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Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 122 11th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Sunday, 16 August, 2009 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel- opment of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Con- stitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe received Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is currently here at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 11.10 am today. Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander- in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, Member of the State Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General Thein Sein, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Director-General Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and Development Council Office and Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw of the Protocol Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visiting US Senator was accompanied by Charge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Union of Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger.—MNA Senior General Than Shwe receives US Senator and party Senior General Than Shwe shakes hands with Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommi- ttee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. MNA Senior General Than Shwe receives Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.—MNA 16-8-09 NL 8/2/18, 1:52 AM 1

The New Light of Myanmar 16-08-2009

Mar 22, 2016



Jeff Henry

Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar
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Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 16-08-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 122 11th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Sunday, 16 August, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel-opment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms

of technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept inthe hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Chairman of the StatePeace and Development Council of the Union ofMyanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence ServicesSenior General Than Shwe received Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific AffairsSubcommittee of the US Senate Foreign RelationsCommittee, who is currently here at the invitation ofMinister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, atBayintnaung Yeiktha, here, at 11.10 am today.

Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman of theState Peace and Development Council DeputyCommander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye,Member of the State Peace and Development CouncilGeneral Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister General TheinSein, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and DevelopmentCouncil General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Ministerfor Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Director-General ColKyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Office and Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw ofthe Protocol Department under the Ministry of ForeignAffairs.

The visiting US Senator was accompanied byCharge d’Affaires ai of the US Embassy to the Unionof Myanmar Mr. Larry M. Dinger.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe receivesUS Senator and party


Than Shweshakes

hands withSenatorMr. JimWebb,

Chairmanof the EastAsian and


Subcommi-ttee of theUS SenateForeign



Senior General Than Shwe receives Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the US SenateForeign Relations Committee.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009

Sunday, 16 August, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


To actively participate indrug elimination plan asnational concern

As producing and trafficking of narcoticdrugs are rampant throughout the world, therehas been a widespread abuse of heroin, opiumoil, cannabis as well as stimulant tablets whoseraw materials are based on chemicals.

The government has been implementingthe 15-year drug elimination plan since 1999. Inits drive for successful realization of drug controlprogramme in the region, the country signedMoUs with the People’s Republic of China,Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in 1995.

After it became an ASEAN member nationin 1997 Myanmar had attended 20th meeting onnarcotic drugs of ASEAN high-raking officialsas a member and has been actively participatingin the fight against drug in the region.

Being an ASEAN member nation, thecountry is doing its bit for success of workprogrammes on curbing trafficking and abuseof drugs in ASEAN countries in 2015 in line withthe objective “Drug Free ASEAN 2015”.

For success of the 15-year drugelimination plan, the country is makingconcerted and well-coordinated efforts withinternational organizations and relevantdepartments in introducing poppy-substituteundertakings. In control and elimination tasksalso, it is striving for collecting news, exposingand seizing of drug traffickers based on reliablenews and cooperating with internationalcommunity.

Members of the Tatmadaw, MyanmarPolice Force and Customs Department wereable to expose 253 drug-related cases and bringthose engaged in drug trafficking to trials in July2009.

At a time when relentless efforts are beingmade for successful realization of the 15-yeardrug elimination plan it is incumbent upon theentire national people to actively participate inthe drive as a national concern.

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug – Minister for Agricultureand Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo visited Kanyin DamProject being built by Irrigation Department nearTatkon Village in Ingapu Township, Hinthada District,Ayeyawady Division on 9 August.

Director U Kyaw Myint Hlaing of Construction(9) of Irrigation Department reported to the ministeron work progress and Director-General U Tin MaungOhn made a supplementary report.

After hearing reports, the minister gaveinstructions on construction works meeting setstandards. In meeting with chairmen of Ingapu andMyanaung Township PDCs and members of townshipagricultural coordination committee, the minister gave

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug—Minister forConstruction Maj-GenKhin Maung Myintreceived Vice-presidentMr Sang Yoon Lee ofKorea-based SK Group ofCompanies and party at7.30 pm and VietnameseAmbassador to MyanmarMr Chu Chong Phung and

YANGON, 15 Aug—A meeting betweenMyanmar Rice Millers’Association and Thai RiceMill Association was heldat the hall of the Union ofMyanmar Federation of

A&I Minister inspects Kanyin Dam Projectinstructions on works for designating crops to begrown in irrigated farmlands and improvement ofagricultural production.

On 10 August, the minister inspectedconstruction works of the project, kitchen cropplantation for staff welfare, growing of monsoon paddyin the project area and thriving monsoon paddyplantation.

Kanyin Dam Project will contribute todevelopments of western regions of the AyeyawadyRiver and will supply irrigation water for 25000farmlands in Ingapu Township.

Out of the whole project, 31 per cent has beencompleted. – MNA

Construction Minister receives foreign guests

Myanmar, Thai rice millers meetChambers of Commerceand Industry inLanmadaw Townshiphere yesterday.

Chairman of theMRMA U Tin Winextended greetings.

UMFCCI President UWin Myint and Chairmanof Thai RMA MrChanchai Rakthanananmade speeches.

General Secretaryof MRMA U Thaung Win

explained cultivation andmilling of paddy inMyanmar and JointGeneral Secretary U WinAye Pe, Myanma exportrice. Officials replied tothe questions raised byThai entrepreneurs.

The 38-memberdelegation led byChairman Mr ChanchaiRakthananan of ThaiRMA visited rice mills andspecial paddy cultivationzones in Yangon Division.


party at his office at 8.30pm on 12 August.

Also present on theoccasions were ManagingDirector U Khin Maung

Hse of Public Works,Director-General U AungWin of Human Settlementand HousingDevelopment Department

and departmentalofficials.

The meetingsfocused on roads andbridges projects.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo inspects Kanyin Dam Project.—MNA

YANGON, 15 Aug—Tomark the second publishingof the book entitled “Peaceof Mind” by writer KhinSaw Tint, the gatheringbetween the writer and thereaders will be held at InwaLiterary House on SulePagoda Road, here, from 9am to 12 noon on 18August. Myo SetthitSarpay distributes the bookcarrying 26 articles at K1200 per copy.—MNA

Writer-reader gathering 18 August

Minister Maj-Gen Khin

Maung Myintreceives Vice-President Mr

Sang Yoon Leeof Korea-

basedSK Groupof Companies

and party.MNA

Chairmanof Thai

RMA MrChanchaiRaktha-nananmaking

speech atthe


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 3

Chavez back from Cuba forFidel’s 83rd birthday

CARACAS, 15 Aug —–President Hugo Chavezsaid on Friday he found hisclose ally and mentor Fi-del Castro in good healthduring a visit to Cuba tocelebrate the Cuban lead-er’s 83rd birthday.

Chavez says they shareda cake. He says he also gaveCastro Venezuelan prod-ucts including chocolateand sardines, and two char-coal drawings: one of Ven-

ezuelan independence heroFrancisco de Miranda, anda second of Cuban heroJose Marti.

He said, “Castro is inabsolute use of his mentalfaculties.”

“You know what theimperialists say,” Chavezsaid. “Some say that Fidelis crazy. ... They create ru-mours.”

Castro ceded power tohis brother, Raul, after he

fell ill three years ago andhas not been seen in pub-lic since. He stepped downas president in February2008.

Castro marked his 83rdbirthday on Thursday outof the public eye but withan essay on the global eco-nomic crisis, climatechange and immigrationthat headlined Cubannewspapers.


Fire comes out after a suicide car bomb explosion which occurred near themain gate of NATO’s headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, on 15 Aug,


Three die, 70 wounded in blastnear NATO HQ in Kabul

California to drop healthcare coveragefor more than 60,000 children

Guillermo now a Categorythree hurricane over PacificMIAMI, 15 Aug — Forecasters say Hurricane

Guillermo has quickly strengthened into a Category 3storm far off Mexico’s Pacific coast.

The National Hurricane Centre says Guillermo’smaximum sustained winds are near 115 mph. The hur-ricane rapidly intensified early Saturday morning, butit is expected to weaken later in the day as it movesover cooler water. Guillermo was centered about 1,385miles west of the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja Cali-fornia peninsula. It is moving west-northwest at 16 mph.

Meanwhile, forecasters say a tropical depressionhas regenerated over the Atlantic Ocean. The de-pression could become a tropical storm this week-end.—Internet

13 killed, three seriously injuredin bus-train collision in Romania

BUCHAREST, 15 Aug — Thirteen people were killedand three others seriously injured on Friday when atrain collided with a minibus in northeastern Romania.

The accident happened at a railway crossing point inthe county of Iasi when the train slammed into the mini-bus, which was carrying 16 passengers. According to emer-gency officials, two of the five injured died on the way to ahospital. Among the dead there was a 8 year-old child. Thisis the worst accident occurred in the county within 15 years.According to the initial information, it seems that the driverof the minibus crossed the railway ignoring the signal light,which led to the collision, said local officials. The 26 year-old bus driver was still in a coma.

There are no reports of injuries from the train.Xinhua

KABUL, 15 Aug — Asuicide car bomb ex-ploded near the main gateof the NATO-led interna-tional military missiononSaturday, killing threeAfghans and wounding70, officials said. TheTaleban claimed responsi-bility.

The pinpoint attackpenetrated a heavilyguarded neighbourhoodthat also houses the USEmbassy and Afghanpresidential palace justfive days before Afghani-

stan’s nationwide elec-tions.

Bloodied and dazedAfghans wandered thestreet after the blast, andchildren — many ofwhom congregate outsidethe NATO gate to sellgum to Westerners —were among the wounded.Windows of nearby an-tique shops were shatteredand blood smeared theground.

Gen Mohammad ZahirAzimi, the spokesman forthe Afghan Ministry of

Defence, said three Af-ghan civilians were killedand 70 wounded in theblast. Capt ElizabethMathias, a US spokes-woman for the NATO-ledmission, said the explo-sion occurred near thegate of NATO’s Interna-tional Security AssistanceForce. She had no imme-diate information on dam-age to the headquarters.


LOS ANGELES, 15 Aug — Due to statebudget cuts, California is planning todrop healthcare coverage for more than60,000 children beginning from 1 Oct,it was reported on Friday.

The California state board made thedecision in a vote on Thursday in a bidto secure funding from other sources,including money set aside by voters forearly childhood education, the Los An-geles Times said.

Those children to be affected maybe dropped from the California HealthyFamilies program under the action by

the state Managed Risk Medical Insur-ance Board, the paper said.

If additional funds are not found, theprogram could ultimately drop 669,296children in the current fiscal year, whichends 30 June, 2010, the paper quotedboard officials as saying.

Currently, 921,000 people age 18and younger are enrolled in HealthyFamilies. The budget cuts made byGovernor Arnold Schwarzenegger andthe legislature left the Healthy Familiesprogramme with a 194-million-US-dol-lar shortfall.—Xinhua

One killed in explosionin Istanbul

This NOAA satellite image taken on 14 Aug, 2009at 1:45 PM EDT shows a swirl of clouds east of theLesser Antilles associated with a dying tropical dis-turbance. No other tropical development is noticed in the region.—INTERNET

A microbus is severelydevastated after collid-ing with a train in Iasicounty, northeasternRomania, on 14 Aug,


ANKARA, 14 Aug —News reports say an ex-plosion inside a trash con-tainer in Istanbul haskilled one person and in-jured one other.

Private NTV televisionsays the explosionoccurred late on Fridayin the low-incomeGaziosmanpasa neigh-bourhood.

Sky Turk televisionsays Istanbul’s policechief branded the blast aterrorist attack, but did notelaborate.

The attack occurred onthe eve of the 25th anni-versary of the start of theKurdish insurgency,which began with an at-tack by rebels belonging

to the Kurdistan Workers’Party, or PKK.

The group has carriedout attacks to mark the datein past years, but the rebelleader is expected soon toannounce a peace plan toend the conflict. Leftistand militants groups havealso carried out bombingsin the city.—Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009

US air travel down 9.5%in first five months of 2009 WASHINGTON, 15 Aug—US airlines served 282

million passengers in the first five months of this year,a 9.5-percent decrease on a year-on-year basis, US busi-ness news outlets reported on Friday.

Figures released by the US Bureau of Transporta-tion Statistics also show that, in the current economicdownturn, nearly all US airlines, except Southwest Air-lines and US Airways, suffered steep drops in thenumber of passengers during the period.

American Airlines dropped 10.6 percent, United Air-lines 14.3 percent, Continental 11.5 percent and North-west Airlines 20.2 percent, according to the bureau.

Southwest dropped 5.3 percent in the same timeframe while US Airways was down 7.5 percent.


Indonesia’s industrial production onslowest rise in Q2

French job lossesslow in Q2

PARIS, 15 Aug—Therate of job losses in Francecontinued to decline in thesecond quarter of 2009 butslowed, according to thedata released by the na-tional statistic agencyINSEE on Friday.

“The reduction in thedeclines is mostly due tothe stabilization of tempo-rary employment,” saidthe INSEE.

France lost 74,100jobs in the second quar-ter, after a loss of 168,400jobs in the first quarter ofthis year. While in themain market sectors, em-ployment fell by 0.5 per-cent quarterly, and by 2.5percent year-on-year.


Argentine President announcescreation of 100,000 jobs

Mexican unemploymentrate 5.2% in Q2

MEXICO CITY, 15 Aug—Mexico’s Labour Ministryreported an unemployment rate of 5.2 percent for thesecond quarter of 2009 on Friday. This was up from5.06 percent in the first quarter and 3.5 percent duringthe same period last year.

While absolute unemployment was comparativelylow, the underemployment rate, or percentage of peo-ple who are employed but believe it to be insufficientto make ends meet, was 10.6 percent. This was a sig-nificant increase from 7.6 percent three months ear-lier and from 6.6 percent a year ago.

Economists consider underemployment a moreaccurate indicator of Mexican labour conditions thanunemployment.

The Labour Ministry gave no analysis of trendsalongside its data. One noteworthy factor is that thesecond quarter includes the April-May period whenA/H1N1 flu hit Mexico for the first time, triggering a10-day closure of all businesses and educational es-tablishments.

Ecuador exports 50,000 tons of exces-sive rice, corn to Venezuela

Commuters atOsaka railwaystation in west-ern Japan. A

Japanese rail-way worker

halted a com-muter train by

pressing anemergency stopbutton becausehe needed an

excuse forrunning late forwork, police said

after arrestingthe man.INTERNET

Job seekers look at theinformation board

during a recruitmentmeeting offeringpractising jobs

at the Shanxi TalentMarket in Taiyuan,

capital of north Chi-na’s Shanxi Province,

on 14 Aug, 2009.XINHUA

Women receive cosmetic beauty treatments inMarch 2009. A group of Chinese women whotravelled to South Korea for cosmetic surgery

baffled immigration officers on their return homewhen their new looks did not match their pass-

port photos.—INTERNET

BUENOS AIRES, 15Aug—Argentine Presi-dent Cristina Fernandezannounced on Friday thecreation of 100,000 jobswith an initial investmentof 1.5 billion Argentinepesos (about 389 millionUS dollars).

The first part of thePlan of Social Incomewith Work will benefitgroups of low-incomepeople outside Buenos

Aires. “We launched this plan

to approach the issue ofthe poverty from a strate-gic bridge, which is togenerate and boostreal job opportunities,”Fernandez said whilehosting an event at theGovernment House.

The total investment ina mid term will be of some9 billion pesos (2.343 bil-lion dollars).

During a 45-minutespeech, Fernandez saidthe initiative “will be ledto the urban population ofhigh social vulnerability.”

According to officialfigures, 15 percent of thepeople in Argentine liveunder poverty line.

The local CatholicChurch says that the poorpeople in the country areabout 40 percent of thetotal population.—Xinhua

QUITO, 15 Aug—Ecua-dor began Friday to export30,000 tons of rice and20,000 tons of corn toVenezuela, EcuadorianAgriculture MinisterRamon Espinel said.

The first load of 8,000tons of rice was sent to

Venezuela, in order to al-leviate the pain of the Ec-uadorian producers whohave between 150,000and 200,000 tons of ex-cessive rice in stock.

Ecuador suspended inJune 2008 its rice exportsto Colombia and Peru dueto a speculation wave af-ter the seasonal floodingwhich resulted in the pricerise at the domestic mar-ket. In April 2009, Ecua-dor resumed its rice ex-

ports to the two neigh-bours.

Ecuador also negoti-ated the export of 20,000tons of corn to Venezuela.The first load is to beshipped in September.


JAKARTA, 15 Aug—In-donesia’s industrial out-put increased at the slow-est pace in the secondquarter since the start ofglobal financial crisis inSeptember last year, amedia said

here Friday. The Jakarta Post re-

ported that out of eightspecific product ca-tegories monitored by theCentral Statistics Agency(BPS), the wood- and for-estry-based products suf-

fered the most, with thevalue of output contract-ing by 3 percent in threemonths, prolonging anearlier 3.6 percent slumpin the first quarter.

Its sister product cat-egory, paper and printedgoods, also grew at asnail’s pace, by 1.4 per-cent compared with the10 percent growth re-corded in the firstquarter.



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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 5

FAW-VW joint venture sees three millionthsedan roll off production line in China

A German expert signs during a ceremony mark-ing the 3-millionth car manufactured by Sino-German car joint venture First Automobiles

Works Group Corporation (FAW)-VolkswagenAutomobile Co. Ltd in Changchun, capital ofnortheast China’s Jilin Province, on 14 Aug,



importanceof trade

with ChinaBUENOS AIRES, 15 Aug

—Argentine vice com-mercial policy and man-agement minister EduardoBianchi stressed on Fridaythe importance of tradewith China and expressedhope for an increase of in-dustrial exports to China.

Bianchi made the re-marks after a meeting withChinese Vice CommerceMinister Zhong Shan atthe Argentine IndustryMinistry in BuenosAires.During the meeting,the two sides signed com-mercial agreements worthof 118.5 million USdollars.“Both sides werefriendly at the meeting andChina is a great -marketfor Argentina”, Bianchisaid.

Trade between Argen-tina and China grew anaverage of 34 percentbetween 2003 and 2008annually, reaching 13.5billion dollars lastyear.Bianchi said Argen-tina is aimed at increasingexports, especially of in-dustrial products, toChina. —Xinhua

India seeks peace with allneighbours in South AsiaNEW DELHI, 15 Aug—Indian Prime Minister

Manmohan Singh said on Saturday, “India seeks peacewith all its neighbours in South Asia and wants to cre-ate an environment which would benefit the entireSouth Asia”.

Speaking on the 62nd anniversary of India’s Inde-pendence at the historic Red Fort palace, Singh saidthat India has good relations with the United States,Japan, Russia and China, and it also wants better rela-tions with countries of Southeast Asia, Central Asiaand the Middle East.

Singh also said terrorism has become a global men-ace and India will crush terrorism with the supportfrom other countries.

“Nothing can be achieved through violence. Thereis no place in our democratic system for those whoresort to violence,” he said.

He said his government had taken several steps toimprove the internal security since the Mumbai attackslast November.—Xinhua

CHANGCHUN, 15 Aug—The FAW-VolkswagenAutomobile Co Ltd., ajoint venture betweenChina First AutomotiveWorks Group Corpora-tion and its German part-ner Volkswagen AG, sawits 3 millionth sedan rolloff the production lineon Friday.

Winfried Vahland,president and CEO ofVolkswagen GroupChina, hailed the 3 mil-lionth sedan, a Golf A6

SOP, as “another mile-stone” in the 18-year co-operation betweenVolkswagen and FAW.

Since 1991, the jointventure, based in north-eastern Chinese city ofChangchun, has builtJetta, Golf, Bora, Sagitarand Magotan models forthe Chinese market, aswell as Audi A4 and A6cars.

It manufactured 1 mil-lionth car in 2004 and 2millionth in 2007.

“The production of the3 millionth sedan marks anew level in our coopera-tion and is bound to havepositive impact on the sta-ble development of theChinese auto industry,”said Xu Jianyi, generalmanager of China FAWGroup Corporation.

“I hope FAW-Volkswagen can achieveits goal of manufacturing1 million sedans a year atan early date,” he said.


A boat moves past a solar energy water cleaning device located in a lake inZizhuyuan Park in Beijing, capital of China, on 14 Aug, 2009. More than

ten such devices were put into use here recently.—XINHUA

All items from Xinhua News Agency US toy company recalls

products followingsafety accident

Miao ethnic boys perform at a ceremony of thetraditional torch festival at De’e Village of LonglinAutonomous County, southwest China’s GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region, on 14 Aug, 2009.

Visitors at home and abroad enjoy the torchfestival here with the locals of the Miao, Yi, Gelao

and other ethnic groups. —XINHUA

FAO warns hungerincrease in Latin America

MEXICO CITY, 15 Aug—The food and economiccrisis would increase malnutrition in Latin America,The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) saidon Friday.

The FAO said in a document entitled “Hunger Ob-servatory” that the malnutrition in Latin Americanwould hit the record, despite the price reduction ofsome main food.The ongoing crisis would make 53million inhabitants in Latin America to face hunger,according to the FAO.— Xinhua

Pirates’ attack on Turkishship foiled in Gulf of Aden

ANKARA, 15 Aug—AGerman military helicop-ter helped the Turkishnavy foil an attempt bypirates to hijack a Turk-ish cargo ship in the Gulfof Aden early Friday, lo-cal media the HurriyetDaily News reported onits website.

The German helicopterreceived an alert by theTurkish navy frigate TGCGediz operating in the re-gion and thwarted the at-tack on the Turkish-flagged “Elgiznur Cebi”,which was en route toSaudi Arabia’s Ad

Damman Port from theYuzhny Port in Ukraine,said the report, citing astatement by Turkey’sUndersecretariat forMaritime Affairs.

Nineteen crew mem-bers, all of them Turks,were safe and unhurt, saidthe report.


LOS ANGELES, 15 Aug—US toy company LittleTikes is recalling 1.6 mil-lion toy workshops andtrucks after a toddlerchoked on a plastic nail, theConsumer Product SafetyCommission (CPSC) said.

The voluntary recallcovers five toy models soldby Little Tikes as far backas March 1994, the CPSCsaid in a statement pub-lished by the Los AngelesTimes on Friday.The prob-lem involves the brightred and blue plastic nailsthat accompanied the Hud-son, Ohio-based compa-ny’s Electronic ProjectWorkshop, the LittleHandiworker Workhorse,the Home ImprovementsTwo-sided Workshop, theSwirlin’ Sawdust Work-shop and the Black Pickup

Truck with Tools, accord-ing to the statement. Con-sumers should immediatelytake the toy nails awayfrom young children andcontact Little Tikes for afree replacement, said thestatement. The toys wereintended for children agestwo and older.The childwho swallowed the toy partwas an 11-month-old boyfrom Goose Creek, SouthCarolina, the statementsaid, adding that some ofthe products are no longersold by the company.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009


This may look like a sea urchin or someother strange species ofmarine life but it is in fact a sculpturemade of hundreds of coloured pencil.

Residents of a St Petersburg, Fla,neighborhood said three beloved grayChinese geese that were taken away bya trapper have been returned to theirhome lake.

People living near Crescent Lakesaid the matriarch of the neighbourhoodgeese, affectionately named Mama, andtwo unnamed geese were returned tothe lake, five days after they were takenaway by Austin Corley.

Geese returned to Flaneighbourhood

Archaeologist David Starbuck, left,works with crew chief Amara Litten,right, at a riverside parcel that was

home to merchant’s store in the mid-1700s in Fort Edward, NY. Starbuckis in the process of purchasing theland in an effort to protect the site.

Woman, 86, facesshoplifting charge in

61st arrest A 14-year-old boy drank gasolinefor five years to obtain “energy” — justas his idols “Bumble Bee” or “OptimusPrime” do in “Transformers,” theSichuan-based West China MetropolisDaily reported on Saturday.

After the boy, in Yibin City, southwestSichuan Province, had watched theanimated TV series, he began to drinkgasoline to become a “valiant fighter”like “Optimus Prime,” his father told thenewspaper.

“He began to drink gasoline five yearsago, when we found he liked smellinglighter fuel,” he said.

The boy’s mother owned a grocerystall, selling small goods such as lighters.

Boy drank gasoline tocopy his TV heroes

Golden fishes decorated with Chineselucky characters are seen at a petmarket in the southwestern city ofChengdu. Pet shops in a city insouthwest China are offering fishtattooed with patterns and luckycharacters intended to bring theirowners good fortune and happiness.

Authorities said a 86-year-old womancharged with shoplifting wrinkle creamand other items from a Chicago grocerystore has been arrested 61 times since1956. Ella Orko was arrested Sundayafternoon on the North Side after sheallegedly stuffed $252 worth of groceriesinto her pants, including cosmetics,salmon, batteries and instant coffee. Shewas charged with felony shoplifting.Police said Orko has gone by as many as20 aliases in the past.

Court records indicate that she hasnow been arrested 61 times and has 13convictions for shoplifting.

Traffic police inspect the site of a traffic accident in Pacora, Panama, 14 Au-gust, 2009. A bus and a truck crashed in a highway in the Pacora community onThursday night, which has so far claimed 25 lives and injured another 17


Nigeria banks to get $2.5b bailout; 5 execs firedLAGOS, 15 Aug — Nigeria will in-

ject US$2.55 billion into five troubledbanks, the country’s banking chief an-nounced Friday, in Africa’s first majorbank rescue programme since the glo-bal credit crunch began.

Central bank chief Sanusi LamidoSanusi also guaranteed creditors and de-positors, but fired top executives at fiveof the country’s 24 banks because ofpoor decisions that had led one of thefive into “technical insolvency” and toundercapitalization in the other four.

“We will not allow any bank to fail,”he said. “However, we will also ensurethat officers of banks and debtors whocontribute to bank failures are broughtto book to the full extent of the law.”

Analysts welcomed the move, say-

ing it was likely to increase transparencyand better risk management. The bank-ing sector had been overstretched by toomany bad loans and over-investment inthe capital market and the oil and gassectors when commodity prices werehigh. “This will strengthen investor con-fidence and force the rest of the banks totake risk management very seriously,”said Mike Ogunbiyi, a director of CBOCapital Partners, a financial, risk andproject advisory firm.

He said Nigeria’s bailout differed fromthat in the US because the Nigeria CentralBank had made it clear that it wanted thetroubled banks to recapitalize quickly, pos-sibly through mergers with other Nigerianor foreign banks, and return the loaned capi-tal to the central bank.—Internet

Two Colombian peacekeepersinjured in shooting in Egypt

RAFAH, 15 Aug — Two Colombian peacekeeperswere injured in a shooting incident on Friday on theborders of Sinai in a camp of the Multinational Forcesand Observers in charge of keeping peace betweenEgypt and Israel, according to a source from the camp. The source said that the two soldiers were injuredin an exchange of fire for unknown reasons. One ofthem was taken by plane to a hospital in Tel Aviv andthe other is hospitalized in the camp itself. The incident is individual and an investigation intothe incident is underway, said the source. Meanwhile, some local websites said that the sol-dier that was taken to Israel died as soon as he reachedthe hospital.—Xinhua

Colonial BancGroup, fourother banks shut down

WASHINGTON, 15 Aug — Regulators on Fridayshut down real estate lender Colonial BancGroup Incin the biggest US bank failure this year and alsoclosed four banks in Arizona, Nevada and Pennsyl-vania.

The closures boosted to 77 the number of federallyinsured banks that have failed in 2009.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp was appointedreceiver of the banks: Montgomery, Ala.-based Colo-nial, with about $25 billion in assets; Community Bankof Arizona, based in Phoenix; Union Bank, based inGilbert, Ariz.; Community Bank of Nevada, based inLas Vegas; and Dwelling House Savings and LoanAssociation, located in Pittsburgh.—Internet

Right-wing militias riseagain in US

WASHINGTON, 15 Aug — Right-wing militia groupsare on the rise in the United States after nearly a decade ofobscurity, says a new report covered by US TV networkson Friday.

The report from the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC), which monitors hate groups and extremist activ-ity, said there were “unmistakable signs of a revival ofwhat in the 1990s was commonly called the militia move-ment.” Militia rhetoric is being heard widely once morewhile militia training events are spreading.

One federal agency estimates that 50 new militia train-ing groups have sprung up in less than two years.Sales ofguns and ammunition have skyrocketed amid fears of newgun control laws, much as they did in the 1990s.—Xinhua

Boy, nine, lands 150-pound sharkA 9-year-old boy said it took him al-

most an hour to land a 150-pound sixgillshark while fishing with his grandpar-ents near Burien.

Cosmo Miller, 9, said he used a 30-pound test line to reel in the shark whilefishing last week with his grandparentsin Puget Sound, The Seattle Times re-ported.

“It was really hard,” Cosmo said, “butI had a really big fishing pole.”

The boy, who released the shark af-ter taking pictures for posterity, said it

wasn’t his first encounter with a six-gillshark. He said he broke two poles fish-ing for sharks before he landed his prizecatch using dogfish as bait.

Dave Woltz, his grandfather, saidwatching Cosmo wrestle with the sharkwas quite a sight to behold. “It was quitea thrill watching a 9-year-old kid pull inthat fish,” he said. “We had been fishingfor about four hours and were ready tocome in when all of a sudden he hooksthis big thing. His face was beet red andI offered to help him, but he said no.”

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Page 7: The New Light of Myanmar 16-08-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 7

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug — Lt-Gen Tha Ayeof the Ministry of Defenceaccompanied by officialsinspected the growing ofmonsoon paddy at thefield of farmer U AungMin in Gyaywa village-tract and the collectivebroadcasting of fertilizerat the field of farmer U BaHtoo in Yenantha village-tract in Madaya Townshipon 12 August.

Next, Lt-Gen ThaAye looked into the grow-ing of monsoon paddy atthe field of farmer U TunTin in Shwepyi village inSingu Township and sup-ply of water to the farm-land of U Po Htay.

At the briefing hallof Public Works inPhawtaw village in

Lt-Gen Tha Aye inspects regional developmentundertakings in Mandalay, Sagaing Divisions

Peace and DevelopmentCouncil Commander ofNorthern Command Maj-Gen Soe Win and depart-mental officials, Lt-GenTha Aye visited Indawngforest reserve of ForestDepartment in Chatthinvillage of the townshipand looked into teak sap-lings. —MNA

YANGON, 15 Aug—The LeadingCommittee for Construction ofUppatasanti Pagoda of Nay Pyi Tawpresented honorarium for sculptures onBuddhology of the pagoda to the familyof late artist U Ba Kyi at the hall of theNational Museum on Pyay Road inDagon Township this afternoon.

Speaking on the occasion, Mem-ber of the Leading Committee Ministerfor Culture Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myintsaid that in decorating the interior of thecave of Uppatasanti Pagoda, the marblesculpture works of Buddhology weremade with the style of paintings createdby artist U Ba Kyi in his book entitledYokeson Buddhology published byYMBA in 1951. Artist U Ba Kyi whodischarged duty as Patron of Myanmar

Honorarium for artistic works presentedto family of artist U Ba Kyi

Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayonpassed away on 15 April in year 2000, headded. In his profession, Sayagyi U BaKyi created 65 master-pieces, he said.

Member of the Leading Commit-tee Maj-Gen Than Htay of the Ministry ofDefence presented honorarium for theartistic works to the family of late artistSayagyi U Ba Kyi.

Later, the minister and party viewedthe paintings of Sayagyi U Ba Kyi onBuddhology and stone sculptures to bedecorated at Uppatasanti Pagoda.

Also present on the occasion wereleading committee member Head of De-partment U Hla Myint Swe of YangonCity Development Committee, Director-General U Yan Naing Oo of Fine ArtsDepartment and officials.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug — TheCommander-in-Chief (Navy)’s shieldboxing tournament for 2009 was openedon 13 August at Ayeyawady NavalRegion Command Headquarters.

The tournament was opened withan address by the Acting Commander

C-in-C (Navy)’s shield boxing tournament for 2009 opensof Ayeyawady Naval Region Command,on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief(Navy).

After the tournament, the actingcommander awarded the winners of thetournament and presented the shield to awinning team.— MNA

YANGON 15 Aug— MyanmarBrewery Ltd donated a Real Time RT-PCR Scanner for Pandemic A (H1N1)2009 influenza detection to RationalHealth Laboratory, Department ofHealth, Ministry of Health at the meet-ing hall of Rational Health Laboratoryin Dagon Township here this morning.

Director-General of Departmentof Health Dr Win Myint spoke on theoccasion and then Managing Directorof Myanmar Brewery Ltd Mr Peter

Thabeikkyin Township,Lt-Gen Tha Aye heardreports on work progressand called for constantefforts to be made onmaintenance of road.

Lt-Gen Tha Ayeoversaw the growing ofmonsoon paddy at the fieldof farmer U Tun Lin inTheegon village inThabeikkyin Townshipand teak plantations onboth sides of Mandalay-Bhamo-Myitkyina Road,and visited Great WallFoodstuff Co Ltd inHtigyaing Township inSagaing.

Afterwards, Lt-Gen Tha Aye inspectedprivate-owned teak plan-tations in the township.

Accompanied byChairman of Kachin State

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug—A ceremony tohonour outstanding stu-dents of staff of the Minis-try of Energy and the staffwho secured prizes at Cen-tral Institute of Civil Serv-

Ministry of Energy honours outstanding students, staffice was held at the hall ofthe ministry, here, thismorning.

After delivering anaddress, Minister for En-ergy Brig-Gen Lun Thiawarded outstanding stu-

dents. Deputy MinisterBrig-Gen Than Htay gaveprizes to the outstandingstudents and staff.

The ceremony endedwith the concluding remarksby the minister.—MNA

Myanmar Brewery Ltd donates Real Time RT- PCR machineOng made explained the purpose ofdonatons.

Afterwards, Director Dr Nay Winaccepted a Real Time RT-PCR machineworth US $ 46,000 donated by by Chair-man of Myanmar Brewery Ltd Lt-ColNay Win (Retd) and Managing DirectorMr Peter Ong.

After the ceremony, the director-general, guests and wellwishers viewedRT- PCR machine at the laboratory.


vLt-Gen Tha Aye inspects growing of monsoonpaddy field of Farmer U Tun Tin at Shwepyi village in Singu Township.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint viewing paintings of SayagyiU Ba Kyi on Buddhology and stone sculptures to be decorated at

Uppatasanti Pagoda.—MNA


mander ofAyeyawady


Commandawardingthe win-ners oftourna-ment.MNA

MyanmarBrewery Ltd

donating a RealTime RT-PCRScanner forPandemic

A (H1N1) 2009 toRational Health


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009

Today, the expression “politics is to do realpossibility” is very popular, which somewhat warnterrorist-cum-politicians against doing as they wish.The phrase should have gained wide currency earlier.Certain political groups are still clinging on to theirimpractical campaigns, thus getting the people intotrouble.

Politics is the concern of a nation and its people.And it is an altruistic service. However, in practice,political groups, instead of prioritizing the publicinterest, had been putting power in the fore and stick-ing to armed insurrection since the post-independenceperiod in 1948.

That indicated independence was closely fol-lowed by rivalry for power among political groups,instead of exercising politics with farsightedness in apragmatic way in the interest of the people.

Once British colonialists intruded on the soil ofthe nation, the people of all national races resistedagainst the colonialists, arming themselves with what-ever arms they got. Patriotic people got involved inbattles to save the nation from falling to alien subjuga-tion. British colonialists had to make a reinforcementof tens of thousands of soldiers from abroad andsuppressed the resistant campaigns with modern weap-ons. Myanmar revolutionaries were equipped stronglywith patriotic spirit and nationalistic fervour alongwith military prowess, but they did not have modernweapons. So, they could not drive the colonialists outof the territory of the nation.

In 1906, patriots formed Young Men’s Bud-dhist Association (YMBA) and held talks to revivenational and religious affairs and made demands thatcolonialists take off foot wares before getting onto theplatforms of pagodas. They launched a variety of anti-colonialist movements with the stance that they neverremained indifferent in the colonial rule. They startedthe independence drive with possible campaigns.

In 1920, Myanmar associations were combinedinto the General Council of Burmese Associations(GCBA) to improve the nationalistic spirit. They madedemands and got involved in anti-government cam-paigns, submitting public grievances. Those events servedas evidence that they launched possible steps only.

During the Accusing of Doh Bamar Asiayon(Our Burmese Association) formed in 1930, Myanmarsaw a series of anti-colonialist struggles including thecampaigns of workers for instance Oilfield Workers’Uprising, and the campaigns of farmers such as Peas-ants’ Uprising led by Saya San. Myanmar farmersdemonstrated their bravery in the Peasants’ Uprisingand could open a new page of the Myanmar’s historicalbackground of anti-colonialists campaigns. However,the uprising went beyond the possibility, so it wassuppressed later.

Thirty Comrades, the Burma IndependenceArmy (BIA), the Burma Defence Army (BDA) and thePatriotic Force of Burma managed to drive out thecolonialists who were coping with many problemstriggered by World War II. The country could accel-erate the independence struggles. Myanmar patriotsalso drove out Fascist troops. Due to the national level

Politics is to do real possibilityMaung Nwe Sit

participation of the entire people, independence strug-gles triumphed victory in the end.

To oust a ruling government through mass pro-tests or an armed revolt is a just and correct fight if therulers are aliens. It is because the people are responsiblefor throwing off the yoke of foreign rule for independ-ence. In that regard, possibility is to be taken intoconsideration, and the people have to generate possibil-ity.

In an independent country, the people of thecountry will form a government. If opposition par-ties incite mass demonstrations and turn to armedinsurgency, they oppose possibility. If they win pub-lic support and prioritize public interest and they areright, it is possible for them to come to power. Andthey will win the vast majority of votes in elections. Ifthe other parties oppose the winning party, thosewho suffer evil consequences are the people. Withoutpossibility, a party cannot come to power, and all itis doing results nothing more than troubles to thepeople.

An armed revolt against colonialists is quitedifferent from rivalry for power among national people.To fight colonialists is national revolution, but an armedconflict between two groups of national people is “ex-ploiting the people of own race”.

If a political party wants to serve the interest of thenation, it has to put trust in people’s power and avoidexploiting the people of own race, relying on externalelements, troubling the people, and making the publicimpoverished to the liking of foreign masters. If it doesnot win massive support of the people, there is notpossibility for it to come to power.

The expressions foreign countries are claimingnow such as democracy, human rights and freedom are,indeed,a bait. If the people take the bait for democracy,they will lose their lives.

Military powers claimed that they waged wars onVietnam, Korea, Serbia (Yugoslav), Somali, Iraq, Af-ghanistan, and many other countries in Asia, Africa,Middle East, Latin America, and island countries fordemocracy, human rights, humanitarianism and free-dom. In the pragmatic world, those countries becameneo-colonies in spite of the United Nations havingdecolonized. It is global knowledge that the colonialistsgot economic gains, whereas the colonies were reducedto ashes.

Accusing that Iraq had weapons of massdestruction, the US invaded the country. And it gaveseveral reasons such as to search WMDs, to helpIraqi people enjoy freedom, to remove a tyrant likeSaddam Hussein, and to introduce democracy to theMiddle East including Iraq. So far, some 700,000Iraqi civilians have died, millions of civilians areinjured and millions of Iraqi people fled abroad totake refuge. A large number of houses, bridges andbuildings have been ravaged. The country has in-vaded Iraq for more than 6 years, but it cannot makeany positive change in the nation. The only changeis that the US has taken the region under its control,exploiting oil at will.

Afghanistan war was similar to Iraq war. The

US has invaded Afghanistan for nearly 8 years,giving a reason to arrest Osama bin Laden underan article on terrorism. It has not arrested Osamabin Laden yet because it has a plan to control astrategic country like Afghanistan. Now, the in-ferno of Afghanistan war has spread to Pakistan.The death toll of Afghans has reached more than8000. No citizen of the country wants such democ-racy. They want real democracy based on theinnate nature of their country, public desire, andhistory of their country. Colonialists invade andthen exploit other countries, and that is possibilityfor them. They are militarily strong, they wieldveto power in the United Nations in order that itcannot take action against them. So, it is high timeworld countries and world people generated possi-bility to stop the colonialist countries from wieldinghegemony over the world.

There has been a possibility in Myanmar: the2010 election due to be held in accordance with theState constitution (2008). Then, a session of thePyidaungsu Hluttaw formed with people’s representa-tives will be held and Myanmar will be built into amodern, developed and democratic nation after form-ing the governing bodies led by the President, andother central organs.

The people will cast votes with national causesin the 2010 election to elect people’s representatives.Any candidates, political parties or independent can-didates may be elected if they uphold the publicinterest and carry out tasks in line with the Stateconstitution. That is real possibility.

Those candidates using tactics to cause publicoutrage, subversive ways in complicity with foreignmasters, outlaw ways, and terrorists ways cannot wineven a single vote.

Today, the people favour peace and stability.They want to see development of the motherland richin natural resources and emergence of a discipline-flourishing democratic nation. If a political party re-ally loves the people, it has to prioritize public desireand try to win the trust and reliance of the people.

The Union of Myanmar is an independent coun-try with national unity and internal peace that isimplementing the State’s seven-step Road Map one byone. The government has showed its benevolent atti-tude towards the people, so the country is now enjoy-ing development gradually. The State Peace and De-velopment Council Office’s letter No 04/Na Ya Ka(Oo) La Nga Hka and 04/Na Ya Ka (Oo) La Nga Hka-1 dated 10th August 2009 issued to commute half ofthree years rigourous imprisonment to the accusedDaw Aung San Suu Kyi, Daw Khin Khin Win and MaWin Ma Ma who got involved in the crime committedby a US citizen, to permit them to reside in theresidence, and to enable them to enjoy pardon if theydisplay good conduct is a testament to the govern-ment’s ardent desire of smooth transition to democ-racy, removing grudge against each other, ensuringState stability, and respect to the founding fatherGeneral Aung San.

Therefore, I would like to invite all politicalgroups to respect public decision, enjoy the opportuni-ties generated with good will by the government,choose the path to democracy paved in accordancewith the cosnstitution by the people, and do not letthemselves to be swayed by the political tricks ofcolonialists and axe-handles and take to the way ofMyanmar democracy, that is real possibility.

*****Translation: MS

Without possibility, a party cannot come topower, and all it is doing results nothing morethan troubles to the people.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 9

(from page 16)Shwe Nandaw Hotel in Nay Pyi TawHotel Zone, here, at 8.15 am today.

Present at the meeting were thepatron, the chairman, the vice-chairman,Central Executive Committee membersand organizers, totalling 23 from 10political parties namely National Leaguefor Democracy, National Unity Party,

US Senator meets with officially registered…Union Kayin League, Shan NationalitiesLeague for Democracy, Mro (or) KhamiNational Solidarity Organization, WaNational Development Party, KokangDemocracy and Unity Party, Shan StateKokang Democratic Party, LahuNational Development Party and UnionPa-O National Organization.


NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug— Accompanied byCharge d’Affaires ai ofthe US Embassy to theUnion of Myanmar Mr.Larry M. Dinger and Mili-tary Attaché Colonel BreyR Sloan, the delegationled by Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman of theEast Asian and PacificAffairs Subcommittee ofthe US Senate Foreign Re-lations Committee, andwife who are currently

US Senator and wife meetDaw Aung San Suu Kyi

Flood WarningNAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Meteorology and Hy-

drology Department announced that according to the12:30 hr M.S.T observation today, the water level ofShwegyin river at Shwegyin is 724 cm and it hasexceeded by 24 cm (about 1 ft) above its danger level.It may fall below its danger level 700 cm during thenext 48 hours commencing noon today.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug— Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman of theEast Asian and PacificAffairs Subcommittee of

US Senator meets national race groupsthe US Senate ForeignRelations Committee,who is currently here atthe invitation of Ministerfor Foreign Affairs U

Nyan Win, accompaniedby Charge d’Affaires ai ofthe US Embassy to theUnion of Myanmar Mr.Larry M. Dinger, met with

national race groups atShwe Nandaw Hotel inNay Pyi Taw Hotel Zone,here, at 10 am today.

It was attended by

the chairman, the vice-chairman, the groupleader and members, to-talling 12 from NDKAgroup from Kachin Spe-

cial Region (1), KDAgroup from Shan (North)Special Region (5), PNOgroup from Shan (South)Special Region (6), Ka LaLa Ta group of KayahSpecial Region (2),Phayagon Special RegionPeace Group and DKBAGroup.


YANGON, 15 Aug—The Journalism CourseNo. 2/2009, organized byMyanmar Writers andJournalists Association,concluded at the KaraweikPalace Hotel, here, yester-day evening, with an ad-dress by Vice-Chairman-1 of MWJA Leader of theSupervisory Committeefor the Course U Tin Kha(Tekkatho Tin Kha).

Secretary of MWJADr Tin Tun Oo (Dr TinTun Oo) explained the pur-pose of conducting thejournalism courses.

Chairman U Hla

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug —Minister for For-eign Affairs U Nyan Winsaw off Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman of theEast Asian and Pacific

Foreign Affairs Minister sees off USSenator and party

Affairs Subcommittee ofthe US Senate ForeignRelations Committee,and party at Nay Pyi TawAirport at 12.30 p.m. to-day.

Together with Min-ister U Nyan Win, depart-mental heads and officialsof the ministry saw themoff at the airport.


here at the invitation ofMinister for Foreign Af-fairs U Nyan Win, arrivedat Yangon from Nay PyiTaw by special aircraft at1.35 pm today.

They were welcomedat Yangon International

Journalism Course No. 2/2009 concludesMyaing (Ko Hsaung) ac-cepted the membership ap-plications for MWJA fromthe trainees and presentedmembership cards to them.

Responsible per-sons awarded the outstand-ing trainees. Later, thetrainees presented gifts to

the instructors.Altogether 52 train-

ees attended the six-weekcourse from 1 July to 15August. Veteran journal-ists gave lectures on newsreporting, interview, jour-nalists’ ethics and othernecessary topics.—MNA

Airport by Deputy Minis-ter for Foreign Affairs UMaung Myint and officials.

The US Senator, wifeand party met with DawAung San Suu Kyi at SeinleKantha State House inYangon at 3.55 pm.—MNA

Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman ofthe East Asian and

Pacific Subcom-mittee of the USSenate Foreign

RelationsCommittee meets

national racesgroups.—MNA

The delegation led by Senator Mr. Jim Webb,Chairman of the East Asian and PacificSubcommittee of the US Senate Foreign

Relations Committee and wife meetDaw Aung San Suu Kyi.—MNA

Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Writers and Journalists AssociationU Tin Kha presents prizes to outstanding students.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug —Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of theMinistry of Defence together with Chairman of MonState Peace and Development Council Commander ofSouth-East Command Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win anddepartmental officials viewed cleaning and beautifyingof Kyaikto Township and condition of roads in amotorcade on 12 August.

At Township People’s Hospital, Lt-Gen KhinZaw comforted patients and presented gifts to them.

Then Lt-Gen Khin Zaw attended the cashdonation ceremony for medical fund. Wellwisherspresented cash donation and medical equipments to thehospital.

Next, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw inspected monsoon paddyplantations of locals on both sides of Kyaikto-BilinRoad, and looked into broadcasting of chemical and

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw performsregional development tasks

in Thaton District

natural fertilizers at monsoon paddy model.Afterwards, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw oversaw monsoon

paddy plantations and condition of road sections alongBilin-Thaton road.

On 13 August, Lt-Gen Khin Zaw accompaniedby the commander and departmental officials visitedThaton District People’s Hospital. He comfortedpatients and presented gifts to them. — MNA

YANGON, 15 Aug—A coordination meetingon development ofAyeyawady Divisionroad network was held atthe office of Yangon

Work coordination meeting for developmentof Ayeyawady Division road network held

Division Public Workstoday, attended byDeputy Minister forConstruction Brig-GenMyint Thein.

At the meeting,

project engineers forconstruction of roads andbridges and seniorengineers of Pathein,Myaungmya and PyaponDistricts reported onprogress of work andfuture plans. The deputyminister gaveinstructions.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug—A Myanmardelegation led by DeputyMinister for Foreign AffairsU Maung Myint leftYangon for Kunming,Yunnan Province of thePeople’s Republic of Chinaon 9 August 2009 by airand arrived back Yangonon 13 August 2009 by air

Myanmar delegation back fromYunnan Province

after attending the signingceremony of the agreementon the Management of theConstruction Project of theConsulate-General of theUnion of Myanmar andresidences of diplomatsbetween the Consulate-General of the Union ofMyanmar and the ForeignAffairs Office of the

People’s Government ofYunnan Province andlaying foundationceremony.

Delegation mem-bers Director-General ofPlanning and Admini-strative Department U TinSoe also arrived back onthe same flight.


NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—The con-clusion ceremony of Basic Course forElectrical Skill (1/2009), organized byIndustrial Coordination and InspectionDepartment of the Ministry of Industry-1, took place at the training hall of thedepartment yesterday.

Basic Course for ElectricalSkill (1/2009) concludes

On behalf of the Minister for In-dustry-1, Director-General U Soe Hlaingof the department delivered an addressand 2 presented completion certificates.

A total of 83 trainees attended thefive-week course.


YANGON, 15 Aug—A ceremony todonate cash by Yangon Division PDC andwellwishers to health staff who are takingpreventive measures against NewInfluenza A (H1N1) was held at YangonDivision Health Department on 13 August.

Secretary U Khin Maung Tun ofYangon Division PDC made a speech andhanded over K 10 million donated byYangon Division PDC to Head of DivisionHealth Department Dr Hla Myint.

Out of the cash, K 2.5 million wasdonated to Waibagi Specialist Hospital, K1.5 million to Yangon People’s Hospital,K 1 million each to North Okkalapa

Cash assistance donated to hospitals, health staff

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of the Ministry of Defence views broadcasting fertilizers tomonsoon paddy model farmland in Bilin Township.—MNA

Deputy Minister U Maung Myint attends the signing ceremony of theagreement on the Management of the Construction Project.


Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Theinaddresses the meeting.


People’s Hospital, Yangon Children’sHospital, Yangon East Hospital, YangonWest Hospital, Insein General Hospitaland Thingangyun Sanpya Hospital.

Afterwards, the secretary ofYangon Division PDC accepted K 2million donated by U Hla Oo, K 1 millionby K U Aye Maung, K 1million and fivethousand by U Tin Maung, K 1millionby U Thomas and K 0.5 million by USoe Thein.

The secretary donated K 1 millionto National Health Laboratory and K 4million to health staff of YangonDivision.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—Ministerfor Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win hosteda dinner to visiting Senator Mr. JimWebb, Chairman of the East Asian and

Foreign Affairs Minister hosts dinner toUS Senator and party

Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the USSenate Foreign Relations Committee,and party at Shwe Nandaw Hotel in NayPyi Taw Hotel Zone yesterday.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 11

Mexico map

MEXICOCITY, 15 Aug—At least 19 inmates havebeen killed and more than 20 injured in a riot in aprison in the northern Mexican state of Durango,security officials say.

Smoke was seen rising from the prison in the townof Gomez Palacio, and gunshots were heard.Officialssaid the violence resulted from rivalry between gangsin the jail.State official Jorge Torres said that while thesituation was now calm the overall atmosphere wastense. He described the prison as a “time bomb”.

He told Mexican TV the fighting was a “disputefor dominance” and suggested that inmates being heldon federal drug and organised crime-related chargesmight be behind the violence.—Internet

Mexico prison riot leaves 19 dead

BEIJING, 15 Aug—The Chinesegovernment fired the head of its nuclearpower programme after launching aninvestigation into allegations ofcorruption, state media said.No reasonwas given for the dismissal of KangRixin, the general manager of ChinaNational Nuclear Corporation — thebiggest owner of nuclear power plantsin China. He was under investigation for“grave violations of discipline,” astandard Communist Party term referringto graft and abuse of power, the officialXinhua News Agency said late Friday.

The Organization Department of theCommunist Party appointed Sun Qin,56, deputy director of the NationalEnergy Administration, in Kang’s place,the report said.The Communist Party’s

China fires nuclear power head afterinvestigation

Central Committee announced earlierthis month that Kang was beinginvestigated. He had been head of thecompany since September 2003.

China National Nuclear Corporationperforms research and development aswell as construction in areas such asnuclear electricity production, nuclearfuels and nuclear technology application,according to its Web site.

China is building more nuclearreactors than any other country. Beijingsees nuclear power as a clean alternativeto coal-powered plants that account for80 percent of China’s electricity supply.

Plans announced in recent yearscall for nuclear stations to supply 4percent of China’s power needs by 2020,up from about 2 percent now.—Internet

Members of the Russian Imperial Ballet float in a boat across theBeijing

Olympics swimming competition pool as they perform Swan Lake in the

National Aquatics Centre, also known as the Water Cube,

in Beijing on 13 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

CALIFORNIA, 15Aug—Phones running theAndroid operating systemhave been availableworldwide since April,starting with the T-MobileG1, which is knownoutside of the US as theHTC Magic. Andaccording to HTC CEOPeter Chou, the numberof HTC magic handsetssold has topped the onemillion-mark.

HTC also produceswhat so far is the sexiestAndroid phone on themarket, the Hero. Choualso said this week that inTaiwan, ChunghwaTelecom customers whosign up for a 2-yearcontract will have their

Android this week: Over 1 million servedHero device 100 percentsubsidized. The phonewill run $630 otherwise,so that’s one healthysubsidy.

Elsewhere, Microsoftand Nokia unveiled plansto bring Office Mobile tothe Nokia smartphoneline. To date, MicrosoftOffice support on Nokiaphones was beingprovided by third partyDataViz with itsDocuments to Go suite,which is also available forAndroid. A new versionfor the Android platformwas released this weekthat adds PowerPoint andPDF support to the Wordand Excel handlingalready provided.

And it was revealedthat starting next week,O2 customers will be ableto get their hands onSamsung’s first Androidphone. The SamsungGalaxy i7500 is expectedto have a Qualcommprocessor on board,running at 528MHz.


A dog jumps a fence

on the opening day

of the grouse

shooting season on

the Rottal Estate,

Angus Glens,

Scotland on 12 Aug,



BOGOTA, 15 Aug—Colombian police onThursday seized 168,000 amphetamine pills, thelargest seizure in history.

The drug, worth about 2.5 million US dollars,was discovered in several carton boxes on a truckfrom Pamplona to the western border city of Cucuta,the police said.

“This is the largest amount of synthetic drugseized by the police in the nation’s history,” saidpolice commander Jorge Ivan Florez Cardenas.

Venezuela is likely to be the destination of thedrug, he added.

Statistics from the United Nations showed thatthere are 100,000 drug consumers in Colombiaevery year, the largest among Latin Americannations. Among them, 33,000 are minors.


HANOI, 15 Aug—Vietnam’s population now ranks13th in the world with 85.78 million by 1 April thisyear, according to the country’s recent populationcensus, local newspaper the People reported Friday.

Vietnam has also become the country with thethird largest population in Southeast Asia afterIndonesia and the Philippines, said the newspaper.

During the past ten years, the country’s populationhas increased by 9.47 million with growth rate of 1.2percent a year, the lowest rate within 50 years, accordingto the newspaper. The rate is down 0.5 percentagepoints compared to the number recorded in the 1989-1999 period. Ho Chi Minh City is the locality whichhas the largest population in Vietnam with more than7.12 million people. It is followed by the country’scapital city of Hanoi with over 6.44 million. Thecentral province of Thanh Hoa came third with 3.4million residents.

More than 25.37 million people are living in theurban areas, accounting for 29.6 percent of the country’spopulation, said the newspaper. Urban populationgrows by 3.4 percent a year in the 1999-2009 periodcompared to an annual 0.4-per-cent growth rate forrural areas during the same period.—MNA/Xinhua

Colombia seizes largest amountof drug in history

Vietnam has 13th largestpopulation in worldWorld’s oldest kenyan schoolboy

dies at aged 90

NAIROBI, 15 Aug—Afarmer celebrated in Kenyaas the world’s oldestschool pupil has died inthe East African countryaged 90, local media saidon Friday.

Kimani Maruge, anilliterate great-grandfather,grabbed global headlineswhen he jumped at abelated chance to educatehimself soon afterPresident Mwai Kibaki’sgovernment introducedfree primary schooling in

2003.Kenya’s NTV

broadcaster said Marugehad been diagnosed withcancer earlier this year andhad undergone surgery,but that his health hadsince deteriorated.

The veteran of the1950s Mau Mau revoltagainst British colonialforces, who never had achance to attend school asa boy, had become anational celebrity andsomething of a poster boyfor free educationcampaigners worldwide.

In 2005, he travelled tothe United Nations in NewYork to urge world leadersto press education for thepoor.—MNA/Reuters

Kimani Maruge

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KMAIII VOY NO (903N) are here by notified that the vesselswill be arriving on 16.8.2009 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of B.S.W (3) where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S KMA SHIPPING CO., LTDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV SINAR BIMA VOY NO (037)Consignees of cargo carried on MV SINAR BIMA

VOY NO (037) are here by notified that the vessels willbe arriving on 16.8.2009 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Hong Kong reports first Tamiflu-resistantinfluenza A/H1N1 case

HONG KONG,15 Aug—The Centre for Health Protection of Hong Kong saidon Friday it has received report on the first local case of Tamiflu-resistant influ-enza A/H1N1. It was the seventh case of Tamiflu-resistant influenza A/H1N1reported to the World Health Organization.

The Centre for Health Protection said the case involved a 40- year-old womanwho started taking Tamiflu on 15 July after 21 people at the home fell ill the daybefore. She developed a fever, cough and sore throat on 21 July and was sent toa local hospital. She was confirmed to be infected with influenza A/H1N1 andlater recovered.—Xinhua

1,933 new A/H1N1 flu cases confirmed in EuropeSTOCKHOLM, 15 Aug—A European health agency said on Friday that 1,933 new

A/H1N1 flu cases were reported in European countries within the last 24 hours. Of the new cases, 452 were confirmed in Netherlands, 433 in Britain, 422 in

Greece, 390 in Germany, 140 in Poland, 41 in Denmark, 26 in Luxemburg, 16 inSwitzerland, five in Romania, four in Slovakia, two in Hungary, one respectivelyin Lativa and Slovenia, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control(ECDC) said in its daily situation report. The total number of confirmed cases ofthe H1N1 flu virus in the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Asso-ciation (EFTA) countries rose to 37,793, with 1,538 cases in Spain and 12,903 inBritain, 1,125 in France and 11,493 in Germany, the ECDC said.—Xinhua

Peru, Brazil foreign ministers talkon regional issues

Mexico, Uruguay signstrategic agreements

MEXICAO CITY, 15 Aug—Mexico and Uruguayhave signed a strategic agreement worth 500 millionUS dollars in Uruguay’s capital Montevideo on Fri-day, the Mexican president’s office stated.

While Mexican President Felipe Calderon wasvisiting Uruguay’s President Tabare Vazquez, bothsides agreed to set up a cooperation fund of 500 mil-lion dollars and a Mexico-Uruguay Joint CooperationCommission to administer it. Social development pro-grammes would be a priority.

The two presidents also committed themselvesto working together on protecting and restoring cul-tural goods and fighting against illicit trafficking ofstolen artifacts.


The Zhoushan missile frigate of the Chinese escort flotilla enters theharbour of Salalah, Oman, on 14 Aug, 2009. The Chinese escort flotilla

visited the habour of Salalah in Oman for a rest and reorganization for thefirst time on Friday. —XINHUA

China’s oldest, largest dinosaurfossils to find new home in Beijing

Spain’s economy shrinks, buckingeurozone trend

LIMA, 15 Aug—Peru-vian Foreign Minister JoseGarcia Belaunde said onFriday that Peru and Bra-zil held “similar politicalviews” on issues like theHonduran coup and Co-lombian-US military co-operation.

“We have been able toprove that our politicalviews toward certain is-sues are similar, mainly onthose related to the re-gional and the integration

process,” Belaunde said.In a joint press confer-

ence with Brazilian For-eign Minister CelsoAmorim, Belaunde saidthat Peru and Brazil wouldsupport the proposal madeby Costa Rican PresidentOscar Arias to find a solu-tion to the Honduran cri-sis.

Peru and Brazil alsoshared a common view onColombian-US militarycooperation. According to

Belaunde, Peru and Brazilwould try to find measuresto ease the suspicion andfear of Colombia’s neigh-bour countries caused bythe new Colombian-USagreement. Under theagreement, Washingtoncould gain access to at leastseven Colombian militarybases by the year 2019, andin return, Washingtonwould offer Bogota some5 billion US dollars inaid.—Xinhua

BEIJING, 15 Aug—Chi-na’s oldest and largest di-nosaur fossils are to ar-rive at their new home inBeijing from southernYunnan Province on Sat-urday, China Science andTechnology Museumsaid on Friday. The fragile bones,which were flown from

Yunnan on Friday, wouldbe transported in specialanti-shock vehicles onSaturday in15 cushionedcontainers to the new siteof China Science andTechnology Museum inthe centre of OlympicGreen, said Xin Bing,deputy curator of the mu-seum.

The skeletons of threeprehistoric beasts are tomeet the public at theopening ceremony of thenew museum on 16 Septin Beijing, said Xin Bing,the museum’s deputyhead. The fossils would beprotected by 50 guardsday and night.—Xinhua

Brazilian flu toll mounts to 339 RIO DE JANEIRO, 15 Aug—The Brazilian health authorities have confirmedanother 62 deaths of A/H1N1 flu on Friday, raising the country’s death toll to339. According to the Health Ministry’s latest report, there were 3,642 confirmedcases of A/H1N1 flu in Brazil, about half of those being serious. Most cases occurred in the southern and southeastern regions, Sao Paulo statehaving the highest death toll in the country with 134 confirmed victims. Winterin such regions is more severe, which promotes the spread of the flu.


MADRID, 15 Aug—Spain’s recession-hiteconomy shrank further inthe second quarter, officialdata showed on Friday, asa recovery underway else-where in the eurozonefailed to reach its fourth-largest member.

However, the rate ofcontraction slowed in thethree months to June, andthe government said thefigures reflected a “rela-

tively better performance.”Gross domestic product

contracted 1.0 percent inthe second quarter fromthe first, the National Sta-tistics Institute said in ini-tial estimates.

Compared to the sameperiod last year, GDP wasoff by 4.1 percent.

If confirmed by finalfigures on 27 August, itwould be the fourthshrinkage in a row after a

fall of 1.9 percent in thefirst quarter, 1.0 percent inthe last quarter of 2008and 0.3 percent in the thirdquarter of 2008.

The latest figure wasworse than an estimate of0.9-percent contraction is-sued by the Bank of Spainlast month. The centralbank also said that the rateof contraction in theeconomy would continueto slow.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 13

An air tanker drops fire retardant chemicals onthe Lockheed wildfire which burns out of controlin a rugged region of the Santa Cruz Mountains

in Bonny Doon, Calif, on 13 Aug, 2009 forcing theevacuation of more than a thousand residents.


Several resident children read extracurricular books at the yard of “ResidentChildren’s Home” in Chaohu City of east China’s Anhui Province, on 14

Aug, 2009. About 20 left-behind children whose parents migrated to work inthe cities spent their summer vacation at “Resident Children’s Home” in

Chaohu, learning and having funs together accompanied by their “stewardparents”.—XINHUA

A researcher shows colour potatoes introducedsuccessfully from Canada at Southern China

Potato Research Center in Enshi City of centralChina’s Hubei Province, on 14 Aug, 2009.

Southern China Potato Research Centre andHuazhong Agricultural University succeeded ingrowing colour potatoes this year, which have a

favourable prospect with beautiful colours,qualified appearance and antioxidant and anti-

aging effects.—XINHUA

State of emergency declared as firefightersbattle with raging wildfires in California

Los ANGELES, 15A u g — C a l i f o r n i aLieutenant GovernorJohn Garamendi Fridaydeclared a state ofemergency in SantaCruz County wherefirefighters werestruggling to put a fiercewildfire in nearbymountains that hasforced thousands ofresidents out of theirhomes under control.

The blaze, about 100kilometers south of SanFrancisco and is namedLockheed Fire as it hasbeen burning near the

Lockheed Martin facilitysince Wednesday evening,has scorched and burnedtwo structures and forcedthe evacuation of morethan 2,000 residents,according to CaliforniaDepartment of Forestryand FireProtection(CalFire).

Garamendi, servingas acting governor becauseGovernor ArnoldSchwarzenegger isattending his mother-in-law’s funeral, planned tosign the proclamation at therequest of the Board ofSupervisors on early

afternoon of Friday.Schwarzenegger isexpected to return toCalifornia Friday night andwill visit the Lockheed FireSaturday morning for afirst-hand assessment ofthe situation, according tohis press secretary.

About 5 percent ofthe blaze were“contained,” but therugged terrain makesfighting the blaze difficultand authorities doesn’texpect full containmentany time soon, CalFirespokesman Daniel Berlantsaid.—Xinhua

Wild elephantkills French

tourist insouth IndiaCHENNAI,15 Aug—A

French tourist wastrampled to death by a wildelephant while trekking insouthern India on Friday, aforest official said.

Del Yotel Annie, a retiredteacher from Neuilly SirMarne, was taking picturesof a herd of wild elephantsat Bokkapuram, adjacent tothe Mudumalai TigerReserve in Udhagaman-dalam, about 500 km fromChennai, when a jumbo anda calf charged her.


US reports 41 more A/H1N1 fludeaths, 1,005 more

hospitalizations in past week HOUSTON, 15 Aug—

The A/H1N1 flu deathtoll in the United Statehas reached 477 withhospitalizations of7,511, according to thelatest statistics releasedby the federal Centersfor Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) inAtlanta on Friday.

The CDC said that41 more deaths havebeen reported in the pastweek, a big jump fromthe previous record of436 released a weekago by the agency.Meanwhile, there havebeen 1,005 more patientsof the new virus admittedto the hospitals in thepast week, bringing thetotal number of thehospitalizations aroundthe country to 7,511, or a15-percent increasecompared with theprevious record of 6,506.Since the outbreak of theH1N1 flu in late April,The CDC has reported on

its website the latestdevelopment of the newvirus every weekendincluding numbers ofdeaths and conformedand probable cases of thenew flu virus. Butbeginning from 24 July,the CDC has changed thereporting requirementsfor the H1N1 influenza bylocal health jurisdictions.

The new reportingrequirements will trackmainly hospitalized andfatal cases, the CDCsaid, adding that non-hospitalized casereporting is no longerneeded at this stage ofthe pandemic. Instead ofreporting confirmed andprobable cases of theH1N1 flu virus, the CDChas transitioned to usingits traditional flusurveillance systems totrack the progress ofboth the H1N1 flupandemic and seasonalinfluenza.


Singapore confirms firstTamiflu-resistant A/H1N1 case

SINGAPORE, 15 Aug—Singapore’s Ministryof Health on Fridayconfirmed that thecountry has found its firstTamiflu-resistant A/H1N1 case.

A Health Ministryspokesperson said that theisolated case involved apatient who fell sicktowards the end of Mayand was admitted tohospital for isolation andtreatment. The patientwas infected by aTami f lu - suscep t ib l estrain of the virus andtreated with Tamiflu. Theresistant strain emergedduring treatment and wasdetected throughlaboratory testing but bythen the patient hadalready improvedclinically.

“Patients canrecover from their illness

even if they are infectedwith a Tamiflu-resistantinfluenza strain becausethe immune system playsan important part inclearing the body of thevirus,” the spokespersonsaid. The spokespersondid not reveal the age andgender of the patient.

“So far, we have notdetected any other casesof antiviral resistance.We will continue toconduct surveillance forantiviral resistance,” thespokesperson said.

Singapore reportedits first confirmed caseof flu A/H1N1 on May27. The country’s firstA/H1N1 related deathcase was reportedon 18July. The country hasreported 11 A/H1N1related death cases sofar.


Russia says Cape Verde ship sighting untrue PRAIA/MOSCOW, 15

Aug—Reports that amissing merchant shiphad turned up in theAtlantic Ocean off theCape Verde islands haveproven untrue, Russia’sRIA agency quotedMoscow’s envoy to thecountry as saying onFriday. The disap-pearance of the ship, theArctic Sea, and its 15-member Russian crew,has baffled authorities inEurope and North Africa.Moscow has sent

warships to find it.Portugal’s Lusa newsagency said the 4,000-tonfreighter was 400 nauticalmiles off the West Africanarchipelago, while Francesaid it had intelligence ofa sighting that couldmatch the Arctic Sea.

“There wasinformation that a cargoship similar to the onebeing searched for wasspotted 400 nautical milesnorth of the island ofSanto Antao,” RIA quotedAlexander Karpushin,

Ru-ssia’s ambassador toCape Verde as saying.“However, this inf-ormation did not prove tobe true,” he said, citing ameeting with the head ofCape Verde’s ArmedForces. Earlier, Lusaquoted the Cape Verdedirector-general ofdefence Pedro Reis assaying the ship was ininternational waters northof Sao Vicente, a CapeVerdean island close toSanto Antao.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009


ACROSS 1 Author of “Brides-head Revisited” 4 “And so————” (Pepys) (2,3)10 Wrench11 Perfect in conception12 Wireless13 Sluggishness15 Solitary17 Vast sea-area19 Porcelain22 Throw25 Tourist27 Edict29 Swimming stroke30 Perpetually young31 Bingo32 Dwarf

DOWN 2 Prize 3 Venetian boat 5 Oil-yielding tree 6 Cast out 7 Take possession unjustly 8 Name for a bear 9 Gather corn, etc.14 Headland16 At a former time18 City of USA20 2nd century Greek astronomer21 Keep for sale23 Tapestry24 Bumptious26 Ship’s guide28 Vision


Woods builds a 4-shot lead in the PGA

Tiger Woods (L) of the US and PadraigHarrington of Ireland look over their puttson the 16th green during the second roundof the 2009 PGA Championship golftournament at the Hazeltine National GolfClub in Chaska, Minnesota, on 14 Aug,2009.—INTERNET

Terry expects ‘fight to the death’in Premiership

Chelsea’s captain JohnTerry (right) withteammate Didier


Cahill backs City targetLescott to cope under fire

LIVERPOOL, 15 Aug—Everton midfielder Tim Cahillbelieves Joleon Lescott will be able to ignore the stormsurrounding his prospective move to Manchester Cityif he plays in Saturday’s Premier League clash againstArsenal.

Lescott stunned Everton manager David Moyesearlier this week when he handed in a written transferrequest at Goodison Park in an attempt to provoke amove to City, who have already had two bids for theEngland defender rejected by the Toffees.


Mexican athlete Enriqueta Basilio de Sotelo, firstwoman in Olympics history to light the Olympic

Cauldron, is seen during the opening ceremony ofthe 1968 Mexico Olympic Games. An Olympictorch from Mexico’s historic and controversial1968 Games was sold for just over 2,000 dollars

(1,400 euros) at a Monterrey auctionon Friday.—INTERNET

LONDON, 15 Aug—Chelsea captain John Terryexpects English football’ssuperpowers to fight to thedeath for the PremierLeague title as his sideprepare to launch their

challenge against Hull onSaturday. Carlo Ancelotti’steam have an opportunityto send a message to titlerivals Manchester Unitedand Liverpool when theykick-off the new campaignin Saturday’s early matchat Stamford Bridge.

Terry and company aredesperate to end United’sthree-year reign aschampions and bring thecrown back to west Londonfor the first time since 2006.But England defender Terryknows United won’tsurrender without a struggleand he is relishing a battleroyale at the top of thetable.—Internet

Safina knocks Clijsters out ofCincinnati Open

WASHINGTON, 15 Aug—World No. 1 Dinara Safinaof Russia beat Kim Clijsters of Belgium 6-2, 7-5 onFriday to snap the former top-ranked player’s comebackrun at the Cincinnati Open tennis tournament at thequarterfinals. Clijsters, back on the tour after a two-year break, led 2-0 in the first set and 4-1 in the secondbut could not press home her advantage.—Xinhua

Federer, Nadal both out ofRogers Cup

Real Madrid midfielderAlonso advises caution ahead

of season MADRID, 15 Aug—New Real Madrid

signing Xabi Alonso this Friday advisedhis companions to keep their feet on theground ahead of the forthcoming footballseason.Alonso, a 30 million Euro capturefrom Liverpool, is the last of the newsignings to arrive at the club this summer.

The Spain international is seen bymany as the man to hold the Madridmidfield together and to ensure that thestar strikers Cristiano Ronaldo and KarimBenzema as well as Kaka get the supporttheir attacking play requires. —Xinhua

Marseille seek tobuild on brightstart ‘at home’PARIS, 15 Aug—

Marseille play their first‘home’ match of the newcampaign against Lillethis weekend aiming toconsolidate their positionas pre-season favouritesto take their first title inalmost two decades.Thefixture is being held inMontpellier as Marseille’sVelodrome stadium is stillshut following the deathof two stage hands settingup a Madonna concert lastmonth.

“It’s a special game,we’d prefer all the sameto be playing at theVelodrome in front ofour fans and oursurroundings. We knowthe reasons for this moveand we don’t have achoice,” said midfielderBenoit Cheyrou. DidierDeschamps’ team,runners-up last term,avoided an openingday slip-up at Grenobleand now face a Lille sidewho lost out to Lorientin their 2009-2010curtain-raiser.


CHASKA, 15 Aug—Tiger Woodswatched the last of his three straight birdiestake one last turn and drop into the cup.Walking toward the hole, he nodded hishead and dangled his tongue out of the sideof his mouth, a swagger that spokevolumes.He is on top of his game at thePGA Championship, and he knows it.

In blustery conditions and on bumpygreens, Woods made key par putts early

in his round and big birdies toward theend for a 2-under 70 that gave him a four-shot lead in the final major of the year.Thelate string of birdies came in the final hourFriday at Hazeltine, and it changedeverything. The final birdie putt gave thismajor that look of inevitability, with somefrightening figures to back it up.—Internet

Monteral, 15 Aug—Jo-Wilfried Tsonga pulled outa stunning victory overRoger Federer and JuanMartin Del Potro followedwith a two-set win over

Rafael Nadal on Friday toadvance to the semifinalsof the Rogers Cup.

The two stars wereousted after entering thetournament after time off.Nadal was coming backfrom 10 weeks off to treattendinitis in both knees,and Federer was out whilehis wife gave birth totwins. Down 5-1 in thethird set, Tsonga used twoservice breaks to take thelead and then beat Federerin the tiebreaker for a7-6 (5), 1-6, 7-6 (3)quarterfinal victory.



Didier Drogba’s cross-shot evades Hull goalkeeperBoaz Myhill to hand Chelsea all three points.


Aston Villa 0 - 2 Wigan Athletic

Blackburn 0 - 2 Manchester City

Bolton 0 - 1 Sunderland

Chelsea 2 - 1 Hull City

Everton 1 - 6 Arsenal

Portsmouth 0 - 1 Fulham

Stoke City 2 - 0 Burnley

Wolves 0 - 2 West Ham Utd

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 16 August, 2009 15

Sunday, 16 AugustView on today

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmf



7:15 am 2. jrwf*kPfawmfocif

(oef;jrwfpdk;? aw;a&;-


7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. ,Ofaus;vdr®m(38)jzmr*Fvm

7:50 am 6. Nice and Sweet Song

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* The National Museum(I)* Hot Springs in Lashio and Nam-Kham* Traditional Custom of Kadu National Race* An Educational Garden from Nay Pyi Taw

(NPT Soe San Training Centre)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* The National Museum(I)* Hot Springs in Lashio and Nam-Kham* Traditional Custom of Kadu National Race* Culture Stage* Elegant Myanmar Dance (Part-1)* Myanmar Modern Song* An Educational Garden from Nay Pyi Taw

(NPT Soe San Training Centre)* Myanmar Modern Song* Myanmar Arts & Sculptures* Be Fashionable with...“Embroidery”* A Village of Pa-O* National Dance* Bamboo Parquet* Myanmar Modern Song* The Beauty of the 2nd Defile of the River

Ayeyawady* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights



Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(16-8-2009) (Sunday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudy inKayin State, rain or thundershowers have been isolated inKayah and Mon States, scattered in Mandalay and YangonDivisions, fairly widespread in lower Sagaing, Magway,Bago and Taninthayi Divisions and widespread in theremaining areas with locally heavyfalls in Kachin State andupper Sagaing Division, isolated heavyfalls in lowerSagaing and Mandalay Divisions.The noteworthy amountsof rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (Tatkone) (1.81) inches,Homalin (7.68) inches, Mohnyin (5.28) inches, Bhamo(3.19) inches, Katha (3.11) inches, Kanbalu (2.37) inches,Falam (2.01) inches, Monghsat (1.78) inches, Magway (1.15)inches, Yamethin (0.87) inch, Minbu (0.79) inch, Sagaing(0.71) inch and Shwebo (0.59) inch.

Maximum temperature on 14-8-2009 was 85°F.Minimum temperature on 15-8-2009 was 71°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 15-8-2009 was 93%. TotalSun shine hours on 14-8-2009 was Nil.

Rainfall on 15-8-2009 was (0.08) inch at Mingaladon,(0.67) inch at Kaba-Aye and Nil at Central Yangon. Totalrainfall since 1-1-2009 was (79.02) inches at Mingaladon,(91.30 ) inches at Kaba-Aye and (93.38) inches at CentralYangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4)mph from Southwest at (13:10) hours MST on 14-8-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is weak in the Andaman Seaand Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 16th August 2009: Rainor thundershowers will be scattered in Kayin and KayahStates, lower Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Divisions,fairly widespread in Chin and Mon States, Bago, Yangon,Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions and widespread inthe remaining areas. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Sea will be slight to moderate inMyanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Weak monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for

16-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for16-8-2009: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for16-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

WEATHERSaturday, 15th August, 2009

8:05 am 7. twD;NyKdifyGJ

8:25 am 8. Dance of National

Races8:40 am 9. International News8:50 am10. Musical Programme11:00 am 1. Martial Song11:10 am 2. Musical Programme11:25 am 3. Round up of the

Week’s InternationalNews

11:35 am 4. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]][mourÇm}} (tydkif;-20)

12:20 pm 5. Golf Magazine (TV)12:35 pm 6. jrefrm½kyf&Sif


(0if;OD;? atmifvGif?



2:50 pm 7. International News

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song

4:10 pm 2. tuNyKdifyGJ

4:20 pm 3. Mum;n§yfoD;ESH0Oyif

4:30 pm 4. Musical Programme

4:40 pm 5. ta0;oifwuúod kvfynm


pwkw¦ESpf (Oya'ynm

txl;jyK) (Oya'ynm)

4:55 pm 6. Songs to uphold

National Spirit

5:05 pm 7. ]]vmtwloGm;pdkU}}

(0if;xG#fatmif? xdkufxdkufoif;)


5:20 pm 8. Sing & Enjoy

6:00 pm 9. Evening News

6:15 pm10. Weather Report

6:20 pm11. umwGef;tpDtpOf

“Pocket Dargon


6:40 pm12. wpfrsufESmwpfuGufpm


(rdk;xufydkif? avajy)

«'g½dkufwm-arwif (MMG»

7:00 pm13. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



8:00 pm14. News

15. International News

16. Weather Report

17. umwGef;tpDtpOf



18. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ




NEW JERSEY, 15 Aug—Bollywood superstarShahrukh Khan was detained for questioning byUS immigration officials as he flew into New Jerseyon Saturday and the star insists he was singled outbecause of his Muslim surname.

The highly-acclaimed Indian actor jetted intoNewark Airport, New Jersey to be confronted byauthorities who detained him while they checkedhis reasons for visiting the country.

Khan was en-route to Chicago, Illinois to takepart in celebrations of India’s Independence Dayon 15 August, which marks India’s independencefrom British rule.

And Khan insists he didn’t know how to reactto the airport interrogation - admitting he is cautiousof Americans’ reactions to Muslims.He toldreporters, “(Khan) is a Muslim name and I think thename is common on their checklist.”—Internet

Khan detained at USairport

A lightning is seen at Fuzhou city, capital ofsoutheast China’s Fujian Province, 15 Aug, 2009.Thunderstorms caused by high temperatures struckmany parts of the province, and the public werewarned to keep alert and avoid the damages.


16-8-2009.pmd 8/16/2009, 4:10 AM15

Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 16-08-2009

11th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Sunday, 16 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among thepeople

■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

NAY PYI TAW, 15 Aug—A 21-year old woman who had returned from Singapore wastransferred to Waibagi Specialist Hospital through Township Health Department yesterday.National Health Laboratory conducted a test on the woman and she was found to be infected withNew Influenza A (H1N1). She arrived back Myanmar by Flight No MI-518 on 13 August and shewas the 21st patient infected with the virus.

Four family members of the patient are being kept under home quarantine.Authorities concerned are taking surveillance measures against 94 passengers who had arrived on the

same flight with the patient and 135 airport staff at their respective places. The number of the patients infected with the virus has reached 21 and 15 out of them were discharged

from the hospital as they had fully recovered from their illness. The remaining six patients are being giventreatment by specialists.

Up to now, National Health Laboratory detected 171 flu-suspected persons and 21 had been foundinfected with the virus.—MNA

One more found infected with A (H1N1)Number of those infected with the virus reaches 21



NAY PYI TAW, 15Aug—Together withCharge d’Affaires ai ofthe US Embassy to theUnion of Myanmar Mr.Larry M. Dinger,Chairman of the EastAsian and Pacific AffairsSubcommittee of the USSenate Foreign RelationsCommittee Senator Mr.Jim Webb met withofficially registeredpolitical parties at

(See page 9)

US Senator meets with officially registered political parties

US Senator Mr. JimWebb meets with

officially registeredpolitical parties.


To fight colonialists isnational revolution, but anarmed conflict between twogroups of national people is“exploiting the people ofown race”.


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