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BANKING DIBECTOEY. mWMER'-lA- Bank of Tenn Madison and Main srreeSa. DetvITO HMa, No. Madlaon FIRST National Ban, 14 Maauaeas national RanX, M Main street UAY'OHO etrs- -t MKurtu No. 1 J HKM N' I' lnelltution, rr umnrtrtioR, in IMeTITU-Adui- MEMPHli Insurance on street- - HK'U-HA- street. PILE'S I'ompuj, Jtfftiwu of IS Madlaon BAVInGS Bank of Memphis, 204 Main atreet. " BUSINESS DIRECTORY X'TLEK, H P, Insurance JsaTer- - CAROUSa Trisorance Company. s're, .. A O, CI.MtK, Insnr.nce "nil In No. 11 R 4 CO , roi l I. .1 A iU oor- - Bar and CrTAMrUrR"iTlNM r. CO., Booksellers and l ai n H.C.TiEvrrTr A Co son street. 22V, DASrTfrri.l. Hil.LIAED, Factors, 25 ' swaiM m, Booksellers and otauunera, aV io Jefferson E so. - h ;.: more. II 3. CO.. Dry 27 EBBKKT & CO ,C H 191 A FHHRRTY s siresi-- TIO. pEii atvaa uhwi seringa Madlaon street. iKMAN National Bank Agent, JRSH Dealers, jenvr-o- n .KSON. Coal, lTaain f'tUMMkl Agents, Abatraci Monroe wcooa Kiattoners stresL Front Aurora Kadi- - Cotton SON atreaa. CHADi p. ?s: lti Jefferaoi. a STS.FFF.Y reel. FTSNIE 11 AM 4 CHAPMAN. Ma n treet FOKC.J o A o i.. n '8 Main L. C, Phjsioan. Virginia eLAICK. at CW. tiOKJ'i-- i.OPOLD, stree'. an CIT1- -' timet. corner Liquor. fteoond Opera Hard war. svsei. street. orgia Ooaaaaa Fa.tors. BUCK "tdlerv. atreet. VEB, office steet. street. Anns, jtai.r its Excloslve rSON, 8., at. J25 street. HIl.UTRANOECO., Factors. 14 atreet A CO r I. Prog 218 Main. Ht7BARDA LiOVELL. Saddlery, m street. H ;to. H4VNt Attorneys al Law, Paget Second streets. rtOlJBT, A fX- - Undertakers, gan Main IRNANDO INnrRANOK COMPANY 1 ilrUMER, A Liquors. 276 rroul BOLLKMatOBX A Building Mate- - hi l son street. H KMT A lrLARR Y A CO. and Ticket oornerwaln and afadlsojn f 1"N, . l IRK 1 J . street KORTF v M stre 1 1 v Coal - . F., 1re ht ana 246 J.. . FY .lKISoroH, GasFIUera, 44 Beo- - asaaatsaask - MATXON", Gas 1 Main rVN L FIEB A CO. Dry ta Main Y"5"MILLkR, steamboat Agents, 2 Front HtfBXJ 'HN atree-- . 11 h(1 Low ENSTEIN BRO-- , a. Dry corner Male treets- BfKKN U 'treet. n 7 Dry MA MH ATT I . A I Coinmlssion Merrbsnt., 4 MCCAFFREY A OORNKUL'S, UndSTtaiers. M AN. A CO., Jewelry, 275 Ml'RK A A RIDGLEY, Merchant Taylors, II V K y s rsu;huCTZA (X) '. cor ner Jefferaon missisTppi valley rNeURANCs a Mad MEilB-E- A It! MO I)Y A PaUL havings SAVINGS Bank, dealers Office, M Monroe Oooda, Vuriiiture, Lottery at Patent. given, WT'K Cotton Monroe Second YNES, KTN iC. TUOS. Dyers, He-o- Mftdts-t- OKKTEU Steamboat aceo'fc. KjWAHU street' Proooce M Monroe ritteim. YOrTB Goods, LEV Palmer, Madlaon Agents. Gooda, Jeflerson BRos., Goods, Main SAVINGS BANK. Madl- aon Iftam BION Front eeon1 street. MEKKi Main Madison stress-- Totaaeco, Second streela. W!Ml Liquors Merchants, 4 H -- ho ley MOFFAT J As. Trimmings. 47 Main street. MOORF A WEST, northwest 'corner Madison snd si N Ka MKMI'Hi- - I Jefferson HATH AN A OO. stress. H.. lson AN mission "Attorneys. um an National Rank. P KOK HO. G i P tlone-- A Main street. moca. ne.itei. sueet BKias "Main, Family oceries. Pop'ar. Books Fron'. p. OPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY. Msd'son stress- - pjVVT F. Rs '1 N SCR A COMPANY, over Savings Hank of Mem-hl- s. PlKK. I. f. A'to Little Ro-k- . PKKKINS. LIVINGeTi'N A POST. Hardware Main .freet TSEJ'.i.CaM CO. ROVSTEk. Klock. Second RORIVSOS.W. A Co.. Founders, Main Gayosn House. K"VF. A CO., Gayoso PlasussB Adams streel. BADCI.1KF son t m&titmM 250 an 517 an li.. Liquors, A Ll ore. leT appos'te 2H F. Lime, Cement, IAils Lumber, 174 Goods, Mala straw iderfsker. MS. fsssossd strest LIFE INSURANCE BMLOsS BROS HMITrl. "'1 T. LOUIS MUTUAL Company. 42 wadison stress. BHt l.TZ WADE. CO No. an'i No. and 282 Second over Iron No. E.. etc Drv at? Lockstoilh. lis lefferson street. uoteOT lirpu M::f1liri he- - . , - 4 : " . N : oraudres1. J. STTm Ball B Appeal Front I Land For Ft tJ . Opera undivided i. .. Tailor., of land, in Sevier ' which Agent, no- - be fbrure. for Medue3 street thi c -- a. . -- r mi wwACCARO A tlf JM jrroni street. w -- TI K HATCHER, Allorueyv : s, street l Cash. to PIKE H. OO, Madl- - aksr. alreet Main State Main Main Dent Main Store East Mam street street. co., Main reels. lMa. ::m-s- ee NCR street Mill. Madl- - CO, eaen. eond So. CJ. sta-- oats, Factors, i'i inn ugPaper, .7 Stationers, 2s- - Mal i WEBftOM, neuli'l. lSe-.njd sir I'AGK sV CO.. JCo. 1H Poplar Street, OV HAND A COMPLETE KEEP of ail of FAMILY GROCERIES MIES, ALL ORDERS Promptly Filled and Dellvere anv part of the City WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. aw Satisfaction given, or Goods will be back again WITHOUT CHARGE. filVE ITS A OALL. GOOD 1XIESTMEXT. of the esta'e of J. M. Lylss, AS to dispose 01 either a half or bis Interest as SOLA Leasee of tbe State Penttenllarr. My brother's lease rontlr-oe- s 'or li years, an act of the of the state oble-- t In offering to perv sr. proper'y mmtdla eand constant located situated cannot gdve interest growing this Lease that attention deserves this lime about hundred convicts the Penile- - Pot aidreas Oxford, Miss. W. LYLKS, Adm'r .etc. REFERENCES. 4ov. Humphreys, Ex. Office, Miss. Cent. "liar Tom Col. Stewart sues. superintendent Wiad AttorntyH. Ava!anne Family Srhoo. Tor oun Ladies. momma baAE, Baltimore CflAR. p'.AiK Head 8cln4aaUc lepsrtn.ant-Mia- B 1CN- - teratu McMLlitt. Vocal -- Prol". TflOB- WOOP- - MIA Hepomher Tennesson. ft GKuBaE, and at to be a . so I the na of are ai in particulars me at L M. IT, R B A Co Memphis MsJ.Z.A. for m Tu". MerjiphK. am dim ca, mj. H. ot Lit. .u Hieru Lan uajje Prot 1W; LEONCE an ! Inatrnint n tai E. BEtKE. Drawing and D. A. Tbi- - InN'itutlon will opened on 1 iaiic yevr 1 Jane I BON -- IE 11 the tbe ww tern eatvv m.m t oumraunicaiM t pupila liuiitea Ct'Caiara giving found - Uyftto ni Entz Raab'a o. mnUaaion apl; lbrtugti street. Oil, r M. H. N. INKK. HKRii. BYBD son Main street. '0 rront. South kinds In entire under center the have family. LY Oxford. out which Thee two rr A. West. silent I and V. Lt M kitti Ida-- VI Mi. RABIXf- - Mualo a weniy. dent, 1 b firat rsMUua of 3U- - l am tocoi- - Mltuatod on An elevated Yridnrfcr 1 road, mil a from t ol and n Cat tncville Haii- - Uiai tbe city. nam tier ot will lm 10 far ber portlenlara may be ft boaV, Cbarlea treet, kat re, Cnaree aireei. to Mr. C H. Mc Blair, O.. noz an 4 lm THE HEUKEW EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE WILL BEOPEN ON Monday, September 3d, 187, TWJR the Fall and Winter Sessions, at then and oouiiaoaiKsa huisrtlns. Mo Ml Third street, ten Msduou and Monroe Ample sirangeuieul- - sr made Jell ANNOUN CEMENT. tirV. kM anthAr.. tnannn AMOS 11 V - lor soerlfr of slielbv oonnty at the March Election BOARDING. OAKDINO aul t mills, single gentlemen can onmn board and ffKMl room" , alto day boarders can beacrommodaiesl al 34 Second slieet. between Oayoso and L OMtt jjOAKUlNU- - rurnlxhed rooms, with good board, can be bad al raaaonabla rates at No 1U Monroe atreet. Also few day boarders can beaoeorn- - modeled. Jl tf KLEGTand oheap BOARDING A FEW ROOMS, other or unfurnished, to rent, with board, either gentlemen or families, convenient to ll !. within one square of Court square. and at the most reasonable rates, at No. SW Second street, Madlaon. Day boarding. 5 per weak boarding and lodging, te per week. JeJtf W WANTS. ANTED A Situation by a German Soldier aa a Porter in a store. "Can give good reference " Apply at No 41 Madison street, aus at . w ANTED A BITE ATI' as Housekeeper In a family-- in the country preferred. Dress making la ail iu branches, thoroughly m comfor- t- of a home more an ob- ject than remuneration Beat of references given ann required. Address Mrs. M., csreof Appal office. ANTKD- - Able bodied men, white or colored, to work at a Sawmill and Woodyard liberal WKgea Arp:y to L. B. BCRT.baek of Morris iABdlng, county, Miss. Jy20 lm w ANTED AGENTS 110 to 20 a day, to our new patenl 8TAK 111.K. mi. CHINa. Price tii. It usee two threads, makes the genuine Lax g Stitch. All otter low priced machines make the Chai-Stic- th. Eacii agent 'urclahed allb a copy of ielters letrllory tvnu ctrculara. M BsACH A A 4 N Insurance Arkansas A r Liquors, Jackson, Jackson, Phillips, Jauuaiy Introduce for j: ,m aMMecona s:.. xrmpiig, enn. ANTED THE PATENT AUllORA OIL. We want men every where to study their I'sTFRsaer. The right to manufacture and sell the Patent Aurora Oil In a single county will make more money to the purchaser three months than the largest farm In jonr state make In a whole year The Aurora Oil aetualiv costs leas than one-hal- f the prloe of Coal O'li.and the Illuminating power ot th" Aurora Oil a much superior t. the Coal Oil the t'oa. Oil is to a tallow cand and onoRg explosive than a tallow candle. Any Lamp that will burn Coal Oil will burn the Au- rora Oil. li does not imoke the chimney does not smell it will rot grease or stain the flneat linen not even white cloth. The mate- rial for its manufacture is Inexhauatlide. One man can make aeventy-6v- e barrels per day. No tuactiinery required. We pay your fare to and from the city of Memphbi bills while here, If we cannot prove all, and even more than we have A single county a small fortune to the msn of enterprise, the right to a state Is untold worth. Forfurlber information, call on or addreaa CL IX 111 A t o.. 24 Mad son street, eorner Main. Memphl.-- . Tenn. NOTICES. Three-fourth- s of the Profits Returned to the Policy Holder In the Georgia Home Insurance Co., OF COLUMBUS, OA. INCORPORATED 18W.1 Cash Capital and Sarplns, - 400,000 I IliKRAL CONDITIONS BOOB ABLE Rales, and Prompt Settlements. Parties Insuring in C is company will set their pro- portion of peon in Scrip, which will be taken at par vaine rem wa MOOBEA WOT, Agents. MadiMin street. FOR RENT. pOK KENT TWO OFFICES, formerly occupied by the Polios Commissioners, No. B Mal!son atreet. Inquire al Police office, Msd.son street. Memphis, June 10, ISao J l UOK RENT STORES and OFFICES In BetheU's New Building, on the corner of Main South Court streets Apply iu the building to P. C. BKTHELI. ., or P. WALKER, JR In moms No. 1 and a my tt pOK KENT The STORE-HOUS- E Second street, known as the OLYMPIC. Leo. The ARCADK LIVERY STABLE, on the alley south of Madison street, between Second Third sireeta, apJS tf GANTT APDELL. FOR SALE. pOK SALE A desirable HOUSE LOT in he bus:neas part of the city, near corner of Union and Dss Solo streeta, M feet frost by 200. particu lars lnqnlre at 27 IeSoo street. anll.'w pOR SALE A light one-nois-e HOCK A WAY, tn good or- der. Apply to A. L. Cunimins, ' Front. tf pOK BALE One 12 II arse Stationsry Engine and Boiler, nearlv for cheap. LUNN MALLON, jvi.ira 204 Main streel. p O li SALE Exchange for Caali. Dry Gooda or Family Grosvriea, oos or two eligible suburban Lots, situated near the M ssisalpri and Tenner-,- - Raiirosd ontslxdu acres ir iwen Malnand Second Depot, - z further imorraatlon apply lo W. PSiN WM.SON, Loft. KM BROWNE. office blreel. rt street. tale. THt'KM" I. s UK A Tobacco Factors, Aar Greenlaw House. j n one-ha- lf interest tn SO.Onoacres THR.LL Mer.hant 1 Jetleiaon A. Red liver bottom Lalayetle j counties, Arkanaaa. I Tbistnvsgast, tbx- - title to Is perfect, will H.T tomi.:nson, lusurau'-- e i. sold a low one-thi- rd cash and i s a remainder years, without Also, magnificent bottom land, above overflow, finest body Blale, county. These lauds WKBB. M ', v F.ctors, Lee Block. U,l n Apply ADAMS. Booksellers SEW JAIL CONTRACT. stress- - ALWAYS 151 administrator deorascd. Mis- sissippi on Main C A A I wish My for tbe dtoo controlled at Miss imm. tt t: B Jackson, Ms Gen. 1 ropy Principal-M- r. Mra. re Pain Ung-Pr- of. J- j is-- tbel-wtio- - i la S Bal'ltnora, wlm Paaacncer P UCM. r I ra t. or a DKSLBABLE to ; N Washington i in is a e, is it la 14 ;. - j la on a Metropolitan S. on A A V new, A ai ai one seres of Arkansas river ail the of land In the in Crawford Arkansas. be sold together or In par- - S A niton for A Attorney sal , v. rnbs-t- f SSt Main street, Memphis and - that , - new beta near and The bill and own will wilt and and and . snd and For au8 sale and and two rest- - 3JU0 and will a CONTRMT for building a NEW Point. Coa t J AXL In the town of Friar's BRICK homa county, to be let out to the I A) WEST BIDDER by the subscribers, on the 24th day of August, 17. Plans ami Specifications To be seen at the Clerk's office. In the town of Friar's point. Taass to be mni" known on the day of let-- : ting- - The commissioners do not bind lliem-- , selves to a cept any bid. unltss proper security Is given to tbe full amount of the contract that said Jail shall be completed on or before the 1st day ol January, lstis. GE 1RI4E R. ALCORN, W L. ST RICK LIN, WILLIAM HEWSON. Commissioners appointed by the Board of Po-- i lloe of Coancma county, to receive bids and let contract. Friar's Pulnt, Miss , July 2S, ISS7. JySOtw MflUMifl ACADEMY. rvliE net eighth sewion of UiU cbool will X open OO tilt? First Monday In September Next, tvod cl(M about the lart of June, The will be amlNtMl ty m, gradaat of the L'niventi'y of Virginia tor farther lnfor raatloD. at lo term, etc, ddrf mm the Priuclii!, s)mr iile. Tenn. 'I be Pr nc pal would ivfc r to tbe k -- Utrn-tu wbosa named are ajpended below. N R Tbaae wboae names are marked by are, or have ben, patrtim of ibe whool. I). M Kl - Principal. Mr E M Appajrraon, Memph's ; "Mr U Frier too, Columbia, Tenn ; Ir J T Bi.kervUle. Kay elte eoonty ; Col J K Moaby , Kayette canty ; ol ."Mbiu iaie, Jtftmpnw Jir w r I miiibi, Memrhi: Mr Thoa H A -n MmpU: "Mr Ja Kmlaer, "olanabla Teuu; "Mr H - Galon, Mr 1. ii!, Mem thif Mr J L Pulliam, HowerTllle 1'roi J ' PetUu,, Ma-- r u. Tenn ; Hon J T Jonaa, llWena, Ark; "Th- - Shapani, r 14, Tipton eoanty : Col A T L.aoey, Mecqpbla; "Mr S H Hornor, Helena, Ark ; 'lien Joaeph Willlatua, Mamphbi; "Co M 1) Bell. Pine ttiUlT. Ark; iCev C Jobnao: Mlt r CbnatlaQ Adrorte, Memphu; H W WlUlamaou, Memphl-.- Mr W b Miller, MeuipLi' Mr Law H Marre, ('apt K Wiliianu-OD- , Mempbia; Mr W H Mart in. Port Gi'mmio, Ml; CbanrllT J W Hams. ,,uiervi.i ; Judsa Huiupbreys, fkroer-rlll- Her R H River-- . Koraerville; Vr M iHomerville ; Prof K 1 Boyd, Homer-v- i lie ; .faeoltv I'nivi ratty of Virginia; Prof K s Jityne, Wbmin Toilette; Oen K 11 HaillU, Virginia Military Itulllut. July 7. lmi. DASHIELL A HI LLIAKO, COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHAKTS N 295 FrBl Street. MEMPHIS, TENX.. giv atrlct attention lo the sale of WILL Liberal caah advanoaa made on rontsignraeauiu band. Keml tnucoa prorriPt y made on all aalea, " w mc way school, CbarlottesTlUe, Va. 'pn E Uiird sasaion of this school will begin on X Use first Wednesday of September next, and end on the last Wednesday of June, 1W, g of two terms of nr. mouths each. The coarse of stu y Is designed to prepare boys lor the University of S lrginla, or any other college, or for the practical business of fife. TKKMeVKor board and Tuition, i per term PATaatA xa advavce. Music and lirawicg st Professor's cha'ges Wsshlog, i Fuel aud Lights. at actual coat, r sch pupil s his own towels For circulars and other particulars address WILSON C N LAKH, ' Chsr'.ottssviila, Va: JOSEPU PACKARD. J R., Theo. Seminary, Fairfax oounly, Va., Prtncl- - ItefereDces The Faculty ol the University of Virginia- - lylTtaww I'lamers and MrrchaBt Attention. Tobacco, Tobmeco, Trtbacro. will forward to your address, upon WE of your order enclosing the cash, the best brands of Leaf Tobacco at ths follow, ing prices : Best li right Gold Leaf Chewing Tobacco. 26 pounds - fs Reel B igfal Oold Leaf smoking Tobacco, 25 pounds . SOO Any one wishing to engage in lbs sale of our Tobacco, will receive 15 per cenL upon all amounts ol 1W pouuus snu aooye trculars will he la- - usulng stated. 13 THCRBtUY, THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL- - TJIUIISDAY, AUGUST 15, 1867. SKMPIIIS APPEAL IIIIm-- So. Madison Street. 15, CITY MATTERS. leap-hi- t and Ohio lallroad. AXiilYE. DEPART. Mall Fzprem IP p.n. syxoieaa ......... 46 440 p.m. BAM. B JONES, GenlSup'l. Memphis nd Charleston Railroad. Ftp AI.K1VE. DEPAKT . ..10-.S- p.m. :40 a-- Mall 10p.m Sonjervi.leAecotn.mod to, except Sundays 7:45 at AUGUST Wa7 1'iUipia. 1. 1:40 p.m XUstMlppl and Teueatee Railroad. ARRIVE. DRPART. New Or eans Express, dally, 8:45 a.m. Re 0 a.m. " Mall, - 45p.m. oioop.ra. Freight, dally (except Sun- day) J 45 pm. 4:40 Am. To comnienee WedDeedsv, Jim lWh A. f. 1J VERMOKE. Qenl Bop't. C P. OAKLEY, Gen. Tlekat Ag't. niyl LOSIJ44 OF MAIM. Until further notios the Mails wtU cine ag follows: For Cairo, Chicago. 8U Louis, Naahvllle, Lonls-Tlll- e. flnolnnatl.Clevelaud. PilUburg, Phila- delphia. Buffalo, Albany, New Yark, Balil-mor- and all clliea north and weal, at 3:15 p m. For I liattanooga. Richmond. Waahlugton. Augusta, Columbus, Mnntgomerr, Mo- bile, Ala. New Yo' k, Naahvllle, and all cities south ana east, at pin. For New Orleans. Baton Rouge, Jackson. MIsa., Vicksburg, Natchez, and all cities south, at 4 p.m. All Stations on Mississippi and Tennrssee. Southern, New Orleans, Jackson and Great Nortberu railroads at p.m. Ail staUons on Memphis and Loaisvlila and branch railroads at a p.m. All Stations on Memphis and Charleston, Mis- sissippi Central. Mobile and Ohio, Nashville and Decatur, Nashville and Chattanooga snd East Tennessee railroads at 5 ajn. For Little Rock, Pine Klun and all Landings en Arkansas and White rivers, ;, Tuesdays snd Saturdays Mississippi river- - south, d Saturdays. Mississippi river north, y Mon day's and pruisyt. K. C. GIST, Postmsster Memphis TO TI PATBOJfB OF TUB APPEAL. You are requested not to pay any carriers without a ceitiflcate from me, and Is report at the counting desk any irregularity in carriers ED. J. MANSFORD. Bio Thiff. A youtliful negro wbo calls himseii Cbas. Delaney, was ar- rested yesterday, charged with stealing a cumber of grain sacks from Mr. Patter- son on the levee. He will doubtless have a hearing before a J. P. T.iouoR Thief. The weakness of the ordered race for the ardent is well known. Thev will have their morning toddy If possible. One of the colored citizens was arrested yesterday, charged with stealing a quantity of the fluid from the store of Mr. Peter TownseDd, on Front street. Police Business Thirty-on- e cases were tried at tbe police courts yesterday, by Commissioner Beaumont, and the sum of one hundred and eighteen dollars in fines collected. For tbe middle of the week this iray be considered a fair day's work, lor the police tressury, at least. Disorderly. Four females, known to tbe police as "polite and attentive lady waiters," were arrested yesterday, charged with keeping a disorderly house on Market, street. Not having the number of Mr. Spinner's auto- graphs to depissit, they were locked up. The police commissioner will give them a hearing this morning. Correction The snooting affray which we reported in onr last issue be- tween two Germans, I woo berg and Lebach, did not occur. We reported it on tbe evidence of Kolomon Morris, who represented that he was an s of the affair. In future we shall be par- ticular how we credit anything coming from this source. Moonlight Pic Nic One of those pleasant affairs with which ur citizens are regaled from time to time, will take platv at the pleasant town of Hernando in the shape of a moonlight pic nic. Many persons from tbe city pur- pose being present, fully satisfied that the hospitable citizens of Hernando will give tbem a right cordial welcome. KKFRESHiNt;. A "thing of beauty is a joy forever," as the poet Keats hath de- clared, and we concur in tbe opinion, and feel satisfied that onr readers will, after they inspect the new and beautiful soda fount of our friend J. W. Falls, Main street, just below Fnion, and quaff the exhilarating draughts dispensed by the unrivalled connoisseurs installed in this elegant establishment. Personal. Mr. A. L. Cummins left bv the Memphis and Ohio train last night on a brief business trip east. Mr. C. was here previous to tbe war, and established for himself a good reputation in the cotton brokerage business. He is well known to be a reliable business man, and privately, a gentleman of tbe most high toned principles and unimpeachable character. We hope soon again to wel- come him in our midst. A Good Work. Iu our travels about town yesterday, we were pleated to notice that tne Memphis and Charleston railroad company are paving the grounds in front of their warehouse. The stone used is tbe same kind with which tbe levee is laid. This is a good work, and doubtless many sincere bieoeings will be uttered from the lips of henest draymen fwho frequent that locality), wishing Col. Tate all the good that can be wished not wronging those they serve. RETURNEn. Our personal Mead, Natbau Hoffhelmer.returned to the city yesterday from a short visit to bU family at Inka springs. He looks as handsome as of old, and speaks io the liiKUest t rms not only of 'lie epriDKS but of tbe excellent hotel of Messrs. i'atter-son- , Wriisht 4 Co., which Is at present inhabited bv some of our best Memphis families. Our friend says that no better rewirt than Iuka can be found l,y those who desire to escape from the dust and din of the eity. Trunk Bobbery. A frantic Individ- ual appeared at the Memphis and Ohio railroad depot yesterday morning, and olfered the munificent sum of Ave dollars for tbe capture of a tall young man, named Joe Hands, lately an employee of the Overton hotel, whom hecharges with stealing the contents from a trunk, and making oft with the booty. At last ac counts, he was in diligent searcn ot a magistrate, for tbe purpose of procuricg a warrant for tin arrest of the supposed guilty party. EiifCATTONAL. Attention Is directed to the card of Prof D. Laughlin's high school, located at Raleigh, in tbiscounty, continuous to tbe springs which are securing such a wide-sprea- d and deserved reputation for their extraordinary cura- tive properties, and in a community for the intelligence and character of its citizens and tbe liberal patronage invariablv extended to praiseworthy objects. Prof. LAugblin Is a thorough educator of youth, and was formerly associated with Dr. Collins, of the State Female college, as which position he worthily filled, and to tbe entire satisfaction of all parties con- cerned. We earnestly commend him to tbe consideration of our citizens having sons to educate, as a polished gentleman and thoroughly accomplished scholar. The First District. Dr. O. R. Early, with that business enertry which has always characterized his actions, has established his dispensary and put it In good running order. It Is located at No. 148 Poplar street, and In charge of Mr. butt, a well known druggist, who has his prescription case flttedup in the best style. The dispensary is well located. Tbe rooms are large and airy, and tbe sick who apply for aid are Justly and libe- rally treated, their wai Us sopplie.1 but with a view to tbe interest of the city to prevent imposition, as a brief visit yee terday warrants u- - in aaying. The estab- lishment of these dispensaries it a good move on the part of the city, and it is to be hoped that the system will be kept up. At the first glanoe it may appear expea-aiv- e, but the good accomplished will more than pay the outlay ten fold. Inquests Tbe county coroner, W. B. Cotton, Esq., was called upon yesterday, to bold four inquests. Two of tbe par- ties tiiegToee) died from cholera morbus, and verdicts were rendered accordingly. The other two were entirely different cases. The first was that of a man com- monly known as Big Henry, but whese proper name is John Haist y He was found dead at the font of tbe navy yard, near Wolf river. From the evidence given before the coroner, it appears that he bad been ailing for some time and the doctor prescribed ''ohtorodrne," to be taken in dose of thirty drops. By some mistake the deceased took what was supposed to be a treble dose. A verdict was given iu accordance with tbe evidence Tbe second case was that of Mrs. Vilbelmi4tat cjraitb, who died on Bradford street, of disease of the heart. Her illness was brief and the death Pbize Fight in Chelsea The once quiet region of Chelsea has been recently tbe scene of at least one murder and several disgraceful disturbances, buty-e-terd- ay morning capped the climax. Two pugilistic heroes, wbo thought they were each .titled to the prize of five hundred dollars, agreed to settle the matter according to tbe rules of tbe P. R The parties bad been in training for some time, and presented a good appear- ance on the ground. The names of the belligerents were Patsey McMahon and Brien Bevltt. In the absence of ropes and stakes, a ring was formed by the joining of hands, when tbe men entered the ring for tbe fight, which lasted for some twenty or twenty five minutes, several rounds being fought In that time, when the second of Devitt threw up the aponee. Sucbacenesdonot often happen io Memphis, and the its- - we have of FIRE 0 BEAL ST SEE TEKDAY MOBMSG. YES- - LOSS ABOUT SIX THOUSAXD 1MH.I.A !tS- - Yesterday morning about one o'clock a fire broke out on Bea! street, near the markethouse, la the row of tenemental immediately west, and resulted in the partial destruction of several buildings and the contents, whioh will probibly amount to Si'ssKl. The feed store of Ht. Sure, which contained a stock of nerhaps $2000, and which had . n insurance of SlfiOO, was almost entirely destroyr-d- . The "rVrBtb Market bakery," owned by a Mr. Henderson, whose loss will amount to 600 or sv i. and we understand bad no insurance. A barber shop was also Injured flnnsiderably, but tbe contents were saved. A saloon, called the " Butcher's Hall, fronting tbe west end of the markethoooe, and owned by J. Hein-ric- h, waslnjured,prlncipally by the water. Tbe rear of this building was used by Mr. Heinrich for his residenee, who suc- ceeded In making bis escape with a loss of part of his furniture and household goods. Tbe buildings destroyed were of a very unsubstantial character, and we understand It was the intention of the owner to supplant them with new structures at an early day. It Is not known how tbe fire originated, but is supposed by some to have been the work of an incendiary. The market house was endangered at one time, but for- tunately escaped injury. Impolite Aoain. A paragraph pub- lished in these columns yesterday morn- ing, in reference to the unseating of a lady in tbe Catholic church on Monday last, seems to have been bliglitl;' incor- rect. The lady did not leave tbe church, bat took a seat in another pew kindly of- fered by a gentleman. We publish the communication of Mr. LeOuere " ver batim et literatim." MlMPBIs, August 15,11st. Editor Memphis Appeal: Sir As vour article under the caption of "Impolite" in your paper of yester- day does me Injustice, permit me to cor- rect it. I entered the Catholic church on Sunday, and found the pew occupied by four ladies: an the new is aesienea to accommodate six persons I simply pre ferred occupying a seal in ray own pew in nrefereuce to one in that of a stranger. One of the ladies, who is not a stranger, but a regular member of the churcb, thought proper to vacate the pew, and did not leave the church, but took a seat in another pew. I did not rtquest the lady to withdraw; no necessity existed for her doing so ; none regretted her having done so more than myeelf ; cer- tainly no intention of insulting her ever entered my mind. A to the "thrash- ing," you are again In error. Two men, both armed, asaaulted me. while un- armed, and at a time when I bad every reason to suppoee that the matter had been satisfactorily explained and amica- bly adjusted. I remain, yours, truly. I JAB. T. I.Ei.fKItS. In reference to tbe above, we have only to say, as to the thrathinrj atTair, that our statement of yesterday morning was correct. It was a " man to man " fight, and, we are reliably informed, no arms were used or intended to be used. To say the least of it, the conduct of Mr. LeGuere was undignified and ungentle-manly- , and having received tbe punish-men- t due in the premises, it would have been well to let the matter stop at that. Personn present in the church at the time, inform us that the above is the case. The veracily of our informants is un- questionable. In the main, we do not retract from our statement of yesterday. THE COIRTS. Criminal Court. Yesterday the prisoners convicted during the present term ol court were hrought out and sen- tenced hy the court. They were aa fol- lows: Win. Payne, sentenced to five yean' liuprlaoument motion for new trial overruled ; Lucinda Lse, sen- tenced to three years motion for new trial overruled; Jacob Johnson, sentenced to three years motion for new trial overruled ; Wash Smith, sentenced ' to oue year motion for new trial over ruled. In the oase of m. U'Hern found guilty of larceny, a new trial was granted by the court. Attorney Gen- eral Wallace, in view t.f the early adjournment of the court for the present term, had some forty cases stricken from the docket and twenty-flv- e retired there- from. In these cuses the defendants have never been arrested, not being found, and It was desired to relieve tbe docket and avoid the necessity of trans- ferring these cases from docket to doeket, as had been done during the last live terms of court. Georgia State Lottery Jot the Benefit of the MattmiurOryh nii' Home. The following are tne drawn numbers. Com- bination Class 45. Autrust 14. 17: 73 20 27 j 19. Fay A Chandler, GHnVl Agents, 2S7 Main ntreet, Memphis, The Afifsitstppi Diarrhea Cordial. The verdict of tbe riouth has been utian-- 1 imoosly accorded in favor of tliis irreat antagonist of Cholera, Chole.-- Morbus, Diarrhea and Dysentery. It is harmless hut effective for ail this class of disease and has never been known to fail. Ye who pine upon the brink of the grave .. hasten , , , to try its marvelous power uu loanio Mm njtylB rvtam leugtb it halt leeL. and Higbee, sole proprietors. The Aurora Oil. The introduction of this oil is destined to work a great revolution in the lighting It possesses many advantages over all other of light, from the fact that it ia much cheaper than gas or coal oil, is free from any offensive smell, and best of all, We have examined it thoroughly, and without hesitation pro- - nounce it superior to anything extant for the purposes for which it U reoom- - mended. It is also superior to turpeu-tin- e for paints, oils and varnishes. The proprietors, Messrs. H. C. Dewltt A Co., Lave an office at 24 Madison street, but they dispose of state and county rights to manufacture only. Their patent has seventeen years to ruu. Territory is being sold rapidly, ami parties desiring to make money will Hod this a good in- vestment. Don't forget, H Madison street, up stairs. ap21 tf Slats Heuov&ted at 362 tiecond au4 lm Crixii'ktb ! CBogi KTEl ! Crovii'kte: ! Just r.reived. a full of IV ti. tne Of Mi n street. augl4 2t ATT,:Tav U(s,TltibKKS.-- W built to order and secnnrl Hand bill s fur 'ale Ho: lenbers Mrrtri's, t opper. .mil hi anil Shen iron Worker, so. 3(6 Kecood Steamboat work prompt- ly atteaded to. JjS dawtf North American. H. P. Butler, Kq., the popular agpnt of the North American Life Insurance company, left last tilght by tbe Memphis and Ohio railroad, on a brief trip north, to recruit. We hope to see our friend return ere long much improved. During his absenoe, Capt. P H. Johnson will attend to the wants of the pttrons of tbe office. auH Special Notice. On the 3)th of this month, we shall remove to our old stand, in which we were burned out. We.tbere-for- e, offer up to that date tbe balance of our damaged gooiis.consistiuR of bleached aud domestics, caliene, Irish lin- ens, notions and white goods, together with a large lot of shirts, undershirts aod drawers, regardless of cost or value. Our old stand is being refilled iu tbe latest modern style, we therefore desire to open prime, with an entire new of goods, and must close out balance of we have on hand. M. Kkavs & Co. Ho. ?1. Main at , aert to Ward A LeGnere's drug store. Mesi iiis, Aognst 10, 1867. tf TF 1 PERSONAL. Harriet Ellen Mm!and and danchters Queen te and Dora (colored' are In tbe city, ir if any rswin knows cif ihelr thev will cooler a great, favor by leaving word at the Appeal office. Mil IW FKKDEKICK MORELaND. L00M01T MOlXTAn BOISE, Near Chattanooga. Tenn. no more pleasant spot Tor a T'HEKKis tha tbe summit of Lookout Moun'Sin. Theacenery is most beautiful and tfcflbrds great delight to thelovers of nature. Locking to tbe North East, from tbe Mor !"Ttai? H or a, a varied landscvpc is seen. To tbe flow the placid Tennessee, windiDg ln and out among tbe hills, fsr away liiance Its waters stem to blend with clouds. Wooded hills and rich with wavlug fields ot corn and exiend tar as the sve can reach the ho rizon, where the faint outlines of the Ureat Smoky are traced upon tbe sky. It has all tbe telegraph and mail (Viclimes, being but au hour ride from Chattanooga and Is a Mr t Class Hotel. Here ln the peaceful days before tbe war, ths beauty and intolligeiice or ths H uth cam every lmnier to brestbe the pore mnu"tMu air, ana will soon again be the ru vorit Rum- mer resort of all wb . tired of the oust and reat of crowded cities, oeslre relax tion of mind and Lnvlgora'lon ho ly amid the fl riant scene i v tntbe anT COOPkK A JAM EH. Propitetora. Diarrhcca, Dysentery, umm-- t Com- plaint, Cholera Blurbua, Fiux, Chi- ldren's Teething, And the Uieat Preventive of Cholera. MAeilHl'S BEX!VE PLAST. rpHIB Kxtraordlnary Medicine, tbe fame ot wtitch Is spread broadcast tbroognooi the coontrv, la undoobtediy loany remedy ever onVred to the public lor the complaints for wb eh It Is laundsd- - We have iu our posses- sion lestimonlsa, furnished xoluntarlly oy Col. Long. 1st e Chief topograph Kn.iurer u at Waaliiugton. Usii iu H,mry Warren, lien pisaaantAO, and others of the arauy Keilior P, J. Iiertnit-i- . tin- celebratsd Indian Mlavionarv. OfBcers of tbe Navy, -- urg.ou. Hospital csurwerds. Commanders ef nearly every steamer plying on the Mississippi mi tributary rtv ra, Wes srn (sanitary ana Chrls-tla- n Commissions. Arm- - Chaplains, and others numerous to Likewise highest snconiums tne Press, moat o: which are pub- lished ln our almanac, twnloh we shall send to request! git walsiugiia valuable m qualities lit tbe blsbesi terms. No other medicine haa such . J. A li. MAOUIRE, Bole Proprieto. s, St. Loola. cam kv n, usaSAta ani Medina is.i MISCELLANEOUS Ioti?e. the Rent ember Term of the County Court AT Hhelby county, 1 shall apply for Laoers of Administration on the estate of Miry C. Uarusar, dsee-se- d. T. J. ROPER. An gnat 5. 1S57. an. w4t EAGLE COTTON CIN8. McCOMBS & CO., SOLE A GESTi, Nob. 328; "' 4 Statin Street, Between Union and Monroe streets, aui MEMPHIS, TF.s'N. Nortt American Life & Acudent Ins. Co., I'IIILAI;KLPnUA, PL. LL policies laKaed on th endowment plan. Aimu policies, are o restriction on residence or travel. H. r BU TiwCstv ireuerai Agt-n- Tennenaee. Keuiucky and Arkansas, na4 16 JenViaon street. Memphis. Tenn. LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE. liriLLopen tbe eecond day of Beptember, Vt and eonflnne tetf morrtba. MIm Nora Hrad ford, uf Mem pbta. and Mia Annie Pee Me, of Klchmond, have charge of tbe Miiadr rt men t J. I- MERKIHTH. au7 dimwit MBS. H. A. KNOX announce to ber friends and WOULD that she will return to Memphis In time to resume her school in the northern part o' i lie city, on ONDAY,Keptember2d. Notios of the exact location will be given In the city papers the last week In August. Auau4l II. 18S7. aull 2w COAL, COI.. TOW Is the time to lay in your Winter snp-1- 1 ply and the place to purchase the t " Pittsburg " Is at BItiLEY, KELLERS!! A CO., 2S Bomb Court street, suo waead tf corner of Main. Hotice. sell my lower Plantation In Tunica 1WILL or exchange it for other good prop- erty, or lease it for the next year or for a aeries of yeara. It is one of the highest and best In he bottom, about 40 miles below Memphis. Jrl tf A. WRIOHT E. B. WIUJJEH, Payette county, Tenn. J. w. WKSSXR, Fayette county ,Tenn. E. 6. WEBBER & , Cotton Factors AND Commission Merchants, No. 330 Front Street, MEMPHIS, TENN. J IBERAL advauees on consignment In X j aiore. Bagging, Rope and other supplies furnished at lowest market tales. au7 lm Trustee's Sale. Tlrtne of a trust deed executed to me on BY : n day of June, lx. by Moae Levy and Christopher Zimmerman, aud duyregl-er- d In tbe Reffiste ' Office ot Hhelby Con ty, Tennesse . for tbe purpoaeof paying the debt therein secured, I will on tiatorda), Uih D7 of September, ls67, at the salesroom of Messrs. Royaler, TrewTant Co. No. 278 Second atreet, Memphli, Tennessee, (Ayera Block), sell, to tbe hlgheMi bidder, for Utah, tbe following real estate, lt : certain lot of ground In the ountyof Hhelby, Stat of Tennessee, and city of Memphl. known and designated upon the plan of Hill's nMMUM County lot No 511 as lot No. situated at the southeaHt corner of Robeaon and Hills ftTreets. fronting 71 f et on tbe rsoutli Hide of street and extend- ing southward for depth 14 feet between linen paral ei with Hlil atreet, to an alley to. ee'b r wi h alt of the appurtenance t hereunto Tbe title to tbe above property la to be good ; bat I will only aell and convey as Trustee. Equity of rrdemptlou waived. Hale bet wen hours of lo and J o'clock. JOHN P. TREZEVANT. Trustee. lgwtXsd Peyton. Attorneys aaMtd Trust Sale. "VOTlLT-i- a hereby given that In accordance . l with tbe provisions and directions of a deed Intrust executed and delivered to me ou tbe Uth day of July, 1894. by B Hawl-- wblca dead is of record In the Recorder' office or Crittenden county. Arkansas,! aud for the payment of the notes therein described, I will on Friday, September 27, 1837, at tbe door of the Cask's office, in the town of Marion, Crittenden county, Arksnsaa, sell to tbe highest, bidder, f r cash in band, t he follow ing dpscr.bed real estate, mtnated lb t'rittenden county, Arkanaaa. and known as that part of the Spanish Grant, originally owned by. th Grandee Estate, hy W'UlUnj ii. D. Spain to George L'nderhWl and Isaac Bnr gett : Tbeaouih purtof ths sooth went of section twenty four (M) conveyed in aame deed ; the east half of section toirty-al- x s and tbe southoaxt quarter of section thirty-fiv- e (35 , all tn townaiiip seven (Vk north of range eight east of tlie .'ith prin- cipal meridian. The title to thfs property Is believed to le perfectly good, but 1 shall convej only as Trustee, Part of this land comprise; one of the finest plantations on tbe Military Kaart. with Qln- - ' ns. etc.. belngthe plantation known as the Brown Place, near Marion, Ark. aul3 id B. C. BROWN, Trosrt-e- . Trustee's Sale. BV vii tne of a Trust Deed executed to me on 11 h day of July, l!i57, by A S. Myers, and duly tiled for registration in the Ktvgitter'i office ol Shelby county. Tennessee, fur tbe pur-toa- of paying tbe several notes therein se- cured, I will, 0o .Mondaj, the l'ith day of August. IMS, On tbe premises, In tbe city of Memphis, comity of Shelby, State of TeQnese, expose to public ale and tnsell, to tbe highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, it j Kight Two-sr- y Brick Store Honsea. ultuated ou north went corner nt Second and Monroe streets, in the city or Mer)i pnis. lennesnee, upon 101 vuo, running one hundred and fortv eight and a half feet on Monroe aireet. and seventy-fou- r and a half feet ou Second street j the land upon which the sail houses are situated oelc.g the same by Job n M. Lea, of Nashville. Ten e?see, to a. T Norton et al for term of ten years fiom May, - and by A T. Norton tt al transferred t U Boyd 4 Co , and by O. Boyd k to "sain, tJJ ntuu MaDSneiutS Imildlngsall fronton Mon roe street, the whole of the lot to the alley, a distance of one hundred and forty-ei- n and a world. means street. & street. tf brown ln tba tbe in It soiswlor also of one of Rbenon believed Klchard W. Co. run back ou said leased land a distance roily-eig- or fifty feet. I sell at ths same time aM tbe other 1m- - J and. movements upon sakl leased tract or parcel of The title to aald property is beli5ved to be good, bnt I will eil aud convey only as Trustee. Equity of redemption waived. Sale between the hour- of l and 1 o'cle k. JVA. td WM C KOLKKS, Trnstee. Thealtove Is pa ipoued ciitli MONDAY, the 2itb day of Auvust aulStd W. C FOWLKKS, TniKtee. CIRCULAR To the Patrons or tbe Appeal. The undersigned would respectfully Inform the patrons of the Akpkai,, that since GEN. ALBERT PIKE Has baoome Editor-in-Chie- f of tbe paper. Its drcnlmtlon continues to increase rapidly. As an Inducement to those wbo desire to promote the Interests of this well known Southern QUete Osnies, at J. Monatt s. Ml jonrnui, we oner ronowing ler.'is sod- - Stills at stock stock whereabouts and left till valeys, grain, at Mountains een of Asiatic 1 mention. any BRO. conveyed qnarter proceed the ro. will sale scriptlon to subscribers or stubs for the WgasrLY: OnsCorT.Owa VaAB, i SO To Clubs or Tks ob Moec, Each 4 54 ToCxi-b- s or Twaamr oa Mors. Kai ,i a 04) It will thus be seen that a person getting np a clnb of twenty will realise twenty dollars for their trouble, or, If they prefer it, receive twenty-fiv- e copies for one hundred dollars The Wiskly, which Is issued every Thursday, rill oontaln all the Important news published la the Daily paper, as well as the leading edi- torials, wl th a Jruwni-colum- n, nndar the special supervision of Lien. Albsbt Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supiewu OouneU fvr the dbulArrn of the Cruled State. Our frlenda are earnestly requested to aid and assist us In onr new undertaking. Addreaa all communications to J.V0. 8. C. H0SAX S CO., Appeal OiHoe, emptais, Tewaesssee. P. 8 Remittances by Express, or Poatofflce Money Orders, may be seat at our risk. To any person sending us their postofBce addreaa we will mail a specimen copy of the Weekly ArPEAL free. J. B. C. H. A Co. Mem i his. Taw.. Feb. 1. 1SS7. Trust Sale. pursuance with a Deed of Trnst executed IN me by W. P. Bo wan, and which la duly recorded ln tbe Clerk's office of th. Probate Court of UeBoto county, Must,, to secure the psymexit of certain debts therein mentioned, 1 will proceed to sell, lor cash, to the highest bidder, at l he residence of said Boweo. on tbe I'Jth day of August, 1887, ths following prop- erty : Three Mules, 1 Home, 1 Ms re. 8 Colts, o Cows aud Calves, 3 Yearlings, I Yoke Oxen, head Hogs, 1 Wagon,: Carriage. 1 Cotton Gin, I Sorgum Mill, 1 Corn M II, 1 lot Lumber l Piano, 1 bofa, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to pay said debts. The title to above property .a believed to be good, but I will cn vey only as trustee. O. H. P. STEVENS. August 1. 1867. auSitws Wanted Agents. rpo introduce the STAR SHUTTLE SEWING X MACHINE, an entirely new Invedtlon, un- like any other sewing machine ln the world. Patented starch 12,1887. It uses two threads, and makes tbe genuine LOCK STITCH, alike un both sides, that will not rta or unravel. All ther d machines make theCHAix -- nri ii. combines simplicity, durability and beauty, is as .SIX as other nrsl-eiaa- s machines, and will do every variety or family sewing and tailoring. In order to Introduce our new aud novel machine as rapidly aa poaa'.b e, ws pro- pose to fumlsh them complete with one shut- tle, extra bobbins, a full ft of needles, oil can, r, directions, etc.. etc. at the low price of 125. Each agent supplied wltn a copy of Letier Patent. M. M. BEACH A CO., Genera: Agents, 24 Bcond street, near Madlaon, Jyv w8xn Memphis, Tenn. law. A mii. VsL c. roLiaa MARYE A FOLKES, Attorneys at Tiaw, :s Madison Street (DeSoto Block), MEMPHIS, TENN. Jyl8 wlm' Notice hereby given, for the benefit of all whom IS It may eonce n, that, a. Guardian of Cora Shorter, aa.nor heir of R. L. aho ter de ceased. I have this day filed u-- vouchers In tbe offlc- - of the clrrk ol the t oonty Court of Shelby county, Taun.. fur eeit.ement. vr as vs., " WINES AND LIQUORS. MEGiBBEN & BROTHER, WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers, 9SA : MAIN STREET : 281 Memphis, : : : Tennesse jana tf a. TACcaao, a iMimt, Ja. B. TACCAAO, A. B. TACCABO. A. VACCARO & CO., Importers and Dealers In WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, ETC., ETC., ETC., 324 rront Street, Memphis, Tenn, my U. 8. BONDED CELLAR. NATHAN BRO.'S 6c CO. IMPORTERS OF RHENISH & FRENCH WINES, LIQUORS, Foreign Fruits, A.M PRODUCE. No. 262 Second Street, OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. HOFFHEIMER BROTHERS CELEBRATED BAVARIAN BITTERS, The best Bitters in the market ai a TONIC AND APPETIZER. N. a j. HOfTHEIMER, 278 Kront Row. N. & J. HOFFIaEIMER, commission Forwarding Merchants, Wholesale Dealers in Imported find Domestic WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS' Tobacco, Etc., Etc., So. 2J rront Street. surHis.iTii'i1 Always on hand, a large supply or Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies, Also, ths Celebrated BA VARTAN BITTERH. I. HE. K N , Imjiorter and Wholesale Dealer In HALT AXD SPIR1TL0LS LIULORS, 14 llonroe St., Memphis, Tenn., AS In store and to arrive JJ 12 "3 barrels Whisky, various grades; 75 quarter pipes Cognac Brandy ; 35 do do Koahe 'la do ; 10 puncheona Jamaica Rum ; 15 plpfl HolUnd and Scheldam Gin ; 125 casks Ma 1elra, Sherry and Port Wines; lot) basket Piper Heids:ck Champagns; 75 otutes Ciiarfes Karre SO do Green Seal and La Pcrle 30U do Pan;atlon jfltters; 100 do Boser's do 5ti do Hoetet tar's do London Porter and Sootoh Ale : J casks Barkly, Perkins A Co.'s Porter pints and quart very fine' 400 casks 'ruuir ms A Son's Dublin Brown Stout piti and quarts; 300 casks JetTery' Ale pinto: 530 do YoungeHs ia stone jugs; Together wltn a full stock of Draft Ales and Porter, Fronch Cordials, Domeetlo and Havana Segar aL. of which will be told to the trade, at price to defy competition. O. H. EVAlfS, feb3 tf U Monroe street. F. E. Contractor he RADCLIFF, and General roa Tax saijc or Stone Drain Pipe of all Sizes, Louis- ville Cement, Alabama, lames Plaster of Paris, Etc., Has removed his office to No. 39 Madison Street, Between Main and Second, ITHERi: ff promptly. attend to all rapeclal attention by enced men given to ail kinds ot m;s ti will W. STILES, O No. 4 Hutehins' Bouse, Agent W. HOUSTON, TEXAS, GENERAL CUMWSSIOS AGENT I?rolu.ce Broker, PKER9 HIS SERVICES TO HIS FRIENDS ln snd elsewhere plan, ail orders experi AND- Texts upon ths only Exclusive Cash "Basis. an- - Particular attention paid to SALES OF REAL LSI ATE. and proceeds deposited In B nk to credit of patrons, or remitted either y flrift or Hni'.l, ss iei'-t- CITIZEN'S UNION BANK, No. 83 Madlaon Sire!, TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BUY AND BELL SIAIi, C9VSTX a5D CUT SltlKITISS. JOHN DONOVAN, : PRESIDENT. DIRbCTOKS : P. T. HUGHES, THOS. BARRETT, Si W. WICkEBSHAM, JOHS DONOVAN, Jyl8 lw J. J. POWERS. Notice to Contractors. Maroa'a Orntra, i Hklstka, August 1, 1807. PROPOSALS will be received at SEALED until the 2Sd day of August. 1887. for the constrnctl-'- of a Levee lor the protec- tion of the city of Helena from overflow. The amount of work required to be done will amount to about 5P.IW coble yards A survey or the rou s aod plans of ths work can be seen at the office of the City Engineer. Bids will be received for the whole or part of the work, to be paid for In bonds of Lbs e ty having twenty years to rnn. with interest at 10 per cent., pay aula Also for half bonds and half cash, or all cash. The work to be done under the direction o( the Improvement Com- mittee ot th t Board of Aldermen, and paid for muntbly. a. the wor j esbe'a'jaCKBON, anil) lw Mayer of the city of Helena. WHITEMAN BROS., Manufacturers of and Dealers tn PRINTING PAPER, aForxheast Public Square, 1 fsaafcvme. Ss.7 Bentfa Carl Street, alaaaipbla. The Memphis Brass S (string Band, TYRor. ANL)REWMirH, Leader, will for. r nlsh w tsla for Precessions. Picnics, Balls. Foornainenis, Prlvste Partisa aft Orders left , mj, Main street. 41 Jefferson street and at Prof J Wlnl's, opposite North MasBphla Mar-1- '.. .., .Ms w receive nrofn ot attention STEAMBOATS. TOR ST. Regular 84. Louis Packet. Far Cairo aad ftalat Louis. BELLE 8T. LOUId This elegant gssBasnaysr WIU leave LOUIS. THURSDAY. 1Mb Inst., at I am. au.i 2t FLltM. CALVERT. Sap't TOW ARK A MS AB RIVER. Regular Msmpbis snd Arkansas River Weekly United States Mall Packet. Far Helena, Sapolees, Pine BlsiaT auad Little stock. CELESTE. , . , Hamilton master This splendid passenger packet will isave as above on , SATURDAY. 17th Inst., at i p.m. LARRY ARMHTA I) Agents, aull 4t Corner Main and sta , er City Wharftioal. foot Monroe st. Regular Msmpbis and Arkanaaa River Weekly uausa etsics .Msn rr Helesus, sysla, riasa MasT aad CELESTE Hamilton master Thls an nark UlUS IHKS. arj as abows ou setae OR, SATURDAY, 17th lust., at S p.m. W.JAY JOHIfSON, Agent, au4 4t Star Wnariboat. Memphis and Arkansas River Paeket Company. I ITE STATES HAIL I I VK. Commencing Friday, - 6th. for letent, Hapoleoa, Red rork, Pine Blaff and Little Rock, The new and elegant sldsnrhass steamer Captain N a '.RKKX Will lease Mcn-Dbl- s for Pine Blnff every FRIuAY at 5 p.m., making all mail anil plan- - ration lacings. The One, light draught steamers GLEANER, GUIDON. Capt. Geo. J. Una. Capt. J. R. WHtTAaaa. One of the above named boats will leave Memphis evsry TUESDAY at a p.m. for Little ivsx, duxiui an aaaii sua plantation iauu- Thankfal 'or former libsrsJ patronage, ire assure onr friends and ns'rons that we will inn on regular time, and do their business to sails- - faction. DAK ABLE. President ann N Bat Front Htreet. Memphis and Wblte River United States Mall Line. rHE TEAMFPs COMMER I CLAL"and "K'lWKSA" W1L form a ssVBB between and V, bile River. m H A emph The aplandld Pauanger steamer COlltRCUL, Wai.J.iikrord.Saster. Leaves Merophlg ever Tuesday at 5n'clockp.m " Angoata every r ralay aa Is o'elocA a m M fiearcy eveiy Friday at 4 o'cloes: p in. Wssl Point every Fridsv st So'clock p.m " Dss arc every Saturday al go'ciocfc a m s Iiava fra Blaff every Ssturday at U o'clock ra. The elegant Passenger Steamer R0WIXA, John B. Bails. Saster. Leaves Mmpblp every Saturday at 5 o'clock p m West 1dnt every Mouday at o cJ'k p.m Jacksonport every Tuesday at 10 o docs: a.m. " AuKUsta every Tuesday at t o'cloes: p.m M Arc every Wedneauay at tf u'ci'k tun M Davall's Bluff every Wednesday at 12 o'clock ra. Tbese boats nave been tborongHy repaired t and refitted expressly tor tbe trade, aad, hav- ing tba Mail Contract for Four Years, pasen-eersan- shippers can rely upon upon tbelr re- - aalntng In lbs trade permanently, aud are tee only boats bavLna a connection witb re train-- ; at Dnval:'s HlalT for Liuie Kuck and Hot 1 heee are tbe only boat, authoriu-- IO well Tbrouati Ticket, to Little Kock via rail-- road from Davall's Blaff. Time throagb 41 hour-- . A iroou light draft steamer will be ruu Ln connection with base packets troru angusta and Jacksonport. msking two trip par week, to Px shontas ou Black rfver. JUHM H DAVla.8upt, Memphis and White River U. h. Mali Line. LEVY s MILLER, Agents, an2 tf M Kront street. Mf mphis and Sourd Cltr ferrj Packet. PEOSTA M. R. Cuss a. Master. T KAVfcH the Laaairg. foot of i . Adams street, ck a.ra . audi ttand aio'clock .m iK and rrt D- SELF FASTENING IR0S TIE FOR COTTON BALES. CIAP. .lOB8KJi, Sole Prop'tr, $90? No. 1 Tnion street. New Orlean. Insert the hoop in tbe jj 1 slot, and it tight the bale. All atbsr Tata fa tenlag ay ihia method are lnfringsmeuLs, and will be prosecuted at law as such. When the lever of the press is raised the tie will fat-te-n itself by the out- ward pressure of the bale. Wa are sole ageni orders for the above aad are prepared to m WruDgit Iron Buckle Tie, on the nicst favorable terms. We are them manufac tured of the most superior iron and thoroughly tasted. D. H. Ii A VIS A CO., C' maananon Merchants. Louisville, June 22, 1887. anl COLUMBIA FEMALE INSTITUTE. Tbis Institution wUI be reopened n the Second Hondar lo September Next, Under the direction of the REV. GEORGE BECKETT. effhrtwiU be made to afford the EVERY Female Education. The course of study Is Both thorough and syste- matic, combined with home care snd teaching. Professors or acknow .edged ability hare bean provided for the various departments. FACULTY : Rt Rev. C.T. QUINTAH), DS., Rev. GEORGE BECKETT. Principal. Mrs. LKONI OAS POLK," ) vies Prtnelpals. Mrs- E. A. KECKETT, Rev. DAVID PKW, D.D., Belle Lsttrea. Rev JAMES N. TEMPLE. Mathematics. Mons. A. BBTEVE. Musical Director. Miss SUSAN POLK. English. Miss 8HEM8OG. English. Madame L. ESTE E, Vocal Music. asWFor Circulars and business transac- tions address Rev. J. N. TEM PLE. Columbia, Tenn. .Widow of the late Bishop Polk. aa.' lm FRESH GROCERIES AT SOO MAIS STREET. HARBISON'S FLOOR, July If, Also, a lot or cessans W fill for all Ms7. EOAR. Also, a trash aoppiy or No. of New MITM WIN E VIH- - 1 and M AC KERk L. HAVE ON HAND Cauvaeed .. m Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues, Good Butter ion lee). Lard. Cheese, Cornmsal, Grltta. VINEGAR Variety of Pickles, Chow- - Cbow, uouu aanaisru anu zsaacaa, rre isi I la Pie Fruits, Jellies, Jams, Mai sens. TufiwaRafO. SUGARS Granulated, Pulverized, Powdered. Co nee, syrups sna stoisases. EXTRA TEAS Imperial, Gn powder, Young Hyson and Oolong. We endeavor to keep a well assorted, care- fully selected stock of GrvsMTles for family use, of the very best quality, and by ireuuanl addi- tions of trash goods, be all times pi spare to offer Inducements, ss to the of our goods at moderate p'Lcea. Call and see ns. wrwsirw ariffirnaBf AmfAPMAN. TBE MANHATTAN SAVlAuS BAM, Ho. Sadlsoa Memphis, Teaa., J. LEVY, Pres'L L LEVY, V. P. Zsiglsr iprlnfES !r,'cnrk draw harlug Visitor. Wheat, re-- MESS Davis' Hams, CIDER at quality 80S Mala atreet. S. BORG, Cashier. M.C. Ki.lHX.Aas H i t. Bucesssort to Levy A Bawl,) F0BEIGN 4 DOMESTIC IXCHaNGF, Crosct, Sdrer, 8ees, Bonds, eoveraMt aad MiKeUaaeoM Seccr .lirs - . WRIGHT'S PATENT aV IMPROVED IKON bCKEW OOTTON PRESS WM. A. HOBIHSOS tt CO., MEMPHIS, TB1TK., A8EVTH for Mississippi. Loose.. oa, srkansasaud Tennessee. For SIMPLICITY, BCOKOMY. ana P- O- KR. ! stanrs unrisailSSl. and r makes It tne BEST -- od CHEAPEST CHITON PRESS IN THE W'jBXsU. Many teatimonlals at lo lii practical u'lllty and superior excellence can be shown. In ths season of last, the local demand for that Press wan so great we were unable to mess it, and were oougtrj w uiaappoini many wno apptiea lor ihess- - ws rum ian me irons at our i.rasm Memphis for i'.5il. Willi plans and spec: pMa, au9 law put up, including frsigl 1 Western Koundry snd Machine opposite Uayoso HoU e. Memphis, Terra. HOLLENBERG le OERTEL, Architects and Builders' Supplies, Mann arent etf GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES, TIW, COPPER SHEET IRON WORKERS, 348 Second street, aad His ton street bet. iBvaril Saw sad Kajoso street. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES, DISTILLERIES OF ALL SIZES Made Us Order. se ond-ltan- d DiatlllerleB Tor Sale. STEAMBOAT WORK, COPPER AND SHEET IRON, DOSE PBOMPTLY. T1X ROOFING AND GUTTERING CHEAP. IW Marble and constantly on band. Slate Mangels, a Large assortment Grates GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. ANTI-MALARIA- L BITTERS! No Person need Suffer from Fever and Ague, this Medicine sill She Immediate Belief, and Street a Permanent Core. GO A. TONIC XT IS XJ1VEC?TJATLiEII. For Sale by alt Druggist General Dealers. D. T. EVE ST CO., Proprietor and Sole Manofa-turerK- , Petersburg, Va, P. I. HUETTE M it CI - and of as a FOR SALE BY A CO , NO. 313 MAIN FRANKLIN 15 Court Street. LYONS, FIES & CO., Wholesale and Retail UKAI.KRa IX WROUGHT BlCkLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS. ETC., 240 Main street, MEMPHIS, TEN R, H. LTORS, ") J. Fllf, V PLANTATION SUPPLIES, I. BAaronirs. I . KN ABE PIANOS! KNABE PIANOS! unrivalled lnstruinents are fully rIESK for seven yean, and are for sale st HO. 375 MAIBJ IT., (Jackson Block.) Memphis, Tsasesssa, Is By :.'.MPOLD (KIKPKL. .ST. PAILS ACADEMY, Helena, Ark. Fourth Annual Session of SL. Paul's THE Helena. Arkansas, for the recep- tion of boarders and day pnplls, w.H commence on too Firat Monday in 6ptemter. Prospectus giving full particulars can be had bv a piying to jvsl Its D. J. 11X1 AN. President. $2000 REWARD! Orrica MaarHis Bo aad at MEMPHIS,! ESN., June 4. 17. order to mors effectual. y suppress In rism within the city 01 Memphis, a re- ward of Two Thous-an- Iolars will be paid by th Memphis Board of I'nder-wr.te- to sny policemsn or other persons who shall procure the arrest snd lea! conviction of any person or persons guilty or firing any sin hiss insured by sny toe Insurance K suoaaies oumpnsln this Board, lijtr BY ROER IIP THE BOARD. eallcti'o SlMl BrnaliletlonUiua Price W per Saw. invariably rash. ORG1LL BROS, m CO., Sole Agents la Memphis. Arrow Cotton Ties ORUILL BKOS. A CO., Sole Agents in Memphis. Fire aiidlBurslMr Front HaYTB Marvin A Co. a greatly clsbrsted Fire and Burglar Proof Rares for bus nes hoosaa and bankers: also. Pl.ATB SAFES lor parlors, at manufacturer- - prices. ORUILL BFOS. ACO.. Sole Agents in aempuis 1S60 bin. French Window Glass, Imported direct, and for sale by ans ORGILL BttOS. A CO. TO LUMBER BUYERS. TiHE andrisiiod are prepared to fllLst short I notice and st low- - market pries, ail or- ders for TUUfw PiSK said other LUMBB H., Delivered In Memphis, or at their mills, near Bur' svll'e. un the M. and C. R. It. Gen H. H. HIG4JINS. No. .7 Avery street, is our author lsei agent in Memphis Mm wUI have prompt attention. yM :m All orders through rati a..os i.r... W. W. UIWRASfB. Excursion to Mammoth Care. DAILY TRAINS leave tne Depot of tbe rWO snd Louisville radioed, head of Main follows i I p.m-an- d 11 p.m., run- ning through to Cave City without change of oars. sr Excursion Tickets from Memphis to Mammoth Cave and Return st Reduced Kales. Fare round trip, to Cars and return m 7iaaeh Psrtissof fifteen or mors 3 :"'actt Parties of twenty five or more 18 70 each For through tickets and all Information, call at Ticket Office, N o. MS M.ln strset. Jy27 tf 8AM. B. JOMBM. Uss'l Sup't. a. sLAOaict. was a. r. SKLLEES. S. M. WEBB CO.. COTTOaST FACTOE Oommission Merchant, lee Block, raloa St., 1 Bet. Front sl. and Main SL. Memphis, Tenn. su7 dawlm Islrenity of Lou Islana Medical Department. FACULTY i AH earn as. M.D , Emeritus Pre feasor of Obstet- rics and Diseases of w omen and Children, j a Mas Jokes, M.U., Professor of Obstetric snd Dussaaea or Woman snd t'hlldrea. Wabbbk Stoke, M.D , Professor of Surgery. T rticKAsmos, M.D., Professor f Anatoany. JW Mallst. Pb LL, Professor of Chemkstry BAartt.L M Beju.ssTm.D , Professor of the the- ory and Practice of Medieln.. STAJiroan E Chaille. M D , Professorof Phys- - ioiogy and Fatbologicsl Anatosay. Fas XX Hawtmox!, M.D , Pro.easor pro tarn of Materia and TherapeaUea. aaKMONSTKATOalS OP ANATOMY, WstCNlcanta, MIX. C J M.D. The Thirtieth Annual Course of Instruction this institution will begin November lltb, aid in the following March. I'nlimlnary fec'ures will be rven daily In ibe Cnsrily Octooer Litn, at which Ume Iilothe extensive m,ms for Practical Aa?oinT wl Jo. opsedW nsBU,tMf ths haretofors unsurpassed, bare, by ths frvSSVty of the State Lsglslsture, been grestly during the past season, 'O thtt sow attained to it a Practical la which .Indent, are taught to ob-E- n I nimiasai aisa Ihs facts ast forth in the Fees for sli the : Matriculation, rn.ti rmi oso.1 ' , ' ' J . Payment requ.rso. in nw formation acureao PROF. b. M. BE.MISS, lucationa for Dulling uo. Tiie entire osl ,f on Irons, Is nut Utile over B& WM. A. R iRINroN A LO.. Shop, fact and Fur further in. W H V z com- - STREET PAINTING. en F". DAVIS, PB.4CTICA1. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTKR, Gliding, Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging, Kalsomlnlng, te. Shop a Eailovi Street. John Leslie, 7 3 Madison Street, PRACTICAL H01SK, 816!i P.ll.MfcK tt tiRllME. apia tf IJV. HTLE TT8 PATENT P0LAB BEFKNEBAT0K AND Water-Gool- er Combined the best and only perfect PRtiVISI' .' J8 PREse rv s R in tbe world, and wl keep Frsh, Milk, Veajetahies. Frnits, stc . longer, dryer snd colder, with. LEwblcB than auy other Refrigerator in use. The Polar Befrigerator Is heoMy one patented having a eenrienain: surface exposed to the provision chambers to extract the moisture and impurities from the a: r. sold onry oy Jeitf PLANTATION H KINNEY'. BRTSON A CO AND NKW SAW MILL FOB SALE. A RARE CHANCE FOP A PAYING IX-- i vestment The r .sutation - known aa : -- town or - Lake Bluff," oa hits river, A rk., miles above the Memphis and Little Rosk rail- road crossing, containing between fonrar d five hundred a res. about one bcadred .est. Of feet above tbe late ovswflowl. ths remainder heavily ttmbered. Psssther with the wr.ole . r half interest In s .NK STEAM SAW MI, L, (forty horse power.i.Englne. BtacaaSDlths Baasp, t an enter's Tools Wagon and ail aec sasry sppurtenances for running tbe same. Th re is a flue Mansion with nice rooms. a cistern, ca- pacity auvgallon.,i threeCablna,. Warehouse, two good Wood Yards, and ths best laudirtts on the river. The above will be sold at low fig- ures snd on easy tsraaa. For further particu- lars address Mrs. M L-- H ny4 tf Appeal Office. Billiard Tablas for Sale. L IX BILLi ARl'.TABLES.FOR SALE CHEAP. U Apply to mv!2tf vv AW, Moons, street. UBBARD k LOVEL, Manafacansaaa 6TKAM SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. Ctllars, Whips, Etc., U0.3331 IECOSD STREET (Between Monroe and Union.) Dealeri Seroad-Raa- d Bar ess. Kraamsr. aeao will aeataaas aoddispatrn. 300 Ooaole SeU aew Wagon Sam"! Yery theap fur eaas. jy21 atVSAAT. xiDsva-- T. MURRAY Jt RIDGLEY, MERCHANT TAILORS HO. 31 KADISON STBKBT, Merchant Tailoring Goods. Vrr make every garment ourselves, and will lyl 5. a la t sisulssaailassalHaii aa i D. H ST. 14 ol a e-- E IUKA SPRINGS HOTEL now open for ths accommodation of vis- itors. IS A new house with forts rooms hsa been added to lbs large Hotel, with all modem improvements. Billiard Tabloa, Tenpin Alleys, Bath Booms, Swings, Eta, Good health, ths bast Water ln Ibe world, su- perb music, magnificent and hunt- ing and fishing, and every iBttnaeanent ior pleasure, kealth aast cosnfort. 111 Slice last of Memphis, oa Keraphls aad tharleston Kallroad, With two dally trains, telegraph, etc. Ronms can be engag-- d ot T. J. CRAFT A CO., No. m Main strest PATTERSON. WRIGHT CO . au7 Proprietors. A. Card. will at ones rebuild onr warehouse, and WE wl! bsve t completed by the 15th or not by the fiist day of that month we srtll be 'ready to receive goods on store Ybesueds alii be divided Into flro proof by brick walls, and covered with tin. Those w o have patronised us for the isst two seasons, snd th se wrsa any have ed to do so ths spproachlng one, may rest assured we will be ready for thsan. w.aeaagn sat srOlaailng a Cottoa Compress la .nM.nAt wiLb oar warebr.nae. urstm an art. t lot, which will be ready by toe 1st of Oo-- Usbment to the rrver renders the handling nf by river free ol dray are. Th advantag. of the ponit'sn la e!;uai to one d.ay-as- e on all couon sent for ooanpraaaniant from nthar ware bouses, wnlls on all ootton ln one wasssasass jar eoaasaaaaaaassi t thars can he two LssSsritTrosiVr sled t tt.lapriS totassnMaaM n tr aaSsaWwasF lag EaSta by dnays 17 J. R. CHRISTIAN A CO. Bolting Cloths. ANKER'' BOLTING CTaOTES . ,5!l"!,.vtr,M ss. asas, s ... I

The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1867-08-15 [p ] · BANKING DIBECTOEY. mWMER'-lA-Bank of TennMadison and

Mar 08, 2019



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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1867-08-15 [p ] · BANKING DIBECTOEY. mWMER'-lA-Bank of TennMadison and


Madison and Main srreeSa.

DetvITO HMa, No. MadlaonFIRST National Ban, 14 Maauaeas

national RanX, M Main streetUAY'OHO


MKurtuNo. 1 J




rr umnrtrtioR,in


MEMPHli Insuranceon street- -





of IS Madlaon

BAVInGS Bank of Memphis, 204 Main atreet."


CAROUSa Trisorance Company.s're, ..

A O,

CI.MtK, Insnr.nce"nil

In No. 11

R 4 CO ,

roi lI. .1 A iU oor- -

Bar andCrTAMrUrR"iTlNM r. CO., Booksellers and

l ai n

H.C.TiEvrrTr A Coson street.


DASrTfrri.l. Hil.LIAED, Factors, 25'

swaiM m, Booksellers and otauunera,aV io Jefferson

E so.- h ;.: more. II

3. CO.. Dry 27










seringa Madlaon





JRSH Dealers,

jenvr-o- n

.KSON. Coal,




AbatraciMonroe wcooa

Kiattoners stresLFront

Aurora Kadi- -



CHADip. ?s: lti Jefferaoi.

a STS.FFF.Yreel.

FTSNIE 11 AM 4 CHAPMAN.Ma n treet

FOKC.J o A o i.. n '8 MainL. C, Phjsioan. Virginia

eLAICK. at CW.

tiOKJ'i-- i.OPOLD,



CIT1- -'



Liquor. fteoondOperaHard war. svsei.


Ooaaaaa Fa.tors.


"tdlerv. atreet.

VEB, office




jtai.r its Excloslve

rSON, 8., at. J25 street.

HIl.UTRANOECO., Factors.14 atreet

A CO r I. Prog 218 Main.Ht7BARDA LiOVELL. Saddlery, m

street.H ;to. H4VNt Attorneys

al Law, Paget Second streets.rtOlJBT, A fX- - Undertakers, gan Main


1 ilrUMER, A Liquors. 276 rroul

BOLLKMatOBX A Building Mate- -

hi lson street.H KMT A lrLARR Y A CO. and

Ticket oornerwaln and afadlsojn

f 1"N, . l

IRK 1 J. street





v Coal



F., 1re







.lKISoroH, GasFIUera, 44 Beo- -

asaaatsaask- MATXON", Gas 1 MainrVN

L FIEB A CO. Dry ta MainY"5"MILLkR, steamboat Agents, 2 Front

HtfBXJ 'HN atree-- .

11 h(1

Low ENSTEIN BRO-- , a. Dry cornerMale treets-

BfKKNU 'treet.





A I Coinmlssion Merrbsnt.,4


M AN. A CO., Jewelry, 275

Ml'RK A A RIDGLEY, Merchant Taylors, II

V K y s rsu;huCTZA (X) '. corner Jefferaon

missisTppi valley rNeURANCs aMad

MEilB-E- A It!












Patent. given,

WT'K CottonMonroe



iC.TUOS. Dyers, He-o-




KjWAHU street'

Proooce M Monroe



Palmer, MadlaonAgents.


BRos., Goods, Main


Iftam BIONFront

eeon1 street.MEKKi Main

Madison stress--Totaaeco,

Second streela.

W!MlLiquors Merchants,4 H --ho ley

MOFFAT J As. Trimmings. 47 Main street.MOORF A WEST, northwest 'corner Madison

snd si

N Ka MKMI'Hi- - I Jefferson

HATH AN A OO.stress.





" an National Rank.







ne.itei. sueet



Family oceries. Pop'ar.Books


Msd'son stress--pjVVT F. Rs '1 N SCR A COMPANY, over

Savings Hank of Mem-hl- s.

PlKK. I. f. A'to Little Ro-k- .

PKKKINS. LIVINGeTi'N A POST. HardwareMain .freet

TSEJ'.i.CaM CO.ROVSTEk. Klock. SecondRORIVSOS.W. A Co.. Founders, Main

Gayosn House.K"VF. A CO., Gayoso PlasussB

Adams streel.BADCI.1KF

son t








A Ll




2HF. Lime, Cement,

IAils Lumber, 174

Goods, Mala strawiderfsker. MS. fsssossd strest



HMITrl. "'1T. LOUIS MUTUALCompany. 42 wadison stress.

BHt l.TZ







282 Second




E.. etc

Drv at?

Lockstoilh. lis lefferson street.uoteOT lirpu M::f1liri he- -

. ,




" .



oraudres1. J.STTm Ball B AppealFront I

Land ForFt tJ .

Opera undividedi. .. Tailor., of land, in

Sevier' which

Agent, no- - be fbrure. forMedue3 street thic -- a. . --r mi

wwACCARO A tlf JM jrroni street.

w -- TI K HATCHER, Allorueyv: s, street


H. OO,

Madl- -






Dent Main







Main reels.


::m-s- ee



Mill.Madl- -








Factors,i'i inn ugPaper, .7

Stationers,2s-- Mal i

WEBftOM, neuli'l. lSe-.njd sir

I'AGK sV CO..JCo. 1H Poplar Street,



Promptly Filled and Dellvere

anv part of the City WITHOUT EXTRACHARGE.

aw Satisfaction given, or Goods will beback again WITHOUT CHARGE.


of the esta'e of J. M. Lylss,AS to dispose 01 either a halfor bis Interest as SOLA Leasee of tbe

State Penttenllarr. My brother's leaserontlr-oe-s 'or li years, an act of the

of the state oble-- t In offering to


proper'ymmtdla eand constant

locatedsituated cannot

gdve interest growing thisLease that attention deserves

this lime about hundred convictsthe Penile- - Pot aidreas

Oxford, Miss.W. LYLKS, Adm'r .etc.

REFERENCES.4ov. Humphreys, Ex. Office,

Miss. Cent.




Wiad AttorntyH.Ava!anne

Family Srhoo. Tor oun Ladies.momma baAE, Baltimore

CflAR. p'.AiKHead 8cln4aaUc lepsrtn.ant-Mia- B 1CN- -


Vocal -- Prol". TflOB-





GKuBaE, and

atto be


so Ithe na of

are ai inparticulars me


M. IT, R B

A Co Memphis

MsJ.Z.A. for

m Tu". dim

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Lit. .uHieru Lan uajje Prot



an ! Inatrnint n tai E.BEtKE.

Drawing and D. A.

Tbi- - InN'itutlon will opened on 1

iaiic yevr 1

Jane I

BON -- IE 11

thetbe ww terneatvv m.m t


tpupila liuiitea

Ct'Caiara givingfound - Uyftto

ni Entz Raab'a o.mnUaaion apl;










sonMain street.






center the

have family.LY Oxford.

outwhich Thee


A. West. silent


and V.




Ida-- VI Mi.





1 b firat rsMUua of3U- - l am tocoi- -

Mltuatod on An elevatedYridnrfcr 1 road, mil a fromt ol and nCat tncville Haii- -

Uiai tbe city.nam tier ot will lm 10

far ber portlenlara may beft boaV, Cbarlea treet,

kat re, Cnaree Mr. C H. Mc Blair,

O.. noz an 4 lm



Monday, September 3d, 187,TWJR the Fall and Winter Sessions, at then

and oouiiaoaiKsa huisrtlns. Mo MlThird street, ten Msduou and MonroeAmple sirangeuieul- - sr made Jell

ANNOUN CEMENT.tirV. kM anthAr.. tnannn AMOS 11

V - lor soerlfr ofslielbv oonnty at the March Election



aul t

mills, single gentlemen can onmnboard and ffKMl room" , alto day boarders canbeacrommodaiesl al 34 Second slieet. betweenOayoso and L OMtt

jjOAKUlNU- -rurnlxhed rooms, with good board, can be

bad al raaaonabla rates at No 1U Monroeatreet. Also few day boarders can beaoeorn- -

modeled. Jl tf


A FEW ROOMS, otheror unfurnished, to rent, with board,

either gentlemen or families, convenient toll !. within one square of Court square.and at the most reasonable rates, at No. SW

Second street, Madlaon. Day boarding. 5

per weak boarding and lodging, te per week.JeJtf



A Situation by a GermanSoldier aa a Porter in a store. "Can give goodreference " Apply at No 41 Madison street,

aus at .

w ANTEDA BITE ATI' as HousekeeperIn a family-- in the country preferred. Dressmaking la ail iu branches, thoroughly m

comfor- t- of a home more an ob-

ject than remuneration Beat of referencesgiven ann required. Address Mrs. M., csreofAppal office.

ANTKD- -Able bodied men, white or colored, to work

at a Sawmill and Woodyard liberal WKgea

Arp:y to L. B. BCRT.baek of Morris iABdlng,county, Miss. Jy20 lm

w ANTEDAGENTS 110 to 20 a day, to our

new patenl 8TAK 111.K. mi.CHINa. Price tii. It usee two threads,makes the genuine Lax g Stitch. All otterlow priced machines make the Chai-Stic- th.

Eacii agent 'urclahed allb a copy of ieltersletrllory tvnu

ctrculara. M BsACH A



N Insurance



r Liquors,







j: ,m aMMecona s:.. xrmpiig, enn.


AUllORA OIL.We want men every where to study their

I'sTFRsaer. The right to manufacture and sellthe Patent Aurora Oil In a single county willmake more money to the purchaser threemonths than the largest farm In jonr state

make In a whole year The Aurora Oilaetualiv costs leas than one-hal- f the prloe ofCoal O'li.and the Illuminating power ot th"Aurora Oil a much superior t. the Coal Oil

the t'oa. Oil is to a tallow cand andonoRg explosive than a tallow candle. Any

Lamp that will burn Coal Oil will burn the Au-

rora Oil. li does not imoke the chimneydoes not smell it will rot grease or stain theflneat linen not even white cloth. The mate-rial for its manufacture is Inexhauatlide. Oneman can make aeventy-6v-e barrels per day.No tuactiinery required. We pay yourfare to and from the city of Memphbi billswhile here, If we cannot prove all, and evenmore than we have A single countya small fortune to the msn of enterprise,the right to a state Is untold worth.

Forfurlber information, call on or addreaaCL IX 111 A t o..

24 Mad son street, eorner Main.Memphl.--. Tenn.

NOTICES.Three-fourth- s of the Profits Returned to

the Policy Holder In the

Georgia Home Insurance Co.,


Cash Capital and Sarplns, - 400,000

I IliKRAL CONDITIONS BOOB ABLERales, and Prompt Settlements. Parties

Insuring in C is company will set their pro-portion of peon in Scrip, which will betaken at par vaine rem wa

MOOBEA WOT, Agents.MadiMin street.


pOK KENTTWO OFFICES, formerly occupied by the

Polios Commissioners, No. BMal!son atreet. Inquire al Police office,Msd.son street.

Memphis, June 10, ISao J l


Building, on the corner of Main SouthCourt streets Apply iu the building to P. C.

BKTHELI. ., or P. WALKER, JR In momsNo. 1 and a my tt

pOK KENTThe STORE-HOUS- E Second street, known

as the OLYMPIC.Leo.

The ARCADK LIVERY STABLE, on the alleysouth of Madison street, between SecondThird sireeta,



pOK SALEA desirable HOUSE LOT in he bus:neas

part of the city, near corner of Union and Dss

Solo streeta, M feet frost by 200. particulars lnqnlre at 27 IeSoo street. anll.'w

pOR SALEA light one-nois-e HOCK A WAY, tn good or-

der. Apply to A. L. Cunimins, '

pOK BALEOne 12 II arse Stationsry Engine and Boiler,

nearlv for cheap.LUNN MALLON,

jvi.ira 204 Main streel.

p O li SALEExchange for Caali. Dry Gooda or Family

Grosvriea, oos or two eligible suburban Lots,situated near the M ssisalpri and Tenner-,- -Raiirosd ontslxdu acres iriwen Malnand Second Depot, -

z further imorraatlon apply lo W.PSiN WM.SON, Loft. KM BROWNE. office

blreel.rt street. tale.

THt'KM" I. s UK A Tobacco Factors,Aar Greenlaw House. j n one-ha- lf interest tn SO.Onoacres

THR.LL Mer.hant 1 Jetleiaon A. Red liver bottom Lalayetle jcounties, Arkanaaa. I

Tbistnvsgast, tbx- - title to Is perfect, willH.T tomi.:nson, lusurau'-- e i. sold a low one-thi- rd cash and i



remainder years, without

Also, magnificentbottom land, above overflow,

finest body Blale,county.

These laudsWKBB. M ', v F.ctors, Lee Block.

U,l n Apply ADAMS.

Booksellers SEW JAIL CONTRACT.stress- -











I wish





at Miss


B Jackson,Ms




Principal-M- r. Mra.


Pain Ung-Pr- of.




tbel-wtio- -



Bal'ltnora, wlmPaaacncer


rI ra










isa e, is







on a







aiai one

seres of Arkansasriver ail the

of land In the in CrawfordArkansas.

be sold together or In par- -

S A niton forA

Attorney sal , v.

rnbs-t- f SSt Main street, Memphis










bill and












and tworest--



a CONTRMT for building a NEWPoint. Coat J AXL In the town of Friar's


homa county, to be let out to theI A) WEST BIDDER by the subscribers, on the24th day of August, 17.Plans ami SpecificationsTo be seen at the Clerk's office. In the town ofFriar's point.

Taass to be mni" known on the day of let-- :ting- - The commissioners do not bind lliem-- ,selves to a cept any bid. unltss proper securityIs given to tbe full amount of the contract thatsaid Jail shall be completed on or before the 1stday ol January, lstis.


Commissioners appointed by the Board of Po-- illoe of Coancma county, to receive bids andlet contract.Friar's Pulnt, Miss , July 2S, ISS7. JySOtw


rvliE net eighth sewion of UiU cbool willX open OO tilt?

First Monday In September Next,tvod cl(M about the lart of June, The

will be amlNtMl ty m, gradaat ofthe L'niventi'y of Virginia tor farther lnforraatloD. at lo term, etc, ddrf mm the Priuclii!,s)mr iile. Tenn. 'I be Pr nc pal would ivfc rto tbe k -- Utrn-tu wbosa named are ajpendedbelow.

N R Tbaae wboae names are marked byare, or have ben, patrtim of ibe

whool. I). M Kl -Principal.

Mr E M Appajrraon, Memph's ; "Mr U Friertoo, Columbia, Tenn ; Ir J T Bi.kervUle. Kayelte eoonty ; Col J K Moaby , Kayette canty ;

ol ."Mbiu iaie, Jtftmpnw Jir w r I miiibi,Memrhi: Mr Thoa H A -n MmpU: "MrJa Kmlaer, "olanabla Teuu; "Mr H - Galon,

Mr 1. ii!, Mem thif Mr JL Pulliam, HowerTllle 1'roi J ' PetUu,, Ma-- r

u. Tenn ; Hon J T Jonaa, llWena, Ark;"Th- - Shapani, r 14, Tipton eoanty : Col A TL.aoey, Mecqpbla; "Mr S H Hornor, Helena,Ark ; 'lien Joaeph Willlatua, Mamphbi; "Co M1) Bell. Pine ttiUlT. Ark; iCev C Jobnao:Mlt r CbnatlaQ Adrorte, Memphu; H

W WlUlamaou, Memphl-.- Mr W b Miller,MeuipLi' Mr Law H Marre, ('apt K

Wiliianu-OD- , Mempbia; Mr W H Mart in.Port Gi'mmio, Ml; CbanrllT J W Hams.,,uiervi.i ; Judsa Huiupbreys, fkroer-rlll-

Her R H River-- . Koraerville; VrM iHomerville ; Prof K 1 Boyd, Homer-v- ilie ; .faeoltv I'nivi ratty of Virginia; Prof K

s Jityne, Wbmin Toilette; Oen K 11

HaillU, Virginia Military Itulllut.July 7. lmi.




MEMPHIS, TENX..giv atrlct attention lo the sale of

WILL Liberal caah advanoaa made onrontsignraeauiu band. Keml tnucoa prorriPt ymade on all aalea, " w

mc way school, CbarlottesTlUe, Va.

'pn E Uiird sasaion of this school will begin onX Use first Wednesday of September next, andend on the last Wednesday of June, 1W, g

of two terms of nr. mouths each. Thecoarse of stu y Is designed to prepare boyslor the University of S lrginla, or any othercollege, or for the practical business of fife.

TKKMeVKor board and Tuition, i perterm PATaatA xa advavce. Music andlirawicg st Professor's cha'ges Wsshlog,

i Fuel aud Lights. at actual coat, r sch pupil s

his own towels For circulars and otherparticulars address WILSON C N LAKH,

' Chsr'.ottssviila, Va: JOSEPU PACKARD. J R.,Theo. Seminary, Fairfax oounly, Va., Prtncl- -

ItefereDces The Faculty ol the University ofVirginia- - lylTtaww

I'lamers and MrrchaBt Attention.Tobacco, Tobmeco, Trtbacro.

will forward to your address, uponWE of your order enclosing the cash,the best brands of Leaf Tobacco at ths follow,ing prices :

Best li right Gold Leaf Chewing Tobacco.26 pounds - fs

Reel B igfal Oold Leaf smoking Tobacco,25 pounds . SOOAny one wishing to engage in lbs sale of our

Tobacco, will receive 15 per cenL upon allamounts ol 1W pouuus snu aooye

trculars will he la- -







CITY MATTERS.leap-hi-t and Ohio lallroad.

AXiilYE. DEPART.Mall Fzprem IP p.n.syxoieaa ......... 46 440 p.m.

BAM. B JONES, GenlSup'l.

Memphis nd Charleston Railroad.


. ..10-.S- p.m. :40 a--

Mall 10p.mSonjervi.leAecotn.mod to,

except Sundays 7:45 at



1:40 p.m

XUstMlppl and Teueatee Railroad.ARRIVE. DRPART.

New Or eans Express, dally, 8:45 a.m. Re 0 a.m." Mall, - 45p.m. oioop.ra.

Freight, dally (except Sun-day) J 45 pm. 4:40 Am.

To comnienee WedDeedsv, Jim lWhA. f. 1J VERMOKE. Qenl Bop't.

C P. OAKLEY, Gen. Tlekat Ag't. niyl


Until further notios the Mails wtU cine ag

follows:For Cairo, Chicago. 8U Louis, Naahvllle, Lonls-Tlll- e.

flnolnnatl.Clevelaud. PilUburg, Phila-delphia. Buffalo, Albany, New Yark, Balil-mor-

and all clliea north and weal, at3:15 p m.

For I liattanooga. Richmond. Waahlugton.Augusta, Columbus, Mnntgomerr, Mo-

bile, Ala. New Yo' k, Naahvllle, and all citiessouth ana east, at pin.

For New Orleans. Baton Rouge, Jackson. MIsa.,Vicksburg, Natchez, and all cities south, at4 p.m.

All Stations on Mississippi and Tennrssee.Southern, New Orleans, Jackson and GreatNortberu railroads at p.m.

Ail staUons on Memphis and Loaisvlila andbranch railroads at a p.m.

All Stations on Memphis and Charleston, Mis-sissippi Central. Mobile and Ohio, Nashvilleand Decatur, Nashville and Chattanooga sndEast Tennessee railroads at 5 ajn.

For Little Rock, Pine Klun and all Landingsen Arkansas and White rivers, ;,

Tuesdays snd SaturdaysMississippi river- - south, d

Saturdays.Mississippi river north, y Mon

day's and pruisyt.K. C. GIST, Postmsster Memphis

TO TI PATBOJfB OF TUB APPEAL.You are requested not to pay any carriers

without a ceitiflcate from me, and Is report atthe counting desk any irregularity in carriers


Bio Thiff. A youtliful negro wbocalls himseii Cbas. Delaney, was ar-

rested yesterday, charged with stealing acumber of grain sacks from Mr. Patter-son on the levee. He will doubtless havea hearing before a J. P.

T.iouoR Thief. The weakness of theordered race for the ardent is well known.Thev will have their morning toddy Ifpossible. One of the colored citizens wasarrested yesterday, charged with stealinga quantity of the fluid from the store ofMr. Peter TownseDd, on Front street.

Police Business Thirty-on- e caseswere tried at tbe police courts yesterday,by Commissioner Beaumont, and thesum of one hundred and eighteen dollarsin fines collected. For tbe middle of theweek this iray be considered a fair day'swork, lor the police tressury, at least.

Disorderly. Four females, knownto tbe police as "polite and attentivelady waiters," were arrested yesterday,charged with keeping a disorderly houseon Market, street. Not having the

number of Mr. Spinner's auto-graphs to depissit, they were locked up.The police commissioner will give thema hearing this morning.

Correction The snooting affraywhich we reported in onr last issue be-

tween two Germans, I woo berg andLebach, did not occur. We reported iton tbe evidence of Kolomon Morris, whorepresented that he was an s

of the affair. In future we shall be par-ticular how we credit anything comingfrom this source.

Moonlight Pic Nic One of thosepleasant affairs with which ur citizensare regaled from time to time, will takeplatv at the pleasant town of Hernando

in the shape of a moonlight picnic. Many persons from tbe city pur-

pose being present, fully satisfied thatthe hospitable citizens of Hernando willgive tbem a right cordial welcome.

KKFRESHiNt;. A "thing of beauty is ajoy forever," as the poet Keats hath de-

clared, and we concur in tbe opinion,and feel satisfied that onr readers will,after they inspect the new and beautifulsoda fount of our friend J. W. Falls, Mainstreet, just below Fnion, and quaff theexhilarating draughts dispensed by theunrivalled connoisseurs installed in thiselegant establishment.

Personal. Mr. A. L. Cummins leftbv the Memphis and Ohio train lastnight on a brief business trip east. Mr.C. was here previous to tbe war, andestablished for himself a good reputationin the cotton brokerage business. He iswell known to be a reliable business man,and privately, a gentleman of tbe mosthigh toned principles and unimpeachablecharacter. We hope soon again to wel-

come him in our midst.

A Good Work. Iu our travels abouttown yesterday, we were pleated tonotice that tne Memphis and Charlestonrailroad company are paving the groundsin front of their warehouse. The stoneused is tbe same kind with which tbelevee is laid. This is a good work, anddoubtless many sincere bieoeings will beuttered from the lips of henest draymenfwho frequent that locality), wishingCol. Tate all the good that can be wishednot wronging those they serve.

RETURNEn. Our personal Mead,Natbau Hoffhelmer.returned to the cityyesterday from a short visit to bUfamily at Inka springs. He looks ashandsome as of old, and speaks io theliiKUest t rms not only of 'lie epriDKS butof tbe excellent hotel of Messrs. i'atter-son- ,

Wriisht 4 Co., which Is at presentinhabited bv some of our best Memphisfamilies. Our friend says that no betterrewirt than Iuka can be found l,y thosewho desire to escape from the dust anddin of the eity.

Trunk Bobbery. A frantic Individ-ual appeared at the Memphis and Ohiorailroad depot yesterday morning, andolfered the munificent sum of Ave dollarsfor tbe capture of a tall young man,named Joe Hands, lately an employee ofthe Overton hotel, whom hecharges withstealing the contents from a trunk, andmaking oft with the booty. At last accounts, he was in diligent searcn ot amagistrate, for tbe purpose of procuricga warrant for tin arrest of the supposedguilty party.

EiifCATTONAL. Attention Is directedto the card of Prof D. Laughlin's highschool, located at Raleigh, in tbiscounty,continuous to tbe springs which aresecuring such a wide-sprea- d and deservedreputation for their extraordinary cura-tive properties, and in a community

for the intelligence and characterof its citizens and tbe liberal patronageinvariablv extended to praiseworthyobjects. Prof. LAugblin Is a thorougheducator of youth, and was formerlyassociated with Dr. Collins, of the StateFemale college, as whichposition he worthily filled, and to tbeentire satisfaction of all parties con-

cerned. We earnestly commend him totbe consideration of our citizens havingsons to educate, as a polished gentlemanand thoroughly accomplished scholar.

The First District. Dr. O. R.Early, with that business enertry whichhas always characterized his actions, hasestablished his dispensary and put it Ingood running order. It Is located at No.148 Poplar street, and In charge of Mr.butt, a well known druggist, who has hisprescription case flttedup in the beststyle. The dispensary is well located.Tbe rooms are large and airy, and tbesick who apply for aid are Justly and libe-

rally treated, their wai Us sopplie.1 butwith a view to tbe interest of the city toprevent imposition, as a brief visit yeeterday warrants u- - in aaying. The estab-lishment of these dispensaries it a goodmove on the part of the city, and it is tobe hoped that the system will be kept up.At the first glanoe it may appear expea-aiv- e,

but the good accomplished willmore than pay the outlay ten fold.

Inquests Tbe county coroner, W. B.Cotton, Esq., was called upon yesterday,to bold four inquests. Two of tbe par-

ties tiiegToee) died from cholera morbus,and verdicts were rendered accordingly.The other two were entirely differentcases. The first was that of a man com-

monly known as Big Henry, but wheseproper name is John Haist y He wasfound dead at the font of tbe navy yard,near Wolf river. From the evidencegiven before the coroner, it appears thathe bad been ailing for some time andthe doctor prescribed ''ohtorodrne," tobe taken in dose of thirty drops. Bysome mistake the deceased took whatwas supposed to be a treble dose. Averdict was given iu accordance with tbeevidence Tbe second case was that ofMrs. Vilbelmi4tat cjraitb, who died onBradford street, of disease of the heart.Her illness was brief and the death

Pbize Fight in Chelsea The oncequiet region of Chelsea has been recentlytbe scene of at least one murder andseveral disgraceful disturbances, buty-e-terd- ay

morning capped the climax.Two pugilistic heroes, wbo thought theywere each .titled to the prize of fivehundred dollars, agreed to settle thematter according to tbe rules of tbe P. RThe parties bad been in training forsome time, and presented a good appear-ance on the ground. The names of thebelligerents were Patsey McMahon andBrien Bevltt. In the absence of ropesand stakes, a ring was formed by thejoining of hands, when tbe men enteredthe ring for tbe fight, which lasted forsome twenty or twenty five minutes,several rounds being fought In that time,when the second of Devitt threw up theaponee. Sucbacenesdonot often happenio Memphis, and the its- - we have of



YES- -


Yesterday morning about one o'clocka fire broke out on Bea! street, near themarkethouse, la the row of tenementalimmediately west, and resulted in thepartial destruction of several buildingsand the contents, whioh will probiblyamount to Si'ssKl. The feed store of Ht.Sure, which contained a stock of nerhaps$2000, and which had .n insurance ofSlfiOO, was almost entirely destroyr-d- .

The "rVrBtb Market bakery," owned bya Mr. Henderson, whose loss will amountto 600 or sv i. and we understand badno insurance. A barber shop was alsoInjured flnnsiderably, but tbe contentswere saved. A saloon, called the" Butcher's Hall, fronting tbe west end ofthe markethoooe, and owned by J. Hein-ric- h,

waslnjured,prlncipally by the water.Tbe rear of this building was used byMr. Heinrich for his residenee, who suc-

ceeded In making bis escape with a lossof part of his furniture and householdgoods. Tbe buildings destroyed were ofa very unsubstantial character, and weunderstand It was the intention of theowner to supplant them with newstructures at an early day. It Is notknown how tbe fire originated, but issupposed by some to have been the workof an incendiary. The market housewas endangered at one time, but for-

tunately escaped injury.

Impolite Aoain. A paragraph pub-

lished in these columns yesterday morn-ing, in reference to the unseating of alady in tbe Catholic church on Mondaylast, seems to have been bliglitl;' incor-rect. The lady did not leave tbe church,bat took a seat in another pew kindly of-

fered by a gentleman. We publish thecommunication of Mr. LeOuere " verbatim et literatim."

MlMPBIs, August 15,11st.Editor Memphis Appeal:

Sir As vour article under the captionof "Impolite" in your paper of yester-day does me Injustice, permit me to cor-

rect it. I entered the Catholic church onSunday, and found the pew occupied byfour ladies: an the new is aesienea toaccommodate six persons I simply preferred occupying a seal in ray own pewin nrefereuce to one in that of a stranger.One of the ladies, who is not a stranger,but a regular member of the churcb,thought proper to vacate the pew, anddid not leave the church, but took a seatin another pew. I did not rtquest thelady to withdraw; no necessity existedfor her doing so ; none regretted herhaving done so more than myeelf ; cer-

tainly no intention of insulting her everentered my mind. A to the "thrash-ing," you are again In error. Two men,both armed, asaaulted me. while un-

armed, and at a time when I bad everyreason to suppoee that the matter hadbeen satisfactorily explained and amica-bly adjusted. I remain, yours, truly.

I JAB. T. I.Ei.fKItS.In reference to tbe above, we have only

to say, as to the thrathinrj atTair, that ourstatement of yesterday morning wascorrect. It was a " man to man " fight,and, we are reliably informed, no armswere used or intended to be used. Tosay the least of it, the conduct of Mr.LeGuere was undignified and ungentle-manly- ,

and having received tbe punish-men- t

due in the premises, it would havebeen well to let the matter stop at that.Personn present in the church at thetime, inform us that the above is the case.The veracily of our informants is un-

questionable. In the main, we do notretract from our statement of yesterday.


Criminal Court. Yesterday theprisoners convicted during the presentterm ol court were hrought out and sen-

tenced hy the court. They were aa fol-

lows: Win. Payne, sentenced to fiveyean' liuprlaoument motion for newtrial overruled ; Lucinda Lse, sen-

tenced to three years motion fornew trial overruled; Jacob Johnson,sentenced to three years motion for newtrial overruled ; Wash Smith, sentenced '

to oue year motion for new trial overruled. In the oase of m. U'Hernfound guilty of larceny, a new trial wasgranted by the court. Attorney Gen-

eral Wallace, in view t.f the earlyadjournment of the court for the presentterm, had some forty cases stricken fromthe docket and twenty-flv- e retired there-from. In these cuses the defendantshave never been arrested, not beingfound, and It was desired to relieve tbedocket and avoid the necessity of trans-ferring these cases from docket to doeket,as had been done during the last liveterms of court.

Georgia State Lottery Jot the Benefitof the MattmiurOryh nii' Home. Thefollowing are tne drawn numbers. Com-

bination Class 45. Autrust 14. 17: 7320 27 j

19. Fay A Chandler, GHnVl Agents,2S7 Main ntreet, Memphis,

The Afifsitstppi Diarrhea Cordial.The verdict of tbe riouth has been utian-- 1

imoosly accorded in favor of tliis irreatantagonist of Cholera, Chole.-- Morbus,Diarrhea and Dysentery. It is harmlesshut effective for ail this class of diseaseand has never been known to fail. Ye whopine upon the brink of the grave

. . hasten, , ,to try its marvelous power uu loanio Mm njtylB rvtam

leugtbit halt leeL. and

Higbee, sole proprietors.

The Aurora Oil. The introductionof this oil is destined to work a greatrevolution in the lighting Itpossesses many advantages over all other

of light, from the fact that it iamuch cheaper than gas or coal oil, is freefrom any offensive smell, and best of all,

We have examined itthoroughly, and without hesitation pro- -nounce it superior to anything extantfor the purposes for which it U reoom- -mended. It is also superior to turpeu-tin- e

for paints, oils and varnishes. Theproprietors, Messrs. H. C. Dewltt A Co.,Lave an office at 24 Madison street, butthey dispose of state and county rightsto manufacture only. Their patent hasseventeen years to ruu. Territory isbeing sold rapidly, ami parties desiringto make money will Hod this a good in-

vestment. Don't forget, H Madisonstreet, up stairs. ap21 tf

Slats Heuov&ted at 362 tiecondau4 lm

Crixii'ktb ! CBogi KTEl ! Crovii'kte: !

Just r.reived. a full of IVti. tne Of

Mi n street. augl4 2t

ATT,:Tav U(s,TltibKKS.-- Wbuilt to order and secnnrl Hand bill s

fur 'ale Ho: lenbers Mrrtri's, t hi anil Shen iron Worker, so. 3(6Kecood Steamboat work prompt-ly atteaded to. JjS dawtf

North American. H. P. Butler,Kq., the popular agpnt of the NorthAmerican Life Insurance company, leftlast tilght by tbe Memphis and Ohiorailroad, on a brief trip north, to recruit.We hope to see our friend return ere longmuch improved. During his absenoe,Capt. P H. Johnson will attend to thewants of the pttrons of tbe office.

auHSpecial Notice. On the 3)th of this

month, we shall remove to our old stand,in which we were burned out. We.tbere-for- e,

offer up to that date tbe balance ofour damaged gooiis.consistiuR of bleachedaud domestics, caliene, Irish lin-ens, notions and white goods, togetherwith a large lot of shirts, undershirts aoddrawers, regardless of cost or value. Ourold stand is being refilled iu tbe latestmodern style, we therefore desire to openprime, with an entire new of goods,and must close out balance of wehave on hand. M. Kkavs & Co.Ho. ?1. Main at , aert to Ward A LeGnere's drug

store.Mesi iiis, Aognst 10, 1867. tf


PERSONAL.Harriet Ellen Mm!and and danchters

Queen te and Dora (colored' are In tbe city,ir if any rswin knows cif ihelrthev will cooler a great, favor by leaving wordat the Appeal office.


L00M01T MOlXTAn BOISE,Near Chattanooga. Tenn.

no more pleasant spot Tor aT'HEKKis tha tbe summit of LookoutMoun'Sin. Theacenery is most beautiful andtfcflbrds great delight to thelovers of nature.

Locking to tbe North East, from tbeMor !"Ttai? H or a, a varied landscvpc is seen.To tbe flow the placid Tennessee, windiDgln and out among tbe hills, fsr awayliiance Its waters stem to blend withclouds. Wooded hills and rich withwavlug fields ot corn and exiend taras the sve can reach the ho rizon, where thefaint outlines of the Ureat Smokyare traced upon tbe sky.

It has all tbe telegraph and mail (Viclimes,being but au hour ride from Chattanoogaand Is a Mr t Class Hotel.

Here ln the peaceful days before tbe war, thsbeauty and intolligeiice or ths H uth camevery lmnier to brestbe the pore mnu"tMuair, ana will soon again be the ru vorit Rum-mer resort of all wb . tired of the oust andreat of crowded cities, oeslre relax tion ofmind and Lnvlgora'lon ho ly amid the fl riantscene i v tntbe

anT COOPkK A JAM EH. Propitetora.

Diarrhcca, Dysentery, umm-- t Com-plaint, Cholera Blurbua, Fiux, Chi-ldren's Teething, And the UieatPreventive of Cholera.


rpHIB Kxtraordlnary Medicine, tbe fame otwtitch Is spread broadcast tbroognooi the

coontrv, la undoobtediy loany remedyever onVred to the public lor the complaints forwb eh It Is laundsd- - We have iu our posses-sion lestimonlsa, furnished xoluntarlly oy Col.Long. 1st e Chief topograph Kn.iurer u

at Waaliiugton. Usii iu H,mry Warren,lien pisaaantAO, and others of the arauyKeilior P, J. Iiertnit-i- . tin- celebratsd IndianMlavionarv. OfBcers of tbe Navy, -- urg.ou.Hospital csurwerds. Commanders ef nearlyevery steamer plying on the Mississippi mitributary rtv ra, Wes srn (sanitary ana Chrls-tla- n

Commissions. Arm- - Chaplains, and numerous to Likewise highestsnconiums tne Press, moat o: which are pub-lished ln our almanac, twnloh we shall send to

request! git walsiugiia valuable mqualities lit tbe blsbesi terms. No other

medicine haa such .

J. A li. MAOUIRE,Bole Proprieto. s, St. Loola.

cam kv n, usaSAta ani Medina is.i


Ioti?e.the Rent ember Term of the County CourtAT Hhelby county, 1 shall apply for Laoers

of Administration on the estate of Miry C.Uarusar, dsee-se- d. T. J. ROPER.

An gnat 5. 1S57. an. w4t



Nob. 328; "' 4 Statin Street,Between Union and Monroe streets,

aui MEMPHIS, TF.s'N.

Nortt American Life & Acudent Ins. Co.,


LL policies laKaed on th endowment plan.Aimu policies, are

o restriction on residence or travel.H. r BU TiwCstv ireuerai Agt-n-

Tennenaee. Keuiucky and Arkansas,na4 16 JenViaon street. Memphis. Tenn.

LAGRANGE FEMALE COLLEGE.liriLLopen tbe eecond day of Beptember,Vt and eonflnne tetf morrtba. MIm Nora

Hrad ford, uf Mem pbta. and Mia Annie PeeMe,of Klchmond, have charge of tbe Miiadr rt

men t J. I- MERKIHTH.au7 dimwit

MBS. H. A. KNOXannounce to ber friends andWOULD that she will return to Memphis In

time to resume her school in the northern parto' i lie city, on ONDAY,Keptember2d. Notiosof the exact location will be given In the citypapers the last week In August.

Auau4l II. 18S7. aull 2w

COAL, COI..TOW Is the time to lay in your Winter snp-1-1

ply and the place to purchase the t" Pittsburg " Is at

BItiLEY, KELLERS!! A CO.,2S Bomb Court street,

suo waead tf corner of Main.

Hotice.sell my lower Plantation In Tunica1WILL or exchange it for other good prop-

erty, or lease it for the next year or for a aeriesof yeara. It is one of the highest and best Inhe bottom, about 40 miles below Memphis.Jrl tf A. WRIOHT

E. B. WIUJJEH,Payette county, Tenn.

J. w. WKSSXR,Fayette county ,Tenn.

E. 6. WEBBER & ,

Cotton FactorsAND

Commission Merchants,No. 330 Front Street,

MEMPHIS, TENN.J IBERAL advauees on consignment In

X j aiore. Bagging, Rope and other suppliesfurnished at lowest market tales. au7 lm

Trustee's Sale.Tlrtne of a trust deed executed to me onBY : n day of June, lx. by Moae Levy

and Christopher Zimmerman, aud duyregl-er- dIn tbe Reffiste ' Office ot Hhelby Con ty,

Tennesse . for tbe purpoaeof paying the debttherein secured, I will on

tiatorda), Uih D7 of September, ls67,at the salesroom of Messrs. Royaler,TrewTant Co. No. 278 Second atreet,Memphli, Tennessee, (Ayera Block), sell,to tbe hlgheMi bidder, for Utah, tbe following realestate, lt : certain lot of ground In theountyof Hhelby, Stat of Tennessee, and cityof Memphl. known and designated upon theplan of Hill's nMMUM County lot No 511as lot No. situated at the southeaHt corner ofRobeaon and Hills ftTreets. fronting 71 f eton tbe rsoutli Hide of street and extend-ing southward for depth 14 feet betweenlinen paral ei with Hlil atreet, to an alley'b r wi h alt of the appurtenance t hereunto

Tbe title to tbe above property lato be good ; bat I will only aell and

convey as Trustee. Equity of rrdemptlouwaived. Hale bet wen hours of lo and J o'clock.

JOHN P. TREZEVANT. Trustee.lgwtXsd Peyton. Attorneys aaMtd

Trust Sale."VOTlLT-i- a hereby given that In accordance. l with tbe provisions and directions of a deedIntrust executed and delivered to me ou tbeUth day of July, 1894. by B Hawl--wblca dead is of record In the Recorder' office

or Crittenden county. Arkansas,! aud for thepayment of the notes therein described, I willon

Friday, September 27, 1837,at tbe door of the Cask's office, in the town ofMarion, Crittenden county, Arksnsaa, sell totbe highest, bidder, f r cash in band, t he following dpscr.bed real estate, mtnated lb t'rittendencounty, Arkanaaa. and known as that part ofthe Spanish Grant, originally owned by. thGrandee Estate, hy W'UlUnj ii. D.Spain to George L'nderhWl and Isaac Bnrgett : Tbeaouih purtof ths sooth wentof section twenty four (M) conveyed in aamedeed ; the east half of section toirty-al- x sand tbe southoaxt quarter of section thirty-fiv- e

(35 , all tn townaiiip seven (Vk north ofrange eight east of tlie .'ith prin-

cipal meridian.The title to thfs property Is believed to le

perfectly good, but 1 shall convej only asTrustee,

Part of this land comprise; one of the finestplantations on tbe Military Kaart. with Qln- -

' ns. etc.. belngthe plantation knownas the Brown Place, near Marion, Ark.

aul3 id B. C. BROWN, Trosrt-e-.

Trustee's Sale.BV vii tne of a Trust Deed executed to me on

11 h day of July, l!i57, by A S. Myers, andduly tiled for registration in the Ktvgitter'ioffice ol Shelby county. Tennessee, fur tbe pur-toa-

of paying tbe several notes therein se-cured, I will,0o .Mondaj, the l'ith day of August. IMS,On tbe premises, In tbe city of Memphis,comity of Shelby, State of TeQnese, exposeto public ale and tnsell, to tbe highestbidder, for cash, the following described realestate, it j Kight Two-sr- y Brick StoreHonsea. ultuated ou north went corner ntSecond and Monroe streets, in the city or Mer)ipnis. lennesnee, upon 101 vuo, running onehundred and fortv eight and a half feet onMonroe aireet. and seventy-fou- r and a half feetou Second street j the land upon which thesail houses are situated oelc.g the sameby Job n M. Lea, of Nashville. Ten e?see, to a.T Norton et al for term of ten years fiomMay, - and by A T. Norton tt al transferredt U Boyd 4 Co , and by O. Boyd k to"sain, tJJ ntuu

MaDSneiutS Imildlngsall fronton Mon roe street, the wholeof the lot to the alley, a distance of one

hundred and forty-ei- n and a








ln tbatbe













run back ou said leased land a distance roily-eig-

or fifty feet.I sell at ths same time aM tbe other 1m- -

Jand.movements upon sakl leased tract or parcel of

The title to aald property is beli5ved to begood, bnt I will eil aud convey only as Trustee.

Equity of redemption waived.Sale between the hour- of l and 1 o'cle k.JVA. td WM C KOLKKS, Trnstee.Thealtove Is pa ipoued ciitli MONDAY,

the 2itb day of AuvustaulStd W. C FOWLKKS, TniKtee.

CIRCULARTo the Patrons or tbe Appeal.

The undersigned would respectfully Inform

the patrons of the Akpkai,, that since

GEN. ALBERT PIKEHas baoome Editor-in-Chie- f of tbe paper. Its

drcnlmtlon continues to increase rapidly. As

an Inducement to those wbo desire to promote

the Interests of this well known Southern

QUete Osnies, at J. Monatt s. Ml jonrnui, we oner ronowing ler.'is sod--







valeys,grain, at















scriptlon to subscribers or stubs for the


OnsCorT.Owa VaAB, i SOTo Clubs or Tks ob Moec, Each 4 54ToCxi-b- s or Twaamr oa Mors. Kai ,i a 04)

It will thus be seen that a person getting np

a clnb of twenty will realise twenty dollars for

their trouble, or, If they prefer it, receive

twenty-fiv- e copies for one hundred dollars

The Wiskly, which Is issued every Thursday,

rill oontaln all the Important news published

la the Daily paper, as well as the leading edi-

torials, wl th a Jruwni-colum- n, nndar the special

supervision of Lien. Albsbt Pike, Sovereign

Grand Commander of the Supiewu OouneU fvr

the dbulArrn of the Cruled State.Our frlenda are earnestly requested to aid

and assist us In onr new undertaking.

Addreaa all communications to

J.V0. 8. C. H0SAX S CO.,

Appeal OiHoe,emptais, Tewaesssee.

P. 8 Remittances by Express, or Poatofflce

Money Orders, may be seat at our risk. To any

person sending us their postofBce addreaa we

will mail a specimen copy of the WeeklyArPEAL free. J. B. C. H. A Co.

Mem i his. Taw.. Feb. 1. 1SS7.

Trust Sale.pursuance with a Deed of Trnst executedIN me by W. P. Bo wan, and which la duly

recorded ln tbe Clerk's office of th. ProbateCourt of UeBoto county, Must,, to secure thepsymexit of certain debts therein mentioned, 1

will proceed to sell, lor cash, to the highestbidder, at l he residence of said Boweo. on tbeI'Jth day of August, 1887, ths following prop-erty : Three Mules, 1 Home, 1 Ms re. 8 Colts,o Cows aud Calves, 3 Yearlings, I Yoke Oxen,

head Hogs, 1 Wagon,: Carriage. 1 CottonGin, I Sorgum Mill, 1 Corn M II, 1 lot Lumber lPiano, 1 bofa, or so much thereof as may besufficient to pay said debts. The title to aboveproperty .a believed to be good, but I will cnvey only as trustee.

O. H. P. STEVENS.August 1. 1867. auSitws

Wanted Agents.rpo introduce the STAR SHUTTLE SEWINGX MACHINE, an entirely new Invedtlon, un-

like any other sewing machine ln the world.Patented starch 12,1887. It uses two threads,and makes tbe genuine LOCK STITCH, alikeun both sides, that will not rta or unravel. Allther d machines make theCHAix

-- nri ii. combines simplicity, durability andbeauty, is as .SIX as other nrsl-eiaa- s machines,and will do every variety or family sewing andtailoring. In order to Introduce our new audnovel machine as rapidly aa poaa'.b e, ws pro-pose to fumlsh them complete with one shut-tle, extra bobbins, a full ft of needles, oil can,

r, directions, etc.. etc. at the lowprice of 125. Each agent supplied wltn a copyof Letier Patent.

M. M. BEACH A CO., Genera: Agents,24 Bcond street, near Madlaon,

Jyv w8xn Memphis, Tenn.

law. A mii. VsL c. roLiaaMARYE A FOLKES,

AttorneysatTiaw,:s Madison Street (DeSoto Block),


Noticehereby given, for the benefit of all whom

ISIt may eonce n, that, a. Guardian of CoraShorter, aa.nor heir of R. L. aho ter de

ceased. I have this day filed u-- vouchers Intbe offlc- - of the clrrk ol the t oonty Court ofShelby county, Taun.. fur eeit.ement.vr as vs., "



WHOLESALELiquor Dealers,


Memphis, : : : Tennessejana tf

a. TACcaao, a iMimt, Ja.B. TACCAAO, A. B. TACCABO.

A. VACCARO & CO.,Importers and Dealers In


324 rront Street, Memphis, Tenn,my





LIQUORS,Foreign Fruits,


No. 262 Second Street,OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE,





The best Bitters in the market

ai a


278 Kront Row.


commissionForwarding Merchants,

Wholesale Dealers in

Imported find Domestic


Tobacco, Etc., Etc.,So. 2J rront Street.

surHis.iTii'i1Always on hand, a large supply or

Old Bourbon and Bye Whiskies,

Also, ths Celebrated


I. HE. K N ,Imjiorter and Wholesale Dealer In


14 llonroe St., Memphis, Tenn.,

AS In store and to arriveJJ12 "3 barrels Whisky, various grades;

75 quarter pipes Cognac Brandy ;35 do do Koahe 'la do ;10 puncheona Jamaica Rum ;15 plpfl HolUnd and Scheldam Gin ;

125 casks Ma 1elra, Sherry and Port Wines;lot) basket Piper Heids:ck Champagns;75 otutes Ciiarfes KarreSO do Green Seal and La Pcrle

30U do Pan;atlon jfltters;100 do Boser's do5ti do Hoetet tar's do

London Porter and Sootoh Ale :

J casks Barkly, Perkins A Co.'s Porterpints and quart very fine'

400 casks 'ruuir ms A Son's Dublin BrownStout piti and quarts;

300 casks JetTery' Ale pinto:530 do YoungeHs ia stone jugs;

Together wltn a full stock of Draft Ales andPorter, Fronch Cordials, Domeetlo and HavanaSegar aL. of which will be told to the trade,at price to defy competition.

O. H. EVAlfS,feb3 tf U Monroe street.

F. E.




and Generalroa Tax saijc or

Stone Drain Pipe of all Sizes, Louis-

ville Cement, Alabama, lames

Plaster of Paris, Etc.,Has removed his office to

No. 39 Madison Street,Between Main and Second,

ITHERi:ff promptly.

attend to allrapeclal attention by

enced men given to ail kinds otm;s ti




No. 4 Hutehins' Bouse,






ln snd elsewhereplan, ail



Texts upon ths only

Exclusive Cash " Particular attention paid to SALES OF

REAL LSI ATE. and proceeds deposited InB nk to credit of patrons, or remitted eithery flrift or Hni'.l, ss iei'-t-


No. 83 Madlaon Sire!,TRANSACT A







Jyl8 lw J. J. POWERS.

Notice to Contractors.Maroa'a Orntra, i

Hklstka, August 1, 1807.

PROPOSALS will be received atSEALED until the 2Sd day of August. 1887.

for the constrnctl-'- of a Levee lor the protec-tion of the city of Helena from overflow. Theamount of work required to be done willamount to about 5P.IW coble yards A surveyor the rou s aod plans of ths work can be seenat the office of the City Engineer. Bids will bereceived for the whole or part of the work, tobe paid for In bonds of Lbs e ty having twentyyears to rnn. with interest at 10 per cent., payaula Also for half bonds andhalf cash, or all cash. The work to be doneunder the direction o( the Improvement Com-

mittee ot th t Board of Aldermen, and paid formuntbly. a. the wor j esbe'a'jaCKBON,

anil) lw Mayer of the city of Helena.

WHITEMAN BROS.,Manufacturers of and Dealers tn


Public Square, 1

fsaafcvme.Ss.7 Bentfa CarlStreet, alaaaipbla.

The Memphis Brass S (string Band,TYRor. ANL)REWMirH, Leader, will for.r nlsh w tsla for Precessions. Picnics, Balls.Foornainenis, Prlvste Partisa aft Orders left, mj, Main street. 41 Jefferson street and at

Prof J Wlnl's, opposite North MasBphla Mar-1-'.. .., .Ms w receive nrofn ot attention



Regular 84. Louis Packet.Far Cairo aad ftalat Louis.

BELLE 8T. LOUIdThis elegant gssBasnaysr

WIU leave


THURSDAY. 1Mb Inst., at I 2t FLltM. CALVERT. Sap't

TOW ARK A MS AB RIVER.Regular Msmpbis snd Arkansas River Weekly

United States Mall Packet.Far Helena, Sapolees, Pine BlsiaT auad

Little stock.CELESTE. , . , Hamilton master

This splendid passenger packetwill isave as above on ,

SATURDAY. 17th Inst., at i p.m.LARRY ARMHTA I) Agents,

aull 4tCorner Main and sta , er

City Wharftioal. foot Monroe st.

Regular Msmpbis and Arkanaaa River Weeklyuausa etsics .Msnrr Helesus, sysla, riasa MasT aad

CELESTE Hamilton masterThls an nark


arj as abows ou



SATURDAY, 17th lust., at S p.m.W.JAY JOHIfSON, Agent,

au4 4t Star Wnariboat.

Memphis and Arkansas River

Paeket Company.


Commencing Friday, - 6th.

for letent, Hapoleoa, Red rork, Pine

Blaff and Little Rock,

The new and elegant sldsnrhass steamer

Captain N a '.RKKX

Will lease Mcn-Dbl- s for Pine Blnff everyFRIuAY at 5 p.m., making all mail anil plan- -

ration lacings.

The One, light draught steamers


Capt. Geo. J. Una. Capt. J. R. WHtTAaaa.

One of the above named boats will leaveMemphis evsry TUESDAY at a p.m. for Littleivsx, duxiui an aaaii sua plantation iauu-

Thankfal 'or former libsrsJ patronage, ireassure onr friends and ns'rons that we will innon regular time, and do their business to sails- -faction.

DAK ABLE. Presidentann N Bat Front Htreet.

Memphis and Wblte River UnitedStates Mall Line.


form a ssVBB betweenand V, bile River.




The aplandld Pauanger steamerCOlltRCUL, Wai.J.iikrord.Saster.Leaves Merophlg ever Tuesday at 5n'clockp.m

" Angoata every r ralay aa Is o'elocA a mM fiearcy eveiy Friday at 4 o'cloes: p in.

Wssl Point every Fridsv st So'clock p.m" Dss arc every Saturday al go'ciocfc a ms Iiava fra Blaff every Ssturday at U

o'clock ra.The elegant Passenger Steamer

R0WIXA, John B. Bails. Saster.Leaves Mmpblp every Saturday at 5 o'clock p m

West 1dnt every Mouday at o cJ'k p.mJacksonport every Tuesday at 10o docs: a.m.

" AuKUsta every Tuesday at t o'cloes: p.mM Arc every Wedneauay at tf u'ci'k tunM Davall's Bluff every Wednesday at

12 o'clock ra.Tbese boats nave been tborongHy repaired t

and refitted expressly tor tbe trade, aad, hav-ing tba Mail Contract for Four Years, pasen-eersan-

shippers can rely upon upon tbelr re--aalntng In lbs trade permanently, aud are teeonly boats bavLna a connection witb re train-- ;at Dnval:'s HlalT for Liuie Kuck and Hot

1 heee are tbe only boat, authoriu--IO well Tbrouati Ticket, to Little Kock via rail--

road from Davall's Blaff. Time throagb 41hour-- . A iroou light draft steamer will be ruuLn connection with base packets troru angustaand Jacksonport. msking two trip par week,to Px shontas ou Black rfver.

JUHM H DAVla.8upt,Memphis and White River U. h. Mali Line.

LEVY s MILLER, Agents,an2 tf M Kront street.

Mf mphis and Sourd Cltr ferrj Packet.PEOSTA M. R. Cuss a. Master.T KAVfcH the Laaairg. foot ofi . Adams street,

ck a.ra . audittand aio'clock .m

iK and

rrt D-


FOR COTTON BALES.CIAP. .lOB8KJi, Sole Prop'tr, $90?

No. 1 Tnion street. New Orlean.

Insert the hoop in tbe jj1 slot, and it tight

the bale.

All atbsr Tata fa tenlag ay ihia method arelnfringsmeuLs, and will be prosecuted at lawas such.

When the lever of thepress is raised the tie willfat-te-n itself by the out-

ward pressure of the bale.

Wa are sole ageniorders for the above

aad are prepared to

m WruDgit Iron Buckle Tie,on the nicst favorable terms. We arethem manufac tured of the most superior ironand thoroughly tasted.

D. H. Ii A VIS A CO.,C' maananon Merchants.

Louisville, June 22, 1887. anl


Tbis Institution wUI be reopened n the

Second Hondar lo September Next,

Under the direction of the


effhrtwiU be made to afford theEVERY Female Education. Thecourse of study Is Both thorough and syste-matic, combined with home care snd teaching.Professors or acknow .edged ability hare beanprovided for the various departments.


Rt Rev. C.T. QUINTAH), DS.,Rev. GEORGE BECKETT. Principal.Mrs. LKONI OAS POLK," ) vies Prtnelpals.Mrs- E. A. KECKETT,Rev. DAVID PKW, D.D., Belle Lsttrea.Rev JAMES N. TEMPLE. Mathematics.Mons. A. BBTEVE. Musical Director.Miss SUSAN POLK. English.Miss 8HEM8OG. English.Madame L. ESTE E, Vocal Music.

asWFor Circulars and business transac-tions address Rev. J. N. TEM PLE.

Columbia, Tenn..Widow of the late Bishop Polk. aa.' lm



Also, a lot or cessans W





EOAR.Also, a trash aoppiy or No.

of New


1 andM AC KERk L.


.. m Breakfast Bacon,Dried Beef,

Beef Tongues,Good Butter ion lee).Lard. Cheese, Cornmsal, Grltta.

VINEGAR Variety of Pickles, Chow- -

Cbow, uouu aanaisru anu zsaacaa, rreisi I la Pie Fruits, Jellies, Jams, Mai sens.TufiwaRafO.

SUGARS Granulated, Pulverized, Powdered.Co nee, syrups sna stoisases.

EXTRA TEAS Imperial, Gn powder, YoungHyson and Oolong.We endeavor to keep a well assorted, care-

fully selected stock of GrvsMTles for family use,of the very best quality, and by ireuuanl addi-tions of trash goods, be all times pi spare tooffer Inducements, ss to the of ourgoods at moderate p'Lcea. Call and see ns.

wrwsirw ariffirnaBf AmfAPMAN.


Ho. Sadlsoa Memphis, Teaa.,

J. LEVY, Pres'LL LEVY, V. P.







Wheat, re--


Davis' Hams,



80S Mala atreet.

S. BORG, Cashier.M.C. Ki.lHX.Aas H i t.

Bucesssort to Levy A Bawl,)


Crosct, Sdrer, 8ees, Bonds,

eoveraMt aad MiKeUaaeoM Seccr .lirs





A8EVTH for Mississippi. Loose.. oa, srkansasaud Tennessee. For SIMPLICITY, BCOKOMY.ana P- O- KR. ! stanrs unrisailSSl. and r

makes It tne BEST -- od CHEAPEST CHITON PRESS IN THE W'jBXsU.Many teatimonlals at lo lii practical u'lllty and superior excellence can be shown. In ths

season of last, the local demand for that Press wan so great we were unable to mess it, andwere oougtrj w uiaappoini many wno apptiea lor ihess- - ws rum ian me irons at our i.rasmMemphis for i'.5il. Willi plans and spec:pMa,

au9 law

put up, including frsigl 1

Western Koundry snd Machine opposite Uayoso HoU e. Memphis, Terra.

HOLLENBERG le OERTEL,Architects and Builders' Supplies,

Mann arent etf


SHEET IRON WORKERS,348 Second street, aad His ton street bet. iBvaril Saw sad Kajoso street.


Made Us Order. se ond-ltan- d DiatlllerleB Tor Sale.



constantly on band.Slate Mangels, a Large assortment Grates


ANTI-MALARIA- L BITTERS!No Person need Suffer from Fever and Ague, this Medicine sill She

Immediate Belief, and Street a Permanent Core.


A. TONIC XT IS XJ1VEC?TJATLiEII.For Sale by alt Druggist General Dealers.

D. T. EVE ST CO.,Proprietor and Sole Manofa-turerK- , Petersburg, Va,





and of





15 Court Street.


Wholesale and RetailUKAI.KRa IX



240 Main street, MEMPHIS, TEN R,H. LTORS, ")



unrivalled lnstruinents are fullyrIESK for seven yean, and are for sale st

HO. 375 MAIBJ IT., (Jackson Block.)

Memphis, Tsasesssa,Is By :.'.MPOLD (KIKPKL.


Fourth Annual Session of SL. Paul'sTHE Helena. Arkansas, for the recep-tion of boarders and day pnplls, w.H commenceon too

Firat Monday in 6ptemter.Prospectus giving full particulars can be had

bv a piying tojvsl Its D. J. 11X1 AN. President.

$2000 REWARD!Orrica MaarHis Boaad at

MEMPHIS,! ESN., June 4. 17.order to mors effectual. y suppressIn rism within the city 01 Memphis, a re-

ward of

Two Thous-an- Iolarswill be paid by th Memphis Board of I'nder-wr.te-

to sny policemsn or other persons whoshall procure the arrest snd lea! conviction ofany person or persons guilty or firing any

sin hiss insured by sny toe InsuranceKsuoaaies oumpnsln this Board,lijtr BY ROER IIP THE BOARD.

eallcti'o SlMl BrnaliletlonUiuaPrice W per Saw. invariably rash.

ORG1LL BROS, m CO.,Sole Agents la Memphis.

Arrow Cotton TiesORUILL BKOS. A CO.,

Sole Agents in Memphis.

Fire aiidlBurslMr Front HaYTB

Marvin A Co. a greatly clsbrsted Fire andBurglar Proof Rares for bus nes hoosaa andbankers: also. Pl.ATB SAFES lor parlors,at manufacturer- - prices.

ORUILL BFOS. ACO..Sole Agents in aempuis

1S60 bin. French Window Glass,Imported direct, and for sale by


TO LUMBER BUYERS.TiHE andrisiiod are prepared to fllLst shortI notice and st low- - market pries, ail or-

ders for TUUfw PiSK said other

LUMBB H.,Delivered In Memphis, or at their mills, nearBur' svll'e. un the M. and C. R. It. Gen H. H.HIG4JINS. No. .7 Avery street, is our authorlsei agent in MemphisMm wUI have prompt attention.

yM :m

All orders through

rati a..os i.r...W. W. UIWRASfB.

Excursion to Mammoth Care.DAILY TRAINS leave tne Depot of tbe

rWO snd Louisville radioed, head ofMain follows i I p.m-an- d 11 p.m., run-ning through to Cave City without change ofoars.

sr Excursion Tickets from Memphis toMammoth Cave and Return st Reduced Kales.

Fare round trip, to Cars and return m 7iaaehPsrtissof fifteen or mors 3 :"'acttParties of twenty five or more 18 70 each

For through tickets and all Information, callat Ticket Office, N o. MS M.ln strset.

Jy27 tf 8AM. B. JOMBM. Uss'l Sup't.

a. sLAOaict. was a. r. SKLLEES.


Oommission Merchant,lee Block, raloa St., 1

Bet. Front sl. and Main SL. Memphis, Tenn.su7 dawlm

Islrenity of Lou Islana MedicalDepartment.


A H earn as. M.D , Emeritus Pre feasor of Obstet-rics and Diseases of w omen and Children,

j a Mas Jokes, M.U., Professor of Obstetric sndDussaaea or Woman snd t'hlldrea.

Wabbbk Stoke, M.D , Professor of Surgery.T rticKAsmos, M.D., Professor f Anatoany.J W Mallst. Pb LL, Professor of ChemkstryBAartt.L M Beju.ssTm.D , Professor of the the-

ory and Practice of Medieln..STAJiroan E Chaille. M D , Professorof Phys- -

ioiogy and Fatbologicsl Anatosay.FasXX Hawtmox!, M.D , Pro.easor pro tarn of

Materia and TherapeaUea.aaKMONSTKATOalS OP ANATOMY,

WstCNlcanta, MIX. C J M.D.

The Thirtieth Annual Course of Instructionthis institution will begin November lltb,

aid in the following March. I'nlimlnaryfec'ures will be rven daily In ibe Cnsrily

Octooer Litn, at which UmeIilothe extensive m,ms for PracticalAa?oinT wl Jo. opsedW nsBU,tMf ths

haretofors unsurpassed, bare, by thsfrvSSVty of the State Lsglslsture, been grestly

during the past season, 'O thtt sowattained to it a Practical

la which .Indent, are taught to ob-E- n

I nimiasai aisa Ihs facts ast forth in the

Fees for sli the : Matriculation,rn.ti rmi oso.1 ' , ' ' J .Payment requ.rso. in nwformation acureao PROF. b. M. BE.MISS,

lucationa for Dulling uo. Tiie entire osl ,fon Irons, Is nut Utile over B&

WM. A. R iRINroN A LO..Shop,



Fur further in.









HOUSE and SIGN PAINTKR,Gliding, Graining, Glazing,

Paper Hanging, Kalsomlnlng, te.

Shop a Eailovi Street.

John Leslie,7 3 Madison Street,

PRACTICALH01SK, 816!i P.ll.MfcK tt tiRllME.

apia tf



Water-Gool- er Combinedthe best and only perfect PRtiVISI' .'J8 PREse rv s R in tbe world, and wl keep

Frsh, Milk, Veajetahies. Frnits, stc .longer, dryer snd colder, with. LEwblcB thanauy other Refrigerator in use.

The Polar BefrigeratorIs heoMy one patented having a eenrienain:surface exposed to the provision chambers toextract the moisture and impurities from thea: r. sold onry oyJeitf






A RARE CHANCE FOP A PAYING IX-- ivestment The r .sutation - known aa : --

town or - Lake Bluff," oa hits river, A rk.,miles above the Memphis and Little Rosk rail-road crossing, containing between fonrar d fivehundred a res. about one bcadred .est.Of feet above tbe late ovswflowl. ths remainderheavily ttmbered. Psssther with the wr.ole . rhalf interest In s .NK STEAM SAW MI, L,(forty horse power.i.Englne. BtacaaSDlths Baasp,t an enter's Tools Wagon and ail aec sasrysppurtenances for running tbe same. Th re isa flue Mansion with nice rooms. a cistern, ca-pacity auvgallon.,i threeCablna,. Warehouse,two good Wood Yards, and ths best laudirttson the river. The above will be sold at low fig-

ures snd on easy tsraaa. For further particu-lars address Mrs. M L-- H

ny4 tf Appeal Office.

Billiard Tablas for Sale.L IX BILLi ARl'.TABLES.FOR SALE CHEAP.U Apply to


v v

AW,Moons, street.

UBBARD k LOVEL,Manafacansaaa



Ctllars, Whips, Etc.,U0.3331 IECOSD STREET

(Between Monroe and Union.)

Dealeri Seroad-Raa- d Baress. Kraamsr. aeao will aeataaas

aoddispatrn.300 Ooaole SeU aew Wagon Sam"!

Yery theap fur eaas. jy21

atVSAAT. xiDsva-- T.



Merchant Tailoring Goods.Vrr make every garment ourselves, and will


5. a la

t sisulssaailassalHaii aa i

D. H ST.14


a e--


IUKA SPRINGS HOTELnow open for ths accommodation of vis-

itors.IS A new house with forts rooms hsabeen added to lbs large Hotel, with all modemimprovements.

Billiard Tabloa, Tenpin Alleys, BathBooms, Swings, Eta,

Good health, ths bast Water ln Ibe world, su-perb music, magnificent and hunt-ing and fishing, and every iBttnaeanent iorpleasure, kealth aast cosnfort.

111 Slice last of Memphis, oa Keraphlsaad tharleston Kallroad,

With two dally trains, telegraph, etc. Ronmscan be engag-- d ot T. J. CRAFT A CO., No. mMain strest PATTERSON. WRIGHT CO .

au7 Proprietors.

A. Card.will at ones rebuild onr warehouse, andWEwl! bsve t completed by the 15th or

not by the fiist day of that month wesrtll be 'ready to receive goods on store

Ybesueds alii be divided Into flro proofby brick walls, and covered with tin.

Those w o have patronised us for the isst twoseasons, snd th se wrsa any have ed todo so ths spproachlng one, may rest assured wewill be ready for thsan.

w.aeaagn sat srOlaailng a Cottoa Compress la.nM.nAt wiLb oar warebr.nae. urstm an art.

t lot, which will be ready by toe 1st of Oo--

Usbment to the rrver renders the handling nfby river free ol dray are. Th

advantag. of the ponit'sn la e!;uai to one d.ay-as- e

on all couon sent for ooanpraaaniant fromnthar ware bouses, wnlls on all ootton ln onewasssasass jar eoaasaaaaaaassi t thars can he twoLssSsritTrosiVr sled t tt.lapriStotassnMaaM n tr aaSsaWwasF lag EaStaby dnays


Bolting Cloths.ANKER'' BOLTING CTaOTES .

,5!l"!,.vtr,M ss. asas, s ...