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The rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter: Affective news streams, hybridity, and networked publics Zizi Papacharissi, PhD Professor and Head, Communica7on, University of IllinoisChicago @zizip Papacharissi, Z. & Oliveira, de Fatima M. (2012). Affective News and Networked Publics: The Rhythms of News Storytelling on #Egypt. Journal of Communication, in press.

The rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter:Affective news streams, hybridity, and networked publics

May 11, 2015



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Page 1: The rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter:Affective news streams, hybridity, and networked publics

The rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter: Affective news streams, hybridity, and networked publics

Zizi  Papacharissi,  PhD  Professor  and  Head,  Communica7on,  University  of  Illinois-­‐Chicago  


Papacharissi, Z. & Oliveira, de Fatima M. (2012). Affective News and Networked Publics: The Rhythms of News Storytelling on #Egypt. Journal of Communication, in press.

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•  TwiCer  and  news  storytelling  

•  Collec7vely  prodused  news  feeds  and  the  news  economy  

•  TwiCer  as  alterna7ve/primary  channel  for  informa7on  

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Previous Research

•  TwiCer  as  news  repor7ng  mechanism  •  Established  news  values  guide  use  of  TwiCer  •  News  breaking/premedia7on/instantaneity  

•  Homophily,  peripheral  awareness  and  ambient  news  environments,  hybridity    

•  TwiCer  as  news  sharing  mechanism  during  uprisings  •  Electronic  word  of  mouth  

•  Broadcas7ng  and  ‘listening  in’  on  uprisings  •  Homophily  and  group  iden7ty    

Page 4: The rhythms of news storytelling on Twitter:Affective news streams, hybridity, and networked publics

News values and the form of news on Twitter

•  News  values  

•  The  form  of  news  as  specific  to  socio-­‐cultural  context  

RQ1:  What  news  values  were  prevalent  in  the  TwiCer  news  streams  capturing  the  events  of  the  2011  Egyp7an  uprising?  

RQ2:  What  form  did  news  storytelling  on  TwiCer    take  during  the  recent  2011  Egyp7an  uprising?  

•  METHOD:    Frequency  analysis  (  R  ),  1.5  million  mul7lingual  tweets,  Content  analysis,  (word  network  map),  Discourse  analysis  #egypt  

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(news values)

•  News  values  priori7se  stories  about  events  that  are  recent,  sudden,  unambiguous,  predictable,  relevant  and  close  (to  the  relevant  culture/class/loca7on).  

•  Priority  is  given  to  stories  about  the  economy,  government  poli7cs,  industry  and  business,  foreign  affairs  and  domes7c  affairs-­‐either  of  conflict  or  human  interest-­‐  disasters  and  sport.  

•  Priority  is  given  to  elite  na7ons  (the  US,  the  UK,  Europe,  etc.)  and  elite  people.  

•  News  values  ocen  involve  appeals  to  dominant  ideologies  and  discourses.  What  is  cultural  and/or  historical  will  be  presented  as  natural  and  consensual.  

•  News  stories  need  to  appeal  to  readers/viewers  so  they  must  be  commonsensical,  entertaining  and  drama7c  (like  fic7on),  and  visual  (Hartley,  2002,  p.  166).  

News  values  turn  events  into  stories  

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•  Old  values  •  Large  scale  of  events,  closeness  to  home,  clarity  of  meaning,  short  7me  

scale,  relevance,  consonance,  personifica7on,  significance,  drama,  ac7on  +++  it’s  all  there,  except  nega7vity  

•  Remedia7ons  and/or  new    values  •  (drama)  of  instantaneity  

•  Events  instantly  turn  into  stories  •  crowdsourced  elites  

•  Solidarity  

•  Ambience  •  Constancy  and  con7nuity  of  always  on  news  environment  with  a  pulse  of  its  own,  organic,  collec7ve  

Hybridity of old new news values

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Affect:  Emo7ve  expressions  subjec7vely  experienced  connected  to  processes  of  premedia7on/an7cipa7on  of  events  prior  to  their  occurrence    •  Rhythm  and  pace  of  storytelling  

•  Instant,  emo7ve,  pha7c  

•  Repe77on  and  mimicry  set  the  pace  •  Oral  and  print  cultures  of  storytelling  combine  

News,  fact,  drama,  opinion,  emo7on  blend  into  one  =  affect  

The Form of Affective News

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Affective news streams

Collabora7ve  news  feeds  expose  (temporal)  incompa7bili7es  between  live  twee7ng  news  and  news  repor7ng  =  many  journalisms  

Leaderless  publics/revolu7ons?  

Affect  and  news  storytelling,  affect  and  mobiliza7on  

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Thank you!

@zizip, [email protected]

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Affective 2

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Affective 3

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Affective 5

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Affective 6 -newsy

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Affective 7 – mainstream

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Oral and print

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Affective-much more mainstream

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