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The Miracale of Tithing Book

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book



    Dedicated to tithers and

    future tithers everywhere.

  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book



    I n t h i s b o o k I w a n t t o s h a r e aprinciple that creates miracles for me

    and can do t he same fo r you . Theprinciple I am speaking of is tith ing.Tithing is the best kept prosperity

    secret in existence. Its an old secrett h a t w o r k s y e t h a s b e e n v i r t u a l l yforgotten.

    T i t h i ng i s a s ens i t i ve s ub j ec t .Ministers, for the most part, are afraidt o s p e a k a b o u t t i t h i n g f o r f e a r o f a l ien at ing the i r congregat ion . I f aminister does talk about tithing some

    members f ee l tha t i t i s a l l tha t theminister talks about.

    I will help you to comprehend thisgreat principle which will open lifescornucopia of unlimited good, so youcan experience it. To hear the principleof tithing (giving) is to comprehend it;to regularly and systematically t i the(give and subsequently receive) in ever


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    increasing amounts, is to comprehendthis phenomenal principle.

    I w r o t e t h i s b o o k o n t i t h i n gbecause I was asked to do so by a greatmin i st er f r iend who knows th a t my

    wife, Patty, and I believe in t i thing,practice it faithfu lly, and harvest (reap)i ts results . Ou r l ives are blessed inexceedingly bountiful ways because wegive to spiritual causes that nurture andbless us.

    Pr ior to 1974 ( the year I wentbankrupt), I had heard this life-givingprinciple lamely discussed. The reasonis that, unfortunately, most ministersfeel ashamed to ask for tithes becausethey do not believe in or practice thisprinciple, so they cannot speak about itw i t h f e e l i n g , c o n v i c t i o n a n dtestimonials from their own experience.

    After going bankrupt, and findingmys e l f men t a l l y , s p i r i t ua l l y andemot ional ly depressed, I decided to . . . s eek and f i nd t he p r os pe r i t y


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    principles, which I wrote into my book, How to Achieve Total Prosperity. Inexploring for principles that can workfor anyone and everyone, I discoveredtith ing. I started by giving a little and

    k e p t i n c r e a s i n g i t a s m y r e t u r n si nc r eas ed i n v i r t ua l l y au t omat i c ,invisible and often un expected ways.

    Miracles never cease to amaze me. Iexpect them, but their consistent arrivalis always deligh tfu l to experience. Forexampl e , we f i nanced an i ncomeproducing house at a high interest rateafter tith ing. The ban ker called backunexpectedly and offered us alternativef inan cin g a t a lower r ate . To g iveanother example , as a profess ionalspeaker, I discovered that one dubiouspromoter bilked my colleagues out offees, although he had paid me in full.One last example; when it is possible toget a sale price, a discount or a specialdeal on anyth ing that Patty or I want, itis always available to us.


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    Thes e even t s cou l d be ca l l edcircumstance, but I choose to believethat right giving and an attitude ofgratitude seals the deal with God, andul t imate ly the r e turns are going to

    always be greater than the investment.This has been m y experience.

    God said that on earth there willalways be a seedt ime and harves t(Genesis 8:22). The seedt ime is tith ingt ime. Saint Paul said of the etern al lawof sowing and reaping in Galatians 6:7,Be not deceived; God is not mockedfor whatsoever a man soweth, that shallhe also reap. Therefore, give with thebelief that you shall receive a Biblicallypromised, mult ipl ied return and youshall have it.

    I have had lots of challenges (somecall them problems) because I have bigdreams, goals and desires, but theseprinciples have shown me that God ismy never-ending source of supply of allgood.


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    As a t i t he r you au t omat i ca l l ybecome solution-oriented rather thanprob lem-oriented. Its a mystical andunexpla inable phenomena tha t jus thap pen s. I remem ber my dear friend

    Chip Collins, who helped me to beginmy speaking career when I was twenty-six years of age. He was down to h is lastthirty-five cents and had a wife and ababy to feed and no hope of earningany mon ey. With tears in his eyes, hestarted beating on his steering wheels ay i ng , God , wha t s hou l d I do?Intuition flared and told him to tithe.He figured thirty-five cents would noteven buy mi l k f o r h i s baby , s o hei mmedi a t e l y wen t i n t o a Ca t ho l i cChurch and prayerfully put thirty-fivecent s in the offerin g plate. As he walkedo u t a f e el in g t o l d h i m t o s o li c it aspeaking engagement in a nearby realestate office. He did, and was h ired andprepaid his $200 fee which saved hisf ami l y f r om s t a r va t i on , l ack and


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    limitation . It also re-established hisself-esteem as a good provider. He hass i nce become a d i s c i p l i ned andcomm itted tither.

    You r need s and m ine exist to b e

    met, not to intimidate, embarrass andharass us.

    When you are reading a principlethat applied to you, as you read thisbook, take it personally, initial it andapp l y t he p r i nc i p l e i mmedi a t e l y .Constantly ask yourself, How can I usethis? or If I am using it, how can Iimprove my use of th is principle?

    The guarantee tha t God i s yoursource is in Philippians 4:19, My Godshall supply all your needs according tohis riches in glor y by Christ Jesus. Yousee, Jesus demonstrated what we shoulddo by the giving nature of the lifestylethat he lead.

    Note that what you receive is notmultiplied but only that which you giveis m ult ipl ied. Give and it sh all be


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    given unto you; good measure, pressedd o w n , a n d s h a k e n t o g e t h e r , a n drunning over, shall men give into yourbosom . For with the same measure thatyou measure, with it shall be measure

    to you again . Luke 6:38Giving makes you more productive.

    Even the little lad who gave h is lunch offive loaves and two fishes had Jesusmultiply his gift to feed 5,000 hungrypeople and gave back to the lad twelvebaskets fu ll. Please no te th at givingserves the giver, many others, and isreturned multiplied.

    In summation, t i thing works forthose who work with tith ing. If youhave never t r i ed i t , g ive i t a three-mon th trial. Remem ber, when you give,like attracts like. If need be, start withone- pe r cen t o f your i ncome , t i me ,energy or effort and build up to ten-percen t. A great philosopher once said,Whatever you want more of, give someof it away.


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    Patty taught me that our life-forceen ergy increases by giving. All greatpeople are givers. They give 100% ofthemselves to whatever project theyapproach. I am talking abou t people

    like Bob Hop e, John Crean , etc. Youand I are remembered for what we give,no t what we get in life. Make the givingprinciple real and personal in your lifeby test ing i t against every need youhave; mentally, physically, financially,socially or spiritually. These principleshave never fai led me and r ight ful lyemployed, they canno t fail you .

    I n m y b o o k , Future Diary , Iencourage you to write down whatever

    good you desire in the fut ure. Expandthat idea to include writing down whatyou wan t to t i t he fin an cial ly. Youdecide what you want to earn, writedown what you will pledge from it.

    Every year increase the amo un t .Perhaps there is a great talent to whomyou want to tithe. Bob Hope does and


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    he encou rages oth ers to do so. Youcould create a foundation for children,like Del Smith did in my name, calledThe Mark Victor Hansen ChildrensFree Enterpr i se Fund, Inc . in

    McMinnville, Oregon. It operates muchl ike a bank, making loans to youngentrep reneu rs. Wh atever your greatfuture gift (tithe) is to life, please writeit down and make it clear. Perhap s youcan make it so outrageously spectacularand life-benefiting that you can inducea lot of other people into helping yourealize your dream .

    Be a g r ea t t i t he r and you wi l lreceive as Biblically promised, 10,000times 10,000 blessings.


    Enjoy your great good!


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    The Miracle of Tithing

    What is t he purpose of

    t it hing? Why should I t it he?

    Every indiv idual s purpose intithing is to open up his/her awarenessof universal laws. Tithin g opens you, toyou. You are an un limited individu al,deprived of a fuller, richer life partlyb e c a u s e o f l a c k o f t h e t i t h i n gexperience and expression in life. Oneneeds to do it for him or herself (andfamily) to get into the fourth dimension

    ( l o v e a n d s p i r i t u a l d i m e n s i o n o f wholeness) that is unavailable to theun enlightened. Tithin g will help youto truly know yourself. When doin gthis remember to rely on Gods abilityto p rovide, not your human abilit y.


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    What results can I expect if It ithe?

    Tithing consciousness, at its best,allows an individual, family or bu siness,

    to become success fu l , f lour i sh andth r ive. The Bible teaches th at t ru ep r os pe r i t y i nc l udes hav i ng s u r p l usmoney for your every need and desire,and peaking health to live happily, fullyand confidently.

    Should I feel guilt y about nottithing?

    Guil t Random House Dictionarydef ines as a f ee ling o f r emorse orresponsibility for some offense, crime orwrong, whether real or imagined.

    Therefore , f ee l ings of gui l t a recounter-productive to your own greatergood. Guilt is a form o f self-persecut ionand h as no positive pay-off. If you havenot tithed, dont feel guilty about it .However, once you make your decisionto tithe, stick to it!


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    Is it t rue that most of theBibles heroes are men ofwealth?

    It is absolutely true that Abraham,Isaac, Joseph, Jacob, David, Solomonand others , prospered great ly. Godrewards indiv idual s for wise lye m p l o y i n g a n d m a x i m i z i n g t h e i rresources. God prom ises prosperit y,and a long, full life to all who t ithe.

    I n Chap t e r 13 o f Genesis, i t i srecorded that Abraham was very richi n ca t t l e , s i l ve r , and i n go l d ; t husfulfilling Gods earlier promise...and I

    will bless you and make you great.Each o f u s can pe r s ona l i ze andi nd i v i dua l i ze God s p r omi s e t oAbr aham as ou r own va l uab l e andv i ab l e a f f i rma t i on . I n your deepmeditations hear God tell you, ...and Iwill bless you and make you great.

    I s aac i s des c r i bed i n t he 26 t hc h a p t e r o f Genesis, a s hav i ng


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    possessions of flocks and possessionsof herds and much wealth.

    In the 29th Chapter ofChronicles,the n arrative tells of Davids gifts towardthe con struction of the temple. These

    gif ts included one mill ion talents of gold , two mi l l ion t a l en t s of s i lver ,t o g e t h e r w i t h p r e c i o u s s t o n e s a n dpearls. Then the chiefs of the tribesmatched the gifts with some of theirown; f ive th ou sand t a len t s of gold ,twenty thousand talents of tin as well asbrass and iron .

    According to James Dean, Ph.D.,au thor of The Keys That Unlock TheScriptures, a talent of gold at thirty-fivedollars an ounce was worth $55,270.83,and a talent of silver based on $90.05per oun ce was worth $1,269.83. Nowthat is prosperity!

    David truly understood how to useweal th wise ly by seeking f i r s t theKingdom and having all (good) thingsadded unto him. David told Solomon :


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    And keep the charge of the Lord andwalk in his ways and keep his statutes...that you may prosper in all that you doand succeed wherever you go.

    Solomon obviously accepted th is

    idea because he went on to become therichest man in the world at th at time.

    What all of this means is that whenyou recognize, and use the spir i tuall aws of univer se , you wi l l haveunlimited good at your beck-and-call.As you control your thought patterns toproduce plenty and abundance, theywill do just th at.


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    Should I t it he in secret or inthe open?

    Tithing primarily is a private affairbet ween you and God (your good). Letyour conscience be your guide as towhether you want to witness to othersabout tith ing. If it makes you feel goodto share your tithing experiences withspiritually awakened others, do it. If youtalk about tithing before the spirituallyunenlightened, they may ridicule you.

    One of the richest men on earth, W.Clement Stone, has had a magnificentobsession of being Americas greatestphilan th ropist and tither. He does at r e m e n d o u s a m o u n t o f g o o d a n dencourages others to do likewise. WhenDr. Rober t Schul ler interviewed W.Clement Stone about how it feels to bereally rich, Stone answered, It gives methe power to do a great deal of good.You have the ability to do as m uch o rmo re. Please do it, I am cheerin g youon .


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    Should I make tit hing a life-long habit?

    Absolutely, yes! Tithing is easy if itbecomes a regular and systematic habit.Give ten percent of your gross incomea n d l i v e o n t h e r e m a i n i n g n i n e t ypercent. The first ten percent belongsto God, and pract iced t i thers wouldnever dream of taking any of it. Theylive intelligently in the principle andreceive untold blessings, benefits andprotect ion. They are devoted to giving,receive the multiplied returns, and arefree from finan cial difficult y. If youshow me a per son having f inancia ldifficult ies Ill show you a non -t ither. Iknow thousands of t i thers and everyone of them enjoys prosperity -- that isyour spirit ual right. It is Gods pleasuret o g i ve us t he w i s dom, i f we a r erighteous (i.e., rightly using our mindand wisely using his principles l ike


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    t i t h i ng ) . T it he r s may h ave o t h e rproblems but they never are in want.We either believe that The Lord is myshepherd, I shall not want, o r we dont.I believe it, and if you really believe it

    you will demon strate it.


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    Is tit hing encouragedthroughout t he Bible?

    The Bible def in i t e ly prescr ibest i th ing again and again , in the OldTestamen t and the New Testamen t. Itencourages each person to make tithinga corn erstone in their lives. Tithin gensures freedom from material caresand is essential to the development ofthe soul.

    Throughout his tory many of them o s t s u c c e s s f u l a n d o u t s t a n d i n gbusiness people have attributed theirvas t s ucces s es and p r os pe r i t y t oobtaining and maintaining a habit oftithing.

    And a l l t he t i t he o f t he l and ,whether of the seed or the land, or ofthe fruit of the tree, is the Lords: it isholy unto the Lord. Lev. 27:30

    H o n o r t h e L o r d w i t h t h ysubstance, and with the first fruits oftheir increase, so shall thy barns befilled with plenty, and thy presses shall


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    burst with n ew wind . Prov.When Jacob had his mystical vision

    of the ladder reaching into heaven hedecided to adopt the practice of tith ing,realizing that; God will be with me,

    and will keep me in the way that I go,and w i l l g i ve me b r ead t o ea t andraiment to put on so that I come againto my fathers hou se in peace.

    The only source and supply of allgoo d i s God . Cus t om er s , c l ien t s ,employers, employees, et al, are merelyi n s t r u m e n t s t h r o u g h w h i c h G o d ssupply is being channeled.


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    What happens if I t ithe?

    It is not if you tithe, after hearingor reading th is message. It is when yout i t h e t h a t t h e q u e s t i o n b e c o m e srelevant.

    The answer is simply; an individualwho f u l f i l l s t he l aw o f t i t h i ng ,inevitably demonstrates prosperity.

    The law states that one should setaside ten percent of their gross income tothe service of God. This should be givenfor the sake of giving, not given for thesake of gett ing. It is important to do itbecause it feels right. Thought combinedwith feeling in the process of giving,guarantees that prosperity will increase byleaps and bounds until all fears of povertydisappear. Fear of povert y causes peopleto stay impoverished. As Job said, Thething I have so greatly feared has comeupon me. Tithing with head-faith andheart-faith prevents the disease calledpoverty, by creating a state of mental,spiritual and financial prosperity.


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    What is the necessaryprerequisite for tithing?

    The appropriate prerequisite for tithingis a state of mind that knows, understands,and believes that tith ing works. A titherwho gives in a stingy or begrudging mannerreceives in a stingy begrudging manner.

    Tithing should not be done in a senseof superstition, fear, guilt, or with anym isgivin gs. Such negative states ofconsciousness preclude any demonstrationsof prosperity.

    Tithing is an extremely efficient andeffective act of faith. The practice of tithingwill deepen your whole-hearted feeling andconviction that it works, as the miraculousresults pour into your experience.


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    I f I have cash f low now anddont t ithe , what happens?

    Rem em be r always: God is th esource and supply of all good.

    If we dont tithe, it mean s either weare ignorant of the law of tithing or wedon t believe in Gods law.

    If you know you should tithe anddont, you will reap in experience whatyou sow in con sciou sness. You m ayl os e e i t he r wha t you have o r i t sabund ant flow. It is like the automobiledriver who knows the car needs oil anddoes no t put it in. Soon er or later thecar s t a l l s . Mater i a l pro sper i t y, nomatter how vast, inevitably stalls unlessspi ri tu a l prosper i ty u nderwr i t es i t ssacred f low by regular , sys temat ictithing.

    I know of people v io la t ing th i sprinciple who have gone broke, beenfired, exhausted their unemployment


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    insurance, had their business burnedout, etc.

    If you have never tried tithing, giveit a th ree-mon th trial period. After that,you w i l l neve r aga i n ques t i on i t s



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    What exactly is tit hing?

    One needs to tithe ten-percent onthei r gross income plus a l l o f the i rd i v i dends f r om t he i r i nves t men t s .Therefore, i f one earns one hundreddollars, their weekly tithe should be tendo l l a r s. Ti t h i n g i s no t t o gen e r a lcharities, philanthropies or for materialgiving. A tithe is not ten percent of theamount one is able to save out of his orher income.

    As a layman, I am always amazed atthe church a t t endees who t i the oned o l l a r a n d t h i n k t h a t t h e y h a v econt ributed their fair share. That wouldmean that they only earned ten dollarsth at week. Ive wit n essed masses ofpeople prevent ing thei r own greatergo o d b y n o t t i t h i n g f a it h f u l ly a n dhon estly with excitement and love.


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    Tithing is devoted to spreading theknowledge of the spiritual truth s. Untilt h i s happens , no educa t i on , s oc i a lreform, or political reform will do anylast in g good . Each person needs to

    learn the spiritual truth and use it. Jesussaid You shall know the tru th and thetruth shall set you free.


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    How oft en should I tit he?

    The bes t t i me t o t i t he i simmediately upon receipt of income,whether da i ly , weekly , monthly ,quarterly or annually. It is easier to do alittle at a time, as it arrives, than to waitand attempt a big payment. If you dontplan to attend your spiritual center, maila check whenever you receive income.

    Give and i t shall be given untoyou ; good meas ur e , p r es s ed down ,shaken together, and run ning over, shallmen give unto your bosom. For withthe same measure that you measure, itshall be measured to you again. Luke6:38

    Tithing was obligatory according toHebrew law and it is worthwhile to notethat as long as tithing prevailed, theHebrew nation prospered collectively


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    and ind ividu ally. All who have evertried it honestly and faithfully have hadthe same great results. Tithers have Godas their financial partner and He ownsthe entire resources of universe.

    Like attracts like, so give generouslyand boldly with an attitude of gratitudeand your receiving will be the same.


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    Should I wait until t herecession is over to star tt ithing?

    To end your personal recess ion,start t i thing at once, using whateverresources you have right here and rightno w. Ti th in g wi l l f ac il i t a t e th ea u t o m a t i c i m p r o v e m e n t o f y o u rsituat ion and circum stances. Note thatt h e g r e a t e r y o u r n e e d , t h e m o r ei m p o r t a n t i t i s t o s t a r t t i t h i n gi mm edi a t e l y. On es p r ob l ems a l lemanate from ones mental at t i tude,disposition, mood and beliefs.

    Spiritually done, tithing (done withyour heart and head) always gets thedesired result. Because it is don e on apercentage basis, it is fair to all and theresults are adjusted to the size of yourproblem.


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    Is there an even biggercontext t o tit hing than justgiving support?

    Absolu tely yes! Each individual hasa God- appo i n t ed way o f s e r v i ngh u m a n i t y. Ea ch o f u s h a s amagnificent, usually invisible, talentwhi ch we a r e t o r ecogn i ze andmax imize by giving it away. A perfectexampl e o f an i nd i v i dua l who i sf ami l i a r t o eve r yone , who hasmax imized his talents is Bob Hope. Hehas been in vaudevi l le , comedy, onBroadway, on radio and does quarterlytelevision specials in addition to 250on e n i gh t st and s pe r yea r. He hasun selfish ly given of h imself to make theworld laugh and people love him for it.Hope has tithed his spirit, mind, bodyand even convinced his show businessfriends to do the same.


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    Are there bonuses to t it hing?

    Most embryonic tithers are surprised

    to discover:

    1. Their remain ing 90% goes fartherand does more than the original100% ever did.

    2. Their spiritual lives deepen ,become enriched and are moreenlightened.

    3. Tithin g gives the wise and faith fulservant expanded opport un ities,that are a direct consequence oftithing.

    4. Their faith in Universal Lawbecomes stronger than ever before.Those who t ithe know fromexperience, th at all of their desiresare fulfilled and their life overflowswith blessings.

    5. Their income is forever increasing.


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    I want t o tit he to the zoo; arethe t it hing benefi ts applicable?

    A t i the i s a g ive to Gods goodworks. Wh ile zoos are great, they are

    technically not run by churches andgener a l l y a r e no t s p i r i t ua l i norientation . So the answer is no .

    Does t it hing to specificprojects of t he church countas a tit he?

    The answer is yes. The point is thatyou want to become regular and systematicin your giving so that you receive in aregular and systematic way.

    Churches take on special projects sothat the minister and the congregation cankeep on growing. If you cease to grow youbegin to die.

    You prosper as your soul prospers. Getexcited about your churchs opportunity togrow, expand and spread the truth. Getinvolved totally. If you want more out ofthe church, put more into it.


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    My husband was laid off andwe barely have enough t o liveon, much less to pay the bill s.Should we tit he?

    Of cou rse! To overcom e lack consciousness and enter into prosperityyou absolutely need to tithe. Tithingwill expand you r awareness. Gett ingyour husband re-employed in his rightlivelihood will pay the bills. You wills t a r t h a v i n g s u r p l u s m o n e y a n deventu ally pay your debts. Poverty is ad i sease , i t c rea tes more misery ,depression, theft and suicides than anyoth er malady. God is rich and want sHis children to be rich and prosperous.God created this abundant world withHis Word. He g ives h um an bein gssimilar creative word power. Speakyour word to your bil ls , get perfectemployment and total enjoyment fromlife.


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    If you really have a lot of fear abouts tar t ing, do as my minis ter and herhusband did when they started their lifeof tithing.

    They started tithing a percentage

    just a little out of their comfort level.In th is case, it was th ree percent of theirg r os s i ncom e . As t he chan n e l s o f receiving Gods abund ance opened up,they would increase the percentage oft i th ing. Each t im e they would feelcomfortable, they would increase theirtithing another percentage point untilthey reached the desired ten percent.

    Af ter f ive years , they have nowincreased their tithe to over ten-percent.You can do the same!


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    In my business, if cash-f low isreally tight , is it a violationto skip a week of t ithing if itmeans bills w ill go unpaid?

    There are several possible answers.Read the following with feeling and youwill hear what you need to hear now:

    The Bible clearly states that yous h o u l d t i t h e f i r s t ( f r o m t h e g r o s sincome), then pay your bills. By tithin gfirst, your tight cash flow will becomeloose, unexpected business will arrivemiraculously and save the day.

    Whether you t i the or you don tt i th e, you get to pay your bil ls . Bytithing as prescribed repeatedly in theBible, you literally open the flood gateso f h e a v e n t o a t t e n d t o y o u r e v e r yfinancial need. If you dont tithe, youshut off the invisible system (Godsinfinite intelligence) because you missyour deserved blessings.


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    Bus i nes smen who t i t he s uch a sAndr ew Car neg i e , make a wr i t t encovenant with God and say, Ill earnmoney the first half of my life and thenattend to t ithing and ch arity the second

    half of my life to do the most good andt h e l e a s t h a r m w i t h m y m o n e y . Perhaps your trust bond to God is thisclear. If no t, write one now.


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    How does seed money w hichgoes beyond my t it hing work?

    Seed money is likened to the waterone leaves at a deep water well to primethe pump to ge t the water f lowing.Every user pumps out what they needand leaves a bucket-full behind to seedthe next flow of water. Tith ing in th isanalogy i s the bui ld ing of the wel litself. The well was built and ex ists forall to freely and regu larly use it keepson keeping on. Seed water or mon ey,just helps you to start the f low.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    When one cannot t it he, doesthe not giving action workagainst him or her?

    One can always do whatever onereally wants to do. If you want to give give!

    Lets say a wife wants to tithe andher hu sband opp oses the idea. Shes h o u l d s t a r t t o t i t h e o u t o f h e rallowance, play money or earn ings.

    Not giving always precedes anddetermines ultimately and inevitably no t receiving. Tith ing guaran tees apredetermined positive financial result.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    Why is a t it he one-tenth? Whynot one-sixteenth, one-eighthor one-four th?

    A t i the i s b ib l i ca l ly based andwritten by the enlightened servants ofGod. The t i the (or tenth ) is easy tocalculate, could be figured out on onesfingers and understood effortlessly bya l l s c h o o l e d i n r u d i m e n t a r ymathematics.

    Can I tit he more than tenpercent?

    Yes indeed ! Malachi 3:8 speaks oftith es and offerings. A tith e is ten -percent and an offering goes beyondthat.

    There is an old clich that says ifyou need something give some of i taway. Therefore, if you n eed mo n ey,give mon ey tithes and offerings. If youneed time, give some of your time to a


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    church, hospital, convalescent home;r ead t o t he b l i nd o r j o i n M ea l s onWheels, Big Brothers or some similarorganization.

    The IRS will allow tax credit for up

    to fifty percent of ones adjusted grossi ncome , g i ven t o r e l i g i ous andcharitable enterprises.

    T h e a b o v e m e a n s t h a t t h egovernment (IRS) and Jesus supportyour giving. Jesus said, Give un toCaesar that which belongs to Caesar(i.e., taxes) and give to God that whichis Gods (tithes and love offerings).

    Tithing is not and never has beenan end ing place. It is a beginn ing place.It stimulates the law of circulation tooperate. A tithe is not a debt we owe,but a seed we sow!


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    But I dont have anything togive!

    Everyone has something to give, orGod wou ldn t tell you to give. Youeither have time, effort, consciousness,or items you no longer need or want(do some spr ing house cleaning, nomatter what season it is) that you cansell or don ate, or you have money.

    God requests that you give so thatyou open up new chan nels to receive.

    The only t ime God can mul t iplyback more good into your life and thelives of others, is when you give.

    You r life is importan t to God andHe would not play with something asimportan t as you. When you are givingyou are living; when you are caring,you are sharing all the good you have.

    Giving is not a debt, but a seed thatguaran tees ou r fut ure h arvest. Jesussaid, The harvest truly is great, but thelaborers are few. St. Luke 10:2


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    Why does tit hing work?

    Ti th ing works because i t worksfrom inside you. It chan ges your belieft ha t l i f e i s abou t t ak i ng , t o a newunderstanding that life is about giving.Giving guaran tees receiving. It alwayshas and it always will. Wh at is amazingis that giving expands your spirituality,especially when you give in the spirit oflove , joy and cheer fu lness f rom anun selfish heart.

    God i s eve r yone s s ou r ce .I n d i v i d u a l s a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r emer e l y channe l s o r i n s t r umen t s o f supply. Rest assured th at God s greatresourcefulness will miraculously findi t s way back t o you i n manyun expected, bou nt iful ways.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    How impor tant is the spirit ofgiving?

    The s p i r i t o f g i v i ng meanseverything.

    Money gifts, in and of themselves,are neutral, they are neither good orbad . . . your t h i nk i ng makes i t s o .However, a gift given with the attitudeof g r a t i t ude and w i t h t he s p i r i t o f expectancy a lways get s a bo un t i fu lreturn . Remem ber, God is the Source.Give before you receive, and expect am iraculou s ret urn . You and I are tog i ve expec t i ng t o he l p o t he r s andourselves in multiplied ways.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    What happens if I give anddont receive?

    Check yourself out with this simple


    1. Do I recognize God as my sourceand sup ply of all good?

    2. Am I tithin g regularly and with asystem ? Do I t ithe when I receiveincome o f any kind, at thebeginning of projects and at theirsuccessful conclusion?

    3. Am I truly expectin g to receive?Am I awake to all the possiblechann els that are trying to give me

    surplus good?

    Wri te out your answers to thesethree questions privately then askyour spouse or someone close to you(someone you trust) to respond to thesame ques t ions . I t m ight enl ightenyou . Basically, its simple to receivemore from life and give more to life.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    Can you defer the payment ofyour t ithes to a future time?

    Most individuals need the security oftithing in the sweet here and now, to feeland know that their good is circulatingfreely and easily into their ever presentnow. However, men like Andrew Carnegie,Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller all hadprayerful covenan ts with God. Each oftheir memoirs state that they asked God tohelp them realize their fullest potentialand they would remember God and over-tithe out of the ever increasing abundance.Each did help churches and wereindividually phenomenal philanthropistswho ultimately funded foundations todirectly and indirectly be ...about yourFathers business. Carnegie founded andfunded the American free library system.The Rockefeller and Ford Foundations areboth mult i-bi l l ion dollar enterprisesa t t empt ing to serve the hea l th andeducational needs of humanitys lessfortunate people.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    What is the best tit hingdemonstration youve everheard?

    Larry Gates, formerly a fund raiserfor Dr. Robert Schuller, told me thatJ ohn Cr ean , f ounder and CEO of Fleetwood International, publicly gave(tithed) twelve million dollars worth ofranch stock to Dr. Schullers ministry.Fleetwood stock jumped th ree times thesame day because the U.S. Governments imul taneously announced that theyw e r e p u t t i n g a l o t o f m o n e y i n t omodular housing, which is Fleetwoodsspecia l t y. You may ca l l th i s acoincidence. I don t th ink so. I heardMr. Crean interviewed by Dr. Schullerand he stated that when he was younghe had a friend who told him that inl i fe , There are winners and losers .W i nner s a r e g i ve r s and l os e r s a r etakers. He chose to be a winn er and henow says he tithes thirty percent of hisgross income.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    I believe all t he universe isGods Church, so can I give tothe hungry and the poor ratherthan building anotherunnecessary church building?

    It is stated above, what the Bible says.However, fifty percent of Americans donot attend any church and probably havesimilar feelings to those expressed above.

    In-so-far as God is omni-presentthroughout the universe, it is better togive somewhere than not give at all.Each of us has an intrinsic need to give.Jesus said, That which you have done tothe least of my children, you have doneun to me. Therefore, it is good to aidand assist the hun gry and the poor. Ifpossible, help them to learn the principlesso they can then help them selves. Theconcept of a hand-up rather than a hand-ou t is the right idea. The oft-qu otedphrase, If you feed a person a fish youfeed him/ her for a day. If you teach aperson to fish, you feed him/her for a


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    l i fet ime. Be int o teachin g the sepr in ciples . I h ave kno wn severalindividuals who have been so inspiredand helped by the ideas of NapoleonHills Think and Grow Rich , that they

    individually have given thousands ofcopies in hopes of teaching principles ina useable way.

    Also, please read Ralph WaldoEmersons essay on the Law of Compensation. It will show you that itis impossible to give without sooner orlater receiving in kind. It proves th atgiving does not cause you to have less,but in fact, guarantees that ultimatelyand inevitably you will have more. Thelaw of compensation pays you back inmult iple retu rns. While the principle isinvisible, it is forever working.

    We must feed the physical humanfood, before we can serve him or herwith higher levels of spiritual awareness.

    In a magazine interview in PersonalSelling Power, March 1983 issue, Dr.Wayne Dyer, best selling author, says,


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    Everyone who knows me knows that forevery dollar that I spend on myself, Ispend ten on o ther people. I always havebeen generous to a fault. There are a lotof things I do because I feel they are

    helpful to other people. I see myself as agiver. I give a lot of money to charit y. Is pend a l o t o f my t i me he l p i ngunfor tunate people learn the t i thingprinciples and show them empiricallyt h r ou gh r ecogn i t i on o f t he i r owndemonstration th at it works.

    Reaching others by teaching otherswi ll enr ich you and the wor ld . I f everyone learned and practiced tithingthere would be no more lack of any kind.With children, the principle is easy toteach. It is also much easier to start th ispractice by tithing ten cents out of everydollar when you are young rather thanwaiting until you have $1,000,000 andsaying that you will then give $100,000.I am sure that if you start small, you canever grow tall in giving.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    If I dont have any money, howcan I give?

    Everyone has something to give.Think about volunteer ing your t imeand energ y. When you give, m iracleshappen in your life. You can sup portwort hy cau ses. Visit a con valescenthome, befriend the elderly, assist in achildrens cancer ward, give time to theSpecial Olympics or go to any hospitaland offer your services.

    These activities do not have to belong term comm itments, but are sure tocure depress ion and make you fee lbetter about yourself.


  • 8/9/2019 The Miracale of Tithing Book


    I just heard about t it hing . Tow hom should I give?

    Follow your heart and give to thespiritual group that resonates positivelyand constructively to what you believe is . . . t r ue , hones t and o f goodreport...Give to the person, place orthing that serves you, or that you feelgreatly serves others.

    Visit a variety of churches and pickthe minister, not the church building,not the denomination, not necessarilywhat your parents did, or what someoneelse said. Be still and listen t o yourinn er-kno wer. It will tell you what isright for you, in the quiet stillness ofyour prayer, meditation and spiritualretreats.

    Pick the minister, priest or Rabbiwho leads you to ever greater and deeperspiritu al truth and u nderstanding.

    When I was a t the univer s i ty , Idecided to take the teacher , not the


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    subject. A great and inspiring teacher orpreacher can make any subject comealive and be meaningful, relevant andlead your personal growth , developmentand fulfillment to new heights. Once

    youve located your spiritual mentor,support h im or her financially, men tally,s p i r i t ua l l y , emot i ona l l y and evenphysically. Befriend your new spirit ualspigot of enlightenment, enlivenment,and enrichm ent. Attend church and itsmany ac t i v i t i e s , vo l un t ee r yourassistance, take classes, go to spiritualr e t r ea t s , conven t i ons and g r owt hmee tin gs. You r life will blossom andbloom in magnificent n ew ways.

    One f inal suggestion, make sureyour choice of ministers or spir i tualt eacher s have grea t p lans to dophenomenal amounts of good to thebenefit of all hu man ity. Get into givingand your receiving shall be totally andabsolutely ensured by Gods invisiblebank accounts.


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