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LISE HANNESTAD THE PARIS PAINTER AN ETRUSCAN VASE-PAINTER Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 47,2 Kommissionær: Munksgaard København 1974


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Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 47,2
Kommissionær: Munksgaard København 1974
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Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 47,2
Kommissionær: Munksgaard København 1974
Translated by Me t t e Mo l t e s e n M.A. Drawings by P oul P e d e r s e n .
Preface My th an k s are especially due to P rofessor, d r. ph il. P. J . Riis,
w h o has tak en a g rea t in terest in m y w o rk a n d has m ade m an y va luab le suggestions.
I shou ld also like to th a n k the U niversity o f A arhus for f in an ­ cial sup po rt m ak ing m y studies ab ro ad possible.
In add ition , I am in d eb ted to the m an y m useu m authorities, w ho have k in d ly perm itted m e to p u b lish the pho tog raph s used in the p resen t p a p e r a n d w ho assisted m e d u ring m y visits to the vario us m useum s. I am p a rticu la rly gra tefu l to the au tho rities of the V ictoria a n d A lbert M useum for perm ission to p u b lish the kvathos no. 66740, to C onservateur R. D elagneau of the M usée des B eaux Arts et d ’Archéologie in B oulogne-sur-M er for p e rm is­ sion to p u b lish the oinochoe no. 158, to Dr. E. P au l from the K arl-M arx-U niversität in Leipzig for in fo rm ation ab o u t the frag ­ m ent T 328, to Dr. A nn B irchall o f the B ritish M useum for in fo rm a­ tion ab o u t the p rov enan ce of the am p h o ra B 57, an d to Dr. G un- tram Beckel of the M artin von W agner M useum in W ü rzb u rg for allow ing m e to pu b lish new ph o tograph s o f the am p h o ra no. 779 tak en for a fo rthcom ing vo lum e of CVA. F in a lly specia l th a n k s are due to the D eutsches A rchäologisches Institu t in Rom e for perm ission to pu b lish a large n u m b er of th e ir ph o tog raph s a n d for in fo rm ation from books no t availab le in D enm ark .
L ist of A bbreviations Albizzati - C. Albizzati, Vasi antichi dipinti del Vaticano. Amyx - D. A. Amyx, A Pontic Oinochoe in Seattle, Hommages ä Albert
Grenier (Collection Latomus vol. LVIII), 1962, p. 121 ff. Andren Arch. Ter. - A. Andren, Architectural Terracottas from Etrus-
co-Italic Temples (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom VI), 1940.Baur — Paul V. C. Baur, Centaurs in Ancient Art, 1912.
Beazley EVP - J. D. Beazley, Etruscan Vase-Painting, 1947. Boehlau, Nekropolen - J. Boehlau, Aus jonischen und italischen Nekro­
polen, 1898.Dohrn — T. Dohrn, Die schwarzfigurigen etruskischen Vasen aus der zweiten Hälfte des sechsten Jahrhunderts, 1937.
Ducati — P. Ducati, Pontische Vasen, 1932. F.R. - A. Furtwängler - K. Reichhold, Grieschische Vasenmalerei I-
III, 1904-1932.Hampe - Simon - R. Hampe - E. Simon, Griechische Sagen in der frühen etruskischen Kunst, 1964.
Helbig, Führer - W. Helbig, Führer durch die öffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertümer in Rom.
Hemelrijk - J. M. Hemelrijk, De Caeretaanse Hydriae, 1956. Jacobsthal, Ornament - P. Jacobsthal, Ornamente griechischer Vasen,
1927.Langlotz - E. Langlotz, Griechische Vasen in Würzburg, 1932. Langlotz, Zur Zeitbestimmung - E. Langlotz, Zur Zeitbestimmung der
strengrotfigurigen Vasenmalerei und der gleichzeitigen Plastik, 1920. Mingazzini — P. Mingazzini, Vasi della Collezione Castellani I, 1930. Payne — H. Payne, Necrocorinthia, 1931. Sieveking - Hackl - J. Sieveking - R. Hackl, Die königliche Vasen­
sammlung zu München, 1912. The titles of periodicals are abbreviated according to the list of abbre­ viations in Archäologische Bibliographie des deutschen archäologischen Instituts.
The P aris Painter - an Etruscan V ase-Painter Since D ohrn w rote h is p a p e r on E tru scan b lack-figured vase-
p a in tin g 1, in w h ich he m ade an a ttem p t to divide the group of Pontic vases into the w orks o f four different vase-pain te rs and the ir w o rk sh o p s2, a w hole series o f new vases have been ad d ed to this g ro u p 23. M any of these have been ascribed to specific m asters on the basis of D o h rn ’s classification w h ich is generally accep ted3. Am yx, how ever, in his pu b lica tion of an oinochoe in Seattle, expresses certa in doub ts ab o u t som e o f the a ttribu tio ns to the P aris P a in te r4. D o h rn ’s w o rk is m ain ly con cern ed w ith m aster a ttribu tio ns an d the sub sequ en t lite ra tu re on th is group of vases com prises either sho rt su m m arie s5, or pub lica tions of single vases6.
T his is the b ack g ro u n d for the follow ing a ttem p t to give a m ore exact descrip tion of the m ost significant of the Pontic vase-pain te rs, the P aris P a in te r7.
T he nam e-p iece of the P aris P a in ter is, as is w ell know n, the am p h o ra in M unich 837 (cat. no. 1) also tak en by D ohrn as his starting point. On the belly of the vase there is an an im al frieze w ith lions, p an th ers , griffins, an d sirens. A p art from this there are oxen, a dog, an d a b ird in the figure frieze, so th a t there is, all in all, a rep resen ta tive selection of an im als from w h ich it is possible to isolate certa in basic charac teristic features. One m ust em phasize the incision on the fron t legs of the an im als (fig. 1), the fron t p a r t of the lion s’ m anes w h ich are d iv ided in tw o an d covered by ad d ed w hite p a in t (fig. 2), an d the facia l d raw ing of the pan th e rs (fig. 3). F u rth e r there is a th ree- or four-stroke zigzag at the knee jo in t on the h in d legs of the an im als, a t tim es w ith a cu rved line in fron t (fig. 4). T he sho u lder is ind ica ted by a k ind o f doub le a rch (fig. 5), its te rm ina tio n on the b ack co rresponds to a s im ilar a rch on the h in d qu a rte rs . N early all the an im als have a w hite belly delim ited by incision. T he necks of the oxen are covered by co loured stripes. S im ilar stripes in red are used for ren d erin g the rib s an d the m uscles on the h in d qu a rte rs of the
6 Nr. 2
Figs. 1-5 and 7,
N r. 2 7 an im als. T he head s o f the oxen are separa ted from the neck , and the ho rn s from the h ead by hatch ing , w hile the m uzzles are delineated by an S -shaped line (fig. 6). T he eye su rro un d in gs of the oxen a n d lions are suggested by sho rt strokes (figs. 2 an d 6). O n the h ind legs are often seen a p a ir o f sho rt cu rved strokes. T he d raw ing of the paw consists of a cu rved or crooked incision.
D etail by detail these tra its are foun d on the an im als on a w hole series of vases: A m phorae : W ü rzb u rg 778 (cat. no. 2), V atican 231 (cat. no. 3 )8, M usei C apitolini 95 an d 91 (cat. nos. 4 an d 5), M ünzen u n d M edail­ len X V III, 141 (cat. no. 6), Ars A ntiqua III , 113 (cat. no. 7), M ünzen u n d M edaillen X X II, 192 (cat. no. 8), M etropolitan M u­ seum 55.11.1 (cat. no. 9), an d 55.7 (cat. no. 10), Orvieto 2665 (cat. no. 31), L ouvre E 704 (cat. no. 29), B ritish M useum B 57 (cat. no. 11), N apoli, H eydem ann no. 6488 (ca t. no. 25) Rom e M arket (cat. no. 26), T a rq u in ia 529 an d RC 1051 (cat. nos. 13 an d 14), Villa G iulia (cat. no. 16), O xford 1961.529 (cat. no. 17), Hei-
Fig. 6.
delberg 59/5 (cat. no. 18), B iblio thèque N ationale 172 (cat. no. 19), C am bridge G 43 (cat. no. 20), B erlin F 1675 (cat. no. 21), C erveteri (cat. no. 22). On cat. nos. 14 an d 16-22 the choice of an d an im als consists m erely of ho rses’ or c en tau rs ’ bodies, b u t they do, how ever, show a sufficient n u m b er o f the above-m entioned details to m ake the a ttribu tio n certain .
8 Nr. 2 O inochoai: Seattle Cs 20.26 (cat. no. 24 )9, B ritish M useum B 54 (cat. no. 2 3 )10 and B oulogne-sur-M er 158 (cat. no. 3 9 )11. N ikosthenic a m ph ora : B erlin F 1885 (cat. no. 37). P la te : B iblio thèque N ationale 187 (cat. no. 38). Stem m ed ky a th o s : V ictoria and A lbert M useum 66740 (cat. no. 27).
T hough it is above all in the d raw ing of an im als th a t the P aris P a in te r clings to traits once devised , there are also m any s ta n d a rd features in the renderin g of h u m an beings and objects. Men an d cen tau rs have a characteristic facial profile w ith a long, often
8 a 8b
Figs. 8 a-b.
droop ing nose. T he eyes of bo th m en an d w om en are a lm ond- sh ap ed . At the w rist an d elbow there is often a sm all incised sem i­ circle. T he ca lf m uscle is ren d ered by a cu rved incision, an d the ank le by a hook. The knee is shap ed as in fig. 8 a or b 12. T he fem oral m uscle is often ren d ered by a cu rved incision p ara lle l to the b ack con to ur of the leg. On an am p h o ra in the Ny C arlsberg G lyptotek (cat. no. 28), the m en once m ore show the charac teristic profile. T hey are show n w alk ing in a procession , in the sam e m an n e r as on the M usei C apito lin i 95 (cat. no. 4). On bo th vases the m en are dressed in c loaks th a t cover one arm , the con tour of w h ich is ren d ered by incision. T he c loaks have a b o rd e r along the bo ttom edge an d cling to the bo dy at the back , w hile hanging m ore loosely in front. All c a rry keryk eia or o ther rods in one h a n d w hile they stretch the o ther fo rw ard . S im ilar c loak (a n d ch iton) c lad m en in a procession w ere seen on O rvieto 2665 (cat. no. 31). P riam on M unich 837 (cat. no. 1) belongs to the sam e
Nr. 2 9 race of w alk ing gentlem en. F u rth erm o re he is a b ro th er of the old m en on M etropolitan M useum 55.7 (cat. no. 10) an d L ouvre E 704 (cat. no. 29) w ith his w hite b ea rd an d ha ir. On W ü rzb urg 778 (cat. no. 2), M etropolitan M useum 55.11.1 (cat. no. 9), a n d 55.7 (cat. no. 10), B erlin F 1675 (cat. no. 21), an d the Cerveteri a m ­ p h o ra (cat. no. 22), a row of cen taurs are seen w alk ing along in a s im ilar w ay. In s tead of ho ld ing rods they all ca rry a tree over the ir shou lders, the roo t of w hich is split in two or th re e 13, w hile they stretch the o ther h a n d fo rw ard like the w alk ing m en. A thena, A phrod ite a n d P aris in M unich 837 (cat. no. 1) have the ir h a ir d iv ided into single w avy strand s tu rn ed up at the tips. A sim ilar h a ir style can be seen w orn by the m en on B iblio thèque N ationale 172 (cat. no. 19) a n d the g iant on C am bridge G 43 (cat. no. 20). T he w arrio rs on an am p h o ra in the D an ish N ational M useum (cat. no. 12) are like b ro thers of the w arrio rs on the two fo rm er vases. F u rth erm o re , on the an im als in the belly frieze14 ap p ea r som e of the a lread y en u m era ted characteristic details, som e, how ­ ever, ra th e r w eakened . On B ritish M useum B 57 (cat. no. 11) there are, on the figure frieze, cau ld ron s w ith snake pro tom es like those on B iblio thèque N ationale 172 (cat. no. 19). T he chario ts on H ei­ delberg 59/5 (cat. no. 18) an d the Villa Giulia am p h o ra (cat. no. 16) are nearly iden tical, w hile the w arrio r on the la tte r looks very m uch like the w arrio r on the A-side of L ouvre E 704 (cat. no. 29).
Physiognom y, h a ir styles an d anatom ical details m ake it c lear th a t also Orvieto 463 (cat. no. 30) V ienna 3952 (cat. no. 32) an d the im perfectly preserved am p h o ra in Villa G iulia, C astellani 412 (cat. no. 33 )15 are w orks by the P aris P ain ter.
T he P aris P a in te r h as a taste for vegetation in his com posi­ tions, in an im a l friezes as w ell as in figure friezes. His favourite is a stra igh t stem w ith po in ted leaves16, b u t m an y o ther types are found , for instance on H eidelberg 59/5 (cat. no. 18), M etropolitan M useum 55.7 (cat. no. 10) an d L ouvre E 704 (cat. no. 29).
T he o rn am en ta tio n on the vases m entioned above is very v aried , in m otifs as w ell as in the execution of these. Most freq u en t are m otifs in corpo ra ting lotus and palm ette . T he lotus blossom is foun d in th ree m ain versions: type 1 has a sq u are floral receptacle w ith all the petals grow ing out of it17. In type 2 the floral recep tacle is ro u n d ed and only the two ou ter petals are a ttached to it, w h ereas the peta l (o r pe ta ls) in the m idd le “ floats” over it an d has a ro u n d ed edge below . In this type the floral recep tacle is
10 Nr. 2 d iv ided into two by in c isio n18. On the Villa Giulia am p h o ra (cat. no. 16) there is a w holly dissolved version of type 2, the floral recep tacle hav ing literally d isap p ea red . A nom alous are cat. nos. 25 a n d 26 w here the b lossom has also d isin tegrated , b u t w here the ou ter petals suggest a sq u a re receptacle. T ype 3 is a h y b rid w here the recep tacle is m ore ro u n d ed th an in type 1 an d w here a ll the peta ls are a ttached to it19.
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