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MT Tishrei 5771:Layout 1 8/5/2010 2:57 PM Page 1

The Moshiach Times #25

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Our new year, 5771, is a Leap Year. Thatmeans it has an extra 13th month, whichgives us a lot of extra time to catch up onTorah and Mitzvos! We hope this specialTishrei edition will help you get the yearoff to a great start! May it bring us everyday closer to the day that is entirelyShabbos and entirely good, with thecoming of Moshiach Now!

* * *

6 Order of the Day7 My Shabbos Candle11 What’s With Your S’chach?14 In Your Succa15 Reb Levi Yitzchak’s Hakafos18 Letters19 The Right Thing22 Tishrei Mission Pages24 Tishrei Mitzvah Match


Be Sure to Hear

SHOFAR BLOWINGThursday & Friday,

September 9 & 10, 2010

TISHREI — 5771Volume 26, Number 5 (164)





Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rabbi Yerachmiel BenjaminsonEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Dovid Sholom PapeAssistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheina HerzContributing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leibel EstrinFeature Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ari Binus, Aron Friedman

Al Jaffee, Rina Lyampe. Cover by Perel Argoff Graphics & Layout. . . . . Shlomo Danzinger (718) 705-7501 THE MOSHIACH TIMES (USPS 24442) is published 6 timesannually in January, February, March/April, May/June, August/September, and November/December, by Tzivos Hashem, 792 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213. Periodical postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Moshiach Times, 792Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213. Printed in the USA. Subscriptions are $15 per year in the USA, $28 for 2 years. For Information, call 718-907-8844, or 718-907-8851

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THE MESSENGERAn amazing story of how RabbiPinchas Teitz of Elizabeth, NJ,traveled to Russia during the dayswhen practicing Judaism wasillegal, taking with him Tefillin,Mezuzahs, and a veryspecial Tanya from theLubavitcher Rebbe.

THE SHPYDon’t even try to put the s’chach up on yourSucca! It’s been laced with a Bee-Positivehoney-spray that brings bees frommiles around! You don’t have to bea rocket shcientisht to figure outwho’s behind all this. Thequeshtion is, will the Shpybe able to do anythingabout it? Art byaward winning Shpyartist, Al Jaffee.


them overhead, flyingin V-formation, as theyhead south for thewinter? How do birdsdo it? Flying hundredsor thousands of miles,over vast stretches ofocean, without a map!Let’s find out more aboutthe Mystery of Migration.




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This year, Rosh Hashana, Succosand Shemini Atzeres all begin onWednesday evening.

In order to cook food on YomTov, which we intend to eat onShabbos (which comes after eachYom Tov), we have to make “EiruvTavshilin.”

Here’s how to do it. BEFORE YOM TOV BEGINS:

On Wed. afternoon, beforecandle-lighting, the head of thehousehold takes a Challah, and apiece of fish or meat.

He hands this to another adultand says: “I hereby grant a sharein this Eiruv to anyone whowishes to participate in it anddepend upon it.”

The one holding the food raises itup and then gives it back to thehead of the household, who recitesthis blessing:

“Boruch Atoh A-do-noi Elo-hai-nu Melech Ho-olum, AsherKid’shonu B’Mitzvosov V’TzivonuAl Mitzvas Eiruv.”

He then also says: “Through this Eiruv it shall be

permissible for us and all theJews who live in this city, to bake,cook, put away a dish to preserveits heat, kindle a light (from apre-existing flame), and prepareon Yom Tov everything we needfor Shabbos.”

The food from the Eiruv shouldbe put aside to be eaten onShabbos. The best time to eat it isthe Third Meal which we eat onShabbos afternoon.

Be sure to fill in the EiruvTavshilin part of your MitzvahMission Report, on pages 22-23.

EIRUV TAVSHILINEIRUV TAVSHILINMEDICAL EXAMYom Kippur 1973. On theholiest of days, the Jewishpeople are plunged into war,and rush from their shulsdirectly to the frontlines. Ayoung medical studentbecomes a doctor overnight, ashe struggles to treat the injuredand wounded. As the prayers ofYom Kippur pass through hismind, he realizes that this is afinal exam!

BEHIND THE LINESDid you know that the site of the BaisHaMikdosh was right by the Gates of GanEden? Or that Hashem gave the Jews the2nd set of Luchos with the TenCommandments on Yom Kippur? Or whythe Jewish people have no Mazal? Or how Yona was able to see in the darkwhen he was swallowed up in the bellyof the fish? Find outall this... and more!

HARAV MORDECHAIELIYAHU, KWMZMoving stories about this greatand beloved leader of ourtimes, the Rishon l’Zion, ChiefSephardic Rabbi, whosescholarship, humility, and lovefor his fellow Jew areoutstanding examples to us all.





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The 18th of Elul (‘Chai Elul’) is a special date. ‘Chai’ meanslife. ‘Chai Elul’ is 12 days before Rosh Hashana, and puts addedlife in our preparations for the new year. The 18th of Elul is alsothe birthday of two great leaders, Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov,and Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liady, author of the Tanya andthe Shulchan Aruch. In connection with this, we bring you thefollowing amazing story.

During the height of the cold war between Russia andAmerica, during the 1960s, 70s and 80s, Rabbi Pinchas Teitzof Elizabeth, NJ, made twenty-two trips to Russia.

He had developed very good contacts with Sovietgovernment officials, and was able to bring Tefillin, Siddurim,and other precious articles for the oppressed Jews in Russia.

Although Rabbi Teitz was not a Lubavitcher Chossid, heoften took packages for Chabad Chassidim, and broughtthings back as well.

One summer evening in 1984, as he was preparing for atrip before Rosh Hashana, a messenger from the LubavitcherRebbe unexpectedly showed up at his house with a packageof holy books, Chumashim, and several pairs of Tefillin.

The Chossid also gave Rabbi Teitz a small volume of theTanya.

“Oh no, I can’t take that,” the rabbi protested. “The Sovietsknow what the Tanya is. I’ll get arrested!”

“The Rebbe sent this especially, and asked that you takeit with you everywhere,” they replied.

“Listen,” Rabbi Teitz said, “I can take Seforim, Mezuzahs orTefillin, but a Tanya is too dangerous. The KGB look on theRebbe, and Chabad in general, as their biggest enemy.

“If I get arrested, they’ll send me back to the US, but I’llnever be able to go to Russia again.” Then he paused, andsaid, “I guess the Rebbe knows the danger better than I do. Ifhe is asking me to take this Tanya, I guess it will be all right.”

His trust paid off. The Russian officials at customs didn’task any questions. Rabbi Teitz went through without a hitch.

On the evening of his third day in Moscow, as he wasreturning to his hotel from the Great Synagogue, two mensuddenly grabbed him and forced him into a parked car.Rabbi Teitz was very frightened. Was he being kidnapped?Was he going to be killed?

As they drove off, his two “kidnappers” apologized. Theyexplained that they had to speak to him in private, and thiswas the only way they could bring him to a safe placewithout arousing suspicion. There were urgent matters theyneeded to discuss, and spies were everywhere.

Once in the safe house they told Rabbi Teitz that theyhad investigated him, decided he could be trusted. Thenthey told him that they wanted him to deliver a privatemessage to the Lubavitcher Rebbe on their behalf.

Rabbi Pinchas Teitz kWz

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Each of them had a major decision to make, which only the Rebbecould help them with.

The older of the two men explained that he was actively teaching ina secret underground yeshiva in Moscow. He had recently been told thatthe secret police were on his case. He needed to know if he should runaway immediately, or if the Rebbe wanted him to remain in Moscow andcontinue teaching despite the danger.

The younger Chossid wanted to ask the Rebbe if he should apply fora visa to go to Israel. Recently, a number of applications had beenapproved.

On the other hand, he had an excellent job as an engineer. As soonas he would submit his application, he would be fired from his job. Thevisa might take years to go through. It might even be rejected, and hewould be left without a job or any means of support.

Rabbi Teitz was very moved. He knew that he did not dare writeanything down, lest it be discovered, so he memorized their names andtheir mother’s names, and their questions for the Rebbe.

Then Rabbi Teitz happened to mention that he had a Tanya fromthe Rebbe with him.

The eyes of the two Chassidim opened wide. “You mean that youhave this Tanya from the Rebbe with you now? Here?” they exclaimed.

Rabbi Teitz took out the Tanya and showed it to them. Excitedly,they grabbed it from him and kissed it, eagerly examining it from allsides and angles. They could not believe that this book had been in theRebbe’s holy hands just four days ago.

Suddenly, the older man shouted with excitement, pointing at oneof the pages. “Look! Look!” he exclaimed. He had found a page with acorner turned down.

It was a letter near the end of the fifth book of the Tanya, in whichthe Alter Rebbe was criticizing people who rushed through their prayersThe words at the top of the page read:

W///ih,nvk iput ouac uk tWtu r,uhc uk veujs vgavaW

which means, “He is extremely pressed for time and feels that under nocircumstances can he wait…”

“That’s it! That’s my answer!” cried the Chossid, shaking withemotion. “This a clear message from the Rebbe that I should leaveMoscow at once!”

“Let me see that,” the younger Chossid said, picking up the book.“Maybe there’s something for me too!”

Sure enough, near the end of chapter 29 in the first part of the Tanya,there was another page with the corner turned down. The words at thetop of the page were W.rtk xbfhkW - “to enter the Land (of Israel)...”

The passage was about how Moshe Rabenu taught the Jews ‘Shema’before they entered Eretz Yisroel. “That’s my answer!” he shoutedexcitedly. “I’m going to apply for a visa right away!”

“Please, can we keep this Tanya?” the two men begged Rabbi Teitz. “No, I’m sorry. I cannot give it to you,” he replied. “My instructions are

to carry it with me at all times. Perhaps it will be needed for some otherpurpose. I don’t know. I don’t have permission to give it to anyone else.”

When he returned to America, Rabbi Teitz sent a complete report tothe Rebbe. The Rebbe replied with great pleasure and gratitude, butmade it clear that the story should not be publicized, for it coulddamage the valuable contacts Rabbi Teitz had with Russiangovernment officials.

Only after Rabbi Teitz passed away in 1995, did it become possibleto tell the whole story. His family said that whenever Rabbi Teitz wouldthink about the story, he would get excited about it all over again.


A Monthfor TakingStock

TheKing inthe Field

Blowingthe Shofar

Make EachDay Count

The month of Elul is called a month ofreckoning, when we look back overthe past year and take stock of whatwe did, and what still needs to bedone or fixed up.

At this time, Hashem is very close tous, like a King who comes out into thefield to be with all the ordinary people,greeting everyone with a big smile,encouraging their efforts to improve.

In Elul, we blow Shofar every day, toprepare for Rosh Hashana. TheRambam writes, when the Shofar issounded in the city, who will nottremble?

As we prepare for Rosh Hashana, weneed to make every day count. Here’swhat you should do.• Give Extra Tzedoka• Say Extra Tehillim• Learn Extra Torah• Pray for Moshiach

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Rosh Hashana means “the head (atr) of the year.” Let’ssee what this means.

What does your head do? It controls and directs yourwhole body. As soon as a thought enters your head, it sendsa message to the limbs of your body, and they carry out itsinstructions instantly. Everything a person thinks or says orfeels depends on the head.

In the same way, Rosh Hashana is the “head” of the year.All the days of the year are like the limbs of your body. The‘head’ of the year, Rosh Hashana, sends direction and life tothe other days of the year ahead.

In our Rosh Hashana prayers we say, “Today is thebeginning of Your creation.” This means that this day wasthe beginning, when Hashem created the world 5771 yearsago; and now too, this year on Rosh Hashana, it is also thebeginning, when Hashem creates and renews the heavensand the earth and everything in them.

Why does Hashem do this? He does it for our sake! A boy or girl in Tzivos Hashem knows that Hashem is

creating the whole world anew so that he or she (and thewhole Jewish people) can learn Torah and do Mitzvos, andmost important of all, so that they can make the world “ahome for Hashem,” a place where Hashem can dwell.

Since Hashem is creating the whole world anew onRosh Hashana for our sake, a boy or girl in Tzivos Hashem

also understandsthat he or she mustserve Hashem in a “new way,” by taking on some newMitzvah, and serving Hashem with new spirit and energy.

This is very important; but a boy or girl in TzivosHashem also knows that they have a responsibility for otherpeople too.

The mission of a soldier in Tzivos Hashem is to makeevery person in the whole world recognize that:

.rtv ,tu ohnav ,t ohekt trc ,hatrcIn the beginning Hashem created the heavens and the earth.

This is a great mission. Of course, you are young children,and you might feel, ‘Who am I to do such a huge job?’ Do notbe overwhelmed. You are not ordinary children. You arespecial children, chosen by Hashem Himself to be in His army.

You can influence others, one person at a time, startingwith your brothers and your sisters, your family and friends,and the entire world, by being a living example of what asoldier of Hashem should be.

And this way you will drive the Yetzer Hara awaycompletely, and bring the days of Moshiach quickly, wheneveryone will see that Hashem is King and rules the world.

Based on sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson,

to the children of Tzivos Hashem, Tishrei 5745 & 5750


“A boy or girl in Tzivos Hashem knows that they

have a responsibility for other people too.”

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Send your pictures to:“My Own Candle”, c/o The Moshiach Times

792 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY•11213

IMPORTANT! Lighting candles can be dangerous.

Girls should only light with the help of a parent.



LIGHT YOUR SHABBOS CANDLE!Share with us the feelings you have. Let us know what

you think about, what you pray for, and what you feel

in your heart.

This is Devorah Leah Loewenthal(3), from Copenhagen, the capital ofDenmark. She knows that lightingcandles is very special. It’s the time she isso close to Hashem, that she can ask forthe most important things... for herselfand her family, and for Moshiach.

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The streets were quiet. It was as if the whole country

had shut down. Throughout Israel, Jews gathered in their

synagogues to fast and pray on the holiest day of the


Then sirens began to wail. People looked up from their

prayerbooks, as they realized suddenly what was


Arab armies from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan had

attacked, converging from all sides with one goal: to drive

the Jewish people into the sea.

Jewish soldiers and reserves rushed out into the street,

racing to join their regiment, to stop the enemy advance.

The fighting was heavy. There were many casualties,

most of them young men in their late teens or twenties.

The hospitals were swamped. Doctors worked round the

clock, taking care of the wounded. Medical students were

drafted into service as medics and sent to the front.

Mordechai Segall, a first year medical student, found

himself on the front lines in the heat of the battle. One of

the soldiers he treated was a senior doctor, Arnon Avigdor.

His condition was serious. He had been hit in the chest

when a shell destroyed his tank. He had lost a lot of blood.

It was urgent that he should get to a hospital

immediately. But the fighting was too heavy for a

helicopter to land and take him out.

Mordechai cleaned the wound and applied bandages

to stop the bleeding, doing whatever he could to

keep Dr. Avigdor alive, as he lapsed in and

out of consciousness.

The words of the Yom Kippur prayers

kept flitting through his mind:

“Avinu Malkainu, our Father our


“On Rosh Hashana it is written

down, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed:

who shall live, and who shall die; who

in his time, and who before his time....”

“Please Hashem, let him live!”

After almost an hour, a helicopter was

finally able to come in and take the

Yom Kippur, 1973

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wounded to the hospital in Beer Sheva. As the helicopter

lifted off, Mordechai prayed to Hashem that his patient

would survive.

After the war, Mordechai returned to medical school.

He had many years of study ahead of him till he would

complete his medical degree. Then more years as an

intern, and then finally as a resident in a big hospital in

Jerusalem. It was his goal to become a surgeon.

When it came time to take his final exams, he had to

appear before a board of expert surgeons.

Before the questioning began, a senior doctor got up

and walked over to him. Mordechai felt very nervous.

What did this doctor want?

“Are you Dr. Mordechai Segall?” the doctor asked.

Mordechai nodded.

“You are here to be certified as a surgeon?”


“Congratulations, you already passed!”

The senior surgeon was Dr. Arnon

Avigdor, the same man whose life he had

saved five years before.Adapted from “Tuning In,’'

by Lisa Aiken, Jerusalem, 2004

One of the most moving prayers of the RoshHashana and Yom Kippur davenning,“Unesanneh Tokef” was composedabout a thousand years ago byRabbi Amnon of Maintz. Brutallytortured for refusing to convert,he was brought to synagogueon Rosh Hashana and utteredthe words of this prayermoments before he died. Thefollowing is a free translation:

* * *

Let usdescribe thegreat andawesome holinessof this day. On thisday, Hashem YourKingship is exalted. Onthis day Your throne ismade firm.

What is a man? A brokenpiece of clay, a withering blade ofgrass, a fading flower, a shadow that disappears, apassing cloud, a blowing wind, a speck of dust, afleeting dream.

But You Hashem are the King, Living and Enduring.There is no limit to Your years. There is no end to thelength of Your days.

All mankind pass before You, like a flock of sheepthat pass before a shepherd who counts them underhis staff. So too, You count the souls of all the living,and decide on all their needs.

On Rosh Hashana it is written down, and on YomKippur it is sealed: How many will pass away, and howmany will be born; who shall live, and who shall die;who in his time, and who before his time; who by fire,and who by water; who by sword, and who by wildanimals; who by hunger, and who by thirst; who bystorm, and who by plague; who by choking, and whoby stoning; who shall rest, and who shall wander; whoshall have calm, and who shall be harassed; who shallbe at peace, and who shall suffer; who shall becomepoor, and who shall become rich; who shall fall, andwho shall rise... but...

Teshuva (repentance), Tefila (prayer), andTzedoka (charity) cancel an evil decree!

Unesanneh Tokef- ;eu, vb,bu -

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THE GATES OF EDENWhen Adam HaRishon wasexpelled from Gan Eden hesettled by Har Moriah, becausethis is the place from which hewas created. In the future itwould be the site of the BaisHaMikdosh, which is right besidethe gates of Gan Eden.

A DAY OF FORGIVENESS On Yom Kippur Hashem forgave theJews for the sin of the Golden Calf, andgave them the second set of Luchos.Since then, Yom Kippur has been a dayof forgiveness for all generations.

THE FOURKINDSThe three Hadassim representthe Fathers of the Jewishpeople, Avraham,Yitzchak, and Yaakov. Thetwo Aravos representMoshe and Aharon. TheLulav represents Yosef.And the Esrogrepresents DovidHaMelech.Altogether theyrepresent thefoundation of theJewish nation.Tikunei ZoharChadash, p.143b

HASHEM IS THEIR MAZALEvery living thing has a ‘guardianangel’ called a ‘mazal’ that watchesover it, and makes it grow. But thefour species are different. Like theJewish people, Hashem alone istheir mazal. They are under Hisdirect supervision, and His alone.

Bnai Yissaschar

250 YEARSThis year is 250 years since thehistalkus (passing) of RabbiYisroel Baal Shem Tov onShavuos. 250 is the gematria ofNeir, light. Even a little lightpushes away a lot of darkness.

LIGHT IN DARKNESSWhen Yona was in the belly of the fish,there was a pearl that shone as brightas the sun, and gave him light. Withthis light Yona saw everything in thedepths of the sea, even the FoundationStone upon which the whole worldstands, right under the Bais HaMikdosh.

Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer

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Do you have a lot of Succas on your

block? What kind of S’chach do your

neighbors use to cover their Succa?

S’chach — lfx is the Hebrew word for the

growing things we use to cover the Succa.

S’chach can be from anything that grows

from the ground, so long as it has been cut

down, and is not food, like fruit or berries.

Fresh leaves and branches make the Succa

smell so good!

Don’t you love to sit in the Succa?

The pictures below are of several different

kinds of S’chach. Unscramble the letters to

discover what they are.



s: 1

. Cor

n St






3. R


4. C




5. W


n Sl


6. B


o Po


7. P




8. P












,gca lk vag, ,ufxv djlcehnu lbrdn Lpxtc ohnh

(Devarim, Parshas R’eh, 16:13)

“You should observe theFestival of Succos seven days, atthe time that you harvest your

grain and your wine.” Since Succos comes at the timethat we gather in the crops, wecover the Succa with leftovers

from the harvest.

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In Shpy Shchool we learned that a good Shpy is always agood friend.

That reminds me of the time that my good friend Feivelcame over to help build a huge Succa for Tzivos Hashem. Feivelbrought over his good friend, Zeesy. He was called Zeesy(which means sweet) because he loves sweets, and always hasa big bag of candies with him.

“Thanks for coming to help,” I shaid. “You’re a real life-shaver!”

“Wow, this is going to be a really big Succa!” said Zeesy.“When Moshiach comes, we’re going to sit in a Succa

even bigger than this!” Feivel said.“I can’t wait,” said Zeesy, as he pulled out a pack of giant

lollipops, and began giving them out. “These are all-month lollipops!” Zeesy said proudly.“Don’t you mean all day lollies?” Feivel asked.“No, I mean all-month. They last 30 times longer than all-

day pops! And they’re 30 times as sweet!” Suddenly we heard a loud SCREEEEEECH from outside! Ding Dong. Ding Dong! “Who’s there?” Feivel asked.“You-Ring, We-Bring!” a delivery man said. “Is this the

Shpy’s house?” “Yes,” Feivel answered, “but it’s a secret. We don’t want the

YH to know.”“Well, you’ve got a secret admirer,” the delivery man said.

“I have a big load of Succa mats here for the Shpy.” “Wow! What a lot of mats, Feivel,” I shaid. “I wonder who

they’re from?”“Look, here’s a card,” Feivel answered. “It says, ‘Have a

sweet holiday. From a Friend.’ ”With everybody helping, the Succa went up one-two-

three. Then I got up on a ladder to put up the mats. Zeesy

unrolled them, and Feivel handed them up to me. “Here’s one,“ said Feivel.“Here’s another,” said Zeesy.“Here’s a third,” said Feivel. We were all working hard.

Soon the Succa was completely covered, and there werestill plenty of mats left over.

“Could I have a few mats to take home for our Succa?”Zeesy asked.

“Sure,” I answered. “We can share with all the kids.Whoever needs, let them come and take!” Soon dozens ofkids were shlepping bundles of s’chach mats to their homes.

“OK, Feivel,” I shaid, “now that the Succa is up, we canlearn about Succos.”

I took out our Tzivos Hashem Succos Manual. “Let’s shee:It says here that every person should have his own Succa.But you’re allowed to sit in someone else’s, because Jews areall good friends.”

Ding! Dong! Shomeone was at the door again.“Who’s there?“ Feivel asked.“Beezer!“ a voice answered.“Beezer who?““Bees are all over our Succa!““Whaat?“ Quickly I opened the door. It was Zeesy with all the other

kids who had taken the s’chach mats.“We covered our Succa with the mats,“ Zeesy explained,

“but before we knew it, the Succa was swarming with bees!““This sounds shushpicious!“ I shtated. “Feivel, do you have

that card the delivery man gave us?“ “Here Shpy,“ Feivel said, handing it to me. “Aha,“ I shaid, looking at it closely. “It shays, ‘Happy Holiday.

From a True Fiend.’ Wait a minute. The R is missing!““What are missing?“ Feivel asked.“The ‘R,’ Feivel, The ‘R’ is what is missing!““Thee are? What do you mean, ‘Thee are?’““I mean the ‘R’ in friend. The ‘r’ isn’t there.“ “Where is it?““I don’t know. I mean, a friend without the ‘r’ isn’t a

friend, it’s a fiend. This card doesn’t say ‘from a true friend,’ itsays, ‘from a true FIEND.’ “

“What’s a fiend?“ asked Feivel. “A wicked nashty person,“ I replied. Feivel gasped. “You mean… wicked and nasty like… ?““The YH!“ we all exclaimed at once!“Uh-oh!“ I shaid. “We better go check out what’s doing

with our own Succa!“ Bzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzzz! Just as I feared. Our Succa was

full of bees too. We couldn’t even get close! “Shpy!“ Zeesy exclaimed. “If no one can get into their

Succa, what are we going to do on Succos?“ “Hmmmmm,“ I hmmmmed. “Feivel, let me shee that card

again. Double Aha! Look on the back! It says: “HY’s Honeyfied Mat Company.

Helping you to Bee all you can Bee!“ “Shee here! ‘HY’s Honeyfied Mats.’ HY is YH spelled

backwards!“ I cried. “And his honeyfied mats are attractingall the bees. The YH wants to ruin Succos with shwarms ofbees. We’ve got to shtop him NOW!“

I ran toward the Shpymobile.“Wait for us!“ Feivel and Zeesy yelled.We jumped in and drove in a Bee-Line to HY’s Honeyfied

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Mat Company. It was alarge warehouse with atall metal gate allaround. We pulled up bythe front door.Shuddenly, the gateclanged shut behind us.

“Shpy! The gate, it’slocked!“ Feivel cried.“We’re trapped!“

“Very clever, youngman,“ a familiar voicesaid. “You’re more thantrapped. You’re myprisoners! HA HA HA!Henchmen! Take theminside.“

Suddenly, a truckdrove up behind usand fifteen YHhenchmen jumpedout. Ten sets of handsgrabbed Feivel. Tenmore grabbed Zeesy.And ten grabbed me.

They pushed usroughly into the factory where dozens of bamboo matswere being loaded on a large conveyor belt. Before themwas a giant machine, like a compressor, with a hose like anelephant’s trunk. As each mat came down the conveyor belt,it got sprayed by the hose from compressor.

“You see this, Shpy,” the YH said with pride. “It’s my latestinvention. This honeyfied spray is super sweet. Bees can smellit a mile away. They love it so much. It makes them crazy.There’s no way anyone can sit in a Succa covered with my matsafter they’ve been sprayed with my sweetener. HA-HA-HA-HA-HAH! And soon they’ll be EVERYWHERE!

“And now, my friend, we’re going to do a little test.”“I’m not your friend, YH,” I shouted. “And you’re not mine!”“OK, OK. Have it your own way,” the YH laughed. “I just

want to make your life a little sweeter. With a little spray foryou and your buddies, HA-HA. Then we’ll open the windows,and let the bees come in.” The YH chortled, “With yourpermission, of course, … or even without it!”

Galump-Ahh, Galump-Ahh, Galump-Ahh. Thecompressor was pumping rapidly away, Then it began toswivel round in our direction. “Ready or not, here it comes!”the YH gloated. “At last, I’ll win. At last, the Shpy will have astinging defeat!”

“Shpy, are we really licked?!” Feivel said anxiously.“No! A Shpy is never licked - but the YH sure is. Zeesy,

Feivel, shtart shaying the 12 Pesukim. And quickly, Zeesy,please give me one of your huge lollipops.”

“Better eat it fast,” the YH taunted. “It could be your last!” “Who said anything about eating?” I shouted, jumping

onto the compressor and grabbing the hose.“Hey what are you doing?” the YH yelled. “Henchmen, get

that hose back!”Twenty henchmen tried to pull the hose away from me.

But even 20 henchmen are no match for a determined Shpy.I held on with all my might.

They pulled, and I pulled back. They pulled. I pulled.They pulled. Mmmmpppff. I shlipped a shtep. I pulled backharder. Tczzzhhhh. It was a tug of war. Who would win?

Galump-Ahh, Galump-Ahh, Galump-Ahh. Thecompressor kept pumping. Galump-Ahh, Galump-Ahh.

I was sure the shpray was about to come out, sho quicklyI shtuck Zeesy’s lollipop on the end of the hose, and held itthere tight.

“Hey! Don’t do that!” the YH screamed. The YH henchmen kept trying to pull the hose away, but

I didn’t let go. I felt like I was riding a bucking bronco.Galump-Ahh, the compressor was pumping. Galump-Ahh!The hose began to shwell. Galump-Ahh! It was gettingbigger and bigger, and rearing up in the air. Galump-Ahh!Galump-Ahh-Hmmmm! It began to HUMMM, Galump-Ahh-Rrrrrrr! It began to WHIRRRR, Galump-Ahh-Eeeeee! Itbegan to WHIIIIIIIIINE!

“STOP! STOP!” the YH cried. “The compressor! It’s goingto ex... !”

KAAAABOOOOOOOOM!When the shmoke cleared, all we could shee was a big

hole in the roof and a bunch of bees buzzing around thecompressor (or what was left of it).

Like I always shay, Good friends help good friends helpgood friends.

bye FROM THE shpy


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Succos is the time of our

rejoicing. It fills us up with

joy for the whole of the

year to come.

It’s the time when the Jewish

people rejoice in Hashem,

and Hashem rejoices in

them......every single

moment. In the Succa -Wrapped in His ArmsWhen we sit in the Succa, underthe fragrant branches of the

s’chach, we feel that Hashem is so very closeto us. We are like children wrapped in theirfather’s arms.

Clouds of GloryWhen the Jews left Egypt,Hashem surrounded them

with Clouds of Glory that protected themon all sides. The four walls of the Succa withthe s’chach on the roof are like the Clouds.

What Are We So Happy About?During the first ten days of Tishrei,we are standing in judgment. WillHashem bless us on Rosh Hashana

and Yom Kippur with a year of life andsuccess? Will our merits see us through?

Didon Netzach! We Won!On Succos, when the Jewishpeople go out with their

Lulavim and Esrogim in their hands,everyone can see that they have won!Hashem has forgiven them and blessedthem for the year to come. Who will notrejoice?

A Beautiful Fruit - A Beautiful Mitzvah On Succos we are commanded totake a beautiful fruit, an Esrog, and with

it a Lulav, and branches of Myrtle and Willow. People try hard to find a beautiful Esrog. It is

said that the one you get is the one thatmatches your heart.

Let a person cleanse his heart of badthoughts or feelings, and he will merit abeautiful Esrog, a Pri Eitz Hadar.

Moshiach’s SuccaWhen Moshiach comes, Hashemwill make a huge Succa for all theJewish people from the skin ofthe huge fish, Leviason.

We will all be together there, and thehappiness everyone will feel will beunbelievable!

Hashem’s NameThe four letters of Hashem’s Name

are reflected in the Esrog and the FourKinds.

The Esrog is like a Yud. The Lulav is a Vov. TheArovos and Hadassim are the two Hai’s.

When we shake the Lulav in all six directions,it draws down blessings for the whole of theyear to come. That’s why we try to share thisbeautiful Mitzvah with as many Jews as we can.

Dancing with HashemThe happiness we feel on Succos is

a preparation for our rejoicing onSimchas Torah.

And the joy of Simchas Torah is apreparation for the greatest rejoicingof all, with the coming of Moshiach.

Then all the Jewish people willdance with Hashem. Hashem willbe in the middle of the circle.Everyone will dance around Him,and Hashem will dance with them!

Days of Joy! Who Can Sleep?

The world dependson water. We cannot live withoutit. On Succos, the world is judgedfor rain. In the days of old, the

Jews would draw water from a welland pour it on the Mizbayach (the

Altar in the Bais HaMikdosh) every dayof Succos.

It was very exciting! Everyone was sohappy they danced and sang the wholenight long.

It was called Simchas Bais Ha-Sho’aivo (the joyous celebration ofdrawing the water).

Dancing in the StreetNowadays we still feel this

excitement, and we also want todance all night and not go to sleep. Maybe they are dancing in the street

somewhere near you. Can you come?

HAPPINESS HAS ANIMPACTWhen grown-ups see a Jewishchild doing Mitzvos with joy,it has an effect. Itmakes them want toreturn to Hashemwith all their heart.


When a

thing is done

joyfully, it’s easy,

it’s fun, and it

gets done


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Who can describe the joyof Simchas Torah, thehappiest day of the year?

All year long we have beenlearning the Torah. Now wetake it our arms, stillwrapped in its velvetmantle, and dance with itlovingly round and round.

Children climb on theirfather’s shoulders. Flags arewaving in the air. Every heartis filled with love; love ofHashem and love of His Torah.How thankful and fortunatewe are!

So has it been forthousands of years. So is it stilltoday.

And so it was also a fewhundred years ago, in the time of RebLevi Yitzchak, who later became famousas the great Rav of Berditchev.

In the first year after his marriage,while still in the home of his father-in-law, RebLevi Yitzchak was honored on the eve ofSimchas Torah with reciting the Pesukim of “AtahHoreisa” before Hakafos would begin.

The mood was festive, and spirits were high, as RebLevi Yitzchak went up to the Bima to recite the Pesukim.

He picked up a tallis (a prayer shawl), and was about toput it on, when abruptly he put it back down.

After a thoughtful moment he picked up the tallisagain, and then once again put it down. This happenedagain several more times.

The worshippers began to get nervous. What wasgoing on with this young man?

Then finally, he put down the tallis one more time andsaid, “All right! If you’re such a scholar and a Chossid, thenyou can say Ata Horeisa, by yourself!”

Then Reb Levi Yitzchak went abruptly back to hisplace. Everyone was shocked at this unusual behavior,especially the father-in-law of the young Rav. But no onesaid a word.

After Hakafos were over, however, Reb Levi Yitzchak’sfather-in-law demanded an explanation.

“I’m sorry, my dear father-in-law,” Reb Levi Yitzchaksaid, “but what was I to do? I went up to the Bima to say

the Atah Horeisa, when the Yetzer Hara suddenly joinedme up there.

“ ‘What are you doing here?’ I said. ‘You don’t deserveto be here!’ “

“ ’What am I doing here?’ the Yetzer Hara replied. ‘Ihave the same question for you. What are you doinghere? What makes think you deserve this honor?’

“ ‘This is an honor for a Torah scholar,’ I replied.“ ‘Well, I have also learned a lot of Torah,’ the Yetzer

Hara said. ‘No less than you. In fact, I was with you thewhole time!’

“ ‘All right,’ I challenged him. ‘So you learned Talmudand Poskim and Jewish Law. But I learned Chassidus fromgreat Tzaddikim. They taught me how to daven and howto serve Hashem.’

“But the Yetzer Hora did not give up. ‘Do you think Iwasn’t with you then too?’ he answered me. ‘I learned allthe same maamarim that you did.’

“When I saw that whatever I said, he had an answerready for me, and wouldn’t leave me alone, and insistedon saying Atah Horeisa together with me, I told him, ‘Youknow what? If you’re such a scholar and a Chossid, you cansay Atah Horeisa by yourself!’ And I went down.”


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Onk! Onk! Do you hear them overhead? Look! Way up high! In aV-formation. Geese are flying south. How do they know where to go?

Let’s take a look at the wonders of migration.

WHAT IS MIGRATION?Birds migrate at regular times each year, moving from one

place to another in search of food. During the summer, mostbirds prefer the cooler weather of the north, but when a chillElul wind starts to blow, they know it’s time to head south,where they will have an easier time finding insects andworms to feed on.

Then in the spring they fly back north again, where theyfind a new supply of bugs and insects. Now they mate, buildtheir nests, lay their eggs and raise their young.

But when the chill wind begins to blow, birds will onceagain start preparing for the long flight south.

BIRD BLESSINGSIn order to make these long flights, birds

are blessed with a streamlined body,lightweight hollow bones, and strong chestmuscles which make them strong flyers.Birds also have a very large heart, anda rapid heartbeat. A small songbirdmay have 500 heartbeats a minute. Ahummingbird has 1000!

Big birds like the hawk, spreadtheir wide wings to catchrising columns of warm airthat lift them high up inthe air. Then they soarwithout even flappingtheir wings, which savesthem energy for their long journey.

HOW DO BIRDS KNOW WHERE TO GO?No one really knows how birds do it. Hashem has blessed them with

a remarkable sense of direction. Some birds rely on their sharpvision to recognize landmarks, such as mountains, lakes,forests, or the coastline.

Ornithologists are scientists who study birds. Theythink that perhaps birds use the sun as a compass. Asthey fly south, the rising sun will be on their left. Afternoon, it will move to their right as it sets in the west.

Birds that fly at night, such as geese, certainly usethe stars in the sky for their map, just like sailors do.

Pigeons have a uniqueability to find their wayhome from hundreds ofmiles away. For thousandsof years, people have used‘homing’ pigeons to sendimportant messages by’express air mail.’


Canadian Geese winter inMissouri as well as many

other southern States. When itstarts to get too hot, they head

back up north. They can fly for upto 16 hours in a stretch at an

altitude of 8,000 feet, reachingspeeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

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OUR JEW-P-SHashem blessed the birds with a special wisdom, but He did

not leave us out. He blessed us too, that we should always knowwhere to go and what to do, and how to find our way home.

The only difference is that the birds’ wisdom is built in. Ourwisdom is in the Torah, our navigational guide in life. We onlyhave to look it up and learn.

AMAZING DIRECTIONThe Manx Shearwater is a seabird that spends

most of its life skimming over the ocean far fromthe sight of land. Each year, it makes a 20,000-mile circular trek from Alaska to New Zealandand back.

In tests, the Shearwater was taken thousandsof miles away to totally unknown places, andthen let go. Amazingly, it found its way homeevery time, at astonishing speed. Flying over vaststretches of ocean with no landmarks, it covered250 miles a day, and knew exactly where to go.

BIRD OF THE SUNThe Arctic Tern is an extraordinary little bird

that spends its summers in the Arctic north andwinters in Antarctica. Since the sun almost neversets in these two places, it is called “the bird ofthe sun. “

During its migration, the tern flies more than12,000 miles each way. Sometimes ittravels for weeks without landing!Since it lives for up to 35 years, that makesabout one and a half million miles that ittravels in its lifetime!

The Golden Plover is a tiny arcticbird which winters on the pampas(the grasslands) of Argentina andUruguay or Hawaii. It flies southbefore its young are ready for thetrip. They find their own way at alater date, with no adult to guidethem. It’s a wonder how they do it.

The yellow line on the map shows theroute of the Arctic Tern as it flies south.First it crosses the Atlantic fromnorthern Scotland to Greenland,then continues on to the west coastof Africa, or the east coast of South

America. It may rest a few weeksmidway, before continuing

its journey to Antarctica.The white line shows their

route home in the spring,when terns fly north in a

gigantic non-stop, “S” -shaped pattern over the Atlantic Ocean.


The Ruby ThroatedHummingbird flaps its wings sorapidly that they are just a blur! Itactually stands still in the air as itsucks nectar from a flower.

Its heart is very large for its tinysize, and beats 1000 times perminute! Before winter, thehummingbird will double itsweight (it’s only 5 grams), building

up reserves of fat for its incredible 24hour, non-stop flight, from the southernUnited States to Mexico - 600 miles overopen water all the way !


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Send your reports, questions,

letters or comments to:

The Moshiach Times,

792 Eastern Parkway,

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213


Shloimie, why areshlepping thoseladders? It’s not

Succos yet.

I know, Mom, butsoon it’ll be Rosh

Hashana andYom Kippur.

Everyone knows that they are

High Holidays! !!

Dear Tzivos Hashem:

Our daughter, Rivka, really loves The Moshiach

Times and goes through the entire magazine page by

page, even though she is only 5.

The truth is we really love it too, and read it with her

from cover to cover. Thank you.— The Katz Family (Haifa, Israel)

Dear Tzivos Hashem,

In your article about the Antelope in “The World

Around You,” you wrote that the beautiful long horns

of the Kudu are often used as a shofar on Rosh

Hashana, since they remind us of the “great shofar”

that will be blown to announce the coming of

Moshiach!I would remind you that the shofar of Moshiach

was taken from one of the horns of the ram that was

offered in place of Yitzchak Avinu. It has been ready

and waiting for 3700 years. We are very anxious to

hear it Now! — Rabbi Avrohom Baruch Junik

Brooklyn, NY

Shneur Zalman Yisroel Jacobsonon his Bar Mitzvah | 18 (CHAI) ELUL, 5770

Isnku ohna trh shxj ,uhvk ujhkmh ,WhavaDedicated by his parents

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai & Chana Pesha Jacobson Kudu


gÉä àÉ

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art by Ari Binus“THE RIGHT THING”

Pinny prepares his books

before he goes to sleep.

Punky rushes out ‘cause

he’s late for school again.

Someone else will have toclean up the mess!


Faigie puts her toys backwhere they belong.

Fussie always wants her motherto buy her another toy.



Can youbelieve it? Wehave a hugeproject dueright after Yom Tov!

Benjy, getstartednow so

you’ll finishin time!

Yes! But the only wayhe’ll ever catch up, is

if he does a littleevery day! That’s the

right way to do it.

Then hemakes

everyonecrazy,‘causehe’s so


Benjy alwaysleaves everything

till the last minute!

You guys don’tunderstand. Benjy still

has a million otherthings that needs to

finish up fromBEFORE!

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HaRav MordechaiTzemach Eliyahu KWM Z, theformer Rishon l’Tzion,Sephardic Chief Rabbi ofIsrael, was born a weekafter Purim, in 5689, in theold city of Yerushalayim,and was named after thegreat leader of old,Mordechai HaTzaddik.

His father, HaRavSilman KWZ, was arenowned mekubal, and afollower of the Ben IshChai, who instructed himto move to Yerushalayim,where Mordechai wasborn.

Unfortunately, thefamily lived in greatpoverty. Despite thishardship, the young child,Mordechai, wasconstantly learning. Heeven used to go aroundcollecting leftover stubs of candles in order to studyunder the table at night after everyone had gone to sleep.

Before he reached Bar Mitzvah, when he was onlyeleven, Mordechai’s father, HaRav Silman, passed away.

Nonetheless, Mordechai continued studying tirelessly,and soon he was seen to be a brilliant scholar and yiraishomayim.

As he grew older, he learned under the future ChiefRabbi, HaRav Yitzchak Nissim, and as well as the ChazanIsh, and the famous mekubal, Baba Sali, who became hismentor and guide.

At the age of 28, he became the youngest Dayan(Judge) ever appointed in Israel. As Chief Rabbi of BeerSheva, he quickly earned a reputation for being able tosolve complex issues in Jewish law, and finding the bestsolution to sensitive problems.

After several years, he was appointed to serve on theBais Din in Yerushalayim, and in 5743 (1983) he was

elected to be Sephardic ChiefRabbi. However, he onlyaccepted the position on theurging of the Baba Sali.

The Rav was remarkablyorderly in his life. He alwaysprayed in the first minyan in themorning, and for 53 years, henever missed a day in Bais Din,and never arrived late.

Even when he was ill, hewould not stay home, knowingthat people were waiting for hisdecisions and advice, to resolvetheir disputes, and answer theirquestions.

The Rav had great love forall Jews, and received everyperson with kindness. His warmsmile and enthusiasm endearedhim to people from all walks oflife. No issue was too small forhim to consider. No person wasunimportant. He would say, “Ialways speak to the person

before me, not to his clothes or his titles.” One of his secretaries remarked that he never heard the

Rav raise his voice in anger, or say a word of criticism. Ifsomeone made a mistake, he would pretend not to notice.

He worked tirelessly to strengthen the emunah (faith)of Jews throughout Israel. Often he would travel to non-religious kibbutzim to encourage people in Torah andMitzvos. Several times he was actually attacked andbeaten up, but that did not stop him. And as long as hewas physically able, he used to also visit the soldiers in thearmy every week to bolster their morale. We are Brothers

Most of all, the Rav had a special love for children.Once, after speaking to a group, he noticed a child sittingsadly in the corner of the room.

“Why do you look so sad?” he asked the boy.“Because my father died,” the boy replied.The Rav picked up the child and put him on his knee.

HaRav Mordechai Tzemach Eliyahu kWmz21 Adar 5689 (1929) — 25 Sivan 5770 (2010)


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“How old are you?” he asked.“Twelve.”“That’s nearly the same age as I was

when my father passed away,” the Ravsaid with a gentle smile. “But then I gotanother Father… Hashem. He is theFather of all orphans. So Hashem is your Father now too. That makes us brothers.”

The boy smiled for the first time.“Here,” the Rav said, “I am giving you myphone number. Please call me any time,because we are brothers.”

Every year, in Kfar Chabad, a specialBar Mitzvah celebration is held forchildren whose fathers were tragicallykilled in war.

On one occasion, when HaRavMordechai Eliyahu came to speak tothem, he said, “I was also an orphan from the age of 11. Now you are Bar Mitzvah. If you willwork hard and continue to grow in Torah, you could reachthe greatest heights. You could even become Chief Rabbiof Israel.” Then he went around and gave out 500 pairs ofTefillin, speaking to each boy individually together withhis mother.He Prayed by Kever Rochel

An amazing story took place recently during the Israeliarmy’s campaign to stop Arab terroristactivities in Gaza.

Just as the soldiers were about to gointo a certain house, a woman dressedin black appeared and started yelling atthem in Arabic, “Ruchu min hon!” - “Goaway from here! It’s dangerous!”

They didn’t know if they shouldbelieve her or not, but decided not totake any chances, and moved on totheir next target.

There, too, the same womanappeared and warned them to stayaway. The soldiers thought that maybeshe had come through a tunnelbetween the houses. One of the soldierseven yelled at her…

Then they went to a third houseand the same woman appeared again. This time theyknew something very unusual was going on.

The Golani Engineering Corps was called to checkthese three houses, and found that all three had beenbooby-trapped with bombs. The woman in black hadsaved their lives. It was rumored that she was none otherthan Rochel Imainu!

Before the war broke out, HaRav Mordechai Eliyahuhad gone three times to pray at Kever Rochel, the Tomb of

Rochel, but not to any other of the holysites. His son, HaRav Shmuel, the ChiefRabbi of Tzfat, was asked if there wasany connection.

He brought the question to hisfather. Usually, the Rav did not payattention to such stories, but in this casehe replied:

“Yes, it’s true. I went to her and said,‘Rochel our Mother, a war is going on!Do not be silent! Go before Hashem, andpray for the soldiers, who are sacrificingthemselves for the Nation of Israel, thatthey should strike - and not bestricken.’ ”

“Well, father,” HaRav Shmuel replied,“You should know that she really did it.”

“Did she say that I sent her?” HaRav Mordechai replied.

A Secret PrayerOn his first day as a Dayan, the Rav wrote a prayer which

he would say every day before sitting in the Bais Din.Nobody knew what it was. It was only discovered in hiswallet a few hours before the levaya (funeral).

In this secret prayer he asked Hashem for wisdom tojudge truthfully, and to save him from error. He prayedthat his heart should be strong to correct those whooppress others, and not to ignore injustice; that he

should remain far from arrogance, angerand pettiness, and that he should meritto teach Torah so that the Name ofHeaven will be feared, respected andmade holy. Ties with the Rebbe

As Chief Rabbi, the Rav had veryclose ties with the Lubavitcher Rebbe,Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, andhad long meetings with him on severaloccasions. He used to say that he hadnever met anyone like the Rebbe, andconsidered himself to be a follower.

HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu and theRebbe shared many qualities: apassionate love of Torah, a passionatelove of their fellow Jew, and a passionate

yearning for the coming of Moshiach.We may be sure that the great love HaRav Mordechai

Eliyahu had for all our people, did not cease with hispassing, but that he continues to strive mightily on ourbehalf that Hashem should send Moshiach at last, andredeem us speedily from exile Now!



Giving out Tefillin to each boy individually atthe Bar Mitzvah for Children of Fallen Heroes

Kavanna: Saying Shema

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Preparing forRosh Hashana

1. I Said Selichos early in themorning(s) before RoshHashana.2. I Gave extra Tzedoka to helpthe needy for Yom Tov.3. I Visited and Prayed at theresting place of a Tzaddik.

4. I helped my parents to makeEiruv Tavshilin on Wed. Sept. 8.5. (Girls): I Lit a Candle forShabbos and Yom Tov on:�WED. SEPT. 8*� THURS. SEPT. 9*� FRI. SEPT. 10

* Shehecheyonu is said both nights

Rosh Hashana6. I Wished my friends a “Shana Tovah ”after shul.7a. I Ate an apple dipped in honey on the firstnight of Yom Tov and said the “Yehi Ratzon.”7b. I Ate a new fruit the second night ofRosh Hashana, and said “Shehecheyonu.”7c. I Ate a special Rosh Hashana food, like apomegranate, head of a fish, meren, etc8. I Heard the Shofar blown,

Thursday, Sept. 9Friday, Sept. 10

9. I Said a lot of Tehillim.1st Day Rosh Hashana, Sept. 92nd day Rosh Hashana, Sept. 10

10. I Went to a pond with fish and said Tashlich.11. BONUS: I Went to a nursing home with anadult to blow Shofar.12. I Heard the Torah read on:

1st Day Rosh Hashana, Sept. 92nd Day Rosh Hashana, Sept. 10Shabbos Shuva, Sept. 11

13. I Said a Dvar Torah and/or sang a niggun at the Yom Tov Meal. 14. I Heard Birkas Cohanim

1st Day Rosh Hashana, Sept 92nd day Rosh Hashana, Sept. 10

Yom Kippur8. I Fasted (part of the day).9. I Was in Shul for:

a) Kol Nidrei & Maarivb) Shachrisc) Musafd) Minchae) Neilah

10. I Heard Maftir Yona.11. BONUS: after Neilah, I Heard the Shofar blown, and said: “Le ShanaHa-bah-ah B’Yerushalayim!”12. I Ate a delicious “breakthe fast” Yom Tov Meal.13. I Spoke about buildingthe Succa.

Before Yom Kippur1. I Apologized topeople I may haveargued with, and askedto be friends again.2. I Did Kapparos.3. I Gave a lot of extraTzedoka.4. I Ate a festive meal theafternoon before YomKippur and had Kreplach.5. I Received a Blessingfrom my father. 6. I Put on non-leathershoes before Yom Tov.7. (Girls): I Lit a candleon Friday, Sept. 17.

Before Succos1. I Helped Build(or decorate) a Succa.2. I Gave a lot of extraTzedoka before Yom Tov. 3. I Helped prepare for Yom Tov.4. I helped my parents makeEiruv Tavshilin on Sept. 225. (Girls): I Lit a Candle forShabbos and Yom Tov *:

Wed. Sept. 22*Thurs. Sep. 23* Fri. Sep. 24

* Shehecheyonu is said both nights

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Succos5. I Ate in a Succa and saidthe blessing “LaishaivBa’Succa,” (and for boys) said“Shehecheyonu.”Sep. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

6. I Said a Dvar Torah orSang a niggun in the Succa: Sep. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

7. I Bentched Lulav & Esrog* Sep. 23 24 26 27 28 29

*Don’t forget to say “Shehecheyonu”the first time you do this Mitzvah8. I Heard the Torah read: Sep. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

9. I Heard Birkas Cohanimon Yom Tov:

1st Day Succos, Sep. 232nd Day Succos, Sep. 24

10. I Helped other JewsBentch Lulav & Esrog:Sep. 23 24 26 27 28 29

11. I Went to the dancing atSimchas Bais Ha-Sho’aiva:Sep. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Shemini Atzeres & Simchas Torah

1. (Girls): I Lit a candleand said “Shehecheyonu”:

Wed. Sep. 29*Thurs, Sep. 30*Friday, Oct. 1(Shabbos Beraishis)

2. I went to Hakafos:Shemini Atzeres,Wed. night, Sep. 29Simchas Torah,Thurs. night, Sep. 30Fri. (by day), Oct. 1

3. BONUS: I Heardthe Torah read on:

Shemini Atzeres,Thurs. Sept. 30Simchas Torah,Fri. Oct. 1Shabbos Beraishis,Oct. 2

4. I Heard BirkasCohanim on Yom Tov:

Shemini Atzeres,Thurs. Sept. 30Simchas Torah,Fri. Oct. 1

5. (boys) I had an Aliyato the Torah onSimchas Torah, Oct 1.

Hoshana Rabba1. (boys) I Davenned with aMinyan and marchedaround the Bimah 7 times.2. I “Klapp’t Hoshanas” bysmacking a bunch of 5willow branches on theground 5 times.3. I Ate a festive meal andhad Kreplach.4. I Gave a lot of extraTzedoka.5. I helped my parents tomake Eiruv Tavshilin on Wed. Sept. 29.


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