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• The Ozarks Steam Volume 14 Issue 3 a publication of the Ozarks Steam Engine Assn. & the Southwest Missouri EDGE & TA Oct 2011 Message from the ShowDirector The 50th annual Steamorama is now history and work has already be- gun for the 2012 show. We will be hosting the "International J.I. Case Heritage Foundation Expo" featuring Case Steam Engines, Case Tractors, and Case equipment in 2012. The fea- tured gas engine will the International Mogul. The live radio remote was done by KRWP 107.7, The Lake out of Stock- ton Missouri. They did an outstanding job on covering the show along with promotional ads and incorporating ads with their "Wild Matt Double Hat" skits. The KRWP crew said they en- joyed covering Steam-o-rama and hoped that they would get the opportu- nity to come back next year. A BIG THANK YOU to all ofthose who helped with mowing and weed eating the grounds this year. The grounds looked great all season! Thank you to everyone that helped before, during, and after the show. It takes all of us to host a well-run event and I am proud to be part of this or- ganization. I want to especially thank every individual and family that brought an exhibit. Our exhibits are what make our show unique and help preserve our history and our agricul- tural heritage. We couldn't do it with- out everyone working together. Again, THANK YOU to everyone! Jeff Ruth The Gas Engine Ladies Auxiliary We had a good year. With all the rain and cold at the show this year we sold lots of coffee and all the pastries that everyone donated. Thanks to all the ladies that helped. We still have: Caps for $10.00 Calendars for $7.00 Call Ellen Carter Notes from our Steam President Well the 50th show is behind us and it was a lot like the first show. (WET) If! remember right, there might have been more mud at the first show. We could not even move a steam engine at Billings. Louie says that he has a picture of Dad pulling the wrecker out of the mud with our steam engine. J have always heard that history repeats itself and with the rain we saw this year. But even with the rain, we had a good show for 2011. At- tendance was down, but we should be able to pay our bills, and that is good. Also, it was a safe show and that is the main thing. I would like to say thank you to every- one that helped before, during, and after the show. It takes a lot of hard work to promote the show and without every- one's help, if would not be possible to have the type of show that we do. THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. Now that the 50th show is behind us , we need to start thinking 2012 and the CASE show. We have lots of work to do as we get ready for 2012. Jim Voyles is our chairman for the Case show, so be sure and let Jim know that you are avail- able to help as we prepare for next year. Charley Stark Gas Engine Club November Holiday Dinner Date: November 5 Time: 6:30 PM Place: S. Campbell Street Library Cost: $10.00 per person If the meal exceeds $10.00 the Ladies Auxiliary will pickup the difference. Can't beat a deal like that. BUT, you need to make your reservation by Wednesday, November 2. The ladies need to tell the cater so they can prepare enough food. If you don't make a reser- vation, you will be the last in line. So call now: Wild a at 744-4206 or Ellen at 833-4159 RAIN 1think most of us had forgotten what rain was until Saturday morning of the show this year. When it started it wouldn't stop. Then Sunday morning it was a beautiful morning until about 10:45 AM it started clouding up and at 11:15 it started again and finished the day. The Friday night tractor started at 5:00 PM and went until about midnight. We had 151 hooks and they were pull- ing the last tractor and it started to rain. They couldn't have pulled another trac- tor. We got up Saturday and we had showers. People were coming in the gate even in the light rain and looking around at our exhibits. Then about noon it let go and it was a wash out. Sunday we got up and the sun was shin- ing and a beautiful day ahead. Again people were starting to come in the gates early. Then about 10:30 it started to get dark back in the west. Then at 11:15 it let go again and we had another wash out. We needed the rain, but we are selfish and don't want it to rain on our parade. Thursday Night Supper Wow is all I can say. Darrell Carter fed us tube steak for years and we gob- bled it down like we had never seen a hot dog before and we would always come back for another one. But, Wade Turner may have ruined us this year. He comes in with a big smoker and ]/2 a hog and cooked it all day. The ladies brought in a lot of extra fix' ins to go with the BBQ'ed pork and we had a feast. It was a little cold and damp and the wind was blowing cold. People were hugging the big boiler in the steam shed and everyone seemed to enjoy every minute of it. T don't think anyone went away hungry. The only thing missing was a big skillet of fried taters & onions and homemade ice cream. As the old saying goes, we ate "high on the hog" this year.

•The Ozarks Steam

Jan 25, 2022



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Page 1: •The Ozarks Steam

• The Ozarks SteamVolume 14 Issue 3 a publication of the Ozarks Steam Engine Assn. & the Southwest Missouri EDGE & TA Oct 2011

Messagefrom the ShowDirectorThe 50th annual Steamorama is

now history and work has already be­

gun for the 2012 show. We will be

hosting the "International J.I. Case

Heritage Foundation Expo" featuring

Case Steam Engines, Case Tractors,

and Case equipment in 2012. The fea­

tured gas engine will the InternationalMogul.

The live radio remote was done by

KRWP 107.7, The Lake out of Stock­

ton Missouri. They did an outstanding

job on covering the show along with

promotional ads and incorporating adswith their "Wild Matt Double Hat"

skits. The KRWP crew said they en­

joyed covering Steam-o-rama and

hoped that they would get the opportu­

nity to come back next year.A BIG THANK YOU to all ofthose

who helped with mowing and weed

eating the grounds this year. The

grounds looked great all season!

Thank you to everyone that helped

before, during, and after the show. Ittakes all of us to host a well-run event

and I am proud to be part of this or­

ganization. I want to especially thank

every individual and family that

brought an exhibit. Our exhibits are

what make our show unique and help

preserve our history and our agricul­

tural heritage. We couldn't do it with­

out everyone working together.

Again, THANK YOU to everyone!Jeff Ruth

The Gas Engine Ladies Auxiliary

We had a good year. With all the

rain and cold at the show this year we

sold lots of coffee and all the pastries

that everyone donated. Thanks to allthe ladies that helped.

We still have:

Caps for $10.00Calendars for $7.00

Call Ellen Carter

Notes from our Steam President

Well the 50th show is behind us and it

was a lot like the first show. (WET) If!

remember right, there might have beenmore mud at the first show. We could not

even move a steam engine at Billings.

Louie says that he has a picture of Dad

pulling the wrecker out of the mud with

our steam engine. J have always heard

that history repeats itself and with the

rain we saw this year. But even with the

rain, we had a good show for 2011. At­

tendance was down, but we should be

able to pay our bills, and that is good.Also, it was a safe show and that is the

main thing.

I would like to say thank you to every­

one that helped before, during, and afterthe show. It takes a lot of hard work to

promote the show and without every­

one's help, if would not be possible to

have the type of show that we do.THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE.

Now that the 50th show is behind us,we need to start thinking 2012 and theCASE show. We have lots of work to do

as we get ready for 2012. Jim Voyles is

our chairman for the Case show, so be

sure and let Jim know that you are avail­

able to help as we prepare for next year.

Charley Stark

Gas Engine Club NovemberHoliday Dinner

Date: November 5

Time: 6:30 PM

Place: S. Campbell Street Library

Cost: $10.00 per personIf the meal exceeds $10.00 the Ladies

Auxiliary will pickup the difference.Can't beat a deal like that.

BUT, you need to make your reservation

by Wednesday, November 2. The ladies

need to tell the cater so they can prepareenough food. If you don't make a reser­

vation, you will be the last in line. Socall now:

Wild a at 744-4206

or Ellen at 833-4159

RAIN1think most of us had forgotten what

rain was until Saturday morning of the

show this year. When it started it

wouldn't stop. Then Sunday morning it

was a beautiful morning until about

10:45 AM it started clouding up and at

11:15 it started again and finished the

day. The Friday night tractor started at

5:00 PM and went until about midnight.

We had 151 hooks and they were pull­

ing the last tractor and it started to rain.

They couldn't have pulled another trac­

tor. We got up Saturday and we had

showers. People were coming in the

gate even in the light rain and lookingaround at our exhibits. Then about

noon it let go and it was a wash out.

Sunday we got up and the sun was shin­

ing and a beautiful day ahead. Againpeople were starting to come in the

gates early. Then about 10:30 it started

to get dark back in the west. Then at

11:15 it let go again and we had another

wash out. We needed the rain, but weare selfish and don't want it to rain on

our parade.

Thursday Night SupperWow is all I can say. Darrell Carter

fed us tube steak for years and we gob­bled it down like we had never seen a

hot dog before and we would alwayscome back for another one. But, Wade

Turner may have ruined us this year.

He comes in with a big smoker and ]/2

a hog and cooked it all day. The ladies

brought in a lot of extra fix' ins to go

with the BBQ'ed pork and we had a

feast. It was a little cold and damp and

the wind was blowing cold. People were

hugging the big boiler in the steam shed

and everyone seemed to enjoy every

minute of it. T don't think anyone went

away hungry. The only thing missing

was a big skillet of fried taters & onionsand homemade ice cream. As the old

saying goes, we ate "high on the hog"

this year.

Page 2: •The Ozarks Steam

Page 2 The Ozarks Steam & Gas News

Members serving as directors of relatedclubs

Doc Comstock, is a director for the

National May tag collectors Assn.

Robert Craig, Director MO Div of the

Vintage Garden Tractor Club of America

Jim Voyles, was elected to the board of di­

rectors ofthe J.I. Case Heritage.



Another successful show and fIne

weather to go with it. The old Chatta­

nooga Cane Press squeezed out enough

juice to make about 10 gallons of syrup

after we got it cooked down. We had 7

Case tractors, one Case stationary balerand 6 International Harvester tractors

including a beautiful 04 shown by Dale

Hicks. Four garden tractors also made

the show. Gene Dilsaver brought his

Ava and Barker Rim saws for display

and Richard Lorenze had a couple of

antique chainsaws on display. Karl

Goodson, Rick McKinnis and friends

brought 4 Model T's for display. Rusty

Wolf brought his International KB-8

truck to add to the displays.

Richard and Kelly Michael and daugh­

ter Jennifer Napier made lye soap in an

iron kettle and Jennifer was operating her

spinning wheel for spectators.

We had ten musicians playing and

singing during most of the day, Good

bluegrass and gospel music.

Lunch was great. No excuse for not

finding something you liked with the

variety provided. We also had ham and

beans cooked over a wood fire and pulled

pork thanks to Ann and Dean Dickensand son Scott. Of course we had hot bis­

cuits deep fried to go with the sorghum

when we took it off the fIre. Did I forget

to mention the home made butter,

churned on the spot. Went very wellwith the cornbread and biscuits.

We had visitors from Illinois, Louisi­

ana and Mississippi this year in addition

to many from Missouri. A total of about

150 people.

I want to thank everyone who came to

participate and especially friends and

family who helped get things ready for

the show and helped during the day. We

couldn't do this without you!Lord willing we will do this again next

year, always the second Saturday in Oc­tober 2012.

October 8 & 9 was a busy weekend.

Cabool, Harrison, AR, Springfield Farm

Fest and Voyles. After the rain out wehad at the Steam show we have had 4

straight weekends with beautiful weather

From the Steam Ladies Auxiliary

Thanks to everyone who donated andworked at the OSEA Ladies Aux dur­

ing the shortened show. Because of

the rain we have plenty of 50th anni­

versary T-Shirts left over in mostsizes. We're out of XL but have some

of most other sizes. We also have hats

with 50th on them. They are $10.00.

We are reducing the shirts to $ 5.00for children's sizes and $10 for adults.

Let me know if you want to purchase

anything. Again thanks.

Betty Stark

The National Early Day Gas En­

gine & Tractor Assn has a new

Sec'y. Carrie Jo Parmley from Tyler,TX will assume the duties on Jan 1

2012. It is hard to say she is repla;ing

retiring Ruth Warnock. Ruth wears

big shoes and carries a big stick. Car­

rie Jo is the See'y of branch 124. Sheand her husband are collectors of

those Red tractors and they have lots

of paint on them too.

Features for 2012We will be hosting the 11Case Heri­

tage Collector Assn. This means all

Steam, fann tractors, Garden tractors

case equipment and anything elsecase.

The feature gas engine will be the

International Mogul. We have atleast 2 ofthese in our club. Doc

Comstock and J.R. Redding both have

mogul engines. Dean only had one

big complaint this year. And it was

from Doc. He wanted us to put a

port-a-port over closer to his flea mar­ket spot. We always have the feature

engines on the front row of the gas en­

gine area. I guess we will have to get

one ofthose portable pots on wheelsto follow Doc around.

RegistrationThank you to all the ladies who

worked registration for the 2011Steam 0 Rama Show: Chris Carter

Judy Chilton, Chris Haskins, Glori~

Flores, Dorene Yearian, and VickiYearian. Good Job Ladies. Dean

Voris, President EDGETA Br 16











Club Officers

Steam Club

Charley Stark, Pres

Nelson Bmmmett, VP

Shelley Stark, Secy

Jim McCauley, Treas

Louie McHaffie, Dir

Chris Bmmmett, Dir

Larry Voris, Dir

Jeff Ruth, Dir

Lew Ellenberger, Oir

John Jackson, Flea MktSteam Show Chairman

Jeff Ruth 417-767-4632

Engine & Tractor Club, Branch 16

Dean Voris, Pres 417-445-2507

Fred Ruth, V-Pres 417-751-3635

Chris Haskins, Secy 417-265-3477

Dorene Yearian, Treas 417-473-6579

Dennis Fust, Dir 417-754-8318

Joe Hutchinson, Dir 417-864-0068

Rick McKinnis, Dir 417-736-3237

Jeff Ruth, Dir 417-767-4632

Jim Voyles, Dir 417-683-3107

Tom Yearian, Safety 417-473-6579

Dorene Yearian, Events 417-473-6579

Jeff Ruth, Publicity 417-767-4632

Larry Voris, Newsletter 417-881-1587

Josh Dilsaver, Web master 417-379-2460

Larry Voris, Historian 417-881-1587

Web Site; http://www.steamorama.comUser Name: osea

Password: edgeta 16

National EDGETA Site: www.edgeta.orgSteam Grounds Address

7175 W Farm Road 170

Republic, MO 65738

Dorene Yearian, serves as North Central

Director and Vice-Pres of the Early Day

Gas Engine & Tractor Assn.

Larry Voris, services at Director at Large

and President of the Early Day Gas Engine& Tractor Assn.

Our club, The Southwest Missouri Early

Day Gas Engine & Tractor Assn is Branch

16 of the National Organization.

Page 3: •The Ozarks Steam

The Ozarks Steam & Gas News

Message fromBranch 16 President

T want to thank all our members for

their help in getting the show grounds

ready for the show and for all your

help during thc show.

A big thank you to Jeff Ruth for the

fantastic job he did as show director.

I think that we had a good show on

Thursday and Friday and a rain out on

Saturday. Sunday was a fair day.There was a nice turn out for the

Thursday evening get together and

lots of good food enjoyed by all,

thanks to Wade Turner for smoking

the meat. The Blue Barrel Express

made several runs on Thursday and

Friday and the children were lined up

and waiting on Saturday, but the raincame and for the fIrst time in seven

years the train set idle all day.

Mary and I attended Branch 37, The

Tired Iron of the Ozarks in Gentry,

Arkansas on September 9-10. They

were hosting the Vintage GardenTractor Club of America. We took a

load of garden tractors and they

probably had over 40 garden tractors

at their show. Saturday evening theirclub hosted a meal for the exhibitors,

they furnished smoked brisket and

everyone brought a covered dish.Their demonstrations included a saw

mill, threshing, blacksmith shop, a

nice building full of antiques and a

large engine display. They had a trac­

tor fIXed up with two seats and dualcontrols the children were doing the

driving with the adult beside them, it

was always on the go, very nice show.

We had two good days at the Fair

Grove show and a big crowd each


Just got home from the Farm Fest

and the weather was perfect and a big

crowd each day. We had a nice selec­

tion of tractors and a working display

of full size and miniature hay baling,

grist mills, cornmeal grinding, corn

shelling and fodder chopping.

Our club membership is now at 210

with about 40 plus at our monthlymeetings and 15 to 20 showing up at

different times through the summer to

help mow the grounds, is there some­

thing wrong with this picture. Be

sure to get your reservations in for our

catered holiday meeting on Saturday,

October 5th at 6:00 at the library.Our election of officers and direc­

tors will be held in January. A nomi­

nating committee will be appointed at

the November meeting.

Mary and I want to thank Brian

Hunt for painting our TB Allis tractor

that we pull the barrel train with. We

think he done a great job and we have

had lot of good comments. Now I hateto haul it around because I'm afraid

that I will put a scratch on it.

THANKS Brian we really appreciate

your work and time. Dean Voris

Ray Hinkle Plow Day

On Saturday, October 15th a plow

day was held at the Ray Hinkle farm

southwest of Halfway. There were 16

tractors and plows there for the event.

Most of the drivers were ready to start

around 10 and spent a few rounds get­

ting all the kinks worked out. We

stopped at noon for lunch. After anhour break we were back in the fIeld

and had fInished plowing 30 acres by2:30. At one time there were 11 trac­

tors plowing in the field. Throughout

the day there were 62 plus spectatorsin attendance.

The tractor lineup included 8 M-H,

1 M-F, 1 M-M, 2 A-C, 3 IRC and 1J-D. Charlie and Clara Kline from

Agency, MO which is southeast of

St. Joseph traveled the farthest with

their Massey Harris tractor and plow.

Thank you to Eddie Covert and

Keith Comfort for planning the event

and Ray Hinkle for the land to plow.Dean

Holdway Tractor Ride

by Don Holdway

We had a beautiful day for theride. There were 10 tractors and 17

people. We left Elkland School at9:00 AM. We arrived at the St Luke

Church by 11:00 and had lunch. The

church was open and they made hotcoffee. We arrived back at Elkland

by 2:00 PM. Hope next year is better.Tractor drivers were, Bill Stockstill,

Lloyd Eagleburger, Gordon Korell,·Sam Deckard, Ray Chilton, Rick

McKinnis, Keith Comfort, Don Hold­

way, Paul Shuler & Myron Comfort.

Page 3

A Big Thank You!

By Hazel VorisTHANK YOU to all who

encouraged Lany and me during his

round with prostate surgery andcancer. Thanks to all our Friends who

were very supportive during this time.

Thank you for all the good words.Everyone has cancer cells in their

. body. These cells survive or diebecause of what we feed them.

Larry's has been surgically removed.

How do we keep them out??? By

practicing good nutrition and eating

healthy, so that NO NEW CELLS will


I would like to tell you what I have

learned about cancer causing foods.

They are milk, sugars, red meats,

processed meat (lunch meats), and all

dairy products, ice cream, cheese and

sweet desserts. This is every thing tbat

we eat??? I've always thought that

dairy products were good for you???NOT SO. Moderation seems to be the

key. Vegetables that are good for you

are carrots, (no. 1 on list) broccoli,

cabbage, brussel sprouts, and beans. I

always tried to have some vegetableswith our meals.

All plants that have "dark green

colored leaves" and "vegetables with

color" are good for you. Avocados,

berries, egg plant, all fruits, peppers,and all kinds of beans. Also all of

your root veggies, such as potatoes,

sweet potatoes, turnips, and parsnipsare mentioned, highly.

Also leave OUT the sugar in your

drink. Water, coffee, and green tea is

recommended, no sodas or sweetener,

please. I think MODERATION is theanswer. Join us as we start this "new

diet." Do a "GOOGLE" Search on

"Milk and Cancer," "Foods that

Cause Cancer," "Healthy Foods."

Branch 16 MembershipWe received 47-renewallnew

memberships at the 2011 Steamorama

Show in September. We now have210 members. Remember our

membership runs April to April and it

not prorated. Our membership is

individual basis not the whole family.

Check our the member application on

page 7 in this newsletter. DoreneYearian

Page 4: •The Ozarks Steam

From Last Newsletter I ask "Who are


Charley Stark on the fender with

E.C. "Big Mac" McMillan in 1952 on

a 40HP Case engine at Joyland Park

Wichita, KS. '

Lonnie Clell Williams of Taneyville,

MO passed away Monday, April 11,

2011 at his home after a long battle

with cancer. He was born April 13,

1939 at Taneyville, MO. Lonnie

attended school at Taneyville and

graduated from Forsyth High School

in 1956. He was united in marriage to

Carol Clemans at Taneyville

Apostolic Faith Church, August 29,1964.

Lonnie worked for Delco in

Olathe, KS in his earlier years. Along

with farming, Lonnie drove a school

bus for Taneyville School 34 years,

and read water meters 35 years for the

Taneyville Public Water Dist #1. Hewas well known for his love of

antique tractors and was a member ofthe EDGET A Tractor Club in

Republic as well as the Ozark SteamAssociation. Lonnie never knew a

stranger and excelled in making up

special nick-names for people. Healways had time to help a friend or

neighbor. He loved to travel,visiting all 48 lower states and 3

Canadian provinces. Visiting andbeing around people was his favorite

pastime. Lonnie came to know theLord in 2009 and attended church at

Faith Assembly of God in Forsyth

MO. He is survived by his beloved

wife Carol, three children Bud, ,Penny, Justin and wife Becky, three

grand~hildren Ranger of Springfield,Charlie and Karissa of Republic.

Editors note: Lonnie always talked

about "ole Bob". It was several yearsbefore I related "ole Bob" as wife

Carol. There is a story behind this.Ask Carol sometime.

Congratulation to:

CJ and Mary Borushaski who

recently celebrated their 66th


Another Mile StoneDarrell Carter & Frank Stark both

Steam members celebrated their

80th birthdays recently.

Late News on the Stark Family

F or years Charley has been

sneaking off on Friday night of the

Steam show for a birthday party. It

finally came to light. It seems thatFrank, Sharla & Jace all share

September 18th birthdays.Frank Stark is 80

Sharla Richardson is 40

Jace Richardson, Sharla's son is 10

Happy Birthday to all

Thank You

I would like to Thank all for the

thoughts, prayers, cards and visits

during and after my surgery.

Especially those members that

stepped up and helped with the jobsthat I usually did. It goes to show

that no one is indispensable.

Everything got done and the show

went on. I only got sent home one

time. It was on Wednesday I was out

at the show grounds when my

brothers were setting up. They said

all I could do was to point and give

ord~rs. They finally went and got achaIr and told me to sit in it or go

home. The chair was far enough

away they couldn't hear me. AgainThanks

Larry Voris

Gary Underwood has also been in

the hospital. He is out and slowly

moving around again.

Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park ShowWe had 9 tractors and 2 trailers of

gas engines. Thanks to: Tom & DoreneYearian, Jim Viebrock, Joe Phelps, LloydEagleburger, Gene, Dale & TeresaDilsaver and Larry Voris.

Gladys West, age 88, of Bois D'Arc,

Mo., passed away September 21,2011

at CMH Nursing Home, Ash Grove,

Mo. Gladys Ramsey and Vance West

were married on June 15, 1941. She was

a wife, mother and homemaker who

enjoyed sewing. Her family have many

handmade quilts by which to remember

her. Gladys was an active life long

member of the Bois D'Arc BaptistChurch and the Ladies Auxiliary of

Branch 16 Early Days Gas Engine andTractor Assn.

She is survived by husband, VanceWest of Bois D' Arc. Children include

Larry and Charlotte West of Ash Grove

Gene and Kris West of Millbury Ohio'

Patrick and Marleen Bryan of' ,

Springfield and Danny and Vonda

Ireland of King's City, Mo. There were

eight grandchildren and seven great­

grandchildren.Visitation under the direction of Birch

Funeral Home will be at 1:00 p.m.,

Sunday, September 25,2011 in Bois D'

Arc Baptist Church, with service

following at 2:00 p.m. Burial will

follow at Johns Chapel Cemetery, AshGrove, Mo.

Mildred E. Kloppenburg, age

92, of Billings, Mo., died on Friday,

September 23,2011, in the OzarksMethodist Manor, Marionville, Mo. She

was born on April 17, 1919 in Billings.

She is survived by: a son, C. Wayne

Kloppenburg; a daughter and son-in­

law, Mary Elizabeth and Richie Brown

all of Billings, Mo.; three grandchildre~,

five great grandchildren; other relatives

and many friends. Mildred & Harry

traveled and attended many gas engine

shows in the Midwest. They were both

members of the Early Day Gas Engine& Tractor Assn.

Funeral services were held at 10:30

a.m. Monday, Sep 26,2011, at the

Meadors Funeral home in Billings.

We have one tough "ole" member.

Gene Engledow lives at Bolivar and at

age 98 he still had a trailer load of

engines on display. I think I heard Gene

say that he still flies his own airplane.

He has flown for over 75 years. They

had a party at Fort Scott this year to

celebrate his 98th birthday.

Page 5: •The Ozarks Steam

The O~arks Steam & Gas News Page 5

Friday Night Classis-Farm Stock

Kevin Hensley, Case L11

James Ray, Oliver 70tractor Pull

Dennis Pinkley, MM UTS12


This was the year for the heavy

Keith Thornton, Mc W613

Justin Stutsman, AC WD7

Farm Stock 5501-6500

Demris Pinkley, MM ZTU8

tractors to pull ftrst.

Larry Janacek, ill M1Ken Scott, AC WD45


Classic 8501-over

Dustin Luttrell, MM U2Crain Inman, JD B


James Appl, JD R

1Matt Lehar, Oliver 88 3Farm Stock 3501-4500

Jim Brassfield, JD R

2Justin Elam, lH M 4Ted Climer, Oliver 77


Garon Hartzell, MM G

3Leo Koelzer, Case DC 5Travis Brummett, JD A


Cary Burkey, JD 720

4Joey Phelps, ill MD 6Richard Reynolds, Oliver 70


Classic 7501-8500

Meredith Connelly, ill M7Justin Stutsman, AC WD


Wendell Welch, MMG

1Larry Janecek, ill Super M8Rick Brightwell, JD A


Chester Burkey, JD 720

2Keith Thornton, Mc 6 9Travis Brummett, JD A


Dustin Luttrell, JD 730

3Kelley Myers ill Super M 10James Ray, Oliver 70


Sin Nelson, JD 720

4Kevin Hensley, Case L . 11Chris Snyder, AC WC


Rob Windes, JD R

5Ray Hartzell, JD 60 12Barry Dahmer, JD A


Randy Codename, JD R

6Classic 4501-5500 Preston Feldman, JD B10

Bud Lehman, Case LA

7Bud Lehman, Case DC 1Sean Thouvenot, Oliver 70


Casey Appl, 10 R

8Casey Jones, AC WD45 2Daniel Myer, JD B 12

Classic 6501-7500

Wendell Welch, MM U3Barry Dahmer, JD B


Wendell Welch, MM G

1Nick Maas, AC WC 4Frank Jones, MH 44


Bob King, MM UTS

2Jack Williams, ill 460 5Andy Harris, JD A


Kenneth Sheets, JD 60

3Jim Brassfield, JD 420 6Bill York, JD B


Michael Sheets

4Justin Elam, IH M 7Ken Scott, AC WD 45


Nelson Brummett, JD 70

5Jason Stutsman,illM8Barry Dahmer, ill H


Bud Lehman, !HC W9

6Dennis Pinkley, MM UTS 9Craig Inman, JD B


Jim Brassfield, JD R

7Dennis Pinkley, ZTU 10Bud Lehman, Coop B2


Stacey Sifferman, MH 55

8Dale Agee, MH 44 11Classic 0-3500

Kenneth Sheets, IH SMT A

9Josh Miller, IH M 12Jack Barham, AC WC


James AppI, JD D

10Ryan Viebrock, IH M 13Kenny Shipley, AC B 2

Bud Lehman, Oliver 99

11Alex Chapman, 14Kenny Shipley, MM BF3

Raymond Garbee, Mc W9

12Andie Myers, MM Z 15Larry Ghan, A very A


Farm Stock 6501-0ver

Stacey Sifferman, JD 5016Richard Reynolds, AC B5

Nelson Brummett, JD 70

1Farm Stock 4501-5500 Jimmy Miller, AC WC6

Bud Lehman, ill W9

2Raymond Garbee, Cockshutt 401Andrew Garbee, ill B


Rob Windes, JD R

3Larry Janecek, ill M 2Ryan Viebrock, TH Super C


Casey Appl, JD D

4Larry Janecek, ill Super M3Andrew Garbee, AC CA


Wade Turner, JD 820

5Josh Wegner, Oliver 70 4Gary Allen, AC C


Stacey Sifferman, MH 55

6Melvin Jung, Case DC 5Farm Stock 0-3500

Sim Nelson, JD 80

7Leo Koelzer, Case DC 6Josh Nichols, AC C


Randy Bodenhamer, JD 80

8Josh Wegner, MM Z 7Chris Snyder, AC WC


Bud Lehman, Oliver 99

9Jason Stutsman, IH M 8Josh Arnold, AC C


Alex Chapman, JD 60

10Ryan Viebrock, ill M 9Richard Reynolds, AC C


Lester Shelburn, Case 400

11Dale Agee, MH 44 10Rosh Arnold, AC C


Casey Appl, 10 R

12Stacey Sifferman, JD 50 11Gary Allen, AC C 6

Garon Hartzell, MM G

13Josh Miller, IH M 12Sean Thouvenot, Oliver 70


Dustin Luttrell, JD 730

14Mark Myer, JD B 13Tanner Thouvenot, AC C


Classic 5501-6500

Andie Myers,MMZ14Jimmy Miller, AC WC 9

Bob King, MM UTS

1Alex Chapman, JD A 15Andrew Garbee, ill B


Wendell Welch, MM U

2Rick Harris, JD D 16Sean Thouvenot, Oliver 60


Bud Lehman, Case DC

3Sean Thouvenot, Oliver 8017Andrew Garbee, AC CA


Casey Jones, AC WD 45

4Justin £lam, ill M 18Ryan Viebrock, ill Super C13

Jack Williams, ill 460

5Classic 3501-4500 Kenny Shipley, AC B14

Doug Wegner, JD G

6Jack Barham, AC WC 1Bob Moore, Ferguson T035


Michael Sheets,

7Ted Climer, Oliver 77 2

Dustin Luttrell, MM U

8Nick Maas, AC WC 3For Sale

James Appl, JD D

9Jim Brassfield, JD 420 4John Deere B 1950, Ford 8N 1951, John

Kelley Myers, ill Super M

10Larry Talm, Oliver 70 5Deere Steel wheel trip plow

Call Don Holdway 417-838-3080

Page 6: •The Ozarks Steam

Page 6 The Ozarks Steam & Gas News

Schedule of Events 2011

President -Dean Voris 417-445-2507 Events Scheduler-Dorene Yearian 417-473-6579


Oct 21-23

Oct 28-30

Name of Show

Catoosa, Show


City/StateCatoosa, OK

Wichita, KS


Mike CartrightDorene






Dean Voris

Dean VorisBr 16 Christmas Supper Spgfd Library

Br 16 Meeting

Ebenezer Fire Dept387 E. Farm Rd 98

In November we will be at the Springfield Library for a catered holiday meal. The price per person will be $10.00.In DECEMBER we will meet at the EBENEZER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING at: 387 E. Farm Rd 98.

Take Grant Street about a mile North of the Ozark Empire Fair grounds and turn right on farm road 98 (which is the old "Lyon

Road"), then go about a 1/2 mile and the building will be on the north side of the street. It will be pot luck and we will have

the Christmas exchange. Any questions call Dean Voris at 417-445-2507.







Trucks & Cars

Articles for SaleJohn Deere 620,1957. $3.000Engine was completely rebuilt, trac­

tors needs to be repainted. Extra spare

parts. Tractor is garaged at Hunting­

ton, Indiana.Call: 417-522-5109

John Deere 16

Lawn Boy I

Lwey 1McCormick 1

Massey Ferguson 4

Might Mite 1Mono 1

National Reel Mower 1

Pennsylvania 1Reo I

Sears 2

Snapp in Turtle 1

Speedex 1

Super H Lawn 1

Tin Lizy 1Wheelhorse 8












Jeep/AMCDiamond T











We had members attend shows at

Mount Pleasant, IA., Boonville,

Albert City, lA, Ava, Strafford, Buf­

falo, Cabool, Harrison, Voyles, Farm

Fest, Warsaw, Catoosa, OK, Mt

Vernon, Republic, Fort Scott and other

shows that weren't reported. Even one

member to the AC G roundup & 2members to the Cub-o-roma.

Totals 3502 7635

Down 4133 at the main gate

Spectators at Main Gate2011 2010381 332

1661 2156

1135 4562

325 585

Garden Tractors DisplayedAC 11

Aultman Taylor 2Bantam 1

Bolens 7

Bush Hog 2Case 2

Cleaton 1

Cushman 1

David Bradley 2Electric Mower 1Fisher Built 4

Garden Mark 1

Gibson 3

Gravely 1Handiman 1

mc Cub Cadets 20

Jacques Might Mite I

Wc send a Newsletter to all that register at

the show each year. lfpeople didn't regis­ter, have complete addresses or emails theyare deleted from the list.

The Wommack Mill at Fair Grove

drew a big crowd on Sep 24 & 25 forthe annual craft show. Fort Scott was

also on this same weekend.

The Eldon Show was going on at the

same time as our show. Billings had a

tractor pull and fair in late Aug.

2011 Show StatsTotal Exhibits 788

Total Exhibitors 377

Feature Ferguson Pieces 27Tractors 314

Gas Engines 200

Misc Engine Equip 49Steam 22

Crawlers 11

Golf Carts 32Garden Tractors 110

Trucks & Cars 64

Friday Night Pullers 78

Friday Night Hooks 151Exhibitor Cities 111

Exhibitor States 6

EDGETA Branch Exhibitors

Winfield, KS Br 11

Republic, MO Br 16Fort Scott, KS Br 17

Cabool, MO Br 28

Gentry, AR Br 37Goodman, MO Br 123

Conway, MO Br 135

Thayer, MO Br 189Horseshoe Bend, AR Br 199

Page 7: •The Ozarks Steam

The Ozarks Steam & Gas News Page 7


APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP 2012 (April 16, 2011-AprilI5, 2012)

Date Renew __ New __ (circle one)

Name------------------Spouse _

Jr. Member (Under 18)

1. _2.

Club member only/other Br Mbr (Not Reported to National/Member Branch #~





$ 7.00

Address TOTAL DUE*$

Street & No: City _

State: Zip Phone _

Cell Phone: E-mail~------~-- ~~~~-----------=Are you willing to serve on a committee? Yes or No What is your interest in the hobby? _

By signing this form you agree to conform to the National EDGE&TA safety requirements found at

***Signed _

Mail to: Dorene Yearian, P.O. Box 82 Niangua MO 65713


Application for membership

Ozarks Steam Engine Association

Membership January 1, 2011 thru December 31, 2011Name:--------------------------Spouse _Address--------------------------City _

State Zip Code _Phone----------------E-Mail

Family Dues are $10.00 per one household, Please Make all Checks payable to: "OSEA"

Mail payment to: Shelley Elliott, 12003 W Farm Rd 76, Ash Grove, MO 65604

Page 8: •The Ozarks Steam

The Ozarks Steam & Gas News

Larry Voris2340 S. Luster

Springfield, MO 65804


Vol 14, Issue 3, Oct 2011

Kohler 1

Lansing 2Lauson 1

Leroi 1

Little Jumbo 1

Maytag 15McCormack 5

Model Engines 5Monitor 11

Mustang 2

NuWay 1Olds 3

Ottawa 2

Owens & Rice 1

Power Products 1

Pump Jack 1Rock Island 2

Sandwich 1

Sears Generator 1

Smith-Ford Compressor 1Star 1

Stover 13

Titan 1

United 1Wards 1

Waterloo Boy 2Wisconsin 1

Witte 6

Gas Engines1





















Ava Saw

Barker Saw

Briggs & StrattonClimax






F.E. MeyersFairland



Fairbanks Morse

Fuller & Johnson




John Deere



Prince Jr


Tractors Displayed40



























Ferguson Equip







MHMMNew Holland


Power King

RumelySilver KingToto