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( Z Q. * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE- SATURDAY MAitCH 4 1882 , JFINANCE AND COMMERCE riWANCIAL. NEW YORK , Miuch 3.- 1IONRT. . . Money closed nt 5 per cent. , nnil 0 pe cent , was a fair ruling rate for the day. Exchange cloted firm nt 4 80i@4 OOJ. Governments closed firm.- OOVKllNSIEST . BONDS. Currency G's 1 25 bl 4' coupons 1 18 hi- 4J'fl coupons 1 13 § M- Br Continued 1 02 hi- C's contiuueil 100J bl- RAIUIOAl ) DONDS. Pacific railroad bonds closed us follows Unionists 1 153 Union LnnitQranti 1 161 Union SinkliiR FumtnltM at..l I'.U- Centals 1 Uj@l Ifi STOCKS The innrket to-day was modernely ! nc- tlvo but irregular. There werj frequrn.- changes . from firmness to depression AUI vice versa , the market finally closing weal with pricei : generally nt the lowest po'n- of the day. A noticeable exception to th general market was the Haunilul k S- IJoioph preferred , which recorded an ail vance for the day of 5 $ per cent. Nortl western and M. & St. 1 . were alao oxce | tions and closed higher. Among tli specialties Richmond & Danville was o- lfered down to 1 50 and terminal to 17' ' Following are tliu closing bid- s.A&TH . 30 LS 114- Preferred. . . .. 77- AinDhTel. L NA & O. .. G8 . . . . 43- B. LAN 8- 0MLS& . & A. L. , pfd 04- O W. .. . 4E B- Col & . . . . . . Michigan Con'l 8- 2M&K - Uoal 424- C 12- 1M&O 1 3,1 } 02- M O& 0 2U- 1st P OS pfd 31J Manhattan El. . 5- FPreferrol. 2d pfd..i. . . 23- O&M .. . . OJ 130- O Ore Trans G? O &IO 103- O 1'aoMalL 4- 1PD&E S 48i- DL& 3C- Pull. W 124J . Pal. Car. . 15- Quicksilver. D&H 107- D . .. . 1- 5Preferred. & UG Gig . .. . 5J E & W 31 Rending O- fE&P Erie 37J 3- 1El Preferred. .. . 77- E 131- K. Tenn 12i- Prof .& A 2- JStP ei red. . .. 22 MM.1K Adams 142 San Francisco. . 3 ! Forgo 120 1st Preferred. .. . C( American 02- U. 2d Preferred. . .. 0 ( . S 74 St. Paul IK- Preferred. Houston & Tex. G- 2H&St . . . . 12- 1T J. .... ' . . 90- Preferred. P 4 ( . . .. 80- I. Union Pacific. . 11- 4Vnbash . C 1331 Si- Prefeired. IB&W 41- Kan . . . . fit & Tex 31J Western Union. 71 0 O C & I. .. . 7- 8CP Con Coal 31 S9i CHICAGO MOXK1. CHICAGO , March 3. The supply of loanable funds is guoc and nt the ofFeiiuss of A1 paper were enl fair , the regular customers and others i good standing found the market comfort : ble and easy at G@7 per cent , per nnnim City deposits are increasing. The clearings of the associated ban ! were § 000000. ). Eastern exchange between city ban ! was firmer and quoted at 25@50c discout- jper § 1,000 Orders for currency were fai- r.COMMERCIAL . Omaha Wholesale Market * OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BEE , ) Thursday Evening , March 3. | There are hut few changes reported i ihe market tc-day , and they occur .grain.- Wheat No. 2 advanced Jc ; rejected , a- vanced Jc. " Barley No. 2 declined Ic ; No. 3 d- dined - Ic. Eye Decline 1 So. Corn No. 2 declined Jc. Local Grain Dealings VfHEAT. Cash. No. 2, 108J ; cai- N , t , 88Jc : rejected , G.'Jc- .BAKLKY. . . Cash No. 2, 88c ; No. 85s.HYE. . Cash. 6Sc- .COHN. . . Cash No. 2 , 4Gc- .OATS. . . Cash. 31o- .STEEET . PEICKS-Corn, 40@45 ; oat <SO@45. HAY 50 00@G 50 per ton.- Provisions. . . * FLOUE Spring wheat , straight grad S25@360 ; "Pioneer" California , §40 patent , S3 7B@4 50; winter wheat straig grade S3 85@4 25 ; patent , 84 50@5 00 ; gr Sam rye , 82 50j VVheat , 83 00 ; Quei- "Bee. . 64 25 ; Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Siou- S3 50. EYE FLOUE S3 25- .MILLSTUFFS . Bran , per cwt. 1 per ton160017.00 ; icroenings , per en SOc ; shorts , per owt 1.10 ; chopped fee per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 4 -white. SI G- O.OTATOES . Nehraskas. 115@120- .dWEET POTATOES Genuine Muse lne.4 @ 5o per lb. WILD GEESE Out of market.- KGGS13@14c. BUTTEltr-Uhoice , 35j poor , no mt- Btet ; fair, 18@24 ; creamerj', 40. APPLES Good , sound , very scar At S5 50@6 50 per bbl. LEMONS Steady ; per box , 5425 45 U.OEANGES per box 4 00@4 25. V- IMALLAGA GEAPES Per bbl.8 f- it > er half bbl. , $4 50. BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22- o.ONIONS1 10@1 40 per bushe- l.OEANBEEEIES . Per bbl. , S10 0- 0il C- O.OELEEY . Per dSz. , G5@70- c.DBESSED GEESE Per lb , , 9llo. OYSTERS Selects. 45oj standards, 3t- DEESSED OHICKENS-Steady T.0@llc- .DEESSED TUEKEYS1213c. OHEESE1014c. CASE VALENCIA 1 OEANGES $8 25 a 9 00. Grocers List. 10o.TEAS. . Gunpowder , good , 45@5 ! Choice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@4 Choice , fiOQg75c ; Young Hyson , Rood ,3 ( We ; choice. 65c@$100 : Japan Nat Le a5cj Japan , choice , ( (10@7Bc ; Oolong , KO 85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; Bouchoi Rood , 3540c : choice , 3545o.- SUGAES . Cut loaf , lOJc ; Grunt lOjJc ; Granulated , lOlo ; Powdered. 10- 7Ine powdered , lllc ; Standard Coffee OJoj New York Confectioner's Stand : A. . 98cj Good A, 8io ; Prairie Extra 8 Jo.SYETTPS. . Sugar house , bbh. 45c : h- bla , 47c ; kegs , 44 gallons , ? 2 10; cho table syrup , 42c ; half bb Is, 44o ; kegs , 82- BODA.Dwight'B It) papers , 83 00; 1- Jand do. $3 00 ; Church's , 93 00 ; Keg not STAECn. Pearl , 4jc : Silver Qloss , @8Jc ; Corn Starch , 89o ; Eiceln- Gloss. . 7cj Corn. 7io- .SALT. . . Dray loads , per bbl , 2 10 ; A ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60, 5s , 3- bbls dairy. 100 , 3s. 365- .DEIED . FEUITS Choice halv peaches , T 5 Ib boxes , 13c ; Michigan , Sic ; K York apples , 8Scj Prunes , old , Gjc ; n- 7Jc ; Currants , | ; Blackberries , ne . CHEESE Full Cream. 14c ; P- Bkim 11 Jc- .WOODENWAEETwo . hoop pa 1 9r ; three hoop palls , 2 20! No. 1 ti 0 60; No. 2 tubs ,, 8 60; No. 3 tubs , 7 pioneer wwihboards , 1 85 Double Crown , 290 ; WollbucketH , 325. LEAP Bar , $1 65- .SPICKS. . . Pepper , | 19 ; All'plco, lOo ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , 81 Ml ZficjGaMiit , Mace $1 00- .MATCIU33 . Per caddie , OOoj round cases , 87.65 ; square case * , 95.10 , . punvisintts Breakfast bacon , 12J * 2iioco ! lard , l-tjc ; dried beef , 13Jc : should- ers , 9c : Imnm. l.Scj bacon , sides , lie.- NKW . PICKLES-Mcdium , In barreli. , ? 9 00 ; do bihnlf bbls , 6 25 ; smalls , In bbl , 12 00 do , In .half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in- bhls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 60- .VINKGAll . Pure apple extra , 10 i pure apple , 13c ! Pmssintr uuro annlo , IGo. HOMINY Now , $5 50 per bbi- .BKANSMecUum . , hand picked 8120 per bushel ; navy , 51 00) ) calef navy, $1 00- 110PU Sisal , J Inch nnd larger 8J(3) ( ) ' 9c ; j inch , 9c , SOAPS-Klrk's Savon Imperial , 380 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's Rtandard , S 05 Kirk's whlto Eussian , 500 : KirkV- Kutoua. . 205 ! Kirk's Prairlo Queen , ( (100 cakes ) , 3 0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55@ 1 10. CANDLES Boxes , 40 HM, in oz , 81 , ICeboxes : 40 Ibs. , 10 of. . , Gs, IGc- .LYK . American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 310 Western , 2 75 ; North Star ,2 50 ; Lewis'- lye. ' . 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pcnnnylvauia cans , 4 doz. in case 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. iu case 100 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In caso. 1 50. FIELD SKBD Eed clover , choice now, ' SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. $7 00 ; white clover , now, $14 00- U alfa clover , now , $12 CO ; alslko , now 81300. Timothy, good , now, S3 00 blue grabs , extra clean , 51 50 ; blue grass clcnn , 81 25 ; orchard grasi , 82 50 : red top choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri 80c ; millet , German , 81 00 to SI 25- I HunRarian. 80c- .HEDOESEED . Osage orange , 1 to J bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels 01 over , 54 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 3oo ; po 100 Ibs , . 825 00- .FIS . .i-Fnmily whlto fish , . 90 lb hf bbls 83 75 ; No , 1 whlto fish , 90 lb hf bbls. G 30- No. . 1 white fish. In 10 lb kits ,1 00 ; famlrj 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pe keg , 135 ; Hussion sardines , 75c : Colut"- bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; Georgo'i Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codfish 9io ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Half bblsmessmackerol 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do 100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10 ( Iba , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25- No. . 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 1011 do 75o. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 11 ( Field's ) , er case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) per cose , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case J 70 ; do 1 Jb (titaiidard ) , per case , 2 30 ; dc 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , ] lb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70; do 2 Hi , per dozer 2 55. Sardines , small r'sh , imported , om quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American quarter boxes per box , Ho ; do hnlf boxes per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen 180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb pel- cose , 3 30 ; Corn2 lb ( Mountain per cose , 3 GO ; soaked corn , 210 ; d 2 lb ( Yarmouth ), per case , 3 GO string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beam per case , 2 20. Succotash per cose. 2 25 Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case 280 ; strawberries , 2 lb, per civic , 2 75- 'aspberries , 2 lb, per caie , 2 753 00- amsons ) , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlctl- peara per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlober- ies per case , 2 SO. Egg plums , 2 lb pel- , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb, per case. 4 50- jrfen gages,2 Ibper case , 3 50 : do choice , ' b per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case, 3 10- do 3 lb , cose , G 00@G BO ; do ,( pie ), 3 Ib , pel- ase.3 85 ; do pie , G lb , per dozen , 3 C- O.EIGE . Carolina , 8@8Jc' ; Louisiana , 7' ' @ 8Jlc ; fair, Gi@7- .PEANUTS Boasted , choice , rod Ten- nessee , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOc per lb raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted lllc. Dry Goods- .BEOWN . COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc Appleton XX, 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W- 7Jc ; Cnittenango A, 6c ; Ureat Falls E- SJc ; Hoosier , GJc ; Hone t Width , 71c : In- llan Head A, 8c ; Indian Standard A ! c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrenc- bL , 7c ; Mystic Eiver , 7Jc ; Pequ6t A, 8Jc- Showmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0, 5Jc ; Wochm- ett B , 7jc : do A, SJc ; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wai- cett BB , Sic- .FINE'BEOWN . ' OOTTONS-Allendal 4-4 : TJc ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 73 Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c- 3ennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6 jo- fndian Orchard AA 98. SJc ; Laconja ( 39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdole 4-4 lOc ; Peppereil N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do I 36. 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocassct O 4-4 , 7Jc- Wamsutta4.4 13- cBLEACHED COTTONS Androscog in L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA ; A irrperialflc- do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 44,83- Fidelity44 , 9JcFruit of thaLoom.ll ; d- can.bric44,13cdoWaterTwist,10JcGrea ; ; Falls Q , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 44,12'.c- Lonsdale. . lOJc ; do cambric 37 , 13o ; York Mills. 13c ; Pequot A, lOc ; Pepperel- N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontos 4-4 , 9Jc- Pocasset 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , He ; Wamsutt- O XX , 13c- .DUCKS . Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o- 17c ; Baltimore do , IGc ; Lone Star , 8 oz- .12c . : Savnee. 18c- .UOCKS . ( Colored ) Albany J5 brown 8c; do O, drabUix do XA , stripes an plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and dral stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy 19c ; Brunswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancj- 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Eive brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana 1 brown , ISc ; Neponset A brown , 15c- .TICKINGS . Am oskeng A C A 3- 17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowannt- 9Jc ; Claremont .B B, 15Jc : Conestoga e- tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc Lewiston J- 30,15c ; Minnchaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supe extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl Elver 32 , 16c ; Pul- nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket I lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8J- iDENIMS. . Amoskeak , blue nnd brow IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlingto blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO, blue an brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXX2- do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown 91c ; Mystic Eiver DD stripe , IGJc ; Penri- lliver , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uncasvillo blue and brown , 13Jc- .OAMBEIOS . Barnard , 51c ; Eddystonl- ining. . 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner Blazed , 5o ; Manhattan glove finish , 5iJ Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot d- 5c; Loukwood kid finish , Gc. CORSET JEANS Amorv , 8cAndroi- coggin Batteen , SJc ; Clurendco , GJcConei toga satteens , 74c ; Hallowel , 80 ; India Orchard improved , 7Jo ; Narr gansett , 7J- Pepperill sattpen 94o ; Eockport , 73o , PEINTS- Aliens , GJc : American , Gji Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 43o ; Cncheco , 7c- Coneitoga. . GJc ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunnel- GJ@7c ; Eddystone 7o ; Gloucester , G( Hannony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Mei- rimao D. 7o ; Mystic , SJc ; Spratrues. C- Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Mar bore , 5Jn ; Oriental Gc. GINGHAMS Ainonketur, lOJc ; Amo- kettf ilrthfl 12 }, ' Areylo , | OJo ; Mlantii- 9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8J- iKenllworth , SJc; Pltin kett , lOJc ; Sui sex , Sc- .COTTONADES . Abbervllle ISJi Agate , Wo ; American , Ho ; Artlslan , 20 Cairo D and T, 13Jc ; Clarion D and'1- 17Jc ; Deccan Co. stripes DandT , lOc ; Kej stone ; Nantucket , 10c ; NonparelI- Gc ; 'OclanD andT.lSJc ; iloyal , ' , 12c ; Tloga. 12Jc ; Waclmsett hhir- In ? : hecks. 12Jc ; do, Nankin , 12Jc ; Yorl plain Nankin. 12Jc ; do , checks , strlpea an fancy , ISHc ; do-8 oz200- .SHEETINGS . Androscogcin 104.27J- do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental 42, He ; Fruit of the Loom 104. 274 ; Ne York mills 98 , 35o ; do 78 , 80c ; do 58 , 22J- Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 10-4 , 2840 ; c 7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Peppereil 90 , 29- do 07. 21oj do 57, ISc; Utica 90 , 35c ; c 58 , 22jc ; do 48,17o- Olgars and Tobaccos , OIGAES. Beeda , 815.00; Connectlcu 825.00 ; Mixed , 835,00 ; Seed Havan 50.00 ; Clearllavanu , 87500. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Eul 2-1 lb , GOo ; Spotted Fawn , 01 c ; Our Eop fine quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pound 21 Ib , butts , GOo ; GUt Kdg pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy pounds , 65c ; Bullion , pound *, GOc ; Loril- lanl's Climax , pounds , olc. FINE OUT In pall * . Hani to B at- 76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c Favorite , G5c ; Eocky Mountain , CO- c'ancy , 55c ; Daisy , 5lc. ) In tin foil Ratlins O. S. , B Ib boxes , per Ib 03o ; Lori lard's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo. SMOKING All grades-Common. 251 ( 3c. Granulated Blackvells Durham , 1 ( r. 51o ; Dukes Durham, 1C oz, 50c ; Seal o- Jorth Caroltna , 10 of , 4G ; Seal of Nobras- ca , 10 or , 3So ; Lone Jack. 4 oz, linen bags crib , 81.35 ; MntbutWPuck , 2 oz , tit oil ,5 r.c : DOR Tall. G5o. Paints Oils * nd Varnlihei. PAINTS IN Ollf Whlto load. Omahi ' . P. , 7c ; whlto lead , O. P. & 0. Co.pure- i ; Mar clllcs green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c Trench zinc , gjw seal , 12c ; French tine ed seal , He ; French 7inc , In varnish nut * 0c ; French zincc , In oil as t , 15c ; Ear nd hunit umber , 1 Ib cam 1'Jc ! raw am- nmil Sienna , 130 ! vandylso brown , IS- ofined - lampblack. 12c ; coach black , l"c- ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prusslai- luo ) , 30c ; nltramarina blue , 18c ; clirom- rccn , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutte- rcon , L. M. & D. , lie ; Paris green. 18c- ndian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ; Tnscai- iv , 22c ; American Vennlliml , I. & P. , I8c- hronio yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c- ollow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 11 ; patrn- ryor , Gc; graining color * ! light oak , darl- a c, walnut , chestnut ami aib 12c. Dry Dalnts . Whlto load , Gic; French tine. lOc ; Pari- vhiteiiig 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc- vbitinp coml , 14c ; lann black Gonnaii- own. . 14c ; lampblack , onlinary, 8c ; Prw inn blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndykc- irown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw lcsicnna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4- i'aris Rrecn genuine , 35c ; Paris green com- 'ir c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroni green K , , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng , , 70c ; voi- nillion , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc ese pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson1 Venetian red Am. , 19o ; red load , ihrotno yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yol- ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochr Trench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 14 ( Winter's mineral. 2 0; lehigh brown. 2jc- panish broAvn , 240 ; Prince's mineral 8 ( VAENISHES Barrels per gallor ' 'urniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 1 ; furniture , U, 85c ; coach , extra , 81 4C Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; ..Tapar- Oc ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 ; hnr oil finish. 81 30 OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , lliol'5ic- adlight ; , per gallon , 12 c ; 175 * headlighl " ' } on 103 ; . . . . XXX. pr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3, 115 ; sweel per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon 1 35 ; fish , W. B. . per gallon , GOc ; neatsfool extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1, G5c ; lubri eating, 7ero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15 ( golden machine , No. 1, per gallon , 35c ; Nc 2, SO; spenu , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tci- pcntino , per gallon , G4c ; naptha , 74 , pe gallon , 30c ; 61 % 20o Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. S3 40 ; plow steel , spccii cast , 7c ; crucible , Sc ; special urGerman.Gt cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , Hbl 2 2T @3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawe dry, 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle each , 75c ; square nuts , per Itv 7@11 washers , per lb. 8@18o ; rivets , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 8 iron wedges Gc ; crowbars , Co ; hurroi teeth, 4c ; horseihoes , per keg5 00"sprin ; steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horsellhoes , 5 31 Burden's mulesliQcs , G 35. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 71- Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3 ( fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Od , casing 4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10 finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Od finish , 5 2i half keen , 10o extra.- SHOT. . . Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , S2.1 Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : do. , ha kegs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast- ing , kegs , 3.35 ; Fuse , uer 100 feet 50o- .BA . t. BED WI RE In car lots,8 30 ru 100 ; in less than car lots , 8 55 per 100. Horses and Mules. The market is brisk and all grades ai selling well nt p. slieht advance in pi ice L'he demand for good horses exceeds tl- lupply considerably. Prices range as fo lows : Fine single drivers, 8150. to SOO. ; Exti- Iraft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common dra- lorsei , 100. to 150. ; Extra farm hone $ 110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horse SOO. to ? 100. j Extra plugr , SCO. to 75 Common plugs , 820. to 840, MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8121- to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , 8100. to 140- L4 to 14 J hands , 875. to 100. ; 13 J to ! lands , 860. to 75Liquors. . ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per win rallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proo- L 3il per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit L7 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; redistille- tbiskles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 150 ( 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; KPI- tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 0 ( BRANDIES Imported , 86 00@1COI domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS I.T ported , 4 50@0 00 ; domostli 140@3 00- .EUMS . Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Ne- Eneland. . 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 5 PEACH AND APPLE BEANDY- 175@4 - 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cas- 2GOO@31 OjAmsriyw , cose , 12001 1RO- O.OLAEETS . Per case , 4 50@16 00 WINES Rhine wine , per cose , 0 00 ( 20 00 ; Catawba , per cose , 4 00@7 00. Lumber.W- HOLESALE. . . FENCING No. 1,12 to 20 ft , 822:0- No. : . 2, 12 to 20 ft. , 2100; sheeting dressei- No. . 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2,10 00 ; common board dressed , 20 00- .FEAMING . 10 ft. nnd under , per T> 21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 0- 24ft. . 2500. FINISHING No. 1. finish li , 1 * at 2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $45 0- No. . 2. finish li , 14 and 2 inch , 845 00 : N 2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inu 83500 ; O. G. battens per lOO feet Hi 8100 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rough J and inch buttons per 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK BOAEDS A stock , $10 00 ; 835 00 ; 0 , $30 00 ; common stock , 822 C- FLOORINGNO , i , $40 oo ; NO. $35 00 ; No , 3, 822 00 yellow pine , No. 84000. SIDING No 1 , 82100 ; No. 2 , 8220- No. . 3. 818 00. SHIP LAP-Plain , $22 00 ; O. G , No. $3200 : No. 282200. CEILING 824 00@837 00. LATH AND SHINGLES-A atarbefu- hlngles. ( . 83 85 , No , 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , 82 C Lath , S3 50. DulldlrK Material. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk perbu- 35c. . Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaste bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , S5c. Tnrri felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board. 84 C- OPAPEE Straw ppr, 3o ; rag pop 4c ; dry Q I U t > ) or. 7ri in nil. pipnr , 1C- newH pnpei 8' , UUA1 Uuii.berluml biuciuinith , $1- Monis Eun Uloimburg, 812 ; Whltebrea lump , 80 f,0 ; Whltebreaat nut 80 60 ; lov lump , 80 50 ; Iowa nut ? 0 50 ; Eock Spring 88 ; Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00@12 50, Drurs- .DEUG8 . AND CHEMICALS Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartario , GOc ; Balni- iCopabla, per lb , 75cj Bark , Sassafras , n- lb , 14c ) C ilomel. per lb , 76c ; Cinchonlai per fir, 8100 ; Chloroform , per lb, 1C- Dpver'u powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Ep c lalts , per lb. 3 c ; Glycerine , pure , per 1 45c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb 21 Oil , Castor , No. 1, per gal , Vl Oil , Castor, No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; 0 Olive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 6 Opium , 84 60 ; Qulrjine P. & W. & E. & f per oz, 82 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per 8260; Balatm, per oz, 40o ; Sulphate Morphine , per ot. 8100 ; Sulphur floi per lb , 41c ; Btrvchnine , tier oz , 81 60 , Wool , Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCcj hcav- 13@16c ; medium unwaHhod , light , 18@2 ( washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30o ; tub-din and w , , 28c ; bnrry , blackand cotted woe 2@0c lean Hldei r-urs , Etc- .HIDKBOreeu . butcher's hide , 7cgr ; cured hides , 80 ; green valt, p vl cur Idea , 77So ; dry flint oound , 13@llo ; drj calf and kip , 12@13c ! dry Halt hides , nonnd , I@12 ! green calf. wl. 8 to 16Urn. . 10@llcj- rcen calf , wt. tinder 8 lb , jnst kln , 50c ; rcenjtoltn , 8100@115 ; green lamb skins , 110@125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , ut iicorcd and one Rrub. claused two1- .Irda . rate , ) brandcil hides 10 per cent , off , Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2, ROc ; No. .1 , 20.J No. 4, lOc. Mink , No. 1, 50c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. fl , 15c ; No. 4 , 60, Fox , No. 1 , COc ; Na 225c. Sknnk , No. 1, black , ISc ; short slrijio , 40m narrow alriiw 25o- ini d ulrlpo , lOc. Tallow , 5jc. Council BlnfT * Marlcot.- Coc.vcit . , BLCFKS, March I Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf , CO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 81 ; best rand of Kincan , 3 60@3 90 ; Kan an and Ilssourl flour , 3 50 ® I 25 ; graham , ! t 70 ] ye flour, 3 40. Bran and Shorti 15 00 per ton Chop Com 22 50 per ton. Wheat No. 2 , 8112 ; No. 8 , T re- octcd - , 52o. Corn 18. Oats No. 2, 40c ; roiocted , 35o. Barley No. 2, 90o ; No. 3 , 75c Hay Li o e , 6 00@C 00- .Wood5 . 50 ® 7 00. Live Horn 6 2.5 75- .CattleShipping . , 4 60(3)5 ( ) 00 ; milch- ows 30 00 ® 15 00 per head ) butcher ? tock , 3 003 5- 0.Shecp3 . 75@4 25.- O . Hides 5c ; G S hides , 7c. Wool 15@ ' . 5. Butter Creamery , 30c ; in roll ?, wrap.- od , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20o ; imixed- o'ors , 15@20o. KggsPacked , lOc ; fro h , 12jo . Potatoes 1 10180 ; Salt Lake , 1 5 . Onlom 1 25@1 40. Dressed I'oultry Chicken1" , lOc ; c ; gc < se , 8c ; turtoys , 12Jc- .Lio . ° Chickens 2 25 per dozen- .Ghlongo . OIIIUAOO. Mai-ch 3- .On'change . the nmrki'ts Wfrn tiriniT. The receipts of grain vcre 1K ! ) car londn- mbr cing 21 of wheat , 72 uf corn , 70 ol- iats , and 27 of barley Flour Dull end little doing on citlnii- hipitig or lornl account ; stuck * Jlrin : iiiiun ii to olioice weiturn spring , 4 f 0cT ( 00 ; Minnesota , 5 00@7 25 ; patent' , 7 51- S.'i ; who'it il iurR , 5 00&7 23- .Wh . hi In No. 2 spring n falru 'Tgntc- Uflnc".s ) was transacted , though nl- imes tra ing nn i-low and the umrltot cry iiulet ; the teeling was somewhat uii- .etlleu but priies ruled hUhcr ; opciiL-i ibout J@4i ! higher , ruled lirinf r April mt fell elf ln ( Jo for M , v ; then rallied in' ' under n good sioul ] dcmini uicca ere a Ivnncol with nigh II ictua- ii ii8 llio | f.u Ai ril and ll S lJa foi- Jlsiy , foil ulf ub mt y c , IliU'iiiutcil nut iuullv closed n nut li lii'hor for Apii- u I Igu Irgher for AI iv on rt-gu ar b ivd nnil on cill : at I 20 for wli ; 1 L'liJ f.n- Mmxh ; 1 278 for Aniil ; 1 2lj@ll !, > foi May ; 1 llJajl ! ) 20 .or , huu ; 1 OlJ for tlu- : No !! ( pilot , at 116lWll Oli- i 'orn A good spooulatixo busino u sai- rniuscUnln ily 'ii thu duy mid * ad- vaund JC fic on the wli' ' li MIIJO ; dlfeii g- vore qmto largo at the outsKle pncei nut after the orders werft prov idcil for tin narket and prices settled hnuli- in ] @ 3Cbitt ruled ( omptratiyclj- itronger to the close ; trailing was inaiulj- n the more deferred deliveries ; on tin call No. 2 closed at GOn for cash ; 5S.JO lei Mnrch692ic for April ; OS c for May ; 03J(5- CSgofor lime ; G4io for July ; rejectul , quit at 50c- .Onta . Neglected and dull ; No. 2 closcc- at 40Jc for March ; 43Jo for May ; 12go fo- June. . , Eye Dull ; no demand ; No. 2 , 80o fo March ; 81 c fur April. Barley Quiet and easier ; No. 2 , 1 00 . 02 for cash , Maroh and April ; No. 3, 77- i"or April. Pork Moderately active and firmer mess closed at 1GGO@1G 70 for cash ; 10 5 for March ; 10 774 for April ; 17 02J fo May ; 17 12 * for June. Lard Firmer and stea-ly , closing a 10 42i@10 45 for cash ; 10 40 for 'Marcli 10 474 for April ; 10 G0@10 62 $ for May 10 70 for June ; 10 77J.for 'July ; 10 30 fo the year. Bulk Meits Steadier and a shad higher ; short ribs , 8 02t@8 95 for cash ; 8 9 for March ; 0 02J for April ; 9 17J for May 9 25 for June ; 9 30 for July. Whisky Firm at 118. Butter Dull , weak and lower ; crcan : ery..choice to fancy , 42 ® leo ; fair to good 35@f 9c ; dairy , choice to iancy , 36@40u ; d fair to Ko ° d , 25@35c ; fresh ma Je packin- stoo't ' , 20@28c ; ludlo packed , common t- reed , 18@3'2c ; loll , 22(52Gc ( ; for common t air and v8@30p for good to choice.- Kggs . In fair but not largo supply strictly fresh , 18c. Eec'ts. Shipm't Flour 17,075 19,81 Wheat 11,334 4,01 Corn 47,8')9 49,49- Oata 25,705 2'J,82 Eye 5,000 305 Barley , . .. 22,357 4,48 Chicago Iiivo Stock.C- HICAQO . , March 3. The Drover's Journal reports as folluwa Hogs Becelptf , 13,000 head. The mai- kot fiir cocumon to good mixed wai du weak and lower , and prices ranging c 6 95@G 40. Heavy packing and uhippin were scarce but at the name time lowei and ruling rates being G fiO7 05. Llgtl- iogs lifeless and tevoral thousand hoa remain unsold ; the lange was 5 90@0 3r Cattle Eecelt | , 4.5UO head. Shippio cattle opened well but rapidly weakene and fe'l ' elf 5@10o , closing dull. Cornmoi 4 90@5 15 ; fair, G 20@5 35 ; medium , 5 A @550 ; good , 5 50@5 76 ; choice , 5 80@G II mixed butcher stock sol I well for bei graded but common was weak ; COWH , 2 t @ 1 30 ; bulls , 3 00@5 00 ; ntcew , 5 00@5 2 stockeia and feeders active and tolerabl strong , ranging at 3 10@4 90 , Sheep -Eecoipts. 2,600 head. Matki about steady at 4 50(5,0 ( 00 , mainly at 6 5- 1rroduoo NEW YOUK , March 3. Flour Dull ; winter wheat nxtra , 4 G0( 5 80 ; rltv mill extra , 575@7 CO ; southci flour dull ; common to choTio extra , 5 10 ( 8 00. Wheat Quiet , heavy and lower ; No. rod , 1 31 J1 33J ; No. 1 white , 1 30@131- No. 2 red" , Mrfrch , 131j@122t ; do Aprl 1 33j@l 34i ; do May , 1 34J ; t June , 1 30J@1 31J. Corn Hoary and luwer ; unjradt mixed , 01CUJo ; No. 3. GSltStOSjjcuteaun- mixe ; i 07SSG8cj ( No. 2 , 07i@G'Jjc ; No. mixed , March , G73@68c ; do April. OOJa Oat Dull and weak ; No , 1 white , 51- No. . 2 , 6H@52c ; No. 1 mixed , 61n ; No.- do,501@5Ulo jinIxcd weutern , 48@50Jc ; 2 mixed , March , 60c ; do April , 49jjo , Eye Dull and heavy ; 84@90o. Barley Dull ; No 2 Canada , 1 08@1 0 Pork Dull and weak ; new mess , 17 5- Lnrd Dull and weak ; 10 574 for can 10 524 f r Mnrcli ; H C74@1000 for Apr U'tn Isuminul , Piitri'leiiin Qiilet and piicen withoi- markrd chvngu ; United , 82crrude in bi rein , Cjf@74c ; refined iu bairch , 74c. *" Xorpontlno MarketWI- LMINQTON. - . N. 0. , March 3- .Eosln . Firm ; strained 190 ; good , 1 9- Spirlta Strong at 49c. Tar Firm at 1 90- .Buffalo . Ijive 8 took. EAST BurjrALO. March 3 , Hogs Dull and lower ; receipts , CO cai shipments , 38 cars ; selling ; Yorkern, goi- to choice , G 50@G 05 , and a few good in- dlum at C 76@0 8- 5.Ijivorpool . Produce MorbotiLi- VKlii'OOL , March 8 , Flour American , 10 ( el2u. 6d , Wheat Winter tn lOdOlOj 9d ; whit Od ld@10ti Id ; spritiET , 'Ji 4 J@10d 4d ; clu lOn ld@10i 4d- .CornCa . lid. Pork 77 . Lard-5U 9d- .Jtecelpta . of wheat for last three da ] (5,000 cuitalo , 49,000 coutula being Ame can , Now Xorlt l > ry NKW YonK. Mnrclt 3. There hn been a contlnuuicc of th- inpiovp. . ' HIMIntrlv dovclpnl In th- oblliut'vi i u in llltril dUtrllmtlo- iNlnmcl , n, it do mr'nic-iil KIKK | vis liiNilu ny li | lit d| i d rp ioii < j ill ers. The Jobuiiirf tnvlu n IIHH'H HIOIIII- ia ol o lioou gtliiiubkled Hit * | ircvill MI ino weather , and coii-ldeinblo liulni's- i iiriiiL' | ciotlili c wa noned by whole ala clothier * . Cotton pi d < commit | m- umses are doiu- ; steady tlmuph moderiti- rado , an 1 loading nuke * of IKMVV cloth UC woolnnnre .. ( ivliigwi h d luidcrublr- cedom. . There Is a ntculy call fur mod rate sized twiccU f pi in ami colore- iHtom nt lir t baudaul u falilv nails aotory LttMiieM WHH 'Juno by JMbbo'f- Vhlte gouiiH m-iinnu' in 'i-inuji'l ' ni.i nil , and qiillltifu IUIIM j utrndijy O- iiccount of b o order iujcii mail 10 follou lug ri vi rd piio H in blcaclu- ittoni : lUllui-d htnlv , v St , Louln Prntluco.S- T. . . Louts, March 3. Flour- Unchanged ; faucy , 0 30@fl Jf lei o, fi OOffOMi ) XXX , 6rigr ) 35 ; fain y, 5 55@5 75. Wheat Stronger and higher ; No. 2 red SIOJ for o. h ; 1 20i for March ; 1 23- r April ; 1 22 } for May ; 1 lllj fi ( line ; 1 08 for Julys 1 U4 for the year ; N- ircd.llOJ , ; No. 117. Corn ActUo and higher ; 58 0 for caul- Sjo | for March ; OO o for April ; l 2jis ) fo- ilay ; 02jc for .luiio ; 03Jo for July. Oats llrttur but slow : 4llo ! for can ud Match ; 4VJc ! for April ; 43o for Ma- jEyoHlgher at 2o. Barley Dull at 80ii90o. ( Lead Dull ; soft , nominal nt 4 87 ard , 4 85. Unit r Stohdyo ; v.imciy , ll@10cjdaln- a Lower al 16o. . Flax Seed Lower Bt 1 25. Whisky 117. Pork Unsteady : 1711'i for r.vh 10 J- ir March ; 17 00 for Apill ; 17 1 for MIIJ lnnctivoiind'tioiniiml , .t 1045.- Jtcu'lR. . . Sldpiuti- "lour . s 4,433 2,84- Vlieat . J ,04G nun Corn . 82r.OO 37M- iatn . 4S ,0 nor { jo . fOO noti- Jarloy . 2,000 M Stoolc.- St. . . l.ouN , March 3. Cattle Slow for nil except good. Kxpor- cru , G 00 ® " 5 ; (, ' od to choice vhlppun 5 G55 90 ; medium to choice ImtcluT- 4CO@570 ; natho st ckcr * , 4 00@4'2i cows and heifers , ! lDr @ 4 5. Kcceipt 858 head ; chlpmeiit' , 0 > ho d. Dears Slow nnd 5 to lOo lower ; Ugh 0 00s ( fl 20 ; Yorkers. 02r035 ; packliii- G l5fgG 70 ; butchorv and selects , G 76 ( 7 10; pigs , 5 C 0@5 80 , Receipts , 2,53 shipment * , 1,3G head- .Fooria . Produce.P- FOHIA . , March 3. Wheat Good milling sample * scan and in demand , No xnlcs reported.- Corp. . OlferiiigH light , with contimu- stiong deuinnd. The market ruled firi- No. . 2 whlto , G5Jc ; yellow , GOq ; hli- liilxcd , 59jc ; mixed , 5Ho ! ; rejected , 5Sj Oats Offerings } ll ht , with stroi demand ; white No. 2, 41Jc- .Ey . Market dull , eaay nnd lower. N 2 , 88jc ; rejected , 88c. Barley Market dull , without any not bio change. No sales reported.- HighwiuoH . Market linn ; now quot- at 11G. , Eco'tB. Ship'l Wheat none noi Corn 45,000 3,8 Oats 0,100 13,3 lye 1850 2.0- Jarley. . , 1.050 no- ligliwiaes none 1 Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , March 3. Mess Pork Dull at 17 25@1750- .Lird Nominal ; prime steam , 10374 Bulk Meats-Clear sides , 9 G5 ( 9 70. Bacon Clear sides , light supply 1050. Flour Heavy and dull ; family , C CC 720. Wheat Dull nnd weak ; Not 2 n 129. Corn Easy; No. 2 mixed , G2JO. Oats Steady. Eye Dull and weak ; No. 2, 93J@94c. Barley Quiet and easy ; .No. 2 fa 1 00. Whisky Firm at 110. Toledo PruanoaT- oLitiio - , March 3. Wheat Dull ami inactive ; No. 2 , 1 2- 'or cash and March ; 1 25 for April ; 1- 'or May ; 1 20 for June ; 113J for Jul 110 for August. Corn Little doing ; No , 2, Ole forca- andMorch ; Gl o lor April ; 03i@01c I ; C4Jo for Juno- .altimoro . Prodnoo.B- ALTIMOUK . , March 3. Flour Quio- tWlieatSouthern firmer ; fultz,130@l ! Longborry , 1 38@1 41 ; No. 2 red wiul easy at 1 281 38 for caMi and 1 i- or [ April. Corn White southern firmer at 11- 79c ; yellow firmer at G8@70c ; mixed we- ern quiet at C8- c.Enitlilliorty . Iiivo Stock. EAST LIBERTY , Pa. , March 3 Catth Slow nnd unchanged ; recoil 1,5 7 hea-1 ; shlpinents 1,190 head. Hogs Dull ; ro'elptH. 3fOO hoa-1 ; nil .. .entB , 1,900 hea ; PliHiidolrihlaH , 731 7 40 ; Yorkcri0 50@0 70. Sheep Slow nnd unchanged ; receip 2,400 head ; fhlpineots , 1,200 hea- d.Pittaburc . Oil Marltbt.P- iTTMiiuno . , March 3 The oil market op nfd at 82u , a closed at noon at 82o ; for Api- 84c ; May , 8Jc ) ; June , 88t ; New Yoi- 7Jc. . ShipmeiitH United , fi2r)5 , !) bam on tidewater , 10,883 barrels ; charters , 7 190 barrels. 1'itteburg naleu , 389,000 b rels. Pittsburg fxtlmngo stock , $10- 0.Clovelnnd . Market.C- LKVEI.A.I . ) , March 5 Petroleum Finn ; standard white , 3 test , 7o. Pbllaaolpbln Pro dnoe.I- 'lllLADKLi'lliA . , March 3 Wheat Easier at 1 31J for u and March ; 1 33j for April , Corn Ei Iur at G8o for cash D March; GRJffiWJo forApril , Oat Easter at 60i@rOZo for cash a March ; r04@50o for April.l- . . Eye Jfominal. .C VLfFOIJNIA. FLOUE.- Sacruimnto . mills ]) atent fbur ( i brand ) . Our E reka patent th ( blue brand) . The only patent flour m- iufacturtd on the Pacilio coait. We cla- it U the whittet , etiongrst and best fum flour In Ow state. Auk your grocer for Try It and you will use no other.- E. . . M. McCliKAKT Ic CO. , Sacramento T. J. EVANB , Agent , Crystal Mllli , Council Blulfo , DO NOT UB DEOEUVKD- .In . thoao Uinoa ot quack inodici- advortiBOinutita ovorywhcro , it ia tn gratifying to find ono remedy that worthy ot praise , and which roa- doua as rccommondod. Electric I- tors , wo can vouch for as boin a ti and reliable remedy , P.nd ono tl will do as recommended. Thoyinw- bly curea Btomach and livei comnlaii- disoasoa of thu Kidneys and Urini- tlilllcultics. . Wo know whereof speak , and can readily say , give th- a trial , Bold at fifty cents a bottle Isli & MoMahon (3 FEMININE SOLDIERS. Stories of Women Wbo- quoradod aa Men , Courngo Displayed by Women In the Arinltm of Vni lous Countries Without Their BOX Bolnir- Discovered. . * Vork Vcil- l.'Ihouablo . reportB ( lint an English Ainnscou baa sot to wotk in HcrzegV- tua to org.uiizo a gutrillu bund against the Austrian * , though it may doubted whoihnr she will provo Lc OH successful SIM Titt'u niece and secretary , L.xdy IloaUr Stanhope , who ruled luir little tornorof Syria literally witlmword and liio , and bid lior .umy of dovolcd soldiers with whom flho notild bid dofinnco to tbo Viceroy ol Kirypt. Tlio Philadelphia Lodger , a few days ngo , announced ho do.xtb of Mrs. Klizabcth llaUicr , at tlio ago of luucly-two lcaviiiji n largo family of childrorrfurixtulchild- ron nnd great-grandchildren. She married to a Borgonnt of cavalry iu tbo French service in 1810 , nnd when bor husband was ordered to Russia she determined to go also. Her hair waa cut short and the funialo apparel changed for a soldier's uni- form ¬ , and thus disguised aho passed through the wliolo campaign riding by the side of bor husband. ItShu waa present at all tbo principal battles and ia tbii burning of Moscow. They wore takun itmnnurs , hut finnlly got b.iol : tn Kraiico in safely , Whoiicu they CHIIIO to thu United States in- 1S4W' Not long uuo n woman died in thy medical GulYgo Hospital at , Tcnn. , who naid tc t vice onltstud in tbo regulai- m my during the war , and to have aoivid fur amiui inon'ln ' each time bo- foie her BOX was 'discovered. IIoi- iiiimo was Jeiiuit ! llutK'rtson , but she was moru fauiilinly known as''Sol- dier ' Uhnrlio.'i. Another "romance ol the warj , ' was published some litth time ago telling bow Katie Hanson of Tioga county , Pa. , who had a pre- diction for masculine ways and wai anexpert riilo woman , disappeared from homo not long before tbo war and , donning male attire , obtainci work on a lake steamboat , until tlu breaking out of1 tlioiir , when she en- listed iu an Ohio regiment and rose t < the Someant. In 1804 her Captain J nines Hopkins , told her that be luu long ouapectod that she was a woman and the charge was BO unoxptcloi that she liat ) bcV self-possession and CONV1CT1U ) IIIlwr.Ir- y ! > her reply. She begged tbo Cat ain not to reveal her becret , but b- .ook her before General Thomas , an- nado tlio fact known to him. Kati- waa at once sent back to tbo rear , an ordered to resume her proper attin3- 1u > became a 'nurao in tlio liospita and aoon bad in bor cnro lier Captai who bad boon wounded in a akirniisl- Uotwoon them n strong affection wt formed , At the close of the war tbo wore married , and 'after spondin- Boino ycara in Cuba returned to th country, woll-to-do and bappy. Dui ing tbo recent war between Chili an- nnd Peru a Oniloan woman enlisted i i- t cavalry regiment , her BOX bocomi- nnpwn , ana rose to bo Sergeant Some throe yeara ago it waareporto- trom Homo that a soldier named Mi- riotti of tbo Eleventh Battalien of ill BoraagHeri , who , ' though longconfine- o ; the room by illness , and refused t- DO carried to. the hospital , on boin- 'orcibly removed thither liad heeu dii covered to bo a woman. She ha joined the army during the war c- L8G5 to enable her brother to remai with his wife nnd six children. Sh- iad previously , being very strong worked in the mines. At Custozz- aho won n medal for bravery. Th ting conferred on her a decoration ind Bout her homo with a pension o- pOO a year. A great number of worn en , it is well known , figured , in th ranks of the Communist army in 1871- nt Paris. A writer in Notes andQuei- cs Boino timo- ago mentioned BOIU cases of female soldiers discovered i- i'oroign armies. In tlio French armj- 'or instance , there were (among otli ors ) Louise Iloussayo do Bannos , wh served from 1702 to 1705 , and was t- Quiboron ; Angoliquo Bruion ( nc- Duchomia , for she was married ) , soui- lioutonuiil of infantry and decorate with the Legion of Honor , who we born in 1702 , and died iiuho Invalidc- in 1859j Thereso Figuour , who serve as a dragoon for fourteen years , froi 1768 to 1812 , had four horses kille under her , and died in 1801 , at tli ago of oighty.-sovon , in the Hospic dos Potitis Manages , at Paris ; Vi ginio OhcBiiicres , who served durir the Peninsular War as a Sergeant i the Twonty-Bovonth Regiment , an died in 1873. Louisa Bcanagatti wi- a Lieutenant of Infantry in the An- trian or Sardinian army during tl Napoleonic wars. Marietta Glulian and Ilernmnia Manolli fought undi- Garibaldi in 1800 ; Herininia was i the battle of Ouatozza. August Krugor fought in the War of Liber tion against the French UB a subaltui- in the Ninth Prussian Ilogimcnt , ar was DECOIUTKU WITH TUK IKON OHOBH and the .BuBsian Order of St. Georg she ( after leaving the army ) married brother ofilcer in 1810 , and in 18 ( her grandson received a commissic- in his grandmother's regimen Bortlm WOIBS is said to have fought.- Spichoron in 1870 , but it is not su that her case is genuine. "A youi Russian ollicor" ( her name is not gi- on ) was , by The London 'limes' co respondent , on SontomlTor 20, 18? reported to have fallen at Kapelyov after displaying the most brilliant gt- lantry in rallying her men again the Turks the event furnished a to for a well-known and touching poor Dolores Rodriguez , corporal ( at tl ago of eighteen ) in the First Regime of Peruvian Sappers , fought in tl present South American war , and still in service. Female soldiers ha boon loss common in the English urn still the names of several women ha' boon borne on its rolls. Thus , whi the Royal Marines distinguish' themselves under Boscawon at Pont cherry , foremost in their ranks w Hannah Slioll , a native ofVorceatc Siio enlisted at Portsmouth , in Oc- onel Frasor's regiment , and embark on board the Swallow , ono of t squadron under Admiral Boscawc She behaved with remarkable bravo and received n wound from a muttli ball which she extracted horse Eleven other wounds in both logsrt- dorod her removal to thy hospital Cuddaloro absolutely necessary. On her recovery she wont homo in the El- tliam - frigate , nnd , strange to say , her BOX was not discovered until she pb- tiinod - her discharge. She aftorprnids wore the marine * drees , nnd having presented n petition to "Blutchor" Cumberland received a pension o 8100 n year for life. Readers of Per ¬ cy's "Jleliqucs" will not forget the heroine of the bnttlo of "Mary Am- brco - , " whoso name Don Jensen uses asn synonym for "vir.tgo , " and whom Fletcher also mentions in tlio "Scorn- ful ¬ Lady. " She fiRurod in some at- tempt ¬ to regain Ghent from the Span- iards ¬ with the niil of English volun- teers ¬ in 1584 , nnd fought so valorous- ly - that ' 'Tlio Irlnco of flttat fauna tcard ot tier rc- nnnnr- 1io , Ionstiail achmccil for Krglaml'd f.ilro- tronnc. . Hooood her uncl Hied her hti tnlatroia to bee, And ottered ilch prceentB to St fy Atnhreo. " Presents which thia "virttioua may- don despised , " sending the Prince of Great Parma to the right-about with a whole wildcrncsii of fleas in his pre- sumptions ¬ ears. OUT IN CAUVOHNIA. Some little time ngo Charley Park- burst , n famous stngo-coacli driver, who , after handling teams of four and six horses with great skill and dexter- ity ¬ , nnd acquiring the reputation of a daring nnd dead shot when highway- men ¬ wore on the route , had turned lumberer and had made quite a for- tune ¬ , was discovered to bo a woman- .In . 1870 u.remarkable case of persona ¬ tion was disclosed in Australia. A person called Edward Do Lacy Evans had boon working in the gold fields at Sandhurst and elsewhere as a min- er ¬ , and had boon married thrice , hav- ing ¬ two children by his second wife nnd ono by his third. When Evans wont out of his senses and waa taken to the Kovr Lunatic Asylum the fact was revealed that ho was a woman and had been a mother. "In appearance , " wrote the hospital surgeon , ' 'this man pcrsonator ia feminine as regards the formation of the features , but carries a decidedly masculine expression , though the facois as clean of hair as that of the infant. She is of rather short stature , regarded ns a man , be- ing - about five feet four inches or five feet five inches in height. Her hair , since her confinement in the hospital , has grown almost to her shoulders. " Just at the sniiio time a Gorman worn- u - , named Johanna Holding , was ound at llockhampton , Australia ivho for several years had been living in tbo bush an n cattle driver, dis- guised ¬ aa a man , but there was no- narriage to complete this case. The ntorcHting story of tbo young western person , who , after beginning lilo na a- kvaman , and being married and baar- ng - children , develops into a man and becomes the father of n family by a- ccond marriage , is once again going ho rounds. Ago cannot wither it , though custom has iu a measure stated fca infinite lack of variety. Its period is about throe or four yearsit having gone the rounds of the press four times since 18G7. In July 1777 , it may bo said , a woman was tried at London for having married three other wombn , defrauding them of their money and olothos , wherefore ho was sot in the pillory and sent to jail for six months. Four years bo- 'oro - a similar enterprise by a maacu- ino - looking young girl upon a credu- lous ¬ elderly woman with some money had come to grief and The Gentle ¬ man's Magazine , in 1770, recorded the cane of two women , who , having boon crossed in love in youth , agreed to live together as husband and wife to avoid further disappointments , and did live together unsuspected by the people who frequented the public house they kept for thirty-six years , when on the death bed of the ' 'wife"- ho deception was revealed- .f . Bnoklin'i .arnica Salvo. The beat solve in the world for outs , jruisos , sores , ulcers , Bait rheum , 'over Bores , totter , chapped hands , chillblainsj corns and all kinds of skin eruptionn. This salvo is guar- anteed ¬ to give perfect satisfaction in ivory cose or money refunded. Price , 25o per box. For aalo by TB T $ MoMxnoN. Omaha. EUROPEAN RESTAURANT , OnFarnliamSMet , 11&12 , OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. HEALS OB , LUNCH AGENTS FOR 8T AM BREAD BAKERY. GEORGE HOUGH , M'lm Proprietor. THE OOCIDEITAL ! d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB.R- .at.nn . .TWO Dollara Per Day. Matter of Application of 0. B. Schroth for Liquor License- .NOTICE. . . Notice U hereby Klven that 0. I ) . Schroth did upon the Vlth day of Februuy , A. D. JSa2 , Qluhis application to the JIvor HLdOlty Ccnmll- ol (jrmlia , lor license to sell Malt. Spirituous and Vlnnui Liquors , at corner Third ami rime itrcoti , Kltit ward , t'inaha'Nebraska l om the , 10th day ol March , 1882 ' to the loth day of- Ajiril. . 12. 11 there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest flletfwlthin two weeks from K4th .day of- Febuary , A. V. 1682 , tro uald license will bq- granted. . CMU * U. Scimoin , Applicant- .TlliOUAiU . DAILT BBI newifuiwr will publish tlio above notice once each week tor two weeks at- thu expense ol the applicant. The City ol Ornah * li not to bo rharirou thoiowlth. ; J. J. L. <J. JEWETT. ' Iob22t r'ty ' Clerk. Matter of Application ot S-loren Nelhon for Liguor License , I NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that Boicn Nelkou did upon the Kid day ol February , A. I ) . , 1882 , Ola hit application | to the Major and C'lty Council of- Oinaha , for license to ecu JJalt , Spirituous and Vinous Liquors , at Kluvcnth , botwevn Joooi and Ltavcnwortli Street * , Flrtt Ward , Omaha Neb. , Irom the 10th day of lUrcll. 1632 , to tbo 10th day ol April , IBisJ- .It . there bu 119 objection , remonstrance or pro- test ¬ flic J within two weeks Irom February 23d , A. 1) , , 1S31 , theeald llcento will bo muted, HOHKM Nsu CM , Applicant.- Tun . Ouitu DAILY UBS newspaper willpublUh- th ) uotlca once each week lor twouuoisat the expenw ol the apjilicant. 1 ho City ot Omaha not to 1)0 charged tnerowlth- .J . , J. L. 0, JKWETT , City Clerk. 1 . . .


May 27, 2022



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riWANCIAL.NEW YORK , Miuch 3.-




Money closed nt 5 per cent. , nnil 0 pecent , was a fair ruling rate for the day.

Exchange cloted firm nt 4 80i@4 OOJ.

Governments closed firm.-




Currency G's 1 25 bl4' coupons 1 18 hi-

4J'fl coupons 1 13 § M-

Br Continued 1 02 hi-

C's contiuueil 100J bl-


Pacific railroad bonds closed us follows

Unionists 1 153Union LnnitQranti 1 161Union SinkliiR FumtnltM at..l I'.U-

Centals 1 Uj@l Ifi


The innrket to-day was modernely! nc-

tlvo but irregular. There werj frequrn.-changes. from firmness to depression AUI

vice versa , the market finally closing weal

with pricei: generally nt the lowest po'n-of the day. A noticeable exception to thgeneral market was the Haunilul k S-IJoioph preferred , which recorded an ail

vance for the day of 5$ per cent. Nortlwestern and M. & St. 1 . were alao oxce |tions and closed higher. Among tlispecialties Richmond & Danville was o-

lfered down to 1 50 and terminal to 17''Following are tliu closing bid-


30 LS 114-

Preferred. . . . . 77-

AinDhTel.L N A & O. . . G8

. . . . 43-

B.LAN 8-0MLS&. & A. L. , pfd 04-

OW. . . . 4E


Col& . . . . . . Michigan Con'l 8-

2M&K- Uoal 424-C

12-1M&O1 3,1 } 02-

MO& 0 2U-1st


pfd 31J Manhattan El. . 5-FPreferrol.2d pfd..i. . . 23-

O&M. . . . OJ


OOre Trans G ?

O &IO 103-

O1'aoMalL 4-1PD&ES 48i-


Pull.W 124J . Pal. Car. . 15-

Quicksilver.D&H 107-D

. . . . 1-5Preferred.& U G Gig . . . . 5J

E & W 31 Rending O-

fE&PErie 37J 3-1ElPreferred. . . . 77-


K.Tenn 12i-Prof

. & A 2-JStPei red. . . . 22 MM.1K

Adams 142 San Francisco. . 3 !

Forgo 120 1st Preferred. . . . C (

American 02-

U.2d Preferred. . . . 0(

. S 74 St. Paul IK-Preferred.Houston & Tex. G-

2H&St. . . . 12-

1TJ. . . . .' . . 90-Preferred.

P 4 (

. . . . 80-I.

Union Pacific. . 11-4Vnbash. C 1331 Si-

Prefeired.IB&W 41-

Kan. . . . fit

& Tex 31J Western Union. 71

0 O C & I. . . . 7-8CP

Con Coal 31


CHICAGO , March 3.

The supply of loanable funds is guoc

and nt the ofFeiiuss of A 1 paper were enlfair , the regular customers and others i

good standing found the market comfort :

ble and easy at G@7 per cent , per nnnimCity deposits are increasing.

The clearings of the associated ban !

were §000000.).

Eastern exchange between city ban !

was firmer and quoted at 25@50c discout-

jper § 1,000Orders for currency were fai-



Omaha Wholesale Market *

OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BEE , )Thursday Evening , March 3. |

There are hut few changes reported i

ihe market tc-day , and they occur.grain.-

Wheat No. 2 advanced Jc ; rejected , a-

vanced Jc. "

Barley No. 2 declined Ic ; No. 3 d-

dined- Ic.Eye Decline 1 So.

Corn No. 2 declined Jc.

Local Grain DealingsVfHEAT. Cash. No. 2, 108J ; cai-

N , t , 88Jc : rejected , G.'Jc-.BAKLKY.


. Cash No. 2, 88c ; No.85s.HYE.

. Cash. 6Sc-


. Cash No. 2 , 4Gc-


. Cash. 31o-.STEEET

.PEICKS-Corn , 40@45 ; oat

<[email protected] 50 00@G 50 per ton.-



* FLOUE Spring wheat , straight gradS25@360 ; "Pioneer" California , §40

patent , S3 7B@4 50; winter wheat straiggrade S3 85@4 25 ; patent , 84 50@5 00 ; grSam rye , 82 50j VVheat , 83 00 ; Quei-"Bee. . 64 25 ; Jasper , $3 87 ; Big Siou-S3 50.



Bran , per cwt. 1per ton160017.00 ; icroenings , per enSOc ; shorts , per owt 1.10 ; chopped feeper cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 4

-white. SI G-O.OTATOES


Nehraskas. [email protected] POTATOES Genuine Muse

lne.4 @ 5o per lb.WILD GEESE Out of market.-

[email protected] , 35j poor , no mt-

Btet ; fair, 18@24 ; creamerj', 40.APPLES Good , sound , very scar

At S5 50@6 50 per bbl.LEMONS Steady ; per box , 5425

45U.OEANGES per box 4 00@4 25. V-


it>er half bbl. , $4 50.BEESWAX Yellow , [email protected] 10@1 40 per bushe-l.OEANBEEEIES


Per bbl. , S10 0-0il C-


Per dSz. , [email protected] GEESE Per lb , , 9llo.OYSTERS Selects. 45oj standards, 3t-



$8 25 a 9 00.Grocers List.

10o.TEAS.. Gunpowder , good , 45@5 !

Choice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@4Choice , fiOQg75c ; Young Hyson , Rood , 3 (We ; choice. 65c@$100 : Japan Nat Lea5cj Japan , choice , ((10@7Bc ; Oolong , KO

85@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@55 ; BouchoiRood , 3540c : choice , 3545o.-


Cut loaf , lOJc ; GruntlOjJc ; Granulated , lOlo ; Powdered. 10-

7Ine powdered , lllc ; Standard CoffeeOJoj New York Confectioner's Stand :A. . 98cj Good A, 8io ; Prairie Extra

8Jo.SYETTPS.. Sugar house , bbh. 45c : h-

bla , 47c ; kegs , 44 gallons , ?2 10 ; chotable syrup , 42c ; half bb Is, 44o ; kegs , 82-

BODA.Dwight'B It) papers , 83 00; 1-

Jand do. $3 00 ; Church's , 93 00 ; Keg not

STAECn. Pearl , 4jc : Silver Qloss ,@8Jc ; Corn Starch , 89o ; Eiceln-Gloss. . 7cj Corn. 7io-


. Dray loads , per bbl , 2 10 ; Aton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 3-

bbls dairy. 100 , 3s. 365-


FEUITS Choice halvpeaches , T

5 Ib boxes , 13c ; Michigan , Sic ; KYork apples , 8Scj Prunes , old , Gjc ; n-

7Jc ; Currants , |@ § ; Blackberries , ne

. CHEESE Full Cream. 14c ; P-

Bkim 11 Jc-


hoop pa1 9r ; three hoop palls , 2 20! No. 1 ti0 60; No. 2 tubs , , 8 60 ; No. 3 tubs , 7

pioneer wwihboards , 1 85 Double Crown ,290 ; WollbucketH , 325.

LEAP Bar , $1 65-


. Pepper , |19 ; All'plco , lOo ;

Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , 81 Ml ZficjGaMiit ,Mace $1 00-


Per caddie , OOoj roundcases, 87.65 ; square case * , 95.10 , .

punvisintts Breakfast bacon , 12J *2iioco! lard , l-tjc ; dried beef , 13Jc : should-ers , 9c : Imnm. l.Scj bacon , sides , lie.-


PICKLES-Mcdium , In barreli. ,?9 00 ; do bihnlf bbls , 6 25 ; smalls , In bbl ,12 00 do , In .half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in-

bhls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls. 7 60-


Pure apple extra , 10 i

pure apple , 13c ! Pmssintr uuro annlo , IGo.HOMINY Now , $5 50 per bbi-.BKANSMecUum


, hand picked 8120per bushel ; navy , 51 00)) calef navy, $1 00-

110PU Sisal , J Inch nnd larger 8J(3)( )' 9c ; j inch , 9c ,

SOAPS-Klrk's Savon Imperial , 380 ;

Kirk's satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's Rtandard , S 05Kirk's whlto Eussian , 500 : KirkV-Kutoua. . 205 ! Kirk's Prairlo Queen ,

((100 cakes ), 3 0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 55@1 10.

CANDLES Boxes , 40 HM, in oz , 81 ,

ICeboxes: 40 Ibs. , 10 of. . , Gs , IGc-


American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 310Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'-lye.


. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275.POTASH Pcnnnylvauia cans , 4 doz.

in case 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. iu case100 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In caso. 1 50.

FIELD SKBD Eed clover , choicenow ,' SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovernew. $7 00 ; white clover , now , $14 00-

U alfa clover , now , $12 CO ; alslko , now81300. Timothy , good , now , S3 00blue grabs , extra clean , 51 50 ; blue grassclcnn , 81 25 ; orchard grasi , 82 50 : red topchoice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri80c ; millet , German , 81 00 to SI 25-

II HunRarian. 80c-


Osage orange , 1 to J

bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels 01

over , 54 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 3oo ; po100 Ibs , . 825 00-


.i-Fnmily whlto fish , . 90 lb hf bbls83 75 ; No , 1 whlto fish , 90 lb hf bbls. G 30-

No. . 1 white fish. In 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; famlrj10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , pekeg , 135 ; Hussion sardines , 75c : Colut"-bia river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00; Georgo'iBank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codfish9io ; boneless fish , 5Jc.

MACKEREL Half bblsmessmackerol100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10(

Iba , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25-

No. . 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 1011 do 75o.

CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 11

(Field's ) , er case , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's )per cose , 2 50 : do 2 lb (Standard ), per caseJ 70 ; do 1 Jb (titaiidard ) , per case , 2 30 ; dc2 lb (slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack )

per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , ]

lb , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70; do 2 Hi, per dozer2 55. Sardines , small r'sh , imported , omquarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; Americanquarter boxes per box , Ho ; do hnlf boxesper box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen180. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 lb pel-cose , 3 30 ; Corn2 lb (Mountainper cose , 3 GO ; soaked corn , 210 ; d2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 GO

string beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beamper case , 2 20. Succotash per cose. 2 25Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choiceper case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case280 ; strawberries , 2 lb, per civic , 2 75-

'aspberries , 2 lb, per caie , 2 753 00-

amsons) , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlctl-peara per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlober-ies per case , 2 SO. Egg plums , 2 lb pel- , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 lb, per case. 4 50-

jrfen gages,2 Ibper case , 3 50 : do choice , '

b per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case, 3 10-

do 3 lb , cose , G 00@G BO ; do , (pie ) , 3 Ib , pel-ase.3 85 ; do pie , G lb , per dozen , 3 C-


Carolina , 8@8Jc'; Louisiana , 7''@ 8Jlc ; fair, Gi@7-

.PEANUTS Boasted , choice , rod Ten-nessee , 9o per lb ; fancy white , lOc per lbraw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roastedlllc.

Dry Goods-.BEOWN


COTTONS Atlantic A , 8JcAppleton XX, 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; BootFF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W-

7Jc ; Cnittenango A , 6 c ; Ureat Falls E-

SJc; Hoosier , GJc ; Hone t Width , 71c : In-llan Head A, 8c ; Indian Standard A! c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrenc-bL , 7c ; Mystic Eiver , 7Jc ; Pequ6t A, 8Jc-Showmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0, 5Jc ; Wochm-ett B , 7jc : do A, SJc; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wai-cett BB , Sic-


' OOTTONS-Allendal4-4 : TJc ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 73Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c-

3ennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6 jo-

fndian Orchard AA 98. SJc ; Laconja (39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdole 4-4lOc ; Peppereil N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7c ; do I36. 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocassct O 4-4 , 7Jc-Wamsutta4.4 13-

cBLEACHED COTTONS Androscogin L 4-4,10cBlackstoneA; A irrperialflc-

do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 44,83-Fidelity44 , 9JcFruit of thaLoom.ll ; d-

can.bric44,13cdoWaterTwist,10JcGrea; ;Falls Q , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 44,12'.c-Lonsdale. . lOJc ; do cambric 37 , 13o ;

York Mills. 13c ; Pequot A, lOc ; Pepperel-N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontos 4-4 , 9Jc-Pocasset 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , He ; Wamsutt-O X X , 13c-


Unbleached Atlantic , 10 o-

17c ; Baltimore do, IGc ; Lone Star , 8 oz-


: Savnee. 18c-


(Colored ) Albany J5 brown8c; do O, drabUix do XA , stripes anplaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and dralstripes and plaids , 12Jc; Arlington fancy19c ; Brunswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancj-

12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Eivebrown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana 1

brown , ISc ; Neponset A brown , 15c-


Am oskeng A C A 3-

17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowannt-9Jc ; Claremont .B B, 15Jc : Conestoga e-

tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljc Lewiston J-

30,15c ; Minnchaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supeextra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl Elver 32 , 16c ; Pul-nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket I

lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8J-

iDENIMS. . Amoskeak , blue nnd browIGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlingtoblue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue anbrown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXX2-do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown91c ; Mystic Eiver DD stripe , IGJc ; Penri-lliver , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uncasvilloblue and brown , 13Jc-


Barnard , 51c ; Eddystonl-ining. . 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; GarnerBlazed , 5o ; Manhattan glove finish , 5iJ

Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot d-

5c; Loukwood kid finish , Gc.

CORSET JEANS Amorv , 8cAndroi-coggin Batteen , SJc ; Clurendco , GJcConeitoga satteens, 74c ; Hallowel , 80 ; IndiaOrchard improved , 7Jo ; Narr gansett, 7J-

Pepperill sattpen 94o ; Eockport , 73o ,

PEINTS- Aliens , GJc : American , Gji

Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 43o ; Cncheco , 7c-

Coneitoga. . GJc ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunnel-

GJ@7c ; Eddystone 7o ; Gloucester , G (

Hannony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Mei-

rimao D. 7o ; Mystic , SJc ; Spratrues. C-

Southbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marbore , 5Jn ; Oriental Gc.

GINGHAMS Ainonketur, lOJc ; Amo-

kettf ilrthfl 12 }, ' Areylo , | OJo ; Mlantii-9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8J-iKenllworth , SJc; Pltin kett , lOJc; Suisex , Sc-


Abbervllle ISJiAgate , Wo ; American , Ho ; Artlslan , 20Cairo D and T, 13Jc ; Clarion D and'1-17Jc ; Deccan Co. stripes DandT , lOc ; Kejstone ; Nantucket , 10c ; NonparelI-

Gc ; 'OclanD andT.lSJc ; iloyal , ', 12c ; Tloga. 12Jc ; Waclmsett hhir-

In? :hecks. 12Jc ; do, Nankin , 12Jc ; Yorlplain Nankin. 12Jc ; do , checks , strlpea anfancy , ISHc ; do-8 oz200-



Androscogcin 104.27J-do 9-4 , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 104. 274 ; NeYork mills 98 , 35o ; do 78 , 80c ; do 58 , 22J-

Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 10-4 , 2840 ; c

7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Peppereil 90 , 29-

do 07. 21oj do 57, ISc; Utica 90 , 35c ; c

58 , 22jc ; do 48,17o-Olgars and Tobaccos ,

OIGAES. Beeda , 815.00; Connectlcu825.00 ; Mixed , 835,00 ; Seed Havan50.00 ; Clearllavanu , 87500.

TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Eul2-1 lb , GOo ; Spotted Fawn , 01 c ; Our Eopfine quality , G2c ; Star , pounds ,lb , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pound21 Ib , butts , GOo ; GUt Kdg

pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navypounds , 65c ; Bullion , pound *, GOc ; Loril-lanl's Climax , pounds , olc.

FINE OUT In pall* . Hani to B at-

76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80cFavorite , G5c ; Eocky Mountain , CO-

c'ancy , 55c ; Daisy , 5lc.) In tin foilRatlins O. S. , B Ib boxes , per Ib 03o ; Lorilard's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.

SMOKING All grades-Common. 251 (

3c. Granulated Blackvells Durham , 1 (

r. 51o ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz, 50c ; Seal o-

Jorth Caroltna , 10 of , 4G ; Seal of Nobras-ca , 10 or , 3So ; Lone Jack. 4 oz, linen bagscrib , 81.35 ; MntbutWPuck , 2 oz , titoil , 5 r.c : DOR Tall. G5o.

Paints Oils *nd Varnlihei.PAINTS IN Ollf Whlto load. Omahi

'. P. , 7c ; whlto lead , O. P. & 0. Co.pure-i ; Mar clllcs green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20cTrench zinc , gjw seal , 12c ; French tineed seal , He ; French 7inc , In varnish nut

*0c ; French zincc , In oil as t, 15c ; Earnd hunit umber , 1 Ib cam 1'Jc ! raw am-

nmil Sienna , 130 ! vandylso brown , IS-


lampblack. 12c ; coach black , l"c-ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prusslai-

luo) , 30c ; nltramarina blue , 18c ; clirom-rccn , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and shutte-rcon , L. M. & D. , lie ; Paris green. 18c-

ndian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ; Tnscai-iv , 22c ; American Vennlliml , I. & P. , I8c-

hronio yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c-

ollow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 11 ; patrn-ryor , Gc ; graining color* ! light oak , darl-

a c , walnut, chestnut ami aib 12c.Dry Dalnts

. Whlto load , Gic; French tine. lOc ; Pari-vhiteiiig 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc-

vbitinp coml , 14c ; lann black Gonnaii-own. . 14c ; lampblack , onlinary, 8c ; Prwinn blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndykc-irown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , rawlcsicnna; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4-i'aris Rrecn genuine , 35c ; Paris green com-

'ir c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chronigreen K, , 12c ; vermilllon , Eng , , 70c ; voi-nillion , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc

ese pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson1Venetian red Am. , 19o ; red load ,

ihrotno yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yol-ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochrTrench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 14 (

Winter's mineral. 2 0 ; lehigh brown. 2jc-

panish broAvn , 240 ; Prince's mineral 8 (

VAENISHES Barrels per gallor''urniture , extra, 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1

1 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 81 4C

Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; ..Tapar-

Oc ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 83 50 ; hnroil finish. 81 30

OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , lliol'5ic-adlight


, per gallon , 12 c ; 175 * headlighl

" '}on 103 ; . . . .

XXX. pr gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3, 115 ; sweelper gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon1 35 ; fish , W. B. . per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoolextra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubrieating , 7ero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15 (

golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; Nc2, SO ; spenu , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tci-

pcntino , per gallon , G4c ; naptha , 74 , pegallon , 30c ; 61 % 20o

Heavy Hardware List.Iron , rates. S3 40 ; plow steel , spccii

cast , 7c ; crucible , Sc ; special urGerman.Gtcast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , Hbl

2 2T @ 3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , sawedry, 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axleeach , 75c ; square nuts , per Itv 7@11washers , per lb. 8@18o ; rivets , per lb , liecoil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 8iron wedges Gc ; crowbars , Co ; hurroiteeth , 4c ; horseihoes , per keg5 00"sprin;

steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horsellhoes , 5 31

Burden's mulesliQcs , G 35.

NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 3 71-

Gd , 4 00 ; 4d , 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3 (

fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Od , casing4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 5 00 ; Od finish , 5 2i

half keen , 10o extra.-


. Shot, 81.85 ; Buck shot , S2.1Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : do. , hakegs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast-

ing , kegs , 3.35 ; Fuse , uer 100 feet 50o-


t.BED WIRE In car lots,8 30 ru100 ; in less than car lots , 8 55 per 100.

Horses and Mules.The market is brisk and all grades ai

selling well nt p. slieht advance in pi iceL'he demand for good horses exceeds tl-

lupply considerably. Prices range as folows :

Fine single drivers, 8150. to SOO. ; Exti-Iraft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common dra-lorsei , 100. to 150. ; Extra farm hone$110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horseSOO. to ?100. j Extra plugr , SCO. to 75Common plugs , 820. to 840,

MULES. 15 to 15J hands (extra ) , 8121-

to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , 8100. to 140-L4 to 14 J hands , 875. to 100. ; 13 J to !

lands , 860. to 75Liquors. .

ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per winrallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proo-LL 3il per proof gallon ; triple refined spiritL7 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; redistille-tbiskles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 150 (

2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; KPI-

tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 0(

BRANDIES Imported , 86 00@1COIdomestic 1 40@4 00.

GINS I.T ported , 4 50@0 00 ; domostli140@3 00-


Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Ne-

Eneland. . 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 5




CHAMPAGNES Imported per cas-

2GOO@31 OjAmsriyw , cose , 120011RO-


Per case , 4 50@16 00WINES Rhine wine , per cose , 0 00 (

20 00 ; Catawba , per cose , 4 00@7 00.Lumber.W-




FENCING No. 1,12 to 20 ft , 822:0-No.

:. 2, 12 to 20 ft. , 2100; sheeting dressei-

No. . 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2,10 00 ; common boarddressed , 20 00-


10 ft. nnd under , per T>

21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 0-

24ft. . 2500.FINISHING No. 1. finish li , 1* at

2 inch , 850 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $45 0-

No. . 2. finish li , 14 and 2 inch , 845 00 : N2 finish , 1 inch , $40 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inu83500 ; O. G. battens per lOO feet Hi

8100 ; well curbing , $2200 ; rough J andinch buttons per 100 feet lin. , 50c.

STOCK BOAEDS A stock , $10 00 ;835 00 ; 0 , $30 00 ; common stock , 822 C-

FLOORINGNO , i , $40 oo ; NO.$35 00 ; No , 3 , 822 00 yellow pine , No.84000.

SIDING No 1 , 82100 ; No. 2 , 8220-No. . 3. 818 00.

SHIP LAP-Plain , $22 00 ; O. G , No.$3200 : No. 282200.

CEILING 824 00@837 00.LATH AND SHINGLES-A atarbefu-


. 83 85 , No , 2 , $2 50 ; No. 3 , 82 C

Lath , S3 50.DulldlrK Material.

LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk perbu-35c. . Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plastebbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , S5c. Tnrrifelt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board. 84 C-

OPAPEE Straw p p r, 3o ; rag pop4c ; dry Q I U t > ) or. 7ri in nil. pipnr , 1C-

newH pnpei 8' ,

UUA1 Uuii.berluml biuciuinith , $1-

Monis Eun Uloimburg, 812 ; Whltebrealump , 80 f,0 ; Whltebreaat nut 80 60 ; lovlump , 80 50 ; Iowa nut ?0 50 ; Eock Spring88 ; Anthracite , all sizes , 812 00@12 50,



AND CHEMICALSCarbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartario , GOc ; Balni-iCopabla, per lb , 75cj Bark , Sassafras , n-

lb , 14c ) C ilomel. per lb , 76c ; Cinchonlaiper fir, 8100 ; Chloroform , per lb, 1C-

Dpver'u powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Ep c

lalts , per lb. 3 c ; Glycerine , pure , per 1

45c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb 21Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , VlOil , Castor, No. 3 , per gal , 8125 ; 0Olive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 6

Opium , 84 60 ; Qulrjine P. & W. & E. & f

per oz, 82 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per8260; Balatm, per oz, 40o ; SulphateMorphine , per ot. 8100 ; Sulphur floiper lb , 41c ; Btrvchnine , tier oz , 81 60 ,

Wool ,

Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCcj hcav-

13@16c ; medium unwaHhod , light , 18@2 (

washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30o ; tub-dinand w , , 28c ; bnrry , blackand cotted woe

2@0c leanHldei r-urs , Etc-


butcher's hide , 7cgr;

cured hides , 80 ; green valt, p vl curIdea , 77So ; dry flint oound , 13@llo ; drj

calf and kip , 12@13c ! dry Halt hides , nonnd ,

I@12 ! green calf. wl. 8 to 16Urn. . 10@llcj-rcen calf , wt. tinder 8 lb , jnst kln , 50c ;

rcenjtoltn , 8100@115 ; green lamb skins ,

110@125 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,

ut iicorcd and one Rrub. claused two1-.Irda. rate , ) brandcil hides 10 per cent , off ,

Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2, ROc ; No. .1,

20.J No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,

30o ; No. fl , 15c ; No. 4 , 60, Fox , No. 1 ,

COc ; Na 225c. Sknnk , No. 1 , black ,

ISc ; short slrijio , 40m narrow alriiw 25o-ini d ulrlpo , lOc. Tallow , 5jc.

Council BlnfT * Marlcot.-Coc.vcit

., BLCFKS , March I

Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf ,CO ; California Eureka , patent , 3 81 ; bestrand of Kincan , 3 60@3 90 ; Kan an andIlssourl flour , 3 50 ® I 25 ; graham , ! t 70 ]

ye flour, 3 40.Bran and Shorti 15 00 per tonChop Com 22 50 per ton.Wheat No. 2 , 8112 ; No. 8 , T re-


, 52o.Corn 18.Oats No. 2 , 40c ; roiocted , 35o.Barley No. 2, 90o ; No. 3 , 75cHay Li o e , 6 00@C 00-


50 ® 7 00.Live Horn 6 2.5 75-


, 4 60(3)5( ) 00 ; milch-ows 30 00® 15 00 per head ) butcher ?

tock , 3 003 5-0.Shecp3

.75@4 25.-


Hides 5c ; G S hides , 7c.Wool 15@ '.5.Butter Creamery , 30c ; in roll ? , wrap.-

od , 25c : rolls not wrapped , 20o ; imixed-o'ors , [email protected] , lOc ; fro h , 12jo .

Potatoes 1 10180 ; Salt Lake , 1 5 .Onlom 1 25@1 40.Dressed I'oultry Chicken1" , lOc ;c ; gc < se , 8c ; turtoys , 12Jc-.Lio

.° Chickens 2 25 per dozen-



OIIIUAOO. Mai-ch 3-


the nmrki'ts Wfrn tiriniT.The receipts of grain vcre 1K! ) car londn-

mbr cing 21 of wheat, 72 uf corn , 70 ol-

iats , and 27 of barleyFlour Dull end little doing on citlnii-

hipitig or lornl account ; stuck * Jlrin:iiiiun ii to olioice weiturn spring , 4 f 0cT(

00 ; Minnesota , 5 00@7 25 ; patent' , 7 51-

S.'i ; who'it il iurR , 5 00&7 23-


hi In No. 2 spring n falru 'Tgntc-Uflnc".s) was transacted , though nl-

imes tra ing nn i-low and the umrltotcry iiulet ; the teeling was somewhat uii-.etlleu but priies ruled hUhcr ; opciiL-iibout J@4i ! higher , ruled lirinf r Aprilmt fell elf ln( Jo for M ,v ; then ralliedin'' under n good sioul] dcminiuicca ere a Ivnncol with nigh II ictua-ii ii8 llio| f.u Ai ril and ll S lJa foi-

Jlsiy , foil ulf ub mt y c , IliU'iiiutcil nutiuullv closed n nut li lii'hor for Apii-u I Igu Irgher for AI iv on rt-gu ar b ivd

nnil on cill: at I 20 for wli ; 1 L'liJ f.n-

Mmxh ; 1 278 for Aniil ; 1 2lj@ll !,> foiMay ; 1 llJajl! ) 20 .or ,huu ; 1 OlJ for tlu- : No ! ! ( pilot, at 116lWll Oli-

ii 'orn A good spooulatixo busino u sai-

rniuscUnln ily 'ii thu duy mid * ad-

vaund JC fic on the wli'' li MIIJO ; dlfeii g-

vore qmto largo at the outsKle pncei nutafter the orders werft prov idcil for tinnarket and prices settled hnuli-

in ] @ 3Cbitt ruled ( omptratiyclj-itronger to the close ; trailing was inaiulj-n the more deferred deliveries ; on tin

call No. 2 closed at GOn for cash ; 5S.JO leiMnrch692ic for April ; OS c for May ; 03J(5-CSgofor lime ; G4io for July ; rejectul , quitat 50c-


Neglected and dull ; No. 2 closcc-

at 40Jc for March ; 43Jo for May ; 12go fo-

June. . ,

Eye Dull ; no demand ; No. 2 , 80o foMarch ; 81 c fur April.

Barley Quiet and easier ; No. 2 , 1 00. 02 for cash , Maroh and April ; No. 3, 77-

i"or April.Pork Moderately active and firmer

mess closed at 1GGO@1G 70 for cash ; 10 5for March ; 10 774 for April ; 17 02J foMay ; 17 12 * for June.

Lard Firmer and stea-ly , closing a10 42i@10 45 for cash ; 10 40 for 'Marcli10 474 for April ; 10 G0@10 62 $ for May10 70 for June ; 10 77J.for 'July ; 10 30 fothe year.

Bulk Meits Steadier and a shadhigher ; short ribs , 8 02t@8 95 for cash ; 8 9for March ; 0 02J for April ; 9 17J for May9 25 for June ; 9 30 for July.

Whisky Firm at 118.Butter Dull , weak and lower ; crcan :

ery..choice to fancy , 42 ® leo ; fair to good35@f 9c ; dairy , choice to iancy , 36@40u ; dfair to Ko °d , 25@35c ; fresh ma Je packin-stoo't' , 20@28c ; ludlo packed , common t-

reed , 18@3'2c ; loll , 22(52Gc( ; for common tair and v8@30p for good to choice.-


In fair but not largo supplystrictly fresh , 18c.

Eec'ts. Shipm'tFlour 17,075 19,81Wheat 11,334 4,01Corn 47,8')9 49,49-Oata 25,705 2'J,82Eye 5,000 305Barley , . . . 22,357 4,48

Chicago Iiivo Stock.C-HICAQO

., March 3.

The Drover's Journal reports as folluwaHogs Becelptf , 13,000 head. The mai-

kot fiir cocumon to good mixed wai duweak and lower , and prices ranging c

6 95@G 40. Heavy packing and uhippinwere scarce but at the name time loweiand ruling rates being G fiO7 05. Llgtl-iogs lifeless and tevoral thousand hoaremain unsold ; the lange was 5 90@0 3r

Cattle Eecelt| , 4.5UO head. Shippiocattle opened well but rapidly weakeneand fe'l' elf 5@10o , closing dull. Cornmoi4 90@5 15 ; fair, G 20@5 35 ; medium , 5 A

@550 ; good , 5 50@5 76 ; choice , 5 80@G IImixed butcher stock sol I well for beigraded but common was weak ; COWH , 2 t@ 1 30 ; bulls , 3 00@5 00 ; ntcew , 5 00@5 2stockeia and feeders active and tolerablstrong , ranging at 3 10@4 90 ,

Sheep -Eecoipts. 2,600 head. Matkiabout steady at 4 50(5,0( 00 , mainly at 6 5-

1rroduooNEW YOUK , March 3.

Flour Dull ; winter wheat nxtra , 4 G0 (

5 80 ; rltv mill extra , 575@7 CO ; southciflour dull ; common to choTio extra , 5 10 (

8 00.Wheat Quiet , heavy and lower ; No.

rod , 1 31 J1 33J ; No. 1 white , 1 30@131-No. 2 red" , Mrfrch , 131j@122t ; do Aprl1 33j@l 34i ; do May , 1 34J ; tJune , 1 30J@1 31J.

Corn Hoary and luwer ; unjradtmixed , 01CUJo ; No. 3. GSltStOSjjcuteaun-mixe


i 07SSG8cj( No. 2 , 07i@G'Jjc ; No.mixed , March , G73@68c ; do April. OOJa

Oat Dull and weak ; No , 1 white , 51-

No. . 2 , 6H@52c ; No. 1 mixed , 61n ; No.-do,501@5Ulo jinIxcd weutern , 48@50Jc ;2 mixed , March , 60c ; do April , 49jjo ,

Eye Dull and heavy ; [email protected] Dull ; No 2 Canada , 1 08@1 0Pork Dull and weak ; new mess , 17 5-

Lnrd Dull and weak ; 10 574 for can10 524 f r Mnrcli ; H C74@1000 for Apr

U'tn Isuminul ,

Piitri'leiiin Qiilet and piicen withoi-markrd chvngu ; United , 82crrude in birein , Cjf@74c ; refined iu bairch , 74c.


Xorpontlno MarketWI-LMINQTON.


. N. 0. , March 3-


Firm ; strained 190 ; good , 1 9-

Spirlta Strong at 49c.Tar Firm at 1 90-



Ijive 8 took.EAST BurjrALO. March 3 ,

Hogs Dull and lower ; receipts , CO caishipments , 38 cars ; selling ; Yorkern, goi-to choice , G 50@G 05 , and a few good in-

dlum at C 76@0 8-



Produce MorbotiLi-VKlii'OOL , March 8 ,

Flour American , 10 (el2u. 6d ,Wheat Winter tn lOdOlOj 9d ; whit

Od ld@10ti Id ; spritiET , 'Ji 4 J@10d 4d ; clulOn ld@10i 4d-


lid.Pork 77 .Lard-5U 9d-


of wheat for last three da](5,000 cuitalo , 49,000 coutula being Amecan ,

Now Xorlt l>ryNKW YonK. Mnrclt 3.

There hn been a contlnuuicc of th-inpiovp. . ' HIMIntrlv dovclpnl In th-

oblliut'vi i u in llltril dUtrllmtlo-iNlnmcl , n , it do mr'nic-iil KIKK |

vis liiNilu ny li | lit d | i d rp ioii < j illers. The Jobuiiirf tnvlu n IIHH'H HIOIIII-

ia ol o lioou gtliiiubkled Hit * | ircvill MI

ino weather , and coii-ldeinblo liulni's-i iiriiiL'| ciotlili c wa noned by wholeala clothier * . Cotton pi d < commit | m-

umses are doiu-; steady tlmuph moderiti-rado , an 1 loading nuke * of IKMVV clothUC woolnnnre . . (ivliigwi h d luidcrublr-cedom. . There Is a ntculy call fur modrate sized twiccU f pi in ami colore-iHtom nt lir t baudaul u falilv nailsaotory LttMiieM WHH 'Juno by JMbbo'f-Vhlte gouiiH m-iinnu' in 'i-inuji'l' ni.inil , and qiillltifu IUIIM j utrndijy O-

iiccount of b o order iujcii mail10 follou lug ri vi rd piio H in blcaclu-ittoni : lUllui-d htnlv ,

v St , Louln Prntluco.S-T.


. Louts, March 3.Flour- Unchanged ; faucy , 0 30@fl Jflei o, fi OOffOMi) XXX , 6rigr) 35 ; fainy, 5 55@5 75.Wheat Stronger and higher ; No. 2 redSIOJ for o. h ; 1 20i for March ; 1 23-

r April ; 1 22 } for May ; 1 lllj fi(line ; 1 08 for Julys 1 U4 for the year ; N-ircd.llOJ , ; No. 117.Corn ActUo and higher ; 58 0 for caul-

Sjo| for March ; OO o for April ; l 2jis) fo-

ilay ; 02jc for .luiio ; 03Jo for July.Oats llrttur but slow : 4llo! for can

ud Match ; 4VJc! for April ; 43o for Ma-jEyoHlgher at 2o.Barley Dull at 80ii90o.(

Lead Dull ; soft , nominal nt 4 87ard , 4 85.Unit r Stohdyo; v.imciy , ll@10cjdaln-

a Lower al 16o. .

Flax Seed Lower Bt 1 25.Whisky 117.Pork Unsteady : 1711'i for r.vh 10 J-

ir March ; 17 00 for Apill ; 17 1 for MIIJlnnctivoiind'tioiniiml ,.t 1045.-


. Sldpiuti-"lour. s 4,433 2,84-

Vlieat. J ,04G nunCorn. 82r.OO 37M-

iatn. 4S ,0 nor{ jo. fOO noti-Jarloy. 2,000 M



. l.ouN , March 3.Cattle Slow for nil except good. Kxpor-

cru , G 00 ® "5 ; (,' od to choice vhlppun5 G55 90 ; medium to choice ImtcluT-4CO@570 ; natho st ckcr * , 4 00@4'2icows and heifers , !lDr @ 4 5. Kcceipt858 head ; chlpmeiit' , 0 > ho d.

Dears Slow nnd 5 to lOo lower ; Ugh0 00s( fl 20 ; Yorkers. 02r035 ; packliii-

G l5fgG 70 ; butchorv and selects , G 76 (

7 10 ; pigs , 5 C 0@5 80 , Receipts , 2,53shipment * , 1,3G head-




., March 3.

Wheat Good milling sample * scanand in demand , No xnlcs reported.-


OlferiiigH light , with contimu-stiong deuinnd. The market ruled firi-

No. . 2 whlto , G5Jc ; yellow , GOq ; hli-

liilxcd , 59jc ; mixed , 5Ho! ; rejected , 5SjOats Offerings } ll ht , with stroi

demand ; white No. 2, 41Jc-.Ey


Market dull , eaay nnd lower. N2 , 88jc ; rejected , 88c.

Barley Market dull , without any notbio change. No sales reported.-


Market linn ; now quot-at 11G.

, Eco'tB. Ship'lWheat none noiCorn 45,000 3,8Oats 0,100 13,3lye 1850 2.0-

Jarley. . , 1.050 no-

ligliwiaes none 1

Cincinnati Produce.CINCINNATI , March 3.

Mess Pork Dull at 17 [email protected] Nominal ; prime steam , 10374Bulk Meats-Clear sides , 9 G5 ( 9 70.Bacon Clear sides , light supply

1050.Flour Heavy and dull ; family , C CC

720.Wheat Dull nnd weak ; Not 2 n

129.Corn Easy; No. 2 mixed , G2JO.

Oats Steady.Eye Dull and weak ; No. 2, [email protected] Quiet and easy ; .No. 2 fa

1 00.Whisky Firm at 110.

Toledo PruanoaT-oLitiio


, March 3.Wheat Dull ami inactive ; No. 2 , 1 2-

'or cash and March ; 1 25 for April ; 1-

'or May ; 1 20 for June ; 113J for Jul110 for August.

Corn Little doing ; No , 2, Ole forca-andMorch ; Gl o lor April ; 03i@01c I

; C4Jo for Juno-




., March 3.

Flour Quio-tWlieatSouthern firmer ; fultz,130@l !

Longborry , 1 38@1 41 ; No. 2 red wiuleasy at 1 281 38 for caMi and 1 i-

or[ April.Corn White southern firmer at 11-

79c ; yellow firmer at G8@70c ; mixed we-

ern quiet at C8-



Iiivo Stock.EAST LIBERTY , Pa. , March 3

Catth Slow nnd unchanged ; recoil1,5 7 hea-1 ; shlpinents 1,190 head.

Hogs Dull ; ro'elptH. 3fOO hoa-1 ; nil.. .entB , 1,900 hea ; PliHiidolrihlaH , 7317 40 ; Yorkcri0 50@0 70.

Sheep Slow nnd unchanged ; receip2,400 head ; fhlpineots , 1,200 hea-



Oil Marltbt.P-iTTMiiuno

., March 3

The oil market op nfd at 82u , aclosed at noon at 82o ; for Api-

84c ; May , 8Jc) ; June , 88t ; New Yoi-

7Jc. . ShipmeiitH United , fi2r)5, !) bamon tidewater, 10,883 barrels ; charters , 7

190 barrels. 1'itteburg naleu , 389,000 brels. Pittsburg fxtlmngo stock , $10-




.) , March 5

Petroleum Finn ; standard white , 3

test , 7o.

Pbllaaolpbln Pro dnoe.I-


, March 3Wheat Easier at 1 31J for u

and March ; 1 33j for April ,

Corn Ei Iur at G8o for cash D

March; GRJffiWJo forApril ,Oat Easter at 60i@rOZo for cash a

March ; r04@50o for April.l-.


Eye Jfominal.



mills ] )atent fbur ( i

brand) . Our E reka patent th(blue brand) . The only patent flour m-iufacturtd on the Pacilio coait. We cla-

it U the whittet , etiongrst and best fumflour In Ow state. Auk your grocer forTry It and you will use no other.-


. M. McCliKAKT Ic CO. ,Sacramento

T. J. EVANB , Agent ,Crystal Mllli , Council Blulfo ,




thoao Uinoa ot quack inodici-advortiBOinutita ovorywhcro , it ia tngratifying to find ono remedy thatworthy ot praise , and which roa-

doua as rccommondod. Electric I-

tors , wo can vouch for as boin a tiand reliable remedy , P.nd ono tlwill do as recommended. Thoyinw-bly curea Btomach and livei comnlaii-disoasoa of thu Kidneys and Urini-tlilllcultics. . Wo know whereofspeak , and can readily say , give th-

a trial , Bold at fifty cents a bottleIsli & MoMahon ((3


Stories of Women Wbo-quoradod aa Men ,

Courngo Displayed by Women In theArinltm of Vni lous Countries

Without Their BOX Bolnir-Discovered. .

* Vork Vcil-



reportB ( lint an EnglishAinnscou baa sot to wotk in HcrzegV-

tua to org.uiizo a gutrillu bundagainst the Austrian * , though it may

doubted whoihnr she will provoLc OH successful SIM Titt'u niece and

secretary , L.xdy IloaUr Stanhope ,

who ruled luir little tornorof Syrialiterally witlmword and liio , and bidlior .umy of dovolcd soldiers withwhom flho notild bid dofinnco to tboViceroy ol Kirypt. Tlio PhiladelphiaLodger , a few days ngo , announcedho do.xtb of Mrs. Klizabcth llaUicr ,

at tlio ago of luucly-two lcaviiiji nlargo family of childrorrfurixtulchild-ron nnd great-grandchildren. She

married to a Borgonnt of cavalryiu tbo French service in 1810 , nndwhen bor husband was ordered toRussia she determined to go also.Her hair waa cut short and the funialoapparel changed for a soldier's uni-


, and thus disguised aho passedthrough the wliolo campaign ridingby the side of bor husband. ItShu waapresent at all tbo principal battlesand ia tbii burning of Moscow. Theywore takun itmnnurs , hut finnlly gotb.iol : tn Kraiico in safely , Whoiicuthey CHIIIO to thu United States in-

1S4W' Not long uuo n woman died inthy medical GulYgo Hospital at

, Tcnn. , who naid tct vice onltstud in tbo regulai-

m my during the war , and to haveaoivid fur amiui inon'ln' each time bo-

foie her BOX was 'discovered. IIoi-iiiimo was Jeiiuit ! llutK'rtson , but shewas moru fauiilinly known as''Sol-dier


Uhnrlio.'i. Another "romance ol

the warj ,' was published some litthtime ago telling bow Katie Hansonof Tioga county , Pa. , who had a pre-

diction for masculine ways and waianexpert riilo woman , disappearedfrom homo not long before tbo warand , donning male attire , obtainciwork on a lake steamboat , until tlubreaking out of1 tlioiir , when she en-

listed iu an Ohio regiment and rose t<

the Someant. In 1804 her CaptainJ nines Hopkins , told her that be luulong ouapectod that she was a womanand the charge was BO unoxptcloithat she liat) bcV self-possession and

CONV1CT1U ) IIIlwr.Ir-



> her reply. She begged tbo Catain not to reveal her becret , but b-

.ook her before General Thomas , an-

nado tlio fact known to him. Kati-waa at once sent back to tbo rear , anordered to resume her proper attin3-

1u> became a 'nurao in tlio liospitaand aoon bad in bor cnro lier Captaiwho bad boon wounded in a akirniisl-Uotwoon them n strong affection wtformed , At the close of the war tbowore married , and 'after spondin-

Boino ycara in Cuba returned to thcountry, woll-to-do and bappy. Duiing tbo recent war between Chili an-

nnd Peru a Oniloan woman enlisted ii-

t cavalry regiment, her BOX bocomi-nnpwn , ana rose to bo SergeantSome throe yeara ago it waareporto-trom Homo that a soldier named Mi-

riotti of tbo Eleventh Battalien of illBoraagHeri , who ,' though longconfine-o; the room by illness , and refused t-

DO carried to. the hospital , on boin-

'orcibly removed thither liad heeu diicovered to bo a woman. She hajoined the army during the war c-

L8G5 to enable her brother to remaiwith his wife nnd six children. Sh-

iad previously , being very strongworked in the mines. At Custozz-aho won n medal for bravery. Thting conferred on her a decorationind Bout her homo with a pension o-

pOO a year. A great number of wornen , it is well known , figured , in thranks of the Communist army in 1871-

nt Paris. A writer in Notes andQuei-cs Boino timo- ago mentioned BOIU

cases of female soldiers discovered i-

i'oroign armies. In tlio French armj-'or instance , there were (among otliors ) Louise Iloussayo do Bannos , whserved from 1702 to 1705 , and was t-

Quiboron ; Angoliquo Bruion (nc-

Duchomia , for she was married ) , soui-

lioutonuiil of infantry and decoratewith the Legion of Honor , who we

born in 1702 , and died iiuho Invalidc-in 1859j Thereso Figuour , who serveas a dragoon for fourteen years , froi1768 to 1812 , had four horses killeunder her , and died in 1801 , at tli

ago of oighty.-sovon , in the Hospicdos Potitis Manages , at Paris ; Viginio OhcBiiicres , who served durirthe Peninsular War as a Sergeant i

the Twonty-Bovonth Regiment , andied in 1873. Louisa Bcanagatti wi-

a Lieutenant of Infantry in the An-

trian or Sardinian army during tlNapoleonic wars. Marietta Glulianand Ilernmnia Manolli fought undi-

Garibaldi in 1800 ; Herininia was i

the battle of Ouatozza. AugustKrugor fought in the War of Libertion against the French UB a subaltui-in the Ninth Prussian Ilogimcnt , arwas


and the .BuBsian Order of St. Georgshe (after leaving the army ) marriedbrother ofilcer in 1810 , and in 18 (

her grandson received a commissic-in his grandmother's regimenBortlm WOIBS is said to have fought.-Spichoron in 1870 , but it is not suthat her case is genuine. "A youiRussian ollicor" (her name is not gi-

on ) was , by The London 'limes' corespondent , on SontomlTor 20, 18?reported to have fallen at Kapelyovafter displaying the most brilliant gt-

lantry in rallying her men againthe Turks the event furnished a tofor a well-known and touching poorDolores Rodriguez , corporal (at tlago of eighteen ) in the First Regimeof Peruvian Sappers , fought in tlpresent South American war , andstill in service. Female soldiers haboon loss common in the English urnstill the names of several women ha'boon borne on its rolls. Thus , whithe Royal Marines distinguish'themselves under Boscawon at Pontcherry , foremost in their ranks wHannah Slioll , a native ofVorceatcSiio enlisted at Portsmouth , in Oc-

onel Frasor's regiment , and embarkon board the Swallow , ono of tsquadron under Admiral BoscawcShe behaved with remarkable bravoand received n wound from a muttliball which she extracted horseEleven other wounds in both logsrt-dorod her removal to thy hospital

Cuddaloro absolutely necessary. Onher recovery she wont homo in the El-tliam

-frigate , nnd , strange to say , her

BOX was not discovered until she pb-


her discharge. She aftorprnidswore the marine* drees , nnd havingpresented n petition to "Blutchor"Cumberland received a pension o8100 n year for life. Readers of Per ¬

cy's "Jleliqucs" will not forget theheroine of the bnttlo of "Mary Am-brco

-, " whoso name Don Jensen uses

asn synonym for "vir.tgo , " and whomFletcher also mentions in tlio "Scorn-ful


Lady. " She fiRurod in some at-


to regain Ghent from the Span-iards


with the niil of English volun-teers


in 1584 , nnd fought so valorous-ly


that' 'Tlio Irlnco of flttat fauna tcard ot tier rc-



Ionstiail achmccil for Krglaml'd f.ilro-tronnc. .

Hooood her uncl Hied her hti tnlatroia to bee,And ottered ilch prceentB to St fy Atnhreo. "

Presents which thia "virttioua may-don despised , " sending the Prince ofGreat Parma to the right-about with awhole wildcrncsii of fleas in his pre-sumptions



Some little time ngo Charley Park-burst , n famous stngo-coacli driver,who , after handling teams of four andsix horses with great skill and dexter-ity


, nnd acquiring the reputation of adaring nnd dead shot when highway-men


wore on the route , had turnedlumberer and had made quite a for-tune


, was discovered to bo a woman-.In

.1870 u.remarkable case of persona ¬

tion was disclosed in Australia. Aperson called Edward Do Lacy Evanshad boon working in the gold fieldsat Sandhurst and elsewhere as a min-er


, and had boon married thrice , hav-ing


two children by his second wifennd ono by his third. When Evanswont out of his senses and waa takento the Kovr Lunatic Asylum the factwas revealed that ho was a woman andhad been a mother. "In appearance , "wrote the hospital surgeon , ' 'this manpcrsonator ia feminine as regards theformation of the features , but carriesa decidedly masculine expression ,though the facois as clean of hair asthat of the infant. She is of rathershort stature , regarded ns a man , be-


about five feet four inches or fivefeet five inches in height. Her hair ,since her confinement in the hospital ,has grown almost to her shoulders. "Just at the sniiio time a Gorman worn-u


, named Johanna Holding , wasound at llockhampton , Australiaivho for several years had been livingin tbo bush an n cattle driver, dis-guised


aa a man , but there was no-narriage to complete this case. ThentorcHting story of tbo young western

person , who , after beginning lilo na a-

kvaman , and being married and baar-ng


children , develops into a man andbecomes the father of n family by a-

ccond marriage , is once again goingho rounds. Ago cannot wither it,

though custom has iu a measurestated fca infinite lack of variety. Itsperiod is about throe or four yearsithaving gone the rounds of the pressfour times since 18G7. In July 1777 ,it may bo said , a woman was tried atLondon for having married threeother wombn , defrauding them oftheir money and olothos , whereforeho was sot in the pillory and sent to

jail for six months. Four years bo-


a similar enterprise by a maacu-


looking young girl upon a credu-lous


elderly woman with some moneyhad come to grief and The Gentle ¬man's Magazine , in 1770, recordedthe cane of two women , who , havingboon crossed in love in youth , agreedto live together as husband and wifeto avoid further disappointments ,and did live together unsuspected bythe people who frequented the publichouse they kept for thirty-six years ,when on the death bed of the ' 'wife"-ho deception was revealed-



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jruisos , sores , ulcers , Bait rheum ,'over Bores , totter , chapped hands ,chillblainsj corns and all kinds ofskin eruptionn. This salvo is guar-anteed


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GEORGE HOUGH ,M'lm Proprietor.


d. I. PAYNTER ,Proprietor

Corner 10th and HowardStreets ,




.TWO Dollara Per Day.Matter of Application of 0. B. Schroth

for Liquor License-



Notice U hereby Klven that 0. I) . Schroth didupon the Vlth day of Februuy , A. D. JSa2 ,Qluhis application to the JIvor HLdOlty Ccnmll-ol (jrmlia , lor license to sell Malt. Spirituousand Vlnnui Liquors , at corner Third ami rimeitrcoti , Kltit ward , t'inaha'Nebraska l om the ,10th day ol March , 1882 ' to the loth day of-Ajiril. . 12.

11 there bo no objection , remonstrance orprotest flletfwlthin two weeks from K4th .day of-Febuary , A. V. 1682 , tro uald license will bq-granted. . CMU * U. Scimoin ,


.DAILT BBI newifuiwr will publish

tlio above notice once each week tor two weeks at-thu expense ol the applicant. The City ol Ornah*li not to bo rharirou thoiowlth. ;

J. J. L. <J. JEWETT. '

Iob22t r'ty' Clerk.

Matter of Application ot S-loren Nelhonfor Liguor License ,

I NOTICE.Notice U hereby given that Boicn Nelkou

did upon the Kid day ol February , A. I) . , 1882 , Olahit application | to the Major and C'lty Council of-

Oinaha , for license to ecu JJalt , Spirituous andVinous Liquors , at Kluvcnth , botwevn Joooi andLtavcnwortli Street* , Flrtt Ward , Omaha Neb. ,Irom the 10th day of lUrcll. 1632 , to tbo 10thday ol April , IBisJ-


there bu 119 objection , remonstrance or pro-test


flic J within two weeks Irom February 23d ,A. 1) , , 1S31 , theeald llcento will bo muted,

HOHKM Nsu CM ,Applicant.-


Ouitu DAILY UBS newspaper willpublUh-th ) uotlca once each week lor twouuoisatthe expenw ol the apjilicant. 1 ho City ot Omahanot to 1)0 charged tnerowlth-


, J. L. 0, JKWETT ,City Clerk.

1. . .