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The narrations of Jesus Christ, God’s spirit, may god’s blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemaini Broujerdi, God’s

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods

    spirit, may gods blessings be upon him

    Written by,

    Sayyid Hossein Kazemaini Broujerdi,Gods servant

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    Oh Christ, whom the sacredness of ourspirits is due to his

    very existence

    Behold the people whom are engrossed in fear

    Oh Christ, whom the very life in the world is due to his

    very breath

    Behold the world in bliss now that darkness prevails

    Oh Jesus Christ who is a dawn to the very creation

    Who is awakened from his trance due to the all mighty

    divine spirit

    Whose very existence extricates people from inferiorities

    Who soars to skies due to gods intent?

    Oh Christ, whom I do take pride in

    Whose spirit I do make dominate on mine

    Whose arrival makes me turn to my very soul?

    Whose miracles I do make dominate on my very existence

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    Jesus followers and I are mobile in one spirit

    We are in pursuit of Jesus breath for him to grant life toour spirits

    We are awaiting that whiff of his to take us upon him

    We are mobile in the world to finally take refuge in his

    very existence

    Composed by

    sayyid Hossein kazemeini broojerdi

    in Evin Prison in July / 26/2013


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai



    1. The Anatomy of Science ...................................................... 1

    2. They are in possession of the vital keys, but they prefer

    difficulties .............................................................................. 15

    3. Warning about the materialistic world ............................. 18

    4. Lessons regarding self recognition .................................... 21

    5. Controlling anger .............................................................. 23

    6. The radius of the righteous monotheism ......................... 25

    7. Learn intimacy from your inner teacher, your spirit ......... 28

    8. from our all mighty teacher .............................................. 32

    9. Do you want to approach god? What a question. This is mylove. ....................................................................................... 37

    10. Insight into patience ....................................................... 49

    11. Alas, the gates to compliance are closed ........................ 55

    12. The process of monotheism and its various effects ....... 61

    13. An ignorant as a Wises mirror........................................ 71

    14. Do not undermine the power of malicious eyes............. 75

    15. There are no boundaries in terms of time and place

    regarding monotheism, and human kind is dominated by this

    unique word. ......................................................................... 79

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    17. The latent thought as a road map towards everlasting

    scientific appeal .................................................................... 93

    18. Channel your thoughts in a way that generates perfection

    and enhancement ................................................................. 95

    19. The effect of the era of absence on the prophets mind

    that leads to picking harsh sides ......................................... 103

    20. Open declaration of Jesus Christ to be exonerated from

    tyranny, and the malice of destiny that is the cause ofdictatorship and inferiority ................................................. 104

    21. In the absence of the efficiency of what could be heard,

    what is inspired upon us could be understood within people,

    the inspired science is of authenticity and sacredness ....... 106

    22. Orientation towards truth is always and under any

    circumstances favorable and useful, and if you behold

    people, who falsely claim to be in the range of truth, you

    forsake them. ...................................................................... 109

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him

    1. The Anatomy of Science


    Now lets turn to the mighty highness

    Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, who clearly

    defines science.

    Bear in mind, the science he is

    discussing is no ordinary one. Science as

    we know it in medicine, physics and

    chemistry is the result of research,

    arguments, hypotheses, theories and

    findings of scientists which has passed

    down to us over the past thousands of

    years. Here we are not dealing with

    physicians and engineers.

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    (verses35,SURA 24. AN-NOOR (THE LIGHT))35 .Allah is the Light of the heavens and

    the earth.

    35. Allah la luce dei cieli e della terra.

    God is the light to the skies and the


    Science is the collective information that

    dominates the whole universe, a part ofwhich, equal to one billionth of it, is at

    our scientists disposal.

    Jesus Christ asserts that science is not in

    the skies, so it does not rain down on youas rain does.

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    He maintains that it cannot be found in

    earths core either.

    Core, in both Arabic and Persian meanssomething embedded and hidden as an

    egg which is embedded in a hen before

    it is laid.

    Metaphorically speaking, it is not

    embedded in earths stomach, in its

    deep end and under its soil, so it cannot

    be uncovered and achieved.

    So what does science mean from Jesus

    point of view?

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    Science is like a mountain, in your heart.

    He asserts that real science,

    supernatural science and divine science

    is like a mountain in your hearts. By

    heart he does not mean the organ, forwhich you may end up in a hospital, and

    the function of which is to pump blood.

    No, he does not mean that because that,

    in Arabic, means Foad1. The heart he is

    referring to is ones spirit; ones

    inherent and inborn receiving and

    transmitting center.

    The science he is talking about is theone centered in you, in your inherent

    nature. He uses the word which1 .

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    means center and the wordwhichmeans ones nature as a person may saythat he is cold-natured, or that he is

    naturally an outgoing person.

    Ones nature is his genes, his genetic

    matter, so there is originality to it,therefore; one may ask where true

    science lies. It is a mountain and isplaced in its central position, in its very

    station.Now dear Jesus, you have said all thisand have shown the road map; tell us

    what we are supposed to do. How can

    we achieve this science?

    He, the Jesus, has presented us with the

    road map, and it is a beautiful one.

    You must behave as spiritually holy people

    do. Then, sciences will be visible for you.

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    Who are the spiritually holy people?Are they religious preachers? No, by

    spiritually holy person, he means him;

    him and other prophets, . The reasonfor this matter lies within Jesus name,

    which is the Gods spirit. His namemeans gods merci. He mentions

    spiritually holy people and urges us to

    behave as they do because they are on

    the path to gods merci. So we must

    study Jesus tradition, ways, methodsand manners so that we can have an

    insight into the way he could achieve the


    Now what is that science? Lets have an

    example for that science.It is stated inthe holy Koran that Jesus made a bird

    with flowers and then blew in it and that

    flower bird turned into a real bird and

    flew away.In fact, he did not blow in it;

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    he said something, a scientific unit, ascientific sentence. Likewise, he went to

    a corpse andsaw that his family was

    mourning; he would say something and

    the corpse raised and sat.

    What did he say? This is the science.This is the true science. The one that

    has been handed down to us does not

    have the function. Poor physicians, they

    inspire compassion as they write

    prescriptions with no actual effect. Thecurrent science has found no solution to

    cancer, HIV, and many other diseases.

    It is because the science as we know it is

    small; the real one is what we discussed.

    Jesus Christ asserts that we must be likehim. What is special about him? All

    prophets including the prophet of Islam

    are the same, but here the discussion is

    about Jesus Christ. This is a class to

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    know him. First off, he was againstviolence, sword, lance, arrow,

    malediction, curse, and fury.He was the

    true Spirit of God. This name matched

    him the most; gods spirit and merci

    knows no fury.You have certainly heardthat he says if one slaps on the right side

    of his face, he addresses the person and

    says, you are sick, you are bored, you

    are nervous, you are not able to keep

    up, you are sad, and you are underpressure; I turn the other side of my

    face to you so that you can hit that side

    too; if you should find comfort in

    slapping on my face,I let you do this.

    This is the manners of the Spirit of God.In another case, he preached the people

    towards god, but he never said that he

    would cut peoples head off if they did

    not accept him and his preaching.

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  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    one of those cities, some people wereinfatuated by him who later turned to

    the Apostles.

    The Apostles also abandoned their lives

    and followed him.

    What did Jesus actually do in all theseplaces? He did things for god with

    supernatural nature. For example, some

    time somewhere, he saw a dead cow;

    sitting beside it was a mourning old

    woman who said that the cow was allshe had; she would use its milk to

    support his little son, who by the way,

    had lost his father, and she repeatedly

    asked god for an explanation for her

    misery. At this point, Jesus said, Saynothing to god. He said something in

    the cows ear, the same science we

    talked about, and the cow was

    resuscitated. Feeling happy, the woman

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    thanked Jesus and asked him who hewas. Jesus replied, no, no, this has

    nothing to do with me, it is all gods


    See how he preaches for god. One who

    falls in love in such a way will alwayssay gods name even if he is sent to hell.

    In another case, he would go to the

    deserted parts of cities and would hug

    the people there and would reform

    them, all in the name of the all mightygod. He would let those people taste the

    sweetness of gods love. He would

    promote his thoughts in this way. That

    is why he is called the Gods spirit.


    (He would go to places with bad

    reputation, to whore houses, and he

    would reform the people there. He


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    would kindly ask them why they were insuch mess, and whether they had any

    financial matters. Then, he would use

    the same science we discussed and make

    some gold and give that to the poor

    people.He would pay visits to people who

    suffered from incurable disease such as

    measles; who many people escaped

    from, who many people were afraid of

    and warned him against going to andpaying visits. But, he would ignore all

    the warnings; he would sit next to the

    sick people and touched them and they

    were cured. Then, the very same people

    would fall in love with god.He would knock at the doors where

    signs of death were hanging and where

    people were asked by the cruel ruler to

    prevent; he would say that he had gone

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    there to see how those people weredoing.

    If one does all these works, god will

    grant him the science. What is that

    science? The very thing that Jesus

    Christ shows, his miracles, none ofwhich can be produced by any doctor or

    any engineer. Who can resuscitate a

    dead person? Hospitals are full of sick

    people who are so miserable because no

    cure could ever be found for theirdisease, and the incurable diseases are

    on the rise. The same can be said about

    other sciences including physics and

    chemistry. Human has both

    spiritualistic ally and materialisticallyreached a closed end, and he does not

    know what to do. This is because

    human is not in possession of the science

    that can offer him a hand; his intellect is

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    limited. What we are left with is onlygod to give us a helping hand,

    which is again a problem as we are

    hindered by a big obstacle and that isthe Absence of Imam.

    (The book of Seratal Mostaghim,page 267)


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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    2. They are in possession of the vitalkeys, but they prefer difficulties

    Imam Ali quotes from our dear Jesus


    Jesus Christ was continuously hungry and

    in need of food. The Arabic word

    means continuous. He was always in need

    of food.

    And he did his own works.


    while Allah's Word it was that became

    the uppermost

    mentre la Parola di Allah la pi alta

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    And gods words are paramount.The fact that Jesus Christ is the

    manifestation of the above-mentioned

    words and is the miracle of mankind

    does not mean that he mustnt work,

    that he must have guards, that hemustnt touch or approach anything,

    and that he must be in total comfort.

    No, it certainly does not mean that.

    And his hands were his servants.This means that he did all his works,

    and even helped others.

    Let me remind you of a narration

    regarding Jesus that we had a fewmonths ago. He and his apostles were

    walking and going from city to city,

    from village to village, and from region

    to region when they reached a place and

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    decided to rest. They were not wearingshoes; they were bare feet, so their feet

    were dirty. At this point Jesus said that

    he had a request to make, and the

    apostles urged him to ask for whatever

    he wanted saying that Jesus was thelight to their eyes. Jesus asked them to

    let him wash their feet. They were

    surprised, but Jesus insisted.

    This shows that we should not be stuck

    to this miserable era of absence whichdowngrades good people and upgrades

    bad ones.

    Tafsir Al- Nahjolbalagheh by Mohammadtaghi Jaafari, 21st Volume,

    Chapter of Jesus Christ


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    3. Warning about the materialistic world ()

    Jesus Christ, may gods blessing beupon him, said to his followersto watch

    the world and be careful about it.What should they be careful about?

    ()They should be careful about being

    enchanted by the world.

    Does the world enchant people?

    ) (Jesus Christ pointed out that the sorceryof the world is more than the Aron and


    Aron and Marut are two angels

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    Jesus Christ asserts that the worldsenchantment is worse of that of Haroot

    and Maroot. As you know these two are

    angles from the other worlds, the world

    beyond. They have brought magic and

    enchantment to our lives and foe evermade misery for mankind. Magic and

    enchantment is similar to an attack

    from a far recess when you do not see

    the attacker, and is capable of

    disrupting and destroying your lifewhich is a cardinal sin.

    Why does Jesus refer to this world as a

    wizard, an enchanter and a magician?

    It is because this world deceives you

    with a favorable image and deliversnothing more than a mirage, and you

    find yourself stuck where you cannot


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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    It sugarcoats its false image and createsfalse expectations.

    (Dorolmansoor, 1th cover,pages 244, Masherl havarein.)


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    4. Lessons regarding self recognition

    : ) )

    Jesus Christ, the mighty prophet of

    Christianity, may gods blessings be

    upon him, said,oh bad people,

    ()you inspect peoples flaws based on

    assumption, suspicion, estimation and

    speculation; you find faults in people,

    while you do not take heed of your

    flaws, the ones you are sure you have.

    He says this because humans know

    themselves better that anyone does, and

    it is based on the verse of the holy


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    () Human is aware of his own essence.

    ) (And although human intends to hide his

    flaws from others, he cannot hide themfrom himself; he cannot deceive his own


    (Mizanol Hekmat,the 8th cover,the part of 324, from Tohafol Oghool ,

    Jesus Christ)


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    5. Controlling anger

    : :) (

    It is quoted from Imam Reza that Jesus

    asked his scholars what the worst, the

    most horrible, and the most corrupted

    thing was.

    ) (Our dear and mighty prophet, Jesus

    Christ, said to his scholars that the worst

    thing is anger and wrath of god. This isthe very same thing that now people in

    the era of absence are engaged with

    when gods blessing and merci is

    replaced by his wrath and his curse.

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    ) (Now what are we supposed to do?They

    asked Jesus to tell them what to do and

    where to take refuge in so that god would

    take his anger away from them and they

    would be immunized against this matter.

    ) )Jesus asked them not to get angry, to

    control their wrath and their nerves.

    You forgive others and god takes hiswrath and anger away from you and

    this is on the basis of gods merci.

    (Mizanol Hekmat,The 8th

    cover, Part of Eiyb,page 453, from

    Meshkatol Anvar page 383, 1267 tradition from Imam Reza3)


    3.the 8

    thImam of sheism.

  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    6. The radius of the righteousmonotheism

    : : ! ( : (

    It is quoted from the prophet of Islam.

    Jesus Christ, the great prophet of

    Christianity was passing on a street, an

    alley or a neighborhood when he beheld

    somebody stealing. The thief saw that theall mighty prophet was looking at him.In

    order to wake him up, to punish him,

    and to bring him back to the right path,

    Jesus asked him, did you steal


  • 8/14/2019 The narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him Written by, Sayyid Hossein Kazemai


    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    ... Jesus Christ said, I do accept your denial

    because you have sworn to the god that I

    have faith in, so apparently my eyes were

    wrong, and it was just a hallucination.There is a point in this narration that

    can teach us a lesson. In many cases

    where something seen is considered

    unseen, you enhance the chance of

    teaching someone a lesson, and its effectis far more than when you catch

    someone and intend to try him in a

    court of law. All this is despite the fact

    that he might have stolen something

    when he was desperately in need of that.

    ( (Ones needs may cause his acts

    negative side to subside.

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    Anyway, the reason behind Jesus actwas that his manner was in a way that

    he dealt with everything with kindness,

    affection, comradeship, understanding,

    friendship, and compassion. His

    manner paid off in putting manycorruptions to rest, in turning bad

    things to good things, and in reforming

    many social diversions.

    (Nahajol fasahe,1639 tradition. From Sahihol Bokhari, the 4th

    cover,page 142,from prophet of Islam)


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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    7. Learn intimacy from your innerteacher, your spirit



    There is a beautiful narration by Jesus

    Christ that shows that prophets were

    clear of arrogance, that they were of

    people, that they were affectionate, and

    that they were far from any trace of

    pride and selfishness.

    Jesus Christ along with his apostles had

    gone out; when they came back, their

    feet were dirty that could be due to not

    wearing socks, or shoes, whatsoever.

    4(1[: ).] I nsomever si ons

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    ) () (

    Oh my friends,I have a request to make,

    an expectation to fulfill. Please grant me

    what I want.

    ( )Now one might wonder what his request

    and expectation might be. Does he want

    to ask for money, promotion or great

    number of people to accompany him?

    He asked his apostles whether they would

    grant him what he wanted, and they

    replied, by all means, you ask for it and

    we do grant you whatever you want.

    ( (Jesus stood up, went towards them and

    washed their feet, one by one.

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    ) (They said, you embarrass us, this is what

    we should do for you, you are our master,

    you are the manifestation of god.

    ( (Jesus asserted,one who is the highest in

    terms of science must be at peoples

    service. By science he does not mean

    the conventional and the classic one

    which is comprised of hypotheses,theories and arguments and which has

    been passed down to us and may have

    been rendered in some way; he means

    the main science.

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    ) )God is the highest in science and

    manifests his science in peoples essence

    by means of his very light.

    (Osoole Kafi, the 1th cover,page 37,Jesus Christ)


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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    8. from our all mighty teacher

    Imam Ali is our all mighty teacher. He

    is not solely the sum of his skin, flesh

    and bones. He is not an earthly figure

    whose name is Ali and who has been

    from the earth and will return to the

    earth. When we say Ali, we do not

    consider his earthly materialistic

    predispositions; we consider the divine

    spirit which is in relation to his


    Imam Ali says that the prophet of Islam in

    his last hours before death opened seventy

    gates to science, each opening to seventy

    gates which each in turn opens to seven

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    hundred ways each leading to seventhousand channels of science.

    Now it is not gods fault, nor Alis or the

    prophets fault that we have remained

    empty-handed. Whose fault is it then?It

    is just because of the era of absence. Aliwanted to say everything and shed light

    on everything, but god did not let him.

    Imam Ali wanted to enhance humans

    rank and insight up to a level equal to

    angels, even to give human wings, butgod did not allow him due to the era of

    absence. The event of Ghadir that had

    given Ali the right to be an Imam was

    soon forgotten when artificial figures

    emerged and those gates to science wereburied. Now what do we have at our

    disposal? Medical science is of great

    importance, but the number of cancers

    put it to shame. Of course it is not

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    He narrations of Jesus Christ, Gods spirit, may gods blessings be upon him


    medical sciences fault; god has defineda limit to all sciences including

    medicine.Real medical science is what

    Jesus has at his disposal that can

    resuscitate dead people that is sort of

    insight into recognition of human. Butgod does not put this perfect science at

    anyones disposal; maybe he does up to

    some extent.

    Now suppose somebody with no self-

    control up to some extent had thisscience, he would make extraordinary

    deals with people, he would charge

    them with huge sums of money. He

    knew that sick person had no money

    and had to sell his house to pay for hiscancers treatment, yet he would still

    ask for the money. Or, he knew that

    even after the surgery, there would be

    no result and the sick person would die,

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    yet he would still charge him with themoney.

    Those who take side with their carnal

    desires in this holy science benefit

    nothing from it.

    Avicenna, as I told you before, was oneof the intellectuals of the world of

    creation. In other words, in all these

    thousands of years since when Adam

    and Eve were created, and amongst the

    billions of people who have so far livedon earth, there have been ten or twenty

    people like him. Despite his young age,

    he was an Islamic jurisprudent, a

    physician, a physicist and an expert in

    humanitarian sciences. He was such anexpert physician that some scholars are

    now in amazement how he led this

    science at his time.

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    student saw amazingthings in his masters class and was so

    fascinated that he told him that he was

    a prophet and wanted to go out and tell

    everybody that Avicennawas a prophet,

    and people must have faith in him.Avicenna asked him, do you think I

    know a lot? he replied, yes. And

    then Avicenna told him that the result

    of all his knowledge was that he learned

    that he did not know much. In otherwords he kept learning so much that he

    finally learned that he did not know


    Now lets discuss how to approach god.

    This is a beautiful discussion regardingintimacy that is like a helping hand to

    those who are on board the ship of

    guidance. The basis of the discussion is

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    regarding the recognition of the trueone god.

    )Ghorarol Hekam, Dorarol Hekam/96/1825,page 96)


    9. Do you want to approach god? What a

    question. This is my love.

    We are onboard the ship of guidance in

    order to approach god. The concepts of

    the savior and the saved, the house of

    god and the house of idols are all

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    excuses; the main purpose on this pathis intimacy to god. We want to

    approach him because he has created us

    from himself and he will take us back to

    himself, and we do not want to get lost;

    we want to stick with him.

    )(The Arabic word means intimacy to me.

    ) (The Arabic words mean that one must

    repeatedly ask to be intimate to god.

    One must repeatedly ask him questions

    and be around him which does not

    mean that the all mighty god must comedown to earth to make this approach

    possible. You may not have forgotten

    the classification; god, gods will, gods

    names and gods attributes.

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    Using gods names and gods attributeswill make your approach to god


    ) )Intimacy to the all mighty god is onlypossible through one way.

    ) (The only way is to ask. You must reach

    out your hand and ask. There are somany sides to asking.

    If you read poems, if you miss him, if

    you are hungry, if you are thirsty, if

    your companions annoy you and if you

    look at sky, you are in fact asking.Why in gods name do we look at sky?

    Is he not down here with us? Why are

    we used to turning our faces up and

    praying? It is perhaps to maintain the

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    concept and the meaning of up anddown. We are of earth, accommodating

    the earth, and he is up there. Up there

    does not mean the skies, rather; it

    means that he dominates us, he

    overlooks us. That is why we looktowards up or we reach our hands out

    while praying.

    If you want god to reside in you and not

    to be forgotten, you must repeatedly say

    God and look at him. In other words,take heed of god no matter what

    situation you are in. If you feel good,

    say to god that you are his servant and

    you are grateful. If you feel bad, ask

    god to show you the way, ask him whyhe keeps bothering you. Believe you me

    that I myself keep saying this a

    thousand times every day in prison.

    With every bad news, I feel bad, I

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    cannot breathe well, I cannot breathe inthis prison, I keep telling god that it is

    enough. I tell him that he has invited us

    to his party in this world telling us that

    he is a kind host, but does a kind host

    do as he does?We may be invited to somebodys

    house, and he may serve us with good

    food, then, we might be invited to

    someone elses house who serves far

    better. Therefore, we will definitelycompare the two and say the second one

    was far better a host than the first one.

    You sometimes run into a poor host

    whose serving is more splendid than

    that of a rich host for his guest or evenfor his own family. Family is at our

    merci, and some ignorant people are

    used to prioritizing their guests to their

    families. If you are able to serve, put

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    your family first; they are at yourmerci.

    It is narrated that one who is generous

    to those at his merci is never forgotten

    in their prayers. They pray for his

    health, for his stay, for his life, and forhis survival.

    One who is hard on his family is always

    hated by them. They may not say it in

    words, but deep inside they talk to

    themselves saying, When is he going togo leave us so that we are relieved?

    This is because his manners are bad,

    because he might even get physical with

    his family.

    All I mean to say is that under allcircumstances we must pay attention to

    god; even in those matters that are not

    related to god. It is cold in this cold in

    this prison, although it is not related to

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    the matters we have so far discussed.First, I say things that are conventional

    in the society, and then I reform that in

    a way that suits the manners of those

    onboard the ship of guidance. This is

    because onboard the ship of guidancethere is a special culture, thought,

    civilization and modernity that is

    specific to those onboard the ship. What

    is interpreted in these 184 prescriptions

    is manifested in these kinds ofinterpretations. Some people care to

    mention that my interpretation is one of

    a thousand interpretations and that

    mine is a different one. Yes, our

    interpretations are based on ourfindings, our experiences, our

    desperation, our concerns and our

    deprivation. You do not find anyone

    like us whom god has given these three

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    elements at the same time, deprivation,desperation and wait. Not anyone has

    received these three badges from god,

    but we have, and we are grateful for


    Believe you me that every night beforegoing to sleep, I feel a heavy burden on

    my shoulders, but then again I think to

    myself that being a beggar at gods door

    is far superior to being a king at

    someone elses door.And also you thatare amongst those who are waiting, who

    have not escaped, who have not

    repented, who have not abandoned keep

    making this comparison and telling

    yourself that it is far better to be atgods door. One of the poems of Haj

    Agha Bozorg)my father) was, be withgod and be a king; be without god and

    be into whatsoever. He said this a lot.

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    This means that everything isdetermined by god; he might annoy you

    some day, but as you are with him, he

    supports you; you are reassured that

    god is with you, and this gives you a lot

    of energy....

    God always likes it when you beg at his

    door. And its contrary is also true like

    toxin and antidote; action and reaction.

    He always likes it when you want him,when you call for him, when ask him.

    And asking is so general a concept that

    can include everything; even such

    things as sighing, whining, and

    shouting.Why is it said that a bedridden sick

    person is the closest to god? He may not

    pray at all, he may even be an atheist

    with no religion, but since the suffering

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    is given to him by god, his every sigh islike an analysis, his every sigh is like a

    praise to god; when he says he has pain

    somewhere in his body, it is like that his

    essence is with god. He does not need to

    speak Arabic or say any special prayeror even have any special frame of

    reference for his relation with god.

    SURA SAD (THE LETTERSAD))verses72) 72. So when I have made him

    complete and breathed into him of my

    spirit, then fall down making obeisance tohim.SURA SAD (THE LETTER SAD)

    72. Dopo che l'avr ben formato eavr soffiato in lui del MioSpirito,gettatevi in prosternazione davanti

    a lui .SURA 38. Sad

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    There are religions and divine books,but what is paramount is the infinite

    relation between the creature and his


    Now what is its contrary?

    ) (It is right that you approach god and get

    close to him, but is contrary is to forsake

    what people have to offer. That means,

    you do not ask people, you leave themall. Do not make a mistake here; do not

    think that I, a poor Sayyid, am saying

    that you must forsake everything and

    everyone. It is certainly wrong. I do not

    mean that when you are sick, you mustnot go to a doctor; what I mean is that if

    you go to one and he does not help you,

    your world must not be devastated, you

    must not whine.

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    You refer to the doctor, and if it is godsdesire, his prescription will work and

    your problem will be solved.

    (Ghorarol Hekam and Dorarol Hekam, page 73)


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    10. Insight into patience

    The discussion on the concept of

    patience is said to be repeated many

    times. I want you dears to heed the

    point that its repetition is due to its

    importance, just like a doctor who

    repeatedly warns his patient about

    things to do and things not to do, or

    things to eat and things not to eat, or a

    teacher who repeats a lesson or a

    scientific hypothesis several times for

    his students to remember.

    Let me remind you that we had a

    discussion regarding the concept of

    meek which is the patience that is based

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    in your essence, which is centered inyour very existence. Let me also remind

    you of one prominent figure who

    metaphorically said that we must buy a

    house in the city of patience and

    accommodate in a house called meek.Now the concept of meek is further


    ) (Who is patient? the one who is patientonce he is bothered.

    If you are not bothered, then the

    concept of patience is meaningless. If

    you are not hungry, then food ismeaningless; if you are not drowsy, then

    sleep is meaningless; if there is no

    sexual desire, then sensuality is

    meaningless. Everything is comprised of

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    an action and a reaction. You cannotcall yourself patient if you are not


    () One who tolerates when he is bothered ispatient, and is in the state of meek.

    One who forgives it when injustice is done

    to him is patient.

    Now we can all refer to the narration of

    our dear Jesus Christ who said, If youare slapped on the right side of your face,

    then you pose the left side too.

    There are too many narrations

    regarding the same thing in Islam and

    the life of prophets progeny.So if you want to be patient, you must

    tolerate and forgive when the calendar,

    dates, days and nights, people and

    figures and even things keep bothering

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    you, annoying you, or doing injustice toyou.

    Now we are again taken to the concept

    of fatalism. You may remember that we

    had so many narrations that we got

    saturated and contented by them. Weneed no more of those as we have had

    strong and undeniable proofs over this

    past year. It is stated that once an

    injustice is done upon you, you must not

    aim at the person and attack him, then,you are elevated. You see that Imam Ali

    also states the same thing.


    God is in command, he asks me to hit, and

    I do as commanded.

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    stand up for your right, but the 99.5percent determines everything, whether

    you rid yourself of the injustice or not.

    This is all because you stay calm and

    can follow up your path.

    (dorarol Kalem, the 1th cover, 15 season, page 300.)


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    11. Alas, the gates to compliance areclosed

    Whoever bases his reign on tyranny,

    injustice, dictatorship, oppression and

    torture is doomed to collapse because his

    nation prays for so. But these prayers

    have no at some levels yet been

    complied with because ones expectation

    is his desire, and the desire in turn must

    be complied with through its gate that is


    :(SURA 27. AN-NAML (THE ANT, THE ANTS) verses62)

    62.Is not He [best] Who answereth thewronged one when he crieth unto Him and

    removeth the evil, and hath made you

    viceroys of the earth? Is there any Allah

    beside Allah? Little do they reflect!

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    62.Non Lui che risponde quandol'affranto Lo invoca, che libera dalmale e

    che ha fatto di voi luogotenti sulla terra.

    Vi forse un'altradivinit assieme ad

    Allah? Quanto poco riflettete!It is stated that whoever prays for

    something, his prayer is complied with,

    but it is not complied with and this is the

    start of our trouble. Peoples problem is

    that their prayers and worships are not

    complied with and are rejected.Imam Ali states that whoever does

    injustice to his people is doomed by his

    their prayers against him. But what is

    the use in that. Peoples sighing and

    whiningwhen they are oppressed mustimmediately be complied with, and

    when it is not, people are doubtful

    about the authenticity of these


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    The Arabic word Shariat means thewater that is flowing and that people

    can drink from, this water originates in

    the heavenly spring which can be a

    heavenly river or a heavenly lake; when

    Shariat loses its identity, when peopledo not drink the water from this river

    that is linked to god, when they do not

    quench their thirst by this water, they

    remain thirsty. They lose their faith to

    religion.Religion in Arabic transcript is

    Mazhab, which means place where

    people come and go, that is like a road

    that leads to god.

    When their prayers are not compliedwith, god starts fading away in every

    individuals life. Of course god does not

    disappear, peoples insight into god,

    their recognition of god, and their love

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    of god start changing. People are byessence in search of god, but god has his

    own terms and conditions which we

    have discussed throughout this past

    year. Peoples prayers are not complied

    with because these terms and conditionsare not met, and this can be due to

    anything, maybe the era of absence, or

    even chance, as a result, people are

    pessimistic about the concept of

    religion, at which point transformationhappens. Transformation could better

    be understood through an image of a

    large group of people sitting round a

    dining table, who gradually take leave

    of the table. Then, a generation or sopasses, and people are no longer

    religious, they are pagans. Lay your

    thoughts on the idol worshippers whom

    co existed contemporary to the prophet

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    of Islam, and ask yourself, since whenhad they transformed to idol

    worshipping? Did they not have the

    legacy of the prophets prior to

    Mohammad, such as Moses, Jesus,

    Abraham, and Noah?They all had faith in god, but they got

    engaged with the same trouble that we

    are engaged with today, not being

    granted of their desires. So they

    gradually decided that no news wouldever come from beyond, the checks they

    hand in their hands would not be


    I hope god does permit the era of

    absence to be finished. I hope he fulfillswhat he had us expect before the

    dangers you and I feel approach us,

    before ideological transformation and

    pessimism to spirituality is deeply

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    rooted in this religious society. I hope hedoes permit the advent to take place

    even if it is hidden so that everyone is

    extricated from this great torture.


    (dorarol Kalem, the 2th cover, 77 season, page 678)


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    12. The process of monotheism and its

    various effects


    The prophet of Islam has taught

    monotheism in terms of certainty.

    Certainty which is a prerequisite to faith

    leads human to divinity, to being molten in


    Prophet of Islams description of certainty

    is as follows.

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    ( ( In a discussion regarding the

    recognition of god, a scholar addressed

    the prophet and said that he had heard

    that Jesus Christ would walk on water.This is related to the concept of

    certainty, which means that Jesus

    Christ had such a level of certainty in

    god that he was certain that god would

    turn the water to solid under his feet.God would make the water underneath his

    feet a path, a road.

    ( )The prophet of Islam said, if Jesus Christhad a higher level of certainty, he would

    walk in air.

    It is much harder to walk in air than to

    walk on water because one who is a

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    way and one must never stop on his wayup that road.

    A sign of perfectionism is that one is

    always willing to ascend. By his

    example, the prophet intends to say that

    one must never be too proud even if heis given the privilege, and he must never

    say that he has reached the level of


    Certainty itself is of different ranks and

    processes. In general, it is placedsomewhere after Islam, faith and virtue.

    Islam is surrendering to god and his

    essence; faith is being committed to the

    right, and virtue is not looking at any

    other than god.

    ( )And with love look at god.

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    Certainty is divided into three types; thecertainty of science, the certainty of the

    right and the certainty of eyes.

    ) (Prophet of Islam asserted, thebelievers also vary in terms of


    ) (He also asserts, those who are in

    allegiance with god vary in their strength

    and in their weakness.

    Ones insight into these narrations is

    determined by his level of certainty.One may hear a narration and accept it

    with no problems because it is

    completely clear for him; even if he does

    not hear it, he feels it with every living

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    cell of his body. In contrast, you maysee one who has problems

    understanding the narrations; he has to

    listen again and again. In some cases, he

    has to devote all his time and his entire

    mind from the past to the present over asingle narration, and finally, he may

    deny everything. Therefore, this is all

    down to certainty.

    In some cases when I ask you to have an

    insight into a narration, I mean if it ishard for you to understand, you must

    abandon it and let the insight descend

    on you.

    In some other cases if you are discussing

    with someone who does not have theinsight, do not challenge with them, and

    do not take any side because you may

    make it worse, let the insight descend on

    the person.

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    This insight in divine terms and interms of gods recognition is called


    ) (Anyone whose certainty is of paramountstrength goes to many places, many places

    of importance and discusses a lot.

    Having discussed the concept of certainty,

    I will face a torrent of questions. Do I haveany level of certainty or not? How can I

    develop certainty in me? The prophet

    himself continues this discussion to the

    very end.

    ) (The one who has certainty has a sign.

    What is that sign?


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    It means everything in his life isengaged with fatalism and he cannot

    escape from it. You cannot escape from

    fatalism; even Satan with all his

    trickiness and all his plans that can set

    an example for anyone who is trickyand fast in his speech could not escape

    from fatalism.

    God asked Satan to bow as a sign of

    adoration; god did not want him to

    bow, indeed; he wanted to test him, andin case he failed, god would want to hit

    him hard, hit him hard to the ground.

    And he failed despite the fact that he

    was the best among angels in terms of

    intelligence.Now the prophet says that the sign of

    certainty is dissociation from anything

    that empowers you.

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    We had a discussion like this a fewmonths ago. One who desires to have

    certainty in his heart must hate himself,

    must hate whatever empowers him,

    whatever makes him say that he can

    stand against the concept of fatalismand that he has independence,

    detachment, and option.

    ( (Not only do you have to detach yourselffrom you, but also from everything.

    God threatens you, he warns you, do

    not be afraid; talk with yourself, discuss

    with yourself and prescribe foryourself; tell yourself that if the

    warning and threatening is gods desire,

    there is no escape from it, and if the

    threatening is made by anyone except

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    god, that person is of no effect andpower over me.

    ( )And in this last part we are back onboard

    the ship of guidance next to those awaiting

    the advent.He asks those onboard the ship

    to practice resistance and patience.

    Getting onboard the ship is easy, but you

    may get off exactly as easily as you get on.

    You need patience and resistance. The era

    of absence is so hard to tolerate, waiting

    is so hard to tolerate, is it not? Those who

    are waiting for the advent are undergoing

    a pretty tough time in such a way if theylook at themselves in a mirror, they see

    that they have really changed.

    ( )

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    Waiting is worse than death. It is harderbecause death acts momentarily, but

    waiting keeps bothering you saying

    today, tomorrow whatsoever.

    ()Gods command for us all is to wait for

    the advent.

    (Mesbah Alshariat and Meftah Alhaghighat,Page 471,

    Mostadrak Alvasael, 2th cover, Imam Sadegh, Beharolanvar,the




    13. An ignorant as a Wisesmirror

    :Our dear Jesus Christ said to his

    followers,in the name of the truth I have

    manifested for you and in the name of the

    right that is prevailing in my essence, I ask

    you to listen to me.

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    deviation, he learns from them andreforms himself.

    ) (And what does an ignorant person learn

    from? The events and the happenings canteach him. In other words, you have to

    leave him with a car with technical

    problems, and let it bother him on the

    road, in snow, and in the cold. But a

    wise person who is aware the problemknows that they lead to his

    abandonment on the road, then; he

    anticipates the problems before they

    happen. He does not have to be stuck on

    the road to see the depth of theproblem. Therefore, we must try to

    learn from those we know are deviated

    from our Imams path.

    (Tohafol Oghool, page: 511)

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    14. Do not undermine the power ofmalicious eyes

    :We are again into the discussion that we

    had some time ago that I promised wewould talk about. You may remember

    that we had a discussion about anyone

    who has excessive wealth, and that does

    not mean rich as most of our addressees

    are rich to a moderate extent or eventhey are poor.

    We have discussed all those matters

    about rich people so that they hear and

    know that if they are rich and amongst

    the people onboard the ship or they

    become rich after they get onboard the

    ship, they must be careful.

    ) (

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    Malicious eyes will certainly kill human.It means that malicious eyes are of such

    power. Some people keep saying that

    these are superstitions, and one must

    not believe in them, but I must ask these

    people to look at their lives and see whatopportunities and chances they have


    )(It is true that the eyes will certainly laya person dead in his grave. It kills him.

    It is stated that our dear prophet, Jesus

    Christ, once entered a graveyard and

    said that all those lying dead in all those

    graves had been the victims of maliciouseyes. Now what is this malicious eye? It

    is the effect, what is the cause?

    As I said before the cause is social

    classification. Some are so rich and

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    some are so poor. And unfortunately allthese social classes live alongside each

    other in a society. The poor see the rich

    with their very own eyes. They see them

    and they truly desire what they have

    but they do not say anything. Suppose agirl who is waiting for his dowry to be

    ready, who is waiting for his chance to

    get married; she definitely gets sad and

    may cry when she sees and hears about

    others wedding and happiness.

    These lead to malicious eyes, and the

    result is that a few days later the

    erupting love of the newlywed is put

    out, they end up divorce and it is over.

    Then, everyone is left wondering why.

    This is as simple as it seems. In this jail,

    I have heard about many people, and

    also out of this jail, I have seen many

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    people whose marriages were unstableand soon led to break up and divorce

    just due to malicious eyes.

    Health of many people has been ruined

    due to malicious eyes. One who is good

    looking, who has beautiful manners, one

    who has nice hand writing, who talks

    well has to hide them to some extent to

    avoid malicious eyes. In general,

    whatever is striking may lead to being

    affected by malicious eyes.

    (Biezavi Translation, page 755)


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    15. There are no boundaries in terms oftime and place regarding monotheism,

    and human kind is dominated by this

    unique word.

    This discussion aims at saying thatJesus

    Christ, Moses, Mohammad and Zoroaster

    are all the same. There is no differencebetweenIslam, Christianity, Judaismand

    Zoroasterism. No matter which one you

    show your courtesy to, you will reach god.

    This is so interesting.

    ( (Imam Ali asserts, respond to the

    prophets, respect them and follow their


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    ( ( Follow their lead and obey their rules.

    ( (Do in accordance to what they have

    asked you to.

    Then you are in their circle of

    forgiveness and they ask god to forgive


    This all means that no matter how youcall out for god, whether you are the

    follower of an official religion or a non-

    official one, he will respond. It is enough

    that one is connected through a channel

    that may be called conscience, godseeking essence or even gene. If you are

    connected to god, then you are forgiven.


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    16. Steer clear of enmity and holdinggrudge

    : It is stated that Satan has always had the

    decision and determination to create

    enmity and hatred between humans.

    In other words, it intends to say that

    enmity, hatred, separation, dark

    heartedness, misunderstanding and

    suspicion are all bad. If these attributes

    appear in your life, you must know that

    merci is no longer found in your life. In

    our discussions, we have had talks

    about the fact that our enemy is gods

    commissioner. I do not intend to repeat

    that discussion as it may get boring

    because we have repeated it several

    times. You may remember Roumis

    poem in his divan about Imam Alis

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    My servant cried, "O kill me first,

    That I may not become guilty of so grievous a sin!"I replied, "Since my death is to come from thee,

    How can I balk the fateful decree?"He fell at my feet and cried, "O gracious lord,

    For God's sake cleave now my body in twain,

    That such an evil deed may not be wrought by me,

    And my soul burn with anguish for its beloved."

    I replied, "What God's pen has written, it has written;

    In presence of its writings knowledge is confounded;

    There is no anger in my soul against thee,Because I attr ibute not thi s deed to thee;

    Thou art God's instrument. God's hand is the agent.

    How can I chide or f ret at God's instrument?"

    He said, " I f th is be so, why is there retaliation?" 1

    I answered, " 'Tis from God, and 'ti s God's secret;If He shows displeasure at His own acts,

    From His displeasure He evolves a Paradise;

    He feels displeasure at His own acts,

    Because He is a God of vengeance as of mercy.In this city of events He is the Lord,In this realm He is the King who plans all events.

    If He crushes His own instruments,

    He makes those crushed ones fair in His sight.

    Know the great mystery of whatever verses we cancel,

    Or cause you to forget, we substitute better for them.' 2

    Whatever law God cancels, He makes as a weed,And in its stead He brings forth a rose.

    So night cancels the business of the daytime,When the reason that lights our minds becomes inanimate.

    Again, night is cancelled by the light of day,

    And inanimate reason is rekindled to life by its rays.

    Though darkness produces this sleep and quiet,Is not the water of life' in the darkness? 3

    Are not spirits refreshed in that very darkness?

    Is not that silence the season of heavenly voices?

    For from contraries contraries are brought forth,

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    Out of darkness was created light.

    The Prophet's wars brought about the present peace,The peace of these latter days resulted from those wars.

    That conqueror of hearts cut off a thousand heads,

    That the heads of his people might rest in peace."

    You may even remember that we have

    discussed the fact that you even must

    not develop suspicion about nature; that

    you must not insult such things as storm

    or time as they are all commissioners of

    god. Once we understand that what we

    receive is from god, then we reduce our

    enmity and try to keep our cool, then we

    are relaxed when we know that these

    are all commissioners, not commanders.

    Every single thing is comprised of two

    driving components; one is thecommissioner and the other is the

    commander. The first does as

    commanded and the later commands.

    All notorious people in the world were

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    commissioners. Pay attention to thefollowing prayer of Imam Ali.

    Oh lord, oh god, you are in command and I

    am a commissioner, and I, the commissioner,

    can take refuge in nobody except the


    Oh god, help me. Metaphorically

    speaking, you have placed a sheet of

    paper called destiny in front of me, and

    you have tied my hands and my feet,

    you have made me mount a horse called

    destiny, and the horse is not in my

    command, it is commissioned to gallop,

    but where to? Definitely it is going

    where god wants. You may remember

    the poem byHaj Agha Bozorg (my father)

    who said,god takes the ship where he

    desires to, and the captain is of no power

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    of steering. This is just like the samehorse you have mounted; you have been

    on the horse ever since you were born,

    and it goes by itself, but where to? I do

    not know.

    Consider the fact that we know nothing

    about what is awaiting us and what our

    mood is going to be like the next day.

    We do not know. This means that we

    are riding a horse that we do not know

    where it is going to.

    ) (This statement of Imam Ali is suggestive of

    the same fact. It means that you have

    taken up a pen writing your plans

    down, where you want to go the next

    day, the next week or the next month, or

    even what your investment will be like.

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    ) (But god will determine everything.

    So many people are brought to this

    place, this jail I am in, for the very same

    reason. This is exactly like experiencing

    a seizure, like a sudden death, a death

    that surprises everyone, a death that

    comes and takes someone while eating

    or while walking, or even while


    () Imam Ali states that jail is one of the

    two graves; one is a jail in this earthly

    world, and the other is a jail in the

    purgatory. This can best be illustrated

    through the example of somebody who is

    brought to this jail and says that he has

    been arrested on the street or while he

    was sitting in his house which means he

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    has had plans for his next day or hisnext week, or he has had a check to

    cash, a contract to draw someone to see,

    a trip to go on or some payments to

    meet, but just like death, he has

    unexpectedly been brought here. Thismeans that we have no option in any of

    the fields of our life, therefore, when it

    comes to enmity, you have to be

    moderate. Why do you think that our

    dear prophet Jesus Christ does notcomplain, does not shout or does not

    even try to confront when he is slapped

    on his face?

    Its reason is important and it lies within

    the context of our divine beliefs in god,

    but I do not intend to discuss its reason

    and its complexity. Just know that we

    have reached all these reasons.

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    You slap on the face of Jesus Christ, whois gods spirit, whichmeansthat he is the

    source of divine merci, who demonstrates

    the dawn of gods power in human making

    industry.God decided to make a human

    be born with no father. When JesusChrist was being born,god disturbed the

    principle of birth when he demonstrated

    that a father has no role in the birth of a

    child and that if he wants, a baby can be

    formed in a mothers womb without amans touch, and then once Jesus became

    a prophet, he granted him all those

    powers to resuscitate the dead and even

    to create a creature which means a

    creature that has never existed is madefrom the scratch and then is given life

    and is moved.

    You slap on his face with all these

    attributes and he says that he does not

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    confront you and does not slap you back,that he does not get offended and angry,

    and that he does not hate the slapper

    because he sees all these as danger, harm

    and loss to his very soul.

    Anger, wrath and grudge hinder you and

    steer you away from god. One may say

    that he is tolerating, and that others

    would do many things if they were him.

    Tolerating is only half of the whole

    matter; you are destroying yourself as

    you are collecting your grudge in you

    and you become something like storage

    of explosives that may unexpectedly

    explode at any time. The right thing to

    do is not to hold anything in you, and to

    forgive, to keep your heart clean of any

    grudge. Now that it is the beginning of

    the month, lets clean our hearts and

    empty whatever is inside.

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    ) (Lets use this lesson of self-making and

    know that only god decides and

    determines what your todays share is,

    what you may or may not get, or

    whether you can find what you arelooking for or not. Many people ask,

    are we enchanted, malice or miserable?

    We cannot get anything done.

    Everything gets destroyed at its very

    final stage.

    Why do you say these things? Neither

    are you enchanted, nor are you affected

    by malicious eyes.

    Have you forgotten the role of god?Where have you placed god in all this?

    Is god just in your prayer, when you are

    calling him? No, god is the major

    element; he is all. Metaphorically

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    speaking, god is the pen you hold inyour hand, the sheet of paper you write

    on, or the check you are writing;

    whether the check will be cashed or not

    is gods desire and depends on what he

    wants; it does not have anything to dowith your credit. The bad condition of

    financial markets is the greatest lesson

    in recognizing god. All those big figures

    in the market who can make very

    accurate financial and monetarydecisions, whose brains can work better

    than computers in anticipating rates in

    todays and in tomorrows market are

    now bankrupt and are sitting in their

    homes. This means the check you havewritten or the contract you have drawn

    all belong to god and are of god; you

    think it is you who is writing the check

    or is drawing the contract. We have to

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    wake up from this sleep, we keep beingslapped by the society, is it not enough?

    (Maede surah verses90)


    17. The latent thought as a road map

    towards everlasting scientific appeal

    ) (Imam Ali says that the real science is

    thought. You may remember that we

    had a lot of discussion about science;

    Jesus Christ said that science could not

    be found in the sky, so you cannot fly to it,

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    nor can it be found deep in the earth, soyou cannot dig it up; science is in your

    very existence. It is the same existence that

    Imam Ali has defined in his poem.

    Real science is thought. When you

    withdraw yourself from others and start

    thinking and scrutinizing your soul, the

    gates to everlasting science get opened,

    then; you will see and you will understand

    everything. You have not yet gone to

    school, but you can read, in other words,

    you find conditions in which your hearts

    eyes are open to see your soul, and to see

    what seems to be invisible.

    (beharol anvar,the 1th cover, page 179)


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    18. Channel your thoughts in a way thatgenerates perfection and enhancement


    This is from the prophet of Islam. He

    asserts that thinking about gods signs

    will generate monotheism that results in

    certainty. One such sign that must be

    thought about is the very same verses from

    the holy Koran.

    ( ( There is a sign of god in everything even

    those things you dislike, you are afraid

    of or you feel squeamish about.

    Jesus Christ alongside his followers and

    apostles were passing by a place when

    they saw a dead donkey whose body had

    been rotten, so they put their hands on

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    their noses and tried not to smell the badodor; they even tried to escape from the

    corpse. At this point, our instructor Jesus

    Christ said that the event they came

    across was in fact a valuable lesson about

    recognizing god. His apostles weresurprised and asked him what lesson a

    stinking dead donkey could teach them.

    Jesus asked them, is every part of its

    body bad? They answered, yes, it is

    bad, dirty and stinking.

    The donkeys mouth was open, and its

    teeth were exposed. Jesus pointed to its

    teeth and said, look how beautiful, white

    and organized they are. Dont you thinkthat we must think about its teeth? Arent

    they good enough for an assessment?

    Cant you think of god and of how nicely

    he has created the teeth?

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    The donkey had never brushed its teeth orhad never referred to a dentist; its whole

    body had been rotten, but its teeth were as

    white as shell and shining. Therefore, you

    have to think about whatever takes you

    closer to god, whatever that might be.

    Even this sexual matter between couples

    is a sign from god, but we just stick to

    its materialistic side and assert that it is

    bad. Does ones life have only one side?

    Does the coin of creation have only one

    side? Do you think that it is fair to stick

    only to the side you think is bad and

    criticize it? Is this the only thing you are

    capable of doing? Can you not assess

    the beautiful and attractive sides of life?

    This is why divorce is on the rise. People

    just see one trend, one dimension, and

    then they are confused and say goodbye

    to each other. They separate and go on

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    their own ways and their children areleft unprotected to social disasters.

    After separation, the man sticks to his

    own side and embraces hard, bitter and

    devastating events, and the woman also

    goes on her own way and welcomes anew torrent of misery.

    Lets change our glasses and see the

    world through new ones. All these

    discussions we have had in the past two