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llmelngs ol a Local am Personal Nature. -Thero was a light frost on Crow Creek on the 18th iat:t. -C. E. Ro'inson, E, went to Control on busiiness 'Tuesday. -Tho ginne ry at the oil mill start. od ill) ill full bh11ut today, (Thursday.) -- Dr. L. 0. Clayton', a prolminlit citizen of Central, wats ill towli Fri. day. -F ranik Moore, wlho lives on Codar Creek, is roported to havO typhoid fever. -Miss Josie JoggJ, of Easley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. H al- lum. -Clinton J. l."organ, of Green. Ville, spont, a few ayV in Pielens ]lst week. -1r. and -Mrs. Walter White, of Aidersoii, iro spending a few days inI Poekotal. -Ed. Bronzeale left 'J uesday for WVolford college, where ho will take a business Course. S --Don't forget the reat. iillinory Opening at. the B:g Store Friday and fiaturday, Out. 2d ial 3d. -The Pickens Railroad now sell tickets from Pickens to Easl3 and from Easley to Pichens4. -Pickens bumechanltts are layitig in the largest stocks of goods they havo ever ordered for the coming fall trade. -It m'atters not which way the iarkets turn, it, is 1.ho former who farms on the hog and homiiny plan that wins. -R. II. Olureton and family have moved hero from Greenville and are occupying the house recently vacated by Prof. Dendy. -Read what John F. Harris has to say this week and call on him for good, first class goods. You will re- ceive fair treatment. -Rolad the annotincement in anl other column of the Millinery Open- ing at the Big Storo Friday and Sat nrday, Oct. 2d and 3d. --Dr. A. J. S. Thomas filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church at this place Sunday preach. ing two instructivo sermons. -We have on1e Second hand, on1e. horse buggy for m ilu. Been run very little. A ny reasonable price will buy it. Oruig Bros. -'rh ohioninig are nne" arrivals at tile Aiibkr Haust: Mrs. Frank Riers. Chalrleston; Miss Manlio eh wing, GIreenv ille; D. I Copelaud, 'Newberry. -The many frionds of Dr. W. T Fiehl, w o has been coIIfi( i dto his .roomu for somne time with t he gripipe, wvill be glad to) learni that he is re- <OVer'ing slowly. -Miss Lizzie Calhoun and Mr. Walter Turner joinied hauds and hearts in marriage 01n the 20th inst. Rev. JBen Moore performed tihe cere- mony. All (f Pickens county. --FQR SALE: -I have a lot of; pigs reaaly foe delivery. Price four weeks old, three (dollars. Eight week oldfourdollars. ~weh~soldfou Johin Ferguson. -On the 17th instant, Mr. J1no. M. Gea r, presidlent of tihe Easley cot- ton mill, bonght the first bale of cot- toni fold inl EleyO this seaison fromi .Mr. Jno. C. Ellison, panying 13b ets. ---The Eiisley Grade(1d schiroI open- (ed onii TIhursday1(, Sept. ]O0, with an enlroillmen~lt of over. 140 puils. There are bet'veen t wenty and thirity puplils in attendlanco from outside the dhis- -Trade is beginning to boom11, arnd ii; is a good timo~for local merchants :to let out a few tucks in the way of :advertising. A spa1ce in The H'enti- moil-Journal, proltIy use.d, ne ver fails to pay. -Jlam, a Harris, who has been do- inig blasting in Pickons, got his right hand severely mashed Tuesday wit~h a heavy sledge hamiimer. He was holding a drill for another pe-rsoni wvho was striking it. - Work onl the oil mill is progreso- ing satisfactorily. 'The ginnery is nlearinig com leion). Whein finished it will likely be the hest quipped ginnery in the counlhty. It will have ~a cap~acity of fifty bales per day. .-Mr-s. Alice King, of Charlotte, N. C., visited the falmily of her sis- ter'-in-law, Mrs. 0. W. Earlo, in Pick. ens, last naeck, and( is niow visit ing her son, Dr. H. Earle Russell, in Easley. -Mrs. Cora L. A. Stephens de- sires uis to thank Ior her the people of P'iekons and vicinity for their time- ly aidl, help and symnpathly during theii illness and death of her husband, John11 Stephens. -Rains wvere general in the coun- ty inet week. The everlasting hills keep silent guard over this favored section of the State and frequeuntly protect us from wind andc storm. Tis wvas particularly noticenolo the past fe (lays. ---Miss A lice Fin nev- has returned1 to Atlanta after a brief visit to her father, 1). B. Finney. She was ac comipanhitd back by lPhisa8 Mande A sh. inmr who will enter the Presbiytoirian ihspital for the pulrpose (of becomning a tramied nurs.-. --Oni alccount of the meeting of the Tweolve Mile As.sociation, the oi-dina. ti mi thait was to have taken placii at Mt. Car-mel (on Saturday blefore the 50o0fnd Sunidaly in October isi post- Ponied until some fultire tim". W. A. Christopher. --There will be an all day singing fo: the hoe-fit of the old1 peoplo at Six Mile church the first Su;:day in Octer. Eveorybody invitedl to come and birmg sonmg books and wvell filled baskcots and spend the (lay in song a erv ice. -Cards are out announcing the mnarriage oif M iss Nanioi Irene Roper, < Easley, to Mr. Ernest Hamptoni Cr.iig, of Pickens. on Wednesday ( vemtng, Obe r 7th, 1933, at 8 .o'cl nk, at the home of the bride's rar.-.nte, Mr. and Mrs. John Roper. -J. E. Porsons has thb fever; im iany friends hope he will be up - Nio . J. J. F.inistor, of Cateccbee is sp--nding this week with her pa rent", Mr. and Mrs. R. A. llowen. --It. U. Carter, Liberty, has re ceived a lot of the celebrated "Thorn hill" wagons Which ho Will sell at tie right, price. -N. D. Taylor, photogi aphor, wil be in his studio at Pickens, in ti Carey old building, next, Tuesday and Wudlosday, Soptembor 29th and 80th, If yo-. want first class work cal WI him, and rest assured you wil get it. -Now is your chance. They musl go regnrdless of price. I still liave fow econd -haind sowing maohines left which will be sold at some price Come and got one before they are al pone. Thoy all do good sewiug. W. 11. Johnson, Pickens, S. C. -Auditor E. F. Keith has complo. ted his returns of taxable property in the couity. Tie property returns amount to $2,292.141; polls, 2,994 'Th is does not include additionals sinco February 20. For 1902, thc total property returned was $2,105, 344; polls, 2,580. -Mr. J. W. Hunt, of Mt. Carmel section, is ill. lie is a vtterai of th< civil war aid did four years of good service for his country. He has been a good citizen and a hard worker. Ho is now about 70 years t age. We hope he may recover and live many years yet. --Jas. It. Powers, son of J. T. Powers, of the Keowee side, has graduated in the business course at Converse College, atid has como home. He loft last weelk in company with J. B. Hill and son Ross, fur At. lant.a, on a pleasure trip. On their return young Hill and Powers will attend college inl bpartanburg. -News reached here Saturday af ternloon of the suicide of Robert Jones, who lived in the upper part of the couity in the Dacusville section. The suicide was efceted by laudanum, the seem1)ingly favorite loath dealing drug of those bent upon self-destruction. No cause is assigned for the act. A Iriw years ago the deceased married the daughter of Air. J D. M. Keith, one of the best citiz.-ns of the Oulen- oy section of the county. -This paper is published to dis. Sellillato the news, and we canl only give the news whenever we learn of it. We want to give you value re- ceived for your money and all the nlows we can, so will appreciate very m1uch any itemDs you will senid ue. While they may not be news to you, rellember that oti-ra will apprecilte reading them. Just send us the skeletoi on t postal card and we can put the clothes on it. tf. -Thirty would-le teachers pro Pented themselvos before the county boord of edutication Friday for c.xami- nation. T1here were twety-five and live blacks. The number of y-oung men01 was the largest, in some1 1time. The need for miore men tenebers is urgent iln this county. The suplply is short and1( there ar~e schools in thle county that are closedi for lack of compeet male teachers. There are some communities that em1ploy only 1male1 teachers. --Uuiless somle unfdorseeni acciden t, or rush of wvork prevents, the papers are put in tihe Pickens postoffico on WVedn eday afternoons, and le ave here on) T1hursday morning, so that our suibs-cribers should receive their pa- pers~ not later thani Friday. If you (10 not receive y'our paper on) time, or et aill, please notify this office atnd we will look into the matter and1( see wherec the trouble lies. tf. --Mr. IR. Y. Hlellams soldi his splendid farm this wveek to Williami N. HIughes0 andi hits soni, Thomas .2 Hugbes, of Looper, Pickens counlty. The farm is located on the Cedar Lane road, five miles from the ciy and contains 108 aicres of land, with one of the handlsomnest residences in the cunlty and out buildings (If the best kind. The price paid was $9,000, caish, and the Messrs. Hlughes have secured a bargain. Mr. T1. T. Hughes will move to this farm between now and Christm'as.- Greenville Moun. taineer. Fromi Bethlehem Ridge. Mr. Editor: As I haven't seen anything from this burg lately, Il try andi give you a few (lots. Health ill our sectioni was never better. Fodder pulling is about over, and now it is pick cotton and peas, anld I s( e some of the farmers are sowing oats. Mr. and Mrs. C. T.1. Hughes vIsited friends and relatives in Lauren~s county recently. Mesdamnes R. M. Newton and Lula M~ar tin, and Miss CJatharino MIartin, of Pendleton, visited the family of M. WV. Newvton last week. M'drs. M. W. Newton has returned flroml a pleasant visit to her sister, M r-s. WV. A.1loggs, of Calhoun. Ike Hamby and children, of Green. ville, visited his brother-in-la N, John Vaughin, Saturday and Sunday. Our school, taught by Misses Obui Major and Luhti Glazener, closed the 11th inst. Th'iey are fine tenehere and were loved b~y all. Miss Olga left for her home this week. She will be missed here. R1ev. 0. M. Ahney tillcd his rego lar apin~i)tmen~t at Ulethilehetm last Siunday. A large audience was pres ont. lHe preached a historical ser mon on Methodism, wich was rca interesting. Our Sunday school is very goodi. "WVe Two." Card of Thanks. To all who rendIered1 anly taitnci during the recent and fatal illness o my beloved wife, I tender my sin cerest thanks and commnend you t< the Giver of all good, and prany tha He will reward you in this and thu world to come. .P. P. McDaniel. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our siuncer, and heartfelt thanks to the good pec ple of the town and surrounding country for their kindness rondere< during the sickaess atnd death o Mrs. P. P. McDa~iich: May the L~on 'abundantly bless and reward them J. 11 0 MnnmnieI anul Fnmily. Death of Mrs. P. P. McDaniel. On Wednesday tuorning, 231 i ist, at 7 a. in at the residence of boriff J. II. 0. McDaniel, in Pickens, the happy.and glorifled spirit of Mra. May O'Dell, the beloved wife of Preston P. McDatniel broke tho vrison bars of life and winged her flight to the realms of joys on high. Mrs. 1JcDainiol was tho second daughter of Ex-Senator W. T. O'Dell of this county, and was In the twenty- third year of her .life. Two years ago she waa converted and joined tho Baptist church at Liberty, and since that time she has lived a happy, de voted christian life. Last April slio was happily mar- ried to Mr. McDaniel, and since that time she has lived in Pickens where she has endoared herself to our poo le. For some weeks of her short, appy married life, Rho showed her true womanhoood by her devotion to her wounded husband who had been seriously hurt in tho discharge of his dty ats un oflicor of the law. She( Wiai always of a bright and cheerful disposition, carrying sun- shine and gladness in imlanyi homes How we shall miss her smiling faceI and cheerful words. Wednosday afternoon hor body was laid away in the ol1 Clayton grave yard, ivo miles southwest of Pickons, in the presenco of anl iimieni)s conl. course of friends and relatives. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. W. Hiott, of Easley. We cannot understand whv our Heavenly Father has taken our dear young sister away from us so soon in life, and left the crushed anid bleed- ing hearts of father, mother, eitters and brothers, and especially the young husband, whose life seemed wrapped up in her lifo. May the God of all graco comfort the hearts ot the boreaved. Hr Pastor. News From Calhoun. Children's Day exercises were ob. served in our Sunday school last Sun- day night. The recitations by the children were unusually good. Prof. D. W. Daniel, of Clemson College gave an address which was especially interesting. The remarks mad by our able Superintendent, Mr. Dillard, were very al)propriate fur the occa- sion and were enjoyed by all. A very large crowd was in attendancu which was highly gratifying to the members of the Sabbath school. Miss Helen Comstock, the pretty and intelligent daughter of Mrs. 'k H. Comstock,-left some time ago for New Haven, Conn., where she will attend school the coming sesion. R. B. Cochran-visitcd in the Fair- view s etion one (liay last week. Mrs. J. E. Lebby and daughter, MisS Mattie, are visiting friends here DOW. lisseR Hunter and Snie Palhuer, of Pelzer, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. O-ear Harris, this week Miss Graco Routh viited rebi.tives hero last week. She left oin Wodnies day for Asheville where she will eutur college. Miss Pearl Bogge visitedl relatives at Pendleton last week. *Mirs. 0. R. Doyle and Miss Clara Hairris spent two days with the form-n er's parents at Goncross. Henry Todd, a pop~ular business man fromii Columbia, visitedi thbo faim- ily of 0. Harris recently. Miss May (Cherry, of 8eneca, visit. ed at Mrts. Doyle's one day last week Dr. W. R. Doyle was her., on buii ness Saturday, lMiss Lena Monres wais a charing~' visitor to our town recen tly. Lee and Walter Cochran spent Sunuday with friends ini the Long Dranch section. Sunday sc-hool every Sunday mor-n- ng at 10 o'clock protopily'. Ever- body' invited and urged to attend. Liberty Locals, Liberty, S. C., P'ep. 21, 1903. A Methodist protracted maeetiing has just closed; wasL coinducted by R1ev. Yarbaugh, a traveling evangel. ist. Tihore were several adlditions to the church anid a great revival. R.ev. Yarbaugh preached two sermons on the streets for benefit of thos'e who could not leave their business to at. tcud service at church. Dr. Claytoni prea~che~d Sundicay afternoon. Liberty has been wonderfully blessed with pr-each ing. Comnmenc- ing second Sunday in July3 there has been preaching hero about forty days; two and sometimes three sermaonsi each day, or about eighy sermuoins and about sixty five members aidded to the different churches, to say noth- ing of the colored people who have iun protracted meetings all suminer hereaboat. John JRanikin has finished rolling his store hou'e and1( iP now located where the Hollingcworth old livery stable lately stoodi. Material is being placed for T. N. Huinter's brick store. Newv wvarehouse uinder way at the cotton mill. 8. D. Stewart and wife are visiting their son, S. C. Stewart, at Pittsburg, Pa. P. A. Greer has resigned the do. pot agency hero. Clande Hutchins, of Charleston Citadel academy has just olosed1 the public term of school at Flat Rock school house, lie gives promise of making his influence felt no a teacher in the niear future. Hie returns to the Citadel in) a few days where he has to attend aniothier yeair. Rose O'Dell, of R1. F" D. No. 3, ie ports a treat to a fine mess of straw. berriesa from U. P. IKelley, one of his patrons near Twelve Mile river' ir Kelley says lie has had strawberry pie occasionally for some time. Frost reported last week in low 1)1aces. J. D. Smith has about three acr-, R in tomatoea andl has already p~ut upj over 7,000 cans. Beats cotton 0. Bridge to Repair. I will 1)e at the Jewell bridge, on Twelve Mile river, near Calhoun, on Saturday, Oct. 8(d, at 11 a. mn., for theopurpose of letting to the lowest b(dde the repairing of said bridge. A. 1B. Talley, County Commnissi~ner. Alien's Foot-Es. IL rests the feet Jures, k tda.fee. At all drumggis and shu )Io& creH Big Reduction Sale Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies, Wagons, Barness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes - And All Kinds Of - HiARDWARE, TINWARE, S1%APLE AND FANCY CROCERIES. My buyer wvill leave for New York about Aug. 28th to buy one of the most Complete lines of Goneral Merchalndise ever kept in this country and will be sold at the r ight pIrice. .1 AM ACLENT FOR 'I'H CELEBIRA'TED LANO MOWERS aid RAKES. 'Ilhey are the most simlple inl con.. structioi and lighest running and most lasting mowers ever maide. '~.*~ ' ,cCOM V1~A M~ W L M ABOUT THEM11S tR. C. CarterMERCHANT, CASH EC A s u~ te r-,;,iber~zy, S. C. GradMilLe ry Opening A/r %_npE Heath=Bruce=1orrow Company Friday & Saturday Oct. 2nd & 3rd. $ Don't fail to atteid. A grand display of Hats and $ Dress Goods. 'The largest and most varied selec- 0 tion we have ever men and the prices are right. Watch this space for add. Cures Grip T0 Cr a In Two Days. Take 0ative E'4XuO r . RR IleTabilets. Ont every Seven Million boxes sold in past: 12 months. This SigLature, *% v-A 7 -w box. 25c. 00ts Fr m Equnhty. ] lte lenie Johua IAc Uice, Phrg C mpny you cnuse thema as you see best. -"-.. ... m ... Saillie Kellecy, of thii.s. phice, bu.t week.I. 0UR-im-- .M ina Do'.h' Jev: , 0l' I Iope~ we visiteud her cousin, Mi - Wi'l i Kehov.r ill ieiitl4t. an lElIena (dh.ici~., of Au.nn t~' s guaranteed to cure CORNS for We 0\ n ow iir a int o anai y 1 l Sbbt ~~uh1i' Ih ickenis Drug Com-ipany. Thel babty of Mcr. anti ' .i. 11. ('. Poorn 111 hal beej<iite sich 1:11 i prove~d. I--- - WXish, you ain yc uri te.i'elet imp able t (0care in al its stai es anl tl:ot ; tutionail dIisease. ru cinire.- a conif/t nii s*.- 4 a! treatmeut. [ball s ( l arri (ti r t is tlt en inti-rnailly, noting dlirecLy upon)0 theilo i n~i mudiiuc'tns surfaices of theursotCi ie pic e 3 stemi, Iteeb itiroy~ji th fruindia--/ te let evs n aet , tion of t he (<lisease, anil giin ig Itiw pn. tierst r0trengthl by bluiling~ up~ ihe en/ So Cetos r .befud stituton and assiM ing seituretV in doing i v n .1tht\akn much01 faith inlII its urtive! I~Owesht they offe'r Owi HI iiniti t I)clars for ni y hlrn Sh e h anuy cUaso that it, fa tls to cur1e. Seu in orn list of testtimlonlials. - iefml. Frwaee Address, F. J1. Chlenlev & C2o ,/ roeyoma Toleido, 0O.lir he Sold bty all I rnuagists, Tic./ WChetemadtte'r / Haull's Farniily P'ila are' the best. / lw s If constipateul or li outs, eat! focr T'a../~/ m~oni's Pilla andi bet erli n ourt cilerlw give C treatnienit 25 (10ses 250. PickensI Dr ug Co. Tae 'l's Ocire a ('old It On U lh)-Iiy'ES O IlUE TaoLaxative Biraio Qiuinine 'I'alets. I{EYI~E .0 All drnggists reftundt thle riorney it' it ft iis \ \ \ \ ~ . to ctur., E. WN. (Orove's signatlire is onl each btox. 25c. Manu~y Seiaool (lildren a ell 1t 1ily. MoilierUracy's Sweet i'ciwetrs for t'h ib it, ied by Md(othe Gray. 8141 rr e iti ('htiht ren's Ilomei Newiu York, Ureak iir> cd I'o i la - citur,. luret i.' - .. 7 . *--... .- . ._______________ yerishnss t ies c hI e ec. Sloeh i it ubles. Tleul h- ~ --------- i~gIix a isorders, candi ei'strcov Wormi .\ti ii al drug To hothlerR Inc Ticn nt. Will gileiciclilcrlc! imm lelc' e!illeini iri' lletic l'i. ctc l:etcM irAother Shipment sweet l'ccwdecrs df or Childr hel elentatecelntIlns'toariethswek as cstoechcc , cccl onith lie mic't ing j cc 'iekly cibt ctaos; and al cti y. .\ccicc < -rttain ..u e itu noro m - rrcce' t cltho t c hi l' eorr ~1 ~ 1'~ecccet!3 c tM "Pieet jueri iQ WociVd t e t~itcoula . SHOUT FROM EVERY HUUSE-TOP Friue tvs ukIo esa~ with tho strength <r f nnillosa voiees r. King'sWeAeFxdorYu NewDiscoveryomanseu. I ...... Pn umont,Ar . aei i :.reni __ _______ MONEY BACK tF IT PAIL.U. ~ -- Price 600 tndeIb0stTnewlesttand latest--/ SoCraionsar;t b fun.. Hevyad ieh Wlin. I'alk About Your "Mill d es" and'ou "Wreck W st'" but they are not "in It" with our "Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for the MONTH OF AUCUST, , Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, lIats and eits Furn- ishig Goods to go at an( and below Now York coat. Over 800 pairs of metns and boys pants all sizes and colors to go at'-plices never be- fore heard of in the tate of Pickens. Big lot of Clothing, conio and select your suit rame the price and take it. This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking. We would rather have cost for every suit in the house than to the timo and troublo to muove and reariange them in our now storo. We lopo to be in our new -1uartors by Sept. 1, and we contem. platO bilying the largest stock of (lenoral Merchandier, consisting of Clot hing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishimgs, Grocorlos, Hard- will'o Furnituro, Buggie-s and Wagons ever brought to this part of the coutntry. We will convert our old store into a wpgon and Buggy and I urniture Depository and by Sept 15th we will be prepared to show you a complete and well selectod stock. Have just ordered a oar of Mitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on the market. Remember: For the next 30 days we will offer some of the greatest bargaiins ever offered in Pickons. Folger & Thornley Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents Furnishing A Specialty. P W. T. MFAL, J. MoD. BRUCE, President. Cashior. SPICKENS BANK, OF PICKENS, S. C. CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00. PROF'TS, - - $ 10,312.09. DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29, Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management. Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SMALL LOANS TO FARMERS. .1. E. IIAGOOD, ,1, . (lic. y. J. E. OGGS w. M. IIAGOOI, ,w. W T. Mc"A Li,, T'. N. HiUNTER 0I. A. RICHlEY, J. T. STEwI A IT, .. Me. HidfE. oo .. STall. OR the last two months we have hardly had time to get a longq breath -4 trying to handle so many chickens and we w"ish to say to the pouhrty raisers for their good and ours to stop selling' - your chickens so small as they are not wvan- ted anywhere at any price. Large chickens wvill bring a much better prFice and arec al- ways wanted. Hiens are in good demand. We want all the eggs we can get and wvill One-Price Cash Store WV. Tr. McF"ALL, J. S. W ILSON, p'. E. B3RUCE. PrIesjdent. vice-Pres. Sec. & Tlreas 4The Pickens Oil IMill Company, ± -DEALERS IN t'aCotton Seed Meal, Hualls, Oil and Linters~ Ginning Cotton A Specialty. Capacity 510 hales Pe~r Day. R. H. CURETON, Mgr. \Ve want to buy all the seed you have and wvill pay top of the market for them. A first-class ginnery. Capacity 50 bales per day. Satisfactory turnout and a fmne sample is our guarantee. As soon ae the season opens we will have p~lenlty of meal and hulls for sale. We will be readly to gin your first bale~ as well as your last one. WANTED) AT ONCE-500 cords of 4 foot pine wood. Help us to make a success of this enterprise by givmng us your patronage and we wvill a surte you "good measure and running over." The Pickens Oil Mill Co. IYou Will Be Sorry... II you don't buy the best and you witll always buy the best if you tiade at my stoic. A nice clean stock of GENERAL MERCH AND)ISE con- sisting of Dr'y (Goods, Notions, Shoes, HItIZs, (Groeies- and a lot of other things. See my line of ..SH OES.. before you buy. I carry one of the best lines of shoessin town. Biring your produce and come to see me. R. R. ROARK.

The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ...€¦ · -Miss Josie JoggJ, of Easley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Hal-lum.-Clinton J. l."organ, of Green. Ville,

Oct 18, 2020



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Page 1: The Pickens sentinel-journal (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C ...€¦ · -Miss Josie JoggJ, of Easley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Hal-lum.-Clinton J. l."organ, of Green. Ville,

llmelngs ol a Local am Personal Nature.-Thero was a light frost on Crow

Creek on the 18th iat:t.-C. E. Ro'inson, E, went to

Control on busiiness 'Tuesday.-Tho ginnery at the oil mill start.

od ill) ill full bh11ut today, (Thursday.)-- Dr. L. 0. Clayton', a prolminlit

citizen of Central, wats ill towli ranik Moore, wlho lives on Codar

Creek, is roported to havO typhoidfever.

-Miss Josie JoggJ, of Easley, isvisiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. H al-lum.-Clinton J. l."organ, of Green.

Ville, spont, a few ayV in Pielens]lst week.-1r. and -Mrs. Walter White, of

Aidersoii, iro spending a few daysinI Poekotal.-Ed. Bronzeale left 'J uesday for

WVolford college, where ho will take a

business Course.

S --Don't forget the reat. iillinoryOpening at. the B:g Store Friday andfiaturday, Out. 2d ial 3d.-The Pickens Railroad now sell

tickets from Pickens to Easl3 andfrom Easley to Pichens4.-Pickens bumechanltts are layitig in

the largest stocks of goods they havoever ordered for the coming falltrade.-It m'atters not which way the

iarkets turn, it, is 1.ho former whofarms on the hog and homiiny planthat wins.-R. II. Olureton and family have

moved hero from Greenville and are

occupying the house recently vacatedby Prof. Dendy.-Read what John F. Harris has

to say this week and call on him forgood, first class goods. You will re-ceive fair treatment.

-Rolad the annotincement in anlother column of the Millinery Open-ing at the Big Storo Friday and Satnrday, Oct. 2d and 3d.

--Dr. A. J. S. Thomas filled hisregular appointment at the Baptistchurch at this place Sunday two instructivo sermons.

-We have on1e Second hand, buggy for m ilu. Been run verylittle. A ny reasonable price will buyit. Oruig Bros.-'rh ohioninig are nne" arrivals

at tile Aiibkr Haust: Mrs. FrankRiers. Chalrleston; Miss Manlioeh wing, GIreenv ille; D. I Copelaud,

'Newberry.-The many frionds of Dr. W. T

Fiehl, w o has been coIIfi( idto his.roomu for somne time with t he gripipe,wvill be glad to) learni that he is re-

<OVer'ing slowly.-Miss Lizzie Calhoun and Mr.

Walter Turner joinied hauds andhearts in marriage 01n the 20th inst.Rev. JBen Moore performed tihe cere-mony. All (f Pickens county.--FQR SALE: -I have a lot of;

pigs reaaly foe delivery. Price fourweeks old, three (dollars. Eight

weekoldfourdollars.~weh~soldfou Johin Ferguson.

-On the 17th instant, Mr. J1no.M. Gea r, presidlent of tihe Easley cot-ton mill, bonght the first bale of cot-toni fold inl EleyO this seaison fromi.Mr. Jno. C. Ellison, panying 13b ets.

---The Eiisley Grade(1d schiroI open-(ed onii TIhursday1(, Sept. ]O0, with anenlroillmen~lt of over. 140 puils. Thereare bet'veen t wenty and thirity puplilsin attendlanco from outside the dhis-

-Trade is beginning to boom11, arndii; is a good timo~for local merchants:to let out a few tucks in the way of:advertising. A spa1ce in The H'enti-moil-Journal, proltIy use.d, ne ver failsto pay.-Jlam, a Harris, who has been do-

inig blasting in Pickons, got his righthand severely mashed Tuesday wit~ha heavy sledge hamiimer. He washolding a drill for another pe-rsoniwvho was striking it.-Work onl the oil mill is progreso-

ing satisfactorily. 'The ginnery isnlearinig com leion). Whein finishedit will likely be the hest quippedginnery in the counlhty. It will have~a cap~acity of fifty bales per day.

.-Mr-s. Alice King, of Charlotte,N. C., visited the falmily of her sis-ter'-in-law, Mrs. 0. W. Earlo, in Pick.ens, last naeck, and( is niow visit ingher son, Dr. H. Earle Russell, inEasley.-Mrs. Cora L. A. Stephens de-

sires uis to thank Ior her the peopleof P'iekons and vicinity for their time-ly aidl, help and symnpathly during theiiillness and death of her husband,John11 Stephens.-Rains wvere general in the coun-

ty inet week. The everlasting hillskeep silent guard over this favoredsection of the State and frequeuntlyprotect us from wind andc storm. Tiswvas particularly noticenolo the pastfe (lays.

---Miss A lice Fin nev- has returned1to Atlanta after a brief visit to herfather, 1). B. Finney. She was accomipanhitd back by lPhisa8 Mande A sh.inmr who will enter the Presbiytoirianihspital for the pulrpose (of becomninga tramied nurs.-.

--Oni alccount of the meeting of theTweolve Mile As.sociation, the oi-dina.ti mi thait was to have taken placii atMt. Car-mel (on Saturday blefore the50o0fnd Sunidaly in October isi post-Ponied until some fultire tim".

W. A. Christopher.--There will be an all day singing

fo: the hoe-fit of the old1 peoplo atSix Mile church the first Su;:day inOcter. Eveorybody invitedl to comeand birmg sonmg books and wvell filledbaskcots and spend the (lay in songa erv ice.

-Cards are out announcing themnarriage oif Miss Nanioi Irene Roper,< Easley, to Mr. Ernest HamptoniCr.iig, of Pickens. on Wednesday( vemtng, Obe r 7th, 1933, at 8.o'cl nk, at the home of the bride'srar.-.nte, Mr. and Mrs. John Roper.

-J. E. Porsons has thb fever; im

iany friends hope he will be up

- Nio . J. J.F.inistor, of Cateccbeeis sp--nding this week with her parent", Mr. and Mrs. R. A. llowen.

--It. U. Carter, Liberty, has received a lot of the celebrated "Thornhill" wagons Which ho Will sell at tieright, price.

-N. D. Taylor, photogi aphor, wilbe in his studio at Pickens, in tiCarey old building, next, Tuesdayand Wudlosday, Soptembor 29th and80th, If yo-. want first class work calWI him, and rest assured you wilget it.-Now is your chance. They musl

go regnrdless of price. I still liavefow econd -haind sowing maohinesleft which will be sold at some priceCome and got one before they are alpone. Thoy all do good sewiug.

W. 11. Johnson, Pickens, S. C.-Auditor E. F. Keith has complo.

ted his returns of taxable property inthe couity. Tie property returnsamount to $2,292.141; polls, 2,994'Th is does not include additionalssinco February 20. For 1902, thctotal property returned was $2,105,344; polls, 2,580.-Mr. J. W. Hunt, of Mt. Carmel

section, is ill. lie is a vtterai of th<civil war aid did four years of goodservice for his country. He has beena good citizen and a hard worker.Ho is now about 70 years t age.We hope he may recover and livemany years yet.

--Jas. It. Powers, son of J. T.Powers, of the Keowee side, hasgraduated in the business course atConverse College, atid has comohome. He loft last weelk in companywith J. B. Hill and son Ross, fur At.lant.a, on a pleasure trip. On theirreturn young Hill and Powers willattend college inl bpartanburg.-News reached here Saturday af

ternloon of the suicide of Robert Jones,who lived in the upper part of thecouity in the Dacusville section. Thesuicide was efceted by laudanum, theseem1)ingly favorite loath dealing drugof those bent upon self-destruction.No cause is assigned for the act. AIriw years ago the deceased marriedthe daughter of Air. J D. M. Keith,one of the best citiz.-ns of the Oulen-oy section of the county.-This paper is published to dis.

Sellillato the news, and we canl onlygive the news whenever we learn ofit. We want to give you value re-ceived for your money and all thenlows we can, so will appreciate verym1uch any itemDs you will senid ue.While they may not be news to you,rellember that oti-ra will appreciltereading them. Just send us theskeletoi on t postal card and we canput the clothes on it. tf.-Thirty would-le teachers pro

Pented themselvos before the countyboord of edutication Friday for c.xami-nation. T1here were and live blacks. The numberof y-oung men01 was the largest, insome1 1time. The need for miore mentenebers is urgent iln this county.The suplply is short and1( there ar~eschools in thle county that are closedifor lack of compeet male teachers.There are some communities thatem1ploy only 1male1 teachers.

--Uuiless somle unfdorseeni acciden t,or rush of wvork prevents, the papersare put in tihe Pickens postoffico onWVedn eday afternoons, and le ave hereon) T1hursday morning, so that oursuibs-cribers should receive their pa-pers~not later thani Friday. If you(10 not receive y'our paper on) time, oret aill, please notify this office atnd wewill look into the matter and1( seewherec the trouble lies. tf.--Mr. IR. Y. Hlellams soldi his

splendid farm this wveek to WilliamiN. HIughes0 andi hits soni, Thomas .2Hugbes, of Looper, Pickens counlty.The farm is located on the CedarLane road, five miles from the ciyand contains 108 aicres of land, withone of the handlsomnest residences inthe cunlty and out buildings (If thebest kind. The price paid was $9,000,caish, and the Messrs. Hlughes have

secured a bargain. Mr. T1. T. Hugheswill move to this farm between nowand Christm'as.- Greenville Moun.taineer.

Fromi Bethlehem Ridge.Mr. Editor: As I haven't seen

anything from this burg lately, Iltry andi give you a few (lots.

Health ill our sectioni was neverbetter.Fodder pulling is about over, andnow it is pick cotton and peas, anld I

s( e some of the farmers are sowingoats.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T.1. Hughes vIsitedfriends and relatives in Lauren~scounty recently.

Mesdamnes R. M. Newton and LulaM~ar tin, and Miss CJatharino MIartin,of Pendleton, visited the family of M.WV. Newvton last week.

M'drs. M. W. Newton has returnedflroml a pleasant visit to her sister,M r-s. WV. A.1loggs, of Calhoun.

Ike Hamby and children, of Green.ville, visited his brother-in-laN, JohnVaughin, Saturday and Sunday.Our school, taught by Misses Obui

Major and Luhti Glazener, closed the11th inst. Th'iey are fine tenehereand were loved b~y all. Miss Olga leftfor her home this week. She will bemissed here.

R1ev. 0. M. Ahney tillcd his regolar apin~i)tmen~t at Ulethilehetm lastSiunday. A large audience was presont. lHe preached a historical sermon on Methodism, wich was rcainteresting.Our Sunday school is very goodi.

"WVe Two."

Card of Thanks.To all who rendIered1 anly taitnci

during the recent and fatal illness omy beloved wife, I tender my sincerest thanks and commnend you t<the Giver of all good, and prany thaHe will reward you in this and thuworld to come. .P. P. McDaniel.

Card of Thanks.We desire to express our siuncer,

and heartfelt thanks to the good pecple of the town and surroundingcountry for their kindness rondere<during the sickaess atnd death oMrs. P. P. McDa~iich: May the L~on'abundantly bless and reward them

J. 11 0 MnnmnieI anul Fnmily.

Death of Mrs. P. P. McDaniel.On Wednesday tuorning, 231 i ist,at 7 a. in at the residence of boriff

J. II. 0. McDaniel, in Pickens, thehappy.and glorifled spirit of Mra. MayO'Dell, the beloved wife of PrestonP. McDatniel broke tho vrison barsof life and winged her flight to therealms of joys on high.Mrs. 1JcDainiol was tho seconddaughter of Ex-Senator W. T. O'Dellof this county, and was In the twenty-third year of her .life. Two yearsago she waa converted and joined thoBaptist church at Liberty, and sincethat time she has lived a happy, devoted christian life.

Last April slio was happily mar-ried to Mr. McDaniel, and since thattime she has lived in Pickens whereshe has endoared herself to our poole. For some weeks of her short,appy married life, Rho showed her

true womanhoood by her devotion toher wounded husband who had beenseriously hurt in tho discharge of hisdty ats un oflicor of the law.

She( Wiai always of a bright andcheerful disposition, carrying sun-shine and gladness in imlanyi homesHow we shall miss her smiling faceIand cheerful words.

Wednosday afternoon hor body waslaid away in the ol1 Clayton graveyard, ivo miles southwest of Pickons,in the presenco of anl iimieni)s conl.course of friends and relatives. Thefuneral services were conducted byRev. D. W. Hiott, of Easley.We cannot understand whv ourHeavenly Father has taken our dearyoung sister away from us so soon inlife, and left the crushed anid bleed-ing hearts of father, mother, eittersand brothers, and especially theyoung husband, whose life seemedwrapped up in her lifo. May the Godof all graco comfort the hearts ot theboreaved. Hr Pastor.

News From Calhoun.Children's Day exercises were ob.

served in our Sunday school last Sun-day night. The recitations by thechildren were unusually good. Prof.D. W. Daniel, of Clemson Collegegave an address which was especiallyinteresting. The remarks mad byour able Superintendent, Mr. Dillard,were very al)propriate fur the occa-sion and were enjoyed by all. A verylarge crowd was in attendancu whichwas highly gratifying to the membersof the Sabbath school.

Miss Helen Comstock, the prettyand intelligent daughter of Mrs. 'kH. Comstock,-left some time ago forNew Haven, Conn., where she willattend school the coming sesion.

R. B. Cochran-visitcd in the Fair-view s etion one (liay last week.

Mrs. J. E. Lebby and daughter,MisS Mattie, are visiting friends hereDOW.

lisseR Hunter and Snie Palhuer,of Pelzer, are visiting their aunt, Mrs.O-ear Harris, this week

Miss Graco Routh viited rebi.tiveshero last week. She left oin Wodniesday for Asheville where she will euturcollege.

Miss Pearl Bogge visitedl relativesat Pendleton last week.*Mirs. 0. R. Doyle and Miss Clara

Hairris spent two days with the form-ner's parents at Goncross.Henry Todd, a pop~ular business

man fromii Columbia, visitedi thbo faim-ily of 0. Harris recently.

Miss May (Cherry, of 8eneca, visit.ed at Mrts. Doyle's one day last week

Dr. W. R. Doyle was her., on buiiness Saturday,

lMiss Lena Monres wais a charing~'visitor to our town recen tly.Lee and Walter Cochran spent

Sunuday with friends ini the LongDranch section.Sunday sc-hool every Sunday mor-n-

ng at 10 o'clock protopily'. Ever-body' invited and urged to attend.

Liberty Locals,Liberty, S. C., P'ep. 21, 1903.

A Methodist protracted maeetiinghas just closed; wasL coinducted byR1ev. Yarbaugh, a traveling Tihore were several adlditions tothe church anid a great revival. R.ev.Yarbaugh preached two sermons onthe streets for benefit of thos'e whocould not leave their business to at.tcud service at church. Dr. Claytoniprea~che~d Sundicay afternoon.Liberty has been wonderfully

blessed with pr-each ing. Comnmenc-ing second Sunday in July3 there hasbeen preaching hero about forty days;two and sometimes three sermaonsieach day, or about eighy sermuoinsand about sixty five members aiddedto the different churches, to say noth-ing of the colored people who haveiun protracted meetings all suminerhereaboat.John JRanikin has finished rolling

his store hou'e and1( iP now locatedwhere the Hollingcworth old liverystable lately stoodi.

Material is being placed for T. N.Huinter's brick store.Newv wvarehouse uinder way at the

cotton mill.8. D. Stewart and wife are visiting

their son, S. C. Stewart, at Pittsburg,Pa.

P. A. Greer has resigned the do.pot agency hero.

Clande Hutchins, of CharlestonCitadel academy has just olosed1 thepublic term of school at Flat Rockschool house, lie gives promise ofmaking his influence felt no a teacherin the niear future. Hie returns tothe Citadel in) a few days where hehas to attend aniothier yeair.

Rose O'Dell, of R1. F" D. No. 3, ieports a treat to a fine mess of straw.berriesa from U. P. IKelley, one of hispatrons near Twelve Mile river' irKelley says lie has had strawberrypie occasionally for some time.

Frost reported last week in low1)1aces.

J. D. Smith has about three acr-, Rin tomatoea andl has already p~ut upjover 7,000 cans. Beats cotton 0.

Bridge to Repair.I will 1)e at the Jewell bridge, on

Twelve Mile river, near Calhoun, onSaturday, Oct. 8(d, at 11 a. mn., fortheopurpose of letting to the lowest

b(dde the repairing of said bridge.A. 1B. Talley,County Commnissi~ner.

Alien's Foot-Es. IL rests the feet Jures,k tda.fee. At all drumggis andshu)Io& creH

Big Reduction SaleDry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Overalls, Buggies,

Wagons, Barness, Saddles, Blankets, Laprobes- And All Kinds Of -

HiARDWARE, TINWARE, S1%APLE AND FANCY CROCERIES.My buyer wvill leave for New York about Aug. 28th to buy one of

the most Complete lines of Goneral Merchalndise ever kept in this countryand will be sold at the r ight pIrice.


'Ilhey are the most simlple inl con..structioi and lighest running andmost lasting mowers ever maide.

'~.*~ ' ,cCOM V1~A M~ W L M ABOUT THEM11S

tR. C. CarterMERCHANT,CASH EC A su~ te r-,;,iber~zy, S. C.

GradMilLe ry OpeningA/r%_npE

Heath=Bruce=1orrow CompanyFriday & Saturday Oct. 2nd & 3rd.

$ Don't fail to atteid. A grand display of Hats and$ Dress Goods. 'The largest and most varied selec-0 tion we have ever men andthe prices are right.Watch this space for add.

Cures GripT0 Cr a In Two Days.

Take 0ative E'4XuO r . RR IleTabilets. Ont everySeven Million boxes sold in past: 12 months. This SigLature, *% v-A 7-wbox. 25c.

00ts Fr m Equnhty.

] lte lenie Johua IAc Uice, Phrg C mpny

you cnuse thema as you see best. -"-.. ... m ...

Saillie Kellecy, of thii.s. phice, bu.t week.I. 0UR-im--.M ina Do'.h' Jev: , 0l' I Iope~ we

visiteud her cousin, Mi - Wi'l i Kehov.r

ill lElIena (dh.ici~., of Au.nn t~' s guaranteed to cure CORNS for

We 0\ n ow iir a int o anai y 1 l Sbbt ~~uh1i' Ih ickenis Drug Com-ipany.Thel babty of Mcr. anti ' .i. 11. ('.Poorn 111hal beej<iite sich 1:11i

prove~d. I--- -

WXish, you ain yc uri te.i'elet imp

able t (0care in al its stai es anl tl:ot ;

tutionail dIisease. ru cinire.- a conif/t nii s*.- 4a! treatmeut. [ball s ( l arri (ti r t istlt en inti-rnailly, noting dlirecLy upon)0theilo i n~i mudiiuc'tns surfaices of theursotCi ie pic e3 stemi, Iteeb itiroy~ji th fruindia--/ te letevsn aet ,

tion of t he (<lisease, anil giinig Itiw pn.tierst r0trengthl by bluiling~ up~ ihe en/ So Cetos r .befudstituton and assiM ing seituretV in doing i v n .1tht\akn

much01 faith inlII its urtive! I~Oweshtthey offe'r Owi HI iiniti t I)clars for ni y hlrn Sh e hanuy cUaso that it, fa tls to cur1e. Seu in ornlist of testtimlonlials. - iefml. FrwaeeAddress, F. J1. Chlenlev & C2o,/ roeyoma

Toleido, 0O.lir heSold bty all I rnuagists, Tic./ WChetemadtte'r /Haull's Farniily P'ila are' the best. / lw s

If constipateul or li outs, eat! focr T'a../~/m~oni's Pilla andi bet erli n ourt cilerlw giveC

treatnienit 25 (10ses 250.PickensI Dr ug Co.

Tae 'l's Ocire a ('old It On U lh)-Iiy'ESO IlUETaoLaxative Biraio Qiuinine 'I'alets. I{EYI~E.0

All drnggists reftundt thle riorney it' it ft iis \ \ \ \ ~ .to ctur., E. WN. (Orove's signatlire is onleach btox. 25c.

Manu~y Seiaool (lildren a ell 1t 1ily.MoilierUracy's Sweet i'ciwetrs for t'h ib it,

ied by Md(othe Gray. 8141 rr e iti ('htiht ren's IlomeiNewiu York, Ureak iir> cd I'o i la - citur,. luret i.' - .. 7 . *--... .- . ._______________yerishnss t ies c hI e ec. Sloeh i it ubles. Tleul h- ~ ---------i~gIix a isorders, candi ei'strcov Wormi .\ti ii al drug

To hothlerR Inc Ticn nt.

Will gileiciclilcrlc! imm lelc' e!illeini iri' lletic l'i. ctc l:etcM irAother Shipmentsweet l'ccwdecrs df or Childr hel elentatecelntIlns'toariethswek as

cstoechcc , cccl onith lie mic't ing j cc 'iekly cibtctaos; and al cti y. .\ccicc < -rttain ..u e itu noro m

- rrcce' t clthotc hi l'eorr~1 ~ 1'~ecccet!3 c tM "Pieet jueri iQ

WociVd t e t~itcoula .

SHOUT FROM EVERY HUUSE-TOP Friue tvs ukIo esa~with tho strength <r f nnillosa voiees

r. King'sWeAeFxdorYuNewDiscoveryomanseu.I ...... Pn umont,Ar . aei i :.reni __ _______


Price 600 tndeIb0stTnewlesttand latest--/

SoCraionsar;t b fun..

Hevyad ieh Wlin.

I'alk About Your

"Mill d es" and'ou "Wreck Wst'"but they are not "in It" with our

"Knock Down", "Drag Out" Clearance Sale for theMONTH OF AUCUST,

, Big lot of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, lIats and eits Furn-ishig Goods to go at an( and below Now York coat. Over 800 pairsof metns and boys pants all sizes and colors to go at'-plices never be-fore heard of in the tate of Pickens.Big lot of Clothing, conio and select your suit rame the priceand take it.This is no fairy tale but plain facts we are talking. We wouldrather have cost for every suit in the house than to the timo andtroublo to muove and reariange them in our now storo.We lopo to be in our new -1uartors by Sept. 1, and we contem.platO bilying the largest stock of (lenoral Merchandier, consisting ofClot hing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Gents Furnishimgs, Grocorlos, Hard-will'o Furnituro, Buggie-s and Wagons ever brought to this part of thecoutntry. We will convert our old store into a wpgon and Buggy andI urniture Depository and by Sept 15th we will be prepared to showyou a complete and well selectod stock. Have just ordered a oar ofMitchell & Lewis wagons which are the best on the market.Remember: For the next 30 days we will offer some of thegreatest bargaiins ever offered in Pickons.

Folger & ThornleyClothing, Hats, Shoes and Gents FurnishingA Specialty.

P W. T. MFAL, J. MoD. BRUCE,President. Cashior.


CAPITAL, - - $ 20,500.00.PROF'TS, - - $ 10,312.09.DEPOSITS, - - $100,055.29,

Interest paid on time Deposits. Careful Management.Liberal Treatment to all it's Customers.


.1. E. IIAGOOD, ,1, . (lic. y. J. E. OGGSw. M. IIAGOOI, ,w.W T. Mc"A Li,, T'. N. HiUNTER0I. A. RICHlEY, J. T.STEwIA IT, .. Me. HidfE.

oo .. STall.OR the last two months we have

hardly had time to get a longq breath-4 trying to handle so many chickens

and we w"ish to say to the pouhrty raisersfor their good and ours to stop selling'- your chickens so small as they are not wvan-

ted anywhere at any price. Large chickenswvill bring a much better prFice and arec al-ways wanted. Hiens are in good demand.We want all the eggs we can get and wvill

One-Price Cash Store

WV. Tr. McF"ALL, J. S. WILSON, p'. E. B3RUCE.PrIesjdent. vice-Pres. Sec. & Tlreas

4The Pickens Oil IMill Company,±-DEALERS IN

t'aCotton Seed Meal, Hualls, Oil and Linters~Ginning Cotton A Specialty.Capacity 510 hales Pe~r Day.


\Ve want to buy all the seed you have and wvill paytop of the market for them.A first-class ginnery. Capacity 50 bales per day.Satisfactory turnout and a fmne sample is our guarantee.As soon ae the season opens we will have p~lenlty of

meal and hulls for sale.We will be readly to gin your first bale~as well as

your last one.

WANTED) AT ONCE-500 cords of 4 foot pinewood.

Help us to make a success of this enterprise bygivmng us your patronage and we wvill a surte you "goodmeasure and running over."

The Pickens Oil Mill Co.

IYou Will Be Sorry...II you don't buy the best and you witllalways buy the best if you tiade atmy stoic. A nice clean stock ofGENERAL MERCHAND)ISE con-sisting of

Dr'y (Goods, Notions, Shoes,HItIZs, (Groeies-

and a lot of other things.See my line of

..SHOES..before you buy. I

carry one of the best lines of shoessintown.

Biring your produce and come tosee me.