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Parish Link The Parish Magazine for the Benefice of Bagendon, Baunton, Coberley, Colesbourne, Cowley, Elkstone, North Cerney, Rendcomb and Stratton Keep yourselves in the love of God Jude 1: 21 February 2018 70p

The Parish Magazine for the Benefice of Bagendon, Baunton ...

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Parish Link

The Parish Magazine for the Benefice of Bagendon, Baunton, Coberley, Colesbourne,

Cowley, Elkstone, North Cerney, Rendcomb and Stratton

Keep yourselves in the love of God Jude 1: 21

February 2018


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The Pastoral Letter - Revd Arthur Champion .......................................... 4 Benefice news.......................................................................................... 5

Bishop Rachel to visit Elkstone ............................................................ 5 How your PCC can care for God’s creation ......................................... 5

For all the saints: the first in a new series of articles ............................... 8 Reviews and Thanks ............................................................................... 9

Bagendon’s best ever Raffle! ............................................................... 9 Generosity at Bagendon’s Candlelit Carol Service ............................ 10 Epiphany Sunday Service, Tewkesbury Abbey ................................. 10 Rendcomb Patients' Support Group Coffee morning ......................... 10 Elkstone Nativity 2017 - A Poem by Pauline Farman ........................ 11

Forthcoming events ............................................................................... 11 Lent at St Peter’s, Stratton ................................................................. 11 Lent course in the Northern parishes ................................................. 12

News from around the Parishes ............................................................ 12 Baunton: Wall painting restoration ..................................................... 12 Coberley update ................................................................................. 12 Colesbourne: the snowdrops are coming! .......................................... 13 Elkstone: challenges and plans for 2018 ........................................... 13 Stratton: helping St Peter’s through online shopping ......................... 14

Schools’ News ....................................................................................... 15 Coberley C of E Primary School ......................................................... 15 North Cerney C of E Primary Academy ............................................. 18 Stratton C of E Primary School .......................................................... 18

Scrubditch Care Farm ............................................................................ 19 Community news and events ................................................................ 21

Stratton Educational Foundation ........................................................ 21 Stratton Tuesday Group ..................................................................... 21 Calling for Knitters of hearts ............................................................... 22 Gloucestershire Constabulary Neighbourhood Watch ....................... 22 News from our NHS Trust .................................................................. 23

From the Benefice Registers ................................................................. 24 Recipe .................................................................................................... 25 Crossword .............................................................................................. 27 Services February 2018 ......................................................................... 28 Directory ................................................................................................. 32

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The Pastoral Letter - Revd Arthur Champion

Dear friends and neighbours,

I trust the New Year is starting well for you… Life in this world inevitably brings some ups and downs, which is why these words from the Bible are such a great encouragement: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Jesus was telling his disciples to take courage. Soon he would be suffering on The Cross and then rising again to new life. He was going to be leaving the world and they would suffer persecution, but they wouldn’t be alone. The Holy Spirit was coming and soon their grief would turn to joy. The Acts of the Apostles gives an accurate historical record of the early church spreading all around the Mediterranean. Sure enough the Holy Spirit empowered the first Christians to overcome trouble from the Jewish religious people and later from the occupying Roman forces.

Even today, some 2,000 years later, those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ are still receiving his gift of peace amidst all the troubles of this world: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give it as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:37) The Holy Spirit gives peace that is deep and long lasting. It’s a peace that goes beyond the mere absence of conflict. It’s having a quiet confidence that Jesus is with us through the present troubles and will bring us into happier times ahead.

Trouble in this world comes to us in many forms; for example, back in the 1950s my mother was going through a divorce causing anxiety, shame and depression. Soon she would be left alone in a foreign country with two small boys to bring up but without any visible means of support. The neighbours encouraged her to see a doctor in the expectation of receiving a prescription for some medication. Instead, to her surprise, the GP told her to go home and sit quietly then slowly read these words: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.” (Philippians 4: 8). My mother took the doctor’s advice (which was quite controversial by today’s ethical standards) and from that time onwards she chose to adopt an attitude of thankfulness in all

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circumstances. Even in the darkest days my mother would appreciate a glimmer of light.

In the same way we too can be thankful for the influx of villagers to the Christmas services and at other festivals during the year. Our neighbours are still bringing their babies for baptism, couples are coming to us for weddings and the deceased for Christian funeral services. We continue to hope that our neighbours will discover a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who wants so much to become their Saviour, their Lord and their friend. The same Holy Spirit who spread the Gospel around the Roman Empire is still active today in these Cotswold Hills and we can take comfort from these words of Jesus, who must have anticipated our situation: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20) May each of us know God’s presence through all the joys and sorrows of the year ahead.

Benefice news

Bishop Rachel to visit Elkstone

On Sunday 18th February at 6pm the Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek, will be leading a session of Lent Teaching and Prayer, entitled “Meeting the Cross,” in Elkstone parish church. The session will involve an extended sermon from Bishop Rachel, followed by some discussion and then a time of prayer. It should last for no more than an hour. Refreshments will be provided afterwards. All are most welcome!

How your PCC can care for God’s creation

First, we have some good news... for the past year Elkstone parish church has been working quietly away on various environmental projects, which have resulted in it being presented with the Bronze EcoChurch Award by “A Rocha”, the Christian environmental charity. Congratulations to the PCC, especially Chloe Darling who has spearheaded a lot of the activity!

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It is important for the church to “put its own house in order” if we are to have any credibility when shaping policy on external issues such as fly-tipping; incineration versus recycling; fracking; and the disposal of nuclear waste. “A Rocha” (meaning “The Rock” in Portuguese) has devised a straightforward process involving an on-line questionnaire. Their survey covers the five aspects illustrated below:

1. Worship and teaching Ten questions. For example: Special Sundays relating to caring for God’s Earth are celebrated in our church. (Answer) “at least annually” / “less often” / “never” / “need to find out”. Background information: The CofE’s liturgical year has several opportunities for “green worship,” such as: Plough Sunday - 14th January, Eco-communion - 11th February, Rogation Sunday - 6th May, Environment Sunday - 3rd June, Lammas Day - 1st August, Creationtide - 1st September until 4th October, Harvest Thanksgiving - local dates, St Francis of Assisi - 4th October. The CofE website has lots of downloadable resources for conducting these services.

2. Buildings 26 questions. For example: The electricity supplied to our building(s) is generated from renewable resources and/or charged according to our supplier’s green tariff. (Answer) “yes” / “no” / “need to find out” / “not applicable (no external supply)”. Background information: The vast majority of climate scientists advise that current carbon emissions must be cut worldwide by 80% just to restore the world's balance. How much we participate in meeting this challenge will have consequences for our children and grandchildren. Since 2008 the Church of England has been working towards a carbon reduction target of 80% by 2050 and an interim target of 42% by 2020. PCCs can generate their own electricity (following the example of St Michael’s at Withington and Gloucester Cathedral) or by purchasing electricity and gas from various sources: directly with one of the "big six” - “Ecotricity”, “GAIA”, CofE Parish Buying Scheme, “2buy2”, “The Big Church Switch” and various other schemes. Quite often PCCs have chosen the cheapest energy supplier whereas Gloucester Diocese is actively encouraging PCCs to switch over to a renewable supplier such as Ecotricity or GAIA.

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3. Land Six questions. For example: The land at our church is managed for the encouragement of native wildlife and plants (eg. grass cutting schedules, provision of bird boxes and feeders etc). (Answer) “yes” / “no” / “need to find out”. Background information: PCCs can obtain advice on any of these aspects by referring to websites such as Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, and the Churn Valley Benefice is fortunate to have various experts on plants, trees, birds and insects.

4. Community and global 25 questions. For example: Our church arranges for local environmentalists to speak in our services. (Answer) “at least annually” / “less often” / “never” / “need to find out”. Background information: The Roman Catholic Church led by Pope Francis has recently launched a global initiative of caring for God’s creation. Pope Francis has said that: "The Earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.... industrial waste and chemical products utilised in cities and agricultural areas can lead to bio-accumulation in the organisms of the local population." It’s quite easy to find speakers who can inspire action in the following areas: Toilet Twinning, community litter picking, sharing home-grown produce, Traidcraft stalls after Sunday worship, and supporting an environmental charity.

5. Lifestyle 15 questions. For example: The members of our church receive encouragement to undertake a personal carbon footprint audit. (Answer) “at least annually” / “less often” / “never” / “need to find out”. Background information: The Church of England’s former Archbishop Bishop, Rowan Williams, has said that: “We have come to understand the universe as a giant warehouse of stuff there for our convenience, rather than as a community of creatures, of which we are part, living in relation to the mystery of God". The “Climate Stewards” website ( ) has an easy to use calculator which also has tips on ways of reducing emissions.

Experience proves that environmental initiatives often go hand in hand with making cost-savings. I would be delighted to support each PCC over the coming months. Surely, every congregation has someone who is

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enthusiastic about caring for creation? If this appeals to you then please get in touch directly! Arthur Champion (Revd).

For all the saints: the first in a new series of articles

During the Roman occupation of Britain, there was a man called Alban living in the city of Verulamium about 25 miles to the north of London. One day there was a knock at Alban’s door from a Christian priest who was being pursued by Roman soldiers. Alban was a pagan, but he took the risk of sheltering this man and, to quote Bede the chronicler: “…when he observed this man’s unbroken activity of prayer and vigil, he was suddenly touched by the grace of God and began to follow the priest’s example of faith and devotion. Gradually, instructed by his teaching of salvation, Alban renounced the darkness of idolatry and accepted Christ.”

A few days later some Roman soldiers arrived at Alban’s house but by then Alban had swapped cloaks with the Christian priest to help him escape. Alban took the place of the priest by surrendering himself. The Roman judge was furious about what had happened but Alban didn’t back down; instead he boldly proclaimed: “I worship and adore the living and true God, who created all things.”

Alban’s trial, torture and events leading up to his beheading on 22nd June are wonderfully described in Bede’s book: “Ecclesiastical History of the English People”. Some historians reckon that Alban was executed as early as 209AD but others claim the evidence points to around 313AD. Alban became the first recorded British Christian martyr and his grave is the oldest continuous site of Christian worship in Great Britain.

The first Norman Abbot, Paul of Caen, used Roman bricks from the ruins of Verulamium to build the present cathedral. At that time, it was quite natural to dedicate a church building to one of the saints or martyrs. Pilgrims and visitors to the shrine of St Alban can light a candle and/or recite the following prayer:

Among the roses of the martyrs brightly shines Saint Alban. Almighty God, we thank you for this place built to your glory and in memory of Alban, our first martyr: Following his example in the fellowship of the saints, may we worship and adore the true and living God, and be faithful witnesses to the Christ,

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who is alive and reigns, now and forever. Pray for us Alban, pray for us all Saints of God That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.

The Alban Prayer hints quite strongly at the Anglo-Catholic practice of not only praying to God, but also asking the saints to “put in a good word” as well. Soon after the first centuries, Christians began to dedicate church buildings to other saintly men and women. Even today, the Roman Catholic Church still places some relic of a saint inside the altar and new church buildings are dedicated to a patron saint.

Before the Reformation this practice may have seemed natural enough but the first Bishop of Gloucester, Bishop John Hooper (1500 – 1555), denounced it in the strongest possible terms: “What intolerable ill, blasphemy of God, and ethnical (heathenish) idolatry is this, to admit and teach the invocation of saints departed out of this world! It taketh from God his true honour; it maketh him a fool, that only hath ordained only Christ to be Mediator between man and him…”

The Church of England emerged from the Reformation as a kind of peace treaty between Catholics and the Puritans who in 1549 agreed to adopt the original Book of Common Prayer. Today the Church of England is a kind of miniature ecumenical movement where those of an Anglo-Catholic persuasion are able to recite the Alban Prayer, for example, whilst others can find inspiration by learning about the lives of the saints.

It’s a common mistake to think that the church is the building when really the church is the gathering of baptised Christians who express the love they have received from God by sharing it with the parish and beyond. Many of us are used to trotting out the names of our patron saints without knowing much about them; therefore, over the next few months I’m planning to write a series of articles starting with Bagendon’s St Margaret of Antioch and going through alphabetically to Stratton’s St Peter.

Arthur Champion (Revd).

Reviews and Thanks

Bagendon’s best ever Raffle!

Sue Bathurst once again organised a Harvest Raffle to raise funds for the church maintenance. The PCC wishes to thank her, together with all those who donated prizes as well as those who bought tickets. The draw took place on December 8th for six superb prizes and a net profit of £380 was realised. An excellent result.

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Generosity at Bagendon’s Candlelit Carol Service

The generosity of those who came to this service has enabled St Margaret's church to send donations of £238 each to Longfield Hospice and Winston's Wish - this is in addition to the £120 raised by the carol singers for the same charities. Many thanks to all who contributed.

Epiphany Sunday Service, Tewkesbury Abbey

On Epiphany Sunday, I was taken to Tewkesbury Abbey by Bob Harrison and Peter Moore for the special evening service at 6pm. To be in that wonderful building, to listen to the age-old words and the amazing singing of the Abbey choir was a great treat for me, and afterwards we toured the Ambulatory to look at the candle designs laid out there. This year’s theme was the Old English Carol, the Twelve Days of Christmas, and we were told the meaning of each line, which I had not heard of before, and which I thought I would share with you all:

A partridge in a pear tree is Jesus. Two turtle doves are the Old and New Testaments. Three French hens stand for Faith, Hope and Love. Four calling birds are the four Gospels. Five gold rings are the first five books in the Old Testament. Six geese a-laying stand for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, prophesy, serving, teaching, mercy, encouragement, contribution and leadership. Eight maids a-milking are the Beatitudes. Nine ladies dancing are the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Ten lords a-leaping are the Ten Commandments. Eleven pipers piping are the faithful Apostles. Twelve drummers drumming are from twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.

I found the whole flickering arrangement fascinating, and a fitting end to a wonderful service, which Bishop Rachel took her part in, with the arrival of the Three Wise Men. Muriel Paine.

Rendcomb Patients' Support Group Coffee morning

Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the happy and successful Christmas Cake Sale/Coffee Morning at Winstone Village Hall on Saturday 2nd December. A total of £353 was raised (including

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donations). All this will go towards projects that benefit patients of Rendcomb Surgery. For example, items purchased in recent years include: 3 Electronic Consultation Couches; new seats for the Waiting Room; test equipment for patients on Warfarin; a wheelchair; a Hyfrecator for the removal of skin lesions; the improved access ramp and automatic doors (part of). Thank you! Pauline Farman.

Elkstone Nativity 2017 - A Poem by Pauline Farman

Christmas Eve in Elkstone was truly magical, The Church adorned with evergreen; the excitement tangible.

The Nativity participants in costumes neatly pressed, The shepherds and the angels could really not have guessed

That some real animals would share their chancel stage, A wonderful reminder of that far-off bygone age.

Three Shetland sheep; a donkey and two bantams helped to tell The wondrous story of that night - which we all know so well, How shepherds in their frosty fields heard the Angels sing,

Announcing wide the glorious news of a new-born King. And how the shepherds ran with haste to that stable bare,

The first disciples of His name; Good News they were to share.

And we in Elkstone's lovely Church helped celebrate Christ's birth, Echoing the Angels' song: Goodwill, and Peace on Earth.

Forthcoming events

Lent at St Peter’s, Stratton

Tuesday 13th February 12.00 noon Pancakes at the Plough Savoury or sweet pancakes: £1.50 each.

************************** Lent Soup Lunches at the Rectory

on Wednesday 21st February and Wednesday 14th March Between 12.30pm and 2.00pm

A choice of soups and bread will be served on each day between 12.30 and 2.00pm at Stratton Rectory. Donations of £5.00 welcome towards

Water Aid and Toilet Twinning, our chosen charities this Lent. Like Stratton School we shall be supporting the provision of clean water and

sanitation for some of the most deprived peoples of the world. We hope you can join us.

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Lent course in the Northern parishes

Please join us every Wednesday during Lent from 7.00pm to 8.30pm at Cowley Rectory (GL53 9NJ) for a series of Bible studies entitled: "Fruitfulness on the Front Line" as described in this video: The only exceptions will be our first session on Shrove Tuesday (13th February) and the second session on Wednesday 21st February, which will be held at Ronnie and Carole Bury's home in Elkstone. Further information is available from the Revd Arthur Champion.

News from around the Parishes

Baunton: Wall painting restoration

As we go to print, it is hoped that the long-awaited conservation work to the 15th century St Christopher Wall Painting will start on 23rd January. The work is being carried out by Paine and Stewart Ltd, specialist conservators, and should last about one week. The painting was hidden away behind plaster following the Reformation and was re-discovered in the late 19th-century when the plaster was removed during the Victorian renovation works. The last time conservation work was carried out to the painting was 2003. Funding for this work has come from the National Lottery and the Church Building Council to whom the Parochial Church Council is extremely grateful. The Church will be open during the conservation work and you are welcome to see this important work in progress. A talk about the painting, by Dr Ellie Pridgeon, is planned for Saturday 21st April. Further details to follow.

Coberley update

After serving as Treasurer for the past seven years, David Carlton has recently retired and will be receiving a presentation at our next PCC meeting on 5th February. During this period David dealt with the apportionment of clergy expenses for ministry and mission across the four Northern parishes as well as leading several major projects; most recently £50,000 of repair work to the tower at St Giles. The PCC is relieved that David intends to continue working towards a composting toilet so that the local school and villagers can make greater use of our church building for concerts and other events.

As announced in December's magazine, the "2Cs" have begun worshipping together and enjoying the benefits of being a larger

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congregation; not least in hymn-singing and socialising afterwards. The parish churches in Cowley and Coberley are only a mile apart and there has always been some movement of residents between the two villages. Our aspiration to form a single PCC has gone through Deanery level and by the time you read this we expect it to have been discussed at Diocesan level. So "watch this space" as they say!

Colesbourne: the snowdrops are coming!

The Colesbourne snowdrops are coming early this year and the Park will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 3-4 February to 3-4 March with bell ringing demonstrations being given in St James’ Church every weekend. Various local charities will be providing delicious teas with PCC volunteers doing the last weekend, 3-4 March.

Elkstone: challenges and plans for 2018

The congregation at Elkstone has experienced a difficult period following the death last August of its long-serving Churchwarden and Treasurer, David Pierce, whose personality and leadership is sorely missed. Several PCC members have suffered illness or needed major surgery. Never-the-less, we thank God for Geoff Gait-Carr becoming Church Warden alongside Chloe Darling and Brian Howlett who is now serving as Treasurer. God bless them!

In December Sylvie Pierce and friends planted a tree in the churchyard in memory of her husband David. The chosen tree is a Metasequoia glyptostroboides, or Dawn Redwood. It is an interesting tree discovered in1941 in Central China, and previously only known in fossils. The first seeds arrived in 1948 via The Arnold Arboretum in Boston, USA. It is also unusual being a deciduous conifer with dainty bright larch-like leaves in summer which turn golden and then brown before falling in the autumn. The lovely reddish trunk glows in sunlight, hence the name Redwood.

3+’s for Elkstone in 2018!

Good news on the Open Day front! A young person from the village has offered to head-up/organise the Open Day for us. The Village Hall and church committees are extremely grateful to Bethan and her team as the funds from this event are essential to our wellbeing. Date tbc.

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Secondly, Andrew Hodges with friends, has offered to give us a Spring Strings concert on the afternoon of 29th April with entertaining arrangements of well-known tunes ranging from Vivaldi to The Beatles.

Then, on 28th October in the afternoon, we are planning a Commemorative Concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1. Tea and cakes will be served at both concerts.

Stratton: helping St Peter’s through online shopping

St Peter’s has been an important part of Stratton village life for centuries. The first records of a church here appeared in the Domesday book. It now serves around two-and-a-half-thousand residents not only as a place of worship, but also as a venue for community events and concerts. It is where so many people have celebrated important milestones in their lives, and will

continue to do so into the future. It represents a truly invaluable resource for the whole of the life of our village. However, like everything, the church is in constant need of upkeep. By joining “TheGivingMachine” you can help raise the funds we need to ensure that the church survives to meet the community needs of future generations in Stratton.

You can help raise these funds every time you shop online simply and at absolutely no extra cost to yourself. If you’d like to help ensure that our beautiful church is there for future generations to enjoy please join the scheme.

The way it works…..Once you have signed up, when you purchase goods and services online from certain major retailers, St Peter’s will get a percentage donation for just clicking through “TheGivingMachine” website, or clicking on the link on the Retailer’s website if they are linked to “TheGivingMachine”. Retailers including Amazon, M&S, John Lewis, Waitrose and ebay are all part of the scheme. The key is the more people who use this process, the bigger the donation St Peter’s will receive. All donations go straight into St Peter’s Account.

It really is so simple…Use the address below to access the sign-up page for St Peter’s, Stratton on TheGivingMachine website.

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Start shopping and so also raising money for St Peter’s, Stratton! To shop by tablet, iPad or iPhone download TheGivingmachine app. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Peter Moore on: 01285 640077, 07796 543959 or email [email protected] Thank you.

Looking after the Holy Family’s journey in 2018

If anyone is interested in organising the journey of St Peter’s beautiful wooden Holy Family figures later this year, and perhaps introducing some new ideas to this popular tradition, please have a word with Beth Hamid: T: 01285 644895 or e: [email protected]

Easter egg donations sought

The Haven in Gloucester, which provides Day Care for families in bed and breakfast accommodation in the city,

would once again welcome Easter eggs for the children in their care. If you would like to contribute then please bring the eggs to

Church or to Gill Keen at 5 St Johns Close, Stratton, GL7 2JA by Sunday 18th March. If you need eggs to be collected, then do please

ring Gill on: 01285 652069.

Small packets of foil wrapped eggs would also be welcome for the Easter Egg Hunts for the children after the Easter Sunday services.

Schools’ News

Coberley C of E Primary School

As we begin the new calendar year it is always useful to reflect on a very successful 2017. We began the new academic year with two new members of staff who have quickly fitted into the team and a full school: we had a total of 17 new pupils join the school. The atmosphere in school is calm yet busy with a plethora of daily activities.

The league tables were again fruitful with the school placed 1st= in the county and 1st= in the country for Year 6 attainment. OFSTED also arrived during the school nativity and acknowledged that we do a very

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good job. It is certainly a stringent experience but proved that team work is the key ingredient to any workplace.

This term our Christian value is Courage which goes hand-in-hand with Class 1’s topic - Superheroes. With the help of our Year 6 Worship Leaders we have already examined what we fear and how to overcome adversity. Andrew Milner, Headteacher.

North Cerney C of E Primary Academy

Pheasant Pie Written by Grace Parris in Year 3 Yellow Class

On Tuesday January 9th we did some cooking with The Kitchen Club.

First we sliced our mushrooms, and then we cut our

shallots, after that we peeled our apples.

Then we started to cook a pheasant and cut our

herbs. Then we tipped in the mushrooms, apple and

shallots into the pan with the pheasant.

After that we scooped the pheasant, apples, mushrooms and the shallots

into a tin and added pastry. Then we arranged them.

It was delicious!

Stratton C of E Primary School

It’s been a busy start to the new term with new play equipment, visitors in school and interesting class trips.

New play equipment Our new playground equipment has finally been completed and the children are enjoying playing on it. The Year 6’s were the first class to use it as a thank you for the amazing £200 they raised at the Christmas Fayre. Thank you to the PTA for their fundraising efforts and in particular to Claire Cripps and Dani Drew, without whom it would still be a bare patch of earth!

Trips and Visitors We have been reviewing the topics we teach each year group and have begun using a new curriculum planning resource. As part of the revised topics, Class 3 went to Pizza Express, where they tasted the ingredients for pizzas and then made their own. Class 1 had a visit from a veterinary nurse and her dog Dougie and learnt all about x-rays and saw Dougie do his famous roll!

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Class 2 was visited by the Mayor and asked him some tricky questions about his role and Class 6 visited the Brewery Arts Gallery and Whitewall Gallery in town. They were able to see some original Lowry paintings and some very interesting furniture made by local craftsmen. There was also a chance to see a glassblowing demonstration. Thank you to the staff who organised the events and to the visitors who gave up their time to talk to the children. Hopefully they have been inspired to be vets, councillors, chefs or artists!

BBC Radio Gloucestershire We were excited to recently welcome Nicky Price from BBC Radio Gloucestershire. You can hear the interviews online in the School Shout section of Nicky’s afternoon programme:

Gym Competition A group of six girls recently represented Stratton at an intermediate Gym competition at Kingshill School. Well done to them all and a special mention for Sofia Gillespie-Brown who came 3rd out of 45 children for her floor routine.

Cookery As part of our commitment to giving the children lots of different opportunities we have booked a session with The Kitchen Club for all the children. They will cook with every child in their classes and talk about where our food comes from and how to make healthy food choices. For more information about the organisation click on the website below.

iSingPOP By the time you read this, we will have taken part in our second iSingPOP concert. We’re all excited to start and learn the new songs and actions.

Ceris Towler – Headteacher

Scrubditch Care Farm

Latest from Emma Costley-White

Pig News Thank you to everyone who has donated apples for the pigs over the last few months. They have loved them and I’m sure it improves their flavour. The piglets are due to be weaned very soon, and hopefully

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we will sell all of them. We are also selling Marmalade, our gilt from last year’s litter, as she will be ready to start breeding in April.

Sheep News The ewes will be scanned shortly, which means walking them from the Bank field to the farm and then back. A great team challenge, and one that the students love! Manny has spent Christmas with the ewes on the bank, along with the shearlings, to make it easier to check them over during the holiday period. We will be sending a couple of last year’s lambs off before Easter. Do book your ½ lamb and try some of our delicious Wiltshire Horn Lamb: [email protected]

Hen News Both the hens and ducks seem to be coming back into lay. If you would like a regular order each week ring Emma on: 07966 255 631.

Dementia Adventure update If you, or someone you know, are living with dementia then why not come along to an Open Morning and find out more about our Feel Good Farming – Dementia Days? Spending time outdoors, growing plants, woodworking, caring for animals and being part of a team can help boost both physical and mental wellbeing. Open mornings are on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd February - 10am to midday at Scrubditch, GL7 7DZ. For more information contact Gerry on: 07775 806995 or: [email protected]

Spring Quiz! Friday 23rd March - 7pm – North Cerney Village Hall. We had the best turnout so far for our Autumn Quiz night, so are really hoping to top that this Spring. Book now to avoid disappointment! Bring your own picnic and drinks; only £5 per person.

Dates Term dates: 3rd January - 29th March. Feel Good Farming Open Mornings: 2nd & 3rd February. Open Day: Wednesday 21st March (for invited guests). Spring Quiz: Friday 23rd March 7pm, North Cerney Village Hall.

Volunteers We are looking for committed volunteers to help us at the Care Farm. It needn’t be a whole day, but regular help is good, as the students get to know and trust you. Please ring / email Gerry: [email protected] / 07775 806995.

Talks If you would like us to come and talk and do a presentation to your group about the Care Farm contact Gerry: [email protected]

Students If you know anyone who you think could benefit from spending time with animals, making new friends, learning new skills, or recovering from mental health problems, please send them our way.

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Community news and events

Stratton Educational Foundation

Applications are invited by the Trustees for grants in aid of persons under the age of 25 years who, or whose parents, are resident in the Ecclesiastical Parishes of Stratton with Baunton, and who require financial help towards the cost of preparing for a profession or trade or in furthering their education, or in providing group facilities for recreation and social and physical training.

For further details and an application form please contact Mrs C Bramley, 10 Vale Road, Stratton, Cirencester, GL7 2JJ. T: 01285 641523 or e: [email protected] .

Completed applications should be returned by 20th February 2018.

Stratton Tuesday Group

Happy New Year to everyone! We had a lively evening for our Christmas meeting in December when ‘The Young Ones’ entertained us with songs from the musicals and shows of the 60’s. After lovely warm mince pies and mulled wine we all went home feeling ready for the Christmas season!

The group starts 2018 with a meeting on Tuesday 6th February. Peter Berry will be giving us a talk entitled ‘Communist Comparisons’ during which he will contrast his visit to Cuba and the Republic of Ukraine.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us at Stratton Village Hall on Tuesday 6th February, 7.30 pm.

Judith Wood

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Calling for Knitters of hearts

Last year we managed to make thousands of poppies, so now I am calling on you to knit hearts in any colour; DK yarn; (I regret at present I don't have a crochet pattern) in aid of the Sue Ryder, Leckhampton Court Hospice, which hopes to have 10,000 to sell at their stand (which will be in the form of a knitted garden) at the Malvern Spring Show in May. If you would like to take part, please email, or ring, me and I will forward a pattern. Thank you! Pauline Farman: T: 01285 831891 or e: [email protected]

Gloucestershire Constabulary Neighbourhood Watch

The next Cirencester Rural North Community Meeting will be held on Monday 19th March at Winstone Village Hall at 7.30pm with refreshments from 7pm. Gloucestershire Police Neighbourhood Watch Officer Mr Bob Lloyd will be present to answer your questions relating to Community Alerts (Please see below). This is the ideal opportunity for you to raise concerns you may have with County and Parish Councils and with your local dedicated Police Team - PC Mark Weedon and PCSO Andrea Shutt. This meeting is informal so please do come along. All welcome.

The Police and Crime Commissioner and Gloucestershire Constabulary have recently launched a new free community messaging system called ‘Your Community Alerts’ which aims to keep residents and businesses up-to-date with what’s happening throughout the county.

Neighbourhood and Rural Watch within the county currently uses a different system called Watch Word to distribute messages. As the new service offers more opportunities the current Watch Word system will be decommissioned at the end of January and we will be sending messages out through Your Community Alerts instead. Please be assured that there will be no change in the services we currently provide to our Neighbourhood and Rural Watch network; it’s simply a change of platform. In order for you to continue to receive our messages we ask that you register on the new system. You can do this by visiting: It will only take a few minutes of your time and you must complete the registration process if you wish to remain part of the Rural Watch network and to receive our related messages. Please make sure you check the Neighbourhood / Rural Watch box under the “Community Interests” Section when you sign up.

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We truly value the great work that you do on a day-to-day basis and we don’t want to lose any of our Rural Watch members. The PCC and Constabulary recognise the worth of Rural Watch and the growing contribution you make towards Neighbourhood Policing and Crime Prevention in your area. If you have any problems with the registration process then please contact your local Neighbourhood Watch Officer. If you have already registered with Your Community Alerts or through the national Neighbourhood Watch platform, then you can ignore this request to register as you will be automatically registered. Once registered you will be able to opt out of Your Community Alerts at any time in the future if you choose to do so.

NB Local Contact details: PC 1530 Victoria Stinchcombe [email protected]

PCSO 9194 Andrea Shutt [email protected]

101 is our easy to remember 24-hour number for non-emergency crime and anti-social behaviour issues as well as general enquiries. Calls to 101 will cost 15p per call, irrespective of how long the call lasts and this applies to landlines and mobile phones. 101 email – [email protected]

News from our NHS Trust

With so much in the news about the NHS struggling over the Christmas period I thought I would share the positive news from our Trust over this period.

Whilst we did drop slightly below our pre-improvement standards in A&E there were no twelve-hour breaches and fewer ambulance handover delays than any other Trust in the region. Some elective surgery had to be cancelled due to pressure on beds, but we are the only Trust in the region not to have escalated to Opel level 4, which is the most serious crisis level in patient care. If you look at the Glos. Hospital twitter site and A&E you can read some of the very positive patient feedback we received.

Just before Christmas Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, visited the Trust and met with the management and staff. He subsequently wrote to us and in parliament said the situation he found was extraordinarily impressive and a great inspiration to many parts of the NHS. Our Trust has much to be proud of!

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Moving forward I am going to be very involved in discussions about how we treat people who present with mental illness in A&E and in their further care. If you have any concerns or information that you would like to share with me, please do get in touch so that I can ensure that your views are taken into account. Anne Davies: T: 01242 870516. e: [email protected]

Open Mornings

for Feel Good Farming – Dementia Days 2018

At Scrubditch Care Farm

Spending time outdoors, growing plants, woodworking, caring for animals and

being part of a team can help to boost both physical and mental wellbeing.

If you, or someone you know, are

living with dementia, then why not

come along to an Open Morning and

find out more about our ….

Feel Good Farming –

Dementia Days in 2018

Open Mornings –

Friday 2nd February and Saturday 3rd February

10am til midday

At: Scrubditch Care Farm, North Cerney, Cirencester, GL7 7DZ

For more information contact Gerry on 07775 806995

or email [email protected]

From the Benefice Registers

Funerals: 29th Nov ’17 Wendy Joy Veitch Chelt Crem then St Peter’s, Stratton 21st Dec ’17 George Walter Malfatt Chelt Crem. then St Peter’s, Stratton

22nd Dec ’17 Peggy Florence Walker St Peter’s, Stratton

8th Jan ‘18 Henry ‘Harry’ Alexander Ellis St Peter’s, Stratton

15th Jan ’18 Rita June Kampe St Peter’s, Rendcomb

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10th Dec ‘17 Lucy Charlotte Mortimer- St Mary’s, Cowley


14th Jan ‘18 Otio Theodore Toby Baalack St John’s, Elkstone

Weddings: 26th Nov ‘17 Joshua Stephen Potts St Mary’s, Cowley Lucy Helen Margaret Parker 2nd Dec ‘17 Nigel Sand Holmes St James’, Colesbourne

Margot Elizabeth Powell 9th Dec ‘17 Edward James Lane St Peter’s, Rendcomb Sarah Louise Peake 16th Dec ’17 Philip Anthony Birkett St Mary’s, Cowley Nicola Rosemary Salt 22nd Dec ‘17 Simon Paul Dyminski St Mary’s, Cowley Jenna May Broadway



…….with thanks to Jill Hill. Ingredients: 4 oz Self-raising Flour 4 oz Caster Sugar 4 oz Margarine or Butter 2 tablespoons of Marmalade 2 Eggs A little milk if needed

Method: Beat fat and sugar together until creamy. (To make this easier leave in warm room for a while before starting to beat). Break eggs into a bowl. Extract the yolk of the egg with perforated spoon and beat half of it into Fat-sugar mixture. Add half of the flour and beat again. Add second egg yolk and beat. Add remainder of flour. Now beat the egg whites until quite stiff and add carefully to mixture. Lastly add the Marmalade. If the mixture looks too stiff add a little milk. Grease and line a loaf tin. Bake in a very moderate oven (Gas 3-4) 350F. 180C. Fan 160C. for about 1 hour.

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Norman, Trotman & Hughes

Funeral Directors Northleach

Albert Collins

Funeral Director Independent Family Business

Private Chapel of rest 24 hour Personal Service

Golden Charter Funeral Plans

Walton House Barn, Northleach, Cheltenham, Glos.

GL54 3EY

Tel: 01451 860288 Email: [email protected]

Contacting the Editor

Please forward any contributions to the March edition of Parish Link by 15th February to Corinna Bramley: e: [email protected] or t: 01285 641523. To enquire about advertising in the magazine please contact the Editor for further details. Many thanks.







Please call me to discuss your project

01285 653146 07899 812572

[email protected]

Pear Tree Cottage, Baunton, Cirencester



07707 272499 01242 870477

[email protected]



Ladies, Gents and Children Cuts, perms, colouring, shampoo and sets

Pedicures and waxing services

Very competitive prices

20 years’ experience

Call Sally on: 07730 394249

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ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD BW37 (December /January)





FEBRUARY CROSSWORD: BW38 by Ben Woods CLUES ACROSS: 1 WEIGHT (7); 14 INEQUITABLE (6); 5 DEAL (5); 17 TABLE (5); 8 FREE (5); 19 AMENDED (7); 9 CLASSIC (7); 22 BY-PRODUCT (4, 3); 10 RUMBLE (7); 23 RENT (5); 11 INCOMPETENT (5); 24 FINGER (5); 12 INHALATION (6); 25 RAGS (7). CLUES DOWN: 1 ROUNDED (5); 12 COOKED (7); 2 SALAD VEGETABLE (7); 13 ATTENDANCE (4, 3); 3 CHANGE (5); 15 PARDON (7);

4 INN (6); 16 GAIN (6); 5 STRESS (7); 18 ARTICLE (5);

6 ASTONISH (5); 20 CALL (5); 7 VOTER (7); 21 PALM TREE FRUIT (5).

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Services February 2018

Key to Ministers and Service types:

CVB Ministers:

DM = Revd David Minns (Rector) T: 01285 655199 E: [email protected] AC = Revd Arthur Champion (Associate Priest) T: 01242 870402 E: [email protected] CP = Revd Cliff Pooley (Associate Priest) T: 01242 243981 E: [email protected] BE = Revd Bob Edy (Rendcomb only) T: 01285 831391 E: [email protected]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 14 15


17 18 19 20 21

22 23

24 25

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MG = Mr Martin Green (Licensed Reader) T: 01666 577532 E: [email protected] RE = Mrs Ruth Edy (Licensed Reader, Rendcomb only) T: 01285 831391

Area Dean: HG = Fr Howard Gilbert T: 01285 885109

Additional Ministers: CH = Mr Christopher Hall T: 01453 885349 JM = Revd Jan Moore T: 01285 640077 JW = Revd Dr Canon Janet Williams T: 01452 874969 MV = Mr Mark Venn T: 01285 831209

Services: HC = Holy Communion AA = All Age Service HC [BCP] = Holy Communion BCP SP = Songs of Praise Matins = BCP Service FS = Family Service MP = Morning Prayer

Service Listing for February 2018

Parish Church of St Margaret’s, Bagendon

Sunday 4th 9.30am Matins (MG)

Sunday 11th 9.30am HC [BCP] (CP)

Sunday 18th 9.30am HC [BCP] (AC)

Sunday 25th 9.30am HC [CW] (JM)

Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene, Baunton

Sunday 4th 9.30am HC (AC)

Sunday 11th 9.30am HC (DM)

Sunday 18th 9.30am Matins (MG)

Sunday 25th No Service

Parish Church of St Giles, Coberley

Sunday 4th See Cowley

Sunday 11th 11.00am MP (CP)

Sunday 18th See Cowley

Sunday 25th

9.30am HC [BCP] (AC)

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Parish Church of St James, Colesbourne

Sunday 4th 10.00am Matins (CH)

Sunday 11th 9.30am HC [BCP] (AC)

Sunday 18th 9.30am Matins (DM)

Sunday 25th 9.30am Matins (MV)

Parish Church of St Mary, Cowley

Sunday 4th 11.00am MP (MV)

Sunday 11th See Coberley

Sunday 18th 11.00am HC (AC)

Sunday 25h See Coberley

Parish Church of St John the Evangelist, Elkstone

Sunday 4th 11.00am HC (AC)

Sunday 11th 10.00am Toy Service (Geoff Gait-Carr)

Sunday 18th 11.00am HC (CP)

Sunday 25th 10.00am SoP (JW)

Parish Church of All Saints, North Cerney

Sunday 4th 11.00am HC (DM)

Sunday 11th 11.00am HC (AC)

Sunday 18th No Service

Sunday 25th 11.00am Matins (MG)

Parish Church of St Peter, Rendcomb

Sunday 25th 11.00am HC (BE/DM)

Parish Church of St Peter, Stratton

Sunday 4th 9.30am



AA ‘20-20’ Service (DM)

Sunday 11th 9.30am


Morning Worship (MV)

Evensong (new service)

Sunday 18th 9.30am AA (Home Team)

Sunday 25th 9.30am HC (DM)

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NB Wednesday Services at Stratton:

A Service of either Holy Communion or Morning Prayer is normally held at 10.00am on Wednesday mornings.

Directory (NB For start of Directory below please see back cover).

PCC Secretaries contd North Cerney Kate Thomas Stratton

Paul Pearce

01285 654451 [email protected]

PCC Treasurers Bagendon

Martin Taylor

01285 831253 [email protected]


David Shaw

01285 644436 [email protected]

North Cerney Coberley Colesbourne

Peter Knight Vacant Robin Blackburn

01285 831072 [email protected]

01242 870086

[email protected] Cowley

Elkstone Rendcomb Stratton

A Montague-Smith Brian Howlett Annabel Purcell Alan Lowe

01242 870304 [email protected]

01242 870462 [email protected]

01285 831686 [email protected]

01285 657014 [email protected]

Organists Bagendon Tony Hymas 01285 831728 North

Cerney Simon Cohen 01242 821659

[email protected] Stratton Robin Baggs [email protected] Pastoral Emergency in .. Parish Clerk

Stratton North Cerney

Revd Jan Moore Elmore Crump

01285 640077 [email protected]

01285 831275

Bell Ringers North Cerney

Judy Carter 01285 831425

Vulnerable Persons Rep Safeguarding/Child Protection

Rendcomb Stratton Upper Churn

Alex Brealy Alison Lowe Mary Blackburn

01285 831570 [email protected]

01285 657014 01242 870086

[email protected] Vulnerable Persons Rep

Benefice Beth Hamid 01285 644895 [email protected]

Flower Arranging North Cerney Anne Norman 01285 831237

Stratton Lesley Pollock 01285 653145

[email protected] The Tuesday Group Stratton Judith Wood 01285 652713

[email protected] Magazine Editors North Cerney Simon Pow [email protected]

Parish Link Corinna

Bramley 07933 910051

[email protected]

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The Rector Associate Priests

The Revd David Minns The Revd Arthur Champion

01285 655199 [email protected]

01242 870402 [email protected]

Readers Reader-in-Training

The Revd Cliff Pooley The Revd Bob Edy (Rendcomb only) Mr Martin Green Mrs Ruth Edy (Rendcomb only) Mr Mark Venn

01242 243981 [email protected]

01285 831391 [email protected]

01666 577532 [email protected]

01285 831391 01285 831209

[email protected] Churchwardens Bagendon Alison Saunders 01285 831352

[email protected] Ghislaine Venn 01285 831209

[email protected] Baunton John Whittaker 01285 656374

[email protected] Coberley Vacancy Colesbourne Sir Henry Elwes 01242 870264

[email protected] Cowley Michael Dykes 01452 559951

[email protected] Elkstone Chloe Darling 01285 821551

[email protected] Geoff Gait-Carr 07737 621120

[email protected] North

Cerney Sue Herdman 01285 831309

Mark Tufnell 01285 831246 [email protected]

Rendcomb Carol Bailey 01285 831836 [email protected]

Alex Brealy 01285 831570 [email protected]

Stratton Beth Hamid 01285 644895 [email protected]

Sarah Woods 01285 644093 [email protected]

PCC Secretaries Bagendon Penny Taylor 01285 831253 [email protected]

Baunton Coberley Colesbourne Cowley Elkstone

John Milner Lindsay Baker Lady Carolyn Elwes Gill Clark Carole Bury

01285 643731 [email protected]

01242 870054 [email protected]

01242 870262 [email protected]

01242 285719 [email protected]

01242 870493 [email protected]