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The PowerHowse Challenge Free Giveaway - Chad Howse...the PowerHowse Challenge Program in the first Phase. Build up a stronger base, then progress through the program. Keep taking

Jan 16, 2020



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Page 1: The PowerHowse Challenge Free Giveaway - Chad Howse...the PowerHowse Challenge Program in the first Phase. Build up a stronger base, then progress through the program. Keep taking
Page 2: The PowerHowse Challenge Free Giveaway - Chad Howse...the PowerHowse Challenge Program in the first Phase. Build up a stronger base, then progress through the program. Keep taking

What is the PowerHowse Challenge?

The PowerHowse Challenge… Whenever I’ve struggled at anything in life – whether that be gaining lean muscle when I was a skinny, unconfident dork, or starting my own business when I had no entrepreneurial experience whatsoever – I have always had more success when I was being challenged. And I’m guessing that you’re the same… This challenge is here to give you what I was lacking. Even though I have always been a motivated guy, I really didn’t know what I was doing, or where I was with my level of fitness or even with my business and in life. This ebook is packed with training, nutrition, and lifestyle guidelines and tips that will help take you to that next level and build the body – and the life – that you should be living. The info in this ebook helped me gain 7 pounds of ripped muscle in only 21 days. It can help you do the same, but it’ll also give you a starting point.

The challenge let’s you know where you are, and the program will give you what you have to do to get where you want to be.

Everything in here has helped me, and others rise up and grab life by the balls. Life isn’t something that should intimidate you. This challenge is here to help you be who you want, do what you want, and live the life you want. This is the PowerHowse Challenge… Do You Have What It Takes? - Chad

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the PowerHowse Challenge Program

Do you want to build RIPPED, POWERFUL Muscle? It’s actually easier than you think. In this video, I’ll show you how. It’s the actual solution that helped me gain 32 Pounds of Lean, Athletic Muscle in 32 Weeks. And more recently put on 7 Pounds in 21 Days. It has helped countless other’s build the body of their dreams as well. Like I said earlier, I didn’t always know what I was doing. I trained for 7 years before I was ever able to put on any lean muscle mass. If I didn’t stumble upon this solution, I’d still be the unconfident, skinny dork that I was 7 years ago. If you’re struggling, trying in vain to build your ideal body. This video WILL show you exactly what you need to be doing in the gym, and in the kitchen to get there. Oh ya, and it’s a hell of a lot easier than you think – trust me! Have a look at this video. I go into specific steps about the secrets in this muscle-building solution that helped me gain all of that lean muscle mass. I also give you steps that you can take, starting today, that’ll help you completely transform your body.

The PowerHowse Challenge Video And now, the PowerHowse Challenge…

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The PowerHowse Challenge Alright, let’s get right into it. The PHC is right below. If you’re a beginner and haven’t spent all that much time in the gym, I also have a beginner’s challenge there for you. Beginner or advanced, I highly recommend looking at the video for the program above. Each of the exercises below are basic exercises that you should be able to do, and do well. They’re chosen because they’re going to give you an idea of how strong you really are with movements that are found both in everyday life and in sports. But they’re also exercises that you need to be doing to build lean muscle mass. The challenge itself is tough as hell. It’s as much a mental test as it is a physical one. Can you keep going when all you want to do is fail? What to do: Complete each exercise for the weight and rep count provided. If it says bodyweight for the bench press for example, put as close to your body weight on the bar as you can. I’m weighing just over 187 lbs, so I’ll probably put 190 lbs on there, or just stick with 185 depending on where I’m at in the morning of the day that I do the challenge. It’s not a huge deal, you just want to get as close as you can. Complete as many repetitions in 60 seconds as you can. Rest for 15 seconds. Then move on to the next exercise. Your total rep count – that is the amount of reps you complete for each and every exercise within that 60 second period – is your score. If you have to rest within that 60-second period – which is likely – don’t move on to the next exercise. You have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as you can, that’s including any breaks you take.

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The Challenge Do As Many Reps as Possible in 60 Seconds for Each Exercise

1. Bench Squat 1.2x bodyweight - rest 15 sec – 2. Chin-ups

- rest 15 sec – 3. Bench Press 1x bodyweight

- rest 15 sec 4. Military Press .75x bodyweight

- rest 15 sec – 5. Deadlift 1x bodyweight

The weight must go past your kneecaps on the way up.

Total Reps: ______________

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Alternative: Beginner’s Challenge

Do As Many Reps as Possible in 60 Seconds for Each Exercise

1. Push-ups - Rest 15 Seconds -

2. Inverted Row - Rest 15 Seconds -

3. Squat – bodyweight - Rest 15 Seconds -

4. Box Jumps – 12-inch box - Rest 15 Seconds -

5. Military Press .25x bodyweight

Total Reps: ______________

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Scoring: Where do I stand & How do I improve?

Score: 250> = Hercules You’re the cream of the crop. The Alpha Male. The head honcho. Start the PowerHowse Challenge at Phase 3. Push that score to new heights, and get your body looking like you never though possible. Phase 3 is for the elite. It’s a 12-week program that’ll kick your ass and take your body to places you never thought possible. Take Action Today! Score: 250< = Achilles You’re in awesome shape, congratulations! But there’s still room to grow. There’s always room to grow. You could start the PHC Program at Phase 3, and see your score rise. But from an aesthetics point of view, if you still feel like you have room to grow in that realm, start with Phase 2. You’ll build a ton of athletic muscle, and Phase 3 will take your score to a whole other level! Score: 200< = Gladiator You’re close to that top level, but not quite there. I’d start in Phase 2 of the PHC Program just like the Achilles class above you. You’re falling just short, which means you need to work on strength and muscular endurance. The second Phase of the PHC Program will help you with that, then the Third Phase will kick your score to a new height. Score: 150< = Braveheart

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Good, but not great. William Wallace was a warrior, so you should be proud of your score, but there’s still plenty of room to improve. Start the PowerHowse Challenge Program in the first Phase. Build up a stronger base, then progress through the program. Keep taking the challenge after every Phase to see your improvements. Score: 100< = Average Joe You’re in shape, but no more than the next guy. Is this what you want out of life, to be an average Joe? Are you satisfied? Start the PHC Program today! I’ll be there to help you along the way. The First Phase is a great platform to build a base. As you progress through the different Phases you’ll see your score increase dramatically, and your body will transform before your eyes. Score: 50< = Pee Wee Herman You need work! You need the PHC Program. Phase 1 has a lot of bodyweight exercises, along with a rep and set scheme that will help you transform your body from a performance and an aesthetics perspective. Ask yourself: do I want to be below an average Joe – or do I want to be great? Do I want to be a LEGEND like Achilles or Hercules. Take Action Now!

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The Exercises

Bench Squat Using a bench as the end-point of your squat, lightly touch your gluts to the bench. A rep doesn’t count unless you’ve reached the end-point and touched the bench. If you’re taller, use a taller bench. You want to be hitting the 90 degree mark. Chin-ups Make sure you get full extension. Don’t cheat on any of the exercises. Stop slightly before your arms are fully extended. A rep only counts if you complete a chin-up using a full range of motion. Bench Press Position your hands shoulder width apart, making sure that the bar touches your chest in each rep. Military Press (Push Press) Your legs can be activated, but the bar must go below your chin on each rep, and your arms must fully extend with each rep as well to be counted. Deadlift The weight must go above your knee caps to be counted. That’s technically not a full rep, but it’s a great way to keep people honest. Make sure you’re using good form while completing this exercise and all others as well.

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Beginner’s Challenge Push-ups Your chest must come within one inch of the ground, and arms must be extended for a rep to count. Inverted Row Set a bar on a rack just over your arm length in height. This exercise is basically a chin-up but on a different angle. Facing the bar on your back, pull up (legs slightly bent, heels on the ground) until your chest touches the bar. A rep only counts if your chest touches the bar. Squat You must hit the 90 degree mark for the rep to count in the squat. Box Jumps Start on a 24-inch box or bench that is the nearest height. Drop down, spending as little time on the ground as possible, then jump back up. That’s one rep. If you have any questions comment on the page, or email me at [email protected]

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The Madness Behind the Method

Every guy wants an awesome body. We want to look good. Feel healthy and perform amazing. It’s all about being as best as you can possibly be. But the fact is, not all of us really know how to get there. We follow people who we shouldn’t be following. We train, eat, and sleep in ways that we shouldn’t be doing. I was there. I thought I was headed in the right direction with my training. But I was really the furthest thing from it. That’s what this challenge is here for. It’ll test you in ways that you haven’t been tested. And the program will help you build this ideal body using techniques that you didn’t even know existed. The PHC can be as much about your ability to endure pain, as it is about your strength. If you’re already pretty strong, then you should get a good score. But a lot of us won’t because although we’re strong, we aren’t in great shape, or our workouts haven’t done a good job of conditioning our mind and body to push through the pain. Instead, we’re used to resting for a few minutes after failure. Our muscles need time to recover. It’s not your fault by any means; it’s just that the conventional program doesn’t push your body to go through a challenge like this.

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What does a good score mean?

The better you feel about yourself physically, the more confident you are. You’re also going to have more energy, and be more likely to try new things, to grab life by the horns and live a legendary life. These exercises were chosen for a reason. They’re the basis for building an ideal body – aesthetically, and with regards to performance. We want broad shoulders that taper into a thing waste. You probably don’t want to be as massive as a bodybuilder – neither do I – but being able to perform these exercises will help you build the body you have been seeking for so long. Take the challenge. See where you stand.

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5 Simple and Fast Steps to Build

Your Ideal Body 1. Know what you’re doing before you do it. Simply put, find an awesome program. You need to know what you’re doing in the gym before you head in there. Don’t leave it ‘til you actually start training to figure out what your exercises, reps, and sets are going to be. This isn’t the time to be guessing. The goal of your training should be to work as hard as possible, for a relatively short time. When you get into workouts that are over 60 minutes, our cortisol levels rise. Cortisol is a hormone that is involved in our fight or flight response and actually burns muscle and bone in an effort to give our organs more energy. 2. Lift no more than 4 days a week. One huge mistake I was making while I was still skinny, was that I trained like a bodybuilder: 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hours each session. There are a few things wrong with this.

- They’re professional. They dedicate all of their time to training. They train, eat, and sleep. We have lives and have no desire to be completely consumed training. Wouldn’t you rather train less, see the same – if no better – results, and have more time to do the other things you want to be doing?

- They’re freaks. These guys are the mesomorph’s of mesomorph’s. They have an insanely easy time building muscle mass. Whereas guys like us find it a bit more difficult. We need more recovery time, higher intensity in our training because we want lean muscle and not just mass, and we need better nutrition.

- We’re also not taking dangerous drugs. If you are, more power to you. I actually don’t really care, it’s just not something that I’m

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going to do. Either way, we’re not trying to be as massive as they are, and believe it or not, we shouldn’t be training like they do. If you don’t want soft, rounded muscle, don’t bulk. There’s a different way to do things that works even better. Trust me.

- Bodybuilding is all about mass. I wanted lean mass, and athletic muscle. So when I trained like a bodybuilder, not only was I not building the body I wanted from a looks standpoint, but also from performance standpoint as well.

3. Have an active lifestyle. If you want to have lean gains, or build that body that has lean, athletic-looking muscle. Then have an active lifestyle. I don’t talk about this all that much, but I think it’s important. If you’re after simply building rounded and soft muscle mass, then lift, eat and sleep. But if you want a 6-pack and a V-Shaped torso, then get out and have some fun. Play sports on the weekend. Go for a jog from time to time just for pure enjoyment, not necessarily for performance or fat loss. Go for a bike ride on a sunny day, or play pick-up basketball with your friends. I head to the boxing gym once or twice a week because I love to get some sparring in. Always be on the move. Don’t run your body into the ground, but don’t sit on your ass either. 4. Pain is a good thing. I’m talking about in the gym, and more notably, lifting to failure. You want to be putting your muscles through that burning pain that occurs at failure. Those are the most important reps. You need to be working hard when you’re training if you want to build this body. Do each exercise one rep at a time. Really focus on that one rep, then on the next, and so forth. Make each rep the highest quality you can possibly make it, and make sure you’re doing to true failure and not stopping short like we normally do. Those reps are where most of the muscle damage is going to occur, which you then repair with proper nutrition and rest. That’s where

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you’re building muscle. If you’re not lifting to failure, you’re selling yourself short and you won’t build your ideal body. Why not get the best if it’s a possibility? 5. Eat the right foods at the right time. Want to increase your testosterone levels in a safe and healthy manner? Eat fats before you go to bed. Have a few walnuts and 3 hardboiled eggs. The way our bodies process fats actually increases testosterone levels. Want to build muscle without contributing to your waste-line? (This is Important!) Spike your insulin levels during your workout with a high-sugar (fast carbs) drink like a Gatorade or another carb-mix. Add some protein powder to the drink as well. Have a meal that is high in protein, low in fat, and high in slow carbohydrates. Due to the spiked insulin levels, your body is able to absorb more than normal. Give your body the things that it needs to absorb, and neglect what it doesn’t need. Protein is very important for repairing muscles, so make sure you have ample amounts of protein before, during, and after your workout. Also, pack your meals with slow carbohydrates. Two great sources are oatmeal and brown rice. Make sure that your meals have a ton of vegetables as well. If you want to recover fast, and build a healthy body, you need to be providing your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover.

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Building the Perfect Body What does the perfect body look like? Wouldn’t it be the body that is the most pleasing to the most women? Makes sense… so that’s where we’ll focus. The first thing a woman is going to notice about a guy is his frame. The ideal frame would be a V-shaped torso. That is: broad shoulders that taper into a thing waste. The waste then tapers out to thicker quads – thus forming an X-shaped physique. Then there are the details: the abs, the chest, the arms, and the muscle that exists without going overboard. The perfect body is also lean, but it actually isn’t too lean. A skinny physique is by no means ideal when it comes to attracting the opposite sex, trust me! I’ve been there and it’s useless. A pro bodybuilder also doesn’t have the ideal physique from an aesthetic or performance standpoint. They’re just too far on that end of the spectrum. Girls don’t like that much muscle, or that much vascularity. What does the perfect body perform like? Performance is key if you’re going to construct the perfect body. A body that just looks good but can’t do a whole lot else isn’t perfect. It has holes. The perfect body is all-around athletic. It can lift heavy weights, but it can also lift for endurance. It has power, speed, and it can last. It isn’t one and done. The perfect body isn’t insanely good at one thing, but rather awesome at everything. If you have the perfect body you can protect

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your girl from danger and keep her safe. You go above and beyond what the average Joe can do. Thus, making you pretty damn awesome.

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Becoming a Healthier Person Now we’re talking long-term. Today’s society is absolutely packed with preventable diseases and illnesses. Instead of having a preventative mentality, we wait for things to get so bad that we either kick the bucket, or we wake the fuck up and do something about it. But you’re smarter than this. For one, you’re reading this blog post, so you’re awesome. You know that working out isn’t all about looking amazing. Yes, it’s the sexiness that sells, but the real benefits are the extra years you’re adding to your life. And not only the extra years, but also the quality years you get from being in kick-ass shape. You’re going to be a more active Dad, but also a Dad who’s going to be around longer, able to protect, provide, and have fun with his family. That’s the kicker: The perfect body is healthy. It’s active. It looks freaking awesome, performs amazing, and lives a long, and productive life. Cool, so how the hell do we build this thing? 1. Challenge yourself You need to push yourself a little harder than the next guy. Your time in the gym, or wherever you train, is sacred. It’s set aside for work, to clear your mind, and to build a badass body. Challenge yourself to work harder. You’re going to love the results. 2. Why are you doing this? An athlete trains harder than the average Joe because he has more on the line. His body and how it performs is directly linked to his success. The greater his body is condition, the more money he is likely to make, and the more success he is likely to have. The thing is, I’d argue that our success is directly linked to how well

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our bodies look and perform as well. Agree? Speaking from personal experience, when I’m looking my best, and in my best shape, I sleep better, I have more energy to work harder – and play harder – and I’m more confident. Walk into the gym like your success is directly linked to how good you look and how well your perform. Because guess what? It is. 3. Rest like a pro If you’re going to push your bodies limits and work your arse off in the gym, you’re going to have to recover like you mean it. If you don’t, say goodbye to the benefits you should see from your training. Our bodies need recovery, especially when we’re training like madmen. Lift a maximum of 3-4 days a week. Feel free to be active the rest of those days of course, but have at least 1-2 days of complete rest scheduled into your routine.

You won’t add muscle if you’re not allowing your body to recover.

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The Mystery That Is Cardio.

What the Hell Should I Be Doing?

Whether you’re trying to gain lean muscle mass, or lose fat, there remains one constant: you don’t want to be fat. Simple.

There are so many theories out there when it comes to cardio that it can get pretty confusing and frustrating as to what to follow. I know I’ve been there, wandering around aimlessly, not gaining a pound or losing fat, wondering what the hell I should be doing as far as cardio.

So, I change what I was doing and I never stuck to one thing. As a result, I never got what I wanted out of a routine. That is, until I found the PHC.

Here are a few things to consider with regards to cardio:

1. Short, intense bursts, like sprints, result in the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). A powerful hormone that helps build, and maintain muscle, as well as aids in fat loss.

2. Cardio that goes too long can result in the release of Cortisol, a stress hormone that actually burns muscle and bone. The goal of cardio should be to burn fat an maintain muscle. That being said, a long, slower run can be a great mix-up to Interval Training.

Also, longer runs are great for your lungs and definitely have their place.

3. Short, intense cardio takes less time. You feel the aerobic and even anaerobic benefits in less time. It’s a “get more bang for your buck” scenario.

I like shorter, more intense cardio above long bouts. I also like shorter, more intense cardio over no cardio – which is what you see in the gym a lot these days as well.

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I like to feel lean. Taking cardio completely out of a program isn’t the ideal in my mind. And I want to build an ideal body, but also get the most bang for my buck out of my workouts.

The ideal for cardio is sprints – weather outside, or on the bike inside. Circuits are also a great alternative. Bodyweight circuits that include things like high knees sprints, burpees, frog jumps, lunge-jumps and even push-ups and chin-ups.

With circuits, you want to move your body through space as much as possible.

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High Fat, Low Carb? Low Fat High Protein? WTF???

Just eat healthy, clean foods and you’ll be all good. I like a high fat diet, and have a solid amount of fats before bed, which actually helps increase testosterone levels. I don’t chince on the fat.

I cook with butter. I eat whole eggs – which everyone should do, whether you’re after fat loss or gaining lean mass – that have an abundance of nutrients in them. And have been shown not to negatively effect our cholesterol like previously believed.

Eating to achieve a goal shouldn’t be all that difficult. If you’re trying to add lean muscle mass, eat a lot of clean food, and take care of those 3 hours around your workout when your body is craving nutrients, carbs, and protein.

If you’re trying to lose fat, cut out the fast carbs – things like sugars, sweets, white flours, and anything that has trans fats all contribute to your waste line. Replace them with slow carbs, good fats, and a high protein diet.


- The hardest of the ‘fuel’ sources for our bodies to break down. This results in an increase metabolism.

- Help us repair muscle tissue. If you’re gaining muscle, or losing fat, you still want to maintain and add muscle. More muscle means a higher metabolism which means more fat burned, which means a leaner, more shredded look.

Also, don’t be afraid of fat no matter what your goal is. Saturated and monounsaturated fats aren’t necessarily the enemy. What you really want to stay away from, for health, performance, and aesthetic reasons, is the processed stuff. The foods that are packed, that contain an abundance of preservatives, trans fats, sugars, fast carbohydrates and salt.

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Those are what should be seen as a no-no. Not the foods groups that are natural, full of nutrients, good fats, proteins, and things that will help add years to our lives, muscle to our frames, and inches off of our waste.

Eating shouldn’t be a complicated process, but it is. Large in part due to the ridiculous amount of fad diets that tell us to neglect a large aspect of our diets, and over-indulge, or over-focus on another.

Balance is important in life; it’s important in our training, and it’s important in our diets as well.

One thing I have never done – and hopefully will never do – is diet. I’ve never gone on a calories-counting diet where I’m measuring specific portions, worrying about inches around my waste, and fretting over how much fat is in this dressing.

I eat a balanced diet and it has served me well. When I tried neglecting things that were good for me, things like goof fats, or slow carbs, I lost muscle and my body was not looking or performing like I wanted to.

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Cadence – When and Why To Change it Up

By now I’m sure you’ve been told to change up your reps and sets every 1-4 weeks in order to avoid the dreaded plateau. But what we can also change that will push our gains and break plateaus, is our cadence.

The cadence at which you perform an exercise is the speed or pace that you’re lifting at. More often that not you should be going as fast as possible in the concentric contraction of the exercise (the push in a bench press, curl in a biceps curl), and slower, usually a count of 3 in the eccentric contraction (the opposite part of the exercise).

Variety is also good.

In the PHC we change up the reps, sets and exercises, but also the cadence. Try it in your training as well.

Some weeks go all out. Lift as fast as possible for a bit of variety. Other weeks slow things down to a 5/5 count, or even an opposing 3/1 count where the concentric phase of the exercise is slowed, and the eccentric phase is sped up.

I like the 1/3 concentric/eccentric count the best, as well as the ‘all-out’ cadence. But add a wrinkle into your training by changing up the cadence for a week or two – or three.

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Variety = Busting Through Plateau’s

Einstein defined insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over again. But expecting a different result.” If you’re doing the same thing week after week, how can you expect consistent change?

You can’t.

You need variety in your training if you want consistent gains. Change up your reps, sets, but also your cadence and rest periods and give your muscles and gains a nice jolt every 3 or 4 weeks.

Taking a week off every 3-4 weeks.

I tell this to everyone in the PHC who’s after lean muscle mass gains. Taking a full week off of training every 3-4 weeks does wonders, both physically and mentally.

One very important thing with training is maintaining focus, ultra-intense training sessions. And sometimes what we need is a week off to get that supreme hunger back. It also gives your body the rest it needs as well.

We – as in myself included – place a lot of justified importance on training. What we often neglect is talking about recovery, which is just as important as training. Without one, we don’t have the other.

Why every 3 weeks?

Our bodies are wonderful and interesting vehicles. They adapt to the demands that we place on them. That’s how we grow and survive. And this is very apparent in the weight room.

At around the 3-4 week mark, unless you’re a complete beginner in which case you’ll see your improvements last a little longer, our bodies begin to get used to the demands we’re placing on them.

Changing up things like your repetitions, sets, cadence, and exercises help give our muscles a boost or a jolt. They help us avoid

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plateaus. If we continue doing the same things week after week, yes we’ll experience gains, but those gains will dissipate as our bodies adapt.

What to change?

There are the reps that you can change. We already went over the cadence. And there are changes with your sets that you can also change.

You can focus more on power by doing a 5x5 type set-up, you can do supersets (2 exercises back-to-back), giant sets (3 exercises back-to-back), drop sets (start with a heavier weight then drop weight as you reach a rep count), or rest/pause sets (fail, rest for a few seconds, then pick up the weight and continue to a second failure set immediately).

Personally, I like to mix one, two or three of those types of sets into my training at a time.

Whatever you do, change things up.

Adding weight weekly

Since you’re not only trying to build lean muscle or lose fat, but also trying to get stronger, you should be trying to improve on a weekly basis with regards to the weights you’re lifting.

Each week try and add weight to a certain exercise – rather, to every exercise. It doesn’t matter how much you add, just try to add something.

It’s called progressively overloading and it’s one of the fundamental principles to breaking through plateaus and maintaining consistent gains.

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Success with Opposite Sex

There are a couple of things that make it easier to ‘get some’ - they aren't necessary, they just make it easier: having lots of money (being famous is included in this), or being incredibly good-looking (having a great body is included in this). Having a great personality also makes it easier to meet great girls and spark up a conversation, of course.

Whether you want to find that one special girl and have a meaningful relationship, or find lots of girls and have completely meaningless relations, being in great shape is going to help you. And as you'll read under the next subtitle, being in great shape can also help you make more money.

Being healthy and getting in great shape will not only help you get sex, but it'll help you with the quality of your sex life through greater endurance, and increased strength and stamina. If you have one girl who you're crazy about and in a relationship with, this means a better sex life for the both of you. In the case of a bunch of meaningless relations, it can result in referrals :) (Being healthy and in great shape also means a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction.)

Let's assume that at some point we all find that girl that we want to be with - and want to be with no one but her.

Well, get in great shape if you want to be around for a long time. Become a healthier guy if you want to protect and provide for her and the family you may eventually have. If you want to have an exciting, high-energy relationship, then head to the gym and construct a body that'll give you the energy and the quality of life that you crave.

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Success with Your Career* One of Richard Branson's keys to success is being in great shape. Working out and taking care of our bodies through proper diet and nutrition not only gives us a better chance at a longer life, but a life that will be lived with the previously mentioned: higher quality. Being healthier = greater productivity. Greater productivity = more success. Taking care of your body by training regularly and eating healthy means you'll be sick less, you're less likely to suffer from depression, you'll be a more confident, more vibrant, and more energetic person. No matter what career you choose, you're almost guaranteed to perform better if you're healthier. *More career success tips to come.

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Be Happy

Life isn't all about sex and money – I think we all know that it’s about a hell of a lot more than just those two things. It's about being happy and living with a purpose - among a host of other things. Studies have shown that exercise reduces depression. The endorphins released during an intense workout also give us a natural high. What increases the risk of depression? Living a sedentary life. I've already talked a fair bit about how being in great shape is going to benefit us. But looking good will do the same. If you're heading to the gym purely to build a better-looking body, more power to you. Go for it. Whatever gets you in there; use that motivation to reach your goals. The reality is, we feel better about ourselves, and our lives are lived at a much higher quality when we're confident and proud of how we look. If you've ever gained a bunch of muscle or lost a ton of fat, you'll know what I'm talking about. I've added 32 pounds of lean muscle onto my frame, and I can say with 100% certainty that life's better when you're proud of how you look. Following this section are a number of tips and tricks that will help you find clarity in what you want in life, help you build that body that you have wanted to have for so long, but also call you to action. None of this is going to happen if you don’t take action. You took the first step by signing up for this Challenge. But have you actually done the Challenge yet? Do you know where you stand and have you started taking the steps to get to that next level? Let’s make some moves. Let’s take some steps forward as you read the PHC. Reading’s great. I love it. But it’s useless learning if you’re not putting those things into action.

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Finding Clarity

I’ve learned a lot since starting my own business and getting into the internet portion of helping people build both better bodies and become healthier, and more confident in their everyday lives. I also have a lot of people to thank for this. The guy who first introduced me into the world of fitness and the Internet is Vince Del Monte. He’s a good friend first, but he’s also a guy I have learned a lot from, and seen grow into a super successful human being, both in business and in life. I have a couple other friends, both in my industry and in others, who have seen great success at a young age. And the thing is, they each share certain undeniable similarities. Yes, they work hard. Yes, they’re smart and ambitious and so forth. But the one thing I’ve noticed about them, that I might not see in other’s who work hard, but don’t see the same success, is their degree of focus and clarity. They know what they want, and they have a clear idea of how to get it. Success doesn’t come quickly either. Both I, and them, and everyone else I know who has become successful in their respective businesses have had to put in a lot of hard work. We’ve had to struggle, put ourselves on the line, even when those closest to us don’t quite understand what or why we’re doing what we’re doing. But, we have faith. We have faith in the fact that we love what we’re doing and that one day it will pay off, both to us, our families, and others. By others I mean that at some point we’ll have an impact on a lot more people than even we ever thought possible. The thing is, there’s a lot of stress. There’s a lot of ‘what if’s’. In my own situation there’s been a lot of people who are very close to me who couldn’t quite see why I was working 15, or 18 hour days doing something that cost me more than I was earning. And I had doubts as well. Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t an unwavering confidence. I was lucky enough to have guys like Vince, and other friends close to me

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who had put themselves out there like I was. Who had gone through similar struggles and seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m getting a bit off topic here. But I’m not where I want to end up, nor am I anywhere close to where I want to end up. But I’m having an impact and helping more people build lean muscle, and improve their lives than I thought I ever would – simply judging by the sheer number of emails I get on a daily basis. The exercises you’re going to go through below are the same one’s I’ve done, and most of the guys I know who ‘have made it’ have done. They’ll help bring clarity and a focus that is necessary to building your ideal body, but also your ideal life. Most importantly – in my mind at least – is constructing your ideal day, and identifying everything that you want in life, from who you want to be with, to what you want to be doing and where you want to be doing it. We’ve gone through the challenge. You have been able to see where you stack up physically. The rest of the ebook is the gravy. It’s also a challenge. A challenge to grab life by the balls and get what you truly desire out of this one-time experience.

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What is Your Perfect Day?

I always thought that this was a bit of a goofy exercise. It sounded a bit like dreaming. If I figure out what I really want, one day I’ll get it. That doesn’t sound like crap to you? It does if you’re thinking about the end result and magically getting there. That’s not the point of the exercise. What it does is bring clarity in a way that is hard to achieve otherwise. And what I’ve learned throughout my life. Through my trials, failures, tough times, and successes, is that having clarity is one of the most important things you can have in any area of your life; business, and training included. That is why this exercise is so effective. It gives you clarity. I’ve done this exercise – and although I’m not at that point, I’m a lot closer than I was before I had ever done the exercise. And I’m moving even closer everyday. Ask yourself these questions… What would I eat for breakfast? Who would you eat with? What is your first thought of the day? What is your first conversation of the day? Where do you live? What do you do to earn a living? What is your purpose in life? Who are you trying to help? What is your main focus daily? What’s the weather like? Do you have any pets/kids/ a wife? Think of every little detail you could possibly think of. And this isn’t the last day of your life. So it’s not a binge type day where you go skydiving or go to Vegas. It’s the one day, if you had to live this

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one day everyday for the rest of your life, what would it look like down to the very last detail? You’ll find out a lot about yourself and what you truly hold close to your heart and what you truly find important in life. Having ‘things’ might be something you want, but it’s not going to make you truly happy. Planning your perfect day is more than a goal, and I think it’s much more effective than goals usually are as well. It gives you a clear idea of exactly where you’re headed in life and what’s most important to you. It’s inspiring and it will give you a unique focus that may have not been there before. Do this exercise, write it down on a piece of paper, then visit it from time to time as you progress with your training, life, and business. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how you’ll naturally move in the direction of your perfect day, and one day end up living that day.

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Identifying what’s productive and what isn’t. Then trim the fat.

What are your greatest strengths? Let me rephrase that: What 3 things do you do on a daily basis that contribute more to your success than do the other things that fill up your day? Identify the things that will bring in the most money, keep your body healthy, or make you happy. Name the top three things, then fill your day up with those things first. After you have slotted time for the top 3 things, add in the next 3 things, then the next 3 after that and so forth. For myself, writing is the most important thing I can do, and I plan time to write first. Learning is also important and I often start my day off by reading or doing an online course. Research and testing stuff on my site is very important as well, trying to figure out what works best and what doesn’t is a must. I plan those 3 things into my days before everything else. After that, I answer emails, which although it’s very important to communicate with my customers, and visitors to my site, the vast majority of questions asked are common knowledge to me. They don’t take a lot of effort to respond to. I also do site maintenance, and other things that are more medial and require less focus. Focus the vast majority of your quality time on the things that will benefit you most, and then add in the rest. You maybe spend more time on the medial tasks, but when you’re at your best, focus on what will push you to that next level.

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Plan your week not your day Having a clear idea of exactly what you’re doing on a daily basis is important. Wasted time is just that: wasted. You’ll find productivity will skyrocket when you have a clear idea of what you need to do and when. A focused 45 minutes is often better than a scattered and lackadaisical 95 minutes. This is true for your training as well. If you don’t schedule your workouts, instead leaving them to when you have free time, you’re not going to be training with the same intensity or mindset. You won’t get the best results you can possibly get either. Why plan your week an not your day? Take an hour to plan your whole week either on Monday morning or Sunday afternoon – which is when I do it. There’s too much wasted time when you have to do it everyday. By planning your week you’re setting yourself up to spend the most time on the things that will give you the greatest success, or the most quality time on the things that will give you the greatest success.

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Be Wherever You Are. No Matter Where You Are.

This is definitely something that I struggle with. Maybe I have A.D.D or something, but my mind is always going, thinking about then next thing, and not always the present thing that I should be focused on. I talked about clarity earlier; well this is also a part of that. The ability to be completely focused on the task at hand without having your mind wander from one thing to the next. In your work you’ll find your productivity skyrocket as your focus increases. The same is said for your workouts. When you’re totally focused and present, you’re going to absolutely kill it in your training. The best example I can think of with this is at the golf course. Some guys bring their phones to the golf course. It’ll ring before their tee shot. On the other line is their accountant or wife or girlfriend – or whoever’s going to get them pissed off. You can hear the tension in their voice. They’re pissed. They hang up, and tee off. What happens? Shanked! They hit a shitty shot because their mind was elsewhere. Their round is ruined and their day is over. Oh, and by “they”, I also mean “me”. I’ve done this before and I have also learned to shut the thing off and enjoy where I am and what I’m doing. It’s something that I work on everyday. Even as I’m writing this ebook I’m thinking about other article ideas, and actually, the round of golf I’m about to go play. That IS NOT what life is about! Life is so much more enjoyable when we’re present. When we’re focused on what we’re doing and who we’re with. Be where you are and enjoy.

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Your work will be of greater quality. You relationships will be the same. You’ll have more fun, laugh more, learn a shit load of a lot more. And maybe most important of all, you’ll play better golf

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What do you stand for? I think it’s important to stand for something. To have values. To know within yourself what’s truly important and to not waver. Men adapt, they don’t change. Ladies have to understand that. But our values should remain constant. Do you value quality? Maybe it’s hard work? Whatever your values are, stand by them and live your life by them. Write down what you value most in life. It’s a good exercise to do. Write down those things that you place most importance on. When you’re facing tough decisions, even if it’s to stick with the girl you’re dating, to take the job that you’re hesitant about taking, or even if you’re hesitant about the people you’re hanging out with. Having clearly defined values and principles will help you, not only with these tough decisions, but also with the direction you’re headed in life. Are your friends up to your standard? Are YOU living up to your standard? If you want to be the best, expect the best, buy the best, eat the best,

date the best, and do the best.

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You’re setting the wrong goals Focusing on the process when I’m setting my goals, not the end result, has really helped me remain focused and achieve the end-goal that I wanted to accomplish. I need to work on this still – especially when it comes to my thought process. I think of the end result. I like to dream. But often neglect to focus on the steps that will bring me success. Yet another thing I’ve learned that I have to work on. When you’re building your ideal body, set goals like: I’m going to get to the gym 4x this week. – or – I’m only going to eat 3 sloppy meals this week. Instead of goals like: I’m going to gain 5 lbs this week. – or – I’m going to lose 1% bodyfat this week. By focusing on the steps, you’re more likely to get the results. By focusing on the results, you’re more likely to get frustrated. I played basketball in high school and college, and one thing I learned to do was think the right thoughts during my foul shots. Instead of telling myself, “you’re going to make this” (which is what a lot of guys did), I’d say, “stay loose, bend your knees, and let the ball slide off of your index finger” (or at least something along those lines). That change in thinking helped me immensely. And I rarely missed a foul shot simply because I never let the nerves get to me. When you think of the end result, the possibility of failure creeps in. When you think of the steps, you’re just thinking of what you need to do. It’s calming, and it will lead to greater results. By focusing on the steps, you’re doing more for your success than you are should you choose to only focus on the end goal.

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By all means set goals. Just make sure you’re setting goals that will help you reach that end point, and not goals that will discourage you and keep you focused on the that end goal that’s in the distance. Have that in your sights, but focus on the here and now and what will get you closer to that end point on a daily basis.

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Sleep isn’t the cousin of death When you’re trying to build lean, athletic muscle, one very important thing to understand, is that you’re not going to get the gains you want to be getting if you’re not allowing yourself to recover from your workouts. It’s just not going to happen. Or you’re at least not going to get the gains you should be getting. Our bodies repair themselves during rest and sleep. We need it. That’s why I wasn’t gaining any lean muscle mass when I was doing a 5 or 6 day split. It was just way too much for me to be doing, and far too little recovery time. I get it. Yes, hard work is awesome, and you need to be KILLING IT when you’re in the gym. But you shouldn’t be spending more than 3-4 sessions in there a week, with a maximum of 45 minutes each session.

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Getting and Staying Motivated

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~ Zig Ziglar

Some say that motivation is something you either have, or you don’t. A statement that I agree with – to a degree. Motivation is a daily process. Sometimes we’re more motivated than others. We go through stretches of great and intense productivity. Where our eye is on the prize every minute of every day. We jump out of bed and get right into the grind.

Then there are times when doing anything is a struggle. Our training is lacklustre, and our work is done slowly and without passion or focus.

Some of us are the former, more-so than the latter. Other’s are the opposite. Either way, maintaining and sustaining an intense sense of motivation is a must if we’re going to achieve anything that is considered legendary in our lifetime.

When it comes to training this can be especially difficult, and what’s what I’ll focus on. There are so many factors that can have a negative on our training. Our mood, a lack of energy, our self-image, and even what we’ve had to eat can hinder a workout.

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How To Stay Motivated in Your Training

1. Make it emotional.

What do you want out of life? I mean really want. I’m not talking training. I’m talking life.

Now, how does you getting in kick-ass shape figure into that dream?

Me: I want my perfect day. I’ve written down a day, that if I had to live one day everyday for the rest of my life, this would be it. I know exactly where I want to live. What I want to look like. Who I want to be with. What kind of dog I’ll have, what I’ll be doing for work (what I do now), and who I help on a daily basis – or who I deal with on a daily basis.

That’s my dream. It’s very detailed.

Being in kick-ass shape means I’m going to be more confident. It means I’m going to be stronger, healthier and have more energy. Which, in turn, means I’ll be able to do my job better. I’ll be an example for those I’m trying to help rather than just preaching to people. I’m going to be doing a higher quality job at what I do. I’m also going to be around longer for the people I love. I’ll be able to enjoy them, and them me.

However successful or unsuccessful my workout is, directly correlates with whether or not I’m going to have that dream or not. It’s a pretty sizeable piece to the puzzle if you think about it like I just did.

If you can find that dream, make it emotional, and make it – and the people in it – so important to you that you wouldn’t dare screw it up. Then you have a reason to be motivated for everything you do, not just training.

But for training and for work, there’s a second step to it:

2. Find a trigger.

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Find something that connects with you on an emotional level. Something that lights a fire under your ass. For me, it’s music or motivational quotes. I have a few songs that really get me going. It might be corny to the next guy, but that really doesn’t matter. They get me riled up. They remind me why I’m working me arse off in the gym. They remind me of my emotional end goal.

A couple examples of mine:

Bruce Springsteen, Working on a Dream

“I’m workin on a dream, though sometimes it feels so far away. I’m workin on a dream, and how it we be mine someday.”

Trey Songs, I Gotta Make It

“I’m tryin’ to turn it around, start this thing from the ground and as long as you’re down I know. Looking at you day after day, I know I just gotta make it.”

3. Have a cup of joe.

If it takes a cup of coffee to get to the gym, then by all means have a cup of coffee. Coffee’s high in antioxidants. A couple cups before a workout have also been shown to increase fat loss.

If you like a pre-workout drink, then grab one of those. I’ll cycle my pre workout drink, coffee, and nothing. If I train late at night I used to not have anything, but lately I’ve been loving the pre-workout before a late night session. I’m up for hours and get a ton of great, focused work during that time after my session as a result.

My favorite pre-workout mix ———> Extreme Rush by Blue Star Nutraceuticals

4. Set short-term goals.

This is a BIG one. Set short, 3-4 week goals based on process, not results. Set goals like:

◦ I will go to the gym 4-days a week for the next 4 weeks without missing 1 session.

◦ I will eat clean 6 out of 7 days for the next month.

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Set goals that are focused on the process, and the results will follow. If you’re too focused on the results it can get discouraging, and it can be harder to measure. If you miss a workout, you know you’ve missed a workout. It’s simple and it’s easy to measure.

After that month period take a week off. Take it easy, let a little loose on the diet, then get back to training for another 3-4 week period. Pretty soon those 3-4 week periods will turn into 6-8 week periods. But I wouldn’t go over the 6-8 week mark. A week off is a great physical and mental break that we all need from time to time.

5. Find a good training partner.

Hold yourself accountable to someone other than yourself. If you have a training partner that is supposed to meet you at a certain time and place, you’re not only selling yourself short if you’re late or if you miss the session, but them as well.

Make sure it’s someone who is as motivated, or more motivated than you.

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Are You Up For The Challenge?

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The PHC To-Do List:

1. Take the Powerhowse Challenge, see how you stack up.

2. Watch the PowerHowse Challenge Video

3. Write down your ideal day.

4. The top 3 things that contribute to your success.

5. Plan your week (not your day).

6. Write your top 5 values – the things that are most important to you in this world.
