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The Scientific Dictatorship By Ian R Thorpe March 2013 As the area we now know as Western Europe, the lands influenced by the Graeco Roman culture, emerged from that ill defined era known as The Dark Ages and the renaissance began, the power balance started to shift from the authoritarianism of the priesthood to an autocracy of the knowledge, or a 'scientific dictatorship.' In the wake of the protestant reformation, with the mysteries of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches no longer exercising a powerful hold on intellect of ordinary people, the curious, adventurous and sometimes foolhardy began to revive areas of human endeavour the churches had fiercely suppressed. Advances were made in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, the study of anatomy, in agriculture and many traditional crafts. Italian cloth merchants collaborated with alchemists to create the vivid cloth dyes that coloured the clothes painted by Neoplitan and Florentine artists, fixing the colours with a solution of alum so they did not fade. Jews migrating from

The Scientific Dictatorship

Nov 08, 2014



Ian Thorpe

President Eisenhower warned against the dictatorship of a scientific elite in his farewell address in 1960. Authors like H G Wells and philosophers such as Bertrand Russell were predicting such a system if totalitarian global government was inevitable to maintain human progress late in the nineteenth century.
And now those with 'eyes to see and ears to hear' (as the Biblical phrase goes) can observe politicians in collaboration with the academic community and a cartel of big banks and corporations are moving the world in that direction. I will cover what we can do to resist the loss of our freedom in a future article, for now learn how the scientific dictatorship (New World Order, Illuminati, call them what you will) operate. .
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Page 1: The Scientific Dictatorship

The Scientific Dictatorship

By Ian R Thorpe

March 2013

As the area we now know as Western Europe, the lands influenced by the Graeco

Roman culture, emerged from that ill defined era known as The Dark Ages and the

renaissance began, the power balance started to shift from the authoritarianism of the

priesthood to an autocracy of the knowledge, or a 'scientific dictatorship.'

In the wake of the protestant reformation, with the mysteries of Roman Catholic

and Eastern Orthodox churches no longer exercising a powerful hold on intellect of

ordinary people, the curious, adventurous and sometimes foolhardy began to revive

areas of human endeavour the churches had fiercely suppressed. Advances were

made in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, the study of anatomy, in agriculture and many

traditional crafts. Italian cloth merchants collaborated with alchemists to create the

vivid cloth dyes that coloured the clothes painted by Neoplitan and Florentine artists,

fixing the colours with a solution of alum so they did not fade. Jews migrating from

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the eastern Mediterranean took the secrets of Damascus steel makers to Toledo in


Johannes Gutenberg invented moveable type and William Caxton built the first

press, thus between them making the printing of books for a commercial proposition

and making it possible for working people, tradesmen and such, to read.

These new, or revived, areas of study and invention became known as the

sciences. Knowledge was certainly a powerful tool and the ruling classes rapidly

seized control of the sciences and used them as an 'epistemological weapon' against

the masses. A new academic elite was created, study became an end in itself and by

controlling the issuance of diplomas and degrees the rulers controlled knowledge. It

did not matter how knowledgeable a person actually was, unless they were well off or

could find a wealthy patron to fund their studies (and the bribes necessary to gain

good grades) the door to the academic elite was closed to them.

The trickle down theory applied and just as the professions were a closed shop,

so the trade guilds began to operate the same kind of filter system. An apprenticeship

had to be paid for and the apprentice kept in clothing and other essentials for seven

years. Only those who could read and write, demonstrated competence to their master

and came from a family of good standing could hope to gain admittance to the

powerful trade guilds. Jews were not able to join the guilds and so could not work at

those trades controlled by a guild.

In The Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner described the

way in which the elite maintain their control. Among them is: 'Ostensible control over

the knowable, by marketing institutionally accredited science as the only path to true

understanding.' (Pouzzner, 75).

Thus, the ruling class endeavors to discourage independent reason and original

thought while maintaining the illusion that their agencies have power over human

knowledge. This tactic of control through knowledge suppression and selective

dissemination is reiterated in an anonymously authored document Silent Weapons for

Quiet Wars:

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“Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the

study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically

expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both

are bookkeeping systems. Mathematics is the primary energy science. And the

bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the

bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The

end is control.”- Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203

The word 'science' as I have pointed out many times only to be bluntly and

incorrectly contradicted by shills loyal to the Scientific Dictatorship, is derived from

the Latin word 'scientia', which means 'knowing.' (Look it up for yourself, use the

Oxford English Dictionary or Websters, don't be bullied into thinking you have to

accept what a Scientific Dictatorship shill tells you. Their claims to higher knowledge

are spurious.)

Epistemology is the study of the

nature and origin of knowledge. This

elite monopoly of the knowable, which

is enforced through institutional

science, schools, universities,

examining bodies, could be

characterized as an "epistemological

cartel." The ruling class has bribed the

'bookkeepers' (i.e., natural and social

scientists) to serve their own interests by serving the elite). If you are thinking at this

point the whole thing is starting to sound like one of those fanatical medieval

religious cults, you're right. The scientific elite might have superseded the religious

elite, but they learned a few of the old tricks in the process.

The masses are encouraged to deify the prozeletysers of the elite, and remain

'ignorant of the methodology by which the status quo is maintained.' The author of

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars provides an eloquently simple summation: 'The means

Evolutiuon meets creation

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is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be

the beneficiary?' (Keith, Secret and Suppressed, 203).

In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley more succinctly defined this

epistemological cartel:

“The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with

enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific

dictatorship, education will really work, with the result that most men and women

will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems

to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be

overthrown.” - Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 116

This is the ultimate aim of the scientific dictatorship ( The Military / Industrial

Complex, The New World Order, call them what you like but don't ever think they

mean you well): an oligarchy legitimized by arbitrarily anointed expositors of

'knowledge' or, in Huxley's own words, a 'scientific dictatorship.' In his ten years as

UK Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007 Tony Blair often spoke of the knowledge

economy on which his New Labour project would build Britain's future prosperity.

President Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell speech is often cited in condemnation of

the Military Industrial Complex as the point at which the threat to democracy posed

by a Scientific Dictatorship was first identified. If fact people had been talking of a

Bread and circuses

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Scientific Dictatorship since the latter years of the nineteenth century and was what

being said was not attractive. However, there is another little discussed yet vital topic

in the latter part of Eisenhower's speech. (video of relevant part) (full text)

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment,

project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be

regarded,” warned Eisenhower. “Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in

respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that

public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”

Ike could not have spelled it out more clearly could he? He was an educated man

and in his day the education model was the so called renaissance education which

was designed to shape a well rounded mind where the modern scientific education

creates people so tunnel visioned, so highly focused on a specialist subject they are

borderline autistic. Thus intellectually equipped Eisenhower was probably aware of

what those early advocates of the scientific dictatorship were proposing and that the

scientific advances of the twentieth century had by passed the traditional moral

framework of Euro – American culture and were out of control.

What the Scientific

Dictatorship had in mind was

nothing less than the

replacement of democracy

with authoritarianism, the

curtailment of individual

rights and freedoms and the

abolition of sovereign nations

to make way for a global

totalitarian government of the

intellectual elite.

Concerned Americans talk about violations of the U S Constitution perpetrated

by Barack Obama and his administration but America's exemplary constitution was

Masonic symbolism, sacred geometry, pagan rites; they're all included in the mysticism of science.

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targeted long before the Obamessiah appeared on the political landscape.

The ideological roots of the Scientific Dictatorship can be traced to the works of

Plato some 2,000 years ago. In truth, humanity has been battling the formation of this

tyranny for much of known history. The formation of the United States Constitution

created a barrier that H. G.Wells wrote in 1901, had “…to be modified or shelved at

some stage…”

The focus here is on the modern forms of scientific power that began in the 20th

Century and are blossoming in the 21st Century. The Scientific Dictatorship is

composed of unelected individuals that have access to the reigns of power. These

individuals have access to undisclosed future technology, classified intelligence, and

the ability to steer scientific research that impacts our entire society.

The works of Bertrand Russell, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Charles Galton

Darwin, H.G. Wells and many others provide the mental framework on which this

modern tyranny is based.

One of the most noticeable features in the rise of the Scientific Dictatorship has

been the progressive deification of science and in particular mathematics. My article

Mathematics and Reality covers this, looking back to the origins of he science deity

in the theories of Greek mathematician Pythagoras and tracing how, since the start of

the renaissance the upper levels of the academic hierarchy have behaved in ways

more and more reminiscent of the priests of an ancient mystery cult. Dare to question

the dogmas and credo of their faith and they will launch The Science Inquisition

against us, we will be victims of a witch hunt.

So how did we get from science as a methodical study to science, the divine

mystery. In times past, the ruling class controlled the masses through mystical belief

systems, particularly Sun worship. There was no gradual evolution, people might be

tempted to think of Jesus as a stepping stone from primitive paganism to the age of

elnightenment and the worship of science. It is not so. The original Jesus, as

described in The Dead Sea Scrolls and other surviving ancient texts, was not seen as

the divine child, son of God but rather as a more Buddha like figure, mortal but

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having a stronger connection that most to the spiritual. The Jesus we know now is a

Sun God, the Roman Catholic faith owes more to the Roman Sol Invicta cult than to

anything that was going on in Palestine during the Reign of the Emperor Tiberius. In

Saucers of the Illuminati, Jim Keith documents the shift from a theocracy of the Sun

to a theocracy of 'science':

“Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives)

were, after several thousands years of worship, beginning to fray around the

edges in terms of believability, and a lot commoners were beginning to

grumble that this stuff was all made up, the elite came up with a new and

improved version of their mind control software that didn't depend upon the

Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate authority.”

- Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78

Priests and rituals were soon supplanted by a new breed of 'controller' and a new

'methodology of control'. Keith elaborates:

“As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, 'Scientists' were quick

to take up some of the slack. According to their propaganda, the physical laws

of the universe were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those

physical laws were only fathomable by the scientific elite, the enlightened


- Keith, Saucers of the Illuminati, 78-79

This consciously induced paradigm shift facilitated the emergence of the elite's

new theocracy. The official state-sanctioned religion of this theocracy was 'scientism':

the belief that the investigational methods of the natural sciences should be

ecumenically imposed upon all fields of inquiry. This form of epistemological

imperialism is not to be confused with legitimate science. Researcher Michael

Hoffman makes this distinction in his book Secret Societies and Psychological


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“Science, when practiced as the application of man's God-given talents for the

production of appropriate technology on a human scale, relief of misery and the

reverential exploration and appreciation of the glory of Divine Providence as revealed

in nature, is a useful tool for mankind. Scientism is science gone mad, which is what

we have today.” (Hoffman, 49)

He's right. What is to be gained from creating human / animal hybrids, it appears

“because we can” has become justification for scientists to trample on morality.

Hoffman further elaborates on the folly

of scientism:

“The reason that science is a bad

master and dangerous servant and

ought not to be worshipped is that

science is not objective. Science is

fundamentally about the uses of

measurement. What does not fit the

yardstick of the scientist is

discarded. Scientific determinism has repeatedly excluded some data from its

measurement and fudged other data, such as Piltdown Man, in order to support

the self-fulfilling nature of its own agenda, be it Darwinism or 'cut, burn and

poison' methods of cancer 'treatment'.” (Hoffman, 49)

It must be understood that this new

institution of knowing is a form of

mysticism like its religious precursors.

Contemporary science is predicated upon

empiricism, the idea that all knowledge is

derived exclusively through the senses.

Yet, an exclusively empirical approach

relegates cause to the realm of Social Darwinism - Clones

Generic Enginering - one of the sacred cvows of scienceism.

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metaphysical fantasy. This holds enormous ramifications for science. Do we really

know what causes anything?

Although temporal succession and spatial proximity are self-evident, causal

connection is not. Affirmation of causal relationships is impossible in science. What

is perceived as A causing B could be merely circumstantial juxtaposition. Given the

absence of known cause, all of a scientist's findings must be taken upon faith. This is

all one can deduce while working under the umbrella of radical empiricism. Thus, the

elite merely exchanged one form of mysticism for another.

Returning to Pouzzner's previous statement, 'ostensible control over the

knowable' is achieved through the promulgation of 'institutionally accredited science'

(Pouzzner, 75).

The story of humanity since the beginnings

of civilisation (which is older than the

scientific elite cares to admit) has been the

story of a struggle between the free-thinking

individual and a rigidly structured hierarchy of

power controlled by the elites that seek to

dominate and control their fellow humans,

resources and wealth.

The greatest threat to elites throughout this

time is an enlightened, educated, critically thinking and politically emancipated

populace led by a loosely organized awkward squad who consider it their duty to

question the elite and challenge anything that is being presented as an established

truth. This threat has manifested itself throughout history, in different places and at

different times. Ideas of freedom, democracy, civil and human rights, liberty and

equality have emerged in opposition to the power structures and established truths

that are the elite's systems of control.

Gobleki Tepi - changing the timeframe for civilization

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The greatest triumphs of the human mind – whether in art, science or thought –

have arisen out of and challenged the most authoritarian and repressive regimes. The

pinnacles of human misery and hopelessness have arisen out of the power structures

and systems of the elites that were most successful in suppressing the human spirit

and by use of fear and oppression squashing that independence of mind and

resourcefulness that kept humans at the top of the food chain for so long. War,

genocide, persecution and human degradation are directly the result of decisions

made by those who control the machinery of power, whether the power manifests

itself as intellectual, ecclesiastical, spiritual, militaristic, or scientific. The most

malevolent and destructive power is that exercised over the free human mind: if a

regime can control how the masses think, they control the individual itself. As Saint

Ignatius Loyola (or some say St. Francis Xavier, both were Jesuits) promised, “Give

me a child to the age of seven and I will give you the man for life.”

The greatest human achievements are where individuals have broken free the

shackles that bind the mind and let loose the inherent and undeniable power that lies

in each and every individual member of our species.

At the moment our world faces

challenges unknown to our

ancestors in the era of recorded

history which starts with the

Egyptians of The First Kingdom,

The people of the mysterious Indus

valley civilization and the so far

unknowable builders of Göbekli

Tepe. All of these can trace the

development of some form of written communication to about 10,000 years ago.

Conventional science insists in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary that

civilisation began around 6000 years ago.

We are also in the throes of the first truly global political awakening, in which

Excavating First Kingdom artefacts in Egypt

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for the first time in all of human history, a majority of humankind is educationally

literate and politically aware enough to make political decisions based on more than

short term self interest It seems only our political and business leaders and the

academic community are still chained by short termism and self interest.

This awakening is most evident in the developing world where, having been

made aware of the great disparities in living standards, the contempt of people,

particularly the elites in spite of their politically correct posturing,disrespect, in

developed societies and injustices inherent in global power structures are not happy,

are hungry for education which they see as a liberator just as the working classes of

Europe and North America did in the nineteenth century and are demanding a

rebalancing of the economic structure.

Technologies like newspapers, radio, television and now the internet have given

the world's poor a glimpse into our lives and now they want to dine at our table. The

awakening is spreading increasingly to the west itself, frightened by the emergence of

an educated, questioning working class in the first half of the twentieth century and

remembering the advice of Loyola (or Francis Xavier) the elites embarked on a

policy of dumbing down the education system. This has backfired, as people living in

the western developed nations were pushed towards towards poverty and degradation

by industrial and social policies that inevitably resulted in mass unemployment and

price inflation some people turned towards religion, frequently not the traditional

Christian churches of the west but eastern religions or neo – paganism while others

abandoned the traditional work ethic to adopt nihilisitic life styles.

Already the elites are panicking, having taken their power over the masses for

granted they are now impotently announcing wars in which the enemy is an abstract

noun or sometimes a transient verb, the war on terror, the war on binge drinking, the

war on drugs, as their only means of generating the fear they need to reassert their


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Awakening will be forced upon all

people all over the world, the choice is

stark – become politically active or

become slaves. Nothing, no

development, ever in human history,

has posed such a monumental threat to

elite power structures.

This awakening is largely driven by

the Technological Revolution, which

through technology and electronics, in particular mass media and the internet, have

made it so that people across the world are able to become aware of global issues and

gain access to information from around the world. The Technological Revolution,

thus, has fostered an Information Revolution which has, in turn, fed the global

political awakening.

Simultaneously, the Technological Revolution has led to another unique and

unprecedented development in human history, and one that is diametrically opposed,

yet directly related to the global political awakening. For the first time in human

history, free humanity is faced with the dominating threat of a truly global elite, who

have at their hands the technology to impose a truly global system of control: a global

scientific dictatorship. The great danger is that through the exponential growth in

scientific techniques, elites will use these great new powers to control and dominate

all of humanity in such a way that has never before been experienced.

Through all of human history, tyrants have used a force a combination of force


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and fear to control populations. With the Technological Revolution, elites

increasingly have the ability to control the very biology and psychology of the

individual to a point where it may not be necessary to impose a system of terror, but

rather where the control is implemented on a much deeper, psychological, subliminal

and individual biological manner. While terror can prevent people from opposing

power for a while, the scientific dictatorship can create a personal psycho-social

condition in which the individual comes to love his or her own slavery; in which, like

a mentally inferior pet, they are made to love their leaders and accept their servitude.

So we are presented with a situation in which humanity is faced with both the

greatest threat and the greatest hope that we have ever collectively experienced in our

short human history. This essay, the third part in the series, “The Technological

Revolution and the Future of Freedom,” examines the ideas behind the global

scientific dictatorship, and how it may manifest itself presently and in the future, with

a particular focus on the emergence of ‘new eugenics’ as a system of mass control.

Free humanity faces the most monumental decision we have ever been presented

with: do we feed and fuel the global political awakening into a true human psycho-

social revolution of the mind, creating a new global political economy which

empowers and liberates all of humanity; or… do we fall silently into a ‘brave new

world’ of a global scientific oppression, the likes of which have never before been

experienced, and whose dominance would never be more difficult to challenge and

overcome? Many, manipulated by the propaganda of fear and panic and the

exaggereation of problems and concerns that either we could deal with by trusting

nature's infinite ability to adapt or by believing in our own resourcefulness,

intelligence and survival instinct, have been tricked into believing only the elite, the

Scientific Dictatorship, can save the panet. (The Flight From Freedom) And yet it is

those who claim they alone can save humanity that pose the greatest threat to our


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Science and RealityInternet Trolls - Are They Contractors Paid To Suppress Open Discussion Of Sensitive Subjects?Vaccine victory: Widespread resistance from parents to HPV jab for daughters shows truth is spreading like a virusHungary Destroys Monsanto's Genetically Modified Corn fieldsThe Total Surveillance SocietyProminent Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship 'To Save The Planet'Mathematics and RealitySlaves Of The MachineMonsanto: Black Hat Biotech and World DominationThe Friendly Face Of Junk FoodPigs Will FlyTHEMThe Author

Surveillance station or Temple

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