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Transcript of Focus on Fauci Broadcast – January 5, 2021 THE SEMINAL EVENT: FOCUS ON FAUCI Broadcast Transcripts January 5, 2021 Reclaim Your Lives [email protected] Summary This document is a transcript of the broadcast which was aired on January 5, 2021. Wherever technical references are made – definitions have been provided to make it simpler for non-native English speakers to understand the flow, context and content.


Jan 09, 2022



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Page 1: THE SEMINAL EVENT: FOCUS ON FAUCI Broadcast Transcripts

Transcript of Focus on Fauci Broadcast – January 5, 2021


January 5, 2021

Reclaim Your Lives [email protected]

Summary This document is a transcript of the broadcast which was aired on January 5, 2021.

Wherever technical references are made – definitions have been provided to make it simpler for non-native English speakers to understand the flow, context and content.

Page 2: THE SEMINAL EVENT: FOCUS ON FAUCI Broadcast Transcripts

Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Transcript of Sacha Stone – Introduction: Good morning to you in the United States of America and Canada, good afternoon to you in Europe and Asia and a very good evening to everyone else. In fact, it is after midnight here in South East Asia and it is my signal honour to introduce to you over the next two hours four of the most iconic freedom fighters in the world today.

Now, not only are they committed to standing on the front line of the planetary stand off against medical fascism and institutional totalitarianism but, in a more mundane language, lets appreciate that they are equally committed to standing between you, your children and a seemingly insatiable army of technocrats wielding insane statutes, and manuals and code books not to speak of the costumed officials (quote unquote) wielding syringes and handcuffs, guns and tazers.

There are many thousands of you who have joined us and I can see every second that goes buy hundreds more are coming on and it’s delightful that we have such an audience.

Now I just want to run through a few cursory news headlines that I quite literally pull off the top of my feed today in about 8 minutes without even looking for news.

News headline today in the The Straits Times1 in Singapore and I’m quoting “vaccination is a key focus for Singapore this year. Individuals won’t get to choose vaccines which are safe and effective” says The Minister. “The national effort to vaccinate the population will require considerable resources and will be one of Singapore’s key focus areas this year”. And that’s coming from the Health Minister Gan Kim Yong as he fleshed out the country’s vaccination strategy yesterday. “The vaccinations will be a key enabler, allowing us to return to normalcy” he told Parliament yesterday. “Every vaccine approved for us will meet all our safety and efficacy requirements” he goes on to say. This is classic Mandarin speak.

The CNN news headline today. The Republic of Palau2, an archipelago home of about 18,000 people in the Pacific Ocean, may become the first nation to become fully vaccinated. To date Palau has not recorded a single Coronavirus case or virus-related death, according to the World Health Organisation.

The Minister of Health Dr Emé Roberts stands proudly in a propaganda photo call, which you can see here, with a 60 year old female healthcare worker holding a placard which states in bold letters as you can read “I got my COVID-19 Vaccine today for the elderly”. Who also went on to say that she felt excited to set an example for her community. She says, “I want to tell the community that I took the vaccine to protect them – so when it is their turn to take it – please take it to protect us”. This is classic orchestration narrative, how Governments play into frankly the ignorance of the proletariat. It’s the very worst kind of mind control and propaganda

The Telegraph (UK newspaper) today reports on Australia – quote “Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said he would not take unnecessary risks and emulate Britain’s emergency drug approval. Australia is not an emergency situation” (forgive me I couldn’t resist this slide) “Australia is not in an emergency situation like the UK so we don’t have to cut corners” he tells a local radio station. He goes on to say “around 26 people are currently in hospital nationwide with the disease”. Now, presumably they are referring to Corona-covid, those 26 people who are currently in hospital nationwide with the disease. A country that you could fit most of Europe into for God’s sake. He went on to say “Britain with almost 60,000 cases of COVID-19 a day was in the very early phases of the vaccine roll out and they’ve had quite a few problems”. So, it appears he is hedging his bets there.

And in the United Kingdom today, the news headline says that the NHS, which is the National Health Service, is at risk of being overwhelmed within 3 weeks in parts of the country, Chief Medical Officers warned last night.

Now what do they mean by last night? Is this to give us the impression that all of these health workers and public health administration officials are all working through the night in Downing Street with their sleeves rolled up, perspiring feverishly. But presumably not feverishly enough to warrant their own exfiltration to a hospital ward, where they themselves would be subjected to militant regulations tantamount to kidnap and incarceration? That is the world that we have arrived at today my friends.

Analysis shows that Britain was on course for 100,000 deaths by early February. As another record number of infections lead to officials warning that the lives of our friends and families depends on us sticking to the rules. Here we go again with that same World War 2 Churchillian bullshit narrative, trying to inveigle people, guilt trip the proletariat into a mind control narrative.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Rules unveiled today by Boris Johnson, the Prime Minster of Great Britain include the following:

• When you do meet one person from outside your household – you should stay 2 metres apart. Or if that’s not possible, 1 metre with extra precautions. And that presumably is because little bugs can’t jump further than 2 metres.

Another regulation:

• Support bubbles allow a single adult household or a couple with a child under 1 to permanently “bubble up” with one other household of any size. They can act as though they are in the same household.

Do you hear that? “They can act as though they are in the same household”.

This is Government telling you how to live your life – when you can walk, when you can talk, when you can breathe and when you cannot. It goes on to say “funerals can be attended by a maximum of 30 people, just like Tier 4. But wakes can only be attended by up to 6 people. S, the Government now gets to decide who amongst us suffer from a broken heart and who do not.

This takes administrational sadism and perversity to a whole new level. Finally the regulations include the following:

• You cannot stay overnight away from your home – even in your own second home or caravan.

Can you believe what we are listening to? We are adults – 95% of us listening in are grown adults. Some of us in our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.

But the good news is that the elite football is unaffected. Premier League and EFL which means Elite Football League, are given a green light to continue in the United Kingdom as normal, despite the new lockdown.

Well presumably that’s just bread and circuses being thrown to the great unwashed public. Isn’t that a treat?

Today, friends, the fifth of January 2021, is the eve of a seismic shift in the geopolitical global arena. What happens in the United States over the coming hours and days will send shockwaves one way or the other across the world.

It is imperative that we lean in toward one another now as a fellowship of humankind. Living men and women of the living soil, enjoined not in idle curiosity and the usual trivia which tends to herd us into consensus, but enjoined in the spirit of true enquiry and one which is undertaken in the spirit of right action. And one that seeks above all to bring about remedy, absolution and redemption – for ourselves and for our future generations.

This is what we are doing here today. Thousands of you have joined us and we thank you for this. We collectively are undertaking an enactment and an embodiment and a manifestation of our divine and natural right to enquire, to investigate and to determine matters for ourselves and not through propaganda, coercion or deception – but through our God given senses and our God given reason.

After the three prepared presentments which are coming up now, by Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr David Martin and Robert Kennedy Junior – I will be joined by the three of them and Rocco Galati* in a live Round Table – so stay with us.

Rocco Galati* - is an Italian-born Canadian lawyer who specializes in cases involving constitutional law and also suspects of terrorism.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Transcript of Dr Judith Mikovits A short biography was requested of Dr Mikovits – this can be found after the transcript of her presentment.

My story of my interactions with Dr Tony Fauci really starts in 1980..late 1983 or 84.

At the time I was 25 years old, I had been a lab technician, hired by Dr Frank Ruscetti, Dr Francis William Ruscetti in the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland. I was hired June 6, 1983 – D-Day – it’s a very important day and as I said I am a technician for Frank Ruscetti.

What we were doing at the time was isolating HIV virus – confirming Luc Montagnier’s3 discovery of HIV virus – isolating it from one of his original study subjects, one of the patients with AIDS. What you do then is you isolate it. I actually isolated from this man’s saliva and his blood and I met the man, I’m talking to him, I’m working with him in the laboratory and I um, yeah you isolate it onto human cells. These are cell lines that grow continuously and um, then you harvest, you capture a bunch of the virus, do electron micrographs, as EM electron micrographs, because the viruses are only about 100 nanometres so they are too small to see by classical microscopy.

So, our electron micrograph was done by Kunio Nagashima in Matt Gonda’s lab(oratory). So, the paper was getting ready to be published with the authors – there were several – Dr Ruscetti obviously was the senior author and a fellow named Kurt and a fellow named Raoul and Matt (Gonda) as I said and Kunio were either acknowledged or authors.

So, the paper was already in press or had been submitted to a journal by this team. Now what’s important about me being 25 years old, is I am not an author on the paper. And that’s very very key. So, I am Dr Ruscetti’s only technician in the National Cancer Institute, because he was fired by Bob Gallow several years earlier because he was getting too much credit for the discoveries of “interleukin-2”4 which was then called “T cell growth factor” (it was actually called “Frankies factor” in the beginning) and the discovery of the first family of human disease-causing retroviruses. The human T-cell leukaemia – later named lymphoma viruses.

So what Bob Gallow and Tony Fauci were trying to do was get credit for the discovery which was actually Luc Montagnier’s. And he had isolated the virus as I said from his samples, we did the work, we confirmed it. It’s very important to confirm independently from the same patients that you can grow this isolated and it’s the exact same electron micrograph.

Well, one day Dr Ruscetti is out of town and I’m in his office I think eating lunch and the technicians office was right outside – so all the technicians eat together. You know, we are kids, we’re just doing our jobs. So I answered Dr Ruscetti’s phone and I said he was out of town and they identified themselves as Tony Fauci from the NIAID (I have no idea what the NIAID is – I worked for the National Cancer Institute!) Ha – so I’m a kid – I’m 25 years old and the other was Bob Gallow – Robert Gallow from the National Cancer Institute and they said I understand Dr Ruscetti has a publication, that has confirmed Luc Montagnier’s isolation and characterisation of HIV and I said “yes” that’s absolutely true and they said “do you have a copy of the paper” and I said “yes I do” and they said “give us the paper” and I said “I’m sorry I can’t do that it’s unethical”. And these two men, you could hold that phone out, in fact I probably put it on speaker phone because everybody could hear that in the technicians’ lounge, could hear that exchange and there are people to this day who have read Plague of Corruption and have said “absolutely, I was there Judy – I will verify that”.

And so I said “no” and it got heated and they said we’ll fire you for insubordination. I said “I don’t care” – I just hired, just gotten fired, just lost my job in a reduction in force when Ronald Reagan came into office. He promised to reduce the size of the Federal Government.

So they’re screaming at me and threatening me, and some of the other technicians - I had no idea who they were (Fauci and Gallow) – said “oh kiddo you are going to lose your job” and I said “oh I don’t care” but actually I was so afraid “I’m like What’s this paper? What’s the importance of this paper? I didn’t get it at all” But I actually had one of my friends give me a gun and I literally buried it under my bed. I was physically afraid by these two men and their threats on this phone call. So that’s 1984 – that’s the last interaction I had basically had with him (Tony Fauci).

Now remember (at that time) he’s in his forties, right now he’s 80 and I’m 62. So remember, they don’t care about a woman, kid, female technician who isolates viruses and does biochemistry and makes immune therapies – they don’t care. They just think they can scare you to death and threaten you into doing something unethical, immoral or illegal and it was unethical.

It was unethical why? Because I’m a technician – I’m not an author on the paper. Unless you had an MD or PhD in the 1980’s you didn’t co-author papers, that’s why I have only 50 publications. Where now some people have hundreds because technicians are now allowed to co-author papers, it’s just the way things have changed.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


At any rate, so, Frank Ruscetti comes back to town and he basically said “did you do that for me?” And I said “no I didn’t do it for you, I did it because it was the right thing to do”. And from that day we have been fast friends and we knew we could trust people who worked ethically and that is Frank Ruscetti, so I can’t tell the rest of the Frank Ruscetti story, he knows exactly what happened to those papers and what Tony Fauci and what Bob Gallow did.

What I can say is, you know, they literally at one point, Tony Fauci attempted to bribe Frank Ruscetti into working for him and isolating the viruses. “All the money you want as long as I (Tony Fauci) decide authorships on publications”. And so Frank Ruscetti said no, and all Tony Fauci said is, you know, Frank said “oh yeah – I’ll isolate a virus and I’ll get fired again” and Fauci said “all I want to do is be on the Tonight Show”5

So here are men, dropping like flies, dying – we were all looking around at these beautiful healthy people dying and all Tony Fauci cares about is being on the Tonight Show and threatening 25 year old women.

So, spin forward to 2009. I don’t have another interaction because Frederick6 – The Frederick Cancer Research Centre or the National Cancer Institute’s laboratory in Frederick is 50 miles from the Bethesda Campus7 and that’s very important – we were an outpost. We were basically hired guns to do their job and that’s what we did. We just purified the things, made the discoveries and gave them back to these guys. At any rate, and that’s the way the system works.

Spin forward to 2009 on October 8th when our, um, in fact you should even say July 22nd, and that’s in our book, in our first book “Plague” (shows the book on the screen). In our first book Plague, Chapter 7 is called the July 22nd Invitation Only meeting and that’s when our paper, we had submitted it on May 6th and it describes a new family of gama retro viruses of retro viruses – AIDS like viruses from mice really and all our laboratories are full of mice. So basically what, at this Invitation Only Meeting, it was called together and Tony Fauci was not there. It was mainly National Cancer Institute, there were some representatives of the CDC8 and other things and in our book we show you exactly the list of the attendees at this meeting.

But Tony Fauci is monitoring the meeting and this is one thing everybody has to understand – what he does is “plausible deniability” – he sends a “henchman” – he’s the head of the NIAID9 – this is an infectious disease – it’s a new family of gama retro viruses and what was my death knoll really was that it was associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism.

What did we know about the plague of corruption in the CDC with the Thompson Study10? That if you give MMR to black boys before they are 3 years old they have a four-fold increased risk of getting autism. Tony Fauci covered up CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome11) as a viral associated disease, as a viral disease. He called the women crazy – they maligned them, they stigmatised them, in the worst kind of misogyny ever. Then they allowed them to continue to give blood – they are just crazy – so they spread that virus XMRV through the blood supply.

Our work was funded by an NIAID Pathophysiology Grant from 2008 or so through to 2011 late or 2012. It was a five year grant funded by the NIAID.

Well Tony Fauci knows about the publications, Tony Fauci knows what’s coming out of Government laboratories. Tony Fauci – we showed the data – we published this paper after the Invitation Only Meeting – the statement was “Oh my God, you mean all those sequences we saw in the 1980’s were real?”

That there were many animal viruses contaminating the vaccines that in fact probably HIV spread through contaminated vaccines to millions of people and we know he was in charge of these programmes over in Africa.

It’s really important because in the 90’s – in the mid 90’s – around 1995 I worked in the Bio Safety Level 4 facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland in association with USAMRID (the US Army Institute of Infectious Diseases). So I was mixing bat tissues with viral monkey kidney cells. What do we use Polio vaccine to grow with that virus? Viral monkey kidney cells. Many of our vaccines – so you are injecting gama retro viruses, corona viruses, bird viruses off you know HIV – you know this new virus has an HIV envelope express as well as gama retro virus envelope express. So Tony Fauci knew about the July 22nd Invitation Only meeting, but he wasn’t there.

Then we had a meeting called the “First and Last XMRV Workshop” – also in this book (Plague). And what we did, is people from around the world came and gave evidence of XMRV12

I showed evidence from a group in London in the UK and Francis Collins the Head of the NIH13 came to that meeting and he asked only one question and what he said is “Where did you get the control samples?” Because it was 4% and I said, “the blood supply of London”.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


So here now you have the trouble that came when HIV was realised to be spread through contaminated blood. We knew from Harvey Alter14 now Nobel Laureate’s Harvey Alter’s confirmation publication of our 2009 science paper, that they got the samples from people who were non-HIV AIDS so they are all the immune abnormalities, they simply didn’t have any evidence of HIV. What did they have? 86% XMRV. And the most important thing – what were the controls? 6%. So, 6% of America was a walking around carrier of XMRV.

What is long haul COVID? Oh … myalgic encephalomyelitis - chronic fatigue syndrome. And so what happened - during that meeting, Francis Collins (head of the NIH) ordered Tony Fauci (Head of the Infectious Disease Institute) - do a large blinded study and fund it to replicate our work to show independently people with those biological abnormalities had XMRV.

And so he assigned Ian Lipkin15 to do it, but Cathy Laughlin funded it but during the meetings to set up the replication study – Tony Fauci sent an email to everybody which said “If I (Judy) participated in the study – if I came on NIH Campus – if I did anything – I would be arrested”. If I went into Frank Ruscetti’s – how is that a legal study?

And so he (Fauci) is the one who put the felony charge (on me Judy) – felony fugitive from justice – that came from Tony Fauci, a Federal Agency and that came by way of Harry Reid and my employers the “Widemores” (not sure of the spelling) who been selling a non-validated test and misappropriating Federal funds so he paid them and all the other investigators off to make me go away.

So then I’m jailed, held in jail. They think all the evidence of every word I’m saying is gone/was captured and I’ll never see it again and they blamed me for stealing it. What they didn’t know is that we are a whole lot smarter than the “average Bear” (a reference to a children’s cartoon series character Yogi) and I had always blind copied Frank Ruscetti and at the National Cancer Institute, Frank Ruscetti has to maintain copies of my notebooks. So, that’s the last chapter of Plague of Corruption (Judy’s 2nd book) and that is – we have got all the samples, we can prove Tony Fauci.

So right after I was jailed, science was forced to withdraw the paper and I lost all my funding and I was fired forever. I could never get another job. I went “poof” out of the NIH.

All my papers were considered fraud. Everything we showed in vaccine court to show cytokine storms16, to show who was the most vulnerable to being injured. Oh… the blacks, the Hispanics - the people not because of their colour. A virus doesn’t know if you are a gay man, an IV drug user or a black or Hispanic or anything else. They (viruses) know your immune system.

So now with the COVID19 vaccine, Tony Fauci knows very well he’s expressing the pathogenic parts, the surface proteins of HIV, of the gama retrovirus that we all have called HERV-W17 (Human Endogenous Retrovirus-W) or Syncytin18 – when that protein is expressed abnormally – it can kill you, it can cause sterility, it can cause multiple sclerosis, it can cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Whose being given that vaccine first? People in mental facilities, people in nursing homes. This is going to be deadly. All at the hands of Tony Fauci. So – no personal interactions – but he made sure the replication study would find nothing. And he covered up the evidence and he stopped the study when against all odds with me doing, though I was kept out of the laboratory, I’m doing virology by telephone and telling Frank “look for this (sorry I cannot figure out what word she uses here)” What does this mean? When you express a retro virus envelope you fuse cells. And so I said “look for the “????” Frank – you got it – harvest that one” and he and Harold Varmus made sure (Harold Varmus was then the head of the National Cancer Institute) – he was Frank’s boss.

So they made sure to keep us apart, so that we didn’t know what was happening, but Tony Fauci is on every one of those emails, showing that replication study published in 2012 was fraud. They were on a very secret phone call, a very secret phone call when the study was unblinded to say “I’m sorry – there is no HIV” and it was Fauci – Frank calls them the unholy Trinity – um – (laughing) Fauci, Varmus and Collins.

They were on the phone and you even had to do voice control to make sure because here’s where they were setting up the perfect crime – the perfect fraud and so they said “sorry there is no association of XMRV with chronic fatigue syndrome” and I said “I don’t care, there’s still 6% of America – 6% of America are asymptomatic carriers. If they get another vaccine – who is going to be killed?”

So what did they do? Now they said XMRV didn’t exist. Tony Fauci – the study would have been positive – he stopped it.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Biography (in her own words – not the Wikipedia version!)

Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in 1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/CFS and autism. Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and these diseases.

Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, many in the world’s top medical journals and she has been profiled in Discover magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Her pioneering work during her 20-year career at the National Cancer Institute includes the discovery of the modulation of DNA methylation machinery by human retro viral infection and the development of the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease, which was first published in 1999, when she directed the Laboratory of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms in developing therapeutics and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS and AIDS associated malignancies. These are all therapies that are still the standard of care twenty-five years later and credited with saving millions of deaths from HIV/AIDS.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Transcript of Dr David Martin Dr Anthony Fauci is not America’s doctor. Dr Anthony Fauci was never an expert in the epidemiology of lung disorders or a pathogen of respiratory origins. Dr Fauci was a 191 billion dollar economic black hole of a failed enterprise to attempt desperately over the course of his entire tenure at the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious disease, a desperate effort to find a way to vaccinate the world against HIV. And 191 billion dollars later, Dr Anthony Fauci failed.

He is not America’s doctor, he’s actually a puppet and he is a stooge for a much darker story of the hijacking of America and the world’s definition of health.

In 1984, when Dr Anthony Fauci took over the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as Director, he began what was at the time a few hundred-million-dollar exercise. Where at various points in time, he would attempt to diverge from his obsession with HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, into areas of influenza vaccine.

In his own words, in his annual reports, which are a matter of the Congressional Record and the public record, Dr Anthony Fauci was seeking an elusive effort to find a way to, and I am quoting “imprint on infants a universal influenza vaccine”. Something that would be a “vunder drug” that would allow a manipulated form of infant humanity to be imprinted with a vaccine that would carry with it his definition of what health was, his definition of what life was.

And as recently as his annual briefing to his staff in September of 2019, on the very same eve of his illegal gathering of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board the organisation of the World Health Organisation which in violation of the Sherman and Clayton Acts19 laws against interlocking directorates, Dr Fauci sat – not only with is own criminal conspirators, but with foreign (non-US) to conspire against the United States.

In that same month of September 2019, Anthony Fauci made no reference in any of his presentations to Corona virus. He made a passing acknowledgement that he had spoken at a Conference where he talked about the ills of “Zika virus”20 and SARS and Ebola and all of these other things, he had no expertise, or did he?

The public record of Anthony Fauci is one that says it was all about AIDS and influenza, it was all about shovelling 191 billion dollars of United States budget into the hands of his market selected, preferential loyalists in industry and in academia.

But there is another side of Anthony Fauci that seems to suggest that maybe there was something else going on, maybe the HIV and influenza thing was a cover for something more insidious. Because in 1999, he funded the” Kimerican Recuminent Research” (not sure if I have spelled this correctly) that took the Coronavirus from rabbit cardiomyopathy, and you heard me correctly the little fluffy bunnies, cardiomyopathy to first introduce the amplification of spike proteins on coronavirus to start developing ways in which they would be more attractable into lung tissue. Amplifying the S-1 spike protein in the ACE2 receptor21 .

Dr Ralph Baric and other co-conspiring researchers, funded by none other than the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and none other than Anthony Fauci, they began a process in 1999, which mysteriously involved researchers that were both and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and in China. The two locations that mysteriously also seemed to be the place where SARS, just a few years later, had its first outbreak.

Dr Fauci lamented, along with Dr Ralph Baric and others that the public wasn’t interested in SARS enough to justify funding, but that didn’t stop them. And in 2003, after the CDC8 illegally patented the genome of the SARS Corona virus isolated from humans, which by the way fact checkers routinely say is not the case, despite the fact that the patent on the genome itself, includes all nucleic acid sequences associated with the sudden acute respiratory syndrome. In other words, it is impossible to have a SARS virus and not be subsumed within the CDC’s patented definition of what the Corona virus that they patented really was.

But that hasn’t stopped anyone, because in 2005 it became very evident that this wonderful virus could actually be manipulated and amplified in ways that could harm humanity. And beginning in 2005 an allocation of approximately 1.7 billion dollars per year was funnelled through the hands of none other than Dr Anthony Fauci for projects that actually were not competitive grants, they were not competitively bid, these were appropriations, these were market allocations – another criminal violation of the Sherman and the Clayton Act of the United States. Anti-trust violations of interlocking Directorates, anti trust violations of market allocations, anti trust violations of price fixing, anti trust allegations of the setting of non-competitive pricing, both for research and for the drugs that were developed and the research tools that were developed from this illegal activity – all of them managed by Dr Anthony Fauci.

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Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


Dr Anthony Fauci is not America’s doctor any more than Al Capone was America’s banker. He in fact was, and remains, an individual who has a list of crimes and I meant that in the literal sense of the word. List of crimes that would actually make Al Capone blush. Would he have had 25% of the 748 billion dollars that has been granted to the NIH during his tenure, would he have had the nearly 200 billion dollars of disclosed funding Al Capone could have done some real damage. But he was no Anthony Fauci.

And Anthony Fauci had the audacity against the backdrop off everything we have lived through over the past 4 years of the craziness of allegations of people lying to Congress and lying to the public and doing all sorts of malfeasants, Anthony Fauci had the audacity in October 2020 to lie to Congress, again.

How? Well Congress was starting to ask questions. Where did all of that 748 billion dollars of money go that went into the National Institute of Health? To say nothing of the black projects and the special access programmes that we have been able to uncover that have Dr Fauci and Dr Fauci’s “foreign” parties also identified. That money, we have no idea what its scale is, but we do know is that in October of 2020 when Congress asked the hard question “What’s become of all this money?” – the answer was a lie.

In the 21 patents listed by the Department of Health and Human Services GAO report to Congress, only 8 of the 21, legally comply with the Bayh-Dole Act22 of 1980 in which investigators who receive Federal Funds have to disclose the nature of those Funds and they have to disclose the US Government’s interests in the resulting intellectual property and technology. 8 of the 21 disclosed actually have a compliant disclosure within the patent filing. 13 failed to disclose, in violation of US law, failed to disclose the US Governments interests and that only leads a few billion dollars every year of lost revenue for that little oversight.

But let’s take a look a little deeper. Because it turns out that there are 40 (four zero) 40 patents associated with drugs that currently are actually grossing in the market, according to Medicare and Medicaid statistics, respectively 2.3 billion dollars per year, 456 million per year and 500 million or more per year, these drugs derived from 40 (you heard me correctly) undisclosed patents that were never mentioned in the GAO report to Congress. Never mentioned in any disclosure of any financial performance or any financial benefit flowing back to NIAID. 40 patents generating somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3-5 billion dollars per year, many of them for now over a decade, never once disclosed to Congress.

Now, maybe that’s an oversight. Maybe Dr Anthony Fauci is in addition to not being America’s doctor and being a failed researcher in HIV vaccines and his failed aspirations to go after the “infant imprint” on a universal influenza vaccine, in addition to all of his other epic failures, maybe he’s a bad manager. Maybe he doesn’t know how to keep track of billions and billions of dollars of research. And I guess when you’ve been handed 191 billion dollars and you have squandered all of it, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised at a few billion missing here and a few billion missing there.

Or should we be concerned? Well, the answer is that when the media of the United States, when public health authorities, when Governors, when Heads of State around the world are relying on an individual who has habitually lied since 1984, who has habitually hidden evidence, who has habitually made repeated statements that are false and misleading, when you have that individual sitting at the helm of an organisation charged with protecting and safeguarding the health of humanity – it’s helpful to realise that Dr Anthony Fauci is not a crusader for humanity.

He’s a crusader for a very dark story. Where he has appropriated the work of the National Science Foundation, not only not NIH, not only not the Department of Health and Human Services, he has appropriated the work of the National Science Foundation to actually come up with a way to regenerate life on earth. Now, last time I checked, we have life. We have it and it’s working.

So one has to ask the question, why would Dr Anthony Fauci lean on a company called Moderna?23 A company that was started in 2010 by an escapee from one of those national science foundation grants. A national science foundation grant that had the following title “Darwinian Chemical Systems”. The National Science Foundation Grant that was charged with figuring out how to start living systems from “scratch”. Don’t take my word for it - take theirs. Their goal? To enable RNA to form in protocells without a primer template strand.

Dr Anthony Fauci is not just not Dr Jekyll, not just not Mr Hyde, Dr Anthony Fauci is the front man for a view that says that we the people are expendable in the pursuit of the self interest of the monied elite and the monied few and we the people can see in his own words, in his own hand and in his own evidence that Dr Anthony Fauci is committed to the destruction not the advancement of human life.

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Anyone who is willing to rob the dying of their privilege of dying with loved ones, anyone who is actually willing to say that holidays shouldn’t be celebrated, anyone who believes that humanity should in fact rebreathe the air that they are rebreathing for the insidious objective of ultimately getting to pulmonary pathogens, which in 2020 at it’s annual meeting the NIAID decided to fund a project on fungal infections caused by respiratory distress.

Your mask is not protecting you, it’s getting you ready for Dr Fauci’s next experiment.

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Transcript of Robert F Kennedy Jr I am going to talk to you a little bit about Tony Fauci. Tony Fauci has been for 50 years at NIH (National Institute of Health) that makes him kind of the J Edgar Hoover24 of the NIH. Hoover lasted at the FBI for that long, about 50 years by forming close relationships with powerful entities in the society. A lot of them were criminal entities and a lot of them were powerful politicians but Tony Fauci has used many of those techniques for staying in power at NIH.

People at NIH who buck the system, who stand up to pharmaceutical companies, who get in the way of them developing drugs and pushing their products to the American public or find fault in those products, don’t last very long at NIH. And in the wake of alas a pharmaceutical takeover of NIH there are a lot of really heroic people, wonderful scientists like John Anthony Martin (no reference found on this person) , like Bernice Eddy25, like Judy Mikovits who you heard this morning, all of them who have been forced out of that Agency because they told the truth, because they stood up to the pharmaceutical interests and Tony Fauci has lasted because he was willing to “carry water” for those interests.

Fauci came to NIH a year after his residency in 1968. He took over the National Institute for Allergic and Infectious diseases (which I will call NIAID from now on) in 1984. He was there, he was 2nd in command in 1976, during the first pandemic bird flu epidemic which turned out to be fake and he then periodically has been able to generate money and funding for the interests who he represents, who he supports, who he fights for – the big pharmaceutical company on a series of epidemics that have come up roughly every couple of years since then – Zika, Ebola and other fake epidemics, 2009 was a swine flu epidemic and many, many others.

Fauci took over in 1984 at the beginning of the HIV pandemic and he was part of the, at the time that he took over, NIAID had no jurisdiction over AIDS. The first AIDS appeared in 1981 among small groups of gay men in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. And one of the first indicators of this immune deficiency is Kaposi's sarcoma which is a cancer and so the initial studies and the initial jurisdiction went to the National Cancer Institute which is one of about a dozen sub-Agencies of the NIH. NIAID being another one.

At that time National Cancer Institute was very very well equipped to develop drugs and to develop remedies for what they thought at that time was HIV AIDS. But the National Cancer Institute had developed many drugs in the past, it was experienced in developing drugs, it had extensive laboratories and it was developing drugs specifically to treat cancer.

In a power struggle that took place in 1984, Tony Fauci gained control of the HIV programme from the National Cancer Institute because he said now that they had “proven” supposedly that AIDS was caused by HIV which was a virus and infectious disease actually NIAID would have jurisdiction.

And NIAID had no experience in making drugs or developing products or remedies that would solve the problem. NIAID’s function was to do basic pure science, fundamental science on causes, to learn the causes of infectious diseases, of chronic diseases, of auto immune diseases and to then maybe help develop drugs or remedies for them.

They didn’t have any capacity at that time, the Agency had no capacity to develop drugs and Tony Fauci ended up relying very very heavily on Glaxo SmithKline, which at that time was called Burroughs Wellcome – it was before the merger with Glaxo – which had begun developing a drug called AZT with the National Cancer Institute.

Then Tony Fauci was in a big jam, because he had told Congress he was now in a position himself to take advantage of all the hundreds and millions of dollars that were pouring in from Congress because of the lobbying acumen of the HIV community, of the gay community and he promised the gay community and he promised Congress that he would quickly develop a drug. He said he would have a vaccine within two years.

And 3 years went by and no drugs had come out of the programme and billions of dollars had been put into his programme and he became more and more dependent on the Glaxo Smithkline people, what we now call them principle investigators who were running the clinical trials for AZT. And they were very hostile to alternative medications for example Aerosolized Pentamidine27 which had been shown to be very very effective against the pneumonia’s that were actually killing people with AIDS. Against ??? and AL72128 and many other remedies that were expired patents or they were unpatentable remedies which did not promise a profit for the vaccine industry or for the pharmaceutical industry either.

And so Tony Fauci ended up really focussing all of the efforts and all the money that was coming in on one drug – as I say AZT and after a lot of problems, in 1987 they finally got that drug approved. And Tony Fauci at that point had built an institution that was almost completely dependent on what we call principle investigators.

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Who are these principle investigators? They are usually people with Academic credentials, they are leading doctors at hospitals, at universities around the country (United States) who run the university research centres, they run the departments at hospitals and they run clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry.

The Institutions for which they work are largely dependent on funding that comes initially from NIAID and from NIH and then subsequently as the drug or the compound progresses through the process of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials, increasingly the drug companies come in and begin financing the clinical trials.

Typically, in a clinical trial the principle investigator is given about $15,000 per patient enrolled, about 50-75% of that goes to the University for overhead costs. The Universities and the local hospitals, like the Kaisers29 and the other hospitals are largely dependent on that clinical trial funding.

The principle investigators became very very powerful during this period, thanks to the huge amounts of money initially being pumped into them for HIV drugs and then more and more as Tony Fauci basically turned NIAID over to the pharmaceutical industry to become an incubator for pharmaceutical drugs.

So, the really important job that NIAID is supposed to be doing, which is to be trying to find the source of all these chronic diseases that began exploding under Tony Fauci’s watch. He’s supposed to be in charge of preventing those diseases and yet not one vaccine of the 72 doses that are now mandated for American children has ever been subject to pre-licencing clinical trials. Where they compare a placebo group to the health outcomes in a vaccinated group and that ultimately is Tony Fauci’s problem.

It’s Tony Fauci – it’s the outcome he wanted but what he has become, he is the incubator for drugs. Between I think 2009 and 2016 there were several hundred new drugs that were approved by the FDA30 virtually every one of those drugs came out of Tony Fauci’s “shop” and he controls the entire approval process. Because his PI’s (principle investigators) control all of these empires around the country – at Stanford, at Harvard and Yale University and NYU and Columbia and all of the major hospital research centres in the country are run by people – the department heads, the Deans etc who are taking money from Tony Fauci.

And he can not only control the outcome of your study, if your Institution does a study that he doesn’t like, he has the capacity to ruin your Institution and destroy you. He can say “you are not getting any money from NIH anymore”. And so Tony Fauci for the past 2 decades has dictated the public health science that occurs – not only in this country (United States) but all around the world.

That’s why we don’t see studies that say, what, how has for example pesticides like Glyphosate32 how have then impacted public health? You don’t see that kind of study coming out of NIAID. You don’t see studies about health outcomes from vaccines comparing vaccinated groups to unvaccinated groups that’s the only way we can tell whether vaccines are actually working. And yet all those studies are never done.

The whole purpose of NIAID is to get products out into the system, you know, and we don’t care about public health. And public health has declined dramatically. Why don’t we know the answer to the question about why is it that Autism has gone from 1 in 10,000 in my generation when Tony Fauci arrived there to 1 in 34 children today. Why is nobody asking Tony Fauci to tell us about why do we have food allergies in this country which were virtually unknown when I was a kid and yet 1 in 12 kids has them today?

What about the in diabetes and juvenile diabetes and arthritis and lupus and Chrohn’s disease and Graves disease? And all of these other problems. You won’t hear about those from NIAID. NIAID is an arm of the drug industry – it controls the debate on drugs – it controls the narrative. You know if you look at the Committees that approve new vaccines for example, The Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices which recommends the vaccines at the CDC. The vaccine related Biological Product Advisory Committee that licences new vaccines at FDA. The Data Safety Monitoring Review Boards that have approved these new COVID vaccines. Those panels, those critical panels that he keeps saying “oh it’s all going to be evaluated by an independent panel”.

Those panels are virtually all completely dominated by his principle investigators, if you look at their conflicts of interest – almost all of them – the way you do that is you look up their articles, you go and you actually find the articles that are written by the people on those Committees and they have to disclose where they have been getting their money and we’ve been looking at that and virtually all of them, all of these Committees are absolutely dominated, if not fully populated by people who have taken money from Tony Fauci and who are sucking at the “Federal tit” and he is the one who is feeding them.

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And so of course they do it and if you look at these people who appear on CNN and MSN and NBC and Fox and defend his programme – Peter Hotez33 and Paul Offit34 and Arthur Caplan35 and all these other ones, they are also taking his money. These people are everywhere. They are sitting on the local medical boards that delicence the doctors who complain about pharmaceutical products.

For example I was giving 60 page speeches a year mainly at colleges and universities around the country and when I started talking about vaccines they started cancelling. And we would say to the Speakers Committee – you signed a contract with them – why did you do that? They would say “Oh well we got calls from the local hospital association, we got calls from the medical board, we got calls from all these prominent doctors” and when we looked into it, the people they were getting calls from were people who were on Anthony Fauci’s payroll. So he has the capacity to absolutely control and shut down debate in this country.

Robert F Kennedy Junior – Biography (from Wikipedia):

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. is an American environmental lawyer and activist, author, and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist (!). Kennedy is a son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. Wiki link:

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Transcript of Sacha Stone – Roundtable Set Up: Thank you very much indeed to Robert Kennedy and to Judy Mikovits and to David Martin for their presentments.

Um, just to let you the audience know that we have just spoken to our various streaming partners, we’ve got over 20,000 people watching us live right now. It could be a hell of a lot more than that – but we know we have at least 20 plus thousand joining us. That’s a healthy football stadium filled with actualised conscious souls and we thank you for looking in and for doing what you can to share this platform. We anticipate millions of views within a few days – we know how these programmes go viral amongst our networks.

It is a sad indictment of our age and a calamity for our world when an investigative enquiry into the global public health sector like the one that we are undertaking here, leads us quite deftly to eugenics, genocide and treason, because that’s what we are dealing with here and we cannot afford to couch our language anymore or to play into diplomacy and into mundane sensibilities and sensitivities of a mind controlled proletariat because that is what we have become.

We have given permission to the overlords to the nepotists, the kleptocrats and their salamander class of technocrats and bureaucrats and enforcers in costumes.

This is a message to every elected official in every private corporation masquerading as a Government and lean in hard. It is also a message to the myriad of bureaucrats and technocrats who take their coin from the public purse. Do not forget the Nuremburg Code – because the people will not. Do not forget the Geneva Convention because we will not forget the Geneva Convention.

Do not forget the premise of all manmade law on earth which is the right to life. To those amongst you who have put wet ink signatures to paper and God knows there are hundreds and thousands of you, tens of thousands of you in the secondary class, hundreds and thousands/millions in the tertiary class and arguably a few thousand in the primary class.

Well to those of you public elected officials, who have put wet ink signature to paper or in any manner have authorised statutes or ordinances inhibiting the free movement of citizens or impeding their natural born capacity to breathe oxygen or preventing their God given right to congregate or in any way shape or form have brought upon them harm or injury – through cruel or unusual punishment in the pursuit of your duty to protect, to serve and to dignify your fellow men, be fully cognisant now of the facts as they stand.

January 2021, in the light of the judgement which issues from the pulse of humanity and by the eternal grace of God – you will be judged for your crimes. You will be held accountable for every death and every travesty which you inflict against the good people to whom you are and remain paid servants.

As we begin this Roundtable, I’d like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of Robert Kennedy Jr who has just jumped on, Judy Mikovits and Dr David Martin for not only their presentments here today but for the groundbreaking work which each of them undertake in this world.

They need little salutation from me – there are millions of people around the world who enjoin chorus and I’m also honoured to welcome another icon of the COVID era – Rocco Galati – the Canadian Constitutional lawyer who is acting today in a prosecutorial fashion to ask questions of our esteemed panelists and in the first instance – Robert Kennedy a very warm welcome to you.

RFK Jr: Thank you very much Sacha

SS: David Martin great to see you again

DM: Wonderful to be here

SS: Judy Mikovits – you heartbreaker – I’ve missed you – great to see you

JM: Good to see you Sacha

SS: Rocco Galati – thank you so much – I am going to hand the stick to you please – take the lead

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Roundtable – Chaired by Rocco Galati RG – thanks Sacha – it was great to hear all three of your guests and their video. I am just, you know I hear Robert Kennedy and David Martin talk about this, this system whereby Mr Fauci, you know if I heard it right, 191 billion dollars – I got to tell you that’s just 50 billion dollars shy of Canada’s entire Federal budget every year! So, it’s a huge amount of money. And I hear, you know, not just from you but reading online how many laws are being broken – Anti Trust laws in the States.

I’d like to put out the question to David and Robert – What has happened to the American Investigatory and Oversight process? Where’s the FBI? Where’s the Justice Department? Where is the Congressional oversight? On what to some people who are lawyers see something that could smack of even RICO40 infringements. Why has that system which we all looked up to broken?

RFK Jr – the problem is and you know that I have run into this for many years, you have regulatory capture is not unique to the public health agencies. It happens in all the environmental agencies; it happens with Financial regulation. It’s a dynamic that is very very well documented and it’s happening right now under litigation against the SDC (not sure to what he is referring with this abbreviation – there are many possibilities) on 5G and you have the Chief lobbyist of the telecoms industry who is now running the SDC.

Regulatory capture is part of the gradual subversion of democracy by Corporate interests and by the regulating community. It’s the process by which regulatory industry capture and subvert the agencies that are supposed to be protecting the interests of the American people and regulating those companies.

And instead through this inexorable process, which is budgetary and its political and its cultural and revolving doors and all of these different mechanisms by which Corporations ultimately assert control over their Regulators. It’s fast tracked with the public health agencies because those agencies are financially intertwined with the drug companies. You have the FDA that is now making, 50% of the FDA’s budget comes from the industry, the pharmaceutical industry.

You have with CDC, of the 11.5 billion dollar annual budget at CDC about 4.9 billion goes to buying and attributing vaccines, so CDC is a vaccine company. And the regulatory function has been absolutely subverted by the profit motive. You have not only that you have people at NIH, like Tony Fauci, who personally own patents on vaccines and on pharmaceutical drugs and are pushing them.

And for me – I’ve been suing the EPA36 for many years because the EPA has become entwined and intertwined with the coal industry with big polluters. For example when we did the Monsanto case37 – part of our evidence in the Monsanto case that caused the jury to give us these multi-million dollar verdicts, record verdicts – was that we were able to show that the Head of the Pesticide division at EPA was secretly working for Monstanto and killing studies and ghost writing phoney studies and creating and retaining these phoney scientists that we call “biostitutes”38

So the EPA, all these agencies become captured but obviously with the public health agency, is that they are actually part of the industry, they are an arm or a subsidiary of the industry and it would be like if EPA was making half of its budget selling coal every year. It’s agency capture on steroids.

And to get to your question - what happens with the enforcement arms? It creates a real problem because the enforcement arms like the Department of Justice, the Regulatory Agencies like HHS39, CDC and FDA are actually clients of the Department of Justice. And they cannot really sue or investigate their own clients. It’s complicated, they can do it and they have a duty to do it but they don’t do it because they have this client relationship with them so they just contaminate …

RG: So are you saying that in the United States the Department of Justice acts as Legal Council to the Federal Agencies?

All three presenters – nodding and with one voice “yes”

RG: Oh – I see

DrDM – And Rocco it’s important for people to understand that in the approximately 180 million dollars that has been allocated to the Anti Trust Division of the US Department of Justice. Those funds have been sequestered for two investigations and the investigations are actually a smokescreen. The investigations are for Anti Trust Violations by Facebook and by Google.

Once the allocations for prosecution of Anti Trust cases is made by the Department of Justice, a criminal conspiracy of this sort, which by the way, when we have presented this information to US Attorney’s General, to States AG’s and to US Attorneys who represent the Department of Justice in each State; there has not been a single one who has in fact taken issue with the

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fact that we have established not only the Sherman and Clayton Act violations, but also RICO statute violations as well as the Section 802 of the Patriot Violation41.

These are all things that we have actually gotten AG’s to say “yep we see it” and we have established the case. The problem is that they have in fact been told by Central Justice Department and by specifically the Anti Trust Division that the priority is to “maintain the alleged active investigation into Facebook and Google”. What makes that fallacy is that the very platforms that are there to oversee censorship are literally the ones who are in fact being investigated for Anti Trust.

And as we saw with Microsoft in the 1980’s and 1990’s – what is going to likely occur is that an undisclosed, unpublished settlement will be made, where essentially there will be a “wink wink nod nod” hand slap against Facebook and against Google, there will be a token divestiture of certain assets which will be meaningless; and what the real angle will be, as was the case with the Gates Foundation, is there is going to be essentially a Government/Industry tie up.

So not only are we going to have the Regulatory capture that Bobby just spoke about, but more insidious, we are going to have a series of cover operations that effectively take on the role of advancing the illegal operations that are taking place around the world. That will be done through a settlement agreement that the public will never actually have a chance to scrutinise.

So, just like we had with the Gates Foundation, which was nothing but a PR stunt that allowed Bill and Melinda Gates to get off the hook, for what was in fact criminal violations of Anti Trust laws here in the United States. In their investigation period under Janet Reno42 and others, the fact of the matter is we have a situation where DOJ (Department of Justice) and specifically HHS.

I filed an “OIG”43 Office of Inspector General Enquiry under the statute in April of this year (2020), to actually highlight all of the Anti-Trust issues, which are by the way “open and shut cases”, Interlocking Directorates is a defined crime and that’s not something that requires a huge amount of discovery? but the fact of the matter is the OIG (Office of the Inspector General) and HHS (Department of Health and Human Services) have the obligation, under the law, to refer that to the Department of Justice – and that has not happened.

RG – So let me ask both of you then before I get to a question for Judy. So in the United States, do you have a system as they do in Europe, and in fact in Canada with the exception of certain High Crimes. Do you have a system where if the police or the prosecutor’s office does not want to lay a charge, you can approach a judge as a private citizen and lay a charge before the judge who can issue process? Do you have that system in the States?

RFK Jr – No

RG – No – OK

RFK Jr – Under certain statutes you have systems and provisions which allow essentially “Qui tam”44 type prosecutions, where you can step into the shoes of the United States Attorney and prosecute a law breaker civily – not criminally but civily. But those systems and provisions do not appear in every statute. Now in this case citizens could file a raketeering suit, but there’s a lot of obstacles to using that statute against Health Officials. It’s very very difficult and the laws of Court interpretations in each case have made it even more difficult.

RG – So in any event Robert – those would be civil suits, not criminal indictments – yeah, yeah.

RFK Jr – there is no right, there is role in the United States for citizens to bring criminal prosecutions that’s completely under the authority of the prosecutors.

RG – I see, if I can turn to Judy – to any of you. I was impressed by Judy’s presentation that describes the point that’s now a cliché on how this whole COVID discourse has been completely divorced of science and medicine and has been politicised. Judy – as a scientist – do you know of any other time periods where science and medicine have been this politicised and bipolarised politically?

JM – Certainly not this serious or on this level obviously – the lockdown, shutdown, masking and this level, but of course it’s happened with HIV AIDS again since 1984 and with myalgic encephalomyelitis chronic fatigue syndrome. And in fact in this situation, Tony Fauci went further as Mr Kennedy just described, they threatened to remove all money from the Institution which I co-founded which was the private Neuro Immune Institute, and they in fact did remove all funding from myalgic encephalomyelitis as any kind of associated infectious disease and they moved it to the National Institute of Neuro Immune Disease and Stroke (NINDS).

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Um, which is far less funded and it told the head investigators, and this is in respect of XMRV, Tony Fauci himself removed the funding and gave it to the NINDS, where multiple sclerosis and ALS are and in fact those are associated with this new family of infectious, and literally contagious, human retroviruses. So spread (connection interruption) – COVID spreads.

RG – But that may be clear to you because your obviously an insider in 1984. I started law school in 1984 and you know, although I was doing too much partying, I followed the HIV crisis. That wasn’t apparent to the public – the politicising the medical issues wasn’t in your face like this COVID thing is, whereby we have a Mcarthy style sort of censorship and oppressive attacking of anybody who dares say anything contrary to the orthodoxy of the pro-COVID position. And that’s what’s really hits me as a Constitutional Lawyer, in that now through my centre, we are suing two medical colleges in Canada, I have a group of police officers who are in the process of retaining me and we are going into Court. These are police officers who want to bring a constitutional challenge about being forced to enforce these measures – which I have never seen in my entire life.

RFK Jr – Rocco ..

DM – What I would suggest is that, it is not popular to say this at all, but I do think that there have been other times when there has been this kind of hijacking of the health system. HIV is clearly one of the more egregious and publicised ones. But Medicare and more specifically Medicaid has impacted enormous swathes of the poor and the under served in this country.

So 60 million to 80 million people with no voice – many of them children, many of them poor – have been subjected to receiving primary care only through the filter of Medicare and Medicaid approved procedures and so if we really look at, you know, this may be the first time for what I would call the Middle Class or Upper Class to have this level of oppression.

But I would suggest to you that if you are in the inner cities, if you are poor, if you are unable to access your own discretional medical care, you have been subjected to this level of control for quite a long time. It’s just that we don’t have a voice for those people.

So there’s 60 to 80 million people who probably, to all intents and purposes have been living under an effective health control lockdown and that health control lockdown is a money printing machine for the pharmaceutical and the hospital and the insurance complexes because it’s a racketeering scheme. They price fix, they dump drugs and they do all sorts of other things – so while it is not popular to associate those kinds of draconian steps and what we are experiencing right now, it is only a matter of economic access and scale that makes this one more visible.

Because if you are living in a place where the Emergency Room in a major metropolitan centre is your primary care location, you have been living in a health lockdown for the last decades.

JM – Exactly and these people with EMA/CFS have lived in that health lockdown with autism, with chronic lung disease – they don’t get medical care, they don’t get drugs as I said earlier. They are considered crazy. I filed OIG, or Dr Raucetti did in 2012. I filed Qui Tam cases, I filed pro se45 cases, I handed the FBI and the Attorney General’s office in Nevada a hard drive of all of the evidence proof this, of tax fraud, of every kind of embezzlement by my employers and nothing’s been done since 2014 – not a single hearing – not a single word have I got. These are the disenfranchised and it’s 25 million Americans.

RG – I understand that and I see that phenomenon and I’ve seen that personally as a child of a 13 child family and my father was a construction worker – I’ve seen poverty personally – but what strikes me about this and when I ask about politicising obviously is the pervasive, vicious and almost violent censorship that blankets this crisis that I’ve never seen before, or maybe I was just naïve – I don’t know.

JM – well we lived it my entire life – with AIDS – that censorship was that pervasive, the lack of access to drugs was that pervasive and the destruction of careers was that pervasive – you can see it in the movies The Band Played On, The Dallas Buyers Club. 1993 was “The Band Played On” – you could see it - when you went to meetings where, as you saw from the Original Plandemic (movie) – Silence Equals Death - from the patient population – for those suffering – so it was pervasive to me literally since I was 25 years old.

RG – So Robert I’m sorry, you were about to jump in as well on this issue and we cut you off.

RFK Jr – No I share your concern about the censorship and really your astonishment about the censorship because I have lived with the censorship of mainstream media since 2005 and you can explain that rationally because what happened in this country (United States) in 1997, FDA changed the laws in this country to make it legal for pharmaceutical companies to advertise on television due to rapid consumer advertising.

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And we are only one of two countries in the world that allowed that – the other is New Zealand and a lot of our healthcare crisis is a direct result of how we now consume more pharmaceutical products than any other country in the world per person, we pay the highest price etc. And the pharmaceutical industry really controls Congress, not only through direct lobbying, which is the number one expenditure, but also because it controls the electronic media.

What’s more shocking is that the censorship has now crept into particularly the traditional liberal media – the New York Times to other liberal blogs like Huffington Post, Sola and Sole, Politico, Daily Beast, Mother Jones – these institutions that were supposed to be the antidote to the corporate takeover of our democracy are now themselves on this fear trip of demanding censorship of anything which challenges these official orthodoxies of the medical cartel.

The key role of journalists, my father told me this, in a democracy is to be in a constant posture of scepticism towards the proclamations from centres of power, of Government officials of Corporate officials, you know that’s what the “force at state” (sorry – I cannot find a reference for this) function is to protect democracy against these dangerous agglomerations of power.

And today if we are really living in a world I would call Kafkaesque46 or Orwellian where you have journalists who are actually just serving the interests of these very powerful interests and what happens is, you know, Edward R Morrow47 warned us about this George Orwell48 warned us of this and, in the slide that democratic societies invariably take or inexorably take, towards totalitarianism, the first strategic objective of authoritarian interest is censorship of free speech. Because once they do that, then all of our other Constitutional rights can easily be removed.

And if you look at what’s happened in the last year in this country (United States) they started out censoring us. And now it’s actually (this next section was difficult to interpret – sorry) demands an “adam shift” from the most powerful man in Congress to now we begin censoring Facebook and Pinterest and Google began censoring people like me. Everything I say, nobody has ever told me of an actual error that I have made and that’s not saying that I don’t make them because I’m sure I do.

But what they call vaccine misinformation, that phrase is now a term that departs from public official positions or proclamations regardless of its accuracy or truth. It’s just “we don’t like it – therefore it’s misinformation” and its all being enforced and it’s the democratic power structure of this country. And in my party, my political party, has been most vocal in demanding this and look what’s happened then. Once they got a capacity to criticise them, they were able to go after our other constitutional rights - you know - religious rights, to be able to refuse vaccines, or you know, rights of assembly, rights to due process of the law.

How is it that in our country or in Canada, you have public health officials, who are unelected officials who are shutting down all the businesses in our country without any kind of scientific explanation? Normally we would have a publication of that rule making, whether it’s wearing masks or lockdowns or whatever, we would have notice and comment rule making so that they would have to produce an environmental impact statement or regulatory impact statement, economic impact statement and say “here is how we are now tailoring this requirement”, “here is how we justify it showing the scientific studies” “here’s how it’s going to operate” – none of that happened to have a capacity to comment, to have a capacity to cross examine their witnesses in a public hearing – none of that happened. It’s just “do what you are told”

We have lost due process, we have lost property rights – how can they shutdown an entire economy? Millions of businesses that will never reopen – they are stealing private property rights. They’ve got rid of jury trials – if you are injured by one of these companies – that’s the 7th Amendment - washed down the toilet.

RG – When we were growing up Robert, I remember the United States of America touted freedom of the press as the 5th column of your constitutional structure. So are you saying that the money pipeline has gone as far as to contaminate the left wing and the New York Times and the Democrat party for that matter in the States?

RFK Jr – I think part of it is the money pipeline yeah and then part of it is – some of it to me is inexplicable. I mean – to me the New York Times has always been – it was targeted by Operation Mockingbird49 which was the CIA effort to take over journalism in our country and they (The New York Times) were the primary target and they have always taken the position of attacking public orthodoxies. You know when my uncle was killed, they were the ones who said you have got to accept foreign commission in anybody who doesn’t is a conspiracy theorist. And the Times has always taken the position of protecting public orthodoxies.

My niece wrote an article that was defamatory, it was inaccurate, and it was damaging to me last week in the Times. I immediately sent a letter correcting these factual mistakes that she made. The Times told me yesterday that they will refuse to publish the letter.

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There has always been a right to reply in the responsible American media. It’s a constitutional right in many countries in Europe, in Brazil its part of the constitution and it was always the practice that if you were a public figure and you got criticised – that you had a right to answer that criticism, even if it’s a short 175 words. But there is no right to do that anymore if you are challenging those other orthodoxies.

In 2019 in Politico, 3 of my family members wrote a lengthy lengthy article about me condemning my anti vaccine, which I’m not anti vaccine, but also making a lot of inaccurate statements, and Politico refused to print even a 100 word letter by me. So they are gaslighting the public, they’re shutting down any dialogue and this is contributing to the polarisation of our society because people know they are being silenced.

These mothers who try to talk about the injuries to their children and find themselves censored on Facebook. The anger that causes towards our society, towards the unfairness. The ultimate objective appears to be this enormous shift in wealth – of trillions of dollars that will obliterate the middle class in this country. That will enslave the Americans and its being shifted to the very people who are enforcing the censorship. Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jeffrey Bezos (Amazon) and Michael Bloomberg50 . All of the people the “Davos Crew” (reference to the World Economic Forum) who are orchestrating this incredible shift in wealth to this new plutocracy51 this aristocracy are also in control of the telecommunications companies and the internet companies.

RG – And yet when I pleaded what you just said Robert, in my statement at “Bling” on July 6 of this year (2020) at the Ontario Superior Court, they were going to move to strike for conspiracy theories. Of course, they didn’t move to strike because everything I just said and everything you just said is old news now right?

RFK Jr was talking over Rocco and I could not catch what either of them said at that point – something about reading from the daily news.

RFK Jr – it’s crazy what’s happening, it’s literally right out of George Orwell’s 1984 where you have people in charge of re-writing history, of purging – you and I see it all the time. We’ll look up a scientific study that we saw 5 days ago and it’s gone from the internet, entire journals disappear – history re-written. And then the erasers are being erased. And it’s a really Kafkaesque/Orwellian bizarre world that we are going into and the weird thing is, people who call themselves liberals and human rights activists who are supposed to be the most vocal and the most vigilant about recognising the milestones of oncoming tyranny, those people are silent or they are clamouring for or begging for totalitarianism or authoritarianism and to be its like dealing with the Borg.

Masks have now become the symbol of rectitude and there’s a lot of people who don’t want to wear the masks and they are just dismissed as conspiracy theorists and Trump supporters. But that’s not what is happening, these are people who are saying wait a minute – we want due process – there is something really wrong here – we haven’t been shown the science – we are just being told “the science is out there believe it”. Nobody is actually seeing it or debating it or looking at the nuance of it and its not democracy – you know and those people are rising up because they are confronting totalitarianism.

RG – Can I go on the other flipside of the coin from censorship to what I perceive is a vacillating as propaganda on the part of not just Fauci but our own public health chiefs. So you know in April and May masks were not necessary – they were dangerous and now we have got to wait for the vaccine to get back to normal – and now our Canada Health top officials 2 days ago said “just because the vaccines are here doesn’t mean that we are going to loosen the measures at least until the end of 2022 and we may tighten them before then”. And so my question to you all is how much do you see this sort of vacillating, contradictory, perpetual shifting of the official line from people like Fauci and other Chief Medical Officers as sheer negligence and design? How much do you think is design and how much do you think is just incompetence?

DM – Rocco - Let’s make sure we are clear… let’s stipulate that this is not a vaccine. We need to be really clear, we are using the term “vaccine” to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is not a vaccine.

This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator. It is not a vaccine. Vaccines actually are a legally defined term under public health law; they are a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards. And a vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person receiving it and it also has to disrupt transmission.

And that is not what this is. They (Moderna and Pfizer) have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop the transmission, it is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say, “What other treatments are there?”

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The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable for both the legal definition term of it but also because it actually is the sucker punch to open and free discourse. Because by saying vaccine you dump it into a thing where you can be anti or pro “the therapy” But if you actually talked about it is a therapy – but remember – and people forget this….

Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer, not a vaccine manufacturer for SARS. If we said we are going to give people prophylactic chemotherapy for the cancer they don’t have, you’d be laughed out of the room because it’s a stupid idea. That’s exactly what this is. This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small packet of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.

And I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue. The only reason why the term is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written. And if we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within a cell. It is a medical device, not a drug because it meets the CDRH definition of a device. It is not a living system, it is not a biologic system, it is a physical technology - it happens to just come in the size of a molecular package.

So, we need to be really clear on making sure we don’t fall for their game. Because their game is if we talk about it as a vaccine then we are going to get into a vaccine conversation but this is not, by their own admission, a vaccine.

As a result it must be clear to everyone listening that we will not fall for this failed definition just like we will not fall for their industrial chemical definition of health. Because both of them are functionally flawed and are an explicit violation of the legal construct that is being exploited.

RG – So Judy as a scientist here – could you boil that down in English for a boy who grew up blue collar? I take your explanation David and that’s superb but for those out there who may not be able to follow that very intelligent analysis and that’s not meant as an insult David.

DM - Oh no I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers and everybody else saying “we are going to fight the vaccine”. If you stipulate it’s a vaccine you’ve already lost the battle.

RG – so what should I refer to it as then?

JM – It’s a synthetic pathogen – they have literally injected the very pathogenic part of the virus into the cell of the body.

RG – if it’s a pathogen – that says to me that it’s going to make me sick

JM – correct

DM - It is made to make you sick Rocco. Rocco remember the 80% of the people allegedly exposed to allegedly SARSCOV2 (so let’s not get into down a rabbit hole) 80% of the people allegedly exposed to the alleged virus are asymptomatic carriers – the show no symptoms at all.

80% of people who get this injected into them experience a clinical adverse event. You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you from transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.

RG – So it’s going to trigger and auto immune response?

JM – It can and it will

DM – among many things

JM – it can directly cause multiple sclerosis, Luke Garrets disease, Alzheimers disease because that’s what the expression of that pathogenic envelope, it can cause accelerated cancer, that’s what the expression of that piece of virus has been known to do for decades. You have injected the disease – literally.

RG – David in your presentation you talked about how Anthony Fauci is not expert in what he is touting and advancing and it seems to be that neither is Bill Gates or any of these other corporate billionaire oligarchs. Why does the American culture and I don’t blame the Americans per se because it’s pervasive all over the world – why do we accept non-experts to lead the charge – again is it just the money?

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DM – as Bobby said very clearly, when we legalise the media to be owned by the advertisers and I mean all of the media whether it’s the social media, the broadcast media whether it’s anything else. When the paymaster for the distribution of information happens to be the industry that’s doing the distributing, we lose. Because the only narrative is the one that will be compensated by the people writing the check/cheque. That goes for our politicians, because our politicians were bought by the pharmaceutical industry, more so than oil and gas, more so than any other industry.

They have been purchased by the pharmaceutical industry … and our media - it has been paid for by the pharmaceutical industry and If you put those 2 things together to Robert’s point and it’s so important to reinforce this, if you follow the money you realize there is no non-conflicted voice on any network. You cannot get an independent voice from any mainstream platform at all because if it doesn’t meet the editorial standards of the advertisers – it doesn’t happen.

[1] The word “vaccine” originates from the Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox), which Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1798 could prevent smallpox in humans. Today the term ‘vaccine’ applies to all biological preparations, produced from living organisms, that enhance immunity against disease and either prevent (prophylactic vaccines) or, in some cases, treat disease (therapeutic vaccines). From:

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RG – so I want to ask a quick question …

RFK Jr – I wouldn’t say that Tony Fauci is not an expert – I mean it depends on what your threshold for expertise is. He is not a public health expert but what I think it’s important to understand is that he is a technocrat. No matter how expert, no matter how important and invasive and thorough his expertise – you still need democracy to control the apparatus and the technocrats and you.

What irritates me a lot is when I see Joe Biden and other people who are leading the Democratic party constantly say “we need to trust the experts” – because as you know – and I’ve fought hundreds of law suits in my time and in nearly every law suit and every trial I have ever had there are experts on both sides and are both equally convincing. And that’s why we get a second opinion – doctors and experts should not be running our democracy.

We don’t allow that – we don’t say we are going to appoint an expert and then we are just going to trust everything he says -that is not democratic but that’s how totalitarian regimes work. My wife came to the Monsanto trial and the day that she arrived Monsanto were trying to run an examination on its own witnesses. And they were all from Harvard School of Public health, they were from Stanford, they were from leading institutions. These were the leading lights in toxicity and epidemiology and all of these other disciplines that the trial was focussed on. My wife heard those and she said “what are you even doing here? These people are credible and trustworthy and convincing” and I said “absolutely”. Then she saw our cross examination – then she heard our witnesses – then she said “Why did those guys even show up for this trial?”

Part of democracy – when my uncle had the Cuban missile crisis – the experts were in the room – virtually everybody – of the 13 people that he had assembled as his experts. Virtually every one of them except my father and someone else – wanted to drop bombs on Cuba. We know now that the Russian bombs in Cuba were already armed and the individuals running those sites had independent authority to launch if they found themselves under attack.

We would have obliterated the world, we would have destroyed the planet. My uncle said I want to see arial photographs by itself and he questioned the experts and he made them explain things to him and he got both sides of the story and then he brought in other people to criticise them and he made that investigation separately – he didn’t just trust the experts. He said the Military and CIA are telling me they know this area and they are telling me to bomb – you don’t do that. The job of a politician is to take advice from experts, to respect them and respect their expertise but you don’t let them run the country.

You question them and you try and find out – listen – Tony Fauci – even if he was the best expert in the world – on epidemiology or pathogenic proliferation, let’s say he knows more than anybody and he can predict exactly how many people are going to die depending on masks and lockdowns – he has no expertise in the economy, how many people are going to die when you shut down the economy, when you close 60 million businesses? When you obliterate the social safety net? When you starve – there are 10 thousand children dying a month in Africa because of a lockdown.

Sacha – I’ll give you that cue

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RG – the last very quick question I had picking up on the example you gave of your sober uncle dispassionately taking in and then making a decision that saved the world essentially. Do you David and Robert take any comfort, quite apart from the mass rallies and people who are objecting to this even though they are censored. Do you take any comfort in the many decisions that have gone through court and have been successful against the COVID measures such as the US Court?

RFK Jr – Rocco – I think our only hope is the courts and I think the courts have done a really good job mostly – we have taken beatings in the court too. But it appears that there are judges out there – and it appears that it’s the Supreme Court judges – most of whom I don’t like much – but they understand that we are on the same team when it comes to recognising that this is the onset of a really ugly dark totalitarianism and they have indicated they are willing to stand up to that.

Sacha – If I may come I now – I just want to acknowledge the presence of his Excellency the President of Ghana - Nana Akufo-Addo – who I am informed by his staff is looking in on this broadcast right now from Ghana – I think it’s late afternoon in that part of the world.

President Nana Akufo-Addo’s voice is amongst a growing chorus of brave political leaders who have chosen not to remain silent in the face of enormous pressures from the global community. That emerging chorus fully understands that we are a world at war. Over 7 billion souls today are in the thrall of arguably the most extensive orchestration of evil and bewitchment ever witnessed in living memory, possibly in the annals of history itself.

I’m no scholar – but the war is a psychological one – a psycho cultural and a psycho intellectual one. It is a war against reason and as Robert said Kafkaesque describes a war against reason and against sovereign expression, against all freedoms and ultimately it is a war against our genetic survival.

And that of course it the really spooky bit because there are Sabbatian agendas that the average human can only guess at. Be sure that we are dealing with eugenics, with genocide, with gross fraud and with treason most high and in the final analysis we are dealing with ourselves. And the final reckoning and judgement is one that we that we must exact upon ourselves not upon anything out there.

Because the true existential threat is our own ignorance and our own acquiescence to tyranny and our own complicity with luciferin logic an inner alignment with the very worst of ourselves and not the best which is of course the battle of fear over love. Or love over fear. We choose.

Any one of us who chooses to mask ourselves against sanity and natural law are accountable in this reckoning and any one of us who permits the state or crown to assault ourselves, our children, our infirm and our elderly are accountable in this great reckoning.

So let’s all take a close look in the mirror – I’m speaking now to well over 25,000 people our multi platforms who are looking in. We must look in the mirror – we permit ourselves to be imprisoned in our caves, our apartments and our homes.

We listen with ears pressed to the door for the sound of jackboots to arrive on our streets and breach the sanctity of our families and communities, we lower our voices in fearfulness and dim the lights of reason and of conscious. We need to ask ourselves what are we truly afraid of is the fiction of our lives epitomised by the rogue Kaftkaesque activities and crimes of institutions, governments and systems and all the bankrupt morality that they incubate which are frankly resonant of Sodom and Gomorrah or is it that we are afraid of the true revelation of our times which is the Christed light arising in our blood and in our bones the same light that is poised to transmute the ghostly echoes of generations of blood spilled sacrifice, and war and disease and misery – the same light which eliminates all shadow and all fear in this COVID valley of death provided we stand beneath its eternal radiance.

Invited closing comments from the speakers and thanked everyone.

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List of References Contained in the Transcript: 1

2Palau - officially the Republic of Palau (Palauan: Beluu er a Belau) and historically Belau, Palaos or Pelew, is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. The country contains approximately 340 islands, and together with parts of the Federated States of Micronesia, forms the western chain of the Caroline Islands. Its area is 466 square kilometers (180 sq mi). The most populous island is Koror. The capital Ngerulmud is located on the nearby island of Babeldaob, in Melekeok State. Palau shares maritime boundaries with international waters to the north, Micronesia to the east, Indonesia to the south, and the Philippines to the west. Sidenote – during research for the spelling of the name of the Health Minister of Palau – a link to a recent award for the President of Palau regarding health

3 Luc Antoine Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus. He has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and as a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.

4 Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is one of a family of polypeptides that mediate interactions between leukocyte (white blood cells) – which attack disease or infection in the body. It was originally called T-cell growth factor. It stimulates proliferation and enhances function of other T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells and B-cells. It affects the development of the immune system.

5 The Tonight Show is an American late-night talk show currently broadcast from the NBC Studios in Rockefeller Center in New York City, the show's original location, and it has aired on NBC since 1954.


7 – Bethesda Campus - The National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus is located in Bethesda, Maryland. Most of the institutes house their Divisions of Intramural Research on this campus spread out among various buildings. The Bethesda campus has been occupied since 1938 when the original National Institute of Health began to expand outside of Washington, D.C The Clinical Center, Building 10, opened in 1953 with 540 beds, thus allowing for clinical research. Launched in the wake of Nazi medical experiments done during World War II, research protocols here fell under ethical review by a review board.

8 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a national public health institute in the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta

9 - The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health, an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

10 -

11 - Chronic fatigue syndrome, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis and ME/CFS, is a complex, fatiguing, long-term medical condition diagnosed by and involving a broad range of symptoms.

12 – XMRV - Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus is a retrovirus which was first described in 2006 as an apparently novel human pathogen found in tissue samples from men with prostate cancer.

13 – NIH - National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is one of the world's foremost medical research centers. An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the Federal focal point for health and medical research.

14 - Harvey James Alter is an American medical researcher, virologist, physician and Nobel Prize laureate, who is best known for his work that led to the discovery of the hepatitis C virus.

15 W. Ian Lipkin is the John Snow Professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and a professor of Neurology and Pathology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University

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16 - A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body's immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death. Cytokine storms can be caused by a number of infectious and non-infectious etiologies, especially viral respiratory infections such as H5N1 influenza, SARS-CoV-1,[2][3] and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 agent). The viruses can invade lung epithelial cells and alveolar macrophages to produce viral nucleic acid, which stimulates the infected cells to release cytokines and chemokines, activating macrophages, dendritic cells, and others.

17 - Human Endogenous Retrovirus-W (HERV-W) makes up about 1% of the human genome and is part of a superfamily of repetitive and transposable elements. There are 31 different families of HERVs that together make up about 8% of the human genome, this is four times more DNA than is devoted to protein coding genes.

18 - Syncytin-1 also known as enverin is a protein found in humans and other primates that is encoded by the ERVW-1 gene. Syncytin-1 is a cell-cell fusion protein whose function is most well characterized in placental development. The placenta in turn aids in embryo attachment to the uterus and establishment of a nutrient supply.

19 - The Sherman Act and Clayton Act are two pieces of legislation which US Congress designed to combat abusive trusts and monopolies. Over the years they have been utilized to break up certain large monopolistic enterprises. Their passage also led to the creation of the anti-trust division in the Department of Justice.

20 - Zika virus is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae. It is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus. Its name comes from the Ziika Forest of Uganda, where the virus was first isolated in 1947. Zika virus shares a genus with the dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses.

21- link to a thorough article on the ACE2 receptor and association with COVID-19 -

22 - The Bayh–Dole Act or Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act is United States legislation dealing with inventions arising from federal government-funded research. Sponsored by two senators, Birch Bayh of Indiana and Bob Dole of Kansas, the Act was adopted in 1980, is codified at 94 Stat. Other short titles: Government Patent Policy Act of 1980, Patent and Trademark System Reform

23- - Moderna is an American biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It focuses on drug discovery, drug development, and vaccine technologies based exclusively on messenger RNA. Moderna's technology platform inserts synthetic nucleoside-modified mRNA into human cells.

24 - John Edgar Hoover was an American law enforcement administrator who served as the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States. He was appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation – the FBI's predecessor – in 1924 and was instrumental in founding the FBI in 1935, where he remained director for another 37 years until his death in 1972 at the age of 77.

25 - Bernice Eddy was an American virologist and epidemiologist. She and Sarah Elizabeth Stewart are known for their discoveries related to polyomavirus and SV40 in particular, a cancer-causing monkey virus that millions of people were exposed to through contaminated polio vaccines.

26 - Kaposi's sarcoma is a type of cancer that can form masses in the skin, lymph nodes, or other organs. The skin lesions are usually purple in color. They can occur singularly, in a limited area, or be widespread. It may worsen either gradually or quickly. Lesions may be flat or raised.

27 - Pentamidine (pen-TAM-i-deen) is a liquid antibiotic breathed into the lungs to prevent or treat a lung infection called pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP) previous name P. carinii. People whose immune systems are weak because of disease, organ transplant or medicines they take are at higher risk for PJP.

28 - AL-721 is a mixture of lipids (fats) extracted from egg yolks. Laboratory tests suggest that it might inhibit the infectivity of the HIV. AL-721 has been tried so far in a few patients for short periods of time and has been found to be well tolerated.

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29 - Kaiser Permanente is an American integrated managed care consortium, based in Oakland, California, United States, founded in 1945 by industrialist Henry J. Kaiser and physician Sidney Garfield. Kaiser Permanente is made up of three distinct but interdependent groups of entities: the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.

30 – FDA - The United States Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency of the Department of Health and Human Services.

32 - Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant. It is an organophosphorus compound, specifically a phosphonate, which acts by inhibiting the plant enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase. It is used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses that compete with crops.

33 - Peter Jay Hotez is an American scientist, pediatrician, and advocate in the fields of global health, vaccinology, and neglected tropical disease control.

34 - Paul Allan Offit is an American pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, vaccines, immunology, and virology. He is the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.

35 - Arthur L. Caplan, is the Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor of Bioethics at New York University Langone Medical Center and the founding director of the Division of Medical Ethics.

36 - The Environmental Protection Agency is an independent executive agency of the United States federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. President Richard Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA on July 9, 1970; it began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order.

37 - Monsanto Company (/ m ɒ n ˈ s æ n t oʊ /) was an American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation founded in 1901. In 2018, it was acquired by Bayer as part of its crop science division. It was headquartered in Creve Coeur, Missouri.Monsanto developed Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide, in the 1970s, and became a major producer of genetically engineered crops. Monsanto has been involved in several high-profile lawsuits, as both plaintiff and defendant. It has been defendant in a number of lawsuits over health and environmental issues related to its products.

38 – Biostitute - A biological sciences worker who misrepresents research or commits fraud for the benefit of commercial interests or to make a personal profit.

39 – Department of Health and Human Services

40 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act – an act relating to organised crime in the United States. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.

41 - Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism.

42 - Janet Wood Reno was an American lawyer who served as the Attorney General of the United States from 1993 until 2001. President Bill Clinton nominated Reno on February 11, 1993, and the Senate confirmed her the following month. She was the first woman to serve as Attorney General and the second-longest serving Attorney General in U.S.

43 - The Office of Inspector General investigates complaints or allegations of wrongdoing or misconduct by employees or contractors that involve or give rise to fraud, waste or abuse within the programs or operations of the FCC. Allegations are received primarily from FCC employees and licensees. However, members of Congress, other agencies, citizens, contractors and public interest groups also refer matters to the OIG for investigation. Allegations of suspected wrongdoing are also received from FCC managers and the OIG audit program.

44 - In common law, a writ of qui tam is a writ through which private individuals who assist a prosecution can receive for themselves all or part of the damages or financial penalties recovered by the government as a result of the prosecution

45 - A pro se motion can be filed in a civil or criminal case. The inability to afford an attorney is the most common reason for someone to file a pro se motion. Most court systems provide the required documents at little or no cost.

46 – Franz Kafka was a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic. It typically features isolated protagonists facing bizarre or surrealistic predicaments and incomprehensible socio-bureaucratic powers.

Page 27: THE SEMINAL EVENT: FOCUS ON FAUCI Broadcast Transcripts

Transcript of Focus on Fauci – Broadcast January 5, 2021


47 - Edward Roscoe Murrow, born Egbert Roscoe Murrow, was an American broadcast journalist and war correspondent. He first gained prominence during World War II with a series of live radio broadcasts from Europe for the news division of CBS.

48 - George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterised by lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism. The most relevant books authored by Orwell to this discussion are 1984 and Animal Farm

49 - Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes

50 - Michael Rubens Bloomberg is an American businessman, politician, philanthropist, and author. He is the majority owner and co-founder of Bloomberg L.P. He was the mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2013, and was a candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president of the United States.

51 - A plutocracy or plutarchy is a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income. The first known use of the term in English dates from 1631. Unlike systems such as democracy, liberalism, socialism, communism or anarchism, plutocracy is not rooted in an established political philosophy.