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The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry in the Diocese of Lincoln 2010

The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry in the Diocese ... · Kenya, Tirunelveli link, and Southern Sudan. Prayer ministry teams, contemplative prayer group, Franciscan Tertiary

Sep 19, 2019



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Page 1: The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry in the Diocese ... · Kenya, Tirunelveli link, and Southern Sudan. Prayer ministry teams, contemplative prayer group, Franciscan Tertiary

The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry

in the Diocese of Lincoln


Page 2: The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry in the Diocese ... · Kenya, Tirunelveli link, and Southern Sudan. Prayer ministry teams, contemplative prayer group, Franciscan Tertiary

LINCOLN READERS QUINQUENNIAL REVIEW 2010 Background 1. Quinquennial Review 2005 This is the second Quinquennial Review of Lincoln Readers. In 2005 Lincoln Readers were in reasonably good heart and changes in ministerial training leading toward the present arrangements through the School of Theology and Ministry had already been launched. There were 215 licensed Readers and an additional thirty with Permission to officiate. The median age of Readers was 62, with over half retired from full-time employment. Recruitment tended to be from among experienced lay people in middle age. No doubt this reflected the age profile of the church communities from which the candidates were recruited. There was a range of presenting issues:

1. The need for a deeper understanding of collaborative ministry between clergy, Readers and other lay ministers. There was a tendency for clergy to see collaboration as delegation rather than true reflective partnership in complimentary ministries. 2. The lack of regular staff meetings with their incumbents. 40% of Readers did not find it easy to talk to their clergy

3. The lack of ministerial agreements: only 22% of Readers had any sort of reviewable ministerial agreement.

4. The need for the availability of spiritual direction and guidance. 5. The need to take account of the raising of expectations for ministry among those now receiving the more advanced

ministerial training from the emerging ‘School’. 6. The Missiological consequences for an aging ministry, whether ordained or lay. 7. The need to provide opportunities for secondment and relocation to refresh ministry and enable

Readers to be more deployable under New Era. 8. The desire to explore fresh ways of being church. 9. The need for vigorous recruitment, including the exploration into ways of recruiting and training younger Readers. 1 10. The possibilities for sharing training and ministry with Methodist Local Preachers based on

Covenant principles. 2. Reader Upbeat! 2008 The national report on Reader ministry has been commissioned and accepted by the General Synod. While celebrating Reader ministry, it emphasises the need for collaborative ministry, outreach and mission, and the revaluing of the ministry of the Word through preaching, teaching and Services of the Word. Those Readers with significant preaching gifts are to be seen as a resource to be shared by the whole Church and Readers might be seen as regular and welcome preachers at all forms of worship, Eucharistic and non-Eucharistic. In this wide-ranging Report, touching on every aspect of Reader ministry, a helpful pie chart illustrates the movement of Reader vocation from core ministries to an outer circle where ministry and the world meet. #

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Interpreting the Word in daily life

Leading public


Preaching and teaching the


3. The Lincoln Support Structure for Readers The work of Lincoln Readers is co-ordinated by a Governing Body made up of the secretaries and wardens of each of the 10 Reader Areas and the following ex officio members: Diocesan Warden, Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, Central Readers Council Representative, Website manager, Chairman and any members of Central Readers Council national Executive. The Governing Body meets 3 or 4 times per year. Its revised Constitution is designed to be sufficiently flexible to support change. The Areas exist to provide a context of mutual support, encouragement and an element of locally arranged lifelong learning. 4. The Lincoln School of Theology and Ministry The School has been formed through a partnership between Lincoln University, Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln Cathedral and the Diocese of Lincoln. The Head of School is the Chancellor of the Cathedral and the School provides initial ministerial training for Readers, Ordained local Ministers and Non Stipendiary Ministers to Foundation degree level. Some Readers have gone on to BA and MA levels. Readers, OLMs and some independent students are trained together. The Review of 2010 Introduction Based on the customisation of a Central Readers Council working party document, local consultation, and the reflections of a Lincoln Readers’ working party led by the chairman of Lincoln Readers, licensed Readers were required to undertake the following:

• a personal and spiritual reflection on the vows and commitments made before the Bishop at their admission to Reader ministry

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• a structured conversation with a priest • a structured conversation with another Reader or experienced lay person the completion of a questionnaire covering the headings of outreach, chaplaincy,

ministry development needs, future aspirations, availability to lead courses for others, frustrations, willingness to assist outside own group or parish, willingness to assist ecumenically, willingness to be a Deanery resource.

• a statistical return of services offered during the previous year. a ministerial working agreement arranged between the Reader and incumbent. Those Readers with Permission to Officiate were also invited to take part voluntarily. The Questionnaire Returns

Based on the questionnaires, it is clear that Readers are providing a remarkable range of ministries in addition to the core calling to lead worship and preach in their local groups of churches. The pie chart from Reader Upbeat! is filled out in the details of regular Lincoln Reader ministry. The full range of recorded ministry is listed under each of the categories in the Introduction.

Outreach (worship and general pastoral) Funeral and bereavement ministry, ‘Home’ communion; communion by extension; pastoral care; healing services; Taize services; counselling/listening group; special services and creative liturgy: pets, primrose, back to church, songs of praise. ‘journey into wholeness’ stall/project at mind, body and spirit events, founding deanery choir, Cathedral and Cathedral association. Outreach (overseas mission) Promoting work and mission overseas, Traidcraft organiser, working link with Maasai, Kenya, Tirunelveli link, and Southern Sudan. Outreach (prayer) Prayer ministry teams, contemplative prayer group, Franciscan Tertiary and other Oblates of Religious Orders, cell group, Christian prayer ministries, spiritual advice. Outreach (Education: parish and deanery) Baptism and Confirmation preparation, marriage preparation, Lent and house groups, how to lead intercessions, how to do home communions, deanery adult education. Outreach (Education: schools) Bishops Visitor to schools, school assemblies, secondary school spirituality projects, school governors, pre-school story reader, North Lincs SACRE. Outreach (youth and community) ‘Anna’s fellowship’ – thought for the day, youth work, All-age worship, Cool Communion, Sea Cadets, Road-hog bus, Saturday clubs.

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Outreach (home mission and service) ‘New Horizons’ project, evangelism through baptism provision, adults with learning difficulties, hospital radio, emergency response minister – disaster support team, lives first responder, school and community-fresh ways of being church, Churches Together, Space 4U Counselling service (ecumenical counselling and listening centre), magazine editor, fresh expressions, the Gideons, craft and chatter, ministry of drama, words and colours. Outreach (in the workplace and through professional and public institutions) Mayor’s chaplain, magistrate, county and district councillors, hospital management trust, Christian presence at work through Lincoln Community sexual health service, Safetalk - suicide awareness through Lincs NHS, exploring faith at work, pastoral care in the workplace, ministry in workplace – mental health management (civil service), Centrepoint Boston, Citizen’s Advice, residents association, tenant liaison panel, liaison with police, Lincolnshire active citizenship programme. Outreach (and service through appointments) CRC Treasurer (ex officio national executive), Chair of CRC Website committee (ex officio national executive), General Synod representative, tutors and mentors for Lincoln School of Theology and Ministry. Chaplaincy Chaplain to students during ministerial initial training, residential homes for elderly, hospital teams, hospice, prisons, street pastorate, schools, the deaf, member of Diocesan Youth Team Future Aspirations (in licensed ministry)

Many of these aspirations are closely linked with aspects of outreach and ministry already taking place. Thus, aspirations for some have already been realised for others. This should encourage the aspiring and their churches and communities to discover that much more is possible and achievable than sometimes realised. There is a need to be bold and persistent, as well as engaging appropriate help and networks of support.

Aspirations (Testing Vocation) Considering permanent diaconate (5), considering priesthood (9), engaging professionally with ministry and discipleship training – lay or ordained, hospice chaplaincy, Aspirations (Educational) Baptism preparation, leading Bible study groups, developing searcher/seeker programmes and ’start’ courses, interpreting the Word of God in a secular setting, enabling a refurbished famous church to be a community and educational resource, reflective research and guided reading on the crisis in the church, take MA in spirituality, learn spiritual direction and the Ignatian method, help with development of Companion on the Way programme, environment issues, the development of a Loop Audit of centres for CME, the coming together of literature and science.

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Aspirations (collaborative ministry) Team development, role as team member and the differentiation of roles, role of Readers in extended chapter, a street pastor scheme, opportunities to engage in lay ministry training, the possibility of ministerial secondment, hospice chaplaincy, ministry to ex Servicemen’s organisations Aspirations (miscellaneous) Considering colour, art and the natural world in relation to prayer, community outreach, the church as a spiritual centre for the unchurched with spiritual needs, encouragement of youth led worship, developing ministry of presence, seriously addressing human sexuality debate within church, discipleship of those on the fringe, how to link requests for baptism coming from discussions in the workplace to collaboration with colleague’s parish priest, ministry through writing, the development of credit unions. Ministry Development Needs

There is significant overlap between the aspirational lists and the expression of development needs. Obviously, to fulfil aspirations it is necessary to provide ongoing programmes of and opportunities for ministry development. Therefore, the full list of Readers requests for ministry development has been kept under this category. Each Area might construct its own skills audit and topic list for local discussion and development.

Development of academic skills Theological degree level work (BA and MA), formal teaching skills, developing a ministerial library, the availability of book grants, courses on Old Testament for today, Jewish life and culture before and after Christ, and the coming of Christianity to the English people Development of ministry and worship skills A variety of preaching styles and skills, Powerpoint in preaching, resourcing baptism and confirmation preparation, ministry of healing, leading Bible Study groups and Bible study days, developing group work skills, the construction of Word services, singing Morning and Evening Prayer, using dance, rhythm and music in worship, Services for the unchurched, planning occasional and special services, courses on liturgy and communion by extension. Development of pastoral skills Counselling skills, ministry in residential homes, pastoral visiting, Christian listening, funeral and bereavement ministry, adults with learning difficulties. Development of leadership skills Team leadership skills, supporting parish lay ministers, training for interregnum/for being ‘the person’, mission-shaped ministry, Development of spiritual knowledge and practice Deepening personal spirituality, spiritual direction, guided spiritual reading and prayer reflection, Celtic spirituality, Ignatian prayer method, planning and leading quiet days, Development of school and youth skills School assembly (collective worship) and RE, Primary Assemblies – Collective worship resources, youth and children’s.

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Development of technical skills Hospital radio network and use of media, Christian publishing, computing and internet training, more website learning material Diocese or Readers websites, Offering to Contribute to the Deanery and Wider Church and Lead Courses for Others

No names are attached to the following offerings, but the list of those who provided the information is held by the Diocesan Warden from whom further guidance may be obtained as appropriate. Again Areas might construct their own skills audit as a basis for wider sharing and mutual development.

In Mission and outreach Alpha, evangelism, all-age worship, drama and ministry, ICT expertise, website design and development, being a Christian in the workplace, experience of strategic development in voluntary sector, interpreting the Word in a secular context, sports outreach, knowledge of farming community In Pastoral Support Hospital chaplaincy teamwork, counselling and listening, HANDLE (special needs therapy), Diocese funerals group, In Christian Education Tutor for School of Theology, leading the Bishop’s course - exploring our faith, teaching Deanery foundation course, moderator of Reader training, mentor for trainee Readers, training worship leaders, training lay ministers, tutor for local ministers, training street pastorate, preacher and mentor of preachers (evangelical) Writing study and exposition materials for Bible teaching, leading Advent and Lent courses, teaching skills with Primary children, marriage enrichment, children’s crafts, voice production for ministers and Readers, mentor for study skills to those in training , sharing knowledge of the world Church In Spiritual Guidance Spiritual direction, leading quiet days, training intercessors, working in a close, prayerful team, prayer through colour, dance, music and drama, Frustrations

Although, if taken altogether, this list of frustrations seems significant, in fact, many Readers listed no frustrations, and some were more frustrated with themselves than any external category. Frustration has diminished since 2005 and an element of frustration or dissatisfaction with institutions, practices and oneself might be seen as a healthy response potentially leading toward constructive change. The main area of concern is with those clergy and laity who still fail to understand the nature of collaborative ministry and the opportunities provided by it. Training in the understanding and practice of collaborative ministry is still highly recommended.

Frustrations: Institutional Church politics, Mission Area Planning Groups, Deanery Synod, PCC meetings, personality clashes, long standing disputes in congregation, endless meetings,

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inadequate preparation by Diocese/Deanery for loss of stipendiary priest, parish administration, lack of overall authority in benefice during long interregnum, no one willing to take over as Area secretary, Reader with PTO disappointed and offended not to be invited to Stow and Lindsey Archdeaconry Candlemas colloquiem, lack of consensus on where Readers fit in management structure of C of E, communion by extension not approved, unsatisfactory experience of ordination selection process. Frustrations: Cultural and communal Dormitory and short term life styles in Lincolnshire ‘rural estate’ parishes, ‘old habits die hard’, cultural norms and customs in village communities, working with small and financially challenged congregation in apathetic community, inability to respond to change in some small village churches. Frustrations: The local church Ageism and emphasis on money, lack of children and young people in church, wanting change when others do not, acceptance as a woman Reader, a perceived disconnect between faith and life by some members of congregation, simply clinging on faithfully in some villages during extended priestly ill health or vacancies. Frustrations: Worship Need to value services of the Word, few opportunities to lead an entire service, leading family type worship, discontinuation of all age worship, regular all age preaching limits depth of exploration, would welcome more opportunities to preach at main parish communion, engaging personally with larger congregations, not enough opportunities to take funerals, apparent indifference to preaching, few extra-parochial invitations, worship leaders taking whole services and preaching, BCP with small congregations. Frustrations: Clergy (incumbents) Poor communications and lack of teamwork with incumbent, lack of communication with colleagues, especially clergy. Lack of communication between self and incumbent, not used sufficiently. Frustrations: Laity Inability of some laity to understand complementary role of lay and shared ministry, not feeling part of the group. Frustrations: oneself Church, work, life balance, juggling time and space, work commitments limiting opportunities, need for discipline in personal prayer life and devotional reading, loss of confidence, family health issues, consequences of hearing impairment, ‘gasped’ when review procedure arrived. Readers as a Deanery and Diocesan resource Already a number of Readers are engaged in ministry outside the traditional parochial context, through formal and informal chaplaincy and through wide-ranging work and service in the community. Readers also act as tutors and mentors for ministers in training. Some engaged chiefly in parish ministry now find that the groupings of parishes in which they serve are so extensive as to prohibit them from serving elsewhere. However, a significant number of Readers in principle felt able to be available to the wider church, both in their deaneries, but also ecumenically. A small number of Readers would seriously consider secondment or redeployment, if this would prove helpful.

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Ecumenical: An Area Warden is a Methodist Superintendent minister, there is an annual study day for Readers and local Preachers, an annual conference day for Lincoln Readers Governing Body and Local Preachers Circuit secretaries. A small number of Readers hold dual appointment. More attention might be given as to how ministry, worship and mission might be shared by ministers of churches in Covenant with one another. Willing to assist other parishes Yes: 58+ (PTO 10) No: 9+ (PTO 1) Willing to assist ecumenically Yes: 5 (2LP) +(1 PTO) No: 3 Also numbered among Readers are a Bishop’s pastoral advisor, a member of the Diocese of Lincoln Human Resources committee, and a member of the Vocations Advisory Panel, as well as several members of the Diocesan Synod. Conclusion The overall impression gained from the Review documents is that of an impressive body of people carrying out good and faithful ministry, mostly in a quiet undemonstrative and often moving way. Lincoln Readers are people of prayer and reflection and it is interesting to note that a great many have requested the provision and availability of spiritual direction or companionship. One of the real achievements of the Review for many was the request to engage in discussion with an appropriate lay ‘friend’, who would help the Reader reflect on their ministry. The testimony of these friends or peers appears to be both honest and affirming, welcomed by the Readers. Many Readers have taken advantage of the available diocese-wide lifelong learning provision and some have engaged in their own self-directed study. There is less anxiety now about the development of other ministries, but a real desire for well thought out patterns of collaboration. All ministers increasingly realise that there will be significant overlaps between the calling and practice of all ordained and lay ministers, as well as an advancing understanding of Christian discipleship among all the baptised. The mission of the Church is dependant on it. Part of the vocation of Readers is to encourage a greater sense of lay discipleship and to pioneer theological reflection on what it means to be a lay Christian at work, at home and in the community. A Reader’s theological gifts and training are uniquely placed to help in this development and to enable the worship and fellowship of local churches and congregations to address and support the issues facing lay daily life. To be lay and a minister helps. A necessity for effective contemporary ministry is that Readers, incumbents and other ministers engage with each other more fruitfully in conversation and reflection. Most Readers now have a reviewable ministerial working agreement, a remarkable change from 2005, although it took some effort by a number of Readers to focus their incumbents to the task. It has been encouraging to hear from some incumbents that they felt personal benefit

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from engaging with their Readers in the review process, deepening the total ministry they are offering together. However, a number of incumbents have treated this as a purely technical and delegatory rather than reflective exercise. There are still too many examples of an unwillingness on the part of some incumbents to engage in real reflection with their Readers. Some concern has been expressed at the median age of Readers. It is likely that this will remain reasonably high, as the majority of students in training are recruited in middle age. After all, the average age of congregations, from which our readers are recruited must be considered. Again, there is much benefit from recruiting from among a significant cohort of those still mentally and physically active with much experience and knowledge of life, work and community, as well as years of spiritual reflection. Such people in middle-age, having brought up a family and perhaps reached a plateau in their working lives or taken early retirement, are often looking for new challenges and opportunities to serve God and the Church. However, consideration might be given to the possibility of exploring alternative ways of recruiting and training from a younger age group, in an age for young families where both parents are working demanding jobs and hours and facing the stress of high mortgage repayments. More still needs to be done through deanery and area planning to use readers gifts and experience for the benefit of the whole church. Similar exploration in regard to shared ministry and resources with other denominations in a Covenant relationship with us is recommended. Statistics The following statistics are based on the returns of 139 Readers, with the closing date for analysis being August 2010. Any returns received after the closing date have not been included in the statistical analysis. Currently there are 137 fully licensed Readers, 49 with PTO and 16 Readers Emeriti. At the time the Review documents were sent out, there were 144, but some Readers have subsequently left the diocese, resigned or been appointed emeritus. All but two of the licensed Readers eventually submitted returns. Those to be licensed in October 2010 are not included. Median Age with full license: 63 (minimum 44, maximum 70) Median Age with Permission To Officiate: 73 (min. 71, max. 86) It will be noticed that in 2005 there were 215 licensed Readers. There are now 137. Those with PTO have increased from 30 to 49. Some Readers have died, a number ordained, and others moved to other Dioceses. The overall decline in numbers is the result of the advancing age of all those involved in public ministry of the church. However, this is partly addressed by the radical increase in the numbers accepted for training. There are currently 63 in training, the majority of whom are called to be Readers.

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Reader Statistics 2009 Category I Full License I PTO Totals Total reviewed 123 30 153 Authorised for Funerals 54 16 70

48.6% 57.1% 50.4% Authorised for Communion by Extension 25 9 34

22.5% 32.1% 24.7% Services Led - own church, parish etc 1741 509 2250 Preachments - own church, parish etc 1637 342 1979 Other Services Led 324 58 382 of which Residential Homes 116 40 156

35.8% 69.0% 40.8% Other Preachments 214 88 302 of which Residential Homes 70 25 95

32.7% 28.4% 31.5% Funerals 353 151 504 Services Led At Other Churches 351 130 481 Preachments At Other Churches 363 156 519 Communion by Extension: Own Church 67 23 90 Other Church 56 48 104 Total Communions by Extension 123 71 194

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Distribution of Reader Responses by Deanery

Deanery Full Licence PTO Beltisloe 4 0 Bolingbroke 3 1 Calcewaite 3 0 Christianity 19 4 Corringham 4 1 Elloe E 2 1 ElloeW 7 2 Graffoe 7 2 Grantham 8 0 Grimsby 6 3 Haverstowe 1 1 Holland E 6 1 Holland W 2 0 Horncastle 8 0 Isle of Axholme 2 2 Lafford 8 2 Lawres 5 1 Louthesk 4 0 Loveden 1 0 Manlake 3 1 Saxilby 1 0 Stamford 1 1 West Wold 1 1 Yarborough 3 3 Other 2 1 Totals 111 28

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Readers' Activity Data - 2009

Responses Full License PTO Total

137 49 186 123 30 153

85.4% 63.8% 80.1% Full Licence

Services led in own Church/Parish/Benefice Morning Evening Services Family Services Home Services Communion 960 502 189 360


Preachments in own Church/Parish/Benefice Eucharist Morning Services Evening Services Family Services

618 643 405 196 1862


Services led in own Church/Parish/Benefice

Morning Evening Services Family Services Home Services Communion 211 109 25 190


Preachments in own Church/Parish/Benefice

Eucharist Morning Services Evening Services Family Services 98 114 128 27


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Full License

Deanery Total Funerals

Beltisloe 3 Bolingbroke 3 Calcewaite 37 Christianity 35 Corringham 40 Elloe E 45 ElloeW 16 Graffoe 16 Grantham 24 Grimsby 12 Haverstoe 3 Holland E 39 Holland W 0 Horncastle 37 Isle of Axholme 8 Lafford 28 Lawres 13 Louthesk 1 Loveden 2 Manlake 0 Saxilby 0 Stamford 0 West Wold 0 Yarborough 0 362

PTO License

Deanery Total Funerals

Bolingbroke 0 Christianity 0 Corringham 0 Elloe E 12 ElloeW 18 Graffoe 40 Grimsby 50 Haverstoe 5 Holland E 0 Isle of Axholme 2 Lafford 3 Lawres 7 Louthesk 2 Manlake 14 None 3 Stamford 3 West Wold 0 Yarborough 7 166

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Funerals - Full License

Last Name First Name Age 2010 Deanery Funerals

Own Church Other Church Crematorium Elsewhere

Lee Heather 63 Beltisloe 0 0 0 0 Mann Ken neth 67 Beltisloe 0 0 0 0 Page Derek 68 Beltisloe 0 0 0 0 Watson Judith 59 Beltisloe 2 0 1 0 Coates Jean 55 Bolingbroke 1 0 2 0 James David 68 Bolingbroke 0 0 0 0 McLaughlin Teresa 56 Bolingbroke 0 0 0 0 Allaway Linda 64 Calcewaite 6 0 20 0 Nisbet David 65 Calcewaite 0 0 0 0 Spinks Mary 65 Calcewaite 0 0 11 0 Albans David 52 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Beattie Pamela 49 Christianity 0 1 6 0 Brennan Susan 65 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Chastell John 67 Christianity 0 0 5 0 Coldbeck Kathleen 68 Christianity 1 1 5 1 Crosby Stephen 53 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Edwards Veronica 66 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Howell Jacqueline 53 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Howes Celia 65 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Jeffries Yvonne 45 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Jolliff Reuben 44 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Preston Ken 67 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Priestley Sue 65 Christianity 0 0 1 0 Silk Karin 52 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Stephenson Jan 64 Christianity 0 0 5 0 Wellman Barbara 65 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Wilson Jill 68 Christianity 4 1 4 0 Cooper Janice 57 Corringham 0 0 0 0 Cotton David 45 Corringham 4 0 5 0 Farron David 68 Corringham 1 2 8 0 Ritchie Susan 62 Corringham 12 0 6 0 Scott Eileen 67 Corringham 0 0 0 0 Whitehead Janet 64 Corringham 1 0 1 0 Beeton David Elloe E 2 0 1 5 Bishop Stephen 55 Elloe E 0 0 0 0 Dean Michaela 62 Elloe E 7 11 13 0 Male Maureen 58 Elloe E 3 0 3 0 Bacon Nigel 55 ElloeW 0 0 0 0 Bland Lesley 53 ElloeW 1 0 1 0 Brown Katharine 56 ElloeW 0 0 0 0 Garland Frances 62 ElloeW 0 0 0 0 Gorton Peter 63 ElloeW 2 2 4 0 Iszatt Janet 64 ElloeW 0 0 0 0 Pemberton Lesley 60 ElloeW 0 0 3 0 Pemberton Michael 61 ElloeW 2 0 1 0 Young Janet 62 ElloeW 0 0 0 0 Broughton Pamela 66 Graffoe 0 0 1 0

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Buck Sally 53 Graffoe 0 0 0 0 Clarke Frances 57 Graffoe 2 0 7 0 Dicken Nigel 58 Graffoe 1 0 2 0 Edwardes Sara 46 Graffoe 0 0 0 0 Hardy Margaret 66 Graffoe 0 0 0 0 Kendall Maureen 63 Graffoe 0 0 0 0 Trevelyan Elizabeth 67 Graffoe 0 0 2 0 Turner Michael 64 Graffoe 0 0 1 0 Ferguson Verity 47 Grantham 0 0 0 0 Finch Sheila 66 Grantham 8 3 7 0 Fountain Roger 62 Grantham 0 0 1 0 Kirwan Diane 64 Grantham 0 0 0 0 Potts Stephen 65 Grantham 0 0 0 0 Rogers Janet 65 Grantham 2 0 3 0 Stagg Brian 70 Grantham 0 0 0 0 Stagg Susan 66 Grantham 0 0 0 0 Waghorn Kate 52 Grantham 0 0 0 0 George Clive 63 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Hodson Malcolm 48 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Parrott Jacqueline 52 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Riley Sandy 47 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Vasey Janet 69 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Woolliss Pat 61 Grimsby 5 1 6 0 Barnes-Brown Nicholas 65 Haverstoe 1 0 2 0 Elob Andrew 53 Haverstoe 0 0 0 0 Elob Deborah 51 Haverstoe 0 0 0 0 Onn Kevin 61 Haverstoe 0 0 0 0 Andrews Nigel 62 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Davidson Annie 67 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Fleetcroft Martin 58 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Gilbert Angela 63 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Horle Susan 57 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Kendrew Janice 67 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Puttick Martin 54 Holland E 0 0 35 4 Lidget Carol 63 Holland W 0 0 0 0 Marshall John 57 Holland W 0 0 0 0 Brand Margaret 63 Horncastle 0 0 0 0 Done Roy 64 Horncastle 3 0 1 0 Jamieson Trudy 62 Horncastle 0 0 0 0 Jeffrey Harry 63 Horncastle 5 0 1 0 Mullenger Sheila 68 Horncastle 0 1 0 4 Richardson Alan 63 Horncastle 0 0 0 0 Smithson Sally 68 Horncastle 12 0 9 0 Weeks Janet 65 Horncastle 0 0 1 0 Butler Kay 61 Isle of Axholr 0 0 0 0 Wheeler Rosemary 67 Isle of Axholr 1 1 4 2 Clark Haydn 58 Lafford 0 1 1 0 Drayton Elizabeth 54 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Hitchcock David 65 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Panting Nigel 63 Lafford 4 4 3 0 Robertson Jane 52 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Samuel Judith 59 Lafford 5 0 6 0 Smith Naomi 64 Lafford 2 0 2 0 Toyne Margaret 68 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Woods Veronica 66 Lafford 0 0 0 0

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Cumberland Curtis Hepburn Hepburn Thornton

Rosemary Lyn Julia Neill Richard

64 61 49 51 69

Lawres Lawres Lawres Lawres Lawres

0 3 0 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

3 3 2 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

Turnball Sally 55 Lawres 0 0 0 0 Douglass Jean 67 Louthesk 0 0 0 0 Hill Paul 64 Louthesk 0 0 0 0 Margarson David 47 Louthesk 0 0 0 0 Partridge Ronnie 69 Louthesk 0 1 0 0 Wall Robert 65 Loveden 1 0 1 0 Piatt Lance 59 Manlake 0 0 0 0 Savage Timothy 58 Manlake 0 0 0 0 Sully Christine 67 Saxilby 0 0 0 0 Shaw Robert 59 Stamford 0 0 0 0 Ward-Barrow Rowena 55 Various 0 0 0 0 Healy Sutton

Catherine Terence

62 66

West Wold West Wold

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Good Nigel 55 Yarborough 0 0 0 0 Jackson Rosemary 69 Yarborough 0 0 0 0 Simpson Keith 54 Yarborough 0 0 0 0

Totals 104 32 210 16

Median Age 63 362 Max 70 Min 44

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Funerals - PTO

Last Name First Name Age 2010 Deanery Funerals

Own Church I Other Church I Crematorium I Elsewhere Richardson Frank 86 Bolingbroke 0 0 0 0 Atkinson Roger 72 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Butcher Beryl 77 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Davies John 71 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Ford Clara 73 Christianity 0 0 0 0 Grieve Margaret 72 Corringham 0 0 0 0 Male Arthur 73 Elloe E 7 1 4 0 Pringle Jim 75 Elloe W 0 0 0 0 Sizer David 71 Elloe W 0 10 8 0 Denman Diana 76 Graffoe 2 0 36 0 Poole Eric 73 Graffoe 2 0 0 0 Pearson Allan 80 Grimsby 0 0 0 0 Richardson Ken 75 Grimsby 4 5 22 5 Roberts Jennifer 76 Grimsby 4 0 10 0 Hammond Natalie 72 Haverstoe 4 0 1 0 Smith Albert 84 Holland E 0 0 0 0 Cooper Helen 73 Isle of Axholme 1 0 1 0 Heath June 72 Isle of Axholme 0 0 0 0 Pope Bernard 76 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Toyne John 80 Lafford 0 0 0 0 Wayman Audrey 74 Lafford 1 0 2 0 Hay Ann 74 Lawres 1 2 4 0 Wright Barbara 73 Louthesk 1 0 0 1 Batt Lindon 73 Manlake 3 0 11 0 Beckers John 82 None 0 0 3 0 Ki rkwood William 85 Stamford 2 0 1 0 Bunch Cynthia 73 West Wold 0 0 0 0 Large Peter 72 Yarborough 0 0 0 0 Liles Ann 72 Yarborough 5 0 2 0 Proud Jean 72 Yarborough 0 0 0 0

Page 19: The Quinquennial Report on Reader Ministry in the Diocese ... · Kenya, Tirunelveli link, and Southern Sudan. Prayer ministry teams, contemplative prayer group, Franciscan Tertiary

Other Services - Full License

Service Led Preached

(1) All Souls 4 0 Animals/Pets 3 2 Baptism 1 0 Carol Services 25 8 Christingle 15 10 Community Services 2 0 Compline 56 2 Crib Services 18 12 Deaf Church 0 3 Ecumenical Services 9 3 Good Friday Services 12 5 Harvest Festivals 12 10 Healing Services 33 7 Marriage Thanksgiving 2 0 Maundy Thursday Services 1 1 Other (1) 48 40 Remembrance Day Services 13 6 School Services (2) 11 12 Services in Hospital Chapel 0 3 Services in Residential Homes (3) 155 68 Songs of Praise 1 1 Taize Workshop 7 1 Thanksgiving for Birth of Child 1 Toddler Groups 5 5 Totals 434 197

Other Services - PtO

Service Led Preached

(1) All Souls 1 1 Animals/Pets 1 0 Carol Services 3 1 Christingle 3 2 Crib 2 2 Harvest Services 3 0 Maundy Thursday Services 1 0 Other (2) 9 14 Remembrance Day Services 3 0 School Services (3) 2 19 Services in Residential Homes (4) 43 25 Totals 71 64

Notes 1. Includes homilies, meditations, stories etc. 2. Includes services for the MU, Rogationtide, Football Outreach, Youth etc. 3. Excluding special services fro Christmas and Easter 4. Residential Homes includes Sheltered housing