. Even before exchanging a final handshake with the property owner, a Mr. Gary Cole, John has to work at remaining cool already knowing in his mind that the facility and location are both more than perfect match for the company if only he can negotiate the right price.

Afterwards walking away John thinks to himself with a rich confident grin. Glenda has no choice but to agree with me and buy this facility. Now for the real reason for visiting tiny little nothing Deer Park Connecticut. It's time to find Julia's and the best Pinot wine on the whole east coast, well that is according to Johnson.

A little later while driving back into town John eagerly searches for Julia's small sign, the one that Cole said was there just past McKinney's Bookstore. Trying best he can the young man still manages to miss the sign never seeing it there on the right just as instructed?

After turning around and driving back for a second look and still not finding the restaurant he seriously considers beginning that long drive home but in the end reconsiders, the young man really wanting the opportunity to taste Julia’s rare Pinot.


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It also doesn't hurt that Capeside is over an hour away and John really isn't in such a hurry to return home on this night the young man silently thinking, “If I don't spend a little time in town Glenda will assume that I rushed the tour and question me about every little detail”

Being questioned by Glenda is something that John definitely doesn't need right now particularly because of his plans to sail out to Nanatuck Island this weekend. Finally after a bit of indecision he decides to stop and ask for directions at McKinney's Bookstore.

After impetuously parking in the handicapped parking space John rushes into the diminutive bookstore. Once inside looking around in quiet a hurry he sees only one store clerk whom at the moment seemed to be wrapped-up in helping another customer, the clerk seemingly a little overwhelmed showing the latest and greatest printer. John then thinks to himself with a quiet laugh, “Most likely the only one that the store has in stocked if memory serves correct for the inventory capacity of small town bookstores.” Man that could take all day!

Then out of the corner of his eye John notices an attracted young woman just a couple of rolls over earnestly staring his direction.

John as always being polite, he smiles back at the young woman who at first doesn't even seem to realize that she's staring. Instinctively the young woman smiles back. John taking this as an invitation he walks right over to say hi thinking. Maybe I'll ask her for directions.

Quickly walking over to the young woman she shyly begins to look away as if only now she


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realizes that she'd been staring. Even before she can gather herself enough to turn away John is standing in front of her with the most amazing smile she'd ever seen. Then as if it was even possible this new stranger also had the most astonishing emerald green eyes she’d ever had the opportunity to look into.

Then John a very confident young man who's never needed an introduction to talk to anyone he simply says, “Hello, I'm John.” while sharing a smile on this day that could have easily melted butter.

With this the young woman knows without doubt that the handsome man is in fact talking to her. She only manages a brief smile before losing her nerve retreating back to one of her nervous little ticks. This nervous tick has her looking down at her shoes for no apparent reason except to break eye contact. Only this time something rare happens, almost like a drug something sparks deep inside, she has no choice but to look up at the attractive man in front of her.

Now regaining a bit of her nerve the young woman begins to speak as she slowly glances up into those seductive green eyes. Truly dazzling they are almost hypnotic in nature, eyes seemingly looking over every inch of her. Suddenly realizing this, the young woman once again becomes tongue tied over the simplest of simple words. John can only grin once again saying hello, “Hello, I’m John Walton.”

After a couple seconds the young woman finally manages to say hello where John with baited breathe waits patiently waiting for more,


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finally at long last the young woman breaks her silence saying, “Hello, I'm Beth Sumner.”

John smiles as he stands there looking into her pleasantly pretty blue eyes, then at long last he sees the welcoming smile that he was hoping for as he then says, “Well then Beth Sumner, this is a beautiful little town you have here but unfortunately I've seemed to have lost my way. Is it possible that you might know where Julia's Restaurant is located?”

Hearing this she smiles again as if the act itself becomes somewhat easier every time she does it saying, “Yes, it's not far from here.”

John at the moment standing close enough to smell the young woman’s perfume can only grin as he thinks, Wow, is this girl pretty or what I sure hope she knows where the restaurant is, as if admiring her beauty has somehow temporarily affected his memory. Then after a moment of silence an emerald green light goes off in Beth’s pretty head as she suddenly realizes that John is actually asking her for directions, directions that she'll now need a reply too. With this she impetuously says, “Oh, I'm finished here if you like I'll be more than happy to show you the way.”

Of course I'd like that beautiful the young man impetuously saying, “Maybe you would like to join me for lunch?”

Hearing this Beth begins to feel the slightest twinge of a warming glow on her cheeks, one alerting her to the fact that she may just at this moment be turning a darker shade of red. Because of this still nervous beyond words she looks down once again at her shoes where she tries to hide


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from the bundle of nerves now knotting up there in the pit of her stomach.

Needing relief more than anything Beth inhales another deep cleansing breath this one helping her once again to regain just the tiniest bit of focus. Afterwards Beth looks up at John as she says, “Yes, I'll be more than happy to show you how to get there can you follow me with your car?”

Hearing this John grins before saying yes the young man still not entirely sure that she'll join him for lunch. About a minute later side by side they walk from McKinney's Bookstore on their way.

Slowly pulling from the parking lot onto Main Street with John following close behind, the young man not wanting to lose his guide, Beth leads the way. Then, after only traveling about half a block she turns onto a narrow side street, one that eventually opens after about fifty feet to reveal Julia's parking lot. Seeing the restaurant John exhales for the moment as he realizes exactly how close he actually was to finding the place. Then as the sudden realization of doubt enters the mind John earnestly thinks, “Oh no she's going to think that I was lying about being lost.”

Now feeling like an idiot he walks over to the beautiful young woman with a bashful sheepish grin on his handsome face and sincerely says, “Wow, didn't know that I was this close” as a hesitant diminutive laugh seeps from his mouth.

Seeing this the young woman laughs back as she confidently says, “I know I've been trying to get Jesse to replace that little sign out on the street for forever. I know first-hand exactly how difficult this place is to find for out of town visitors.


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I mean really, just last week I showed an Indian couple who were lost how to get to the restaurant.”

Now seeing the innocence's in Beth's confession John confidently laughs that little boy laugh of his before saying, “So, would you still like to share a glass of wine with me? Maybe even have lunch it you haven't eaten yet.” all said with a please say yes questioning look in his emerald green eyes.

Beth now unable to help herself she smiles back as she says, “Sure, I guess that would only be the proper thing for me to do.” as she longingly says under her breath, Of course I want to have lunch with you, this will give me an opportunity to look just a little longer into those beautiful green eyes.

Walking through the heavy wooden double doors preferring to let Beth lead the way to the hostess station John quickly notices that Julia's is perfectly lit with soft lighting setting the mode for a pleasant dining experience. While waiting for the hostess to return John, who also owns his own restaurant, he looks around observing that Julia's is divided into three distinct sections along with what looks like two maybe three private rooms, enough space to accommodate at the very least a hundred on the weekend. At last after waiting for more than a minute the hostess finally returns to escort the young couple to a small table for two in the back of the restaurant close to a large beautifully restored fireplace. On the way to their table they walk past a large island bar with what looks like a very auspicious selection of imported beer and wines.


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John then thinks with a subtle grin on his face, “This place doesn't look half bad, I'm actually surprised that Johnson was even able to find it but then again the man does have impeccable good taste which might somehow explain why he’s always at mom's house.”

Now, finally finished looking around at the establishment John once again focuses his attention on the beautiful young woman sitting across the table asking, “So Beth Sumner, how often do you drink wine?” Hearing the question the young beauty hesitates for a moment before honestly saying, “I really haven't tried wine before that is unless you count wine at church. I've heard from a few friends that the restaurant does have a really nice selection of wine as-well-as other popular spirits.”

Hearing this John smiles like a kid receiving his Christmas present early excitedly saying, “That's great! This is the reason why I was looking for this particular restaurant a close friend told me that they have the best Pinot on the whole east coast.” Beth smiles saying, “Really!” Then she looks down to see the trembling of her hand as it continues to shake there in her lap revealing how nervous she really is before looking back at John saying with a warm smile, “If that's what you want then I'm OK with trying a little.” Pleased beyond words John smiles again thinking Dinner is going rather well for an unplanned date.

A few moments later while waiting for their food to arrive the waitress returns with two glasses of the house Pinot, the couple then eagerly begin to sample the wine. It only takes one conservative sip for Beth to determine without


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question that she likes the taste. Because of this the young woman too begins to think silently to herself, Wow, this seems to be going really well, as she subtly looks for the first time to see if there is a wedding ring on John's left hand.

Noticing her eyes searching John smiles as if he can somehow tell what the attractive young woman sitting across from him might be thinking. Then without giving it a moment of thought he matter of fact tells Beth that he's only in town on business, explaining that he doesn’t live far away driving in from the picturesque tourist town of Capeside Massachusetts.

At the moment somewhat curious wanting very much to get to know the young woman John questioningly asks, “So Beth Sumner, are you from Deer Park?”

The young woman modestly smiles before saying, “Mostly, as a child my parents lived in upstate NY but I've lived here for the last ten years or so.”

Beth then takes another sip of her wine before asking, “So John Walton, are you really from Capeside?” John impetuously says, “No, I don't really believe that anyone in our little town is actually from Capeside, honestly I think the vast majority of the town's full-time residents are like my family, mostly from Boston, or as mother often says, “Capesider's are Boston folk who don't like dealing with the urban crime of the big bad city.”

Beth re-actively giggles just a little as she states, “And here I though crime only happened in the big apple.”

Hearing this and seeing the youthful innocents again in Beth’s body language and tone


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John takes a deeper more admiring look at the beautiful young creature now sitting across from him. Then with an unusual strange feeling of desire brewing in the pit of his stomach he smiles with some intent before saying, “Boy, I hope that food gets here soon, I'm about starved after skipping breakfast this morning,” as he looks around in vain for their waitress.

Then with a bit of curiously in his emerald green eyes John suddenly asks, “So, have you been to New York City?” Without giving the question a moment of thought Beth too replies matter of fact, “No, not really.”

John with genuine sincerity in his warm inviting eyes declares, “Actually it's really pretty safe in New York and Boston but mom, Glenda is what my younger brothers and I call her most days, well she's just a little too over protective these days” Beth then sighs and despairingly says, “Yeah, my parents they’ve never really been very over protective at all, they just tell me to say close to Deer Park mostly.”

John, now with a bit of seriousness in his tone he curiously asks, “Beth, do you mind if I ask how old you are?” The young woman giggles again before saying, “Old enough to order this wine if I want.” Hearing this he can’t help but to laugh finding this new creature oddly funny.

“So, are you studying at one of the local schools?”

“No, I went to Syracuse for two years but never really liked school all that much.”

John subsequently declares, “Yeah, I'm out of school too. These days I work for the Walton


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Corporation. That's actually why I'm in town today looking at some properties for the boss.”

Beth innocently replies without putting the same two last names together, “The Walton Corporation that kind of sounds like a good place to work. Me, I like to write.”

“What kind of writing, newspapers, blogs, maybe books?”

Beth once again as if it's nothing nonchalantly answers, “Oh, I write books.”

John politely grins as he quizzically ask, “So, have you ever been published?”

Beth not really thinking that much about it says, “Yeah, one book so far.”

John with an impressed look in his eyes and a pleasing smile says, “Well that's great, how does it feel to be a published author?” as the waitress at long last arrives with their meal.

Beth then tells her handsome date that writing is lovely as the two continue to talk back and forth throughout lunch with the young woman anxiously hanging on every word, a tidy little detail not at all lost on John.

After what seemed like only minutes but in fact had been over an hour the couple was now finishing up a fabulous lunch when John ask his beautiful lunch date if there is anything interesting to do in small town Deer Park on a Thursday night? Beth replies with a not so subtle grin, “No, not really but if this was Saturday night then. Well, actually there wouldn't be much to do then either.” all said with an innocent youthful giggle behind it.

John laughs once again finding Beth oddly funny he broodingly says only for show, “So, can I safely assume that since your hometown has


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nothing for an out of town guest to do on a slow Thursday night that you wouldn't have a problem having dinner with this particular bored guest?”

Beth seriously hesitates just for a moment before reading the sarcasms behind his grin saying with her own, “Well, I was going to wash my dirty hair and do my nails tonight just in case something better comes along tomorrow at McKinney's Bookstore.” Then with a whisper of hesitation to hold John’s attention Beth continues saying, “Somehow I have to assume that I should because really it would be the social thing to do.” as an eye opening smile shyly comes across her beautiful angelic face.

John eagerly smiles in response with a gleam of obvious joy in his eyes as he says, “That's great tonight I'll tell you all about my boat.”

Just a few minutes later standing in Julia’s parking lot Beth tells John thank you as he opens the door before asking, “Are you staying in town at the Drake Inn?” John innocently grins as he says no explaining, “I have this little thing that I like to do when I have to travel for business. See, I love to find new bed and breakfast to stay at and fortunately on this trip I've taken a room at Daniel's.”

Hearing this Beth curiously asks, “I hear that Daniel's is really nice, is it?”

“Yes but my favorite place to stay is Potter's Bed & Breakfast located on the coast just outside of Plymouth Massachusetts. That place is so much more intimate than Daniel's. Honestly the last couple of years the place has become more than just special to me, it has almost become a second home.”


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Beth then smiles as she looks at John with her pleasantly pretty blue eyes and says, “Well then, I'll see you at eight in Daniel's parking lot.”

Hearing this John grins as he says, “That will be fine but why don't you come on in and I'll meet you in the family room. Oh by the way, I'm in room 103.”

Hearing John’s innocent invitation Beth gives him her best naughty grin before slightly turning her beautiful blonde head to look ahead pulling away without saying a word only an innocent laugh lingering in the wind as she drives away.

Now just a bit surprised even a little intrigued John watches all the while maintaining that same confident expression on his face from earlier today the young man saying. “OK, I'll see you at eight tonight.” Then with a laugh he watches as the young beauty slowly drives away.


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(CHAPTER TWO)Later that evening walking through the

antique front door of Daniel's Bed & Breakfast Beth Sumner has that eager to see look on her face. With eyes wide open she anticipates what the rustic business might look like on the inside. Much to her surprise but not disappointment, the inside actually looked like her grandmother’s restored farmhouse back in Idaho. Although the young woman had only been there once, back during the summer she turned thirteen, she still to this day remembers the look and smell of the place as if it was only yesterday.

Looking back now it seemed that her mother and grandmother didn't have much of a relationship. Even with this being the case Beth still came away from her one and only visit feeling loved and appreciated, something she rarely if ever felt at home. To the very young Beth Sumner her grandmother Elizabeth, unlike her mother, she seemed warm and welcoming. Hell Elizabeth even asked Beth to come stay for the summer, something the child very much wanted to do.

Unfortunately for Beth her father James and mother Mary were both equally opposed to the idea. It wasn’t until the summer of her sixteenth birthday did the young woman start planning another trip to Idaho for the summer, maybe longer. This time the young woman was going with or without her parents blessing. Sorry to say fate had a different plan Elizabeth dying home alone on a rainy cold spring morning. And much to Beth's disappointment her parents didn't even bother attending the funeral.


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Beth, she never really had the chance to personally know her grandmother except through the dozens and dozens of letters shared over those last two years. It was actually Elizabeth who first recognized and encouraged Beth's writing through those now cherished letters. Elizabeth had observed over the course of these correspondences that her precocious granddaughter had an unusual unique way of sharing her stories, almost to the point where Elizabeth thought about mentioning one of her favorite writing techniques to her granddaughter, a technique called character writing. Although she thought about it she never did share this thought with her granddaughter and in the end it was Beth who first discussed this writing technique with the development of a character named Marty.

This so delighted Elizabeth when her granddaughter shared this with her, the imaginative personal side of her writing, doing so as early as the summer of her fourteenth birthday. This in her mind also showed how grandmother and granddaughter, even with all the years and miles between them, how both still thought the same when it came to writing, each with an underlying appreciation for storytelling.

Beth for her part she never really understood why Mary felt the way she did or why she acted the way she did only that somewhere along the way that all important bond between mother and daughter must have been broken. This being something that Beth has slowly come to grips with herself over the last few years.

What Beth couldn't see then was that her mother had been at odds with Elizabeth for years,


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mostly over small ambiguous things but still things that neither had an inability to let go of. One defining issue though was Mary’s animosity towards Elizabeth for not moving to New York State when she absolutely needed her too, but this basically was because of her disappointment over Elizabeth not selling the family ranch so that she could give the money to James allowing him to invest in starting his own business.

Another issue of heated debate was Mary’s inability to understand why Elizabeth would chose to live alone all these years in the remote Idaho wilderness. Mary never considering for one minute that Elizabeth might have liked a change in her lonely life, she just couldn't find the will power to leave behind her family home, after all the man she loved more than life itself, Mary's father George he laid buried there not more than a hundred yards from the steps of her stone back porch. Beth’s grandfather buried in the one place that still meant the world to her grandmother. George buried beneath the large flower garden that Elizabeth built herself, a garden built out of love board by board brick by brick to honor the memory of who the great man once was-who he still was there in the back of Elizabeth’s mind.

Even now, at such a happy moment in her young life, just looking around the family room Beth is eerily reminded of Elizabeth and the world she never had the opportunity to know. Sitting there on one of those four diminutive dark blue couches Beth immediately feels right at home even though she hadn't spent more than a single day at her grandmother's farmhouse. Just a few hours really! Beth still harking back to the past she


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thinks to herself, “The farm” with fervor forlorn sigh the young woman remembering what her grandmother told her once. Honey, I don't live on a farm, people in Indiana and Iowa live on farms, here in Idaho we call 'em ranches! All said with that mischievous grin on her face and a wise twinkle in her pretty blue eyes.

Beth, she was still thinking of Elizabeth and the ranch when John said hello inexplicably pulling her mind away from something she hadn't thought about in years to the one thing she'd thought about almost every minute since lunch.

Now reaching his right hand down with an offer to help her up although not needed, Beth smiles all the same feeling the incredible strength in John’s hands with a strong yet tender touch that she already believes would never let her fall, not now, not ever! John smiles with admiration as he gets his first look at Beth wearing a beautiful knee length blue dress, one that just happened to match her beautiful blue eyes, a silk white shirt with short sleeves that expose her sexy tone arms, and a pair of gray open-toe sandals with perfectly manicured toenails polished to perfection to match her blue dress. Beth's ensemble on this night helped to make her look rather stunning for a non-Valentine Thursday night dinner at Julia's.

Then just before leaving for dinner John invites Beth for a short walk out to the back patio where together they watch the sun as it slowly descends behind the tree line which regrettably blocks out what could have been a beautiful sunset. Even with this the young beauty still stands watching thinking second by incredible second just what she would write in tonight's entry of her daily


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memoirs, a journal entry tonight which would more than likely describe the first of many sunset’s that she would enjoy watching with the way too handsome John Walton. Thinking of this Beth flashes a confident smile already sure in her mind that tonight will be the first of many that she'll share with this new green eyed prince.

Just a little while later after being seated at almost the same table as earlier today John and Beth once again enjoy another glass of Pinot only this time John ask to speak to the owner of Julia's. A few minutes later while the couple sat talking a rather lumpy looking short bald man in his early forties walks up to the table with a concerned look on his face. After a formal introduction concern is easily removed from his face now replaced with an appreciative smile. Watching Beth is pleasantly surprised by John's vast knowledge of wine as he and Jessie, Rick Jenner the owner of Julia's, they seem to speak a language somehow unrecognizable to her even though she can clearly ascertain that it is some form of English. Afterwards, Beth asking somewhat curious what the conversation was about John nonchalantly telling her with a grin, “Oh, just shop talk.”

Then seeing that questioning look in Beth's eyes John shares that he ask for Mr. Jenner so he could get both the brand name and provider of his fabulous house Pinot. Beth who has always been well versed in the recognition of sarcasm herself, she looks at John with that angelic straight-laced face of hers and asks. “So John Walton, is it restaurants that you like or could it possibly be the wine?” John still smiling at Beth's question says with a bit of a sheepish sarcastic grin, “Well,


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actually I like both but of the two I'm pretty sure that it's the wine that I like best. One day I would like to maybe own my very own vineyard and winery.” Once again John says nothing about owning his own restaurant just as earlier today he said nothing about owning a large share of the Walton Group.

After a long romantic dinner which subsequently included a second glass of wine for the young couple as-well-as a slice of peach pie for dessert John now feeling the need to clear away the rapidly growing thoughts in his mind in addition to the exorbitant amount of alcohol consumed he once again ask the young beauty to join him for a moonlit walk under the stars. Liking the sound of this Beth answers his question with an inviting smile. After paying the bill and motioning a thank you to the owner the young couple walk from Julia's, easily exiting out through the heavy front doors to the sidewalk just as a gentle breeze flutters in their faces. On their romantic walk the couple share a smile or two here and there, they talk about almost everything under the sun with one exception John's little boat. This leaves Beth almost breathless with anticipation the boat being the one topic she was sure would come up tonight.

Now with dinner and a pleasant walk behind them John drives his beautiful date back to Daniel's Bed & Breakfast, the young man finally telling her all about his little boat. Beth's enchantment for her green eyed prince only grows listening as he talked with such youthful exuberance noting there in the back of her mind the excitement and wonder of it all. The young


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woman actually seeing first hand John coming to life with an intensity on his face like a child recounting that first weekend camping trip with dad. The young woman silently sighing deep sentiment literally exploding inside picturing that ten year old little boy dying to escape from the shadow of the wonderful man sitting in the car next to her.

With this Beth sits in amazement as John recounts the story of his boat beginning with her name, “The Sweet Catherine” named after my deceased grandmother Catherine. John continues explaining, “When I was just a totter, as the story has been told time and time again by Glenda, I would walk around the house when learning to talk saying, Sweet Catherine, Sweet Catherine. Eventually I learned that I did this for a reason, as a child I loved sweet tea and the only place where I could get sweet tea was at my Grandmother Catherine's house. Apparently I just put the two together and as a tot I would walk around the house asking over and over to go to grandma's house for some sweet Catherine.”

Beth then curiously asks, “So boats and sailing have always been a part of your childhood?”

Hearing this John can only grin. After a moment to reflect and with a twinkle in his eyes he innocently responds, “Not really, the summer I turned twelve my father won a 40-foot sailboat off an instant scratch off lottery ticket, for some reason my father was lucky like that. Anyway, oh boy was he ever proud of that boat, mostly because we were the only family in the old town district to have a sailboat. It was only after winning the boat


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that dad was hooked by the sailing bug. My father taking the new boat out on weekly sailing adventures, the man loved venturing out onto the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean.”

“What about Glenda did she like sailing?”“Regrettably mother didn't much care for it.

Because of this father often took me and my little brother Daniel out on the boat, doing so almost every weekend. We often would sail out to a particular uninhabited island called Sandy Hills where dad taught us how to camp, hunt, fish, and best of everything he taught us how to sail. On most of these trips either there or back he would let me or Daniel take the wheel, teaching us the delicate principles of sailing. Then on what turned out to be our final outing, the end of summer sail, father let me navigate the boat home all the way back to Boston harbor doing so completely without help. Beth, that island was over two hours away. I was scared to death but I couldn't let dad know. I just couldn’t! I’d had known since I was eight that my father, he was my hero. Because of this I just stood there at the captain’s wheel holding on tight looking like I belong where I smiled all the way home.

After that, I knew one day that I would have my own boat. Last year after finishing business school I had enough money saved to buy a good used sailboat as a graduation gift and that’s what I did. After buying the boat the first thing I did was change her name from IRIS to The SWEET CATHERINE. Mom loved the boat and the name change but to this day she still hasn't been out of port on that first sail.”


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Finally, Thursday evening coming to a close, John walks his beautiful date to her car where he can’t help himself but to smile, doing so every step along the way telling her what a good time he has had. Then reaching for the door they accidentally touch both easily sensing the chemistry shared, both feeling the jolt of electricity from that first magical touch, accident or not. Then with hearts racing and adrenaline pumping both clearly sense the excitement of the moment just as they did earlier in the evening when that first gentle breeze fluttered like fairy dust in their youthful faces. The breeze doing so the moment they walked from Julia's with the rare intoxicating taste of Pinot still on their lips.

Now standing outside Beth's open car window, John leans down to ask if the exciting new creature sitting in the driver’s seat if she would call him tomorrow at work. Beth easily says yes with a smile only after John slips her his personal phone number on one of his business cards. Unlike earlier in the day he is prepared just in case this oddly funny new woman decides to speed away like before. Then out of the blue John impetuously asks, “Hey, how would you like to come away with me Saturday? I was planning an overnight sail out to Nanatuck Island to visit a couple of friends.”

Hearing this the young beauty spontaneously says with a grin, “Maybe, I guess you'll know if I call you tomorrow.” then with a giggle she once again leaves him standing in the parking lot watching as she quickly speeds away.

Standing there now alone with a puzzled grin on his face John sarcastically says, “I think I'm going to enjoy playing with this girl.” shaking his


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head of long black hair like a little boy laughing at one of his own jokes watching the red taillights of her car disappear into the darkness of a beautiful summer’s evening.


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The Simplistic Sign of Life

(CHAPTER THREE)With eyes piercing into the darkness from

the wet deck of the Sweet Catherine John is all but sure that she will show for their weekend date, only now Beth Sumner is over an hour late. Checking the phone once again he begins to think shaking his head she must really be lost! Always patient he is rapidly becoming restless.

Then with the early morning dawn beginning to break from the west a single set of lights come into view parking right next to his Toyota Land Cruiser. Without a moment’s hesitation he quickly walks out towards the parking lot all but sure this is her car. With every step he gets closer finally seeing her through the heavy fog. At last finally reaching her a welcoming smile comes across his handsome face John enthusiastically saying, “Wow, so glad you made it, did you have trouble finding the place?”

Once again seeing his enthusiasm up close Beth shyly grins just a little before nonchalantly saying, “Well, I did make one or two wrong turns. Actually I do believe it's time to invest in a GPS system for the car, but honestly, it wasn't that bad of a drive.”

The over anxious young man smiles once again looking around for additional luggage before saying, “Well then is there anything I can help you with?”

Beth instinctively shakes her pretty blonde head as she declares, “No, just the one small bag.”

Then turning to begin their walk back towards the docks she gets her first look at the late summer sunrise the sun at that very moment bursting through the low hanging fog on the


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eastern horizon rising up out of the Atlantic Ocean revealing Mother Nature in all her perfect morning glory.

Beth witnessing this incredible event for the first time is almost stunned silent only able to smile back saying, “Wow!” before looking at John with an enormously large grin on her face. Instinctively smiling back he says, “Yeah, pretty awesome hum?” Beth replies, “Awesome is about right.”

Afterwards John confidently walks Beth around to the starboard side of the boat where he stops to admire his new toy, doing so with this incredible beautiful new woman standing by his side for the first time.

“So Beth Sumner of Deer Park Connecticut, this is my little boat The Sweet Catherine.”

Beth now excited to say the very least, even somewhat just a little in awe, she turns to look at John and earnestly says, “Oh John this isn't little at all.”

He sheepishly grins like a little boy earnestly saying, “No!” Beth continues, “No, I was actually visualizing something about half this size.”

Hearing this he innocently looks away out towards the open water that sheepish grin still on his face the young man suddenly needing to say, “Beth, this is my starter boat. In a few years, God willing, I'd like to have one just a bit bigger one where I can head out on the water for weeks at a time.”

Beth takes a moment to let the thought settle in her mind before earnestly saying, “Well John Walton, that does sound very ambitious of you but I bet a guy could get mighty lonely out there


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all by himself surrounded by all that open water with nothing but the fish and birds to keep him company.”

John at first replies with a sarcastic laugh, then he takes a moment to think just a little deeper about the implied thought suggested were he sincerely says, “Well Beth Sumner, it does sound as if you might be just a little concerned about me.”

After a brief sigh Beth shyly looks down at her shoes suddenly noticing that first small tinge of apprehension entering her thoughts the young woman knowing that she’d given him the ideal that she might like to be out there with him. With this thought now exposed she sarcastically says, “Well, what if you're not very good at sailing and really, a guy does need for someone to worry about him from time to time.” the young woman allowing a mischievous healthy grin to slowly reveal itself as she innocently looks up into those dazzling emerald green eyes.

Hearing this John seriously states matter of fact just for show, “Well, thank you very much for your concern but really I am very good at sailing if I do say so myself. And let me assure you, don't become alarmed when we get out there on the open water and the waves start to pick up in size the farther we get away from the coast, The Sweet Catherine, she's a good boat one that could probably get you there and back with or without me.” all now said with a humorous salty laugh.

Beth then lets out a laugh of her own as she sarcastically says, “Well, maybe if she's got GPS and auto polite.”


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With a grin John whimsically shakes his head while boarding the boat, once on he turns to offer help as Beth comes aboard for the first time.

Now aboard the young beauty looks around with curiosity and excitement in those blue eyes of hers, after a moment as if she’s taking it all in for the first time she suddenly turns asking John if there is any particular place where she should stand while he is busy readying to cast off? He sentimentally smiles only now realizing that his beautiful date has never sailed before. Knowing this John politely tells Beth that she should sit in one of the seats at the back of the boat.

With Beth taking a seat out of the way he quickly goes to work preparing to pull away from the docks, first releasing the starboard lines before starting the boat’s powerful motor which automatically illicit a question the young woman curiously asking, “I thought we were sailing, what's with the motor?”

Hearing this the young man flashes an innocent smile John answering, “Well, we'll use the boat's motor to exit the crowded marina afterwards, once on the open water I'll disconnect the motor and raise the boats beautiful white sails.”

With John confidently standing at the Captain’s Wheel safely navigating The Sweet Catherine out of Capeside Marina Beth silently busies herself admiring the beautiful morning view of the harbor. Doing so a surreal thought suddenly crosses her mind, one which reveals for the first time in her life it’s not Marty taking this once in a lifetime trip, it’s her, she’s the one now on a beautiful sailboat motoring into a glorious sunrise.


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Once reaching Lookout Lighthouse Beth questioningly gazes at the historic site pondering in her mind just how long the lighthouse has stood there protecting lost ships from crashing into Rock Island, especially on those particularly dark and stormy nights of days gone by. Then hearing the smooth rhythmic idle of the boat's motor disengage her attention suddenly returns to John where she intensely watches with wonder and fascination as he begins the hectic chaotic process to raise the boat's mighty sails. Then in seconds, like a kite taking off in the spring breeze, the wind is captured in her huge white sails and The Sweet Catherine takes off for the open warm waters of the deep blue sea and today's destination the tourist island of Nanatuck.

With her eyes glued to every facet of the process Beth watches completely impressed the boat gliding effortlessly over the choppy surf sailing into what should be a beautiful end of summer warm August day. Then as if remembering why she is here after watching the water, the sky, and the birds Beth turns her attention back to John, lustfully watching as he stands at the wheel of the boat like a Greek god his long black hair blowing in the breeze a prideful but sincere smile of youthful exorbitance now written all over his handsome face. A smile on this day that clearly says, if it could recite the words in all their honesty, this is the only place he would want to be if life would somehow allow it. This place now in his soul lost out on the churning waters of the deep blue sea, the young man standing behind the captain’s wheel of a beautiful sailboat her sails flying high in a cloudless blue clear sky.


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After sailing for a couple of hours John suddenly lowers the sails slowing the boat where he drops the heavily weighted anchor bringing the boat to a stop. Seeing a puzzled look on Beth’s face he gives her a smile of reassurance before going below without saying a word. After a few minutes of waiting Beth optimistically begins to wonder just what it is that he could be doing down in the lower compartment.

Still holding to her anticipation it doesn't take much longer to find the answer John suddenly emerging up on deck carrying a wicker picnic basket, a confident grin of surprise on his handsome face. With this the handsome young man walks to the back of the boat and sits down next to Beth declaring, “Since I was thinking this might be your first time out on a sailboat what I’ve found to sometimes be the case you may have skipped breakfast this morning. After watching you for a while and having only eaten a couple pieces of toast myself I’m now fairly certain that you would be more than likely fine with eating a little food. Anyway, I took the initiative this morning and packed a picnic lunch if that is ok with you. If so why we eat I'll tell you all about Nanatuck Island since I'll have to also assume that you've never been there either.”

Beth’s face instantly lights up replying with impetuous enthusiasm which easily makes John grin the young woman saying, “I am so glad that you thought of food because I was about starved. That small blueberry bagel I ate this morning is a distant memory plus you're right, I was just a little concerned about eating due to the possibility of getting sea sick.”


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Only now remembering the story that his father liked to share at family gatherings John smiles telling Beth about Glenda's love for The Sweet Catherine as long as the boat remained tied to the wharf. John explaining with a short sarcastic laugh, “This was a result of a first time sailing experience gone terribly wrong on one of my parents renown date nights back when I was a boy.

After enjoying a quick lunch consisting of chicken salad sandwiches on freshly baked Italian Herb and Cheese bread, a bowl of cold pasta salad, lightly salted chips, and a glass of Pinot wine brought from John's personal home collection Beth now feeling full she looks forward to the second half of the sail. Once again sitting there in her chair watching she contently sighs as John goes back into action raising the anchor before putting the picturesque white sails back into a stunningly glorious midday clear blue sky just as a stiffing breeze begins to blow filling the sails helping to push The Sweet Catherine rapidly towards her destination.

After a few more wonderful hours on the water watching and listening as John explained every detail of the sail as if he might indeed be a twelve year old child extruding every aspect of youthful innocents when telling a friend about his prized new toy, Beth at long last finally sees land. Exhaling with ambiguous relief on her angelic face Beth wonders, am I the new toy or is it quite possible that the boat is John's new toy? With this thought the young woman suddenly grins with a calming self-satisfying internal amount of contentment for even imagining such a thought. Then walking to the front of the boat she watches


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with anticipation as he navigates The Sweet Catherine into the harbor at Nanatuck Island.

Once in the harbor Beth sees hundreds of assorted boats docked in the marina which has her wondering if they'll find a place to dock. With the boat slowly motoring past completely full docking wharf after wharfs eventually she notices a few empty slips. But to her surprise John fails to stop at any of these only stopping upon reaching the exclusively private Nanatuck Resort and Marina wharfs where he confidently docks at one of the resort's private slips. Beth not realizing that the Walton Corporation owns the private slip she looks at John with a questioning look in her beautiful blue eyes before quizzically asking, “Is it OK for us to dock here, I mean it does appear to be somewhat private?”

With a grin on his handsome face John confidently says, “Yeah, I'm really sure that it's OK. I've been docking the boat here for some time now without any issues.”

Hearing this she shakes her head OK earnestly saying, “Well, It does look very pretty over here. Do you come to visit your friends often?”

John mischievously grins again saying, “Maybe two or three times a month when the weather cooperates.”

Beth then says with just a little extra excitement in her voice, “I can't wait to see the rest of the island.”

A few minutes later John now finished securing the boat to the docking post he and Beth make their way from the docks to a waiting taxi, one that will transport the couple to the island's


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only hotel, the historic Adams Resort and Spa at Nanatuck.

Walking hand in hand to the waiting taxi both John and Beth admire the genuinely beauty of the boats docked alone the way. With this a sudden smile of wow crosses Beth’s face the young woman now knowing that she is indeed in a different world, one so much larger than the innocent little town of Deer Park that she left just this morning. Even with this thought now in her mind the young beauty still manages to keep an eye on the island’s resort which sits on the exterior of the small town just waiting to be explored. With a quite sigh seeping from her mouth Beth thinks, here we go, I wonder just what it is that this weekend might have in store for me?

As the taxi breezes pass one store front after another Beth makes a mental list of the trendy Shoppes along the way that she might like to explore in hopes of purchasing those special items that she’ll take back to her simple small town life. John having made this ride more than a few times over the last few year’s he is more than content in watching as Beth’s expression changes along the way knowing somewhere there inside just what it is that the young woman might be thinking with each passing moment.

Finally the driver stops the car at the front entrance to a building that must be more than a hundred years old, Beth then wonders if this is the hotel that they’ll stay at on this night? John grins as if he can read her mind replying with a yes, The Hotel Nunavut, it is the best hotel on the island and I’m more than sure that you will love your room. Beth sits silent for a moment thinking John


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must be an awesome guy to understand that tonight is not the night to share a room on this our first night together.

Walking through the front door Beth is suddenly awe struck as she sees the ground floor lobby with its generously large furniture which includes countless antique tables, stands, and shelves. John intuitively thinks Too see this unusual room with her own eyes for the first time, she must surely be impressed, Just the charm and feel of the hotel lobby alone would impress most casual tourist but as I’ve learned since meeting her Beth is anything but casual.

Then as if he really can’t get enough John stands completely intrigued watching her, studying her reactions, first to the overwhelming amount of lavish polished brass fixtures in and around the lobby to the greenery of the plants accenting the room. Then there’s that eye catching stone fireplace at one end of the lobby, a beautifully restored structure adorned with large family portraits through the years of a family that in John’s estimation may still to this day call the hotel Nunavut home. John once again thinks surely she must be amazed now.

Now taking notice of the staff standing behind a mammoth bar which sits just in front of an open set of steps leading to the second floor Beth can’t help but to grin thinking just how nice the hotel really is. Then with John leading the way the couple approach the front desk making their way up to the waiting staff were Beth is more than just a little surprised when hotel concierge notices John, the man seemingly rushing out to welcome


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him as if he must certainly be someone very important to him.

At first Beth thinks maybe the concierge is one of the friends that John had planned to visit on this trip but after a couple minutes the two separate without any formal introduction the hotel’s bellboy arriving in the lobby where he quickly escorts the young couple up to their third floor suite.

Opening the door to Suite 301 Beth follows John into the large vestibule which easily opens to an even larger family room with all the bells and whistles of a luxurious five star townhouse, fireplace included. Beth then watches as John tips the hotel’s bellboy a twenty dollar bill which seemed like a bit much even to a non-traveler like her.

Afterwards, as the bellboy exited the room closing the door behind him, Beth like a child she goes room to room suddenly enthralled by the excitement and wonder of the room. On this first night the young woman seemingly moving here, there, and everywhere. With a smile John watches having only seen this type of excitement from his younger brothers Daniel and Matt on Christmas morning, even then this was when they were very young. At last opening the window that overlooks the street below Beth’s happiness can’t be contained John finally concluding that the young woman is exceedingly pleased that she decided to take him up on his offer to sail out to Nanatuck Island.

With the door closed and nothing or no one between them John walks over to his still joyful date and asks if she’d ever stayed in a hotel like


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this? Beth impetuously responds without giving the question a moment of thought saying boldly, “Oh no John, nothing even close to a place like this.” the young woman telling him in no uncertain words exactly how beautiful this place really is.

Hearing this John grins knowing how pleased the young beauty really is before surprisingly suggesting that she make her way to the adjoining room to nap for a couple of hours explaining that he had plans for the two of them tonight and from past experience he knew firsthand that the boat could leave her somewhat exhausted even without her recognizing the signs of this. Hearing John’s suggesting Beth unsure but accepting she heads off to the adjoining bedroom to wind down for a bit where she quickly falls into a relaxing deep sleep.

A couple of hours later Beth is suddenly awakened when she hears the ringing of the phone in her room. Picking up the phone and expecting to hear John’s voice Beth is once again surprised to hear the unknown voice of Richard Potter, the hotel’s concierge, as he informs her that the bellboy should be only minutes away from dropping off a package. Hearing this surprise Beth apprehensively says thank you before hanging up the phone to wait for the package to arrive. Less than a minute later the bellboy knocks on her door delivering a package containing a beautiful black dress with matching shoes. Beth of course is very impressed, even surprised to find that the delicately stitched handmade dress is a perfect fit. Standing in front of the mirror for the third time in the last ten minutes admiring this delicate piece of fashion Beth thinks about questioning how John


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would know exactly what she needed but then she pictures him in her mind and without a second worth of an afterthought she knows the answer to this question.

Less than an hour later there is a light knock at the door, Beth’s eyes light up at the sound her stomach already doing flips with anticipation. With this she begins again to think of the black dress fueling her imagination for what John must be wearing. Inhaling a deep cleansing breathe she finally opens the door seeing for herself the handsome young man now standing before her with an enormous smile on his face. John as if seeing for the first time the young woman whom he’d only met a few days ago the girl suddenly transforming into a beautiful woman right before his eyes, a picture he wouldn’t soon forget.

Taking John’s hand as if this was the way her life was meant to be the couple walks hand in hand down the hallway to the waiting elevator without exchanging a single word. Exiting they cross the lobby making their way to the front door along the way they see Concierge Potter, the man once again graciously thanking John as if the two had exchanged something of great value. This truly puzzles Beth the young woman knowing in her simplistic mind that the dress was indeed a beautiful token of John’s affection but in the end it still was just a dress.

Finally walking out the door the two pass the waiting taxicabs and head off down the sidewalk to meet whom Beth honestly assumes will be one of John’s good friends, one of those friends that he sailed out to the island to meet. To Beth’s surprise after only walking two blocks she and


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John now stand outside of Ji Eclipse’s the couple ready to enter what John says is the best restaurant on the island.

For the first time since her two hour nap having nothing to eat since lunch Beth easily follows as John nonchalantly wisp her into the popular restaurant where the two are immediately seated at a nice table close to a picturesque window, a beautiful baby grand piano sitting just across the way. Beth, happy to be anywhere as long as it’s with John, she watches the passing tourists who walk up and down the boardwalk right outside the spacious window as the first fleeting rays of the afternoon sunshine begins to fade away. Just a few moments later, as the waitress returns with a glass of white wine, Beth smiles imagining for the first time that this indeed must be how John lives life every single day.

Later, the waitress having finished clearing the table, John and Beth sit and talk each trying to get to know one another just a little better, as any new couple might. The one striking difference in the conversation John does most of the talking. On this night he rehashes today’s sail out to the island, he tells Beth about his family and friends, even mentions work before briefly touching on the death of his father. Already easily liking this beautiful young woman he purposely chose’s not revealing one important piece of information about his life, definitely something he’d not want to reveal on a first date. But this secret like most it will come out very soon just not now, not while he strangely feels like she might actually be the one.

Then John, never missing much in any conversation, he begins to take notice of one


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consistent oddity, Beth rarely saying or revealing much about her personal life, or even if she is interested in him. Taking stock he begins to feel like he’s learned very little about this beautiful young woman thinking quietly, “Maybe the young woman is just a little shy and I’ll learn a great deal more about her given more time.

At the moment with dinner coming to an end John searching for some clarity he ask Beth what it is she likes best about her time on the island. Hesitant to respond as if she might be having difficulty finding the exactly words Beth after a brief pause she finally composes her thoughts sincerely expressing, “Oh John, I’ve enjoyed every second of every minute since boarding the boat this morning. Honesty, spending time with you in this environment I find that it has opened my mind to the many other possibilities of life that I hadn’t thought of, possibilities other than the abstractly diminutive little picture that I grew up with in upstate New York.”

Hearing this he grins’ agreeing whole heartily with her well thought out response, one that he’d hoped to hear when he inviting the beautiful young woman along for the weekend trip.

Later walking out the front door into the twilight of a beautiful summers night Beth holds tightly onto John’s hand the couple suddenly surrounded by a number tourist who, like them, have found the island very much to their liken on this early summer holiday weekend. Then with the slightest hint of a buzz brewing in her mind from a second glass of wine, a buzz that suddenly emboldens her helping to lighten those usual inhibitions, a normal shyness which usually


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maintains a constant vigilances in Beth’s conservative thoughts, tonight the beautiful young woman like the tourist around her she seems determined to let go allowing John to take her on what might be an adventure of a lifetime.

With the night playing out as planned the couple make their way along the city’s boardwalk eventually making it to a handful of the trendier Shoppe’s found on River’s Edge Boulevard. Doing so John watches closely as Beth looks into many of the closed store fronts. Astute as always he uses this time to get a better idea of the shopping taste of his beautiful young date. Then with a light breeze at their backs, the stars hanging high in a picture perfect 3D sky, the couple watches on in complete amazement at how the stars animatedly glisten in the subtle gaze of a big beautiful full moon on what will turn out to be a memorable night.

Later, arriving back at the Hotel Nunavut, John confidently walks Beth through the lobby once again greeting Concierge Potter with eye contact and a subtle tipping of the head saying thank you before happily taking the elevator up to the couple’s third floor suite. Already well past ten he walks Beth to the door of the adjoining bedroom once again thanking her for such a beautiful evening, one that he won’t forget for a long, long time if ever. Standing there with a smile he deeply searches the young woman’s eyes for the answers that he knows must already be there. Beth for her part she can’t help but to smile happy for an incredibly entertaining eye opening evening. One unlike any she’d ever shared with anyone ever before. After a moment of waiting for something


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Beth turns and walks through the open door closing it quickly behind her. Watching this play out John sublimely thinks, “Wow, what a night, what a woman! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow might bring.”