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The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processing during Working Memory Todd S. Braver 1 and Susan R. Bongiolatti Department of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 Received May 21, 2001; published online January 22, 2002 Neuroimaging studies have implicated the anteri- or-most or frontopolar regions of prefrontal cortex (FP-PFC, e.g., Brodmann’s Area 10) as playing a central role in higher cognitive functions such as planning, problem solving, reasoning, and episodic memory retrieval. The current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study tested the hypothe- sis that FP-PFC subserves processes related to the monitoring and management of subgoals, while maintaining information in working memory (WM). Subjects were scanned while performing two vari- ants of a simple delayed response WM task. In the control WM condition, subjects monitored for the presence of a specific concrete probe word (LIME) occurring following a specific abstract cue word (FATE). In the subgoal WM condition, subjects mon- itored for the presence of any concrete probe word immediately following any abstract cue word. Thus, the task required semantic classification of the probe word (the subgoal task), while the cue was simultaneously maintained in WM, so that both pieces of information could be integrated into a tar- get determination. In a second control condition, subjects performed abstract/concrete semantic clas- sification without WM demands. A region within right FP-PFC was identified which showed signifi- cant activation during the subgoal WM condi- tion, but no activity in either of the two control conditions. However, this FP-PFC region was not modulated by direct manipulation of active mainte- nance demands. In contrast, left dorsolateral PFC was affected by active maintenance demands, but the effect did not interact with the presence of a subgoal task. Finally, left ventral PFC regions showed activation in response to semantic classifi- cation, but were not affected by WM demands. These results suggest a triple dissociation of function within PFC regions, and further indicate that FP-PFC is selectively engaged by the requirement to monitor and integrate subgoals during WM tasks. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA) INTRODUCTION The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has long been thought to play a central role in higher cognition (Fuster, 1989; Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Stuss and Benson, 1986). With the advent of high spatial resolution functional neuro- imaging it has become possible to study the functional properties of specific PFC subregions. Consequently, there has been an explosion of research examining more fine-grained relationships between different PFC subregions and specific cognitive processes. For exam- ple, much attention has been focused on the role of the dorsal and ventral PFC in active maintenance and manipulation processes within working memory (WM) (Cabeza and Nyberg, 2000; D’Esposito et al., 1998; Smith and Jonides, 1999). More recently, there have also been studies focused on the most anterior lateral regions of PFC, also termed frontopolar PFC (FP-PFC). In particular, it has been found that the FP-PFC is often engaged during episodic retrieval from long term memory (Buckner and Koutstaal, 1998; Tulving et al., 1994). Subsequent research has been directed towards understanding the specific nature of this involvement (Konishi et al., 2000; Lepage et al., 2000; McDermott et al., 2000; Rugg and Wilding, 2000). FP-PFC activity also appears to be reliably elicited during planning, problem solving and reasoning tasks. For example, Baker et al. (1996) observed FP-PFC activity in the Tower of London paradigm selectively under condi- tions that involved extensive planning. A recent review by Christoff and Gabrieli (2000) catalogued a number of similar studies using different task paradigms (such as the Wisconsin Card Sort Task and Raven’s Progres- sive Matrices) that also have resulted in FP-PFC ac- tivity. These findings suggest that FP-PFC regions are re- liably activated across a number of different domains within higher cognition. However, the specific nature 1 To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be ad- dressed. Fax: (314) 935-4711. E-mail: [email protected]. NeuroImage 15, 523–536 (2002) doi:10.1006/nimg.2001.1019, available online at on 523 1053-8119/02 $35.00 © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA) All rights reserved.

The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processing · The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processing during Working Memory

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Page 1: The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processing · The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processing during Working Memory

NeuroImage 15, 523–536 (2002)doi:10.1006/nimg.2001.1019, available online at on

The Role of Frontopolar Cortex in Subgoal Processingduring Working Memory

Todd S. Braver1 and Susan R. BongiolattiDepartment of Psychology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri 63130

Received May 21, 2001; published online January 22, 2002

Neuroimaging studies have implicated the anteri-or-most or frontopolar regions of prefrontal cortex(FP-PFC, e.g., Brodmann’s Area 10) as playing acentral role in higher cognitive functions such asplanning, problem solving, reasoning, and episodicmemory retrieval. The current functional magneticresonance imaging (fMRI) study tested the hypothe-sis that FP-PFC subserves processes related to themonitoring and management of subgoals, whilemaintaining information in working memory (WM).Subjects were scanned while performing two vari-ants of a simple delayed response WM task. In thecontrol WM condition, subjects monitored for thepresence of a specific concrete probe word (LIME)occurring following a specific abstract cue word(FATE). In the subgoal WM condition, subjects mon-itored for the presence of any concrete probe wordimmediately following any abstract cue word. Thus,the task required semantic classification of theprobe word (the subgoal task), while the cue wassimultaneously maintained in WM, so that bothpieces of information could be integrated into a tar-get determination. In a second control condition,subjects performed abstract/concrete semantic clas-sification without WM demands. A region withinright FP-PFC was identified which showed signifi-cant activation during the subgoal WM condi-tion, but no activity in either of the two controlconditions. However, this FP-PFC region was notmodulated by direct manipulation of active mainte-nance demands. In contrast, left dorsolateral PFCwas affected by active maintenance demands, butthe effect did not interact with the presence of asubgoal task. Finally, left ventral PFC regionsshowed activation in response to semantic classifi-cation, but were not affected by WM demands. Theseresults suggest a triple dissociation of functionwithin PFC regions, and further indicate thatFP-PFC is selectively engaged by the requirement

1 To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be ad-dressed. Fax: (314) 935-4711. E-mail: [email protected].


to monitor and integrate subgoals during WM tasks.© 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)


The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has long been thought toplay a central role in higher cognition (Fuster, 1989;Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Stuss and Benson, 1986). Withthe advent of high spatial resolution functional neuro-imaging it has become possible to study the functionalproperties of specific PFC subregions. Consequently,there has been an explosion of research examiningmore fine-grained relationships between different PFCsubregions and specific cognitive processes. For exam-ple, much attention has been focused on the role of thedorsal and ventral PFC in active maintenance andmanipulation processes within working memory (WM)(Cabeza and Nyberg, 2000; D’Esposito et al., 1998;Smith and Jonides, 1999). More recently, there havealso been studies focused on the most anterior lateralregions of PFC, also termed frontopolar PFC (FP-PFC).In particular, it has been found that the FP-PFC isoften engaged during episodic retrieval from long termmemory (Buckner and Koutstaal, 1998; Tulving et al.,1994). Subsequent research has been directed towardsunderstanding the specific nature of this involvement(Konishi et al., 2000; Lepage et al., 2000; McDermott etal., 2000; Rugg and Wilding, 2000). FP-PFC activityalso appears to be reliably elicited during planning,problem solving and reasoning tasks. For example,Baker et al. (1996) observed FP-PFC activity in theTower of London paradigm selectively under condi-tions that involved extensive planning. A recent reviewby Christoff and Gabrieli (2000) catalogued a numberof similar studies using different task paradigms (suchas the Wisconsin Card Sort Task and Raven’s Progres-sive Matrices) that also have resulted in FP-PFC ac-tivity.

These findings suggest that FP-PFC regions are re-liably activated across a number of different domainswithin higher cognition. However, the specific nature

1053-8119/02 $35.00© 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)

All rights reserved.

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of this activation is still not well understood. Neverthe-less, there have been some recent suggestions regard-ing the nature of FP-PFC function. Koechlin and col-leagues (1999) recently proposed the term “cognitivebranching” to describe the involvement of FP-PFC insituations requiring the maintenance of primary taskgoals while simultaneously allocating attention to sub-goals. A subgoal is defined as a task that must becompleted first before a higher-order goal is satisfied.Koechlin et al. (1999) observed selective FP-PFC activ-ity during a fairly complex task that required integrat-ing WM with attentional reallocation. In a recent re-view of the literature, Christoff and Gabrieli (2000)suggest that FP-PFC, and specifically lateral Brod-mann’s Area (BA) 10, may subserve the monitoring ofinternally (versus externally) generated information.They propose a hierarchical system in which dorsolat-eral PFC (DL-PFC) is involved when externally gener-ated information is evaluated, and FP-PFC is addition-ally recruited when internally generated informationmust be evaluated, such as in reasoning tasks or intasks requiring episodic memory. This view seems re-lated to the one proposed by Koechlin et al. (1999), inthat monitoring of internally generated informationseems to require both maintenance in WM (i.e., creat-ing a “mental scratchpad” to hold the information pro-duced by internal generation during the monitoringprocess) and a subgoal (i.e., the monitoring operationitself).

The goal of the current study was to try to extendthis previous work, by attempting to provide a clearerspecification of the conditions needed to elicit activityin FP-PFC. In particular, we put forward a hypothesissimilar to that espoused by Koechlin et al. (1999) andChristoff and Gabriell (2000), but aimed to more spe-cifically define the conditions under which FP-PFC ac-tivity is elicited. We suggest that a necessary minimalcondition for FP-PFC activity is the requirement toperform a subgoal task while simultaneously main-taining primary goal-related information in WM. Ourmain goal was to test this hypothesis using a simple,and highly interpretable task design, in which each ofthe individual task components (i.e., active mainte-nance and subgoal task) are both clearly understoodand well-validated from previous research. The exper-imental logic was to test whether each of these tasksubcomponents alone (WM or subgoal task) were suf-ficient to elicit FP-PFC activity or whether FP-PFCactivity would only be present when these two compo-nents were combined. A secondary goal of the studywas to further specify the nature of FP-PFC activity bytesting two alternative hypotheses regarding the exactrole of this region in subgoal processing during WM.

The first hypothesis is that FP-PFC activation mayreflect a specialized representational code that is usedto actively maintain information in tasks that require

subgoal processing. Previous research indicates thatDL-PFC appears to be generally involved in tasks re-quiring active maintenance of goal-related or contextinformation. However, during tasks that involve activemaintenance and subgoal processing. FP-PFC may beadditionally recruited to provide storage of this infor-mation in a form that is more protected from interfer-ence (due to the intervening subgoal task). A secondhypothesis is that FP-PFC may be critically involved inthe actual integration of the results of subgoal process-ing with the information that had been actively main-tained prior to the subgoal task. Thus, under this sec-ond hypothesis, it is the need to integrate the twosources of information (primary task and subgoal taskresults) that elicits FP-PFC activity.

In order to test these hypotheses, we designed asimple paradigm based upon a WM task that we havestudied extensively in previous neuroimaging and be-havioral research. This task, known as the AX-CPT, isa variant of the delayed response paradigm, and re-quires maintenance of a cue over a delay period inorder to determine the appropriate response to a sub-sequent probe (Barch et al., 1997, 2001; Braver et al.,2001; Braver and Cohen, 2001; Cohen et al., 1999;Servan-Schreiber et al., 1996). The current studyadded a subgoal component to the basic task paradigmby making stimulus categorization dependent uponelaborative semantic processing. We then comparedthis condition to two other closely matched conditions,one which required active maintenance in WM but hadno subgoal component, and another which requiredperforming the subgoal task (elaborative semantic pro-cessing) but had no WM component. Based on priorneuroimaging studies with the AX-CPT paradigm, weexpected that without a subgoal component the WMdemands of the AX-CPT would elicit activity in DL-PFC but not in FP-PFC. Likewise, tasks that requireelaborative semantic processing in the absence of anexplicit WM load appear to engage left ventrolateralPFC (VL-PFC) regions, but not DL-PFC or FP-PFC(Demb et al., 1995; Poldrack et al., 1999). Thus, weexpected that only the subgoal WM condition wouldresult in the presence of FP-PFC activity.

The task design also included a manipulation of thedelay between cue and probe, while the total trial du-ration was held constant. Such a manipulation wasexpected to increase the demands on active mainte-nance processes (since the cue information must bemaintained for a longer period), and lead to increasedactivity in brain regions that support active mainte-nance. In our previous research, we have found in-creased activity in DL-PFC regions (BA 46/9) resultingfrom such manipulations (Barch et al., 1997, 2001;Braver and Cohen, 2001). Moreover, the delay manip-ulation is a selective one because all other componentsof the task remain the same. In the current study, the


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delay manipulation was used to test whether FP-PFCwas also specifically involved in active maintenance(under subgoal conditions). If so, we would expect toobserve a significant effect of delay in this region dur-ing the subgoal WM task. In contrast, the absence of adelay effect would be more consistent with the hypoth-esis that FP-PFC is specifically involved in serving anintegration function under these conditions.

Consistent with the hierarchical nature of the exper-imental design, our analysis procedure was geared toidentify and isolate regions selectively involved withsubgoal processing during WM, as well as with itscomponent elements—the subgoal task itself (whichwas semantic processing in this study) and activemaintenance. We were particularly concerned withmaking claims regarding the selectivity of processingin specific brain regions, because such claims enablethe strongest inferences regarding the functional dis-sociability of different cognitive processes. Conse-quently, we used a conjunction analysis procedure(e.g., Price and Friston, 1997), that involved the appli-cation of multiple, stringent statistical tests as ameans of identifying candidate brain regions.


Subjects. Twenty-one right-handed subjects withno evidence of neurological compromise participated inthis study. Subjects were 11 males and 10 females witha mean age of 23 years (age range 18–31 years). Sub-jects gave informed consent per guidelines set by theWashington University Medical Center Human Stud-ies Committee and were paid $25 for each hour ofparticipation.

Behavioral tasks. Subjects performed two delayed-response WM tasks and a semantic classification task.The WM tasks were two variants of the AX version ofthe Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT). The orig-inal AX-CPT requires subjects to make a positive tar-get response to the probe letter “X,” but only when itfollows the cue letter “A,” and to make a nontargetresponse to all other conditions (Servan-Schreiber etal., 1996). Accurate responses to the probe letter re-quire maintenance of information about the cue letter.The two tasks designed for the current study, which wetermed the Word AX-CPT and the Semantic AX-CPT,retained the basic format of the original task but usedwords instead of letters. In the Word AX-CPT task, thetarget was the word “LIME” when it occurred followingthe word “FATE.” The target for the Semantic AX-CPTwas any concrete word immediately following any ab-stract word. Thus, the Word AX-CPT is directly anal-ogous to the original AX-CPT in that it requires sub-jects to actively maintain context information. TheSemantic AX-CPT, however, additionally requires sub-jects to semantically classify each word, which pro-

duces a subgoal processing requirement. Conse-quently, to perform the task appropriately, subjectsmust classify the probe word (the subgoal task), whilesimultaneously keeping the context provided by theprevious cue actively maintained in WM, so that theinformation from both cue and probe can be integratedinto a target determination. A third task condition wasincluded, Semantic Classification, which required sub-jects to make abstract-concrete judgments for words.This condition allowed us to isolate the subgoal com-ponent of the Semantic AX-CPT task.

For both AX-CPT tasks, words were presented incue-probe pairs, one word at a time. All probes wereunderlined to differentiate them from the cue. Targetand nontarget trials appeared intermixed in a pseudo-random sequence. Target trials (FATE-LIME or AB-STRACT-CONCRETE) occurred with 70% frequency,and nontarget trials occurred with 30% frequency. Thefrequency of nontarget trials was evenly distributed asfollows: 10% “BX” trials in which an invalid cue pre-ceded the target; 10% “AY” trials in which a valid probewas followed by a nontarget probe; and 10% “BY” tri-als, in which an invalid cue was followed by a nontar-get probe. The frequencies of the various trial typesreplicates those used in many previous studies withthe AX-CPT paradigm (Braver, Cohen, and Barch, inpress; Cohen et al., 1999).

The words for all three tasks were presented cen-trally on a visual display, in 36-point Helvetica font.Words were taken from standardized lists of abstractand concrete nouns. All words were three to sevenletters in length and consisted of one or two syllables.Each word was presented for 750 ms. Responses tostimuli were made by pressing different buttons on ahand-held response box. In the AX-CPT tasks, subjectsresponded with their index finger for targets and theirmiddle finger for nontargets. In the Semantic Classifi-cation task, subjects responded with their index fingerif the word was abstract, and with their middle fingerif the word was concrete.

A second factor, delay, was also manipulated in thestudy. Specifically, in the AX-CPT tasks, we hypothe-sized that regions involved with active maintenance ofcontext should be influenced by the duration overwhich context should be maintained (i.e., the cue-probedelay period). Thus, we had subjects perform the AX-CPT under conditions of both short and long cue-probedelays. The short delay was 1 s in duration. In 12 of thesubjects, the long delay was 5 seconds; in the remain-ing 9 subjects it was 7.5 s. Total trial duration wasequated by counterbalancing the intertrial interval(ITI) with the cue-probe delay (e.g., for the short delayversion, the delay was 1 s and ITI was 5 or 7.5 s). In theSemantic Classification condition, the timing of thewords was also varied to control for the delay manip-ulation in the AX-CPT tasks. Thus, trials were arbi-


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trarily presented as two-word pairs (but with neitherword of the pair underlined), and the delay betweenthe first and second words of the pair was either short(1 s) or long (5 or 7.5 s).

Prior to the scanning session, subjects were giveninstructions regarding all tasks to be performed. Sub-jects were then given practice trials in which to per-form each task. During practice trials, the experi-menter answered any further questions, validated thatinstructions were understood, and ensured that thetasks were performed appropriately and with a reason-ably high level of accuracy.

Functional imaging. Images were acquired on aSiemens 1.5 Tesla Vision System (Erlangen, Germany)with a standard circularly polarized head coil. A pillowand tape were used to minimize head movement.Headphones dampened scanner noise and enabled

communication with participants. Both structural andfunctional images were acquired at each scan. High-resolution (1.25 3 1 3 1) structural images were ac-quired using a sagittal MP-RAGE 3-D T1-weightedsequence (TR 5 9.7 mm, TE 5 4, flip 5 12°, TI 5 300ms) (Mugler and Brookeman, 1990). Functional imageswere acquired using an asymmetric spin-echo echopla-nar sequence (TR 5 2500, TE 5 50 ms, flip 5 90°).Each image consisted of 16 contiguous, 8-mm-thickaxial slices acquired parallel to the anterior-posteriorcommissure plane (3.75 3 3.75 mm in-plane), allowingcomplete brain coverage at a high signal-to-noise ratio(Conturo et al., 1996). Subjects performed two repeti-tions of each of the 6 task conditions (Word AX-CPT,Semantic AX-CPT and Semantic Classification at eachof Short and Long delays) in separate scanning runs(12 runs total). Each run consisted of alternating cycles

FIG. 1. Activation in a representative left VL-PFC region showing selectivity to semantic processing. In this and all subsequent figuresthe following conventions apply. Images are in the Talairach and Tournoux (1988) atlas space at various z coordinate locations, withactivation overlaid on the corresponding anatomy image. Left of the image refers to the left side of the brain. Graph error bars represent 95%confidence interval of the mean. (A) Activation superimposed on an axial anatomic image. (B) Activation graph showing effect of task. (C)Activation graph showing effect of delay.


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of task and fixation blocks. Task blocks were 10 trialsin duration. Fixation blocks (denoted by a centrallypresented crosshair) were either 25 or 37.5 s in dura-tion. Finally, the first four images in each scanning runwere used to allow the scanner to reach steady-state,and hence were discarded. Each run lasted approxi-mately 5 min, and a 2-min delay occurred betweenruns, during which time subjects rested.

Visual stimuli were presented using PsyScope soft-ware (Cohen et al., 1993) running on an Apple Power-Mac G4. Stimuli were projected to subjects with anAmPro LCD projector (model 150) onto a screen posi-tioned at the head end of the bore. Subjects viewed thescreen through a mirror attached to the head coil. Afiber-optic, light-sensitive key press interfaced with thePsyScope Button Box was used to record subjects’ be-havioral performance.

Data analysis. Behavioral performance data wereanalyzed for differential difficulty across the three taskconditions by conducting ANOVAs on accuracy and RT

measures. Analyses were only conducted on probe tri-als because these were the only trials requiring re-sponse selection in the two AX-CPT conditions. In theClassification condition, probe trials were defined ar-bitrarily as the second of a two-stimulus pair.

Functional imaging data were preprocessed prior tostatistical analysis according to the following proce-dures. All functional images were first corrected formovement using a rigid-body rotation and translationcorrection (Friston et al., 1996; Snyder, 1996), and thenregistered to the subject’s anatomical images (in orderto correct for movement between the anatomical andfunction scans). The data were then scaled to achieve awhole-brain mode value (used in place of mean becauseof its reduced sensitivity to variation in brain margindefinition) of 1000 for each scanning run (to reduce theeffect of scanner drift or instability), and spatiallysmoothed with an 8-mm FWHM Gaussian kernel. Sub-jects’ structural images were transformed into stan-dardized atlas space (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988),

FIG. 2. Activation in a left DL-PFC activation showing selectivity to active maintenance. (A) Activation superimposed on an axialanatomic image. (B) Activation graph showing effect of task. (C) Activation graph showing effect of delay.


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using a 12-dimensional affine transformation (Woodset al., 1992; Woods et al., 1998). The functional imageswere then registered to the reference brain using thealignment parameters derived for the structural scans.

Our statistical analysis procedure was designed toidentify brain regions showing activation by one ofthree primary cognitive functions engaged by thetasks: semantic classification, active maintenance, andsubgoal processing in WM. In order to make the stron-gest functional interpretations we further demandedthat brain regions show evidence that the activationpattern was selective. Selectivity requires not only thata region is activated by a specific processing function,but also that it is significantly more activated by thatfunction than by other comparison functions. Thus, theanalysis involved a conjunction of multiple statisticaltests, with each applied in a voxel-wise manner. Eachstatistical test was conducted with an alpha-level ofP , 0.05, for determining statistical significance. Inorder for a brain region to be accepted as selective for aparticular function, all voxels within the region wererequired to be statistically significant in all tests (de-scribed below). Because a minimum conjunction ofthree tests were applied for each cognitive function, themaximum voxel-wise false-positive rate was 0.0001(0.05 * 0.05 * 0.05). Moreover, a region was consideredsignificant only if it contained a cluster of 8 or morecontiguous voxels. The additional cluster-size require-ment ensured an overall image-wise false-positive rateof P , 0.05 (Forman et al., 1995; McAvoy et al., 2001).

The specific tests conducted were as follows. The testfor selectivity to semantic processing involved the fol-lowing conjunctions: (1) significantly increased activa-tion (relative to fixation) in each of the two semanticconditions (Semantic Classification and Semantic AX-CPT); and (2) significantly greater activation in each ofthese two conditions than in the nonsemantic compar-ison condition (Word AX-CPT). The test for selectivityto active maintenance involved the following conjunc-tions: (1) significantly increased activation (relative tofixation) in each of the two tasks with high activemaintenance demands (the long delay condition of theSemantic AX-CPT and Word AX-CPT); and (2) signifi-cantly greater activation in each of these two condi-tions than in the low-maintenance demand comparisonconditions (the short delay condition of the SemanticAX-CPT and Word AX-CPT). Additionally, to ensurethat delay-sensitive regions were not engaged becauseof delay effects unrelated to maintenance processes(i.e., timing, stimulus onset predictability, etc.) we fur-ther required that all voxels identified in the activemaintenance conjunction test not show any activation(P . 0.1) in the delay contrast that did not involvemaintenance (i.e., Semantic Classification long vsshort delay). The test for selectivity to subgoal process-ing involved the following conjunctions: (1) signifi-

cantly increased activation (relative to fixation) in thecondition requiring subgoal processing (the SemanticAX-CPT); and (2) significantly greater activation inthis condition than in either of the nonsubgoal controlconditions (Word AX-CPT and Semantic Classifica-tion). Additionally, for the subgoal processing test, wewere concerned about false-positive identification ofregions due to additive effects. In particular, a nonse-lective region involved in both semantic classificationand active maintenance (but not necessarily subgoalprocessing) would be expected to show increased activ-ity in the Semantic AX-CPT solely because both activemaintenance and semantic classification are required.To guard against such false-positive identifications, wefurther required that voxels identified in the subgoalconjunction test not show any activation (P . 0.1) inthe two control task contrasts (Word AX-CPT and Se-mantic Classification compared to fixation).

All statistical analysis were conducted using a ran-dom-effects model in which subject served as the ran-dom effect. Task-related activations were identifiedthrough a paired t test comparing mean signal duringtask blocks against mean signal during fixation blocks.For comparisons in which the delay factor was notrelevant, mean signal was averaged across both shortand long delay runs. To increase interpretability, onlypositive task-related activations were considered in allanalyses. Cross-task comparisons were conducted afterfirst subtracting mean activity during fixation blocksfrom mean activity during task blocks. This procedurecontrolled for any linear drift that may have occurredbetween scanning runs. Following the primary analy-ses, region-of-interest (ROI) analyses were conductedto quantitatively estimate the effect of experimentalfactors on the identified regions. For these ROI analy-ses (and the graphs in Figs. 1–3 displaying the results),data for the effect of task were expressed in terms ofmean percentage-change in fMRI signal during taskblocks relative to fixation, after first averaging acrossshort and long delay conditions. Data for the effect ofdelay were expressed in terms of mean percentage-change in fMRI signal during the long delay blocksrelative to the short delay blocks, after first subtractingout activation during fixation. In all graphs showingROI effects, the bars indicating error of estimate referto 95% confidence intervals. Thus, error bars which donot cross the zero-point on the y-axis can be consideredstatistically significant (P , 0.05).

Because of technical difficulties, behavioral datafrom one subject was unusable, and the scanning ses-sion had to be ended early, with only half of the scansperformed (one run in each condition). We thus ex-cluded this subject from all behavioral analyses, andimaging analyses were performed both including andexcluding the subject’s data. None of the reported im-


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aging results differed as a function of inclusion or ex-clusion.


Behavioral data. Accuracy and reaction time datawere examined to determine whether the SemanticAX-CPT was significantly more difficult than the othertwo conditions. The results are summarized in Table 1.An analysis of error rates indicated a significant maineffect of task (F(2,38) 5 11.52, P , 0.001). Pair-wisecomparisons indicated that performance on the WordAX-CPT task was significantly less error-prone than ineither Semantic AX-CPT or Semantic Classification(Word vs Semantic AX-CPT: t(19) 5 3.78, P , 0.001;Word vs Classification: t(19) 5 4.13, P , 0.001). How-ever, the Semantic AX-CPT and Classification condi-tions were not significantly different in error rates(t(19) 5 1.64, P . 0.1). A similar analysis was per-formed on the reaction time data. Again, a highly sig-

nificant main effect of task was observed (F(2,38) 5208.36, P , 0.001). As with error rates, the WordAX-CPT was found to have significantly shorter RTsthan Semantic AX-CPT or Classification (Word vs Se-mantic AX-CPT: t(19) 5 9.87, P , 0.001; Word vsClassification: t(19) 5 26.98, P , 0.001). Additionally,it was found that Semantic AX-CPT RTs were signifi-cantly shorter than in Classification (t(19) 5 8.66, P ,0.001). These findings indicate that the Semantic AX-CPT was not associated with greater task difficulty, atleast when compared to Classification.

However, the data also suggested a potential speed-accuracy tradeoff in the Semantic AX-CPT, since accu-racy was numerically (but not significantly) worse inthe Semantic AX-CPT relative to Semantic Classifica-tion, even though RTs were significantly faster. Wetested for speed-accuracy tradeoffs in two ways. First,we examined RTs on correct vs error trials. If a taskcondition is associated with a speed-accuracy tradeoff,then one should find that error trials have faster RTsthan correct trials. Yet in all conditions, error trialswere slower than error trials (see Table 1). This effectwas statistically significant for the Semantic AX-CPT(which was the only condition with enough errors toconduct a statistical test, t(19) 5 2.68, P , 0.05). Asecond test for speed-accuracy tradeoff was to correlatespeed against accuracy on a between-subject basis. If aspeed-accuracy tradeoff were present, then thereshould be a significant negative correlation betweenspeed and error rate across subjects (i.e., faster sub-jects should make more errors). Yet in the SemanticAX-CPT, the correlation was positive, though insignif-


Brain region Brodmann area X Y Z Size (mm3)

Semantic processingRight Inferior Frontal Cortex 45 39 27 17 270Right Frontal Operculum 47/Insula 27 20 1 540Ventrolateral PFC 47 242 19 28 513Ventrolateral PFC 44/45/47 241 12 20 8424Left Anterior CingulateCortex 32 26 11 46 270Left Inferotemporal Cortex 37 246 255 212 1161

Active maintenanceLeft Dorsolateral PFC 46/9 243 22 28 378Left Thalamus — 214 212 1 243Right Inferior Parietal Cortex 40 35 251 32 459Right Inferior Parietal Cortex 40 39 262 45 2025

Subgoal processingRight Frontopolar PFC 10 35 40 22 432Right Dorsolateral PFC 46/9 44 28 28 1026Right Hippocampus — 31 28 220 432Right Superior ParietalCortex 7 17 272 40 243

Note. Regions are listed according to location of activation centroid. Coordinates are determined from the Talairach and Tournoux (1988)atlas.




Percent errors 9.0 (2.5) 1.8 (1.6) 12.4 (5.3)Reaction time (ms) 826.5 (50.4) 526.4 (47.7) 685.3 (65.2)

correct trialsReaction time (ms) 903.8 (83.2) 642.0 (144.9) 765.8 (102.6)

error trials

Note. Data are expressed as mean values across subjects with 95%confidence intervals in parentheses.


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icant (r(18) 5 0.06). To fully rule-out the speed-accu-racy relationship between the Semantic AX-CPT andSemantic Classification conditions, we also did the samecorrelation but on the differences in accuracy and RTacross the two measures (Semantic AX-CPT minusSemantic Classification). This correlation was negative,but not even close to significant (r(18) 5 20.08). Thus,there was no evidence for speed-accuracy tradeoffs affect-ing performance in the Semantic AX-CPT condition.

Imaging data. Three different analyses of thewhole-brain imaging data were conducted, one testingfor selectivity to semantic processing, one testing forselectivity to active maintenance, and the other testingfor selectivity to subgoal processing effects. The resultsof these whole-brain analyses are summarized in Table2. In the sections that follow we focus exclusively onPFC activations, since these were of primary theoreti-cal interest.

Semantic processing. This analysis identified a pri-marily left-lateralized pattern of activity within VL-

PFC. Activation was observed in several large foci dis-tributed across BA 44, 45, and 47 (see Fig. 1A andTable 2). ROI analyses of these regions indicated ahigh level of activity during both conditions involvingsemantic processing (i.e., Classification and SemanticAX-CPT), but reduced activation in the condition thatdid not require semantic processing (i.e., Word AX-CPT; see Fig. 1B). Moreover, in none of these regionsdid activity differentiate between the two semanticprocessing conditions, suggesting that VL-PFC regionsare not sensitive to the additional processing require-ments associated with the Semantic AX-CPT. Therewere also no effects of delay in any of these PFC re-gions, consistent with a selective role in semantic pro-cessing rather than active maintenance (Fig. 1C).

Active maintenance. This analysis revealed activa-tion in left DL-PFC, within BA 46/9 (see Fig. 2A, Table2). The location of this activity replicates the results ofour previous studies (Barch et al., 1997, 2001; Braverand Cohen, 2001). The effect of delay was significant in

FIG. 3. Activation in a right FP-PFC region showing selectivity to subgoal processing during WM. (A) Activation superimposed on anaxial anatomic image. (B) Activation graph showing effect of task. (C) Activation graph showing effect of delay.


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both AX-CPT conditions (as defined by the analysis),but moreover was equivalent in magnitude in both(Fig. 2C). However, the overall level of task-relatedactivity was greatest in the Semantic AX-CPT condi-tion (Fig. 2B). The ROI analysis indicated that the leftDL-PFC region was also activated during SemanticClassification, although the response was not affectedby delay (as defined by the analysis procedure). Thefinding of activity in left DL-PFC during semantic pro-cessing in the absence of maintenance demands helpsexplain the increased level of activity during the Se-mantic AX-CPT. Specifically, it suggests that the Se-mantic AX-CPT activity was an additive effect. Sincethe left DL-PFC region is engaged both by active main-tenance and semantic processing, when a task involvesboth functions (e.g., the Semantic AX-CPT long delaycondition), the activation level should be the sum ofactivation associated with nonsemantic active mainte-nance (e.g., Word AX-CPT delay effect) and with non-maintenance semantic processing (e.g., Semantic Clas-sification). Such a hypothesis fits well with theobserved pattern of left DL-PFC activity in the Seman-tic AX-CPT task.

Subgoal processing. Our primary analysis of inter-est was to identify regions activated during the Seman-tic AX-CPT condition, but not the other two tasks. Sucha pattern of activity would suggest that the region was

selectively engaged by conditions requiring the con-junction of active maintenance and subgoal processing,rather than by individual components themselves.This analysis identified two regions in PFC showingsubgoal-selective activity. Both regions were in theright hemisphere, one in DL-PFC (BA 46/9), and mostimportantly, the other in FP-PFC (BA10; see Fig. 3A).As defined by the analysis procedure, activation in thisarea during the Word AX-CPT and Semantic Classifi-cation tasks was not significantly different from fixa-tion. Moreover, the level of activation in these twocontrol tasks was equivalent (see Fig. 3B). This patternargues against a difficulty-related explanation of thisactivity, since the behavioral data indicated that Se-mantic Classification task was more difficult than theWord AX-CPT. A further examination of the delay ef-fect provided a test of whether maintenance demandsinfluenced activity in the FP-PFC region. There was noeffect of delay observed in FP-PFC activity during theSemantic AX-CPT (F , 1; Fig. 3C). Interestingly, therewas a trend for a delay effect in the Word AX-CPTcondition, although this trend did not reach signifi-cance.

We were concerned that our results regarding FP-PFC activity might be biased by the stringent criteriaemployed in our analysis procedure. In particular, theregion of FP-PFC identified in our analysis was fairly

FIG. 4. Montage showing FP-PFC regions associated with subgoal processing identified in exploratory analysis.


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small in size. It is possible that this small region is nottruly representative of the pattern of activity foundwithin the larger expanse of FP-PFC. To examine thishypothesis, we conducted a more exploratory analysis,in which we relaxed the identification criteria. Specif-ically, we identified voxels showing significant activityin the Semantic AX-CPT and numerically greater (butnot necessarily significantly greater) activity levels inthat task than in either the Word AX-CPT or SemanticClassification comparison conditions. No other con-straints were placed on activation levels on the twocomparison conditions. When we employed this proce-dure, we identified a large FP-PFC region in the righthemisphere that included the original ROI, but wasmuch greater in volume (175 contiguous voxels vs. 16contiguous voxels), and which extended more anteri-orly and superiorly (see Fig. 4). An analysis of theactivation pattern in this ROI indicated that the pat-tern was highly similar to the original region, withsignificantly greater activity in the Semantic AX-CPTthan in either of the other two conditions. The similar-ity of the larger and smaller right FP-PFC ROIs wasformally tested by an ANOVA including ROI (small,large) as a factor of interest when comparing all taskconditions. The ANOVA revealed no significant maineffect of ROI or ROI 3 condition interaction (P . 0.1).The exploratory analysis also identified a somewhatsmaller (58 contiguous voxels) left hemisphere FP-PFCregion located homotopically to the right hemisphereROI. The left FP-PFC activation pattern was also sim-ilar to the original ROI, albeit with a less strong taskeffect (i.e., the activation differences between the Se-mantic AX-CPT and the comparison tasks were notsignificant). Nevertheless, an ROI-based ANOVA com-paring the left and right regions showed no significantmain effects or interactions involving ROI (P . 0.1).Thus, the exploratory analyses suggest that the FP-PFC region identified in the original analysis is in factrepresentative of the general pattern of right FP-PFCactivity, and also to a lesser extent of left FP-PFCactivity.

Finally, to more conclusively rule out the role ofactive maintenance in contributing to FP-PFC duringthe Semantic AX-CPT, we conducted a second analysisof the delay effect using the two large exploratory FP-PFC ROIs. We tested whether there were any voxelswithin these FP-PFC ROIs showing even a trend level(P , 0.1 uncorrected) delay effect in the SemanticAX-CPT task. We failed to identify any voxels thatshowed such a pattern.


The goal of the current study was to look at potentialfunctional dissociations between different subregionsof PFC. In particular, we were interested in determin-

ing the task conditions that elicit activity in FP-PFC ascompared to the conditions that engage DL-PFC andVL-PFC regions. To examine this question, we utilizedcognitive tasks that when performed in isolation reli-ably activate either VL-PFC regions (semantic classi-fication) or DL-PFC regions (working memory), but donot engage FP-PFC. We then employed an experimen-tal design in which these tasks were combined in aparticular fashion that we hypothesized would lead tofrontopolar activity. Specifically, the critical experi-mental condition required performing semantic classi-fication as a subgoal task while concurrently maintain-ing information in WM, and then using the results ofboth sources of information (WM contents and classi-fication judgment) to determine the appropriate re-sponse. The results confirmed our hypotheses whilebeing consistent with prior research. Replicating priorfindings, semantic processing engaged primarily left-lateralized VL-PFC regions (Demb et al., 1995;Poldrack et al., 1999), while the active maintenance ofinformation in WM engaged left DLPFC (Barch et al.,1997, 2001; Braver and Cohen, 2001). Moreover, per-formance of these cognitive functions by themselveswas not associated with FP-PFC activity. However, inthe critical experimental condition, FP-PFC was foundto be significantly activated. These results suggest aspecialized role for FP-PFC in enabling the processingof subgoal tasks during WM.

Our findings confirm and extend the recent work ofKoechlin and colleagues (1999), who also observed FP-PFC activity related to subgoal processing in WM. Theinterpretation of Koechlin et al. was that FP-PFC isengaged under conditions that involve “cognitivebranching.” However, the particular functions sub-served by FP-PFC during cognitive branching were notclearly specified in the Koechlin et al. study. For exam-ple, the task design utilized by Koechlin et al. was bothnovel and complex; consequently, it was not clearwhether the phenomenon of branching would general-ize across different task domains. Moreover, from theresults presented by Koechlin et al. it was not clearwhether FP-PFC is engaged by the unique mainte-nance requirements associated with cognitive branch-ing, or by the demands associated with resuming aprimary task after completing a subgoal task. In thecurrent study, we observed FP-PFC activity that wasdirectly related to the presence of a subgoal processingrequirement during performance of a simple WM task.This finding demonstrates that the subgoal processingeffect, or “cognitive branching” in the terminology ofKoechlin et al., is a phenomenon that generalizesacross task domains. More importantly, our resultsalso further specify the nature of FP-PFC involvementin subgoal processing. Specifically, we observed thatFP-PFC activity was not increased in relationship toincreased maintenance demands occurring under sub-


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goal conditions (i.e., the null delay effect). This findingsuggests that in our task, FP-PFC was not responsiblefor maintaining cue information over the delay period.

The lack of delay effect in FP-PFC favors alternativehypotheses of FP-PFC function that relate activity inthis region specifically to the integration of WM andsubgoal task processing. One such hypothesis is thatFP-PFC is engaged to resolve potential interferenceoccurring specifically during the period in which thesubgoal task is being completed. In our task, this wouldcorrespond to the period immediately following probepresentation, when the probe word must be semanti-cally classified, while at the same time, active mainte-nance of the cue information must continue. Under thishypothesis, it is the simultaneous demands on WM andsubgoal processing that elicits FP-PFC activity, espe-cially under conditions when these two demands in-volve the same neural substrates for processing. More-over, under these conditions, it is the duration ofsubgoal processing rather than the duration of activemaintenance in WM that influences FP-PFC activity. Asource of support for this hypothesis is the finding inthe current study that the left DL-PFC appears to beactivated both by semantic processing requirementsand by active maintenance of the cue. When these twotasks were combined in the Semantic AX-CPT condi-tion, FP-PFC may have been recruited to help reducethe interference that would otherwise occur in DL-PFC.

A second hypothesis is that FP-PFC is primarilyengaged under conditions in which the results of sub-goal processing need to be integrated with the infor-mation stored in WM, in order to determine appropri-ate responding. This hypothesis suggests that theprimary factor that influences FP-PFC is not subgoalprocessing during WM per se, but rather the require-ment to integrate these two sources of information.Thus, a task that requires the integration of subgoalprocessing with WM contents would be predicted toelicit greater activation than an equivalent task inwhich the two sources of information (i.e., WM con-tents and subgoal results) remain unintegrated andunrelated. A third hypothesis is that FP-PFC activityreflects more of a “state” effect—a sustained represen-tation of higher-level task goals across a series of trialsin task conditions requiring goal-subgoal coordinationand integration. Thus, the lack of the delay effect maynot be indicative of an absence of maintenance-relatedactivity in FP-PFC, but rather that the maintenancedemands (of the appropriate task-set) are equivalent inboth long and short delay Semantic AX-CPT condi-tions. All of these hypotheses are consistent with thecurrent results, and accordingly, warrant more directinvestigation in future studies.

One conclusion to be drawn from the current resultsis that FP-PFC may play a very specific functional role

in cognition that nevertheless appears across a widevariety of behavioral domains. The coordination andmanagement of subgoal tasks is a computation that ispresent in many behaviors, such as planning, problemsolving, reasoning, and other complex cognitive activi-ties. For example, the classic Tower of Hanoi problemis one that requires subjects to decompose a higher-order goal (moving the disks to a specific peg) into ahierarchical sequence of subgoals (e.g., to move thesecond disk, first move the top disk to a spare peg).Each of these subgoals must be appropriately chainedtogether, while at the same time keeping them inte-grated with the higher-order goal. Our findings beginto suggest the specific cognitive operations that requirethe engagement of FP-PFC during performance ofthese types of behaviors. Indeed, the findings of thecurrent study are consistent with our previous compu-tational analyses, in which we have suggested thatanterior PFC regions represent more abstract informa-tion, such as higher-level goals, and will be selectivelyengaged under conditions when this information mustbe integrated with information being maintained andupdated in more posterior PFC regions (O’Reilly et al.,in press).

Interestingly, another domain that may require themanagement and integration of subgoals is intentionalretrieval of information from episodic memory. For ex-ample, episodic retrieval involves carrying out the sub-goal task of searching LTM based upon a retrieval cuewhile actively maintaining the overall task goal (theepisodic context to be recovered), and then comparingthe outputs from LTM with that task goal to determinewhether the information actually satisfies the goal.This conceptualization of episodic retrieval in terms ofmonitoring subgoal processes in WM has importantimplications for studies of FP-PFC function (Christoffand Gabrieli, 2000; Koechlin et al., 1999). Specifically,hypotheses regarding FP-PFC function might be bettercharacterized in terms of general computational oper-ations related to subgoal processing, rather than thosespecifically associated with the cognitive domain ofepisodic memory. An important test of this reconcep-tualization will be to directly compare whether theFP-PFC regions engaged under conditions of episodicretrieval are also engaged under situations that moreclearly involve subgoal processing in WM, but which donot seem to involve episodic retrieval. With regard tothis issue, it is worth noting that FP-PFC activation inepisodic retrieval studies has most commonly beenright-lateralized, although left hemisphere activity hasalso been observed (Cabeza and Nyberg, 2000). A sim-ilar pattern was observed in the current study, withthe primary analysis revealing only right-hemisphereFP-PFC activation, but with weaker left-hemisphereactivity detected in the exploratory analysis. A recentmeta-analysis of retrieval studies has suggested that


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the centroid of right hemisphere FP-PFC activity asso-ciated with episodic retrieval is 30, 46, 8 (Lepage et al.,2000). Although this location is more anterior and su-perior than the region observed in our primary analy-sis, it is highly consistent with the larger ROI detectedin the exploratory analysis (centroid 5 234, 45, 6).Thus, based on a comparison of activation, it seemsthat the activity found in the current study related tosubgoal processing is consistent in anatomical locationwith that observed in retrieval studies. Nevertheless, itwill be important to conduct direct within-subjectscomparisons to determine whether or not the retrievaland subgoal processing areas are truly anatomicallyoverlapping.

In addition to relating our findings anatomically tothe neuroimaging literature on episodic retrieval, italso important to consider whether the current resultscan be alternatively interpreted as reflecting retrieval-related rather subgoal processing. In particular, a re-trieval interpretation would suggest that subjects en-gage episodic retrieval processes to perform theSemantic AX-CPT and use these processes more reli-ably in the Semantic AX-CPT than in the control con-ditions. One problem with this interpretation of theresults is that the Semantic AX-CPT seems very dif-ferent from most episodic memory tasks. Specifically,subjects need to store only one piece of information (thecue) and hold it over a short period of time (less than10 s). Moreover, given that subjects were not explicitlyinstructed to use an episodic retrieval strategy for anyof the tasks, the question remains as to why subjectsmay have covertly adopted such a strategy. Moreover,why would this strategy be preferentially adopted inthe Semantic AX-CPT condition than in the Word AX-CPT condition, given that they are both so similar intask demands? It is conceivable that subjects may havespontaneously adopted a strategy of rapidly storingeach cue in LTM and then retrieving it following com-pletion of the subgoal task. It is further possible thatsuch a retrieval strategy may have been adopted pref-erentially in the Semantic AX-CPT because of the highload imposed by the addition of the subgoal task. Spe-cifically, the subgoal task may have made it more dif-ficult for subjects to have used WM to maintain cueinformation, which may have led to the deployment ofother processing strategies. Despite the logical plausi-bility of a retrieval-based account of the data, it never-theless seems like a hypothesis that would be difficultto falsify. Independent of the presence of FP-PFC ac-tivity, it is not clear how one could ascertain whether atask involves the use of covert episodic retrieval strat-egies on the part of subjects.

In addition to the retrieval hypothesis, there areother possible alternative interpretations of the cur-rent results. One such interpretation is that the selec-tively increased FP-PFC activity in the Semantic AX-

CPT condition reflects non-specific factors associatedwith the increased task difficulty of this condition,rather than more specific computations associatedwith subgoal processing during WM. This interpreta-tion is unlikely to be correct in that the behavioral dataindicated that the Semantic AX-CPT was not signifi-cantly more difficult than the Semantic Classificationcontrol task. In contrast, the behavioral data did indi-cate significant differences in difficulty between theSemantic Classification and Word AX-CPT tasks, yetthere was no difference in FP-PFC activity across thesetasks. It is worth noting that the apparently increaseddifficulty of the Semantic Classification condition rela-tive to the Semantic AX-CPT (i.e., significantly slowerRTs) is fully consistent with the AX-CPT experimentaldesign. Specifically, the manipulation of trial type fre-quencies that occurs in the Semantic AX-CPT (e.g.,70% target trials), leads to the ability to partially pre-dict the semantic category of the probe word based onthe category of the cue. For example, following anabstract cue, subjects can predict that the probe wordwill likely be concrete (given that this will occur 87.5%of the time). This increased predictability can serve toprime the appropriate response prior to probe onset,thus leading to a significant facilitation in RT (and adecrease in difficulty if such contextual information isactively maintained and utilized). In the Classificationcondition, no equivalent facilitation occurred becausethere was no predictive relationship between the firstand second items in a pair.

Another possible interpretation of the current re-sults is that the Semantic AX-CPT condition may rep-resent a dual-task situation, whereas the Classifica-tion condition and Word AX-CPT involve only single-task processing. Specifically, the Semantic AX-CPTrequires the processes associated with both the WordAX-CPT and Classification conditions to be completedconcurrently. Under a dual-task hypothesis, it is thisrequirement to complete two concurrent tasks thatelicits activity in FP-PFC during the Semantic AX-CPT. Although it is true that the Semantic AX-CPTdoes contain a dual-task component, it does not seemlikely that this component, per se, is the cause of FP-PFC activity. Previous neuroimaging studies investi-gating processes associated with dual-task perfor-mance have not identified FP-PFC as a brain regionthat is critically involved in these situations (Bunge etal., 2000; D’Esposito et al., 1995; Klingberg, 1998). Incontrast, DL-PFC regions are most likely to be engagedunder standard dual-task conditions. More impor-tantly, Koechlin et al. (1999) directly compared dual-task with subgoal processing conditions and found sig-nificantly greater FP-PFC activity in the lattercondition. Thus, it appears that subgoal processing inWM appears to be an important special case of a dual-task condition that preferentially engages functions


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subserved by FP-PFC regions. Nevertheless, it could beimportant to more completely test this hypothesis infuture work.

Thus, to summarize, the results of this study areconsistent with the hypothesis that FP-PFC subservescognitive functions related to the coordination, moni-toring, and integration of subgoal processes withinWM. Using a simple and highly decomposable experi-mental paradigm, we observed that neither the sub-goal task itself nor the WM demand were sufficient toengage FP-PFC, but when the subgoal task was re-quired in conjunction with WM, FP-PFC was reliablyactivated. However, manipulation of the duration ofWM maintenance had no effect on FP-PFC activity,suggesting that this region was not specifically sub-serving maintenance functions within the task. In con-trast, DL-PFC regions were affected by manipulationsof active maintenance requirements, but showed nointeraction with the presence of a subgoal task. Fi-nally, we observed that VL-PFC regions were sensitiveto the subgoal task of semantic classification, but werenot further modulated by the addition of WM demands.Taken together, these findings represent a triple dis-sociation of function within ventrolateral, dorsolateral,and frontopolar PFC regions. We suggest that the hy-pothesized function of FP-PFC in subgoal processingduring WM represents an important fundamental cog-nitive computation that may be present across a num-ber of domains, including episodic memory. Such areconceptualization of FP-PFC function may help todrive further research within cognitive neuroscienceregarding the central mechanisms underlying highercognition.


The authors thank Deanna Barch and Kathleen McDermott fortheir thoughtful comments and helpful suggestions, the members ofthe Cognitive Control and Psychopathology Lab for productive dis-cussions regarding these issues, Tom Conturo, Abraham Synder, andErbil Akbudak for their technical assistance, and Marcus Raichle forhis support in helping make this work possible. This study wassupported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health(RO3 MH61615) to the first author.


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