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Largest Credit Apparel Institution in the U S. Open a Charpe Vccount tomorrow ?"It's .in \ccommodation" ?No t:\tra ("hin'o tor Credit. Suits to please every taste. liwhpy Bradbury m 520 tr? d \ || ," ()thers to 522.5t) JJ Apparel that f" is head and 11 shoulders » over what L you have seen. LdjkComplete lines of Shoes, Hats,- " Furnishings. ' D L Pay you interest on DollKS the money you save. We save you money and pay you interest on the money you spend. STEAMER SEIZED BY ENBUSII !S SIGHTED WOMEN ASK FOR PREPAREDNESS " PORTLAND, May :<! To»»d by a tramp steamer and convoyed by the British crnlaer Rainbow, the launch Oregon, seised In tha Gulf of California by tha Rrttlsb. vai pasted off Cape Mendoetno two Bights ago by the Standard Oil tanker Atlas. When sighted br Capt. Ale* Kirk wood. th« tramp and her to* iter* maneuvering about to escape tfamage In a heary blow. ? COWARD KRAUSE *entenced to ton year* in p«n for kidnaping William Chrl*tle and three >ear* for i:nper*outtlng an officer Thur»- 4«v. Thru The Seattle Star Tfcr Kaatfra outflttl»a in. M (tltlif Snmr tn iii- « b?t*r*» DUBBLE BUBBLE PIPES?FREE Eastern Outfitting Co. SECONO ANO UNION ( I.IP THK ON Tllfc I'HIOT r *«.»\u25a0: w | PACIFIC DIIIFITTING Co| COR THIHO & UNIVERSITY \u25a0 DRESSES MEN -WOMEN «C\tKK Utourcbeditisd.k. T. R. Club Members Willing to Ratte Boy» to Be Soldiers HONOR MRS. WHARTON There may be some women who are for ~peaew-at-any-prlee." But there are other* who are for preparedness?for re*olute. ade- quate preparedne*. Aruong the«e are the member* of the Women'* Koo*er#lt rlub. of Se- attle. Uke the man for whom the club 1* named, the women of this club do not bvlleva in half-way meaa- ure* When they are for preparedne»*. they aVe for It itrong and heartily. They cheered and applauded Thur*- day afternoon for the Amerl<-anl*m which Roo*erelt typifies. and ttie'. expre**®.! themwlve* quite wining to ' ral*e their boy* for *nldler»." ao a* to make their country more *e- rure against any enemy'* aggre*. \u25a0lon. There were ISO women pre*ent to attend the reception of the club In honor 'it It* preildent. Mr* Charle* 11, Wharton, delegate to the pro urefixlvc convention at Chlrago The reception wa* held at the hone of Mre. William O. Kstep. ll* Aloha at. Oeroratlon* were In red. white and blue. The arrangement of the flower* was In the same colors Thoma* F Murphlne and f'ol ifyrou Phelp*. alao delegate* to Chi- '?ago. were among the «[makeri> Mr*. Wharton made a atlrrlng ad dre**, pointing to Roosevelt a* the man who be«t typlflad the true Americanism of the day. BILLINGSLEY IS RELEASED AGAIN l.<>gaii lllllln*'ley one of three brother* operating a "drug" etore at lOfi Slewnrt *t.. again eacaped proeecntlon K>lday. Judge Krafer turnnd Bllllngsley looae. holding that a chargn lodged agalnat the atom brand- | Ing It « public nuisance, wan made under an obsolete law, and therefore could not be tried. The charge wan made under the lOOii atatute Hnveral other al- leged liquor dealers have pleaded Ollltv within the pa-t week to similar charge*, notaldy I .1. Kelley, former aaloon man. and two of hla clerk*. Th<- court held that the 19ir> prohibition law repealed the Hi on law. Proaeeutor Lundln will bring a new charge under the latter law MILDRED LORINQ, Seattle Ctrl, inn $1,000 .Sarah llerllner acholai ship ht John* Hopkins university. Baltimore ACME COAL?ACME COAL- ACME COAL 1[ you have not tried Acme Coal vet you arc not oper- ating your home heating system on the most economical Acme Coal a money saver and a trouble It saves you money because of its low first cost and its high heat value. It trouble because it leaves least ash and r no clinker* or soot. Hunker prlrwi are: Hump. $4.00; Furnaca mixed with coking, ? $.' s<»; Nut. $.'1.25; Run of Mine, $.',OO N'lce, clean, Ifi-lnch mill wood, for fireplace, wood heater or for "kindling. Tell me where you live, i.inl I'll tell you prl e per lostl, de- livered . O. M. LATIMER, MGR. ACME COAL CO.?ELLIOTT 1400 rramont-Ballard Yard, Main 5718?Letchl Halghta Yard, Beacon 286 ACME COAL?ACME COAL?ACME COAL BUSINESS MAN KILLS FAMILY Neighbor Sees Merchant Fondle, Then Shoot, Little Girl TUKNS GUN ON HIMSELF B*l F M. Or*., May ?«.?-Will- iam Pataraon, manager of tba Patanon Cigar Co., of thla city, murdered hl» wife, Loulae A Pata'aon, and 7 year old daugh tar, Helen, early today, and than pre*»ad the muitle of a ,12-caliber revolver to hl« fore head and *ant a bulla! oathlny thru hi* brain. The woman and child war* probably inatantly hilled and Pataraon died at the hoapltal A fit of temporary Insanity la t'lonithl to have lieru thai ran** of the tragedy. I'ateraon hurt many friend* In tlila I'ltr nud vii a prominent mem-, tier of the Pntem IClka' lodise The tragedy on-urred on thai «l<-eplug ponli n( Oie l'aterat>n fcpme It wan wltneaaed by a neighbor 1 C*. H Newberry, who heard the ? hot which killed Mr». I'atemon and looked over It* huh l*»ter*on fondling hi* lit 1 tlw daughter, who evidently hnd been around by the shooting Soon he heard another iihot unit n little later »«w l'ater*on net up, .lrn»» nn'l go out and fed the chlcktu* Ho returned to the houae, tin- tlre**ed, went to tied and ahot him ? elf Newberry notified the i«>llre who Arrived Juat after I'ateraoti shot himself Mra Pateraon'a mother did rot Know of the ahootlnx, aliho ahe slept In the aim* home Pataraon *»» attending to boat neaa a* uauat Thuraday and mi down town Thuraday evening Ml* frli'Uda think It *u probably ieroi>orary Insanity Hi-fore eomln* to Salem Pateraon w'i* a resld-nt of San Franclaco Mr* lliKirjn II Andrew*. Mr* Pater*on'a mother, arrtvel Sunday for a vlalt Thuraday evening Mr. and Mr< Pateraoo Rally talked of a I trip to I'uget Sound. SHORT NEWS J. C BULGER. sentenced to lx> I lnn*».| this week for murder of L ' (?' Nkodemus. Denver hotel msn. ?;:*nied JO-day reprieve by (Jo* t'irlxon. of Colorado. SNEAK THIEF took |<5 from ca*h regimes and safe of (Vtouak Knitting Co.. KHfth and Union, be- tween < and To clock Thursday night MIYItAKI KAMATALO and (-year old daughter, N'labl. of Port Klakeley, mn down and Injured hy auto driven by 1. Ousblong. ISO 9 I>e«rborn at. at Third and Waah< Ington Thursday. ROBERT HILL, manager of the Merchants' Exchange, spoke at noon luncheon of Commercial Club today. O S. LYONS. 11«6 rborry at. robt>ed of Ift Thumday night by two armed men at Minor ava and Saniw * at. SEATTLE PRODUCE iMO.-la tlon at me»tJng Tburaday night elected officer*; George Hrrant president and K A Winamakor. vice pr*«!d«"i>t. CHAMBER OR Commerce Thur* day \oted 11.(00 to entertain at annual mating of Northweet Mer- chant*' a**oclation. which will be held horn In Augoit ANNUAL MEETING of Kin* County Employ**' »*«ocl*t!on hold Thursday night In county and city blllldltlg AMERICAN EXPORTS, by end of flic nI year, June 30, will pmb ? lil> reach PUBLIC MARKETS (OUNKR Italia 11-34 »»? nit tallan Mtr« '11. MM «b ? ? \u25a0 * tart* tan i* epafhattf le II) Utall IK p*>' ffttn J* ? IlH' lb ?Irlrtu frNh chickens - . IfM itwr a'eak. 14c lb . pork aau- eefe I®' lb K*all 161 freth creamer jr ? I' 4 lhe ||.H ff»«h pu e* pgr* Ho 4ai . freah 3 dt»« Itr Stella I. I I 7 '*g r»f Ism'., Ila lb shoulder lamb. Ilt%a lh . lork loin. Mo lb m nitr. fttallg 1* 1. Telephone p«aa I ha lie; black miHi'>n f!«s I lha 1 Sr. home. iriwn aeparafua. 1 lbs Mr H'aMe ? -!* fresh rhurned reamer-/ b-itter Ifr lb. I lhe ? !<-. freah ground peanut butter. lor lb 1 Iha 2to At ttfotig s No 14 en k ja'en? flour II IV 41' '?an fe* 1&r ?an i w.,* I', I" '? f>kff* ehredd»d Wheat Meruit. IH, /.Or Itnyal baainir powder lie, 1 rana iqiiislosi or torn, Jr.r. 3 rani pork and b»ane. J0»- ll« rolled oale lo< 4 Ihe 1 <»r prunes !ir. ft Iba head rice. 2i< II ',l rait Italian oil « oil, II Ift. a Iba Japan lie a, .6< *A WTAItY <'hol ? p«'< r- flour, II 4®. flrlfrrrrd: b«»t milk. IJ 46 «aaa drllvarrd Mtal « K 12 18, Trjrpi <n« praa 1A»? Ih JMall 28 fanrf applaa 11 0f» bo* 4al|v*r*<i aardlar* fraprfrult. 4 for 1 o<* rhrrrlr* lsr lb ~'all 4* 8 rn*< aronl ><r apn Cba'tl. ?' utr* lar*a ral«ln« If" Iti : ?»ji« milk ??? 11 ?. brat pot roant Ifli T*i , N'm 2 p"l roaaC b'. frsih him- hor*ri, .1 ||M |§4 v -" Bfl p If# IftH #04 Ml all 10; 4 fir roffr. %%, 11, brat Wauli In*ton rrra urry buttar, 5.".« 1 ]b« fftr *»ll| Til INPot roaaf. *r |t» , |rt» lartlb, Mr lb nrrk bfinrr 4'- lb . frrah ' hurnrd buttrr lb« lb', tmnry buttar. lor it. , fr»ph i n.« rrga, 2 doit 88c Carnation rnllk, ' ,r ran. any patant flour. II !< aark . oat a, lOr, 6 ran* milk. plnrappin. 11« ran, lloyal baking p>wdar. Sv- can. aauarkraut, 8c lb . rallah, l&n «)t ; halibut, 1 ibn 28'-. lalmen, ? I»a 2'.r, vturgron, 1 fio lb , full craam < haaaa, SOo lb WE*TI.AKK Mtall ?7 T Iba pur»» < anr niiir, Hr Htm 11 lot. So f>i) an< k flour, fl 0" Mtall 104 Mo 10 M«f'k ' "Til ll i?ll I . Ih run l.lpton> t*a. 10" Ht all a. Iraf lard. 12 V*« lb i<i i<? Mr aauaiir'-. 18** It' Stall . 04. 10 h*t * laundry ?? t> ':t>r bulk ? horoiatr. n<' lb . |H'H' hfN, % 111* /fir Mtall Jf>, .1 *)<' > offi-c ||ip 4n»> t*a 1, 1' j Hid .Mr Mtull IS4 n* |>->tato»N lb nrw tu- ft Ipa 1 lt»a if'<* Mtull a.'l liom* mad" « rrum pirn. I»-fl< b , inm< hr ;11 n, J ilnx If.. Mtall \ No 10 «ark flour. 2 run* oy atcra. I f.c. 2&r ran pin applr ||r Mtftll /I rad lltftppT, IMr 11. frrah halibut, a Iba /:,u. I'IKK I'l.Af Y. Mtall 17, * Iba rtandard kranitl a 1 ad ?uaar, C2«« Blall 7». fraah paatruri. ».| rnllk. *>n i|t Mtall 4S. pot roant, |0i to | lb Mi *11 12. IB< rat) . orn. 11 < Mi(i 11 4.'., Vaid in a potat.o**> 91 10 axrk I drllvarrd . Munklat ornngM do*. 2f»f ? I Mtull M frrah ground peanut buttrr lo« il> .1 Hi* 21* Mtall 86. uppla butter, loi Atklnaoii'M. Maaoti Jam, pta .>? . <jta ftfcr ."tin und«*rv»ar, ?\u25a0'?» Mtull 24. \u25a0mall alar In ladlra' aarnplr alH>**, 7ftr rip Mtall 1 I 1 40r Jan pura atfawbrrry and iuxp 1 h-rty praarrvra yikr, or V for 4ftr Mail I 8. atflctly frrah rfjga dally, 7r d<.« I Mtull iflOl J |f,r rana of tomatoaa, | r,.? Mtall a utroriK papi-r ahopplng baifa, 4*. I for 1 | Mothers who ar* ralalng thalr boya to fca aoldlara If th* day ever comaa whan a for* aign foa thraatana American homaa. will march In tha pre- paradnaia parada June 10. Steps war* taken Friday to anllat hundrada of woman In th« mothara' laglon. A half doitn fathers hsvs already notified th* parada haadquartara that thay want to hava their boya and glrla march with them, In another ?action. I«#tt#ra were mailed to th# tea tors of every church In th# city FVldav. In which they were aak#d to recruit Christian aoldl#ra to tak# part In the preparedness dem- onstration. Th« Ufa Inatiranra men of th# rlly, m#mb#rs of the Ancl#nt Or- <l#r of I'nlt#d Workm#n, and th« \S aahlogton Motor Trade* aaao- i latlon BMkHli all notified the r'nrad# rommltt## Friday that they would h# ropr#*#nt#d. A special m##tlng »a# h#ld In the ll#nry building by tli# ln*ur niiri nn-ii Friday afternoon to plan >h#lr i art In th# demonatratlon. AGAIN CONTINUED ll'-arlng of the central labor conn ell's opposition to r pot It lon of th# fnget Hound Navigation Co. to ralH# It* schedule of boat fare* between HfHltle ami Tncomn, wn* cont'nued to Junn 12 by the public service commission herp Prldav The continuance w«* granted on motion of Attorney Jmncs \. llrad- ford, counsel for the central labor council, who nuked for more lime lo axHPixihle his evidence. II*» hopes to prove the company In not entitled to rulH« the fares STAR?FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1916. PAGE ? 7\£ If this Olive Oil is not ttiual to any other on the market, with the exception of VITTUCCrS VIRGIN OLIVE OIL and you are not perfectly satisfied, you can get your money back. "CAESAR" is here to stay. Ask your grocer for CAESAR (Extra Virgin) OLIVE OIL It has the Quality?at a lest price. It's Guaranteed. JOHN VITTUCCI CO. MOTHERS WHO ARE RAISING THEIR BOYS TO BE SOLDIERS WILL BE IN LINE IN BIG PREPAREDNESS PARADE At Thursday'* m##tlng of th# parad# committee Capt. Arthur P. 8 Hyde, 1". H, A , inspector In xtrurtor of th# Waahtngton Na tlonal Guard coast artliicrv force*, wa# chosen chl#f roamhal for th# parad# Contingent* that applied for place* In th* parade Thursday rep r# ten ted th# King County I>ental society, th# Y. M. C. A. clua of wirel#** operator*, 1.000 member* «>f th# Mnoit lodg", Aug >*tlne & Ky#r, tk Hal) ford and th# Mutual Hualn#*a club. HERE" CAESAR Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL. First Annual GRAND BALL GIVEN BY THE Broadway Chauffeur* AND Mechanic*' Club DREAMLAND TONIGHT Admiaaion 50c?Includes D.inclny All Evening LADIES FREE fjjft Buy Good* of Known Worth jw f 11 |pi if M l| w\ W. S. Kirk's Army and Nnvy Store J|h yU I'fOII | lr«l A %'?»., HisiMlr, UtmliliiKlon RIJ& 1 ? . mW x n , in r( , |? r ll Kll 1 I*l 91.M ' Utfm R [JIVJ I m i, n ii Navy hiu«, an wool VMm mA 9,1 AO «m 91.a0 l"" 1 ' navy r**ulatinn 9.1..1' VRJi W riwnnrl MhliM. IT'?«[?*< *.:!?-» Armv . vtfYj A 'W lOfctttM »t"1 tMVII [<f||lni W P J X. M VdM MlfWjr Hitr« nntl U«.\niime.t mjM ** IM| >17 Working ?lumprm 1> i for in*. <? I \ xn '" i "" "? \ioi\ iiorn a JfciLjL -zy llrrnian'a 1 ?*. Army i ?' ih»» thin* for nt \ Miora Mnnaon liitnn »n»m », lokktii ' 1 ' uwl bv National 'A Uuai <1 and regular* HAIN I'HOiH", 91.>10 < alMlngii* I rra IMPORTERS WE OFFER YOU YOUR CHOICE OF THE ADDITION $100 to $250 per Lot Terms: $10 Cash, $5 Monthly STREETS GRADED FREE Why not let your saving* work for you? OLE HANSON & SON 316 Pike Street. Phone Elliott 2 "SEE WHO'S "CAESAR" Yes, it in a fact come to visit the homes of thousands of thrifty people. "CAESAR" has come to espouse the cause of the people in their efforts to reduce the high cost of living. "CAESAR," the peer of his age, the pride of his countrymen, and justly entitled to a place in the heart* of those who appreciate real worth. This announces the introduction of Designed to meet a growing demand for a high quality OIL at a moderate price. "VIRGIN," the first press of the choicest ripe olives grown on the sunny slopes of Italy, the home of the fKmous "Caesar." "EXTRA"?No, this does not mean that it is better than Virgin?that would not be reason- able it means just the tame at the "Newsy" means when he calls it out in the street?just an- other issue, that's all. "How do you know it is good?" Well, now, let's make you a propo- sition. HI World's Largsat Steamship, Minnesota. In Pugst Sound Navy Yard Dry Dock Navy Yard Property Must Increase in Value Buy Navy Yard Prop- erty The mnrc we study the Sound Navy Yard the more certain we are that property within walking distance of work MUST INCREASE IN VALVE. \Yr purchased our acreage very cheap, in no instance paying over $f>so per acre. \\ e purchased when times were dull and knockers stood on cverv corner, predicting dis- aster for the whole I" S. had the outrage <>i out convictions and stand to make a good deal of monev. However, we have always made ,i practice of selling the first half of an addition very cheaplv in order to tiling'- started and M \kK Ol R PROFIT (>.\ THE LAST HALF. Now is the time to buy, and the placc to buy is in our First Addition. This property begins on cement sidewalks and'the town is built right up to it. We have made the prices low on purpose. Already home- are building on this addition and many sales have been made. Work- men at the Yard have welcomed the c%portunity to secure a homcsite at such a low figure In a little while the potation (which is constantly increasing) will be doubled and realty values are increasing daily. We will gladly go with you to Bremerton and Charleston any day,-any hour and show you our property. " * Office Open Evenings Until 9 P. M.

The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1916-05 ... · Iraf lard. 12 V* « lb i

Mar 02, 2020



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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1916-05 ... · Iraf lard. 12 V* « lb i

Largest Credit Apparel Institution in the U S.

Open a Charpe Vccount tomorrow ?"It's .in

\ccommodation" ?No t:\tra ("hin'o

tor Credit.

Suits to pleaseevery taste.

liwhpy Bradbury m

520 tr? d

\ || ," ()thers to 522.5t)

JJ Apparel thatf" is head and

11 shoulders» over whatL you have


LdjkComplete linesof Shoes, Hats,-



D L Pay you interest onDollKS the money you save.We save you money and pay youinterest on the money you spend.


PREPAREDNESS" PORTLAND, May :<! To»»dby a tramp steamer and convoyedby the British crnlaer Rainbow,

the launch Oregon, seised In thaGulf of California by tha Rrttlsb.vai pasted off Cape Mendoetnotwo Bights ago by the StandardOil tanker Atlas.

When sighted br Capt. Ale*Kirk wood. th« tramp and her to*iter* maneuvering about to escapetfamage In a heary blow.

? COWARD KRAUSE *entenced toton year* in p«n for kidnapingWilliam Chrl*tle and three >ear*for i:nper*outtlng an officer Thur»-4«v.

Thru The Seattle StarTfcr Kaatfra outflttl»a in.

M (tltlif Snmr tn iii- « b?t*r*»


Eastern Outfitting Co.SECONO ANO UNION

( I.IP THK ON TllfcI'HIOT r *«.»\u25a0:




T. R. Club Members Willingto Ratte Boy» to Be



There may be some women whoare for ~peaew-at-any-prlee."

But there are other* who are forpreparedness?for re*olute. ade-quate preparedne*.

Aruong the«e are the member* ofthe Women'* Koo*er#lt rlub. of Se-attle.

Uke the man for whom the club1* named, the women of this clubdo not bvlleva in half-way meaa-ure*

When they are for preparedne»*.they aVe for It itrong and heartily.They cheered and applauded Thur*-day afternoon for the Amerl<-anl*mwhich Roo*erelt typifies. and ttie'.expre**®.! themwlve* quite wining

to ' ral*e their boy* for *nldler»." aoa* to make their country more *e-

rure against any enemy'* aggre*.

\u25a0lon.There were ISO women pre*ent to

attend the reception of the club Inhonor 'it It* preildent. Mr* Charle*11, Wharton, delegate to the prourefixlvc convention at Chlrago Thereception wa* held at the hone ofMre. William O. Kstep. ll* Alohaat.

Oeroratlon* were In red. whiteand blue. The arrangement of theflower* was In the same colors

Thoma* F Murphlne and f'olifyrou Phelp*. alao delegate* to Chi-'?ago. were among the «[makeri>Mr*. Wharton made a atlrrlng addre**, pointing to Roosevelt a* theman who be«t typlflad the trueAmericanism of the day.


l.<>gaii lllllln*'ley one of threebrother* operating a "drug" etoreat lOfi Slewnrt *t.. again eacapedproeecntlon K>lday.

Judge Krafer turnnd Bllllngsleylooae. holding that a chargnlodged agalnat the atom brand-

| Ing It i« « public nuisance, wanmade under an obsolete law, andtherefore could not be tried.

The charge wan made under thelOOii atatute Hnveral other al-leged liquor dealers have pleadedOllltv within the pa-t week tosimilar charge*, notaldy I .1.Kelley, former aaloon man. andtwo of hla clerk*.

Th<- court held that the 19ir>prohibition law repealed the Hionlaw.

Proaeeutor Lundln will bring anew charge under the latter law

MILDRED LORINQ, Seattle Ctrl,inn $1,000 .Sarah llerllner acholai

ship ht John* Hopkins university.Baltimore

ACME COAL?ACME COAL- ACME COAL1[ you have not tried Acme Coal vet you arc not oper-

ating your home heating system on the most economical

Acme Coal a money saver and a trouble Itsaves you money because of its low first cost and its highheat value. It trouble because it leaves least ash and

r no clinker* or soot.Hunker prlrwi are: Hump. $4.00; Furnaca mixed with coking,

? $.' s<»; Nut. $.'1.25; Run of Mine, $.',OO

N'lce, clean, Ifi-lnch mill wood, for fireplace, wood heater or for"kindling. Tell me where you live, i.inl I'll tell you prl e per lostl, de-livered


rramont-Ballard Yard, Main 5718?Letchl Halghta Yard, Beacon 286



Neighbor Sees MerchantFondle, Then Shoot,

Little Girl


B*l F M. Or*., May ?«.?-Will-iam Pataraon, manager of tbaPatanon Cigar Co., of thla city,murdered hl» wife, Loulae APata'aon, and 7 year old daughtar, Helen, early today, andthan pre*»ad the muitle of a,12-caliber revolver to hl« forehead and *ant a bulla! oathlnythru hi* brain.

The woman and child war*

probably inatantly hilled andPataraon died at the hoapltalA fit of temporary Insanity la

t'lonithl to have lieru thai ran** ofthe tragedy.

I'ateraon hurt many friend* Intlila I'ltr nud viia prominent mem-,tier of the Pntem IClka' lodise

The tragedy on-urred on thai«l<-eplug ponli n( Oie l'aterat>nfcpme

It wan wltneaaed by a neighbor 1C*. H Newberry, who heard the? hot which killed Mr». I'atemon andlooked over

It* huh l*»ter*on fondling hi* lit1 tlw daughter, who evidently hndbeen around by the shooting

Soon he heard another iihot unitn little later »«w l'ater*on net up,.lrn»» nn'l go out and fed thechlcktu*

Ho returned to the houae, tin-tlre**ed, went to tied and ahot him? elf Newberry notified the i«>llrewho Arrived Juat after I'ateraotishot himself

Mra Pateraon'a mother did rotKnow of the ahootlnx, aliho aheslept In the aim* home

Pataraon *»» attending to boatneaa a* uauat Thuraday and mi

down town Thuraday eveningMl* frli'Uda think It *u probably

ieroi>orary InsanityHi-fore eomln* to Salem Pateraon

w'i* a resld-nt of San FranclacoMr* lliKirjn II Andrew*. Mr*

Pater*on'a mother, arrtvel Sundayfor a vlalt Thuraday evening Mr.and Mr< Pateraoo Rally talked of a

I trip to I'uget Sound.

SHORT NEWSJ. C BULGER. sentenced to lx>

I lnn*».| this week for murder of L' (?' Nkodemus. Denver hotel msn.

?;:*nied JO-day reprieve by (Jo*

t'irlxon. of Colorado.SNEAK THIEF took |<5 from

ca*h regimes and safe of (VtouakKnitting Co.. KHfth and Union, be-tween < and To clock Thursdaynight

MIYItAKI KAMATALO and(-year old daughter, N'labl. of PortKlakeley, mn down and Injured hy

auto driven by 1. Ousblong. ISO 9I>e«rborn at. at Third and Waah<Ington Thursday.

ROBERT HILL, manager of theMerchants' Exchange, spoke atnoon luncheon of Commercial Clubtoday.

O S. LYONS. 11«6 rborry at.robt>ed of Ift Thumday night bytwo armed men at Minor ava andSaniw * at.

SEATTLE PRODUCE iMO.-latlon at me»tJng Tburaday nightelected officer*; George Hrrantpresident and K A Winamakor.vice pr*«!d«"i>t.

CHAMBER OR Commerce Thur*day \oted 11.(00 to entertain atannual mating of Northweet Mer-chant*' a**oclation. which will beheld horn In Augoit

ANNUAL MEETING of Kin*County Employ**' »*«ocl*t!on holdThursday night In county and cityblllldltlg

AMERICAN EXPORTS, by endof flicnI year, June 30, will pmb? lil> reach


Italia 11-34 »»? nit tallan Mtr« '11.MM «b ? ? \u25a0 * tart* tan i*

epafhattf le II) Utall IK p*>' ffttn J*? IlH' lb ?Irlrtu frNh chickens -

. IfM itwr a'eak. 14c lb . pork aau-

eefe I®' lb K*all 161 freth creamer jr

? I' 4 lhe ||.Hff»«h pu e* pgr* Ho 4ai . freah

3 dt»« Itr Stella I. I I 7 '*g r»fIsm'., Ila lb shoulder lamb. Ilt%a lh .

lork loin. Mo lb

m nitr.fttallg 1* 1. Telephone p«aa I ha lie;

black miHi'>n f!«s I lha 1 Sr. home.iriwn aeparafua. 1 lbs Mr H'aMe ? -!*

fresh rhurned reamer-/ b-itter Ifr lb. Ilhe ? !<-. freah ground peanut butter. lorlb 1 Iha 2to At ttfotig s No 14 en kja'en? flour II IV 41' '?an fe* 1&r?an i w.,* I', I" '? f>kff* ehredd»d WheatMeruit. IH, /.Or Itnyal baainir powderlie, 1 rana iqiiislosi or torn, Jr.r. 3 ranipork and b»ane. J0»- ll« rolled oale lo<4 Ihe 1 <»r prunes !ir. ft Iba head rice.2i< II ',l rait Italian oil « oil, II Ift. aIba Japan lie a, .6<

*A WTAItY<'hol ? p«'< r- flour, II 4®. flrlfrrrrd:

b«»t milk. IJ 46 «aaa drllvarrd Mtal «

K 12 18, Trjrpi <n« praa 1A»? Ih JMall28 fanrf applaa 11 0f» bo* 4al|v*r*<iaardlar* fraprfrult. 4 for 1 o<* rhrrrlr*lsr lb ~'all 4* 8 rn*< aronl ><r apnCba'tl. ?' utr* lar*a ral«ln« If" Iti :

?»ji« milk ??? 11 ?. brat pot roantIfli T*i , N'm 2 p"l roaaC b'. frsih him-hor*ri, .1 ||M |§4 v-" Bfl p If# IftH #04Mlall 10; 4 fir roffr. %%, 11, brat WauliIn*ton rrra urry buttar, 5.".« 1 ]b« fftr

*»ll|Til INl»Pot roaaf. *r |t» , |rt» lartlb, Mr lb nrrk

bfinrr 4'- lb . frrah ' hurnrd buttrrlb« lb', tmnry buttar. lor it. , fr»ph i n.«rrga, 2 doit 88c Carnation rnllk, ' ,rran. any patant flour. II !< aark .oata, lOr, 6 ran* milk. plnrappin.11« ran, lloyal baking p>wdar. Sv- can.aauarkraut, 8c lb . rallah, l&n «)t ; halibut,1 ibn 28'-. lalmen, ? I»a 2'.r, vturgron,1 fio lb , full craam < haaaa, SOo lb

WE*TI.AKKMtall ?7 T Iba pur»» < anr niiir, Hr

Htm 11 lot. So f>i) an< k flour, fl 0" Mtall104 Mo 10 M«f'k ' "Til ll i?ll I '« . Ih runl.lpton> t*a. 10" Ht all a. Iraf lard. 12 V*«lb i<i i<? Mr aauaiir'-. 18** It' Stall . 04.10 h*t * laundry ?? t> ':t>r bulk ? horoiatr.n<' lb . |H'H' hfN, % 111* /fir Mtall Jf>, .1 *)<'

> offi-c ||ip 4n»> t*a 1, 1' j Hid .Mr

Mtull IS4 n* |>->tato»N lb nrw tu-ftIpa 1 lt»a if'<* Mtull a.'l liom* mad"« rrum pirn. I0« »-fl< b , inm< hr ;11 n, J ilnxIf.. Mtall \ No 10 «ark flour.2 run* oy atcra. I f.c. 2&r ran pinapplr ||r Mtftll /I rad lltftppT, IMr 11.

frrah halibut, a Iba /:,u.

I'IKK I'l.Af Y.Mtall 17, * Iba rtandard kranitla 1 ad

?uaar, C2«« Blall 7». fraah paatruri. ».|

rnllk. *>n i|t Mtall 4S. pot roant, |0i to| lb Mi *11 12. IB< rat) . orn. 11<

Mi(i 11 4.'., Vaid ina potat.o**> 91 10 axrkI drllvarrd . Munklat ornngM do*. 2f»f

? I Mtull M frrah ground peanut buttrr lo«il> .1 Hi* 21* Mtall 86. uppla butter, loiAtklnaoii'M. Maaoti Jam, pta .>? . <jta ftfcr

."tin und«*rv»ar, ?\u25a0'?» Mtull 24. \u25a0mall alarIn ladlra' aarnplr alH>**, 7ftr rip Mtall 1I 1 40r Jan pura atfawbrrry and iuxp 1h-rty praarrvra yikr, or V for 4ftr Mail

I 8. atflctly frrah rfjga dally, 7r d<.«

I Mtull iflOl J |f,r rana of tomatoaa,

| r,.?Mtall a utroriK papi-r ahopplng baifa, 4*.I for 1 |

Mothers who ar* ralalngthalr boya to fca aoldlara If th*day ever comaa whan a for*aign foa thraatana Americanhomaa. will march In tha pre-paradnaia parada June 10.

Steps war* taken Friday toanllat hundrada of woman Inth« mothara' laglon.

A half doitn fathers hsvsalready notified th* paradahaadquartara that thay wantto hava their boya and glrlamarch with them, In another?action.

I«#tt#ra were mailed to th# teators of every church In th# cityFVldav. In which they were aak#dto recruit Christian aoldl#ra totak# part In the preparedness dem-onstration.

Th« Ufa Inatiranra men of th#rlly, m#mb#rs of the Ancl#nt Or-<l#r of I'nlt#d Workm#n, and th«\S aahlogton Motor Trade* aaao-i latlon BMkHli all notified ther'nrad# rommltt## Friday that they

would h# ropr#*#nt#d.A special m##tlng »a# h#ld In

the ll#nry building by tli# ln*urniiri nn-ii Friday afternoon to plan>h#lr i art In th# demonatratlon.

AGAIN CONTINUEDll'-arlng of the central labor conn

ell's opposition to r pot It lon of th#fnget Hound Navigation Co. to ralH#It* schedule of boat fare* betweenHfHltle ami Tncomn, wn* cont'nuedto Junn 12 by the public servicecommission herp Prldav

The continuance w«* granted onmotion of Attorney Jmncs \. llrad-ford, counsel for the central laborcouncil, who nuked for more limelo axHPixihle his evidence. II*» hopesto prove the company In not entitledto rulH« the fares



If this Olive Oil is not ttiual to any other on the market, with the exception of

VITTUCCrS VIRGIN OLIVE OILand you are not perfectly satisfied, you can get your money back.

"CAESAR" is here to stay. Ask your grocer for

CAESAR (Extra Virgin) OLIVE OILIt has the Quality?at a lest price. It's Guaranteed.




At Thursday'* m##tlng of th#parad# committee Capt. Arthur P.8 Hyde, 1". H, A ,

inspector Inxtrurtor of th# Waahtngton Natlonal Guard coast artliicrv force*,wa# chosen chl#f roamhal for th#parad#

Contingent* that applied forplace* In th* parade Thursday repr# ten ted th# King County I>entalsociety, th# Y. M. C. A. clua ofwirel#** operator*, 1.000 member*

«>f th# Mnoit lodg", Aug >*tlne &

Ky#r, tk Hal)ford and th#Mutual Hualn#*a club.


CAESARExtra Virgin


First Annual




Mechanic*' Club

DREAMLANDTONIGHTAdmiaaion 50c?Includes

D.inclny All Evening


fjjft Buy Good* of Known Worth jwf 11 |piif M l|w\ W. S. Kirk's Army and Nnvy Store J|hyU I'fOII | lr«l A %'?»., HisiMlr, UtmliliiKlonRIJ& 1 ? . mW

x n , in r( , |? r

llKll 1 I*l 91.M ' Utfm R [JIVJI m i, n ii Navy hiu«, an wool VMm mA

9,1 AO «m 91.a0 l""1 ' navy r**ulatinn 9.1..1' VRJiW riwnnrl MhliM. IT'?«[?*< *.:!?-» Armv . vtfYjA 'W lOfctttM »t"1 tMVII [<f||lni WP J X. MVdM MlfWjr Hitr« nntl U«.\niime.t mjM

** IM| >17

Working ?lumprm 1> i for in*.<? I \

xn '"i "" "?

\ioi\ iiorn a JfciLjL -zyllrrnian'a 1 ?*. Army

i ?' ih»» thin* for nt \ Miora Mnnaon liitnn»n»m », lokktii ' 1 ' uwl bv National

'A Uuai <1 and regular*HAIN I'HOiH", 91.>10 < alMlngii* I rra



$100 to $250 per LotTerms: $10 Cash, $5 Monthly


Why not let your saving* work for you?

OLE HANSON & SON316 Pike Street. Phone Elliott 2


"CAESAR" Yes, it in a fact come to visit thehomes of thousands of thrifty people.

"CAESAR" has come to espouse the cause of thepeople in their efforts to reduce the high cost of living.

"CAESAR," the peer of his age, the pride of hiscountrymen, and justly entitled to a place in the heart*of those who appreciate real worth. This announces theintroduction of

Designed to meet a growing demand for a high qualityOIL at a moderate price.

"VIRGIN," the first press of the choicest ripe olives grown on the sunny slopes of Italy, thehome of the fKmous "Caesar."

"EXTRA"?No, this does not mean that it is better than Virgin?that would not be reason-able it means just the tame at the "Newsy" means when he calls it out in the street?just an-other issue, that's all. "How do you know it is good?" Well, now, let's make you a propo-sition.


World's Largsat Steamship, Minnesota. In Pugst Sound Navy Yard Dry Dock

Navy Yard Property MustIncrease in Value



The mnrc we study the Sound Navy Yard the more certain we are thatproperty within walking distance of work MUST INCREASE IN VALVE.

\Yr purchased our acreage very cheap, in no instance paying over $f>so per acre.\\ e purchased when times were dull and knockers stood on cverv corner, predicting dis-aster for the whole I" S.

had the outrage <>i out convictions and stand to make a good deal of monev.However, we have always made ,i practice of selling the first half of an addition verycheaplv in order to tiling'- started and M \kK Ol R PROFIT (>.\ THE LASTHALF.

Now is the time to buy, and the placc to buy is in our First Addition. Thisproperty begins on cement sidewalks and'the town is built right up to it. We havemade the prices low on purpose.

Already home- are building on this addition and many sales have been made. Work-men at the Yard have welcomed the c%portunity to secure a homcsite at such a lowfigure In a little while the potation (which is constantly increasing) will be doubledand realty values are increasing daily.

We will gladly go with you to Bremerton and Charleston any day,-any hour andshow you our property.



Office Open Evenings Until 9 P. M.