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JL F- j EEr- H 1- L > N fJ 2 THE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN UTAH SUNDAY JANUARY 24 1909 y w Y YWWf 0 or 1 V I j 1 I I L J Mrs A P BIgclow will entertain I Iho members of the bridge club and their husbands on Thursday oVon ing The Past Chiefs society will meet Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs Hill 239 Twentysecond street Mlns Bernice R Kohn daughter of Mr and Mrs A L Kahn left Thursday for Salt Lako City to take a special course In languages and music at tho St Marys academy Tho frlendn of Mrs Jennie Shields formerly of Ogden may be Interested- to know that she Is now tho wife of E W Rauscher a promising young business man of Salt Lake Olty Mra Rauechor entered the L D S hos- pital training school for nurses three years ago and graduated with honors i last April and has since been prac- ticing ¬ I in Salt Lako City I Mr and Mrs J R Hollenthal of Juneau Alaska are In the city visit j tint at the homo of B A Linsley Sumner Warner and wife have re- turned from Carlrn Mrs A L Fryer formerly of Og- den I but now n resident of Seattle Is in tho city on a visit to old frloncls and Is tho guest of Mr and Mrs A W McGaw at 472 Twentyseventh street I Mm H M Rowo visited part of the week In Salt Lake City with friends I Mrs George West of Portland Ore- gon j week visited Ogden friends during the- i I i Mrs A R Hoywood was tho guest of Mr and Mrs M C Phillips In Salt I Lake City this week Mr and Mrs Fred Root of Denver I are spending a few days In Ogden with relatives and friends John R Austin of Salt Lako City vlelted his father Councilman J W Austin this week- I Mr and Mrs J T Rushmor spont part of the week In Salt Lake City visiting Mra Rushmors mother I Mrs Dr Mathers of Mountain Homo Idaho Is the guest of Mr and j Mrs W A Robertson at 247 Twenty first street i The Amalgamated Sugar company gave a dancing party on Wednesday evening at tho Congress Dancing aca- demy ¬ In commemoration of tho close- of tWo season A large number of Ogden people will go to Salt Lake City on Monday evening to attend the Inaugural ball which will bo given at tho Odeon i Miss Frances Joyce and Miss Kath orlno Fitzgerald will leave Goon for Washington D C to attend tho in ¬ augural ceremonies While there they vlll bo the guests of Mr and Mrs George P McCabe j Miss Vera Osborne and Miss Fran t COB Huffman entertained the memo I hers of tho Thilnthca club on Friday evening at tho Methodist church Tho affair was chaperoned by Mrs Flet- cher and Mrs Huffman Dr and Mrs Edward I Rich in a letter to Ogden friends announce that they are stopping at tho Halolwa hotel Walaua Hawaiian islands and ore having a delightful time Dr and Mrs Ezra C Rich are on an European I I trip and at present In Vienna- Mr and Mrs C E Bennett have loft for Missouri and Kansas whore they will visit relatives for a row weeks I t At the Weber academy Wednesday z evening a reception was hold by the t high counsel and auxiliary organiza- tions C of tho Weber stake in honor of D Ray Shurtllff who leaves In a few I t days to take charge of the Liverpool cfflco of tho LatterDay Saints church During tho evening a program or music and addresses was given after which a danco was enjoyed In the au- ditorium hall Light refreshments wore served The ladles of the Episcopal church will give a social Thursday evening- at the parish house corner of Grant and Twentyfourth street A fine pro ¬ gram of vocal and Instrumental music will be rendered also other pleasing numbers Refreshments will bo serv- ed ¬ and a pleasant evening Is anticipat- ed ¬ Special invitation Is extended to tho young people O W C TO R M C A Tho Ogden Womens Club to tho Railway Mail Clerks Association a new social club organized by the wives of the mall clerks gave a de- lightful reception Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs D M Morrison 222S Grant avenue About thirtyflvo members were present The evening was pleasantly spent In games and music An Interesting ad- vertising contest resulted In Mr Pcttlbone receiving a prize Excellent Instrumental solos wore played by Mrs Bangassor and Mrs Marchant and Mrs Lundcck charmingly sang two vocal solos after which light re- freshments ¬ woro served by tho hostess I I PAST GUARDIAN CLUB- P NEIGHBORS G N C of Ogden Circle 581 Women of Woodcraft met at the resi- dence ¬ of Martha A Morris Thursday afternoon January fourteenth After the regular business of the mooting a few games of cards wore participated In by tho following neigh- bors ¬ Baker Morris Planz Light Adams Baumelster Alden Collins Dora and Garner prizes being won by Neighbors Baker and Collins A dainty lunch was served A theater party was the concluding feature of the pleasant evening planned by tho hostess BIRTHDAY CLUB Tho Neighborhood Birthday club met Monday with Mrs Chris Poulson ni her home on north Washington Many pretty gifts were received and a pleasant social time was spent after which lunch was served Among the guests were Mrs String ham Mrs Hall Mrs GIbbs Mrs Holt Mrs Hewcs Mrs Cunningham Mrs Snyder and Mrs Garner OFFICIAL VISIT Officers of Rebekah State Assembly vlnltod Queen City Robokah Lodge Xo 4 Friday evening Sister Wat- kins president of the assembly ad- vised the members on tho conditions- of Rebekah branch In Utah and tho Interest taken in the good work of Odd Fellowship After other members addressed tho members all wero Invited to the din- Ing room where a banquet prepared- ly the committee was awaiting them TOPONCETRASK- A very pretty homo wedding took liiaco Thursday opening at the homo of Mr and Mrs A Toponce when their daughter Katherine was mar nud to Albert F Trask of Evanston Wyo The beautiful ring ceremony- was used Rov G W McOreory of tho First Methodist Episcopal church per- forming ¬ the ceremony After a boun ¬ tiful repast the immediate relatives who weio present sent tho happy couple away to Evanston Wyo whoro the husband has prepared a home to which he will take his bride Mr Trask who formerly lived hero is now a passenger fireman on tho Union Paqiflc and deservedly popular with his follow employes and his em- ployers as well While the many friends of tho brldo regret that she Is to leavo Ogden they rejoice In her hnpplnoss LYONPOPE Tho marriage of John Pope of Ver- nal ¬ and Mrs S E Lyon of this city was solemnized Sunday at the home of the brides mother Mrs Wallace YVSlloy at Bountiful Mr Pope Is an attorney and has been engaged In the practice of his profession at Vernal for some time His brldo has been Identified as manager of the Loader Millinery Co for several years past and has a host of friends who will wish her success and happiness The couple spent their honeymoon hi Salt Lake City and will take an extensive trip In the near future SMITHTHALMUELLER- Tho marriage of Miss Birdie A Smith of Chicago and Herman Thul mueller of Butte Mont took place on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs P E Smith The mar riago ceremony was read bj Rev H D Zimmerman and was witnessed bv only a fow friends and relatives The bride was attended by Miss Birdie Sewell of Ogden and John T Spaniel of Superior Wis was host man After visiting In Salt Lake City nvl- rcuthorn Utah for a few weeks Mr end Mrs Thalmuellcr will bo at homo la Butte CONCERT AND BALL One of the social events of the com- ing ¬ week will bo the grand concert and ball to be given under the auspi ¬ ces of the Y M M I A of the Third Ward Wednesday evening January 29 The following program will bo ren ¬ dered In tho ward mooting house com- mencing ¬ at S p in- QuartetSelectedMessrs Grlflln Plckett Klump Purdy- SoloSclectcdMrs S D Bradford Solo Selected Miss Bessie Blair Piano Solo Selected Miss Nelllo Bluth Baritone SoloPartodTastey Mr D Parsowlth Solo Selected Mrs Fred G Clark Tenor SoloSelectedOrson Griffi- nSoioSelectedMiss Ruby Geddes Solo Selected Miss Loreno Farley Baritone SoloA Dream Bart lott Mr D Parsowlth Instrumental Duet Selected Messrs Nylandcr and Jacobson- At the conclusion of the concert dancing will be enjoyed f OGDEN CIRCLE 581 At a regular meeting held In tho Knights of P thias hall Tuesday even- ing Past Guardian Neighbor Alice Col lins Installed the following officers of Ogden Circle 581 Women of Wood- craft ¬ for the ensuing term Past Guardian Neighbor Lulu Gar- ner ¬ Guardian Neighbor Martha A Morris Adviser Virginia Myers Ma- gician ¬ Addle Audgcll Clerk Mario Crites banker Minnie J Planz atten- dant ¬ Susie Alden inside sentinel Louise J Wagner outside sentinel Eliza Bromer Manager for eighteen months JJ Brummltt C of G Susie Griffin musician Mattie L Smith After the Installation ceremonies all repaired to the dining room where- a delicious lunch was served by tho officers of the circle- D OF H INSTALLATION- On Thursday evening Ogden Lodge No 1 Degree of Honor mot and the following officers were installed by Grand Chief of Honor assisted by Grand Deputy Allco Bowen P C of H Estella Becraft C of H Edith Prout L of H Mrs Hughes C of C Mattie Grey record- er ¬ L Jennie Prout financier Janctto Hill receiver Jemima Furniss usher Bernice Williams watch Susie Sims After the Installation ceremonies members and guests partook of a sumptuous banquet the guests yoUng Ogden lodge No1 royal entertainers TOLSTOI CIRCLE Tho Tolstoi circle hold a most prof ¬ itable meeting at tho homo of Mrs F H King on Jefferson avenue Tuesday afternoon The mooting was called to order by the president Mrs Clancey- and the roll call was answered by quotations from Browning The min- utes ¬ of the previous meeting wore read by the secretary and approved Tho subject for the afternoon was Robert Browning Mrs Rang gave- an interesting poem Salesmanship by Solby Davis which was followed- by a carefully prepared biography of I 1 L DONT MISS IT RECORD MATINEE IN BOISE 4rt gives TOO great pleasure to onndorso a show such as tho Siberia Arctic Show Company has played to the Record Matinee They of the House I consider It something young that everyone should see both old and The moving pictures are something wonderful and the stage setting showing the true nature of these people can only be expressed in the words DONT MISS IT JAS A PINNEY Owner Plnnoy Theater Bois- eA A I A A MJ3NDENHALL Mgr < k 1r is c I k- q 0- I i Ii a v tmrn m T tl agfijrt iT foi I v d I havo the pleasure ot tJ over been my plecumro to see recommending attraction as being the most meritorious of Its kind that has I < JOHN B CATRON Mgr Koylor Gr and Theater Walla Walla f SUNDAY MATINEE AT THE ARMORY j ADULTS 50 j OHILDREN 25p- i 0 It k o Robert Browning by Mrs C A Star rattMrs Newcomb read avery beautiful poem entitled Lary Gerflldinea Courtship by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Timely topics was led by Mrs Clancoy after which a lively dis- cussion ¬ followed- The social hour was most pleasantly spent the hostess serving dainty re- freshments ¬ assisted by her charming daughter Nellie The dining room was bright with Japanese decorations The circle adjourned to meet In wp yweoksjwlth Mrs Rosenbluth on Twon- tyflfth street J BIRTHDAY PARTY One of the enjoyable events of the week was a surprise party given Jan- uary ¬ 12 by tho Ladies Auxiliary of tho- U S W V and their friends for Mrs- A Singleton at tho home of her daugh- ter ¬ Mrs J H Knight 342 Bernard street the occasion being Mrs Single ¬ tons slxtjsixth birthday Cards and music wore the features- of the evenings entertainment after which supper was served Those present wcrelfr and Mrs W G Hampton Mr and Mrs G Ol- son ¬ Mr and Mrs A N Walters Mr and Mrs J Walters Mr and Mrs L Housley Mr and Mrs C Unander Mr and Mrs E Batchcloi Mr and Mrs H White Mr and Mrs H Kissel Mrs Hanson Mr N Reynolds C Manzol Jerry Sullvau AT KENSINGTON r Mrs S P Woodmannoo entertained at her cosy home 416 Thirtyfirst street at a delightful Kensington Thursday afternoon An elegant din- ner was served to the Invited guests They included Mrs John Fnrr Mrs G W Vogal Mrs F F Dalton Mrs Joseph Flygaro Mrs S S Smith Mrs Edward Browning Mrs Ai Keer and Mrs Douglass Watson- SPENCERWALKER The home of Mr and Mrs H H Spencer on Twentyfifth street was the tho scene of one of the largest and most billllant social affairs of thosea- son ¬ Wednesday evening when their laughter Eldesta Mary became the bride of Alexander W Walker The decorations for the occasion wero on an elaborate scale the color schemo being white and green Those In tho dining room wero especially ar- tistic and effective From the chande- lier to the corners of the room ropes of evergreen with white tulle festoons and studded with green Incandescent lights were extended A magnificent boquet of white carnations upon a center piece of point lace occupied the center of tho brides table and smilax radiated from this to tho corners Smllax was also festooned from the chandelier to tho corners of the table where tljoy wero fastened with bows of tulle each end of the table was a silver cndolabra In which gr en candles worelighted Smlax ferns palms and potted plants were used in tho parlors with pretty effect Promptly at S30 oclock to the sweet strains of Mendelssohns wed- ding march played by the orchestra the bridal party took their places be neath a bower of ferns and smilax where Rex P Cushuahan perform cd tho simple but Impressive ring cere- mony ¬ The brldc who was given away by her father was attended by Miss Nell Tackett as maid of honor and Miss Frances Joyce as brides ¬ maid while Bernard Spencer brother of the bride was best man The bride was beautiful In an exquisite gown of lace a work of art tho matorlul of which was made of Bruges silk braid by tho brides mother- In her hair was an aigrette of white and gold and she carried a shower boquet of brides roses Miss Tackett was gowned In a dainty pale blue mcssallne with gold trimmings- and carried pink and white roses while Miss Joyce wore a gown of pale blue and white silk scarfing a white aigrette In her hair and carried pink roses When the bride tossed her boquet to tho eager bachelor girls Miss Kittle Fitzgerald was fortunate in catching It About 150 guests called during the evening to extend congratulations and best wishes and were received by Mrs Spencer assisted by Mrs Archie Bigelow Mrs George Matson Mrs Hume Mrs Malone Mrs Bell and Mrs Hanson and Miss Walker sisters- of tho groom who directed them up ¬ stairs where they viewed the wedding presents which were numerous and elegant- In the dining room where light re- freshments wore served Mrs Arm ¬ strong and Mrs Joyce poured the coffee during the early part of tho evening and Mrs I Reynolds and Mrs E Matson during the Latter nart while Miss Margaret Armstrong presented each guest with a dainty box of wed ¬ ding cake A caterer from tho Wober club dispensed delicious punch Throughout tho evening two local orchestras furnished excellent music which was Interspersed with Instru- mental and vocal solos by a number of the guests The bride Is a leader among the younger society and has hosts of lends and the groom Is an enterpris- ing young man of the city being tho secretary of the Spencer Lumber com pan which was recently Incorporated Mr and Mrs Walker be at homo to their friends in a few days at their residence on Adams avenue WELLKNOWN COALVILLE MAN CALLED BY DEATH Coalvlllo Jan 22Thls commun- ity was greatly shockod this mora- ine ¬ to learn of tho auddon death of former City Marshal John Callls who died at 3 oclock Pneumonia was the cause of death Mr Callis complain- ed of a bad cold the first of the week but no one expected any serious troll bio He has always been a healthy man hardly knowing what sickness was Mr Callls was born In London England about forty years ago and came to this country when a mero lad with hit mother Thoy first made theIr home n Bountiful DvisOuLy1 Iit ir movud lo whiichhhcl beci hlsGome evEr Bl I lie followed the occupation of coal miner and mechanic for a number of years working at the coal mines hero When tho new court house was built ho was appointed custodian In 1907 ho was appointed by Sheriff Georgo M Evans a doputy for Coal ¬ vlllo filling that position for two years Ho was also city marshal dur ¬ ing 1908 resigning at tho ond of tho yoar to resume work at the coal mine An International colonial exposition will ho held at Algiers In 1912 land will comfortably feed a family of fOUl persons A i i 1 First Baptist Church Located on Grant avenue between Twentythird and Twent fourth streets Rev H D Zimmerman pastor Services on the coming Lords Day January 21th 1809 asfollowB Sunday school at- 10ocl5ckt31asses for alj Prof Smith superintendent Morning worship at 1115 with sermon by pastor Subject The Greatest Thing In the World The B Y P U will meet at G3Q Top ¬ ic Life Lessons for Me From tho Book of Genesis Lender Dr Edgar Dates Evening worship at 730 A service song and praise Morning music His Ixne Can Never Fall Excoll Mrs H D Zimmerman Evening music Vocal Solo Selected Mrs L F Brookshlrc OrchestraThe Wayfaldo Rose Fisher Misses Susie and Hortense SImlstcr violin and mandolin Vera Frey piano Fern Elliott mandolin Regular covenant and praise ser- vice ¬ Thursday evening at 730 Top- ic ¬ The Secret of a Happy Life Ref- erences ¬ Rom VIII 11 LukeX1720 Ps CXXVI We cordially invite all to attend our services and worship with us First Methodist Episcopal Church Twenty fourth street east of court- house G W McCrecry pastor 10 a- in Sunday school Mr B E Newton superintendent Classes for all 11 a- in morning worship topic Our Priesthood Anthem Seek Ye the Lord chorus choir 030 p m Ep worth League for Young People topic Light That Cannot Be Hidden Lead ¬ ers Misses Humbly and Elsie For ¬ rest Special music A cordial wel- come ¬ to all young people 730 p m Gospel service Sermon by the pastor topic The Sunday Theater Special music by a chorus choir led by H J Ware Prelude In F on pipe organ Miss Jessie Welch Anthem As Pants the Hart chorus choir Offer- tory Canzonotta Miss Welch Male quartette selected Messrs Waite Runioy Lymnn and Ware German Evangelical St Pauls Church At Lutheran church Twenty third and Jefferson street G Hchl pastor residence 18C Thirtieth street Sabbath school at 10 every Sunday Preaching service at 11 n m the sec- ond and fourth Simdav of each month The next service will held this com- ing ¬ Sunday January the 24th at 11 a m A quartet will sing also the scholars of the Sunday school All Germans are cordially Invited Central Park Presbyterian Church Sunday services The Evangelistic meetings at the Central Park Presby- terian ¬ church for the past two weeks have developed a marled Interest The attendance was good notwithstanding- the very unfavorable weather The services on Sunday will be of special Interest Rev Hugh W Rankin preach- ing ¬ morning and evening Tho evening service will be the close of the special meetings Rev Stephen C HIckman- of Kajsvllle who now takes charge of the work will also be present on Sun ¬ day evening First Church of Christ Scientist Holds service at 11 a m In the new Masonic Temple Washington avenue between Twentyfifth and Twenty sixth street Subject Truth Sun- day ¬ school at 9 45 a m Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are held nt S p m The public Is cordially In- vited ¬ to attend those services Free reading rooms are open daily except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 5 p m- in same building First Presbyterian ChurchJohn Edward Carver pastor Morning wor ship at eleven Theme The Most Common Effect of the Most Common- Sin Sunday ochool at 1215 Junior- at 5 Endeavor at C30 Evening preaching at 730 Theme The Place and Power of Real Religion In Public Life A sermon Illustrated by tho life of William Ewart Gladstone Morn- ing ¬ musi- cPreludeSerenade Baumanii Miss Biddle Solo j Miss Mitchell Offertory Champo Poctlque Fritnl Evening music Prelude Adieu Schubert Miss Biddle Duet Tarry With Me Oh My Savior Miss Mitchell Mr Saunders Tenor soloCaivar3Rodney Mr Saunders Offertory Melodic Paderowski- Mleb Biddle The First Congregational Church Adams avenue and Twentyfifth street Noble Strong Elderkln minister Morning service at 11 oclock Sunday January 21th National Child Labor Sunday Sermon The Cry of the Nations Chlldieu Sunday school at 1215 Junior society at 5 p m Senior society at 630 p m Evening ser- vice at 730 oclock The third of the sermons addresses to the legislature- on Some Laws That Must Be Re- pealed Subject Sunday evening Ogdens Demand That No Oaths Bo Required of and No Duties Imposed Upon Its Officials Miss Louise Pierce will play the offertory at both services A trio composed of Mrs Cassidy Mrs Lunbcck and Miss Gun nell will sing at the evening service Flrct Unitarian Church Knightc of Pythias hall Utah National bank building corner Washington avenue and Twcntyfourth street Rev Wil- liam Thurston Brown minister Sun- day January 24th preaching service at 720 In evening Subject The Religion of William Morris The public is cordially invited FRIEND GIVES SKIN TO SAVE INJURED MANS LIFE Chicago Jan 23 Andrew Pelon was hurt re Qntly In a railroad ac oldent and taken to n Hammond Ind hospital where a newlyfound friend proved a friend In need Tho friend was Frank Peters who shared the snmo room with him Felons legs woro badly crushed and It was found necessary to amputate one The sur- geons ¬ said boy could save the other by bkmgraftlng They esti- mated that 146 pieces of skin would- be required Tlw patients brother volunteered but such a quantity of cuticle could not safely bo taken from ono man Another volunteer was needed It was then that Pot ers offered to baro himself to tho knife and aid his roommate II ONE OF THE OLDEST MEN IN AMERICA Escaped the Terrors of r Many Winters b- yUsingFeruna 4 44 a r > L- ar xx Attribute my jZ S Exirerne Old 1 I Age to ilte Use I Q ofPe ru na rp S 2r ti 4 A > I- V f 5i2 5 L Air Isaac Brock 120 Years Old Last Birthday ISAAC BROOK n citizen of McLonnnn I county Texas haa lived for 1 0 years For many years ho resided at Bosquo Falls eighteen milea west of Waco lint now lives with his soulnluw at Volley Mills Texas Mr Brock Is n dignified old gentle- man ¬ showing tow signs of decrepitude His family Blblo is still preserved and it shows that tho dato of his birth was written years ago In speakIng of his good health and extreme bId ago Mr Brock says One of the things I have found out to my entire satisfaction Is tho proper thing aliments that arc due directly to the effects of the climate For 120 years I have withstood the changeable climate of the United States- I havo always bean a very healthy- man but of course subject to tho affec- tions ¬ which aro duo to sudden changes In the climate and temperature HAs for Dr Hartmans remedy Pcruna J have found It to bo the best if not the only rellabrc remedy for these affections It has been my standby for many years and I attribute my good health and extreme old age to this remedy- It exactly meets all mj require- ments ¬ It protects mo from tho ovil ef- fects ¬ of sudden changes it gives mo strength It keeps my blood In good cir- culation ¬ I hnvo como to rely upon It WOMEN WERE IDE CEll YEll c BY ThllM i PROFESSIONAL BEGGAR WITH A ONELUNG STORY Was Doing a Prosperous Business Un- til ¬ the Police Interfered With His Pathetic Recital Frank Moore professional mendl cant hop fiend and eport moneyget tot from unwary but sympathizing femininity was taken Into custody Friday while operating In the resi- dence ¬ section of tho Bench Officer Tom Burk made the arrest end was all but Interfered with by credulous housewives who had listen- ed ¬ attentively to the plaintive tales of the fellow and had given freely of their change to help the poor man lIons Moore Is about as smooth an Indl Odual in the mouchlng line as the officers have run across In some time he Is a sicklylooking follow and can deliver tho most pitiful line of bvrn I athy talk He carried a letter writ- ten ostensibly by a Dr Whitney of Salt Lake which reads as follows- To Whom It May Concern The bearer Frank E Snyder has been treated by me for tho past three months He is suffering of acute lung liouble and T find his only hope lies in a change of cllmato I have ad- vised ¬ him to go to Phoenix Arizona- He Is honest and worthy and dosoiv T almost entirely for tho many little things for whSoh I need medicine When epidemics of In grlppo first began to make their appearance in this country I WUB a sufferer from this dis- ease ¬ H I had several long sieges with the grip At first I did not know that Peruna was a remedy for this disease When I heard that la grippe was epi- demic ¬ catarrh I tried Peruna for la grippe and found it tobejust the thing In a later loiter Mr Brock writes I am well aiid feeling as well as I havo for years Tho only thing that bothers mo IB my sight If I could sea hotter I could walk all over tho farm and it would do mo good I would not bo without Peruna Yours truly cwJ jf A letter dated Jnly 3 1000 written for Mr Brook by his wife Sarah J Brock states Last winter I had just gotten up out of a spell of sickness when I com- menced ¬ taking Pcruna I think It im- proved ¬ my health very much- In a postscript Mrs Brock adds Ho receives a groat many letters in ¬ quiring about what Pcruna will do I do not answer them all an I think thoy can got a bottle and try It big of your consideration Yours truly Signed Jas J Whitney M D When searched at the station a complete cocaine and morphine outfit was found upon him besides a box of yongshu opium which Is eaten and 15 or 20 worth of morphine and cocaine tablets This follow said an officer eslor day is smooth In his work arid was doing a fine business when arrested I In addition to the drtig outfit he had considerable small change which ho had secured from tho women he called upon 1 The police desire to warn the good people against Impostors of this char- acter ¬ and when one Is approached by beggars with letters etc In this way the police should be notified so that an Investigation can bo made Theno frocalled dope heads are especially clever fakirs as the drugs to which they aro addicted give tholr faces a deathlike pallor nnd the pitiful stor i ° s and manner of telling them aro soon acquired by practice SACRAMENTO VALLEY FLOOD Sacramento Cal Jan 2aTho news from tho districts of the Sacra- mento ¬ and Sclano counties last night Is the most discouraging received since the first flood waves swept down r the valley Various reports show that the situation is worse than at any time this season The water has risen slowly and Is near tho tops of tho levees of tho upper part of Sherman Island Ryer Island In Solano and Brannan island which Joins time Whit eli which Is now flooded on the north From Courtland Walnut Grove and Islcton further up time river time report is much more cheorful and hope is strong that Andrus Tyler Ransle and Grand Islands In Sacramento coun ¬ ty and Mcrrltt In Yolo will wtfather tho storm A new flood wave la com- ing ¬ down the Sacramento and will i crest here about noon today I WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS L l l < I y TURNOVERA- NWPLA c c J I rY 40 z- 7oID0lfl19 Left 6Cuustom Deaden lIna i ere stt In Yorn auk Accouin tr find out for yourself WHY TilE 1 RO- d YA- Y L STAN V n lU- TYPEWRITER A JI Is becoming so popular 7t j Why it is able to so successfully compete with f the higher priced machines of other makes WE KNOW and liKe would to show YOU j Get Olle mt Trial M- Lo lHt JBJERAIFlI gden9 Utah AGENT UTAH IDAHO AND WYOMING 1PooL 1 I

The Morning Examiner. (Ogden, Utah) 1909-01-24 [p 2] · JL F-j EEr-H 1-L > N fJ 2 THE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN UTAH SUNDAY JANUARY

Aug 05, 2019



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Page 1: The Morning Examiner. (Ogden, Utah) 1909-01-24 [p 2] · JL F-j EEr-H 1-L > N fJ 2 THE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN UTAH SUNDAY JANUARY








y w Y YWWf 0 or 1





Mrs A P BIgclow will entertainI Iho members of the bridge club and

their husbands on Thursday oVoning

The Past Chiefs society will meetWednesday afternoon at the homo ofMrs Hill 239 Twentysecond street

Mlns Bernice R Kohn daughter ofMr and Mrs A L Kahn leftThursday for Salt Lako City to takea special course In languages andmusic at tho St Marys academy

Tho frlendn of Mrs Jennie Shieldsformerly of Ogden may be Interested-to know that she Is now tho wife ofE W Rauscher a promising youngbusiness man of Salt Lake Olty MraRauechor entered the L D S hos-pital training school for nurses threeyears ago and graduated with honors

i last April and has since been prac-ticing


I in Salt Lako CityI

Mr and Mrs J R Hollenthal ofJuneau Alaska are In the city visit

j tint at the homo of B A Linsley

Sumner Warner and wife have re-

turned from Carlrn

Mrs A L Fryer formerly of Og-

denI but now n resident of Seattle Isin tho city on a visit to old frlonclsand Is tho guest of Mr and Mrs A WMcGaw at 472 Twentyseventh street


Mm H M Rowo visited part of theweek In Salt Lake City with friends


Mrs George West of Portland Ore-gonjweek

visited Ogden friends during the-i


Mrs A R Hoywood was tho guestof Mr and Mrs M C Phillips In Salt

I Lake City this week

Mr and Mrs Fred Root of DenverI are spending a few days In Ogden

with relatives and friends

John R Austin of Salt Lako Cityvlelted his father Councilman J WAustin this week-


Mr and Mrs J T Rushmor spontpart of the week In Salt Lake Cityvisiting Mra Rushmors mother

I Mrs Dr Mathers of MountainHomo Idaho Is the guest of Mr and

j Mrs W A Robertson at 247 Twentyfirst street


The Amalgamated Sugar companygave a dancing party on Wednesdayevening at tho Congress Dancing aca-demy


In commemoration of tho close-of tWo season

A large number of Ogden peoplewill go to Salt Lake City on Mondayevening to attend the Inaugural ballwhich will bo given at tho Odeon

i Miss Frances Joyce and Miss Kathorlno Fitzgerald will leave Goon forWashington D C to attend tho in ¬

augural ceremonies While there theyvlll bo the guests of Mr and MrsGeorge P McCabe


Miss Vera Osborne and Miss Frant COB Huffman entertained the memoI hers of tho Thilnthca club on Friday

evening at tho Methodist church Thoaffair was chaperoned by Mrs Flet-cher and Mrs Huffman

Dr and Mrs Edward I Rich in aletter to Ogden friends announcethat they are stopping at tho Halolwahotel Walaua Hawaiian islands andore having a delightful time Dr andMrs Ezra C Rich are on an European


Itrip and at present In Vienna-

Mr and Mrs C E Bennett haveloft for Missouri and Kansas whorethey will visit relatives for a rowweeks


t At the Weber academy Wednesdayz evening a reception was hold by thet high counsel and auxiliary organiza-

tionsC of tho Weber stake in honor ofD Ray Shurtllff who leaves In a few

It days to take charge of the Liverpool

cfflco of tho LatterDay Saints churchDuring tho evening a program ormusic and addresses was given after

which a danco was enjoyed In the au-ditorium hall Light refreshmentswore served

The ladles of the Episcopal churchwill give a social Thursday evening-at the parish house corner of Grantand Twentyfourth street A fine pro ¬

gram of vocal and Instrumental musicwill be rendered also other pleasingnumbers Refreshments will bo serv-ed


and a pleasant evening Is anticipat-ed


Special invitation Is extended totho young people


Tho Ogden Womens Club to thoRailway Mail Clerks Association anew social club organized by thewives of the mall clerks gave a de-lightful reception Thursday eveningat the homo of Mrs D M Morrison222S Grant avenue About thirtyflvomembers were present

The evening was pleasantly spent Ingames and music An Interesting ad-vertising contest resulted In MrPcttlbone receiving a prize ExcellentInstrumental solos wore played byMrs Bangassor and Mrs Marchantand Mrs Lundcck charmingly sangtwo vocal solos after which light re-freshments


woro served by thohostess





G N C of Ogden Circle 581Women of Woodcraft met at the resi-dence


of Martha A Morris Thursdayafternoon January fourteenth

After the regular business of themooting a few games of cards woreparticipated In by tho following neigh-bors


Baker Morris Planz LightAdams Baumelster Alden CollinsDora and Garner prizes being won byNeighbors Baker and Collins A daintylunch was served

A theater party was the concludingfeature of the pleasant eveningplanned by tho hostess


Tho Neighborhood Birthday clubmet Monday with Mrs Chris Poulsonni her home on north WashingtonMany pretty gifts were received and apleasant social time was spent afterwhich lunch was served

Among the guests were Mrs Stringham Mrs Hall Mrs GIbbs Mrs HoltMrs Hewcs Mrs Cunningham MrsSnyder and Mrs Garner


Officers of Rebekah State Assemblyvlnltod Queen City Robokah LodgeXo 4 Friday evening Sister Wat-kins president of the assembly ad-

vised the members on tho conditions-of Rebekah branch In Utah and thoInterest taken in the good work ofOdd Fellowship

After other members addressed thomembers all wero Invited to the din-Ing room where a banquet prepared-ly the committee was awaiting them


A very pretty homo wedding tookliiaco Thursday opening at the homoof Mr and Mrs A Toponce whentheir daughter Katherine was marnud to Albert F Trask of EvanstonWyo The beautiful ring ceremony-was used Rov G W McOreory of thoFirst Methodist Episcopal church per-forming


the ceremony After a boun ¬

tiful repast the immediate relativeswho weio present sent tho happycouple away to Evanston Wyo whorothe husband has prepared a home towhich he will take his bride

Mr Trask who formerly lived herois now a passenger fireman on thoUnion Paqiflc and deservedly popularwith his follow employes and his em-ployers as well While the manyfriends of tho brldo regret that she Isto leavo Ogden they rejoice In herhnpplnoss


Tho marriage of John Pope of Ver-nal


and Mrs S E Lyon of this citywas solemnized Sunday at the homeof the brides mother Mrs Wallace

YVSlloy at Bountiful Mr Pope Is anattorney and has been engaged In thepractice of his profession at Vernalfor some time His brldo has beenIdentified as manager of the LoaderMillinery Co for several years pastand has a host of friends who will wishher success and happiness

The couple spent their honeymoonhi Salt Lake City and will take anextensive trip In the near future


Tho marriage of Miss Birdie ASmith of Chicago and Herman Thulmueller of Butte Mont took place onWednesday afternoon at the home ofMr and Mrs P E Smith The marriago ceremony was read bj Rev HD Zimmerman and was witnessed bvonly a fow friends and relatives Thebride was attended by Miss BirdieSewell of Ogden and John T Spanielof Superior Wis was host man

After visiting In Salt Lake City nvl-rcuthorn Utah for a few weeks Mrend Mrs Thalmuellcr will bo at homola Butte


One of the social events of the com-ing


week will bo the grand concertand ball to be given under the auspi ¬

ces of the Y M M I A of the ThirdWard Wednesday evening January29

The following program will bo ren ¬

dered In tho ward mooting house com-mencing


at S p in-

QuartetSelectedMessrs GrlfllnPlckett Klump Purdy-

SoloSclectcdMrs S D BradfordSolo Selected Miss Bessie BlairPiano Solo Selected Miss Nelllo

BluthBaritone SoloPartodTastey

Mr D ParsowlthSolo Selected Mrs Fred G ClarkTenor SoloSelectedOrson Griffi-nSoioSelectedMiss Ruby GeddesSolo Selected Miss Loreno FarleyBaritone SoloA Dream Bart

lott Mr D ParsowlthInstrumental Duet Selected

Messrs Nylandcr and Jacobson-At the conclusion of the concert

dancing will be enjoyedfOGDEN CIRCLE 581

At a regular meeting held In thoKnights of P thias hall Tuesday even-ing Past Guardian Neighbor Alice Collins Installed the following officers ofOgden Circle 581 Women of Wood-craft


for the ensuing termPast Guardian Neighbor Lulu Gar-


Guardian Neighbor Martha AMorris Adviser Virginia Myers Ma-gician


Addle Audgcll Clerk MarioCrites banker Minnie J Planz atten-dant


Susie Alden inside sentinelLouise J Wagner outside sentinelEliza Bromer Manager for eighteenmonths J J Brummltt C of G SusieGriffin musician Mattie L Smith

After the Installation ceremonies allrepaired to the dining room where-a delicious lunch was served by thoofficers of the circle-


On Thursday evening Ogden LodgeNo 1 Degree of Honor mot and thefollowing officers were installed byGrand Chief of Honor assisted byGrand Deputy Allco Bowen

P C of H Estella Becraft C ofH Edith Prout L of H MrsHughes C of C Mattie Grey record-er


L Jennie Prout financier JancttoHill receiver Jemima Furniss usherBernice Williams watch Susie Sims

After the Installation ceremoniesmembers and guests partook of asumptuous banquet the guests yoUngOgden lodge No1 royal entertainers


Tho Tolstoi circle hold a most prof ¬

itable meeting at tho homo of Mrs FH King on Jefferson avenue Tuesdayafternoon The mooting was called toorder by the president Mrs Clancey-and the roll call was answered byquotations from Browning The min-utes


of the previous meeting woreread by the secretary and approved

Tho subject for the afternoon wasRobert Browning Mrs Rang gave-

an interesting poem Salesmanshipby Solby Davis which was followed-by a carefully prepared biography of

I 1


4rt gives TOO great pleasure to onndorso a show such as tho Siberia Arctic Show Company hasplayed to the Record Matinee Theyof the House I consider It somethingyoung that everyone should see both old andThe moving pictures are something wonderful and the stage setting showing the true nature of thesepeople can only be expressed in the words DONT MISS IT

JAS A PINNEY Owner Plnnoy Theater Bois-eAA




1r is cI





v tmrn mTtl agfijrt iT foi I v

d I havo the pleasure ot tJover been my plecumro to see

recommending attraction as being the most meritorious of Its kind that hasI

< JOHN B CATRON Mgr Koylor Gr and Theater Walla Walla


i 0It



Robert Browning by Mrs C A StarrattMrs Newcomb read avery beautifulpoem entitled Lary GerflldineaCourtship by Elizabeth BarrettBrowning Timely topics was led byMrs Clancoy after which a lively dis-


followed-The social hour was most pleasantly

spent the hostess serving dainty re-freshments


assisted by her charmingdaughter Nellie The dining roomwas bright with Japanese decorations

The circle adjourned to meet In wpyweoksjwlth Mrs Rosenbluth on Twon-tyflfth street J


One of the enjoyable events of theweek was a surprise party given Jan-uary


12 by tho Ladies Auxiliary of tho-U S W V and their friends for Mrs-A Singleton at tho home of her daugh-ter


Mrs J H Knight 342 Bernardstreet the occasion being Mrs Single ¬

tons slxtjsixth birthdayCards and music wore the features-

of the evenings entertainment afterwhich supper was served

Those present wcrelfr and MrsW G Hampton Mr and Mrs G Ol-


Mr and Mrs A N Walters Mrand Mrs J Walters Mr and Mrs LHousley Mr and Mrs C Unander Mrand Mrs E Batchcloi Mr and MrsH White Mr and Mrs H Kissel MrsHanson Mr N Reynolds C ManzolJerry Sullvau

AT KENSINGTON rMrs S P Woodmannoo entertained

at her cosy home 416 Thirtyfirststreet at a delightful KensingtonThursday afternoon An elegant din-ner was served to the Invited guests

They included Mrs John FnrrMrs G W Vogal Mrs F F DaltonMrs Joseph Flygaro Mrs S SSmith Mrs Edward Browning MrsAi Keer and Mrs Douglass Watson-


The home of Mr and Mrs H HSpencer on Twentyfifth street wasthe tho scene of one of the largest andmost billllant social affairs of thosea-son


Wednesday evening when theirlaughter Eldesta Mary became thebride of Alexander W Walker

The decorations for the occasionwero on an elaborate scale the colorschemo being white and green ThoseIn tho dining room wero especially ar-tistic and effective From the chande-lier to the corners of the room ropesof evergreen with white tulle festoonsand studded with green Incandescentlights were extended A magnificentboquet of white carnations upon acenter piece of point lace occupied thecenter of tho brides table and smilaxradiated from this to tho cornersSmllax was also festooned fromthe chandelier to tho corners ofthe table where tljoy wero fastenedwith bows of tulle each end of thetable was a silver cndolabra In whichgr en candles worelighted Smlaxferns palms and potted plants wereused in tho parlors with pretty effect

Promptly at S30 oclock to thesweet strains of Mendelssohns wed-ding march played by the orchestrathe bridal party took their places beneath a bower of ferns and smilaxwhere Rex P Cushuahan performcd tho simple but Impressive ring cere-mony


The brldc who was givenaway by her father was attended byMiss Nell Tackett as maid of honorand Miss Frances Joyce as brides ¬

maid while Bernard Spencer brotherof the bride was best man The bridewas beautiful In an exquisite gown oflace a work of art tho matorlulof which was made of Brugessilk braid by tho brides mother-In her hair was an aigrette ofwhite and gold and she carried ashower boquet of brides roses MissTackett was gowned In a dainty paleblue mcssallne with gold trimmings-and carried pink and white roseswhile Miss Joyce wore a gown of paleblue and white silk scarfing a whiteaigrette In her hair and carried pinkroses When the bride tossed herboquet to tho eager bachelor girlsMiss Kittle Fitzgerald was fortunatein catching It

About 150 guests called during theevening to extend congratulations andbest wishes and were received byMrs Spencer assisted by Mrs ArchieBigelow Mrs George Matson MrsHume Mrs Malone Mrs Bell andMrs Hanson and Miss Walker sisters-of tho groom who directed them up¬

stairs where they viewed the weddingpresents which were numerous andelegant-

In the dining room where light re-freshments wore served Mrs Arm ¬

strong and Mrs Joyce poured thecoffee during the early part of thoevening and Mrs I Reynolds and MrsE Matson during the Latter nart whileMiss Margaret Armstrong presentedeach guest with a dainty box of wed ¬

ding cake A caterer from tho Woberclub dispensed delicious punch

Throughout tho evening two localorchestras furnished excellent musicwhich was Interspersed with Instru-mental and vocal solos by a numberof the guests

The bride Is a leader among theyounger society and has hosts oflends and the groom Is an enterpris-ing young man of the city being thosecretary of the Spencer Lumber compan which was recently Incorporated

Mr and Mrs Walker be at homoto their friends in a few days at theirresidence on Adams avenue


Coalvlllo Jan 22Thls commun-ity was greatly shockod this mora-ine


to learn of tho auddon death offormer City Marshal John Callls whodied at 3 oclock Pneumonia was thecause of death Mr Callis complain-ed of a bad cold the first of the weekbut no one expected any serious trollbio He has always been a healthyman hardly knowing what sicknesswas

Mr Callls was born In LondonEngland about forty years ago andcame to this country when a merolad with hit mother Thoy first madetheIr home n Bountiful DvisOuLy1

Iit ir movud lowhiichhhcl beci hlsGome evEr Bl I

lie followed the occupation of coalminer and mechanic for a number ofyears working at the coal mineshero When tho new court house wasbuilt ho was appointed custodianIn 1907 ho was appointed by SheriffGeorgo M Evans a doputy for Coal ¬

vlllo filling that position for twoyears Ho was also city marshal dur ¬

ing 1908 resigning at tho ond of thoyoar to resume work at the coal mine

An International colonial expositionwill ho held at Algiers In 1912land will comfortably feed a family offOUl persons




First Baptist Church Located onGrant avenue between Twentythirdand Twent fourth streets Rev HD Zimmerman pastor Services onthe coming Lords Day January 21th1809 asfollowB Sunday school at-10ocl5ckt31asses for alj Prof Smithsuperintendent Morning worship at1115 with sermon by pastor SubjectThe Greatest Thing In the World

The B Y P U will meet at G3Q Top ¬

ic Life Lessons for Me From thoBook of Genesis Lender Dr EdgarDates Evening worship at 730 Aservice song and praise Morningmusic His Ixne Can Never Fall

ExcollMrs H D Zimmerman

Evening musicVocal Solo Selected

Mrs L F BrookshlrcOrchestraThe Wayfaldo Rose

FisherMisses Susie and Hortense SImlstcr

violin and mandolin Vera Freypiano Fern Elliott mandolin

Regular covenant and praise ser-vice


Thursday evening at 730 Top-ic


The Secret of a Happy Life Ref-erences


Rom VIII 11 LukeX1720Ps CXXVI We cordially invite all toattend our services and worship withus

First Methodist Episcopal ChurchTwenty fourth street east of court-house G W McCrecry pastor 10 a-

in Sunday school Mr B E Newtonsuperintendent Classes for all 11 a-

in morning worship topic OurPriesthood Anthem Seek Ye theLord chorus choir 030 p m Epworth League for Young People topicLight That Cannot Be Hidden Lead ¬

ers Misses Humbly and Elsie For ¬

rest Special music A cordial wel-come


to all young people 730 p mGospel service Sermon by the pastortopic The Sunday Theater Specialmusic by a chorus choir led by H JWare Prelude In F on pipe organMiss Jessie Welch Anthem AsPants the Hart chorus choir Offer-tory Canzonotta Miss WelchMale quartette selected MessrsWaite Runioy Lymnn and Ware

German Evangelical St PaulsChurch At Lutheran church Twentythird and Jefferson street G Hchlpastor residence 18C Thirtieth streetSabbath school at 10 every SundayPreaching service at 11 n m the sec-

ond and fourth Simdav of each monthThe next service will held this com-ing


Sunday January the 24th at 11a m A quartet will sing also thescholars of the Sunday school AllGermans are cordially Invited

Central Park Presbyterian ChurchSunday services The Evangelisticmeetings at the Central Park Presby-terian


church for the past two weekshave developed a marled Interest Theattendance was good notwithstanding-the very unfavorable weather Theservices on Sunday will be of specialInterest Rev Hugh W Rankin preach-ing


morning and evening Tho eveningservice will be the close of the specialmeetings Rev Stephen C HIckman-of Kajsvllle who now takes charge ofthe work will also be present on Sun ¬

day evening

First Church of Christ ScientistHolds service at 11 a m In the newMasonic Temple Washington avenuebetween Twentyfifth and Twentysixth street Subject Truth Sun-day


school at 9 45 a m Wednesdayevening testimonial meetings are heldnt S p m The public Is cordially In-


to attend those services Freereading rooms are open daily exceptSundays and holidays from 2 to 5 p m-

in same building

First Presbyterian ChurchJohnEdward Carver pastor Morning worship at eleven Theme The MostCommon Effect of the Most Common-Sin Sunday ochool at 1215 Junior-at 5 Endeavor at C30 Eveningpreaching at 730 Theme The Placeand Power of Real Religion In PublicLife A sermon Illustrated by tholife of William Ewart Gladstone Morn-ing


musi-cPreludeSerenade Baumanii

Miss BiddleSolo j

Miss MitchellOffertory Champo Poctlque Fritnl

Evening musicPrelude Adieu Schubert

Miss BiddleDuet Tarry With Me Oh My

SaviorMiss Mitchell Mr Saunders

Tenor soloCaivar3RodneyMr Saunders

Offertory Melodic Paderowski-Mleb Biddle

The First Congregational ChurchAdams avenue and Twentyfifth streetNoble Strong Elderkln ministerMorning service at 11 oclock SundayJanuary 21th National Child LaborSunday Sermon The Cry of theNations Chlldieu Sunday school at1215 Junior society at 5 p m Seniorsociety at 630 p m Evening ser-vice at 730 oclock The third of thesermons addresses to the legislature-on Some Laws That Must Be Re-pealed Subject Sunday eveningOgdens Demand That No Oaths Bo

Required of and No Duties ImposedUpon Its Officials Miss LouisePierce will play the offertory at bothservices A trio composed of MrsCassidy Mrs Lunbcck and Miss Gunnell will sing at the evening service

Flrct Unitarian Church Knightc ofPythias hall Utah National bankbuilding corner Washington avenueand Twcntyfourth street Rev Wil-liam Thurston Brown minister Sun-day January 24th preaching serviceat 720 In evening Subject TheReligion of William Morris Thepublic is cordially invited


Chicago Jan 23 Andrew Pelonwas hurt re Qntly In a railroad acoldent and taken to n Hammond Indhospital where a newlyfound friendproved a friend In need Tho friendwas Frank Peters who shared thesnmo room with him Felons legsworo badly crushed and It was foundnecessary to amputate one The sur-geons


said boy could save theother by bkmgraftlng They esti-mated that 146 pieces of skin would-be required Tlw patients brothervolunteered but such a quantity ofcuticle could not safely bo takenfrom ono man Another volunteerwas needed It was then that Poters offered to baro himself to thoknife and aid his roommate II


Escaped the Terrors of

r Many Winters b-


444 a

r > L-ar

xxAttribute my

jZ SExirerne Old

1 I Age to ilte Use

I Q ofPe ru narp

S 2r ti4

A> I-

V f 5i25LAir Isaac Brock 120 Years Old Last Birthday

ISAAC BROOK n citizen of McLonnnnI county Texas haa lived for 1 0 years

For many years ho resided at BosquoFalls eighteen milea west of Waco lintnow lives with his soulnluw at VolleyMills Texas

Mr Brock Is n dignified old gentle-man


showing tow signs of decrepitudeHis family Blblo is still preserved

and it shows that tho dato of his birthwas written years ago

In speakIng of his good health andextreme bId ago Mr Brock says

One of the things I have found outto my entire satisfaction Is tho properthing aliments that arc due directlyto the effects of the climate For 120years I have withstood the changeableclimate of the United States-

I havo always bean a very healthy-man but of course subject to tho affec-tions


which aro duo to sudden changesIn the climate and temperature

HAs for Dr Hartmans remedyPcruna J have found It to bo the bestif not the only rellabrc remedy for theseaffections It has been my standbyfor many years and I attribute mygood health and extreme old age tothis remedy-

It exactly meets all mj require-ments


It protects mo from tho ovil ef-fects


of sudden changes it gives mostrength It keeps my blood In good cir-culation


I hnvo como to rely upon It




BY ThllM


Was Doing a Prosperous Business Un-til


the Police Interfered WithHis Pathetic Recital

Frank Moore professional mendlcant hop fiend and eport moneygettot from unwary but sympathizingfemininity was taken Into custodyFriday while operating In the resi-dence


section of tho BenchOfficer Tom Burk made the arrest

end was all but Interfered with bycredulous housewives who had listen-ed


attentively to the plaintive tales ofthe fellow and had given freely oftheir change to help the poor manlIons

Moore Is about as smooth an IndlOdual in the mouchlng line as theofficers have run across In some timehe Is a sicklylooking follow and candeliver tho most pitiful line of bvrnI athy talk He carried a letter writ-ten ostensibly by a Dr Whitney ofSalt Lake which reads as follows-

To Whom It May Concern Thebearer Frank E Snyder has beentreated by me for tho past threemonths He is suffering of acute lungliouble and T find his only hope liesin a change of cllmato I have ad-vised


him to go to Phoenix Arizona-He Is honest and worthy and dosoiv


almost entirely for tho many littlethings for whSoh I need medicine

When epidemics of In grlppo firstbegan to make their appearance in thiscountry I WUB a sufferer from this dis-


HI had several long sieges with thegrip At first I did not know thatPeruna was a remedy for this diseaseWhen I heard that la grippe was epi-demic


catarrh I tried Peruna for lagrippe and found it tobejust the thing

In a later loiter Mr Brock writesI am well aiid feeling as well as I

havo for years Tho only thing thatbothers mo IB my sight If I could seahotter I could walk all over tho farmand it would do mo good I would notbo without Peruna

Yours truly

cwJ jfA letter dated Jnly 3 1000 written for

Mr Brook by his wife Sarah J Brockstates

Last winter I had just gotten up outof a spell of sickness when I com-menced


taking Pcruna I think It im-proved


my health very much-In a postscript Mrs Brock addsHo receives a groat many letters in ¬

quiring about what Pcruna will do Ido not answer them all an I think thoycan got a bottle and try It

big of your consideration Yourstruly Signed Jas J Whitney M D

When searched at the station acomplete cocaine and morphine outfitwas found upon him besides a boxof yongshu opium which Is eatenand 15 or 20 worth of morphine andcocaine tablets

This follow said an officer eslorday is smooth In his work arid wasdoing a fine business when arrested I

In addition to the drtig outfit he hadconsiderable small change which hohad secured from tho women he calledupon


The police desire to warn the goodpeople against Impostors of this char-acter


and when one Is approached bybeggars with letters etc In this waythe police should be notified so thatan Investigation can bo made Thenofrocalled dope heads are especiallyclever fakirs as the drugs to whichthey aro addicted give tholr faces adeathlike pallor nnd the pitiful stori°s and manner of telling them arosoon acquired by practice


Sacramento Cal Jan 2aThonews from tho districts of the Sacra-mento


and Sclano counties last nightIs the most discouraging receivedsince the first flood waves swept down rthe valley Various reports show thatthe situation is worse than at any timethis season The water has risenslowly and Is near tho tops of tholevees of tho upper part of ShermanIsland Ryer Island In Solano andBrannan island which Joins time Whiteli which Is now flooded on thenorth From Courtland Walnut Groveand Islcton further up time river timereport is much more cheorful and hopeis strong that Andrus Tyler Ransleand Grand Islands In Sacramento coun ¬

ty and Mcrrltt In Yolo will wtfathertho storm A new flood wave la com-ing


down the Sacramento and will icrest here about noon today


L l l < I y


c c J I rY 40 z-

7oID0lfl19 Left 6Cuustom Deaden lIna i

erestt In Yorn auk Accouin tr

find out for yourself WHY

TilE 1







Is becoming so popular 7t jWhy it is able to so successfully compete with f

the higher priced machines of other makes

WE KNOW andliKe

wouldto show YOU j

Get Olle mt Trial M-


