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1 The Presbyterian Church in Leonia ORGANIZED 1899 AN INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY OF FAITH March 11, 2018 GOD IS CALLING US TO LET OUR LIGHT SHINE BEFORE OTHERS, SO THAT THEY MAY SEE AND GLORIFY GOD. Matthew 5:16 The Rev. Dr. Leah Fowler, Pastor, Renée Guerrero Harris, Organist/Choir Director

The Presbyterian Church in · In success and failure, in sickness and health, in mediocrity and the extraordinary.

Oct 15, 2020



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Page 1: The Presbyterian Church in · In success and failure, in sickness and health, in mediocrity and the extraordinary.


The Presbyterian Church in Leonia ORGANIZED 1899 AN INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY OF FAITH

March 11, 2018


The Rev. Dr. Leah Fowler, Pastor, Renée Guerrero Harris, Organist/Choir Director

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4th Sunday in Lent 11th March 2018 10:30 a.m.

Preparing for Worship

Please silence cell phones. An asterisk (*) in the bulletin means please stand if you are able. Speak in unison at the bold face areas. Newer English speaker? English copies of the sermon are available from the ushers to help you follow along. LARGE-TYPE editions of the Hymnal are available from the ushers, as well as Chinese/English, Spanish/English, Korean/English and Japanese/English Bibles. You may share joys and concerns to be shared during the Prayers of the People by filling out a blue prayer card and leaving it in the offering plate. Nursery care is available in the room adjacent to the rear hallway. Children ages kindergarten-4th grade remain in worship through the children’s sermon, after which they then may go to the activity period or stay in worship. Sunday School and Adult Classes meet from 9:30 to 10:15 am. GATHERING MUSIC INTROIT “The Cry of the Poor” Refrain The Lord hears the cry of the poor. Blessed be the Lord. Let the lowly hear and be glad: the Lord listens to their pleas; and to hearts broken God is near, who will hear the cry of the poor. (refrain) Ev'ry spirit crushed God will save; will be ransom for their lives; will be safe shelter for their fears, and will hear the cry of the poor. GREETING Rev. Dr. Leah Fowler

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Gathering as God’s People

*CALL TO WORSHIP For God so loved the world; The sparrows, the mountain lions, the fish and the people. For God so loved the world; In success and failure, in sickness and health, in mediocrity and the extraordinary. For God so loved the world; Enough to become one of us, enough to suffer along with us, enough to offer new life for us. For God so loved the world; Let us worship God! *INVOCATION *OPENING HYMN #667 “When Morning Gilds the Skies” CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION O God of Comfort and God of Challenge, we come to you this morning the way the Israelites did, full of complaints and dissatisfaction. Nothing is enough; we do not recognize your blessing at work in our day to day lives. Forgive us when we become so comfortable that we moan and groan about the most insignificant details of our lives. In our complaints, challenge us as you did the Israelites, to consider the bigger picture of oppression, injustice, and inequality around us. Forgive us when we close our eyes for fear of what you might show us; keep sending loving and compassionate leaders to open our eyes until we see what you see in our world.

(Moment of Silence)

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ASSURANCE OF PARDON *SUNG RESPONSE #137 “He Came Down” verse 1 Cameroon

Passing of the Peace

Listening for God’s Word to Us

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION God of all Wisdom and Glory, grace us today with the presence of your Spirit that we might hear today's word with understanding and imagination. This we pray in your holy and good name. Amen.

A READING FROM THE TORAH: Numbers 21:4-9 (page 139 or page 174) A READING FROM THE GOSPELS: John 3:14-21 (page 94 or page 114) The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. CHILDREN’S SERMON HYMN “Within Our Darkest Night” (sing in English then in French)

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SERMON “Garden Snakes” Rev. Dr. Leah Fowler

Responding to God’s Word

*HYMN #65 “Guide Me O, Thou Great Jehovah” MINUTE FOR MISSION: One Great Hour of Sharing: Julie Taylor, National Farm Worker Ministry THE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Flowers today are given by Susan & Pete Shanno to wish Happy Birthday to our two favorite girls, Lily and Lisa, with love from Mom & Dad aka Grandma and Pop Pop. SHARING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Anthem: “Safe Within Your Arms” (M. Hayes) Whether I'm right, or whether I'm wrong, whether I'm weak, or whether I'm strong, whether I'm sure, or maybe confused, feeling loved or feeling used. I know a place where I can go, somewhere that winter winds don't blow. There I am warmed by loving arms, held with care, next to Your heart. refrain And I'm safe within Your arms, Lord. I've become a child again. I've come back to the source of love; where healing can begin. Though the world would say I must be strong, and prove my worth by what I do, I will rest assured in Your embrace and find my strength in You. Whether I'm walking in the lights, or whether I'm stumbling through the night, You are a God whose promise endures. Your love is deep, Your love is sure. When I am tempted to pursue plans that my lead me far away from You, gently You call, "My child, come home. I will never let go of one of my own." Refrain

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*DOXOLOGY Old Hundredth Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all people here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost! Amen.

PRAYER OF DEDICATION (from the United Farm Worker Movement) Show me the suffering of the most miserable, so I may know my people’s plight. Free me to pray for others, for you are present in every person. Help me to take responsibility for my own life, so that I can be free at last. Grant me courage to serve others, for in service there is true life. Give me honesty and patience, so that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration, so that the Spirit will be alive among us. Let the Spirit flourish and grow, so that we will never tire of the struggle. Let us remember those who have died for justice, for they have given us life. Help us love even those who hate us, so we can change the world. Amen.

THE SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to God most high. It is right to give God thanks and praise. …We praise you for Jesus Christ, eternal as your love, our bond to one another. We rejoice with all your people of every time and place, and with angels and archangels, to proclaim the glory of your name:

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Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer [You are welcome to say the Lord's Prayer (and any prayers) in your mother tongue.] Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever, Amen.

In sharing this meal, we live out the mystery of our faith: Christ has died Christ has risen. Christ will come again.

Breaking the Bread, Pouring the Cup

The body of Christ, the bread of life. The lifeblood of Christ, the cup of blessing. The gifts of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God!

Communion is shared by intinction today; as directed by the ushers, you may walk down the center aisle and take a piece of bread, and dip it in the cup, and then return by the side aisles. Communion servers will serve in the pews if needed; please notify an usher.

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Communion Hymn #525 “Let Us Break Bread Together”

Prayer after Communion We give thanks, loving God, that you have refreshed us at Christ’s table. Strengthen our faith; increase our love for one another. As we have been fed by the seed that became grain, and then became bread, may we go out into the world to plant seeds of justice, transformation, and hope. Amen.

Going Forth in Dedication and Service

*HYMN #203 “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” *THE CHARGE and BENEDICTION For God so loves the world; The sparrows, the mountain lions, the serpents, and the people. For God so loves the world; In success and failure, in sickness and health, in mediocrity and extraordinariness. For God so loves the world; Sharing breath with us, sharing tears with us, sharing joy with us. For God so loves the world. May we so love.

Our liturgist, Jonathan Philips, and our reader, Cynthia Callahan, are helping lead our worship this morning. The call to worship is by Katherine Hawker; communion liturgy is by Alydia Smith. The art on the bulletin is a picture of The Memorial of Moses or Brazen Serpent Monument at Siyagha, Mount Nebo, in Jordan and was created by Italian artist Giovanni Fantoni. USHERS: Judith Nyirongo, Karen Peters, Jack Peters COUNTERS: Hyung Shim, Jonathan Phillips NURSERY: Laura Gonzalez GREETER: Linda McGarry FLOWERS: Susan Shanno

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We welcome all visitors in the name of Jesus Christ. We invite you to sign the guest register in the entry room and to join us for coffee in the entry room following the service. Readings for Sunday, March 18, 2018 Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalms 51:1-12 or Psalms 119:9-16 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33 USHERS March 18: Gretchen Harders, Lisa VanDeWeert, Jennifer Watson March 25: Roberta Toolen, Fara Razavy, Wanangua Nyirongo April 1: Hyung Shim, Jeff Im, Kristen Richter COUNTERS March 18: Anne Stebbins, Pete Shanno March 25:Diane Borer, David Voreacos April 1: Olivia Taylor, Fumio Ito April 8: Hyung Shim, Jonathan Philips SECOND READERS March 18: Vicky Li March 25: Venge Nyirongo April 1: Pete Shanno April 8: Keyla Garcia NURSERY March 18: Kristen Richter March 25: Keyla Garcia April 8: Linda McGarry

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK After Worship Today Fourth Sunday in Lent

11:30 a.m. Second Hour Soup and Conversation with Julie Taylor, National Farm Worker Ministry

Monday, 3/12/18 9:30 a.m. ESL Family Class 10:30 a.m. ESL Class 7:00 p.m. ESL Class Tuesday, 3/13/18 10:00 a.m. ESL Class (2) 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting

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Wednesday 3/14/2018 10:45 a.m. Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon Meeting Thursday, 3/15/2018 10:00 a.m. ESL Class (2) 1:00 p.m. ESL Class 3:00 p.m. Japanese Children’s Workshop 7:00 p.m. Bottles & Badges 7:30 p.m. Endowment Meeting Friday, 3/16/18 Confirmation Camp Weekend Saturday 3/17/18 4:30 p.m. Harmony Basket Piano Recital Next Sunday 3/18/2018 Fifth Sunday in Lent 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:45 a.m. ESL Bible Study 3:00 p.m. Japanese Language Service


WELCOME JULIE TAYLOR! Julie Taylor, who is giving the Minute for Mission today and is also giving a talk with lunch after worship, is the Executive Director of the National Farm Worker Ministry, a faith-based organization dedicated to justice for and empowerment of farm workers. Before that she worked for United Methodist Women as their Child and Family Advocate, working on child labor, farm worker justice, domestic violence, public education advocacy and issues of reproductive justice. She grew up on a small family farm in Alabama and spent nine years as a hunger education/advocacy director for the Society of St. Andrew, another faith-based organization dedicated to eliminating hunger through gleaning. She says, “Somehow my life has always been connected to farming and food.”

EASTER FLOWERS Help us decorate the church sanctuary for Easter by ordering flowers. The cost is $20 for lilies and $12 for bulb plants, which could be hyacinths, tulips or daffodils. Please fill out a flyer or call the church office (201-944-1358) no later than Friday, March 23. Checks should be made out to the Presbyterian Church in Leonia and designated for “Easter Flowers.” Please let us know to whom you would like them dedicated and if you wish to pick up your plants or distribute to homebound friends. Flyers are included in today’s bulletin for your convenience.

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LENTEN SERVICE OF RITUAL & PRAYER FOR SURVIVORS OF RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE. If you have ever experienced abuse, from a family member, dating or marriage partner, or other acquaintance, or if you would like to support people who had had such experiences, please come to this service of prayer. We will together invite God to bring healing and empowerment, knowing that Jesus is also no stranger to violence and knows our pain. This service is open to the community and will be held on Tuesday, March 20 at 8:00 p.m.


The non-profit group Sandy Hook Promise seeks to reduce gun violence by two means: 1) enact smart gun legislation to prevent purchase of firearms by those who may be inclined to do harm and 2) Education through their “Know the Signs” program, which helps people in the community to recognize red flags that could indicate harmful and violent behavior, whether in direct violence to a community or in

suicide risk. Check out their website to download the “Know the Signs” document; you will be asked to fill out a brief survey about gun violence, and then receive an email link to the document download (and they don’t spam you!).

Moms Demand Action is one of the best-organized groups working on gun violence prevention through legislation. To volunteer with them, text 'VOLUNTEER' to 644-33 to join our Gun Sense Action Network (GSAN) which reaches out across the country on national and local priorities in key states where calls are most needed.

If you would like to be part of a Leonia bus going to march on Washington,

DC, Judah Ziegler will be coordinating seats. You may email him (soon- they are filling up) to reserve a seat: [email protected].

CHURCH OFFICE: 201-944-1358 181 Fort Lee Road, Leonia, NJ 07605 Web Site

The Rev. Dr. Leah Fowler, [email protected] Office Administrator, Patricia Major, [email protected]