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THE MORNING STAR Diary of Jew Perseption of crusades Top facts Morning Star News

The Morning Star

Jul 21, 2016



Sebas Perez

How did the crudades affect the jwes
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Page 1: The Morning Star


Diary of Jew

Perseption of


Top facts

Morning Star


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Page 3: The Morning Star

Index 4. Future Impact

5. Importance of Jerusalem

to the Jews

6-7. Diary of Jew Witness-

ing Crusades

8-9. Jews Perception of cru-


10-11. What Were the 7 Ma-

jor Events that Impacted


12-13. What Caused the


14-15. Long Term Im-


Page 4: The Morning Star

Future Impact

Judaism began about 40 years ago in a part of the world in the middle

east .some important people make happened like Abraham he was the

first on believe in 1 god .Abraham had two sons ,Jacob and Isaac.18th

century B.C he left her name because he believe that was what god

wanted him to do. God showed him the way to a new country called

canaan.god promised Abraham that one day his descendants would

proses this country. He wanted to create a religion called judaism and

practice it with the familiy.after Abraham the next leader was a man

called moses. He rescued Egypt from slavery they remember al the

passover. After Egypt they live in the desert about 40 years. The spoke

he brew for most of the time they were ruled by kings. Around 920

B.C.E , the kingdom feel apart.and the jewish people were taxed and

apprised by a series of rulers. Around 600 B.C.E the temple was

destroyer and the jewish leader ship was killed. Many jews were sent

into a exile in babylon.they become more able to practice their faith

freely. The king of Syria asecrayed the temple and implemented a

series of laws . There was a revolt and the temple was destroyed this

was a good period of great change political , religious, cultural and

social. During the first year, the twice rebelled against the romana

liders. During the period jews were allowed to become romans citizens,

bur later were forbidden to own christians slaves or to marry

Christians. In 439 C.E the romans banned the synagogue building and

barred jews from official jobs. The year either side of 1000E.C were the

gold age of the jews in Spain. Despite an attempt of for cibilix convert

to all jews to islam in 1086 E.C this golden age continued

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Jerusalem for the

Jews was important be-

fore and after the Cru-

sades because they so

the city as holy. During

the crusades Jerusalem lost its importance because

they tried to regain Rhineland that they lost to the cru-

saders. The Jews during the crusades were not inter-

ested in religious places but to keep the religion alive

and to survive. During the Fatimid rule of Jerusalem,

Jews had two important temples in Jerusalem but

when the crusaders conquered Jerusalem the Jews got

massacred and their temples were destroyed. Alot of

decades before the Crusades

the Jews lived peacefully on

Jerusalem for about 4,000

years, for 3,000 years of their

Rule of Jerusalem King David

Importance of Jerusalem

to the Jews

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Diary of Jew

Witnessing the Crusades Peoples crusade No one imagines that the place and the people they love will disappear in an in-stance, but no one should be sure that it won't happen. I lived every day as the one before, everything was the same, and for me it was perfect. We have always been outsiders, rejected, we are the Jewish people, the others don't hate us, but they don't like us either so we never expected anything from them, not war, not peace...nothing.

But I was wrong, we had heard now and then that there was going to be the first

crusade, but we hadn't expected it this soon. (We thought...)One afternoon we

saw a bunch of people coming towards us, we all knew that it couldn't be good. I

must admit, they looked old, weak and unprepared, but they were still able to

come in, it was a surprise attack and even though they seemed unprepared, we

were even less prepared than they were, everything was so terrible. Those inhu-

man people! Came on to us without blinking and destroyed everything they

could, killed everyone they were able too and took everything they could carry,

leaving the few of us still alive with nothing to rely on. No food, no money, nor a

roof to sleep under, nothing.. Later we heard from far lands, Jewish lands, that

the Christina's had done exactly the same thing, they had destroyed and robbed

every Jewish village in their way and tried to force them to convert to their reli-

gion, no Jew would ever convert to religion which has an army that could do

such things. No Jew would ever convert. Better dead than Christian. So our

friends and family that weren't able to come out committed suicide, they pre-

ferred to have a knife slice their throat than to have an impostor over their heads.

Those people are heroes to our religion, they weren't able to escape from death

but they are better since they escaped from the devil. We dream about getting

revenge, but they left so few of us that this desire is impossible, we are only to

believe that those that died for their religion will get rewarded and maybe some

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Jerusalem Our people have always lived with a lot of discrimination but Jerusalem was different, it wasn't perfect but it was the best we could get based on our previous history, not only ours but our religions. In many other places in the world we have been rejected, we were forced to convert to their re-ligion of we wanted to live in anybody's land. In Jerusalem we didn't have to that, yes we had some restrictions but that was better than nothing and we were thankful. Here there still was the dhimmitude, we used distinctive clothing but it didn't matter, everybody was from a different religion and we all knew. We didn't have anything to hide, we were Jews, some were Christians, other Muslims and we were okay. He Fatimids have proven to be really nice people or at least compared to other leaders we had lived with before. They never rejected their lands to anyone who wanted to come in, and welcomed them to stay. Everyday in Jerusalem was like the wine before, we lived with our fami-lies, we woke up and went to work, and we actually liked it, we had peace. But then everything changed, we saw an army of Christians com-ing towards the city, they arrived and settled. We could see that they were confused about something, they were probably coming to attack the peo-ple that previously lived here but they were already gone. The leader of the fit,odd offered them to stay as he had offered us once before. They seemed to agree. For then we thought we didn't have anything to fear, we went back to doing everything as usual. We should have known that something as good could never last.. At night we woke up hearing screams. Quickly I woke up my family, and picked up everything I could carry. I knew we had to get out because something had happened, we didn't know certainly what was happening but we knew we had to run. We went out of our little house through the back door. I told them to run without even thinking to look back, we need-ed to get out fast unless we wanted to be killed. Finally we reached the woods, then we stopped, knowing that we were far enough and they couldn't catch us. Then we looked back to find out that the Christians, the crusaders, had changed their mind about living here with us in peace. They attacked Jerusalem, they killed everybody, they killed not only Jews and Muslims but also their own people, the orthodox. Everything was de-stroyed, on fire. We were devastated to know that that place that we had

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Jews Perception of Crusades

Jews have encountered many groups with distinct religions dur-

ing the period of the Crusades in which some discriminated them,

others hated them and some accepted them under conditions.

These groups were no others than the Byzantines, the Muslims,

and the Franks. Starting with the Muslims they treated the Jews

fairly, the only thing Muslims asked the Jews to do for them was

to pay an annual rent to live in the city of Jerusalem. This kind of

treatment made the Jews see the Muslims as welcoming to any-

one since there wasn’t any kind of mistreatment toward the non-

Muslims. Also since the Muslims in the city of Damascus were re-

ally hospitable some Jews were rich in that city. In total during

the era of the Crusades there were around 3,000 Jews in the city

of Damascus. Jews considered the Muslims to be really advanced

in the nature of science, since they knew about bacteria’s, eyes

medicine, and hospitals. The Jews and the Muslims seemed to

have a good relationships with no hatred towards each other.

Though Jews have a good relationship with the Muslims, sadly not all

groups see Jews equally as them. The Byzantine had no interest on living

next to Jews, the Byzantine Empire was becoming really rich during that

time thanks of the trading they have done with the Muslims. Their lifestyle

was luxurious and treasured by many. In the city of Constantinople the

Jews had a special place apart from the city where they lived isolated from

the rest of the population. Given the actions of the Byzantines Jews did

not hate a lot the Byzantines till the point they wanted to kill them, they

just saw them as if they were really proud of themselves. Probably the Byz-

antines saw themselves as a superior race maybe that’s the reason why it

was hard to them to coexist with Jewish people. Jews did not have this

problem they were not so proud to the point they considered different

people as if they were below them.

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Finally the Franks had a really bad relation-ship with the Jewish people, and the Jews did not liked the Franks that much but they didn’t hate them. The Franks in the other side were really hostile against the Jews since their

beliefs say that Jews murdered Jesus. During the Era of the Crusades, the Franks attacked many Jewish communities such as Mainz, Worms and others. But these attacks were carried on without the knowledge of the Pope which meant that there were other reasons why there was hatred towards the Jews except for religious reasons. In that time Jews did a system similar to banks, in which they lend money and later on charge interest, this made the Jews really wealthy during that time. And so this was another reason of hatred towards the Jews because what Jews did was considered a sin for the Franks. The Jews in the other hand saw the Franks as people filled with hatred and using their religion to excuse their actions. So they did not hated them but mostly they felt pity since they were losing the since of their religion. And mostly for all the raids that happened Jews were given the chance to convert to Christianity but most of the Jews refused and were executed.

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What Were the 7 Major Events that Impacted Judaism

In 1095, Pope Urban II gave a speech encouraging Christians to go to the crusades ,and in exchange they will get salvation or wealth, as the Christians started getting to the crusades, there was a lack of food and wealth causing many problems towards the Jewish society

During 1096, the local Jews were harassed and violently killed by Chris-tian crusaders who were desperate for food and wealth and many Jews were forced to convert to their religion, and those who did not were mur-dered. , this event is called “the First Holocaust”.

on may 3 1096 Peter the hermit ,and the Christians surrounded the Sy-nagogue at Spayer and failed trying to go inside. The Jews that remained outside were attacked by the crusaders and eleven were killed.

On 1099 the bands of crusaders got to Jerusalem and captured the city on July 15 ,1099, many Jews needed to hide in the synagogues and requi-red help. Plenty of Jews were burned and killed ,and others ,sold as slaves.

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On the summer of 1146,a Cistercian monk, vigorously attacked the Je-wish communities of Rhineland to punish them from crucifying Jesus. Ber-nard of Clairvaux opposed to the Jewish massacres and restricted any ex-cess over Jewish people.

In 1182 Emperor Fredrick made a promise to protect the Jewish society and kept them under his protection, and got a solid payment from the Jews who he kept safe. At the time the fall of Jerusalem happened, Fredrick forba-de any anti-Jewish sermons , and again conserved the Jews.

1187 Was the start of the Battle of Hattin , between Muslims and Chris-tians, Saladin´s purpose was to re-conquer the Holy City of Jerusalem ,for this ,he brought his troops to the walls of Jerusalem and started to wreck them ,so that his troops could enter Jerusalem ,after a prolonged time, Sala-din was victorious ,and he took over the land of Jerusalem

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What Caused the Crusade

In the beginning of the crusades Jews were massacred by the

Crusaders and some Christians group’s in Europe. Jewish were

massacre in cities like Speyer, Worms and Mainz. There were

mainly two reasons (religious and economic) why the Jews were

attacked during the crusades.

The Christians follow some traditions of the Jewish like

Abraham and some other beliefs of Jewish people. But The Jews

don’t recognize Jesus as the Son of God. There was a bad rela-

tionship between the Jews and the Christians because the Chris-

tians tried to convert the Jews to Christianity by obligating them

to do the baptism but the Jews prefer to suicide than to convert

into Christianity. During the crusades the Jews thinked that the-

re was test of God that was the explanation of the Jews of why ot-

her groups massacrate them and make them think if this was a

punishment of God because they were not following well the reli-

gion. In the middle ages people in Europe blame the Jews for ki-

lling Jesus. Analyzing all of these, these were the religious reason

of why the Christians (Franks) attacked the Jewish during the


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The economic reasons why the Jewish start to have a role in the

Crusades was that they were really wealthy because they have a

system that says that of some other groups wanted to have more

money they will ask for a loan to the Jewish. These idea have so

much success was because in these time period there were no

banks that loan money to people so if some other group wanted

more money they have to ask for money to the Jewish and then

give in small payments every month or year to the Jewish and

then eventually the Jewish will win more money at the end. Then

the Jewish came really wealthy because in these time period some

groups wanted to go to war in that second because other groups

were attacking them so then they will ask for a loan to the Jewish

so every time groups asked for a loan Jewish came even more

wealthy. At the start of the Crusades some groups start viewing

the Jewish for attacking them because of his wealth.

In conclusion Jews were attacked during the Crusades because

they were wealthy, weak and different. Jews were attacked becau-

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The crusades brought tragedies to many religious groups one of does

groups that were affected are de Jewish people. First on the people crusade

many Jewish villages were destroyed and the people were killed the cru-

saders kill a lot of Jewish people while conquering Jerusalem, and while

the crusades there were a lot of attacks to them. But in the long term the

Jewish community was heavily impact on many ways. Lots of traditions

were lost thanks to the franks that destroy many city's of them. Also the

Jewish population was heavily reduced in Europe and in the Middle East.

Also the Jews were massacred on Jerusalem fighting aside of the Muslims.

That brought more discrimination to the Jewish people from the franks.

Also the Jewish communities lost importance on the trading market

thanks to all the money and merchandise thet was stole from the Jewish

and all the discrimination to them. And also the Jewish were banded from

a lot of Christian cities. And the Jewish traditions were lost thanks that

Raymond off Toulouse destroy them from the Jewish that were captured

from the Dome of the rock.

Long Term Impact

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Works Cited "Christian-Jewish Relations: The Crusades." The

Crusades. The Gale Group, 2008. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

Benjamin of Tudela. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: Travels in the Middle Ages. Trans. Marcus Nathan Adler (1907). Joseph Simon Publisher. 1983

Penny, sue. Judaism. Austin, Tx: raintree steck- vaughn,1997. Print "History judaism."BBC.BBC,7 Dec.2009. Web. 29 Mar. 2015

The Crusades - My Jewish Learning , The Crusades - My Jewish Learning , March 29, 2015 ,

Christian-Jewish Relations: The Crusades ,March 29, 2015 ,

Solomon,Norman.Judaism:A very short introduction.Oxford:Oxford UP.1996.Print Levy,Joshua."The Crusades-My Jewish Learning". My Jewish Lear-

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Sebastian Perez

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The Morning Star