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The Shift from Cohorts to Competency

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency



    J BaileyCarri Sceider

    Cris StrgisTm Vader Ark

    January 2013

    Supported by:Fdati fr Excellece i Edcati

    In Association with:Gettig Smart

    the Shift from

    CohortS toCompetenCy

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Digital learning now! Smart SerieSThis is the fourth paper in a series of interactive papers that provides specic

    gdnc gdng th dopton of Coon Co Stt Stndds nd th shft topsonl dgtl lnng.

    Join the ConverSation











    Fo ccss to ths nd oth pps

    n o ss onln:
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    table of ContentS

    exeCuTiVe Summary ...........................................................................................................................1

    iNTrODuCTiON .......................................................................................................................................2

    exHiBiT: Confsd b th Tnolog? ..........................................................................................5

    a Primer ON COmPeTeNCy eDuCaTiON ...........................................................................................6

    Wht s Coptnc edcton? .......................................................................................................7

    exHiBiT: Tvo nd Tl: a Coptnc Tl .................................................................................8

    How Dos Coptnc edcton ipov Stdnt achvnt nd School Pfonc? ......10

    Fqntl askd Qstons ............................................................................................................13

    exHiBiT: unlshng th Possbl: Coptnc edcton nd Nt-Gnton Lnng .........17

    THe SHiFT TO COmPeTeNCy eDuCaTiON ........................................................................................19

    10 Nw Cpblts of Coptnc-algnd Sst ...................................................................20

    10 Dsgn Chocs ...........................................................................................................................26

    Stt Polc tht Sppots Coptnc-Bsd Lnng ................................................................32


    appnd: Coptnc edcton rsocs ........................................................................................36

    atho Bos ..............................................................................................................................................37

    acknowldgnts, endnots &Dscloss .........................................................................................38

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Gttng dvs lcns qs

    pssng tst nd dvng

    donstton coptnc-bsd

    sst tlzng ltpl fos of

    assessment. Professional certications

    fo doctos, ccontnts, nd lws

    l on tst-bsd donsttons of


    Pooton polcs tht q stdnts

    to d bfo ovng to foth gd

    n ttpt to ns tht stdnts

    d to sccd; sch polcs

    n l ffot to k th old cohot

    sst o coptnc bsd.

    Cdt cov coss nd cds

    coptnc bsd. So l

    clsvl on low-lvl nd-of-cos

    ltpl-choc qzzs, whch n

    pl of nstctonl odls n whch

    stdnts ov t th own pc nd

    pogss b donsttng coptnc.

    W cn ll thnk of pls fo

    pofssonl lcns to vdo gs

    n whch w st show wht w know

    to donstt chvnt. Wh,

    thn, shold th dcton sst b

    n dffnt? movng to coptnc-

    bsd sst s th logcl volton

    fo th otdtd fcto odl to on

    tht cn psonlz lnng nd sv

    th nds of ch ndvdl stdnt.

    Fo th ft docto ntng dcl

    school or the future pilot logging ight

    hos, sst bsd on coptnc

    lso hs th bst potntl to pov

    collg nd c dnss. yt

    tods cnt sst holds bck

    stdnts who cold b cllng nd

    ovs stdnts on who nt d.

    CoptncWoksdenes competency

    dcton s sst of dcton,

    often referred to as prociency or

    st bsd, n whch stdnts

    dvnc pon st. Coptncs

    ncld plct, sbl,tnsfbl lnng objctvs tht

    pow stdnts. assssnt s

    nngfl nd svs s postv

    lnng pnc fo stdnts.

    Stdnts cv tl, dffnttd

    sppot tlod to th ndvdl

    lnng nds. Lnng otcos

    ncld th pplcton nd cton of

    knowldg, long wth th dvlopnt

    of potnt sklls nd dspostons.

    Ths pp plos how coptnc

    dcton hs th potntl to connct

    lnng to stdnts pssons nd

    ntsts, dwng th towd hgh-

    od thnkng nd, thfo, dp

    lnng. and whl tchnolog s not

    ncss coponnt of coptnc

    dcton p s, dvncs n

    dctonl tchnolog hv d t

    possbl to bng coptnc dcton

    to scl thogh n v-pndng

    st of tools tht cn psonlz nd

    cstoz lnng. Th thos

    contnd tht wthot lvgng

    tchnolog nd dscovng nw ws

    to s t nd socs dffntl, w

    wll fl to chv th gols of collg-

    nd c-d stndds lk th

    Coon Co Stt Stndds (CCSS)

    Shftng to coptnc dcton s n

    potnt stp n ths pocss.

    aft vwng th bsc tnts of

    coptnc dcton, th thosdscss th ws n whch th shft fo

    cohots to coptnc cn pov

    stdnt chvnt nd school

    pfonc. Th ost fqntl

    skd qstons ltd to coptnc-

    bsd lnng lso nswd. Th

    pp povds n n-dpth ploton

    of th sss ltd to th ovll

    shft to coptnc dcton fo

    dcton lds nd dcson ks.

    Specically, the authors describe 10

    nw cpblts of coptnc-bsd

    sst nd 10 dsgn chocs to nfo

    th ncss chngs. Th pp nds

    wth dscsson of stt polcs tht

    sppot coptnc dcton.

    exeCutive Summary
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    a nw s pon s. W ll know

    that the one-size-ts-all, conveyor

    blt odl of dcton tht tcks

    stdnts nto dffnt lf tjctos

    fls too n kds nd lvs too n

    gdts nppd to copt fo

    jobs n th 21st cnt. Bt sothng

    s chngng. acoss th nton, stts

    and districts are no longer satised

    wth low chvnt nd ttnnt.

    mn, Nw Hpsh, nd Ogonhv stblshd nw dcton fo

    polc. Dstcts coss th cont

    tnsfong th schools. Chts

    sng th cpct fo nnovton to

    bk f of th t-bsd sst. a

    nw consnss s gng. Togth,

    w cllng fo th cton of

    cstozd dcton sst tht

    pps ll stdnts fo lflong

    lnng, ncldng th potnt stps o

    collg nd c dnss. W cll t


    Th cnt fcto odl of schoolng

    wth ts t-bsd, bll-cvd gdng

    sst wll ndn ll of o ffotsto psonlz dcton. No tt

    wht stndds w s, no tt th

    nnovton, convo blt odl lts

    stdnt chvnt n two fndnt


    introDuCtionCc edc & DLn SSs

    The Digital Learning Now!SmartSeries illuminates criticalimplementation topics at the

    intersection of the shift topersonal digital learning andCCSS. The most basic and

    profound shifts that will occurin this decade are the policiesand practices that guidestudent progress through

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Coptnc dcton lws stts

    wth knowng th stdnt nd wh h

    o sh s on th lnng pogsson.

    Dong t ght qs donsttd

    prociency on a common pathway, or

    lnng pogsson, towd collg-

    nd c-d pcttons, bt t

    nlocks th pow of psonlztonb lttng v stdnt tk nq

    pth nd pc. Stdnts gt th

    t th nd to ll ndstnd

    th stndds, nd th hv th

    oppotnt to donstt wht

    th know on gl bss. Ths

    podc donsttons of knowldg

    nd sklls nfo th pogss nd

    tclton, vss o cnt sst

    tht spl gops nd dvncs

    stdnts ccodng to th g. Ths

    ongong ssssnts nd podcdonsttons of stdnt knowldg

    nd sklls ct potbl cod nd

    ln pofl.6

    a Primer on ComPetenCy eDuCation

    Show whAT You KnowLearning progressions aretypically made up of standards,while competencies aresimilar to, but different from,standards. As Rose Colbyexplains, Competency impliesmuch more than content and

    skills. By its very definition,competency requires that astudent be able to transfercontent and skill in a particularsetting.In short, students ina competency-based systemprogress when they show whatthey know.7
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    w s Cpcedc?

    CoptncWoks s n onln

    cont dvotd to dvncng

    the eld, which is sponsored by the

    intntonl assocton fo K-12

    Onln Lnng, th acn yoth

    Polc Fo, Jobs fo th Ft, nd

    th Ntonl Govnos assocton.

    CompetencyWorks denes competency

    dcton s:

    Stdnts dvnc pon st,

    Coptncs ncld plct,sbl, tnsfbl lnng

    objctvs tht pow stdnts,

    assssnt s nngfl nd

    svs s postv lnng

    pnc fo stdnts,

    Stdnts cv tl,

    dffnttd sppot bsd on

    th ndvdl lnng nds, nd

    Lnng otcos phsz

    coptncs ncldng th

    pplcton nd cton of

    knowldg, long wth thdvlopnt of potnt sklls nd


    Coptnc dcton s ootd n

    co concpts nd lssons lnd

    fo oth fos tht hv dvlopd

    ov th pst 50 s Bloos

    nstctonl ppochs, essntl

    Schools, stndds-bsd dcton,

    nd oth dvlopnt, ong oths,

    wovn nto nw fwok.Th dvlopnt of coptnc

    dcton s dcds long. Tchnolog

    s nlshng t b gntng dnd

    fo onln nd blndd lnng nd

    nblng powfl nfoton

    sst nfstct. untl cntl,

    t wold hv bn pctcl to

    sggst tht coptnc dcton

    cold ch v stdnt wthot th

    psonlzton tht tchnolog now

    ffods. Th tools now st to tlo

    nstcton to ndvdl stdnt nds,collct nd pot stdnt dt down to

    ch ndvdl lnng pogsson,

    nd ng dt-dvn nvonnts.

    Th n dffnc n coptnc

    dcton fo th tdtonl t-

    bsd sst s th focs on stdnts

    learning to specic competencies; the

    ont of t nd tps of socs

    v s ndd. accoodtons cn

    b d fo stdnts who nt coss

    wth dffnttd sklls b djstng to

    th nds nd ntsts. a o holstc

    ppoch to dvlopnt s oftn

    ssoctd wth coptnc dcton,

    o s Stnfod unvsts Col Dwck

    wold s, gowth ndst.

    Th pd pnson nd ncsng

    ntst n coptnc dcton

    is being driven by a conuence of

    focs. mo goos collg- nd

    c-d stndds, sch s thCCSS, wll gnt shfts n nstcton

    s tchs cov fw topcs bt

    n dp fshon. Coptnc

    ssts cn hlp wth ths tnston

    b djstng nd ddng t nd

    socs s ncss. ipovnts

    n psonlzd lnng nd nfoton

    ssts hv d t s to pnpont

    stdnt nds nd v nstctonl

    ppochs nd ntvntons. Th

    gowth n onln lnng hs ctd

    nw optons fo n stdnts ndhs donsttd th oppotnts

    and benets of self-pacing when

    covng coswok. Bt t hs lso

    bco cl tht ost stdnts thv

    n d odlt nvonnt tht

    s both psonlzd to th nds

    nd sppotd b dffnt ws of

    povdng nstcton, contnt, socs

    ntvntons, nd t ssstnc.

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    e: t d t: a Cpc t

    Tvo, 8 nd Tl, 10 ovd to Lk Pk n ltSptb. Hvng ovd fqntl, both bos w

    nvos bot bng plcd n nw clssoo, bt

    hd co to pct ch of th s whv th

    lndd. School ws oftn bong nd nntstng. Bt

    as they walked into the school ofce with their parents,

    th cold tll ght w tht sothng ws dffnt.

    On th wll ws hg post tht d:

    ms. Gz gtd th nd plnd tht ov th

    nt two ds th bos wold b n ontton wth th

    oth nw stdnts who w nollng tht wk. Th bos w spsd. Ontton

    ws fn. Th tlkd lot wth ms. Gz bot th oth schools. Sh hd th wt

    nd dw pcts bot wht th lkd to do. Th got to pck ot books th thoght

    w ntstng nd thn d nd tlk bot th wth ms. Gz. Th spnt so t

    on th copt, on sothng clld maPS.8 On Wdnsd ms. Gz t wth th

    pnts. mtng ndvdll, sh showd th bos nd th pnts on th copt wht

    sh clld th lnng p wth lvls. Sh plnd tht th w 13 lvls tht th

    bos wold pogss thogh, jst lk vdo g, to gt d fo collg.

    Tvos p showd tht n th h ws on

    lvl th, bt n dng nd wtng h ws

    ostl on lvl on. ms. Gz plnd

    tht Tvo knw how to do lot of thngs on

    lvl on lk skng nd nswng qstons

    bot dtls n books nd tllng stos. H

    cold lso d t lvl on. To gt to lvl

    two h ndd to wok on two thngs: lstnng

    cfll to stos to dntf who s tllng th sto, nd copng nd contstng th

    dvnts nd pncs of chcts n stos. Sh sd sh wold lk to k

    pln to gt Tvo to lvl th ov th nt , bt t wold n tht h wold nd

    to pctc dng v d dng x-block, spcl t fo stdnts to wok on thschool wok v d. Sh lso sd tht hs nw tch, m. Chng, wold hlp h nd

    h cold lso pctc hs dng nd cophnson sklls on th copt v d.

    Sh skd Tvo, yo told o ddnt lk dng v ch. Wht f w fond so

    books bot dgons nd onsts, snc o lk to dw pcts of th so ch?

    is p.y d .

    y s k.

    Lks lk l sjs sccss gss.

    3 Great thinGSabout faiLure


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Tls p ws v dffnt. H sw tht

    lot o of hs p ws colod n. ms. Gz

    plnd tht th hopd ost stdnts hsg wold b t lvl s. in englsh Lngg

    Arts he was almost all lled in, except that he

    ndd o pctc n vsng hs wtng.

    Hs vocbl ws t lvl svn, bt h

    ndd o pctc n sng vocbl

    fo dffnt dons. Sh told Tl nd hs pnts tht snc h lovd to d, h

    cold kp ovng fowd to hgh lvls. Bt h wold nd to spnd lot o t

    wtng, not jst dng. in th, Tl ws d to stt lvl s, bt bsd on th maPS

    assessment he seemed to have a few gaps at levels three, four, and ve. She asked that

    fo th nt fw wks h spnd x-block wokng wth hs th tch, ms. Sn, ndpctcng on th copt.

    Two onths lt t th nt pnt confnc, Tvo nd Tl showd th pnts

    vdnc of th lnng. Tvo showd pls of wok fo lvl two n whch h

    copd nd contstd th ost potnt ponts n two tts on th s topc. Tl

    proudly reported he had lled in his math gaps, and that because he could work on the

    onln ccl dng x-block h ws now wokng t lvl svn. ms. Sn plnd

    tht Tl ll njod th pnc of pogssng pdl. Th hd dcdd to s f

    h wold lk th pnc of plong oth ws to ppl hs lnng. So nstd of

    ovng on to lvl ght lt ths , sh wntd to wok wth h on dvncd wok n

    lvl svn, whch ncldd ctng vdo plnng pobblt.

    Th bos pnts hd nv sn th kds so ctd bot school. Lookng bck on ll

    th dffnt pncs n svl stts, th w zd t how qckl th nw

    tchs got to know th sons nd how sooth th tnston ws copd to oth

    ovs. Th hd lws wod tht th ltpl ovs wold ngtvl pct th

    sons futures, but nally felt condent that they had made the right choice (and one that

    wold lst) h n Lk Pk.


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    h Ds Cpcedc ip Sd

    ac d ScPc?

    its potnt to b tht

    coptnc dcton s stct,

    fwok. Wht schools do wth

    ths fwok ks bg dffnc

    fo stdnt chvnt. if o ppl

    lss goos stndds, o wll gt

    lss chvnt. if o dont s

    nngfl ssssnts to povd

    fdbck, stdnts wont b bl to

    ln fo th stks. if o dont

    p ttnton to th cost ffctvnss of

    interventions, you may nd yourself with

    optons tht nt podcng lnng

    gns fo ll stdnts.

    m Sds w t a:Coptnc dcton lws stts

    where the students are. The rst step

    s lws to ndstnd wht sklls

    stdnts hv dvlopd, wh

    th gps o wknsss, ndwh th cllng. Schools

    gop o gop to ognz tchng

    socs to hlp stdnts ov

    fowd. Th s onln nd

    blndd lnng to spond to wd

    lvls of dffntton. Schools thn

    onto nd tck stdnt pogss

    long p-dvlopd ccl

    lnng pogsson sch s th CCSS.

    Stdnts nv spl pssd long

    to th nt tch o gvn gd D

    tht sbolzs tht th ddnt lnwht th ndd to ln.

    Pss up ms:Coptnc dcton qs (nd

    llows) stdnts to pogss pon

    st, whch hs th potntplctons:

    InvestinginProfciency: Schools

    contn to nvst n stdnts b

    offng t t, ntvntons,

    nd ltntv thods of

    lnng ntl th hv chd

    prociency and are ready to move

    on to th nt lnng tgt. its

    tht spl: ll stdnts pogss

    and reach prociency before

    ovng on. Fo o ndsvd

    stdnts who hv bon th

    bdn of o fcto odl, ths

    poss to podc noos

    lnng gns s th gt th hlp

    th nd, whn th nd t.

    Ths dosnt n tht ll

    lnng s ln o wthn on

    don. Schools cn ognz

    th ccls bsd on

    ntdscpln o clstdlnng tgts, wth th

    ndstndng tht stdnts wll

    need to become procient in them.

    So schools dstngsh btwn

    lnng tgts tht th

    bckbon of ft coptncs

    wthn don nd thos tht

    stdnts nd to b fl wth

    (but not necessarily procient in) to


    AcceleratingLearning: Coptncdcton cts th oppotnt

    fo ccltd lnng fo stdnts

    wth lg gps n th dcton,

    o thos who ov-gd nd

    nd-cdtd, s wll s fo hgh-

    ying students who have strong

    ntsts wthn dons. it cts

    Cc d Dv excllc

    What happens when students reachproficiency on a learning target?Many competency schools referto it as a 3 (or if they still useletters it may be tracked as B).The 4 varies across schools toindicate exceeding expectations,

    additional application, creation ofknowledge for the student, or sometype of extra credit. In competencyeducation, new choices for studentsand teachers develop as studentsreach that 3. They can go onto get a 4, they can move on tothe next learning target, or theymight return to a learning target tofocus on turning it from a 3 to a 4.They could go work on a learning

    target in another class that theyare finding difficult. Or they mightwork on something they really

    enjoy like art, music, work on extra-curricular activities, or reading aninteresting book. Students mayalso participate in job shadowsand community service. We canassume that students and familieswith a deep understanding of thecompetitive nature of college willfocus on getting all 4s as quickly asthey can. But in fact, that may notalways be the best path for studentdevelopment. There are manystudents with deep interests outside

    the school realm, or those who haveintellectual curiosity driving theirschool experience, who may benefitfrom using the time in school fortheir own interests.

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    oppotnts fo stdnts to st

    focsd on th co coptncs

    of cos, dvncng s qckl

    s th cn, whch ns th b lnng t 1.25, 1.50 o vn 2

    ts th pctd tch pc.

    W cn cntl s ths pl

    n hghl slf-pcd, coptnc-

    bsd schools sch s Boston D

    nd evnng acd o Flod

    Vtl School. Howv, vn n

    co dstct optons sch s

    Hll-Dl mddl School, school

    n mns Cohot fo Cstozd

    Lnng, th pls of

    stdnts ovng hd of th

    tch pc n n g-bsd

    cohot.9 at msctn School

    Dstct n iow, sch fond tht

    3% of stdnts n coptnc-

    bsd nvonnt ccltd

    bond th tch pc.10


    Achievement:Th onl

    hndfl of pls wh

    w cn s th plctons ofhow coptnc dcton cn

    ov th constnng clng

    on chvnt. at coptnc-

    bsd onln schools sch s

    Flod Vtl School, FLVS (wh

    lgslton nbld th school to

    b coptnc bsd) nd Vtl

    Lnng acd (optng

    wthn Nw Hpsh, wh hgh

    school cdts coptnc

    bsd) w cn bgn to s th

    pctcs of opn nt/opn ttht llow stdnts to dvnc

    o qckl thn th Cng nt

    llocts fo copltng th cos.

    at coptnc-bsd lnt

    schools, t s s to gn tht

    blndd lnng wll llow so

    stdnts to dvnc wll bond

    th g-bsd pctton whn

    th hv fl-bsd knowldg,

    interest, or aptitude in a specic

    don. Ths, w lkl to s

    stdnts bgn to tk so ddl

    school coss n lntschool, hgh school coss n

    ddl school, nd collg coss

    l n th hgh school cs.

    Sd m de: Coptnc dctonqs tnspnc bot th

    coptncs, lnng tgts, bcs,

    nd stdnt pogss. Ths tnspnc

    s th spcl ngdnt tht llows

    stdnts to own th own lnng,

    whch cn b tnsfod nto hgh

    lvls of otvton nd nggnt.

    Psonlzton povds gt

    oppotnts fo stdnt voc nd

    choc. Of cos not ll stdnts wll

    b otvtd nd nggd ll th t.

    Howv, th pcttons fo n of

    th dspostons ndd to b sccssf

    n school lso tnspnt, nd cn

    fcltt dlog wth stdnts to hlp

    th t.

    uq Ps:Th cobntonof coptnc-bsd nd blndd

    lnng nvonnts ks t

    possbl to cstoz v stdnts

    lnng pnc. Blndd lnng

    llows stdnts to v th t, t,

    locton, nd pth. instd of bng

    wdgts on th convo blt, not

    knowng wh th th o wht t

    ll ns, stdnts bco th co-

    dsgns of th dcton.

    edc C: acoss thcont, low-nco fls tnsf

    n nd ot of schools n sch of

    sft, hgh pfonc schools,

    hosng, nd jobs. as fls bk

    pt nd ths psss, so

    stdnts bco holss, plcd

    n chld wlf, o nd p n jvnl

    jstc ssts. Ths hgh oblt
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    n low-nco conts pcts

    stdnts nd chllngs schools. if

    potblt s blt nto th coptnc

    dcton sst, stdnts wll b blto c th own lnng hsto nd

    pogsson. Wth onln lnng, th

    vn b bl to contn lnng

    whl th lvs n phvl.

    Cs ecss: Coptncdcton vntll gnt

    ovll cost svngs. (rb,

    th t-bsd sst dos not

    vn consd cost ffctvnss.

    Its all about inputs). The rst step is

    to pov cost ffctvnss wth

    dp ndstndng of th socs

    t tks to povd dqt ntvnton

    nd oppotnts to hlp low-nco

    stdnts nd oth ndsvd

    stdnts bco collg/c d.

    Th shold ctnl b cost svngs

    fo stt bdgts nd fls f o

    stdnts cn tck fw collg coss

    nd th blt b th t th lv

    K-12. Districts and schools benet if

    stdnts cn focs on coptnccov, lk t Nw Hpshs

    Vtl Lnng acd Cht


    if stts nd dstcts wok to stln

    th K-12 nd hgh dcton ssts

    so tht 6th gd stdnts cn do 8th

    gd-lvl coss, 8th gds cn

    do 10th gd, nd 10th gds hv

    ccss to n collg-lvl coss,

    w shold b bl to gnt so

    svngs nd hlp fls dcth cost of hgh dcton. Cost

    ffctvnss wll lso ncs wth

    ths chngs, spcll f th gv

    schools more scheduling exibility

    to povd o t fo stdnts to

    become procient, rather than using

    cls nd pnsv ntvntons lk

    s school nd tnton.

    us i: On of thjo contbtons of coptnc

    dcton s th ol t cn pl n

    unleashing greater benets from othernnovtons. Fst, llowng stdnts

    to pogss pon st ns w

    can nally take advantage of online

    nd blndd lnng. Stdnts cn

    cclt th t of th lnng to

    ctch p wth (o ov bond) tch

    pc. Stdnts cn dvnc n so

    dscplns nd not n oths. Stdnts

    dong pp-lvl coss wll bco

    no. Scond, coptnc dcton,

    wth ts cl lnng pogssons

    nd bcs, llows s to k sns

    of th ploson of dgtl tools nd

    obl lnng pplctons. Wth

    btt dt, w wll b bl to s

    whch lnng pncs wok bst

    for students with a particular prole.

    Th vl dopton of lnng pps hs

    ld d th sst o dnc

    nd sponsv. W onl t th

    bgnnng of ndstndng wht onln

    nd blndd lnng cn nbl, s t

    s constnd b th tdtonl t-bsd sst.

    as w bld p o contnt nd

    coon tggng lngg tht llows

    us to quickly nd appropriate options

    fo stdnts, psonlzton nd choc

    wll pnd, whch wll nfoc stdnt

    otvton nd nggnt. in th nt

    scton w wll look t ths n gt


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    fq askd QssLstnng to th ctqs of coptnc

    dcton s potnt, s t hlps s

    thnk thogh nntndd consqncsand increase our sensitivity to awed

    plntton tht s lkl to podc

    poo slts. Blow nb of

    qstons nd concns tht hv bn


    1. h c c c sdds ssds d ?in th tdtonl sst tchs sponsbl fo covng thccl, whs n coptncdcton th sponsbl fostudents reaching prociency inpplng th coptncs tht dvth ccl. a coptnc sstqs focs on pot otcos,t lst so s of spplntl ndsnchonos dgtl nstcton, nd nncsd lvl of stdnt ownshp ofpcttons, lnng, nd pogss.if stdnts nds too gt, th

    school ldshp nd tchs wllnd to povd dqt socs,ntvntons, nd stdnt sppot sotht sngl tch s not sponsblfo dong vthng fo th stdnts.Fo pl, coptnc-bsdschools bd sppot nto th schoold nd clnd wth tnston tsfo stdnts who bhnd pc.its lkl w wll bgn to s schoolclnds nd schdls chng sotht stdnts who nd t hlp cn

    contn lnng thoghot th .Whn t cos down to t, whts opotnt: stdnts lnng o covngth ccl?

    f Sds W a bd

    It takes courage to confront the tragedy of a child or teen navigating school

    more than two years behind in skills. Competency education doesnt create thisproblem, but it makes it more explicit. In fact, once competency education isembraced its impossible to ignore problems; how are we going to help all thesestudents catch up?

    At the elementary school level, 32 states have embraced a policy to end socialpromotion for third graders who are not reading on grade level. This demandfor proficiency is difficult for a time-based system to deal with and asking astudent to repeat a grade level of the same instruction in all subjects is not a veryeffective solution. The best solution, as presented in this paper, is a system thatpersonalizes instruction and creates more time when and where it is needed.

    Students entering high schools with elementary school-level skills are now placedin time-based courses, often with very little scaffolding or support. Teachers havebeen certified to deliver secondary-level courses, not to help fill elementary skillsgaps. As a result, many students lose hope and disengage. Without the capacityto help students get back on track, schools lose hope as well, and guide studentsout the door prematurely.

    Competency education can help resolve the underlying tension:

    Be honest and transparent about where students are on their learningprogression,

    Focus on critical skills and not covering the curriculum in time-basedcourses,

    Create day schedules and yearly calendars that double the core learning

    time available for struggling students, and

    Recognize schools, networks, and districts that have developed accelerationstrategies.

    Boston Day and Evening Academy (BDEA), featured in a recent JFF report, is anexample of a school that is taking this challenge on head-on. 11 BDEA started bycreating a process for aligning its competencies with the Common Core, takingthe academic needs of their student population into account.12 As more schoolsadopt the CCSS, this will be a growing problem that can be addressed throughcompetency-based models that enable the kind of differentiation these studentsneed.13

    At Muscatine Schools in Iowa, teachers monitor students based on where they

    are on learning progressions either remediation, intensive interventions, oracceleration. Early results from Iowas Competency-based Instruction Task Forceshow that following implementation of the pilot projects, 0% of students earnedDs or Fs in competency-based education classrooms, compared to 38% of allstudents in the 2011-12 school year. Additional data points expand the positiveimpact of competency-based education on students requiring remediation:14

    Six percent of the students engaged in learning contracts or short-termremediation reached proficiency prior to the end of the term, and

    Four percent of the students needed intensive remediation, which requiredadditional time beyond the term.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    2. w s s?On of th fs botcoptnc dcton s tht t wll

    slt n fcto odl on stodswth stdnts tdgng long lock-stppd nd bbbl tstd v stpof th w. Bt coptnc dctons bot kng s stdnts ln;th k ngdnt s constnt ndongong fdbck to both tchsnd stdnts. Ths ppoch dosntn o tstng p s, bt ththntc ssssnts tht co nll shps nd fos, sch s gldonsttons of lnng-lk pojcts,

    sltons, pots, nd psnttons.also, wth o g-bsd nddptv lnng, ssssnt s gttngpshd nto th bckgond n fvo ofo dt gthng nd fw tskstht fl lk tstng. Thnk fdbckth thn gdng stdnts sng tsts,nd oll stt to s th pow ofcoptnc dcton. Bob Lnz, Co-fond ofenvson Schools, plns,Once we have dened the outcomes,w st ct th ssssnts tovlt stdnts st of thsdp otcos. a spl bbbltest will not sufce. Assessing deeperlnng qs pfonc wssss collboton b obsvngcollbotv wok nd thogh stdntreection on their ability to ths w, w ov fo ssssntof stdnt lnng to ssssnt sstdnt lnng.15 Th chllng snsng th ght ssssnt tools

    sd t th ppopt ts tocctl s stdnt st.

    3. h sd ss ppc p dsss s

    d? Stdnts n coptnc-bsd sst wll gt tht th nd to bco collg oc d, o b bl to gdtl o s th t t to ncollg cdt whl n hgh school.Coptnc-bsd ppochs offnw oppotnts to cognz ndwd schools tht bl to hlpstdnts coplt th wok fst odvnc stdnts to collg-lvl wok.School ssts cold b wdd fo

    n svngs tht ght b gntdwth stdnts copltng l ndlso llowd to nvst dolls topovd sppots fo stdnts who stgglng.

    4. Ds cpc q sps d d cs? So ctcs concnd tht coptnc-bsdlnng sss tht ln on-stp-t--t lnng s lws bst.Thts not th cs t coptnc-bsd ntwoks ncldngBgPct, edvsons, oepdtonLnng. mn schools ctntdscpln oppotnts fostdnts to dvlop nd ppl sklls.

    at Hbd Hgh, stdnts hv gtexibility and access to staff withtndd school hos. its potntto b tht stdnts who stgglng o hv pncd s

    of academic failure nd small unitspowng. Th pnc sccssand build condence that they can be agood stdnt. mkng mst Woksaid, Many students nd competencydcton o otvtng ndnggng thn tdtonl ppochs.Th chnc to pogss t onsown pc s ptcll potnt tostgglng stdnts.16
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    5. is cpc dc s s sdds-sddc? Sl to stndds-bsd

    lnng, coptnc dcton focsson otpts th thn npts. Th bgdffnc s coptnc dctonndstnds tht tng to gt stdntsto th s otco wth th snstcton, wthn th s ont oft, s possbl. Wv td to dootcos-bsd nd stndds-bsdlnng n o cnt t-bsdsst, bt wthot sstc chngs,stdnts stll shckld to th cohotnd do not hv th blt to tk

    o o lss t s ndd. Not onldo w wnt to gt stdnts to bcoprocient on the same set of standards,w wnt to lft th clng off th K-12sst nd lt stdnts so. Dgtltools lso lt s spond to stdntst both nds of th spct to ks th gttng th hlp th ndwhn th nd t. Coptnc-bsdlnng fwoks shold b sn s w to hlp ll stdnts st thpcttons otlnd n collg- ndc-d stndds sch s thCCSS.

    6. D CCSS d cpc-sd ssps d d pss ps ,c ?it dpnds onhow th CCSS s plntd. if oplnt t n gd, bong wthts wht o wll gt. Coptnc

    dcton ctll povdsoppotnts fo tchs to psonlznstcton. Stdnts shold hv sochocs whn t cos to how thshow wht th know. it s possblto bld chvnt cogntonssts tht ctvl cobn bg

    chllngs wth pogssons thoghstndds. Th thos hv obsvdn coptnc-bsd nvonnts

    hgh lvl of tnspnc botlnng tgts, stdnts wokng tth own pc nd bldng vdncof th lnng, tchs ognzngthslvs to nbl stdnts togt wht th nd, nd hgh lvlof collboton. Nt-gntonpltfoswll k t s to bg nd sll chllngs nd ngcoptnc-bsd pogss ndtclton. mkng mst Wokcknowldgd, Th bggst logstcl

    chllng to ctng coptnc-bsdnttvs s th lck of hgh-qltdt nd tchnologcl tools to ssssnd onto stdnt pogss tht tailored to each initiatives specicppoch.17

    7. Cd cpc dc pcs? Onconcn s tht psonlzd lnng ld to psonlzd pcttonstht cold b low thn wht spctd of stndds, gdtonqnts, o wht s ndd tosccd n collg o c. Thts wll-ntntond concn, bt t sholdb possbl s long s th s cotnt to goos stnddsnd vld nd lbl ssssntsst. a coptnc-tckng ssttht follows stdnts wll llow tchsto psonlz nstcton fo don nd wll st hgh pcttons

    fo ll stdnts. Th sopotnt lnts to p ttnton ton coptnc dcton to k st woks fo ll stdnts. Fst, pcngtts. Slf-pcd dos not nn pc. Schools nd tchs ndto off tl, dffnttd sppotwhn stdnt s showng sgns ofslppng bhnd. Scond, stdntsnt school nd clssoo wthdffnt sklls. if t s ltvl now
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    dffntton, th gol shold b tocclt th lnng to gt thcght p wth th oth chldn. Onc

    bhnd sholdnt n lws bhnd.Th toghst chllng w wll fcposng th cnt pctc of lttngstudents with signicant skill gapsounder in courses, giving them Csnd Ds nd pssng th onto th ntcos. in coptnc dcton, thspctc s lntd. Th slt s thtcoptnc dctos stgglngwth how to spond to stdnts wthlnt-lvl sklls who nblto become procient in high school

    coss wthn sst o vn two.Ths snt b-podct of coptncdcton. its th solton to acscss n chvnt.

    8. w cpc dcdcs cp? Coptnc dcton sdsgnd to clos th pptongap with signicant increases in thepopoton of stdnts tht wll coplthgh school nd b btt ppdfo collg nd cs. ipovngprociency for our low-income andnot stdnts s ctcl stp foo cont, gvn th tndosdogphc shft w ndgong.Onc th clng s tkn off th K-12sst nd stdnts llowd tocclt th lnng, t s lkltht hgh-pfong stdnts wll dovn btt. So n th shot t, s wco to ndstnd th tps of ch

    lnng pncs tht nddto sppot tdtonll ndsvdstdnts, ll stdnts wll do btt,bt th chvnt gp not bdtcll dcd b shftng tocoptnc-bsd lnng ddton, snc coptnc-bsdssts focs ttnton on stdntsstgglng wth concpts, t sppotso ntvntons cn b ssgnd to hlpstdnts ctch p.

    9. w d s?Thost potnt thng s tok s o t bcs

    gowth ndst. Coptncdcton wont wok f o thnk sostdnts st nd oths not. Th nt thng to do s gt oft wt stndds-bsd gdngs good w to ngg dctos nreecting on the traditional system andgttng sd to optng wth gttnspnc wth stdnts on whtth nd to do n od to sccd.Blndd lnng wll lso opn thdoo to wht t ns fo stdnts to

    hv dqt t to sccd ndplo lt-g gopngs, pcng,nd psonlzton. epndng dstctcpct to sv ov-g nd nd-cdtd stdnts s gt oppotntto plnt coptnc-bsdschool o Fl acd sch sBoston D nd evnng acd,Dplo Pls, oadvnc Pth. Oct nnovton spc thoghplotng tht stts to chllng thgcltl clnd. Polckswv st-t qnts nd othotdtd gltons tht ntf wthcoptnc-bsd odls. S howo oppotnts fo stdnts to gtth t nd hlp th nd cn bbddd nto th school clndwth dl t fo stdnts to gt hlpdng th school d, tsts wthex-blocks on either side, intersessions,nd nt-gnton lnng.Consd jonng ntwok sch s th

    rnvntng Schools Colton n odto ln fo o ps nd st on th

    cttng dg.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    in s, coptnc ssts wll k cl wht stdnts nd to ln nd b bl to do (ps), optons fo

    lnng wht th nd to ln (pllsts, pojcts, nd slf blnds), nd how th wll show wht th know (bdgs).

    Nt-gnton pltfos wll ntgt n of th bov fts to k cstozd coptnc-bsd pthws fo

    v stdnt ngbl.

    Coptnc dcton opns th doo to nw ws of cognzng pogss, ncldng

    nfol lnng oppotnts. Coptnc dctos spt cdc coptncs

    fo hbts o lflong lnng coptncs sch s collboton, pofssonls, nd

    cultural awareness. Specic achievements may be represented by badges or other data

    vslzton sttgs. most bdg ssts wll hv lnkd ssssnt ssts. Spl

    ssts s nd-of-nt qzzs. Khn acd hs bdgs lnkd to pctc ts

    tht tck pogss thogh knowldg ps. mo obst ssts wll q ltpl

    fos of ssssnts, tfcts cptd n potfolos, nd podc pblc donsttons

    of Socts intntonl Stds School Ntwok s dvlopng Globll

    Coptnt yoth Bdg Sst tht wll gv hgh school stdnts th oppotnt to n

    bdgs bsd on th fo dons of globl coptnc.

    a gowng nb of socs povd gd-lvl socs nd nbl nl pllstssch s PowmLnng, GooLnng, nd CK12. Nw Clssoos povds

    customized playlists in middle-grade math based on prior performance. Learner proles

    nd st condton ngns wll pov th blt to cstoz pllsts ov th

    nt fw s.

    Ctng oppotnts fo stdnts to dlv nto stndds thogh pojct-bsd lnng

    tks t. Nw tools sch s Pojct Fond nd th Bck insttt kng t s

    to constct stndds-lgnd pojcts. echo, th pojct-bsd lnng ngnt

    sst t Nw Tch Ntwok, s n l pl of how schools wll ng stdntpogss. Tchs cn vn psonlz th stndds wthn sl pojcts so stdnts

    cn bld th skll th nd bsd on th lnng p.

    a obst coptnc dcton sst wll hv stdnts dvncng bond tdtonl

    gd lvls. Ftho, stdnts wntng to cclt th t of lnng wll b

    n sch of opn ntnc/opn t coss. Povds lk Flod Vtl nd Nw

    Hpshs Vtl Lnng acd off ollng nollnt nto coptnc-bsd

    coss. altntvs fo ov-gd nd nd-cdtd stdnts, lkadvncPth nd

    SiaTch, dw on blndd lnng to llow stdnts to k ndvdl nd ccltdpogss towd gdton.





  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Ov th pst th s, stts

    hv opnd p nnovton spc fo

    coptnc dcton. mn nd Nw

    Hpsh hv dvlopd sttwd

    polcs to stblsh pcttons fo

    coptnc-bsd dplos, Ogon

    hs plotd odls to bld cpct,

    nd noth 33 stts hv povdd

    either credit exibility or waivers.18

    Howv, lntng st t snot nogh. Dstcts, schools, nd

    tchs lft to nvgt two

    ssts, sng socs tht ght

    othws go towds tchng nd

    lnng. Hgh dcton, scholshp

    pogs, fls, nd stdnts

    lft tng to nvgt ssts tht

    no long sng coon lngg

    wthn tnscpts o ot-of-dt thods

    of dtnng cdc sccss.

    Flppng th ssts wll q s

    to lgn polcs, optons, nd

    pctcs ond th co lnts of

    coptnc dcton odl.

    W hbld b th ctvt

    ncss to shk off th t-bsdpctcs nd fll lgn th sst

    ond lnng. W popos th

    followng 10 lnts of coptnc-

    bsd sst wthot knowng ll th

    nsws o ctl wht t ght look


    the Shift to ComPetenCy eDuCation

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    10 n Cps Cpc-ad

    SsCoptnc dcton snt jst modication or enhancement of the

    t-bsd sst. it s coplt -

    ngnng ond n qt-focsd,

    hgh-chvng, contnosl povng,

    cstozd dcton sst. Ths -

    ngnng wll ct nw cpblts,

    whch wll q -toolng polcs,

    bldng ognztonl cpct, nd

    ngng th -lgnnt pocss. it

    wll tk t to ndstnd wht t ll

    ns to hv ll stdnts pogssngn th lnng.

    1. S C- d C-rd epcs:Coptnc dcton s plct

    n ts pcttons fo stdnts todonstt collg- nd c-d

    knowldg, sklls, nd dspostons.19

    in ddton to tdtonl pcttons

    nd ss (cdts, gds, tst

    scos), coptnc ssts focs

    on pplng sklls nd ncopotng

    bod donsttons of dspostons

    tht coltd wth sccss n collg,

    cs, nd ctznshp ncldng

    gnc, nttv, slnc, nd

    dptblt. Coptnc schools

    spt th cdc coptncs

    fo th dspostons ndd fo

    sccss n collg nd cs.

    Portfolios and learner proles built as

    slt of coptnc sst wll

    llow ong popl to conct to

    potntl plos nd nstttons of

    fth nd hgh lnng wht th

    know nd cn do.

    Th lgnnt pocss btwn

    K-12 coptnc-bsd sst ndpost-scond nstttons sch s

    collg, tnng povds, non

    ppntcshps, nd plos s

    two-w convston wth post-

    scond nstttons tht nd to

    k so djstnts n od to

    k coptnc-bsd dplos

    nngfl. Hgh dcton wll nd

    to b cl bot th sklls ndd

    fo dsson wthot dton so

    tht stdnts cn donstt thos

    coptncs dng hgh school.Ftho, dssons pocsss

    nd to cognz tht th tdtonl

    GPa, nd ts t-ootd vl, hs

    v dffnt nng n coptnc-

    bsd nvonnt. Th psss on

    th cost of hgh dcton psh t

    towds coptnc-bsd odls tht

    cold nhnc lgnnt wth th K-12



    432 5


    Provide Fundingthat SupportsOptions andInnovation

    6Allow for

    Flexibility inTime andResources1



    Sustain aHigh AccessEnvironment

    Set Collegeand Career



    Teaching asa Team Sport




    Offer StudentsCoaching andSupport in aPersonalizedEnvironment

    new capabilities of acompetency-aligned



  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    eplos wll nd to ov bond

    th s of dctonl chvnt

    (sch s B.a.) s po fo sklls.

    it wold b hlpfl f th lso bgnto s coptncs tht vld

    n th wokplc s chns fo

    ctnt nd hng, s s bng

    plod nNw Optons n Nw mco.

    Coptnc dcton snt slv

    bllt. Jst lk n tods tdtonl

    system, if the standards (and prociency

    of thos stndds) not phld,

    th sst wll not podc slts.

    Coptnc dctons tnspnc

    ks t ch s to dscss wht

    good looks lk wthn nd coss

    schools. yt stts, dstcts, nd

    schools wll nd to pt nto plc ts

    tht sponsbl fo ongong spot

    checking to make sure prociency in

    one school is the same as prociency in


    2. ms l gs: D k ks sds s?O how long t tks stdnts fo

    concnttd s of povt o

    pnts wth lss thn hgh school

    dg wth ltd pos to th

    wold to t collg- nd c-d

    stndds? as w ov fowd wth

    coptnc dcton, sch wll

    b nvlbl n hlpng s ndstnd

    th dn ont of t coss ll

    income levels to become procient in

    th stndds otlnd n th CCSS.

    Dt bot stdnt lnng s nowbng gntd b dptv softw

    ssts tht povd nsghts nto th

    dffnt tjctos stdnts tk ov

    t to st concpt. Ov th nt

    dcd, f not soon, w shold hv

    btt d of how to ognz nts

    of lnng, t lst wthn dons

    tht cn sv s bnchks to gd

    pcng, onto stdnt chvnt,

    nd vlt school pfonc.

    On of th ost potnt concpts tht

    we will have to fully dene and build into

    th sst s pcng th pocss of

    kpng stdnts on th tck to collgnd c dnss. Pcng wll

    q dffnt nng t dffnt

    gs, spcll fo stdnts who hv

    gps n th lnng. a stdnt ntng

    rst grade without any of the readiness

    sklls sch s knowng th lphbt,

    colos, nd nbs wll b bhnd

    what would be expected within the rst

    lvl o gd of school. Schools wll

    wok wth fls to pln tjcto to

    hlp th ctch p wthn sonbl

    ont of t, sch s two s.

    Kpng stdnts on pc s fncton

    of stdnt otvton, ffctvnss of

    th dptv nstcton, nd sppot

    nd oppotnts. Coptnc

    education innovators embed the rst set

    of sppots nto th dl opton of

    th school so tht v stdnt hs th

    chnc to gt t hlp th v d

    th chllngd b tl. Fd

    pogs, stt polcs, nd dstctoptons wll nd to b lgnd to

    provide schools with as much exibility

    s possbl so tht tl, tlod

    sppot cn b povdd to stdnts. W

    st lso opn o nds nd polcs

    to th d tht sots sppot

    consst of nchng oppotnts tht

    hlp stdnts bld p non-cogntv

    sklls, s l-wold pplcton of sklls

    o bodn th hozons nd spk

    th cost. it s onl thogh ongong

    contnos povnt nd ttntonto cost ffctvnss tht w gong

    to tl ndstnd th ght of

    sppots nd oppotnts to hlp ll

    stdnts chv.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    in coptnc dcton sst,

    stdnts shold onl tk stv

    ssssnts whn th hv bn bl

    to demonstrate that they are procientn th stndds nd/o ccl.

    in ddton, stv ssssnts

    shold b dnstd svl ts

    thoghot th to gv stdnts

    ltpl oppotnts to donstt


    3. K Sds: Coptnc-bsd ssts wll knowf o bot th stdnts thn

    tdtonl fos of dcton. a

    coptnc-tckng sst gths

    ch o chvnt dt thn

    tdtonl gdng ssts, nd ch

    of t s n th fo of thntc stdnt

    pfoncs. in Dt Bckpcks,

    th thos dscbd cophnsv

    learner proles. It will soon be easier to

    gth chvnt dt nd ltd

    kstoks tht wll bld otvtonl

    prole to help identify the kinds of

    pncs tht podc psstnc

    nd pfonc fo ndvdl stdnts.

    in ddton to th Cng nt,

    ttndnc s on of th ssntl

    tcs pon whch th nt dcton

    sst s bsd. attndnc s

    potnt n coptnc dcton s

    n ndcto of lflong coptnc,

    bt s not dctl ltd to cdcs.

    as nfoton ssts dvlop tht

    show stdnt lnng pogssons,

    dstcts nd stts cn thn onto

    stdnt ptcpton nd pogss ththn ttndnc.

    4. C rsps lopps: Th cntppoch nd ts ccontblt

    sst dsgnd ond lnpth to hgh school gdton. Th

    coptnc-bsd odl wll nd

    to hv th cpct to spond to

    stdnts wth gps n th dcton,

    stdnts wth hgh oblt, stdnts

    tkng lv of bsnc fo school

    nd tnng o two lt, nd

    stdnts who wnt to dvnc o

    qckl th contnng onto collg-

    lvl coss whl n hgh school o

    gdtng fo hgh school n lss thn

    fo s. Ths sponsvnss

    ncld ctng o cpct fo opn

    nt/t n coss, o odlzd

    nts of lnng thn sst-long

    coss, ctng tnston t bfo

    nd ft coss, llowng stdnts

    to dvnc n so dons nd not

    oths (vn bond th schools

    offngs), nd n nltd blt to

    tk collg coss n hgh school.

    Coptnc-bsd ssts wllpovd 24/7/365 ccss to vt of

    nggng, stndds-lgnd, opn, nd

    popt lnng pncs (..,

    nstctonl tls) nd fll- nd

    pt-t onln lnng oppotnts.

    5. bck ecss:Coptnc dcton wllbenet from ongoing improvement

    stcts tht povd contnos

    fdbck on: how schools dong,

    how tdtonll ndsvd stdnts chvng, how schools cop

    to ch oth, nd whch dstcts

    nd schools not plntng

    coptnc dcton ffctvl.
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  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Tchng n coptnc sst

    phszs th fcltton of lnng.

    Coptncs hld to th s

    pcttons, bt how stdntsch thos coptncs cn v.

    Tchs ncsngl tk on th ols

    of co-dsgnng ccl tsks tht

    nggng to stdnts, dvlopng

    dptv nstcton tht povds pd

    fdbck nd spplntl nstcton

    s ndd, nd ffctvl sng

    stdnt dt to ns ll stdnts

    dvncng n th lnng. Dgtl tools

    nd nfoton tchnolog ctcll

    potnt to hlp tchs focs on

    stdnt lnng. Coptnc ssts,

    spcll thos wth stong blndd

    ccl, wll nbl dffnttd

    (different levels) and distributed stafng

    (dffnt loctons) odls tht tnd

    th ch of gt tchs, sppot nw

    tchs, nd povd copllng c

    oppotnts fo pncd dctos.

    Th dncs of pofssonl

    dvlopnt wll b dtcll ltd.

    Th s cntl lot of tch tlkabout student progress, what prociency

    looks lk, nd vsng coptncs

    nd bcs to b s powfl s

    possbl to hlp ngg stdnts n

    lnng. Pofssonl dvlopnt s

    oftn lzd thogh ps wokng

    togth nd shng th pts;

    when they nd themselves stuck, they

    ognz th tp of cochng th nd

    to pnd nd nhnc th tchng


    invtbl, polcs ltd to

    teacher certication, evaluation, and

    copnston polcs wll nd to

    b vstd. On of th ntstng

    chllngs tht coptnc dcton

    nnovtos copln bot s tht

    teachers are certied to teach in specic

    g-bsd schools nd ltd n

    th spons whn stdnts dvnc

    to hgh lvls of th dons o nd

    hlp t low lvls. Ths ltton wll

    pos chllngs fo stdnts who w bhnd o hd. Onln lnng

    solv potons of ths pobl,

    but certication policies will eventually

    nd to b vsd.

    8. o Sds Ccd Spp Pszd e: most

    coptnc ssts wll hv o

    optons gdng how to ln nd

    how to donstt coptnc

    gnst st of cdc stndds.

    Coptnc ssts fost stdnt

    ownshp nd cn tk dvntg of

    snchonos (tch ndpndnt)

    lnng pncs. Wth gt

    psonlzton nd ncsd dgs

    of fdo cos fol sttgs to

    povd cochng nd gdnc.

    Coptnc-bsd schools sch s

    Knskpsskoln, th psonlzd

    Swdsh school ntwok, s lnngcoch odl to wok wth stdnts nd

    fls. Oth schools s dvso

    stcts o nvst n dl ctvts to

    kp stdnts focsd nd cclt

    th tton s n ndpndnt


    Psonlzton cn lso n nvstng

    n ptnshps. Nw Hpsh

    hs stblshd sttwd polc fo

    stdnts to bld nd donstt sklls

    ntndd lnng oppotnts.Schools tht vl l-wold

    pncs sch s ntnshps nd

    svc-bsd lnng, lk thos n th

    Bg Pct, epdton Lnng,

    ndDplo Plsntwoks, nvst n

    cont ltonshps nd stdnt


    Cc-Dvpssl Dvl:

    Wlkg tlk20

    At Summit Prep, a model highschool south of San Francisco,teachers are walking thetalk. Extensive professionaldevelopment, evaluation, andcompensation are all built upon acompetency-based model. Its askill-based system that is focusedon what teachers need to know(and be able to do) to acceleratestudent achievement. At SummitPrep, teachers know where their

    skills fit on the continuum ofseven measurable dimensions(Assessment, Content, Curriculum,Instruction, Knowing Learners andLearning (i.e., special educationand ELL)), Leadership, andMentoring. Each dimension hasfour levels of proficiency.

    As Summit founder Diane Tavennerexplains, Teachers are chargedwith gathering and presentingevidence of their performanceas demonstrated in student

    work and achievement. Forexample, a teacher wanting to beevaluated as highly proficient onCurriculum/Differentiation would

    have to present evidence he/she consistently differentiatedthroughout the course, and thatstudents of all levels of priorknowledge and skill were able toaccess and demonstrate masteryas a result. Placement andmovement on the continuum arebased on a combination of principal

    evaluation, peer evaluation andself-evaluation. It usually takes atleast two years to move up a level.Getting the top salary means thata teacher has to be an expert in atleast four of the seven dimensions.

    Student achievement is the basisfor all goals that determine annualperformance bonuses of up to 10%of base salary: 50% individual, 25%team, 25% school.
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  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    10 Ds CcsTh s no sngl ght w to do

    coptnc dcton. evn wth thconstnt of optng n th tdtonlt-bsd polc contt, th s gt dl of vton n th dsgnchocs tht dstcts nd schools kng s th shft to coptncdcton. Ftho, th s choo fo lgnng socs ondlnng tht s so f ntppd.Blow fw of th dsgn chocstht schools kng to ognzstdnts, dctos, nd socs tosppot stdnt pogsson thoghth K-12 sst. W tk th lbtto popos oth dsgn chocs tht dvlop s w bco occstod to thnkng bond thtdtonl sst.

    1. Sc:Th tdtonlsst ss g-bsd gdsto ct cohots of stdnts thtow through the system. Schools gnll ognzd nto K-6(lthogh sots K-8), -8, 9-12,nd post-scond. Ths dvson spl bsd on chld nd dolscntdvlopnt sss. Th s nowgreater uidity between high schoolnd collg wth aP, dl nollnt,nd l collg. Coptnc-bsdschools focs on optzng lnngnd pfonc th thn g.

    Csco B Hgh School ssgd-bsd cohots to nhnc lnng cont fod ongstdnts wokng togth ov fos.

    ads 50hs ntndlnt, ddl, nd hghschools wth 12 lvls to ndctwh stdnts on th lnngpogsson.

    Dplo Plsss thpfonc lvls thFondton Phs, th PsnttonPhs, nd th Pls Phs whchpovd gt oppotnt sstdnts bld fondtonl skllsnd donstt tt.

    Sn Fncsco Fl s n onlnhgh school tht povds onstsppot. ech stdnt cn dcdwht coss to wok on nd ovst th own pc.

    as pt of th sttwdpovnt cpct, thedcton achvnt athotofmchgn s plntng stdntcntd odl tht ognzsstdnts b nstctonl lvl ththn g nd gd lvl, nd ltsth pogss v st ththn st t.

    Conston Cht Schooln Dtot plcd ndvdlclssoos nd nstctos fo co


    Assessment& ProgressTrackingSystems

    ProgressionUpon Mastery

    Courses Structure

    Degree ofInterconnect-


    Degree ofChoice


    Opportunitiesto Learn


    MasteryStudents advance upon mastery.

    ObjectivesCompetencies include explicit,

    measurable, transferable learningobjectives that empower students.

    AssessmentAssessment is meaningful and a positive

    learning experience for students.

    DifferentiationStudents receive timely, differentiated support

    based on their individual learning needs.

    College & Career ReadyLearning outcomes emphasize competencies

    that include application and creation ofknowledge, along with the development of

    important skills and dispositions.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    3. Spp:Th tdtonlnstctonl odl povdssppot whn stdnts ldflng. Stdnts cn go fo wks t thbgnnng of cos wthot gttngt hlp. Howok nd tsts co bck wth gd bt no hlpflfdbck, nd oftn b th t t stnd th tch hs ovd onto oth tl. Stdnts bqd to go to s school ob tnd fo n nt wthotndvdlzd plns tht hlp thbecome procient. The good news is

    tht w hv ld sn schoolsbgn to dopt coptnc-bsdppochs, ptcll wth ldng pogs tht lvg tsof tchs, clssoo ds, ndltc cochs to povd dffnttdnstcton wth fqnt dgnostcssssnts tht s stdntsklls. Ths s ppoch cn bnhncd sng odn tchnologtools to vn btt psonlznstcton nd ns stdnts cvng th ght sppots ndntvntons n l t.

    in coptnc dcton, schoolsognz socs to kp stdntson th lnng dg.21 Knowng thtll stdnts wll stggl t so pont,th bd t fo t hlp. at msslonsk mddl School

    n mn, stdnts hv LnngGol T bddd n v

    school d to wok on whtvtopc th nd hlp wth. Boston D nd evnng acd

    s dsgnd ond tnstons.Tnsf wndows llow stdntstwo wks to coplt ll wok fth wnt to pogss to th ntcos.

    at Bon an Hgh school foov-gd nd nd-cdtdong popl, th stff sppotslns b bldng ltonshps,

    contnt s. Stdnts wok npods of 75 stdnts wth ndvdlcbcls tht llow th to focs

    on psonlzd onln contnt.Th gth n opn spcs fosll gops, pojcts, nd dctnstcton s ndd.

    at thallnc Tchnolog ndmth Scnc Hgh Schooln Los

    angls, 48 stdnts ott thoghth sttons wthn co sbjctclsss: tch-ld, onln, ndcollbotv nstcton. Th gdng

    phlosoph s on of th ostimportant decisions, as it denes howstdnts ndstnd wht s nddto b sccssfl, bt ts ll thpooton polc tht s ost potnt.Whn stdnts llowd to pogsswth Cs nd Ds, t tpcll ndctstht th hvnt std th contnt.Dstcts hv lnd tht t s vpotnt to nvst n hlpng pnts,conts, nd collgs ndstndnw gdng ssts nd th dcsonsnd ntvntons tggd b thgds. Spldng Hgh School n

    rochst, Nw Hpsh ssNot yt Coptnt, Coptnt,Bond Coptnt, nd advncd.

    Knnbc int-Dstct Schools nmn ss 0-4 gdng scl; llstdnts pctd to ch tlst 3 on ll lnng tgts bfoth pogss.

    inFdl W, Wshngton,stdnts st pss th cos oclss wth gd of C o btt nod to dvnc to th nt lvlo gd. et cdt ctvts ththv no lton to th stndds donot pct th gd.

    advncPth, ntonl dopotpvnton ntwok, qsstdnts to coplt nts ndcoss t 80% o btt to ovon.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    socl sklls, fl sppot, ndlf sklls. Stdnts donsttcoptnc thogh vt of

    ws ncldng pojcts, pps,lbs, donsttons, nd tsts.

    at D Vnc Schools, dpndng ontheir prociency level, passion, andnds, ch stdnts ndvdlzdlnng pln ncopssstgtd ntvntons nd sppotsto ns th sccss.

    at FLVS, tchs cll stdntswhn th nt pogssng ndpovd ndvdl ttong whnncss.

    4. Pss up ms:Coptnc ssts s vt of gtws to ng pogssnd tclton. Dpndng on thexibility that has been built into thessts, coptnc dcton cnoff pogss wthn cos o ntohgh-lvl coss. So schoolss d of sll gtws, whloths focs on jo donsttonsof lnng v two o th s.W hv t to opn p th nstttonlstcts tht llow stdnts to so.

    adptv softw tools llowstdnts to pogss n thlnng.

    To dvnc t Conston ChtSchool ndCp D, stdntsst b bl to show stthogh sst of ssssntsncldng stnddzd tsts, dt

    hvstd fo onln ctvts,nd l-wold chllngs ndslf-ssssnts. at Conston,vtl dt dshbods povdnt, nwh ccssto stdnt pogss. Thosdshbods vwd wklwth dvsos (clld ltonshpmanagers) to help students reect

    Cc-bsd Lg d fld Vl Scl22

    Many examples of benchmark competency-based practices can be found

    in Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses. FLVS builds its courses aroundthe concept of assessment against competencies and a consistent threadof competency education factors.

    Self-Assessments: In the self-assessment, learners can manage theirown mastery level and take appropriate action to relearn skills beforeattempting a formal assessment. Students are able to own their learningand work on what they actually need to do, compared to a traditionalschool, where a student will sit through a lesson with the rest of the classeven if they dont individually need it.

    Multi-Source Assessments: Students receive feedback from multiplesources, including pre-tests, formative assessments throughout thelessons, and summative assessments. FLVS teachers also completediscussion-based assessments in each unit of study. Teachers verballyassess for mastery before students can move on to the next module,which ensures a deeper understanding in subjects that build uponprevious knowledge, such as foreign languages or math. The teacher isthe gatekeeper, who only allows the students to move on when masteryis demonstrated through work products and discussions. Students alsohave some group projects that provide opportunities for them to worktogether and build knowledge collaboratively.

    Individual Learning Plans: FLVS has worked hard to have effectiveLearning Management Systems. The systems permit students to identifytheir progress compared to course goals, personally established time-linegoals, and skills identified for mastery. They can continually monitor their

    own success and gaps in progress.

    Learning Resources Catalogued by Competency: Most courses havepre-tests at the beginning of each module, which consist of a variety ofquestions that are grouped by competency. When students demonstratemastery of a group of pre-test questions, they are then exempted from thecorresponding lesson and assessment. This allows them to spend moretime on weaker areas. This prescriptive model is overseen by the teacher,who completes a discussion-based assessment with the student prior toexempting lessons to ensure a deep conceptual understanding.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    on th wok. at Schools fo th Ft n Dtot,

    stdnts ov t th own pc

    towd gdton thogh fopfonc lvls: Co i, Co 2,Tnstons, nd Pthws.

    Schools n th Ntonl Cntfo edcton nd th econosecllnc fo all ntwok scdntld s s gtws sotht stdnts cn tk th swhn th d, nd hvltpl oppotnts to pss th.

    5.a Cds: To ct

    o t fo stdnts whond t, n coptnc sstsov towd -ond clnd.T btwn sssons cn b sd fonchnt o tndd lnng t.

    Flod Vtl School svs400,000 pt-t stdnts wth-ond ollng nollntcoss.

    Boston D nd evnng acdcts wklong ntnsvsssons to ppl lnng ndfo tchs to btt ssss howstdnts pplng sklls.

    Nt Gnton Schoolsstggtch vctons to hv ot fo stdnt lnng.

    mn schools s blncdclndtht hs fo sssons of45 ds wth 15- to 30-d bksn btwn fo stdnts to spnd ont pctc o nchnt wok.

    6. Css: in gnl, schools contnng to s th cosstct to ndct nt of lnng.Th ognzton of th coss nd thdg of odlt v bsd onth school clnd nd th dg ofpotnc th school dsgn gvs toccl ths.

    Bldng pon th CoonCo th stndds, whch

    dsgnd to fcltt odlppochs, schools s blockppoch n whch stdnts wokng ndvdll o n sllgops n vos coss.

    Vtl Lnng acd hsshftd fo cdt cov tocoptnc cov.

    Boston D nd evnng acduses exible trimesters.

    Th Schools fo th FtCcl s dsgnd wth 30-d

    odls, shot n-coss, nd 30-d pogss vw ccl.

    7. D Cc:Coptnc dcton nblso stdnt voc nd choc, bcsth coptncs nd bcs gd pon hd of t.

    Schools tht hv ognzdthslvs ond stong ths(sch s th intntonl StdsSchool Ntwok) o schools tht povdng th shotst otto hgh school dplo (sch sBoston D nd evnng acd) choos to off v wll-dvlopd ccl bt fwcos chocs.

    Onln schools povd chocs wlbond wht tdtonl schools cnpovd.

    Schools cn off stdnts choc

    wthn coss s wll. in thdstcts ptcptng n th mnCohot fo Cstozd Lnng,sch s mSaD 15 n G-NwGlocst, blndd lnngoffs stdnts th blt to slctccl tsks nd optons fohow th wnt to donstt thlnng.
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    8. D iccdss: Soschools continue to use specicdons to ognz th coss, whloths tn to ntdscpln cossnd pojcts.

    Spldng Hgh School s ognzdond th tdtonl cdcdscplns.

    Dnv Cnt fo intntonlStds, b of th iSSN,ss globl dcton s nognzng th to shp ts

    ccl. aCe Ldshpss th contt

    of chtct, constcton, ndngnng to dsgn pojctstht ootd n l-woldndst chllngs nd dsgndto hlp stdnts bld p thcoptncs.

    9. opps l:Th hs bn n ploson ofoppotnts fo stdnts to ln. Thcoptncs nd lnng tgts thtk p lnng pogssons llowschools to off vt of ws todlv nstcton, pfo ccltsks, nd donstt stdntlnng.

    Opn dcton lnng socsncld th vdos foKhn

    acd, f ttbooks foCK12, nd mssvl Opn

    Onln Coss (mOOC) foldng nvsts. it s possblfo non wth bodbndconncton to ln lostnthng, nwh.

    Nw Hpshs stt polcpows stdnts to dw onl-wold pncs to bldsklls nd donstt lnng.Tchs vldt lnng sngth s bcs s th wold fo

    clssoo-bsd nstcton. in dnc job ctgos lk

    wb dsgn, donsttd skll

    cn n bdg fo th P2PuSchool of Wbcft. Potfolosnd condton ssts lso gng tht kt slsttgs.

    adptv nstctonl softws bcong o sophstctd,nd povds pd fdbck ndch nltcs. Blndd odls,sch smtchbook Lnngndrocktshp schools, sngdptv softw to povd

    ndsvd stdnts oppotntsto wok t th own pc.

    Th pndng oppotntsto ln onln o on th job ndto n collg cdt b tkng tst. Wstn Govnos unvsths bn offng coptnc-bsd cdt fo 15 s. CollgBod offs th Collg Lvlenton Pog (CLeP), ndth svl f CLeP pp


    Wth ll of th nfol nd opnlnng oppotnts vlbl, nstdnts wll lkl ln otsd thfol stct of school. Coptnc-bsd ssts wll k t s toshow wht th know, n cdt, ndov to th nt sbjct. Stvssssnts wll v, ncldngpfonc-bsd ssssnt ndnd-of-cos s. Bdg ssts

    lkl to hlp vldt nd cdtstdnts fo sll chnks of lnng(.., nt sz th thn fll coss).

    10. asssss dPss tckSss:T-bsd ppochs nth cnt sst ontd towdtdtonl gdng nd ngng cohot nvonnt. Coptnc-bsd schools nd to k sttgc
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    dcsons bot ssssnt sttgsnd ssts, stdnt nfotonssts tht tck ndvdl nd gop

    progress in achieving prociency, andpotng/vslzton ssts. Chocsbot ccss dvcs (.., lptops otblts) wll pct ssts optons.

    Csco B Hgh School n Potlndme pgdd th ssssntsst fo lgnnt wthgdton otcos to chvfll tnspnc btwn stdnts,fls, nd tchs nd tonhnc ccontblt.

    Vergennes Unied High Schools wokng wth thCnt foCollbotv edctonto bldtchs cpct to dsgnnd s pfonc-bsdssssnts.

    Adams 50 and Lindsay UniedSchool dstcts sng thedct sst to onto stdntpogss, povd fdbck totchs, nd nbl pncpls tobld stff cpct.

    mchgns edcton achvntathot s wokng n ptnshpwth agl to dvlop Bzz, whchontos stdnt pogss ndnggnt.

    Ths jst fw of th dsgnchocs tht coptnc-bsdnnovtos wll nd to k. ech onnds to b d bsd on how t wllns tht tdtonll ndsvd

    stdnts wll thv n coptnc-bsd sst. as dgtl tools ndnfoton ssts dvlop, t s lkltht n ntl nw st of tchnqsnd ppochs wll b qd. W on th dg of n todn t n


    hw d Cc-bsd Lg d DglLg Cc?

    There are powerful intersections between competency educationand digital learning. The Digital Learning Now! framework for guidingpolicymakers identifies 10 elements to enable digital learning, three ofwhich enable competency education.

    Element 3: Personalized Learning (All students can use digital learning tocustomize their education).

    State allows students to take online classes full time, part time, or byindividual course.

    State allows students to enroll with multiple providers and blendonline courses with onsite learning.

    State allows rolling enrollment year-round.

    State does not limit the number of credits earned online.

    State does not limit provider options for delivering instruction.

    Element 4: Advancement (All students progress based on demonstratedcompetency).

    State requires matriculation based on demonstrated competency. State does not have a seat-time requirement for matriculation. State provides assessments when students are ready to complete the

    course or unit.

    Element 8: Assessment and Accountability (Student learning is the metricfor evaluating the quality of content and instruction).

    State administers assessments digitally.

    State ensures a digital formative assessment system. State evaluates the quality of content and courses predominately

    based on student learning data. State evaluates the effectiveness of teachers based in part on student

    learning data. State holds schools and providers accountable for achievement and

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    tht dstcts nd schools contn

    to sv stdnts who not t

    procient in college- and career-

    d stndds. Hgh dcton stblshs cl,

    tnspnt lvls of coptncs

    qd fo dssons so tht

    stdnts cn dtn how

    clos th to tngs thos


    Hgh dcton nd scholshp

    pogs pgd polcs shold

    no long dpnd on th t-

    bsd GPa.

    gd d assss Stts shold pdt th gdng

    polcs to ns stdnts hv

    ltpl oppotnts to tk

    stv ssssnts; gdng

    cn b coptnc bsd so tht

    stdnts cn pdt gds bsd

    on prociencies gained.

    Stt stv ssssnts

    shold b tkn whn stdnts

    procient; not before.

    Stt stv ssssntsshold b vlbl n tl

    nn, so tht whn stdnts

    procient they can take summative


    Stts shold s dgtl

    fotv ssssnt sst.

    epd Psz d

    acc Pc Stts shold stblsh polc tht

    stdnts ntng nw school

    ssssd ccodng to wh th on th lnng pogsson

    nd cv dffnttd sppots.

    Stts shold llow stdnts to tk

    onln clsss fll t o pt t

    b th ndvdl cos.

    Stts shold q onln

    coss to b bsd on

    donsttd coptnc.

    Stts shold llow ollng

    nollnt, -ond.

    S Pc SppsCpc-bsd

    lalost ll of o stt polcs t

    bsd. W stll dpnd on th cnts-

    old pctc of gopng stdnts b

    bthd. W stt wth how n ds

    stdnts nd to b n school. W

    dene the instructional hours every

    stdnt s to cv. W dtn

    cdts b st t. O chllng s

    to loosn o nds nd dplo o

    ctvt towds stblshng polcs

    tht focs on stdnt lnng.

    Dgtl Lnng Now! hs sttd

    ths pocss wth ts lst of polc

    condtons to ct o

    optons nd nbl coptnc-

    bsd lnng. Bldng on ths, w

    off stt polc lds chcklst

    fo bngng th stts nto th 21st


    upd gd d hedc Pcs

    ev stt shold hv cl

    prociency-based diplomas that

    ns stdnts collg nd

    c d.

    Stdnts shold b bl to ccss

    coss n hgh dcton whl

    stll n hgh school.

    adssons to hgh dcton

    wthot dton nd to b

    tnspnt, nd chnss

    shold b n plc to llow stdntsto dtn wh th on

    th pogsson towds bng

    copttv towds dssons.

    etndd gdton ts shold

    b n plc nd sd wthn th

    ccontblt sst to ns

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    O opts bot coptnc

    dcton s dvd fo l

    pls of psonlzd lnng,

    ssts tht tnd t nd ct

    optons, nd fo schools tht q

    stdnts to show wht th know.

    However, the benets for fast learners,

    stgglng stdnts, nd stdnts tht

    ln dffntl q tnsfoton

    of how acn dcton s

    ognzd nd ngd. Phpso chllngng thn bldng th nw

    toolst s chngng th ndsts of

    pnts, tchs, nd dssons

    conslos bot gds, gopng,

    nkngs, nd pogss.

    On th tnston, mchl Flln

    s convncd tht w cn nd st

    bld sstbl nggng lnng

    pncs fo both stdnts nd

    tchs. H poposs sknn

    soltons tht hd to bld nd

    s to plnt. Flln pts th

    ons on dcton lds to k

    chng s b ddng njobl,

    wothwhl pncs. Of nw

    schs, h sggsts hgh b: itst b sstbl nggng; lgntl

    efcient (challenging but easy to use);

    tchnologcll bqtos; nd stpd

    n l-lf pobl solvng.23

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    CoptncWoksnd th coplnt Coptnc-

    Bsd Pthws Wk lodd wth socs. Fnd ot

    how clssoo pctcs chng nd nfoton on optonl

    gdng polcs, dvncnts n stt polc, nd o. yo

    can also nd issue briefs on a range of topics.

    its Not a mtt of T Hghlghts fo th 2011

    Coptnc-Bsd Lnng St

    Ln bot potnt topcs fo th 2011 Coptnc-

    Bsd Lnng St, sch s wht coptnc dcton

    s, how to gt sttd, th chllngs n plntng

    coptnc dcton, nd how to psonlz th pocss

    fo o stdnts.

    at nd Scnc of Dsgnng Coptncs

    Ln how to dsgn nd ct coptncs n clssoo

    nd how to ct th nvonnt tchs nd n od to

    plnt ths coptncs sccssfll.

    Th Lnng edg: Sppotng Stdnt Sccss n

    Coptnc-Bsd Lnng envonnt

    undstndng how to stct sppots s potnt,

    bcs lnng n coptnc-bsd nvonnt

    ns tht stdnts nd dlts oftn on th dg of

    th cofot zon nd coptnc: th lnng dg. Thspp dscbs how nnovtos dsgnng school clt,

    bddng sppots, nd ognzng socs to ns

    stdnts pogssng nd on pc.

    mkng mst Wok: a Clos-up Vw of Coptnc edcton

    b No Pst, anton rdnstn, nd eph Wsstn, Nll

    m edcton Fondton 2012.

    Stt Sttgs fo awdng Cdt to Sppot Stdnt Lnng

    pblshd b th Ntonl Govnos assocton.

    Cs Stds of Th Dstcts n mn

    Ths std dscsss how school dstcts, tchs, nd

    conts hv plod th potntl fo cstozd nd

    coptnc-bsd dcton. Th mn Dptnt of edcton

    hs d ss ofvdos nd cs stds vlbl to hlp

    oth dstcts.

    Dvlopng rgoos Coptncs fo Off-tck yoth: a Cs

    Std of Boston D nd evnng acdbJobs fo th Ft

    Off th Clock: movng edcton fo T to Coptnc b Fd

    Bnt nd ros Colb

    Ths book povds n n-dpth look t Nw Hpshs jon

    towds coptnc-bsd sst. Th thos povd

    personal reections as well as detailed descriptions of the policy

    chngs, stkhold nggnt, nd plntton dcsons.

    iows Onln Fo on Coptnc Bsd edcton

    aPPenDix: ComPetenCy eDuCation reSourCeS
  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    author bioSJ bl

    Executive Director, Digital Learning Now!John svs s th ectv Dcto of Dgtl Lnng Now!, ntonl nttv of th Fondton fo ecllnc n edcton thtwoks wth polcks nd nnovtos to cclt th dopton of nw dcton odls. John pvosl svd t th WhtHos s Spcl assstnt to th Psdnt fo Dostc Polc dng th Bsh dnstton nd ws th Dpt Polc Dctofo th u.S. Sct of Coc, wh h wokd on nnovton polc. Johns pnc lso nclds wokng t th Bll ndmlnd Gts Fondton, wh h blt potfolo of dvocc gnts to dvnc collg- nd c-d polcs. H svd sth ntons scond Dcto of edctonl Tchnolog nd hs bn fol o nfol dvso to th psdntl cpgns.H s on th Bod of Dctos fo th Dt Qlt Cpgn nd svs on th gonl bod fo th socl nnovton fnd indgo

    afc. H lso svs s Sno advso to Whtbod advsos, whch povds sttgc consltng fo nvstos, phlnthopsts,nd ntpns.

    Cs Sgs

    Principal, MetisNetChris Sturgis is Principal of MetisNet, a consulting rm based in Santa Fe, New Mexico that specializes in philanthropic strategydevelopment. Chris is a frequent writer on education and youth issues. She encountered competency education for the rst time in the1990s dng st vst to Dplo Pls nd ws wd b th potnc t pls n ddssng acs gdton css. Snc thnsh hs bn n dvoct, wokng n ptnshp wth th intntonl assocton fo K-12 Onln Lnng (NaCOL) to ngCoptncWoks.

    C Scd

    Director of Policy and Research, Getting SmartC s th Dcto of Polc nd rsch t Gttng St. Wth bckgond n both polc nd pctc, sh hs tght nclssoos fo lnt schools to collg cpss. C svd s n onln dcto fo 2005-2012 n fll onln mstspog n edctonl Ldshp nd hs thod svl pcs on th ft of dcton. Sh co-dtd th book Bldng 21st

    Cnt u.S. edcton Sst wth Bob Whlng, pblshd b NCTaF. C hs bn ctvl nvolvd n sppotng dcton polcffots to dvnc dgtl nd blndd lnng oppotnts s consltnt to stt nd ntonl ognztons. Sh holds n m.ed. nedctonl adnstton nd n ed.D. n ubn edctonl Ldshp.

    t Vd ak

    Author and Executive Editor, Getting SmartTo s th tho of Gttng St: How Dgtl Lnng s Chngng th Wold nd th ectv edto of His also a Partner in Learn Capital, a venture capital rm that invests in learning content, platforms, and services with the goal oftnsfong dctonl nggnt, ccss, nd ffctvnss. Pvosl h svd s Psdnt of th x PriZe Fondton ndwas the Executive Director of Education for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Tom was also the rst business executive to serveas a public school superintendent in Washington State. Tom is a Director of iNACOL and several other nonprots.

  • 7/27/2019 The Shift from Cohorts to Competency


    Ths pp ws cftd bsd on ntvws nd convstons

    with dozens of people in the eld of education. The authors andognztons th psnt wold lk to cknowldg th

    sppot nd ptcpton of th followng ndvdls nd gops

    who offd fdbck, pts, nd nsght to dvnc o

    wok. W lso ppct th ntcton on ths topcs on o

    blogs nd vos socl d chnnls.

    Copss Lnng, Ccl assocts, FLVS, Pson,

    nd Dgtl Lnng Now Gttng St dvocc ptns.advncPth nd mstConnct potfolo copns of

    Ln Cptl, wh To Vnd ak s ptn. To s lso

    Dcto of th intntonl assocton fo K-12 Onln Lnng


    aCKnowleDgementS DiSCloSureS

    1. Lk so dstcts nd stts, w s th t coptnc dcton,

    while others refer to prociency- or performance-based education. The

    u.S. Dptnt of edcton swtchd to st-bsd dcton nth 2012 rc to th Top coptton. W dont pct sngl t to

    b doptd. Whts potnt s tht th ll f to sst n whch

    stdnts pogss ft tng pcttons.

    2. DLonzo, rchd a., Bttno, Wnd J., Schb, rck m., Gdd

    Co, Bb B. Dlvng on th Pos: Th edcton rvolton

    Solton T, 2008.

    3. Jons, rbcc. No o tnond fo ads 50. edNws Colodo,

    agst 27, 2012. http://www.dnwscolodo.og/2012/08/27/43202-no-


    4. Information gathered from the Lindsay Unied School District Website.


    5. Ntonl Govnos assocton. Stt Sttgs fo awdng Cdt to

    Sppot Stdnt Lnng.


    6. Bl, J., Ct, S. Schnd, C., Vnd ak, T. Dt Bckpcks:

    Portable Records & Learner Proles. Digital Learning Now! 2012. http://


    7. Stgs, C. at nd Scnc of Dsgnng Coptncs.

    CoptncWoks, 2012.



    8. mss of acdc Pogss (maPS) s copt dptv tstng

    sst dvlopd b NWea.

    9. infoton bsd on st vst b Chs Stgs.

    10. iows Coptnc-Bsd edcton Tsk Foc Pln rpot,

    Jn 2013.


    11. Jobs fo th Ft. algnng Coptncs to rgoos Stndds fo

    Off-Tck yoth: a Cs Std of Boston D nd evnng acd.



    12. Boston D nd evnng acd offs th reaL insttt v

    s to tn dctos n how to stt coptnc-bsd schools fo

    ov-g nd nd-cdtd stdnts

    13. adptd fo Nng th elphnt b Chs Stgs on th

    CoptncWoks Blog. http://www.coptncwoks.og/2012/11/

    nng-th-lphnt/14. iows Coptnc-Bsd edcton Tsk Foc Pln rpot.

    Jn 2013.

    15. Lnz, B. Dp Lnng: athntc Stdnt assssnt. edtop.

    Jn 9, 2013. http://www.dtop.og/blog/dp-lnng-stdnt-


    16. Vnd ak T., answs fo nd Lssons fo Ctcs of Coptnc

    Bsd Lnng. Gttng St Blog. Novb 22, 2102. http://


    17. ibd.

    18. Ntonl Govnos assocton. Stt Sttgs fo awdng Cdt to

    Sppot Stdnt Lnng.

    19. W s th ePiC dfntonof collg nd c dnss vlbl t

    http://www.pconln.og/dnss/ .20. Pts of ths scton ognll ppd n Gttng St blog posts

    b To Vnd ak:

    tvnn-on-th-st-pp-tch-dvlopnt-sst/ ndhttp://

    21. Shbll, L. nd Stgs, C. Th Lnng edg: Sppotng

    Stdnt Sccss n Coptnc-Bsd Lnng envonnt.

    CoptncWoks, Dcb 2012. http://www.coptncwoks.og/



    22. Pts of ths scton ognll ppd n Gttng St gst

    blog post b mlss yong, Ccl mng nd Jnn Psktt,

    Ccl Spclst, Flod Vtl School.


    23. Bsd on vw of mchl Fllns book Sttosph tht ognll

    ppd on Gttng St blog post b To Vnd ak. http://


    24. ibd.
