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T- r : THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY FEBRUARY 19, .1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES.O- MAHA. . . No advertIfiomonts will tic taken Tor- UIPRO coluiiins after lUi.'IO j . in , TfrniB Cnsli In nilvnncc.- Advprtioemtnts . under tlilx hond 10centper imp fen-tho flrst Insertion,7 cents for each sub- Fprjucnt - insprtlon , and per monlh.- No . advertisement taken for less tlrin 2.i ecu's llip first innertion. Hc-vcii words v.tlltioenimted- to Hie line ; lhiy must , run consecutively and innst bo paid in ADVA NCI' . All advtrti'p- incnti - must bohnndcdm befoioli o clock p , in. , nnd und r no clrcitinstnii'i will thcv be- taken or discontinued bv telephone Parties ndvei Using In UICSP rolumns and hav- ing ¬ their nnsw rs addressed In rare of 'I UK Hi K will plelspask for n rhor k topimblo thorn togrt their iBttprs , ns none will bo dollvcredexcept on presentation of rhe-ck All answers to adver- tlspmcnts - Miotild boMi'-lospn'ln pinplnpns Alt ncivnrtlHciiu nts In thpsc column' ') are pub- lished ¬ in borh morning and pvenlmt edltl'ins of- T.HI Hrf , fhoclrctil itio-i ot which aRgregntos- jnorp than 1" ( Ki'ipnpors ' daily , and gives the m- lxonlsc'istho - Demfit , not nulj of tincllj clicu lotion of Till. Hi r , but also of oim 11 UlnHX Lincoln nnd otlicir cities and towns ' ' ' ' this decllon of the count- ry.BRANCH . OFFICES , Advertising for these1 columns will bo tnken- on thonljove conditions , at HIP follow'lng busl- iicsa - hoiiSPB , ngcnls for run Hrf fpccial noilcp , and will cjuoto the fame rates as can bo bud at the main olllce- ."IOHN . W. HELL , Pharmacist , K0 ! boulh 'lenti- lt) Street.- II . vSE A: EDDY. Stationers and Pttutors , 113 South liithHIiec- t.FTl'AliNWoilTll . , Pharmacist. ! : !! } Cum- ing - Stree- t.T7 . X HroTTirs , Phnrmnclbt , lfl ( North ICth- T T . Street. . G- 'EO Avenue W , 1 M bt. Slnry's SITUATIONS WANTED- .WANTEDsltuatlonllyvoiliig . " widow with T ? a baby to ilo llglii woik In nlcp fam ¬ ily Addtusi K'l'l Hoc olllce , UlUl- lIRSl'clnss ! A dtcssmiki-r with an pnstnrn- expeilonco wishes emploimcnt btho day In good families.- Bt. . Call 01 address HUN I8tll . Cltj. 205-22 WANTED-Hr a middle aged lady , a posi ¬ in restaurant , oxerlonced- nnd | best of lefercnces. Addiess Ru. *, Iloo of- Ileo. - . .174 is * ' WANTEDTVIALE"HEI.P. . ' . _ ! ) "() co it mulcts , II pants makers , 10 vest makon. II. II. Wnndell , 8. K- .cor. . . IMli and Douglas ats , 2d lloor , loom fi. aroM- ANTEDltmbor , 201) Cumlnt ; st. SfiO-18 * fXrANTED Mon for Illick Hills extension.- T . Albrights Labor Agency , IUO I nrmin- Btrcet. . 2oO NTED-Stoutboy iibout Id or 17 yenis oC- TT age. at Ileo mailing loom , apply between jJuiid 1 o'clock' 20 > ) A j'oitng man who undpistands- TT some tailoring nnd pic&slug at C.iutleld- M'f'g Co. Apply at once 2il ) ISt- "VA ANTED Two young men ; good wages : TT $3sccuilty reUliod. | 1010 Dodge , 10 to 5- p. . m 2&1 n * ' Salesmen evervwhero for our T adjustuulo dooi plates ( can soil and de ¬ liver at once ), four htj lose f door bells , metal and white enamel loiters , hauso numbers , otc. Samples , circulars , etc , fioe- .1'latoCo. . Now York Door . , Albany , N. Y. 25,1-23 * 'E D Agents turnery Hi } au.ownln the Pnltcil States to solicit mbsclfptlons for the handsomest and most populiu 21.DO a year magazine published ; liberal Inducements In com illusions , and liamlsomo picnilums. Ad- dress ¬ Magarlne , P. O. llov. 177f' , New York City. . .. . . ED A competent hat salesman , ono . . thoiiiighlyniuiilntud with Omnha tinde , nnd can come 'vllh undonhlcd lofou'iices as to ability and habits. It will bo useless tor any other * tocipplj.Aildiu _ _ s llog . c-ltj. _ 2lfM8 _ STED-DinliiK room gill , 1001 N loth nt- .i'l . U ) TXrAN'l ED Cnipeuter to do the work on ROV- TT - eral houses to bo built and take house mid lot as pait piivmoilt. A. W. McLaughllii. Room 618 Paxtou bUlg. :. ' 15 W ANTE' ) Agents for our new patent fire- proof sales , slro , weight W Ibs. , retail prlco ? K, others in nrnpoitlcm. Highest nvNaid ( silver iiicdnl ) Cnntormlal Exposition ; tare chance ; peinmnent buslnobs. Om iirlces- lowest. . AVe are not lu the safe pool. Exclusho territory given. Alplno bafo Co. , Cincinnati , O. ANTED A good man to go on the road ; > must tiawlda awake , full of energy , tlvo- nrlty sec for money collected and deposit JJu for nples. Call on Ceorge S Cllne , Room "ill , st National bonk bullaliip1 , Omaha. Nob. 117 WANTED A stenographer who has some of ImoKkcoplng. Must bo n peed penman. Address , with references. P. O. drawer 47. .TANTED First-class maKci. Applv at once to II. L. Cohen , South Omaha , Neb.- IU11 . AOEN'JS wanted Inov iytown nnd city In for the Harden Hand ( iianndo I'lte- Eitlngulshcr , Apply to F. 0 , Ciandall , 110 South 15th st. h7'J WANTED-Agentsln ovoiy city and town in Toy Calliope , the great- est ¬ seller on earth ; send 20 cts for sample. I' O. Crandall. !11U boiith 15th ht 87- URANTED " , 500 men for Washington torrl- TT - torj * ; good wages , steady w oik , long jou , Albright's Labor Agency , ll.'o Faruamst. S14 SALESMEN Wo wish a few men to soil our . _ sample to tl'owhoiesalonnil letallt- rade. . Lnrgestinaiiufactuiorsin our Hue. En- close ¬ 2-cent stamp. Wages JJ pel day. Perman- ent position. No postals aiibwered. Money nil- valued for wages ndveitUliiL' , occ , Ceiilcnnla- lMan'f'gCo , cTncliiniitl. O. 70Vmll f- D Agpnts forMllwnrd's ' caljxpjeds- elftlireadlngnoodla ; preserves falling ; sight ; a help to good sight ; perfect bonanza for ctmvassers ; sample package lOc. Sua for circulars to lipadiiuaitem , Btayner , Pro vidence. R. L Oourn. KVS-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , HOI Douglas. 021 WANTED Carpenter to build a house and buslnui s lot on Sounders ti oet ns pay , Eiuniue - ;) I'lcno st. 45'J men and women to engage in- T T an easy , paying business at noniH. Can work : dajtlmuor evenliigiind makeOOoto $-! pel bom ; sine thing ; .sntnnlo and comnleto In- Ptrurtloiis - hciit for Itlo. Audress , X01 la bupply Co. Rutland , Vt. 4IUFV- D liuergetie men ana women oxcry- vxhoro - foi a gentepl monuj'-maklng bu | . nees. jwwookly prollt giui.mtoed ennler than tCUmonthly otlieiwise L'xprlpncenbsnlut | ) ly- nmiocossarj , Piumanent position and exiliMlv- utirrltori'iissurod S2(0 ( HRuiplu free. Wi Ite for pin ti ! iilurH. Address , withbtamp , Man 111 .M'tv- Co. . . 1153 , ChlcjiKO. 2i KO- tWANTEDFEMALE HELP- .VANTEDAii . oxpoilonced hoiisoktopiT- TT who In a good cook , for a famtlv of thtce. Must hnv o tlrtt class lofen-iicoi. Tonsultublu person a pleasant home with good salary nnd a iiermimunt position Is olleied. Applj" to L. llekovtr, "Hub" rcstiunaut , llthst , in-ill Doug ¬ las. 2i7 20- V > t'ompotont girl to do Rnueinl- TT > iioiibowoik foi simll family. Apply 415 north SUtli Mi oet. S74.PJ * " gill for general housiiwork.- TT . WJ Park ave uuo. U7il.lJ " gill for"general houstwoik.- i . T iiliu Funmm. 27ft wult rs , 1 olllco ludj , 1 chain- TT - mnld. 1 pa'Uy cook. Always places In- inlxnte families. Ii II. Wamlell , S. E. cor. Kith nud Douglux , 2a lloor room I ,, 2771- SVANTEDTrl (: to hoxv cai pet , ; Chas. Shix- > T crick. l.Ui10 Fimmiii. 2'il- _ " rANTiWfmaii ; ) cook , 110 ; 0 slv dlnln- TT loom uli U out of city ; 4 llrst class cooks In private rnmillps , f.M to U"i ; nice , sensible womnnas liousnkceper , only two children , tl , no washing ; 2 girls for Chc'jcnuo , i for felon x City. Lots of now places tor general house- work ovoiy daj' , Thii-o evporlenci-d ceiond- irls KiM ; mlddle-ttL'ml womuu ns chlld'h uuise.- rs . , llrega , UH,80. ,, . nth. 2U-18t _ COMPEIENl1 cirl for general housework , paid. 211 SSuth. 1C Ih- jC OM POTENT Blrl for liousevv iik. Mrs , TllOi K, Hull 1W7 Mieiuinn axe , 241 MISCELLANEOUS VANTS.- 17AMED1.000 . catsUns or live catsntSU > N, mil ! t. ' 'dJl'Jt- A - tlriujyiat to commenca drug Btoru. ulso burber to commence shop In u first class location In South Omulm. I or infor- jnatlon - addiesi Herman 'IXimbrlncK , South Omaha P. 0. ifi a ) ; "WT'ANTED-Evi'rybody to know that 1 tiuvo- T T removed my olllce to rooms U17 and U13 I'irst National bank building , wheru I shall bo- plniucd to meat them. U. J. Stonisiloiff. Raul- e, ixian , Kxchango Jlroior nud Rental ( ) women to use "WUcoV * Fancy Compound Pills. " Perfectly safe ml always eltcctimi. Send for 4o "Woman's Bnfo Guard. " WllCox Medical Co. . I'hllndel- phla. . lli A '88 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITIMQ7- "ALEM'INE'S Shorthand nnd TjpBWrlting- T Institute , now Paxton bulldlnt ; , Omahn The onlv exclusive Mioittmnd school In the Mate , over ono hundred graduate's In good situations , The school is under the manage- ment oft' . C. Valentine , oOlclal stenographer o- tlioird : judicial district of Nebraska , anil Prof 11 H. Hoyles , An experienced teacher nnd ver- Imtlnt reporter Dixy nnd evening nossloiis. Ptu dents can enter at any time bend for clrcultrs g.vnnl7- UTANhARD SliorTlinnd School , 41. Shecle ) f > b'ock , teichcs standard s > stems nuuiists- Remington typewriter * . Citculnis free TJJ EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS- .O . MAIIA Emp llvrriti , lin N. 10th sf. Estab- llshed 8 years. Most rollablc in cltv.CIS rjs- AJEU. . Employment Olllce 017 N. Hithit.- AN . MI1AN r.mployjiient Ofllce. Mrs- .Jll'i . S 1 ith. Hefeienco Omaha Nattonalb.ini : 613 mlt DRY GOOD- S.SP. . . MORSE A. CO- .linnd . ( opening Spring Goods , New Challlos , satins sllWs. dross good' , Muslin umlorwear sali1. Our now ombroldirles nud la'PS hive olio broil received , and wo shall oiler the most ex- quMte patterns uv r shown liy us ; wo mike a- sppchilty oftho line novelties ncvorshowu west of rhkagooxcopl bj im , ami ladles who wish to purchase now will got tha choicest selections S. P. Mor e &. Co. Ladles lllaik Hose , 2.' c- .Wo . wlllrlosi' out all of our , t"ic nnd Me fast black stockings Moiula } at ono price 2. c. lids otur Is a bona lldc one. and they aic sure to sel fast , mall ordrri tlllPil. Now Trench riialllp" . The most exquisite de ( Rns Impoited direct fiom Paris , romiulalng nil the new colors A'luux rose , Maud irln , Oobeliu. etc. , i'ciulsltoly- printed. . S. P. Moisu & Co. Now Trench Satin * , Our pntlro impf i tatlons huvo arrtv ed nnd will boshown ; tho'o disnlnyed liiottr east window arunfalrfcamplo all woiks of art. New Silks- .lloth . plvlu and fancy : n bargain in black nrmurj llk , woith J2 UO , foi f 1 M a v ard , and somn IOM-IV things In chick and dttlpud , PIT- Hhinbiocailps - , etc , for combinations , S. P- .Morso&lo. . . Muslin Underwear Sale.- Wo . shall begin this ale Jtomhiv with a rhnlcp lot of gowns , chemise , drawers otc. , tit r lc ) each , woith 7"ic , b'tr and fl.DJ. Our second lloo- ifiont has been cleaied , antlclpatlug a rush on these goods. New llroadiloths.- Pome . now spring colors h ivn been added te- em line off l.'iOtnoiilclollM. Mull ordois vllt- i ni eivo the usual prompt unsvv ei -! D24S 17 S. P. Moiso A. Co. FOR RENTHOUSES.1- 71OH . RENT Good cottage , 271S DecatUr St. , JL ? ntter Maich 1. rity water and clstPiu. Wallace , I'lviyhton block. 87tl8J- 1J10H RENT 3-room bouso and bain , 170: JU Muitst A't lb * 1JIOH REN I1 Seven room house , ( fid South Jt ? .Wtli nvi' , . Ill gooil lepilr , giis , water and bath. Thomas i. luttlo , loomiMJ 1'lrst Nat.- bldg. . . 2041- 8G OOD houses , centrally located , are In do- maud at J. II Pairotts. IfiOO Chic ago.- 18J . 23 FOR RENT New 5 room cottage in Haiiscom , ifJi ) per month , C. F. Harrison , Mci- chaut'H - Nat. Uauk. 14o-l !) FOR RENT 1KB S Kid st. corner house ,8 , barn , city w ater , large J ard Call or- addiess 110S S Z'Ml st. 1H1 SJ"- TT1OH IlENT--n-room house. 2.M2 Caldwell C. JL? Rent reasonable , Applv 1H1T Izard ! t. 1J7 JK- TJ1CHNISIlii | : ) house tor lent In Park ' i race , Jl opposlto Iliinseom Paik nil modeinii con- veni''nces. - . Eiicjulie , le o i Nicliol , 2Mb and Loiivenwoith. Os i- "IJ1OR HUNT Ono > room house , 13. Inquire A1 151,1 Douglas. SiO- ITIOR RENT Nice 5 room house , east front , JL1 half block of cable cars. 112 S. 28tb st. 751 m K 8 ROOM house near high scnool.- qulin.1. . HentJM. In- iltolave. - . T. llmton , 2idO . C4i-iul * BEAtnriTL 8-room house , gas , city water , , hot and cold viator , ou paved slieets with stieet car , ne ir a good school , only t" p r montli. The house Is now. Apply at- onco. . C. F, Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. 52- 5TjlOll RENT When j ou w Ish to rent a houso. JL' stoto orollico call on us. H. E. Cole , room o, Contluontal block 5J- OF OR RENT House and barrUIanscom place. Harris , room 411 First Nat11 bk bldg. FOR RENT 0 room modern Improved house locality. Rent modurato. Apply M , El- glitter. . 1001 1 arnam st. 52' ) FOR RENT Cottages , C rooms , 2723 Charles 15-4 So 5th st. Iiinulre H 212 , Sheoley block. 5.W- TflOR RENT Light ( b) room flat , modem ( ou- L1 - - venloucus , Innulio HIS 13th bt. 5.- UIPOR RENT Cheap , .laud 5 room house , 15 - . ' B2lst st between Center and Dorcas.- "J71OR . RENT 10-room house , steam , gai , bath , -t hot and cold nud clstein water , ijood cellar , and nice J ard , SjO. 2IW b . ' 4th. Jnquire.'M ? S24tlu- TTOR KENT 10-room brick houses , rent low : X' aio very complete. Apply on promises. Di.- F. . . fawartzlundei , 2UM Capltof ave , 201fJOt- "IJ1OR RENT U room brick , 114 S2Tith st ; modJ- L1 - crn conveniences ; no vr cable lino. J. W. Uriflith , 1' . P. heudquai tors. M- 3F OR RENT 7 room flat at 608 S. 13th. Inquire J. L. llraudols & Sous. B47 FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS.T- 71OH . RENT Two well furnished rooms.slngle- L1 - or en suite ; steam heated. 1013 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms with board : all . 1UIO Cuptto ave. 267- OOM } suitable for housekeeping. 623 S nth. i lions' FOR RENT Two 5 room bilck cottages , only blocks from C. P. depot , cltyana cistern water ; pavedbticets. Mead A. Jamloson , ait- bo. . IStliRt. Kit flOR RENT-Furnished looms , 1107 N llltli.- 22.J . 23 * RENT A pleasant , furnished front J-1 room with gas nnd privilege of bath , at2 3 K 2"ith ax i' , near Farn im. 191 II) EASAN1' fmnlshed rooms 1017 Oiipltot , u , . I'l'Mlll'l ' * IflOll llKNT-Sluglu 01 eiisuiti !, h iiidsonii'ly looms ; steam heat , bitli Kites reasonable. Apply N Ibth st. Iliat II it- .OOOMS . to rent fOl S 13th EC. , 2nd lloo- . 207 2fi * ) Famllv have novoral cholco fur- nished ¬ looms Tor i ent with boird. All moil eru coiivt-nlunces , 015 north 2Uthnlicot. 1171W- ED loom for ic-nt. 1701 Cap. ave 1 (4 2U- fmulshpd rooms.l.irgo or inmll.veiy roasouablc.J4mod ) i' . Ike Ciulll. 15.1 20 ; "VT'CKLY ' futnlshed looms , all modem con- veiileuccs , price }a and } 10. Ulo Noith 17 t- .14J20' . MALI.-ltoom , at 130J Douglas bt. 3rd floor- .HENTA . dining room and kitchen In- pilvutoboaidlughoubo , luinilie iuw Doug , las. 11JQ I7t- "VHCELY furnished front loom , with bcnidi1- . - . ' sullablo for 4 gpiitlemun , tx o bloel.n fiom P, O , 1704 Douglas HI. HU-II RENT Large furnished fiont loom , ! * 7 Dodge Ht , 10- )I'RNISIIEI ) rooms for lent. All modern Impiuxeme'iits , bath fuinace , etc. , U''ll I'ainum , 11- 0TtnT'TTiOOIIIH , ifl j er week , at tno Pfni > ody7 JUth andJcines stioeta. 1)70 ) mil ; T AR ( ! E front room , nicely furnished , suitable J-Uor " gciitlomcu , ln.M Farnum , 71- 5"IJlJllNKSIIEDor unrnrnlahod roim , with ga3- J. . and bath , noaril if deMied , OIlS. Sslth bl. , opposite All Ijalnts' chnrrn. 7J7- 17IOR RENT Furnished rooms in Oiupnigblk , J' cor. llth and Dodge sts. liujulio ot Ui'o u , Mlllftrd hotel billiard room. 5JJ- TmOR RENT-Nlcoly furnlshad room , with JL'board if desired , gas heat and bath-loom , IT07 Dodgoat. | 6J1- I7IOU RENT desirable rooms , suitable -i-1 for gent lemon and wltuor two con t lemon , with board ; inferences reauired. Apply iwl Dodge st. Is. ) VNCiiY | ; furnished rooms , steam heat , gas. bath , i'ic. , ou t.iiuo lloor, tlU per mouth. 207 S , 21th , uo lint. tJO AVENUE Roonis-At M13and 1G16Capitol ave f rom P 0, newly furnished prlvkte boariMnt' hey se.ploaa a in rooms.all conveniences 775 S- JrxTrr : Ni IlCELYfurnUhed room % also front and buck parlor ! 1W) Douglas at. 81- 1FOU RENT-FurnUhed rooins-1816 tiodtjo agKS- BFl'RNISHEU rooms , 113 S iwtti stnoiir Dodg- e.t . FSI * t Month room : nlso small room nicely furnished , lovely location and exery modern ronvrnlencc. 2107 Douslvs , liTO FOR REN T--ROOMSUNFURN ISHE O- .rnilRKE . pleasant , tinfurntslied rooms to row J for housekeeping Southwest corner Hurt anil 22d sts- 271-18 ? _ O ROOMS Suit abto for housekeeping prlco _ > flO. UK , Plercon. _ __ SSJ FOR RENT-STORES AHP OFFICES.- Olt . RENT2 floors 22sS. eadi.tu brick build m ? , with elovitor , close to ptprp's olttco cheap lent. Just the thing for wholesaling , gooi- locailou , apply Ooo , lleyii , HUH Farmings ! . Foil HUNT- Store room with basement am house In ri ir. nt 1711 Hurt at. Apply to- V. . O I'rlfttii 7U N ' . ' 5th avenue.- rwo . 8tore31"6Jl , nnd 633 North Kith st. Inquire nt the building , Henry Ostholl. K- MFOIt _ HUNT onicosulto Ji'ia month. 2 single * 15 each , all fronting Kith st. Hush- tnnn - block , n , o cor. IGth nnd Douglas. W. M. Hushtnai' , 1 11 Lenv cnwortb. _ 5. _ 5lOtir 1317 l edie Rt. Inquire at A. U. Hu- VJ - bcrmaii , jewelc-r , Uth aiul DougUs st M 0_ " 0011 HUNT A fdiv offlco rooms left for J1 r ! ntil , Alsoawxll lighted toout on second lloor , 40xfP , In It.imua biifldlnu. _ 181 " FOR RENTr-MISCELLANEOUS. " 1JIOII RENr-'lwentv acres of land with 2- J - houses , barn , Sult.iblo for market gar- dening ¬ , tlnso to Umahu. 0. K. Harrison , Mer- chant's ¬ Nat buik. IllIB- TT10H RENT-Suitable for housekeeping. JL suites of fiom 2 to 1 looms In nil pirts of the cltj % nt low oil rates. Inqulro Hutts Hunt- int - ; Agency , IfiOl 1'ariiain st 057 f liit- 1710U HUNT-Ilaiement , BUltnblo foi a plum- L - - bur or b irbar , cor. 1 Hh and .1 icVson sts. IW ) ltr.N"lA wareliotiso with lilgli base- ment ¬ , centrally loc uted on Idppunduut track from which cars can bo unloaded and loaded Into ami trom building. Immodtatu poasoislou. gum J. Hoftell. 217 3. Uth at. Umana OV , miNT-Oood basement , 8Jx90. 1515 Douglas At. 4113 RENTAL AGENCIES. OWN'HKS of bouses , stores , flats or business ho w Isli tUopama routed nndpion- otly - cared for should list with us Turtles l h- Ing - to lent will Hud our list tomplete. A.I' , Tiikoy , Hill's block , 15th and Douglas. 88- 7CAMIMIIIU , X TAL1IOT , room 321. Ilamge fiiiliul . J. I'At'lj , KiU9 1'ttiuam St. , houses , stoics etc. .for rent. W8 LIST your houses , Hats , stores , etc. , with O , . , room ) 317 and .118 first Na- tional bank building. Special attention ghon- to renting and routs collected. O5- igUo special attention to lentlng and col- Icctlng - routs , list with us. II. Ii. Cole , room 0 block. M'- Jr ' want 3our houses icntud place them wltnlJenawii As Co 15th , opposlto postollico. C4- 1rnilErontln ? season Is hero ; bring on jour J-houses ; 1 have the customers. J. II , I'ur- rolte - , 1BJO Chicago. 103 f 2- SWANTEDTO RENT.- V7"AN . J'KU HelinMo Gorman nurao gill , 1- to- T > njeaisofnga. Mis II. C. Patterson , - > 1- 3rainnm. . 108 and wife want two rooms and board in prlMite family , best of icfeioiices- given. . Address I' SI Ileo. 758 IS * MISCELLANEOUS.- BAIAIlltlACKin.ide . easy. 101 pages , lllus- for examination lUc. Cli- max ¬ , Chicago , 111. SVJ-18 ? paitlei tntorcitod In cutting and Ilttlng ladles' imd children's xarmcuts call at K010 Webster stitet. Mrs. A. Jl. Camp , 2J11IM- A MA 1,1 A NI15rSiN : , examined midwife , odlco- xXcornur of 8th and 1aclllc. HO "U- tWI3L1 S dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and . V. W. Uiosjcan , 2710 Uurt st.- lf.7 . -71 : OKLAHOMA Outdo Hook and Map. contain- as to the newterritory. . Mailed to any addrpss on lecelpt of 51 } cents. Tyler & Co. , nubllBheis , KJ1 Wyaudotte street , Kansas City. Mo. H72- 7tEI VOTI(1C telegraph school ; rooms Bi8 & 6 ? ) I'axton blk. , cor. lOth iV Puinam Bts. ; send for circular. U9J.M * ? MEDIUM. Mme , Sandnll , the joung Swede , tells full names or callers ana the full name of your fntuie husband or wife , with date of marriage , and tejls whether the one you love is true or false. Not a fortune- teller , but n joung spirit medium. Madame coos into a poifortlv dead trance. Will bring back thu parted buxband or loMir , no matter If they bo 10,000 miles awav ; will guaiantco to settle fallmy quarrels. Parlors up stabs. 408 North Sixteenth street , third lloor , 1)14 ) 18 * HAVE you a house nnd lot yon wish to sell ? . please send full particulars toficorge- J. . fatemsdorir , rooms .117 X UI8 I'irst National Hank llulldlng, who will Qnd you a purchaser. Telephone , 454. ( W- VA > PHYSICIAN of this city can accommodate a few pitlents at his home. Address Doctor , PK, Ileo olllce , 743 1HJ LKOAfj papers carefully drawn and ncxnow 1- by t.J. Sternsdorlf , looms U17 and,11- 8I'lrst National bank building , U- Ullinbnnjo taught as an art by Geo. r. Gel- leiibeck - , art S. lUth st. 5U- TLfOItSEor team mules wanted toanplya- sO - llrst payment on house and lot , or residence lot , bnlanco monthly payments. Write or call on Polby , Ifr.'l Farnara 54- 3TT VOUwanttobuy. sell , i out or exchange , J-callon or iddtoss , 0. 1. Stornsdorlf , rooms 317 mid Jib Kim National b-xnk building. uVJ . . hTKUNSnOIlFl' . real estate loans nnd rental agent , has remoxod from room 0- .opp. . . P O. , to looms317 andltd , First National bank building , whore he will bo glad to moot nil his old friends pnd many now ono-j. luJ PERSONAL.- PlMlbONAL . ( Joiitleraun desires the acquaint- young lady wlio would like to- ivl. . State where Intcivlow can bo had 'llmr-iday or I'Jldaj. Address 11 41 LAIVwI ) hes the acuualntanco of n gentle ¬ moans. object assistance and nininement. Addre-w It 4" , Hoe olllce. 70-18) ): : Wanted to rent.RoodSor in loom modem house , with Imrn , foi ono year orl- oiiKOI. . or would exchange house and lot onl5th- st ,. In business part of pity if united. Kountze- Dlaco preferred. Address T, ne. , of Citizens'- uauk. . BJV3I- NV A person wishing to adopt n mnlo , pleaie address H 4U Hee olllce , 1'JI-lSf ' YOl' Intend to marry or only doslro amuse- ment ¬ join our club Address with stamp Weslein Correspondence Club , Council HlullM. In. UMinllt _ . . STERNSDORFI- . Real Estate and Exchange llroker , has removed to Roams 317 and 318, Flrcl Nallaual bank biilldlm ; LOST. LOsT Silk umbiPlla , 28 Inch nutural stlcic. Farnnui and Webster stre-ot on 1 orldht. . Leav nt Kelly, Stlger &. Co.and get exvunl. 2CU-lir FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ] Al'LSU gentle horse , light wagon and hai- , u nice nppeirlngiig ; just the thing foi light w oik , or city solicitor , cheap. Call nt- MXaiO North ICtli street. 8Bi ID- ""fJlRESH _ milt cow s with young cnlxes , Apply JL1 420 N iflth st , Jetleison timiare bain.'- Jill . 18- I OIt SALE HorsonndbugBj' , J133 ; delivery J- wagon and funiluirn of 5-room cottngu ; cottagoients tortM. nil California st , U71 IB- tirioit 8A LE On terms tosult , the neat cottage , JL1 2 2(1 ( Charles > t. Telephone 7, or W. T. Hea- nan , Omiliu'h largest variety buggies wagonx. Ac. , east side 10th at. , north ot NlcliolaB at. 4V1 FOR SALK Furniture of aO-room house and for rout , J biles from P. O. It. uo. Ctiamborot Commerce. 204 f 20 1 WANTED TO BUY. ! El-To buy"n loT i i- T must bo cheap , C. E. Relter , loomC , H- oruer , 15th and Douglas. 2151- 8WANTEOFurnttiire. . carpets , stoves and TT household goods of alt kinds. Omaha Auc- lua - & Utarasu Co. , IU'1 i'uruaui , MJ good commercial pnpcr- T R. C. Patterson. 318 Uth t 4.V several oustomors vviio want to bit ] houses nnd lots moRlUS from | | , fi u to tJO.OO- OPioperty owners , plense send me a full descrip tlon of what you have for nalo , O , J. Sterns dorrr. room1 ! 817 & 3is First National Hank Hulldlng- , Telephone , 434. 8w.j ( To buy gooa commercial > T R. C. Patterson , J13 S Uth st. !rVor CLAIRVOYANT VTRS. LENORMANcnribb comultod on al JTlntrnlrsot life ttuough the maple mirror Satisfaction guaranteed. 413 N ICth st. FpstairsI- PS 2s- DR. > . N'ANNIfi V. Warren , clalrvovant , Modi and business medium IVmilo diseases n specialty , 11 N IGth St. , rooms . ' and J. 5- 1STORAGE. . STOHAOK-At low rates at 1U1 I amain - t , Ion A Storage Co. 5(7- rpllACKAOE. _ . storngp. lowest rates. W. M Jl llushliiaii , Ull Ieaveuworth , 513 RANCH X CO. , storage , IJl ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. OMAHA Abstract comp mv , 1MI) Tarnam st and carefully pippared sot of abstract boons and plats of all real property in the city of Omaha and Douglas county- .AHSTRACTSLInnhau . Mnuouoy , room 500. C1- 5TlIIDLANDGuaiantoo A; Trust Co.lVUTar- J'limm - , Complete ulntr.icts furnished A titles to roil estate oxamlnod.perfoctod A; guaiantoed- MB MONEY TO LOAN.- ODELLHROS. . . & Co. No. 312 So. Ifith st Commeico bnlldtim , loftiimimoj- atfi , ( HJ , 7, 7'4 ' and 8 per cent , nccoullnu to loca- tlou of property. Unsurpassed facilities for placing largo loans on Insldo business nropert } . A special fund of several thousand dollars to loan on tinlmpi ovcd lots , 2Ji MONEY to loan on furnltuic , piano' , horses , , etc. City Loan Co , 118 S Uth st- .opposlto . Mlllard hotel. 170 on business property , S500U to MWXJ ) , wanted , I'rovident Trust Company , room 30s. llr < t National Hank building. 10- 0TIHE Central Loan A Trust , Co. , No. 1011 Far- St. ,w 111 imotn uniiBlially low rates on choice city loans in Omaha or Council Illnlls. C. A. btarr , manager. 8011- 8T AHQE loans on Improved leal cstato In JJOmnhn. No clolay on good security. E. S. nisboe , Tlrst National IJank U Id'g. 002 18 class insldo loans. Lowest TT latos. Call and see us Mutual Invest- ment ¬ Co , HI llarkor blk , inth and Tainam. OX) MONEY to loan on improved real estate by Mutual Llfo Insiirunca Co- .Ixjwnst . rates ; no commissions. Address How- ard ¬ Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nob- .DO . you want to borrow money ? If , G. J. StetnsdorlT , rooms 817 and 318 , I'irst National bank bulldlnc. will loan you any amount from $3ow) toiO,000 , on im- pi - ovcd or unimproved Omaha pi oporty. Low. est rates of Interest. No unnccessaiy delay. Improved central business property loans a- specialty. . Telephone 4B1. b&"i i'OU want money ? Loans made OH house- hold furnltui c. pianos , horses , etc , w Ithoiit delay 01 removal , PersorJs wishing a loan of this kind will do well to call at our olllco bofoio dealing elsewhere ; business strictly conlldeii- tint. . A. E. Greenwood & Co , Roam I , Cunning ham block , Uth and Jacksuu bts. fi'iU MONEY advanced for llrst-clas's leil cstato . Call on J , 1} Kuoiiy A. ( o.Room DOS , Fiist National bank DUIIdlug. WJ ) F2S * MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , on any appioyed security. J W- Robbins. . R.100 , bheely blk. , 11th and Howard- C3- SPEOPLE'S Tiiiancial Exchango-llio fairest , . most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay or publicity , In any amount largo or sinnll , at the lowest lates of Interest on any. nvallablo security ; loans may bo paid at any time or renew ed at original rates O. Rouseairpn , mgr, Room fiB llarkor blk , 15th and Tarnain , 5U3- "TVO YOU want to borrow money ? Read this : It w 111 sav o you time- .Itvlll . save vou monnj. You can bonow from K. r. Masters , successor to W. It. Croft , room 4. Withnell bld'g. r th nnd Hnrnay sts.- If . 10, $- ' , $ > ), f 10 , $ JX ( ) , > 09, * 1.000 , J " ,000 , SIO.OM, In fact , any sum you want on tuinltiire , pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easier terms and at lower rates than any other olllco- lu the city , without publicity or removal of- piqperty from your possession. If an instalment is duo on your property and you cinnot meet It , call and see me. I w 11 pay it for you. If jou have a loan in any other olllco , call and get my rates. I will take It up and carry It for you. 1 make loans for ono to six months , nnd j-ou can pay n part at any time , reducing both prin- cipal ¬ and Interest. All loans renewed nc original rates, and no charge for papers. All business strictly confidential. Call and see mo , Don t forgot the number.- lloom . 4 , M'ithnell block. 65- 3rpOLOAN'A special fund of 810,000 in sums J- from J'jOOup , on unimproved lots in Omaha if not situated too far outOdell Lrothors ACe , IllJ b. Ifjth st. IM- FIRbT mortgage loans at low rates , anit no . 1) . V. Sholes , 210 , First National bank. 051! MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha , also on farms. C. T. Huriison , 40.1 and 401 Merchants' National bank. 755- "VTEHHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will mate you a J. i loan on household goods , homes , wagons , land coutiacts , flno jewelry or securities of any kind without publicity , at loasonablo ratea. Room 1, Rowley block. South Omaha- .Itooms . DlB-51't Paxton bin. , Omaha , Nob. D- MQEESholes. . 210 First Nat'l bank bflforo mak- VJlng - your loans. fiVJ MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with ¬ , and purchise good commercial p iper and mortgage notes. S. A. faloman , cor.- IJtti . and rarnam. tM MONEY to loan on improved pioporty at first No application sent awav foi ap- proval. ¬ . Security and titles examined tree of- ilmrgo to bonoworH. Lombard Investment company , iiOO H. 12th st. 65- 1M ONEY to loin. Harris , R. E. ft Loan Co. , room 411 , First Nat. Hank. l !) MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. , 121'J Fuinam st. , Kiist National bank building , 057 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. , direct to boriowers , Mnko building loans , largo or small ; perfect ltlps : accept loans in their western ollico. Ueo.- W . , P, Coates , representative , U Hoard Trade. 551 MONEY loaned for 30,60 or 00 daj-c , on any chattel security , reasonable Inter- est ¬ ; business confidential. J. J , Wilkinson , 1117 Farnnm t. Sid MONEV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed ! )' . H. Ii Colo.liAt-'outineutal bloct , GPER CENT money to loan Cash on hand , . . , room UQ.Qlirenzer block , opp. 1 * . O. ijU- E COLE , oauacentU5- 00ODO < to loan at a pei cent. Llnnhan & Ma- I'honey - , Room 51X1. Piix ton' block. [ M MONEY tojoan. O. Travis Co. real estate agents , 1505 iiijnam st. 507 MONEY to Loan -We for applica ¬ loans in amounts from }.DO to ilO- (00 , - on Improved Omaha on Douglas county real estate. 1 nil Information as to rat s , Loans iromutly closed. Good notes will be purchased y us. Call uuoii us , or wilto. The McCagua- nvcstment Co. 13- 0T _ .OANS made on real estate ana mortgages JUbought I.ovls S. Reed & Co. , 15. ! Farnam- .M . PON'EY to loan In large sums at the loxves- tratus ; no delay , It. C. Patterson , U13 8. Uth- .tJ . E. COLE , loan agent. 247 MONEY to loan on real estate ; no delay ; bought , John V. Hammond , roomaii Paxtoa building. 224 ci- f CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel JLsocurlt'.es ut reasonable rates. W. 1C. I'otlei , room 10 Hurkur blk. 705 ' - money on furniture , horses wagons , vie.until vou hnvenoonO. II. Ja- cobs , room 410. First National bank building Cor , IJth and ! iirunu stu . . . loans. I) . V. Sioles , SW, First --* at'i Uauk- .PEOPLE'S . Financial KrchanRO-l.arRO and JL small lonns for long and short llmo , nt low- est ¬ rates of Interest , on real ostat * mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nud Jewelry. Don't fail to call If you wnnt fair nnd cheap accommodations , O , Houscnrou , > lgr. , rooming , Unrker blk. , Uth and Kamam.- loans. . . Llnalmn A Mnhoney. BUSINESS CHANCES.T- TIOII . yAI.I5A line saloon llest locntlon In- Jt ? city riicnn for cosh If taken within 10 days Chas. A. Post , Lincoln. Neb. a- t' _ 11 5 A I.n7roccrysl ore tlxttires , ctr. Chns- A.IPost. . Lincoln. Ncu. !31--l _ 'pIMJ oldclgtr stand nt 12J2 I'urnnm St. , con JL talnlng n new stock of cigars , tobacio , etc Is for snlo , the proprietor, tleoigo Ilcnnlng- bpltig engaged In another business louulilng his attention. The location Is mu rounded bj busliip s olllcpx. inpludlnn the Merchants Na- tionnl and rirst National banks , Appl > on the promises. _J7h-'l ? "IjlHKI ) store ; No. 1 location present owner Jm.ikos } 10) ) per month nor all cxpeusos- I'rlco fc'iOO , M',0 , c.tsh , bal *Jo l ur month. Coop- oialho Iaud A. Lot compiuiy , iWj N 10th st. am is- FOIt _ _ SAMI-rirst cla-iirpstaurantnnd saloon. t locitlon in the city. Long tease ou- properly. . Address Pfiilloo olllce. luiHl1'.i- OH SA U ! Planing mill machinery , cheap. 1103 Davenport stuet. KiM ! * 171OH 8AM3 The Alley conl inlm% located nt- JL? Alley. Marlon Co. , lu. , with firintraof the best i out Kinds in Iowa , 7footelll of ioil , llx- lures and nmchluciy llrst class In ovorv respect , railroad switch innnectvd with woiks , will lo sold at u baigalu Iftiken within l" days , Tor particulars addnss M. J.nrd , or ,1 , W- .lenow . ( , care of State SaUngs bank Ies Mollies , la. KW 28- TilOH SAMI A well established grocery busl- JU - ness In this city. Inquire 1) . M. bteolo * Co. , latlmtid llnuicy. 74 1 mlj _ FOU HA Li : Light , lurrntlvo business sulta- for lad v or giMitlenmn , with pati-ut nud stock ot gooas. Address P 27 , Iloo olllce. $1,70(1 ( , lialf cash will liny 1W) ncre rarm , inv , 1'4 miles fiom Long Pine , Neb .good house , best water.- Sl.fiiw . c.ish for J four roe n houses renting for (10 per month. ,1 resident and j buslnesM lots al 1 In U ngPIUP , I.UJJ inhabitants , ! l churchus , biles school bouse , waterworks , rallro id dlls- lon - , eood fat mini ; country. Very cheap , must bo sold. Long Pine UxUmng Hunk , Long Pine Neb. t.'ii K7 * FOR HAM : nondhotellnatounnt 1300. all furnished , for hnlf cash , balnncu nu time , Addt ess box fill , Albion , Nob. TXi FOH SALE A well-estibllshert. piylng pro commission business , owner must at- tend ¬ exclusively to other business. Inqulro quicker 1'oaron , Cole .V Robertson , ,110 S st. FOR EXCHANGE- .TO . Il.VCIfNGK - Houses and lots , farm , merchandise , horses , catllp , wagono , etc ( "nil or wrlto C. K. Itoltor , loom 0 , 3W cor , Kit h and Douglas. 210 _ 'UlATfG Aci e pi opurty bouth Om jlm - clear- .bevcial . plecos of improved business property lu good location. Clear 1 ind In Iowa and Nebraska. Corner In Omaha View. Clear lots in South Omaha and in Itas'ott. the now count } oitof Hock county , Nobinsku. Houses and lots In all parts of the city.- M . anted houses , lots , stoiKs of goods , Iho stock , fai ms and money.- If . you lma anything good to trade give men call. Gnner Slovens , 2.M 81 Ifi21 rainamst. Telopnono 1UK. 010 acies Improved land , wltuln tlueo miles Jof county seat , town In trade for gro- ceries , general merchandise , 01 haidwuie. Address box 411 , Shelby Iow.i. [ 21120- 'TrQ EXCHANGE Town lots In South Chicago JL for a geol , speedy single drier , or a team ot roadsters , trotters or p.iceis. II II Helm , Ilnrlan , la. 1'JOJa ' WANTED TO trade lot in Council Illuirs for . Shea i , Galvin. 151 20 * FOH TRADE A llrst class drug stock foi pioperty , Park , 1'owJor A: Ken- niid - , 1L07 Fauiiini. 115l- iirpo EXCHANGE line Impnn ed farm w 1th JLsomo cash for coed Omaha property , vacant lots prefeired. Western Laud i , Loan Ex- change , 117 South 10th st. U77 18 FOR EXCHANGE 240 acres unimproved land' } mile from 'ihummell , Morrick countyd Neb , to trade foi stock merchandise. Addiosb Hex C02 , Central City , Nour. 017-1 ONE section ( MO acres ) of heavy timber land county , North Carolina , clear of- Incumbiance ; goou title. What hiva } ou to- oiler. . ' G. 1. Stpnisdorll. rooms 317 and DI- M.1'lrst . National bank building. Telephone 4iil. LBAVKN WORTH Stieet. i nave a very de ¬ piece or business property on this stiect that can bo tiaded for good farming land not too far from Omaha and p nt cush. It- Iswelliented and will pay you to Investigate.- G. . . .I.Sternsdorll , rooms ,117 A.118 Mrat National liank HulldUig. Telephone , 411. 88- 5rMPROVEI ) and unimproved property In the J-grow lug town of Creston , la , to trade for Omaha teal estate. G1. McrnsdorlT. looms U17 nnd 318 , First National bank building. Tel- ephone ¬ 401. BCj ADAMS county , Iowa ; eighty ( (80) ) acios * land near lallroad ; all fenced nnd under cultivation ; clear of incum- brance - ; want Omaha property ; house and lot piofoiipcl. ( i. 1. hloriibdorir , rooms .11" and 1118 Ihst National bank building. Telephone 4G4. merchandlso stocks to tiado for SEVERAL property or clear farm lands.- O. . . J. hternsdorir , looms 317 A 318 First National bunk building. ( *U- OU lixCHANGE ElBhty acres of the tluost timber land in Wisconsin , clear of lucum- brance.Vhut have you to olferG. . J. Sterns- dorlf. - . looms J17 A: 318, First National bank building. & 1U GOOD farms , clrar or llfihtly Incunibcrod , for , stock or city property. H.- K. . . Cole , Room 0, Continental block. 57J TRADE Council Illulfs and Oniaharoal- estate for faims , horses , cattle 01 merchan- dlso ¬ Rest lots between Omaha and Council lllnlTB. 0. E. Mayno, loth nud Marney.- M7 . in 1 SEVERAL very flno rosiilencos in ICountzo . Wnat have vou to otfer ? G. 1. fateiiiMloiir , rooms 11TA.318 , 1'iist National bank building. tjr 2- TT1OR EXCHANGE Tor desliabie residence property In Omaha , Uy | or all Of follow Ing : 4lfchoice inside resldonco lota in Ha stings.- JU . 1Ulots In Lincoln.- DlOncios . line fni miner land. Lancaster county- .rino . iesldenco pioperty , Lincoln. Good rental pie ] ) ity , Lincoln.- Cnolro . fancy residence , coiner. Los Angele- s.Aiii'utiosldeucepropeity . lu llauscom Place , Also , Boniogoodmortgago notes. Address , giving location nnd prlcn of prop- prty. - . .I.E. ll.cuio IlaumlronCo. , 1217 Loiiveu- worth. - . CTl anything for exchange call ii cm or write us , 11. E , Cola , Room U , Conti- nental block. ti'J- TT10R EXCHANGE-Dakota , Hand enmity. JL1 What have .vou to oiler for u good faim- icrc , slightly Dakota lands are rising lu value , and it.s destiny cannot bo dls- lilted. - . Will take vucunt lot or impiovrd mop- irtv - and asxumo some Incumbrancti U , 1. 1.Stcinsdorll , ioom J JJ7 and JI8 , I'irst National bank bulldinB' "i FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. $ . ' 0, JJ.S50 cush , J1.1KX1 fi years per cent , buy.s- i story 8 loom house , furnace , oath , PIP , lot , No U I'nppleton ave. , Iliuistom Place ; must go by .March 1st , party going away. 1) , V. bholes , . ' 10 Ibt Nat'l bank. But FOR HALE or exchange A line farm of Holt Co. , Nob. ; will oxchanun for and plieuton or pair of ponlos and phcaton. Addioss Rill , Hoeolllci101.1'Jt . Park , beautiful lots , line im- provements ¬ , easily leached , easy teiiiin.- Wallaie. . . CrelghtuU bio k. i.1MJt " 1T10R SALE or Exchange flood rcBldenco.coii- Jl vi'ulently located , handy ti car llnsh. West- ern ¬ Land i. Loan Exehauge , 117 bouth IMh at , u-7 1- 8fJIOH SALEOr trade , lotfi. blocks , lledford J place , a corner , w ill sell choup for cash , or- tinuufor furnltiirtt or un > personal pinperty. Omaha Auction X htoi age Co. Hit '" A IIAHGAIN 1(1x110 ( on"luttt t south of tlio- "i.vladuct , with small hoiiHD and bam. 'IhU- iroperty In tlio market for a short Unto only at- he extreme low price of il.YX ). 'llil.s lslk ? ( ) ) ois than Ha actual valun. G , J. Btitrnsdorir , rooinolii ; and 318 I'lrJt Nutloiitl bank building. _ ft.'- xjQU8INESS pioperty. Capitol ave. lot 0 , block D 70 , bit. llennett block and IGth st. Take omo trado. t-eiio offer to ow ner , Joli n W. Tuy.- or. . . fi Euclid aye. Cleveland. O. lUOI' lt- $1W cash , balance l per month , will buy nsw house on'ftth Ht nearLakaet , Price - , < UO. C , E. Iteltci , room 5 , a. w. cor. 15th uud- W ml FOR SALR The Ilftwloy nonso , North , Nob. , or will trade for good Im- proved farm or city property. The house Is furnished and in running ordor. Prlco KMW. subject to encumbrance of ( l.ftM Address John lUwloy , North 1'littU ). Km 22 ? _ This property adjotm- i the famous Contra ! Park and Monmouth Park Additions. I liavo a number of lots in the nbove addition thnt can bo sold on terms to- ntilt Spoclnl Induconient.s olToiod to those whe- w 111 bnlld. It will pay vou to Investigate. G. 1. .- 1.StornsdorIT , rooms all and J1S first National bank building , ( . STliRNSDOIUT. looms , U7.11S 1'list " National Hank Ilulidlug , has pieces of line rrwldonce and liuslneu property to- do. . Also several fill 1113 near Omaha. Telo- ono. - . 481. N 3 . A NT house and corner lot npnr worth andPaiknvenuo , only idOOJ , woith * 7r.OO- .A . nice building lot near snmo location nt a bnrqnln- .lulfeet tinckngo on r. P It. It. within mlle HUP , t't.W ) . Two olpgnnt building lots lu West Omaha , J Ifit m each. Hood buMup s and residence propoitj In alt parts of the city. OiovorStmctis. 220-21 1121 FainaiuM. Telephone lU'i- .minC.VSII . and Wi monthly , Iticludlnct Interest, ipbujs nlioil roam house and lot , well located , 11. K. Cole , loom 0 , Continental block. 8ts I"- f10ir ltiriu block "u MxlW on- 'llnuipyst. ' . For partlculntslliiiulioof Win Slnlgoi , GnlPiin. 111. !H11U1- 5IJ OH S VLE Or oicphnngiv for Omnha nrop- JL'Prix' - , M) acres , suit iblo for plattlmj ; xvll- tinnko 4iW lots.nll clear ; big money lu It for some onowhncall push this ; located uistoutsldo the city limits of Council lllunx Inquire ( loo. ,- 1.Steiiisdoitl. . . looms : ) )17 and , K lust Natliiinil bunk building D7"I "j'OH SALF.-Lots 11 , r. nnd In. block 11 , West JL1 Side , tilitInn . TIIOAO lots aiof.KU * ouh , l.ivoiyprVnty.und the thtoo can bo bought for 81,0m, ' hey are actually vvortli tw leu that ntuount. G 1. ''tornsdorir , Rooms J17 and 918 , 1 irst National I ) ink building. _AV- STT10H HUNT -Now 7 room house , alt modern -I? conveniences , centrally loc.itod , will tout veiy reasonable to tenant making peed Ioase.- r . room cott > go S 17th st , in. H-room house , 2irri Howard st. It room lint 14AI N 17th , suitable for light housekeeping , H . Apply to Green A, Williams Pirst Nat. b viik bldg. Oil "I71OR SALE Tarmof 100 acres nottom land JL? lu Douglas county ou line ot IT. P H. R. , one mile from station ; first-class Impronmonts. . J.- J. . . Hobblns , Paxton hotel. 73 IS * SOITH OMAHA I have a nnmber nt good . various additions that must bo sold atonconudcan bo bought ut prices th-xt will suit vou , ( !, ,1 , StirusdorlT , rooms 317 nnd 31- 8t Irst National bank bulldlug. t V! <J 35 MA ICES llrst payment ou nice 0ioom- 3)nouse , good location. U 1C. Cole room n. Continental block. - 1- 8CJoME of the choicest clear propoits lu Glo- un - wood , Iowa. G. 1. Stcrnsilorir. room * J17 and .118 , First National bank building. b 1- IOTfi , block 4 , Dupont Placo. 8-ioom tiouso In rep ilr , f I.'M I , 870J cash , balauco o isy ; will taku team of lioises ns nirt piiymou t. ( i. J. Sterns-loiIf. room 317 and Jlh t'lrat National bank building. W2 FOR SALE or Exchange Improvad stock of W)3 ) acres In e istern Nebraska , neui market ; also new 12 room house with all con- veniences ¬ , in desirable residence portion o Omaha Andrew Ilpvlns. Attorney , 4JJ nud lil- Paton block. Omaha , Nob. 270 FOR SALE llv M. A. Upton Company , estmont llankui s mid Gcni'ial Heal Estate Doaleis. Southeast comer 18th and Taniam- .100r . , south and cast front , comer 40th and Dodge streets No liner residence slto- inOiuami ; fj 60U bujs it. Illgbargain ; taka it quick.- Hoie . Is a good home at a very reasonable prlco : South fiont , M foot lot on .vlaplo stieet , jiibteast of Sttiindeis and south ot ICouutzo place ; newS-rooiu housegood bain , only $1,500- .Toi . ins to suit. The best corner In Omaha for duo tenements Is 24th and Dodge. Wo huvo I07xlJl tin ro. Room for block of seven nouses 17 , K)0 ) W o think this is bold , how ov 0- 1.Koiinto . Pluci-1 Kount70 Placet Elegant homo In Konntre Place , U rooms.furnnco , b ith , hot and coldwatei. every ronvenleuco , good barn , all now. nlcu and nobby , iOOU ; 8ltU- Ow h, balauco I, 2 1 and 1 jeais. Heyc- II feet south end 10th st. viaduct , cut down to grade ,$1100. If vou want It any cheaper take U as a gilt. We'll pay for recording the deud. The llest HiiiKUlu- In business property in Omaha to day Is fC feet on tha U) loot alley on lth ! stieet. north of- Lcavinworth , at if. " ! per foot. Four story building Koiug up on adjoining tfl It. in the spiiug. Ton Fool away your day of grace when y6u do not seem o some of the bargains w ? otter. They mo lilo the ciicus uero to day , but gone to moiiovv- .Trackage . 132 feet tiackagoon llth htieot , just north foE Nicholas for iiiOO. Nicholas btieet Is , and Uth- .stieet will bo paved this year. Ulir money In- tlhs line trackage property. Elegant Residence. Does any ono want one of the best built and Jlncly finished house and barn In the city ; House of eleven rooms , llarncost over fl.uuu. House has every convenience. East fiont lot.- ia . mlle from couit house. Artificial stone di Ive- ways and walks. A complete and home- . Tour mantels and giates that cost ovoiWO Improvements cost * 10X ( . Lot Is w orth fi ,00- 0lOacus > i mlle west of Aimour's , South Omnha. The 11 nest 10 acres In that locality. Will make IUO cottage ? that will sell ic.idllj nt f J50- nnd TO.Vlll olfoi this for a few da > d at a- baigalu. . South Omahn. Three beautiful east flout loth , 40xinO each , just north of bummlt I'm k , for 11,50oi ) th- iloublo that amount. Speak | iilclc If you want this snap. Windsor Placo. This vear will see (rood transput tatlon facili- ties ¬ to vV'indsoi' Place. We can sell a iluo homo in this elegant ndultion for - " per cent less than It can bo bought for after Maj 1st. LOOK at 'Ibis : 4-room nouso , cemented cellar , brick founda- tion ¬ , cistern , full lot In Omnha , all for $1,100 WOO cash , balauco ? 1LOO per mouth.- Aicado . Placo. East fiout lot on .inth street , just south ot- Lcavonworth , tor f1MM. Hillside No. .A 1. rino double corner on ; ith and Clilcago st , just cast of Yates'mansion , fori7'iOO- .Kllby . Place.- LotnOxlTi . on , ') )9lh st. , Just north of Dodge , JI,7W ( * HO cash , balancu 1.2 and 3 jeais If house Is built to cost not leas than 1000. Missing It- .Oh . ! 5 nu are missing It by not purchasing be- fore ¬ the spring tide sets in.- COxl.1 . - '. South front on Sewutdhtroet , in Slilun'n3 addition , 1000. Cortland Placo.- A . flno homo with oveiy convonlenco1largolo- t.W.OOO ; ; $3oon i ash , balance 7 pei cent. South irithStieol.- LotfliixliT . ; good ti-room house ; fine residence street ; bam ; f 1,0 ) . Uit Is worth the money. South Kith Sti not.- Wo . will sell a cornel on loth and Castvllnr , RlxMO , foi less than any lubldolot can uo bought for. Sherman Avenue. 102 feet , ncomc-r , on Illnnuy at. for $5,8W , or the cornoi lot tor j.l.O'K- l.HaiiHiom . Place , Cablollno to Hansiom Place this Wo- lavn some ot the best icsldcncea and sites theie , Tarnam Street. Money ran bo doubled In two vears liybuylns- propcity of nson Tumam stieet buiv.cen 20th und d. Wo Never Sold a Lot Yet that tlio pin chaser bus not jiwdo moio than regular iutere&t on liln ' Is because wo deal In nothing but litbt class prop- erties ¬ , Morsman Park , A beautiful east fiont lot , giadcd , for JJ.210, worth Jl.uoj.- W . liet east front on 37th ( pavpdstiectibet- ween ¬ Rogers' and Wlthnell'selc-guut losldcticos and Tarnum ht for tl.iKJd- .Wo . have the Iaito3t ; list and best bargains In the cltj.- M. . . A. Upton Company , Tilephono Kil , 20- 1AVALLACE. . Cieighton block , nth and Doug.- TT . las. oirore the follow Ing on easytemm , Lots 11 , 18 , W. 21. block tl , West Oiiming , each , Lots 4 andfl , block 21 , Caithago. each , 11,000 , Lots21and 2block'J , Oii-hard Illll , corners on lowi avenue , with city VMitot , both , S-1,7' . Lots 17 uud 18 , block U , Orchard Hill , each , { 'Ml Lot II , block L , Lewis addition , U) ft fiont , l.'KW. Lot 7 , block 1 , Dciilsn addition , J7iO. Lot * , block , ) , Huwthomo , Lot Id. blocn II , llrlggs Place , corner , . ' , OOJ. Lot 18 , nlock U, llrlggs Place , south front ou- 'amain , f JUKI- .boh . ) agent for " .Monmouth park , " the most jpautltiiTly Hltuutod udilltlon about Omaha ; on- W> lotx Kolil in this addition there havu boun 4r good houses erected. Walluto. Cioighton block , 271 S- OT HAVE real and personal piopertv of all kinds foi trado. Call ana see mo. George .Sternsdoi I. if. Itooms J17 and 314, I'lrst Nutlunul bunk building. MJ WAN'IBD-Anlceiesldencolotoist of Slth , It jo" have any Omaha pioperty to oiler at u- urgaln bilng itutoimd. Grover Stevens , 820-21 1131 Tiiruam St. Telephone 11J5. BALK 7roomodhoiiS8and full lot , good Niirroundtngs , ou a street car line Will uke in eXQhango Nebraska or Kums farm roperty with 401110 Incumbranco , or vacant lot a ( Jmaha or Mouth Oiniha. Call and linentl- gate no . C , K. llurrlson , 4'JJ ' aud40IMor- i' - National bauic , 7Ki MONMOtTII Park , bountiful lots. Ono 1m- , tivsllr reached , nsy torms.- Wnllaco . , CrolRhtonblock. 2721- 9lilOH SALE or Trade 8 new 8-rootiv houses J-1 from Utsl hands , room l'O- TTIOR SALK-Autc llttlohoiuo onS. 18tU st.- L . , - contAlnlng 4 rooms , All In good ropalr, well , cistern , cellar , barn, .Vc. This property cm bo fold on a sinnll i iym mt down , balinco 115 per month. Ahr pay rent when n coldon opportu- nity like this stares yon In the faco0. . J- .MernsdorfT. . . rouns 117 and JH First National bank building Xi- 7ti N ' Honips ] Homes ! I Civrtlingii Is Omnhix's most bouttlfnlly slltt- ntedsiibuib. - . It joins Hill on the west and Dtiudoo Place ou t IIP north.- It . Is within easy distance ot the Holt Liu 8 depot- .Itti . wlthlun few blocks of paved streets.- ThpMetioprdltan . Cable line Is bclug built to- Diuntoj Pl.iro. u w 111 sell lots hem for J70X uJT- erms. . To pirl IPS who will bulid : Ono-tentli cash ! balance at the end of ton v OIXM- .e . > have lor 'liado peed unlncnmborcd piopoitj for biislnpss lot- will assume moitiigc or j ay cash. l.leuaiit new cottngo for any kind of Rood leal i-Hlalp , A great bargain , the S. W. co'iior of 19th nud California streets v1th thteo housoj , Jlrt.000 takes ft- .'I . ho northwest coiner of inn nud Podge , f-'iKHi ( , vet j casv term ). 1.1 HH ) m ion ot laud lu Nebraska nnd Kansas. 12 plpgant iinlncmub u d restdeuco lots lu- Om ilia. Two now brick losldenccs andlots with small Incumliratici' , In the hast putt of tlio cltj , 11- 1tiado all foi Unmoved business property.- Hiomitiu . A Co , Chamber of Commerce. 'J elophono 71W, IsS 21- 1JUHI SALE C hei-Not | Tor tiado : filWO acres J land ( er"i 12 tl ) two miles fiom Marqurtto.- Hai'iHton . count v Nebraska Flame housp.sta- ble - , 'ltm aiips under wood harb-Wlro fouco, round cedar i ot , two stays ; llx lug water, iIJ- foot ihaniiol,2 wells , , tM bairol tank , cm ml , si'lf-foedei ; a natural stock much ; m a Unocotii belt.- Pi . ice ( about Jll.'i ) per acicV . .. . Jd.-V ) Cash down .. . . it.roi' ' 2 and 14 years' tlmotl per cent 3JiO- Go nnd look over land Addioss owner. l1C. . Atkins , F 02 Larlmorst Denver , Col. 67- 0HOFHEHlooms , . .ill 00 t , 2stli and Illi-Korv 40 OJ Fiirnl hvd notice , 1 and ( .dlfornln . 2'i m Eight room house , 2117 Clark . , . 2i Ul- in Tvvofi room Itottses , benvuril and ' !ith- No. oil- 2JOO . K2o South 2Mb- Iloilso t loiiins , 2011 nimk- IIousoll u ( HI looms 1127 N. tuth , , . . . 2il (X) And n largo list of others. " 7-l Geo. J. Paul , IftM Fnmam St. o NKH , nrst-cHss finished. B-rooni llnU with 'J b.itliioom , gas. w itei and sewer ; 2atoios , corner , stiltnblo lor diug store ; 1 lusomotit suitable for birbpi shop , cot nor 2Hhnud LP1- Vciiwoithsts. . Iiniutio at piomlses. SiH m2 * TJ10R SALE At a "acilllce. ft east and J- ' north fiotit , cotuor J'Jtli and How aid sts. , one bloiX from Ro pr' " , Cow's mid KlrkendaH's tlnu ro-ildeiuos just think ut It , luUxU'i ! ft , and n corner , too , audoulv it. 50)) . Lot ins.iundeis A Illinobiugli'a add , Prlcor- au. $ . Noiash pajnutit and bal. to suit to nuy one who will build , New 7-ioom house , well and cistern , mi 27th- st. . near pjir lino. Pi Ice t2n H), will takocloai lot as llrst pav mi nt , b ilauco to suit. 41 It business pi opu tj with two good2 stoij * More Imlidhms renting fur iHMH ) a j i-nrj this is- abnrgalu ut * lfiil. ) C F. Rultei , room 6 , fl. w. cor. 15th and Douglas sts. 217- MONMOI'I'II Pare , beautiful lota , line 1m- ] , casjly iciched , easj * teims- Wallncii , Ciolghtoii blixk. Sttlt- AMES. . Rial IM ite. 1507 1 nimim st. Is a special bargain , and it will pay jou toinvestinitt ! . I till Lot on loth Micet.- M140 . , on laUe , btmill house' , foi S1VW. ( You can ] ay ' 4 cash. and balance lu easy inijmonts If npcposarj * a good lesldeiico will be taken lu jinit piijinout.- Anothc'i . bargain is a 2-ston house on .Miami sticet , onu block fiom cats ; hoii'-o has modem Impiovo- niont - . ; lot is .15 feet tiont : our pilce .Jl.dOO ; is- subj'it toi nuntrigo of JJ.JKI. diawlngi ! per cout Interest ; bilunc" wo will tuKu as follows : Jsmi c.ish.u good residence lot 01 seemed papoi. Oil Vli lnii avi'iiuo , n hplcndld lot , east tiont , nud as handsome-a lot as tln'ie is In Uiiuscom Place , lor if. , 150 : terms. il.OHl cash : this Is ono of the best rosl- dcnce - locutionlu ! Omaha- .A7ltoom . House nnd bam on Virginia avuiiue , in gond order ; splendid location : pilru ) ", M ciibii.- On . Ciimlng St , a lot 11 foot fiout. 11") feet dee ]) , and 7-room house foi itl.UOO : this Is the host ollci fni the monuy In that pan of Omaha , and it lakes half cash to buy it. On South llth St.- M.OIO . huysfull lot wltlib-ioom house nnd out- buildings ¬ ; this Is u bargain well woith the mono j , and takes WOOJ cash tobuj'lt , balauco- to suit. It You Want to buv a cheap home , on easy payments , wo can IKjou out. bow is the Mini ) tost.utln and vou not only buy on favorable tc'ims , but vou save joiirmoiiPV' ninnthlx" and make ton times the interest nnj * bank can pay jou , and j our raoupjIs pel fectlj' bat o- .Wo . hav o 710,01- 0to loan on city piopeity allow rates of luteipst- a , > make imiantoedabstiact-icf title to all leal obtnto in Omaha and Douglas county. Come and Sc'o t's for by so doing jou may do jonrself some good ; vcm can see and post soumelf on real es- tali - anil lliul out w hat Is going on here.- rouv . ej'ancos alwajs ou hand to show prop ¬ erty.AHUM , 15D7 Farnam s : 197 ID MONMOUTH Park , beautiful lots , line Im- , eusilj' reached , ousy terms , Wnllar e , Crelghton block , 272-1'J ' "tALLou If. E Cole. northeast corneFof 15th Jan Douglas sts. , Oniiiliu , for Edwin 1C. AI- blp - A. Co.'s cataloiruub of lands of Ciillfornl- a.MoNMor . IHPark. iMMiutituTiots , flue im- , ensllv1 leached , easy terms . Wallace. Cieighton block. 272l- iiI WILL rocelvo sealed oirnrs to bilj" the sw 2:- 3xl : 12 rc'ot of lot 2 , Capitol ndd. to Omaha , up to- U o clock. Fob. 25. 'litlo pei feel and Indefeasi- ble. ¬ . All oilers of not less than JIrOJ. within ,1- 9dajs , as first payment , will bo considered bonn- lido and Tha price olTe'ied , time ot | avmenls and rates of lutei cst w HI all be con * Hlifriod lu di termlulng which. If aiij' , olfor I ac- cept. ¬ . 'i his gives all a clnuco to get n Duslncss lot on 1 arnimst. on theli own tends , H tlio- pi Ice suits. ItiolkCismust get thnlr rommisslon- fiom puichas r. E L. Finely , room Jd , Wuro- block. . b'JlJi- T71OR SALE-ll ! ncios. HimlHon Co. . Neb. J-1 hind , if' ' ) par iicro , ouo third ct'h. baltmco at- fi percent. Address W, .1 Wlldmau.Dunvor.Col , 075- 171OR _ SALE Tmpiov nil clour farm of l 0acion X' lu Mow-in comitv , Allmie iotn , ffJ per ncro , Ownai duslrlng to move to o null i : will ox- rhaiigi - ) lorn humu huie. C. F. Hanison. Mor- chants' > Nat lunk. U2 DRESSMAKINC.- DRESSMAKINUcuttliu& . fittlng,2il7Dougltti 21811115 ; SEALED proposnls vvlll be rpcolvcd at the the I o'.mty < lurk ot Douglas Conn- fj'.NubiasUu - , until noon of hiituidaj. the 2)rd- dav ) of Tithmaij , ISfi'i, ttii niiinlyadt PI Using for thuveai Ibrfi , Im ludlng dclln imiit tax list , an. mini : treasurers ieiort ] , semi-annual ; roud and all other logul notluts and rommlsslouui.H' pro.- tet . cling" . A ccrlllled check of 'ftOl ( mtiHt (ic- compiuj paih bid ; also , a sworn statomentoC the proprh tor , oditoi or manager of each news * wiper tendering bids for sold county udverilH- nit that It hasii cliciilatlou in DougliiM rountjr- of not less than . ' . ( | dullycoples ami (VJO vsoekly- oplca , and thut amount of circulutlon In DoucI- UH - c.rmuty Hhi'.l bo taken Into coimldorutlon , Hlanks nti' | ( lltratloim and forms can bo ob- tained ¬ on application at the county clerk's olllcu ( no o1 her foi m of bids i fcclvcd ) . I ho commissioners lesorvo the right to reject auj or nil bids , flld'it M. 1) . UocHr. roiinly Clerk. <3- Nm _ Inc. 1 sh ill leave Omaha April 1st , to open n- iianklnir biislnusH in Huh 'loxus. All clalniH toI- MI I pii'suntod uguliist mo must bn brought 1m- medUtoU - to the ollliu of Hall A. 'Ihuiwton , 1 1- ABETHE Omaha National Hunk Hulldlng.- flldOtp . R.V IIYDB- .ol' . I'nrtiKirHhljt , Hy mutualionseiil Is thlsduy thunxtstlng C (>- mrtneishlu between . N , Ko.n uud C. Itlion - lot f. dissolved. C, R, Ilondoif continues In the > ril ( > -> aid Diislnoss , and Mrx A. N. Kuar , tha- administratrix , uilUctti all outstanding bills and assumes all debts , up to January 1ftWJ. . C. It. Ilondoif- Mm. . A. N. Koar. AclmlnUtratrlx Batuto ot A. N , Kc r. Omaha , lelnimry U'tli , WJ. Mja.l.t- Nollco lor UlilH Stonni llontlnif , S- " BALED bids will bo received by th * .School- llourd nf Crete. Neb , for heating t ha new ilyh Hcliool biilldmw with Btaum , Bpmlllca- lous - now un lliu ut tha First National Hank , Crete , Neb , uml at thu ofllcoof Toulor A; llulu- lortr. - . ivr Karimm ittreet. Onmha. All bid la ba- iceomp inlod w Ith n cci tilled chuck for two him Ired dollars. UliU must be handed In on or- ivlcjrd March 4th. I&SV, ut 4 o'clock p.m. 4hn- Kiurd resoives thu rluht to reject any orull bids , W.T , llUGIIANAN , bccrcilary.- fl . d5t bum uv liuuuuisio.

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE · otur Is a bona lldc one. and they aic sure to sel fast, mall ordrri tlllPil. Now Trench riialllp". The most exquisite de (Rns Impoited direct fiom Paris, romiulalng

Aug 10, 2020



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Page 1: THE OMAHA DAILY BEE · otur Is a bona lldc one. and they aic sure to sel fast, mall ordrri tlllPil. Now Trench riialllp". The most exquisite de (Rns Impoited direct fiom Paris, romiulalng

T-r :




No advertIfiomonts will tic taken Tor-UIPRO coluiiins after lUi.'IO j . in ,

TfrniB Cnsli In nilvnncc.-Advprtioemtnts


under tlilx hond 10centperimp fen-tho flrst Insertion,7 cents for each sub-Fprjucnt


insprtlon , and per monlh.-No

.advertisement taken for less tlrin 2.i ecu'sllip first innertion. Hc-vcii words v.tlltioenimted-

to Hie line ; lhiy must , run consecutively andinnst bo paid in ADVA NCI' . All advtrti'p-incnti

-must bohnndcdm befoioli o clock p ,

in. , nnd und r no clrcitinstnii'i will thcv be-

taken or discontinued bv telephoneParties ndvei Using In UICSP rolumns and hav-


their nnsw rs addressed In rare of 'I UK Hi K

will plelspask for n rhor k topimblo thorn togrttheir iBttprs , ns none will bo dollvcredexcept onpresentation of rhe-ck All answers to adver-tlspmcnts


Miotild boMi'-lospn'ln pinplnpnsAlt ncivnrtlHciiu nts In thpsc column' ') are pub-


in borh morning and pvenlmt edltl'ins of-T.HI Hrf , fhoclrctil itio-i ot which aRgregntos-jnorp than 1" (Ki'ipnpors' daily , and gives the m-lxonlsc'istho


Demfit , not nulj of tincllj cliculotion of Till. Hi r , but also of oim 11 UlnHXLincoln nnd otlicir cities and towns ' ' ' '

this decllon of the count-



Advertising for these1 columns will bo tnken-on thonljove conditions , at HIP follow'lng busl-iicsa


hoiiSPB , ngcnls for runHrf fpccial noilcp , and will cjuoto the famerates as can bo bud at the main olllce-



W. HELL , Pharmacist , K0! boulh 'lenti-lt) Street.-



vSE A: EDDY. Stationers and Pttutors , 113South liithHIiec-t.FTl'AliNWoilTll


, Pharmacist.!: ! ! } Cum-ing




X HroTTirs , Phnrmnclbt , lfl ( North ICth-T T . Street. .


W , 1 M bt. Slnry's



" widow withT ? a baby to ilo llglii woik In nlcp fam ¬

ily Addtusi K'l'l Hoc olllce , UlUl-lIRSl'clnss


A dtcssmiki-r with an pnstnrn-expeilonco wishes emploimcnt btho day

In good families.-Bt.

. Call 01 address HUN I8tll. Cltj. 205-22

WANTED-Hr a middle aged lady , a posi ¬in restaurant , oxerlonced-


best of lefercnces. Addiess Ru.*, Iloo of-Ileo.

-. .174 is *


. _ ! ) "() co it mulcts , II pants makers ,10 vest makon. II. II. Wnndell , 8. K-


. IMli and Douglas ats , 2d lloor , loom fi.aroM-

ANTEDltmbor , 201) Cumlnt ; st. SfiO-18 *

fXrANTED Mon for Illick Hills extension.-T

.Albrights Labor Agency , IUO I nrmin-

Btrcet. . 2oO

NTED-Stoutboy iibout Id or 17 yenis oC-

TT age. at Ileo mailing loom , apply betweenjJuiid 1 o'clock' 20 >

) A j'oitng man who undpistands-TT some tailoring nnd pic&slug at C.iutleld-

M'f'g Co. Apply at once 2il ) ISt-

"VA ANTED Two young men ; good wages :TT $3sccuilty reUliod.| 1010 Dodge , 10 to 5-

p. . m 2&1 n *

' Salesmen evervwhero for ourT adjustuulo dooi plates ( can soil and de ¬

liver at once ) , four htj lose f door bells , metaland white enamel loiters , hauso numbers , otc.Samples , circulars , etc , fioe-.1'latoCo.

. Now York Door. , Albany , N. Y. 25,1-23 *

'E D Agents turnery Hi } au.ownlnthe Pnltcil States to solicit mbsclfptlons

for the handsomest and most populiu 21.DO ayear magazine published ; liberal InducementsIn com illusions , and liamlsomo picnilums. Ad-dress


Magarlne , P. O. llov. 177f' , New York City.

. . . . . ED A competent hat salesman , ono. . thoiiiighlyniuiilntud with Omnha tinde ,

nnd can come 'vllh undonhlcd lofou'iices as toability and habits. It will bo useless tor anyother

*tocipplj.Aildiu_ _ s llog . c-ltj. _2lfM8_STED-DinliiK room gill , 1001 N loth nt-



TXrAN'l ED Cnipeuter to do the work on ROV-


eral houses to bo built and take house midlot as pait piivmoilt. A. W. McLaughllii. Room618 Paxtou bUlg. :.' 15

WANTE' ) Agents for our new patent fire-proof sales , slro , weight W Ibs. ,

retail prlco ?K , others in nrnpoitlcm. HighestnvNaid (silver iiicdnl ) Cnntormlal Exposition ;tare chance ; peinmnent buslnobs. Om iirlces-lowest. . AVe are not lu the safe pool. Exclushoterritory given. Alplno bafo Co. , Cincinnati , O.

ANTED A good man to go on the road ;> must tiawlda awake , full of energy , tlvo-nrltysec for money collected and deposit JJu fornples. Call on Ceorge S Cllne , Room "ill ,st National bonk bullaliip1 , Omaha. Nob. 117

WANTED A stenographer who has someof ImoKkcoplng. Must bo n

peed penman. Address , with references. P. O.drawer 47.

.TANTED First-class maKci. Applv atonce to II. L. Cohen , South Omaha , Neb.-


AOEN'JS wanted Inov iytown nnd city Infor the Harden Hand (iianndo I'lte-

Eitlngulshcr , Apply to F. 0 , Ciandall , 110 South15th st. h7'J

WANTED-Agentsln ovoiy city and town inToy Calliope , the great-


seller on earth ; send 20 cts for sample. I' O.Crandall. !11U boiith 15th ht 87-

URANTED", 500 men for Washington torrl-


torj* ; good wages , steady w oik , long jou ,Albright's Labor Agency , ll.'o Faruamst.


SALESMEN Wo wish a few men to soil our. _ sample to tl'owhoiesalonnil letallt-rade. . Lnrgestinaiiufactuiorsin our Hue. En-close


2-cent stamp. Wages JJ pel day. Perman-ent position. No postals aiibwered. Money nil-valued for wages ndveitUliiL' , occ , Ceiilcnnla-lMan'f'gCo , cTncliiniitl. O. 70Vmll f-

D Agpnts forMllwnrd's' caljxpjeds-elftlireadlngnoodla ; preserves falling ;

sight ; a help to good sight ; perfect bonanza forctmvassers ; sample package lOc. Sua forcirculars to lipadiiuaitem , Btayner , Providence. R. L Oourn.

KVS-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , HOI Douglas.021

WANTED Carpenter to build a house andbuslnui s lot on Sounders ti oet

ns pay , Eiuniue - ;) I'lcno st. 45'J

men and women to engage in-T T an easy , paying business at noniH. Can

work : dajtlmuor evenliigiind makeOOoto $-!pel bom ; sine thing ; .sntnnlo and comnleto In-Ptrurtloiis


hciit for Itlo. Audress , X01 la bupplyCo. Rutland , Vt. 4IUFV-

D liuergetie men ana women oxcry-vxhoro

-foi a gentepl monuj'-maklng bu | .

nees. jwwookly prollt giui.mtoed ennler thantCUmonthly otlieiwise L'xprlpncenbsnlut| ) ly-nmiocossarj , Piumanent position and exiliMlv-utirrltori'iissurod S2(0( HRuiplu free. Wi Ite forpin ti! iilurH. Address , withbtamp , Man 111 .M'tv-Co. . . 1153 , ChlcjiKO. 2i KO-




oxpoilonced hoiisoktopiT-TT who In a good cook , for a famtlv of thtce.

Must hnv o tlrtt class lofen-iicoi. Tonsultubluperson a pleasant home with good salary nnd aiiermimunt position Is olleied. Applj" to L.llekovtr, "Hub" rcstiunaut , llthst , in-ill Doug ¬

las. 2i7 20-

V > t'ompotont girl to do Rnueinl-TT> iioiibowoik foi simll family. Apply 415

north SUtli Mi oet. S74.PJ *

" gill for general housiiwork.-TT

.WJ Park ave uuo. U7il.lJ

" gill for"general houstwoik.-i

.T iiliu Funmm. 27ft

wult rs , 1 olllco ludj , 1 chain-TT

-mnld. 1 pa'Uy cook. Always places In-

inlxnte families. Ii II. Wamlell , S. E. cor. Kithnud Douglux , 2a lloor room I , , 2771-

SVANTEDTrl( : to hoxv cai pet , ; Chas. Shix-> T crick. l.Ui10 Fimmiii. 2'il-_

" rANTiWfmaii; ) cook , 110 ; 0 slv dlnln-TT loom uli U out of city ; 4 llrst class cooks In

private rnmillps , f.M to U"i ; nice , sensiblewomnnas liousnkceper , only two children , tl ,no washing ; 2 girls for Chc'jcnuo , i for felon xCity. Lots of now places tor general house-work ovoiy daj' , Thii-o evporlenci-d ceiond-

irlsKiM; mlddle-ttL'ml womuu ns chlld'h uuise.-


, llrega , UH,80.,, . nth. 2U-18t_COMPEIENl1 cirl for general housework ,

paid. 211 SSuth. 1C Ih-

jCOM POTENT Blrl for liousevv iik. Mrs , TllOiK, Hull 1W7 Mieiuinn axe , 241




catsUns or live catsntSU> N , mil ! t. ' 'dJl'Jt-

A- tlriujyiat to commenca drugBtoru. ulso burber to commence shop In u

first class location In South Omulm. I or infor-jnatlon-

addiesi Herman 'IXimbrlncK , SouthOmaha P. 0. ifi a ) ;"WT'ANTED-Evi'rybody to know that 1 tiuvo-

T T removed my olllce to rooms U17 and U13I'irst National bank building , wheru I shall bo-plniucd to meat them. U. J. Stonisiloiff. Raul-

e , ixian , Kxchango Jlroior nud Rental

( ) women to use "WUcoV *

Fancy Compound Pills. " Perfectly safeml always eltcctimi. Send for 4o "Woman's

Bnfo Guard. " WllCox Medical Co. . I'hllndel-phla. . lli A '88


"ALEM'INE'S Shorthand nnd TjpBWrlting-T Institute , now Paxton bulldlnt ; , Omahn

The onlv exclusive Mioittmnd school In theMate , over ono hundred graduate's In goodsituations , The school is under the manage-ment oft' . C. Valentine , oOlclal stenographer o-

tlioird: judicial district of Nebraska , anil Prof11 H. Hoyles , An experienced teacher nnd ver-Imtlnt reporter Dixy nnd evening nossloiis. Ptudents can enter at any time bend for clrcultrs


UTANhARD SliorTlinnd School , 41. Shecle )f > b'ock , teichcs standard s > stems nuuiists-Remington typewriter * . Citculnis free TJJ




MAIIA Emp llvrriti , lin N. 10th sf. Estab-llshed 8 years. Most rollablc in cltv.CIS rjs-

AJEU. . Employment Olllce 017 N. Hithit.-



MI1AN r.mployjiient Ofllce. Mrs-.Jll'i

.S 1 ith. Hefeienco Omaha Nattonalb.ini :

613 mlt






( opening Spring Goods ,New Challlos , satins sllWs. dross good' ,

Muslin umlorwear sali1.Our now ombroldirles nud la'PS hive olio

broil received , and wo shall oiler the most ex-

quMte patterns uv r shown liy us ; wo mike a-

sppchilty oftho line novelties ncvorshowu westof rhkagooxcopl bj im , ami ladles who wish topurchase now will got tha choicest selections

S. P. Mor e & . Co.Ladles lllaik Hose , 2.' c-


wlllrlosi' out all of our , t"ic nnd Me fastblack stockings Moiula } at ono price 2. c. lidsotur Is a bona lldc one. and they aic sure to selfast , mall ordrri tlllPil.

Now Trench riialllp" .The most exquisite de ( Rns Impoited direct

fiom Paris , romiulalng nil the new colorsA'luux rose , Maud irln , Oobeliu. etc. , i'ciulsltoly-printed. . S. P. Moisu & Co.

Now Trench Satin * ,Our pntlro impf i tatlons huvo arrtv ed nnd will

boshown ; tho'o disnlnyed liiottr east windowarunfalrfcamplo all woiks of art.

New Silks-.lloth

.plvlu and fancy : n bargain in black

nrmurj llk , woith J2 UO , foi f 1 M a v ard , andsomn IOM-IV things In chick and dttlpud , PIT-Hhinbiocailps


, etc , for combinations , S. P-


.Muslin Underwear Sale.-


shall begin this ale Jtomhiv with a rhnlcplot of gowns , chemise , drawers otc. , tit r lc)each , woith 7"ic , b'tr and fl.DJ. Our second lloo-ifiont has been cleaied , antlclpatlug a rush onthese goods.

New llroadiloths.-Pome

.now spring colors h ivn been added te-

em line off l.'iOtnoiilclollM. Mull ordois vllt-i ni eivo the usual prompt unsvv ei -!

D24S 17 S. P. Moiso A. Co.




RENT Good cottage , 271S DecatUr St. ,JL? ntter Maich 1. rity water and clstPiu.Wallace , I'lviyhton block. 87tl8J-

1J10H RENT 3-room bouso and bain , 170 :JU Muitst A't lb *

1JIOH REN I1 Seven room house , ( fid SouthJt ? .Wtli nvi' , . Ill gooil lepilr , giis, water andbath. Thomas i. luttlo , loomiMJ 1'lrst Nat.-


. 2041-

8GOOD houses , centrally located , are In do-maud at J. II Pairotts. IfiOO Chic ago.-



FOR RENT New 5 room cottage in Haiiscom, ifJi ) per month , C. F. Harrison , Mci-


Nat. Uauk. 14o-l !)

FOR RENT 1KB S Kid st. corner house , 8

, barn , city w ater , large J ard Call or-addiess 110S S Z'Ml st. 1H1 SJ"-

TT1OH IlENT--n-room house. 2.M2 Caldwell C.

JL? Rent reasonable , Applv 1H1T Izard ! t. 1J7 JK-

TJ1CHNISIlii| : ) house tor lent In Park ' i race ,

Jl opposlto Iliinseom Paik nil modeinii con-veni''nces.


. Eiicjulie , le o i Nicliol , 2Mb andLoiivenwoith. Os i-

"IJ1OR HUNT Ono > room house , 13. InquireA1 151,1 Douglas. SiO-

ITIOR RENT Nice 5 room house , east front ,JL1 half block of cable cars. 112 S. 28tb st.

751 m K

8 ROOM house near high scnool.-qulin.1.

. HentJM. In-iltolave.


. T. llmton , 2idO . C4i-iul *

BEAtnriTL 8-room house , gas , city water ,, hot and cold viator , ou paved

slieets with stieet car , ne ir a good school , onlyt" p r montli. The house Is now. Apply at-onco. . C. F, Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank.


5TjlOll RENT When j ou w Ish to rent a houso.JL' stoto orollico call on us. H. E. Cole , room o,Contluontal block 5J-

OF OR RENT House and barrUIanscom place.Harris , room 411 First Nat11 bk bldg.

FOR RENT 0 room modern Improved houselocality. Rent modurato. Apply M , El-

glitter. . 1001 1 arnam st. 52' )

FOR RENT Cottages , C rooms , 2723 Charles15-4 So 5th st. Iiinulre H 212 , Sheoley

block. 5.W-

TflOR RENT Light ( b) room flat , modem ( ou-L1

-- venloucus , Innulio HIS 13th bt. 5.-UIPOR RENT Cheap , .laud 5 room house , 15- .' B2lst st between Center and Dorcas.-



RENT 10-room house , steam , gai , bath ,-t hot and cold nud clstein water , ijood cellar ,and nice J ard , SjO. 2IW b .'4th. Jnquire.'M ? S24tlu-

TTOR KENT 10-room brick houses , rent low :X' aio very complete. Apply on promises. Di.-


. fawartzlundei , 2UM Capltof ave , 201fJOt-

"IJ1OR RENT U room brick , 114 S2Tith st ; modJ-L1


crn conveniences ; no vr cable lino. J. W.Uriflith , 1' . P. heudquai tors. M-

3F OR RENT 7 room flat at 608 S. 13th. InquireJ. L. llraudols & Sous. B47




RENT Two well furnished rooms.slngle-L1- or en suite ; steam heated. 1013 Douglas.

NICELY furnished rooms with board : all. 1UIO Cuptto ave. 267-

OOM} suitable for housekeeping. 623 S nth.i lions'FOR RENT Two 5 room bilck cottages , only

blocks from C. P. depot , cltyana cisternwater ; pavedbticets. Mead A. Jamloson , ait-bo. . IStliRt. Kit

flOR RENT-Furnished looms , 1107 N llltli.-22.J


23 *

RENT A pleasant , furnished frontJ-1 room with gas nnd privilege of bath , at2 3K 2"ith ax i' , near Farn im. 191 II)

EASAN1' fmnlshed rooms 1017 Oiipltot ,u , .

I'l'Mlll'l' *

IflOll llKNT-Sluglu 01 eiisuiti ! , h iiidsonii'lylooms ; steam heat , bitli Kites

reasonable. Apply N Ibth st. Iliat II it-



to rent fOl S 13th EC. , 2nd

.207 2fi *

) Famllv have novoral cholco fur-nished


looms Tor i ent with boird. All moileru coiivt-nlunces , 015 north 2Uthnlicot. 1171W-

ED loom for ic-nt. 1701 Cap. ave1 (4 2U-

fmulshpd rooms.l.irgo or inmll.veiyroasouablc.J4mod) i' . Ike Ciulll. 15.1 20;

"VT'CKLY' futnlshed looms , all modem con-veiileuccs , price } a and } 10. Ulo Noith 17 t-


MALI.-ltoom , at 130J Douglas bt. 3rd floor-



dining room and kitchen In-pilvutoboaidlughoubo , luinilie iuw Doug ,

las. 11JQ I7t-

"VHCELY furnished front loom , with bcnidi1-.- . ' sullablo for 4 gpiitlemun , tx o bloel.n fiomP, O , 1704 Douglas HI. HU-II

RENT Large furnished fiont loom ,! *7 Dodge Ht , 10-

)I'RNISIIEI ) rooms for lent. All modernImpiuxeme'iits , bath fuinace , etc. , U''ll

I'ainum , 11-0TtnT'TTiOOIIIH , ifl j er week , at tno Pfni > ody7JUth andJcines stioeta. 1)70) mil ;

T AR ( ! E front room , nicely furnished , suitableJ-Uor " gciitlomcu , ln.M Farnum , 71-

5"IJlJllNKSIIEDor unrnrnlahod roim , with ga3-J. . and bath , noaril if deMied , OIlS. Sslth bl. ,opposite All Ijalnts' chnrrn. 7J7-

17IOR RENT Furnished rooms in Oiupnigblk ,J' cor. llth and Dodge sts. liujulio ot Ui'o u ,Mlllftrd hotel billiard room. 5JJ-

TmOR RENT-Nlcoly furnlshad room , withJL'board if desired , gas heat and bath-loom ,IT07 Dodgoat. | 6J1-

I7IOU RENT desirable rooms , suitable-i-1 for gent lemon and wltuor two con t lemon ,with board ; inferences reauired. Apply iwlDodge st. Is. )

VNCiiY| ; furnished rooms , steam heat, gas.bath , i'ic. , ou t.iiuo lloor, tlU per mouth. 207

S , 21th , uo lint. tJO

AVENUE Roonis-At M13and 1G16Capitol avef rom P 0 , newly furnished prlvkte

boariMnt' hey se.ploaa a in rooms.all conveniences775 S-


NiIlCELYfurnUhed room % also front andbuck parlor ! 1 W ) Douglas at. 81-

1FOU RENT-FurnUhed rooins-1816 tiodtjoagKS-

BFl'RNISHEU rooms , 113 S iwtti stnoiir Dodg-e.t

.FSI *

tMonth room : nlso small room nicely

furnished , lovely location and exery modernronvrnlencc. 2107 Douslvs , liTO




pleasant , tinfurntslied rooms to rowJ for housekeeping Southwest corner Hurt

anil 22d sts- 271-18 ?

_O ROOMS Suit abto for housekeeping prlco


> flO. UK , Plercon.___ SSJ




RENT2 floors 22sS. eadi.tu brick buildm ?, with elovitor , close to ptprp's olttco

cheap lent. Just the thing for wholesaling , gooi-locailou , apply Ooo , lleyii , HUH Farmings ! .

Foil HUNT- Store room with basement amhouse In ri ir. nt 1711 Hurt at. Apply to-

V. . O I'rlfttii 7U N '.'5th avenue.-


8tore31"6Jl , nnd 633 NorthKith st. Inquire nt the building , Henry

Ostholl. K-


_HUNT onicosulto Ji'ia month. 2 single

* 15 each , all fronting Kith st. Hush-tnnn

-block , n , o cor. IGth nnd Douglas. W. M.

Hushtnai' , 1 11 Lenv cnwortb._5. _5lOtir 1317 l edie Rt. Inquire at A. U. Hu-


bcrmaii , jewelc-r , Uth aiul DougUs stM 0_

"0011 HUNT A fdiv offlco rooms left forJ1 r !ntil , Alsoawxll lighted toout on secondlloor , 40xfP , In It.imua biifldlnu._181

" FOR RENTr-MISCELLANEOUS."1JIOII RENr-'lwentv acres of land with 2-

J- houses , barn , Sult.iblo for market gar-dening


, tlnso to Umahu. 0. K. Harrison , Mer-chant's


Nat buik. IllIB-

TT10H RENT-Suitable for housekeeping.JL suites of fiom 2 to 1 looms In nil pirts ofthe cltj% nt low oil rates. Inqulro Hutts Hunt-int


; Agency , IfiOl 1'ariiain st 057 f liit-

1710U HUNT-Ilaiement , BUltnblo foi a plum-L

-- bur or b irbar , cor. 1 Hh and .1 icVson sts. IW )

ltr.N"lA wareliotiso with lilgli base-ment

¬, centrally loc uted on Idppunduut track

from which cars can bo unloaded and loadedInto ami trom building. Immodtatu poasoislou.gum J. Hoftell. 217 3. Uth at. Umana OV,

miNT-Oood basement , 8Jx90. 1515Douglas At. 4113


OWN'HKS of bouses , stores , flats or businessho w Isli tUopama routed nndpion-


cared for should list with us Turtles l h-Ing


to lent will Hud our list tomplete. A.I' ,

Tiikoy , Hill's block , 15th and Douglas. 88-

7CAMIMIIIU , X TAL1IOT , room 321. Ilamgefiiiliul

. J. I'At'lj , KiU9 1'ttiuam St. , houses ,

stoics etc. .for rent. W8

LIST your houses , Hats , stores , etc. , with O ,

. , room ) 317 and .118 first Na-tional bank building. Special attention ghon-to renting and routs collected. O5-

igUo special attention to lentlng and col-Icctlng


routs , list with us. II. Ii. Cole , room0 block. M'-



want 3our houses icntud place themwltnlJenawii As Co 15th , opposlto postollico.


1rnilErontln ? season Is hero ; bring on jourJ-houses ; 1 have the customers. J. II , I'ur-rolte


, 1BJO Chicago. 103 f 2-




J'KU HelinMo Gorman nurao gill , 1- to-T> njeaisofnga. Mis II. C. Patterson , -> 1-

3rainnm. . 108

and wife want two rooms andboard in prlMite family , best of icfeioiices-

given. . Address I' SI Ileo. 758 IS *




easy. 101 pages , lllus-for examination lUc. Cli-


, Chicago , 111. SVJ-18 ?

paitlei tntorcitod In cutting and Ilttlngladles' imd children's xarmcuts call at K010

Webster stitet. Mrs. A. Jl. Camp , 2J11IM-

A MA 1,1 A NI15rSiN: , examined midwife , odlco-xXcornur of 8th and 1aclllc. HO "U-

tWI3L1 S dug or cleaned , cisterns cleaned and. V. W. Uiosjcan , 2710 Uurt st.-



OKLAHOMA Outdo Hook and Map. contain-as to the newterritory. .

Mailed to any addrpss on lecelpt of 51 } cents.Tyler & Co. , nubllBheis , KJ1 Wyaudotte street ,Kansas City. Mo. H72-7tEI VOTI(1C telegraph school ; rooms Bi8 & 6?)

I'axton blk. , cor. lOth iV Puinam Bts. ; sendfor circular. U9J.M *

? MEDIUM. Mme , Sandnll , thejoung Swede , tells full names or callers ana

the full name of your fntuie husband or wife ,with date of marriage , and tejls whether theone you love is true or false. Not a fortune-teller, but n joung spirit medium. Madamecoos into a poifortlv dead trance. Will bringback thu parted buxband or loMir , no matter Ifthey bo 10,000 miles awav ; will guaiantco tosettle fallmy quarrels. Parlors up stabs. 408North Sixteenth street , third lloor , 1)14) 18 *

HAVE you a house nnd lot yon wish to sell ?. please send full particulars toficorge-

J. . fatemsdorir , rooms .117 X UI8 I'irst NationalHank llulldlng, who will Qnd you a purchaser.Telephone , 454.( W-



PHYSICIAN of this city can accommodatea few pitlents at his home. Address

Doctor , P K , Ileo olllce , 743 1HJ

LKOAfj papers carefully drawn and ncxnow 1-by t.J. Sternsdorlf , looms U17 and,11-

8I'lrst National bank building , U-

Ullinbnnjo taught as an art by Geo. r. Gel-leiibeck


, art S. lUth st. 5U-

TLfOItSEor team mules wanted toanplya-sO- llrst payment on house and lot , or residencelot , bnlanco monthly payments. Write or callon Polby , Ifr.'l Farnara 54-

3TT VOUwanttobuy. sell , i out or exchange ,

J-callon or iddtoss , 0. 1. Stornsdorlf , rooms317 mid Jib Kim National b-xnk building. uVJ

. . hTKUNSnOIlFl' . real estate loans nndrental agent , has remoxod from room 0-


. P O. , to looms317 andltd , First Nationalbank building , whore he will bo glad to mootnil his old friends pnd many now ono-j. luJ




(Joiitleraun desires the acquaint-young lady wlio would like to-

ivl. . State where Intcivlow can bo had'llmr-iday or I'Jldaj. Address 11 41

LAIVwI) hes the acuualntanco of n gentle ¬

moans. object assistance andnininement. Addre-w It 4" , Hoe olllce. 70-18)):

: Wanted to rent.RoodSor in loommodem house , with Imrn , foi ono year orl-

oiiKOI. . or would exchange house and lot onl5th-st , . In business part of pity if united. Kountze-Dlaco preferred. Address T, ne. , of Citizens'-uauk. . BJV3I-

NVA person wishing to adopt n mnlo ,pleaie address H 4U Hee olllce , 1'JI-lSf'

YOl' Intend to marry or only doslro amuse-ment


join our club Address with stampWeslein Correspondence Club , Council HlullM.In. UMinllt

_. . STERNSDORFI- . Real Estate and

Exchange llroker , has removed to Roams317 and 318 , Flrcl Nallaual bank biilldlm ;


LOsT Silk umbiPlla , 28 Inch nutural stlcic.Farnnui and Webster stre-ot on 1

orldht. . Leav nt Kelly , Stlger &. Co.and getexvunl. 2CU-lir


Al'LSU gentle horse , light wagon and hai-, u nice nppeirlngiig ; just the thing

foi light w oik , or city solicitor , cheap. Call nt-MXaiO North ICtli street. 8Bi ID-


_milt cow s with young cnlxes , Apply

JL1 420 N iflth st , Jetleison timiare bain.'-Jill


I OIt SALE HorsonndbugBj' , J133 ; deliveryJ- wagon and funiluirn of 5-room cottngu ;cottagoients tortM. nil California st , U71 IB-

tirioit 8A LE On terms tosult , the neat cottage ,JL1 2 2(1( Charles > t. Telephone 7, or W. T. Hea-nan , Omiliu'h largest variety buggies wagonx.

Ac. , east side 10th at. , north ot NlcliolaB at. 4V1

FOR SALK Furniture of aO-room house andfor rout , J biles from P. O. It. uo.

Ctiamborot Commerce. 204 f 20 1


! El-To buy"n loT ii-T must bo cheap , C. E. Relter , loomC , H-


15th and Douglas. 2151-

8WANTEOFurnttiire. . carpets , stoves andTT household goods of alt kinds. Omaha Auc-lua

-& Utarasu Co. , IU'1 i'uruaui , MJ

good commercial pnpcr-T R. C. Patterson. 318 Uth t 4.V

several oustomors vviio want to bit ]

houses nnd lots moRlUS from | | , fi u to tJO.OO-OPioperty owners , plense send me a full descriptlon of what you have for nalo , O , J. Sternsdorrr. room1 ! 817 & 3is First National HankHulldlng- , Telephone , 434. 8w.j(

To buy gooa commercial> T R. C. Patterson , J13 S Uth st. !rVor

CLAIRVOYANTVTRS. LENORMANcnribb comultod on al

JTlntrnlrsot life ttuough the maple mirrorSatisfaction guaranteed. 413 N ICth st. FpstairsI-

PS 2s-



. N'ANNIfi V. Warren , clalrvovant , Modiand business medium IVmilo diseases

n specialty , 11 N IGth St. , rooms .' and J. 5-


STOHAOK-At low rates at 1U1 I amain - t ,Ion A Storage Co. 5(7-


_. storngp. lowest rates. W. M

Jl llushliiaii , Ull Ieaveuworth , 513

RANCH X CO. , storage , IJl


OMAHA Abstract comp mv , 1MI) Tarnam stand carefully pippared sot

of abstract boons and plats of all real propertyin the city of Omaha and Douglas county-



Mnuouoy , room 500.C1-

5TlIIDLANDGuaiantoo A ; Trust Co.lVUTar-J'limm


, Complete ulntr.icts furnished A titlesto roil estate oxamlnod.perfoctod A ; guaiantoed-





. & Co. No. 312 So. Ifith stCommeico bnlldtim , loftiimimoj-

atfi , (HJ , 7, 7'4' and 8 per cent , nccoullnu to loca-tlou of property. Unsurpassed facilities forplacing largo loans on Insldo business nropert } .A special fund of several thousand dollars toloan on tinlmpi ovcd lots , 2Ji

MONEY to loan on furnltuic , piano' , horses ,, etc. City Loan Co , 118 S Uth st-


Mlllard hotel. 170

on business property , S500U to MWXJ) ,wanted , I'rovident Trust Company , room

30s. llr < t National Hank building. 10-

0TIHE Central Loan A Trust, Co. , No. 1011 Far-St. , w 111 imotn uniiBlially low rates on

choice city loans in Omaha or Council Illnlls.C. A. btarr , manager. 8011-8T AHQE loans on Improved leal cstato InJJOmnhn. No clolay on good security. E. S.nisboe , Tlrst National IJank U Id'g. 002 18

class insldo loans. LowestTT latos. Call and see us Mutual Invest-


Co , HI llarkor blk , inth and Tainam. OX)

MONEY to loan on improved real estate byMutual Llfo Insiirunca Co-


rates ; no commissions. Address How-ard


Kennedy , special loan agent , Omaha , Nob-



you want to borrow money ? If, G. J. StetnsdorlT , rooms 817 and 318 ,

I'irst National bank bulldlnc. will loanyou any amount from $3ow) toiO,000 , on im-pi


ovcd or unimproved Omaha pi oporty. Low.est rates of Interest. No unnccessaiy delay.Improved central business property loans a-

specialty. . Telephone 4B1. b&"i

i'OU want money ? Loans made OH house-hold furnltui c. pianos , horses , etc , w Ithoiit

delay 01 removal , PersorJs wishing a loan ofthis kind will do well to call at our olllco bofoiodealing elsewhere ; business strictly conlldeii-tint. . A. E. Greenwood & Co , Roam I , Cunningham block , Uth and Jacksuu bts. fi'iU

MONEY advanced for llrst-clas's leil cstato. Call on J , 1} Kuoiiy A. ( o.Room

DOS , Fiist National bank DUIIdlug. WJ) F2S*

MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons, on any appioyed security. J W-

Robbins. . R.100 , bheely blk. , 11th and Howard-C3-

SPEOPLE'S Tiiiancial Exchango-llio fairest ,. most liberal money exchange in

the city ; loans made without delay or publicity ,In any amount largo or sinnll , at the lowestlates of Interest on any. nvallablo security ;loans may bo paid at any time or renew ed atoriginal rates O. Rouseairpn , mgr, Room fiB

llarkor blk , 15th and Tarnain , 5U3-

"TVO YOU want to borrow money ?Read this :

It w 111 sav o you time-.Itvlll

.save vou monnj.

You can bonow fromK. r. Masters ,

successor to W. It. Croft ,room 4. Withnell bld'g. r th nnd Hnrnay sts.-If

.10, $-' , $> ), f 10 , $JX( ), > 09, * 1.000 , J " ,000 , SIO.OM,

In fact , any sum you want on tuinltiire ,pianos , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , on easierterms and at lower rates than any other olllco-lu the city , without publicity or removal of-piqperty from your possession.

If an instalment is duo on your property andyou cinnot meet It , call and see me. I w 11 payit for you. If jou have a loan in any otherolllco , call and get my rates. I will take It upand carry It for you.

1 make loans for ono to six months , nnd j-oucan pay n part at any time , reducing both prin-cipal


and Interest.All loans renewed nc original rates, and no

charge for papers.All business strictly confidential. Call and

see mo ,Don t forgot the number.-lloom

.4 , M'ithnell block. 65-

3rpOLOAN'A special fund of 810,000 in sumsJ- from J'jOOup , on unimproved lots in Omahaif not situated too far outOdell Lrothors ACe ,IllJ b. Ifjth st. IM-

FIRbT mortgage loans at low rates , anit no. 1) . V. Sholes , 210 , First National bank.


MONEY to loan on Omaha and South Omaha, also on farms. C. T. Huriison ,

40.1 and 401 Merchants' National bank. 755-

"VTEHHASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will mate you aJ. i loan on household goods ,

homes , wagons ,land coutiacts ,

flno jewelry or securities of any kindwithout publicity , at loasonablo ratea.

Room 1, Rowley block. South Omaha-.Itooms

.DlB-51't Paxton bin. , Omaha , Nob.


MQEESholes. . 210 First Nat'l bank bflforo mak-VJlng

-your loans. fiVJ

MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with ¬

, and purchise good commercialp iper and mortgage notes. S. A. faloman , cor.-IJtti

.and rarnam. tM

MONEY to loan on improved pioporty at firstNo application sent awav foi ap-


. Security and titles examined tree of-ilmrgo to bonoworH. Lombard Investmentcompany , iiOO H. 12th st. 65-

1MONEY to loin. Harris , R. E. ft Loan Co. ,

room 411 , First Nat. Hank. l !)

MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J., 121'J Fuinam st. , Kiist National

bank building , 057

PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. ,direct to boriowers ,

Mnko building loans , largo or small ; perfectltlps : accept loans in their western ollico. Ueo.-


, P, Coates , representative , U Hoard Trade.551

MONEY loaned for 30,60 or 00 daj-c , on anychattel security , reasonable Inter-


; business confidential. J. J , Wilkinson ,1117 Farnnm t. Sid

MONEV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed! )'. H. Ii Colo.liAt-'outineutal bloct ,

GPER CENT money to loan Cash on hand ,. . , room UQ.Qlirenzer block , opp.

1 * . O. ijU-

E COLE , oauacentU5-

00ODO< to loan at a pei cent. Llnnhan & Ma-I'honey

-, Room 51X1. Piix ton' block. [M

MONEY tojoan. O. Travis Co. real estateagents , 1505 iiijnam st. 507

MONEY to Loan -We for applica ¬

loans in amounts from }.DO to ilO-(00

, -on Improved Omaha on Douglas county real

estate. 1 nil Information as to rat s , Loansiromutly closed. Good notes will be purchasedy us. Call uuoii us , or wilto. The McCagua-nvcstment Co. 13-


_.OANS made on real estate ana mortgages

JUbought I.ovls S. Reed & Co. , 15. ! Farnam-



PON'EY to loan In large sums at the loxves-tratus ; no delay , It. C. Patterson, U13 8. Uth-



E. COLE , loan agent.247

MONEY to loan on real estate ; no delay ;bought , John V. Hammond ,

roomaii Paxtoa building. 224 ci-

f CAN make n few loans on first-class chattelJLsocurlt'.es ut reasonable rates. W. 1C. I'otlei ,room 10 Hurkur blk. 705

' - money on furniture , horseswagons , vie.until vou hnvenoonO. II. Ja-cobs , room 410. First National bank buildingCor , IJth and ! iirunu stu

. . . loans. I) . V. Sioles , SW, First- -* at'i Uauk-



Financial KrchanRO-l.arRO andJL small lonns for long and short llmo , nt low-est


rates of Interest, on real ostat * mortgagenotes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watchesnud Jewelry. Don't fail to call If you wnnt fairnnd cheap accommodations , O , Houscnrou ,>lgr. , rooming , Unrker blk. , Uth and Kamam.-



. Llnalmn A Mnhoney.




yAI.I5A line saloon llest locntlon In-Jt? city riicnn for cosh If taken within 10 daysChas. A. Post , Lincoln. Neb. a- t'_

1 1 5 A I.n7roccrysl ore tlxttires , ctr. Chns-A.IPost. . Lincoln. Ncu. !31--l_

'pIMJ oldclgtr stand nt 12J2 I'urnnm St. , conJL talnlng n new stock of cigars , tobacio , etc

Is for snlo , the proprietor, tleoigo Ilcnnlng-bpltig engaged In another business louulilnghis attention. The location Is mu rounded bjbusliip s olllcpx. inpludlnn the Merchants Na-tionnl and rirst National banks , Appl > on thepromises. _J7h-'l ?

"IjlHKI ) store ; No. 1 location present ownerJm.ikos } 10)) per month nor all cxpeusos-I'rlco fc'iOO , M',0, c.tsh , bal *Jo l ur month. Coop-oialho Iaud A. Lot compiuiy , iWj N 10th st.

am is-


_ _SAMI-rirst cla-iirpstaurantnnd saloon.t locitlon in the city. Long tease ou-

properly. . Address Pfiilloo olllce. luiHl1'.i-

OH SA U ! Planing mill machinery , cheap.1103 Davenport stuet. KiM! *

171OH 8AM3 The Alley conl inlm % located nt-JL? Alley. Marlon Co. , lu. , with firintraof thebest i out Kinds in Iowa , 7footelll of ioil , llx-lures and nmchluciy llrst class In ovorv respect ,railroad switch innnectvd with woiks , will l osold at u baigalu Iftiken within l" days , Torparticulars addnss M. J.nrd , or ,1 , W-


( , care of State SaUngs bank IesMollies , la. KW 28-

TilOH SAMI A well established grocery busl-JU


ness In this city. Inquire 1) . M. bteolo *Co. , latlmtid llnuicy. 74 1 mlj_FOU HA Li : Light , lurrntlvo business sulta-

for lad v or giMitlenmn , with pati-ut nudstock ot gooas. Address P 27 , Iloo olllce.

$1,70(1( , lialf cash will liny 1W) ncre rarm , inv, 1'4 miles fiom Long Pine , Neb .good

house , best water.-Sl.fiiw

.c.ish for J four roe n houses renting for

(10 per month. ,1 resident and j buslnesM lotsal 1 In U ngPIUP , I.UJJ inhabitants , ! l churchus ,

biles school bouse , waterworks , rallro id dlls-lon


, eood fat mini ; country. Very cheap , mustbo sold. Long Pine UxUmng Hunk , Long PineNeb. t.'ii K7*

FOR HAM : nondhotellnatounnt 1300. allfurnished , for hnlf cash , balnncu n u

time , Addt ess box fill , Albion , Nob. TXi

FOH SALE A well-estibllshert. piylng procommission business , owner must at-


exclusively to other business. Inqulroquicker 1'oaron , Cole .V Robertson , ,110 S st.




Il.VCIfNGK - Houses and lots , farm, merchandise , horses , catllp , wagono ,

etc ("nil or wrlto C. K. Itoltor , loom 0 , 3W cor ,Kit h and Douglas. 210_

'UlATfG Aci e pi opurty bouth Om jlm- clear-

.bevcial.plecos of improved business property

lu good location.Clear 1 ind In Iowa and Nebraska.Corner In Omaha View.Clear lots in South Omaha and in Itas'ott. the

now count } oitof Hock county , Nobinsku.Houses and lots In all parts of the city.-M

.anted houses , lots , stoiKs of goods , Iho

stock , fai ms and money.-If

.you lma anything good to trade give men

call. Gnner Slovens ,2.M 81 Ifi21 rainamst. Telopnono 1UK.

010 acies Improved land , wltuln tlueo milesJof county seat , town In trade for gro-

ceries , general merchandise , 01 haidwuie.Address box 411 , Shelby Iow.i. [ 21120-

'TrQ EXCHANGE Town lots In South ChicagoJL for a geol , speedy single drier , or a teamot roadsters , trotters or p.iceis. II II Helm ,Ilnrlan , la. 1'JOJa'

WANTED TO trade lot in Council Illuirs for. Shea i, Galvin. 151 20 *

FOH TRADE A llrst class drug stock foipioperty , Park , 1'owJor A : Ken-


, 1L07 Fauiiini. 115l-

iirpo EXCHANGE line Impnn ed farm w 1thJLsomo cash for coed Omaha property , vacantlots prefeired. Western Laud i, Loan Ex-change , 117 South 10th st. U77 18

FOR EXCHANGE 240 acres unimproved land'} mile from 'ihummell , Morrick countyd

Neb , to trade foi stock merchandise. AddiosbHex C02 , Central City , Nour. 017-1

ONE section ( MO acres ) of heavy timber landcounty , North Carolina , clear of-

Incumbiance ; goou title. What hiva } ou to-oiler. .' G. 1. Stpnisdorll. rooms 317 and DI-M.1'lrst

.National bank building. Telephone 4iil.

LBAVKN WORTH Stieet. i nave a very de ¬

piece or business property on thisstiect that can bo tiaded for good farmingland not too far from Omaha and p nt cush. It-Iswelliented and will pay you to Investigate.-G.

.. .I.Sternsdorll , rooms ,117 A.118 Mrat National

liank HulldUig. Telephone , 411. 88-

5rMPROVEI ) and unimproved property In theJ-grow lug town of Creston , la , to trade forOmaha teal estate. G1. McrnsdorlT. loomsU17 nnd 318 , First National bank building. Tel-ephone


401. BCj

ADAMS county , Iowa ; eighty ((80)) acios* land near lallroad ; all fenced

nnd under cultivation ; clear of incum-brance

-; want Omaha property ; house and lot

piofoiipcl. ( i. 1. hloriibdorir , rooms .11" and 1118

Ihst National bank building. Telephone 4G4.

merchandlso stocks to tiado forSEVERAL property or clear farm lands.-O.

.. J. hternsdorir , looms 317 A 318 First National

bunk building. (*U-

OU lixCHANGE ElBhty acres of the tluosttimber land in Wisconsin , clear of lucum-

brance.Vhut have you to olferG. . J. Sterns-dorlf.


. looms J17 A: 318 , First National bankbuilding. & 1U

GOOD farms , clrar or llfihtly Incunibcrod , for, stock or city property. H.-


. Cole , Room 0, Continental block. 57J

TRADE Council Illulfs and Oniaharoal-estate for faims , horses , cattle 01 merchan-


Rest lots between Omaha and CouncillllnlTB. 0. E. Mayno, loth nud Marney.- 1

SEVERAL very flno rosiilencos in ICountzo. Wnat have vou to otfer ? G.

1. fateiiiMloiir , rooms 11TA.318 , 1'iist Nationalbank building. tjr 2-

TT1OR EXCHANGE Tor desliabie residenceproperty In Omaha , Uy| or all Of follow Ing :

4lfchoice inside resldonco lota in Ha stings.-JU

.1Ulots In Lincoln.-DlOncios


line fni miner land. Lancaster county-.rino

.iesldenco pioperty , Lincoln.

Good rental pie ] ) ity , Lincoln.-Cnolro


fancy residence , coiner. Los Angele-s.Aiii'utiosldeucepropeity

.lu llauscom Place ,

Also , Boniogoodmortgago notes.Address , giving location nnd prlcn of prop-


. .I.E. ll.cuio IlaumlronCo. , 1217 Loiiveu-worth.


. CTl

anything for exchange callii cm or write us , 11. E , Cola , Room U, Conti-

nental block. ti'J-

TT10R EXCHANGE-Dakota , Hand enmity.JL1 What have .vou to oiler for u good faim-icrc , slightly Dakota lands are

rising lu value , and it.s destiny cannot bo dls-lilted.


. Will take vucunt lot or impiovrd mop-irtv


and asxumo some Incumbrancti U , 1.1.Stcinsdorll , ioom J JJ7 and JI8 , I'irst Nationalbank bulldinB' "i


$ . ' 0, JJ.S50 cush , J1.1KX1 fi years per cent , buy.s-i story 8 loom house , furnace , oath , PIP , lot

, No U I'nppleton ave. , IliuistomPlace ; must go by .March 1st , party going away.1) , V. bholes , .' 10 Ibt Nat'l bank. But

FOR HALE or exchange A line farm ofHolt Co. , Nob. ; will oxchanun

for and plieuton or pair of ponlos andphcaton. Addioss Rill , Hoeolllci101.1'Jt

. Park , beautiful lots , line im-provements


, easily leached , easy teiiiin.-Wallaie.


. CrelghtuU bio k. i.1MJt"1T10R SALE or Exchange flood rcBldenco.coii-Jl vi'ulently located , handy ti car llnsh. West-ern


Land i. Loan Exehauge , 117 bouth IMh at ,u-7 1-

8fJIOH SALEOr trade , lotfi. blocks , lledfordJ place , a corner , w ill sell choup for cash , or-tinuufor furnltiirtt or un > personal pinperty.Omaha Auction X htoi age Co. Hit '"

A IIAHGAIN 1(1x110( on"luttt t south of tlio-"i.vladuct , with small hoiiHD and bam. 'IhU-

iroperty In tlio market for a short Unto only at-he extreme low price of il.YX ) . 'llil.s lslk? ( ) )

ois than Ha actual valun. G , J. Btitrnsdorir ,rooinolii ; and 318 I'lrJt Nutloiitl bank building._


xjQU8INESS pioperty. Capitol ave. lot 0 , blockD 70 , bit. llennett block and IGth st. Takeomo trado. t-eiio offer to ow ner , Joli n W. Tuy.-or.

.. fi Euclid aye. Cleveland. O. lUOI' lt-

$1W cash , balance l per month , will buy nswhouse on'ftth Ht nearLakaet , Price

- , < UO. C , E. Iteltci , room 5 , a. w. cor. 15th uud-W ml

FOR SALR The Ilftwloy nonso , North, Nob. , or will trade for good Im-

proved farm or city property. The house Isfurnished and in running ordor. Prlco KMW.subject to encumbrance of ( l.ftM AddressJohn lUwloy , North 1'littU ). Km 22 ?_

This property adjotm-i the famous Contra ! Park and Monmouth

Park Additions. I liavo a number of lots in thenbove addition thnt can bo sold on terms to-

ntilt Spoclnl Induconient.s olToiod to those whe-w 111 bnlld. It will pay vou to Investigate. G. 1..-

1.StornsdorIT , rooms all and J1S first Nationalbank building , (

. STliRNSDOIUT. looms ,U7.11S 1'list" National Hank Ilulidlug , has pieces

of line rrwldonce and liuslneu property to-do. . Also several fill 1113 near Omaha. Telo-ono.


. 481. N 3

. A NT house and corner lot npnrworth andPaiknvenuo , only idOOJ , woith

* 7r.OO-

.A.nice building lot near snmo location nt a

bnrqnln-.lulfeet tinckngo on r. P It. It. within mlle

HUP , t't.W ) .Two olpgnnt building lots lu West Omaha ,

J Ifit m each.Hood buMup s and residence propoitj In alt

parts of the city.OiovorStmctis.

220-21 1121 FainaiuM. Telephone lU'i-



and Wi monthly , Iticludlnct Interest,

ipbujs nlioil roam house and lot , well located ,

11. K. Cole , loom 0 , Continental block. 8ts

I"-f10ir ltiriu block "u MxlW on-'llnuipyst.'

. For partlculntslliiiulioof WinSlnlgoi , GnlPiin. 111. !H11U1-5IJ OH S VLE Or oicphnngiv for Omnha nrop-JL'Prix'


, M) acres , suit iblo for plattlmj ; xvll-tinnko 4iW lots.nll clear ; big money lu It for someonowhncall push this ; located uistoutsldo thecity limits of Council lllunx Inquire ( loo. ,-


. looms : ))17 and , K lust Natliiinilbunk building D7"I

"j'OH SALF.-Lots 11 , r. nnd In. block 11 , WestJL1 Side , tilitInn . TIIOAO lots aiof.KU * ouh ,l.ivoiyprVnty.und the thtoo can bo boughtfor 81,0m, ' hey are actually vvortli tw leu thatntuount. G 1. ''tornsdorir , Rooms J17 and 918 ,1 irst National I ) ink building._AV-

STT10H HUNT -Now 7 room house , alt modern-I? conveniences , centrally loc.itod , will toutveiy reasonable to tenant making peed Ioase.-r


room cott > go S 17th st , in. H-room house ,

2irri Howard st. It room lint 14AI N 17th , suitablefor light housekeeping , H . Apply to Green A,

Williams Pirst Nat. b viik bldg. Oil

"I71OR SALE Tarmof 100 acres nottom landJL? lu Douglas county ou line ot IT. P H. R. , onemile from station ; first-class Impronmonts. . J.-


. Hobblns , Paxton hotel. 73 IS *

SOITH OMAHA I have a nnmber nt good. various additions that must bo sold

atonconudcan bo bought ut prices th-xt willsuit vou , ( ! , ,1 , StirusdorlT , rooms 317 nnd 31-8t Irst National bank bulldlug. t V!

<J 35 MA ICES llrst payment ou nice 0ioom-3)nouse , good location. U 1C. Cole room n.Continental block. -1-

8CJoME of the choicest clear propoits lu Glo-un


wood , Iowa. G. 1. Stcrnsilorir. room * J17and .118 , First National bank building. b 1-

IOTfi , block 4 , Dupont Placo. 8-ioom tiouso Inrep ilr , f I.'M I, 870J cash , balauco o isy ;

will taku team of lioises ns nirt piiymou t. ( i. J.Sterns-loiIf. room 317 and Jlh t'lrat Nationalbank building. W2

FOR SALE or Exchange Improvad stockof W)3) acres In e istern Nebraska , neui

market ; also new 12 room house with all con-veniences


, in desirable residence portion oOmaha Andrew Ilpvlns. Attorney , 4JJ nud lil-Paton block. Omaha , Nob. 270

FOR SALE llv M. A. Upton Company ,estmont llankui s midGcni'ial Heal Estate Doaleis.

Southeast comer 18th and Taniam-.100r

., south and cast front , comer 40th

and Dodge streets No liner residence slto-inOiuami ; fj 60U bujs it. Illgbargain ; taka itquick.-


Is a good home at a very reasonableprlco : South fiont , M foot lot on .vlaplo stieet ,

jiibteast of Sttiindeis and south ot ICouutzoplace ; newS-rooiu housegood bain , only $1,500-.Toi

.ins to suit.

The best corner In Omaha for duo tenementsIs 24th and Dodge. Wo huvo I07xlJl tin ro.Room for block of seven nouses 17 , K)0) W othink this is bold , how ov 0-


Pluci-1 Kount70 Placet Eleganthomo In Konntre Place , U rooms.furnnco , b ith ,hot and coldwatei. every ronvenleuco , goodbarn , all now. nlcu and nobby , iOOU ; 8ltU-Ow h , balauco I , 2 1 and 1 jeais. Heyc-

II feet south end 10th st. viaduct , cut down tograde , $1100. If vou want It any cheaper takeU as a gilt. We'll pay for recording the deud.

The llest HiiiKUlu-In business property in Omaha to day Is fC feeton tha U ) loot alley on lth! stieet. north of-Lcavinworth , at if. "

! per foot. Four storybuilding Koiug up on adjoining tfl It. in thespiiug.

Ton Foolaway your day of grace when y6u do not seem osome of the bargains w ? otter. They mo lilothe ciicus uero to day , but gone to moiiovv-


132 feet tiackagoon llth htieot , just north foENicholas for iiiOO. Nicholas btieet Is , and Uth-.stieet will bo paved this year. Ulir money In-tlhs line trackage property.

Elegant Residence.Does any ono want one of the best built and

Jlncly finished house and barn In the city ;House of eleven rooms , llarncost over fl.uuu.House has every convenience. East fiont lot.-


mlle from couit house. Artificial stone di Ive-ways and walks. A complete and home- .Tour mantels and giates that cost ovoiWOImprovements cost * 10X( . Lot Is w orth fi ,00-

0lOacus>i mlle west of Aimour's , South Omnha. The11 nest 10 acres In that locality. Will make IUO

cottage ? that will sell ic.idllj nt f J50-

nnd TO.Vlll olfoi this for a few da > d at a-

baigalu. .South Omahn.

Three beautiful east flout loth , 40xinO each ,just north of bummlt I'm k , for 11,50oi) th-iloublo that amount. Speak | iilclc If you wantthis snap.

Windsor Placo.This vear will see (rood transput tatlon facili-


to vV'indsoi' Place. We can sell a iluo homoin this elegant ndultion for -" per cent less thanIt can bo bought for after Maj 1st.

LOOK at 'Ibis :

4-room nouso , cemented cellar , brick founda-tion


, cistern , full lot In Omnha , all for$1,100 WOO cash , balauco ? 1LOO per mouth.-


Placo.East fiout lot on .inth street , just south ot-

Lcavonworth , tor f1MM.Hillside No.


rino double corner on ;ith and Clilcago st ,just cast of Yates'mansion , fori7'iOO-



.on ,'))9lh st. , Just north of Dodge ,

JI,7W( * HO cash , balancu 1.2 and 3 jeais Ifhouse Is built to cost not leas than 1000.

Missing It-.Oh

.! 5 nu are missing It by not purchasing be-


the spring tide sets in.-


-'.South front on Sewutdhtroet , in Slilun'n3

addition , 1000.Cortland Placo.-


flno homo with oveiy convonlenco1largolo-t.W.OOO

;; $3oon i ash , balance 7 pei cent.

South irithStieol.-LotfliixliT

.; good ti-room house ; fine residence

street ; bam ; f 1,0 ). Uit Is worth the money.South Kith Sti not.-


will sell a cornel on loth and Castvllnr ,RlxMO , foi less than any lubldolot can uo boughtfor.

Sherman Avenue.102 feet , ncomc-r , on Illnnuy at. for $5,8W , or

the cornoi lot tor j.l.O'K-


Place ,Cablollno to Hansiom Place this Wo-

lavn some ot the best icsldcncea and sitestheie ,

Tarnam Street.Money ran bo doubled In two vears liybuylns-

propcity of nson Tumam stieet buiv.cen 20thund d.

Wo Never Sold a LotYet that tlio pin chaser bus not jiwdo moio thanregular iutere&t on liln ' Isbecause wo deal In nothing but litbt class prop-erties


,Morsman Park ,

A beautiful east fiont lot , giadcd , for JJ.210,worth Jl.uoj.-


liet east front on 37th ( pavpdstiectibet-ween


Rogers' and Wlthnell'selc-guut losldcticosand Tarnum ht for tl.iKJd-


have the Iaito3t; list and best bargains Inthe cltj.-


. A. Upton Company , Tilephono Kil , 20-

1AVALLACE. . Cieighton block , nth and Doug.-TT

.las. oirore the follow Ing on easytemm ,

Lots 11 , 18 , W. 21. block tl , West Oiiming , each ,

Lots 4 andfl , block 21 , Caithago. each , 11,000 ,

Lots21and 2block'J , Oii-hard Illll , cornerson lowi avenue , with city VMitot , both , S-1,7' .

Lots 17 uud 18 , block U , Orchard Hill , each ,{ 'Ml

Lot II , block L , Lewis addition , U ) ft fiont ,l.'KW.Lot 7 , block 1 , Dciilsn addition , J7iO.Lot * , block , ) , Huwthomo ,Lot Id. blocn II , llrlggs Place , corner , .', OOJ.

Lot 18 , nlock U , llrlggs Place , south front ou-'amain , f JUKI-.boh

.) agent for ".Monmouth park , " the most

jpautltiiTly Hltuutod udilltlon about Omaha ; on-W > lotx Kolil in this addition there havu boun 4rgood houses erected. Walluto. Cioighton block ,

271 S-

OT HAVE real and personal piopertv of allkinds foi trado. Call ana see mo. George


if. Itooms J17 and 314, I'lrst Nutlunulbunk building. MJ

WAN'IBD-Anlceiesldencolotoist of Slth,

It jo" have any Omaha pioperty to oiler at u-

urgaln bilng itutoimd.Grover Stevens ,

820-21 1131 Tiiruam St. Telephone 11J5.

BALK 7roomodhoiiS8and full lot , goodNiirroundtngs , ou a street car line Will

uke in eXQhango Nebraska or Kums farmroperty with 401110 Incumbranco , or vacant lota (Jmaha or Mouth Oiniha. Call and linentl-

gate no . C , K. llurrlson , 4'JJ' aud40IMor-i'


National bauic , 7Ki

MONMOtTII Park , bountiful lots. Ono 1m-, tivsllr reached , nsy torms.-


, CrolRhtonblock. 2721-

9lilOH SALE or Trade 8 new 8-rootiv housesJ-1 from Utsl hands , room l'O-

TTIOR SALK-Autc llttlohoiuo onS. 18tU st.-L

. ,- contAlnlng 4 rooms , All In good ropalr, well ,cistern , cellar , barn, .Vc. This property cm bofold on a sinnll i iym mt down , balinco 115 permonth. Ahr pay rent when n coldon opportu-nity like this stares yon In the faco0. . J-.MernsdorfT.

.. rouns 117 and JH First National

bank building Xi-


' Honips ] Homes ! I

Civrtlingii Is Omnhix's most bouttlfnlly slltt-ntedsiibuib.


.It joins Hill on the west and Dtiudoo

Place ou t IIP north.-It

.Is within easy distance ot the Holt Liu 8


.wlthlun few blocks of paved streets.-


Cable line Is bclug built to-Diuntoj Pl.iro.

u w 111 sell lots hem for J70X uJT-erms. .

To pirl IPS who will bulid : Ono-tentli cash !

balance at the end of ton v OIXM-


> have lor 'liadopeed unlncnmborcd piopoitj for biislnpss lot-

will assume moitiigc or j ay cash.l.leuaiit new cottngo for any kind of Rood

leal i-Hlalp ,

A great bargain , the S. W. co'iior of 19th nudCalifornia streets v1th thteo housoj , Jlrt.000takes ft-


ho northwest coiner of inn nud Podge ,f-'iKHi( , vet j casv term ) .

1.1 HH ) m ion ot laud lu Nebraska nnd Kansas.12 plpgant iinlncmub u d restdeuco lots lu-

Om ilia.Two now brick losldenccs andlots with small

Incumliratici' , In the hast putt of tlio cltj , 11-

1tiado all foi Unmoved business property.-Hiomitiu

.A Co ,

Chamber of Commerce. 'J elophono 71W ,IsS 21-

1JUHI SALE C hei-Not| Tor tiado : filWO acresJ land ( er"i 12 tl ) two miles fiom Marqurtto.-Hai'iHton

.count v Nebraska Flame housp.sta-


, 'ltm aiips under wood harb-Wlro fouco ,

round cedar i o t , two stays ; llx lug water, iIJ-foot ihaniiol,2 wells , , tM bairol tank , cm ml ,si'lf-foedei ; a natural stock much ; m a Unocotiibelt.-Pi

.ice ( about Jll.'i ) per acicV . . . . Jd.-V )

Cash down . . . . it.roi''2 and 14 years' tlmotl per cent 3JiO-

Go nnd look over land Addioss owner. l1C..Atkins , F 02 Larlmorst Denver , Col. 67-

0HOFHEHlooms , . .ill 00t , 2stli and Illi-Korv 40 OJ

Fiirnl hvd notice , 1 and ( .dlfornln . 2'i mEight room house , 2117 Clark . , . 2i Ul-

inTvvofi room Itottses , benvuril and ' !ith-No.


2JOO. K2o South 2Mb-Iloilso t loiiins , 2011 nimk-IIousoll

u ( HI

looms 1127 N. tuth , , . . . 2il (X)

And n largo list of others."7-l Geo. J. Paul , IftM Fnmam St.

o NKH , nrst-cHss finished. B-rooni llnU with'J b.itliioom , gas. w itei and sewer ; 2atoios ,corner , stiltnblo lor diug store ; 1 lusomotitsuitable for birbpi shop , cot nor 2Hhnud LP1-Vciiwoithsts. . Iiniutio at piomlses. SiH m2 *

TJ10R SALE At a "acilllce. ft east andJ-' north fiotit , cotuor J'Jtli and How aid sts. ,one bloiX from Ro pr' " , Cow's mid KlrkendaH'stlnu ro-ildeiuos just think ut It , luUxU'i ! ft , and ncorner , too , audoulv it. 50)) .

Lot ins.iundeis A Illinobiugli'a add , Prlcor-au.$ . Noiash pajnutit and bal. to suit to nuy

one who will build ,

New 7-ioom house , well and cistern , mi 27th-st. . near pjir lino. Pi Ice t2n H), will takocloai lotas llrst pav mi nt , b ilauco to suit.

41 It business pi opu tj with two good2 stoij*

More Imlidhms renting fur iHMH) a j i-nrj this is-abnrgalu ut * lfiil.) C F. Rultei , room 6 , fl. w.cor. 15th and Douglas sts. 217-

MONMOI'I'II Pare , beautiful lota , line 1m-] , casjly iciched , easj * teims-

Wallncii , Ciolghtoii blixk. Sttlt-

AMES. . Rial IM ite. 1507 1 nimim st.Is a special bargain , and it will pay

jou toinvestinitt ! .I till Lot on loth Micet.-


, on laUe , btmill house' , foi S1VW.( Youcan ] ay

'4 cash.and balance lu easy inijmonts If npcposarj * agood lesldeiico will be taken lu jinit piijinout.-


bargainis a 2-ston house on .Miami sticet , onublock fiom cats ; hoii'-o has modem Impiovo-niont

-. ; lot is .15 feet tiont : our pilce .Jl.dOO ; is-

subj'it toi nuntrigo of JJ.JKI. diawlngi ! percout Interest ; bilunc" wo will tuKu as follows :Jsmi c.ish.u good residence lot 01 seemed papoi.

Oil Vli lnii avi'iiuo ,

n hplcndld lot , east tiont , nud as handsome-alot as tln'ie is In Uiiuscom Place , lor if. , 150 :

terms. il.OHl cash : this Is ono of the best rosl-dcnce

-locutionlu! Omaha-


nnd bam on Virginia avuiiue , in gond order ;splendid location : pilru )", M ciibii.-


Ciimlng St ,

a lot 11 foot fiout. 11") feet dee ] ) , and 7-roomhouse foi itl.UOO : this Is the host ollci fni themonuy In that pan of Omaha , and it lakes halfcash to buy it.

On South llth St.-


huysfull lot wltlib-ioom house nnd out-buildings


; this Is u bargain well woith themono j , and takes WOOJ cash tobuj'lt , balauco-to suit.

It You Wantto buv a cheap home , on easy payments , wocan IKjou out. bow is the Mini ) tost.utlnand vou not only buy on favorable tc'ims , butvou save joiirmoiiPV' ninnthlx" and make tontimes the interest nnj * bank can pay jou , andj our raoupjIs pel fectlj' bat o-


hav o710,01-

0to loan on city piopeity allow rates of luteipst-a

,> make imiantoedabstiact-icf title to all

leal obtnto in Omaha and Douglas county.Come and Sc'o t's

for by so doing jou may do jonrself somegood ; vcm can see and post soumelf on real es-


anil lliul out w hat Is going on here.-rouv

.ej'ancos alwajs ou hand to show prop ¬

erty.AHUM, 15D7 Farnam s : 197 ID

MONMOUTH Park , beautiful lots , line Im-, eusilj' reached , ousy terms ,

Wnllar e , Crelghton block , 272-1'J'

"tALLou If. E Cole. northeast corneFof 15thJan Douglas sts. , Oniiiliu , for Edwin 1C. AI-


A. Co.'s cataloiruub of lands of Ciillfornl-



IHPark. iMMiutituTiots , flue im-, ensllv1 leached , easy terms .

Wallace. Cieighton block. 272l-

iiI WILL rocelvo sealed oirnrs to bilj" the sw 2:-3xl

:12 rc'ot of lot 2 , Capitol ndd. to Omaha , up to-

U o clock. Fob. 25. 'litlo pei feel and Indefeasi-ble.


. All oilers of not less than JIrOJ. within ,1-9dajs , as first payment , will bo considered bonn-lido and Tha price olTe'ied , time ot| avmenls and rates of lutei cst w HI all be con *

Hlifriod lu di termlulng which. If aiij' , olfor I ac-cept.


. 'i his gives all a clnuco to get n Duslncsslot on 1 arnimst. on theli own tends , H tlio-pi Ice suits. ItiolkCismust get thnlr rommisslon-fiom puichas r. E L. Finely , room Jd , Wuro-block. . b'JlJi-

T71OR SALE-ll ! ncios. HimlHon Co. . Neb.J-1 hind , if'' ) par iicro , ouo third ct'h. baltmco at-fi percent. Address W , .1 Wlldmau.Dunvor.Col ,



_SALE Tmpiov nil clour farm of l 0acion

X' lu Mow-in comitv , Allmie iotn , ffJ per ncro ,Ownai duslrlng to move to o null i : will ox-rhaiigi

-) lorn humu huie. C. F. Hanison. Mor-


Nat lunk. U2




fittlng,2il7Dougltti21811115 ;

SEALED proposnls vvlll be rpcolvcd at thethe I o'.mty < lurk ot Douglas Conn-


, until noon of hiituidaj. the 2)rd-dav


of Tithmaij , ISfi'i, ttii niiinlyadt PI Using forthuveai Ibrfi , Im ludlng dclln imiit tax list , : treasurers ieiort] , semi-annual ; roud andall other logul notluts and rommlsslouui.H' pro.-tet

.cling" . A ccrlllled check of 'ftOl( mtiHt (ic-

compiuj paih bid ; also , a sworn statomentoCthe proprh tor , oditoi or manager of each news *

wiper tendering bids for sold county udverilH-nit that It hasii cliciilatlou in DougliiM rountjr-

of not less than .'. ( | dullycoples ami (VJO vsoekly-oplca , and thut amount of circulutlon In DoucI-


c.rmuty Hhi'.l bo taken Into coimldorutlon ,Hlanks nti'| ( lltratloim and forms can bo ob-tained


on application at the county clerk'solllcu ( no o1 her foi m of bids i fcclvcd ) .

II ho commissioners lesorvo the right to rejectauj or nil bids ,

flld'it M. 1) . UocHr. roiinly Clerk. <3-



1 sh ill leave Omaha April 1st , to open n-iianklnir biislnusH in Huh 'loxus. All clalniH toI-

MI Ipii'suntod uguliist mo must bn brought 1m-


to the ollliu of Hall A. 'Ihuiwton , 11-


Omaha National Hunk Hulldlng.-flldOtp





I'nrtiKirHhljt ,

Hy mutualionseiil Is thlsduy thunxtstlng C ( >-mrtneishlu between . N , Ko.n uud C. Itlion -lot f. dissolved. C , R , Ilondoif continues In the> ril( > - > aid Diislnoss , and Mrx A. N. Kuar , tha-

administratrix , uilUctti all outstanding bills andassumes all debts , up to January 1ftWJ. .

C. It. Ilondoif-Mm. . A. N. Koar.

AclmlnUtratrlx Batuto ot A. N , Kc r.Omaha , lelnimry U'tli , WJ. Mja.l.t-

Nollco lor UlilH Stonni llontlnif,

S-" BALED bids will bo received by th * .School-

llourd nf Crete. Neb , for heating t ha newilyh Hcliool biilldmw with Btaum , Bpmlllca-lous

-now un lliu ut tha First National Hank ,

Crete , Neb , uml at thu ofllcoof Toulor A ; llulu-lortr.

-. ivr Karimm ittreet. Onmha. All bid la ba-

iceomp inlod w Ith n cci tilled chuck for two himIred dollars. UliU must be handed In on or-ivlcjrd March 4th. I&SV , ut 4 o'clock p.m. 4hn-Kiurd resoives thu rluht to reject any orull

bids , W.T , llUGIIANAN , bccrcilary.-fl


bum uv liuuuuisio.