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The New York Public Library The Humanities and Social Sciences Library Manuscripts and Archives Division The Vincent Astor Foundation Records, c1900 – 1998 John Stinson/ Liavon Yurevich November 1999

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The New York Public LibraryThe Humanities and Social Sciences Library

Manuscripts and Archives Division

The Vincent Astor FoundationRecords, c1900 – 1998

John Stinson/ Liavon YurevichNovember 1999

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Table of Contents

Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 3Historical Note ................................................................................................................................. 4Scope and Content Note ................................................................................................................. 7Arrangement Note ........................................................................................................................... 7Series Descriptions.......................................................................................................................... 8

Series I. Grants Files (Containers #1-234) .................................................................................. 8Series II. Board of Trustees (Containers #235-263) .................................................................... 9Series III. Annual Reports (Container #264)................................................................................ 9Series IV. General Files (Containers #265-274)....................................................................... 10Series V. Administrative and Financial Files (Containers #275-292) ........................................ 10Series VI. Mrs. Astor’s Personal Files (Containers #293-305) .................................................. 10Series VII. Memorabilia (Containers #306-358)......................................................................... 12Series VIII. Video Recordings (Containers #359-361)............................................................... 16Series IX. Restricted Records Container #362)........................................................................ 16

Container List................................................................................................................................. 17SERIES I. GRANTS FILES........................................................................................................ 17SERIES II. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.......................................................................................... 67SERIES III. ANNUAL REPORTS............................................................................................... 69SERIES IV. GENERAL FILES ................................................................................................... 69SERIES V. ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL...................................................................... 70SERIES VI. MRS. ASTORS’ PERSONAL FILES ...................................................................... 72SERIES VII. MEMORABILIA ..................................................................................................... 74

A. Scrapbooks ........................................................................................................................ 74B. Photographs....................................................................................................................... 75C. Certificates, Awards, Drawings, Citations, Letters, Posters .............................................. 76D. Publications........................................................................................................................ 77

SERIES VIII. VIDEO RECORDINGS......................................................................................... 78SERIES IX. RESTRICTED RECORDS ..................................................................................... 78

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Main Entry: Vincent Astor Foundation

Title: Records, c1900-1998

Size: 149.6 lin. ft. (288 AB; 5 FB; 7 pizza boxes; 62 vols.)

Source: Gift of The Vincent Astor Foundation, 1998

Abstract: The Vincent Astor Foundation was established in NewYork City in 1948 by Vincent Astor, a descendant of the19th century fur trader and financier, John Jacob Astor, forthe purpose of “alleviating human misery”. During thecourse of its half-century of corporate life the Foundationdisbursed some $175 million in financial grants tocharitable and non-profit organizations and institutions inNew York City including libraries, museums, schools,universities, municipal parks, settlement houses, and civicand community improvement groups. Mrs. Brooke RussellAstor, philanthropist, author, socialite, and widow ofVincent Astor, served as president of the Foundation from1960 until its dissolution in 1997.

Access: One container of restricted records is closed.

Special formats: Photographs, scrapbooks, video recordings, drawings,awards, certificates

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Historical Note

The Vincent Astor Foundation was founded in New York City in 1948 by (William)Vincent Astor, a great-great-grandson of John Jacob Astor (1763-1848), the fur traderand financier who founded the Astor family fortune in America. At the time of the elderAstor’s death in 1848 his estate, the bulk of which consisted of vast real estate holdingsin New York City, was valued at $20 million, making it the largest accumulation ofprivately owned capital in America. This wealth was managed and passed on tosucceeding generations by his descendants: a son, William Backhouse Astor (1792-1875), a grandson, John Jacob Astor II (1822-90), and a great- grandson, John JacobAstor III (1864-1912), the father of Vincent Astor. (Another grandson, William WaldorfAstor, settled in England with his own share of the Astor family fortune).

When his father died in the Titanic disaster of 1912, Vincent, a nineteen-year-old studentat Harvard, inherited the family fortune. Assuming his new status as head of theAmerican branch of the Astor family, he immediately resigned from the university to takeup the now venerable task of managing the inherited wealth. Quickly mastering the skillsof business management, he embarked upon a lengthy and successful career in New YorkCity, during the course of which he acquired numerous properties including the St. RegisHotel and Newsweek Magazine. He also was elected to serve on several boards ofdirectors of major business and charitable organizations. During World War II he wasappointed by President Roosevelt to the rank of captain in the United States NavalReserve. As befitted his wealth and ancestry he played a prominent role as member ofNew York’s social elite. Although not a dedicated philanthropist in his own right, heestablished in 1948 the Vincent Astor Foundation “for the relief of human misery”, whichunder the stewardship of his wife, Brooke Russell Astor, was to make the Astor name foralmost half a century synonymous with compassionate, imaginative and constructivegiving.

As daughter of John Henry Russell, a major general in the Marine Corps and former HighCommissioner to Haiti, Mrs. Astor spent many of her early years abroad. At age elevenshe returned to America from China where she had spent four years and had learned tospeak Chinese. Before her marriage (1953) to Vincent Astor she had led a relativelysheltered life as a member of New York’s social elite, although for several years (1946-56) she was employed as feature editor of House and Garden magazine and contributedarticles to other magazines including Town and Country and Vogue. An early marriage atage seventeen to John Dryden Kuser by whem she had one son, Anthony, ended indivorce. Her second marriage (in 1932) to Charles Henry Marshall lasted until the latter’sdeath in 1952. (Her son, Anthony, adopted the surname Marshall). During her remarkablecareer as philanthropist and foundation executive she has also served on numerous boardsof directors of charitable and cultural institutions and has received many awards, honorsand honorary degrees in recognition of her distinguished services to the social, cultural,and civic life of New York. She has authored four books, a novel (The Last Blossom onthe Plum Tree, 1986), a fable (The Bluebird Is at Home, 1965), and two autobiographicalworks (Patchwork Child, 1962; and Patchwork Child – Early Memories, 1993).

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When her husband died in 1959 leaving $65 million (one-half of his estate) to theVincent Astor Foundation, Mrs. Astor’s life was transformed. For the next nearly thirty-five years she was to dedicate a large portion of her time and energy to the stewardship ofthe Foundation and to the achievement of its philanthropic goals.

Elected president of the Foundation in January of 1960, Mrs. Astor and her board ofdirectors quickly established the principles which were to guide it for the remainder of itsexistence. With few exceptions they were to make grants only to charitable and non-profit organizations located within the five boroughs of New York City. In this way theyhoped to pay tribute to the Astor family’s historic association with the city where somuch of its wealth had originated. By supporting public and private educational, culturaland social welfare institutions, they would also strive to enhance the life of all of thecitizens of the city, rich and poor alike. Adding her own unique touch to Foundationpolicy, Mrs. Astor insisted as a matter of principle on making personal visits to allprospective grantees before submitting their proposals to her board for approval. “We goand see...we never give to anything we don’t see” she once remarked in her charminglydisarming way. Getting to know her grantees personally was for her not only amanagerial obligation but a source of deep joy and satisfaction as well. During the courseof her presidential tenure Mrs. Astor, accompanied by her director, Linda Gillies, visiteda multitude of grantees and prospective grantees throughout the city from the humblesthousing sites in the South Bronx to the most prestigious cultural institutions inManhattan. Her objective, she avowed, was not to “change the world”, an admittedlyimpossible task, but “... to make a difference in various areas from teenage gangs tohousing, parks and museums; to the Astor Home for Children to care of the aged; toeducation, hospitals and medicine; to the preservation of historic buildings and gardeningon city lots.” The “differences” she made through her passionate and dedicatedphilanthropy were to redound to the benefit of all New Yorkers.

During the lifetime of Vincent Astor the Foundation had been relatively inactive. Annualdisbursements of approximately $175,000 were made to Mr. Astor’s favorite charitiesespecially the Astor Home for Disturbed Children (which he founded in 1952 in memoryof his father); the New York Hospital (on whose board he had served for severaldecades); and The New York Public Library (which his forebear had helped to found). Inthe ensuing years under Mrs. Astor’s guidance these institutions, and most especially theAmerican Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New YorkPublic Library, the New York Zoological Society, Rockefeller University and The SouthStreet Seaport, the city’s “crown jewels” as she called them, were to receive very largegrants of the Foundation’s funds.

The social problems of the needy and less fortunate were also of concern to Mrs. Astorand her board of trustees. During the 1960’s the Foundation made major contributions toprograms directed towards the prevention of juvenile delinquency, including grants to theUnited Neighborhood Houses for the support of youth programs at local settlementhouses, and to the Boys Brotherhood Republic for the construction of a clubhouse forunderprivileged children. In depressed areas recreational parks, or “outdoor living rooms”

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as Mrs. Astor called them, were also funded and major support was given to a capitalconstruction program in the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn aimed at reducingurban blight there.

Bio-medical research was also supported through the endowment of Astor Chairs inclinical research at Cornell University, Rockefeller University, and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. During its latter years the Foundation also funded manycommunity efforts to preserve the city’s historic landmark buildings.During the thirty-five years of her remarkable stewardship Mrs. Astor and her boardpresided over the funding of literally hundreds of projects and programs designed toimprove the quality of life in New York City for all of its citizens. They also oversaw thedisbursement of the last accumulation of Astor family wealth in America available forphilanthropic purposes. By the end of 1997 the Foundation had spent the remainder of itsendowment and the corporation was dissolved.

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Scope and Content Note

The bulk of the records (about two-thirds) consists of grant files consisting ofcorrespondence and collateral records (including grant proposals, reports, newsletters,brochures and other records) arranged alphabetically within the year in the period from1960 to 1997. These files record the awarding and administration of financial grants tocharitable and non-profit organizations and institutions New York City includinglibraries, museums, schools, universities, public parks, settlement houses and variouscivic improvement and community groups. Included in the remaining records are minutesof the board of trustees; annual reports; and administrative and financial records. Therecords also contain Mrs. Astor’s personal correspondence relating to her civic andphilanthropic activities; memorabilia including scrapbooks of press clippings, certificates,awards, tributes, and photographs; and 28 video cassettes recording mainly herappearances on network television shows.

Arrangement Note

The records are arranged into nine series: I. Grants Files; II. Board of Trustees; III.Annual Reports; IV. General Files; V. Administrative and Financial Files; VI. Mrs.Astor’s Personal Files; VII. Memorabilia; VIII. Video Recordings; and IX. RestrictedRecords. The series are described in sequence below.

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Series Descriptions


The grants files are arranged chronologically from 1960 to 1997 and alphabetically(within the year) by title of organization receiving grant funds. The correspondence isboth incoming and outgoing. Through the spring of 1974 the correspondence is that ofAllan W. Betts as vice president, and Robert C. Bickford, as director. From the spring of1974 onwards the correspondence is that of Linda Gillies as director of the Foundation.The correspondence is with executive directors, educators, religious leaders, corporateexecutives, city government officials, financiers, the Foundation’s legal counsel, andpersons prominent in public life, relating to the awarding and administration of financialgrants to charitable and non-profit institutions mainly in New York City.(Correspondence regarding grants extending over several years is frequently filed in thefolder containing the initial grant year). Correspondence addressed to Mrs. Astor aspresident of the Foundation was routinely answered by the director although Mrs. Astorin some instances responded personally. Included are letters to Mrs. Astor from medicalstudents and other recipients of Vincent Astor scholarships thanking her for hergenerosity. Many of the letters report on academic progress and mention personal matters(especially those from students at Cornell University Medical College).

Included in the files are numerous internal administrative documents including grantapplications, grant authorization letters outlining the grant’s terms and conditions, grantsummary sheets, past grants profile sheets, and payment vouchers. There is also anabundance of documents relating to the grantee organizations, including grant proposals,progress reports, interim and final reports, financial statements, audit reports, annualreports, newsletters, informational brochures, architectural plans, blueprints, andoccasional photographs of persons and events. Most files also contain photocopies of IRSForm 990 (Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax).

Correspondence with prominent persons is scattered throughout the grant files series. TheAstor Home for Children files during the 1960’s contain letters from Francis CardinalSpellman, and later, from Terence Cardinal Cooke. The Riis Park file (in Box #8)contains letters to Mrs. Astor from Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson,John L. Loeb. and Ira S. Robbins (the file also contains an original letter by RobertLowell dated July 4, 1887, to “My Dear Cousin Mary Clare”). The Buchanan SchoolPlayground file (Box #10) contains a letter (Oct. 4, 1967) by Mrs. Lyndon BainesJohnson.

The Bedford-Stuyvesant Development Corp. file (in Box 11) contains a copy of a letter(April 17, 1967) from Mrs. Astor to the editor of the Washington Post in which shevigorously objects to an allegation published in the Post that the Foundation wasmotivated by political considerations in its awarding of grant funds.

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The board of trustees met in the spring and fall (or winter) of each year and morefrequently as business required. The records are arranged into trustee meetings; minutesbooks; and October reports to the board of trustees.

The records of trustee meetings (Containers #235-246) consist of agenda and backgroundpapers compiled by the executive director and staff to assist board members in preparingfor forthcoming meetings of the board. Included are agenda for regular meetings; agendafor annual meetings of members; summaries of grants recommended by the grantscommittee; lists of grants authorized and grants refused; financial statements; and papersrelating to miscellaneous legal and other matters. Included also are some draft minutes ofregular meetings of the board and annual meetings.

The minute books (Containers #247-262) contain the original official minutes ofmeetings of the board of trustees with collateral documents appended to them. In theearlier period during the presidency of Vincent Astor, the minutes focus on the electionof trustees, the receiving of contributions from Vincent Astor in the form of cash, shares,and real properties, portfolio management, and matters relating to grant policies andprocedures. Appended to the minutes are numerous collateral documents including theFoundation’s constitution, by-laws and certificate of incorporation (in Container #247);buy and sell recommendations of the investment or finance committee; lists of purchasesand sales of common stock; balance sheets; statements of receipts and expenditures; andaudit reports. Appended to the minutes of March 9, 1961 (Container #250) are documentsrelative to an agreement between the Foundation and Philip L. Graham of the WashingtonPost for the sale to the latter of 179,000 shares of common stock of Newsweek, Inc. Theminutes for January 27, 1960 record the election of Brooke Russell Astor as president ofthe Foundation following the death of her husband, Vincent Astor. The bulk of theminutes under the presidency of Mrs. Astor reflects the on-going work of the Foundationin approving and awarding the case load of financial grants to charitable and non-profitinstitutions and organizations, the management of the Foundation’s investment portfolio,and other routine matters.

The file of October reports to the board of trustees (Container #263) consists ofcopies of grant summaries with collateral documents prepared for the use of boardmembers.


This series consists of printed annual reports issued by the Foundation arrangedchronologically in the period 1949-96. The reports include the names of the Foundation’strustees and officers; lists of recent recipients of grants and amounts awarded; auditors’statements of assets and fund balances; income collected; expenses disbursed; and grantsand income fund balances. Some reports include a detailed statement of the Foundation’sportfolio of stock and bond holdings and other assets. Many reports also include astatement by Mrs. Astor. A copy of her history of the Foundation, 25 Years of Giving inNew York is filed at the end of this series.

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SERIES IV. GENERAL FILES (CONTAINERS #265-274)This series consists of general correspondence, arranged partially in chronological andpartially in topical order, of Mrs. Astor and Linda Gillies with officers of variousorganizations relating to civic, cultural, community and urban affairs in New York City,including the development of the South Bronx, the proposal to create a Museum of theHolocaust in the Customs House Building in Lower Manhattan, the establishment of anenvironmental simulation center at the New School for Social Research and other mattersof public interest. There is also correspondence with grantee organizations on matters notdirectly related to grants including the Astor Home for Children, Boys BrotherhoodRepublic, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and The New York Public Library. There isalso correspondence received after the Foundation’s closing from organizationsrequesting financial support. Some of the correspondence is routine and ceremonial innature, relating to invitations to conferences and social events, requests for information,thank-yous, and acknowledgements. There is also correspondence from cranks anddisturbed persons (in “Crazy Files” folder).


This series consists of a topical file of miscellaneous records relating to the Foundationand to its administrative procedures and practices; followed by financial recordsincluding financial statements, general journal, general ledgers, and records of cashreceipts and disbursements.

The topical file contains correspondence of the director (and the president) with theFoundation’s trustees; and correspondence of the director with auditors, legal counsel(Carter, Ledyard & Milburn); and with banks, investment advisors, and portfoliomanagers including Citibank, Chancellor Capital Management, and Morgan, Stanley &Co., Inc. There are also files relating to various administrative matters includingpersonnel and filing procedures, explanations of grant and program area codes,procedures for preparing for board meetings, office lease, and office renovation. Thecorrespondence with banks relates in part to the disposition of the foreign assets of theEstate of Vincent Astor (especially the Estate’s Finnish bonds). There is also a file ofacknowledgements of the Foundation's anniversary report Twenty-Five Years of Giving inNew York.

The financial records include financial statements (1955-1996); projected portfoliobalances (1987-93); trial balances (1990-97); a general journal (1960-81); general ledgers(1949-96); and records of cash receipt and disbursements.


This series consists of general correspondence of Mrs. Astor arranged chronologically inthe period 1985-1998; followed by a file of correspondence and papers arrangedtopically.

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The bulk of the chronological file consists of letters addressed to Mrs. Astor from well-wishers, admirers, readers of her books, and other members of the public; and fromofficers of charitable, civic and community organizations. Included is correspondencerelating to invitations to receptions, dinners and other social events, invitations to serveon boards of directors, requests for personal interviews and for biographical informationrelating to Mrs. Astor and the Astor family. Included are a few requests from personsproposing to write an official biography of Mrs. Astor. Almost all of the outgoingcorrespondence is answered by Linda Gillies. Included is a transcript of an interview withMrs. Astor conducted by Kathleen D. McCarthy of the Center for the Study ofPhilanthropy (Container #297); and a write-up by Eileen Simpson of her interview withMrs. Astor (in folder 4 of Container #297).

The topical file includes correspondence of Mrs. Astor with officers of civic, non-profitand other organizations (including grant recipients) and with friends, associates andothers relating to interviews, receptions, gala dinners, awards, tributes, Mrs. Astor’s 90th

birthday anniversary, Astor family history and other matters. The bulk of the outgoingcorrespondence in this file is answered by Mrs. Astor. Highlights of this series includethe following:

• The Vincent Astor file contains a photocopy of handwritten notes made by Mrs. Astorfollowing her husband’s death.

• The Barbara Bush file contains a photocopy of a letter by Barbara Bush datedDecember 30, 1988 in reply to Mrs. Astor’s recommendation to her that blackcouples be invited to attend her first inaugural dinner at the White House.

• The Columbia University and Cornell University files contain letters to Mrs. Astorfrom Astor Presidential Scholars and Vincent Astor Scholars, respectively; as well asreports and biographical sketches relating to the scholarship recipients.

• The Essay on Foundations file contains a handwritten essay (undated) by Mrs. Astoron the philosophy of foundation work with reference to the Vincent AstorFoundation.

• The David Grafton file includes a copy of an interview containing Mrs. Astor’sreminiscences of her friend Cole Porter.

• The Interview file contains a transcript of a conversation between Mrs. Astor and theReverend Jesse Jackson; and also responses from the public to Mrs. Astor’sappearance on Barbara Walter’s television show Nightline.

• The New York Public Library file contains Mrs. Astor’s correspondence and papersas member of the Library’s board of trustees. Included is correspondence withtrustees relating to fundraising, plans for Library development and improvement, theBrooke Astor Award ceremonies, and other matters.

• The New York Times file contains Mrs. Astor’s correspondence with readersresponding to articles about her and the Vincent Astor Foundation published in theNew York Times.

• The Party file contains papers relating to “A Birthday for Brooke” in celebration ofMrs. Astor’s ninetieth birthday.

• The Poems file contains copies of miscellaneous poems written by Mrs. Astor.

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• The Press Info file contains correspondence with the printed and broadcast mediarelating to requests for personal interviews with Mrs. Astor and for photographs, andbiographical information relating to her.

• The 60 Minutes file contains correspondence from individuals and organizationsseeking financial assistance in response to Mrs. Astor's appearance on the CBStelevision show 60 Minutes.

• The Speeches file contains the texts of a few speeches by Mrs. Astor.


The memorabilia is arranged into five subseries: A. Scrapbooks; B. Photographs; C.Certificates, Awards, Drawings, Citations, Letters and Other Papers; D. Publications; andE. Other Tributes and Appreciations.

A. The Scrapbooks (Containers #306-320) which are arranged chronologically in theperiod 1938-98, document the life of Mrs. Astor as philanthropist, civic leader andsocialite. The bulk of the materials consist of clippings from newspapers and magazines.Interspersed, however, are photographic portraits of Mrs. Astor and group photographstaken of her in the company of prominent persons at various public ceremonies andevents. There are also copies (mainly) of certificates, tributes and citations presented toMrs. Astor in recognition of her accomplishments. Included are the following notableitems:

-#306 contains a photographic portrait of Mrs. Astor and of Vincent Astor, the latter innaval uniform; and genealogical and bibliographical papers relating to the Astor family;-#307 contains photographs of Mrs. Astor with Mayor John Lindsay taken during on-sitevisits; a typed letter signed (4/3/67) from Lady Bird Johnson on White House letterhead;and original invitations to President Nixon’s inauguration;-#308 contains group photographs of Mrs. Astor at public ceremonies and events;-#309 contains photographs of Mrs. Astor at social events;-#310 contains group photographs of Mrs. Astor at social events;-#311 contains original invitations to social events;-#312 contains photographic portraits of Mrs. Astor;-#313 contains photographs of Mrs. Astor with Mayor Edward I.Koch; and numerous group photographs of Mrs. Astor at civic and social events;-#315 contains official White House color photographs of Mrs. Astor with NancyReagan;-#316 contains official White House color photographs of Mrs. Astor with Barbara Bushand others taken at a Literary Lions Dinner at The New York Public Library;-#317 contains group photographs of Mrs. Astor at her birthday reception at CarnegieHall, 1992.

B. Photographs (Containers #321-330A). The bulk of the photographs, which are listedby caption title on the container list, illustrates the personal, social and philanthropicactivities of Mrs. Astor during the period of her presidency of the Vincent Astor

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Foundation. Included are photographs of Mrs. Astor and others taken during on-site visitswith organizations receiving Vincent Astor Foundation grants; and at ceremonies whenMrs. Astor received awards, tributes and honorary degrees in recognition of her manycontributions to the betterment of life in New York City. Included are a few photographsof Mrs. Astor taken in Haiti during an earlier period; and photographs taken when herfather was High Commissioner there including photographs of Charles Lindbergh in agroup. There are also a few photographs of Astor family members taken during the early1900’s including John Jacob Astor and his wife, and their son, (William) Vincent Astortaken when he was a child. The photographs are mainly black and white glossy prints(8x10 and 11x14). Filed at the end of the series (Container #330A) is a book of 8x10black and white photographs, color slides, negatives and transparencies depicting Mrs.Astor singly and in small groups at social events; and photographs taken on-site at theMetropolitan Museum of Art, The New York Aquarium, and the Brooke Russell AstorReading Room for Rare Books and Manuscripts at The New York Public Library. Manyof the photographs contain on the verso brief notes by Mrs. Astor which identify thepersons or events depicted.

C. Certificates, Awards, Drawings, Citations, Letters and Other Papers (Containers#331-336). The bulk of this subseries consists of embossed certificates of appreciationand proclamations received by Mrs. Astor from civic, charitable, cultural, educationaland governmental organizations and agencies in New York City and State. There are alsoare a few letters from notable persons; drawings by New York City public schoolchildren; papers relating to Vincent Astor and the Astor family; and other miscellany asnoted below:

-#331 contains a typed letter signed (Apr. 28, 1978) by President Jimmy Carter toMrs. Astor acknowledging her contributions to the ratification of new treaties betweenthe United States and Panama; three autograph letters to Mrs. Astor from Nancy Reaganwritten on White House stationery; and letters and drawings by New York City publicschool children sent to Mrs. Astor in appreciation of her aid;

-#333 contains memorabilia relating to Vincent Astor and the Astor familyincluding a report card (November 1905) of Vincent Astor when he was a student at St.George’s School, Newport, Rhode Island; Vincent Astor’s copy of an agenda (January1956) for a meeting of the board of directors of the United States Lines Company; chartsand financial figures relating to the operation of the St. Regis Hotel for the month ofDecember 1956; an appraisal (September 1912) of paintings, water colors, engravingsand photographs at 840 Fifth Avenue belonging to the Estate of William Astor; and acopy of the last will and testament (1957) of Ava Ribblesdale, mother-in-law of Mrs.Vincent Astor;

-#334 contains a certificate of appointment of Vincent Astor to the rank of Captain in theNaval Reserve signed by James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, and President FranklinD. Roosevelt, July 24, 1941; and a scrapbook of drawings and thank-you letters sent toMrs. Astor from children in P.S. 59;

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-#336 contains a manuscript (unsigned) entitled “The Cruise of the Happy Lover”consisting of eleven stanzas of humorous verse accompanied by pen and ink drawingsillustrating the text on two elephant folio sheets; a colored crayon drawing signed“DelaCruz – 1986” of a street scene [Astor Place in lower Manhattan?] showing aVictorian style building with pedestrians strolling by a subway entrance in front of thebuilding; a cover of Harper’s Weekly (Saturday, March 30, 1861) containing a sketch of astreet scene opposite the Astor House entitled “April-Fool’s Day in New York”;architect’s plans for the renovation of the residence of Mrs. Vincent Astor, Briarcliff,New York, 6/9/87; a color drawing of the “Astor Home”, at Rhinebeck, N.Y. executed bythe architectural firm of Ludwig P. Bono; a lithograph entitled “St Mark’s Church in1905”; a reproduction of a drawing of an aerial view of South Street Seaport; a poster foran exhibition at The New York Public Library entitled “Censorship 500: Years ofConflict”; and an engraving (for the London Magazine, 1761) entitled “The SouthProspect of the City of New York in America”.

D. Publications (Containers #337-339). This subseries consists of published articles(and other writings) by and about Mrs. Astor. Included are printed copies of articles,speeches, and poems by Mrs. Astor published in various magazines including House &Garden, Town and Country, and Vanity Fair; and mint copies of magazines and otherpublications containing articles by her. The articles about Mrs. Astor consist ofphotocopies of newspaper and magazine articles published in Architectural Digest, theNew York Times, Town and Country, Vogue and other publications; with copies of thepublications containing the articles about her.

E. Other Tributes and Appreciations (Containers #340-358). This subseries consistsof nineteen albums (or scrapbooks) mainly of photographs, letters and other memorabiliapresented to Mrs. Astor by persons or organizations in gratitude for her support and inrecognition of her many contributions to the improvement of the civic life of New YorkCity. The albums are described briefly below:

-#340. 25 years of Giving. This album contains letters of congratulation andappreciation to Mrs. Astor from friends, acquaintances and prominent persons on thepublication (1985) of her book (25 Years of Giving in New York). Included are lettersfrom Joseph Alsop, Arthur Houghton, Jr., and Ronald Reagan.

-#341. The Astor Child Guidance Center. This scrapbook contains photographs ofthe ceremonies (June 10, 1983) which dedicated the center to Mrs. Astor. Included aregroup photographs of Terence Cardinal Cooke and other clergy and staff of the Center.

-#342. The Astor Fellows. A scrapbook of color photographs of 1996 AstorFellows at New York University’s School of Education who traveled to Italy to studychildhood education programs there.

-#343. Astor Home. This items consists of a printed report in custom bindingentitled: “To Mrs. Astor / A Report of the First Ten Years of the Astor Home”.

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-#344. Astor Home for Children. “Blessing and Dedication [of the] New Building,Astor Home for Children, Rhinebeck, New York, by His Eminence Francis CardinalSpellman, May 22, 1963”. Group photographs of Cardinal Spellman and other clergyduring the dedication ceremony. Inside cover: "Memory Book of Photographs” createdby H. Earle Eakin.

-#345. Astor Home for Children. Photographs and snapshots of staff, children andactivities taking place at the Home.

-#346. Astor Professors at Rockefeller University, December 1983. Presented toMrs. Astor as an expression of gratitude and affection for her endowment of facultychairs in bio-medical research. The album contains a letter of appreciation from JoshuaLederberg followed by autograph signatures, photographic portraits, and printedbiographical sketches of the Astor Professors.

-#347. Astor Program for Gifted Children. This album consists of letters (1975-77) from parents of gifted children addressed to Dr. Virginia Z. Erlich, Director of theAstor Program. The letters contain snapshots of the children in the program.

-#348. Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration. This album contains photographs ofbuildings, photocopies of press clippings and a typescript narrative (“The RestorationStory) relating to the efforts to rehabilitate the Bedford Stuyvesant area in centralBrooklyn.

-#349. Ferncliff Residence. “A Day to Remember, October 6, 1967”. This is analbum of group photographs of Francis Cardinal Spellman and other clergy with Mrs.Astor taken at the dedication ceremonies of the Ferncliff residence.

-#350. Henry Street Settlement, October 21, 1975. This album contains groupphotographs of activities taking place at the Henry Street Settlement.

-#351. Metropolitan Museum of Art. This album contains photographs and pressclippings relating to the Metropolitan’s 1976 exhibition entitled “A BicentennialTreasury: American Masterpieces from The Metropolitan”. The exhibition was funded bythe Vincent Astor Foundation.

#352. New York University. This album contains photographs of Mrs. Astor andacademic dignitaries taken when she received the honorary degree of Doctor of HumaneLetters, June 5, 1986.

#353. “A Picture Story of Our Dream House”. This album contains a handwrittennarrative accompanied by snapshots compiled by children of the Madonna HeightsSchool for Girls as an expression of their gratitude to Mrs. Astor.

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#354. Reaching Out, An Epic of the People of St. Philip’s Church (Tappan, N.Y.,Custombook, Inc., 1986). The book is inscribed to Mrs. Astor on the flyleaf by MoranWeston, Director Emeritus.

#355. The Rector’s Award. This album contains group photographs of Mrs. Astortaken at the New York Hilton Hotel during the presentation to her of the Rector’s Crossby Dr. Weston of St. Philip’s Church.

#356. Riis Plaza Photos. This album contains photographs of children at play atJacob Riis Plaza which was built with funds provided in part by the Vincent AstorFoundation.

#357. The Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture Awards Dinner, May 3,1973. This album contains group photographs of Mrs. Astor taken during the awardsceremony.

#358. United Neighborhood Houses. This album contains group photographs ofMrs. Astor taken during the 75th Anniversary Celebration, June 3, 1975 of the UnitedNeighborhood Houses at the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Pierre.

SERIES VIII. VIDEO RECORDINGS (CONTAINERS #359-361)This series consists of twenty-eight VHS video cassettes recording Mrs. Astor’s

appearances on network television shows including ABC’s 60 Minutes, CBS’s ThisMorning, NBC’s Today Show, Adam Smith’s Giving Away Millions, and other eventsincluding a 90th birthday tribute to Mrs. Astor. The titles of the cassettes are briefly listedon the container list.

SERIES IX. RESTRICTED RECORDS CONTAINER #362)This series consists of records removed from folders in Boxes #134, #142, #179,

and #181 of the Grants Files series; and from Boxes #272 and #275 of the General Filesseries.

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Container List

SERIES I. GRANTS FILESBox # Title Date1 New York Hospital 1960

American Friends Service Committee Incorporated 1961American Red Cross 1961Astor Home for Children 1961The Big Sisters Incorporated 1961The Boy’s Club of New York 1961Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1961Children’s Aid Society 1961Girls Club of New York 1961Graham School 1961Henry Street Settlement 1961Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Project 1961The Leake and Watts Children’s Home 1961Legal Aid Society 1961Madison Square Boy’s Club 1961National Council on Crime and Delinquency 1961Police Athletic League 1961St. Philip’s Community Center 1961Sisters of the Good Shepherd 1961Trail Blazer Camps 1961United Hospital Fund of New York 1961United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1961Young Women’s Christian Association 1961

2 Association for Homemaker Service, Inc. 1962Astor Home for Children 1962The Big Brothers 1962The Big Sisters 1962Boys’ Club of New York 1962Boys’ Club of Queens, Inc. 1962Camp Sussex, Inc. 1962Casita Maria 1962The Children Aid Society 1962Citizens Committee for Children of New York 1962Educational Television 1962Family Service Association of Nassau County 1962Fresh Air Fund 1962Grosvenor Neighborhood House 1962Harvard Medical School 1962

3 Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1962National Council on Crime and Delinquency 1962The New York Hospital 1962The New York Public Library 1962The Play Schools Association, Inc. 1962Puerto Rican Social Services, Inc. 1962United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1962

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The Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. 1962Young Women’s Christian Association 1962Youth Development, Inc. 1962Association for Homemaker Service, Inc. 1963Astor Home for Children 1963Boys Harbor, Inc. 1963Boy Scouts of America, Greater New York Councils 1963

4 Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center 1963Family Service Association 1963Fresh Air Fund 1963Girls Club of New York 1963Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1963The Leaguers 1963Legal Aid Society 1963Lincoln Hall 1963Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 1963Montefiore Hospital 1963New York Housing Authority 1963The New York Hospital 1963Northside Center for Child Development 1963Protestant Board of Guardians 1963Puerto Rican Forum, Inc. 1963St. George’s School 1963St. Luke’s Hospital 1963St. Philip’s Community Youth Center 1963Trail Blazer Camps 1963United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1963The Wiltwyck School 1963YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) 1963YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) 1963

5 American Bar Association 1964Association for Homemaker Service, Inc. 1964Berkshire Farm 1964Big Sisters, Inc. 1964Bloomingdale Neighborhood Recreation Committee 1964Board of Education of the City of New York 1964Boy Scouts of America 1964Boys’ Club of New York 1964Boys Club of Queens, Inc. 1964Boys Harbor, Inc. 1964The Children’s Village 1964Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1964Graham Home for Children 1964

6 Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1964Madison Square Boys’ Club, Inc. 1964New York City Housing Authority 1964New York City Mission Society 1964

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New York Hospital 1964New York Zoological Society 1964The Puerto Rican Forum, Inc. 1964St. George’s School 1964St. Philip’s Community Youth Center 1964Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1964United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1964Vocational Advisory Service, Inc. 1964The Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. 1964Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1964Youth Council on Civic Affairs, Inc. 1964Youth Development, Inc. 1964

7 Aspira of New York, Inc. 1965Astor Home for Children 1965Big Brothers, Inc. 1965Block Development Project, Inc. 1965Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1965Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1965City-Wide Coordinating Committee 1965Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1965Greer, A Children’s Community 1965Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1965Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1965

8 New York Hospital 1965New York City Housing Authority 1965New York University 1965Riis Park 1965St. Christopher’s School 1965St. George’s School 1965Sciences and Arts Camps 1965South Brooklyn Neighborhood Houses 1965Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1965United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1965Vocational Advisory Service, Inc. 1965Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. 1965Youth Councils on Civic Affairs, Inc. 1965

9 Astor Home for Children 1966Big Brothers, Inc. 1966Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1966The Boys’ Club of New York 1966Boys Harbor, Inc. 1966Buchanan School Playground 1966

10 Buchanan School Playground (2 folders) 1966Christodora House 1966City-Wide Coordinating Committee 1966Department of Parks of the City of New York 1966

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Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1966Graham Home for Children 1966Harlem School of the Arts, Inc. 1966Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund 1966Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1966Jennie Clarkson Home for Children 1966Institute of Public Administration 1966Killside Improvement Project 1966New York City Housing Authority 1966The New York Hospital 1966

11 New York University 1966Park Association of New York 1966Police Athletic League 1966Real Great Society, Inc. 1966St. George’s School 1966Theater In the Street 1966United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1966Vocational Advisory Service 1966Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. 1966Youth Board Research Institute of New York, Inc. 1966ABC Program 1967Aspira of New York, Inc. 1967Astor Home for Children 1967Bedford-Stuyvesant Development Corporation 1967Berkshire Farm for Boys 1967Boy Scouts of America / Greater New York 1967Broad Jump, Inc. 1967Carver Amphitheater Committee 1967Chapin School 1967Clinton Youth Center 1967

12 Community Hospital at Glen Cove 1967Cornell University Medical College 1967Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos 1967Department of Parks of the City of New York 1967East Harlem Baseball League 1967East 117th Street Parents Association 1967Emergency Shelter, Inc. 1967Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1967Fresh Air Fund 1967General Hospital of Saranac Lake 1967Harvard Law School 1967The Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1967Interracial Council for Business Opportunity 1967Lenox Avenue East Beautification Committee 1967Lower East Side Action Project, Inc. 1967Madison Square Boys’ Club, Inc. 1967Middlesex School 1967Miss Porter’s School 1967

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National Geographic Society 1967New York City Housing Authority 1967New York City Mission Society 1967New York Hospital 1967New York Urban League, Inc. 1967

13 New York Zoological Society 1967Real Great Society, Inc. 1967Roosevelt Hospital 1967St. George’s School 1967St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1967Topkapi Museum 1967Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1967United Fund of Long Island, Inc. 1967Visiting Mothers-Sereno Workshop 1967Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1967Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc. 1967Young Women’s Christian Association of Brooklyn 1967A Better Chance, Inc. 1968Applied Resources, Inc. 1968Astor Home for Children 1968Bennet College 1968Big Sisters, Inc. 1968Boys Athletic League, Inc. 1968Boys’ Club of New York 1968

14 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1968Clinton Youth Center 1968Consumer Action Program of Bedford Stuyvesant, Inc. 1968Cornell University Medical College 1968Davidson Community Center 1968East Harlem Block Associations 1968East Harlem Computer Training Program 1968East Harlem Federation Youth Association 1968Eldridge Community Center 1968Fresh Air Fund 1968Girls Club Lower East Side 1968Grand Street Settlement 1968Harlem Preparatory School 1968Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1968Huntington Hospital Expansion Fund 1968Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1968ICBO (Interracial Council for Business Opportunity) 1968Interfaith City-Wide Coordinating Committee 1968Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1968Knickerbocker Drum and Bugle Corps 1968

15 Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1968Lower East Side Action Project, Inc. 1968Middlesex School 1968

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National Conference of Christians and Jews 1968National Geographic Society 1968New York Hospital 1968New York University 1968New York Urban Coalition 1968New York Urban League, Inc. 1968Philipstown Volunteer Ambulance Corps 1968Real Great Society, Inc. 1968The Roosevelt Hospital 1968Rutgers Community Center 1968St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 1968St. George’s School 1968St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1968Soul and Latin Theatre Troupe 1968South Forty Corporation 1968South Kent School 1968Studio Museum in Harlem 1968Theatre in the Street 1968Topkapi Museum 1968Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1968United Negro College Fund, Inc. 1968Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1968Yale University 1968Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1968Young Devils, Inc. 1968Youth Development, Inc. 1968

16 A Better Chance, Inc. 1969American Hospital of Istanbul 1969Applied Resources, Inc. 1969Association of the Bar of the City of New York 1969Astor Home for Children 1969Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 1969Boys’ Club of New York 1969Boys Harbor, Inc. 1969Broad Jump, Inc. 1969Brooklyn Children’s Museum 1969The Buckley School 1969Capital Formation, Inc. 1969

17 Carnegie Hall Society, Inc. 1969Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1969Chinese Development Council 1969Christian Herald Charities 1969Clinton Youth Center 1969Committee for a Comprehensive Education Center, Inc. 1969The Community Hospital of Glen Cove 1969Cornell University Medical College 1969East Harlem Federation Youth Association 1969East 117th Street Parents Association 1969

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East Village Girl’s Club 1969Emergency Shelter, Inc. 1969The Girls Club of Locust Valley, Inc 1969Grace Church of New York City 1969Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1969

18 Hudson Guild 1969Independent School Summer Urban Education Project 1969International Medical and Research Foundation 1969The Institutional Church of God in Christ, Inc 1969James Weldon Johnson Community Centers, Inc. 1969Knickerbocker Drum and Bugle Corps 1969Lower East Side Action Project, Inc. 1969Middlesex School 1969Miss Porter’s School 1969Mothers-In-Action 1969The National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc 1969New York City Department of Parks and Recreation 1969New York City Housing Authority 1969New York City – Vermont Youth Project, Inc. 1969New York University 1969New York Zoological Society 1969

19 Northside Center for Child Development 1969119th Street Block Association 1969Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc. 1969Police Athletic League, Inc. 1969Real Great Society, Inc. 1969Roosevelt Hospital 1969Self Enterpride, Inc. 1969Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 19692247 Second Avenue Building 1969Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1969United Fund of Long Island, Inc. 1969United Negro College Fund, Inc. 1969Urban Deadline, Inc. 1969Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1969Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1969Wabash College 1969West 80th Street Community Child Day Care Center 1969Young Devils 1969Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1969

20 All Saints Elementary School 1970American Museum Natural History 1970Astor Home for Children 1970Berkshire Farm for Boys 1970Boys Harbor, Inc. 1970Broad Jump, Inc. 1970Bronx Community College 1970

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Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1970Clinton Youth Center 1970Community Development Foundation, Inc. 1970Cornell University Medical College 1970Corporation for Public Broadcasting 1970East Harlem Federation Youth Association 1970

21 Fleming School 1970Fresh Air Fund 1970The Fund For Peace 1970Girls’ Club of New York 1970Grace Church of New York City 1970Green Vale School 1970Hollow Organization, Inc. 1970Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1970International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1970Knickerbocker Drum and Bugle Corps 1970Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1970Lower East Side Action Project, Inc. 1970Madison Square Boys’ Club, Inc. 1970Metropolitan Regional Council, Inc. 1970Miss Porter’s School 1970National Geographic Society 1970New York University 1970New York Yearly Meeting of the Religions Society of Friends 1970

22 Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc. 1970Our Lady of Victory Church 1970Polo Grounds Community Association 1970Puerto Rican Student Forum, Inc. 1970Roosevelt Hospital 1970St. George’s School 1970St. Luke’s Hospital 1970St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1970Smith College 1970Sphere Inc. 1970Sports Foundation, Inc. 1970Teachers, Inc. 1970Tremont Community Council 1970Urban Skills, Inc. 1970Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1970Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1970Wabash College 1970

23 Abbott House 1971American Hospital of Istanbul, Inc. 1971American Museum of Natural History 1971American Youth Hostels, Inc. 1971Applied Resources, Inc. 1971Astor Home for Children 1971

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Bank Street College of Education 1971Big Brothers, Inc. 1971Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1971Broad Jump, Inc. 1971

24 Bronx Community College 1971The Buckley School 1971Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1971Cornell University Medical College 1971Davidson Community Center 1971East Harlem Center 1971Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1971The Fresh Air Fund 1971Friends of Puerto Rico, Inc. 1971The Girls’ Club of New York 1971Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1971Grace Church of New York City 1971Greensward Foundation 1971Harvard Law School 1971Hollow Organization, Inc. 1971Hudson Guild 1971

25 Interfaith Adopt-A-Building Program 1971International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1971Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1971The Jugglers, A Multi-Media Theater Group for Children 1971Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1971Metropolitan Museum of Art 1971Morrisania Adventure Playground 1971Museums Collaborative, Inc. 1971The National Conference of Christians and Jews 1971National Geographic Society 1971New School for Social Research 1971

26 New York Foundling Hospital (3 folders) 1971New York Urban Coalition 1971Old Dartmouth Historical Society 1971Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc. 1971Phoenix House Foundation, Inc. 1971The Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Company, Inc. 1971

27 Richmondtown Restoration, Inc. (4 folders) 1971Roosevelt Hospital 1971Ruppert Green 1971Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. 1971St. Bernard’s School 1971St. George’s School 1971St. John’s College 1971

28 St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1971

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South Street. Seaport Museum 1971Street Life Project 1971Sweet Briar College 1971The Taft Church and Community Center 1971Third World Associates Group 1971United Negro College Fund, Inc. 1971Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1971Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1971Wabash College 1971West Side Educational Trust 1971Women’s Prison Association and Hopper Home 1971Young Women’s Christian Association 1971

29 The American Museum of Natural History 1972The Astor Home for Children 1972Bennett College 1972Boys’ Club of New York 1972Boys Harbor, Inc. 1972Broad Jump, Inc. 1972Bronx Community College 1972Brotherhood-In-Action, Inc. 1972Catholic Charities of the Archdiosese of New York 1972China Institute in America, Inc. 1972Collegiate School 1972Corporation for Public Broadcasting 1972East Harlem Block Nursery, Inc. 1972

30 East Harlem Center 1972East Third Street Community Development Association 1972Eugene O’Neill Memorial Theater Center, Inc 1972Fresh Air Fund 1972Harvard Law School 1972The Hudson Guild 1972Institute of Fine Arts Foundation 1972The Institute of Judicial Administration, Inc. 1972Interfaith Adopt-A-Building Program 1972

31 Knickerbocker Drum and Bugle Corps 1972Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1972LEAP (Lower East Side Action Project) 1972Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1972Metropolitan Museum of Art 1972Museum of the City of New York 1972Museums Collaborative, Inc. 1972Mystic Seaport, Inc. 1972National Geographic Society 1972The New York Public Library 1972Old Dartmouth Historical Society 1972

32 Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc. 1972

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Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Company, Inc. 1972Regional Plan Association 1972Ruppert Green 1972St. Bernard’s School 1972St. John’s College 1972South Street Seaport Museum 1972Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1972Wabash College 1972West Side Montessori School 1972West Village Committee 1972Young Audiences, Inc. 1972

33 The American Museum of Natural History 1973Astor Home for Children 1973Bennett College 1973Board of Education of the City of New York (2 folders) 1973Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1973The Boys’ Club of New York 1973The Brooklyn Children’s Museum 1973

34 Brotherhood-In-Action 1973China Institute in America, Inc. 1973Collegiate School 1973The Colonial Dames of America 1973Columbia University (2 folders) 1973Designers of Harlem, Inc. 1973East Harlem Federation Youth Association, Inc. 1973Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1973The Girls Club of New York 1973

35 The Hudson Guild 1973Institute of Fine Arts Foundation 1973Interfaith Adopt-A-Building Program 1973International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1973Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1973The Korean Church of Queens 1973L.S.B. Leakey Foundation 1973Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1973Metropolitan Museum of Art 1973Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. 1973The Municipal Art Society of New York, Inc. 1973

36 Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1973New York City Department of Parks and Recreation 1973Operation Crossroads Africa, Inc. 1973The Parks Council, Inc. 1973Phelps-Stokes Fund 1973Regional Plan Association (2 folders) 1973

37 Rockefeller University (2 folders) 1973

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St. Bernard’s School 1973St. George’s School 1973St. John’s School 1973St. Paul’s School 1973The Si-Yo Music Society Foundation, Inc. 1973

38 South Street Seaport Museum 1973Taft, Robert A., Institute of Government (2 folders) 1973United States Naval Institute 1973

39 Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1973Wabash College 1973West Side Montessori School 1973West Village Committee 1973Young Men’s Christian Association 1973Young Women’s Christian Association 1973American Museum of Natural History 1974Aspira of New York, Inc. 1974Astor Home for Children 1974Board of Education of the City of New York 1974

40 Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1974The Colonial Dames of America 1974East Third Street Community Development Association 1974Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1974Educational Development Center 1974Environmental Action Coalition 1974The Floating Hospital 1974Four Freedoms Foundation 1974

41 Fresh Air Fund 1974Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1974Greater New York City Ice Hockey League 1974Harvard University 1974Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1974Hospital Audiences, Inc. 1974International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1974Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1974Korean Church of Queens 1974Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1974

42 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1974Mystic Seaport, Inc. 1974National Assoc. for the Advancement of Colored People 1974National Geographic Society 1974Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1974New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1974Parks Council, Inc. 1974Phelps-Stokes Fund 1974Princeton University 1974

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Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. (2 folders) 1974

43 St. Bernard’s School 1974St. George’s School 1974St. Paul’s School 1974South Street Seaport Museum 1974Taft, Robert A., Institute of Government 1974The Third Century Corporation (3 folders) 1974

44 Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1974The Village Committee for Jefferson Market Area, Inc. 1974Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1974Wabash College 1974West Side Montessori School 1974West Village Committee 1974Young Audiences, Inc. 1974Young Women’s Christian Association 1974A Better Chance, Inc. 1975American Geographical Society 1975American Museum of Natural History 1975Animal Medical Center 1975

45 Association of Lower East Side Settlements 1975Astor Home for Children 1975Big Brothers, Inc. 1975Big Sisters, Inc. 1975Board of Education of the City of New York (2 folders) 1975Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1975Brooklyn Academy of Music 1975

46 Central Park Task Force 1975Children’s Art Carnival, Inc. 1975Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, Inc. 1975Citizens’ Committee for New York City, Inc 1975Congress of Italian-American Organizations, Inc. 1975

47 Cooper-Hewitt Museum 1975East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc. 1975Environmental Action Coalition 1975Explorers Club 1975Fraunces Tavern Museum Development Committee 1975Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1975Hurricane Island Outward Bound School (2 folders) 1975Inner-City Scholarship Fund, Inc. 1975The Juilliard School 1975Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1975Knickerbocker Drum and Bugle Corps 1975

48 The Legal Aid Society 1975Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1975

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Metropolitan Museum of Art 1975Metropolitan Opera Association 1975Museum of the City of New York 1975Navy Yard Boys’ Club, Inc. 1975Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1975Neighborhood Housing Services of Jamaica, Inc. 1975New York Association for the Blind 1975New York Botanical Garden 1975New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1975

49 The New York Public Library 1975New York Urban Coalition 1975New York Zoological Society 1975Pierpont Morgan Library 1975The Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York 1975Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. 1975

50 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1975South Street Seaport Museum (2 folders) 1975Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1975Staten Island Children’s Museum 1975Tinker Memorial Fund, Annie Rensselaer 1975Venture Fund of the Diocese of New York 1975Venture Raiders, Inc. 1975Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1975Young Women’s Christian Association 1975

51 American Friends Service Committee 1976American Museum of Natural History 1976Animal Medical Center 1976Association of Lower East Side Settlements 1976Association of West Bronx Agencies 1976Astor Home for Children 1976Broad Jump, Inc. 1976Brooklyn Academy of Music 1976

52 Carnegie Hall National Endowment Fund 1976Casita Maria, Inc. 1976Central Park Task Force 1976China Institute in America, Inc. 1976Church of the Transfiguration 1976Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1976Committee for a New J.H.S. 65/I.S. 131 Complex 1976Council on the Environment of New York City 1976Davidson Community Center, Inc. 1976

53 Economic Youth Enterprises of Red Hook 1976Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1976Episcopal Mission Society 1976Fourth of July in Old New York Committee, Inc. 1976

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Fresh Air Fund 1976Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1976Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 1976Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1976International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1976

54 Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1976The Juilliard School 1976Lenox Hill Hospital 1976Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1976Livingston School 1976Magnolia Tree Earth Center of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Inc. 1976Metropolitan Museum of Art 1976Metropolitan Opera Association 1976Museum of the City of New York 1976Museums Collaborative Inc. 1976

55 National Congress of Neighborhood Women 1976Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1976New York Botanical Garden 1976New York City Housing Authority 1976New York City School Breakfast Committee 1976New York City School Volunteer Program, Inc. 1976New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1976The New York Public Library 1976New York Urban Coalition 1976

56 New York Urban League, Inc. 1976New York Zoological Society 1976The Parks Council, Inc. 1976Pierpont Morgan Library 1976Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. 1976Rockefeller University 1976Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1976Search and Care, Inc. 1976Society for the Preservation of Weeksville and Bedford-Stuyvesant History


57 Teachers College Columbia University 1976Tremont Improvement Program 1976United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1976Venture Raiders, Inc. 1976Visiting Nurse Association of Staten Island, Inc. 1976Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1976

58 Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1976We Care 1976Women’s Prison Association and Hopper Home 1976A Better Chance, Inc. 1977American Humane Association 1977

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The American Museum of Natural History 1977

59 Animal Medical Center 1977Association of Neighborhood Housing Developers, Inc. 1977Astor Home for Children 1977The Big Sisters, Inc. 1977Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1977Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1977Central Park Task Force 1977Children’s Aid Society 1977Church of the Transfiguration 1977Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1977

60 Discovery Rooms for Children, Inc. 1977Dome Project, Inc. 1977Downtown Brooklyn Development Association, Inc. 1977Earth Environmental Group 1977East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc. 1977Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1977Featherbed Lane Youth Center, Inc. 1977Friends of Verdi Square Park 1977Girls Club of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1977

61 The Horticultural Society of New York 1977Hunter College 1977Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1977Interfaith Adopt-A-Building Program, Inc. 1977International Medical and Research Foundation, Inc. 1977Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1977The Juilliard School 1977Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1977Lower East Side Community School 1977Lower East Family Union, Inc. 1977Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1977

62 Metropolitan Opera Association 1977Museum of the City of New York 1977Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1977New York Botanical Garden 1977New York City Police Foundation 1977New York Foundling Hospital 1977New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1977The New York Public Library 1977New York Zoological Society 1977

63 Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition 1977Parent Preparation, Inc. 1977The Pierpont Morgan Library 1977Public Education Association 1977St. George’s School 1977

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St. John’s College 1977Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1977Search and Care, Inc. 1977South Street Seaport Museum 1977TIP Neighborhood House, Inc. 1977Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1977Westside Center for Family Services 1977

64 Advocates for Children of New York, Inc. 1978Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc. 1978American Humane Association 1978American Museum of Natural History 1978Animal Medical Center 1978Astor Home for Children 1978Belmont Senior Citizens Organization, Inc. 1978Boy Scouts of America / Greater New York CouncilBoys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1978Boys’ Club of New York 1978

65 Broad Jump, Inc. 1978Brooklyn Educational and Cultural Alliance 1978Caribbeana Council 1978Central Park Task Force 1978Covenant House 1978Dome Project, Inc. 1978Downtown Brooklyn Development Association, Inc. 1978

66 East Harlem Halfway House, Inc. 1978Episcopal Church (2 folders) 1978Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1978Fresh Air Fund 1978Girls Club of New York 1978Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 1978Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1978

67 Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1978Juilliard School 1978Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1978Lower Eastside Family Union, Inc. 1978Metropolitan Museum of Art (2 folders) 1978Metropolitan Opera Association 1978Municipal Art Society of New York, Inc. 1978

68 Museum of the American Indian 1978Museum of the City of New York 1978Museums Collaborative, Inc. 1978Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1978New York Botanical Garden 1978New York City Mission Society 1978The New York Historical Society 1978

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The New York Public Library 1978New York Zoological Society 1978Old Merchants House of New York, Inc. 1978People’s Development Corporation 1978Pratt Institute Center for Environmental Development 1978Prospect Heights Neighborhood Corporation 1978

69 Public Education Association 1978Rockefeller University 1978St. Christopher’s Home (2 folders) 1978St. John’s College 1978St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1978St. Thomas Community School 1978

70 Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1978South Street Seaport Museum 1978Staten Island Planning Foundation, Inc. 1978Synagogue Rescue Project, Inc. 1978Teachers College Columbia University 1978TIP Neighborhood House, Inc. 1978Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1978Women’s Prison Association and Hopper Home 1978Youth Village Multi-Service Center 1978

71 Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1978Aging in America, Inc. (2 folders) 1979All Angels’ Church 1979The American Museum of Natural History 1979Animal Medical Center 1979Astor Home for Children 1979Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation 1979

72 Better Bellevue Association, Inc. 1979Broad Jump, Inc. 1979Brooklyn Public Library 1979Caribbeana Council 1979Carnegie Hall Society, Inc. (3 folders) 1979

73 Central Park Community Fund 1979Central Park Task Force 1979Children’s Storefront Foundation 1979Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1979Citizens Housing and Planning Council of New York, Inc. 1979Committee for Astor Place, Inc. 1979Community Service Society of New York 1979Cornell University Medical College (2 folders) 1979

74 Cornell University medical College 1979East Bronx Council on Aging, Inc. 1979East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc. 1979

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Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1979Fordham University 1979The Frick Collection 1979

75 Friends of Riverside Park 1979Girls Club of New York 1979Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1979Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 1979The Horticultural Society of New York, Inc. 1979James Weldon Johnson Community Centers, Inc. 1979Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1979The Juilliard School 1979Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1979Little Sisters of the Assumption 1979Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. 1979

76 Martin De Porres Community Service Center, Inc. 1979The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1979Metropolitan Opera Association 1979Museum of the City of New York 1979National Portrait Gallery 1979Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1979New York Botanical Garden 1979New York City Police Foundation 1979New York City School Volunteer Program, Inc. 1979New York Foundling Hospital 1979The New York Institute for Child Development, Inc. 1979

77 The New York Public Library 1979New York Urban League, Inc. 1979New York Zoological Society 1979Park Slope Project Reach Youth, Inc. 1979Parks Council, Inc. 1979Queens Historical Society 1979Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc. 1979St. Mark’s Church In-the-Bowery 1979

78 St. Mathew’s and St. Timothy’s Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1979South Street Seaport Museum (2 folders) 1979TIP Neighborhood House, Inc. (2 folders) 1979

79 TIP Neighborhood House, Inc. 1979

80 United Nautical Cadets, Inc. 1979Urban Academy for Management, Inc. (2 folders) 1979Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1979Wave Hill, Inc. 1979Young Devils, Inc. 1979A Better Chance, Inc. (2 folders) 1980

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SERIES I. GRANTS FILESBox # Title Date81 The American Museum of Natural History 1980

American Reading Council, Ltd. 1980Asian American Research Institute 1980Astor Home for Children 1980Brooklyn Botanic Garden Corporation 1980Center for Building Conservation 1980

82 Center for Population and Family Health 1980Central Park Task Force 1980Children’s Aid Society 1980The Churchill School 1980Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1980City of New York Community Board # 9 1980Department of State, Washington, D.C. 1980Featherbed Lane Youth Center, Inc. 1980Fordham University 1980The Frick Collection 1980

83 Friends of Tompkins Square Park 1980Harvard College 1980Health Video Services, Ltd. 1980Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1980John Dewey High School 1980Legal Aid Society 1980Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1980Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 1980Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1980

84 Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1980Lower Manhattan Cultural Council 1980Marine Corps Command and Staff College Foundation 1980Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. 1980Metropolitan Museum of Art 1980Metropolitan Opera Association 1980Morningside Area Alliance, Inc. 1980

85 Museum of the City of New York 1980National Trust for Historic Preservation 1980Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1980Neurosciences Research Foundation, Inc. (2 folders) 1980New York Botanical Garden 1980New York City Mission Society 1980New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc. 1980

86 New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. (3 folders) 1980The New York Public Library 1980New York Zoological Society 1980Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, Inc. 1980Old Merchants House of New York, Inc. 1980

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SERIES I. GRANTS FILESBox # Title Date87 Parks Recreation Fund 1980

The Pierpont Morgan Library 1980Prospect Park West Association 1980Public Education Association 1980Queens County Farm Museum 1980Queensboro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Inc. 1980The Rockefeller University (2 folders) 1980

88 Ruppert Green Community Garden 1980St. Marks Church In-the-Bowery 1980School Settlement Association 1980South Seaport Museum 1980The Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1980The Studio Museum in Harlem 1980Teachers & Writers Collaborative 1980United Federation of Teachers 1980

89 United States Naval Institute 1980Village Committee for the Jefferson Market Area, Inc. 1980Washington Heights and Inwood Development Corporation 1980WNYC Foundation 1980Writers Room, Inc. 1980Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1980Alley Pond Environmental Center, Inc. 1981The American Geographical Society of New York 1981American Museum of Natural History 1981

90 American Reading Council, Ltd. 1981The Animal Medical Center 1981Art Commission of the City of New York 1981Astor Home for Children 1981Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1981

91 Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1981Broad Jump, Inc. 1981Bronx Frontier Development Corporation 1981

92 Bronx Museum of the Arts 1981Brooklyn Public Library 1981Casita Maria, Inc. 1981Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine 1981Central Park Conservancy 1981

93 Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1981City of New York Municipal Archives 1981Coalition for the Homeless 1981Columbia University (3 folders) 1981Committee to Oppose the Sale of St. Bartholomew’s Church, Inc. 1981

94 Community Service Society of New York 1981

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Cranbery Street Association 1981The Drawing Center, Inc. 1981Fordham University 1981Geri-Pare, Inc. 1981GLIE Community Youth Program, Inc. 1981Hamilton-Madison House, Inc. 1981Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. 1981

95 Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1981Madison Square Boys’ Club, Inc. 1981Maternity Center Association 1981The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1981Municipal Art Society of New York, Inc. 1981Museum of the City of New York 1981

96 National Maritime Historical Society 1981Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green, Inc. 1981New York Botanical Garden 1981New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc. 1981New York City Partnership, Inc. 1981New York City Police Foundation, Inc. 1981

97 New York Energy Conservation Fund, Inc. (2 folders) 1981New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation, Inc. 1981The New York Public Library 1981New York Zoological Society (2 folders) 1981Parks Council, Inc. 1981

98 People’s Firehouse, Inc. 1981The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc. 1981The Pierpont Morgan Library 1981Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 1981Queens County Farm Museum 1981Ruppert Green Community Garden, Inc. 1981St. George’s School 1981

99 St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1981Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Inc. 1981South Street Seaport Museum 1981Staten Island Children’s Museum 1981Teachers College Columbia University 1981Trust for Public Land 1981United Nautical Cadets, Inc. 1981Urban Adventures 1981Washington Heights and Inwood Development Corporation 1981

100 Willoughby House Settlement, Inc. 1981Women’s Prison Association and Hopper Home 1981Writers Room, Inc. 1981American Museum of Natural History 1982

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Art Commission of the City of New York 1982Astor Home for Children 1982Boys’ Club of New York 1982

101 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1982The Church of Saint Luke in the Fields 1982Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1982Colony-South Brooklyn Houses 1982Cornell University Medical College 1982Dome Project, Inc. 1982The Door 1982

102 Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1982El Puente 1982Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1982Franciscan Handmaids of Mary 1982Geri-Pare, Inc. 1982GLIE Community Youth Program, Inc. 1982Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 1982Gowanus Canal Community Development Corporation 1982Gracie Mansion Conservancy (2 folders) 1982

103 Green Guerillas, Inc. 1982Horticultural Society of New York, Inc. 1982Housing Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 1982Independence House 1982Institute of Judicial Administration, Inc. 1982Interschool Program 1982Inwood-Heights Parks Alliance (2 folders) 1982

104 Kips Bay Boys’ Club, Inc. 1982Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1982Local Initiatives Support Corporation (2 folders) 1982Manhattan Theatre Club, Inc. 1982Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. 1982Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. 1982Museum of the City of New York 1982

105 National Academy of Design 1982National Alliance Against Violence 1982Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green, Inc. 1982New York Botanical Garden 1982New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc. 1982New York City Partnership, Inc. 1982New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1982The New York Public Library 1982

106 New York Urban Coalition 1982New York Zoological Society 1982Parks Council, Inc. 1982

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People’s Firehouse, Inc. 1982The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc. 1982The Pierpont Morgan Library 1982Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 1982Prospect Park Administrator’s Office 1982Public Education Association 1982St. Francis Friends of the Poor, Inc. 1982St. Mark’s Church In-the Bowery 1982

107 Search and Care, Inc. 1982Sheltering Arms Children’s Service 1982Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Inc. 1982South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation, Inc. 1982South Street Seaport Museum 1982Sports for the People, Inc. 1982Staten Island Children’s Museum 1982

108 TIP Neighborhood House, Inc. 1982Trust for Public Land 1982Trustees of the Northern Dispensary of the City of New York 1982University Settlement 1982Urban Adventures 1982The Village Nursing Home, Inc. 1982Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1982

109 Washington Square Association Music Fund 1982Westside Ecumenical Ministry to the Elderly, Inc. 1982The Writers Room, Inc. 1982Yorkville Civic Council 1982Yorkville Emergency Alliance, Inc. 1982Young Women’s Christian Association 1982American Museum of Natural History 1983American Reading Council, Ltd. 1983Animal Medical Center 1983The Astor Home for Children 1983Broad Jump, Inc. 1983Brooklyn Bridge Centennial Comission, Inc. 1983

110 The Brooklyn Museum (2 folders) 1983Carnegie Hall Society, Inc. 1983Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1983Central Park Conservancy 1983The Children’s Art Carnival, Inc. 1983Chinatown Planning Council, Inc. 1983Church of Saint Luke in the Fields 1983Church of the Holy Trinity 1983

111 Coalition for the Homeless 1983College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University 1983Committee for Astor Place, Inc. 1983

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Community Resource Exchange, Inc. 1983Cooper-Hewitt Museum 1983Correctional Association of New York 1983

112 Dome Project, Inc. 1983Drawing Center, Inc 1983Elmendorf Reformed Church 1983Emmaus House, Inc. 1983Featherbed Lane Youth Center, Inc. 1983Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. 1983Flatbush Development Corporation 1983Flowers With Care 198314th Street – Union Square Local Development Corporation 1983

113 The Fresh Air Fund 1983Greenwich House 1983Grolier Club of the City of New York 1983Harlem Parents Union, Inc. 1983Highfields Experimental Treatment Project 1983Housing Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 1983Intrepid Museum Foundation, Inc. 1983LaGuardia Community College 1983Legal Aid Society 1983

114 Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1983Madison Square Boys’ Club, Inc. 1983Marine Corps Command and Staff College Foundation 1983Metropolitan Historic Structures Association 1983Metropolitan Museum of Art (2 folders) 1983Metropolitan Opera Association 1983Mirror Theater, Ltd. 1983Museum of the City of New York 1983

115 National Maritime Historical Society 1983Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green, Inc. 1983New York Botanical Garden 1983New York Center for Law and the Deaf, Inc. 1983New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc.(2 folders)


116 New York City School Volunteer Program, Inc. 1983New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1983New York Historical Society 1983The New York Public Library 1983New York Zoological Society 1983Park Slope Project Reach Youth, Inc. 1983Parks Council, Inc. 1983Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, Inc. 1983The Pierpont Morgan Library 1983Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 1983

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117 Prospect Park Administrator’s Office 1983Public Education Association 1983Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. 1983South Street Seaport Museum 1983Southeast Bronx Neighborhood Centers, Inc. 1983Southern Brooklyn Community Organization 1983Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation (2 folders) 1983

118 Sunset Park Redevelopment Committee, Inc. 1983Superintending School Committee of Mount Desert(2 folders)


Trust for Public Land 1983Urban Revitalization Services, Inc. 1983Valley Restoration Local Development Corporation 1983Venture Raiders, Inc. 1983Washington Headquarters Association, New York 1983Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1983

119 A Better Chance, Inc. 1984Aging in America, Inc. 1984American Friends Service Committee, Inc. 1984American Museum of Natural History 1984American Reading Council, Ltd. 1984American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1984Association of Neighborhood Housing Developers, Inc. 1984The Astor Home for Children 1984The Bartown-Pell Landmark Fund 1984

120 Bowery Residents’ Committee, Inc. 1984The Brearley School 1984Bronx County Historical Society 1984Bronx Frontier Development Corporation 1984Camp Friendship Youth Programs 1984Center for Building Conservation 1984Central Park Conservancy 1984The Chapin School 1984Church of the Holy Apostles 1984

121 Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1984Civitas Citizens, Inc. 1984Clinton Community Garden 1984Colombia University 1984Committee to Oppose the Sale of Saint Bartholomew’s Church,Inc.


122 Cornell University Medical College 1984Council on International Educational Exchange, Inc. 1984The Door, Inc. 1984The Drawing Center, Inc. 1984

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Educational Alliance, Inc. 1984Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1984Educational Priorities Panel 1984

123 Erasmus Hall High School 1984Executive Mansion Preservation Society, Inc. (2 folders) 1984First Block Association 1984The Foundation Center 1984The Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1984Geri-Pare, Inc. 1984Gracie Mansion Conservancy (2 folders) 1984

124 Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1984Horticultural Society of New York, Inc. 1984Housing Conservation Coordinators, Inc. 1984Independence House 1984Institute of International Education, Inc. 1984Inwood-Heights Parks Alliance, Inc. 1984Japan Society, Inc. 1984Jericho Project 1984

125 Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1984Kenyan Runners, Inc. 1984LaGuardia Community College 1984Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1984Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, Inc. 1984Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. 1984Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1984Metropolitan Museum of Art 1984Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. 1984

126 The Municipal Art Society of New York, Inc. 1984Museum of the City of New York 1984National Alliance Against Violence 1984Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc. 1984Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc. 1984New York Botanical Garden 1984New York City Partnership, Inc. 1984

127 New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1984New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation, Inc. 1984The New York Public Library 1984New York Zoological Society 1984Non-Profit Coordinating Committee of New York 1984Northeast Harbor Library 1984

128 Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, Inc. 1984Parish of Calvary, Holy Communion and St. George’s 1984People’s Firehouse, Inc. 1984The Pierpont Morgan Library 1984

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Planning Association of Bronx Lutheran Churches 1984Police Athletic League, Inc. 1984Regional Plan Association 1984Rockefeller University 1984Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc. 1984

129 St. James Church 1984South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation, Inc 1984South Street Seaport Museum 1984Sunnyside Gardens Conservancy, Inc. 1984Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1984Valley Restoration Local Development Corporation 1984Washington Heights and Inwood Development Corporation 1984Yorkville Civic Council 1984Youth Action Homes Away From Home, Inc. 1984

130 American Friends Service Committee, Inc. 1985American Museum of Natural History 1985Andrew Glover Youth Program 1985Animal Medical Center 1985Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development, Inc. 1985The Astor Home for Children 1985Banana Kelly Community Association, Inc. 1985Blair House 1985Broad Jump, Inc. 1985

131 Brooklyn in Touch Information Center, Inc. 1985The Caring Community, Inc. 1985Central Park Conservancy 1985Civitas Citizens 1985Coalition for the Homeless 1985Covenant House 1985Creative Learning Community 1985The Door, Inc. 1985The Drawing Center, Inc. 1985

132 Educational Priorities Panel 1985Eldridge Street Project 1985Elmendorf Reformed Church 1985Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1985First Street Block Association 1985Flowers With Care 1985Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1985

133 Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1985Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 1985Good Shepherd Services 1985Grand Street Settlement 1985Grosvenor Neighborhood House, Inc. 1985Horticultural Society of New York 1985

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Hurricane Island Outward Bound School 1985

134 Jobs for Youth, Inc. 1985Jennifer Emily Morris Memorial Fund 1985Islesboro, Town of 1985Kenyan Runners, Inc. 1985Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1985Marine Corps Command and Staff College Foundation, Inc. 1985Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 1985Mercantile Library Association of the City of New York 1985Metropolitan Museum of Art 1985Metropolitan Opera Association 1985Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council, Inc. (2 folders) 1985

135 Municipal Art Society 1985Museum of the City of New York 1985Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1985Neurosciences Research Foundation, Inc. 1985New York Botanical Garden 1985New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc. 1985New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1985The New York Public Library 1985

136 New York Public Library 1985New York Zoological Society (2 folders) 1985Pierpont Morgan Library 1985Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 1985Pratt Institute Center for Community and EnvironmentalDevelopment


137 Prospect Park Administrator’s Office 1985Redeemer, House of the 1985St. Mark’s Church In-the-Bowery 1985School of American Ballet, Inc. 1985Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1985Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. 1985Sixth Street Block Community Center 1985South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation 1985South Street Seaport Museum 1985Staten Island Greenbelt 1985Staten Island Historical Society 1985

138 The Trust for Public Land 1985Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1985Volunteer Services for the Elderly of Yorkville, Inc. 1985West Side Community Garden, Inc. 1985West Side Montessori School 1985A Better Chance, Inc. 1986American Reading Council, Ltd. 1986

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SERIES I. GRANTS FILESBox # Title Date139 The Asia Society 1986

Astor Home for Children 1986The Brearley School 1986Brooklyn Academy of Music 1986Brooklyn Historical Society 1986The Buckley School 1986Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn 1986Church of the Holy Apostles 1986Civitas Citizens 1986Classical America, Inc. 1986

140 Coalition to Save City and Suburban Housing, Inc. 1986The Committee to Oppose the Sale of St. Bartholomew’s Church,Inc.


Community Board Seven / Manhattan 1986Cooper Square Committee 1986Council on the Environment of New York City 1986The Door, Inc. 1986Downtown Community Television Center 1986Drawing Center, Inc. 1986East Side Community, Inc. 1986Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1986

141 The Foundation Center 1986Fountain House 1986Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York 1986Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1986Geri-Pare, Inc. 1986Green Guerillas, Inc. 1986Harlem Heights Community Housing and DevelopmentCorporation


Hartley House 1986

142 Historical Records of the New York County Clerk, Inc. 1986Horticultural Society of New York 1986The Jericho Project 1986Kenyan Runners, Inc. 1986Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1986Maternity Center Association 1986Metropolitan Museum of Art 1986Metropolitan Opera Association 1986Museum of the City of New York 1986National Dance Institute 1986New York Alliance for the Public Schools 1986

143 New York Botanical Garden 1986New York City Air Campaign, Inc. 1986New York City Mission Society 1986New York City Street Tree Consortium 1986The New York Public Library 1986

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New York Regional Association of Grantmakers 1986New York Society for the Advancement of Cutaneous Biology andMedicine


New York University 1986New York Zoological Society 1986Open Space Institute 1986Regional Plan Association 1986The Rockport Apprenticeship 1986

144 St. Francis Friends of the Poor, Inc. 1986St. John’s College 1986St. Vincent’s Hospital 1986The Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1986Seniors Helping Seniors, Inc. 1986Solidaridad Humana 1986South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation 1986South Street Seaport Museum 1986Teachers College Columbia University 1986The Unitarian Church of All Souls 1986

145 United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. 1986Van Cortlandt and Pelham Bay Parks 1986The Vivian Beaumont Theater, Inc. 1986Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1986We Care About New York, Inc. 1986Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater New York 1986Young Devils, Inc. 1986Youth Communication, Inc. 1986

146 Aging in America, Inc. 1987ALTRO Health and Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 1987American Reading Council, Ltd. 1987Animal Medical Center 1987Asphalt Green, Neighborhood Committee for 1987Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development, Inc. 1987Astor Home for Children 1987Benedictine Hospital 1987

147 The Big Sisters, Inc. 1987Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1987The Brearley School 1987Bronx Educational Services 1987Church of the Intercession 1987Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1987City Limits 1987Coalition to Save City and Suburban Housing, Inc. 1987

148 Commission on the Year 2000, City of New York 1987Council on the Environment of New York City 1987Department of Cultural Affairs (City of New York) 1987

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The Drawing Center, Inc. 1987The Duke Ellington Memorial Fund, Inc. 1987East Harlem Tutorial Program 1987Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1987Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1987

149 The Enterprise Foundation 1987Episcopal Mission Society in the Diocese of New York 1987Erasmus Hall High School and Academy of the Arts AlumniAssociation (2 folders)


Flowers With Care 1987Fordham Bedford Housing Corporation 1987Forest Hills Community House 1987

150 Fresh Air Fund 1987General Theological Seminary 1987Good Shepherd Services 1987The Graduate School and University Center /CUNY 1987Green Chimneys Children’s Services 1987Green Guerillas, Inc. 1987Greenpoint YMCA of Greater New York 1987Harlem Parents Union, Inc. 1987Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1987The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc. 1987

151 The Hope Program 1987Horticultural Society of New York 1987Housing Conservation Coordinators, Inc. 1987Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1987Lincoln Center for the Perfoming Arts, Inc. 1987Literacy Volunteers of New York City, Inc. 1987Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1987MBD Community Housing Corporation 1987

152 Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. 1987The Municipal Art Society (2 folders) 1987Museum of the City of New York 1987National Academy of Design 1987New York Botanical Garden 1987New York Cares, Inc. 1987

153 New York City Partnership, Inc. 1987New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1987New York Dance Center, Inc. 1987New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1987New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation 1987The New York Public Library 1987New York Zoological Society 1987The Nightingale-Bamford School 1987Parks Council, Inc. 1987

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People’s Firehouse, Inc. 1987

154 Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc. 1987Pleasant Village Community Garden 1987Prospect Park Environmental Center 1987Radcliff College 1987Regional Plan Association 1987Riverdale Neighborhood House, Inc. 1987Riverside Park Fund 1987The Rockefeller University 1987Schools Settlement Association, Inc. 1987Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. 1987

155 Solidaridad Humana (2 folders) 1987South Street Seaport Museum 1987Westpride 1987West Side Community Garden, Inc. 1987American Reading Council, Ltd. 1988Animal Medical Center 1988Astor Home for Children 1988

156 Banana Kelly Community Association, Inc. 1988The Bartown-Pell Landmark Fund 1988Baruch College of the City University of New York 1988Bronx Educational Services 1988The Brooklyn Museum 1988Caring Community, Inc. 1988Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine 1988Catholic Charities, Diocese of Brooklyn 1988Church of the Heavenly Rest 1988Church of the Holy Apostles 1988

157 City Planning Department Fund 1988Civitas Citizens, Inc. 1988Coalition to Save City and Suburban Housing 1988Committee to Oppose the Sale of St. Bartholomew’s Church 1988Consumer-Farmer Foundation, Inc. 1988Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation, Inc. 1988The Dance Theatre of Harlem 1988

158 The Door, Inc. 1988The Drawing Center, Inc. 1988East Harlem Tutorial Program, Inc. 1988Eden Wald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1988Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1988The Eldridge Street Project 1988Exploring the Metropolis, Inc. 1988Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York 1988The Frick Collection 1988Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1988

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Good Old Lower East Side, Inc. 1988

159 Geri-Pare, Inc. 1988The Graduate School and University Center/CUNY 1988Green Guerillas, Inc. 1988Il Piccolo Teatro dell’Opera 1988Jamaica Service Program for Older Adults, Inc. 1988The Jerico Project 1988Kenyan Runners, Inc. 1988The Lamb’s / Manhattan Church of the Nazerene 1988Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1988Lincoln Center Theater 1988Literacy Volunteers of New York, Inc. (2 folders) 1988

160 Metropolitan Museum of Art (2 folders) 1988Metropolitan Opera Association 1988Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council, Inc. 1988The Municipal Art Society 1988National Academy of Design 1988Neighborhood Committee for the Asphalt Green 1988New York Cares, Inc. 1988New York City Neighborhood Open Space Coalition, Inc. 1988

161 New York City Partnership Foundation, Inc. 1988New York City Street Tree Consortium 1988New York City Technical College Fund 1988New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. (2 folders) 1988New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation, Inc. 1988The New York Public Library 1988New York Society for the Advancement of Cutaneous Biology andMedicine


New York Zoological Society 1988

162 The Nightingale-Bamford School 1988Northeast Harbor Library 1988Old Merchants House 1988Parks Council, Inc. 1988Poets House 1988The Rockefeller University 1988Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1988Search and Care, Inc. 1988Seniors Helping Seniors, Inc. 1988Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. 19887th Avenue Windsor Place Community Association of Brooklyn,Inc.


163 Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Inc. (2 folders) 1988South Street Seaport Museum 1988The St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, Inc. 1988St. Bernard’s School, Inc. 1988

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St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery 1988St. Matthew’s and St. Timothy’s Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1988St. Paul’s Church 1988St. Philip’s Community Service Council of Greater Harlem 1988

164 Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1988Staten Island Historical Society 1988The Trust for Public Land 1988Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1988United Community Center, Inc. 1988University of California, Berkeley 1988Westpride 1988Winterthur Museum and Gardens 1988American Youth Hostels 1989

165 ARCS Foundation, Inc. 1989Asian Americans for Equality 1989Asphalt Green, Inc. 1989Astor Home for Children 1989Audiences for the Arts, Inc. 1989Bar Harbor Festival 1989Boys Brotherhood Republic of New York, Inc. 1989Brooklyn Children’s Museum 1989Brooklyn Historical Society 1989

166 Brooklyn New School 1989Bryant Park Restoration Corporation 1989Central Park Conservancy 1989Church of the Incarnation 1989Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1989The City Club of New York 1989City Lore, Inc. 1989Classical America, Inc. 1989Community Impact 1989

167 Cooper Square Committee 1989Cultural Council Foundation (2 folders) 1989The Door, Inc. 1989Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1989Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1989The Enterprise Foundation 1989

168 Forest Hills Community House 1989The Frick Collection 1989The Friendly Place 1989Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts 1989Fund for the City of New York 1989Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1989Good Shepherd Services 1989Grace Church of New York City 1989

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Historic Hudson Valley 1989The Hope Program, Inc. 1989Interfaith Neighbors, Inc. 1989

169 The Juilliard School 1989The Lamb’s / Manhattan Church of the Nazarene 1989Landmark West, Inc. 1989Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1989Lincoln Center Theater 1989Literacy Volunteers of New York City 1989Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1989

170 Maine Community Trust 1989Metropolitan Museum of Art 1989Metropolitan Opera Association 1989Municipal Art Society of New York 1989Museum of the City of New York 1989National Academy of Design 1989National Heritage Trust 1989Natural Resources Defense Council (2 folders) 1989

171 Natural Resources Defense Council 1989New York City Outward Bound Center (2 folders) 1989New York City School Volunteers Program 1989New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1989New York City Technical College 1989New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation 1989

172 The New York Public Library 1989New York University 1989New York Zoological Society 1989Northeast Harbor Library 1989Open Space Institute 1989P. S. 41 – Manhattan 1989P. S. 151 – Manhattan 1989Phipps Houses 1989The Pierpont Morgan Library 1989Planned Parenthood of New York City 1989Police Athletic League 1989Preservation League of New York State 1989

173 The Prospect Park Alliance 1989Queens College Foundation, Inc. 1989Rockefeller University 1989The Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1989Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. 1989South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation 1989South Street Seaport Museum 1989University of California, Berkeley 1989University Settlement 1989

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174 View From the Torch / Friends of the Public Schools 1989Volunteers of America, Greater New York 1989We Can, Inc. 1989We Care About New York, Inc. 1989Westpride 1989West Side Community Garden 1989Women’s City Club of New York, Inc. 1989Youth Communication / New York City Center, Inc. 1989

175 Alliance for the Arts 1990America-Italy Society 1990American Reading Council, Ltd. 1990The Animal Medical Center 1990The Arts Connection 1990Association for Neighborhood Housing and Development 1990Astor Home for Children 1990Beachside Bungalow Preservation Association of Far Rockaway,Inc.


176 Books for Kids 1990Bronx Educational Services 1990Brooklyn Tech Research Foundation, Inc. 1990Church of the Resurrection 1990City Parks Foundation 1990Civitas Citizens 1990Classical America, Inc. 1990The Colonial Dames of America 1990Coro Foundation 1990

177 Covenant House 1990Cultural Council Foundation 1990The Door, Inc. 1990Earth Day 1990 1990Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1990Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1990The Eldridge Street Project 1990Emmaus House 1990The Frick Collection 1990Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1990The General Society Library 1990

178 Grace Church of New York City 1990The Green Guerillas, Inc. 1990Hansborough Recreation Center Conservancy 1990Harvard College Fund 1990High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1990Historic Districts Council 1990Historic Hudson Valley 1990The Hope Program 1990

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Independent Friends of McCarren Park 1990

179 Interfaith Neighbors 1990The Jericho Project 1990The Juilliard School 1990Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1990Lincoln Center for the Perfoming Arts 1990Literacy Volunteers of New York City 1990The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1990Metropolitan Opera Association 1990The Municipal Art Society 1990Museum of the City of New York 1990Natural Heritage Trust 1990

180 Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc. 1990New York Bar FoundationThe New York Botanical Garden 1990New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1990New York City Technical College Fund 1990New York Dance Center 1990

181 The New York Historical Society 1990New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. (2 folders) 1990New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation 1990The New York Public Library 1990New York University 1990New York Zoological Society 1990

182 Northeast Harbor Library 1990P. S. 87 – Manhattan Parent Association 1990P. S. 151- Manhattan 1990Park Slope Project Reach Youth 1990Parks Council, Inc. 1990Partnership for the Homeless 1990Pastoral and Educational Services 1990Pierpont Morgan Library 1990

183 Play House Preservation Association 1990The Preservation League of New York State 1990Regional Plan Association 1990Research Foundation of the State University of New York 1990The Rockefeller University 1990Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey 1990The Skin Disease Society 1990South Street Seaport Museum 1990St. Matthew’s and St. Timothy’s Neighborhood Center 1990Staten Island Historical Society 1990

184 Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1990Vivian Beamont Theatre 1990

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Washington Headquarters Association 1990We Can 1990We Care About New York, Inc. 1990The West Village Committee 1990Westpride 1990Women’s City Club of New York 1990

185 The Abyssinian Development Corporation 1991Access Development Fund 1991Alliance for the Arts 1991The Animal Medical Center 1991Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development 1991The Astor Home for Children 1991Beachside Bungalow Preservation Association of Far Rockaway,Inc.


Boys Harbor, Inc. 1991Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn 1991

186 Children’s Museum of Manhattan 1991Church of the Holy Apostles 1991City Planning Department Fund 1991Classical America, Inc. 1991Community Access 1991Community Impact 1991Cornell University Medical College 1991The David M. Hunt Library 1991East Harlem Tutorial Program 1991Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1991

187 The Enterprise Foundation 1991The Forest Hills Community House 1991The Fresh Air Fund 1991The Friendly Place 1991Friends of Gateway 1991The Fund for Aging Services, Inc. 1991The Fund for Architecture and the Environment 1991Fund for New York City Public Education 1991

188 The Fund for Public Schools 1991Good Old Lower East Side 1991Good Shepherd Services 1991Grace Church of Brooklyn Heights 1991Green Chimneys Children’s Services 1991Green Guerillas, Inc. 1991Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1991Highbridge Community Life Center 1991Historic House Trust of New York City 1991

189 Homes for New Yorkers 1991The Hope Program 1991

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Independent Friends of McCarren Park 1991Interfaith Neighbors 1991The Juilliard School 1991King Manor Association of Long Island 1991The Lamb’s / Manhattan Church of the Nazarene 1991Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1991Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 1991Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1991Lower East Side Tenement Museum 1991Marine Corps Command and Staff College Foundation 1991

190 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1991Municipal Art Society of New York 1991Museum of the City of New York 1991National Book Foundation 1991Natural Resources Defense Council 1991Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government 1991New School for Social Research 1991New York Botanical Garden 1991New York Cares, Inc. 1991

191 New York City Outward Bound Center 1991New York City School Volunteer Program 1991New York City Street Tree Consortium 1991New York Historical Society 1991New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. (2 folders) 1991The New York Public Library 1991New York Shakespeare Festival Theater 1991

192 New York Zoological Society 1991Northeast Harbor Library 1991The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow 1991Old Merchants House 1991P. S. 151-Manhattan 1991Partnership for Quality Education 1991Partnership for the Homeless 1991The Pierpont Morgan Library 1991Poets House 1991Police Athletic League 1991Queens College Foundation 1991

193 The Roundabout Theatre Company 1991Settlement Housing Fund 1991South Street Seaport Museum 1991St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, Inc. 1991St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery 1991St. Matthew’s and St. Timothy’s Neighborhood Center 1991Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1991Tivoli Community Association 1991Turtle Bay Tree Fund 1991

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Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1991Van Cortlandt and Pelham Bay Parks 1991

194 The Vivian Beaumont Theatre 1991We Can 1991West Side Community Garden 1991Abyssian Development Corporation 1992The Animal Medical Center 1992Astor Home for Children 1992Beachside Bungalow Preservation Association of Far Rockaway,Inc.


Books for Kids Foundation 1992Bronx Educational Services 1992

195 Brooklyn Historic Railway Association 1992Brooklyn Tech Research Foundation 1992Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Women 1992The Central Park Conservancy 1992Checkerboard Foundation 1992Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1992Citymeals-on-Wheels 1992City College School of Education 1992City Parks Foundation 1992Civitas Citizens 1992Coalition to Save City and Suburban Housing, Inc. 1992Community Access 1992

196 East Harlem Tutorial Program 1992Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1992Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1992The Eldridge Street Project 1992Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies 1992The Frick Collection 1992Friends of the Seventh Regiment 1992Fund for New York City Public Schools 1992Girl Scout Council of Greater New York 1992Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1992Goodwill Industries of Greater New York 1992

197 Grace Church of New York City 1992Gracie Mansion Conservancy 1992Gramercy Neighborhood Associates 1992Green Guerillas, Inc. 1992High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1992Historic Districts Council 1992Historic Hudson Valley 1992The Hope Program 1992Housing Partnership Development Corporation (2 folders) 1992

198 Housing Symphony Orchestra 1992

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Independent Friends of McCarren Park 1992Interfaith Neighbors 1992The Kennedy Child Study Center 1992King Manor Association of Long Island 1992Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1992Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 1992Literacy Assistance Center 1992Literacy Volunteers of New York City 1992Manhattan Borough Development Corporation 1992

199 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1992Metropolitan Opera Association 1992Metropolitan Transportation Authority 1992National Audubon Society 1992Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government 1992New York Botanical Garden 1992New York Cares 1992

200 New York City School Volunteer Program 1992New York City Street Consortium 1992New York City Technical College Fund 1992New York Hospital 1992New York Landmarks Conservancy 1992New York Main Street Alliance 1992The New York Public Library 1992New York University 1992New York Zoological Society 1992Northeast Harbor Library 1992

201 The Parks Council, Inc. 1992Partnership for the Homeless 1992Police Athletic League 1992Preservation League of New York State 1992Regional Plan Association 1992Research Foundation of CUNY 1992The Rockefeller University 1992Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc. 1992Salisbury School 1992Screen Actors Guild Foundation 1992

202 The Seneca Center 1992South Bronx 2000 Local Development Corporation 1992South Street Seaport Museum 1992Trust for Public Land 1992Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1992Urban Pathways 1992The Vivian Beaumont Theater 1992Washington Headquarters Association, New York 1992We Can 1992Women’s Prison Association and Hopper Home 1992

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203 Alliance for the Arts 1993American Museum of Natural History 1993The Animal Medical Center 1993Asphalt Green, Inc. 1993Astor Home for Children 1993Bank Street College of Education 1993Borough of Manhattan Community College 1993Brooklyn Historic Railway Association 1993Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Women 1993Church of the Holy Apostles 1993The Church of Saint Luke in the Fields 1993

204 City Parks Foundation 1993Citymeals-on-Wheels 1993Civitas Citizens, Inc. 1993Common Cents New York, Inc. 1993Council on Foreign Relations 1993Council on the Environment of New York City 1993Covenant House 1993The Door, Inc. 1993East Harlem Churches and Community Center 1993Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1993Emmaus House 1993

205 Falls Village Canaan Historical Society 1993The Frick Collection 1993The Friendly Place 1993Friends of the Seventh Regiment 1993Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts 1993Fund for New York City Public Education 1993Fund for Public Schools 1993Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1993Grace Church in the City of New York 1993Green Guerillas, Inc. 1993

206 Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1993High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1993Historic Districts Council 1993Historic House Trust of New York City 1993Historic Hudson Valley 1993Hope Community, Inc. 1993The Hope Program 1993The Hunter College Foundation 1993

207 Interfaith Neighbors 1993Landmark West 1993Landmarks Harlem, Inc. 1993Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1993Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 1993

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Literacy Volunteers of New York City 1993Lower East Side Tenement Museum 1993Metropolitan Museum of Art 1993Metropolitan Opera Association 1993Municipal Art Society 1993Mutual Housing Association of New York 1993

208 Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc. 1993Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government 1993New Horizons 1993New York Botanical Garden 1993New York Cares, Inc. 1993New York City Street Tree Consortium 1993New York Community Trust 1993New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1993New York Main Street Alliance 1993The New York Public Library 1993

209 Nontraditional Employment for Women 1993Northeast Harbor Library 1993NYZS / The Wildlife Conservation Society 1993Old Merchants House of New York 1993P. S. 151-Manhattan 1993Parks Council, Inc. 1993Partnership for the Homeless 1993Preservation League of New York State 1993Prospect Park Alliance 1993Queens College 1993Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc. 1993

210 SFDS Development Corporation 1993Society of St. Francis for the Bushwick Play Project 1993St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts, Inc. 1993St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery 1993St. Paul’s Church 1993Staten Island Historical Society 1993Symphony Space 1993University Settlement Society of New York 1993

211 The Vivian Beaumont Theatre 1993We Can 1993The West Side Community Garden 1993World Monuments Fund 1993Abyssinian Development Corporation 1994Alliance for the Arts 1994American Museum of Natural History 1994American Red Cross in Greater New York 1994Astor Home for Children 1994

212 Beachside Bungalow Preservation Association of Far Rockaway, 1994

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Inc.Binding Together, Inc. 1994Bronx Educational Services 1994Brooklyn Academy of Music 1994Brooklyn Historic Railway Association 1994Brooklyn Public Library 1994Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York 1994Children’s Aid Society (2 folders) 1994Church of the Heavenly Rest 1994Church of the Holy Apostles 1994

213 Citymeals-on-Wheels 1994City Parks Foundation 1994City Planning Department Fund 1994City University of New York 1994The Civitas Citizens 1994Classical America, Inc. 1994Community Access 1994Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 1994The Dome Project, Inc. 1994

214 Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1994Eldridge Street Project, Inc. 1994The Enterprise Foundation 1994Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society 1994The Fortune Society 1994Foundation for Children and Classics 1994The Frick Collection 1994Friends of the Roosevelt Island Landmarks 1994Fund for New York City Public Education (2 folders) 1994

215 Fund for New York City Public Education 1994Goodwill Industries of Greater New York 1994The Gracie Mansion Conservancy 1994Green Chimneys Children’s Services 1994Green Guerillas, Inc. 1994High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1994Housing 2000 1994Housing Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 1994In Collaboration, Inc. 1994Independent Friends of McCarren Park 1994Interfaith Neighbors 1994

216 The Juilliard School 1994Kew Gardens Council for Recreation and the Arts 1994Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association 1994Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 1994Literacy Assistance Center 1994Literacy Volunteers of New York City 1994Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1994

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Metropolitan Museum of Art 1994Metropolitan Opera Association 1994Morris-Jumel Mansion 1994

217 Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Association 1994The Municipal Art Society 1994Museum of the City of New York 1994National Academy of Design 1994National Maritime Historical Society 1994The Natural Guard, Inc. 1994The New 42nd Street, Inc. (2 folders) 1994

218 The New York Botanical Garden 1994New York Cares, Inc. 1994New York City School Volunteer Program, Inc. 1994New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1994New York Is Book Country 1994New York Landmarks Preservation Foundation 1994The New York Public Library 1994New York University 1994Northeast Harbor Library 1994NYZS / The Wildlife Conservation Society 1994Old Merchants House of New York 1994P.S. 76 – Manhattan 1994Park Avenue Malls Planting Project, Inc. 1994Parks Council, Inc. 1994Partnership for the Homeless 1994

219 Police Athletic League 1994Preservation League of New York State 1994Prospect Park Alliance 1994The Rockefeller University 1994Roundabout Theatre Company 1994St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts 1994St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 1994Save the Children Federation 1994South Street Seaport Museum 1994Turning Point Housing Development Fund Corporation 1994Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1994Vivian Beaumont Theater 1994WNYC Foundation 1994

220 Astor Home for Children 1995-96Beachside Bungalow Preservation Association of Far Rockaway,Inc.


Big Apple Circus 1995-96The Borough of Manhattan Community College 1995-96Brooklyn Academy of Music 1995-96Brooklyn Historic Railway Association 1995-96The Brooklyn Museum 1995-96

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Brooklyn Public Library 1995-96CAMBA (Church Avenue Merchants Block Association) 1995-96Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Women 1995-96

221 The Church of the Holy Apostles 1995-96The Church of the Holy Trinity 1995-96The Church of St. Luke in the Fields 1995-96The City Church, New York 1995-96City Lore, Inc. 1995-96City Parks Foundation 1995-96Classical America, Inc. 1995-96Common Ground Community H.D.F.C., Inc. 1995-96Conservancy for Historic Battery Park 1995-96Council on the Environment of New York City 1995-96Edenwald Gun Hill Neighborhood Center 1995-96

222 Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNET 1995-96Encore Community Services 1995-96The Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society 1995-96The Forest Hills Community House 1995-96Foundation for Children and the Classics 1995-96The Frick Collection 1995-96The Friendly Place 1995-96Fund for the City of New York 1995-96Goddard-Riverside Community Center (2 folders) 1995-96Grace Church in the City of New York 1995-96

223 The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 1995-96Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1995-96High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1995-96Historic House Trust of New York City 1995-96Historic Hudson Valley 1995-96The Hope Program 1995-96Housing Partnership Development Corporation 1995-96Housing Symphony Orchestra 1995-96The Juilliard School 1995-96King Manor Museum 1995-96

224 Landmarks Harlem, Inc. 1995-96Literacy Volunteers of New York, Inc. 1995-96The Lower East Side Tenement Museum 1995-96The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1995-96The Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. 1995-96The Museum of the City of New York 1995-96National Academy of Design 1995-96The Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc. 1995-96Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc. 1995-96New Visions for Public School 1995-96The New York Botanical Garden 1995-96

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SERIES I. GRANTS FILESBox # Title Date225 New York Cares, Inc. 1995-96

New York City Partnership Foundation, Inc. 1995-96New York City School Volunteer Program, Inc. 1995-96New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1995-96New York City Technical College 1995-96New York Is Book Country 1995-96New York Foundation for Architecture, Inc. 1995-96The New York Public Library 1995-96New York University 1995-96The Northeast Harbor Library 1995-96The Open Book 1995-96

226 Alliance for the Arts, Inc. 1997All Saints Church 1997American Museum of Natural History 1997The Animal Medical Center 1997Apollo Theatre Foundation, Inc. 1997Astor Home for Children 1997Atlantic Theater Company 1997Big Apple Circus 1997Boys Choir of Harlem 1997The Boy’s Club of New York, Inc. 1997The Brooklyn Academy of Music, Inc. 1997

227 The Brooklyn Museum 1997Brooklyn Public Library 1997The Carnegie Hall Society, Inc. 1997Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Women, Inc. 1997Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn 1997The Center for Arts Education, Inc. 1997Church of the Holy Trinity 1997The Church of Saint Luke in the Fields 1997Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. 1997Citymeals-on-Wheels 1997City Parks Foundation, Inc. 1997Civitas Citizens 1997Comprehensive Development, Inc. 1997

228 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 1997Cornell University 1997Council on the Environment of New York City 1997Creative Arts Workshops for Kids, Inc. 1997The Dance Theatre of Harlem, Inc. 1997Earth Celebrations, Inc. 1997East Harlem Employment Services, Inc. 1997Edenwald Gunhill Neighborhood Center 1997Educational Broadcasting Corporation/Channel 13 WNYC 1997Eldridge Street Project, Inc. 1997The Duke Ellington Memorial Fund, Inc. 1997Episcopal Evangelism Foundation, Inc. 1997

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Erasmus Hall High Alumni Association 1997Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society, Inc. 1997The Forest Hills Community House, Inc. 1997Foundation for Children and the Classics 1997

229 The Frick Collection 1997Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts 1997Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1997Goodwill Industries of Greater New York, Inc. 1997Grace Church in the City of New York 1997The Gracie Mansion Conservancy 1997Gramercy Neighborhood Associates, Inc. 1997Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 1997Harlem Educational Activities Fund, Inc. 1997The Harlem School of the Arts 1997Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center 1997High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 1997

230 Historic House Trust of New York City 1997Historic Hudson Valley 1997Housing Symphony Orchestra, Inc. 1997In Collaboration, Inc. 1997Independent Friends of McCarren Park 1997The Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc. 1997Judson Memorial Church 1997The Juilliard School 1997Knox-Gates Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1997Landmark West, Inc. 1997Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. 1997Literacy Volunteers of New York, Inc. 1997Lower East Side Tenement Museum 1997Metropolitan Museum of Art 1997

231 Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council 1997Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Association, Inc. 1997The Municipal Art Society of New York 1997Museum of the City of New York 1997The New 42nd Street, Inc. 1997New Visions for Public Schools (2 folders) 1997The New York Botanical Garden 1997New York Cares, Inc. 1997New York City Housing Authority 1997New York City Street Tree Consortium, Inc. 1997New York Community Trust 1997

232 The New York Historical Society 1997New York Is Book Country 1997New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 1997The New York Public Library 1997New York Shakespeare Festival Theater 1997

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New York University 1997Northeast Harbor Library 1997Old Merchants House 1997The Open Book 1997Park Slope Project Reach Youth, Inc. 1997

233 Partnership for the Homeless 1997Playwrights Preview Productions 1997Pratt Institute 1997Preservation League of New York State 1997Prospect Park Alliance, Inc. 1997Queens Borough Public Library 1997The Rockefeller University 1997Roosevelt Institute, Franklin and Eleanor 1997Roundabout Theatre Company 1997The Royal Shakespeare Company American, Inc. 1997St. Andrew’s Community Day Care Center 1997St. Ann Center for Restoration and the Arts 1997St. Philip’s Church 1997Screen Actors Guild Foundation 1997Seton Foundation for Learning, Inc. 1997Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Inc. 1997

234 The Society for the Preservation of Weeksville and Bedford-Stuyvesant History


The Society of the New York Hospital, Inc. 1997Staten Island Historical Society 1997Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. 1997The Studio Museum in Harlem 1997Symphony Space 1997Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center 1997Union Settlement Association, Inc. 1997United Neighbors of East Midtown, Inc. 1997Visitation Academy 1997Vocational Foundation, Inc. 1997Wild Life Conservation Society 1997Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation 1997The Writers Room, Inc. 1997

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235 Trustee Meetings 1974Trustee Meetings 1975Trustee Meetings 1976Trustee Meetings (2 folders) 1977Trustee Meetings (2 folders) 1978

236 Trustee Meetings (2 folders) 1979Trustee Meetings 1980, MarchTrustee Meetings 1980, MayTrustee Meetings 1980, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1980, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1981, MarchTrustee Meetings 1981, May

237 Trustee Meetings 1981, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1981, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1982, MarchTrustee Meetings 1982, MayTrustee Meetings 1982, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1982, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1983, Jan-March

238 Trustee Meetings 1983, May-JuneTrustee Meetings 1983, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1983, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1984, MarchTrustee Meetings 1984, May

239 Trustee Meetings 1984, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1984, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1985, AprilTrustee Meetings 1985, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1985, December

240 Trustee Meetings 1986, MayTrustee Meetings 1986, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1986, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1987, MayTrustee Meetings 1987, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1987, December

241 Trustee Meetings 1988, FebruaryTrustee Meetings 1988, MayTrustee Meetings 1988, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1988, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1989, MayTrustee Meetings 1989, October

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SERIES II. BOARD OF TRUSTEESBox # Title Date242 Trustee Meetings 1989, December

Trustee Meetings 1990, MayTrustee Meetings 1990, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1990, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1991, May

243 Trustee Meetings 1991, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1991, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1992, MarchTrustee Meetings 1992, MayTrustee Meetings 1992, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1992, December

244 Trustee Meetings 1993, MayTrustee Meetings 1993, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1993, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1994, May

245 Trustee Meetings 1994, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1994, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1995, MayTrustee Meetings 1995, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1995, November

246 Trustee Meetings 1996, JanuaryTrustee Meetings 1996, MayTrustee Meetings 1996, OctoberTrustee Meetings 1996, DecemberTrustee Meetings 1997, AprilTrustee Meetings 1997, October

247 Minute Book. A 1948-1956

248 Minute Book. B 1948-1955

249 Minute Book. C 1955-1959

250 Minute Book. D 1949-1961

251 Minute Book. E 1962-1964

252 Minute Book. F 1964-1966

253 Minute Book. G 1967-1969

254 Minute Book. H 1970-1971

255 Minute Book. I 1972-1973

256 Minute Book. A (Delaware) 1974-1976

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257 Minute Book. B (Delaware) 1976-1979

258 Minute Book. C (Delaware) 1979-1981

259 Minute Book. D (Delaware) 1981-1984

260 Minute Book. E (Delaware) 1984-1988

261 Minute Book. F (Delaware) 1989-1992

262 Minute Book. G (Delaware) 1993-1995

263 October Reports for the Board of Trustees 1981-1996


264 Annual Reports, 1949-1961; 1964-1996 1949-199625 Years of Giving in New York 1985


265 Astor Home for Children 1980-1996Boys Brotherhood Republic 1990-1992Central Park 1974-1989Christmas 1978-1997Crazy Files (3 folders) 1993-1997

266 Cultural Council Foundation 1983-1986Development Issues 1978-1987East Harlem Federation Youth Association 1990-1993Emmanuel Cancer Foundation 1993Environmental Simulation Center (3 folders) 1986-1994

267 Furnish a Future (3 folders) 1990-1992General Correspondence 1998General Correspondence (2 folders) 1997

268 General Correspondence (2 folders) 1996General Correspondence (3 folders) 1995

269 General Correspondence 1994General Correspondence (2 folders) 1993General Correspondence (2 folders) 1992General Correspondence 1991

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SERIES IV. GENERAL FILESBox # Title Date270 General Correspondence 1990

General Correspondence (2 folders) 1989General Correspondence (2 folders) 1988

271 General Correspondence 1987General Correspondence (2 folders) 1986General Correspondence 1985Gifted Child Studies 1976-1985Gillies, Linda L. 1995-1997

272 Gracie Mansion Conservancy 1990Grant Directory 1989-1992History of The Vincent Astor Foundation 1959-1982Landmarks Preservation Commission 1987-1994Metropolitan Museum of Art (3 folders) 1977-1997

273 Municipal Art Society 1980-1991National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy 1980-1981National Endowment for the Humanities 1986-1987New York Botanical Garden 1988-1994New York City Partnership 1982-1984New York City School Librarians’ Association 1983-1984New York Council for the Humanities 1990The New York Public Library 1982-1983New York University 1983-1984New York Zoological Society 1977-1995

274 Phipps Houses 1980-1983Rohatyn, Felix 1986St. George’s Scholarship 1991-1997St. James Grants Committee 1995-1998St. John’s College 1977-1979South Bronx (2 folders) 1977-1983South Street Seaport Museum 1974-1985Sweet Briar College 1995-1998Termination File 1995-1996Villard Houses 1975-1977


General Administration

275 Administrative Procedures 1994-1996Anniversary Report 1985Art 1973-1974Banks 1958-65Banks 1966-1971Banks (2 folders) 1971-1985

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276 By-laws 1948-1994Carter, Ledyard and Milburn (2 folders) 1965-1996Certificate of Incorporation 1948-1971Chancellor Capital Management 1948-1996

277 Citibank/Citicorp (2 folders) 1975-1995Computer Information (2 folders) 1994-1996Condon, O’Mera, McGinty and Donnelly 1991-1998Conduit Grant 1990-1991Constitution 1948-1970Building Correspondence 1988-1998

278 Floor Plans 1978Fosburgh Trust 1979Freddy the Pig 1994Grotto, Joseph A. 1993Guardian Service Industries, Inc 1997Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. 1982-1996Office Lease (2 folders) 1987-1993

279 Office Renovation 1966-1979Penn Central Class Action Suit 1975-1977Personnel 1981-1996Termination Procedures 1995-1997Trustee Correspondence (3 folders) 1969-1997

280 Trustee Correspondence 1969-1997United Fruit 1969-1977

Financial Files

281 Financial Statements 1955Financial Statements 1976Financial Statements Dec. 31, 1981 & 1980Financial Statements Dec. 31, 1982 & 1981Financial Statements Dec. 31, 1983 & 1982Financial Statements 1984Financial Statements 1985Financial Statements 1986Financial Statements 1987Financial Statements 1988Financial Statements 1989Financial Statements 1990Financial Statements 1991Financial Statements 1992Financial Statements 1993Financial Statements 1994Financial Statements 1995Financial Statements 1996

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General Exemption Letters 1948-1974Projected Portfolio Balances 1987-1993Trial Balances 1990-1997

282 General Journal 1960-1981

283 General Ledger 1949-1959

284 General Ledger 1960-1974

285 General Ledger 1975-1983

286 General Ledger 1984-1992

287 General Ledger 1992-1995

288 General Ledger 1996

289 Cash Disbursements 1960-1977

290 Cash Disbursements 1978-1990

291 Cash Receipts 1960-1977

292 Cash Disbursements/Cash Receipts 1991-1996


General Correspondence

293 Correspondence 1985Correspondence 1986Correspondence 1987Correspondence (2 folders) 1988Correspondence (2 folders) 1989

294 Correspondence (2 folders) 1990Correspondence (2 folders) 1991Correspondence (2 folders) 1992

295 Correspondence (2 folders) 1993Correspondence (2 folders) 1994Correspondence (2 folders) 1995

296 Correspondence (3 folders) 1996Correspondence (2 folders) 1997

297 Correspondence (4 folders) 1997

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Correspondence 1998

Subject Files

298 American Museum of Natural History 1994-1996Archeological Society for the Study of the Mary Rose 1989Art Commission of the City of New York 1949-1969Associated Press (2 folders) 1992Astor, Brooke. Biography 1994Astor Family History 1979-1994Astor, John Jacob 1991-1994Astor, Vincent 1984-1994Auburn University 1987-1991Books 1993The Brooklyn Museum 1988

299 Bush, Barbara 1988-1989Cathedral of St. John the Divine 1981Central Park Conservancy 1981Chinatown Planning Council 1985-1986Columbia University 1994-1998Cornell University 1995-1998Customs House 1985Dog Photographer 1992Essay on Foundations n. d.Ferncliff Property 1977-1990Fong Chow 1974-1989Gloves 1996Grafton, David 1985-1992Interview 1984-1993

300 Invitation List 1980-1992Kamuzela, Tomasz 1988-1994Karl, Barry 1996Lenox Hill Neighborhood House 1991Marshall, Anthony D. 1994Mayor’s Cultural Award 1993Metropolitan Museum of Art 1989Miscellaneous 1986-1998Nelson, Judith Grummon 1991-1995The New York Public Library (2 folders) 1976-1998

301 The New York Public Library (6 folders) 1976-1998

302 New York Times (3 folders) 1986-1992Party 1991-1992Poetry 1996-1997Powell, Arthur 1991Preservation League of New York State 1996

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SERIES VI. MRS. ASTORS’ PERSONAL FILESBox # Title Date303 Press Info 1988-1998

Princeton Club 1986-1987Red Cross Humanitarian Award 1993Richard Rodgers Award 1994Royal Gala 1994Russell Family 1993“60 Minutes”. Individuals (3 folders) 1987

304 “60 Minutes”. Letters (2 folders) 1987“60 Minutes”. Organizations (4 folders) 1987

305 “60 Minutes”. Publications 1987Speeches 1981-1989TV 1994Town and Country 1993-1994Who’s Who of American Women 1988-1994William Society 1993World Monuments Fund 1991


A. Scrapbooks

306 Scrapbook 1938-1966

307 Scrapbook 1966-1974

308 Scrapbook 1975-1979

309 Scrapbook 1980

310 Scrapbook 1981

311 Scrapbook 1982-1983

312 Scrapbook 1983-1984

313 Scrapbook 1985

314 Scrapbook 1986

315 Scrapbook 1988-1989

316 Scrapbook 1990-1991

317 Scrapbook 1992

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318 Scrapbook 1993

319 Scrapbook 1994-1995

320 Scrapbook 1996-1998

B. Photographs

321 Brooke Russell Astor in order of appearancesHenry Street Settlement 1960Spirit of Achievement Award 1960Dedication of Astor Amphitheater, Carver Houses, Harlem 1964BRA standing in Astor Hall, New York Public Library 1965Astor Hall, New York Public Library 1965Opening of Riis Houses 1966BRA at Lyndon B. Johnson ranch in Texas 1969Second photograph of BRA attending formal affair with theJohnson’s


BRA at St. Ann’s c1960BRA receives an honorary degree of Law, Columbia University 1971

322 Brooke Russell Astor in order of appearancesBRA receives an honorary degree from Boston University n.d.BRA at Bill Blass’s showroom c1980BRA receiving an award at the Citizens Committee for New YorkDinner


Happy Birthday Mrs. Astor. Astors’ scholars at Cornell MedicalCollege. Signed photograph by scholars


BRA applauded at unidentified event 1988BRA attending various events throughout the 1990s 1990sBRA and Honorable David Dinkins. Signed by Dinkins n.d.

Slides: slides made by Andrew Eccles from photographs he tookfor Architectural Digest article


Slides prepared for Preservation League of New York StatePillar of New York Award


323 Brooke Russell Astor in HaitiBRA seated in wicker chair (2 different shots, one of thephotographs is a reproduction)Brooke Russell Astor photographed outdoors (Haiti?)Charles Lindbergh shaking hands with a group of women inHaitiCharles Lindbergh in Haiti Palace with officials and militaryOfficials and military in Haiti (picture postcard)House in Haiti (Brooke Russell Astor’s residence?)

324 Tribute to Brooke Russell Astor Twenty Five Years of GivingAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryAnimal Medical CenterAstor HomeAstor Professors

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BRA pictured at NYPL Astor HallBRA at Rockefeller UniversityRockefeller University: attendees at eventBRA at Astor Place subway stationBoys Brotherhood RepublicDrew Hamilton HousesEngine 212

325 Lenox Hill Neighborhood HouseNYPL Mid-Manhattan LibraryRiis PlazaSt. Ann’sSt. MarksSouth Street Seaport

326 Bronx ZooDuplicate photographs from Tribute

327 Astor familyJohn Jacob Astor Seated reading a newspaperJohn Jacob Astor, Mrs. Astor and Vincent Astor.Mr. Astor is driving a car


William Vincent Astor at 8 years old 09/18/1900Vincent Astor dressed in Navy uniform (2 images, one is areproduction of the other)


Vincent Astor and baby seated outdoors c1900Vincent Astor (?) seated on balconyTwo photographs of toy boat in pondAstor Corps entering Evergreen Cemetery. Memorial Day 05/30/1903

328 MiscellaneousBeagle III (boat)Cove End, northeast harbor (house)Photograph of family dogsThe Towers (building under renovation)Ellis IslandGouverneur Hospital 1929Gouverneur CourtSouth Seaport, Pioneer Marine Training ProgramKips Bay Boys ClubUnidentified churchRichard NixonAstor Plaza prospectus

329 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chinese Panda Court

330 Fecheimer Fishel Building 1910Autographed moon shoot. Autographed to Brooke Astor (ink hasfaded).John Jacob Astor residence on 85th Street (framed print)

C. Certificates, Awards, Drawings, Citations,

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Letters, Posters

331-336 Miscellaneous 1960s-1990s

D. Publications

337 Articles by Mrs. Astor 1981-1997

338-339 Articles About Mrs. Astor 1961-1997

E. Miscellaneous Appreciation’s and Tributes

340 25 Years Of Giving 1985

341 The Astor Child Guidance Center 1983

342 Astor Fellows 1996

343 Astor Home 1963

344 Astor Home For Children 1963

345 Astor Home For Children n. d.

346 Astor Professors 1983

347 Astor Program For Gifted Children 1973-1978

348 Bedford Stuyvesant Resto 1979

349 Ferncliff Residence 1967

350 Henry Street Settlement 1975

351 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1976

352 New York University 1986

353 A Picture-Story Of Our Dream-Home n. d.

354 Reaching Out 1986

355 The Rectors Award 1968

356 Riis Plaza Photos 1965

357 Skowhegan School Awards 1973

358 United Neighborhood Houses 1975

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359-361 48 Hours. Giving Thanks (3) 11.23.199460 Minutes (3) 05.10.1987Adam Smith. “Giving Away Millions” (2) 02.28.1997The Astors. A + E (2) 09.10.1996Astor Chair in Science. New York University. 10.16.1996At Home With Brooke Astor. CBS This Morning (2) 11.03.1989Brooke Astor Interview. NBC, Today Show. (2) 01.04.1994Brooke Astor’s 90th Birthday Tribute (3) 03.05.1992CBS This Morning 06.08.1995Nightline. Interview Mrs. Astor/Barbara Walters (2) 01.07.1993Today Show Interview. Last Blossom 06.24.1986Ming Garden. Film by Gene SearchingerMrs. Astor speaking at the dedication of the Brooke RussellAstor Library, High School of Telecommunication Arts andTechnology, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.


Jamie Gansel with Brooke Astor 01.04.1994BRA Live at 5:00 06.26.1986Birthday 03.05.1992World Monuments Fund Lunch Honoring Mrs. Astor


362 Grant Files, 1985. Box 134: Metropolitan Museum of ArtGrant Files, 1986. Box 142: Metropolitan Museum of ArtGrant Files, 1990. Box 181: New York UniversityGrant Files, 1990. Box 179: Metropolitan Museum of ArtGeneral Files. Box 272: Metropolitan Museum of ArtAdministrative and Financial. Box 275: AdministrativeProcedures, 1994-1996