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Page 1: The Official KSJS Newsletter





And the man behind it



Page 2: The Official KSJS Newsletter


90.5 KSJS Ground Zero Radio is a non-commercial radio

station licensed for 1500 watts, channel 213 and class A.

KSJS’s transmitter is on Coyote Peak and our signal is

received worldwide at

KSJS broadcasts from San Jose State University’s Hugh

Gillis Hall, Room 130.

IN THIS ISSUE3 Letter from the Program Director

4 Music In the Park

5 DJ Dark Chao: Beyond a Brave New World

7 August Events

8 Top 10 KSJS Electronic Albums

10 Featured Local Artist: Rey Resurreccion

15 Electronic Ticket Giveaways

16 Join us for Fall Semester


Page 3: The Official KSJS Newsletter

Letter from the Program Director

Letter from the Program Director



PhotographerJessica PerezRuben Casas

Visual DesignerAlysa Trinidad

EditorAmanda Holst

WritersAmber LynnBrittany RombyAmanda Holst

Contributing StaffJoe HerzogJon WoldArman MahmoudiPatrick KramerBobby LeivaChris CruzArturo FloresRowena DayanghirangVicente HerediaYvonne Rodriguez

KSJS 90.5 FM School of Humanities & the ArtsSan Jose State University Hugh Gillis Hall, Room 126 San Jose, CA 95192





Cover illustrations courtesy of Phil Emerson

Dear KSJS team,

Our 2013 fall semester is about to begin later this month. I would like to take a minute to recommend RTVF 121 and RTVF 21 for students who need exciting classes this fall semester.

Dates to remember:

If you would like a radio show this fall semester, turn in all Summer hours for computation by 8/21/13 (!rst day of school). Wish Lists are due the following week, 08/27/13. Our new fall Show Schedule goes into e"ect 9/3/2013.

#is recruitment, KSJS will be releasing our !rst-ever mixtape containing amazing tracks from current artists played on KSJS. #e mixtape will highlight !ve di"erent genres: urban, electronic, jazz, alternativo en español, and subversive-rock, as well as sports and specialty shows. #is fall semester we hope to hook up the entire SJSU campus with our music!

#e KSJS booth will pass out mixtapes on campus during the !rst couple of weeks of the 2013 fall semester. Tell everyone to get themselves a copy of KSJS Mixtape Volume 1.

Vicente Heredia 90.5 KSJS Program Director

Page 4: The Official KSJS Newsletter

Music in the park

Written by Amanda Holst

This year Music In #e Park celebrated its 25th anniversary

show in downtown San Jose, by bringing in a single concert.

Grammy Award-winner Ozomatli, the Latin rock band

from Los Angeles, headlined the show on July 19. A favorite among

KSJS Alternativo DJ’s, Ozomatli’s performance was no disappoint-

ment.“#ey performed popular songs along with some of their

newest songs.” said Arturo Flores, Alternativo en Espanol Music

Director. “#ey de!nitely have showmanship and are excellent en-

tertainers and musicians.”

#e next day, the 33rd annual Fountain Blues Festival

brought the blues to St. James Park. Headliners included John

Mayall, plus Ruthie Foster, Roy Rogers and the Delta Rhythm

Kings, and Girls Got the Blues. Founder of San Jose Blues Week

and longtime member of KSJS, “Chef Ramon” Johnson continues

to o"er the station a positive interaction with the community and

enjoys making new friends and listeners by reaching out and meet-

ing current listeners, and even running into former members of

KSJS now in the broadcast or music businesses.

“Events like San Jose Blues Week continue to demonstrate that

KSJS is active in the greater Silicon Valley community and is more

than ‘just a college radio station’,” he said.

A special thanks goes to KSJS members Yvonne Rodriguez, Ra-

mon Johnson, Shivaun Bates, Sarah Ragent, Gabe Golden, and

Ruben Casas for their contribution and dedication to Music in the

Park this year.


Photography by Ruben Casas


“Events like San Jose Blues Week continue to demonstrate that KSJS is active in the greater Silicon Valley community.”

Page 5: The Official KSJS Newsletter

sta"er of the month: Franco


As KSJS’ July Staffer of the Month, we sit down with Franco Miranda as he opens up his world of passions BOE�QFSTPOBM�BOE�NVTJDBM�JOnVFODFT��

Interview by Amber LynnPhotography by Jessica Perez

Page 6: The Official KSJS Newsletter

dark chao cont

How did you !rst get started with KSJS?I !rst got started when I was walking around campus. I was still at De

Anza at the time. I came to visit my friend. We were walking around the

campus when all the clubs were in the quad, we happened to pass by the

KSJS lounge and met Patrick Kramer (KSJS’ current Promotions Manag-

er). He told us about KSJS. Even though I had a year le$ to transfer, I was

immediately hooked.

What city are you from?Born in San Mateo, but I’ve been living in San Jose since 1999.

What is your Major?Computer Science

What department are you in and what is your favorite thing about it? Subrock. My favorite part is the amount of music we get and also the

people who are involved. #e rock people are very cool and chill, and

very friendly.

What motivates you?Music really. I mean, anything relating to music motivates me: submitting

music or organizing the library and doing shows and !ll-ins.

What were your dreams of future when you were a kid? #at’s a good one. I guess it would have to be something with computers.

Ever since I discovered the computer and Internet when I was 8, I always

wanted to discover something beyond that.

What’s your favorite type of music?I pretty much like anything. As long as it’s good, it’s good. If I had to

choose a favorite it would be alternative or Indie. It’s a tie between the


Who’s your favorite rapper?It would have to be Kendrick. I do like 2Pac and Notrious BIG. But as far

as current rappers go, Kendrick is the best.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?I guess it would have to be just communicating with the best people that

I know-people that aren’t into crazy things, they just enjoy the simple

things in life. Just don’t take life for granted and don’t think of it as a neg-

ative thing. Just pay attention to those and you’ll get along great in life.

Who has been the biggest in"uence on your life? #e biggest in%uence is easily my mother. My mother taught me who I

am today because she is a very nice and generous person and I’m pretty

much the same. She’s very giving and she taught me the common knowl-

edge and rules as a human being. Being it from communicating with

others and being responsible for your things.

Do you have any hobbies?I do like to listen to music. I’m always discovering new or old albums. I

love to play video games, walk, swim, and I also like to watch anime.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I see myself working for a major company, such as Youtube, Apple,

Samsung, any of those companies that involve coding or anything with


Can you give any advice to the newbies? I would suggest being involved with the departments right away and

getting to know the people in the departments very well. It’s not an indi-

vidual basis, it’s a group thing, and have good communication. Because if

your just a wall%ower, it’s not fun.

What is the best concert that you’ve been to?It’s a tie between the Nine Inch Nails concert back in September 2008 at

Oracle. Black Diamonds Sky in October 2010.

Shout outs to all the people that I know at KSJS for introducing me to the station and giving me the advice and the tools to be an on-air DJ.



Page 7: The Official KSJS Newsletter

KSJS Event CalendarSpartan football vs. Sacramento State mSTU�,4+4�4QPSUT�CSPBEDBTU�PG�UIF�TFNFTUFS


SUBROCKFinish Ticket/ Night Riots / Local Hero The Great American Music Hall




URBANRas KassYoshi’s (SF)

Battle of Zae 2 featuring live battles with Dirtbag Dan, Rone, Joe Cutter, Fredo, The Deadman, Remy D, Reverse Live Cannery Park

Big Daddy KaneThe Fillmore

Ace HoodVenue Oakland







San Jose Jazz FestivalPlaza de Cesar Chavez Park

Glass CandyMezzanine

Jeremy Olander and Fehrplay Mezzanine

Simian Mobile DiscoMezzanine

First City Music FestivalMonterey County Fair











Cheech & Chong with War"NFSJDB�T�$VQ�1BWJMMJPO

MolotovRegency Ballroom

Son De MaderaYerba Buena Gardens

George LopezThe Mountain Winery

Café Tacvba5IF�8BSmFME

PROMOTIONSKSJS Recruitment ����������




Page 8: The Official KSJS Newsletter


8 7





10 CFCF Music For Objects Paper Bag Records

9 EMPIRE OF THE SUN Ice On The Dune Capitol Records

8 BONOBO The North Borders Ninja Tune Records

7 DIAMOND VERSION EP 4 + 5 Mute Records 6 BOARDS OF CANADA Tomorrow’s Harvest Warp Records

Page 9: The Official KSJS Newsletter

top 10 cont







4 SHAPSHIFTER Delta TrueTone Records

3 QUADRATIC Between The Cracks Droid Song Records

2 LIMOUSINES Hush Self Release 1 PRETTY LIGHTS $PMPS�.BQ�'SPN�UIF�4VO 8 Minutes 20 Seconds Records

Page 10: The Official KSJS Newsletter

Rey Resurreccion: The New Golden Era Hip Hop Inspiration

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Rey Resurreccion: The New Golden Era Hip Hop Inspiration


Page 12: The Official KSJS Newsletter

Interview by Amanda Holst

Tell me about yourself, where are you from? Did you go to school around here?

I moved around a lot when I was a kid, but I pretty much grew up in San Jose my whole life. I’ve spent most of my childhood / teen years in the south side of San Jose o! of Monterey Road. I went to a bunch of di!erent elementary schools, attended Davis Jr. High and graduated from Oak Grove High School.

How did you get started as an artist?

I started rapping and making beats in high school with my friends. It was all for fun and something that we loved to do. My friends and I would hang out, freestyle, make beats, and write songs for fun.

As we got a little more attention and started book-ing shows, I got hungrier and wanted to take it more seriously–to actually strive to make it in the music business as a professional… But the core of it was all about the love of the music, the feeling that it gave me when I was creating and participating in the hip hop culture.

How did the name “Rey Resurreccion” come about? It seems like there is a story there.

Rey Resurreccion is actually my real name, believe it or not. So there’s not much of a story to it be-sides that. I have had a lot of di!erent names when I started rapping and doing gra"ti, but nothing stuck like using my own name. It just feels right. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them it’s my real name, lol.

How would you describe your style?

I put out an album titled “Old Rust New Bang” which is my description of my sound / style. I’d like to think that my style has some nostalgia of the clas-sic golden era hip hop sound, mixed with a new twist of what’s going on today or tomorrow.

I try not to constrain myself into a box when I am creating, I just do what feels right. I love listening to

new music that’s coming out right now, but I think what keeps me original is I just do me. With my style, I am aiming to preserve the sound of hip hop, but also hoping to help the genre move forward and grow. I don’t let what’s hot or trendy dictate or a!ect how I am going to create my music.

What are your inspirations for the music you write?

I make lifestyle music, it’s based on what I see and how I perceive the world. My subject matter can range anywhere from the struggle and real-life issues, to success, being on top, and striving to be the best. I just go with the vibe and my mood. #ere are di!er-ent things that fuel my inspiration in di!erent ways.



Page 13: The Official KSJS Newsletter

Inspiration is free and it’s everywhere if we can be open enough to accept it. I am inspired by everything around me.

What is your view on the current music scene?

#ere is and always has been tons of talent in the South Bay music scene. I am proud to be from here and to be able to interact with other rappers, DJ’s and

producers to help the scene grow. It seems like in the past few years a lot of people have been putting in work and taking their craft a little more seriously.

#e tough part about our scene is not having the proper outlet and platform for artists to showcase their work to the fans and interact with the scene. Our city doesn’t have a legit, all age performance venue. We need a place with around 1,000 $ 2,000 capacity where touring acts can stop through to per-form, while local upcoming talent can open up for them to gain exposure in the city. After venues like the Cactus Club and Voodoo Lounge shut down, things haven’t been the same. But there are still a few bars and small venues that have hip hop shows, and

I de%nitely applaud them for keeping things going during the tough times.

#ough we have our own issues just like any other city, our weaknesses have played a part in making our scene unique. Since we don’t have an outlet we are being creative in %nding new ways to release mu-sic, have shows and keep our scene going. #e music scene and the street wear (fashion) scene have grown to go hand in hand. #e local clothing companies and shops support the music scene by collaborating with artists for releases, having in-store performanc-es and exposing their clientele to our music.

KSJS is also one platform that has played a big part in keeping our scene together and moving forward by providing a way for listeners to stay up to date on what’s going on out here. For the most part, ev-eryone seems to get along and support what we all got going on. #ere seems to be a lot of new, young talent coming into the scene. It’s dope to see young hungry cats out there with a fresh new outlook on things.

How do you feel about being recently picked by !izzler.Com as one of the Bay Area’s Freshman 10? How does that make you feel and what does it say about your work?

#izzler has been consistently supporting my music for the last few years on their blog site. It’s an honor to be recognized by them and the panel of judges as someone who is emerging in the Bay and can repre-sent the Bay Area on a national / international lev-el. I’ve had the opportunity to tour a couple times through di!erent states throughout the country and it’s a great feeling to be on stage and let people know that I’m from San Jose, California.

I feel like the Freshman10 is an accomplishment that I am proud of and can smile about, but at the same time, it’s just another piece of the puzzle and


Page 14: The Official KSJS Newsletter


there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done.

Explain your growth as an artist thusfar.Maturity and patience. I try to maintain the same drive and hunger that I had when I %rst started, but back then I was all gas no breaks. #roughout the years I’ve learned the importance of taking my time to get it right before putting myself out there to the world. I guess it’s a balance of taking time to get it right while still producing in a timely fash-ion.

I’ve matured as an artist by being more open-mind-ed and humbled to criticism and praise, something that can hold you back if you take them in the wrong way. Besides that, I’d like to think my skill is progressing as an artist / producer as time pass-es. I am growing with every song and every show. Working hard and working smart is the key.

What is your greatest achievement as an artist?

So far being able to tour has been one of the biggest things I’ve done. Last year I had the opportunity to go on two tours back to back. #e %rst with Hiero-glyphics, a group from Oakland that has been in the hip hop scene for 20 years now, and secondly with LA artist Bambu on the “Rent Money Tour”. In a short period of time I was able to travel to dif-ferent states to perform. I learned a lot from about what it really takes to survive in the music game,

which isn’t the easiest thing to do. Besides touring, every release and show has helped me get closer to where I need to be.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?

A lot can happen in 5 years…in 5 years I’d like to have been consistently releasing music and touring. During that time I’d like to play a part in shaping the

sound and helping the genre move forward. I’d like to participate in improving and growing the local scene in San Jose and the Bay Area by helping provide a platform for people to get their music out.

Tell us what you are working on now.

Currently I am working on my solo full length al-bum. In the last 5 years I have released about 8-9 projects under my name. One full length LP, and the rest were short projects or collaborations with cloth-ing companies. I feel like it’s time for another full length album–a full body of work I can stand behind for a while.

Other then that, I have a bunch of side projects with my team (Suite 801) I’m working on. I am always making beats and writing, so I don’t see myself slow-ing down anytime soon.



Page 15: The Official KSJS Newsletter


Electronic Ticket Giveaways8.17 Jeremy Olander & Fehrplay Young Wes, “The Quest” Tuesday 2-6 pm (8.13)

8.23 Simian Mobile Disco

Not Here, “No Show” Sunday 10-2 am (8.13)

Nerdy Sanchez, “Nerd Party” Monday 10-2 am (8.19)

8.24-8.25 First City Music Festival Not Here, “No Show” Sunday 10-2 am (8.13)

Nerdy Sanchez, “Nerd Party” Monday 10-2 am (8.19)

Young Wes, “The Quest” Tuesday 2-6 pm (8.20)

Good Dog, “Bark Side of the Moon” Thursday 2-6 am (8.22)

Vonnie V, “Electronically Energized” Thursday 6-10 am (8.22)

8.25 Escort

DJ Nicky, “Disco Katz” Tuesday 2-6 am (8.20)

Young Wes, “The Quest” Tuesday 2-6 pm (8.20)

8.30 Z-Trip

Mr. Mujah, “Insomniac Nation” Saturday 2-6 am (8.24)

Young Wes, “The Quest” Tuesday 2-6 pm (8.27)

Tune in to Win

Page 16: The Official KSJS Newsletter

At 90.5 KSJS we aim to perfect the balance of hard work and free play.

#is fall, we’re looking for the next generation of driven KSJS members looking to gain real-world expe-rience under the university setting.

If you are a registered San Jose State University student interested in working in sports, entertainment, or audio/ music/ creative industries, consider joining our team. We’re comprised of all types of majors, from RTVF to political science to engineering majors. At the end of the day, we all joined KSJS for the same reason: our love for music.

Click the QR code below to learn more about RTVF 121 or 21, and KSJS.