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The San Francisco Call. VOLUME LXXVIII.-NO. 15. SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LOYAL SUBJECTS DANCE WITH QUEEN ANITA. SANTA CRUZ, Cai~, June 14.— The event of this day was not on the water. It was a function. Tne merry and beautiful young Queen gathered ncr people about her and gave the note to music and bade them dance. To be sure the water carnival went forward afternoon and night, according to an elaborate programme, but the event happened in the pavilion—the pavilion that was built insix days. And that is another thing that sets a halo around the monumental respect that every visitor to the carnival must from this time cherish for Santa Cruz. Here, in an immense building that rose from its postholes to its weather-vane in six days, was presented to-night a fitting compli- ment to that never-to-be-forgotten picture under the stars on the San Lorenzo. A ballroom that might easily represent the artistic energy of months if the fact was not known that a sandlot here spread it- self away to the water a few days ago, pre- sented an interior of finished beauty and brilliant illumination, to say nothing of the goodly company in its ballroom finery. The immense room is completely swathed in yellow and gold. From the center of the ceiling the carnival colors, in alternate wide stripes, fall down in even festoons, caught and held in place by an immense fishnet that spreads over the whole ex- panse. From the center of the building, too, hang festoons of incandescent lamps, extending the length of the building, caught up, however, at frequent intervals. Arc lights are swung from the ceiling, twenty-one of them making the hall quite as light as it would be with the roof off at midday under a cloudless sky. At the further end of the room from the entrance has been built the Queen's throne a raised dais, with gilded chair under an ample canopy of yellow satin ribbons where swing another battery of incandes- cent lights and four colored Venetian lamps. Stations are fixed at the side of the Queen's chair for her immediate attend- ants, and in front is a broad area, also raised above the floor, for the seating of the guests of honor. \ It is now -9:30 o'clock. Hastings' band has been' entertaining a throng on the river and the illuminated . floats are there, but alas, the Queen is not, and those who would be withher where she leads are here, here in great numbers. The ; lights are all •blaze and the guests on the floor and in the balcony are all on the tiptoe of ex- pectancy. At last the doors swing open and a troop of flower girls enter with their frocks full of roses. In their yellow dresses they move down the white floor—it is a broad expanse of white canvas over which they strew the roses in the path in which , the Queen is to follow. She 'is coming in the " splendor of her I royal ball robe and with allher brilliant company, to the slow measure : of a march. As . they [ approach the: center of the room all the electric lights are ' suddenly turned : oat , and ' four calcium lights throw their color shafts full upon the company. As they move for- ward the color changes continually, mak- ing a very beautiful picture. : * General Dimond conducted the : Queen and led her up to her throne. The royal party .took their places as indicated, and then ,the : grand march took place, ' still under the changing colored calcium lights. It was all of that high order ;of spectacle in keeping ineach of the carnival events. -. Roncovieri ; was at his best, and started the ball - with that spirit ' that only good music can. Allthrough the evening , the most picturesque effects were secured by the clever ; handling of the lights. Allthe fancy dances were carried through under the play of the four calciums.; Credit for . all of this is," of. course, due .to the [ com- mittees, and chiefly to Charles R. Tidball, who superintended the decorations. It was he also who did the same at Santa Barbara. Following are the committees: Reception Hon. J. P. Smith, G. Bow- man, Mayor Robert Effey, John R. Chace, William T. Jeter, James McNeil, F. Barson. Floor Richard Thompson, director; H. A. Linscott, W. D. Haslam, Ralph M. Thompson, Dr. A. H. Bailey, J. R. Wil- liamson, F. W. Ely, Frank Hoffman, W. A. McGuire, J. A. McGuire, Tully Ware, F. W. Swanton. The order of dances was as follows: Grand inarch, "Santa Cruz Carnival" Alf Roncovierl Respectfully dedicated to Mrs. J. Phillip Smith. Waltz, "Espana" Waldteufel Lancers, '-United States Army" Tobanl Polka, two step, "Flower Festival," Roncovleri Schottlsche, "Her Golden Hair Was Still Hang- ing Down Her Back" Rosenfeld Waltz, "Tbe Sidewalks of -New York" Beyer Lancers, "University .Songs' ' Moses Berlin, "The Popular" Mahood Waltz, "The little Lost Child" Stern Sebottische, "The Little Alabama Coon" Mazurka, "La Czarine" Ganna Lancers. "My Sweetheart" Ijaurendenu Polka, two step, * 'Del Monte" Roncovleri Waltz, "Sobre Las Olas" Kosas Quadrille, "Orpheus" Offenbach Polka, two step, "Washington Post" Sousa Waltz, "Santiago" Corbin York, "Unbezo" Arrilaga Spanish dance, selected Polka, -Bella Bocca" Waldteufel Medley, "American Concert Band" Of the notables among the guests were: General Dimond, General Warfield and Mayor Sutro, of San Francisco, Lieutenant Stable, in command of the Olympia, and air of his officers; Lieutenant Frank A. Brooks, adjutant commanding the Naval Battalion of California; James D. Phelan of San Francisco, General Chadbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Nappenbush, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher, George P. Wetmore, W. H. Spaulding R. M. Welch, Sanford Stoddard, H. P. Sonntag and party. Fred C. Crooke, C. W. Abey, Victor Duboce, Clement Bennett. George T. Bromley, John W. Bourdette, Howard Smith, John D. Spreckels, Carroll Cook, L. R. Lazalere and wife, Will E. Fisher and wife, Judge Conlan and wife," Frank Stone, David Ritz, William Bunker, Dr. Cecil M. Dennis, Mr. Dunphyand family, W. J. Sullivan, George Seibe, W. S. Kin- Bey, Mrs. N. Wallace, Miss Addie Mahan. Mrs. Florence L. Walker and Miss Walker, Jackson Crooks and . wife, V Colonel Ko- walsky, Miss Louise Burke, Miss Myra O'Brien, Mrs. Alex Mcßean, Mrs. S. F. Cartwright, Miss IvyFrench, Miss Beatrice Boston, Mrs. Sloper. T. H. Good- man, Colonel Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.* Smith, ex-Mayor Bowman and wife, Judge Logan and wife, ex-Mayor W. T. Jeter and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chace, Major and Mrs. F. Mc- Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. James . McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Haslam, Dr. and Mrs. T.W. Druilliard.Mr. and Mrs. F. ; W. Swanton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ted tall, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schurz, Mr. and Mrs. William Vahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Morton, ; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. ;'. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Frank Mattison, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Linscott, Mr. and Mrs. J. (Coope, Mr. and Mrs! J. v Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. •W. H. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Van Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, Mr. and . Mrs/Charles Lysle, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. , Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Irish, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Linscott, f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hihn, •• Mr*, and Mrs. W.T. Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. f! Robinson, Mr. and \ Mrs. J. H. Horsnyder Mr. and Mrs. . L. Hihn, Mr. , and - Mrs: r! Miller, Mr. and . Mrs. J. F. Wood, Miss Mabel Meade, Mr. \ . and : Mrs. J. Crooks, ; Mr. and Mrs. ;G. Staffler, ; Mr.' and Mrs. Oscar Kron, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Bulson.Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cunningham, Dr.' Alex Bailey, Mayor j Effey;t,Ed Derey, Harry . Linscott, E. /I. .Crane, ;. Harry Wanzer, James Williamson, i William Williamson, Oscar Foster,' William Magaire, John Ma- I quire, ;Edward Evans, W. •E. * Miller, Dr. I Wier, H. T. Liliencrantz, Fred McPher- son, Foster Young, Ralph Raymond, Z. Barnet, Milton Pray, Arthur ,Peyton, Everett Chace, Talbot Ware, Reuben Pringle, Clem Ward, J. E. Kidd, Charles Town, W. Stice, Ed Sharon, Mrs. Ernest Cotton, Mrs. A. A. Kylor, Mrs. F. Stani- ford Gilroy, Mrs. Lucy TJ. McCann, Mrs. I. H. Raymond, Mrs. J. Lewis Gilroy, Mrs. J. D. Chace, Mrs. J. Williamson, Misses Marion Jewett, E. D. Chanmore, Mary Jamison, Lillian Ray, Annie Sullivan, Mabel Sullivan, Minnie Sullivan, L. Wil- bur, Blanche Terrill, Agnes Boston, May Gardner, Lyda Pixley, P. Makinny, Clara Hubbel, Lucy McCann, Bessie Haslam, Sadie Barson, Belle Nantz, Kittie Riddell, May Linscott, Jane Gallagher, Mabel Drennon, Edith Wilbur, Maud Jen- kins, Grace Smith, Helen Barbier, Jennie Graham, Geneva Kelsey,Minnie Druilllard, Georgie Skinner, Dora Drennon, Mabel Scott, Maud Scott, Annie Garnet, Eva Roff, Alice Farnham, Rich- ard Thompson, John Halsted, J. L. Halsted Jr., R. M. Thompson, G. W. Ham- mer, G. M. Stolp, Harry Goodall, Varney W. Gaskill, W. H. Bryon, Miss Nellie Boyd, J. W. McElroy, R. R. Bridge, Will Ashe, W. E. Elliott, Mrs. Allie Curritt, J. G. Dinkelspiel. Mrs. J. B. Lewis, Mrs. F. A. Hihn, Mrs. F. W. Swanton, Miss Mabel Chase, Mi3s Nellie Gallagher, Miss Ivy French. Queen Anita's gown of white and gold brocade waa described yesterday. She looked altogether charming in it. It was cut en traine, low corsage with belt of jewels, and the front of the skirt draped with jeweled lace. She wore on her breast the Catherine Parr jewels. Her mantel was royal purple velvet trimmed with gold and ermine. The Queen did not dance, but freely mingled with her people in the promenade. As for the maids, Miss Josie Turcot wore white satin and pearl trimmings; Miss Mabel Chace, white silk, with white feathers in her hair; Miss Ethel Bert Morey wore Nile green, as did also Miss Minnie Cope; Miss Anna Linscott wore yellow Bilk; Miss Edith Pixley and Miss Hedwig Buss wore pale pink, with pink chiffon trimmings; Miss Beatrice Boston and Miss Nellie Nixon wore white silk; Miss Jennie Hughes wore baby-blue India silk, chiffon and bands of pearl trimming, with a blue feather in her hair. All the maHs had their hair powdered. Mrs. J. P. Smith was dressed in pink satin with black trimmings, corsage decol- lete, exquisitely trimmed with lace, a diamond necklace and diamonds in her hair. Miss Agnes McLaughlin wore black vel- vet, corsage low, hair Grecian a very striking costume. Mrs. Jackson Crooks wore beaded white brocaded satin en train, trimmed with sil- ver and ostrich tips. Mrs. Charlie Fair wore black satin with net overdress, skirt edged with pink roses, corsage low, with magnificent diamond necklace a very elegant costume. Mrs. John R. Chace wore white India silk, corsage elaborately trimmed with chiffon. Mrs. Fred Swanton wore a charming gown of white satin. Mrs. Judge Logan wore black silk with lace in jets. Mrs. Burke wore white silk, ornamented with carnation pinks. Mrs. F. A. Hihn wore white silk crepe. Mrs. Pearl Haslam wore yellow silk with pearl trimmings, made empire. Mrs. Dr. Horsnyder wore white brocaded satin and Miss Maud Hoff- man pale-blue silk. The Naval Reserves have been having just a high old time on their outing with the Olympia. They are on shore to-night, with leave of absence until to-morrow morning at 7 o'clock. They came on shore this morning and with the regulars of the great warship formed a procession which marched through the city, led by the Queen's escort on horseback, the dazzling habiliments of the latter contrasting sharply with the somber uniforms of the men-of-warsmen a contrast as sharp as are customs of to-day with those of medieval times. The procession was formed in two de- tachmeuts, the regulars in their plain blue and carrying no arms marching in front and the reserves in fulluniform and carry- ing guns bringing up the rear. It marched over the same ground as the others that have preceded and provoked as much en- thusiasm along the line. The reserves are extremely well satisfied with their outing. Commander Stahle is in excellent humor with his men. Inan interview to-night he said the men went aboard and took charge of the big warship on Wednesday night and sailed at noon Thursday. The men performed every duty of the voyage just as is required of the regulars. They made a perfectly successful run and dropped anchor here at 6:30 last night. The men behaved well for an initial outing. None of the men were even seasick. Lieutenant, Turner of D, Cap- tain Douglass of Company C and Captain Dennis of Company B all speak in the same satisfied terms. As for the men they are too proud for anything. "We were set at work cleaning brass, and kept the ship in trim all the way down," said one of them to-night. ">fone of us were seasick, although the ship rolled heavily much of the way, especially com- ing over the bar. This morning we were put through a drill on shipboard." The Olympia is incharge of a detail from Company D, Lieutenant Turner, to-day and to-night. Thousands of people visited her during the day, and the owners of small boats coined money in carrying them out. The Dowager Queen and the maids of honor spent the afternoon on board. SPORTS ON THE LAGOON. Aquatic Contests That Cause Far More Amusement Than Excitement for the Spectators. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., June 14.—The aquatic events on the lagoon during the afternoon were of an amusing rather than an exciting character, and the crowd as- sembled was kept in good humor by the tub, swimming and other contests. The American Concert band rendered fine music during the entire afternoon. Many decorated boats were on the river. Messrs. James O. Wanzer, T. A. Sweeney, Captain W. H. Gatrell and Charles P. Clark were the committee in charge of the exercises. Following are the winners in the various contests : Double-scull race, one mile First prize, $25, Dutra brothers; second, gold medal, Washburn and Faraola. Canoe race, one mile—First prize, $5, Frank Wash burn; second, George King. Swimming race, 100 yards— First prize, gold medal, Clyde Hawthorne; second, silver medal, Jesse Wood. Swimming race, for boys under 15 years, 100 yards— First prize, $3, Guy Burroughs; second, $2, Orville Burroughs. Tub race— First prize, $5, Charlie Wash- burn ; second, $2 50, Orville Burroughs. The single-scull race and fisherman's race take place to-morrow afternoon, the former on the river and the latter on the bay. The Union League and Half-million Club excursion train was delayed and did not arrive until after 10 o'clock. They ar- rived, however, in time to take part in the festivities of the night. STARTS TO THE SEASIDE. Departure of the Half-Million Club Ex- cursion for the Santa Crux Water Carnival. The Half-million Club excursion train, consisting of four passenger coaches and dining-car attached, left Third and Townsend streets at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon bound for the Venetian carnival at Santa Cruz. A second section of the train left the Oakland mole at 5:30 o'clock to go by the way of Niles and pick up a number of the club's straggling members who are rusticating in that locality. The two divisions meet at San Jose and consolidate, the train reaching the city by the sea in time for the evening's enter- tainment to be witnessed by the members of the party. In response to numerous requests re- ceived from Senator Burk and J. P. Smith, members of the executive committee, Brigadier-General R. H. Warfield and staff, consisting of Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Giesting, Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. Hanson, the staff surgeon ;Major Duboce, the staff inspector; Major F. F. Follis, the quartermaster; Major W. A. Halstead, the commissary ; Major H. Hosmer, inspector of rifle practice ; Major Charles E. Murphy, the staff engineer; Major C. H. Evans, signal officer, and Captain S. L. Napthaly, will all join the Half-million excursion and attend the carnival. The military men make a striking ap- pearance in their new dress uniforms, and they undoubtedly will cause quite a sensa- tion upon their arrival in Banta Cruz. The members of the Half-millionClub will be given a reception I>y the executive committee of the fete upon their arrival, and General Wartield and staff will be en- tertained by General Dimond and staff, who will meet them in military style, in full uniform, at the depot. The members of both parties will remain in Santa Cruz until the last event on the carnival programme is ended. The can will remain on the side track near the depot, and be used as a hotel during their stay, as it is impossible to procure accom- modations for so large a party with the city in its crowded condition. PICTURESQUE SCENE DURING THE REGATTA ON THE LAGOON. {Sketched for « The Call » by Ka tiler.] A VENETIAN GONDOLA AT SANTA ORVZ. [Sketched by a "CaU" artist.] LUCK OF SPOKANE MEN Rich Yield* of Gold in a Mine Thought to lie Valueless. SPOKANE, Wash., June 14.—The War Eagle Mining Company has declared a dividend of $50,000, or 10 cents a share. This mine is situated in the Trail Creek district, north of Spokane. A year ago it was a prospect. The promoters had taken bonds on it and tried in vain to sell tha property for $15,000. Finally Patsy Clark formed a company of Spokane men, who divided the stock among themselves at 6 cents a share. They bonded the mine, did some develop- ment work and opened up a bonanza. The; first month's ore shipments paid for the mine and all improvements. The present dividend is, therefore, clear profit on tha investment. It represents three months' limited shipments over an almost impass- able mountain road. WON BYA PORTLAND BANK. A Suit it rowing Out of the Ainnlee Lum- ber Company Failure. PORTLAND, Or., June 14.— A verdict for the defense was rendered by a jury in, the United States Circuit Court to-day in the suit of the Nevada Bank of San Fran- cisco against the Portland National BanJc and George Hazen, cashier, to recover $21,000 for alleged false representations concerning the credit of the Ainslee Lum- ber Company, which failed for a half million dollars in July, 1892. The Nevada Bank claimed that through, the representations of Hazen itloaned the Ainslee Lumber Company $21,000 only a few days before the failure. The Portland National Bank and other banks of this city were victimized by the Ainslee Lumber Company to the extent of $400,000. Inquest at San liafaei. SAN RAFAEL, Cal., June 14.—The in- quest on Carl Gassmus, who was found floating at old Sausalito, was concluded this morning, the jury finding that he came to his death from poison taken with suicidal intent. \For additional coatt telegraph tee Second f oftJ

The San Francisco Call. - Chronicling · The San Francisco Call. ... calcium lights throw their color shafts

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Page 1: The San Francisco Call. - Chronicling · The San Francisco Call. ... calcium lights throw their color shafts



SANTACRUZ, Cai~, June 14.—The

event of this day was not on thewater. Itwas a function. Tnemerry and beautiful young Queengathered ncr people about her and

gave the note to music and bade themdance. To be sure the water carnival wentforward afternoon and night, according toan elaborate programme, but the eventhappened in the pavilion—the pavilionthat was built insix days.

And that is another thing that sets ahalo around the monumental respect thatevery visitor to the carnival must fromthis time cherish for Santa Cruz. Here,in an immense building that rose from itspostholes to its weather-vane in six days,was presented to-night a fitting compli-ment to that never-to-be-forgotten pictureunder the stars on the San Lorenzo. Aballroom that might easily represent theartistic energy of months if the fact wasnot known that a sandlot here spread it-self away to the water a few days ago, pre-sented an interior of finished beauty andbrilliant illumination, to say nothing ofthe goodly company in its ballroom finery.

The immense room iscompletely swathedin yellow and gold. From the center ofthe ceiling the carnival colors, in alternatewide stripes, fall down in even festoons,caught and held in place by an immensefishnet that spreads over the whole ex-panse. From the center of the building,too, hang festoons of incandescent lamps,extending the length of the building,caught up, however, at frequent intervals.Arc lights are swung from the ceiling,twenty-one of them making the hall quiteas light as itwould be with the roof offatmidday under a cloudless sky.

Atthe further end of the room from theentrance has been built the Queen's throne—

a raised dais, with gilded chair under anample canopy of yellow satin ribbons

—where swing another battery of incandes-cent lights and four colored Venetianlamps. Stations are fixed at the side ofthe Queen's chair forher immediate attend-ants, and in front is a broad area, alsoraised above the floor, for the seating ofthe guests ofhonor. \Itis now -9:30 o'clock. Hastings' band

has been' entertaining a throng on theriver and the illuminated .floats are there,but alas, the Queen is not, and those whowould be withher where she leads are here,here ingreat numbers. The ;lights are all•blaze and the guests on the floor and inthe balcony are all on the tiptoe of ex-pectancy. At last the doors swing openand a troop of flower girls enter with theirfrocks fullof roses. Intheir yellow dressesthey move down the white floor—it is abroad expanse of white canvas over whichthey strew the roses inthe path in which

, the Queen is to follow. She 'is coming inthe

"splendor of herIroyal ball robe andwithallher brilliantcompany, to the slowmeasure :of a march. As.they [ approachthe: center of the room all the electriclights are 'suddenly turned :oat ,and


calcium lights throw their color shafts fullupon the company. As they move for-ward the color changes continually, mak-inga very beautiful picture. :*

General Dimond conducted the:Queenand led her up to her throne. The royalparty .took their places as indicated, andthen ,the:grand march took • place,


under the changing colored calcium lights.Itwas all of that high order ;of spectacleinkeeping ineach of the carnival events. -.

Roncovieri ;was at his best, and startedthe ball

-with that spirit

'that •only good

music can. Allthrough the evening ,themost picturesque effects were secured bythe clever ;handling ofthe lights. Allthefancy dances were carried through underthe play of the four calciums.; Credit for .all of this is," of.course, due .to the [com-mittees, and chiefly to Charles R. Tidball,who superintended the decorations. Itwas

he also who did the same at Santa Barbara.Following are the committees:Reception

—Hon. J. P. Smith, G. Bow-

man, Mayor Robert Effey, John R. Chace,William T.Jeter, James McNeil,F.Barson.


Richard Thompson, director; H.A. Linscott, W. D. Haslam, Ralph M.Thompson, Dr. A. H. Bailey, J. R. Wil-liamson, F. W. Ely, Frank Hoffman, W.A. McGuire, J. A. McGuire, TullyWare,F. W. Swanton.

The order of dances was as follows:Grand inarch, "Santa Cruz Carnival"

AlfRoncovierlRespectfully dedicated toMrs. J. PhillipSmith.

Waltz,"Espana" WaldteufelLancers, '-United States Army" TobanlPolka, two step, "Flower Festival," RoncovleriSchottlsche, "HerGolden Hair Was Still Hang-

ingDown Her Back" RosenfeldWaltz, "Tbe Sidewalks of -New York" BeyerLancers, "University .Songs'


Berlin, "The Popular" MahoodWaltz, "The littleLost Child" SternSebottische, "TheLittle Alabama Coon"Mazurka, "La Czarine" GannaLancers. "MySweetheart" IjaurendenuPolka, two step,

*'DelMonte" RoncovleriWaltz, "Sobre Las Olas" KosasQuadrille, "Orpheus" OffenbachPolka, two step, "Washington Post" SousaWaltz, "Santiago" CorbinYork, "Unbezo" ArrilagaSpanish dance, selectedPolka, -Bella Bocca" WaldteufelMedley, "American Concert Band"

Of the notables among the guests were:General Dimond, General Warfield andMayor Sutro, of San Francisco, LieutenantStable, incommand of the Olympia, andair of his officers; Lieutenant Frank A.Brooks, adjutant commanding the NavalBattalion of California; James D. Phelanof San Francisco, General Chadbourne,

Mr.and Mrs. Charley Fair, Mr.and Mrs.Nappenbush, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher,George P. Wetmore, W. H. Spaulding R.M. Welch, Sanford Stoddard, H. P. Sonntagand party. Fred C. Crooke, C. W. Abey,Victor Duboce, Clement Bennett. GeorgeT. Bromley, John W. Bourdette, HowardSmith, John D. Spreckels, Carroll Cook,L. R. Lazalere and wife, Will E. Fisherand wife, Judge Conlan and wife,"FrankStone, David Ritz, William Bunker, Dr.Cecil M.Dennis, Mr.Dunphyand family,W. J. Sullivan, George Seibe, W. S. Kin-Bey, Mrs. N. Wallace, Miss Addie Mahan.Mrs. Florence L.Walker and Miss Walker,Jackson Crooks and . wife,V Colonel Ko-walsky, Miss Louise Burke, Miss MyraO'Brien, Mrs. Alex Mcßean, Mrs. S. F.Cartwright, Miss IvyFrench, Miss BeatriceBoston, Mrs. Sloper. T. H. Good-man, Colonel Andrews, Mr. andMrs. J. P.* Smith, ex-Mayor Bowmanand wife, Judge Logan and wife,ex-Mayor W. T. Jeter and wife, Mr. andMrs. J. R. Chace, Majorand Mrs. F. Mc-Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. James . McNeil,Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ely, Mr.and Mrs. C.E. Lindsay, Mr.and Mrs. W. D. Haslam,Dr. and Mrs. T.W. Druilliard.Mr. and Mrs.F. ; W. Swanton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lilly,Mr.and Mrs. R. Thompson, Mr.and Mrs.Charles Ted tall, Mr.and Mrs. W. Schurz,Mr. and Mrs. William Vahlberg, Mr.andMrs. Wallace Morton, ;Dr. and Mrs.C. W.;'.Doyle, Mr. and Mrs.


FrankMattison, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Linscott,Mr. and Mrs. J.(Coope, Mr. and Mrs!J. vDickinson, Mr. and Mrs. •W. H.Lamb, Mr.and Mrs. E. L.Van Clerk, Mr.and Mrs. J. Weber, Mr. and.Mrs/CharlesLysle, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.,Sullivan, Mr.and Mrs. H. E. Irish, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Linscott, fMr. and Mrs. Fred Hihn, ••Mr*,and Mrs.W.T. Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. f!Robinson, Mr. and \Mrs. J. H. HorsnyderMr. and Mrs. .L. Hihn, Mr.,and


Miller, Mr. and.Mrs. J. F. Wood, MissMabel Meade, Mr.\ .and : Mrs. J.Crooks, ;Mr. and Mrs. ;G. Staffler,;Mr.'and Mrs. Oscar Kron, Dr. and Mrs. C. H.Bulson.Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Matthews. Mr.and Mrs. J. F. Cunningham, Dr.' AlexBailey, Mayor jEffey;t,Ed Derey, Harry.Linscott, E. /I..Crane, ;.Harry Wanzer,James Williamson, iWilliam Williamson,Oscar Foster,' William Magaire, John Ma- Iquire, ;Edward Evans, W. •E.

*Miller, Dr.I

Wier, H. T. Liliencrantz, Fred McPher-son, Foster Young, Ralph Raymond, Z.Barnet, Milton Pray, Arthur ,Peyton,Everett Chace, Talbot Ware, ReubenPringle, Clem Ward, J. E. Kidd, CharlesTown, W. Stice, Ed Sharon, Mrs. ErnestCotton, Mrs. A.A. Kylor, Mrs. F. Stani-ford Gilroy,Mrs. Lucy TJ. McCann, Mrs. I.H.Raymond, Mrs. J. Lewis Gilroy, Mrs.J. D. Chace, Mrs. J. Williamson, MissesMarion Jewett, E. D. Chanmore, MaryJamison, Lillian Ray, Annie Sullivan,Mabel Sullivan, Minnie Sullivan, L. Wil-bur, Blanche Terrill, Agnes Boston, MayGardner, Lyda Pixley, P. Makinny, ClaraHubbel, Lucy McCann, Bessie Haslam,Sadie Barson, Belle Nantz, Kittie Riddell,May Linscott, Jane Gallagher, MabelDrennon, Edith Wilbur, Maud Jen-kins, Grace Smith, Helen Barbier, JennieGraham, Geneva Kelsey,Minnie Druilllard,Georgie Skinner, Dora Drennon, MabelScott, Maud Scott, Annie Garnet,Eva Roff, Alice Farnham, Rich-ard Thompson, John Halsted, J. L.Halsted Jr., R. M. Thompson, G. W. Ham-mer, G. M. Stolp, Harry Goodall, VarneyW. Gaskill, W. H. Bryon, Miss NellieBoyd, J. W. McElroy, R. R. Bridge, WillAshe, W. E. Elliott, Mrs. Allie Curritt, J.G. Dinkelspiel. Mrs. J. B.Lewis, Mrs. F.A.Hihn, Mrs. F. W. Swanton, Miss MabelChase, Mi3s Nellie Gallagher, Miss IvyFrench.

Queen Anita's gown of white and gold

brocade waa described yesterday. Shelooked altogether charming in it. Itwascut en traine, low corsage with belt ofjewels, and the front of the skirt drapedwith jeweled lace. She wore on her breastthe Catherine Parr jewels. Her mantel wasroyal purple velvet trimmed with gold andermine. The Queen did not dance, butfreely mingled with her people in thepromenade.

As for the maids, Miss Josie Turcot worewhite satin and pearl trimmings; MissMabel Chace, white silk, with whitefeathers in her hair; Miss Ethel BertMorey wore Nile green, as did also MissMinnie Cope; Miss Anna Linscott woreyellow Bilk; Miss Edith Pixley and MissHedwig Buss wore pale pink, with pinkchiffon trimmings; Miss Beatrice Bostonand Miss Nellie Nixon wore white silk;Miss Jennie Hughes wore baby-blue Indiasilk, chiffon and bands of pearl trimming,with a blue feather in her hair. All themaHs had their hair powdered.

Mrs. J. P. Smith was dressed in pinksatin with black trimmings, corsage decol-lete, exquisitely trimmed with lace, adiamond necklace and diamonds in herhair.

Miss Agnes McLaughlin wore black vel-vet, corsage low, hair Grecian —

a verystriking costume.

Mrs. Jackson Crooks wore beaded whitebrocaded satin en train, trimmed withsil-ver and ostrich tips.

Mrs. Charlie Fair wore black satin withnet overdress, skirt edged withpink roses,corsage low, with magnificent diamondnecklace

—a very elegant costume.

Mrs. John R. Chace wore white Indiasilk, corsage elaborately trimmed withchiffon. Mrs. Fred Swanton wore acharming gown of white satin. Mrs. JudgeLogan wore black silk with lace in jets.Mrs. Burke wore white silk, ornamentedwith carnation pinks. Mrs. F. A. Hihnwore white silk crepe. Mrs. Pearl Haslamwore yellow silk with pearl trimmings,made empire. Mrs. Dr. Horsnyder worewhite brocaded satin and Miss Maud Hoff-man pale-blue silk.

The Naval Reserves have been havingjust a high old time on their outing withthe Olympia. They are on shore to-night,with leave of absence until to-morrowmorning at 7 o'clock. They came on shorethis morning and with the regulars of thegreat warship formed a procession whichmarched through the city, led by theQueen's escort on horseback, the dazzlinghabiliments of the latter contrastingsharply with the somber uniforms of themen-of-warsmen

—a contrast as sharp as

are customs of to-day with those ofmedieval times.

The procession was formed in two de-tachmeuts, the regulars in their plain blueand carrying no arms marching in frontand the reserves infulluniform and carry-ing guns bringing up the rear. Itmarched

over the same ground as the others thathave preceded and provoked as much en-thusiasm along the line. The reserves areextremely well satisfied with their outing.Commander Stahle is inexcellent humorwithhis men. Inan interview to-night hesaid the men went aboard and took chargeof the big warship on Wednesday nightand sailed at noon Thursday. The menperformed every duty ofthe voyage just asis required of the regulars. They made aperfectly successful run and droppedanchor here at 6:30 last night. The menbehaved well for an initial outing. Noneof the men were even seasick.

Lieutenant, Turner of D, Cap-tain Douglass of Company C and CaptainDennis of Company B all speak in thesame satisfied terms. As for the men theyare too proud for anything.

"We were set at work cleaning brass,and kept the ship in trim all the waydown," said one of them to-night. ">foneof us were seasick, although the ship rolledheavily much of the way, especially com-ing over the bar. This morning we wereput through a drillon shipboard."

The Olympia is incharge of a detail fromCompany D, Lieutenant Turner, to-dayand to-night. Thousands of people visitedher during the day, and the owners ofsmall boats coined money in carryingthem out. The Dowager Queen and themaids of honor spent the afternoon onboard.

SPORTS ON THE LAGOON.Aquatic Contests That Cause Far More

Amusement Than Excitement forthe Spectators.

SANTA CRUZ, Cal., June 14.—Theaquatic events on the lagoon during theafternoon were ofan amusing rather thanan exciting character, and the crowd as-sembled was kept in good humor by thetub, swimming and other contests. TheAmerican Concert band rendered finemusic during the entire afternoon. Manydecorated boats were on the river. Messrs.James O. Wanzer, T. A.Sweeney, CaptainW. H. Gatrell and Charles P. Clark werethe committee in charge of the exercises.Following are the winners in the variouscontests :

Double-scull race, one mile—

First prize,$25, Dutra brothers; second, gold medal,Washburn and Faraola.

Canoe race, one mile—First prize, $5,Frank Wash burn; second, George King.

Swimming race, 100 yards— First prize,gold medal, Clyde Hawthorne; second,silver medal, Jesse Wood.

Swimming race, for boys under 15 years,100 yards— First prize, $3, Guy Burroughs;second, $2, Orville Burroughs.

Tub race—First prize, $5, Charlie Wash-burn ;second, $2 50, Orville Burroughs.

The single-scull race and fisherman'srace take place to-morrow afternoon, theformer on the river and the latter on thebay.

The Union League and Half-millionClub excursion train was delayed and didnot arrive untilafter 10 o'clock. They ar-rived, however, in time to take part in thefestivities of the night.

STARTS TO THE SEASIDE.Departure of the Half-MillionClub Ex-

cursion for the Santa CruxWater Carnival.

The Half-million Club excursion train,consisting of four passenger coaches anddining-car attached, left Third andTownsend streets at 4:30 o'clock yesterdayafternoon bound for the Venetian carnivalat Santa Cruz. A second section of thetrain left the Oakland mole at 5:30 o'clockto go by the way of Niles and pick up anumber of the club's straggling memberswho are rusticating in that locality.

The two divisions meet at San Jose andconsolidate, the train reaching the city bythe sea in time for the evening's enter-tainment to be witnessed by the membersof the party.

In response to numerous requests re-ceived from Senator Burk and J. P. Smith,members of the executive committee,Brigadier-General R. H. Warfield andstaff, consisting of Lieutenant-Colonel J.G. Giesting, Lieutenant-Colonel G. F.Hanson, the staff surgeon ;Major Duboce,the staff inspector; Major F. F. Follis, thequartermaster; Major W. A. Halstead, thecommissary ;Major H. Hosmer, inspectorof rifle practice ;Major Charles E. Murphy,the staff engineer; Major C. H. Evans,signal officer, and Captain S. L.Napthaly,will all join the Half-million excursionand attend the carnival.

The military men make a striking ap-pearance in their new dress uniforms, andthey undoubtedly willcause quite a sensa-tion upon their arrival in Banta Cruz.

The members of the Half-millionClubwillbe given a reception I>y the executivecommittee of the fete upon their arrival,and General Wartield and staff willbe en-tertained by General Dimond and staff,who will meet them in military style, infulluniform, at the depot.

The members of both parties willremainin Santa Cruz until the last event on thecarnival programme is ended. The canwill remain on the side track near thedepot, and be used as a hotel during theirstay, as it is impossible to procure accom-modations for so large a party with thecity in its crowded condition.


A VENETIAN GONDOLA AT SANTA ORVZ.[Sketched by a "CaU" artist.]

LUCK OF SPOKANE MENRich Yield* of Gold in a Mine Thought

to lie Valueless.SPOKANE, Wash., June 14.—The War

Eagle Mining Company has declared adividend of $50,000, or 10 cents a share.This mine is situated in the Trail Creekdistrict, north of Spokane. A year ago itwas a prospect. The promoters had takenbonds on it and tried in vain to sell thaproperty for $15,000.

Finally Patsy Clark formed a companyof Spokane men, who divided the stockamong themselves at 6 cents a share.They bonded the mine, did some develop-ment work and opened up a bonanza. The;first month's ore shipments paid for themine and all improvements. The presentdividend is, therefore, clear profit on thainvestment. Itrepresents three months'limited shipments over an almost impass-able mountain road.


A Suit itrowing Out of the Ainnlee Lum-ber Company Failure.

PORTLAND, Or., June 14.— A verdictfor the defense was rendered by a jury in,the United States Circuit Court to-day inthe suit of the Nevada Bank of San Fran-cisco against the Portland National BanJcand George W« Hazen, cashier, to recover$21,000 for alleged false representationsconcerning the credit of the Ainslee Lum-ber Company, which failed for a halfmillion dollars inJuly, 1892.

The Nevada Bank claimed that through,the representations of Hazen itloaned theAinslee Lumber Company $21,000 only afew days before the failure. The PortlandNational Bank and other banks of this citywere victimized by the Ainslee LumberCompany to the extent of$400,000.

Inquest at San liafaei.SAN RAFAEL, Cal., June 14.—The in-

quest on Carl Gassmus, who was foundfloating at old Sausalito, was concludedthis morning, the jury finding that hecame to his death from poison taken withsuicidal intent.

\For additional coatt telegraph tee Second foftJ