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Lava; may. be blown into.beautiful green colored bottles, lighter .anJ stronger than ordinary glass. CHICAGO, Aug. 10.— A. million dollar packing plant, completely modern In its details, willbe erected at once In Col- orado by, the ;Schwarzschlld.& Sulz- bergrer company, according to \a state- ment made yesterday' by G. F. Sulz- berger. The definite location of the plant has not been ; determined. The *Jioice lies between Denver and Pueblo. BIG PACKING PLANT PLANNED CALIFORNIANS IXPARIS PARIS, Aug. 10.—The following reg- istered at the Call-Herald bureau to- day: Rabbi Isaac Stern, Solomon Fos- ter, Mrs. Foster J. Fugazl, of San Fran- cisco; W. P. Blakely and wife^R. Rey- nolds, of Long Beach; S. Clair Ormsby and wife of Riverside. RENO. Aug. 10. The Southern Pa- cific contemplates an Immediate exten- sion of Its road from Ashland to this city. The work willbe rushed with the evident Intention of beating the West- ern Pacific Into this city. . William Ashton of Salt Lake has begun survey- ing for the proposed extension of the Southern Pacific lines. WILL. EXTENT) ITS L.IKES dal meeting of the chamber of com- merce it -was decided to have a public demonstration on the day that the first Northern electric car Is run Into Sacra- mento. Invitations to attend are to be extended to the mayor, council and municipal authorities of Marysvllle, Yuba City, Biggs, Oroville, Chico, Grid- ley and other up country points. : . PLAXS PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION SACRAMENTO. Aug. 10. At a spe- NEW YORK. Aug. 10.—The following Callfornlans *. are registered la New York: ,r. Fro -m £ an Fr a n el*co—E. H. Bradley. Miss N. J. Burke, at the Hotel Broztell; F. H. Cosgrove, J. M. Hickey, L Hurd at the Hotel Woodstock; Miss R. D. Isaac, C. Isaac, W. Isaac, at the Marl- borough; J. McDonald, at the Broad- way Central; G. T. Nelson, at the Hotel Woodstock; J. Wallace. Miss Wallace at the Broadway Central; W. Edwards! at the Ashland; W. Riley, at the Broad- way Central hotel; H. Washauer at the Hotel Marlborough. From San Diego— Mrs. W. Hanson, Miss N. Hanson, Mrs. R. Tlngley, at the Park Avenue. "* From San Jose— P.- G. Ordway, at the Grand Union. ' ' :From Sacramento— C. M. Lasker, at the Broadway Central. t From Los Angeles— R. Amburn, G. b: B. Turner, W. Turner, at the Grand hotel. CAJLWORXIAJSS INNEW YORK GOLDFIELD, Aug. 10. The mem- bers of the plumbers' union of this city have struck because their request for $9 for an eight hour day has been re- fused by the Master Plumbers* associa- tion. The men have been getting $8 a day. The bosses contend that living is no higher here than It is in San Fran- cisco, where plumbers receive 56, and in Reno, where the union men get $5.50 a day. STRIKE FOR $9 A DAY Two grand Juries have met since Dr. Paul was killed and no indictment was returned against Judge Short until the third Jury met. Dr. Paul was one of a crowd pursu- ing a negro, Dick tiarrett. Garrett took' refuge In the nome of Judge Short and fired on the pursuers, kill- ing Dr. PauL Garrett was tried while the courthouse was garrisoned with militia, and was hanged for the murder. HOUSTON, Tex., Aug. 10- Judge IL* B. Short was arrested at Center, Tex., yesterday while holding court on an Indictment charging him with the murder of Dr. Miles Paul last autumn. He was engaged In trying an important civil suit, but the arrest caused a postponement until he could furnish bond of $10,000. Was Hanged After Mob Pursuit in Texas Accused of Crime for Which Negro JUDGE ARRESTED INCOURT FOR KILLING OF PHYSICIAN The production was under the pat- ronage of prominent society women of New York, Philadelphia and other cities who are passing the summer here, and 5,000 seats were sold. The costuming and acting were so accurate that with the genuine setting the Illusion was nearly complete. Tradition is so strong that small boys in the neighborhood are taught io believe that the thunder Is caused i>y the gnomes playing at tenpins high up on the side of the mountain. NEW YORK. Aug. 10.—In a beauti- ful grove on the side of Katerskill cove, near Catskill, N. V., the first open air production of Joseph Jefferson's dramatization of Rip Van Winkle was played last night. The scene Is one made memorable by the legend itself. With Real Scenes of Henry Irving Classic Jefferson's Play Staged in Open Air RIP VAN WINKLE APPEARS AGAIN INNATIVE HILLS John Lee, general manager of the In- ternational mercantile marine company. Fays that the new steamers are under way at the Ware shipyards at Belfast on the Clyde. Family flats, with all modern Im- provements, on the promenade deck, will i>e one of the features. One of the new steamers will bo called the Minnewauska and will run under the Atlantic transport flag. She will be larger, faster and more luxuri- ously fitted than the present steamers of the Minnetonka class. NEW "YORK, Aug. 10. The new At- lantic liners promised by Bruce Inmay, president of the International mercan- tile marine navigation company, six months ago in his address to the stock holders, have been laid down and the first one, the Albert, willbe ready early next spring for the Canadian trade. Keels of Vessels Destined for American Coast Laid in Belfast FAMILY FLATS FEATURE OF NEW OCEAN LINERS Among' 10 provincial and metropoli- tan Korean parrlsoii* three mutinies have taken place, namely at Seoul. Honju and "tt'onju. The first named Karrlson was disbanded. The second Is in flight with General Hasegawa's cav- alry in pursuit of the fugitives, while the situation at TTonju is alarming. Marquis Ito, accompanied by eight members of the Japanese-Korean ad- ministration, left via Chemulpo today for Tokyo, where a large demonstration will be held in celebration of his late coup d'etat. Marquis Ito and his party will sail from Ciiemulpo on a warship. General Hasegawa has been ap- pointed acting resident general and the practical restoration of order In Korea will devolve upon him. He has declared that in a national sense there \u25a0will be no elimination of the throne from the government of Korea. The general believes th&t \u25a0 under the new order of things the people may possibly become more cohesive, but he will rely upon the Japanese for the maintenance of order. SEOUL. Aug. 11.—In the reorganiza- tion of the Korean government three members of Marquis Ito's staff will be- come vice ministers of the three de- partments of state. Serious Outbreaks Occur in Garrisons at Several Points TROOPS IN MUTINY Reorganization of the Gov- ernment of Korea Is Effected There have been no end of smart dinners and dances, and the music given at the concerts three time* dally Is unusually good. Mr. and Mru. McKee, the latter being formerly Mrs. Cornelia Baxter Tevls, are also at Carlsbad for a stay. Baron and baron- ess yon Horst entertained the Grand Duke Cyril at a muslcale at the Hof- garten, Coburg, recently. The pro- gram was arranged by Mr. Bristol of New York. Many of his pupils took part. Baron yon Horst sailed for San Francisco several days ago. The baroness will remain abroad for some time. Miss Maren Proellch was, at last ao- counts, in Holland. She expects to re- main In Paris for study during the coming winter. Alice Chlttenden Is in England with the Misses Meyer of Menlo Park. They Intend to pass the winter traveling. Mrs. Henry E. Hlghton and Miss Scoofy arrived in Paris last week, and Mrs. L>. Heyman and the Misses Hey- man In Antwerp. Mrs. Veronica C. Balrd, with her son, Benjamin, and her grandaugter, Mrs. William J. Sproule's little girl, have been traveling in Ireland and Scotland and Intend going from there to Hol- land, returning to Paris In August. Sirs. McCreery waa in London a few days ago. Miss- Helan«Robson has sailed for home. Judge" and Mrs. English (Rose Sutro) are making an extended stay In Vichy. Raphael Well was a visitor there recently. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Page and their daughter. Miss Leslie, have been In London for several weeks, but ex- pect to sail for home tomorrow. Miss Leslie is to be a debutante next win- ter. She Is decidedly good looking, ac- complished and speaks French fluently Dr. and Mrs. William J. Younger are among those who intend leaving for San Francisco within a day or two. Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, wife of the American ambassador, went to Tours last week, accompanied by her four children. She retains all the sim- ?"«i t3r w 3 hl ch was her great charm as Nellie Smith, despite the honors showered upon her and her distin- guished husband by crowned heads Carlsbad continues the Mecca for many Callfornlans, and, while, of course, one does not go to Carlsbad for fun, yet it has a decided attraction for fashionables. Nature has at last assumed an agreeable mood, for the sun has made its appearance, greatly to the relief of every one. Including Californians, whose memory when the weather is bad in France carries them back to their own golden, sunny state. Mrs. Augustus Spreckels and Mrs. Robinson (Aileen Ivers) are seen much together there, wearing handsome gowns. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Eddy have taken an apartment in the fash- ionable quarter. Mrs. Henry T. Scott has Just arrived at Carlsbad. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tobln, accom- panied by Mrs. Ed Dlmond. reached Lucerne last week, coming from Inter- laken In their Mercedes car. Mrs. Raoul-Duval, their sister, was in Tours fer the races, looking very smart in a white serge tailor made gown, with a wonderful Cloche hat, having blue and pink roses and a wide veil. Mrs. Frank Powers of San Francisco and her sister, Mrs. Thompson-Seton, have returned to Paris after a de- lightful trip through France to Alx les Baines, Switzerland, and the chateau district. They returned here to see their children in school, and are now intending to start out again, by automobile this time, for Italy. Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Seton receive much attention and admiration while on motor trips. In their linen auto cos- tumes they are decidedly chic. Mrs. Powers intends to remain in southern France during the coming winter. Everywhere the automobile Is king of transportation vehicles. AH the European countries and the republics of North and South America are rep- resented In France by autolsts and travelers encounter many "lightning conductors," who quickly and oblig- ingly advise travelers where to go "en auto" In France that the visitors may see the best of the country and In as short & time as one might desire. These individuals, surcharged with in- formation, make substantial sums as a result of the endless stream of tourists who are "doing" Europe, and France particularly, in motor cars by reason of its excellent highways. Tourists apparently do not care to travel now- adays In first class railroad cars or on limited express trains, for If they are able to afford that luxury and the necessity of giving tips they can as easily engage automobiles, should they not have their own machines. PARIS, July 31. Visiting' Callfor- nlans have the automobile fever In as marked a form as that shown by Euro- peans. Never before has there been so much motoring, done In France as during this season, particularly by visitors from the United States. The tourists find that they can bring their machiifcs with them from the United States, pay -the required oustoms duty (which is refunded when returning), and travel far more cheaply and much more comfortably than by rail and eIBO visit many places which are In- accessible by railroad. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF THE CALL Attractions of Watering Place Make It a Popu- lar Meca MANY AT CARLSBAD People From San Francisco Enjoy Traveling Along Well Paved Roads ,' From San Francisco— -A. \u25a0Roth, F. J. : . Harring- ton, Mre. , F. '\u25a0"'' J. :\u25a0 Harrington, . Madelalne " Rose Harrington, I Mre. Claris Tiedeman, Miss I Millie Tledeman, Miss Myrtle Tiedeman, . Mr. and r Mrs." George , Glaek, . S. Schwartz.". J. » T. :• Platt,*. W. \ G; Newbersrer, Mrs. Henry F rob man. ; Miss .It. 1 . Froh-" man,- Mlstli; Frohman, Si lpr; Phyllis'. Frohman,'. Mlßs.'r Elsa T: Frohraail-, ' Jcrsp -\u25a0\u25a0 Waterman.. v Mrs. A. , U. Jackson," Harry G; r Martcll.'. : Charles A. Stewart, Dr. - Paul C. ' Alexander. \u25a0\u25a0 A. <M. Alex- . The following named are . registered at Napa. Soda Springs: . " ;/ From SanU Crut Asa Smith. San Jose F. H. O'Keefe. San Francisco J. D. McCarthy, S. Gowan. Los Gatos Mr. and ' Mre. W. B. Seeley, Miss Margery Seeley. Miss Ruth Seeley. Toledo, O. Mre. C. C. Dawson. . Portervllle William Duncan. San Francisco— Mre. C. A Lnti, Mr. and Mre. H. Morgan, R. L. * Kruger. Wlnona, Minn. Irwin Shepard and party. Cham- pagne, 111.— Mlas Branch. ' Elmer I. Shepard. Wlnona. Minn. Miss Clesner. Grass Valley, Nev.—Miss O. V. , Turner. - Mre. L. E. - Thomas. Sacramento J. C. Ellis, wife and ' son, Mrs.- E. W. Clark, Mre. M. E. Clark, Mrs. C. I. Phil- Hds and daughter, Mrs. I. Barnes and daughter, Mrs. George Murray. Stockton A. T. Howell, Mre. Adel and Harold Howell. Fresno R. 11.- Hawes and wife. Miss' Minnie B." and John A. Hawes. Chico—H. Harle, Mre. William Lomb- ard and child, Ina Harle and Eras' Harle. San Francisco M. H. ATery and wife, M. Kochman. San Lorenzo— Miss Hathaway. -• Oakland— O. W. Wilts. Red Bluff— Leo L. McCoy and wife. Miss Alice McCoy. 1 San Francisco B. A. Norrls.^Ed: Corlett, wife and daughter, B. D. Marwell. Berkeley— Mrs. . A. H: Belcher. Lincoln H: P." Jansen. Fresno— Walter Schnmaker : and wife. .San Jose J. W.Doreey and wife, Mre.' M.- J. Blercornish. Los -Angeles—George :F. \u25a0 Roberts,' H. -A. Ivere. Sacramento— Mre. H. T. ; Schmidt and children, Mra. A. I). Burke and child, E. Austin and wife. ' . ... Among the recent . arrivals at the Pacific Grove hotel are: From San Francisco— T. W. Brown, C. L. Wallace, A. Goldstein. K. Wlese. F. F. R.ver. Samuel G. Buckbee; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grif- fin, nurse and child; Dr. Paul Blber, Morton Vrang, S. Frledlander, Miss Flood. Mrs. F. Boedlng, M. Davis, W. J. Klnneff, Mrs. Taaffe, Miss E. Harrington, Mrs. Ahcrn. Miss A. J. Ahem, Master John Ahem, E. F. Armstrong, Joe Trlest. W. G. Bardons, J. H. Benedict Jr., Mr. and Mre. Roy Block, Miss Ellse Block, P. G. Hale, H. L. Bates, H. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. James N. Wright. George W. Granger, J. W. Van Bergen. Grover Anspach, Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Champaux, . Mre. V. Vordell, Mre. J. L. Durst, Mre. P. de la Montanya, Mr. and Mre. M. A. Baldwin. R. M. Briggs, Sam Blbo, C. C. Manker, Mrs. H. H. Hart, Mre. L. Bartlett, Will Hoff, O. O. Walte. T. J. Schuyler, Mre. Jack Robinson, Mrs. Jamea Smith, Mr. and Mre. Fries, Miss D. Fries, B. R. Hecht. A. Gautenlanb, \u25a0E. Berts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pike. Mrs. W. L. Wokes, Mr. and Mre. J. W, McDonald Jr., Mr. and Mre. C. W. Cook, Miss Lucy Cook, R. T. Bolph, Mr. and Mre. S. Schwabacher, Miss M. L. Schwabacber. Frank Schwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fessenden, J. Adams, Mr. and Mre. C. Lee, Mr. and Mre..11. H. Bobbins, Lonis Straus. Miss R. B. Straus. J. A. Young, Mr. and Mre. C. H. Schlveley. Oakland Mr. and Mre. T. C. Coogan, Mre. J. A. Young, Mr. and Mre. A. A. Sawyer, Mrs. H. P. Roach, Miss Carrie .Welghan, Mr. and Mrs. F. Catting, Mr. and Mre. George Faulkner. Chicago Thomas B. Lyon, Mrs. -= Lyon, Miss Lyon, Miss Dlckerman, Joseph Zellen, Marie Salor, Mr. and Mre. A. B. Jackson. Los Ange- les—B. W. Lee, M. B. Heran, Mrs. A. F. Levy, Elma C. Levy. Reno, Nev.—Mary Nichols, Abby A. Nichols, Catherine Burns, Rhea Archibald New York—F.- L. Grtffiss, Mrs. Sarah Watson, Mr. and Mre. James Kearvey. : Eugene Jepson, Harry Redding, Miss Ethel Barrymore and maid, Mre. Louise Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. F. Deyo, Lee Goldsmith, Mr. and Mre. W. G. Me- Oune. Portland Mr. and Mre. T. C. Ander- son. Ross O. J. Foster, Mr. and Mre. H.~ C. Rodgers, Miss Blocker, E. A. Van Bergen. An- dover. 111. Olive V. Larson. San Rafael Colonel and Mrs. F. H. Johnson. Eugene Ore. Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Stevens and boy. Sacramento George R. Swift. Santa Barbara— Camllle Levy. Golden, Colo. Mr. and Mre. V. C. Alderson. Berkeley Mrs. A. J. Home, T. W. Cushlng. Mr. and Mre. C. O. Payon. Fargo, N.. D.— F. E. Btratton. Washington, D. C. Professor Newcomb. Cupertino, > Cal. Mrs. L. J. Reynolds. VI sail a, Cal.— Mr. - and Mrs. Charles Riley. Mount Vernon, N. Y.— Mre. D. W. Coon. Bamboo, Wis.— Mrs.; I. Hoyt. Tacoma, Wash.— R. W. Taylor. . Sacramento— W. B, Barrett. El Campo, Tex.— Mrs. M. J. Hefner. . The following registered at the Hotel Vendome during the past week: From San Francisco Mrs. C. Welnberg and children, Mrs. S. W. Llndermann and children, Mrs. J. P. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Dunbar, W. El- mer, K. Brown and family, Mrs. F. W. Jackson and daughter, Mrs. O. Conway and children, Mrs. C. A. Herrmann and children. O. Hllde- brand and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grentert, R. Jones and family, Mrs. F. Granz and family, Mrs. H. R. Koll and children. G. Denhard, Charles Hadley and family, W. Wider and fam- ily,J. Kleffer and family, J. Droyer and family, W. Short and family, L. Hedrick, R. Muller. Frederick Hanson, H. Elsham, E. A. Beance and daughter, Mrs. J. Echlrpser, H. Ayres and family, A. C. Nelsen. Mrs. H. Plant. Miss Emma Planz, Mrs. W. McCall, John Welch, P. S. Haparty and wife. Miss Annie M. Hagarty. Oakland Hermann Frans and wife, C. Hopsas and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, M. J. Breen, * Mr. Furlong and family. Sacramento Francis Orerton, wife and child, Hans Graber and wife. At Camp Taylor resort the following guests registered: From San rranclsco— T. P. M. Gamp, Mrs. J. H. Callahan, Mrs. P. Harder, Clara Harder, Dollle Connor, Miss L. Bryne. Miss A. Bryne, James P. Sullivan,- William G. Spiegel and wife, Leonore Malone, Emma G. LeTy, W. J. WUe, William J. Corlett, William McCracken, Adolph T. Stone, Mlsa LilUan Muxke, Dr. A. J. Top- ping, Charles A. Stewart, James Hlggens and family, Raymond Callaghan, Mrs. J. N. Oal- laghan, Mrs. C. C. O'Nell, Gerald O' Nell. Mary C. McCarthy. Mary Yotter, C. J. Borgfeldt, Anna Borgfeldt, Johnny Borgfeldt, D. J. Schaffer, M. lloberg, Miss A. Chamberlin, T. W. Clausen, A. D. Rice, Mrs. J. Wise, Miss T. Beaaely, Lil- lian Nltrele. Mrs. Emll Happersburger, H. W. Kemp, Mrs. J. J. Hendricks, Miss E. - Landers. Henry L. Holzberg, Mabel Baes. Mrs. A. G. No- vell. Annie Korell, Helen A. Bass, Henry Gay- lord MarteH, Dr. Paul C Alexander. Sidney Hamilton. V. U. Francis, A. L. Llssner and fam- ily. Miss Etta O'Brien, Miss Belle O'Brien, J. 11. Keefe. Mrs. J. Spiegel, T. W. Spiegel. Mrs. F. W. Thompson, Miss Florissa Howell, Emma Spencer, L. B. Kellman, H. E. Kennedy, Made- line Brush, Roger Johnson, B. 0. Basford. J. N. C. Boden and wife. Oakland William W. Gra- ham. Marlam E. Ellaser, Juanlta Bumel, Mrs. J. Buntel, Viola F. Bumel, Arthur O. Evans and wife, Arthur Flbush, Walter Lewis, M. Barnett. Mrs. J. Nig gel. Miss Nlggel. Mr. and Mrs. Maloney, Dr. Dodson, Mrs. Hughes. Miss Hughes. Mrs. William It. Davis, .William R. Darls Jr., Mrs. Manfield Herman, Fred A. Jor- dan and wife, W. O. Manuel and wife. Miss Leslie Manuel, Miss Mildred Manuel, W. a Ma- son and wife, W. R. Jackson. Miss Kate Ste- vens. KelseyTllle Dr. F. B. McGoTern. Lower Lake^ J. N. Booth and wife. J. W. Trempen and wife, 81 Lubelskl, Louis Nlsser. W. de la Rosa. J. W. Belshaw. Santa Maria— J.' T. Goodwin, Mrs. J. T. Goodwin, Miss Bessie Goodwin, Guy L. Goodwin, Donald Goodwin. T. R. Flnley, Mrs. T. R, Flnley, William N. Finley, Mary Flnley, W. Flnley. Belvedere Henry C. Heyne- mann, Ruth M. Heynemann, Walter P. Heyne- mann. San 'Rafael Mrs. Julia Luning, Miss Margaret Luning. Santa Cruz Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Deming, Miss Josephine Deming, Miss Doro- thy Deming, Leo E. Daper. Laurel Dell Henry Heynemann, F. Palmer. Woodland Lem Sieber, Fred Bullock. Callstoga H. N. Brown. Fresno G. W. Taft. Dr. Hayden. \u25a0 Lakeport—Mrs. B. U. Webb. Adelle Stipp. Edna Stevens. Yolland Fraser, Willie Johnston. Elmlra—Mrs. C. F. George, Miss Casa George, Bessie McKlnney. Arrivals at Soda Bay were the fol- lowing: From San Francisco— Charles M. Yates, Ruth Keys, N. C. Cooper, Mike Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Choynski. Heney Dechant. Mrs. L. D. Jacks, Miss G. Byington, H.. E. Kennedy, Stanley W. Morsbead. Mrs. Chester Weaver. C. L. Lathrop, J. Dalzell Brown, Moses Clayburgh, U. H. Hugg, James Allen and wife. It. I* Gardner, E. W. McCarthy, Bessie Irwin, I-oulse H. Irwln, John J. Dillon. Mrs. J. D. Robertson, Tom D. Brown, Harry Fremont, Dr. F. Bass, George Malony, Charles E. Wilde, Mrs. M. S. Hlckman, Mrs. J. J. Hendricks, Mrs. A. Landers, K. P. Jacobs and : wife, Tom 801 l man, i Mrs. Dlla Franetta, GenevieTe Carroll, H. G. Mar- tell. A. M. Alexander, ; Charles A. Stewart, Sidney Hamilton. Victor Francis, Dr. Paul C. Alexander, Evelyn McCarthy, Lyda A." Carroll. Alameda Clark Spencer, Dr. W. B. Stevens, W. W. Haskell, Mrs. A. P. Merle, Dr/ Cecil C. Dennis, Mrs. M. E. Dennis, Miss Dennis, Charles H. Bennett. Sacramento— C. E. Sereman, George B. Henry. Oakland Henry H. DeVoll and wife, Mrs. Mamie Brittan, Felton Taylor and wife, B. J. Harrifor and wife, B. W. Taylor, R. Horst. D. W. Morris, Laura Judge, W. H. L. Hynes and wife; A. H. Marks, wife and child; A. G. Soule, Wife and child; Catherine E. ' Gartner, A. L. Lavenson and party. Berkeley Mre. George W. Robinson. George W. ' Robinson Jr., Ruth Robinson, Mildred Elam. E. J. Argall. W. J. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar El Robinson and child, Bruno Johnson, Louis Tynnes, P. F. Kohnke and wife. Miss Kohnke, Miss Gertrude Kohnke. Healdsburg: A. R. Jacks and wife. Soda Bay E. L. Acres. Santa Boss Mrs. L. D. Jacks. Fresno— W. Parker Lyon and wife. Cloverdalt Carl Yorfll and wife. Vallejo Mrs. G. O. Morton. Tfin. E. N«rius. McCray Mrs. McCray. Bakersfleld— Mrs. Charles E. Baer. Lakeport tV. P. Orlppln and wife, Euvelle Howard, O. W. ChnrcbllL J. a Berger, F. F.- Miller, H. 0. Fowler. H. B. ChuroMU, Miss Willie Thompson. Monterey—J. Hnnt and wife. Piedmont— Mrs. E. Young. Pine Gronre—John W. Doobleday, Mary O. Donnelly, Memory Doubleday, Loretta F. Donnelly. Santa Crux H. 8. Demmy and wife. Placervllle Mrs. Josephine Demmy, Leo Draper Chat, Maude Frey. Wood- land—J. & Craig, wife and son; Mrs. Allen, John Allen. Charles Allen. Washington, D. C. F. M. Thompson. Petaluma F. W. Norman. The following are recent arrivals at Highland Springs: The' followini? guests registered at Aqua Caliente: Springs: '\u25a0\u25a0 . ; Vr F T?, m San , Francisco— B. » Wilt," ' A/ Senmel, : H. M.-Black, Mr. and Mrs.,H. Gill and son.' George Paston. L. Owens, Mr.* and Mrs. Shepphard, Mrs. M. Toner. Dr. ; J. M.I Toner,', G.- R. Puckett and fam Iy, Miss M. O'Shaughnessy, M." Sheftel! and family, E. Harvey, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, S. H. Patterson, ; Miss Selena Feely, Miss C. . B. i Clas- sen. Mrs. M. Crowder.*" Miss > F. ; McKally. 1 .- . Mr.- and Mrs.' Mclntosh. Mrs." N.«Lawrence." Mr.' 1 and » n-k'n -k' Ft T Ti and child,-. H.i Brennen.v Gus Daniels, F. , Brookbank. O. A- Tveltmoe, J. B. Lone," Uus From ' San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ruse and child, Mrs. N. SIlTa, James A. -White. Sacramento— A. J. McKay, J. 8. Frazee, F. J. DuftjvF.\ Fergus. Oakland— Miss E. E. Cobb. Miss Ellen. E. Cobb. Slsson— Miss Mugler," Peter Mugler. /tlollister—N. C. -Brlggs and i wife. Montague—F. J. , King Jr. > Kenwood— Captain £• ; ; M * ww * rd - - Chico— Boblna r E. \u25a0-. Loy. French^ Gnlch— 3. H. Cummings. \u25a0- if Lakevlew, P. re *~^; :P * \, Llght * na 'amily, George v Haw- klnSj-Mrs.- F. -. M. Miller and *\u25a0 son, -Mrs. ; L. I . Conn. Portland, s Ore.—D. >, W. Javers and wife, McGowan 'and wife.-- Eugene, Ore.—L. vN. Brown. Williams, \u25a0 Ore.—C. M. Stiles. Bonanra, Ore.—B. A: Bradburn. - - Late arrivals at Klamath Hot Springs: . , . From San Francisco O. \u25a0A. Peterson, George Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hirshfeld, Miss Doro- thy.;. IHrschfeld, J. W. Parkin, Ida Kangman, Ada Kangman, A. Johnson, Mr. Rellly, Miss C. Tregen, Tom Shields, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DeTer. Constance: Dever. Ronnie Dever, M. M. McMllllan, Mrs. N. N. Elegr. Mrs. Petersen, E. C. Cohn. Mrs. J.~W. Btrker, Muriel Murphy. Oakland— Mr. and Mrs. Kinley, Miss Lll - wln- dall; F. D. Reed. Mrs. W. Kllpatrick. Pinole- Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Watson, a Alameda Mrs. E. Neumann. Vallejo Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh, C. A. nuber, Mrs. Dathle, Miss Florence Duthle, Alfred : Duthle. Mrs/ . Dlckerson, Miss Unlce Dlckerwin, Norman Dlckerson,. Mrs. Weir and family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and baby,' Mrs. A. Roe. Miss E. Triplett, Miss Louise i Morgfln, Mrs. Triplett. Jack . Sides. Mr. and Mrs. » Wln- chell.' . Tom Horan, Willie Barry, . Leo Cava- naugh, David Barry, Miss A. Burns, ! Wayne Wlnchell. Mrs. CTaus ' and , family. \u25a0 Miss \u25a0 May Clarke, Miss Julia Taylor, Mrs. J. 8. Sancts and baby.-Val Fleming, Arthur Wood, Mrs. M. C. Kelly. Miss C. Kelly, Mrs. M. Malhsteadt, Miss F. Malhstead, David Kelly, Arthur Raines. The week's arrivals . at: Vallejo White Sulphur Springs are the follow- ing: :' - "' '\u0084; V;..<;^ From San Francisco Milton H. Cross, Marlon B. Cross, Mrs. A. R. Wells. A. F. Smithhurst. Mrs. W. D. Baldwin, H. H. Moffat. M. Mar- coTlch, Miss A. Clark, Mrs. W. R. Clark, J. T. Farley and wife, D. W. Moran, B. P. Huffman and wife. Mrs. B. T. Chrlsman, Miss M. Stew- art. J. W. Potts, W. J. Drlscoli and wife, John Joost, Harold Louderback, Miss K. L. Cole, J. B. Hatcher, O. 8. Marshall. G. 8. Salch, Mrs. J. Harvey, Mrs. L. Cahlli, Dr. Paul C. Alexander, A. M. Alexander, V. Francis, Mrs. A. Stewart, Mrs. Perramont and daughter, O. HaTiside, Mlss.Tessle Limmon, Miss Josephine Lammon, It. Dreyfus, Mrs. F. Hicks and child, M. R. Taylor, L. M. Ware, Mrs. H. E. Copp and child, H. E. Copp. Oakland J. C. Hannan, C. S. Hannan. Mile. Mlshgcovlch. E. V. Schnei- der, R. E. Tcnnant. G. E. Tennant, J. K. Barker. Sacramento— Mrs. B. Cavanaugh, . Miss F. CaTanaugh. Miss M. CaTanaugh. Master B. Cavanaugh, Miss M. Lamb. R. L. Entes, E. L. Krlpp and wife. P. Pendergast and wife. S. Quails, Tom Scott, Mavis Scott, Miss A. Klrby, H. K. McLannan. Berkeley— Mrs. T. G. Elliot, Jane Elliot, J. M. McNulty and wife. Lodi— G. Doering, C. James. G. G. Handle, W. H; Wil- son, C. Powell. Mary Helb. Santa Rosa S. F. Falkson. Mrs. L. D. Jacks, Mrs. R. McClary. Dr. C. R. Basford, J. C. Pederson. Fresno Morris Bcnas. «San Jose— Mrs. Mary Pillot, I. A. Fraxer and wife. Miss .C. M. Farley. Los An- geles Dr. Henderson Hayward. Mre. W. C Camp, A. A. Caldwell and. wife. Alameda Ethel McKenzle, Cordelia McKemle, George S. McKenzle. Tucson, Arix. William Kemp and wife. Miss Nellie Kemp. Honolulu Mrs. George D. Gear. Santa Barbara— D. B. Denton and wife. Mount Wilson—H. J. Rich. H. E. Rich. C. E. Rich. Woodland George J. Snydcr, wife and children, L. . Sieber. Fowler-^J? T. Pat- ton, M. -J. Harrison, I. Harrison. Healdsburg Mrs. L. D. Jacks. Reno, Nev. J. L. Harrlgan. Elmhurst 8. E. Owens, E. Hoffman, E. Dcl- lenbaugh. Elk Creek— N. B. Vanderfoyd. Wil- liams—Miss Virginia Banks. TountTllle Mrs. M. Llllle. Menlo Park— W. H. Roden and wife. MarysTlller-J. H. Trayner and son. . Colusa— O. Geggtn and son. Acampo W. O. Johant and wife. Petaluma A.' Flori. Guthrle, O. T.—*\u25a0 Mrs. G. E. Billingsley. Washington. D. C—C. Hart Mnriam and wife. . Corning Mrs. Jacobs, J. A. Brown and wife. Salinas T. J. Cockrill and I wife. Visalls J. Fisher and . wife, Mrs. G. -H. Bodden. Oroville—E. St. John. Bel- mont J. B. - Yount. . . , . Recent arrivals at Bartlett Springs are: '; From San Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. 7, W. Humphrey, Judge and Mrs. Thomas F. Graham, Miss Ethyl Graham, Dr. and Mrs. H. Law, Miss G. Sully, John Xewcomb, Charles L. Welll, Will R. WeHl. L. LiTlngston, Mrs. Grattan, Mrs. M. Dale, Mrs. F. Wetberbee, Miss Blanche Wetherbee, B. C. Boyd, George M. Ahrens, O. W. Hall, Mrs. Eugene Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Btreil- les. Miss Barellles, Mrs. A. J. Mllly, Miss Ce- celia Milly. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ham- mam, Mrs. O. B. Kervan, Ida ' L. Kerran, Alma Barth, Mr. and Mrs. John McCallan, Miss McCallan. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sblrpser, Master John M. Libby, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bier. Otto Relmer, James P. Devlne, P. R. McGrath. S. H. Rice, Mrs. M. Eagan, A. LeTln, Mr. and Mrs. Aronson, i Mr. and Mrs. Epps, M. Fairbanks. Miss Chandler, Miss May- lott, Mrs. Raymond, J. Sals, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Wolf. Arthur Lyon, Alfred Clarke, Miss B. W. Jackson, Otto. Ranhut; Mr. and Mrs.- G. A. Root. A. E. Young, John Henne. \u25a0• Oakland Miss A. J. M«rle, Mr. and* Mrs. -R. Collett. Miss Collett, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kaiser, Miss Brlt- ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richardson, C. Burns, Miss M. Phillips. P. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. H. Audlffred. Miss L. Audlffred, Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ney Jacobs. Other points Mr. and Mrs. El- wood, H. L. Richardson. Mary E. Foley, Mrs. Blllingslea, Bertha H. Smith. Mrs. W. 8. Mor- rison. Ethel M. Fifield, Mr., and Mrs. A. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey. Following: is a list of recent arrivals at Vichy Springs: From San I Francisco E. LoewestbaL Miss LoewenthaL Benicla P. W. Qulnn. Oakland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O. Beattie. San Fran- cisco Mrs. W. J. Linden, Mrs. H. G. Qlahn. Santa Rosa B. A. Owen. San Francisco— W. A. Heck man and wife, Miss Mary 8. Heck- man. Vallejo— W. 8. Nevln*. Los Anjcelen— Westwood E. Price. Oakland E. H. Mott and wife, F. Schlueter. SanU Cms— Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Detnlng, Miss Josephine Deming, Miss Dorothy Deming, Leo E. Dreher. San Francisco H. O. Brewer, J. J. Walsh, W. H. Murphy. Albert Spohn, B. L. Blake. Oakland Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Schlott, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mid- dleton, Miss Vivian Mlddleton. Mrs. A. Dletle, H. P. Graham. Belvedere Winifred H. Hyne- mann, Walter 8. Hynemann, Ruth M.'Hyne- mann, Henry 0. Heynemann. San Francisco— F. P. Jacobs and wife. Petal urns Mr. and Mrs. M. Bollen. San Francisco— Miss Emma G. Levy. Petaluma Mr. and Mrs. A. Lachtnan. Oakland R. Horst and wife. Woodland Lewis Sieber, Waldo Bullock. Lakeport— Miss Alice Page, Mi-a D. W. Greene. San Francisco— Lillian Nadio, Estrella Nadlo, Hartland Law and wife. Miss G. Schultz, Ralph , Newcomb. Oakland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butters, Miss Mahony. San Fran- cisco Miss H. Sorensen. Mrs. T. T. Jartls. Arrivals at Laurel Dell boted for the past week were: i f ander, Sidney Hamilton P McGovern, Mr. Newmeyer.' Oakland— Dr. Dndley Smith, Miss Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Manuel. Miss Lisle Manuel, Miss. Mildred Manuel, Fred A. Jordan and wife. Redlands— H. O Smith. Alameda F. N.Dodd. Visalla— William H. Hammond Jr.. Ben M. Maddox. New . York - city Dr. Fran* Kocmpel. Berkeley— W. 0. Mason. Sacramento E. Welnreich. Lower Lake—B. Kugelman. Napa William C. Payne, R. McCullen. ... ' \u0084.•.-\u2666 ,- . Arrivals at WitteV Springs: From San Francisco— E W. McCarthy, Miss Evelyn McCarthy, Miss Loretta McCarthy, Jo- seph O'Brien, Miss Margaret Power, Miss Agnes O'Connell, Miss Josephine O'Connell, Miss Kath- leen Welch, Mrs. J. A. Deneen, Miss Mary Car- reras, Mrs. F. Hilbert, A. B. Blanchflower, Miss Essie Kragen, Miss Etta Edwards, Miss Millie Kaskell, Miss Hennle Moses, Miss Jennie Garen, Mrs. E. E. i Kragen, Master B Kragen, Mrs. 0. Gensler. Mrs. H. 8. Jackson, Dr. Paul Wismer, Miss C. Deneen Mrs; Lahaye. Mrs. F. Haps- berger, Miss^ LilUan Niggle, Mrs. J. Ntes*l«, Joseph Lowenstelu and wife. "John A. Ramon, Miss Emily Leucke, Hans Leucke, Harry-Gay- lord MarteH, Victor Francis Sidney Hamilton, Joseph Schmidt, " Miss Martha McKeand. Elbert F. Cowan, Hazel Greenwood, Mrs. H. Jackson, Artie Poheim. Miss Belma Oohn, Miss Helen Jackson, Martin Leucke and wife, Max Wtll- kommen, Charles A. Stewart, Dr. Panl 0. Alex- «n<l«' . A ;,, M.- Alexander. W. H. Mille-% Miss M - J. Miller, Mile, yirginle Baskin, Mrs. B. J. Smyth, Mrs. EmU Hapsbereer. Mlsa Anita Haps- berger, Howard Welch, Mrs. T. P. JarrU, Jo- \u25a0fW H etaebeT», Miss Frieda Hilbert, Miss Bom Ridley, F. W. Dessel, J. fl. Cornwall, Mm. M. McKeand, Dr. E. B. EJrans and wife. M. Prince and wife,' 1 D. B, Prince, L. Berg- stein, Mlsa Geraldlne Byington, Dr. Hartland Law and wife. Miss G. Schnlts, Balph New- comb, J. A. Nikrent. Oakland— Miss Flora ZercoTlch, O. P. Harris, W. J. Lewis, Arthur O. Evans,- Mrs. A. O. Evann Miss Alice Barnett. Berkeley—Edgar B. Robinson and wife, Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Miss F. A. Townshaw, Miss Ruth Robinson, Miss Katharine Robinson. Ala- meda J. J. Tobln. Prultvale Miss Margaret Dickinson. Hayward—Mrs. W. H. Kelsey. Ru- dolph Heldenrelch, L. Budor, Mlas Sterenson, Z. Wlanon. \u25a0 Santa Crux H. S. Demlnc and wife, Miss Dorothy Demlnr, Miss Josephine Deming, Leo E. Draper. BelTedere— Henry a Heyne- mm. San Jose F. Jansen and wife. Napa H. F. Behlow. Palo Alfcy-F. W. Qulnn. Be- nlcU J. W. Wright. Vallejo— O. C Green- wood. Santa Rosa Mrs. L. D. Jacks. TJklah Dr. A. E. Dickinson and wife, D. B. Paxton, Miss Alta Mathews. Paso Robles— John Scaggan. San Lnls Oblnpo— J. w. Ontrel. Medfleld, Or. Miss SaTella Tonvelle. Laurel Dell. Cal. Mrs. J. A. Dornan. Lakeport. Cal. William Browo. CALIFORNIANS IN PARIS FOND OF AUTO TRIPS THREE OF ITO'S STAFF GIVEN POSTS AT SEOUL Miss Mechan. Miss Tare. C. A. Ransom. L. N. Hall and wife. Dr. H. B. Levitt and wife, F. C. Levitt, Mrs. L. Neppart. E!. S. Neppart, F. RNeppart, Charles Fee. M. G. PfaoV Mrs. J. \u25a0 F. HallOTen ami daughter. L. G. Mlsh and family. W. -D. HllL'-M. E. Becker. A. Slmes. Miss Fairweather. E. Fairweather. Augusta i Ames. Mrs. A. W.- Wah« ana family. B. F. Blair Miss B. Baldwin. Miss A. Donivla. M. Pickering and family. Miss A. Brae baker. Miss - M. Jones. M. F. Nolan. W. Nolan. F. Charles. C. B. Robinson and wife. D. P. Robinson and wife. B. H. Dyer. P. E. O'Near and wife. Miss ' O'Near, Mrs. W. H. Taylor, C Lincoln \u25a0 and | son. Mrs. Rudolph Spreckals. Miss Kane. Miss Spreckels. George A. Pope and family, W. T. Coleman. H. L. Hall, wife and son; A. E. \u25a0 Hlderman and party.' Mrs. H. H. Murphy and daughter. Mrs. A. W. Whe and son. P. H. '< Earl. Miss Stair. Mrs. A. Sarrarnann. E. F. Smith. N. B, Winston. Mrs. W. L. DaTls and family. Mrs. W. It. Ilannun. C. N. Lathrnp. \u25a0 Oakland— Walter Shilling. R. TShlUlng, Miss Charbot Miss Whitney. Dr. T. Curtis. R. M. Marshall. R. Countryman. Miss C. Mills. Mrs. : J. Daley. P. L. Johnson. Mrs. W. Olney. Mm. M. A. Bartlett. Miss Olney. Warran Olner. C. L. Stum. J. A. Shoemaker. E. F. Adams, n. P. ; Bancroft and family. W. N. Crown and wife,. F. Emmert, Miss Emmert. F. N. Pahner. P. C. Black and wife, Mrs. A. S. Bacon. Mrs. Jand and daughter. Alameda Mrs. A. A. Schneider and daughter. Dr. W. R. Hughes and wife. A. . N. Lewl«. W. Blssell Jr.. B. C. Scott and wife. R. Martins. Mrs. J. G. Scott. F. F. Field and wife. Berkeley Professor and Mrs. H. Senger. , Miss B. Boots and brother. W. C. Moore. Miss , P. Dntton. A. P. Lathrop. T. Lowe. Los An- i geles V. E. Shaw, Parket Shaw. J. Harlaa and wife, Ethel A. Leavell, Mrs. J. Darling. Rooter Baker. Mildred Baker. W. H. Rorlck. W. B. ' Rorick, J. S. Choate. W. F. A rend, Mrs. 0. B. J Shatto. Mrs. W. B. Stimson, B. H. Dyer. J. H. \u25a0 McLeod. S. M. Berry and wife. D. B. Mo- \u25a0 Farland and wife, C. A. Yarnell. Misses Fatten. Mrs. L. M. Cary. Miss M. McKenzle. Mrs. A. A. Polhamus and mother, E. T. Earl. J. O. Cock* \u25a0 and wife. Pasadena W. L. Oreea and wttv, C. B. Herd. Mrs. J. Hsrd. Miss Herd. O. D. Roberts, Mrs. Coffin. Palo Alto— A. Seals and : wife, H. F. Conjrdon and wife. Miss H. Thotsp- : son. Misses Thompson. GoldQeld J. T. Teaer. ; N. A. d'Arcy and family. D. R. Conrad and ' wife. A. H. Duttoa and family, J. Dammoa and wife. Beno E. P. Starblrd. F. O. Frascr, Mrs. ; A. A. Hlbbard. Miss Hlbbard, A. E. Larsoa. | Dr. C B. Francis. E. D. Lackner, T. C. Mack. \u25a0 D. J. Fraser, O. E. Baker. H. Cameras. E. I, ; Williams, E. U. Carpeatar. H. 8. Pattoa. H> > ThurtUl. E. Arkell, J. P. Price aod familr. | G. N. Folsom. Sacramento— Miss E. Beppelu ' Miss M. Heppell, Miss M. McMorey. d F. \u25a0 DUlen. Miss B. K. Dlggan. Miss G. HalL Mrs. B. D. Stevens. Miss K. Sterens. Btoc*tton— L. H. Sprengler, G. S. Deckemaa. Sirs. WagaOTw : Misses Wagner. ' Dlrorzek. D. Lewis and family, A. ; Abrahams nnd family, G.: McGlnnus, Mrs. . J. Roche, -S. ; Roche,. Miss A.'"Caranaugh, Miss A. O. CaTan- augh,- Mrs. F. Cayanaugh. J. . W.'. Keefe." J. M. Mainxer, W. A. Kaufman, A." Mausck, Mrs. A. Auerback,*: Miss L, Auerback, H. Alexander and lady,-Mrs. - Vogel," W. Brockman, Mrs. W. Eliott Jr..- Miss Mac Lery. Miss. Mabel Deutch, Mr. and Mrs. J. Connolly, C. ' T. Daniels, H. Dan- iels, Mr. and Mrs. \u25a0 Meader, Mrs. M. Allerdee, Miss MacGowan,. Thomas CaTanaugh Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal, J. M. Barnett, Miss L. C. Barnett, D. J. Daly. Charles Ryhner. S. Schloss, Mr. and Mrs. J. CaTanaugh, IJ. Cavanaugh, I Miss M.' Cavanaugh, C. A. Schloss. Mrs. E. S. Cole. M. Rosenberg and wife, Miss M. Breuner, L. Skoll, C. Kelleher. C. B.: Peters, Mrs. B. Shea, Miss A. . Shea, Miss Regina Shea, Mrs. A. S. Buck, Mrs. J. O'Donnell, Miss M. O'Donnell, Miss L. Francis. Mrs. Francis, : Mrs. F. U. Mills, Miss E. Osthoff. Miss *Ethel Abrahams. Mrs. War- shower and family, E. FranctskoTitz, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fay, Miss E. Kerenck, Buford Fay, M. Cradick, Mr. and Mrs. Tully, Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Miss P. T,ubeek, Mr. and Mrs. Ka- rewski. Miss S. Karewski, H. Sulleck. Mrs. E. M. Glfford, Alf - Clark, Gus E. Dorn. Mrs. Sumski and family, J. C. Hooker,- Miss M. Shea. T. Tully, J. Grimes and family, Mrs. D. Daly and family, Mrs. P. W. •-.. Raggett, \u25a0 William Howe, Mrs. Charles Ryhner, William Boss, Phil Harris, L. Harris, E. L. Fender, J. Madison, Mrs. B. Armstrong,. Miss F. Hausman, . M. Byrne, Miss H. Byrne. J. V. Collins, Mrs. M. F. Bender, | Mr. and Mrs. H: Hollman, John Bodln, J. Mcßrearty, Miss J. Conway, J. Daly and fam- ily, W. Ryan, Mrs. ,W. Ryan and son, Joseph P. Kelleher and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. W. Strauss, Miss M. Schroth. ; Miss F. Schroth, F. Dlttrlch. W. O'Shaughnessy, N. Beggs and child. Miss H. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Maury, Miss M. Mausy, 0. 8. Mauzy, Mrs. M. Orerstreet, , Mrs. T. J. Todd, Miss A. Orerstreet. Charlee Orer- street. Miss Ann Olldea, Miss Mary O'Neal, H. Boettger, WUliam Alfs, W. .O'Bhanghnessy, T. Meke, 0. B. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCarthy, Miss K. Humphrey, J.B. Scally and wife. Gus E. Dorn, F. nlrers and wife. Oakland— J. Rankin, J. Brelllng, Mrs. B. Hacsman, Miss Rlordao, Miss F. Quinlan, E. . Brown and family, B. Hausman, J. E. Taylor, Miss . 8. SHrersteln, R. Montstomery, Mrs. P. 3, Bohan, P. Bohaa, Mrs. J. Dlxon, Miss M. Dixon, Mrs.' A. Trueworthy, L. Livingston and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nelson, Miss M. Nelson, Miss G. Reynolds. Miss M. Reynolds. Texas—A. Fletcher. Napa Mrs. J. Even and family, J. Eren. Salt Lake— J. W. OanoU. Berkeley—William * B. Ross. Goldfleld—P. W. Hull. England— John Walsh. Sulsun Ber. P. J. Qulnn. Dlxon Rer. F. Garrey. Alameda— Mrs. H. L. Parkman. Mariposs. John Schroeder. Sausallto —W. Kahl, F. C. Lance. Portland H. C. Mack, Mrs. J. Parish. San Jose Mrs. P. D. Durling. Among: those who registered at Del Monte during* the week' were: From San Francisco Mrs. Sophie D. Well- man, Mrs. W. B. Fennlmort, Mrs. J. K. Itaw- son. Miss Margaret Griffith. Emll Lowenberg. Mr. and Mrs. A. L." Kerr. H. " N. Estes. A. O. ; Stoll, Fred S. Myrtle, a. 8. Holman. Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Booth. Master Ed- win Booth and Miss Edna Booth. Mrs. Mar- < shall A. Frank, A. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Long, Mrs. E. L. Hunt. Mrs. J. 8. Marony. H. E. Bo»t- wick. Captain and Mrs. J. S. Oyster, Alfred J. Oyster, Elizabeth Oyster, Mrs. A. L. Tubbs, Miss ' Edith Hecht, Ellas M. Hecht. Mr. and Mrs.' Edward S. Schneider, Mrs. R. Rosengarden. Mrs. J. Bauer, Sophie F. Stolx. Charles S. Fee, Mr. and Mrs. Leri M. Toorsanger, Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Gerstle, 8. Yoda. Milton Darts. A. McKenzle, Joseph Ehrman, J. R. K. Nuttall. J. S. Ackerman, Miss Blanche Davis. Miss Grace DaTls, O. T. Davis. . James E. Degan. Miss Maud Booth. F. E. Booth, J. J. McCauley. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lery and Lester Lery, Miss Josye Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Royer, L. McElroy, C. 8. Linden. \u25a0William Linden. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. South worth, Mrs. Albert Farr. W. H. Humphrey, Scott S. Bouthworth. Arthur* W. Towne, Richard Burke. William Burke. M. P. Jordan, J. O. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Webster, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mack, Gerstle Mack, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bias, Louis H. Aber- helmer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Buck, Leonard W. Buck, W. A. Grady, Moses Heller and Mr. and Mrs. "Robert Reinhart. From Oakland Mr.* and Mrs. A. Burntrager, Miss Rebecca Miller. Miss Ruth Williamson and Mrs. A. T. Wil- liamson, George F. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Powers. Miss Lrongworthy, Miss Cottrell. G. 0. Barnbart, Mr. and Mrs. \u25a0 Harry Denner, Dr. E. E. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry East, and Katherlne MacCauley of Piedmont. From Berkeley Mrs. Benjamin F. Weston. Mrs. E. M. Herrlck and Miss Jacobs. From Los An- geles Mr. and Mrs. George B. Harrlaoa. Mr. snd Mrs. A. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Letts, Mils Ada Letts. Miss Edna Letts, Miss Gladys Letts, Arthur Letts Jr., George F. Wilson, A. B. Brewcter, Miss A. N. Miller, Mr. sad Mrs. J. W. Nethens, Mr. and - Mrs. LUsmar and son. From San Jose— E. Chase. Charles O'Brien and party, Mr., and Mrs. C. Wellman, Mrs. H. M. Stuart, Miss A. C. Salty, George Center, Mrs. Colvln Macßrlde, H. Lux Macßrtde. frorman Koorer. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schneider, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Truman, L. E. Hanchett, Mr. sod Mrs. H. B. Bostwick of Seoul, Korea, > 'i . ; Recent arrivals at Tahoe tavern arot . From San Francisco— Anna T. McDonald, Alma E. Tobln. O. E. Oilman. J. A. Spencer, At the Summer Resorts THE SAN FRANCIS^ 42 PARAISO Jt^ HOT SPRINGS New Ownership and Management. Grandest and moat aeecasf ble of all Resorts. Only seven miles of beantlfnl road. Either by . anto or carriage. Fine antontobillng. Water* awarded First Prise at St. Lonla .Exposition. ' '. - ( Natural hot soda, sulphur, plunge and tub baths, 104 to 116 degrees, for rheumatism, mala- , rla, liver, kidney and all stomach troubles. Iroa and arsenic. Altitude 1,400 feet. Swimming, hunting, fishing, bowling, tennis, orchestra. Ex- pert masseur*. Round trip $8. Rates $10.50 to fltJ. Baths free. Trains leave Third and Town- vend at 9:00 a. m.: First and Broadway. Oak- land, 8:25 a. m. Returning' arrive in Frisco at 4:00 p. m. Informs tloa at S. P. Co., or Peck's, or H. H. MoGOWAX, Prop., Paralso Springs, Monterey county, CaL *• Aqua Caliente Springs Send your family to th« nearest Hot Sulphur Springs to San Francisco. First class accommo- dations. Special rates to families: no staging; four trains dally; far*, round trip, $1.65. Tlburon ' ferry or Oakland; two hours' ride. Address THEODOR RICHARDS, Aqua Caliente Springs, Sonoma county, Cal. v \u25a0 \ [ MiPK'-iilr^^affSirasfa ipnn ntdi-^ 7 ft> 3M »->*-s" Meet train* of K. W. Pacific at Fulton, both morning and evening. Round trip only . 13.75. Splendid success under the new ownership and permanent, first class management "The prettiest place in ' California" is the verdict of thousands. Address Mrs. M. Mulgrew, Fulton, CaL Air a ftftft HOT SPRINOS, Sonoma Co.. «L"X AI.UX only 4 142 hours from S. F. and but 9miles staging. Meet < m% \u25a0 " \u25a0**** w trains of N.\V. Pacific at Gey- j w serrllle. both morning and evening. Round < trip only|5.10. Reference: Any jniest of the ( past 12 years. Address J. F. Mulgrew, Skaggs, Cal. 1 . : -J. - 1 NEW ENGLAND HOME Camp Meeker, about 40 rods from station. Beautiful walks, grand scenery: hunting and Ashing, boa tine, bathlns and croquet grounds. All kindfe of fresh fruit in reason.' Adults, $6.50 to $1 per week. Spe- cial rates for children. Address -GEO. HAR- RISON, Camp Meeker, Sonoma Co., Cal. OAKLAND'S BEAUTIFUL NEW HOTa ! THE "KEY ROUTE INN" | 32D STREET AND BROADWAY : Cuisine and Service Unsurpassed Cafe ala Carte . . J. .V Convenient to San "Francisco." " N. S. MUUEX. Mar; \u0084 ? >.-; CASTLE GRAiSfIrM Former Site C ASTLE ; CRAGJTAVERN 100 Acre* Forest. Meadow and : Caitjen* Land. : ; Furnished log cabins, $1 per^dsyrrach' person; : special family rates. Central * grtlt^Eurppean t" plan, genuine home cooking, roanonab'c clmi-gen.' '. Here you are expected \o wear plain e'othes nm\ , lead a simple life; if you can't il>"thK (kin't come. Address M. TV. HARLOW. : Manager?" Cas- ' tie Crag (via Dunsmulr), California^ ' *p>>. ' CAMPBELL'S HOT* SPRIXGS '. H. PEARCE, Prop.. Slerraville. Cal. Most. beautiful reßort in: Sierra ; Nevada monn- i tains; l^mllen'from Slerraville, overlooking the i grand Sierra valley; altitude 5,000; water uosur- t passed for * rheumatism, gout, liver -and klilney j ' complaints and all stomach troubles; no mi.ikes ' or - poison oak : ' plenty of - hunting, and .' fishing; ] good livery; picturesque Rates $12 to $11 . week. v Round trip ticket to Truckee or B>c.i. At Truckee stage direct to springs, or by Boca ami ' Loyaltonß. R. Round trip tickets. Pamphlets on application. * The Largest and Most Popular Summer Resort m California. - . « TALLAQ. LAKE'TAHOE. "M. Lawrence & Co..' Proprs. i \u25a0 .OPENS FOR QDESTS JUNE 1. 1907. Tf-iE OAKS ; Finest ; resort •: in the ' Sierra . Nevada foothill*; ', excellent table ; 10 free. amusements^ j Write ' for : illustrated booklet and rates, then you'll . go to l THE OAKS., Address .The Oaks, Applegate.'Ca). , GIANT 'FOREST (Sierra Camp), 'W'- llghtful mountain retreat for summer vacating .:$l2 aweek. -Key to high Sierra*. .Mts._'.i.ta,* Sllllman. Whitney. Kings and Kero rlvtr*. " Finest ' fishing.. 5. 000 big trees.' -Book now /for August ;. and September. :.' Address \u25a0 Ilrcler . A "Hopping," Kaweah, Tulare county," California. NAPA SODA SPRINGS XOW OPEN. CThe. most . beautlfrfl ciount/ila health i and - pleasure - resort. V ; New . skating \u25a0 rink. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Address JOHN JACOBS. iToorietor. Nana Soda ,Springs. Cal. Oat door Recreation* are Nnmerons and Varied Enongh to Salt All Findc*— ! Good Roads and Bridle Path* la All Directions Lure Vi> Those Who Enjoy a Drive «t 1^1 4* |g| ®$§ Medical Springs The magnificent new "Witter Springs Hotel presents such an imposing ap- pearance that the Incoming eruest rubs his eyes and looks a second time to make sure that It Is not a mere dream. All th« luxuries and comforts offered by the finest resort hotels of the world await the shiest at Witter Springs, at prices within the means of the average business or professional man. Write for rates and general information to ALBERT J. ARROLLv Manager Witter Springs, Lake County, California, or Mam Office— 647 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 2333 Witter Water Cures Stomach Trouble SUMMER RESORTS VACATION 1907 ISSUED BY THE Northwestern Pacific Railroad SUCCESSOR TO CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN RAILWAT AND NORTH SHORE RAILROAD. THE PICTURESQUE ROUTE OF CALIFORNIA. IS NOW READY fOR DISTRIBUTION GIVING FULL INFORMATION IN REGARD TO CAMPING SPOTS. THE LOCA- TION. ACCOMMODATIONS. ATTRACTIONS. ETC.. OF MINERAL SPRING RESORTS AND COUNTRY HOMES AND FARMS. WHERE SUMMER BOARDERS ARE TAKEN. WITH TERMS OF BOARD. 1 $7.00 AND UPWARD PER | WEEK. To be had at Ticket Offices. Ferry BnCdiay, foot of Market street, and Room 9S&. James Flood ! Building (General Offices). Saa Francisco. Inquiry by Mall will bring an Immediate ' response. JAS. AGLER, J. J. GEABT Gen. Manager. Acting Gen. Fas*. & Frt. Agt> There's Only One DEL MONTE Golf. Sea Bathing. Motoring. Parlor Car from San . Francisco twice dally. Special week-«ad ' rates. Free art exhibition and sales gallery ot I California painters. Week-end golf tonrnaa»«nl during the summer. - ; Inquire Peck-Judah Co.. "SO Market «t.: In- formation Bureau Southern Pacific. Flood build- ing, or 11. R. Warner, Manager, Del Monte. CaL* Pacific Grove Hotel Formerly notel El Carmelo, Pacific Gror*. Under the name ownership as th» Hotel S»\ Monte. \u25a0 A , qtilet rerort. with every comfort, at most reasonable rates. In clooe touch with Saa Francisco, San Jose and Santa Crnr. Through chair car and parlor car service to and from Losj Angeles and San Francisco dally. HOTEL METROPOLE EUROPEAN PLAN. Most Modern Ilotel in Santa Cms. Rooms from 50c up. HEDGPETH BROS.. Props. MT. VIEW RANCH HOTEL And cottages In the mountains near Santa Cnn. ' First class tab!e; club room; dancing pavilion: bowline; croquet; rates $0 and $10; carrla** fare. $1.25 round trip. Send foit booklet. MR3. ! TONX" PHILLIPS. Prop.. Santa Cms, CaL I HOME FOR THE SICK : t'' T Private home imon; the trees; big yard; warm sunny rooms: graduate nnrse In charge. Rhet- mattsm enred; confinement caws taken: nothing refnsed but contagious diseases. LAURA THI- NILS. 59 Ocean View ay.. SanU Cnn. CaL STJIKIIT KOTElr— Cottager tents, orchard. redwoods, teanfu. croquet, dancing, nsaio?. CUannlnir spot in Santa Crna mountains. Round trip $2.75. Carriage meets trains. Rates $A to I $12 week, MR. AND JIU3. BOWMAN, props.. WrlehtJi. Santa Clara county. Cal. Phone Summit Hqtel or Merritt 23T». Oakland. - EL PIZMO BEACH Write for Book EL riZMO COMPAJfT P.'zrao. Cnl. A Trip toMt.Tamo!pais Tavern For a day of recreation, a night of rest and a morning ride down the mountain on the Gravity Car. take the boat via , Sausalito and Mill Valley. Sunset and sunrise a3 seen from ML Tamalpals are beautiful. The accommodations and service are superb. See daily paper tor time card. ALFRED H. JOHNSON. Mgr. TENTS CAMP FUnsm'RE *AXl> HAMMOCKS 'AT FACTORY PRICES. Wi A; PL.UIVIIVIER First and Fraaklln , Bts.,* - OaUaad. 115-117 D3TTJIM STREET, Ban FraacUo* GO AUTOINC Save a GOOD Time This Summer Take a spin over the new Pieta Au- tomobile Stage Line into Lake county and spend your vacation* at HIGHLAND SPRINGS with Will Mariner and Jo Craig. Every- thing first class. Bring your old clothes, guns and bathing suits. At home all summer. Full particulars at Bryan's Information Bureau, 1732 Flllmoro St., S. F., or by addressing MARINER A CRAIG, i New Proprietors. WILLIAMS AND BARTLETT SPRIXOS STAGE LINE , Leaves Williams dally on arrlral of northbound train for Bartlett, Allen's. Bough's and Cook's Springs. Dally except Sunday for Wilbur Springs, Jones Springs and Sulphur Creek. ScTenty-flre pounds of baggatre allowed with eacb ticket. WILLIAMQUIGLEY, Proprietor. TAHITI The land of breadfruit, ebcoannts and flowers. Clement Wragge. in "The Romance of the South Seas," says: "Tahiti lg th« Island of the gods. People dqn't know, they hare no conception of the glories of these islands. The globe trotter follows the beat- en track and leares out this fascinating spot. One should go not only for the short stay- that, the steatner remains In port, but stay oror .a steamer and become acquainted with the natives in their picturesque Tillages. 8.-8. MARIPOSA sails September 11. Book now for this sailing. Reduced rate. $125 for round trip. Office 673 Market st. Tel. Tempo- rary 1231.- . \u25a0 "CINR TO HONOLULU. S. S. SIERRA, sailing August 24 and Septem- ber 14; $135 round trip. WILBUR HOT SPRINGS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPEN THE YEAR HOUND. \u25a0 Improved and renovated. On Sulphur creek, Colusa county. Hottest and strongest water on the coast; temperature 143 degrees. Will cure rheumatism, dropsy, salt rheum and skin disease, neuralgia, llrer and kidney complaints, paralysis, mercury In the system, dyspepsia and catarrh. Natural mud batha. Board and lodtrlng, including baths, $10 to $12 a week. Furnished or unfur- nished cabins. Stage leaves Williams dally, ex- cept Sunday. Information at Peck-Judah Bureau, 789 Market St., or address A. A. Gibson,' prop. CA HOTEL RAFAEL 1| I 9 . SAN RAFAEL KJ \j Minutes From San Francisco Half hourly service. European plan, $1.50 op; American plan, $3.50 up. Reservations may be made for Aufcust and September. FRANK N. ORPIN. Lessee and Manager. CAMP TAYLOR RESORT First class hotel accommodations. Tents, cot- tages and : family I grounds unlimited. Boating, swimming and fishing. . Grocery and butcher on the ground. Terrue most liberal. Send your family. Apply ADAMBREHM, Prop. RICHARDSON SPRINGS Open entire; year. Ten 'miles from Chico. Cal. . Send for pamphlets. J. 11. RICHARDSON. MONTRIO HOTEL '.. For rates and particulars apply C. F. CARR, Prop.. Monte Rio. HOTEL BELVEDERE \u25a0 Ready for guests. Ample accommodations. - New annex. - Private batha; fishing,, bathing, boating. Address MRS. A. T., MOORE.' BELVKDERE. BYRON HOT SPRINGS The waters cure rheumatism— the environment Is perfect the hotel comfortable and supplied with an unexcelled table. See Southern Pacific Infor- mation Bureau, ground floor, James Klood Bldg., Peck-Judah Co., 789 Market at., or address hotel. HOTEL RUSTICANa First season; entirely renovated ;\ beautiful scenery, boating." bathing, fishing-, hunting.: danc- ing, bowling, croquet,- tennis. Rates, $0 to $12. By the day, $2." v Special rates to families. Ad- dress L.-B. SELENGER. Prop., Camp Meeker. "\u25a0'\u25a0 DR. C. C. O'DOJVXELL'S MINERAL SPRINGS at Glen Ellen, the greatest remedy j for . lung diseases, liver and stomach trouble, rheumatism and catarrh. " S. P.\or S. F. & N. P. Ry. direct. Thirty cottages and tents furnished > for rent. : i Fine \u25a0 fishing. ;\u25a0 \u25a0-. Apply DR. C. C O'DONNELL. 912 ; Devlsadero , street. .% - HOWELL MT., .WOODWORTH'S Peaches, etc., ripening in August; figs,' grapes, etc.* in : September, ;at Woodworth's;- residence 32 years: \u25a0 Address WOODWORTH & MULLER, St. 1 ' Helena, CaL" ; ' . .\u25a0)•;-:" \u25a0\u25a0 ' .-,;\u25a0• CITY SUBSCRIBERS WHO DESIRE THE CALL MAILED TO THEM \u2666 At Summer IResorts Or Other Oat'Of-Towo Places. -Will* please [notify office, giving; city ' address . and ' length of time desired sent to nerr nddress. On returning, please notify oltlce, In order .that ' service by -. carrier ] may Ibe , promptly : ; resumed.': "' "** 'y.'.' '' ',' \u25a0'--': * ..

The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1907-08-11 [p 42]… · Lava;may. be blown into. beautiful green colored bottles,

Sep 22, 2020



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Page 1: The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1907-08-11 [p 42]… · Lava;may. be blown into. beautiful green colored bottles,

Lava;may. be blown into.beautifulgreen colored bottles, lighter .anJstronger than ordinary glass.

CHICAGO, Aug. 10.—A.million dollarpacking plant, completely modern Initsdetails, willbe erected at once In Col-orado by, the ;Schwarzschlld.& Sulz-bergrer company, according to \a state-ment made yesterday' by G. F. Sulz-berger. The definite location of theplant has not been ;determined. The*Jioice lies between Denver and Pueblo.


CALIFORNIANS IXPARISPARIS, Aug. 10.—The following reg-

istered at the Call-Herald bureau to-day: Rabbi Isaac Stern, Solomon Fos-ter, Mrs. Foster J. Fugazl, of San Fran-cisco; W. P. Blakely and wife^R. Rey-nolds, of Long Beach; S. Clair Ormsbyand wife of Riverside.

RENO. Aug. 10.—

The Southern Pa-cific contemplates an Immediate exten-sion of Its road from Ashland to thiscity. The work willbe rushed with theevident Intention of beating the West-ern Pacific Into this city.. WilliamAshton of Salt Lake has begun survey-ing for the proposed extension of theSouthern Pacific lines.


dal meeting of the chamber of com-merce it-was decided to have a publicdemonstration on the day that the firstNorthern electric car Is run Into Sacra-mento. Invitations to attend are to beextended to the mayor, council andmunicipal authorities of Marysvllle,Yuba City, Biggs, Oroville, Chico, Grid-ley and other up country points. :.



At a spe-

NEW YORK.Aug. 10.—The followingCallfornlans *.are registered la NewYork:,r.

Fro-m £an Franel*co—E. H. Bradley.Miss N. J. Burke, at the Hotel Broztell;F. H. Cosgrove, J. M.Hickey, L Hurdat the Hotel Woodstock; Miss R. D.Isaac, C. Isaac, W. Isaac, at the Marl-borough; J. McDonald, at the Broad-way Central; G. T. Nelson, at the HotelWoodstock; J. Wallace. Miss Wallaceat the Broadway Central; W. Edwards!at the Ashland; W. Riley, at the Broad-way Central hotel; H. Washauer atthe Hotel Marlborough.

From San Diego—Mrs. W. Hanson,Miss N. Hanson, Mrs. R. Tlngley, atthe Park Avenue.

"*From San Jose— P.- G. Ordway, at theGrand Union.

' '

:From Sacramento— C. M. Lasker, atthe Broadway Central. t

From Los Angeles— R. Amburn, G. b:B. Turner, W. Turner, at the Grandhotel.


GOLDFIELD, Aug. 10.—

The mem-bers of the plumbers' union of this cityhave struck because their request for$9 for an eight hour day has been re-fused by the Master Plumbers* associa-tion. The men have been getting $8 aday. The bosses contend that livingisno higher here than It is in San Fran-cisco, where plumbers receive 56, andin Reno, where the union men get $5.50a day.


Two grand Juries have met since Dr.Paul was killed and no indictment wasreturned against Judge Short until thethird Jury met.

Dr. Paul was one of a crowd pursu-ing a negro, Dick tiarrett. Garretttook' refuge In the nome of JudgeShort and fired on the pursuers, kill-ing Dr. PauL Garrett was tried whilethe courthouse was garrisoned withmilitia, and was hanged for themurder.

HOUSTON, Tex., Aug. 10-—

JudgeIL* B. Short was arrested at Center,Tex., yesterday while holding courton an Indictment charging him withthe murder of Dr. Miles Paul lastautumn. He was engaged In trying animportant civil suit, but the arrestcaused a postponement until he couldfurnish bond of $10,000.

Was Hanged After MobPursuit in Texas

Accused of Crime for Which Negro


The production was under the pat-ronage of prominent society women ofNew York, Philadelphia and othercities who are passing the summerhere, and 5,000 seats were sold. Thecostuming and acting were so accuratethat with the genuine setting theIllusion was nearly complete.

Tradition is so strong that smallboys in the neighborhood are taughtio believe that the thunder Is causedi>y the gnomes playing at tenpins highup on the side of the mountain.

NEW YORK. Aug. 10.—In a beauti-ful grove on the side of Katerskillcove, near Catskill, N. V., the first openair production of Joseph Jefferson'sdramatization of Rip Van Winkle wasplayed last night. The scene Is onemade memorable by the legend itself.

With Real Scenes of HenryIrving Classic

Jefferson's Play Staged in Open Air


John Lee, general manager of the In-ternational mercantile marine company.Fays that the new steamers are underway at the Ware shipyards at Belfaston the Clyde.

Family flats, with all modern Im-provements, on the promenade deck,will i>e one of the features.

One of the new steamers will bocalled the Minnewauska and will rununder the Atlantic transport flag. Shewill be larger, faster and more luxuri-ously fitted than the present steamersof the Minnetonka class.

NEW "YORK, Aug. 10.—

The new At-lantic liners promised by Bruce Inmay,president of the International mercan-tile marine navigation company, sixmonths ago in his address to the stockholders, have been laid down and thefirst one, the Albert, willbe ready earlynext spring for the Canadian trade.

Keels of Vessels Destinedfor American Coast

Laid in Belfast


Among' 10 provincial and metropoli-

tan Korean parrlsoii* three mutinieshave taken place, namely at Seoul.Honju and "tt'onju. The first named

Karrlson was disbanded. The second Isin flight with General Hasegawa's cav-alry in pursuit of the fugitives, whilethe situation at TTonju is alarming.

Marquis Ito, accompanied by eight

members of the Japanese-Korean ad-ministration, left via Chemulpo today

for Tokyo, where a large demonstrationwill be held in celebration of his latecoup d'etat. Marquis Ito and his party

willsail from Ciiemulpo on a warship.

General Hasegawa has been ap-

pointed acting resident general and

the practical restoration of order In

Korea will devolve upon him. He has

declared that in a national sense there

\u25a0will be no elimination of the throne

from the government of Korea. Thegeneral believes th&t \u25a0 under the neworder of things the people may possiblybecome more cohesive, but he willrelyupon the Japanese for the maintenanceof order.

SEOUL. Aug. 11.—In the reorganiza-

tion of the Korean government three

members of Marquis Ito's staff will be-

come vice ministers of the three de-

partments of state.

Serious Outbreaks Occur in

Garrisons at SeveralPoints


Reorganization of the Gov-ernment of Korea Is


There have been no end of smartdinners and dances, and the musicgiven at the concerts three time*dally Is unusually good. Mr. and Mru.McKee, the latter being formerly Mrs.Cornelia Baxter Tevls, are also atCarlsbad for a stay. Baron and baron-ess yon Horst entertained the GrandDuke Cyril at a muslcale at the Hof-garten, Coburg, recently. The pro-gram was arranged by Mr. Bristol ofNew York. Many of his pupils tookpart. Baron yon Horst sailed for SanFrancisco several days ago. Thebaroness will remain abroad for sometime.

Miss Maren Proellch was, at last ao-counts, in Holland. She expects to re-main In Paris for study during thecoming winter. Alice Chlttenden Is inEngland with the Misses Meyer ofMenlo Park. They Intend to pass thewinter traveling.•

Mrs. Henry E. Hlghton and MissScoofy arrived in Paris last week, andMrs. L>. Heyman and the Misses Hey-man InAntwerp.

Mrs. Veronica C. Balrd, with her son,Benjamin, and her grandaugter, Mrs.William J. Sproule's little girl, havebeen traveling in Ireland and Scotlandand Intend going from there to Hol-land, returning to Paris In August.Sirs. McCreery waa in London a fewdays ago.

Miss- Helan«Robson has sailed forhome. Judge" and Mrs. English (RoseSutro) are making an extended stayIn Vichy. Raphael Well was a visitorthere recently.

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Page andtheir daughter. Miss Leslie, have beenIn London for several weeks, but ex-pect to sail for home tomorrow. MissLeslie is to be a debutante next win-ter. She Is decidedly good looking, ac-complished and speaks French fluentlyDr. and Mrs. William J. Younger areamong those who intend leaving forSan Francisco within a day or two.Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, wife of theAmerican ambassador, went to Tourslast week, accompanied by her fourchildren. She retains all the sim-?"«it3r w

3hlch was her great charm asNellie Smith, despite the honorsshowered upon her and her distin-guished husband by crowned heads

Carlsbad continues the Mecca formany Callfornlans, and, while, ofcourse, one does not go to Carlsbad forfun, yet it has a decided attraction forfashionables. Nature has at lastassumed an agreeable mood, for thesun has made its appearance, greatlyto the relief of every one. IncludingCalifornians, whose memory when theweather is bad in France carries themback to their own golden, sunny state.Mrs. Augustus Spreckels and Mrs.Robinson (Aileen Ivers) are seen muchtogether there, wearing handsomegowns. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Eddyhave taken an apartment in the fash-ionable quarter. Mrs. Henry T. Scotthas Just arrived at Carlsbad.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tobln, accom-panied by Mrs. Ed Dlmond. reachedLucerne last week, coming from Inter-laken In their Mercedes car. Mrs.Raoul-Duval, their sister, was inToursfer the races, looking very smart ina white serge tailor made gown, witha wonderful Cloche hat, having blueand pink roses and a wide veil.

Mrs. Frank Powers of San Franciscoand her sister, Mrs. Thompson-Seton,have returned to Paris after a de-lightful trip through France to Alxles Baines, Switzerland, and thechateau district. They returned hereto see their children in school, and arenow intending to start out again, byautomobile this time, for Italy. Mrs.Powers and Mrs. Seton receive muchattention and admiration while onmotor trips. In their linen auto cos-tumes they are decidedly chic. Mrs.Powers intends to remain in southernFrance during the coming winter.

Everywhere the automobile Is king

of transportation vehicles. AH theEuropean countries and the republicsof North and South America are rep-resented In France by autolsts andtravelers encounter many "lightningconductors," who quickly and oblig-inglyadvise travelers where to go "enauto" In France that the visitors maysee the best of the country and In asshort & time as one might desire.These individuals, surcharged with in-formation, make substantial sums as aresult of the endless stream of touristswho are "doing" Europe, and Franceparticularly, in motor cars by reasonof its excellent highways. Touristsapparently do not care to travel now-adays In first class railroad cars or onlimited express trains, for If they areable to afford that luxury and thenecessity of giving tips they can aseasily engage automobiles, should theynot have their own machines.

PARIS, July 31.—

Visiting' Callfor-nlans have the automobile fever In as

marked a form as that shown by Euro-peans. Never before has there beenso much motoring, done In France asduring this season, particularly by

visitors from the United States. Thetourists find that they can bring theirmachiifcs with them from the UnitedStates, pay -the required oustoms duty(which is refunded when returning),and travel far more cheaply and muchmore comfortably than by rail and eIBOvisit many places which are In-accessible by railroad.


Attractions of WateringPlace Make Ita Popu-

lar Meca


People From San FranciscoEnjoy Traveling Along

Well Paved Roads

,' From • San Francisco— -A.\u25a0Roth, F.•J.:.Harring-ton, Mre.,F.'\u25a0"''J. :\u25a0 Harrington, . Madelalne "RoseHarrington,IMre. Claris Tiedeman, MissIMillieTledeman, Miss Myrtle Tiedeman, . Mr. and r Mrs."George ,Glaek, .S. Schwartz.". J.»T.:• Platt,*.W. \ G;Newbersrer, Mrs. Henry Frobman. ;Miss .It.1.Froh-"man,- Mlstli;Frohman, Silpr;Phyllis'.Frohman,'.Mlßs.'r Elsa T:Frohraail-,

'Jcrsp -\u25a0\u25a0Waterman.. v Mrs.

A.,U. Jackson," Harry G;rMartcll.'.:Charles A.Stewart, Dr.-

Paul C.'Alexander. \u25a0\u25a0A. <M. Alex-

.The following named are . registered

at Napa. Soda Springs: . ";/

From SanU Crut—

Asa Smith. San Jose F.H. O'Keefe. San Francisco

—J. D. McCarthy,

S. Gowan. Los Gatos—

Mr. and 'Mre. W. B.Seeley, Miss Margery Seeley. Miss Ruth Seeley.Toledo, O.

—Mre. C. C. Dawson. .Portervllle

William Duncan. San Francisco— Mre. C. ALnti, Mr. and Mre. H. Morgan, R. L.*Kruger.

Wlnona, Minn.—

Irwin Shepard and party. Cham-pagne, 111.— Mlas Branch.'

Elmer I. Shepard.Wlnona. Minn.

—Miss Clesner. Grass Valley,

Nev.—Miss O. V.,Turner.-Mre. L. E.



J. C. Ellis, wife and'son, Mrs.-E.

W. Clark, Mre. M. E. Clark, Mrs. C. I.Phil-Hds and daughter, Mrs. I.Barnes and daughter,Mrs. George Murray. Stockton

—A. T. Howell,

Mre. Adel and Harold Howell. Fresno R. 11.-Hawes and wife. Miss' Minnie B." and John A.Hawes. Chico—H. Harle, Mre. William Lomb-ard and child, Ina Harle and Eras' Harle. SanFrancisco

—M. H. ATery and wife, M. Kochman.

San Lorenzo— Miss Hathaway. -•Oakland— O. W.

Wilts. Red Bluff—Leo L.McCoy and wife. MissAlice McCoy. 1San Francisco

—B. A. Norrls.^Ed:

Corlett, wife and daughter, B. D. Marwell.Berkeley— Mrs..A. H: Belcher. Lincoln

—H: P."

Jansen. Fresno— Walter Schnmaker :and wife..San Jose

—J. W.Doreey and wife, Mre.' M.- J.

Blercornish. Los -Angeles—George :F. \u25a0 Roberts,'H.-A. Ivere. Sacramento— Mre. H. T.;Schmidtand children, Mra. A. I). Burke and child, E.Austin and wife.' . ...

Among the recent .arrivals at thePacific Grove hotel are:

From San Francisco— T. W. Brown, C. L.Wallace, A. Goldstein. K. Wlese. F. F. R.ver.Samuel G. Buckbee; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grif-fin, nurse and child; Dr. Paul Blber, MortonVrang, S. Frledlander, Miss Flood. Mrs. F.Boedlng, M. Davis, W. J. Klnneff, Mrs. Taaffe,Miss E. Harrington, Mrs. Ahcrn. Miss A. J.Ahem, Master John Ahem, E. F. Armstrong,Joe Trlest. W. G. Bardons, J. H. Benedict Jr.,Mr. and Mre. Roy Block, Miss Ellse Block, P.G. Hale, H. L.Bates, H. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs.James N. Wright. George W. Granger, J. W.Van Bergen. Grover Anspach, Mr. and Mrs. A.X. Champaux, . Mre. V. Vordell, Mre. J. L.Durst, Mre. P. de la Montanya, Mr. and Mre.M. A. Baldwin. R. M. Briggs, Sam Blbo, C. C.Manker, Mrs. H. H. Hart, Mre. L. Bartlett,Will Hoff, O. O. Walte. T. J. Schuyler, Mre.Jack Robinson, Mrs. Jamea Smith, Mr. •andMre. Fries, Miss D. Fries, B. R. Hecht. A.Gautenlanb, \u25a0E. Berts. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesPike. Mrs. W. L. Wokes, Mr. and Mre. J. W,McDonald Jr., Mr. and Mre. C. W. Cook, MissLucy Cook, R. T. Bolph, Mr. and Mre. S.Schwabacher, Miss M. L. Schwabacber. FrankSchwabacher, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fessenden, J.Adams, Mr. and Mre. C. Lee, Mr. and Mre..11.H. Bobbins, Lonis Straus. Miss R. B. Straus.J. A. Young, Mr. and Mre. C. H. Schlveley.Oakland

—Mr. and Mre. T. C. Coogan, Mre. J.

A. Young, Mr. and Mre. A. A. Sawyer, Mrs.H. P. Roach, Miss Carrie .Welghan, Mr. andMrs. F. Catting, Mr. and Mre. George Faulkner.Chicago

—Thomas B. Lyon, Mrs. -= Lyon, Miss

Lyon, Miss Dlckerman, Joseph Zellen, MarieSalor, Mr. and Mre. A. B. Jackson. Los Ange-les—B. W. Lee, M. B. Heran, Mrs. A. F. Levy,Elma C. Levy. Reno, Nev.—Mary Nichols, AbbyA. Nichols, Catherine Burns, Rhea ArchibaldNew York—F.- L. Grtffiss, Mrs. Sarah Watson,Mr. and Mre. James Kearvey. :Eugene Jepson,Harry Redding, Miss Ethel Barrymore and maid,Mre. Louise Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. F.Deyo, Lee Goldsmith, Mr. and Mre. W. G. Me-Oune. Portland

—Mr. and Mre. T. C. Ander-son. Ross

—O. J. Foster, Mr. and Mre. H.~ C.Rodgers, Miss Blocker, E. A. Van Bergen. An-

dover. 111.—

Olive V. Larson. San RafaelColonel and Mrs. F. H. Johnson. EugeneOre.

—Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Stevens and boy.


George R. Swift. Santa Barbara—Camllle Levy. Golden, Colo.

—Mr. and Mre.

V. C. Alderson. Berkeley—

Mrs. A. J. Home,T. W. Cushlng. Mr. and Mre. C. O. Payon.Fargo, N.. D.—F. E. Btratton. Washington,D. C.

—Professor Newcomb. Cupertino, > Cal.

Mrs. L. J. Reynolds. VIsaila, Cal.—Mr.-

andMrs. Charles Riley. Mount Vernon, N. Y.—Mre.D. W. Coon. Bamboo, Wis.—Mrs.; I. Hoyt.Tacoma, Wash.— R. W. Taylor.. Sacramento—W. B, Barrett. El Campo, Tex.—Mrs. M. J.Hefner. .

The following registered at theHotel Vendome during the past week:

From San Francisco—

Mrs. C. Welnberg andchildren, Mrs. S. W. Llndermann and children,Mrs. J. P. Mitchell, Mrs. W. Dunbar, W. El-mer, K. Brown and family, Mrs. F. W. Jacksonand daughter, Mrs. O. Conway and children,Mrs. C. A. Herrmann and children. O. Hllde-brand and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grentert,R. Jones and family, Mrs. F. Granz and family,Mrs. H. R. Koll and children. G. Denhard,Charles Hadley and family, W. Wider and fam-ily,J. Kleffer and family, J. Droyer and family,W. Short and family, L. Hedrick, R. Muller.Frederick Hanson, H. Elsham, E. A. Beanceand daughter, Mrs. J. Echlrpser, H. Ayres andfamily, A. C. Nelsen. Mrs. H. Plant. MissEmma Planz, Mrs. W. McCall, John Welch, P.S. Haparty and wife. Miss Annie M. Hagarty.Oakland

—Hermann Frans and wife, C. Hopsas

and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, M. J.Breen,

*Mr. Furlong and family. Sacramento

—Francis Orerton, wife and child, Hans Graberand wife.

At Camp Taylor resort the followingguests registered:

From San rranclsco— T. P. M. Gamp, Mrs. J.H. Callahan, Mrs. P. Harder, Clara Harder,Dollle Connor, Miss L. Bryne. Miss A. Bryne,James P. Sullivan,- William G. Spiegel and wife,Leonore Malone, Emma G. LeTy, W. J. WUe,William J. Corlett, William McCracken, AdolphT. Stone, Mlsa LilUan Muxke, Dr. A. J. Top-ping, Charles A. Stewart, James Hlggens andfamily, Raymond Callaghan, Mrs. J. N. Oal-laghan, Mrs. C. C. O'Nell, Gerald O'Nell. MaryC. McCarthy. Mary Yotter, C. J. Borgfeldt, AnnaBorgfeldt, Johnny Borgfeldt, D. J. Schaffer,M. lloberg, Miss A. Chamberlin, T. W. Clausen,A. D. Rice, Mrs. J. Wise, Miss T. Beaaely, Lil-lian Nltrele. Mrs. Emll Happersburger, H. W.Kemp, Mrs. J. J. Hendricks, Miss E. -

Landers.Henry L. Holzberg, Mabel Baes. Mrs. A. G. No-vell. Annie Korell, Helen A. Bass, Henry Gay-lord MarteH, Dr. Paul C Alexander. SidneyHamilton. V. U. Francis, A.L.Llssner and fam-ily.Miss Etta O'Brien, Miss Belle O'Brien, J. 11.Keefe. Mrs. J. Spiegel, T. W. Spiegel. Mrs. F.W. Thompson, Miss Florissa Howell, EmmaSpencer, L. B. Kellman, H. E. Kennedy, Made-line Brush, Roger Johnson, B. 0. Basford. J. N.C. Boden and wife. Oakland

—William W. Gra-

ham. Marlam E. Ellaser, Juanlta Bumel, Mrs.J. Buntel, Viola F. Bumel, Arthur O. Evansand wife, Arthur Flbush, Walter Lewis, M.Barnett. Mrs. J. Niggel. Miss Nlggel. Mr. andMrs. Maloney, Dr. Dodson, Mrs. Hughes. MissHughes. Mrs. William It. Davis, .William R.Darls Jr., Mrs. Manfield Herman, Fred A. Jor-dan and wife, W. O. Manuel and wife. MissLeslie Manuel, Miss Mildred Manuel, W. a Ma-son and wife, W. R. Jackson. Miss Kate Ste-vens. KelseyTllle

—Dr. F. B. McGoTern. Lower


J. N. Booth and wife. J. W. Trempen andwife, 81 Lubelskl, Louis Nlsser. W. de la Rosa.J. W. Belshaw. Santa Maria—J.' T. Goodwin,Mrs. J. T. Goodwin, Miss Bessie Goodwin, GuyL. Goodwin, Donald Goodwin. T. R. Flnley,Mrs. T. R, Flnley, William N. Finley, MaryFlnley, W. Flnley. Belvedere

—Henry C. Heyne-

mann, Ruth M. Heynemann, Walter P. Heyne-mann. San 'Rafael

—Mrs. Julia Luning, Miss

Margaret Luning. Santa Cruz—

Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Deming, Miss Josephine Deming, Miss Doro-thy Deming, Leo E. Daper. Laurel Dell


Heynemann, F. Palmer. Woodland—

Lem Sieber,Fred Bullock. Callstoga

—H. N. Brown. Fresno—

G. W. Taft. Dr. Hayden. \u25a0 Lakeport—Mrs. B.U. Webb. Adelle Stipp. Edna Stevens. YollandFraser, Willie Johnston. Elmlra—Mrs. C. F.George, Miss Casa George, Bessie McKlnney.

Arrivals at Soda Bay were the fol-lowing:

From San Francisco— Charles M. Yates, RuthKeys, N. C. Cooper, Mike Berger, Mr. andMrs. Herbert Choynski. Heney Dechant. Mrs.L. D. Jacks, Miss G. Byington, H..E. Kennedy,Stanley W. Morsbead. Mrs. Chester Weaver. C.L. Lathrop, J. Dalzell Brown, Moses Clayburgh,U. H. Hugg, James Allen and wife. It. I*Gardner, E. W. McCarthy, Bessie Irwin, I-oulseH. Irwln, John J. Dillon. Mrs. J. D. Robertson,Tom D. Brown, Harry Fremont, Dr. F. Bass,George Malony, Charles E. Wilde, Mrs. M. S.Hlckman, Mrs. J. J. Hendricks, Mrs. A. Landers,K. P. Jacobs and :wife, Tom 801lman, iMrs.Dlla Franetta, GenevieTe Carroll, H. G. Mar-tell. A. M. Alexander, ;Charles A. Stewart,Sidney Hamilton. Victor Francis, Dr. Paul C.Alexander, Evelyn McCarthy, Lyda A." Carroll.Alameda

—Clark Spencer, Dr. W. B. Stevens,

W. W. Haskell, Mrs. A. P. Merle, Dr/ Cecil C.Dennis, Mrs. M. E. Dennis, Miss Dennis, CharlesH.Bennett. Sacramento— C. E. Sereman, GeorgeB. Henry. Oakland

—Henry H. DeVoll and wife,

Mrs. Mamie Brittan, Felton Taylor and wife,B.J. Harrifor and wife, B. W. Taylor, R. Horst.D. W. Morris, Laura Judge, W. H.L. Hynes andwife; A.H. Marks, wife and child; A. G. Soule,Wife and child; Catherine E.

'Gartner, A. L.

Lavenson and party. Berkeley—

Mre. GeorgeW. Robinson. George W.

'Robinson Jr., Ruth

Robinson, Mildred Elam. E. J. Argall. W. J.Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar El Robinson andchild, Bruno Johnson, Louis Tynnes, P. F.Kohnke and wife. Miss Kohnke, Miss GertrudeKohnke. Healdsburg:

—A. R. Jacks and wife.

Soda Bay—

E. L. Acres. Santa Boss—

Mrs. L.D. Jacks. Fresno— W. Parker Lyon and wife.Cloverdalt

—Carl Yorfll and wife. Vallejo


G. O. Morton. Tfin. E. N«rius. McCray—

Mrs.McCray. Bakersfleld— Mrs. Charles E. Baer.Lakeport

—tV. P. Orlppln and wife, Euvelle

Howard, O. W. ChnrcbllL J. a Berger, F. F.-Miller, H. 0. Fowler. H. B. ChuroMU, MissWillie Thompson. Monterey—J. Hnnt and wife.Piedmont— Mrs. E. Young. Pine Gronre—JohnW. Doobleday, Mary O. Donnelly, MemoryDoubleday, Loretta F. Donnelly. Santa Crux


8. Demmy and wife. Placervllle—

Mrs. JosephineDemmy, Leo Draper Chat, Maude Frey. Wood-land—J. & Craig, wife and son; Mrs. Allen,John Allen. Charles Allen. Washington, D. C.

—F. M. Thompson. Petaluma

—F. W. Norman.

The following are recent arrivals atHighland Springs:

The' followini? guests registered atAqua Caliente: Springs: '\u25a0\u25a0 .;Vr FT?,m San,Francisco— B.» Wilt,"'A/ Senmel, :H.M.-Black, Mr. and Mrs.,H. Gilland son.' GeorgePaston. L. Owens, Mr.*and Mrs. Shepphard, Mrs.M. Toner. Dr.;J. M.IToner,', G.-R. Puckett •andfam Iy, Miss M. O'Shaughnessy, M." Sheftel! andfamily, E. Harvey, Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, S. H.Patterson, ;Miss Selena Feely, Miss C..B.iClas-sen. Mrs. M. Crowder.*" Miss >F.;McKally.1.-. Mr.-and Mrs.' Mclntosh. Mrs." N.«Lawrence." Mr.'1and»

n-k'n-k' FtTTiand child,-. H.iBrennen.v Gus •Daniels,F.,Brookbank. O. A- Tveltmoe, J. B. Lone," Uus

From'San Francisco

—Mr. and Mrs. O. A.

Ruse and child, Mrs. N. SIlTa, James A.-White.Sacramento— A. J. McKay, J. 8. Frazee, F. J.DuftjvF.\ Fergus. Oakland— Miss E. E. Cobb.Miss Ellen. E. Cobb. Slsson— Miss Mugler," PeterMugler. /tlollister—N. C. -Brlggs and iwife.Montague—F. J. , King Jr. > Kenwood— Captain£• ;;M* „ww*rd

- - Chico— Boblna r E. \u25a0-. Loy.French^ Gnlch—3. H. Cummings. \u25a0-ifLakevlew,*~^;:P*\,Llght *na 'amily, George vHaw-klnSj-Mrs.- F. -. M. • Miller and *\u25a0 son, -Mrs.;L.I. Conn. Portland, s Ore.—D.>,W. Javers andwife, McGowan 'and wife.-- Eugene,Ore.—L. vN. Brown. Williams, \u25a0 Ore.—C. M.Stiles. Bonanra, Ore.—B. A: Bradburn.


-Late arrivals at Klamath Hot

Springs: . , .

From San Francisco—

O. \u25a0A. Peterson, GeorgeUnderwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hirshfeld, Miss Doro-thy.;. IHrschfeld, J. W. Parkin, Ida Kangman,Ada Kangman, A. Johnson, Mr. Rellly,Miss C.Tregen, Tom Shields, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.DeTer. Constance: Dever. Ronnie Dever, M. M.McMllllan, Mrs. N. N. Elegr. Mrs. Petersen, E.C. Cohn. Mrs. J.~W. Btrker, Muriel Murphy.Oakland— Mr. and Mrs. Kinley, Miss Lll-wln-dall; F. D. Reed. Mrs. W. Kllpatrick. Pinole-Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Watson, a Alameda


E. Neumann. Vallejo—

Mr. and Mrs. JackWalsh, C. A. nuber, Mrs. Dathle, Miss FlorenceDuthle, Alfred:Duthle. Mrs/ .Dlckerson, MissUnlce Dlckerwin, Norman Dlckerson,. Mrs. Weirand family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and baby,' Mrs.A. Roe. Miss E. Triplett, Miss Louise iMorgfln,Mrs. Triplett. Jack. Sides. Mr. and Mrs.» Wln-chell.' . Tom Horan, Willie Barry, .Leo Cava-naugh, David Barry, Miss A. Burns, !WayneWlnchell. Mrs. CTaus '

and , family. \u25a0 Miss \u25a0 MayClarke, Miss Julia Taylor, Mrs. J. 8. Sancts andbaby.-Val Fleming, Arthur Wood, Mrs. M. C.Kelly. Miss C. Kelly,Mrs. M. Malhsteadt, MissF. Malhstead, David Kelly, Arthur Raines.

The week's arrivals . at: VallejoWhite Sulphur Springs are the follow-ing: :'

- "''\u0084; V;..<;^

From San Francisco—

Milton H. Cross, MarlonB. Cross, Mrs. A. R. Wells. A. F. Smithhurst.Mrs. W. D. Baldwin, H. H. Moffat. M. Mar-coTlch, Miss A. Clark, Mrs. W. R. Clark, J. T.Farley and wife, D. W. Moran, B. P. Huffmanand wife. Mrs. B. T. Chrlsman, Miss M. Stew-art. J. W. Potts, W. J. Drlscoli and wife, JohnJoost, Harold Louderback, Miss K. L. Cole,J. B. Hatcher, O. 8. Marshall. G. 8. Salch,Mrs. J. Harvey, Mrs. L. Cahlli, Dr.• Paul C.Alexander, A. M. Alexander, V. Francis, Mrs.A. Stewart, Mrs. Perramont and daughter, O.HaTiside, Mlss.Tessle Limmon, Miss JosephineLammon, It. Dreyfus, Mrs. F. Hicks and child,M. R. Taylor, L. M. Ware, Mrs. H. E. Coppand child, H. E. Copp. Oakland

—J. C. Hannan,

C. S. Hannan. Mile. Mlshgcovlch. E. V. Schnei-der, R. E. Tcnnant. G. E. Tennant, J. K.Barker. Sacramento— Mrs. B. Cavanaugh, .MissF. CaTanaugh. Miss M. CaTanaugh. Master B.Cavanaugh, Miss M. Lamb. R. L. Entes, E. L.Krlpp and wife. P. Pendergast and wife. S.Quails, Tom Scott, Mavis Scott, Miss A. Klrby,H. K.McLannan. Berkeley— Mrs. T. G. Elliot,Jane Elliot, J. M. McNulty and wife. Lodi—G.Doering, C. James. G. G. Handle, W. H; Wil-son, C. Powell. Mary Helb. Santa Rosa

—S. F.

Falkson. Mrs. L.D. Jacks, Mrs. R. McClary. Dr.C. R. Basford, J. C. Pederson. Fresno


Bcnas. «San Jose— Mrs. Mary Pillot, I. A.Fraxer and wife. Miss .C. M. Farley. Los An-geles

—Dr. Henderson Hayward. Mre. W. C

Camp, A. A. Caldwell and. wife. Alameda—

Ethel McKenzle, Cordelia McKemle, George S.McKenzle. Tucson, Arix.

—William Kemp and

wife. Miss Nellie Kemp. Honolulu—

Mrs. GeorgeD. Gear. Santa Barbara— D. B. Denton andwife. Mount Wilson—H. J. Rich. H. E. Rich.C. E. Rich. Woodland

—George J. Snydcr, wife

and children, L..Sieber. Fowler-^J? T. Pat-ton, M.-J. Harrison, I.Harrison. Healdsburg

—Mrs. L. D. Jacks. Reno, Nev.

—J. L.Harrlgan.


8. E. Owens, E. Hoffman, E. Dcl-lenbaugh. Elk Creek— N. B. Vanderfoyd. Wil-liams—Miss Virginia Banks. TountTllle


M. Llllle. Menlo Park— W. H. Roden and wife.MarysTlller-J. H. Trayner and son.. Colusa— O.Geggtn and son. Acampo

—W. O. Johant and

wife. Petaluma—

A.' Flori. Guthrle, O. T.—*\u25a0Mrs. G. E. Billingsley. Washington. D. C—C.Hart Mnriam and wife. . Corning

—Mrs. Jacobs,

J. A. Brown and wife. Salinas—

T. J. CockrillandIwife. Visalls

—J. Fisher and . wife, Mrs.

G. -H. Bodden. Oroville—E. St. John. Bel-mont

—J. B. - Yount. . . ,

. Recent arrivals at Bartlett Springsare: ';

From San Francisco— Mr. and Mrs. 7, W.Humphrey, Judge and Mrs. Thomas F. Graham,Miss Ethyl Graham, Dr. and Mrs. H. Law,Miss G. Sully, John Xewcomb, Charles L. Welll,Will R. WeHl. L. LiTlngston, Mrs. Grattan,Mrs. M. Dale, Mrs. F. Wetberbee, Miss BlancheWetherbee, B. C. Boyd, George M. Ahrens, O. W.Hall, Mrs. Eugene Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. Btreil-les. Miss Barellles, Mrs. A. J. Mllly,Miss Ce-celia Milly.Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, Mr. andMrs. It. B. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ham-mam, Mrs. O. B. Kervan, Ida

' L.Kerran, Alma Barth, Mr. and Mrs.John McCallan, Miss McCallan. Mr. andMrs. M. Sblrpser, Master John M. Libby, Mr. andMrs. H. Bier. Otto Relmer, James P. Devlne,P. R. McGrath. S. H. Rice, Mrs. M. Eagan, A.LeTln, Mr. and Mrs. Aronson, iMr. and Mrs.Epps, M. Fairbanks. Miss Chandler, Miss May-lott, Mrs. Raymond, J. Sals, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs.Wolf. Arthur Lyon, Alfred Clarke, Miss B. W.Jackson, Otto. Ranhut; Mr. and Mrs.- G. A.Root. A. E. Young, John Henne. \u25a0• Oakland


A. J. M«rle, Mr. and* Mrs.-R. Collett. MissCollett, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kaiser, Miss Brlt-ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richardson, C. Burns,Miss M. Phillips. P. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. H.Audlffred. Miss L. Audlffred, Mr. and Mrs. Bar-ney Jacobs. Other points

—Mr. and Mrs. El-

wood, H. L. Richardson. Mary E. Foley, Mrs.Blllingslea, Bertha H. Smith. Mrs. W. 8. Mor-rison. Ethel M. Fifield, Mr., and Mrs. A. S.Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey.

Following: is a list of recent arrivalsat Vichy Springs:

From San IFrancisco—

E. LoewestbaL MissLoewenthaL Benicla

—P. W. Qulnn. Oakland

—Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O. Beattie. San Fran-cisco

—Mrs. W. J. Linden, Mrs. H. G. Qlahn.

Santa Rosa—

B. A. Owen. San Francisco— W.A. Heck man and wife, Miss Mary 8. Heck-man. Vallejo—W. 8. Nevln*. Los Anjcelen—Westwood E. Price. Oakland —

E. H. Mott andwife, F. Schlueter. SanU Cms— Mr. and Mrs.H. S. Detnlng, Miss Josephine Deming, MissDorothy Deming, Leo E. Dreher. San Francisco

—H. O. Brewer, J. J. Walsh, W. H. Murphy.Albert Spohn, B. L. Blake. Oakland

—Mr. and

Mrs. E. T. Schlott, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mid-dleton, Miss Vivian Mlddleton. Mrs. A. Dletle,H. P. Graham. Belvedere

—Winifred H. Hyne-

mann, Walter 8. Hynemann, Ruth M.'Hyne-mann, Henry 0. Heynemann. San Francisco—F. P. Jacobs and wife. Petal urns

—Mr. and Mrs.

M. Bollen. San Francisco— Miss Emma G. Levy.Petaluma

—Mr.and Mrs. A. Lachtnan. Oakland

—R. Horst and wife. Woodland

—Lewis Sieber,

Waldo Bullock. Lakeport— Miss Alice Page, Mi-aD. W. Greene. San Francisco— Lillian Nadio,Estrella Nadlo, Hartland Law and wife. MissG. Schultz, Ralph,Newcomb. Oakland

—Mr. and

Mrs. Charles Butters, Miss Mahony. San Fran-cisco

—Miss H. Sorensen. Mrs. T. T. Jartls.

Arrivals at Laurel Dell boted for thepast week were:



ander, Sidney Hamilton P McGovern, Mr.Newmeyer.' Oakland—Dr. Dndley Smith, MissSmith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Manuel. Miss LisleManuel, Miss. Mildred Manuel, Fred A. Jordanand wife. Redlands— H. O Smith. Alameda

—F. N.Dodd. Visalla—William H. Hammond Jr..Ben M. Maddox. New . York -city

—Dr. Fran*

Kocmpel. • Berkeley— W. 0. Mason. Sacramento—E. Welnreich. Lower Lake—B. Kugelman.


William C. Payne, R. McCullen.... ' \u0084.•.-\u2666 ,- . •Arrivals at WitteV Springs:From San Francisco— E W. McCarthy, Miss

Evelyn McCarthy, Miss Loretta McCarthy, Jo-seph O'Brien, Miss Margaret Power, Miss AgnesO'Connell, Miss Josephine O'Connell, Miss Kath-leen Welch, Mrs. J. A. Deneen, Miss Mary Car-reras, Mrs. F. Hilbert, A.B.Blanchflower, MissEssie Kragen, Miss Etta Edwards, Miss MillieKaskell, Miss Hennle Moses, Miss Jennie Garen,Mrs. E. E.iKragen, Master B Kragen, Mrs. 0.Gensler. Mrs. H. 8. Jackson, Dr. Paul Wismer,Miss C. Deneen Mrs; Lahaye. Mrs. F. Haps-berger, Miss^ LilUan Niggle, Mrs. J. Ntes*l«,Joseph Lowenstelu and wife. "John A. Ramon,Miss Emily Leucke, Hans Leucke, Harry-Gay-lord MarteH, Victor Francis Sidney Hamilton,Joseph Schmidt, "Miss Martha McKeand. ElbertF. Cowan, Hazel Greenwood, Mrs. H. Jackson,Artie Poheim. Miss Belma Oohn, Miss HelenJackson, Martin Leucke and wife, Max Wtll-kommen, Charles A. Stewart, Dr. Panl 0. Alex-«n<l«'.A;,,M.- Alexander. W. H. Mille-% MissM

-J. Miller, Mile, yirginle Baskin, Mrs. B. J.

Smyth, Mrs. EmU Hapsbereer. Mlsa Anita Haps-berger, Howard Welch, Mrs. T. P. JarrU, Jo-\u25a0fW HetaebeT», Miss Frieda Hilbert, Miss BomRidley, F. W. Dessel, J. fl. Cornwall, Mm. M.McKeand, Dr. E. B. EJrans and wife.M. Prince and wife,'1D. B, Prince, L. Berg-stein, Mlsa Geraldlne Byington, Dr. HartlandLaw and wife. Miss G. Schnlts, Balph New-comb, J. A. Nikrent. Oakland— Miss FloraZercoTlch, O. P. Harris, W. J. Lewis, Arthur O.Evans,- Mrs. A. O. Evann Miss Alice Barnett.Berkeley—Edgar B. Robinson and wife, Mrs.G. W. Robinson, Miss F. A. Townshaw, MissRuth Robinson, Miss Katharine Robinson. Ala-meda

—J. J. Tobln. Prultvale

—Miss Margaret

Dickinson. Hayward—Mrs. W. H. Kelsey. Ru-dolph Heldenrelch, L. Budor, Mlas Sterenson, Z.Wlanon. \u25a0 Santa Crux

—H. S. Demlnc and wife,

Miss Dorothy Demlnr, Miss Josephine Deming,Leo E. Draper. BelTedere— Henry a Heyne-mm. San Jose

—F. Jansen and wife. Napa

—H. F. Behlow. Palo Alfcy-F. W. Qulnn. Be-nlcU

—J. W. • Wright. Vallejo—O. C Green-

wood. Santa Rosa—

Mrs. L.D. Jacks. TJklah—

Dr. A. E. Dickinson and wife, D. B. Paxton,Miss Alta Mathews. Paso Robles— John Scaggan.San Lnls Oblnpo—J. w. Ontrel. Medfleld, Or.

—Miss SaTella R» Tonvelle. Laurel Dell. Cal.


J. A. Dornan. Lakeport. Cal.—

William Browo.



Miss Mechan. Miss Tare. C. A. Ransom. L. N.Hall and wife. Dr. H. B. Levitt and wife,F. C. Levitt, Mrs. L. Neppart. E!. S. Neppart,F. RNeppart, Charles Fee. M. G. PfaoV Mrs.J. \u25a0 F. HallOTen ami daughter. L. G. Mlsh andfamily. W. -D. HllL'-M. E. Becker. A. Slmes.Miss Fairweather. E. Fairweather. Augusta iAmes. Mrs. A. W.- Wah« ana family. B. F.Blair Miss B. Baldwin. Miss A. Donivla. M.Pickering and family. Miss A. Brae baker. Miss

-M. Jones. M.F. Nolan. W. Nolan. F. Charles.C. B. Robinson and wife. D. P. Robinson andwife. B. H. Dyer. P. E. O'Near and wife. Miss

'O'Near, Mrs. W. H. Taylor, C Lincoln \u25a0 and |son. Mrs. Rudolph Spreckals. Miss Kane. MissSpreckels. George A. Pope and family, W. T. •Coleman. H. L. Hall, wife and son; A. E. \u25a0

Hlderman and party.' Mrs. H. H. Murphy anddaughter. Mrs. A. W. Whe and son. P. H. '<Earl. Miss Stair. Mrs. A. Sarrarnann. E. F. •Smith. N. B, Winston. Mrs. W. L. DaTls andfamily. Mrs. W. It. Ilannun. C. N. Lathrnp. \u25a0

Oakland— Walter Shilling. R. TShlUlng, MissCharbot Miss Whitney. Dr. T. Curtis. R. M.Marshall. R. Countryman. Miss C. Mills. Mrs. :J. Daley. P. L. Johnson. Mrs. W. Olney. Mm.M. A. Bartlett. Miss Olney. Warran Olner. C.L. Stum. J. A. Shoemaker. E. F. Adams, n. P. ;Bancroft and family. W. N. Crown and wife,.F. Emmert, Miss Emmert. F. N. Pahner. P. C.Black and wife, Mrs. A. S. Bacon. Mrs. Jandand daughter. Alameda

—Mrs. A. A. Schneider

and daughter. Dr. W. R. Hughes and wife. A..N. Lewl«. W. Blssell Jr.. B. C. Scott and wife.R. Martins. Mrs. J. G. Scott. F. F. Field andwife. Berkeley

—Professor and Mrs. H. Senger. ,

Miss B. Boots and brother. W. C. Moore. Miss ,P. Dntton. A. P. Lathrop. T. Lowe. Los An- igeles

—V. E. Shaw, Parket Shaw. J. Harlaa and

wife, Ethel A. Leavell, Mrs. J. Darling. RooterBaker. Mildred Baker. W. H. Rorlck. W. B. 'Rorick, J. S. Choate. W. F. Arend, Mrs. 0. B. JShatto. Mrs. W. B. Stimson, B. H.Dyer. J. H. \u25a0

McLeod. S. M. Berry and wife. D. B. Mo- \u25a0

Farland and wife,C. A. Yarnell. Misses Fatten.Mrs. L.M. Cary. Miss M. McKenzle. Mrs. A. A.Polhamus and mother, E. T. Earl. J. O. Cock* \u25a0

and wife. Pasadena—

W. L. Oreea and wttv,C. B. Herd. Mrs. J. Hsrd. Miss Herd. O. D.Roberts, Mrs. Coffin. Palo Alto—A. Seals and :wife, H. F. Conjrdon and wife. Miss H. Thotsp- :son. Misses Thompson. GoldQeld

—J. T. Teaer. ;

N. A. d'Arcy and family. D. R. Conrad and 'wife. A. H. Duttoa and family, J. Dammoa andwife. Beno

—E. P. Starblrd. F. O. Frascr, Mrs. ;

A. A. Hlbbard. Miss Hlbbard, A. E. Larsoa. |Dr. C B. Francis. E. D. Lackner, T. C. Mack. \u25a0

D.J. Fraser, O. E. Baker. H. Cameras. E. I,;Williams, E. U. Carpeatar. H. 8. Pattoa. H> >ThurtUl. E. Arkell, J. P. Price aod familr. |G. N. Folsom. Sacramento— Miss E. Beppelu

'Miss M. Heppell, Miss M. McMorey. d F. \u25a0

DUlen. Miss B. K.Dlggan. Miss G. HalL Mrs.B. D. Stevens. Miss K. Sterens. Btoc*tton—L.H. Sprengler, G. S. Deckemaa. Sirs. WagaOTw :Misses Wagner.


Dlrorzek. D. Lewis and family, A.;Abrahamsnnd family, G.:McGlnnus, Mrs.. J. Roche, -S.;Roche,. Miss A.'"Caranaugh, Miss A. O. CaTan-augh,- Mrs. F. Cayanaugh. J.. W.'. Keefe." J. M.Mainxer, W. A. Kaufman, A."Mausck, Mrs. A.Auerback,*: Miss L, Auerback, H. Alexander andlady,-Mrs. - Vogel," W. Brockman, Mrs.•W. EliottJr..- Miss Mac Lery. Miss. Mabel Deutch, Mr.and Mrs. J. Connolly, C.

'T. Daniels, H. Dan-

iels, Mr. and Mrs. \u25a0 Meader, Mrs. M. Allerdee,Miss MacGowan,. Thomas CaTanaugh Jr., Mr.and Mrs. Rosenthal, J. M. Barnett, Miss L.C.Barnett, D. J. Daly. Charles Ryhner. S. Schloss,Mr. and Mrs. J. CaTanaugh, IJ. Cavanaugh, IMissM.' Cavanaugh, C. A. Schloss. Mrs. E. S. Cole. M.Rosenberg and wife, Miss M. Breuner, L. Skoll,C. Kelleher. C. B.:Peters, Mrs. B. Shea, MissA..Shea, Miss Regina Shea, Mrs. A. S. Buck,Mrs. J. O'Donnell, Miss M. O'Donnell, Miss L.Francis. Mrs. Francis, :Mrs. F. U. Mills, MissE. Osthoff. Miss *Ethel Abrahams. Mrs. War-shower and family, E. FranctskoTitz, Mr. andMrs. Ed Fay, Miss E. Kerenck, Buford Fay, M.Cradick, Mr. and Mrs. Tully,Mr. and Mrs.Graham, Miss P. T,ubeek, Mr. and Mrs. Ka-rewski. Miss S. Karewski, H. Sulleck. Mrs. E.M. Glfford, Alf -Clark, Gus E. Dorn. Mrs.Sumski and family, J. C. Hooker,- Miss M. Shea.T. Tully,J. Grimes and family, Mrs. D. Dalyand family, Mrs. P. W.•-.. Raggett, \u25a0 WilliamHowe, Mrs. Charles Ryhner, William Boss, PhilHarris, L. Harris, E. L. Fender, J. Madison,Mrs. B. Armstrong,. Miss F. Hausman, . M.Byrne, Miss H. Byrne. J. V. Collins, Mrs. M.F.Bender, |Mr. and Mrs. H: Hollman, John Bodln,J. Mcßrearty, Miss J. Conway, J. Daly and fam-ily,W. Ryan, Mrs.,W. Ryan and son, Joseph P.Kelleher and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Strauss,Miss M. Schroth. ;Miss F. Schroth, F. Dlttrlch.W. O'Shaughnessy, N. Beggs and child. MissH. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Maury, Miss M.Mausy, 0. 8. Mauzy, Mrs. M. Orerstreet, ,Mrs.T. J. Todd, Miss A. Orerstreet. Charlee Orer-street. Miss Ann Olldea, Miss Mary O'Neal, H.Boettger, WUliam Alfs, W. .O'Bhanghnessy, T.Meke, 0. B. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCarthy,Miss K. Humphrey, J.B. Scally and wife. GusE. Dorn, F. nlrers and wife. Oakland— J.Rankin, J. Brelllng, Mrs. B. Hacsman, MissRlordao, Miss F. Quinlan, E.. Brown andfamily, B. Hausman, J. E. Taylor,Miss . 8. SHrersteln, R. Montstomery,Mrs. P. 3, Bohan, P. Bohaa, Mrs. J.Dlxon, Miss M. Dixon, Mrs.' A. Trueworthy,L. Livingston and family, Mr. and Mrs. M.Nelson, Miss M. Nelson, Miss G. Reynolds.Miss M. Reynolds. Texas—A. Fletcher. Napa

—Mrs. J. Even and family, J. Eren. Salt Lake—J. W. OanoU. Berkeley—William * B. Ross.Goldfleld—P. W. Hull. England—John Walsh.Sulsun

—Ber. P. J. Qulnn. Dlxon

—Rer. F.

Garrey. Alameda— Mrs. H. L. Parkman.Mariposs.—

John Schroeder. Sausallto —W.Kahl, F. C. Lance. Portland—

H. C. Mack,Mrs. J. Parish. San Jose

—Mrs. P. D. Durling.

Among: those who registered at DelMonte during* the week' were:

From San Francisco—

Mrs. Sophie D. Well-man, Mrs. W. B. Fennlmort, Mrs. J. K. Itaw-son. Miss Margaret Griffith. Emll Lowenberg.Mr. and Mrs. A. L."Kerr. H."N. Estes. A. O.;Stoll, Fred S. Myrtle, a. 8. Holman. Mrs.Moore. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Booth. Master Ed-win Booth and Miss Edna Booth. Mrs. Mar-<

shall A. Frank, A. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs.S. Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. H. C Long, Mrs.E. L. Hunt. Mrs. J. 8. Marony. H. E. Bo»t-wick. Captain and Mrs. J. S. Oyster, AlfredJ. Oyster, Elizabeth Oyster, Mrs. A. L. Tubbs,Miss

'Edith Hecht, Ellas M. Hecht. Mr. and

Mrs.' Edward S. Schneider, Mrs. R. Rosengarden.Mrs. J. Bauer, Sophie F. Stolx. Charles S. Fee,Mr. and Mrs. Leri M. Toorsanger, Mr. and Mrs.Mark L. Gerstle, 8. Yoda. Milton Darts. A.McKenzle, Joseph Ehrman, J. R. K. Nuttall. J.S. Ackerman, Miss Blanche Davis. Miss GraceDaTls, O. T. Davis. . James E. Degan. MissMaud Booth. F. E. Booth, J. J. McCauley. Mr.and Mrs. M. L. Lery and Lester Lery, MissJosye Rich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Royer, L.McElroy, C. 8. Linden. \u25a0William Linden. Mr.and Mrs. F. K. South worth, Mrs. Albert Farr.W. H. •Humphrey, Scott S. Bouthworth. Arthur*W. Towne, Richard Burke. William Burke. M.P. Jordan, J. O. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. StanleyWebster, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mack, Gerstle Mack,Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bias, Louis H. Aber-helmer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Buck, LeonardW. Buck, W. A. Grady, Moses Heller and Mr.and Mrs. "Robert Reinhart. From Oakland


and Mrs. A. Burntrager, Miss Rebecca Miller.Miss Ruth Williamson and Mrs. A. T. Wil-liamson, George F. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Powers. Miss Lrongworthy, Miss Cottrell.G. 0. Barnbart, Mr. and Mrs. \u25a0 Harry Denner,Dr. E. E. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry East,and Katherlne MacCauley of Piedmont. FromBerkeley

—Mrs. Benjamin F. Weston. Mrs. E.

M. Herrlck and Miss Jacobs. From Los An-geles

—Mr. and Mrs. George B. Harrlaoa. Mr.

snd Mrs. A. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. ArthurLetts, Mils Ada Letts. Miss Edna Letts, MissGladys Letts, Arthur Letts Jr., George F.Wilson, A. B. Brewcter, Miss A. N. Miller,Mr. sad Mrs. J. W. Nethens, Mr. and


LUsmar and son. From San Jose— E. Chase.Charles O'Brien and party, Mr., and Mrs. C.Wellman, Mrs. H. M. Stuart, Miss A. C. Salty,George Center, Mrs. Colvln Macßrlde, H. LuxMacßrtde. frorman Koorer. Mr. and Mrs. F. A.Schneider, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Truman, L. E.Hanchett, Mr. sod Mrs. H. B. Bostwick ofSeoul, Korea, > 'i.;

Recent arrivals at Tahoe tavern arot

. From San Francisco— Anna T. McDonald,Alma E. Tobln. O. E. Oilman. J. A. Spencer,

At the Summer Resorts


PARAISOJt^ HOT SPRINGSNew Ownership and Management.Grandest and moat aeecasf ble of all

Resorts. Only seven miles of beantlfnlroad. Either by. anto or carriage.Fine antontobillng.

Water* awarded First Prise at St.Lonla .Exposition. '



Natural hot soda, sulphur, plunge and tubbaths, 104 to 116 degrees, for rheumatism, mala- ,rla, liver, kidney and all stomach troubles. Iroaand arsenic. Altitude 1,400 feet. Swimming,hunting, fishing, bowling, tennis, orchestra. Ex-pert masseur*. Round trip $8. Rates $10.50 tofltJ. Baths free. Trains leave Third and Town-vend at 9:00 a. m.: First and Broadway. Oak-land, 8:25 a. m. Returning' arrive in Frisco at4:00 p. m. Informs tloa at S. P. Co., or Peck's,or H. H. MoGOWAX, Prop., Paralso Springs,Monterey county, CaL

• *•

Aqua Caliente SpringsSend your family to th« nearest Hot Sulphur

Springs to San Francisco. First class accommo-dations. Special rates to families: no staging;four trains dally; far*, round trip, $1.65. Tlburon 'ferry or Oakland; two hours' ride. AddressTHEODOR RICHARDS, Aqua Caliente Springs,Sonoma county, Cal. v \u25a0 \ [

MiPK'-iilr^^affSirasfaipnn ntdi- 7̂ft>3M»->*-s"

Meet train* of K.W.Pacific at Fulton, bothmorning and evening. Round trip only .13.75. Splendid success under the new •ownership and permanent, first classmanagement "The prettiest place in

'California" is the verdict of thousands.Address Mrs. M. Mulgrew, Fulton, CaL

Aira ftftft HOT SPRINOS, Sonoma Co..«L"X AI.UX only 4 142 hours from S. F.and but 9miles staging. Meet <

m% \u25a0"

\u25a0****wtrains of N.\V.Pacific at Gey- j

w serrllle. both morningand evening. Round <triponly|5.10. Reference: Anyjniest of the (

past 12 years. Address J. F. Mulgrew,Skaggs, Cal. 1. : -J.



Camp Meeker, about40 rods from station. Beautiful walks, grandscenery: hunting and Ashing, boa tine, bathlnsand croquet grounds. Allkindfe of fresh fruitin reason.' Adults, $6.50 to $1per week. Spe-cial rates for children. Address -GEO. HAR-RISON, Camp Meeker, Sonoma Co., Cal.


| 32D STREET AND BROADWAY: Cuisine and Service Unsurpassed

Cafe ala Carte. . J. .VConvenient to San "Francisco."

"N. S. MUUEX. Mar;

\u0084? >.-;


100 Acre* Forest. Meadow and :Caitjen* Land. :• ;Furnished log cabins, $1 per^dsyrrach' person; :

special family rates. Central *grtlt^Eurppean t"plan, genuine home cooking, roanonab'c clmi-gen.' '.Here you are expected \o wear plain e'othes nm\ ,lead a simple life; if you can't il>"thK (kin'tcome. Address M.TV. HARLOW. :Manager?" Cas-

'tie Crag (via Dunsmulr), California^


H. PEARCE, Prop.. Slerraville. Cal.Most.beautiful reßort in:Sierra ;Nevada monn- i

tains; l^mllen'from Slerraville, overlooking the igrand Sierra valley; altitude 5,000; water uosur- tpassed for*rheumatism, gout, liver -and klilneyj'complaints and all stomach troubles; no mi.ikes

'or - poison oak:

'plenty of

-hunting, and .' fishing; ]

good livery; picturesque Rates $12 to $11 .week. v Round trip ticket to Truckee or B>c.i. AtTruckee stage direct to springs, or by Boca ami

'Loyaltonß. R. Round trip tickets. Pamphletson application.


The Largest and Most Popular Summer Resort mCalifornia. - . • «

TALLAQ.LAKE'TAHOE. "M. Lawrence & Co..' Proprs. i

\u25a0 .OPENS FOR QDESTS JUNE 1. 1907.

Tf-iE OAKS ;Finest ;resort •:in the 'Sierra .Nevada foothill*; ',

excellent table ;10 free.amusements^ jWrite 'for :illustrated booklet and rates, then you'll.go to lTHE OAKS., Address .The Oaks, Applegate.'Ca). ,

GIANT 'FOREST (Sierra Camp), 'W'-llghtfulmountain retreat for summer vacating

.:$l2 aweek. -Key to high Sierra*. .Mts._'.i.ta,*Sllllman. Whitney. Kings and Kero rlvtr*.


'fishing..5.000 big trees.' -Book now /forAugust ;. and •September. :.'Address \u25a0 Ilrcler .A

"Hopping," Kaweah, Tulare county," California.

NAPA SODA SPRINGSXOW OPEN. CThe. most .beautlfrfl ciount/ilahealth iand


-resort. V;New.skating \u25a0rink. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Address JOHN JACOBS. iToorietor. Nana Soda,Springs. Cal.

Oat door Recreation* are Nnmerons and Varied Enongh to Salt AllFindc*— !• Good Roads and Bridle Path* la AllDirections LureVi> Those Who Enjoy a Drive


1^14*4» |g| ®$§ Medical Springs

The magnificent new "Witter Springs Hotel presents such an imposing ap-pearance that the Incoming eruest rubs his eyes and looks a second time tomake sure that It Is not a mere dream.

All th« luxuries and comforts offered by the finest resort hotels of theworld await the shiest at Witter Springs, at prices within the means of theaverage business or professional man. Write for rates and general informationto ALBERT J. ARROLLv Manager Witter Springs, Lake County, California, or

Mam Office—647 Van Ness Avenue, San FranciscoTELEPHONE FRANKLIN 2333

Witter Water Cures Stomach Trouble



Northwestern Pacific RailroadSUCCESSOR TO






$7.00 AND UPWARD PER |WEEK.To be had at Ticket Offices. Ferry BnCdiay, foot

of Market street, and Room 9S&. James Flood !Building (General Offices). Saa Francisco.Inquiry by Mall will bring an Immediate'

response.JAS. AGLER, J. J. GEABTGen. Manager. Acting Gen. Fas*. &Frt. Agt>

There's Only One

DEL MONTEGolf. Sea Bathing. Motoring. Parlor Car from

San .Francisco twice dally. Special week-«ad 'rates. Free art exhibition and sales gallery otICalifornia painters. Week-end golf tonrnaa»«nlduring the summer. - ;

Inquire Peck-Judah Co.. "SO Market «t.: In-formation Bureau Southern Pacific. Flood build-ing, or 11. R. Warner, Manager, Del Monte. CaL*

Pacific GroveHotelFormerly notel El Carmelo, Pacific Gror*.Under the name ownership as th» Hotel S»\

Monte. \u25a0 A,qtilet rerort. with every comfort, atmost reasonable rates. In clooe touch with SaaFrancisco, San Jose and Santa Crnr. Throughchair car and parlor car service to and from LosjAngeles and San Francisco dally.


Most Modern Ilotel in Santa Cms.Rooms from 50c up.


MT. VIEW RANCH HOTELAnd cottages In the mountains near Santa Cnn.'First class tab!e; club room; dancing pavilion:bowline; croquet; rates $0 and $10; carrla**fare. $1.25 round trip. Send foit booklet. MR3.

!TONX" PHILLIPS. Prop.. Santa Cms, CaL


Private home imon; the trees; big yard; warmsunny rooms: graduate nnrse In charge. Rhet-mattsm enred; confinement caws taken: nothingrefnsed but contagious diseases. LAURA THI-NILS. 59 Ocean View ay.. SanU Cnn. CaL

STJIKIIT KOTElr—Cottager tents, orchard.redwoods, teanfu. croquet, dancing, nsaio?.CUannlnir spot in Santa Crna mountains. Roundtrip $2.75. Carriage meets trains. Rates $A toI$12 week, MR. AND JIU3. BOWMAN,props..

WrlehtJi. Santa Clara county. Cal. Phone SummitHqtel or Merritt 23T». Oakland.


Write for BookEL riZMO COMPAJfT

P.'zrao. Cnl.

ATrip toMt.Tamo!pais TavernFor a day of recreation, a night of restand a morning ride down the mountainon the Gravity Car. take the boat via ,Sausalito and Mill Valley. Sunset andsunrise a3 seen from ML Tamalpals arebeautiful. The accommodations andservice are superb. See daily paper tortime card. ALFRED H.JOHNSON. Mgr.



Wi A; PL.UIVIIVIERFirst and Fraaklln ,Bts.,*


115-117 D3TTJIM STREET, Ban FraacUo*

GO AUTOINCSave a GOOD Time This Summer

Take a spin over the new Pieta Au-tomobile Stage Line into Lake countyand spend your vacation* at

HIGHLAND SPRINGSwithWill Mariner and Jo Craig. Every-thing first class. Bringyour old clothes,guns and bathing suits. At home allsummer. Full particulars at Bryan'sInformation Bureau, 1732 Flllmoro St.,S. F., or by addressing


New Proprietors.


Leaves Williams dally on arrlral of northboundtrain for Bartlett, Allen's. Bough's and Cook'sSprings. Dally except Sunday for Wilbur Springs,Jones Springs and Sulphur Creek. ScTenty-flrepounds of baggatre allowed with eacb ticket.


TAHITIThe land of breadfruit, ebcoannts and flowers.

Clement Wragge. in "The Romance of the SouthSeas," says:

"Tahiti lg th« Island of the gods. People dqn'tknow, they hare no conception of the glories ofthese islands. The globe trotter follows the beat-en track and leares out this fascinating spot.One should go not only for the short stay- that,the steatner remains In port, but stay oror .asteamer and become acquainted with the nativesin their picturesque Tillages.

8.-8. MARIPOSA sails September 11. Booknow for this sailing. Reduced rate. $125 forround trip. Office 673 Market st. Tel. Tempo-rary 1231.- . \u25a0

"CINR TO HONOLULU.S. S. SIERRA, sailing August 24 and Septem-

ber 14; $135 round trip.


OPEN THE YEAR HOUND.\u25a0 Improved and renovated. On Sulphur creek,

Colusa county. Hottest and strongest water onthe coast; temperature 143 degrees. Will curerheumatism, dropsy, salt rheum and skin disease,neuralgia, llrer and kidney complaints, paralysis,mercury In the system, dyspepsia and catarrh.Natural mud batha. Board and lodtrlng, includingbaths, $10 to $12 a week. Furnished or unfur-nished cabins. Stage leaves Williams dally, ex-cept Sunday. Information at Peck-Judah Bureau,789 Market St., or address A. A. Gibson,' prop.

CA HOTEL RAFAEL1|I9. SAN RAFAELKJ \j Minutes From San Francisco

Half hourly service. European plan, $1.50 op;American plan, $3.50 up. Reservations may bemade for Aufcust and September.

FRANK N. ORPIN. Lessee and Manager.

CAMP TAYLOR RESORTFirst class hotel accommodations. Tents, cot-

tages and : family Igrounds unlimited. Boating,swimming and fishing. . Grocery and butcher onthe ground. Terrue most liberal. Send yourfamily. Apply ADAMBREHM, Prop.

RICHARDSON SPRINGSOpen entire; year. Ten 'miles from Chico. Cal.. Send for pamphlets. J. 11. RICHARDSON.

MONTRIO HOTEL'.. For rates and particulars apply

C. F. CARR, Prop.. Monte Rio.

HOTEL BELVEDERE\u25a0 Ready for guests. Ample accommodations.


annex. -Private batha; fishing,, bathing, boating.Address MRS. A. T.,MOORE.' BELVKDERE.

BYRON HOT SPRINGSThe waters cure rheumatism— the environment Isperfect

—the hotel comfortable and supplied with

an unexcelled table. See Southern Pacific Infor-mation Bureau, ground floor, James Klood Bldg.,Peck-Judah Co., 789 Market at., or address hotel.

HOTEL RUSTICANaFirst season; entirely renovated ;\ beautiful

scenery, boating." bathing, fishing-, hunting.: danc-ing, bowling, croquet,- tennis. Rates, $0 to $12.By the day, $2." v Special rates to families. Ad-dress L.-B. SELENGER. Prop., Camp Meeker.

"\u25a0'\u25a0 DR. C. C. O'DOJVXELL'SMINERAL SPRINGS at Glen Ellen, the greatestremedy jfor . lung diseases, • liver and stomachtrouble, rheumatism and catarrh. "S. P.\or S. F.& N. P. Ry. direct. Thirty cottages and tentsfurnished > for rent.:iFine \u25a0 fishing. ;\u25a0 \u25a0-. Apply DR.C. C O'DONNELL. 912 ;Devlsadero ,street. .%


• Peaches, etc., ripening in August; figs,' grapes,etc.* in:September, ;at Woodworth's;- residence32 years: \u25a0 Address WOODWORTH & MULLER,St.1'Helena, CaL" ;

'. .\u25a0)•;-:" \u25a0\u25a0




At Summer IResortsOr Other Oat'Of-Towo Places.

-Will*please [notify office, giving;city'address .and

'length of time desired

sent to nerr nddress. On returning,please notify oltlce, In order .that'service by -.carrier ]may Ibe,promptly:;resumed.':

"' "**'y.'.'

' '',' \u25a0'--':
