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SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." . UFINESR OFFICE of the San Francisco CA__— **-« Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every Mr hthi the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, rrrrerClay: open until 9:30 o'clock. ..-Hayes street, open until 9:80 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. . cornet Sixteenth and Mission street* open t nil i o'clock. If]*- Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1*95. 10 X:kk COINTKI KEAL ESTATE. A'FARKELL A CO. DAVIDBUSH. COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. 11 MONTGOMERY ST. "1 nn ACRE . FOR RENT, SALE OR EX- X' 'VI change; rich loam boil 8 miles from Santa Cruz on sprinkled county ro,-_*.: miles from Soquel postoflic-; 15 acres in Zmi.mdei wine grapes: 8 acres In apricots, prune and peach trees: some fine hav and grain land, balance pasture withoak and redwood timber: 8 livingsprings and trout stream runs through the place; good house, barn and Im- provements: all necessary farming Implements; will rent for $300 per annum, half cash, with priv- ilege of purchase at $8000. in Tin T ACRES, .'' miles southeast of lUttUVallev Spring-. Calaveras Co- .ty; 300 acres under cultivation: 80 acres in summer fal- low- all cultivable: 300 acres heavy oak timber; Calaveras River runs 1 ' _ m;l?s through the land; all fenced and cross-fenced in six fields: two-story house of 8 rooms, hard finished: 1 cottage of 6 rooms; stable lor 32 head of horses, bay barn, cowshed, gia-iarv. milkhouse. blacksmith-shop; this is a fine stock and grain ranch: rent $600 per annum, half cash, with privilege of purchase at $13 an acre: a great bargain. OC ACRES, -1,. MILES FROM RAILROAD O and steamer landing at Martinez; 12 acres level; loam soil: about 5 acres in Muscat and Tokay table grapes and family orchard: about _ acres ln alfalfa, balance splendid fruit, vegetable, berry or grain land; balance wooded pasture; goon house of 5 rooms, barn and outbuildings: all fenced ami cross-fenced; would make a splendid profitable poultry place; cash rent $150 per annum, with privilege of purchase at $2500 in one year's time; this is a b^r^aln. QA ACRES AT WALNUT CREEK; ALLLEV- Q.I" el bottom land: 10 acres orchard, balance fine hay, grain, fruit or pasture land: house, barn, etc.; rent $360, half cash. 11 Q ACRES RICH LOAM LAND: 7 MILES -LIOfrom Watsonville; 950 apricot, 1300 French prune, 250 apple trees In bearing; TO acres under cultivation, balance handsomely wooded pasture land with fine oak timber; well watered: good house, barn and outbuildings; rent $500 per year, half cash. A(\ ACRES 1 MILE FROM WRIGHTS STA- t:v. tion; 3 acres In orchard: 13 acres in vineyard full bearing; house, barn and improvements; rent $300 a year, half cash. '/I '-_ ACRES 4 MILES EAST OF WALNUT 1 »* Creek, Contra Costa County; 30 acres in bearing orchard ond vineyard, 130 acres in plow land, balance wood and pasture land ; well watered ; rent $600 per year, half cash. Of) ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION: RICH AVI level loam soil; 2 miles north of Petaluma, at Corona station; good new improvements; rent $175 per annum cash. 49 ACRES 1 MILEFROM DEPOT AT COL- j*—fax, Placer county; full bearing orchard of 1500 trees and 6*/ 2 acres of table grapes that are :shipped East every vear; good hard-finished house with windmill and tank and good outbuildings; fruit from this place willsell for at least $1000 this coming year; rent $350, half cosh. ALSO O -»~ ACRES FOR RENT 6 MILES SE. OF <J*JU Livermore; about 150 acres in wheat; 60 acres now in summer fallow; all fenced and cross- fenced; about 300 acres cultivable; 2 farmhouses, barn, granary, blacksmith-shop, milkhouse and carriage-house; windmills and tank and running water; rent $600 per annum, halt cash, with option to purchase at $10 per acre any time within one year: will give lease; stock and tools at a valuation. ALSO *Y^_7 ACRES AT BAY POINT STATION, *J*j * abo 3 miles from Martinez, Contra Costa County: 200 acres dry tule, balance level and roll- ingland; railroad passes through the place: fenced and cross-fenced; house, barn and improvements: over 130 acre* now in summer fallow; fine grain, stock and hog ranch; terms $800 per year; half ln advance. Send for list of exchanges. We have some bar- gains. 1 'yOO LOT 150x140, AT ELMHURST: '4* --"CM.*, electric cars (Oakland and San Lean- dro) every half hour; all set out in full bearing orchard of apricots, pears, etc.; bOO strawberry plants; city water: nicely fenced; 5 chicken-houses with chicken-yards: good houseof 3 rooms; barn; 100 young laying hens, 1 milch cow, 1 horse and spring wagon; a profitable fruit, poultry and vege- table place with a good run of custom; easy terms. ffl-ftrinn 8-acre ORCHARD OF PRUNES, , ~' , ~''"C'« apricots cherries and pears: just out- side town limits of Haywards; good improvements; valuable Income place; will exchange. Qj^X/jn 20 ACRES, ABOUT 1% MILES «Usc*-*t' from railroad depot and steamer land- ingat Martinez; 1400 apricots. 200 peaches, 100 pears, 100 cherries. 100 Tragedy prunes, all In bear- ing; cottage of 6 rooms, barn and outbuildings: a great bargain. OA ACRES $500, 40 ACRES SIOOO—NOTHING AVI down and no payments for 10 years; Interest only 6 per cent per annum: immediate possession given: this land will be worth $100 per acre long before you have to pay $1 on it; onlv 14 miles from Fresno: 5 miles from '_' lines of railroad and 2 railroad towns; is perfectly level: not over 15 feet to water: a competing railroad develops the country and those who are bright enough to invest on the lineof Itmake fortunes: one Is about being constructed through the San Joaquin Vallev, the greatest fruit, raisin and alfalfa region in the world; call or write Immediately, as this will all be picked up soon and you will never get a chance like this. WESTERN LANDCOMPANY', 640 Market 'st. HEADQUARTERS FOR CALIFORNIA LANDS. OFFICE OF THOMAS McMAHON, V 628 Market Street. \ GREAT BARGAINS: GREAT BARGAINS I GREAT BARGAIN'S! - :\u25a0 A. Colony tracts; improved farms,' small and lar*--'. Speculations In land and water, large and sm_ll. Grazing and dairy fa: of all sizes and pricfk Choice bargains In Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Glenn counties, as well as other sections. Numerous choice properties for ex- change. THOMAS McMAHON, 628 Market st. OR SALE—IMPROVED CHICKEN RANCH 5 acres, with water frontage near Tomales, Marin. Countv. Inquire C. SOULE, 1330 Ellis st. END FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. WOOSTER _ WH n TON. San Jose. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. real estate. I-__-_ROPERTY ~~~-~~ -, for SALE at low PRICES. james a. CLAYTON & CO.. land AGENTS, SAN jose. PROFITABLE orchard adjoining the city of San Jose; 40 acres; soil 20 feet: 10 acres prunes, this year's crop sold for $2500; 10 acres peaches, this year's crop was heavy, 45 tons from 3 3-7 acres, trees 30 feet apart; 10 acres fine apri- cot orchard that yield heavy; balance in cherry trees; price $32,500. "I fVT ACRES VALLEY LANDSOUTH OF SAN XVI I Jose; good land; orchards adjoining; house 5 rooms, barns, etc.; scattering oak trees: there is an orchard of about 12 acres in bearing: this prop- erty is finely located; convenient to railroad sta- tion and school ; price $125 peracre; no objection to taking San Francisco property ln trade ifsame ls improved and unincumbered. 1 fifl ACRES IN FOOTHILLS, NEAR CON -lUU gress Springs: 13 miles from San Jose; 100 acres nearly level; about 12 acres fruit trees, apri- cots and prunes, 1and 4 years ola: about 20 acres grapes; the soil Is good; small house and barn; good springs; this property belongs to savings bank; anxious to sell: will give 6 years' time, easy payments and reauced price; $4000. 5- ACRES ADJOINING THE CITY OF SAN Jose; frontage on 3 roads: house 5 rooms, barn, etc.; flowing well; choice land: $4000. 8 ACRES 3 MILES FROMSAN JOSE: LEVEL land; one-quarter mile from car line; $150 per acre. 1**:5 ACRES LEVEL LAND,8 MILES FROM At. 8 San Jose; cheap: terms half cash; $1676. 5 acres on Mclaughlin AVE., NEAR the city: $1275. COX ACRES, 5 MILES FROM MILPITAS, 12 VJOO miles from San Jose: hill land; 300 acres cultivated for bay and grain. 14 acres old orchard; ranch ls well watered; large springs: house 8 rooms; large barn; price $_5 per acre. OA ACRES ORCHARD IN* FULL BEARING; AVI prunes 18 acres, apricots 2 acres: near the city; $11,000. OBCHARDS NEAR SAN JOSE ARE THE most productive ifthe State. 1 ACRE IMPROVED, N_.AR SAN JOSE; A convenient to electric car line; house 6 rooms; good well : $1700. WE HAVE THE FINEST ROADS AND schools; Santa Clara Valley is the place to live. JAMES A. CLAYTON _ CO., Land Agents, Established over 25 years, 16 West Santa Clara st., San Jose. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN, LOOK AT ; 1 THESE: o*^o 6 ACRES, BEARING PRUNES. «Ip XAO* ' . apricots and peaches, near Los Gatos, with house, stable aud well ; a gill-edged buy. (E>"l C(\ AN ACRE-ORCHARD LAND FOR •4P-LUU plant. good .oc tion, near Eden- vale. 1057 - ffljOAA AN ACRE— 46 ACRES ORCHARD «_)«_ and vineyard, mostly bearing, with good house, barn, well, win millan_ tank. 1072 OTHERS ON OURLIST NO ONE CAN EQUAL. W. G. HAWLEY A CO.. 17 South First st., :',-".': I '*. San Josi, Cal. OANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. 19,000 acres ln subdivisions for fruit planting. Applyto C. 11. PHILLIPS, proprietor. 32 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, CaL CAPITALISTS. We are authorized to sell 352 acres, between San Jose and Palo Alto, at one-half its value: can be in, mediately subdivided and sold in IU-acra lots at double cost: deep, rich sediment orchard land. Don't overlook this, but write about it at once; complete particulars furnished. \\e also have some first-class mortgage loans at Bi,_ to 10 tn-ACRE ORCHARD NEAR SAN JOSE, IN OU third year: price $200 per acre; two years' crop will pay for this orchard: terms, one-half I We have fcur of the 10-acre orchard tracts at Camptellis still unsold. This is a great proposition for any one who wants to secure a profitable orchard in the best part of Santa Clara Valley. No cash required for 6 years; after 5 years easy pay- ments. Write for particulars to WOOSTER A WHITTON, Pp;- San Jose, Cal. COUNTRY KEAL ESTATE. /! - E"""" D 1 WIN ALSIP A CO. *\k ,' , :'*Y Real-Estate Dealers. Sacramento and San Francisco. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. OLIVE FARMS FOR SALE. THE OLIVE CULTURE WILL BE ONE OF the leading industries of the State; one firmin Chicago sells more olives in one year than are pro- duced in California alone, and they say that the California olives lead all others, when they can get them. ' * <ffi 1 9 000 75 ACRES; OLIVE ANDPRUNE tfi^.twu, orchard, located near Glen Ellen. Sonoma Co.: fruit just coming Into bearing- good Improvements: artesian well of water, with horse- power for pumping, 10,000 gallons per hour- ce- ment reservoir in hill; stock and farming imple- ments; no mortgage and positively a bargain will exchange for San Francisco or Oakland property. ALSO ft 7000 55 L CRE;3 OF THE VFRY BEST 3JH UUU. of olive land, 5 miles from Merced- -15 acres ln full-bearing olives; 10 acres assorted bruits: good Improvements; 2 cottages of 5 rooms each; barn, windmill, tank and other outbuildings- all under irrigation ditch at $1per acre per year- a beautiful home surrounded by flowers, palms and ornamental trees. - -- , EDWIN K. ALSIP * CO.. No. 9 Rotunda, Mills Building. San Francisco. ©RfJO 50 ACRES IN F'RUIT BELT: NEAR i&OVIVI . railroad; splendid investment Ad- dress F. H. W., 1109 Van Ness ave. ' T DON'T WANT YOURMONEY BEFORE YOU A see the land; $5 peracre. P. E. LAMAR, 313 Montgomery st. rTTHE BEAUTIFULSTANTON TRACT. Containing 600 acres, has been subdivided Into villa lots of from three to twenty acres, and is now being placed on the market. This tract is located near Haywards, close to Haywards Electric Road. Quick and cheap trans- portation between San Francisco and the property. A rich loam soil, great fruit land, will produce any kind of vegetables: plenty of water: lovely location for a suburban home. The cheapest and best land ever offered in that locality. Prices range from $150 per acre upward. Adjoining lands sell for $600 to $1000 per acre. Call and see me quick, and get your choice of location. », F. J. SULLIVAN, Room 88 Chronicle Building, San Francisco. SPARTO TOWN AND COLONY: ONLY3 OR 4 hours from the bay: the most equable climate of Central California, and the neighborhood of the next great development of electric power; equal to l'olsom; a part of the "Raneho Canada de Capay Grant"; unquestionably the earliest and finest fruit belt on the coast and superior to any for di- versified farming; about 600 acres, in 20-acre farms, surrounding the town; town already con- tains large brick blocks, a fine hotel, a fine high- school building, water works, artesian, pure and soft: desired a purchaser or purchasers to take the whole interest of present owners in the colony lots and tow property, Inlump or otherwise, at shock- inglylow figures; It won't cost much to examine; ls an irrigation canal on the land. Apply to GEO. D. FISKE & CO., Woodland, Cal. EADTHIS-HERE IS A BARGAINFOR IM- mediate sale; 100 acres, all fine level land, sit- uated in a. beautiful valley, Alameda County. 2 miles from railroad depot, 36 miles from this city. In a perfect climate; several trains daily: this land will grow anything; Improvements good house, 6 rooms and outbuildings; some fruit: springs and running water on the place; $8000 buys this valuable property, which Is one-half its real value; Investigate and see for yourself. ALBERT E. CRANE, - 410 Montgomery st. MILK DAIRY RANCH TO LEASE-550 acres; 25 miles from San Francisco. Apply at 307 Battery st. O ACRES NEARMENLOPARK; SELLCHEAP O or exchange for San Francisco property; price $3000. SPECK & CO., 602 Market. MUST BE SOLD—ONE OF THE BEST Lo- cated 160-acre ranches in Lake County; Vi mile from Clear Lake, with plenty running water; 100 acres improved; 5-room house: plenty timber; $2600: time to suit on payments, W. L. FOSTER, Kelsey ville, Lake County, Cal. .1\u25a0-.- -.: /ITO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10 "I years' credit. P. H. TWING. Sonoma Ci-v.Cai. money to LOAN. L~" OANS ON" REAL EST ATE IST A*^ 2ND J mortgages, undivided interests, and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in San Francisco. Oak- land, Berkeley or Alameda: any amount: lowest rates; all business confidential: savings bauk books botighL Call or write to BECKER. 240 Montgomery. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: private office: business con- fidential. Columbia Loan and Collateral Oflioe (Incorporated), 9 Grant ave., 3 doors from Market \u25a0VI ONEY LOAN" ED ON JEWELRY AND Jlil other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market st., nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Millsbldg, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential MONEY LOANED, 6V2 PER CENT; ANY amount, on mortgages. A. F. JOHNS A CO., 632 Market st. NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: estates, undivided Interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rooms 2—3. ' QTRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 O Market, cor. Stockton, rms. 17 and 18.first floor: established 30 years: always open. "Uncle Bill." NY SUM; FIBST OR SECOND MORT- gages, estates: no delay. MURPHY, 628 Mkt. OANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without removal, In city and Oakland; low in- terest; dealings strictly prhate. 215 Powell st. MEDICAL. GOOD EXPERIENCED LADIES' NURSE. Can be seen at 216 Seventeenth St., nr. Howard. \ CARD TO SUFFERING FEMALES-BY MAS- -t\. sage and Swedish movement treatment I guar- antee to cure all diseases and Irregularities peculiar to your sex; obesity reduced; those who have been imposed upon or irregularly treated are Invited to call; free; charges moderate. MRS. DR. HAWLEY, 313 Ellis st. MRS. DR. SCOTT, SPECIALIST IN FEMALE complaints and disease of the eye. 219 Powell. (L• X/Y PAfDFOR A CASE OF GRANULATED rjpilUeyes we fail to cure at 219 Powell st. A BLESSING TO LADIES INSTANT RE- Uef for monthly irregularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' physicians in San Francisco, who restore all cases at once by an improved method, superior toothers; ladles will save time and money, be assured of honest treat- ment by consulting the doctors before calling else- where; patients who have been imposed upon or unsuccessfully treated by others specially invited; home in confinement: treatment warranted: advice free, confidential. DR. and MRS. DAVIES, 14 Mc- Allister St.; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. if.: 7toBp. v. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU^ ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores I always in one day; ifyou want to be treated safe and sure call onmen's physician -.knowledge can be sentAusedat home;ali cases guarantee-; be net de eived and misled by self-praised advertisers. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny. APE WORM EXTERMINATOR— USED SUC- cessfully for years by a physician now retired; guaranteed to remove worm In two hours; for one treatment post paid $10. Specific Medicine Co., P. O. box 201, Oakland, Cal. T ADJES - CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- J-_ nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mail ; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. \u25a0 LL MARRIED PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ".-eguro": greatest boon to them : Carroll Co., Stockton and Market sis.: $1 60; send 2c stamp for circular to W. S. P. Co., 631 K St., Sacramento. D" HALL, 14 MCALLISTERSTREET, NEAR 'Jones. Diseases of women and children. HYSICIA N~sI_ BTaInIjUITS, FURNISHING PHYSICIANS OBTAIN SUITS. FURNISHING goods, etc.wholesale prices. 118 Grant ave..r. 7. SURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DIS? eases, from whatever cause ; a home In con- finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar- anteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk St. DC I'RAE'S FEMALEREGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS&CO., druggists, 4U6 Clay sL.sole ag'ta TABER'S " INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE/' for either sex send 2c for information or 50c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO., box 1896, S. F. HEUMATISM, CHILLS AND FEVER cured by Cummings' rheumatic belt; no elec- tricity: hundreds of testimonials from prominent citizens: send for circular. E. J. CUMMINGS, 303 Third St.. S. F. _, A HOME, A FRIEND ANDMOTHER'S CARE. MRS. DR. FUNK'S, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. ADIES DAUDET'S F'EMALE REGULA- - ting Pills; strongest, safest, best: never fail; $1 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis st.; sole agents. \u25a0 ->'\u25a0'\u25a0 DR. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY OF diseases of women and restores all irregulari- ties in one day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; regulator S'i; home for patients. 1370 Market st R. SCHMIDT, 1508 MARKET— DISEASES of women: hours 1 to 3 and 5 to 6 P. m. R.RICORD'S PILLS.EXPRESS S2 60: SAFE, sure, reliable; - Rlcord's specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at time; travelers helped at once; home in con- finement; French pilis guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETn, 916 Post St., near Larkin. WHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY on worthless pillsand humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in8 hours withour new discovery, which is safe and sure. Price $5. Call or address MME. ARROW Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st, . LADIES, IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. X.J EMARY. sure cure. 1561Lfe Market street. - MRS. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN confinement; Irregularities cured In 1 few hours without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. \u25a0 LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. A BOON TO ladies troubled withirregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal. IF IRREGULAR OR ANYFEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 V. 4th. CHEAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA— WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the united States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- ace free. . AGENTS WANTED. LADIES-CALL AND SEE HOW EASILY you can make $3 a day. 609 Sacramento st., room 6. A CHANCE FOR 1 MAN OR WOMAN IN xA every town on the coast to easily make $400 before Christmas who wants it. ALUMINUM NOVELTYCO., 1508 Market st. SALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, SIDE LINEOR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State St., Racine, Wis* CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \J wants good agents to work its accident and sick Insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. A*.. HANNA, Secretary, Murphy building. ?' ~- FURNITUHE WANTED. AUCTIONEER J. T. TERRY, 30 MONTGOM- ery st., pays highest cash prices AUCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER. 719 MARKET St., pays highest cash prices for furniture. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 103 9th; postal LWAYS BEFORE SELLING SEE H. J. LEUTHOLTZ, 821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth. ~0- KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES. . folding. ironbeds, furniture; low prices: Cai. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND MER- chandise. LH. BURP Auctioneer. TO Fulton. J BOOMS WANTED. GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED ROOM, private family, near Sixth and Market. R. A., box 89, Call Oflice. O OR 4 ROOMED FLAT, OR 3 UNFURNISH- •J \u2666 d rooms; west of Powell st. ; rent must be reas- onable; 2 adults; references exchanged. Address N. R. P., 1930 Stockton st. WANTED—CHEAP UNFURNISHED ROOM 'I near lure. Man, box 36, this otlice. ANTED—Mis CELLANEOCS. A~~CSTRXL_XtrCRESTED~C_CK^ correllas wanted. Address, with price, etc., A. C, box 89, Call Office. - ' HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR LADIES' AND gents' cast-off clothing. 261 Third st. SUPERIOR LODGING-HOUSF*, 20 TO 30 rooms- no agents. E. E., box 142, Call Office. W ANTED— GENT'S BICYCLE, li> GOOD it order, cheap for cash. Address, with price, 1358 Folsom st. OECOND - IT A ND KODAKS, CAMERAS, O lenses, magic lanterns & slides. 109 Montgy. CELL YOUR BOOKS AND CLOTHING TO A. 0 KLEIN. 109 Sixth St.; nd postal. CLAIRVOYANTS. A A A _____ . PROF. F. EUGENE, 1728 MARKET ST. KNOW THY FATE! . Yv YOUR DESTINY FORETOLD! Bythe world's most famous medium, PROFESSOR EUGENE, recognized by the press, medical fac- ulty and scientists generally of two continents as the most distinguished medium of modern times. If you are indoubt that h? can and willperform all he claims feel yourself invited to call, and he will give yon more substantial proof of his marvelous power than you have ever before received from mortal. Don't fail to see him if you are interested in the affairs of life. If marriage, sickness, deaths, changes, travels, divorces, separations, law suits, business transactions, wills, deeds, mortgages, lost or stolen property, hidden treasures, lost or absent friends interest you: if you care to know what you should do to be successful, where you should" go and whom to avoid, when to buy and sell stock, etc.; If you desire to have your domestic troubles removed, your loat love restored, your bitterest enemies converted into stanch friends; in a word, whatever may be your troubles, suspicions or de- sires, call on this gifted man, 'and he will send you away happier, wiser and bolder than ever before. "What is your vocation in life? How have you prospered? What are vour hopes for the future? Every person Is especially adapted to some re- ticular business, profession or trade, which may justlybe termed their true vocation, and yet more than halt' of you are lighting against an unknown fate for fame, fortune aid position, which you do* not and cannot obtain until you find your true vo- cation. j If you are contented withyour present work you have found your true vocation, and success will ! attend yonj but if dissatisfied, and all is golnr is an evidence that you have not found your true vocation. A visit to Professor EUGENE will soon settle this all-important ques- tion, and your true vocation pointed out to you, and if possessed of only a moderate degree of brains and energy success will be sure to attend you. He advises you with a csrtalnty by a higher than human power as to the proper course to pur- sue inlife. His descriptions of your friends and enemies are as real as though they stood before vou. Call and test the professor to your heart's content, and you will depart thoroughly satisfied that there is at least one reliable medium and clairvoyant now in your midst. Nothing in life is too obscure for Pro- fessor EUGENE to reveal; thoroughly under- stands how to prepare ana work the famous magic and mesmeric talisman, as prepared and practiced by the Buddhists, Hindoos and wizards of the Orient. These magic talismans, when worn with the medium's instructions and accompanied his powerful work, are guaranteed to give good luck and success in business, speculation, races and all games of chance Inwhich success is dependent upon luck. They remove evil influences, cure bad habits, witchery, fits and all long-standing and mysterious diseases which have baflled the physician's skill. The mesmeric talismans are guaranteed to restore lost affections, cause speedy and happy marriage with the one you love and cause your bitterest enemies to become your dearest friends. You have no enemies, but you are beloved by all while you carry the mesmeric talisman. Hus- bands who have been drawn from their wives by the stronger Influence of other women, or wives who have left their husbands will be united by this talisman of love. Husbands or parents who have been addxted to strong drink, or have been cruel to their wives or children will be made temperate, kind .and loving by this mysterious charm, and girls whoso lovers have sought other faces will be happilyreunited by the same strange power. lf you have lost faithand given up to despair be- cause of former failure take courage now and call on PROFESSOR EUGENE without delay. Con- viction will be sure, and happiness and success will follow. Hours 10 a. m. to Bp. m. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1728 Market at., First flat. Vf ME. RENNER, WONDERFUL CARD CLAIR- IiI voy ant; fee 25c. Call at 312 Hyde st. LAIRVOYAN'T; FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J 174 Clementina st., off Third. ME. RAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAILY; names given, 25c up. 828 Howard, bet. 4th & 6th. T' HE BEST CLAIRVOYANTCARD MEDIUM on earth: 25c; fortunes taught. 330 Fell st. ISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIRVOY- ant and card reading. 768*/a Howard st. SANDERS, THE GREATEST FOR- tune-teller of the age. 8Montgomery ave., r. 1. ME. ARNDT, PEST GERMAN FCBTCNE- teIIer; only 25c and SOc: show you the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. ME MOREAU, WORLD RENOWNED trance medium; fee 25c. up. 764 Howard St., in front. /"CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER; LA- -*\u25a0 dies 25c. 230 Clara St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. \_ ME. ARNO, WONDERFUL CARD-READER ill and clairvoyant: fee 25c. 628 Eddy st. PROF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, trance charm. 533 Post; 9to 8; also Sunday. ME. STEWART, SEVENTH DAUGHTER of 7th daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards since 11 yrs old ; ladies. gents.SOc. 917 Marketer 3-4. YPS~Y QUF'EN: MARVELOUS MEDIUM of 19th century; 12 to 8 p.m. R. 2,865*/2 Mrkt. I PRESENT. PASTAND FU'l URE7_5a _____ . LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama st., near Fourth. \f ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- -111 er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible; fee $1; letter $2. 029 Post St., nr. Larkin. UGUSTA LEOLA, - FORTUNE TELLER? magic charms: love tokens: true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee 81 ana upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SIUTUTULISA-I. ETURNED^msTjTj. WHITNEY, CLAlR- voyant, trance and test medium. 218 Stock- ton st. p'.ppp . R. ANNIE WILDER OF NEVADA CITY; spiritual revivalist. 921Market st. MRS. A. BROCKWAYT INDEPENDENT slatewriter: sittings daily; ladies $1, gents $2; 10 to 5. 330 Ellis st. MBS. MAYOSTEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS medium; readings dally. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. ASTROLOGY. DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets from date of birth. 36*/ 3 Geary st,, rm.l BTRALSEEB—PROF". HOLMES,' 11 SCOTT st. ; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. LOST. TN SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY; 1 cameo locket, monogram J. M. M. Return 631"t_ Shotwell st.; reward. OUTE BOOK OF ITALIANPAPER LOST south of Market st. Return 1113 Kearny St., reward. OST—OCT. 27 ANA. B. C. CODE. RETURN this office: reward. OST—WHITE SPITZ BITCH. LIBERAL reward by returning to 304 Davis St. BLACK NEWFOUNDLAND BITCH.RETURN 16 Chesley st. ; reward. OST—A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of LEOPOLD NEUMANN, No. 121,227. The tinder willplease return to bank. ™»— —— ___a__!__sS!!!3ssSsi —\u25a0— BUILDING ANDLOAN ASSOCIATION. CONTINENTAL BUILDLNG~A^vrTIATA>r]_sY sociation— Home office, 222 Sansome st., R. F. General savings &loan business. Ed E. Hill, Pres.- Oliver Eldrldge, V.Pr.; W. Corbln. Sec.A Gen.Man. Y BICYCLE-. PARK OYCLERY—NEW WHEELS TO LET; best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Mc- Allister and Powell st. car lines. HELP WANTED—Continued 'p.-;' , "W ANTED-GIRLFOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK II few hours weekly ln exchange for room and lunch; only workinggirl nee. apply. Gentleman, box 94, Call Office. \V ANTED— EXPERIENCED WOMEN RUB- It ber ana shampooer, who can give medicated and electric baths; state experience and wages wanted. Address E., box 71, Call Office. GERMAN \'IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSF. work; small wash. 1523 Walnut St., near Wll- low station; Alameda LADY AGENTS, $26 WEEK: CITY* AND country; exclusive rights. 131 Post, room 20, EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON LADIES' tailor suits and jackets. A. MUELLER <& CO., 723 Market st., fourth floor. . THIS WEEK "LADIES* CAPES, NEW STYLE, $2 60. New York Cloak House, 1210 Market. HAIRDRESSING, 25c AND MORNING and ev'gclasses ;10 50. 1248 Mission. GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR RE- liable lady. 131 post st., room 20. NCSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT JJ woman as managing office agent. Sospita Company, office 63 -Donohoe building. PIANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY schooled artist; lessons 26c. 617 Jones st. J FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made suits: $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllisterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- A ting and making school : all branches. 702 Sutter. RESSMAKERS USING THE MCDOWELL world's famous svslem recommended. 213 Powell st.; patterns Cut to fit. 25c up. MOST' CONVENIENT ANDRESPECTABLE: Winchester House. 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 bO to $6 per week ; free bus to and from the ferry. NY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY' FOR herself can easily earn it. Address Ladles' Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., Han Francisco. "W IN CHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR it Market—Electric lights In every room 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. MALE HELP WANTED. 0 COOPERS FOR WINERIES, $35 AND *-» found: 3 cooks, $50 and $60: 3 laborers, $1 day and boara; 2 dishwashers, $15 nnd .20; tailor, $8 to $10 week. MURRAY <_ READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. kyy'y ,i ANTED—ENGLISH BUTLER; SECOND II man, $40, must have good references; waiter, restaurant, $7 week; waiter, chophouse, $20; dishwasher, $20, etc. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. TV"EAT WAITER WHO CAN ACT AS HEAD -Li waiter withclub and restaurant; experience; $50. C. R. HANSEN 1- CO., 110 Geary st. ANTED—YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD IIexperience as city liquor salesman; must fur- nish good reference. W.,box 7, Call Office. pOLORED MAN FOR PORTER. APPLY \J Monday morning. 1030 Market st. TAILORS' PATTERN COMPANY—ONE SUIT of patterns sent for $1 ; satisfaction guaranteed; particular attention paid to couutrv orders. Ad- dress American Pattern company, 776 Pacific ave.. Alameda; also a new and simple system taught : $10 I EARN A TRADE—CUSTOM SHIRT-CUT- -1-i ting taught in 6 lessons: practical instruction while learning; terms easy. Address L.F., box 107. Call Office. "YVANTED— WHOLESALE LIQUOR SALES- II man for San Francisco and neighboring terri- tory: good wages to first-class man; state prior experience. Address _:., box 9, this office. ANTED-4 CARVERS. NIEHaUS BROS. it CO., West Berkeley. VOUNG MANTO CLEAN aROUN'd SALOON -1 and lunch counter. Address L., box 35, Call. WANTED - LUNCH WAITER AT - 1807 it Haight st. Kni A WEEK PAID LADIES AND GENTS •"«'-' to sell Rapid Dishwasher; washes and dries them in two minutes without wetting the bands: a child can operate; never breaks a dish; price low: sells at sight : permanent position for all who write soon. W.P.HARRISON & CO., clerk I 17, Columbus. Ohio. YV ANTED—EXPERIENCED CANVASSERS j 'i to sell the "Light-running New Home Sewing! I Machine"; on salary and commission. Applybet. I * and 9 a. m., the New Home Sewing Machine Co., 1051 Market st. ! "W ANTED-PARTNER, SINGLE MAN. WITH ! it $1000 to join advertiser In establishing the j finest roadhouse lu America near Golden Gate i Park. Address P. 8., box 130, Call Office. 1 EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SOLICITOR :J wanted; good proposition. WHEELER PUB- LI-HING CO., 22 Clay st. A\r ANTF_D— GOOD TINSMITHS. APPLY TO it POWER & PIKE. 49 Sacramento street. W ANTED WAITERS^ PALACE HOTEL. it basement office : open every Monday from 10 to 11 a. m.; only first-class waiters need apply. USHELMAX WANTED nTcOLL" ~ THE TILOR,1132 Market st. COATMAKER WANTED ON CUSTOM COATS. 622 Clay at., first Iloor, room 2. WANT - SECOND COOK. APPLY' 1807 Haight st. ANTED—B GOOD CARPENTERS. APPLY it Sunday morning, 915 F'ilteenth st. PARTNER WANTED: SOME MEANS; LADY or gent; good pay. 213*/ a Mason at., room 11. IF Y'OU WANT A GOOD SITUATION IN ANY J. business house in the State in the way of skilled or clerical work call on the United States Indus- trial Agency, room 167, Crocker Building. Over two hundred firms have indorsed its system of business and agree to get their help through that agency. Lucrative positions are being tilled dally. EAR EDITOR—I TOOK Y'OUR ADVICE, made $4 first day; $27 first week: In 1 month $117 made plating watches, jewelry, tableware, with gold, silver, nickel and white metal; got my I plater of ('ray & Co., dept.6. Columbus, Ohio; they are reliable, do the plating and teach their agents; others can do the same. J.BERN*. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR A ClGAR- house wanted. If you are a competent traveling salesman you can put yourself in the way of secur- ing a good situation through this office. We are being continually called upon by reliable business houses for flrst-cla*s traveling men. 250 of the leading firms of this city have given us their writ- ten indorsement of our system of business, and are using it in securing their skilled and clerical help. United States Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to 167, Crocker building. This office' open evenings. TI NERIB TOO FOR SALE CHEAP: GOOD chance for jobber: very low rent. 657 Mission. 1 flfl MEN TO GET A SHAVE FOR 6c OR IV' U haircut 10c. 14*/ a Montgomery ave. ' TV ANTED-ENERGETIC YOUNG OR MID- -11 die-aged man, permanent employment; must have $40 cash. M., box 21, this office. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON LADIES' tailor suits and Jackets. A. MUELLER _ CO., 723 Market St.. fourth floor. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 667 Clay. ANTED-A CARPENTERS" TO KNOW that there are plenty of carpenters In San Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. Allhelp can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 116 Turk st., or 23 Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. •.\u25a0*>: v- ANTED-MEN* WHO DO NOT RECEIVE i" their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r. 4. WANTED—IS MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE it meals for 10c. 60 Third st. '' \u25a0, BARBERS—EOR EMPLOYMENT CALLBEC- retarv Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye. 8. FUCHS. . .-: INCH ESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRDST.. NEAR "I Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- room; free bus to and from the ferry. . If" IRST-71 RST-7 _„_. S~LaTmES' TAILOR WANTED I BOWHAY, 504 Sutter st. ARBERS, FuR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. A> Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. "I EARN A TRADE—SIGN OR PICTORIAL A_ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D. LEVY, 35 Eighth st., San F'rancisco. THE RAILROADHOUSE. 633 COMMERCIAL I St., below Montgomery; single rooms 15c night, 26c for two; best and cleanest house In town. .. > EST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECON D-H AND J » shoes, 726y opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth St.; misfit, shoes bought or exchanged. MEN WANTED TO SELL MANHATTAN stock Food ; It Isbest. C. KER TELL, San Mateo \i OZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 60C i-TA night, $1 25 to $5 week; reading rooms. WHAT CHEER HOUSE. 529 SACRAMENTO ti st. : 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. \u25a0 "MEN'S SHOES %-SOLEb. SOc; HEELS, 26c; \u25a0in- done In IBminutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. PREE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; a single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week.; T. i E MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- A- door work; willpay competent person $3 60 a flay. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. , W ANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 16c ADAY; ti" it week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60a WMk; reading room dally papera 86 Clay st. IIY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- a low Sixth, for a room; 26c a night; $1 a week. QOl KILLS, ROSE DALE— ROOMS -5c TO 60c Q-JA anight: $1 to $3 _ week: open all night. \u25a0/*__.^ ~"_-ABORERS AND MECHANICS t_, iP.II w that Ed Rolkln, Reno House propne- ____ SL_- n » oL enver House. 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. W «e«m M -* X - TO Gfc;T BOTTLE SHARP TI steam beer. 6c; bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. 400*^«.T - ANDED»HOES.SOME nearly new, 26c to $1 26. 662 Mission st. QHOES HALF-HOLED ,IN 10 MINUTES! S_2?_n^____S V ll '' \u25a0_ ,MR «™ b "ieusual ______2___f_!S_ doue _*b»lf price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st.. bet. First st. and Second »u L^__^_S___® 6TU AND HOWARD- AJ single furnished rooms, 76c week, 16c night. ' 100 ___«_?? TAKELODGINO AT 10c, 15"? i*__L_rL____L a n, * ht * including coffee and roihC »24 \Vashlngton St., near Kearny. - . .• "WEST IN CiT--slNl?L_-g<*>&MS, 16, 20 AND T_„. 3 - ««» tB P«n>Sht;«l,»l 25. $1 60 p«-YLL_. Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sta SITUATIONS XV ANTED—Continued. SITUATION AS WORKING » ' housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house. Ad- dress L. 11. ,box 136, Call Office. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY SEEKS Po- sition as housekeeper. Call room 25, second floor. 501 Post st. SITUATIONS WAN TED -MALE. P" C.^T^W^i'sniocTTFI^NISHES^COOKS; . all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. COACHMAN, COMPETENT YOUNG MAN, \J wants situation, private family; best of refer- ences. Address J. R., box 119, Call Office. DRUGGIST WANTS SITUATION:7 YEARS' experience; 26 years old: registered; best of referencea Address room 8, 17 Grant ave. OACHMAN* WANTS POSITION; IS A GOOD V- driver, milker and generally useful ; first-class references: country preferred. Address Coach, box 118, call. STRONG YOUNG MAN OF 21, NOT AFRAID tT"> of bard work, wants asituation; good reference. Call or address McDONALD, 16 Rausch st. HOOPING THIS AD. WILT-MEET SOME ONE in want of a young man having mechanical Ingenuity; best of references. Address M., box 15, Call Office. _^ SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MANAS hostler; can drive and knows the care of fast horses; good reference. Address P. H., box 94, Call Office. J" APANESE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE— aud Waiters' Union. 314b Sutter: tele. Gran; 30. ELDERLY GERMAN; GOOD CARPENTER and cabinet-maker; wants position in hospital or Institute; wages moderate: steady place the object. Address C. HANSON, 21 Russ st. , BUTLER— FIRST-CLASS BUTLER (AMERI- can) wants steady place: understands his busi- ness; neat, sober and willing; city or country: country preferred: best city references. Address Butler, box 71, Call Office. .p _ rilO ORCHARDISTS AND VINEYARDISTS— X Wanted by an Englishman and wife 10 years In the State, both healthy and active, position toman- age or care place; would cook for 8 or 10 men; are successful chicken-raisers : wouldgo shares ln rais- ing them on large scale; nave sons competent to do all orchard or vineyard work; references. C. J. K., Berkeley, Cal. . _ITUA TT 0 N WANTED BY A SOBER, IN- O dustrious elderly man to do light work; small wages ; willing to do any kind of work. E. G., box 23, this otnce. - -:' -.. ESPECTABLE YOUNG MANDESIRES PO- > sitlon in private family; care horses, garden and milk; also hani.v as carpenter; withor with- out board. B. C, box 132, Call Office. OTEADY RELIABLE MANWISHES A POSI- -0 tion as driver: deliver}- wagon or milk wagon: drove milk wagon before; caretul driver. Address B. W„ 321 Ellis st. MIDDLE-AGF-D MAN, ALL-ROUND CAR- penter, wants a position with landlord's real- estate man, wholesale bouse or ou a ranch; handy at wagon work; wages moderate: reference, If re- quired. Address 0. L. F.. box 160, Call Office. VOUNG MAN, AGE 22, WITH EXCELLENT Alocal references, as bell oreievator-toy, or drive light delivery wagon, or help around in wholesale house or something similar. Address C. MA US, 609 Post st. WANTED— BY YOUNG MAN OF 19 POSI- »» tion of any kind in store; understands short- hand, typewriting and book-keeping; good refer- ences. . _,8., box 23, Call. YOUNG MAN ABLE AND WILLING TO J- work wants some kind of work: high wages no object; best of references. Ad. W. W.,box 75, CalL pOMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES V- small set of books to keep; best of references: terms reasonable; bonds If necessary. Address B. K., box 71. Call. OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES A small set of books to keep: best of references; terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this office. A IS COACHMAN— SITUATION* WANTED "BY -T_ young man, Swedish: understands the care of horses and gardening; best of references. Ad- dress s., box 102, Call Office, Oakland. VOUNG MAN* WANTS JOB INWHOLESALE 1 house or saloon no references. GEO. OLIVER, Adelphia House, Ketrny st., near Jackson. (*1 ARDENER UNDERSTANDS FLOWERS T and vegetables thoroughly and willing to make himself useful; handy with tools: sober: California references. Address O. P.., box 90, Call. SITUATION* WANTED BY A SOBER. STEADY' O man, as janitor or watchman; references given. Call or address 720 Geary st. OOKKEEPER, 10 EARS 7 " EXPERIENCE, wants position 111 any office work: best of ref- erences: salary no object, s.. box 10, Call Office, ——————_____ _________ F_.-iA.... !»_...«\u25a0 >\ AM-D. TV ANTE 5 'gCOD~IiOUSE WORK GIRLS »» at $25 and $20: first-class German cook, $35; second girl. $15; Protestant second girl, count $25. ApplyMISS PLUNKETT, 424 sutler St. GERMAN OR FRENCH COOKS, NEAR _J city, $25: laundress, private family, city, &25: 4 German or Swedish, general housework girls, $2U; girls for light housework and care of children, city, $10 to $15. C. R. HANSEN <_ Co., 110 Geary st. \u0084.p: WANTED-THIS SUNDAY' MORNING AT 9 '* o'lock waitress, country hotel, $20: extra ! waitress, country hotel, $1 a day. C. R. HANSEN ! A CO., 110 Geary st. pOOS* AND "SECOND GIRL, AMERICAN \.' family,$25 and $20; laundress, $20; girls for cook and housework. MURRAY<_ READY, 634- -636 Clay st. HOME AND BUSINESS BUREAU SECURES immediate employment for competent help; professional and domestic. Academy of Sciences, 819 Market st. TO* AS TED-2 SWEDISH OR GERMAN SEC- " ond girls; $20. CallMonday, liy 2 Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. \' UMBER OF EXPERIENCED AND COMPE- Jl\ tent salesladies for notions and fancy goods de- partment are wanted; also salesladies for cloak and suit departments: we have good positions for you if you are competent in either of these lines: our system has been the means of placing in posi- tions a large number of salesladies, stenographers and bookkeepers; call at the office and see tho written Indorsements of 250 of the leading firms of this city. United States Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to 167, Crocker building; this office open evenings. AN TED- PUPILS JN MILLINERY; LES- " sons in class or private: evening class; hats trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth st. WANTED—6OO GIRLS TO GET OURCIRCU- »» lar and learn the S. T. TAYLOR system of dress-cutting. Booms 11 and 12, 1206 Market St., take elevator. OPERATOR ON SUSPENDERS. EAGLE Suspender Company, 112 Sutter st. UTANTED— A GIRL WHO understands boxmaklng. Apply Monday. 9 o'clock, Stu- parich Manufacturing Company, 523 Market st. VOUNG GIRL FOB LIGHTHOUSEWORK; -L sleep home; $12. To-day, 718a Bush st. W ANTED IMMEDIATELY - LADIES TO IT learn millinery nnaer competent teachers. 234 Taylor st. WOMAN* TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT HOUSE- Iii work and help with baby; moderate wages. 1411 Webster st. ("l IRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK FOR V»_3 In family. Apply 161 Octavia st. A LADLES"W AX T D- APPLY MONDAY morning. 1030 Market st. GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK AND ASSIST sewing; references. 425 Stevenson st. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR CANDY-STORE- references. Address R. R.. box 130, Call Office! LADY SOLICITORS FOR PORTRAITS; NEW 7 A- salary or commission. HOLLER. 8 Sixth st. ' W*ANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- II work. 226 Devisadero st., cor. Pa?e. VOUNG WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER** CALL A forenoon 1328 Dupont St., rooms 7 and 8. IRL COOK ASSIST JN HOUSEWORK: $18 VT to $20. 2813 Pine st. " ° W ANTED - GKRMAN OR SWISS GIRL- »» thorough seamstress; willing to do any work asked; references required: $15 a month; good home. Apply mornings, 1003 Leavenworth St., near Pine. -.- .; :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0< .-\u25a0•. •-.\u25a0: : t\u25a0, ', \u25a0 : OMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND V^ general housework. 2123 Pine. Gi IRL WANTED; ASSISTANT HOUSEWORK- r $8 to $10, 2605 Sacramento. ETNURsE WANTED IMMEDIATELY— Decent young woman with a. breastfuil of good fresh milk. Apply at 40y Quinn st., bet. Valencia and Guerrero, Fourteenth and Ridley. Or GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSE- t*P_j-». work; references; good cooks. Call 968 *tVillow st., West Oaklapd. OOD PANTS->RESSER. 641 MARKET ST. pOMFORTABE HOME SMALL WAGES TO \J respectable woman: assist housework and sewing. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. Q SHORTHAND WRITERS SECURED Posj- O tions last week through Ayres* Stenographic Institute; special training class for writers of any system. 325 Montgomery st. IRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK FOR VJT board and lodging; no washing; family of 2. 1111 York st. '-t. -i y~.\u25a0.--\u25a0 M ARRET - APPRENTICE FOR ___P dressmaking. Call Monday morning. WANTED - A RELIABLE AMERICAN »i woman; cooking small boarding-house. R. W box 9, Call Office. UCCESS, SUCCESS, SUCCESS ! THE Mo- O Dowell, the world famous system of dress cut- ting: easy to learn, rapid to use: makes the most stylish and perfect fittingdresses. Just think, you can learn cutting, fitting, finishing, in fact every part of dressmaking. The charge in our sewing and finishingdepartment Is only $1 per week, and pupils have the privilege of working for them- selves or customers. Competent teachers, who are constantly overlooking the work, so that every- thing that is done is well done. We received the highest award at the World's Fair, and only system receiving a goldme^al at the Midwinter Fair. Per- fect fitting patterns from 26c up. Now Is the time to call and see for yourself that ours are the largest and best. THE McDO WELL, 213 Powell St.. S. F. ALL LADLES HAVING A FEW HOURS' JA. leisure eacu day should write me at once re- garding pleasant homework which easily pays $18 weekly; this Is no deception and will certainly pay you to investigate; reply Iwithstamped envelope. MRS. S. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich. PARTNER WANTED SOME MEANS; GOOD paying business; lady or genu 213V_ Mason St., room 11. -p-> "pp -* PP.: SPECIAL NOTlCES— Continued. 'J^^^^H-ECHUC^AN^MEDICATED BATHS HPJ*' 120% Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1 VESS* CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIF'E. C&jS' chlropodic Institute, room 22, 906 Market. SK3P BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4, _r-^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580. 'iEXs' windows Cleaned and floors tFJy scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI &CO., 242 Sutter. BtSS» ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP; PAPER- SkJ? ed S3 60 uo. 317*/ Third. George Hartman. |*»^--S= COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, lL-*r sip; costs paid, 420 Montgomery, rm, 29. SITUATIONS WAN! ED-FEMALE. pTERMAITcOOK, ALSO 2 GERMAN SECOND VJT girls and 1 German housework girl, all with references, want situations in city or country also a Scandinavian cook, with best of references from present place, wants a cook's place at $30 or $35 a month; understands French and American cook- ing thoroughly. For particulars address or call on MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter St. "J IKSI-II.AS- SWEDISH LAUNDRESS DE- X 1 sires place ; German girl, country preferred; hotel waitresses and chambermaids: housegirls of all nations; open Sunduy. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE liy _5 Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. HOLI D XYs~^FOR RELIABLE SALES- ladies, stenographers, typewriters, etc., apply at Home and Business Bureau, Academy of Sciences, 819 Market st. rtTHE SWEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOY- i ment Bureau has removed from 332 Geary st. to 315 sutler; tel., Grant, 37. Good girls on hand as usual. :vp .•: - 1 1 EXPERT DRESSMAKER OF EXPERIENCE, J a good fitter and designer, will accept engage- ments in families: *1 50 per day; references. Ad- dress Cutter, box 71, Call. "defined WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- XV er's position. 11 Kearny, room 27, first floor, SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD RELIA- bIe girl for general housework; is a goo i cook; in a Jewish family preferred. Address 1635 Ellis st. ADAMM. PfCHOT, FIRST-CLASS DRESS- I'-L maker fromParis.wishes work by day at $1 25 for few months to make known her beautiful fit- ting. Write 622 Clay st. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXCELLENT O seamstress; goot home more an object than high wages: country preferred. S. S.,box 115, Call. xFerienced dressmaker, wishing - to establish city trade, would likeengagements by day, or will take work home at Rune rates; terms very reasonable. Address D. M.. box 85, Call. TVLISHDRESSMAKER; 1•' XCEL L E N fCUT" O ter and fitter, wants some more engagements; charges reasonable. A' dress D. .M., box 115, Call. V'OUXG WOMAN wants WORE BY THE J- day; cooking, washing, cleaning. 1719 Hayes. "Y'OUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS STEN- -1 ograjiher in law office; inexperienced iu law work only; wages no object: experience preierred; would accept position in mercantile house. K. M. L., box 108, Call. OMPETENT ENGLISH COOK ; CAN DO French and American style; nice laundress; City orcountry; wages moderate. Call 129 Third. IGH L Y EDUCATED WOMAN WISHES employment in private family as companion. or care of Invalid. Academy of Sciences, room 16 THIRST-CLASS MILLINER, TRIMMER AND JP dressmaker wishes engagements ln families by the day; $1 50. 1303 Polk st. WOMAN WANTS WASHING OR HOUSE- " cleaning by the day. Address 566 Stevenson St., in rear. "VTOVA SCOTIA PROTESTANT GIRLWOULD X> like situation in an American family; good cook. Call 1013*/_ Larkin st. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE O woman in a restaurant as waitress or manager, or would accept situation as housekeeper. Call or address 942 Mission st. situation WANTED AS .first-class O bread, cake and pastry baker; city or country; can ice and ornament or ao anything required in - iv first-class shop: best of reference. Address A. D., box 3, Call Office, Oakland. DEI-NED AMERICAN LADYWANTS POSI- IX tion as working housekeeper In country; good reference. Address D. M., Call Branch, 116 Ninth. ITUATION*WANTED BY PROTESTANT TO O do second work, or will take care of a child; country preferred. Address B. C, Call Branch Office. 116 Ninth st. Ol NPS LADY*, EXPERIENCED HAIR- i dresser, would like position as maid or com- panion; willing to assist withupstairs work. I.C. W., 1424 Franklin St., Oakland. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY*: first-class worker. Call or address 17 Priest St., near Jones and Washington.' It* i MAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAY; Tl washing and ironing. Address 1636 Mission. XPERIENCED AMERICAN LADY WOULD like nursing or housework in widower's family; city or country. Address 203 Bartlett st., near Twenty-third, in rear. QTROXG, RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO O do washing, ironing, cooking or housecleauing by the day. MRS. CURTIS, l_sy Twenty-sixth St., near Mission. Y"OUNG GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO AS- -L sist in light housework. 409L". O'Farrell st. NGLISH LADY, 38, STRANGER, AMIABLE, desires position as housekeeper or companion to invalid; references. MRS. HILL, box _-, Call Office. 1p IRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS WANTS SITU- ! t ion as assistant to dressmaker; to work in pri- vate family. 522 Polk st., room 32. ATOUNG GERMAN OIRL WANTS SITUA- -L tlon In rooming-house to do chamberwork. Ad- dress C. W.. box 91. Call Office. DRESSMAKER AND SEAMSTRESS; GOOD filterand draper; sews 50c a day; city or Oak- land. M. C. box 92, Call Office. O YOUNG WOMEN* WOULD LIKE POSITIONS j-i as housekeepers or take charge of lodging- house. Address M. J., box 46. Call Office. D ELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES PO- IXsitlon to do chamberwork, light housework, help inkitchen. Call or address 329 Fourth St. /"IERMAN WIDOW WITH BOY 4 YEARS VT old wishes position in family; general house- work ; small wages; gooa home. LP., box 30, Call. Y\*ELL-F.DUCATED GERMAN WIDOW AND »* daughter want position . as housekeeper; daughter to assist. Address H. K., box 89, Call. VOUNG, INDUSTRIOUS, STRONG GIRL -L wishes situation to do general housework. Ap- ply746 Mission st. TirETNURSE, WITH~FRESH~BREAST OF »» milk, wants position; city or country. Apply 217 lurk st. GI 11 L WISHES SITUATION*HOUSEWORK, cooking. Apply 321 Ellis st. TRONG, INDUSTRIOUS - WOMAN WISHES work by the day or month; washing or house- cleaning, or will take flannels home. 418 Post st., rear. "-SJ3SS TV*EAT FRENCH GIRL WOULD LIKE SITU- J-> ation, care of Invalidor children; good refer- ences. Address F. G., box 132, Call office. C ITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLE O woman to do general housework: Is good plain cook and laundress; city or short distance In the country: wages MO. Call or address 1000 Wash- ington st., cor. Powell. 1 Embroidering suspenders AND MUF- -Lj flers a specialty. First' floor, room 22, 105. Stockton st. \u25a0\t OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WANTS BITUA- -I. tion as wetnurse; best of references. Aadress 22V 2 Louisa st., bet. Harrison and Folsom, Third and Fourth. ITUATIONS WANTED BY TWO SECOND girls (Swedish), wages $25; one to assist with sewing, the other w th plain washing; city or coun- try. Address 759 Mission st. ERMA X "WOMAN WITH BOY WANTS situation as working housekeeper or general housework city or country. Address G. W., box 110, Call Office. IDDLE-AGED REFINED WIDOW, WHO is first-class In dressmaking and hairdressing, speaking German, French and English, would like position in family. Address M. A., box 71, Call. r\ IRL, 12 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES TO CARE \J f 'r 1 or 2 children; can make herself useful; must be in Alameda. Address MISS JaNSSEN, 617 Central ave., Alameda. VOUNG WIDOW DESIRES POSITION AS A typewriter. Call 132 Sixth st.,room 20, 2d floor. VO UNGEASTERN LADY OF REFINEMENT A desires a position of trust. Call 601 Leaven- worth st., cor. O'Farrell, room 16. GERMAN GIRLS WANT TO GET PLACE; 2 for general housework; American family pre- ferrea; 1 wants place as waitress. Address 91 Ninth St., near Mission; no postals. VOUNG LADY WISHES ALL KINDS OF 1 gentlemen's sewing and mending. 109 Taylor St., room 2. - VOUNG WIDOW WITH A CHILD WISHES 1 work as housekeeper in Colma or near by. Ad- dress MRS. HAGAN, Halfmoon Bay, San Mateo County, Cal. ' -p. RENCH YOUNG LADY, FIRST-CLASS CUT- ter. fitter, designer or trimmer, wishes a posi- tion: salary moderate if a steady situation; refer- , ences furnished. Address L, box 31, Call Office. IVT ANTED— POSITION IN PIANO DEI'ART- »» m«nt. Address MRS. E. MELVILLE-ISHAM, 1611 Howard st. E_L-EBUCATED YOUNG LADY WOULD »" like position as companion or governess; is neat and willing. Address T. M., 686 Twenty- fourth st.. East Oakland. . \\* A SITUATIONBY A FIRST-CLASS '' professional cook; German: experienced in French cooking: best of references., Apply355 Tenth st., near Webster, Oakland. Reflned WIDOW from the east would like any kind of sewing or gents' mend- ing. Call afternoons, room 2, 1119 : Mission st., first floor; notrlflers. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR. »" Market; electric lights in .every room: 200 rooms; 26c to $1 60 per night ; $150 to $6 per week : free bus to and from the ferry. KEFI l.irYOt'NG LADY WISHES TO ACT as companion to lady traveling or take care of child over 3 years; wages $5 a month: would like to go to Los Angeles. Address L. A., box 71, Call. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR. fl Market; 200 rooms; 25c to si 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable; free bus to and from the ferry. , CHUKCH NOTICES. C^^~GRACE >^HmtCH7^ALTFORNIA~^ ;^ B = j6_ cor. of Stockton— Rev. R. C. Foute, rector. Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Morning Srayer. Sermon by the rector. Celebration of holv communion at 11a. m. "Te Deum" (Thayer) in E flat: "Jubilate" (Pease) in B flat offertory, "God Is Love" (Warren): "Kyril"' (Elvey) in G flat- -Sanctus" (Taylor) in B fia.; "Gloria in Ex- celsls." plain song. Third festival musical service at 7:45. Processional, "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almightv": pracot and responses: talles; rendering of sacred cantata, "The Holy City," by AlfredGaul, Mus. Bac. oxon; benediction nymn, "I WillLav Me Down in Peace"; postlude march in C (Sir Frederick Ouseley. Organist and director Of the music, William H. Holt. »pg=. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR- Qr^ ner of Geary and Franklin sts.— Rev. Hora- tio Stebbins, D. 0.. minister: William D. Elliot Jr., associate, at the church daily, from 11 to 12. Sun- day-school at 9:46 a. _. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. M. Subject of evening sermon: "The Teachings of Unitarianism and Its Relation to other Churches." All are cordially Invited. fLsS= SECOND UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR- Bs- 1 ' ner of Twentieth and Capp sts.— Hon. John Montelth will preach in the morning. Subject: "Our Work and Who Are the Workers?" In the evening Rev. WilliamG. Eliot Jr.. associate pastor of the First Unitarian Cnurch, will preach. Seats free. All aie cordially invited. EKS***" CALVARYPRESBYTEBIANCHUBCH, Br--^' corner of Powell and Geary sts.—Rev. John Hemphill, D.D., pastor, will preach at 11 a. _. and 7:30 p. _. Topic: "The Wonderful Book," first of a course of evening lec- tures. Music at morning service: "Te Deum" (Fay): offertory, "Peace I Leave With Thee" (Tin- ney"), by Mrs. Marrlner -Campbell. Musicat even- ing service: "Benedic Anima Mea" (nolden); "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," by Frank Ver Treese Pollock and choir; "The Holy City" (Stephen Adams), Mr.Pollock (by special request). All are Invited. jjT^-> FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN BrsS' Church, Golden Gate ave. and Polk St.—Rev. M. Gibson, D.D., pastor. Services 11 a. it. and 7:30 p. M. Sacrament of the supper at the morn- ing service. Subject for the evening: "The Last Words of a F'ather to His Son." Strangers wel- come. EC_S=> FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hfrsß' cor. Post am! Mason sts.— Rev. C. O. Brown. D.D., pastor. Professor R. R. Lloyd will preach in the morning at II a. m. Services in the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Theme: "The Skeptic Converted." Sunday-school in lecture- room Immediately after morning service. Mrs. Cooper's Bible class in auditorium. Mr.Kimball's Bible class in study. Young People's Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. Weeklv prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 P. it. All are cordially In- vited, especially those from hotels and boarding- houses In the vicinity. iprS= THIRDCONGREGATIONALCUURCH, 6*--^ Fifteenth St.. near Mission.— Rev. William Rader. pastor. Service at 11a. m. Subject of ser- mon: -'Elijah's God." liveningat 7:30. Theme: '\u25a0Whom Jesus Loved," first of a series of Sunday evening sermons for November. Sunday-school, 12:30 P. M. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p.m. Chorus choir—W. c. Stadtfald, director. D^S=> FIRST NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH Is^ (Swedenborglan), O'Farrell st., east of Fill- more—Rev. E. L. Higgins, minister. Sunday- sbcool, 9:30 a. m. sermon, 11 _. m. Subject: ••The Lord's Body and Blood." The HolySupper will follow sermon. Readings from Swedenborg in cnurch parlors, rear of church, at 7 :30 P. m. All invited to all services, seats free. **\u25a0_*§-» THE CHURCH OF TnE HOLY*SPIRIT— ar-J^ Evangelical in faith, holding the word of <\u25a0<> I as the only Iniallible rule of faith and practice; and the Augsburg Confession as a correct exhibi- tion of its doctrines. Rev. Oliver C. Miller. M. A., pastor, worshiping inFranklin Hall, 1839 Fillmore St., bet. Bush and Sutler. Services every Lord's day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer services every Wednesday evening at 7:46 o'clock. Sunday- school at 9:30 a. it. 9k~» WESTSIDE CHRISTIANCHURCH, OX ***& Bush st., near Devisadero— Rev. W. A. Gard- ner, pastor. Topics: 11 a. m., "A Photograph of Jesus." 7:30 p. M., "A Common-- View of the Trinity" (a prelude). 8 p. m., "Peccadilloes." Sunday-school, 10 a.m. C. E. Society, 6:30 p. m. Open chureh entertainment Friday at Bp. m. Ad- mission free. »> CHURCH OF JESUS CnBIST OF LAT- «BkL' ter-day Saints. Meetings at 2 and 7:45 p. M. to-day, in Friendship Hall, 909 Market st. At this evening's meeting Elder J. R. Shepherd willspeak upon "The Apostacy of the Primitive Church." All are welcome. No collections. BK*"g** FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- Hr-*' Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. in Beethoven Hall, 336 Post St., cor. Powell. Allare welcome. Bp3s=' THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY FREE 15^& public lecture every Sunday evening at 320 Post St.. at 7:45. To-night: "Nature and Function of the Soul." byMr. Amos J. Johnson. Bt_S» DR. ROBBINS LECTURES TO-NIGHT BS~~Lr on "The Influence of Earth-bound Spirits on Mortals": tests by Mrs. Hovet: the sick healed: mediums developed, and written questions answered by spirit power: recitation by Mrs. Stev- ens: vocal and Instrumental music by Miss Ellsworth. All persons attending this meeting will receive a 25c ticket free admitting them to a developing circle that they may get spirit manifes- tations at home. Washington Hall, 35*/a Eddy St., BP. m. Admission free. r*_-^> THE SOCIETY OF PROGRESSIVE tr-~*? Spiritualists will meet at Golden Gate Hall on Sutlerst., between Mason and Taylor, on Sun- day evening, November 3, 1895, at 7:45 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson, speaker. Questions from tne audience will be answered. Music by the Misses Lillian and Emily Coleman. Admission tree. a_*3g= DR. RIN-ES' SPIRITUAL MEETING, E*^* 909 Market st., _ and Bp. m. Circle and platform tests. Mmes. Bird, Henderson, Mr. and Drs. Tobias. Circles Tuesday, Thursday and Fri- day. Dr. Rin-es, 1236 Market st. VETS* GOME TO MRS. DREW'S TEST MEET- »~& ing to-night. Assisted by Mrs. Robinson. 10c. 110 Hayes st. R-S' RETURNI-.D, MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, EK*^ clairvoyant: trance and test medium. 218 Stockton st. j|_'2p MRS. FULTON, MATERIALIZING SE- t*-* 7 ance to-night, 8 o'clock, 50c; sittings daily, 31 Tell st. lt-25=* MRS. MAYO-STEERS; CIRCLE TO- Ur-iy night; sittings daily. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. : ~^~ TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c. MM _ . _r--^ YOUNG.605 McAllister st.: large orchestra. NOTRE OF MEETINGS. EKS=* THE OFFICERS AND~MEM^ a S- 6^ bers of South San Francisco Lodge J% No. 212,1'. and A. M.,are hereby notified to'?? 2? assemble at their hall, cor. Fourteenth and r^^ Railroad avenues, on SUNDAY, November 3, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. _. for the purpose of attending the funeral of onrlate brother, WILLIAM HENRY WIDMAN, of Mariposa Lodge No. 24, F. and A. M., of Mariposa, California. Byorder of the Master. E. C. HARE, Secretary. Bt_-5-« CLANERASER No. 78, 0.5.C... n Zk _--»^ will hold its fifth anniversary con- 5^ OkCuj cert and dance at Scottish Hall. ijirkin \u25a0_J*_l__a_ St., on FRIDAY' EVENING, November '"fc^Hfe 15. Admission 25c. THOMAS ERASER, Chief. William Cokmack, secretary. at-S 3 ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY— v «7 >, $&k& Members are respectfully notified 3^ L3 JO that the annual election of officers will '\u25a0*j*JtjvL be held at Scottish Hall, 111Larkin St.. *fc|S l % on MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 4. Polls open from 7to9p. u. WILLIAMNICOL,President. W. C. Cook, Secretary. s^*s= THE FALL CREEK MINING COM- I* >jy pany—The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Fall Creek Mining Company for the election of a Board of Directors and the transac- tion of such other business as may be presented willbe held at the office of the company, room 41, In McC'reery's building, 310 Pine St., San Fran- cisco, Cal., on THURSDAY, the 7th aav of No- vember, A. D. 1895, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. M.D.SWEENEY, Secretary. •fc^S* PACIFIC HEBREW ORPHAN ASYLUM _M*" and Home Society— members of this society are hereby notified that the annual elec- tion of five trustees takes place MONDAY, No- vember 4, 1895, at the office of Messrs. Greenebaum * Co., 115 Bush st. Polls open from 11a.m. to 3P. m. Byorder. LEO ELO_SSER. Sec. *K§*' GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING, MET- m~J^ ropolitan Temple, Sundav. November 3, 3 p. it. Addresses by General T. J.'.Monan, formerly of the Department of the Interior, D. C, subject •Live Issues," and by D. M.Ross, D.D., subject ••Nearest our Hearts." Ep-g=» ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE IS B^»' hereby given that the thirteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of the san Francisco Mutual Loan Association will be held at the office of the corporation, No. 624 Montgomery st. S F on WEDNESDAY, November 6, 1895, at 7:30 clock p. if.,for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, presentation of the thirteenth annual report and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. All shareholders are earnestly requested to attend. Books are now open for subscription to 1000 shares of stock of the Fourteenth Series. Loans made in San Francisco and Alameda counties only. Inter- est 6 percent per annum, free of mortgage taxes: premium 20 percent gross or 60 cents per share installments, at pleasure of borrower. Loans may be repaid at any time desired. Bv order of the board of directors. THOS. J. WELSH, President. A. SBARBORO, Secretary. - |P7s=» THE PAJARO FRUIT AND LAND m**Y. Company— A special meeting of the stock- holders of this corporation will be held at rooms 116-122, Crocker building, this city, on TUES- DAY, November 6, 1895, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. order of the board of direct- ors. CHARLES H. MAASS, secretarv. Office: 421 Pacific St., San Francisco, Cal. SPECIAL NOTICES. nt3=ip" r PATNFULFO^ ***** fully treated. DR.LLOYD, Chiropodist, Lur- line Baths. IKE"" RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT; **~Lr special attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON ALP, M.D.. 1236 Market ; 2to 4. 7 to 8 p.m. |K3S» DR. JOS. BAYER, SUTTER ST.—l to 3 i*^ and 7:30 to 8 :80 p.*. ;residencel43l Webster

The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-11-03 ...€¦ · Sonoma, Napa and Glenn counties, as wellas other sections. Numerous choice properties for ex-change. THOMASMcMAHON,

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-11-03 ...€¦ · Sonoma, Napa and Glenn counties, as wellas other sections. Numerous choice properties for ex-change. THOMASMcMAHON,


.UFINESR OFFICE of the San Francisco CA__—

**-« Market street, open until 12 o'ciock everyMrhthi the year.

BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street,

rrrrerClay: open until 9:30 o'clock...-Hayes street, open until 9:80 o'clock.717Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock.

.cornet Sixteenth and Mission street* opent nilio'clock.If]*-Mission street, open until9o'clock.116Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock.






"1nn ACRE. FOR RENT, SALE OR EX-X' 'VI change; rich loam boil 8 miles from SantaCruz on sprinkled county ro,-_*.: miles from Soquelpostoflic-; 15 acres in Zmi.mdei wine grapes: 8acres Inapricots, prune and peach trees: some finehav and grain land,balance pasture withoak and

redwood timber: 8 livingsprings and trout stream

runs through the place; good house, barn and Im-provements: all necessary farming Implements;will rent for $300 per annum, half cash, with priv-ilege of purchase at $8000.

inTinT ACRES, .'' miles southeast oflUttUVallev Spring-. Calaveras Co- .ty; 300

acres under cultivation: 80 acres in summer fal-low- all cultivable: 300 acres heavy oak timber;Calaveras River runs 1

' _ m;l?s through the land;all fenced and cross-fenced in six fields: two-storyhouse of 8 rooms, hard finished: 1cottage of 6rooms; stable lor 32 head of horses, bay barn,cowshed, gia-iarv. milkhouse. blacksmith-shop;this is a fine stock and grain ranch: rent $600 perannum, half cash, with privilege of purchase at$13 an acre: a great bargain.OC ACRES, -1,. MILES FROM RAILROAD—

O and steamer landing at Martinez; 12 acreslevel; loam soil: about 5 acres inMuscat and Tokaytable grapes and family orchard: about

_acres ln

alfalfa, balance splendid fruit,vegetable, berry orgrain land; balance wooded pasture; goon house of5 rooms, barn and outbuildings: all fenced amicross-fenced; would make a splendid profitablepoultry place; cash rent $150 per annum, withprivilegeof purchase at $2500 inone year's time;this is ab^r^aln.QA ACRES AT WALNUTCREEK; ALLLEV-Q.I" el bottom land: 10 acres orchard, balance finehay, grain, fruit or pasture land: house, barn, etc.;rent $360, half cash.11 Q ACRES RICH LOAM LAND: 7 MILES-LIOfrom Watsonville; 950 apricot, 1300 Frenchprune, 250 apple trees Inbearing; TO acres undercultivation, balance handsomely wooded pastureland with fine oak timber; well watered: goodhouse, barn and outbuildings; rent $500 per year,half cash.A(\ ACRES 1 MILE FROM WRIGHTS STA-t:v. tion; 3acres In orchard: 13 acres in vineyardfullbearing; house, barn and improvements; rent$300 a year, half cash.'/I'-_ ACRES 4 MILES EAST OF WALNUT—1»* Creek, Contra Costa County; 30 acres inbearing orchard ond vineyard, 130 acres in plow

land, balance wood and pasture land;well watered ;rent $600 per year, halfcash.Of) ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION: RICHAVI levelloam soil; 2 miles north of Petaluma, atCorona station; good new improvements; rent$175 per annum cash.

49 ACRES 1 MILEFROM DEPOT AT COL-j*—fax, Placer county; full bearing orchard of1500 trees and 6*/2acres of table grapes that are

:shipped East every vear; good hard-finished housewith windmill and tank and good outbuildings;fruit from this place willsell forat least $1000 thiscoming year; rent $350, half cosh.ALSOO -»~ ACRES FOR RENT 6 MILES SE. OF<J*JU Livermore; about 150 acres inwheat; 60acres now insummer fallow; all fenced and cross-fenced; about 300 acres cultivable; 2 farmhouses,barn, granary, blacksmith-shop, milkhouse andcarriage-house; windmills and tank and runningwater; rent $600 per annum, halt cash, withoptionto purchase at $10 per acre any time within oneyear: willgive lease; stock and tools at a valuation.ALSO*Y^_7 ACRES AT BAY POINT STATION,*J*j*

abo 3 miles from Martinez, Contra CostaCounty: 200 acres dry tule, balance level and roll-ingland; railroad passes through the place: fencedand cross-fenced; house, barn and improvements:over 130 acre* now insummer fallow; fine grain,stock and hog ranch; terms $800 per year; half lnadvance.

Send for list ofexchanges. We have some bar-gains.

1 'yOO LOT 150x140, AT ELMHURST:'4* --"CM.*, electric cars (Oakland and San Lean-dro) every half hour; all set out in full bearingorchard of apricots, pears, etc.; bOO strawberryplants; city water: nicely fenced; 5chicken-houseswith chicken-yards: good houseof 3 rooms; barn;100 young laying hens, 1 milch cow, 1 horse andspring wagon; a profitable fruit,poultry and vege-table place witha good run of custom; easy terms.

ffl-ftrinn 8-acre ORCHARD OF PRUNES,,~',~''"C'« apricots cherries and pears: just out-side town limits of Haywards; good improvements;valuable Income place; willexchange.Qj^X/jn 20 ACRES, ABOUT 1% MILES«Usc*-*t' from railroad depot and steamer land-ingat Martinez; 1400 apricots. 200 peaches, 100pears, 100 cherries. 100 Tragedy prunes, allIn bear-ing;cottage of 6rooms, barn and outbuildings: agreat bargain.

OA ACRES $500, 40 ACRES SIOOO—NOTHINGAVIdown and no payments for10 years; Interestonly 6 per cent per annum: immediate possessiongiven: this land will be worth $100 per acre longbefore you have to pay $1 on it; onlv 14 milesfrom Fresno: 5 miles from '_' lines of railroad and2 railroad towns; is perfectly level: not over 15feet to water: a competing railroad develops thecountry and those who are bright enough to investon the lineof Itmake fortunes: one Isabout beingconstructed through the San Joaquin Vallev, thegreatest fruit,raisin and alfalfaregion in the world;call or writeImmediately, as this willall be pickedup soon and you will never get a chance like this.WESTERN LANDCOMPANY', 640 Market 'st.




• A.Colony tracts; improved farms,' small and lar*--'.Speculations In land and water, large and sm_ll.Grazing and dairy fa: of all sizes and pricfkChoice bargains InAlameda, Santa Clara, Santa

Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, Contra Costa, Marin,Sonoma, Napa and Glenn counties, as wellas othersections. Numerous choice properties for ex-change. THOMAS McMAHON,

628 Market st.OR SALE—IMPROVED CHICKEN RANCH5 acres, with water frontage near Tomales,

Marin.Countv. Inquire C.SOULE, 1330 Ellis st.END FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMESfor sale. WOOSTER _

WHnTON.San Jose.


I-__-_ROPERTY~~~-~~ -,

for SALE at low PRICES.james a. CLAYTON & AGENTS, SAN jose.

PROFITABLE orchard adjoining thecity of San Jose; 40 acres; soil20 feet: 10 acresprunes, this year's crop sold for $2500; 10 acrespeaches, this year's crop was heavy, 45 tons from3 3-7 acres, trees 30 feet apart; 10 acres fine apri-cot orchard that yield heavy; balance incherrytrees; price $32,500."IfVT ACRES VALLEYLANDSOUTH OF SANXVIIJose; good land; orchards adjoining; house5 rooms, barns, etc.; scattering oak trees: there isan orchard of about 12 acres inbearing: this prop-erty is finely located; convenient to railroad sta-tion and school ;price $125 peracre; no objectionto takingSan Francisco property ln trade ifsamels improved and unincumbered.1fiflACRES IN FOOTHILLS, NEAR CON-lUU gress Springs: 13 miles from San Jose; 100acres nearly level; about 12 acres fruit trees, apri-cots and prunes, 1and 4 years ola: about 20 acresgrapes; the soil Is good; small house and barn;good springs; this property belongs to savingsbank; anxious to sell: willgive 6 years' time, easypayments and reauced price; $4000.

5- ACRES ADJOINING THE CITY OF SANJose; frontage on 3roads: house 5 rooms, barn,etc.; flowing well;choice land: $4000.

8 ACRES 3MILES FROMSAN JOSE: LEVELland; one-quarter mile from car line; $150 peracre.1**:5 ACRES LEVEL LAND,8 MILES FROMAt.8 San Jose; cheap: terms half cash; $1676.

5 acres on Mclaughlin AVE., NEARthe city:$1275.

COX ACRES, 5 MILES FROM MILPITAS,12VJOO miles from San Jose: hillland; 300 acrescultivated for bay and grain. 14 acres old orchard;ranch ls well watered; large springs: house 8rooms; large barn; price $_5 per acre.OA ACRES ORCHARD IN*FULL BEARING;AVIprunes 18 acres, apricots 2 acres: near thecity;$11,000.

OBCHARDS NEAR SAN JOSE ARE THEmost productive ifthe State.

1 ACRE IMPROVED, N_.AR SAN JOSE;A convenient to electric car line; house 6 rooms;good well:$1700.

WE HAVE THE FINEST ROADS ANDschools; Santa Clara Valley is the place tolive.

JAMES A. CLAYTON _ CO., Land Agents,Established over 25 years,16 West Santa Clara st., San Jose.



'. apricots and peaches, near Los Gatos,with house, stable aud well ;a gill-edgedbuy.

(E>"l C(\ AN ACRE-ORCHARD LAND FOR•4P-LUU plant. good .oc tion, near Eden-vale. 1057 -ffljOAAAN ACRE— 46 ACRES ORCHARD«_)«_ and vineyard, mostly bearing, with goodhouse, barn, well, win millan_ tank. 1072


W. G. HAWLEY ACO.. 17 South First st.,:',-".':I'*. San Josi, Cal.

OANTA CLARA VALLEYLANDS.19,000 acres ln subdivisions for fruitplanting.

Applyto C. 11. PHILLIPS, proprietor.

32 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, CaL

CAPITALISTS.We are authorized to sell 352 acres, between

San Jose and Palo Alto,at one-half its value: canbe in,mediately subdivided and sold in IU-acra

lots at double cost: deep, rich sediment orchardland. Don't overlook this, but write about itatonce; complete particulars furnished. \\e alsohave some first-class mortgage loans at Bi,_ to 10

tn-ACRE ORCHARD NEAR SAN JOSE, INOU third year: price $200 per acre; two years'crop will pay for this orchard: terms, one-half

I We have fcur of the 10-acre orchard tracts atCamptellis still unsold. This is a great propositionfor any one who wants to secure a profitableorchard in the best part of Santa Clara Valley. Nocash required for6years; after 5 years easy pay-ments. Write forparticulars to



E"""" D1WIN ALSIPA CO. *\k,' , :'*Y Real-Estate Dealers.

Sacramento and San Francisco.


THEOLIVE CULTURE WILL BE ONE OFthe leading industries of the State; one firminChicago sells more olives in one year than are pro-duced in California alone, and they say that theCalifornia olives lead allothers, when they can getthem.

' *

<ffi19 000 75 ACRES;OLIVEANDPRUNEtfi^.twu, orchard, located near Glen Ellen.Sonoma Co.: fruit just coming Into bearing- goodImprovements: artesian wellof water, with horse-power for pumping, 10,000 gallons per hour- ce-ment reservoir in hill; stock and farming imple-ments; no mortgage and positively a bargain • willexchange forSan Francisco or Oakland property.

ALSOft7000 55 LCRE;3 OF THE VFRY BEST3JH UUU. of olive land, 5 miles from Merced--15 acres ln full-bearing olives; 10 acres assorted

bruits: good Improvements; 2cottages of 5 roomseach; barn, windmill,tank and other outbuildings-all under irrigation ditch at $1per acre per year- abeautiful home surrounded by flowers, palms andornamental trees.

- --,

EDWIN K. ALSIP *CO..No. 9Rotunda, MillsBuilding.

San Francisco.©RfJO 50 ACRES INF'RUIT BELT: NEARi&OVIVI. railroad; splendid investment Ad-dress F.H.W., 1109 Van Ness ave.


TDON'T WANT YOURMONEYBEFORE YOUA see the land; $5 peracre. P. E. LAMAR,313Montgomery st.


Containing 600 acres, has been subdivided Intovillalots of from three to twenty acres, and is nowbeing placed on the market.

This tract is located near Haywards, close toHaywards Electric Road. Quick and cheap trans-portation between San Francisco and the property.

Arich loam soil, great fruit land, will produceany kind of vegetables: plenty of water: lovelylocation for a suburban home. The cheapest andbest land ever offered in that locality. Pricesrange from $150 per acre upward. Adjoininglands sell for $600 to $1000 per acre.

Call and see me quick, and get your choice oflocation. », F. J. SULLIVAN,

Room 88 Chronicle Building,San Francisco.

SPARTO TOWN AND COLONY: ONLY3 OR4hours from the bay: the most equable climate

of Central California, and the neighborhood of thenextgreat development of electric power; equal tol'olsom; a part of the "Raneho Canada de CapayGrant"; unquestionably the earliest and finestfruitbelt on the coast and superior to any fordi-versified farming; about 600 acres, in 20-acrefarms, surrounding the town; town already con-tains large brick blocks, a fine hotel, a fine high-school building, water works, artesian, pure andsoft: desired a purchaser or purchasers to take thewholeinterest of present owners in the colony lotsand tow property, Inlumpor otherwise, at shock-inglylow figures; Itwon't cost much to examine;ls an irrigation canal on the land. Apply to GEO.D. FISKE & CO., Woodland, Cal.

EADTHIS-HERE IS A BARGAINFOR IM-mediate sale; 100 acres, allfine level land, sit-

uated in a. beautiful valley, Alameda County. 2miles from railroad depot, 36 miles from this city.In a perfect climate; several trains daily: thisland will grow anything; Improvements goodhouse, 6 rooms and outbuildings; some fruit:springs and running water on the place; $8000buys this valuable property, which Is one-half itsreal value; Investigate and see foryourself.

ALBERT E.CRANE,-410 Montgomery st.

MILK DAIRY RANCH TO LEASE-550acres; 25 miles fromSan Francisco. Applyat

307 Battery st.

O ACRES NEARMENLOPARK;SELLCHEAPO or exchange for San Francisco property; price$3000. SPECK & CO., 602 Market.

MUST BE SOLD—ONE OF THE BEST Lo-cated 160-acre ranches in Lake County; Vimile from Clear Lake, with plenty running water;

100 acres improved; 5-room house: plenty timber;$2600: time to suit on payments, W. L.FOSTER,Kelsey ville,Lake County, Cal. .1 \u25a0-.--.:/ITO 8ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10"I years' credit. P. H. TWING. Sonoma Ci-v.Cai.

money to LOAN.

L~" OANS ON" REAL ESTATE IST A*^2NDJ mortgages, undivided interests, and on furnitureor pianos, without removal, in San Francisco. Oak-

land, Berkeley or Alameda: any amount: lowestrates; allbusiness confidential: savings bauk booksbotighL Callor write to BECKER.240 Montgomery.

NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES,diamonds, jewelry,sealskins, pianos, allvalu-ables and securities: private office: business con-fidential. Columbia Loan and Collateral Oflioe(Incorporated), 9 Grant ave., 3doors from Market\u25a0VI ONEY LOAN"ED ON JEWELRY ANDJlil other valuables at the Security Loan Office,1106 Market st., nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk.

BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS,jewelry,furniture and pianos without removal;

lowest rates. Callor writeto HARRY ANKEL ACO., Millsbldg,sth floor,r 6; strictly confidential

MONEY LOANED, 6V2 PER CENT; ANYamount, on mortgages. A.F. JOHNS A CO.,

632 Market st.

NYAMOUNT:IST,2D OR 3D MORTGAGES:estates, undivided Interests, real estate inpro-

bate. McCOLGAN,24 Montgomery, rooms 2—3.'

QTRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850O Market,cor.Stockton, rms. 17 and 18.first floor:established 30 years: always open. "Uncle Bill."

NY SUM; FIBST OR SECOND MORT-gages, estates: no delay. MURPHY,628 Mkt.OANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOSwithout removal, Incity and Oakland; low in-

terest; dealings strictlyprhate. 215 Powell st.


GOOD EXPERIENCED LADIES' NURSE.Can be seen at 216 Seventeenth St., nr. Howard.

\ CARD TOSUFFERING FEMALES-BY MAS--t\. sage and Swedish movement treatment Iguar-antee to cure alldiseases and Irregularities peculiarto your sex; obesity reduced; those who have beenimposed upon or irregularly treated are Invitedtocall; free; charges moderate. MRS.DR. HAWLEY,313 Ellis st.

MRS. DR. SCOTT, SPECIALIST INFEMALEcomplaints and disease of the eye. 219 Powell.

(L• X/Y PAfDFOR ACASE OF GRANULATEDrjpilUeyes wefail to cure at 219 Powell st.


INSTANT RE-Uef formonthly irregularities (from whatever

cause) by the most experienced ladies' physiciansinSan Francisco, who restore all cases at once byan improved method, superior toothers; ladles willsave time and money, be assured of honest treat-ment by consulting the doctors before calling else-where; patients who have been imposed upon orunsuccessfully treated by others specially invited;home inconfinement: treatment warranted: advicefree, confidential. DR. and MRS. DAVIES,14 Mc-Allister St.; hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. if.: 7toBp. v.

NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE,INSTRU^ments or worthless pills used; every woman

her own physician for all female troubles; no mat-ter from what cause; restores Ialways in one day;ifyou want tobe treated safe and sure callonmen'sphysician -.knowledge can be sentAusedat home;alicases guarantee-; be net de eived and misled byself-praised advertisers. DR.POPPER, 318 Kearny.

APE WORM EXTERMINATOR—USED SUC-cessfully for years bya physician now retired;

guaranteed to remove worm Intwo hours; foronetreatment post paid $10. Specific Medicine Co.,P. O. box 201, Oakland, Cal.T ADJES

-CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN-J-_ nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best:safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, forparticulars, "Relief for Ladies," inletter byreturn

mail;at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company,Philadelphia, Pa. \u25a0

LL MARRIED PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW".-eguro": greatest boon to them:Carroll Co.,Stockton and Market sis.: $160; send 2c stampforcircular to W. S. P. Co., 631 KSt., Sacramento.

D" HALL,14 MCALLISTERSTREET, NEAR'Jones. Diseases of women and children.HYSICIAN~sI_ BTaInIjUITS, FURNISHINGPHYSICIANS OBTAINSUITS. FURNISHINGgoods, etc.wholesale prices. 118 Grant ave..r. 7.

SURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DIS?eases, from whatever cause ;a home In con-

finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar-anteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk St.

DC I'RAE'S FEMALEREGULATING PILLS;safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box.

RICHARDS&CO.,druggists, 4U6 Clay sL.sole ag'ta


INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE/'foreither sex send 2c for information or 50c

for trial jar. TAYLORCHEM. CO., box 1896, S. F.HEUMATISM, CHILLS AND FEVERcured by Cummings' rheumatic belt; no elec-

tricity:hundreds of testimonials from prominentcitizens: send for circular. E. J. CUMMINGS,303 Third St.. S. F. _,AHOME, A FRIENDANDMOTHER'S CARE.

MRS. DR.FUNK'S,1416 Eighth St., Alameda.ADIES


ting Pills; strongest, safest, best: never fail;$1 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis st.;sole agents. \u25a0 ->'\u25a0'\u25a0

DR. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY OFdiseases of women and restores all irregulari-

ties inone day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge;regulator S'i; home for patients. 1370 Market st

R. SCHMIDT, 1508 MARKET—DISEASESof women: hours 1 to3 and 5 to6 P. m.

R.RICORD'S PILLS.EXPRESS S2 60: SAFE,sure, reliable; - Rlcord's specialties, females.

Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard.LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE-stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief attime; travelers helped at once; home in con-

finement; French pilisguaranteed; consult free.MRS. DR. WYETn, 916 Post St., near Larkin.

WHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLYon worthless pillsand humbugs when we guar-

antee to restore irregularities in8 hours withournew discovery, which is safe and sure. Price $5.Call or address MME. ARROW Woman's Dis-pensary, 1206 Market st, .LADIES, IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS.X.J EMARY.sure cure. 1561Lfe Market street.


confinement; Irregularities cured In 1 fewhours without operation; pills$2. 419 Eddy st. \u25a0

LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. A BOON TOladies troubled withirregularities: no danger;

safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D.;don't delayuntil too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal.

IF IRREGULAR OR ANYFEMALE DISEASEsee Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 V.4th.


united States or Canada one year for $1 50, post-ace free. .


LADIES-CALL AND SEE HOW EASILYyou can make $3 a day. 609 Sacramento st.,


xA every town on the coast to easily make $400before Christmas who wants it. ALUMINUMNOVELTYCO., 1508 Market st.

SALESMAN—DRUG TRADE, SIDE LINEORotherwise. J. Knight,225 State St.,Racine, Wis*

CALIFORNIA MUTUALBENEFIT SOCIETY\J wants good agents to work its accident andsick Insurance; liberal inducements offered. J.A*.. HANNA,Secretary, Murphy building. ?'


AUCTIONEER J. T. TERRY, 30 MONTGOM-ery st., pays highest cash prices

AUCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER. 719 MARKETSt., pays highest cash prices for furniture.

HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE,carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 103 9th; postal

LWAYS BEFORE SELLING SEE H. J.LEUTHOLTZ,821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth.~0- KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES.. folding. ironbeds, furniture; low prices: Cai.

stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission.

CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND MER-chandise. LH.BURP Auctioneer. TO Fulton.


GENTLEMAN WANTS FURNISHED ROOM,private family,near Sixthand Market. R. A.,

box 89, Call Oflice.O OR 4 ROOMED FLAT,OR 3 UNFURNISH-•J \u2666d rooms; west of Powell st.;rent must be reas-onable; 2adults; references exchanged. AddressN.R. P., 1930 Stockton st.

WANTED—CHEAP UNFURNISHED ROOM'I near lure. Man, box 36, this otlice.


A~~CSTRXL_XtrCRESTED~C_CK^correllas wanted. Address, with price, etc., A.

C,box 89, Call Office.- '

HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR LADIES' ANDgents' cast-off clothing. 261Third st.

SUPERIOR LODGING-HOUSF*, 20 TO 30rooms- no agents. E. E., box 142, Call Office.W ANTED—GENT'S BICYCLE, li> GOODit order, cheap for cash. Address, with price,

1358 Folsom st.

OECOND -IT A ND KODAKS, CAMERAS,O lenses, magic lanterns &slides. 109 Montgy.



A A A _____ •



Bythe world's most famous medium,PROFESSOREUGENE, recognized by the press, medical fac-ultyand scientists generally of two continents asthe most distinguished medium of modern times.Ifyou are indoubt that h? can and willperform allhe claims feel yourself invited to call, and he willgive yon more substantial proof of his marvelouspower than you have ever before received frommortal. Don't fail to see him if you are interestedin the affairs of life. Ifmarriage, sickness, deaths,changes, travels, divorces, separations, law suits,business transactions, wills,deeds, mortgages, lostor stolen property, hidden treasures, lost or absentfriends interest you: ifyou care to know what youshould do to be successful, where you should" goand whom to avoid, when to buy and sell stock,etc.; Ifyou desire to have your domestic troublesremoved, your loat love restored, your bitterestenemies converted into stanch friends; ina word,whatever may be your troubles, suspicions or de-sires, call on this gifted man,'and he willsend youaway happier, wiser and bolder than ever before.

"What is your vocation inlife? How have youprospered? What are vour hopes for the future?

Every person Is especially adapted to some re-ticular business, profession or trade, which mayjustlybe termed their true vocation, and yet morethan halt' of you are lighting against an unknownfate for fame, fortune aid position, which you do*not and cannot obtain until you find your true vo-cation.

j Ifyou are contented withyour present work youhave found your true vocation, and success will

!attend yonj but if dissatisfied, and all is is an evidence that you have notfound your true vocation. A visit to ProfessorEUGENE willsoon settle this all-important ques-tion,and your true vocation pointed out to you,and if possessed of only a moderate degree ofbrains and energy success will be sure to attendyou. He advises you with a csrtalnty by a higherthan human power as to the proper course to pur-sue inlife.

His descriptions of your friends and enemies areas real as though they stood before vou. Call andtest the professor to your heart's content, and youwill depart thoroughly satisfied that there is at

least one reliable medium and clairvoyant now inyour midst. Nothinginlife is too obscure for Pro-fessor EUGENE to reveal; thoroughly under-stands how to prepare ana work the famous magicand mesmeric talisman, as prepared and practicedby the Buddhists, Hindoos and wizards of theOrient. These magic talismans, when worn withthe medium's instructions and accompanied hispowerful work, are guaranteed to give good luckand success inbusiness, speculation, races and allgames of chance Inwhich success is dependent uponluck. They remove evilinfluences, cure bad habits,

witchery,fitsand all long-standing and mysteriousdiseases which have baflled the physician's skill.The mesmeric talismans are guaranteed torestore lost affections, cause speedy and happymarriage with the one you loveand cause yourbitterest enemies to become your dearest friends.You have no enemies, but you are beloved byallwhile you carry the mesmeric talisman. Hus-bands who have been drawn from their wives bythe stronger Influence of other women, or wiveswho have left their husbands willbe united by thistalisman of love. Husbands or parents who havebeen addxted to strong drink,or have been cruelto their wives or children willbe made temperate,kind .and loving by this mysterious charm, andgirls whoso lovers have sought other faces willbehappilyreunited by the same strange power.

lfyou have lost faithand given up to despair be-cause of former failure take courage now and callon PROFESSOR EUGENE without delay. Con-viction will be sure, and happiness and successwillfollow. Hours 10 a. m. to Bp. m.

PROF. F.EUGENE,1728 Market at.,

First flat.VfME.RENNER, WONDERFUL CARDCLAIR-IiIvoyant; fee 25c. Call at 312 Hyde st.

LAIRVOYAN'T;FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY.\J 174 Clementina st., off Third.

ME.RAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAILY;names given,25c up.828 Howard,bet. 4th &6th.

T' HE BEST CLAIRVOYANTCARD MEDIUMon earth: 25c; fortunes taught. 330 Fellst.

ISS MALVINA,AMERICAN CLAIRVOY-ant and card reading. 768*/a Howard st.

SANDERS, THE GREATEST FOR-tune-teller of the age. 8Montgomery ave., r.1.

ME. ARNDT, PEST GERMAN FCBTCNE-teIIer; only 25c and SOc: show you the picture

of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st.

ME MOREAU, WORLD RENOWNEDtrance medium; fee 25c. up. 764 Howard St.,


-*\u25a0 dies 25c. 230 Clara St., bet. Fifth and Sixth.\_ ME. ARNO, WONDERFUL CARD-READERilland clairvoyant: fee 25c. 628 Eddy st.

PROF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT,trance charm. 533 Post; 9to 8; also Sunday.

ME. STEWART, SEVENTH DAUGHTERof 7th daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards

since 11yrs old ;ladies. gents.SOc. 917 Marketer 3-4.YPS~Y QUF'EN: MARVELOUS MEDIUMof 19th century; 12 to 8 p.m. R. 2,865*/2 Mrkt.

IPRESENT. PASTANDFU'lURE7_5a _____. LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama st., near Fourth.

\fME.DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REVEAL--111 er by eggs and cards: tells entire life,past,present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth-ing excepted; names given: good advice: surehelp; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im-possible; fee $1; letter $2. 029 Post St., nr. Larkin.


FORTUNE TELLER?magic charms: love tokens: true picture of

future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling;develops clairvoyance, slate writing,etc.; has theseven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm;fee 81 ana upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth.


ETURNED^msTjTj. WHITNEY, CLAlR-voyant, trance and test medium. 218 Stock-

ton st. p'.ppp .R. ANNIE WILDER OF NEVADA CITY;spiritual revivalist. 921Market st.

MRS. A. BROCKWAYT INDEPENDENTslatewriter: sittings daily; ladies $1, gents

$2; 10 to 5. 330 Ellis st.

MBS. MAYOSTEERS. TEST ANDBUSINESSmedium;readings dally. 101Grove, cor.Polk.


DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALLQUESTIONS BYplanets from date of birth. 36*/3Geary st,, rm.lBTRALSEEB—PROF". HOLMES,' 11SCOTTst.;horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.

LOST.TN SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY;1cameo locket, monogram J. M. M. Return631"t_ Shotwell st.; reward.

OUTE BOOK OF ITALIANPAPER LOSTsouth of Market st. Return 1113 Kearny St.,

reward.OST—OCT.27 ANA.B. C. CODE. RETURNthis office: reward.

OST—WHITE SPITZ BITCH. LIBERALreward by returning to 304 Davis St.


OST—A PASSBOOK WITHTHE HIBERNIASavings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in

the name of LEOPOLD NEUMANN,No.121,227.The tinder willplease return to bank.—





CONTINENTAL BUILDLNG~A^vrTIATA>r]_sYsociation— Home office, 222 Sansome st., R. F.General savings &loan business. Ed E. Hill,Pres.-Oliver Eldrldge, V.Pr.; W. Corbln. Sec.A Gen.Man.


PARK OYCLERY—NEW WHEELS TO LET;best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Mc-

Allister and Powell st. car lines.

HELP WANTED—Continued 'p.-;',

"WANTED-GIRLFOR LIGHT HOUSEWORKIIfew hours weekly ln exchange forroom andlunch; onlyworkinggirl nee. apply. Gentleman,box 94, Call Office.\VANTED—EXPERIENCED WOMEN RUB-It ber ana shampooer, who can give medicated

and electric baths; state experience and wageswanted. Address E., box 71, Call Office.

GERMAN \'IRL FOR GENERAL; small wash. 1523 Walnut St., near Wll-

low station; Alameda

LADY AGENTS, $26 WEEK: CITY* ANDcountry; exclusive rights. 131 Post, room 20,


723 Market st., fourth floor. .THIS WEEK "LADIES*CAPES, NEW STYLE,

$2 60. New York Cloak House, 1210 Market.

HAIRDRESSING, 25c AND MORNINGand ev'gclasses ;10 50. 1248 Mission.


JJ woman as managing office agent. SospitaCompany, office 63 -Donohoe building.

PIANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLYschooled artist; lessons 26c. 617 Jones st.

JFRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING:TAILOR-made suits: $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllisterst.

PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT-A tingand making school :allbranches. 702 Sutter.

RESSMAKERS USING THE MCDOWELLworld's famous svslem recommended. 213

Powell st.; patterns Cut to fit. 25c up.

MOST' CONVENIENT ANDRESPECTABLE:Winchester House. 44 Third St., near Market;

200 rooms; 25c to$1 50 per night; $1 bO to $6 perweek ;free bus to and from the ferry.

NY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY' FORherself can easily earn it. Address Ladles'

Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., Han Francisco."WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEARit Market—Electric lights In every room 200rooms: 25c to $160 per night; $1 50 to $6 perweek: free bus to and from the ferry.


United States or Canada one year for$1 50, post-age free.


0 COOPERS FOR WINERIES, $35 AND*-» found: 3 cooks, $50 and $60: 3 laborers, $1day and boara; 2 dishwashers, $15 nnd .20; tailor,$8 to $10 week. MURRAY <_ READY,634 and636 Clay st. kyy'y ,i

ANTED—ENGLISH BUTLER; SECONDII man, $40, must have good references; waiter,

restaurant, $7 week; waiter, chophouse, $20;dishwasher, $20, etc. L. ANDRE,315 Stockton st.

TV"EAT WAITER WHO CAN ACT AS HEAD-Li waiter withclub and restaurant; experience;$50. C. R. HANSEN 1- CO., 110 Geary st.

ANTED—YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HADIIexperience as cityliquor salesman; must fur-nish good reference. W.,box 7, CallOffice.pOLORED MAN FOR PORTER. APPLY\J Monday morning. 1030 Market st.

TAILORS' PATTERN COMPANY—ONE SUITof patterns sent for $1;satisfaction guaranteed;

particular attention paid to couutrv orders. Ad-dress American Pattern company, 776 Pacific ave..Alameda; also a new and simple system taught:$10

IEARN A TRADE—CUSTOM SHIRT-CUT--1-i ting taught in 6 lessons: practical instructionwhile learning; terms easy. Address L.F., box107. Call Office.

"YVANTED—WHOLESALE LIQUOR SALES-IIman forSan Francisco and neighboring terri-tory: good wages to first-class man; state priorexperience. Address _:., box 9, this office.

ANTED-4 CARVERS. NIEHaUS CO., West Berkeley.VOUNG MANTO CLEAN aROUN'd SALOON-1 and lunch counter. Address L.,box 35, Call.



1807it Haight st.

Kni A WEEK PAIDLADIES AND GENTS•"«'-' to sell Rapid Dishwasher; washes anddries them in two minutes without wetting thebands: a child can operate; never breaks a dish;price low: sells at sight:permanent position forallwho write soon. W.P.HARRISON & CO., clerk

I17, Columbus. Ohio.

YVANTED—EXPERIENCED CANVASSERSj 'i to sell the "Light-runningNew Home Sewing!IMachine"; onsalary and commission. Applybet.I*and 9a. m.,the New Home Sewing Machine Co.,1051 Market st.

!"WANTED-PARTNER,SINGLE MAN.WITH! it $1000 to join advertiser In establishing thejfinest roadhouse lu America near Golden GateiPark. Address P. 8., box 130, Call Office.



— WAITERS^ PALACE basement office:open every Monday from 10to 11a. m.; only first-class waiters need apply.



THETILOR,1132 Market st.

COATMAKERWANTED ONCUSTOM COATS.622 Clay at., first Iloor, room 2.


SECOND COOK. APPLY' 1807Haight st.

ANTED—B GOOD CARPENTERS. APPLYit Sunday morning, 915 F'ilteenth st.

PARTNER WANTED: SOME MEANS;LADYor gent; good pay. 213*/a Mason at., room 11.

IF Y'OU WANT A GOOD SITUATIONIN ANYJ. business house in the State in the wayof skilledor clerical work call on the United States Indus-trial Agency, room 167, Crocker Building. Overtwo hundred firms have indorsed its system ofbusiness and agree to get their help through thatagency. Lucrative positions are being tilleddally.

EAR EDITOR—ITOOK Y'OUR ADVICE,made $4 firstday; $27 first week: In1month$117 made plating watches, jewelry, tableware,

withgold, silver, nickel and white metal; got myIplater of ('ray & Co., dept.6. Columbus, Ohio;they are reliable, do the plating and teach theiragents; others can do the same. J.BERN*.

TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR A ClGAR-house wanted. Ifyou are a competent traveling

salesman you can put yourself in the way of secur-ing a good situation through this office. We arebeing continually called upon by reliable businesshouses for flrst-cla*s traveling men. 250 of theleading firms of this city have given us their writ-ten indorsement of our system of business, and areusing it in securing their skilled and clerical help.United States Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to167, Crocker building. This office' open evenings.

TI NERIBTOO FOR SALE CHEAP: GOODchance for jobber: very low rent. 657 Mission.

1 flflMEN TO GET A SHAVE FOR 6c ORIV'U haircut 10c. 14*/a Montgomery ave. '

TVANTED-ENERGETIC YOUNG OR MID--11 die-aged man, permanent employment; must

have $40 cash. M.,box 21, this office.

EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON LADIES'tailor suits and Jackets. A.MUELLER _ CO.,723 Market St.. fourth floor.

ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY-ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 667 Clay.ANTED-A CARPENTERS" TO KNOWthat there are plenty of carpenters In San

Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary aremisleading. Allhelp can be supplied byapplyingto carpenters' headquarters, 116 Turk st., or 23Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st.on Wednesday evening. •.\u25a0*>:v-

ANTED-MEN* WHO DO NOT RECEIVEi"their wages to place accounts withus; law and

commercial collection; no charge unless successful.KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r. 4.

WANTED—IS MEN TO TRY OUR SQUAREit meals for10c. 60 Third st.''


BARBERS—EOR EMPLOYMENT CALLBEC-retarv Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye.

8. FUCHS. . .-:INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRDST.. NEAR"IMarket; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading-room; free bus to and from the ferry. .

If"IRST-71 RST-7 _„_.S~LaTmES' TAILOR WANTEDIBOWHAY,504 Sutter st.

ARBERS, FuR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC.A> Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H.SCHEUNERT."I EARN A TRADE—SIGN OR PICTORIALA_ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D.LEVY,35 Eighth st., San F'rancisco.THE RAILROADHOUSE. 633 COMMERCIALISt., below Montgomery; single rooms 15c night,26c for two; best and cleanest house In town. .. >

EST PLACE INCITY FOR SECON D-HANDJ » shoes, 726y opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129Sixth St.; misfit, shoes bought or exchanged.


\iOZART,319 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 60Ci-TA night,$125 to $5 week; reading rooms.WHAT CHEER HOUSE. 529 SACRAMENTOti st.:100 outside rooms; best spring beds; singlerooms, 20c a day; $1a week; meals, 10c. \u25a0

"MEN'S SHOES %-SOLEb. SOc; HEELS, 26c;\u25a0in- done InIBminutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement.PREE COFFEE ANDROLLS. 704 SANSOME;a single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1a week.;

T.iE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT-A- door work;willpay competent person $3 60 aflay. Applyat store, 328 Seventh st. ,

W ANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 16c ADAY;ti"it week; rooms for two, 25c a day,$1 60a WMk;reading room• dallypapera 86 Clay st.

IIYACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE-a low Sixth, for aroom; 26c a night; $1a week.QOl KILLS, ROSE DALE—ROOMS -5c TO 60cQ-JA anight: $1 to $3

_week: open all night.

\u25a0/*__.^ ~"_-ABORERS AND MECHANICSt_, iP.II ™w that Ed Rolkln, Reno House propne-____ SL_-n» oLenver House. 217 Third St.; 150large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week.

W «e«m M-*X-TO Gfc;T BOTTLE SHARPTI steam beer. 6c;bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st.


ANDED»HOES.SOMEnearly new, 26c to $1 26. 662 Mission st.QHOES HALF-HOLED ,IN 10 MINUTES!S_2?_n^____S Vll'' \u25a0_ ,MR«™b "ieusual______2___f_!S_ doue _*b»lf price; work guar-anteed. 662 Mission st.. bet. First st. and Second »uL^__^_S___® 6TU AND HOWARD-AJ single furnished rooms, 76c week, 16c night.


100 ___«_?? TAKELODGINO AT 10c, 15"?i*__L_rL____La n,*ht* including coffee and roihC»24 \Vashlngton St., near Kearny. - . .•"WEST IN CiT--slNl?L_-g<*>&MS, 16, 20 ANDT_„.

3- ««»tB P«n>Sht;«l,»l 25.$1 60 p«-YLL_.Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sta


»'housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house. Ad-dress L.11.,box 136, CallOffice.

EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY SEEKS Po-sition as housekeeper. Call room 25, second

floor. 501 Post st.


P" C.^T^W^i'sniocTTFI^NISHES^COOKS;. all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary.

COACHMAN, COMPETENT YOUNG MAN,\J wants situation, private family; best of refer-ences. Address J. R., box 119, Call Office.

DRUGGIST WANTS SITUATION:7 YEARS'experience; 26 years old: registered; best of

referencea Address room 8,17 Grant ave.OACHMAN* WANTS POSITION; IS A GOOD

V- driver,milker and generally useful ; first-classreferences: country preferred. Address Coach, box118, call.

STRONG YOUNG MANOF 21, NOT AFRAIDtT"> of bard work, wants asituation; good reference.Call or address McDONALD,16 Rausch st.

HOOPING THIS AD. WILT-MEET SOME ONEin want of a young man having mechanical

Ingenuity; best of references. Address M., box15, Call Office.


SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MANAShostler; can drive and knows the care of fast

horses; good reference. Address P. H., box 94,Call Office.

J" APANESE EMPLOYMENTOFFICE—aud Waiters' Union. 314b Sutter: tele. Gran; 30.

ELDERLY GERMAN; GOOD CARPENTERand cabinet-maker; wants position in hospital

or Institute; wages moderate: steady place theobject. Address C. HANSON,21Russ st. ,

BUTLER—FIRST-CLASS BUTLER (AMERI-can) wants steady place: understands his busi-

ness; neat, sober and willing;city or country:country preferred: best city references. AddressButler, box 71, Call Office. .p _rilO ORCHARDISTS AND VINEYARDISTS—X Wanted by an Englishman and wife 10 years Inthe State, both healthy and active, position toman-age or care place; would cook for8 or 10 men; aresuccessful chicken-raisers :wouldgo shares lnrais-ingthem on large scale; nave sons competent todo allorchard or vineyard work;references. C. J.K., Berkeley, Cal. ._ITUATT0N WANTED BY A SOBER, IN-O dustrious elderly man to do lightwork; smallwages ;willingto do any kindof work. E. G., box23, this otnce. - -:' -..

ESPECTABLE YOUNG MANDESIRES PO-> sitlon in private family;care horses, gardenand milk;also hani.v as carpenter; withor with-out board. B. C, box 132, Call Office.OTEADY RELIABLEMANWISHES A POSI--0 tion as driver: deliver}- wagon or milk wagon:drove milk wagon before; caretul driver. AddressB. W„321 Ellis st.

MIDDLE-AGF-D MAN, ALL-ROUND CAR-penter, wants a position with landlord's real-

estate man, wholesale bouse or ou a ranch; handyat wagon work; wages moderate: reference, Ifre-quired. Address 0. L.F.. box 160, Call Office.VOUNG MAN,AGE 22, WITH EXCELLENTAlocal references, as bell oreievator-toy, or drive

light delivery wagon, or help around in wholesalehouse or something similar. Address C. MAUS,609 Post st.

WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN OF 19 POSI-»» tionof any kind in store; understands short-

hand, typewriting and book-keeping; good refer-ences. . _,8., box 23, Call.

YOUNG MAN ABLE AND WILLING TOJ- work wants some kindof work: high wages noobject; best of references. Ad. W. W.,box 75, CalLpOMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRESV- small set ofbooks to keep; best of references:terms reasonable; bonds If necessary. AddressB.K.,box 71.Call.

OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES Asmall set of books to keep: best of references;

terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, thisoffice.A IS COACHMAN—SITUATION* WANTED "BY

-T_ young man, Swedish: understands the care ofhorses and gardening; best of references. Ad-dress s., box 102, Call Office,Oakland.VOUNG MAN* WANTS JOB INWHOLESALE1house or saloon no references. GEO. OLIVER,

Adelphia House, Ketrny st., near Jackson. •


UNDERSTANDS FLOWERST and vegetables thoroughly and willingto

make himself useful; handy with tools: sober:California references. Address O. P.., box 90, Call.

SITUATION*WANTEDBYA SOBER. STEADY'O man, as janitoror watchman; references given.Call or address 720 Geary st.


wants position 111 any office work: best of ref-erences: salary no object, s.. box 10, Call Office,——————— _____ _________

F_.-iA.... !»_...«\u25a0 >\ AM-D.

TVANTE 5 'gCOD~IiOUSE WORK GIRLS»» at $25 and $20: first-class German cook, $35;second girl.$15; Protestant second girl,count$25. ApplyMISS PLUNKETT, 424 sutler St.

GERMAN OR FRENCH COOKS, NEAR_J city,$25: laundress, private family, city,&25:4 German or Swedish, general housework girls,$2U; girls for light housework and care of children,city, $10 to $15. C. R. HANSEN <_ Co.,110Geary st. \u0084.p:

WANTED-THIS SUNDAY' MORNING AT9'*o'lock waitress, country hotel, $20: extra

!waitress, country hotel, $1a day. C. R.HANSEN!ACO., 110 Geary st.

pOOS* AND "SECOND GIRL, AMERICAN\.' family,$25 and $20; laundress, $20; girls forcook and housework. MURRAY<_ READY,634--636 Clay st.

HOME ANDBUSINESS BUREAU SECURESimmediate employment for competent help;

professional and domestic. Academy of Sciences,819 Market st.

TO*AS TED-2 SWEDISH OR GERMAN SEC-"ond girls;$20. CallMonday, liy2Antonio st.,

off Jones, near Ellis.

\' UMBER OF EXPERIENCED AND COMPE-Jl\ tent salesladies fornotions and fancy goods de-partment are wanted; also salesladies for cloakand suit departments: we have good positions foryou if you are competent in either of these lines:our system has been the means of placing in posi-tions a large number of salesladies, stenographersand bookkeepers; call at the office and see thowritten Indorsements of 250 of the leading firms ofthis city. United States Industrial Agency, rooms165 to 167, Crocker building; this office openevenings.

ANTED-PUPILS JN MILLINERY; LES-"sons in class or private: evening class; hats

trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth st.

WANTED—6OO GIRLS TO GET OURCIRCU-»» lar and learn the S. T. TAYLOR system ofdress-cutting. Booms 11and 12, 1206 Market St.,take elevator.

OPERATOR ON SUSPENDERS. EAGLESuspender Company, 112 Sutter st.

UTANTED—A GIRL WHO understands'» boxmaklng. Apply Monday. 9 o'clock, Stu-parich Manufacturing Company, 523 Market st.


-LADIES TOIT learn millinerynnaer competent teachers. 234Taylor st.

WOMAN* TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT HOUSE-Iiiwork and help with baby; moderate wages.1411 Webster st.

("lIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK FORV»_3 In family. Apply 161 Octavia st.A LADLES"W AXT D-APPLY MONDAYmorning. 1030 Market st.

GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK AND ASSISTsewing; references. 425 Stevenson st.

EXPERIENCED GIRLFOR CANDY-STORE-references. Address R.R.. box 130, Call Office!LADYSOLICITORS FOR PORTRAITS; NEW7A- salary orcommission. HOLLER.8 Sixth st.


W*ANTED-AGIRLFOR GENERAL HOUSE-II work. 226 Devisadero st., cor. Pa?e.VOUNG WOMAN HOUSEKEEPER** CALLA forenoon 1328 Dupont St., rooms 7 and 8.

IRL COOK ASSIST JNHOUSEWORK: $18VT to $20. 2813 Pine st.


-GKRMAN OR SWISS GIRL-»» thorough seamstress; willingto do any workasked; references required: $15 a month; good

home. Apply mornings, 1003 Leavenworth St.,near Pine. -.-.;:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0< .-\u25a0•.

••-.\u25a0::t\u25a0, ', \u25a0 :

OMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING ANDV^ general housework. 2123 Pine.

Gi IRLWANTED;ASSISTANT HOUSEWORK-r $8 to $10, 2605 Sacramento.ETNURsE WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Decent young woman with a. breastfuil of

good fresh milk. Apply at 40y Quinn st., bet.Valencia and Guerrero, Fourteenth and Ridley.

Or GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSE-t*P_j-». work; references; good cooks. Call 968*tVillow st., West Oaklapd.


pOMFORTABE HOME SMALL WAGES TO\J respectable woman: assist housework andsewing. MME.LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st.

Q SHORTHAND WRITERS SECURED Posj-O tions last week through Ayres* StenographicInstitute; special trainingclass for writers of anysystem. 325 Montgomery st.

IRL TO ASSIST INHOUSEWORK FORVJT board and lodging; no washing; family of 2.1111 York st. '-t.-iy~.\u25a0.--\u25a0


___Pdressmaking. Call Monday morning.


A RELIABLE AMERICAN»i woman; cooking small boarding-house. R.W„box 9, Call Office.

UCCESS, SUCCESS, SUCCESS ! THE Mo-O Dowell, the world famous system of dress cut-ting: easy to learn, rapid to use: makes the moststylish and perfect fittingdresses. Just think, youcan learn cutting, fitting, finishing, infact everypart of dressmaking. The charge in our sewingand finishingdepartment Isonly$1 per week, andpupils have the privilege of working for them-selves or customers. Competent teachers, who areconstantly overlooking the work, so that every-thing that is done is well done. We received thehighest award at the World's Fair, and onlysystemreceiving a goldme^al at the Midwinter Fair. Per-fect fittingpatterns from 26c up. Now Is the timeto call and see foryourself that ours are the largestand best. THE McDO WELL, 213 Powell St.. S. F.

ALL LADLES HAVING A FEW HOURS'JA. leisure eacu day should writeme at once re-garding pleasant homework which easily pays $18weekly; this Is no deception and willcertainly payyou to investigate; replyIwithstamped envelope.MRS. S. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich.

PARTNER WANTED SOME MEANS; GOODpaying business; lady or genu 213V_ Mason St.,

room 11. -p-> "pp -*PP.:


'J^^^^H-ECHUC^AN^MEDICATED BATHSHPJ*' 120% Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1

VESS* CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIF'E.C&jS' chlropodic Institute, room 22, 906 Market.

SK3P BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4,_r-^ Collections made, city or country. PacificCollection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580.'iEXs' windows Cleaned and floorstFJy scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment fordamages guaranteed. C. ROSSI &CO., 242 Sutter.BtSS» ROOMS WHITENED.$1 UP; PAPER-SkJ? ed S3 60 uo. 317*/ Third. George Hartman.|*»^--S= COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED,lL-*r sip; costs paid, 420 Montgomery, rm, 29.

SITUATIONS WAN!ED-FEMALE.pTERMAITcOOK, ALSO 2 GERMAN SECONDVJT girlsand 1 German housework girl, all withreferences, want situations incity or country alsoa Scandinavian cook, withbest of references frompresent place, wants a cook's place at $30 or $35 amonth; understands French and American cook-ing thoroughly. For particulars address or call onMISS PLUNKETT,424 Sutter St.

"J IKSI-II.AS- SWEDISH LAUNDRESS DE-X1 sires place;German girl, country preferred;

hotel waitresses and chambermaids: housegirls ofall nations; open Sunduy. MME. LEOPOLD, 20Stockton st.


_5 Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis.

HOLIDXYs~^FOR RELIABLE SALES-ladies, stenographers, typewriters, etc., apply

at Home and Business Bureau, Academy ofSciences, 819 Market st.

rtTHE SWEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOY-iment Bureau has removed from 332 Geary st. to315 sutler; tel., Grant, 37. Good girls on hand asusual. :vp .•:


1EXPERT DRESSMAKER OF EXPERIENCE,J a good fitter and designer, will accept engage-

ments in families: *150 per day; references. Ad-dress Cutter, box 71, Call."defined WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP-XV er's position. 11Kearny, room 27, first floor,

SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD RELIA-bIe girl forgeneral housework; isa goo icook;

ina Jewish family preferred. Address 1635 Ellis st.

ADAMM. PfCHOT, FIRST-CLASS DRESS-I'-L maker fromParis.wishes work byday at $125for few months to make known her beautiful fit-ting. Write 622 Clay st.SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXCELLENTO seamstress; goot home more an object thanhigh wages: country preferred. S. S.,box 115, Call.

xFerienced dressmaker, wishing- to establish city trade, would likeengagementsbyday, or will take work home at Rune rates;terms very reasonable. Address D. 85, Call.

TVLISHDRESSMAKER; 1•' XCELLENfCUT"O ter and fitter, wants some more engagements;charges reasonable. A' dress D. .M.,box 115, Call.V'OUXG WOMAN wants WORE BY THEJ- day; cooking, washing, cleaning. 1719 Hayes.

"Y'OUNGLADYWISHES POSITION AS STEN--1 ograjiher in law office; inexperienced iu lawwork only; wages no object: experience preierred;would accept position inmercantile house. K. M.L.,box 108, Call.

OMPETENT ENGLISH COOK; CAN DOFrench and American style; nice laundress;

City orcountry; wages moderate. Call 129 Third.IGHLY EDUCATED WOMAN WISHESemployment in private family as companion.

or care ofInvalid. Academy of Sciences, room 16

THIRST-CLASS MILLINER,TRIMMER ANDJP dressmaker wishes engagements ln families bythe day; $150. 1303 Polk st.

WOMAN WANTS WASHING OR HOUSE-"cleaning by the day. Address 566 Stevenson

St., inrear."VTOVASCOTIA PROTESTANT GIRLWOULDX> like situation in an American family; goodcook. Call 1013*/_ Larkin st.

SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLEO woman ina restaurant as waitress or manager,or would accept situation as housekeeper. Call oraddress 942 Mission st.

situation WANTED AS .first-classO bread, cake and pastry baker; cityor country;can ice and ornament or ao anything required in•-

iv first-class shop: best of reference. AddressA. D., box 3, Call Office, Oakland.DEI-NED AMERICAN LADYWANTS POSI-IX tion as working housekeeper In country; goodreference. Address D. M.,Call Branch, 116 Ninth.

ITUATION*WANTED BYPROTESTANT TOO do second work, or will take care of a child;country preferred. Address B. C, Call BranchOffice. 116 Ninth st.

Ol NPS LADY*, EXPERIENCED HAIR-idresser, would like position as maid or com-

panion; willingto assist withupstairs work. I.C.W., 1424 Franklin St., Oakland.WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY*:'» first-class worker. Call or address 17 Priest

St., near Jones and Washington.'It*i MAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAY;Tl washing and ironing. Address 1636 Mission.

XPERIENCED AMERICAN LADY WOULDlikenursing orhousework in widower's family;

city or country. Address 203 Bartlett st., nearTwenty-third, in rear.QTROXG, RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TOO do washing, ironing, cooking or housecleauingby the day. MRS. CURTIS, l_sy Twenty-sixthSt., near Mission.

Y"OUNGGIRL WANTS SITUATIONTO AS--L sist inlighthousework. 409L". O'Farrell st.

NGLISH LADY,38,STRANGER, AMIABLE,desires position as housekeeper or companion

to invalid; references. MRS. HILL,box _-, CallOffice.

1pIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS WANTS SITU-! tion as assistant to dressmaker; to work inpri-

vate family. 522 Polk st., room 32.ATOUNG GERMAN OIRL WANTS SITUA--L tlon In rooming-house to do chamberwork. Ad-

dress C. W.. box 91.Call Office.

DRESSMAKER AND SEAMSTRESS; GOODfilterand draper; sews 50c a day; cityor Oak-

land. 92, Call Office.O YOUNG WOMEN* WOULD LIKEPOSITIONSj-i as housekeepers or take charge of lodging-house. Address M.J., box 46. Call Office.DELIABLE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES PO-IXsitlon to do chamberwork, light housework,help inkitchen. Call or address 329 Fourth St.

/"IERMAN WIDOW WITH BOY 4 YEARSVT old wishes position in family; general house-work;small wages; gooa home. LP., box 30, Call.

Y\*ELL-F.DUCATEDGERMAN WIDOW AND»* daughter want position . as housekeeper;daughter to assist. Address H.K.,box 89, Call.

VOUNG, INDUSTRIOUS, STRONG GIRL-L wishes situation to do general housework. Ap-

ply746 Mission st.

TirETNURSE, WITH~FRESH~BREAST OF»» milk, wants position; cityor country. Apply

217 lurk st.

GI11L WISHES SITUATION*HOUSEWORK,cooking. Apply 321 Ellis st.


WOMAN WISHESwork by the day or month; washing or house-

cleaning, or willtake flannels home. 418 Post st.,rear. "-SJ3SSTV*EAT FRENCH GIRL WOULD LIKE SITU-J-> ation, care of Invalidor children; good refer-ences. Address F. G., box 132, Call office.CITUATION WANTED BY A RELIABLEO woman to do general housework: Is good plaincook and laundress; city or short distance In thecountry: wages MO. Call or address 1000 Wash-ington st., cor. Powell.

1Embroidering suspenders AND MUF--Lj flers a specialty. First' floor, room 22, 105.Stockton st.

\u25a0\t OUNG GERMAN WOMANWANTS BITUA--I. tion as wetnurse; best of references. Aadress

22V2 Louisa st., bet. Harrison and Folsom, Thirdand Fourth.

ITUATIONS WANTED BY TWO SECONDgirls (Swedish), wages $25; one to assist with

sewing, the other w th plain washing; cityor coun-try. Address 759 Mission st.

ERMAX "WOMAN WITH BOY WANTSsituation as working housekeeper or general

housework city or country. Address G. W., box110, CallOffice.

IDDLE-AGEDREFINED WIDOW, WHO isfirst-class In dressmaking and hairdressing,

speaking German, French and English, would likeposition in family. Address M.A.,box 71, Call.r\IRL,12 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES TO CARE\J f 'r 1or 2 children; can make herself useful;must be inAlameda. Address MISS JaNSSEN,617 Central ave., Alameda.VOUNG WIDOW DESIRES POSITION ASA typewriter.Call 132 Sixthst.,room 20, 2d floor.VOUNGEASTERN LADYOF REFINEMENTA desires a position of trust. Call 601 Leaven-worth st., cor.O'Farrell, room 16.

GERMAN GIRLS WANT TO GET PLACE;2 for general housework; American family pre-ferrea; 1 wants place as waitress. Address 91

Ninth St., near Mission; no postals.VOUNG LADY WISHES ALL KINDS OF1gentlemen's sewing and mending. 109 TaylorSt., room 2.

-VOUNG WIDOW WITH A CHILD WISHES1 work as housekeeper in Colma ornear by. Ad-dress MRS. HAGAN,Halfmoon Bay, San MateoCounty, Cal. ' • -p.

RENCH YOUNG LADY,FIRST-CLASS CUT-ter. fitter,designer or trimmer, wishes a posi-

tion: salary moderate if a steady situation; refer- ,ences furnished. Address L,box 31, Call Office.IVTANTED—POSITION IN PIANO DEI'ART-»» m«nt. Address MRS. E.MELVILLE-ISHAM,

1611 Howard st.E_L-EBUCATED YOUNG LADY WOULD»" like position as companion or governess; is

neat and willing. Address T. M., 686 Twenty-fourth st.. East Oakland. .\\*A SITUATIONBY A FIRST-CLASS''

professional cook; German: experienced inFrench cooking: best of references., Apply355Tenth st., near Webster, Oakland.

Reflned WIDOW from the eastwould like any kindof sewing or gents' mend-ing. Call afternoons, room 2, 1119 :Mission st.,

first floor; notrlflers.WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR.»" Market; electric lights in.every room: 200rooms; 26c to $160 per night; $150 to $6 per

week:free bus to and from the ferry.

KEFI l.irYOt'NG LADY WISHES TO ACTas companion to lady traveling or take care of

child over 3 years; wages $5 a month: would liketo go to Los Angeles. Address L. A.,box 71, Call.

WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR.flMarket; 200 rooms; 25c to si 50 per night;

$160 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable;free bus to and from the ferry.



=j6_ cor. of Stockton— Rev. R. C. Foute, rector.Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Morning

Srayer. Sermon by the rector. Celebration ofholv communion at 11a.m. "Te Deum" (Thayer)in Eflat: "Jubilate" (Pease) in B flat offertory,"God Is Love" (Warren): "Kyril"'(Elvey) in Gflat- -Sanctus" (Taylor) in B fia.; "Gloria inEx-celsls." plain song. Third festival musical serviceat 7:45. Processional, "Holy, Holy, Holy LordGod Almightv": pracot and responses: talles;rendering of sacred cantata, "The Holy City," byAlfredGaul, Mus. Bac. oxon; benediction nymn,"IWillLavMe Down in Peace"; postlude marchinC (Sir Frederick Ouseley. Organist and directorOf the music, William H.Holt.»pg=. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR-Qr^ ner of Geary and Franklin sts.— Rev. Hora-tio Stebbins, D. 0.. minister: William D. Elliot Jr.,associate, at the church daily, from 11 to 12. Sun-day-school at 9:46 a. _. Services at 11 a. m. and7:30 P. M. Subject of evening sermon: "TheTeachings of Unitarianism and Its Relation toother Churches." All are cordially Invited.

fLsS= SECOND UNITARIANCHURCH,COR-Bs-1'ner of Twentieth and Capp sts.— Hon.JohnMontelth will preach in the morning. Subject:"Our Work and Who Are the Workers?" In theevening Rev. WilliamG. Eliot Jr.. associate pastorof the First Unitarian Cnurch, will preach. Seatsfree. Allaie cordially invited.

EKS***" CALVARYPRESBYTEBIANCHUBCH,Br--^' corner of Powell and Geary sts.—Rev.John Hemphill, D.D., pastor, will preachat 11 a. _. and 7:30 p. _. Topic: "TheWonderful Book," first of a course of evening lec-tures. Music at morning service: "Te Deum"(Fay): offertory, "Peace ILeave With Thee" (Tin-ney"), by Mrs. Marrlner -Campbell. Musicat even-ing service: "Benedic Anima Mea" (nolden);"Jesus, Lover of My Soul," by Frank Ver TreesePollock and choir; "The Holy City" (StephenAdams), Mr.Pollock (by special request). AllareInvited.jjT^-> FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIANBrsS' Church, Golden Gate ave. and Polk St.—Rev.M. Gibson, D.D., pastor. Services 11 a. it.and7:30 p. M. Sacrament of the supper at the morn-ing service. Subject for the evening: "The LastWords of a F'ather to His Son." Strangers wel-come.EC_S=> FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH,Hfrsß' cor. Post am! Mason sts.— Rev. C. O. Brown.D.D., pastor. Professor R. R. Lloyd will preachin the morning at II a. m. Services inthe evening at 7:30 o'clock. Theme: "TheSkeptic Converted." Sunday-school in lecture-room Immediately after morning service. Mrs.Cooper's Bible class in auditorium. Mr.Kimball'sBible class in study. Young People's Endeavormeeting at 6:30 p. m. Weeklv prayer meeting,Wednesday, at 7:30 P. it. All are cordially In-vited, especially those from hotels and boarding-houses Inthe vicinity.iprS= THIRDCONGREGATIONALCUURCH,6*--^ Fifteenth St.. near Mission.— Rev. WilliamRader. pastor. Service at 11a. m. Subject of ser-mon: -'Elijah'sGod." liveningat 7:30. Theme:'\u25a0Whom Jesus Loved," first of a series of Sundayevening sermons for November. Sunday-school,12:30 P. M. Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p.m. Choruschoir—W. c. Stadtfald, director.D^S=> FIRST NEW JERUSALEM CHURCHIs^ (Swedenborglan), O'Farrell st., east of Fill-more— Rev. E. L. Higgins, minister. Sunday-sbcool, 9:30 a. m. sermon, 11 _. m. Subject:••The Lord's Body and Blood." The HolySupperwill follow sermon. Readings from Swedenborgincnurch parlors, rear of church, at 7 :30 P. m. Allinvited toall services, seats free.

**\u25a0_*§-» THECHURCH OF TnEHOLY*SPIRIT—ar-J^ Evangelical in faith, holding the word of<\u25a0<> Ias the only Iniallible ruleof faith and practice;and the Augsburg Confession as a correct exhibi-tion of its doctrines. Rev.Oliver C. Miller.M.A.,pastor, worshiping inFranklin Hall,1839 FillmoreSt., bet. Bush and Sutler. Services every Lord'sday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer servicesevery Wednesday evening at 7:46o'clock. Sunday-school at 9:30» WESTSIDE CHRISTIANCHURCH, OX***&Bush st., near Devisadero— Rev. W. A. Gard-ner, pastor. Topics: 11 a. m., "A Photograph ofJesus." 7:30 p. M.,"ACommon-- View of theTrinity" (a prelude). 8 p. m., "Peccadilloes."Sunday-school, 10 a.m. C. E. Society, 6:30 p. m.Open chureh entertainment Friday at Bp. m. Ad-mission free.

»> CHURCH OF JESUS CnBIST OF LAT-«BkL' ter-day Saints. Meetings at 2 and 7:45 p., in Friendship Hall,909 Market st. At thisevening's meeting Elder J. R. Shepherd willspeakupon "The Apostacy of the Primitive Church."Allare welcome. Nocollections.BK*"g** FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN-Hr-*' Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. inBeethoven Hall,336 Post St., cor.Powell. Allarewelcome.Bp3s=' THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY


15^& public lecture every Sunday evening at 320Post St.. at 7:45. To-night: "Nature and Functionof the Soul." byMr. Amos J. Johnson.

Bt_S» DR. ROBBINS LECTURES TO-NIGHTBS~~Lr on "The Influence of Earth-bound Spirits onMortals": tests by Mrs. Hovet: the sick healed:mediums developed, and written questionsanswered byspirit power: recitation by Mrs. Stev-ens: vocal and Instrumental music by MissEllsworth. All persons attending this meetingwillreceive a 25c ticket free admitting them to adeveloping circle that they may get spirit manifes-tations at home. Washington Hall, 35*/a EddySt., BP. m. Admission free.r*_-^> THE SOCIETY OF PROGRESSIVEtr-~*? Spiritualists willmeet at Golden Gate Hallon Sutlerst., between Mason and Taylor, onSun-day evening, November 3, 1895, at 7:45 o'clock.Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson, speaker. Questionsfrom tne audience willbe answered. Music by theMisses Lillian and Emily Coleman. Admissiontree.

a_*3g= DR. RIN-ES' SPIRITUAL MEETING,E*^* 909 Market st., _ and Bp. m. Circle andplatform tests. Mmes. Bird, Henderson, Mr. andDrs. Tobias. Circles Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-day. Dr. Rin-es, 1236 Market st.

VETS* GOME TO MRS. DREW'S TEST MEET-»~& ing to-night. Assisted by Mrs. Robinson.10c. 110 Hayes st.

R-S' RETURNI-.D, MRS. J. J. WHITNEY,EK*^ clairvoyant: trance and test medium. 218Stockton st.

j|_'2p MRS. FULTON,MATERIALIZINGSE-t*-*7 ance to-night, 8o'clock, 50c; sittings daily,31 Tell st.

lt-25=* MRS. MAYO-STEERS; CIRCLE TO-Ur-iy night; sittings daily. 101 Grove, cor. Polk.:~^~ TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT,10c. MM_._r--^ YOUNG.605 McAllister st.: large orchestra.


EKS=* THE OFFICERS AND~MEM^ aS-6^ bers of South San Francisco Lodge J%No. 212,1'. and A. M.,are hereby notified to'?? 2?assemble at their hall, cor. Fourteenth and r^^Railroad avenues, on SUNDAY, November 3,1895, at 1o'clock p. _. for the purpose of attendingthe funeralof onrlate brother, WILLIAMHENRYWIDMAN,of Mariposa Lodge No. 24, F.and A.M.,of Mariposa, California. Byorder of the Master.

E. C. HARE,Secretary.Bt_-5-« CLANERASER No.78, 0.5.C... nZk_--»^ willhold its fifthanniversary con- 5^ OkCujcert and dance at Scottish Hall. ijirkin \u25a0_J*_l__a_St., on FRIDAY'EVENING,November '"fc^Hfe15. Admission 25c. THOMAS ERASER, Chief.

William Cokmack, secretary.

at-S 3 ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY— v «7 >,$&k& Members are respectfully notified 3^ L3JOthat the annual election of officers will '\u25a0*j*JtjvLbe held at Scottish Hall,111Larkin St.. *fc|Sl%on MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 4. Polls openfrom 7to9p. u. WILLIAMNICOL,President.

W. C. Cook, Secretary.

s^*s= THE FALL CREEK MINING COM-I*>jy pany—The annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Fall Creek MiningCompany for theelection of aBoard of Directors and the transac-tion of such other business as may be presentedwillbe held at the office of the company, room 41,In McC'reery's building, 310 Pine St., San Fran-cisco, Cal., on THURSDAY, the 7th aav of No-vember, A.D. 1895, at the hour of 1o'clock p. m.

M.D.SWEENEY, Secretary.

•fc^S* PACIFIC HEBREW ORPHAN ASYLUM_M*"and Home Society— members of thissociety are hereby notified that the annual elec-tion of five trustees takes place MONDAY,No-vember 4, 1895, at the office ofMessrs. Greenebaum* Co., 115 Bush st. Polls open from 11a.m. to3P. m. Byorder. LEO ELO_SSER. Sec.*K§*' GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING,MET-m~J^ ropolitan Temple, Sundav. November 3, 3p. it. Addresses by General T.J.'.Monan, formerlyof the Department of the Interior, D.C, subject•Live Issues," and by D. M.Ross, D.D., subject••Nearest our Hearts."Ep-g=» ANNUAL MEETING

—NOTICE ISB^»' hereby given that the thirteenth annual

meeting of the stockholders of the san FranciscoMutual Loan Association will be held at the officeof the corporation, No. 624 Montgomery st. S Fon WEDNESDAY, November 6, 1895, at 7:30

clock p. if.,for the purpose of electing directorsfor the ensuing year, presentation of the thirteenthannual report and the transaction of such otherbusiness as may come before the meeting. Allshareholders are earnestly requested to attend.Books are now open for subscription to 1000 sharesof stock of the Fourteenth Series. Loans made inSan Francisco and Alameda counties only. Inter-est 6 percent per annum, free of mortgage taxes:premium 20 percent gross or 60 cents per shareinstallments, at pleasure of borrower. Loans maybe repaid at any time desired. Bv order of theboard of directors. THOS. J. WELSH, President.

A. SBARBORO, Secretary. -|P7s=» THE PAJARO FRUIT AND LANDm**Y.Company— A special meeting of the stock-holders of this corporation will be held at rooms116-122, Crocker building, this city, on TUES-DAY,November 6, 1895, at 8o'clock p. m., for thetransaction of such business as may properly comebefore the meeting. order of the board of direct-ors. CHARLES H.MAASS, secretarv.

Office: 421 Pacific St., San Francisco, Cal.


fully treated. DR.LLOYD,Chiropodist, Lur-lineBaths.

IKE""RHEUMATISM,NEURALGIA, GOUT;**~Lr special attention to these diseases. J. A.McDON ALP,M.D..1236 Market;2to 4.7 to 8 p.m.

|K3S» DR.JOS. BAYER, SUTTER ST.—lto3i* and 7:30 to 8:80 p.*.;residencel43l Webster