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* ~ - *-' 7r - ERMS-$1,50, FOR SIX. MONTHS, IN ADVANCE. e R NEWENEDY .- r- .W. .--.. V~~±±~ .-~EBER, . -..WENT.A,NO.F,.8 GNUBRNEKE. - ISU M. BLISEED EVERY. WEDNESDAY, At Newberry C. H., my TkOi r. &"!t*ENL *9 ba N'?MThoPRIMRS. - , $?;5. MYOR SIX MONTHS, EITHER 1N -Ch 1~ JY O1N PROVISIONS. Aftymentrequired invariably in adrance.) Adverbeements inserted at $1,50 per square, for o er , $1 for each subsequent insertion. ar"apotices, FuneraHDvitations, Obituaries, %rd 'ations of pe~rsonal interest charged Ja adverisetents. 4-tal to Holiday "'use. R1, THE 'FANCIFUL AND REAL, &.I:. CRE(IEESE. (Concluded.) - There was to be a dancig soire r' ball, t Elwrood, the elegant-coutry seat of the .3)aa&, Mrs. Rivulet,-within txelve miles of Holiday House; and al within that radius who were on her vi6iting. list, were-on the O yti anticipation of the exp.cted event, .Ier Dowagrs house had long been closed t6lgayety, and. all who reinembed her. as .qUents socjiVt, and, her rec if?- Ad~ ~tai eats'in a -y-gone era,. Doked rdto this oiree asnte as P very ele- -gnt affair and~ vent of. the season. Young ladies5were man afgreeablv state of exifteent in preparation for the fete, bot all doching .themnselvds; lik~e Flora McFlimsy,- wIth!"nothivg to-wear," though with much sare exeuse l*heir pleai than M2!rs Flora, for thi war iW blockade-ad rendered their wardrobes sufficiently''scanty no doubt, and therefore. reat wa the excitement itrenew- ing and re:turning old muslins, or, .u1cre cir- Ni&taces .perinitted, in getting vew ,ones fog AC occasion. hurline wrote to her dear es " 4 to senikher a new. Swiss mslin dess for Mrs. Rivulet's party, otherwise sire smust, Jpe at bowe;* and forthwith the next in k re to the expectant damsel the drli- cate fbMric nearly done up in a brown 1per 1cl. acCnJfa-ie-1 with a pair of bailuoral gaiters by way of surpi ise. The kind-hearted Georgiwn and his ckrival chuni, were des- tchted knto the sylvan haunts around Holi- .' euse, for the earliest bright autumn Aeosire d bcarlet berries, to compose a wreath hai.- n The :bsence of roses; out (if season, and the frgetfulness of ty uncle iz: not having thought to send reath of artifiii flowers, as a coronal for ocession. Armed with a large wicker' 'et, the two:.set out witigrea't gusto in rb of "these syliani tredsuress, and 'after - sing n'rdant mueadowsu, shady ravines, usky dells, aiid sunny slopes, they gec- cumbed to the 'hteat' of the, diy, which ~ cessive; and returned w* t the berrics~ b~utwith a quantit4 of dar dlaethe were dilcarded as'4oo. somlre; anLd the soe~e wbatJ:ckneyed ivg wreath wias adopted as~a. iresort,' -As we bad twelve iles to go~to reach the Yestive ~scene, the ncessity for eariy teilettet Itb~le part' dithe gentlemen, was imnpcrati#. I. lieu of ,carriages we were fain to take psage in a four horses omhibus, but were -dieadfully sbaken .ep~ and jolted in conse- *-quence of the rough roads.I The foung lat- in Lurline and Unidine very prudently post- ponied making 'le grand tellette,' until 'they. * had arrived. at-}.Eluiwul, and-. as we arrived *early there.was ample tiCne. Elmwood is'superior to most -etgun try resi- deua, and it-owLs this superiuoity, ln a great meeastite, to4Ss tasteful and energetic owner,2 the 1)owager. ' Her town residence, in days -of vore, was a model of elegance and taste, esphially in itS surroundinigs, for,h'er fiower arden was a "wilderness of (weets," and the barers of the b'eautiful and .the devotees of Ffdra bere"!ound their appropriate ternples of ship. tt was in fact quito celebrated. The ~ointry residjnce was not iuferioi4n any its- pect to the former. There was the .same commodio.usn.ess and elegance in the..guanioil which w'as immnediatelg sierraanded si a' r'e4e.6f ehns and ther .shade trees, whilst Tfosisieof these fine' trees there was an ex- tenive flower garden, which might have comn- -Ma'ed not unfavorably with the gardens of Ariabg the blest," especially wh-in viewed niooDnliC1zt :<Arrised at the front entrance ~re wee politefy received4by the only surviv- bson of ..te Dowager, who is courtly and yodia his manners, and upnwhmi de e odo -the honors, but who was as- -10ted by the dignified and courteous brother othe Dowager, who is a gentlemnan of the nid school and is high in civil office.*The drawiiag room, "which opened with large'fold- hig dojMs> with stuccped walls and highl ceil. in~.sU .noble room, and is hungs with por traits of the family done by the first artists The ia.whikb occupied the centre of the groop and was mest .proinent and-.of unu anaise, was the.portrait of a distguished son, scho was also the eldest. hfle "lady chatelaine" of Elmwood is a per Set- type or model of a fashionable lady - jdri,y ears ago, and as such possesses inte rest to the: observer of manners. Her por trait, taken years ago, still retains much'o elegart6e in the style arm costuma. It wouki lQok~well in an engraving at any period, anl( as therefore classic. The tasteful cap -an< short curls would not have been unbecomni to the celebrated femuale bele esprit--Lad; lessington. *ne of the first persons wh attracted my attention after enteding th Iady, who was dressed in a rich black rept silk) and whpse raven black ha'r was braided in 1ladonna-like folds over her temples, an' whose rich brurette complexion and French caste'of face, rendered her very attractive in appearance. I Was afterwards introduced to her and'to my most agreeable surprise, found that she was the sister cf one ot"my most cherished friends of by-gone days. Ier great vivacity in-convers4tion and -general agreea- bleness in manners and person, and the in- teresting. reminiscences which we were able to recall regarding my much-loved friend, her brother, mad our tete-a-tete the most agree- able incident of the evening to me. Tbis k.dy, whom I shall call Madame Repartee, because her-name in an anagram would make. this meaning, was a niece of the Dowager, and when a young lady of sixteen was as wild or joyous. as a bird or f.wn. Two-yousg ladies; the Misses Burns, grand -daugbters of Mrs. Rivulet, w ere very beauti- ful, and-,h'e eldest unsurpassed in beauty any where. A married sister, a recent bride, Mrs. Col. Avis, was equally beautiful with gay and joyous maunes.' Col. Avis had a very high bred air, with an aristocr.atic figure and cast of face. The young daugbter of Madame Re- parfee,- just fifteen, with naive man- ners, and clinging yet fondly. to her ma- ma, was pretty and 'piqUant, and was most becomingly attired in white 'tarletan and cherry colored ribbon.s, which set off her rich brunette pomplexion, and very black and short curling hair, wch was'an' especial beauty. S as true to her school-girl tastes, and scorr, eo eat anything at supper,but pickleqand green apples, Two- young~ladies from N , were beautiful enough to re- alize the dros of a poet, 'mon ange et ma revel'-ant might aptly have personated the denizens of fairy-land, or Se Pris and Houris of Eastern fable. Their delieately chiseled features,-etite figures and attire of aztMe and whitd with rose-buds adorning their temples and JiAir, rendered themlahnost visions of loveliness. Supper cane off 'at 1 o'clock, and all were realy at the announce- net to do 3istice to the delastable viands and recherche delicacies, though there was no- ill-brc, hurry to rush into the supper-room. There-was no vulgar profusion on the tablo, as the custox>f overloading tables as-forier- ly is now''explodvd. The compny began to break off after mippe, as many had a long distance to- go,.. and the party from Holiday l11use arrived at htme after day-light had farly set in. The tutor shared my room with nie for the few hourt of repose which we might be able to snatah before breakfast? tand when e wet at breakfast'we entertained our host- ess with i emnod reminiscences of tt eve- iing, as she had declined going herself to the rio-c thc.New York World. Who Killed Stonewall Jackson. The details which:follow are given on the authority' of Jackson's staff officers, and one or two others who witnessed all that occur- red. Tn relation to the tragic portion of the scne, there remained, as'will be seen, but a single .winess. Jackson%dl riddeni foi-ward on the turn- pike to-reco,nnoitre, and assertain, if pbssible, irispite:of the darkness of the night,- the po- sition of the Federal lines. The moon shone, but it was struggling with a bank of clouds, and siforded but a dim lig'ht. From the gloomy thickets on each-,ide of the turnpike, looking more weird and scembre in the half light, came the malencholly notes of the -whip-poorwill. "I think there must have been ten thousand," said Gen. Steward, afterward. Such was the sene amid which the events now.about to be narrated, took place. Jackson bad advanced with some members 'of his staff, considerabiy b ev ond the building known as "MeiZi !Chan- celor's," abouit a mile from Chancellorsville, andl had reached a point nearly op'posite a dismantled hotise in the woods, near the road, hose, shell-torn roof riny still be seen,'$vhen e ' r'einedl in his horse and remaining per- fely gquie. gnd motionless, listen'ed jptently Jfor any indications ofCa movement ethe Fed- They .were scardecly two hundred yards in front of him, tind seeing the danger to which he exposed himself, one of hips 'staff officers said, "General, dori't you think this is the wron'place for you ?" lIe replied quickly, almost' in'dently, "The danger is all over ! theenemy is routed ; go back and tell *A. P. Iill to press rightgn!" The officer obeyed, but had'scarcely disappeared when a sudden volley was ffi-ed by .the Confederate infantry in Jackson's rear, and 'on the; right of the road-evidently directed upon him and- his scout. The. origin of this fire has never been discovered, and after Jackson's death there was little disposition to.investigate an oceur- rence which occasioned bitter distress on all, who, by ;m possibility, could have taken any part ini it. ~is proable, hov6ver, te so'me roovement of the Federal skirmishers had pro. oked the firg; if this is an error, the,. troops fired deliberately upon Jackson. and his party, uder the impression that they were a body of Federal cavalry reconnoitering. It is saik that th'e men had orders to open on any ob jeet in front,*especially on cayalry, a'nd thi di sence of pielfetsi or advance force of anj Id on -the Confederate side explains th '"'t. The enemy*were almdst in conta4ct wit! thmn; the Federal artillery, -fully command ng the positiorn of the troOps, was expecte4 to open every moment, and the men wer I:.-.s :. in ta mitdoniion which induce troops to fire at any. and every object they see. Whatever inay haveb6en the origin this volley, it came, and many of the staff and es cort were shot,' and fell from their horses. I Jackson wheeled to the ioft and galloped: into the woods to get of range.of the bullets ; but he had not gone'twliaty steps teyond the edge of-th*turnpike,'in the thicket, when bne of his brigades, dawn Fx ivithia thirty thirty yards of him, fired a volldy in their turn, kneeling on the right knee, as the flash of thgafs showed; as tGough prepared to "guard against cavalry." By the fire Jackson w; wounded in three places. Ie received one ball in the shoulder joint, shattering the I bone and severing the chief artery-'a second 1 ball passed through the same arm between the elbow and wrist, makingits esit through the palm of his right band, aboin the middle, and passing through, broke two.of the bones. 1 -At the same moment when'be %-as struck, t holding his rein in his left hand,, and the right was either raised in the .-siniguar-ges- ture habitual to him at ti es of excitement, or to protect his face from the boughs of the treeg. Ii l-It haind immediately dropped at .his side, and his horse, no longer controlled by the rein, and fi i.ghtened at. te firing, wheeled suddeily and ran fromn the fire in the direction of the Federal lines. Jackson'sl -hetpless iondit6ion-now Iposed him to a dis- tressing accident. Hia horse ran violently betwveen two trees, from one of which a hori- zontal bough extenied, at about tfe height of his head, to the other,' and, as he passed between the trees; this bough stru'k him in the !ae, tore off his cap and threw bim vio- lently lkck on his horse. The blow was .so violent as nearly io unseat him, but it did not do so, aud, .rising erect-again, he caught the trIdk wih*he broken and bleeding fin- gers of his right hand and succeeded in tu,n- ing his horse back into the turnpike. Here Capt. Wilbourne, of his st, succeeded in .catchinr the reins and clecking the anin'al, who wasL;alnost frar.tic with terror, and at te same mome.nt, whp f-om loss of blood ,id exhaustian, Jackson Wvis about to fall f:-o the sIddlt; The scene at this tire wa gloomy and de- pressing. forse, mad wi4h fright at the dIose firing, were seen running in every di- rection, some -of them rider!ess, bthers defy- ir.g control, and in te woods lay many dying and wounded men. Jackson's ~who}e p dty, except Capt. 11ilbourn and a member of the signal. corpsi had,been killed, wounded or dis- persed. The man riding just behindJackson had his horse killed ; a courier near wpun- ded, and his horse ran into; the Federal lines - Lieut. Morrison aid-de-camp, threw hin.self, from bis saddle, and hi horse fell dead a mo- I ment afterward; Captain Hloward was nioun- ded and carried by his horse in the Feder'alL camp ; Capt4iti Leigh.had his horse shot un- der him ; Captain Forbes was killed, and1 CatinBswveT Jackson's Chief Engineer, body carried%by his frightened horse into the lines of ge eneiny, near at hand. Souch was the result of the causeless fire. It had ceased as suddenly as it had begun, and the position in the road whigh- Jackso'n now occupted was the sanme from which ife had been -driven. Captain -Wilbourn, who, with \Ii'Wynn, of the Signal Corps, was all that was left of the party, notices a. singular circmstanbe which attfacted higatn1ori at-j this moment. The turnpike wa.s utterly de- serted, with the exception of himself, his com- panion and Jackson ; but intbe skirting of the thicket on:the left he obs,erved sonie one siting on his horse, by th'e side of the wood, coolly looking on, motionless. and silent. Th unknown lndividua4 was clad in 4 darlt dress, which strongly reseinibled the Federal uniform; but it seemed impossibli that h' could'.have penetrated to that spot without being .disegv-I ered. Captain Wil,bourn directed him to " Iup ther.e, and see what troons those were"- ie mien'who had fired onckson-when theI strager slowly ede1in the direction pointedi rout, but never returned with any answer- Who that silent personage was is left to Mon-~ ject ure, - jhMraIUX iN MNra CAnotra.-The Ra- leigh Standaord, of:2th ultimno, says: 1 IWel'e heard various complaints from differen portions of the State, in objection to a supposed regulation, to the fact that ladies were required to take the oath- before they were permitted to marry. such was at one time the military order, but we are happy to. say that civif law is so far restored that this hard and inconvenient reg&lation ha beeti abolshed ; and row, any and evry lady in North Carolina is free to marry when-and whom she pleases-without taking- the oathi of allegiance, scept to .her sp)ouse, which re hope to see duly administered. BusiySs WiTlI THE XoRTU-A Northern paper says... his estimated that fifty per centum 6f.the Southern inaebtedness ofe1860-61 wilt be paid, and that onte third of .the present busi- ness of New 'York is the so' Bos ton is, also, beginning to feel the benefit.of the presence of South.ern purchasers; and this benetit t>e increased as all customers as- certain that the unforgiving and proscriptive feelings expressed toward them by Sumner, Butler & Co. are not our mDer- i~ant, who Ve?eive them as cordially as ev'er t~ey did, a a extend:No then1 as m'och cons- Ience a&~t zdvantages. 'Tc msret of trade-advertisin. [mportant from Washington-Our Conven- 11i's Delegabou's Interview with the fresident. WASMGTO, October 13.-Judge Ward- aw, Alfred Huger and Col. Dawkins,-of South jarolina, this afternoon, had an interview, by Lppointment, with President Johnson. They rere accompanied by W. II. Trescott, who is iere en business as Executive Agent of that tate. The President, 7after the.customary yrelitn-inaries of reception, invited them to be eated, when at once the conversation com- ienced by Judge Wardlaw informing 1m hat~the' were a delecation from the State ,onvention 6f South Carolina, sent hither to >rescpt certain memorials of th-ut body.Y~These nemoials had been carefuhy considered in he Cevcntion, .nd he believed theytold ex- tly the truth. The Preid irt inq -*d the object of the nemorials. Judge Wardlay infor'nid him hat one. of. them was in behalf of Jefferson )avis, A. .11. Stepfies, George A. Trenholm. LndGovernor Magrath. 1 said they had inderstood that, by .the kind interference of he Prtsident, Mesis. Stephens and Tren- iolm had already.been released from close :onfinemen.t and permitted toretufn to their omes. Ile would ask for Governor Magrath ,ither a pardon or that he might be released n hls pai6!de. They could assure the Presi- [ant that no harm would result frQm such an et of clemency. The Ptesident replied that 11 could not be pardoned at once. The busi- ess must be proceeded gradually, and an ef- rt made to execute the Iw. A disciimina- ion was neessary as wt go along. It % .is a wo eotnion expression, by way of argument or clemency, that such a one Shad been par- loned,.and that be wasjust as bad as another vho had not. Judge Wardlaw replied that he'delegation p7resented no such argument a' hat. The President said sometimes the pe- uliar locality had much to do with pa*n';. Ake many other things in fiumn*l 'affairs we annot haie a fixed rtde. Much depends on iscretion and circumstances. If we know rselves, we wanst to do what is best and ust,and to show a proper degree of humanity nthe part of the Government. Judge Wardlaw remarked that tbey had not ome hither t> ekpr6ss their own bop.s and lesires, but as delegate from the Caro- ina convention, ;@.,present the memorials of hat body- in.a formal manner. The Pretident-We will, gentle6tn, eiti he facilities and civilities which the questions. equire. We would prefer to pardon twenty en than refuse one. Judge Wardlaw re- lied that they. did noi desigii to sayanything vithreference to G-vernor~ Magrth, further han that they believed mrch good would re- ult by the 'exercise of theExecutive clemency owar-d bin. Col. Dawkins said if he could get Govern.or ifagrath pardoned, it would be a .great gelief himat the present time. Judge Wardlaw thanked the Prsident for iavng released Messrs. Stephens anid Tren- ilni.- The President-We have that far, then, an- icipatedyour miemorial.* Mr. Huger said Mr. Trenholmn was one of 'e most useful men, and there was no doubt te would exert all his powe~r with a view to tire harmorny between the State and the lovernmenlt. The President repHied that he understood ha was so, adding: If treaso,n has been comn- nitted; there ought to be son,e -test to deter- nine the power of the Government to punish he crime, Ie was free to say Chat it was iot a mere contest between political parties h a question as tQ de facto Governments. 3ooking at the Government as we do, an~d the aws violated in an atttmipt at the overthrow >f the nation, there should be a vindiegtion of .e Government and the Constitution, 'even ( the pardoning power were exercised there- ifter. If. treason has been comnmitted, it >Ught to be,d-eterineCd by the highest tr@u- aal and the fact declared, even if clemency ;hould come afterwards. There was no mal- c or prdedice'in wishing to cairy out that* luty. Judge Wardid*. i-emarks that they were well aware of that2 The President, resuming, said i ifeH biaf e some unkind feelings Sn this subject, but t did not exist to a grea't extent. Judgd Wardlaw said: Alghough not. in- structed by~ the Convention, he was induced to ask whether Mrs Jefferson Davis, 4Ob'6 was no~t terrfined to Georgia, could not cross into S?outh Carolina to see her friends. Thg Pres- ideut replied that'he hadreceived letters from Mrs. Dis, but tig were not very commien- da,ble." The tone 6f one-Q#them, however,1 was considerably improved, but the othersi were not of,the character becoming one' ask- ne'lenecy.. Judge WardlAnterposed .by. saying-. that s was a- woman of strong feeling.- The. President repliedi "Yes; I suppose she isa woman of.strong feelings-.and temper,! b~t there is no intenlioni toi persecute her. There is as much uiagnanimity and noblenes '6f spirit in submi'itting as in tr ing to put the Government at defittee?' Mir.Hunger remarks that they had a deep consciouSness of the truth of all the President said. Th-e Iresident, resuming, observed that the chaacter of an individual'-may character- ize a natiorswhich is nothing -but an aggre' gate of.indiv'iduals, aE91 yhen a proper';pirit s nifested,101l cais adt harilnion'sly. "Te man who goes to the stake iralmost' diaBi- hed by his eai"ng-. -It lifts him above humihi- ation. In these cases,~ ger,piien,- we wilo t'he best we canl. While there was agtii judginent which must be tme. I assure you, gentlemen, no dispositon exists for -persecu- tion or a birst for blood. Jud law remarks that the tone of the new' pel-s was wore favorable, and diff-j erent from-what it ws- He then asked if the President had seeii a t*py .of the amended Constitution of South dirotna. Of 'course, he said we gecept emancjpation. He felt per- fectly sati;6ed that the person and property of the negro will be protected, and he spoke of the great, difficulties of regulating labor and of restraining vagrancy, etc. The President thought that many-of the evils would disappear if they itaugurated the right system. Pass lws pr-otectingthe colored man in isperson and propefty, and'he can collect his debts. He kew how it nas in the South. Thequestion, when first presented, of putting a colored t6n.on the witness stand, made them shIIde, but the coloured man's tostimony was to be taken for what it was worth by those who examifne bim and thejdry who hear it. After all, there was net so much danger as was supposed. Those com- ing out of slavery cannot do without work.- They tnot lic. down in- dissipaton. They must work. They ought to understand that liberty.means simply the right to work and to enjoy the products.of labor; ahd that the laws will protect them. That being done, and when we com5to the pgriod to feel that fnen must Aork or starve, the country will be prepared to receive a system applicable to loth white-and blA-p-'epared. to receive a system-necessary to'the case. A short time bick, Yu could not force the vagrant law on the black, but you could on the white man. But get the public mind right,4 nd you can treat both aliker Let us ge 'the gn'bral priniples, and' detasls and calculations will follow. A cetersation of some Rength ensued be- tween the Pre4dent ad dge Wafflaw and Mr. Trescott as tothe legisl.tion of te State necessary ri refrence to the condition.of the freedmen, and tliecope and consequences of the circular No. 145 of the Adjutant-Ceneral's Department, relativ to abandoned lagds in South Carolina and other- Southern States. The examination of these subjects it is un- derstood, is'to be continued at another inter- view. Tlee President said: We must be* trtical and come up to surrounding circumstances. Judge Wardlaw, 00i Dawkina and Mr. Hu- ger all expressed to tl- President their con- viction that their State had accepted, fn good faith, the' results of the issue which had been mad' ; that the people felt that the President had st6od between then,and a harA - use of the power of the Governmetit ihat ie felt entire confidenee in his purposes and actions,. and hve, in return, to entitle themselvis to his confidence as to their feelings and actions.. The President replied that he was hear it; that whereven' such mutual confidence ex- istel, there would, he thought, be an open road to the restoration of good feelings and prosperous condition, and that if'-he knewl himself, and though,t he did, he wou&m recoe mend nothing but,what woli advance their interests. So far from pandering to or lo,ok- ing to ftuture elevation, he must be believed when he said be bad no,eye, Mi'gi, 'td such preferment. .If, he continued, I could be in- strumerftal in restoring the Government to its formei- relationis, and he the p'eople once more united and happy, i should .feel that I had more han filldd the riisra of iy rin bition. If I could feel that I had centribu- teto this in any degree mny heart. would .hi more than gratified and my ambition fiilIy. i'udge Wardlaw-Every man inSooth Caro- lina wou-ld respond to Mr. IIugi-I am sure there is, on their part, no want of -faith. They deserve your confidence, and I am. sure they will etrni it. The Presidnt expresed- himself gr-atified *!th *hat had been said by these geritleirien. flr. Dawklis remarked:that all South Caro- lina reposeiconfidence tn the President, and thit the mnem'orials preatM by the chair-' en of the delegation represe'n ted the true sentimentsof the people of that Sjtate, both in 'egard tqg gUose whom ;they wish pa,rqaned and the -feeling and' position of Sdtigh~ Carn- 'fhe Moubile 43crtiser gives the. following imporant inforniation in regard, to the ques- tin of Ihbor supply for the Sotth: "We re'ceived a call, yesterday, from Cap{. Thomas H. Boyle, formerly of the shijprioon- deroga, for some time epgnged in transporting Cinadreti o HIavant; He is well aeq'uain ted with the people, and believe they will afford, the best aned cheapest labovr in the world. He proposes, ori guarantee of paymerit of their siege money, to bring here first'from Cuba, where their ~ortacT.'ate abiout ex'pering, ond afterwards from C06%Im, such..umbers as may be required. "They make good plantation hands, and are unsmiassd-. es ltfurni-servants. They ar, of course, free,-'ag'deani be hired 'Tor from -$4 to $6 per month, and req-uiie -to be. fur- nished board and 'fur suitT cf .clothinig a year.- - The President, on the 10thinstant, granted one hundred. and seventy-fire pardons-all 1Norh Carolinians 6f the $20,000 ois iltary bu.ttons are 'very attractive to a wouniii, esgecially if they are? bach~elor'a bpt- tons. When you offer oats t#ee horse 1be ay say neigha bun he doesn't mean it. Sft ,.tm-Ad miners, fromn Montaoia,bring The Cholera. Eer since ear1y Sp ing, we have been reading, says the Edgefiel'd Advertiser,- fearful ravages of cholera in Egypt7ur- key, and along the shoresof the Mediteraneen Sea. And now, on. the arrival of every teamer from Europe, we. tre infrned-Oat this fell and merciless deStroyer tWEU- man family is raidly. progressing Westward. Tt is aIrea.- -iging in Italy, in the SoUiA - France and in the E3st of Suain. Considering this fact, and in view of the immense andcon- siCt intercourso, betfieen Europe and. Ame- rica, who can say that this dread plague may n6t very soon make its appearance on our shores? And.should it do so, it would notb6 for the first time;in 1831 and 1832 it'Pe- vaiied to a large eteri. and was aF- with terrible mortality, in Cwiada and tbe Northern States. Not, however, with the de- vastating malipriity tTat characterized ift i the dM c6unies. This =-adyhad reathed 'ncona, an imporfnt .city of Italy in"uly last. . A traveller may easity .reach Paris from Ancona- in two days.- O-rAim. art - seiles 4nd Touon, where:it is sweeing-off hudeds daily, a traveller. may reach Paris in one day. on the. following d in London ; in elered dils more himay .e in' New York:; a nn tw6 .days more be may be walking the streets of CharlestAt, S. C. We may well say of the cholera when in "Thou art so ar-, and yet so near" At intervals of from thirty to fifty ears- hIold world. has been ravaged by the chols - ever since the earliest, ages. n.the-year"A. D. 5-2, during the reign of Jusinian,Ampe.- ror of the Byziantine Empire, it broki".4* Ina preiled for a calamitous period of fiftr-f&e years: Such Was tbA universal coirploir of the air thIt the pe4ilence was'not. cacked -or adeviated by any difference of the seasons. In time, its Prst -malignity yrasabated and -- . dreed; .b-ut the disease alternately~ln- guishe4 revived ' 10f it was ;ot til the end of fifty two ybars, that rkind recer ed their health or 4e air resuMed its puro - and salubrious- quality.. No fats .bave:bee, - preserved to sustain 4n account, or even a conjecture, of the numbers that prishid id this extraordinary -mortality. .We only find that dtiritig tdi-ee ihths, five, And ati ten thou rsons died each day it e stntino tht manycittes of thq east were lehft .b%int and. that in B6erAldisielbon Italy,. the harvest and vintage withere4 oi the ground. The triple scourgouwar,,psti lence and faipine afflicted 4he subjects of Jis- tinian; ana his reign is disgraced by,Iisi ble decrease of the human spe8e, which haS never been repaired- in some of- the fairest countries 4-our globe. ..- The estilence now raging with such viol lne in the cities on tho Mediterranean coast, and making such rapid strides Westwaidis ~believedleb some to havae been broiight froui Asia lJ4 M.ahometan pilgrims retuirning frorg Mec~a and. Medina in Arabia. Bus 'a far reatei- nrit!ibr .of people believe thuan.s6 of thtortiItyja io 2befandin the cttle distemper which raged in Egypt l*st year.dui the course of a few monithsi, during the fall of1864, thert died, in that country, eighi hu'dd thousand breLi, and as.uiany sheep ots, camels, and other aniinals.. Tlfree- fourthis of thesesdead bodies were thrown in%d the Nile, whose water is the only drink for ui or beast in .Egypt. And at the same time that this modern plague commenced its avages in. A.ucona, ItalA a pestilezge way raging among the cattle.of that country. And at this very~ day, such a pestilence is raging. *. - auong the cattle in certainrparts of REsia Sozihe idea miay be- formed of the destru- * hvenesand malignity of the cholera now e. isting on the Mediterr'anean, when we *reeef-d the fact that, on the 26th'June-last, nine huni- dred human beings died in Alexandria,Egypt.- It ippr;oaches like. gn infuriated storm. the a~ built man ; it falls with Ntal violencs . upon the innocent' child; it qlops not at the stiguarded palace ;,walks boldly into is Seate chambers of eiipfles Wise men of' every age agree that j plgues are apt to follow great warsgi4. a vast number of animals 9.f differentindsbe ! . - bn slaughtered or unproperly bR*ied i. otd inf&(hc , not bu id atsil- Having informed ourselves -holera' or' plague in the old-odntriekles 'applyttetionl to our own laws. Let us gsk- ourseves if .we have nodie to feafko frd page. . We*have just passia thi-ough a war whose magnitudd. was, ypd still is, the won. der-of-atos.~I thatwa iam &l host of muen and beasts were kille thousands upon thousands-of them to ths a remain rotMing but a few~mch-es -und -at least noti sS deeg but .that1 arising from the~ decomposed bqdies a- - wy tlhrough the thin crust of earth, a'ad Aeun pread~ into the drifting yabove, - We have eei fold agj and again t.~after.hteer -ains, one m'ght, in walking over a ..attle--* - field see the limbs protruding aboetesr face, in a decayed opndition.. Next year.a - tell the sad result. uring this war.he- - ha been enough bloo shed upon the Repam --- lie of America to make a long, wide and deep -ger. This. blood! was not buriep..- Sbidiqg# do not bury- blood ; that they leave as.aun-- dellible efrak of their victory ol- defeaj. Blood eing the. *erf esserie of anitai l!fe,- when 4 forcedfro. its cells '~ety weaCi 4he. same- chahs at doet the by from whence - cae;iMos, andeits od9rs mThl ihh pure air, contaomating -it .as i dt~Ol placeto place.- This lovernment -cano - e- hsmot fe rfu l of al Nen a ra aS ~tt autoties, street ommissioneCrs a,nd b4 0fd of health; have a -weighty respons5ibility rest- in upon themn Whether or ndt the1 assWQ ht dodadessen7c the-fct.* --

The Newberry herald (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1865 ...Ariabgthe blest," especially wh-in viewed ~reniooDnliC1zt:

Sep 23, 2020



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Page 1: The Newberry herald (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1865 ...Ariabgthe blest," especially wh-in viewed ~reniooDnliC1zt:

* ~ - *-'


ERMS-$1,50, FOR SIX.MONTHS, IN ADVANCE. e R . c 0fjcI6.t

NEWENEDY.- r- .W. .--..

V~~±±~ .-~EBER, . -..WENT.A,NO.F,.8 GNUBRNEKE. -


my TkOi r. &"!t*ENL*9ba N'?MThoPRIMRS.


Aftymentrequired invariably in adrance.)Adverbeements inserted at $1,50 per square, for

o er , $1 for each subsequent"apotices, FuneraHDvitations, Obituaries,

%rd 'ations of pe~rsonal interest chargedJa adverisetents.

4-tal to Holiday "'use.R1, THE 'FANCIFUL AND REAL,


(Concluded.) -

There was to be a dancig soire r' ball,t Elwrood, the elegant-coutry seat of the

.3)aa&, Mrs. Rivulet,-within txelve milesof Holiday House; and al within that radiuswho were on her vi6iting. list, were-on theO yti anticipation of the exp.cted event,.Ier Dowagrs house had long been closedt6lgayety, and. all who reinembed her. as

.qUents socjiVt, and, her rec if?-Ad~ ~tai eats'in a -y-gone era,.Doked

rdto this oiree asnte as P very ele--gnt affair and~ vent of. the season.

Young ladies5were man afgreeablv state ofexifteent in preparation for the fete, bot alldoching .themnselvds; lik~e Flora McFlimsy,-wIth!"nothivg to-wear," though with muchsare exeuse l*heir pleai than M2!rs Flora,for thi war iW blockade-ad rendered theirwardrobes sufficiently''scanty no doubt, andtherefore. reat wa the excitement itrenew-ing and re:turning old muslins, or, .u1cre cir-

Ni&taces .perinitted, in getting vew ,ones

fogAC occasion. hurline wrote to her deares "4 to senikher a new. Swiss mslin

dess for Mrs. Rivulet's party, otherwise siresmust,Jpe at bowe;* and forthwith the nextink re to the expectant damsel the drli-cate fbMric nearly done up in a brown 1per

1cl.acCnJfa-ie-1 with a pair of bailuoralgaiters by way of surpi ise. The kind-heartedGeorgiwn and his ckrival chuni, were des-

tchted knto the sylvan haunts around Holi-.'euse, for the earliest bright autumn

Aeosire d bcarlet berries, to compose a wreathhai.- n The :bsence of roses;

out (if season, and the frgetfulness ofty uncle iz: not having thought to send

reath of artifiii flowers, as a coronal forocession. Armed with a large wicker''et, the two:.set out witigrea't gusto inrb of "these syliani tredsuress, and 'after

- sing n'rdant mueadowsu, shady ravines,usky dells, aiid sunny slopes, they gec-cumbed to the 'hteat' of the, diy, which ~cessive; and returned w* t the berrics~

b~utwith a quantit4 of dar dlaethewere dilcarded as'4oo. somlre; anLd the soe~e

wbatJ:ckneyed ivg wreath wias adopted as~a.iresort,'

-As we bad twelve iles to go~to reach theYestive ~scene, the ncessity for eariy teilettetItb~le part' dithe gentlemen, was imnpcrati#.I. lieu of ,carriages we were fain to take

psage in a four horses omhibus, but were

-dieadfully sbaken .ep~and jolted in conse-

*-quence of the rough roads.I The foung lat-

in Lurline and Unidine very prudently post-ponied making 'le grand tellette,' until 'they.

* had arrived. at-}.Eluiwul, and-. as we arrived*early there.was ample tiCne.

Elmwood is'superior to most -etgun try resi-deua, and it-owLs this superiuoity, ln a greatmeeastite, to4Ss tasteful and energetic owner,2the 1)owager. ' Her town residence, in days-of vore, was a model of elegance and taste,esphially in itS surroundinigs, for,h'er fiowerarden wasa "wilderness of (weets," and thebarers of the b'eautiful and .the devotees ofFfdrabere"!ound their appropriate ternples ofship. tt was in fact quito celebrated. The

~ointry residjnce was not iuferioi4n any its-

pect to the former. There was the .same

commodio.usn.ess and elegance in the..guanioilwhich w'as immnediatelg sierraanded si a'

r'e4e.6f ehns and ther .shade trees, whilstTfosisieof these fine' trees there was an ex-tenive flower garden, which might have comn-

-Ma'ed not unfavorably with the gardens of

Ariabg the blest," especially wh-in viewed

niooDnliC1zt :<Arrised at the front entrance

~re wee politefy received4by the only surviv-bson of ..te Dowager, who is courtly and

yodia his manners, and upnwhmide e odo -the honors, but who was as-

-10ted by the dignified and courteous brotherothe Dowager, who is a gentlemnan of the

nid school and is high in civil office.*Thedrawiiag room, "which opened with large'fold-hig dojMs> with stuccped walls and highl .noble room, and is hungs with por

traits of the family done by the first artistsThe ia.whikb occupied the centre of the

groop and was mest .proinent and-.of unuanaise, was the.portrait of a distguishedson, scho was also the eldest.

hfle "lady chatelaine" of Elmwood is a perSet- type or model of a fashionable lady- jdri,y ears ago, and as such possesses inte

rest to the: observer of manners. Her portrait, taken years ago, still retains much'oelegart6e in the style arm costuma. It woukilQok~well in an engraving at any period, anl(

as therefore classic. The tasteful cap -an<short curls would not have been unbecomnito the celebrated femuale bele esprit--Lad;lessington. *ne of the first persons wh

attracted my attention after enteding th

Iady, who was dressed in a rich black reptsilk) and whpse raven black ha'r was braidedin 1ladonna-like folds over her temples, an'whose rich brurette complexion and Frenchcaste'of face, rendered her very attractive in

appearance. I Was afterwards introduced toher and'to my most agreeable surprise, foundthat she was the sister cf one ot"my mostcherished friends of by-gone days. Ier greatvivacity in-convers4tion and -general agreea-bleness in manners and person, and the in-teresting. reminiscences which we were ableto recall regarding my much-loved friend, herbrother, mad our tete-a-tete the most agree-able incident of the evening to me. Tbis k.dy,whom I shall call Madame Repartee, becauseher-name in an anagram would make. thismeaning, was a niece of the Dowager, andwhen a young lady of sixteen was as wild or

joyous. as a bird or f.wn.Two-yousg ladies; the Misses Burns, grand

-daugbters of Mrs. Rivulet, w ere very beauti-ful, and-,h'e eldest unsurpassed in beauty anywhere. A married sister, a recent bride, Mrs.Col. Avis, was equally beautiful with gay andjoyous maunes.' Col. Avis had a very highbred air, with an aristocr.atic figure and castof face. The young daugbter of Madame Re-parfee,- just fifteen, with naive man-

ners, and clinging yet fondly. to her ma-

ma, was pretty and 'piqUant, and was most

becomingly attired in white 'tarletan andcherry colored ribbon.s, which set off her richbrunette pomplexion, and very black andshort curling hair, wch was'an' especialbeauty. S as true to her school-girl tastes,and scorr,eo eat anything at supper,butpickleqand green apples, Two- young~ladiesfrom N , were beautiful enough to re-

alize the dros of a poet, 'mon ange et ma

revel'-ant might aptly have personated thedenizens of fairy-land, or Se Pris andHouris of Eastern fable. Their delieatelychiseled features,-etite figures and attire ofaztMe and whitd with rose-buds adorningtheir temples and JiAir, rendered themlahnostvisions of loveliness. Supper cane off 'at 1

o'clock, and all were realy at the announce-

net to do 3istice to the delastable viandsand recherche delicacies, though there was no-

ill-brc, hurry to rush into the supper-room.There-was no vulgar profusion on the tablo,as the custox>f overloading tables as-forier-lyis now''explodvd. The compny began to

break off after mippe, as many had a longdistance to- go,.. and the party from Holidayl11use arrived at htme after day-light hadfarly set in. The tutor shared my room withnie for the few hourt ofrepose which we mightbe able to snatah before breakfast? tand when

ewet at breakfast'we entertained our host-ess with i emnod reminiscences of tt eve-

iing, as she had declined going herself to the

rio-c thc.New York World.

Who Killed Stonewall Jackson.

The details which:follow are given on the

authority' of Jackson's staff officers, and one

or two others who witnessed all that occur-

red. Tn relation to the tragic portion of thescne, there remained, as'will be seen, but a

single .winess.Jackson%dl riddeni foi-ward on the turn-

pike to-reco,nnoitre, and assertain, if pbssible,irispite:of the darkness of the night,- the po-sition of the Federal lines. The moon shone,but it was struggling with a bank of clouds,and siforded but adim lig'ht. From the gloomythickets on each-,ide of the turnpike, lookingmore weird and scembre in the half light, camethe malencholly notes of the -whip-poorwill."I think there must have been ten thousand,"said Gen. Steward, afterward. Such was the

sene amid which the events now.about to be

narrated, took place. Jackson bad advancedwith some members 'of his staff, considerabiyb ev ond the building known as "MeiZi !Chan-celor's," abouit a mile from Chancellorsville,andl had reached a point nearly op'posite a

dismantled hotise in the woods, near the road,hose, shell-torn roof riny still be seen,'$vhene ' r'einedl in his horse and remaining per-fely gquie. gnd motionless, listen'ed jptentlyJfor any indications ofCa movement ethe Fed-

They .were scardecly two hundred yards infront of him, tind seeing the danger to whichhe exposed himself, one of hips 'staff officerssaid, "General, dori't you think this is thewron'place for you ?" lIe replied quickly,almost' in'dently, "The danger is all over !theenemy is routed ; go back and tell *A. P.Iill to press rightgn!" The officer obeyed,but had'scarcely disappeared when a suddenvolley was ffi-ed by .the Confederate infantryin Jackson's rear, and 'on the; right of theroad-evidently directed upon him and- hisscout. The. origin of this fire has never been

discovered, and after Jackson's death therewas little disposition to.investigate an oceur-rence which occasioned bitter distress on all,who, by ;m possibility, could have taken anypart ini it. ~is proable, hov6ver, te so'meroovement of the Federal skirmishers had pro.oked the firg; if this is an error, the,. troops

fired deliberately upon Jackson. and his party,uder the impression that they were a bodyof Federal cavalry reconnoitering. It is saikthat th'e men had orders to open on any ob

jeet in front,*especially on cayalry, a'nd thidi sence of pielfetsi or advance force of anjId on -the Confederate side explains th'"'t. The enemy*were almdst in conta4ct wit!thmn; the Federal artillery, -fully commandng the positiorn of the troOps, was expecte4to open every moment, and the men werI:.-.s ta mitdoniion which induce

troops to fire at any. and every object theysee.

Whatever inay haveb6en the origin thisvolley, it came, and many of the staff and es

cort were shot,' and fell from their horses. IJackson wheeled to the ioft and galloped: intothe woods to get of range.of the bullets ;but he had not gone'twliaty steps teyond theedge of-th*turnpike,'in the thicket, whenbne of his brigades, dawn Fx ivithia thirtythirty yards of him, fired a volldy in theirturn, kneeling on the right knee, as the flashof thgafs showed; as tGough prepared to

"guard against cavalry." By the fire Jacksonw; wounded in three places. Ie receivedone ball in the shoulder joint, shattering the Ibone and severing the chief artery-'a second 1

ball passed through the same arm betweenthe elbow and wrist, makingits esit throughthe palm of his right band, aboin the middle,and passing through, broke two.of the bones. 1

-At the same moment when'be %-as struck, t

holding his rein in his left hand,, and theright was either raised in the .-siniguar-ges-ture habitual to him at ti es of excitement,or to protect his face from the boughs of thetreeg. Ii l-It haind immediately dropped at.his side, and his horse, no longer controlledby the rein, and fi i.ghtened at. te firing,wheeled suddeily and ran fromn the fire in thedirection of the Federal lines. Jackson'sl-hetpless iondit6ion-now Iposed him to a dis-

tressing accident. Hia horse ran violentlybetwveen two trees, from one of which a hori-zontal bough extenied, at about tfe heightof his head, to the other,' and, as he passedbetween the trees; this bough stru'k him inthe !ae, tore off his cap and threw bim vio-lently lkck on his horse. The blow was .so

violent as nearly io unseat him, but it didnot do so, aud, .rising erect-again, he caughtthe trIdk wih*he broken and bleeding fin-gers of his right hand and succeeded in tu,n-

ing his horse back into the turnpike. HereCapt. Wilbourne, of his st, succeeded in.catchinr the reins and clecking the anin'al,who wasL;alnost frar.tic with terror, and at

te same mome.nt, whp f-om loss of blood,id exhaustian, Jackson Wvis about to fall

f:-o the sIddlt;The scene at this tire wa gloomy and de-

pressing. forse, mad wi4h fright at thedIose firing, were seen running in every di-rection, some -of them rider!ess, bthers defy-ir.g control, and in te woods lay many dyingand wounded men. Jackson's ~who}e p dty,except Capt. 11ilbourn and a member of the

signal. corpsi had,been killed, wounded or dis-

persed. The man riding just behindJacksonhad his horse killed ; a courier near wpun-

ded, and his horse ran into; the Federal lines -

Lieut. Morrison aid-de-camp, threw hin.self,from bis saddle, and hi horse fell dead a mo- Iment afterward; Captain Hloward was nioun-ded and carried by his horse in the Feder'alLcamp ; Capt4iti Leigh.had his horse shot un-

der him ; Captain Forbes was killed, and1

CatinBswveT Jackson's Chief Engineer,

body carried%by his frightened horse into thelines of ge eneiny, near at hand.Souch was the result of the causeless fire.

It had ceased as suddenly as it had begun,and the position in the road whigh- Jackso'nnow occupted was the sanme from which ifehad been -driven. Captain -Wilbourn, who,with \Ii'Wynn, of the Signal Corps, was allthat was left of the party, notices a. singularcircmstanbe which attfacted higatn1ori at-jthis moment. The turnpike wa.s utterly de-serted, with the exception of himself, hiscom-

panion and Jackson ; but intbe skirting ofthe thicket on:the left he obs,erved sonie one

siting on his horse, by th'e side of the wood,coolly looking on, motionless. and silent. Thunknown lndividua4 was clad in 4 darlt dress,which strongly reseinibled the Federal uniform;but it seemed impossibli that h' could'.havepenetrated to that spot without being .disegv-Iered. Captain Wil,bourn directed him to "r.deIup ther.e, and see what troons those were"-ie mien'who had firedonckson-when theI

strager slowly ede1in the direction pointedirout, but never returned with any answer-

Who that silent personage was is left to Mon-~

ject ure, -

jhMraIUX iN MNra CAnotra.-The Ra-leigh Standaord, of:2th ultimno, says: 1

IWel'e heard various complaints fromdifferen portions of the State, in objection to

a supposed regulation, to the fact that ladies

were required to take the oath- before theywere permitted to marry. such was at one

time the military order, but we are happy to.say that civif law is so far restored that thishard and inconvenient reg&lation ha beeti

abolshed ; and row, any and evry lady inNorth Carolina is free to marry when-andwhom she pleases-without taking- the oathi of

allegiance, scept to .her sp)ouse, which re

hope to see duly administered.

BusiySs WiTlI THE XoRTU-A Northernpaper says...his estimated that fifty per centum 6f.the

Southern inaebtedness ofe1860-61 wilt be

paid, and that onte third of .the present busi-ness of New 'York is the so' Bos

ton is, also, beginning to feel the benefit.ofthe presence of South.ern purchasers; and thisbenetit t>e increased as all customers as-

certain that the unforgiving and proscriptivefeelings expressed toward them by Sumner,Butler & Co. are not our mDer-

i~ant, who Ve?eive them as cordially as ev'ert~ey did, a aextend:No then1 as m'och cons-

Ience a&~t zdvantages.'Tc msret of trade-advertisin.

[mportant from Washington-Our Conven-11i's Delegabou's Interview with thefresident.WASMGTO, October 13.-Judge Ward-

aw, Alfred Huger and Col. Dawkins,-of Southjarolina, this afternoon, had an interview, byLppointment, with President Johnson. Theyrere accompanied by W. II. Trescott, who isiere en business as Executive Agent of thattate. The President, 7after the.customaryyrelitn-inaries of reception, invited them to beeated, when at once the conversation com-

ienced by Judge Wardlaw informing 1mhat~the' were a delecation from the State,onvention 6f South Carolina, sent hither to

>rescpt certain memorials of th-ut body.Y~Thesenemoials had been carefuhy considered inhe Cevcntion, .nd he believed theytold ex-

tly the truth.The Preid irt inq -*d the object of the

nemorials. Judge Wardlay infor'nid himhat one. of. them was in behalf of Jefferson)avis, A. .11. Stepfies, George A. Trenholm.LndGovernor Magrath. 1 said they hadinderstood that, by .the kind interference ofhe Prtsident, Mesis. Stephens and Tren-iolm had already.been released from close:onfinemen.t and permitted toretufn to theiromes. Ile would ask for Governor Magrath,ither a pardon or that he might be releasedn hls pai6!de. They could assure the Presi-[ant that no harm would result frQm such an

et of clemency. The Ptesident replied that11 could not be pardoned at once. The busi-ess must be proceeded gradually, and an ef-rt made to execute the Iw. A disciimina-ion was neessary as wt go along. It % .is a

wo eotnion expression, by way of argumentorclemency, that such a one Shad been par-loned,.and that be wasjust as bad as anothervhohad not. Judge Wardlaw replied thathe'delegation p7resented no such argument a'

hat. The President said sometimes the pe-uliar locality had much to do with pa*n';.

Ake many other things in fiumn*l 'affairs we

annot haie a fixed rtde. Much depends oniscretion and circumstances. If we know

rselves, we wanst to do what is best andust,and to show a proper degree ofhumanitynthe part of the Government.Judge Wardlaw remarked that tbey had notome hither t> ekpr6ss their own bop.s andlesires, but as delegate from the Caro-inaconvention, ;@.,present the memorials of

hat body- in.a formal manner.The Pretident-We will, gentle6tn, eiti

he facilities and civilities which the questions.equire. We would prefer to pardon twentyen than refuse one. Judge Wardlaw re-

lied that they. did noi desigii to sayanythingvithreference to G-vernor~ Magrth, further

han that they believed mrch good would re-

ult by the 'exercise oftheExecutive clemencyowar-d bin.Col. Dawkins said if he could get Govern.orifagrath pardoned, it would be a .great geliefhimat the present time.

Judge Wardlaw thanked the Prsident foriavng released Messrs. Stephens anid Tren-ilni.-The President-We have that far, then, an-

icipatedyour miemorial.*Mr. Huger said Mr. Trenholmn was one of'emostuseful men, and there was no doubttewould exert all his powe~r with a view to

tireharmorny between the State and thelovernmenlt.

The President repHied that he understoodha was so, adding: If treaso,n has been comn-

nitted;there ought to be son,e -test to deter-ninethe power of the Government to punish

he crime, Ie was free to say Chat it was

iot amere contest between political partiesh aquestion as tQ de facto Governments.3ookingat the Government as we do, an~d theawsviolated in an atttmipt at the overthrow>f thenation, there should be a vindiegtion of

.eGovernment and the Constitution, 'even(the pardoning power were exercised there-ifter.If. treason has been comnmitted, it

>Ughtto be,d-eterineCd by the highest tr@u-aalandthe fact declared, even if clemency;houldcome afterwards. There was no mal-

c or prdedice'in wishing to cairy out that*

luty.Judge Wardid*. i-emarks that theywerewell aware of that2

The President, resuming, said i ifeH biafesomeunkind feelings Sn this subject, but

t did not exist to a grea't extent.

Judgd Wardlaw said: Alghough not. in-

structedby~the Convention, he was inducedto askwhether Mrs Jefferson Davis, 4Ob'6 was

no~tterrfined to Georgia, could not cross into

S?outhCarolina to see her friends. Thg Pres-ideutreplied that'he hadreceived letters fromMrs.Dis, but tig were not very commien-

da,ble."The tone 6f one-Q#them, however,1was considerably improved, but the othersi

werenotof,the character becoming one' ask-ne'lenecy..

Judge WardlAnterposed .by. saying-. that

s was a- woman of strong feeling.-The. President repliedi "Yes; I suppose

sheisawoman of.strong feelings-.and temper,!b~tthere is no intenlioni toi persecute her.

There is as much uiagnanimity and noblenes'6fspirit in submi'itting as in tr ing to put the

Government at defittee?'Mir.Hunger remarks that they had a deep

consciouSness of the truth of all the Presidentsaid. Th-e Iresident, resuming, observed that

the chaacter of an individual'-may character-izea natiorswhich is nothing -but an aggre'gateof.indiv'iduals, aE91 yhen a proper';pirits nifested,101l cais adt harilnion'sly. "Temanwho goes to the stake iralmost' diaBi-hedby his eai"ng-.-It lifts him above humihi-ation. In these cases,~ ger,piien,- we wilo

t'hebest we canl. While there was agtii

judginent which must be tme. I assure you,gentlemen, no dispositon exists for -persecu-tion or a birst for blood.Jud law remarks that the tone of

the new' pel-s was wore favorable, and diff-jerent from-what it ws- He then asked if thePresident had seeii a t*py .of the amendedConstitution of South dirotna. Of 'course,he said we gecept emancjpation. He felt per-fectly sati;6ed that the person and propertyof the negro will be protected, and he spokeof the great, difficulties of regulating laborand of restraining vagrancy, etc.The President thought that many-of the

evils would disappear if they itaugurated the

right system. Pass lws pr-otectingthe coloredman in isperson and propefty, and'he can

collect his debts. He kew how it nas in theSouth. Thequestion, when first presented,of putting a colored t6n.on the witness stand,made them shIIde, but the coloured man'stostimony was to be taken for what it was

worth by those who examifne bim and thejdrywho hear it. After all, there was net so

much danger as was supposed. Those com-

ing out of slavery cannot do withoutwork.- They tnot lic. down in- dissipaton.They must work. They ought to understandthat liberty.means simply the right to workand to enjoy the products.of labor; ahd thatthe laws will protect them. That being done,and when we com5to the pgriod to feel thatfnen must Aork or starve, the country will beprepared to receive a system applicable toloth white-and blA-p-'epared. to receive a

system-necessary to'the case. A short timebick, Yu could not force the vagrant law on

the black, but you could on the white man.

But get the public mind right,4 nd you can

treat both aliker Let us ge 'the gn'bralpriniples, and' detasls and calculationswill follow.A cetersation of some Rength ensued be-

tween the Pre4dent ad dge Wafflaw andMr. Trescott as tothe legisl.tion of te Statenecessary ri refrence to the condition.of thefreedmen, and tliecope and consequences ofthe circular No. 145 of the Adjutant-Ceneral'sDepartment, relativ to abandoned lagds inSouth Carolina and other- Southern States.The examination of these subjects it is un-

derstood, is'to be continued at another inter-view.

Tlee President said: We must be* trticaland come up to surrounding circumstances.Judge Wardlaw, 00i Dawkina and Mr. Hu-

ger all expressed to tl- President their con-

viction that their State had accepted, fn goodfaith, the' results of the issue which had beenmad' ; that the people felt that the Presidenthad st6od between then,and a harA - use ofthe power of the Governmetit ihat ie feltentire confidenee in his purposes and actions,.and hve, in return, to entitle themselvis tohis confidence as to their feelings and actions..The President replied that he was hearit; that whereven' such mutual confidence ex-

istel, there would, he thought, be an openroad to the restoration of good feelings andprosperous condition, and that if'-he knewlhimself, and though,t he did, he wou&m recoemend nothing but,what woli advance theirinterests. So far from pandering to or lo,ok-ing to ftuture elevation, he must be believedwhen he said be bad no,eye, Mi'gi, 'td suchpreferment. .If, he continued, I could be in-strumerftal in restoring the Government toits formei- relationis, and he the p'eople oncemore united and happy, i should .feel that Ihad more han filldd the riisra of iy rinbition. If I could feel that I had centribu-teto this in any degree mny heart. would .himore than gratified and my ambition fiilIy.i'udge Wardlaw-Every man inSooth Caro-

lina wou-ld respond to IIugi-I am sure there is, on their

part, no want of -faith. They deserve yourconfidence, and I am. sure they will etrni it.The Presidnt expresed- himself gr-atified

*!th *hat had been said by these geritleirien.flr. Dawklis remarked:that all South Caro-

lina reposeiconfidence tn the President, andthit the mnem'orials preatM by the chair-'en of the delegation represe'n ted the true

sentimentsof the people of that Sjtate, both in

'egard tqg gUose whom ;they wish pa,rqanedand the -feeling and' position of Sdtigh~ Carn-

'fhe Moubile 43crtiser gives the. followingimporant inforniation in regard, to the ques-tin of Ihbor supply for the Sotth:"We re'ceived a call, yesterday, from Cap{.

Thomas H. Boyle, formerly of the shijprioon-deroga, for some time epgnged in transportingCinadreti o HIavant; He is well aeq'uain tedwith the people, and believe they will afford,the best aned cheapest labovr in the world.He proposes, ori guarantee of paymerit of their

siege money, to bring here first'from Cuba,where their ~ortacT.'ate abiout ex'pering, ondafterwards from C06%Im, such..umbers as maybe required."They make good plantation hands, and

are unsmiassd-. es ltfurni-servants. Theyar, of course, free,-'ag'deani be hired 'Tor from-$4to $6 per month, and req-uiie -to be. fur-

nished board and 'fur suitT cf .clothinig a

year.- -

The President, on the 10thinstant, grantedone hundred. and seventy-fire pardons-all1Norh Carolinians 6f the $20,000 ois

iltary bu.ttons are 'very attractive to a

wouniii, esgecially if they are? bach~elor'a bpt-tons.When you offer oats t#ee horse 1be ay say

neigha bun he doesn't mean it.

Sft ,.tm-Ad miners, fromn Montaoia,bring

The Cholera.Eer since ear1y Sp ing, we have been

reading, says the Edgefiel'd Advertiser,-fearful ravages of cholera in Egypt7ur-key, and along the shoresof the MediteraneenSea. And now, on. the arrival of everyteamer from Europe, we. tre infrned-Oat

this fell and merciless deStroyer tWEU-man family is raidly. progressing Westward.Tt is aIrea.- -iging in Italy, in the SoUiA -

France and in the E3st of Suain. Consideringthis fact, and in view of the immense andcon-siCt intercourso, betfieen Europe and. Ame-rica, who can say that this dread plague mayn6t very soon make its appearance on our

shores? And.should it do so, it would notb6for the first time;in 1831 and 1832 it'Pe-vaiied to a large eteri. and was aF-with terrible mortality, in Cwiada and tbeNorthern States. Not, however, with the de-vastating malipriity tTat characterized ift i

the dM c6unies. This =-adyhad reathed'ncona, an imporfnt .city of Italy in"ulylast. . A traveller may easity .reach Parisfrom Ancona- in two days.- O-rAim. art -

seiles 4nd Touon, where:it is sweeing-offhudeds daily, a traveller. may reach Paris

in one day. on the. following din London ; in elered dils more himay .e in'New York:; ann tw6 .days more be may bewalking the streets of CharlestAt, S. C. We

may well say of the cholera when in"Thou art so ar-, and yet so near"At intervals of from thirty to fifty ears-hIold world. has been ravaged by the chols -

ever since the earliest, ages. n.the-year"A.D. 5-2, during the reign of Jusinian,Ampe.-ror of the Byziantine Empire, it broki".4*Inapreiled for a calamitous period of fiftr-f&eyears: Such Was tbA universal coirploirofthe air thIt the pe4ilence was'not. cacked-oradeviated by any difference of the seasons.

In time, its Prst -malignity yrasabated and -- .

dreed; .b-ut the disease alternately~ln-guishe4 revived

' 10fit was ;ot til theend of fifty two ybars, that rkind recered their health or 4e air resuMed its puro -

and salubrious- quality.. No fats .bave:bee, -

preserved to sustain 4n account, or even a

conjecture, of the numbers that prishid idthis extraordinary -mortality. .We only findthat dtiritig tdi-ee ihths, five, And atiten thou rsons died each day it e

stntino tht manycittes of thq east werelehft .b%int and. that in B6erAldisielbonItaly,. the harvest and vintage withere4 oi

the ground. The triple scourgouwar,,pstilence and faipine afflicted 4he subjects of Jis-tinian; ana his reign is disgraced by,Iisible decrease of the human spe8e, which haSnever been repaired- in some of- the fairestcountries 4-our globe. ..-The estilence now raging with such viollne in the cities on tho Mediterranean coast,and making such rapid strides Westwaidis~believedleb some to havae been broiight frouiAsia lJ4 M.ahometan pilgrims retuirning frorgMec~a and. Medina in Arabia. Bus 'a farreatei- nrit!ibr .of people believe thuan.s6ofthtortiItyjaio 2befandin the cttledistemper which raged in Egypt l*st year.duithe course of a few monithsi, during the fallof1864, thert died, in that country, eighihu'dd thousand breLi, and as.uiany sheepots, camels, and other aniinals.. Tlfree-fourthis of thesesdead bodies were thrown in%dthe Nile, whose water is the only drink forui or beast in .Egypt. And at the sametime that this modern plague commenced its

avages in. A.ucona, ItalA a pestilezge wayraging among the cattle.of that country. Andat this very~day, such a pestilence is raging. *. -

auong the cattle in certainrparts of REsiaSozihe idea miay be- formed of the destru- *

hvenesand malignity of the cholera now e.isting on the Mediterr'anean, when we *reeef-dthefact that, on the 26th'June-last, nine huni-dred human beings died in Alexandria,Egypt.-Itippr;oaches infuriated storm. thea~built man ; it falls with Ntal violencs .

upon the innocent' child; it qlops not at thestiguarded palace ;,walks boldly into

isSeate chambers of eiipflesWise men of' every age agree that j

plgues are apt to follow great warsgi4. a

vast number of animals 9.f differentindsbe ! .-

bn slaughtered or unproperly bR*ied i. otdinf&(hc , notbu idatsil-Having informed ourselves

-holera' or' plague in the old-odntriekles'applyttetionl to our own laws. Let usgsk-ourseves if .we have nodie to feafkofrdpage. . We*have just passia thi-ough a war

whose magnitudd. was, ypd still is, the won.der-of-atos.~I thatwa iam &lhost of muen and beasts were killethousands upon thousands-of them to thsaremain rotMing but a few~mch-es -und-at least noti sS deeg but .that1arising from the~ decomposed bqdies a- -

wytlhrough the thin crust of earth, a'ad Aeunpread~into the drifting yabove, - We haveeeifold agj and again t.~after.hteer-ains, one m'ght, in walking over a ..attle--* -

fieldsee the limbs protruding aboetesrface,in a decayed opndition.. Next year.a -

tell the sad result. uring this war.he- -

ha been enough bloo shed upon the Repam ---

lie of America to make a long, wide and deep-ger. This. blood! was not buriep..- Sbidiqg#do not bury- blood ; that they leave as.aun--dellible efrak of their victory ol- defeaj. Bloodeing the. *erf esserie of anitai l!fe,- when4forcedfro. its cells '~ety weaCi 4he. same-

chahsat doet the by from whence -

cae;iMos, andeits od9rs mThl ihhpure air, contaomating -it .as i dt~Olplaceto place.- This lovernment -cano -e-

hsmot fe rfu l of al Nenara aS~ t tautoties, street ommissioneCrs a,nd b40fd

of health; have a -weighty respons5ibility rest-in upon themn Whether or ndt the1 assWQhtdodadessen7c the-fct.* --