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. 't ' ' 1 BY MGLA2?AHAN, TROUSDALE & DILL. iVlEMPHllS. TENNESSEE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1857. VOLUME Vm.---NDMBER.2- 42. PUbUbileftiJAlLT. AB WUUXXX, IT JjS. E. U'CLAXAHAX, U&SIDA TSBByLU, "j V SESJAjSIpj T. mll, TJMMe TBK t TTUt AMD nut OS" 3PCL151ILLY, TRfDSOALB & DILL, TO capnaj ALL LXTT-tB-S H! BrWIWEM, BS OTHEE-- I'B.:ck of MacaiFXfs. , to, Nnwtw wa !HM T i! 0 " " Kt- - .. ...... in vw at ts M each ; esreabhc bmiKMr IB - IB . im mil low 1 , eorar. ty-Aao- nt tat.tat at aaa nwmjttWteta U-- CeefcswiitSdeeeaa. to s he tutelar laeeaaee i iaii rt I with tbe tJ-iA- B a eAaattitlif wuT Jlln't sd rtyeMe h4.yeerty SB tdrutc. l3ritJwBMMta B be stiMHy is rvgatliy ibrse. . BAIT.Y RATES fOK ABVKKfXMSe. Xftflf M '. mC ae ! laktMlra. f- a- 's' C 1 6: : ; : ? : : U I e Ti a S aa IHHNIiattH KM L (M m im fTWifewar6a mm . oo leaMwnwKtMiiMHR so o i. i m h m kmIii m mIii 91 ksiIhn . IMSMtf ( aafM Mjpa M1! M Mfj MM It m n m ttnMiM srtt w m w M 7! IS MJ4 0'S : H9tt OVH W!38 S M M Otis eSsJagpe 8. BC IS M WWI 6 RfNN OoliO mIm t, S6 OW-- M-4- Oa V an B Milt M tM M ry Ow u iMiwtiln Mii, par innaii, " " matna; M p- - AH aar?tfcia,rala mait to taat aa nam Faze, chabseb as sew EACH BAT. tl aa thtra yog, an.4raaaaa4ac itatya rata . d AamttOuauU iltrrct-- J ta a tSaaiaftd, ar act In ur HM, cauina motile maa. Hatre to ba vaa, r ts sinrUMaant top: aa BWM a( EST Tartr 4rCTtfcerf win V fterfw tra at rafalar awa ior Want. ltia, Baatovaa. OifiiUinatt -- Ueaa. TaOaaitrfii n, Ac. Q TBunim AstntitiN starr e taid ros IS ASTABCB. E3 2?a aarrrttseavst vtil prr sc tea Weokiy sapor siHtM r crX"' eaetraa. Cyj.T-ntT-- ll ta laaartad ta ta roaarpaaer nr. er attmcaiar mnniinwr ueaapna, vu ba chrr $1 ptr miot iar enty taMtrtam. T3 Aaa juaalaK ei uiMaaU rr State, Oacaty tS eacfc. to fee paU ta ainaoe ta rrtry tnsi&Baa. A3 riwtthmmlt tor OfeartUlMO MaUtstlaai, rtre Oamauiln, 1Tar4, Tm, as3etiMr Mttc Kiattaca. to aa Ehavaaa katf price. C3 JitrrUa IXtaj ir ;allaa mi bw; bat 0tfBurt. Mkato a( Kiajat aaf I'Maanal Ianuttaaa atber aiBttlinajt. t3 Al Lacal aai Traaalcat AAnrttaaBWBta wW ke c&aixec ar k tatta. CT" gttortal KaMcrt la Loot Clrlama wta tw oargtO 33 ceal V ttaa gg Xe litianlaa r Tariattea trM aa Bade tram tie professional carOs. IIC. TATLOB.. J I BOeLE. TATLOR K HOOLB, AKD OOVXt-BLO- AT LA7. rasata. ArrOEKKrS wtD attraa preatTtt to tae euHiitaia tt mH ctatsaaj part of N'aittt Mafclnlpiil. ap-w- ta AT LAW, JaTkeaft. MB AH kutBMt ATTO&KET to bk aare pnaaptlr aitaslnl to. v. rsuk EE, BROffy & FUtZBH, A TTOKKGTa) AT LA"VT. (HBceaXa ata alrset, ri. mr P Xoatc Sure, tav. aad Herausta, 9rSatoraair, Mtaa. W.I atMM praatpUr tea uuM Hlaai tTilir- - iHjii! ta tkaai m TTeat Truaefa'r aa Kartax af 1 RrrEA t Train p--o ft. Go , PHi tptiH ; Ortaas, HnrxtaaB St Scan. Watt s- - 9tjairu, X T. w. B. afWcr, Jaaaa, Sn 2. Co., W J. Weaa&Ca . Hrm-pb- aparlr AT LAW. aa tVal Kaub- - Aanrt, Xp. C(HTK3tj0a Befwto A Wrtrtt. Bt , aa4 Oat Piyna, Haai-pbi- Joan 3.. L aaratawa. iniai Onrx; E. 6. KutstaB, &M-- . Xarmr; Mjar S 4. Hnry , Claitu-rtlt- e, Taaa , aaA 6a T E. ftiaraaj', Daa ea.. Ark. Bafftl twtf JOBX . RALSTON, ATTORXKT AT LtW. Baaabjl. 8feaay escaty, Tea. Oaf Pattowa HaB. RE'EB TO Haa W V. Keadrfek, WayneaberaacB, Teuj Jlewrs Kiaate&Hera. HMkaaaa Ey.. Gea.C. T-- Pram, r J. W Ltwteb, S. T Wataeu. . Jt Jean Trtzc, Vea. . Ultra Beck, Ark ; W. G. .. XaaVea Ark ' EDWARD PICHETT, Jr., A TTMirar AT LAW. V BMK.Tnm. (kBec, Jer J tea rK. aalawxy tae Peat Oftfee BalHas. J. A. MOON, AT LAW, Oiaetal Cutaataii, aad Lisd ATTeMaKKT aba Xertms aad JEaatan GeaaMea at Arkaaeaa, BBS AS. ABX. ntaai niy I.. O. RIFK8, ATT0KXET AXD COONStTLOR AT LAW, X etapbU, ta tar Feat OSes BaiMtwc AlaaaaiaMeetraatedtoba earewfa ncetre preaipt tadtaamtantNa. CtOhi tlaae p- - aaiptly ataee la taw t il ileal Ilia' aoaattia of Wfeat Teaaettie, XtaaaMeppt aad Arbaea. )aa-J.w- tr - Die-Blutic- THK parlerraWp ia tae aaacaree ef tb Law, beTrtefaK Mw.t SalBtra. TreadweH Sl Tentatlate, 1. l4 day eiavitvei. Jsly I, Hat. CASS. W. I TUUbVIU. R. T8LLIKTISE. THE AD WELL & VOLLINTINE, ATTOftNITS AT LAW, JleeapaK Tram. Omn, Xo. .tract, ap ctajra seeuad deer Seat ef Hitet iy riCtV X.ifT PAIITNERSHIP. rx R FOLK. aa4 tuatih P. Beateewad. bartm; lefBkl a Mrtaerabep, wiu bereafter praattoe law toe- - ta tar ea- t- ef Xeaapbla J IKES MOOKE, A TmEIT AT LAW, M eatpeiM, Taaa Re'c f X ar. Wmr A Jeaaa. Paantpa A Wbtt Laaab. Teaac ft Oa., MeMaakaaTraaadte & Bin, Xil'.ea i. 7etasa IlUXlmi &X..E Si. Aery, Baa.. 2taaaaa. 03ee. ap .talrt, at tbe coroer ef XaU aad XadttMi trewt, BMztducr to ahe ejafeae SiTiBga laatttatMa. een-- tr THSODORct C GONE, at LAW. Meaapai. Teaa OSK ia ATTORNEI erer Ortana A 6aaa'a Beatatore. garaieegaaJBrtatea. bt. ly HA AC St. STEELE .. T. MBAX..WK. O. 1TEELE, Ooriaftoa. Bran Mnapbta. Xempbte. Teas. STEELE, MORGAN &. STEELE, cocxskohis at law, ATToaxcra'AKD Wett Tea-se- OSoe a Mala at., a Walkrr'a Bkk Xe. . 9d fleer apjetil aUeatiaa pall to the cetrMttea af OUIbm. eet-.- y JOHN H.1LLUM. AT LAW, aad Oceenl CerettB( aad ATTOtlXKT tor WeatTfaaeaa".. I litem XSee to TT'ttea Btock, 0art itrret.rr OtMTe&.aai ' U rttUtr. r&-- T J. H. UNTHANH, AT LAW, Xo. 5S Cocrt 84am, ATT0RKET aagS-t- f J. XT. SCALES, 2A.TTORXET AT LAW, Xnapbta, Teea. 0e ap J .firs Xe. 17 Km ef Halt atreet. hi-6- C T. TABCE. ............. A. ABHEBIOH. VANCE Si. ANDERSON, AT LAW. Jo(li, Tana. OSoe ca AR0B.XETS Vetwoaa iiuu aad Sausi atrwtt. Jaaee-l- r R. C. njBWBBOT.. .J. T. PABBELLT. FLOURNOV & FARUBLLY, - AT LAW Xeaapaia, Teaaearte. ttOoa, ATTORXATS Btythe BoHataf, Xorlkfait ceraer ef CaertBaaare jfS-t- r CH AS. D. FONTAINE, AT LlW, Peatotsc. iliM.. wl at lead AITOBXET prate atonal baataeaa wblch maybe tatraaVd to Ms is lay ef tbe CearU ef Xertb HUata iSppl. frbI7 ly R. G. PAYNE, AT LAW, XeatpMa, Teaa. OQce Ib tbe ATTORXET BarMtDt, Jefjeraea etre- -t aaar-dl- y 1. WICBEBlltAU.. ........ ..EC A BCECHEB 1YICK.ERSHAM & DEECHER, AT LAW. Xearpata, Teaaeaaee. OSce, ATPe&XKTS etreet lanl-- tf GEO. DIXON. KT AXD OOtTSSELOR AT LAW, Memphla. ATTORN Oafce, aeatb aM of Ooart Sqaire, one door wtat ef WiBice1! AacUan Heaae, ap atalre. fci-- f D DUBOSE, EXIT AT -- AW, Xetapbia. Tean. OSce ea eatt ATM Xala atreet, between Jeffcreen and Aaama. Refer to T. TMaa, XcEwea, Brrta A XcXetV., J. V. VBaAms, W. B. XIBei and Jtllei Owea. Xetnpbla.Teac ; 11OT. Tttea A fie.. V rM taalAJf DR. JAMES M. K.ELLER, ert hia pref wheal aarcicea to tbe RKSPOTFOLI.T iad It TtaaKy. Hit reeMeaee i. -- n tbeoerner ef Xata and Beal lrteto, mi. r v.. idar or Mala, between Madiaee aad Xearoe, where be any be 'eajad it aO bean, bbK prfetoBaily aeriCTd DR. JOHNSO.VS INFIRMARY, reR DttrAtt. or the EYE AND EAR, EAR TRUMPETS, ARTIFICIAL EYES, ETC.; NUMBER 15 JEFFERSON STREET, Two Doors East of Oranrrcial Hotel, MEMPHIS, TE.V.f. tnayllUlty R H JOHNSON V D f Card. 3AXIT3L GILBBRT, SC. haa reterned te kU old DR. aieatead Bear Xeawbl. aad raupea'd at iBSna-er- y, iBd wBl resiabs pertaaarBtly. He treat, tbe feltow-c- c Garortc Biaeuee : Caeyra. Scraffala. Wat r SweMaf, Tacun aad Wear without Siriatal ofrritieaa. He llao treat IB taraBar I'lawlr a Tea ef leBxatineaBE. Tetter, Kheainatlani, SyxaQli, isd iS fetcti of Xerearlil ACecttoBt. Dr G.deeaa It saaeceetUT te aiy Caere, as be baa Mr-- El wftEs il lil ccalrra Mate io Orrjan xwtttawlT tJfjfedicaS Card. RODKNHAltKK, Jt. U . ef ew Tork. ceatem- - w. ketsa in New nlraet by tbe 90ib Deers txr, te rreule tb--r ter or three swath, ne will, it meet, eeroie ata 'tdbkt a.ti'ucu . gatEtcai Treitmeavef hrraleDlaeitea; eapetlallr thaee ef ta hv BewU aacb aa PiVM.Ceoattriilen, Pietola Ftanr, raPAef ef the Bmwcl Uloeritloo ef tbe Bowel fctrteM ef tbe Bowel Ac Hia mldenee aH be at tht ied bl offle wis be made knewa ai job a- - ar artea NewO-lee- n. Vttera ea be addrnard to Dr hew La . aad the, oitl be prcstp-l- y attended to. dt.lwdrwSt Ha HOEFJSR, IiOOKIlIQ-QLAS- S & Q1XT TB.ATCU 7T fXTynrrJAC'i' ii JL-m-t- .. I rune. Lockiaz GUti OLD Ail wo-- k wimou-C- OJ nintinzi and rja tana on baad tor Ml, WHSlnitta tueet, bejotr HihUti. DTJ-ci- y (Sotfou factors. J30. T. ITUATTulf ..EtMiAE, SICDATITT. s. a. msicwi. STRA'ITOIf, McDAVITr & 00., Cotton Factors, GR0CEH& COMMISSION JIKRCIIAXTS &. TO Front Row, arEMrKis, Tennessee, WILL store and aetl Otto- -, at arreety-n- v tCAy MM tar b.Ue &au:2Dd U Ussst for at wt be foiu sided at fifty easts per mm, aw areata for UruvMWt cetebraUd Ola Steads. SArUEeH BILL CBAX. B. D9BIOX, JR. C0TT0S ASH GRUS FACTOBS, Cro2a.oxvl Commission FOIUVAHDING MEIICHAXTS, TXTtLLxiaa emrrtal aad trneapt attmttaa ta I Jtox aP rr ra: 7111 sell OmImi ti TS cvata per bale. 01 on far FctatpcarBt terirarM at M onto. All taip Met- - lMr4 ataar-t- iiMnxtt. Oaaatca rraat Row, No. IS, op, aUIra ta Xoaay & Baataanr aaMa. airltwta ( WILBf TEtWOH. . C. WILLIAM. S. W. YEMON & CO., Cotton Factors, Commission and Forwardins MERCHANTS; X. 8 Fraat Eiw, arer Meaettasi ac GalbraitVa, "TPWir. artf-I- r J. F. JJLVTHICOM & CO., Cotton Factors ABB &EXERAL OtMJIISHW ilIERCILLVTS, SIC IX PIUS, TEA.V. Xa U Xala-ai- ., Mnn AUaw a4 Jeer. OITICK. Mm atara at Ptoaraoj, Oooper & Laeke. BXBIB....... .......XIX 1BELTOK, or f Atoeaaia BEID, SHSLTO & CO., COTTON FACTORS us Commission jTIcrchants, A'O. 38 FROXT ROW, MEMPHIS, wxx. V ALLOottoa eat toaar aalran taaarvd. unVti ggMr3 Btraelon totke eaatraryara ncelred. Be if' taltUB t pt iraipHy sitae io enter, ruattra' nra l4 vtth eare Srfl er F rwam Coitna atoaeestoper bale. Liberal adTaaea maae oa h1h-aus- U aa3tAawtp Atalie, Wilson Co., COT TON FACTORS, GOManssioir & GBOcaay NO. 25. FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS. tVV 0O)UllsSIOKSferSteriBcaBdSHI-- l Tiiail nil ea -- a all oiaar aaiei peri A taU tapplr ft tMactei: Rape, Gracerles, Ac., ees. ataaOr ea baad, aad aO araera Sited at the lew. It sar-t- rt prion oeaap9U 1 Praeaaa mpwan iiiwm A8H, 1LSON & CO. r. ueaoajf. ...........w. b. chbiit. MOEGAK" & CHEISP, Cotton Factors, AKD COMHIESIOIT KEECHA2JTS, N. 18 Jtfme tlrttt, eaaad daor to the Plasten' Bank,) MEMPHIS, TENN. COTTON aadetWr Praaaae oaaatoaet to n win ALL laaaraaea, aatow atbenrtoa fcatraeted. tii-ar-Bi T. B. BOBS EXT, j!e. a. rsPE. Lateef Hayweodco. T. R. NOR3IENT & CO., Cott&2& JFactors, CO! uaion l?orwariVins Merchants, No. 3 ICadison st.. ilemphis, Tenn , 1TTILL atore and nl Oettea at 76 orau per bale. r Cottoa Par re.bapaaeat f arwarded at M orato per iySdawCat B. o. BAoe....H. h cwercB... .jbo. t. bauoh. R. D. BAUGH & CO., COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING, Forwardigg an4 Geaeral Commission tJIlsrcIiants, il EM r H I S, TXXX. MBfCr ACT1XTMX peM to eiaara tor Ri- - Ktac. Bapa aaa naBMtaoai Mppnee. aaapOlawaaa X. A. SAXPLE....K n. MITCHKIX-...- J. at. 1AHPLZ. Xetapbla Late of AbereVea. Iteef roatotec&u. SAMPLE, MITCHELL & C O., Cotton Factors,' Cofflifflgtion EeeetTiag, tnd forwarding I!CBI3tOXE.Ir,2?SI, I XABtSOX-n- -. THIRD POOR X AST OP tTNION BAXZ, MEMPHIS, TESS. A SCTPLT ef beat Beetles' aba Rope alway to etert. A OnVrt ter aapp i- -a ailed at tae Ijweet caab prtara. We are ale AraaU fur lb ee-- ef 8o. W Wlatea'a Baablc SeatM Portable Tbres'iera .ad Wbeat faaa, wMeb are raprir to aayteaac ef the ktad ewer eaared to tbr pbisier. bets' caeap-- r. awr. durable, aad ha ht-M- e to it a' ef rmei' aad mar be ae4 wtth rqaal tr, lth- -f H,o H.a or setd GOODLETT, SOKE & CO., (Seem at era te GaeMrtt, Xabara Co.) Receiving, Forwarding ABO GENERAL G03I3HSSION 3iEP.tnA?iTS, OEALZBA IB SAGGING, ROPE, Etc;, OFFICE NO. 35 FRONT ROW. A ALL Oet ea aad etber Predafe eanrtraal toaa NjHJ-i- ateaat er Y atbeata, w.n be- - oar peh policy ar IBatntABCE BT aet prerteaa- - lr laatraetod to tba ceaLrary. Ve bare a la-- aad m-- laaerted tteck er rT AKD 1NRIA BfMIXJ. aa ataa a oar rtepoed-tn- c aapp'y ef HOPS, frt aa tbe beet BMawteetertea, which w wlB enttek apes aa eaay toraM M lay heeae at tbK etty. Oar eba'r-- a STORIXO. StVPLIXS, S8IXING AXB WBfOHIMS TI)S, wUl b. aa beaetetere, 60 eeata p--r b.K wbleh eoeera aU ezerpt drayaC a taaa- - .m .w t C M. nOBTOB....B. C. HORTOX...J. 1. WOSBDELL, Ptorrnre, Ala. c. in. noBTos &. co., Cotton JP actors, GHOCERB, Commission and Forwardlns; MERCHANTS, NO. 33 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS, TENN. PARTICULAR attention paid to ai SelliBC iad SelpplBs Cettm LaJsyi eep ceaattBtty oa bind Baaztarn Rone, aad Fuatatlon Sapoliea rra-- - raSy. ly D. 11. TOWSEO, COTTON FACTOR, G II OC E II AKD COMMISSION HEECHANT. aMectlen (ITea toStorlnji aad Seiltaf Cettoti, PROMPT Xe. M Praat Row, XeaapbJ. aaalztawlT X TR. O. 0. BOONE, late of LealTl, Ey., hi Vcense i,;L awocaated witb aa la tbe Grocery iad Ctsamlailen BaatBea. dattaxfraei tbe lat iaatiat MASON. NORVELL & BOONE, COTTON FACTORS, & Forwarding Mercbants, ! TSo. 1811Main-S- t, Memphis, Tenn. BAGGING, Rope, Jeaa. Liwye, iad l traeral atock of FliBtittoa Sappllea oafiataaUypn baad. ipSS T a T A TT. A. 1 MOBTOrHIEBT, Of jtnapui. Lite of TiteaTBIe. Kill. MONTGUMEEY & TATJi. COTTON FACTORS1 aonanssioK xIierchaxts," JNi O. A. JJLX n . v ., HetweeaTront t-- A Row and Main, MEMPHIS, TENN. Oettoa .tapped to aa, or at. re by na after 1U ALL will be WTerrd fcy epJ jMlcy ef I aa aace, aa- - a otbrwa latrcted. S M ABPEB!C.....C BELOACH....DATID ADAatl. E. 31. APPERSOX & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Groccrj' and Conimisslon 2fo. 66 Fnl Ra and 6 Jefmn Strttt, MEAIPHIS, TENN. v V W WE bit- - la ataje aad are aew . , . .am .l to tele . sarin, h " - chiaed lor caab. coBlateM IB ptrt of Puwer LoeBi, Rea. tarty aad tedti BarfJar; Xaebta R--pt, Bil treat pare Map i Hiadpta o.i Crataety "T. iadOaaAwrtai Baoea. Xer--- LTbjr Bran- dy, Win- -. Beartwe, Rye aad Oero td aid a seaeral atock at Staple rireeertea. ate . Ac., ill of wbaca we HI eX fer eah al tte lewtat rnirket price., caatemer ea the aeeaa term. cr Stole sen or Ship Oettea. a heretofore, t FIFTT eSHSFiH. to .to e. Brie., laatraeted WirtWOT tea for exit xa ion m"1"'-.-- ' w -- y cue Tiacn o. am'. Onr opm , eerert all Oottoa croalroed to t TJBbelt''J: piatea ty a B n er taunt, ' lafB-iB- c " er - Injured etaewhere." larljdiwSja WARTLAW HOWARD .Wat. T. HOWARD. W. HOWARD & CO., Cotton Factors, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, N0. 4 HOWARD'S ROW, MEMPHIS,- - 7 XALXRS in BUTtB, Rope Twine. Sarar, OoCee, ilo--SJ Uae Sloe, PHrur, Lird, Bicoa, Xackerel, 811, Loadoa Farter, Aw Wine. Wbteky, Tutelar, Lbae, Laad-Plart- and Graoerte graera-l-y. A (cod alock new en baad, aad for MM at reaaoniKe prlcea. adnaoea nude oa Cottoai ta .tore for ule or iblocicat. Oar Opra Policy ft Iniansce corer, aU Out to T;. tr water; elan, the rUk of Fire while a atore, caiaaa otherwise iaitrocteS. Oar price lor atortcs aad Kl'Uyt Cottoaa, tbe use a we baie cLArcec. for Tir rJ" any eeata per an. on (Cotton factors COMIIISSIOS UlEItCHA.VT omei, no. ts xosbt & ncxTS blo-- e, Front Row, MEMPHIS, TEJtN. C0XSIGXMXXT3 of Cotton anl Vbrat aoU- - Ure. K'(Ktc-- d B-- P aad all SnppUet. t uroUhal Mtommt raiea. rtraea't Plaalatloa Htlit alvaj 0 kasd. BCS-l- lT C. M. ROBINSON & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Ileal Estate Wg A l.OOl3CE BROKERS, Commission Merchants, &c, ianl7.lT W PRXIKT ROW. MKMPint. TUSK. w. a. PArrxBAOs.. I. r. iiabiball. FYTIERSOX, MARSHALL & CO., -- SI COTTON FACTORS, Co at mission ami Grocery MERCHANTS, xo. s rnoxT now, uxdeb cox. hotel, tatdawfta Me'mphUtTnn. . 151. MOORE, COTTON FACTOR ARB General Commission Merchant, 5fO. 80 FRONT ROW, KempltiH, Teun. COTWN aad ather Pr&Joce eonaUned tol ALL ataenrlae taitraeted. Kreuixfe4loreai2'ariZe! errstr'tTe oat per bite. Efgw, i O. a. TOWTMEBD. . H. WHITKOKr. TOWNSEND k PJTM0RE. COTTON AND GRAIN FACTORS, ASD Commission and Forvrarding MERCHANTS, Ne.ABankJv(w,3doonfrom BtlUtinOJUc TTTE take tait art bed of"lnfannH!; tie pabHe tbat we VV are MB tojMber to toe COTTON FACTORAGE B0S1NKS6. aBd rttaraoar raoet ttnorre tlucka for tn patraaazebeiUwd apaa Badarlaj tbe Ut two rein; Ui bopa. by etriet atteatlan to batlneaa, to ncelra tbe eapport ef ear tin ami frl pda, ar d ai oany more aa Buy thlak preper to it re ea a trial. Oottoa ml so a. will Xe coTered by tuaraaoe, arlraa etberwtf tBctrartnl. We abtp, itere asd eil Oattea at 60 ereta per bale. We are tlae prepared to ttvr all kla a ef Predece; aad ear cbirpM far eemac trd atertar. t H per rest. CoaaUBtly ea baa 1 a good eepply of utttlas", Rope aaa TwtBC. )S-wi- b TOWNS I! JT) WHITMORW. SD1PS0IW HATES & Co. COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 194 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS. T3TT1T. E9Ordera far BarginE, Rope aaJ otker Sapailea prataptly atteaded to a r. T1TCX........B, A. SIOON. ...B, T. PATTIIOX. TITUS & CO., JOTTON FACTORS, AXD -- Commission Merchants, BANK BDILDING, Opposite Cemnurcial Beltl,JtffmontlTUt, JyH dtwawSaj MEMF11I, TEN.N. jr. oil. meiip, (Lite ef E. Reid & Bro.) COTTON FACTOR ABB COMMISSION MERCHANT, Orer Gvyer It Xee"y, NO. 3i FRONT ROW, 5IEMPHI3. will be pleaned o wait apoa any WniREae aad tbepaMicairra!ly. H- - win Birepa-Mcaia- r atii-etie- t.i tbe Storlat ad Sttlr. t Oottoa aad Pro'laor. All Co tea or Pnace cooa'.-a- ed te bua 'ill be tBaand, aalera otberl-- e iBttiuitrd. PirtKalar atteBttea clnB teerdtra for B'trlar aad Sope. aad ether asppelea. Mere aad aetta Cot-- n far 15 eaata per bale. cetS-de- ia Baste aad E&e,ajrrr ecpy W. 5 BBOWW. u. 8. JOXE1 B. C. BATH JOKES, BROWN & CO., Cotton Factors, Grocers, Commission & Porwarding Koichants, No. ISO Main street. MEMPHIS, TENN. rtT?AWS keen eeaatastly m feaad tbe USt?Z3raa4t ef Baastaw aad R w alaa. Si OidaV.Sart WWr naroe Xatla Maocerea. iar, rwiemiiDo uraam Xorm, TobweB, Starch. St-a- aad Wesdea Wire, to- ne h r witb all artlaleakept in a H.av, wblch w are uafclat ea ti. BHnt; pre- pared with a la-- gt ami cvmnetHoiti Wrthout fer aAeriaccittoa. we i I eeati-a- w to atara 4 w4 cottoa teer.-- In ea PiriT Cebts rrs Bale, awaya cweilaa: cat tana reg.itaed te aa b IKfrUBAJtCE etrwte ioHtroeied. Liberal cub adraaori aiide an co ton. or ether predate ia atore. aac-JJ- T JONS DHOWS' A TO OZO. C OUAV. .C. M. PABalEB. GRAY & FARMER, Cotton Factors9 BECEIVJNG. FOHWAHDIIIQ t ABB Cominissiou ITScrchants, NO. 106 MAIN STREET. LIBERAL CAST ADVAXCBKJ. IPSt'na'te ea .bipmeutt of COTTON aiiaWUj lYTFHnnnf a a e'er. EgSa aeptt deja6at J W. ICHCOGI. JAt. H. DOEOA. SCRUOGS, DONEGAN & CO. Cotton JF actors 9 General Commission Merchants, No. 25 CARONDELET STREET, XEiV ORLEJNS, an efitre ia j uj. XA t fa X7 lllo, KEEP where ay aie pirpar-dt- o eaa e liberal aaacea oa Oettea er other Frodace cawlx fd to tte.. bea.e. aep9f&wCm J. L. VERSER, & otton Factor AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, Up ataln, ilotij & Hant'a aewbtcck, Xo. 17 Front Row,, Teatnttt. OOrrOX and etlerPradoceoBalirBed torn win ALL iaaarei aaleaa otbrrwiae ordered. Fer ttorinc and arrHo; cottoa 75c. per bale. IwlRpirparticBlirittentlMitoSBlBEord'Ti 'er Baatak, Rope, Ac, it tbe Uweat market 1 rice. J, ft dawitni WILLIAM I STEWAKT.. .aioonr c. tipo. STEWAET & KING (SUCCESSORS TO STEWART, KING CO.,) COTTOIH FACTORS, General Keccivinj, Forwarding AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, H"o. 49 Front How, Office with J. W. McCracken ii Co., MEMPHIS, TENN. iBt6-- a P. LABE""' BEWTOK rOBB. A. C. TREAD WELL. JF. JLane V Co., COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AO. 2, SOUTH SIDE ffXIOX ST., iiExrnis, TEKK. 1VW PARTICULAR attention paid to S(o- - ae, ablpptBC iad tMUaz cotton At k4 tteck ef Btcdne, Rope ind P in-- taUon aoasli alwiT on baad. and famlabad at tb Uurrat market prlcee. m U ALXXABDER . ......XOBXAX C. J0SE1. raltoa, Teaa. AlempbU. ALEXANDER & JONES, COTTON FACTOKS, Oonoral Comm 1 fiiaion JLKX FORWARDING MRrHANTS. MOSB t HUNTS NEW BUILDING, O. IS FRON ROT, Memphis, Tenn. Room Xo. 18, ap atalra. T OITR charrra for SeniBi Cotton, in JWOwJsodme Storage, will be two aad a bait y liyrr cent on tee ameaot of aaiea rartlnfar aumen t'iu ve anci, mr F.roinHea aad Setllna: Oraln. and all klnda of Prodaoe at d Xiau'aciareo aim prepirea to 911 ill erdera for Gooda, Gtriea, Jte. . at tba loweat rholmto nricra. All eonattKnrnt ta aa by river w n be eire-e- d b oar open poUctea, anieamirkd not Inaared on bin of lidmx. AR ctton In atore toaired, aaleaa otbrrwiae Inatrnrted. Oar brain- - aa betas exdcttTriy conmlaaloa, and oar time entirely derated to tbe interest of car patroaa, we feel tnit we ire esuuea to a inn. Tait 1. ill we aak BEN. D. NABEES, COTTON FACTOR, POEWABDIHQ " ABU General Commission Me reliant, ABB DEALER IN BAGGING AND ROPE, Office, No." 35 Fiont Row, Hp STAIRS, MBXriIIS, TBXX. B0T15 dlwtwira , rRAXK a. CAPERI. ... BCrCl tMITH. CAPEES & SMITH, Votton Factors, AND GENERAL COJDlbMOS MERCHASTS, Aseats for the, Sale of TIRGIHIA, MISitiHRl fc KEXTUCET TOBACCO, And General Steamooat Agents, 20 Madison Streot, MEXFHIS, TINS'. vr B. We keep eoatUctly oa Band 1 gea-- 1 . 1 ..uWhImI a. 1,t-tiF- nrl end , I 1 , M Fawkins Tcbirno, and win yay atrtct attention I to tb Ferwardlax tnl RcaiTlrf Battceit. Bartt-e- m Motion factors. . A. rBItk......JAMtI cues PAEKER, ELDEE & DAVIS, otton Sellers, Grocers and Commission 3I(,rc!iants. No. 6 Havard't flete, Mtmphu, Tnu, JXKEP eonrtjntly oa baad BaHbig, Bpe aal TUnta A. II- a nartvl" cnrtJy. felt daaCm tenir icviEt ..... .OEM JAI WARBEK, of TnKBM Ala of Lawteor o., Ala, SEVIER St WARREN, COTTON FACTORS, GEOCEBS, S AD " Cotawilssion fc Fovw:vulnsr 2VX rZ. ANTG XO. IM XALH STBKKT, KEMPD3S, TKXX S3XE, ' aepU ly J.T. HILL...........................I T. B 1TLET. KILT. & HiLF,T, COTTON FACTORS, NO. 55 FRONT ROW, KEHPHIS, TEJTN. rOrrr 7). H. TowmriWi. TTTV FOB STORIXO ASD SKLUKS COTTOK, hk.i.ii IS eeata ter IU1 . All Cotton eoed t. terar- - ffliir BOl.ei otberwlaa laatraeted. AH order prmnptlT a(tndM ta aacOet.wCtn Ali.ES Da via late of HaTWieeatT. Tean Tnoa. n. Wiluabi. late at KrwOrleaaa. W Vas Wikele. lite ef Loatarl le. Ey. DAVIS, 'WILLIAMS & GO., COTTON FAOTOHS COMMISSION, RECEIVING aud FORWARDING MERCII.VNTS, AID Gen'I Steamboat and Railroad Agents, XO. 1 HOWARD'S POW, lIXHTH S, TISK,. 1 LEO AcenU far iTaatra. JeBStaca A RryBaeaa. far XA. tuaaaieox rritoa'i aenjBirpeaiac unu HI ta. AH bttlwi rntraated to onr eire wlB recelTe oat .A9Mt l att Bttaa. t.aoiwly tflotljittu stores B. 17ALKEE & BEOS., 79 FRONT ROW, 60RXKR OF ADAMS STREET, ATI J. WALEEE & CO., S17 JiAIX-ST- ., NEXT DOOR TO PLAXTBRS' BANE, Manufacturers or Clothing, MEMPHIS, TEXX. CLOTHING !C LOTH INC !! CLOTHING! are now reae'Tlac tbe ta (rat atock ef Pall aad WE Wlate- - Clo'bIM we bare erar bid, ouaaltetarrd by o raHree at PbPad-lpbt- a. Alao, a Ufa auartateat ef FereKa ead Bos-a'- ic Dry Seoda, eoaiatlai; of tbe Utaat aiyle Lad ra' Dree. Otoita Uaatin.f, Wul and Gasta-r- e Sanwla. Li'' awl jfHe' Pitict Wool Talataa, Hosiery, Q la Tea, EM Oaaalleta, BesbratoVrl a. Ac AHo a eery la'ce aad eoeaplete laaertateat ef Rneta Bee a. X.ltre BrKia, Hat. Btinkttl, Eeny., Iaal harm, Llaaeta, Traaka, Carpal B-- 2. Geata' Paratabiai Geedi, Ac We call lb-- attratlea at Plaetera, Ceantry Xereaiata aadRiTTTTradrra toexaattBe ear atock pn.cb.ih; elaewb-i- e aa we asaaattetare ear Oletblac ezpnta'y far tbla rnirket, wblch eaibiea aa to aell ear teoda at Riat-er- n priori . Oar atock ef CtothtBr fer laberisi oea aad ea era baTe it oar aaaal low prie. B. WA1EER A BROS . 7 Praat Raw, J. tTALCKR A 00., 917 Jfata atreet, MeraawM. TeaB. M IB n lattery, 113 Xarta Third atreei, Pbl'adetpala. aeaa-t- ai FOR CASH! $50. oo o IX 11 FROM THIS DaTE, "Wo offer our entire Stock of FINE CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Fine Sole Trunks, Xegro nothing, &c. 2T COST OTJR trfsdi aH tae paWte Bcaeratty, awy rlr ea w ateeeae tode. We tarrle all ww are ia waet af (avd Ototaiac, ta cut aad rxaaaaae fer tbem- - arlr.. STIVBT A CLAHER, : Uala-I-H . appeal 'Oat Paaare. P. 3 ABGeedt aebt ae crrdtt, win becaarBtd a rrf-at- ar pregu S it C. BAvli-4- 'f hirqcrn anlr gcntrisiru B. HOVVCOTT, DENTIST, corstaoB. TO BR, S. nFCTT. DEXTAL OPRtt ATIO VS perferaaed at tae abort ALL airfare, awl cairaBtled. Oatoa ea Xata atreet. epp. . t- - b - W "h.-t h m dfS V DENTIST&Y. wantl' c lay op rat ooa PERSONS tbr TKEfH. had tetter ra I av.Dr J C ROLE, oa Mala atreet beew' Xadiaea, orer J. u. wnDsni' dn no e A new aiyte af ARTIFICIAL WORK, hvrerrtol by Dr J C LeeeBU, of PbUadelpeU. TbM a'yle rf work b-- a aaparaor adraaute- - errr jt et tat odete to the prof ealea. la that It ta d,r. bo chaaee lr the aeerveaef fnad. more beautiful aad ce--ep than 'be ed atyee, d eajnary aa atr u. ft- - net atrsaaer All rpera'len wirraat-i- I bare tbe ti'teAiro rtxht fr wee.lyaf Xatphlt, aad State of leeaeaaee "a loo- - tfUBl. net' DR. G. W. ACREE, licntist , 0OV7RT STRKXT. CORNER BtXK AI.LRT. LI, deetat eperatiea perferaed ia lb , XX nHMt atrifal Btasnar wra tbe leart potaible paia. Fell er pr'l4 aetia of tee b Inrted with tbe Uleat laasreT- r- meat, aad catraatlM Sofreet rree Raak auev-- lak.n a par wbea the cat, l aatddewa rtt7lly JOHN B. BOTTO, BOOT AND SHOE HAS lFACTl3lEi, No. 6G Front Row, SIGN OF THE BIG SOOT, ZaXo233.T33xis, I'onn., ..the KEEPS eeattiatlyoa bind. . , , . , T .fc" f BDrtM -- . l. .t . , iv a cum, ea ewe me&r, aiew ef maaafaetareta. He keep. a)o. Leather m Sole aad TJpeer. Calf Skta. Freacb .American Sbee Ftadieca, Traaka, Carpet Bar iad Va- lues, all of which be wt'l etti 11 cheap 11 lay In tbla market Glre htta 1 call beiere percbAKlnr elaewbere. JB' 13-'- T S5 a -4 -- el ei 0 a CO S 5 C9 - S3 o55 I rjT a W 'AT lai W SH 3 1 r3 Z g? ca 1 co .2 2 Sit n a.S o m p a a sif - Qzzu X. J. WAIT & CO., WHOLESALE A3TD BETAIL G U OC B IS, & , XSD DEALERS IH ALL EIBD1 Or UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE, Soatbeatt Corner et Mala and Dnlos Sts MEMPHIS, TKNX., TTATR ilwiyi on bind 1 well an CArrfaQy selected XI ato et irtlde la their llae, wbica they will stn at ae lewett curreat prites. C3 Ordai promptly SHed with dlapataa. te CLiEUl-.'- S SAliK. City Iot "South Half No. 404." Joba Plnly Meana, by next friead The. L. Sal Iran Eip.rte petition for ate ef lot for relnrHm-a- t Ae. Tirtae et a decreetal order of the Circalt Osart of BT county, term mad ia .bt can e at lta See- -t caber term, ISS7, 1 will en the prrattee ea SATGRDAT, tbe I6tbdtyof Jauairy Eexl, !S5rJ.vfter at paMIc tale tor cih nd tbe biUaceen a credit ef alx, tweWeaadetzMeea moatb. with bead aad trod b laiereet from date, ad a Hen retained, tae fottowluc eecribel let ta tbe city ef XempMa, Teaaeaaee. telaz the aoatb. bf et nrlxtail let Xe 40t frontier It feet J lacbet ea Third atreet, iad running back 143 feet 6 lecbe to a private alley, weR tmprored is4 ercneiea at praaeatBy or fiee w Jon. a. declO Ua X. D L. SrTRWARr, Oerk. Ac. Tipton County Land for Sale. Xltneod d. Wiaetoa, Jbeait. B Wtaten, XirtbrX. Wla.too WB la n R. Win-te- a, 0. Wtnitea asd Mary L. WlB'tea tbe latt Are mtaor. who pitttlont? their mxt freed Datd S Creaabaw, aad Dim S. Crenshaw admlalatrater of Xiry F, Wlaeto", x?trte fr tttua to .ell Land fer Pirrpton pursuance f a let rlocatery decree el tbe Oeanty IX of Tipton oo'inty, at It. XeTember Ter m IS57, ta tb foroTotaf cae, I wis) ofrar at pabiK aaattoa to the b gbe-- t bidder at tbe Coat Haa. doer In tbe town of CoTlarton. on MOVDIT Jina-- y 4'h, ISM. two ot LAKD nliptw tnuaiy oaatilaiai tezeib er S6SU acres aid land He. la tbe Insted il. Ttclalli of the Ciopton Camp-frone- and U in a bl(h state of cultlTitlon witb lmproT-meat- t. Cb tbe remainder on a credit pf one and two years, by the pirchtr ftTlac bead with iparsTed iren-lt- y ind i lira tet'lsd.a tbe land to oc- curs tbe payment of tbe percbi'e m ee JOHN T DOCGLAS, Cterk. 3. X Steele, Soiloitar for Pctllloien. nortl-dawu- Clerk's Sale or Laud. TOMit L. AE( and Jam. A. A A aaa., a miner ncder SI years o are be Ht f atb- -r and rest inead Tbemu L. Anrol Kxparte Petl'lsn to tell Liad tor Parti Ion. oe'of i decree ef tbe hoer-V- e Coantr Court BTnr ertanty, St tb Term, t&ST, in tbe Abore ran'. I wm expoae to pablie ta e at tb Coart Hours 6vT in tbe town of 0,THtlo".on XOXDAT, b day o' Jin-ar- y nf xt ISM. i tri. t of ISt acre of L AXD trtotuttnr to tee ibore pel II loners, tyinc ta Tipton Ct,an-t- r, ta tbe lib Sanreror'. Diatrlcl. Ranze d, tod Sec . lERttt -- One btlf cash tbe balance on a cred't cf 15 Tiontbt, bond and apptuted arcarity, and a lien retained an tbe liad to secure tbe unpaid purcb. money. JOHN T DOUGLAS, Clerk, j. X. Steele, Solicitor f jr lVtlUoaers. com aaw'os 5 bsntls ceauiae Xorth rarollaa, for sale by PIPES H. T. FARNSWOBTH - CO. iustnws diixte. New Wiarl-Boa- t, NAPOLEON, ARKANSAS. JOllKSOTS .Ai PRAY, COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, And TJ. S. AGENTS. uCtSS diwly , SADDLES IT COST For Cash. ITS a larz, tot r SADDLR8 tk,fl wU aeltf, IH COaT FOR C A" II Ca 1 aaoa If yea wttBI bir- - a btrc n I bae alao iarae uaartaBiwt n) ef narr.e.. Brtdlee Ca lira. Sat - 03, M tad- - (4 dl-- ri Valeria a irvl nu mi Itiwitiea f latent .tra Alaa f i14m Tr ea of er rr TirtMyj all ar wblea t writ H at a rr tit'LL Atrnci: a fer Cak. AI klo.1 of SaMh-- Harrc. lx , mi teaeaa- - at abertea -- ettee. 1 wamat te lire aall'.'acti a. aMaefl liw fe- - riiab. Uy4jal'ia-Pmcataeian.rar- a' to ke-- p taemaa it work, ntber this to etiaampi awM weak- - a,ea. W p. II I. Oonwr Xafi ib4 Maarw a'.ifta, BerS-t- m Wat hit, Tno . riTXBERALB.CHAa. C Olt-L.- J. WaMDWOHTHi H. FITZGERALD b. CO., (isctcaon to Perk, (wr-.r- 4- - Oe.J Grocers, Proslucn Bcalcr3 OQUUISSKW & FORWAiDING MK8CUANTS Ifo. 44 Front How, Memphis, Aim JACRSONPORT, ARtlANSAS. JtJnj-iUw- lr j. xoro ...j. j.Jtsnr JAMES BOKO & COt, praoLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MSRCHANTfc, l.O. 3 PRO NT ROW. MBXPHiS. TSfiX. B. W. MOKBItt. .D. C. WAIO...U. If. fABBOMEB. Li'orriss, Ward & Sannoner. n e w FALL AND WIHTE I GOODS. W. wnald Tery remectfoHr afaeaace to tba parrbia or urt goods f niraLy teat we ire bow re. eetrlne ear sew at ck t FALL AND WHITER GOOD3. We ire prepared to offer PLAIITBRS treat lsdDceraecU. Oar laaartarctot BLANKETS, KERSEYS. OSNABDRGS and BRlJiiANo, Compritea ill tba Tiriellea that In the Fnncy Itepnrtnipnt, Will b fond alt tf- c- aoTeitiea .if tbe aaa Tbe at entiea f tne Ladiea t ta emvraaHeB er oar a eorttacatof SILES. KMBR'!Dk:RIBrt, Aa,, la rrapeet-tal- ly aeliciUd. AtUttKI33, WARD A SAXXOXER, aep51 tai Xa ass Ma.a etreet. K. M. ariCEB ....a am'l a- artrca. R. M. SFICSR & SON, D CALEBS IK Fino Groceries and Provisions, WHOLESALE AKD BETAIL. NO. 2 SHELBY, NEAR MAIN STREET. OW receiriaz, aad wHI eon; lose bmh bt atock abaB be replete with erety irtlcjr la tbe llae. AD weiaklaacaa We feet esnBd'Bl tat tbe Reality ef ear geeda iad tee prior will Urlaoe yea to trade E-- rr- thtns aew iad frna, aeieod jKTeonal.'y with rreat caaa. aepis-l- a R. X PICKR ta HW. Pricis to fcait the Uses. . STREETT & CO. oa t i-- d i lire- - .tock rf rASCT i"t S'APLE HAVB GOOD.t, rteh Silk. tae . f axeryde- - acrtpttia Ct tb and Vaint Claaka aad MialW. Seawia Searfa, ic .: Eoibreiderte, Lim, bua a, Ave , wbKb wif b g.,ii at redaod p icta. AI- - . a larce ato-- e f PlanUtton Go la. at rery 'low prl- - a a-- ta Ble-k.t-a, Er ia, Liaaeya, a. Ooaberar Xerro Ph X xti HaU, Xearo OMblar, ac : tatnea'. Sae Cwth'n aad Fara'aLiax GxjSj. t axtb r wtth a fan atock of Soya' Ctetblae. C.I. and ejpi. j auk; a s'R'irrT & on., octlS Vo Ha Male atret. ISHW AlUU.Ali OF B89TS AND SHOES! 'uxcrib r wuBLt aamt raaaeottuily laforaa hla eld THE aad the pab b: ta zeneral, b.t bebaare-Cet- aut I daily renetr( a larpe aad wu aelected atock of BK)Tr AXD SHOSS ef e.aiy decrlrtiea, which he etTifi at Wbe'eaali. ed Recall fer Caaa, aa caap aa any boaae la town. I ba-- e ai. r.eelced a tartn aaeil Uuiat ef LEATHER AXD FINDINGS ef eartoai kaaaVa. wleh I eTr to at a aatiB adraace ea Kaatera Oeet WX XILLRR. Xe. 13Jea9tea4t.,ldita aboTe Plaat r'a Balk, eeeSI-a- n r a atato a ri Pweit new NEW FASHIONS - FOR 1BB7. 1853. ' Fall and Winter. GENTLEMEN'S ELEGANT UK ESS MoIcsUin nnd Cassiiuerc S3! & ARE Rr.0ITED AT WHEAT ON'S, 75 FHONT HO"W, tbeee ia wiat o tfe Sae4 aad Baaat WnSRB Mau wl I peaie eaH. CocetaatlT band, and d.ilr recetTlag, the Utta.t iad aaeat atuck ef 90 rr HATS ta the city, it WH TUN'S, a pln H Fraat Rew. 1. B. ivith b t rottTEB. SMITH & PORTER, (STcee-nn- r, te Satltb. Xnehara A k...) WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING ND COMMISSION MEacrivNrs, (Xraby A Hant'a Xew BntMiae;.) No. 18 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn 1 J3 0b D' ller. In ill ktad ef Prd ice. BOOTS, SHOESiH 3 Hicks, Terry & Anderson NO. 245 MAIN STEET, 2YX 33 iVr 3? X & , reoetred the " rxteo-ir- - at ck of BOOTS HAVE n.tTS, CAPS. TRUXK. TAUStS Ac , which la TArWy, quality, qnastity r prK, b-- at; eJ br any tk la Xeapals For Geotlesea, Ltd!' aad Children', weer we oSer tbe beat Fbaadelpbl, and Preach maJe cuttom work. N'gro Bro;art and TVool Hats. Flaater. may rely oa betas tuppli-- d en 'be net rior Me trrut We are determined aet t be eadermld ie tbeblXeziMBroM. Merc ilu, Deiiera iad ire reapectfnliy lurlted to exiatlae oar atock. WhaieeaK Koama up atalra. niCEIS, TERP.T K AXDHR"50X, oct4 daw Xo. 315 Xm-- .t . opp. Ooart Sqatr. J. D. SnABlT ...Z. H. EJTXJ J. E. SHARPE&CO., WHOLESALB TOBACCO FACTORS. No. 23 Front Bow, URXPHIS, TENN., T) ILLS and order clUd with tbe Genuine Article it U minuftctBrer' Ono bandred dutrent brand constantly on bind. airu Hawlr W. J. WEBB... ".. ... u. WESB. W. J. 1i7EBB & CO , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS ARB iroInce Itlercliants; N. 316 Main Strett, veer Union, Ufempliis, Tenn., ixTt WILL keep eabiadi fall atock of UuajJJuS'iple Grocerlr, iBdudiM Sasir, Ceff-- e. Teaa, Candlee, Lame, Cera, nay. Tobac- co. Flour, Silt, Xiu. Wtaea, LVioora, and ail other ar.iciea osua'ly k pt la tbe grocery line, wblch they will trW it tbe fcrreat market riles fat caah. aaeTlAwSm SIMON & SEESSEU Slnnnfacturcrs of Clolhin, AND WtiLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, tie.T TJLD bpby aitaeaace to our cnttnuaera and the ceVtccrnereUt.tbalwebaTe rcttred sad Eire now opened obrlartf iLd wep.selected stock of Fall and Winter Goods, i wblch we offer it tbt loweat wbor sale priers Oaaatry ard rtter trader wedd do wtH to ciU upon a befnre purohaalBC eta. where SIHOX A SERA8EL, Xo. M Front Row, or. Jefferson at., augls-fa- i Tnder Commerrial nateL DPTJa STORID. RE3I0TED TO 317 HUH STREET, MEMPHIS, TESX., 4r icon South of tht Old Stand, tffnitt Slam, tt'tbb tr iUtxtnyt, and FMUTlf f Bra. THHsarcrlberecsleiTetoana-cet- bis in conaecinenee ef tbe erection of budding l it hlscMatiad. corner of Mala and Xadlaoa street, he I a ramOTed bis DRVO STORE to S17 Main-St- ., ileraphis, Tens., Where to wrll be pi eased' to see hla friend aad custom- - era, and assures tbt a isd ill In want of ai jftlat la tbe Drusliae,itwboiler retail, that heuciVrlns tneb Indncements la tbdouinty lad price ef bis (h1s aa can-n- ut fill to sir eat. faction. AU orders from Eratxuts, PbylcUns, Mercbaata, Flut- ters, and others, W.ll meet witb. prompt sad carefel atuu-Ut- a. Tenderinit my tiitaksto tbe cttlxeas af Veetpbts iad tbe itrrTesadlnr, roiatry for the Ttry Hberalpatreasze d to me dariiz alee years pst, I trust, by strict at-- teaUoatoboalocassnd the wat of ay caaUatera, to merit a coaunasx 01 uu: paaeaaxe . D JOHXSOX, JintS-daw- lr Dnutsl.t and Apothecary. Xernib. O. D. JORKSOB ..A. O. LOBO. NEW PLUM. JToJinson S L,on& TTATS thia day forood a partnership for the purpose et Ia dotns a Whoifsalc and Retail Drag Basiness it ht Wln iirnt. Atemsbia. foDWlte Kessrs. Webb ARAWIlngi, and Fliberty ta Bro-,- ) and would In- -t lta the attentkvl at all in w.ut of anrthiag lojbeir Ua totbeexaailaatunot tbe atock aedprce. rill recti r psrtlcnlar attrntlod it all hMtiof tbe dsy nd Blsit. O. D.JOEA SOX, JtalS-lsw-iy A. O. LOXO. MOr. TUOMEUY ts. BROTHER, GomakeioB Merchants and Whosale Deal-e- n in Rectified Whisfcy, FOKEIO.I AJID IM)5IETIC LiaWO BOORDO.w TTIIISKY, AO , 2d St., botweon XCaln and M arkOt, Louisviilo, Ky. TTK iBTlte the attratlea ef dealer! In Becti- - d Wblkr lid Ltuaura, te our bt ladaef Whiaky, aart tb aaalrttea iad prteea of enr aaed la (r bnade ef Wbb Ay ire npul Hi qwAlity iad tlyl to lay, 14 wtB bewat Ted at tow rate. Atway on bead BUire-n- d eaele atock ef Bee rboe, Kenentaaeta M1 wtk aaca e an It, ITklHlTII C. 0. IMt'TU N. D. SMITH & CO., UAXOTACTCRERS Or ALCOHOL, COLOGNE AKD PUKE 8PIBIT3, Not. 1 and IS West aide SWxnd atreet, between Xlin and water, Louisville, Kentucky. iu9-l- y JAMES M. MBltA'HY, JAOESOXFOST. ARC, rTTIT.L attend peraoeiay to tbe locattnx of Swamp Land VV Scrip iad Wirrinta ia tbe Jacktospert iad Helena Dtotrieu, aeaRBg Laryt aaa pipattx Tlxia. lioforenees. B.aribam,Xem;bU,TeBn. A. S. Haey, Little Rock; R.C IVtaUry, mi T. Jta, Jua.j w v. rawta. ' J. Xerbtn A Co , X. O.I r Iav a Co , " J. A. Hoaaieea, LaQrufe. CI F OeaMdaa, Heieai,! 9eaa.i atrrtM la ateere, ' W S. Batta, Lawrence-nKa- , tB Peak, 1. W Beird, JarkMaport; Pool fa WationrJickioapirt e7-l- r CAPESS & HEYWAED, AUCTIONEERS, iin General Commission Agents, For tbe PBrcbiae iad Sue ef STOCKS, BONDS, Eeal and Personal Estate, PRODUCE, &c. Office Ssatb Side Anger's What, CUARLESTO.V, S. C THOt. PARR CAPER1 T. 1ATA0E HETWABD. aepsdawly . LA WTO 5, C-- M. B BEAKER, rruaerly ef LiwtaaTBte S. 0 Of Cairketoa, S. C. LA"V7T0N & CO., Upland nnd Sea Island COTJIK. AXD BICE FACTOBS, Forwarding & Commission Merchants. XO. 3d EAST BIT AXD BOTCB St CO.S WHARF, CIIA.RLESTO., S C WILLieB Ac. Cettoa, Bare, Flesr, Wheat, Cera, Xiti Hartu as experimce of twenty fire year la baaiaeaa. we rwraatee atllctln to all who patrenlie aa. Preaapt, peneaaT attealMii El yen to tbe tarwarOlac depart Bt.Bt. BErERENCEa nea. K. D. TrerHr, ez.uewi. gt.; H. Sapaerd. Xaq . of tbe firm of Sheptfrd it Ma- - Crary: Jaa Tapaer. Baa.. Xiater la Eeaaty; Hen w. J. Grarea. aad Ex.X C, Cturreatea, S. C. Rer H D. Demean. Gen. L. H Ayr, Barnwell, S. C. Gar. 0. J XeDeeiat. Jodie T Stoeka. GeerjU. E. (3. Jaadea, Ba.. Dr. R. G. Mays. Ftoridi. Jeaeph Rasaey, Re,., Teaa. W J Dane. Xestpbti, Taaa. BtfMlr . o. taint. ...b. r. otrruBiE....OE0. J. rowlaxb. SMI I II, GDTURIB k CO., Commission Slcrchants ABB WHOLES flJj3 QKOCEHS, IJEALEBJ is Foreign and Domestic Liquors, ABB AGENTS FOB THE .ALE OP Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco, ,a. So Main Street, between Second and Third, )'l-l- y 1AMTIRT1LLR. ET. BRADY .fc DAV.ES, GEM2RAL COtllTlISSIOaV 3IERCII iMaiu Street, Louisville, Ky., MAXVFAOtTRIIR'S Aceau for Micblae Rep- -. tjc Ma2?--ly xi. AVEEILX, KotwardiK and Csmmhsiog AGE.VT, (succEaaoK to t. iTctnorii A eo.,) X HATXB STREET, CHARLESTON, 3. o, RBFXREb OSS John OaMweit, PreatoVet 3. C R. R., t C ; Col. J. A. Wblteee, aad H. W. XaiMBCBIe. CaattiBenSi, Term ; Oer.fW. Jfttltieu A Oe , Cbartoeton. S C; Caaa. X' Aaderua. tiI Asrat, XwhTaa, 7bb.; Wm. Tajler fa Cnv, I.ntf.m- - ery, Aiaaaaai Pamaalar ar-ett- rte to the SBTTLEMRXT et rHBrSHTS, aaa far tott in oaaaiad Geoaa. by Teaadj Ptl dtp C. P. M B9LAB.. ...A. I. HBET. MOIjAKD & CO., GENERAL- - AGENTS Collectors, LITTLE ROCK., .IRS. REFBR TO- -J Kboz Walker, MBea Owen aad CipL Cbnrch. fearr.iT LOUiSYILLE PAPER MILL C. I. & A. V. DuPONT, KAXUFACrTTRERS OF SEWS AXD BOOK PRISTISG PAPER, AXD DRALBB6 IX 1? APSES OF ALT. KINDS, aPUVXTElW 1KK.S, Ac, ill Iain-Stre- ct, Tuouisville, Ry. 'I'M eMIfttwlv grii Q3ooi)3 Ijoiisrs. sii.eatT,111aS! Y GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices FOR CASH! 13,000 Worth Still on Hand. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Ladies' "Wbito Goods, Slack and Fancy Silks. Hosiery, Embroidered Sett, Binds, Collars, c. Rid and Silk Gloves. Men's and Youths' Clotliing, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Satinctts, Tweeds, and Jeans. FINE CLOTHS, Doeskins and Cassimeres SILK, COTTON AND WOOL ISHHITS & DRAWERS, Silk and Linen Cambric Uindkerchlcf s, TICKINGS, SHEETINGS. ' ' SHIRTINGS. DRILLINGS, COVER?, TOWELLINGS, TABLE CLOTHS, PLAID LINSEYS, SHIRTING FRONTING, and BED LINEN. Planters9 Goods. KENTUCKY TWILLS AND LINSEYS; GEORGIA PLAINS AND KERSEYS; OSVABO.-.G- S. BLANKETS; HEAVY BROGANS, MUD BOOTS; WOMEN'S HEAVF SHOES. Saddles, Harness, Bags, Bridles, Whips, Terms Cash, or City Acceptance, J. L. TAYLOR, octs-da- Near tbe Worpham Wu Schwoob's Ucstaurant AXD QCHWOOB'S Xew Oyster Saloon Adim' new open f.r tbe s'lion. and our .rl di .. . (.nlikel with tba best ietotoOiatersitab 'Ur.irjd InCTsyletbtl may be de Ited W caalieaEe aaopetitHa tty aad . yVe of cocking JOi. 8CHX00B k CO. oe, 1 -- Cum JIEJIPHI' WHOLES 4. LE STEA3I CIIACKER BAKERV AXD CANDY MA1STJPACTOBY. form bis friends aad DKELLTwoaUrtspectfullrl maaafsetures dally at bis stand, a are aat large asaorimeat ct erentblm la bia Hoe, which b wtB sen as low st tbey can bebootbt anywhere else, and warranted to lire xrneri: satltfae-Ho- n. Glr htm a eaH, as pes can get them nod and rreahat D KELLY'S, aeeS-I-rd Xe. R Heward'a Rew. Merarbla. Tea J 1o Rent. rtTORE HOCSB Xo. 375 Main street. To. O session Elrtn tie 1st dty of Jaaciry. Apply te decl-- J B. GRAH AX. Sfplar Dathcts' i'or Big Katchle River. (Oa the art ilet ar the ne--r ) JOAX OF XR7. Jjro. OEABima. Mafer. rpOtu neeceaaaer wUl aaate regaiar SaU a. tlp bwe n VenpM iad Beftrar, KeHXt OooiBieectr r n tfce, r.t a ta ae' ceebaala; taiabeat tb leuon. 's f REGULAR IThiteaad Little Rci Rlrer Pack-- t. RETURN. Eilet Joieb, Mr, wu w i - ew aear -- . -- SSBtorre. I, nl avepate p4al. ea eeerr ItATtTR. f ffTT . AI. at e'eaock r at , en a'rtr lef t- -e Xrmiita aM Ohaeees a R .11,- -. I ... For tretftt or fan a re, a apt- -, Sn-- rf , te w w. KAfXIE A CO . X ad Pawn Raw. ap atAtra. I Pir'Vreiar aaWattaa alrea to any in toot. . aee-1- t'aat Begular Thursday Packet. BAILHOAD LTQHTHTITG LI1TB OCEA1V SPRAY. XABR,Vater TR'' aew, mattaaceat, fatt mi w-- w hear. eeiVf rfc"fTK T BUS 'AT far lb. iter pert M P jrrS letrrnrdlat Uretoaa. atSa'ctoekr at.rT""'i' ma Far' te lu Fare te Xw Ha4H aaa Pare te Htcwal 271 FfelerMumbaf s oa Pare te 1 fa Pare to St. Lnal V" F.r rrrttht or pittara irpr a BATIa. WH,?.UXS It Co . Xe 3 Ho--a" Rew or LAVALLKTTE, SIIBUrr A Co . 1857. it EG in. AH JS5S'. P. S. MAIL LIGHTXIXG I.IXE STEAMER MOSES McLELLAK. J. V. SMITH, il aatee . . , - ....H,,eui.uiriT I ABepbTery .t 1J efk v . w . . . tratoa, tit ajilu at Calm lav ttme to connect wtali tr aloe fertba Xartb Learea C1I-- 0 fer TeMtaeato ererr Weaaa4ar -i LaoH Title rer -r--e, PrM' if"' Ollre for Memphto .mr 4 Tbla beat Ten. m . the - . . ct.ByaJaptMtofato trade, karrTMr elTIr ja f.rihe c n-e- ST- - f?C:n.1? tot le,,, 1 i.btu is, 3TI1HLIT A r --Zm Areeta 1S5T. IS3S. SEASON ARRANGEMENT. Jlemphls Y.Otle.ins Rpgalar Packet ECLIPSE. BBOa.DWE'.L, Sf aster J. portbr n..e TTTUr,....-- -, Ww. , - ".'' aiweeB atcl X'W Orteaa. eera. meneine PATURDAT. Sti yeyeaiber al oentl n. tbreeaaeet Ib- - eiiM. 'I w aay, i J ara xaapata. SaIUR&at. Deerteber C " . Jaaatry 2 - IS - r Fabmity 3 " n Xtreh 11 - tr April tfl t Xae 8 TVa tnarnlflaeat atean- -r Haa eett ea the w.aaaia V4 W1 Rt Paetete. aad wtth I. 1 ON'RVr - '""" - MeSit. Forfreixbt yeeeuaea appre-- a beard er to -- TALLBTrB SHIRLBT At f(i . Areata. Fre---t Hew aad Ceart aireet. W. W. HODGE & CO., SHIPPINC MERCHANTS lira STEAMUft VT AGENTS, No. 55 Front Row ortl-4- MRVPHIS. TRXX CHARLES STEELE. STJE A 31 DO AT AND RAILROAD Asoxxti OFFICE AT AI.LRN A X'BOXALM, Xe ST Fraat Rw, XEXPFin TENN KMEE. t3- - Ptr-Ka'- .If. lie, rH recetT -- c aad ral t rare e. aedean i ree tt. ) li-H- m R. T. REDMAN s mt FOR THE NEW ORLEANS AND CAIRO Rlrer Mail Packet Corniiany, GEXERAL FKe'iGRT AGET, N. 51$ FROXr ROW, Xtt deer le W. B. Hi btaead A Co. 'a See. jQrleans t5 Cairo V. S. M A I L I.ISX , ua ''war Beer er la. . tare af tke XaB ea rente. Tj. Sa' evack r x. xarpi est Saadeys waea ibe Meassera T. C TWrcMIELL H. W. Smith. Mtr, VIRGINIA C. F. RETiTOLSM. Wi vee euher r-- rt Xew Orl aa aad Cairo, p. aet ear- ly -- t Id aJ ck a x Fram Oalre to X-- w Ortaaaa. th"y wtH arrtw at Mw-pb- j- en Mea'ay and tear, tor V w Orhn- - iaaafdsato-l- y " tb arrtr.1 ef ah- - ran at S ed k p. x Raraiec frtm Xew Of-.- . wT a rrtre at XeeaaU ea Wada aday. aad pr ce--d to Oalr L P. Htrj. . baT. Preetb-Bt- . N-- w Oea-.- . ivl n, ri Mali Oeapaey Per rrriiht r piaasse aep y .r ta R. T RBBXtX Araet. New Orleiaa iad C tra w.,i Uae. . ,alM " X SI i Fraat Rew. artosavxlnT" Vr7 ooXkJ1 V While and Little Red River Packet, E VAXSTI LLE, ABXEBBAIRD, U.te--r Slias THeXAseat, ctr.k. P tSSEN.iB J STR I MBR reEbeea 'hnreaib'y rerial'- -t d al.bed with n the ut few wev.. n.vBSiCBtgH pre-a- ty ter tbe abere trada haa aew entoed a r aaa-at- -lr Sot the oaon. ae--t wll' : t. aVaee n- - Aerd"a Ctarral a Pi Arc Hot h er T tn vd 'leer Wees aad Searer, WBDX8SDAT. at 8 p. .. ea tb' arrlTil ef ta. ear. Fee frettbt or rt'-ar- a apo- l- en b .ard ta DAVtS, WILLIAMS t"0 . t', llll a Xa 3 Hewar 's Rew. Memphis, White Rlrer and ffapeieon TS. S. MAU. PACKKT, Helena. Friars Point, Lacoaia & Concordia STEAMER RATE'FRISnES, JOnX T. SHIRLEY, Matter.. ..WX. T. WOOD, CWr. THIS aew, apt adtdaRd fa.t cr, e2Pwt biTtat bea earcaaerd for ib Prt.t f "iLIlJ Trade la plaoref the Jaa-- a I aaa,ta, IB 5fisi enatlna regularly in ts. trade. -- alec'.' iTKi Xestpbl erery MOXDAT aad PBIDAT a lad ck r. M-- , paactuilly. eeaaectlaz at XaacK oa wl'b Wkle aed Arkintis rlrer butt aMas; fn Hrht and ro WhHe rlTtr at rate . tkit'O Bi, leaee Xp-- Hn erery TTJBSD AT aad StTVRDAT.arnTlae atXtm-th- rs Sunday and Wedaesday n i are Tbiaxp.' far firmer pstraaare, the ewB-- rs bepeto nertt a et the aase te taetr xw beat, iat sttlct alt-ntl- oka leee LAVAI LETTS, StHRLSTfc CO.. Akrets. Notice to Smri-ra-t Ta Frleb wtl receive until on eeteck oa Xeaday. ad dariaf ihe entire day Th .rsdsya, until aa a'stock Praash. cc-1- I.S57. IS5S. Xew Orleans nnd Memphis PACKET LINE. TtAXEFtTL fjr tbe liberal support extended te taam THE MEMPHIS & NEW ORLEANS PACKET COMPANY Hare new tbe pi-ar- e et laeouacttn to ia-- 1r frles.U and tbe public leaerally, that totr arriaiuiiBta fer tae aporvaehwc eawa are perfected, aad she! teste aad af- ter tb tat uctober, tbetr boai wBl eetaspttocly in tar trade, and win leare pe i trrtr aul a Bella. I o. tbe day. l aiTtlaed XOKDATS, WXtrSBSBATS aut FillDATS. at P M t boat are all f tb Brt etas aad ate arrsaxrd t If are as felltws : OX XOXDATS: XKBRAFXA V B. lBWI!t. XlsUr. BEX FBAX EUX J. D. CLaBCE, OX WKDXBSDA1S: JORX SIVOXDd f! B Chbbcr, Xaator IG0XAR J wr. Gbslee, - HX FRIDAYS: H.R W HILL..... ,T H. XEWEIX, Xaalar BELFAST... W triAT, Tba Coapaay bare in aAdtttoi. arraoj-- d with the owoera of etber beat if larce ripulty toraaletee trad in cennecllen witb them, as tb aaae'r of cotton and other freixbl may reentre; laHrebtott kesat la ip-pi- y toants aafSotVn. ti tbeeaats f be use. Oar Way aad PUalattua frvad re aared tkit w. wan pay pirttcalar iitratton te aocoBHteette isna la tbe Frtht ead P.seeerrrwar eiarbaa' hay been teoruta ererbatod and icfl'-t- ol andarelncaarcef aw t .xp-rf- ae d, pnarat and stto ceasmsndTf, aad eapectal rnl w.ll pr pe!d lathe eeflre manaseoeut. toererr reaat-i- f tb.t w ii e tweo te lb com 'art itfrly ai pwieorecf to the cirefal tran.poruU m ef .; and to tb aceeaae-da'p- .a xen-ra- ef eor pairea. Th-a- e packets eoaaeet at wtlb eteata packtt foe Cairo, St. Ll. Lul rtile, aetmatt aad Na.a-rtn- -i and Hb tba X'kH d Cbir'esien the X m EblsiBdObjo. iad tbeXsmphu iad Geee Rotlroada. J W SOSt.EK. Protect. 7r all buala'a reaaectel with toe I ae, apply at tbe eOcea of tse 0mane to J. J BAWLINGS. Seey aad Treaaarer, . St XjiSj x II mi't Bamtar, Xempkls, and J. H. FRELBMR General Aoet. aS dswla UndrSt Oa H- - te'. X. Qaas. AGENCY. PLANTERS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. wtB sen Xe. I Eanawha Salt, at 1 Wat per battel, sad te barrel at peel or- der I Tbe Kanawha 5.1 bis brsa Ikereezhit tasted ta the last few jeira. asd bat pr red to be tb but tilt fer curias meit, auf: eiattr biadltil aad lex liable to watte tbaa sack silt. Apply te SZTJBR St WARREX, awlUn Xo. IS Xain Rare Opening. suDtcnn-r- s carr mr eaie ineir This on Orertea street, rear tbe Xetepels ard UbkiDrpx corsll'lniof a Kram.Bn Mr. Mbr 111 fee. A An. V rt.ral Eaclaeef tklrtr bore pawr, wua hi tae cu,Binery for ariytsen the BaslLind Deor muinfactery ; together wl h n npOght Saw'lar witb trelraee or tht best lot la Xcut'hi fer miBBtactartne, lyttg en tke Bayee, ladcoataiaiegeneanr tbretiusrrers acre It wttt low sad en loot time Ai o 700 ROD feet of rrasoaed white p ae Also a lot with a See B'l--k DwrfHi jr. en Xarkrt street near F. Tit. A Lot f IT feet front n Sccnad atreet Dortb of Jack on aad on of la feet fr--at oa Lirvten atreet, nrar to J. J Bawling, all oa len(iiae BotTS l WEt I.BR EBWIX. J.O.GfiiFi'llG&BRO., Cornmission Merchants, MEMPHIS, TE3CT. ep30-l- y asportation sftlissljisi&pi Central RAILROAD. aatil.ieu. . J JT" tb.XerUM,rt- - MiBtoaia tear, at S 01. a M B--,er . JUL?' mi. taTjueVatou x . a tor ihe rrt.u.f abe auiT, ato .a ae Xaeapei. aal JaR.toi RealraadTLd I? riT a at Jacfca at It; i , K Xw raats "aea'ct wiu Staaa A C 'a rear eat JeketMteatltt a M . tVr! VaaVe. raaA Ouretaee I'M ad at wKh H aate JiBMeeja A Co 'a tea .h. n 1.1 ' aeh't far Puato oc ABerde-- n aad Udaaabee, ti,.,'"" TNI e a be peaeared free. Patter mA Br , Caaa-rae--ar Kotet. and tht ticket actat of thevemee... ad tjMttr.toa &MMraa4, at Xempbto -- el M G. WALL, Sapetlat'Baeat. MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. FROw aad after TRIPir, Xereataer TT, SST, the oa tM read will rua feitoTa : Ta aad Paaeter TahM -t Xeraaeia darr tlto r x.. aad arrtr at Pemta p it. .. .' wa ware PaBaaa at UO a. Ja.. aad arrfre ef wTWri A. at. The Traaa artai leer Veapblt dally it SJ a. ar. aMaerrfeatPaaeaaatreMA 5). RefuM. paaeta it ll:a a k. aad arrlTeat "J-itkJB- p. x. jf w. XSWBLL. General SeYruiadent. Jfletnphis andTouio RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, CotoioetKlos FRIDAY, NoTetaber 11, 1857. Two Daily Trains Each Way. OX aad after FRIDAY, Xmmbrr 1. Tralaa wR rua Ust iws: Xatl PasaeacerTraia wtB leare BrewaTBtodafaaa. y aete4t at Se"eloci a. M., iad arrtre at Xemsba. t II A at. eatsMa Leasee Hempats at S .'stock p. x., aad arnree at crewaarsae at :uo p. ar. Tae Preaaat .asi Aeaeaaastdattoa Trla teaTta Xeaspai dtBa Sae4ar eieeeAert,) at 7:15 extort a. st , aad aI ran at BsawsMTsReat plsMp at . coDneatint iIxihb'i watt Itoe af laak tor eeetastoa. Retaralaw Leare BrewasTffle at 1:15 p. a., aad at XaaapMs at :rft r. K. CY Taraia Tirteu fw tae rettowVir place eaateee-tot- al air K. Fattenon a. Br... Cnmmsretol Batei, Tlx: CHERRTTILLw. TRBXTOX, OAOXTTLLB, XeLBMORmVILLR, QwlXCT, SHABT GROTB, HVXTINGreX, Etc HaTXRT COFFIN. BTlI-t- f StweriaieneVnt IS3T- -' SOTJTHEELN 1S3T. FREIGHT LINES-- . THBOTJGH EATSS CF FREIGHT XEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA TUSCUMBIA MB MEMPHIS. BT New Terk and PfeUaphia Steamship Libm, TIA CHARLESTON' ASD SAVAXSAII. FIRST CLASS. Ptaao Pert, ts ts Boeba, Stattoaii, Bee. Saxes, TCBaa4ta. ifcTp,ia. Leaner. Oil Ac, ha bestteai Caaiphla aad SpsrrTBrpeaelae ia serrete; Crpettojl. OMaa, tslaaa and OUseware. Cafars, Bt ; Ctsek-- , Ossttrenleaeries, Oettea Care. Pry ttoea) to bea- - tad baisHt Bew. Praat Fruit T as4Srsty, Fats. Ser ies aeeat. uanaf eteaaea. aad laablaerilats Ptate-i- . (at ewaer rtak ) Opatan B aaa aad iars, -- atafcrj. Taa aad Wrrltaato Ware, Tea aad Space, par tee Ike 13 11 12 U SROOXD CLAS4 Hardware. except -- art a iLiasiid as Tatrd fell Cee- V- MaPa, XiabaBMj. want Uaaon ta barrel aad ptpae. IbkMce la beatea. Leather ta roll aad km' Oat ta barret t aad ta(. Creek' r, aad Qayeaa ware la erase aad eark. Rtre, Whtttoc Ptar.aaetBaeaaad Mb l 84 I M THIRD CLASH tie. Saer- - et Seaae. ae lean. Mae sad Aatefss. Tpea. cask ef tBlitol aad He, VaaiO aaal Oattea Oseaaaa. Oef- - ae, Caatoaa arto- - aad tarts. ResV ahae. acd Raiaa aa karreia. per isoo. ...... .......... ......... l a 1 T a CIAL SATIS Baxes ... S a t is Foratrare aati Cewrtotea besed. das. CaitMi ef Ae-- ta er ether tesBkatt, w.rjbe ekareAetaet .i kkt. hast at deubte PUt Cbsaarale, per KM ja........................... 'x 2s , Tke ahaee rate, eeeer an expae teaat Xew Task aad raatohi ta XtasiaaU aad Taeeaaihaa. Xe - BT1yf Waarfaee eaatpM at eltker Cbarleawa S3 Send to all Hattoa ea the XEVPHaft A SB CbTARLBSTOX RdtAB are eatttstd to tliroash ratoa; all eri to Baal . f TeaiBaihta wtll be cbarsed PSMcaawia ratoa, aaal afl Wees ef Ta. emit kla rate. UIREOTIOSS FOR MIIPPIXO. B'f'lt br Saraeaab -- oM be tee-t- e Aeeat flea. tret Retires, aad Paeknse marked " Care Aaeat C R. R . STaath. taa." 8e ky CaarleeteB abeaat b-- eeastcvd to Aaeetc Seath a Retrre-el- . aad rsekase starked Oire Aee-- a s C R .R., Cbirleetoa. S. C." J3-H- are erery P.ttige pulaty niaiW. with aasae of onanataa- - dratiaatloa. aad depot ef daiieesy. At- - teatlea to tbla taatleT.Btarr a epedy dettresr ky pre- - i'Heqmtipi ujijLuu.asuiuiijis. TIIKOKSII RATKS FROII CHARLESTUX AXD S.lYA.VtAII. 'aaa Ship law .y Sell Ycmm er Preaetor Inm aal'laaere Xew York, BeaUa aad Pa ladalpala 'til re-c- br rati twaeal ef coal rart aside with eMkrewl', sad hp auailratex tket. se4 ' the aerwts ef the Sh iarttaa Kattrea at Ohaat ttoaer Cratrel Raaeaad it Saraoaaa they wB ta torwsraed Jrtt of CPnealsetena t the fuO.'Wlac rates: To TiueumKa. Ta UmApix. Pirat Claet Per ISO Ik, , toctadtac Hate 11 IS g H SecMtd CIua Per MS uaa In...... 1 aa l TbirdCi" rr Veo psaad. ...... 87 1 00 ilaiatot Bate FerUaat ned per a batfrred peaaat. 3 TS 3 M stoars are iraerally bat eaeeay r wkertaaa Prpet let, aad rraat two to 'aree dart oetcker taa Seitaas Tbeeata Mwaa Xew Trk sad nr aaslphl i aad Beearra pert to Oaartettoa sat Saeaaaab. Aad where a lew tsara ttear V aeta aatosf, frees Iweatyte forty neat ter baadri I pnaad can be tared bj aTiltijalii. in tbe latter daH at True CHARLES W. AXDRRSOX. Iaa-- T geaeral Aeeat fe- - tbe Soathweat. For Daltimore, VTatliinctou, Sew York, Philadelphia, &c Direct Through Line for the East! Baltimore and OJiio RAIL ROOT THIS Ba4 raaa from Wbeetius; to ButtBiere fir aad to Wubtastoa. (tea mitei,) aad pmeeta tbe ranest adrasrasea both a a aad pasaeacet Uae. It raaa throaitb wild aad remaatic reztoaa of ts. AJIeeAenies; aad beiai aelklly oeoatracted. oompletoli equipped aad eirrraBy BMaaged, u aaeef the awet aad safest Raitread tu the rurtt State tv Central Oato RaBroad, na Ooraatba, and Ssaesriiieti Wbeettof, nuttes tblt read with an pertieas ef see Wear nd Seathveet. The ohlt Thbocbh Tickets rsoei Xcarnia LfluisriLLE aad St. Lorn to tae Xatio.tal are setd by this reej. wtiteb reoa 41r-- ct t Waabiastoa. witheat th delay et pesetas: tare oak. SaMi. Bture. It la abas tbe eely Ua by whleat baesAse on be cbecbed to Waaasaxtea from the Ohls rteer. wJ-- By tbe KAIL ROUTE frees Xesaptos, take tbe map steamers, raaaiBC daily fer LoaJiritto. oaaaertlag there wtth atail steamers er JenkrsoatilM Sab read fer Gtncav nati, where they arrtre so a to connect with the ears of Little Mfctasl Railroad for Col era bua. cobbkIwe ts with Orntni OhtoRaVroad, threash Newark aad Zabt. rwle. to WbeelutE. By the express trala m! tats rsato tba Uaae tsetB Ctactaaatl to Btltimere sad to WaebsBstoo bj W zhw 37 bear. 53-- e aare to ask fer tkkeU by tbeBaHtaere SBdObht Raitread Real. rlrrati'es frets Xmapbls eebur Rant tannib St Leal, taa bay T reath Tsckets by ta RaltiaMre sat 01. to Rayroad. Tbla rente lay thronf h YiBceaaet, Trm Haute, IneSaaapeils, etc., to Wheel to, orer tbe aew Obsa aad MiMdteappt and ronnneettaa; Reads. These coaaiclleat are aU tareet, aad tbe time treat St. Loom to BaltiBtatt orWaaaiawtoalsbatabeat el boars. Throats. Ticket by this route may be had of the Ajent, ajeirr Ibe it tbe featowtoE rites: FramSt. Lsato to PjltoBwr tH to Waihtettea $3t. At Wheelms th pa Master takra the anperlcr cars of the BaUotMre tad Onto RiUreaJ, winch leare tiree times JaBy fer Batttmere, Wasatsctoa, Fbiladebphis and Xew Task. Tbreaxh ia It er 17 bears, lecraamu atoppates Ferufety, speed, rexalartty. beaaty ef the eeaatry. and Itneral osafert, tbla read is srcead to Bene ts tbe tTaiea FREIGHTS. Tbt essapaay pofwe. the lirsrct nialpaeat ef any RaSnid la tbe Catted states, aad I prepared to do aa tssease baaaaess In trasepsrUtsse. The road makes tmatediato cormeetton at tbe wham aad as the atnett of Baltimore wtth the Railroad to PaUadal. pMa sad Xew Tort, ateaaen r Briessea aad Balti-mor- e Steamship Lie, by Saaal aad Sea to Xw Terk. asd by aw Urrebaat' aad Xteers Uae to Boatoe, c to Kerfei-k- , CbarleateB. SaraaaAb, Ac. pa, particular, aee fretsat tana", copses ef watch Buy be had it the faawjidlBs Beatee ta tbe West, erer J. B. FORD, ReceiTtat aad FerwanRaz Aeat at WheeHez. WX. 8. WOODSrlVZ, Xarterof TraBeportattoa. BlMtBMre. THRtJR THXETS, alewtac ib heaters te stop at ay peswt, ad iceaaae their ei at pleasare, saey b. preh.J at tbe Oaaapaay's OtBce, Xe. M, JeBbma et ,trret 3 doors Kast of the Ceata-Tet- ii Hetei, Xtraphas o jsatat-l- r WX. XOBIX. Aevat. Encourage Home Iaduatry. CX3ERliiXBO d reaenUelly saaeaiiee to THB ef Muniekl. ard sBrnnntsg ceantry. teal he b new ea kaM aad cwllaaaSy msaafaetBuB. Truakesad Va'wea ef erery grade, setor, style a d qaa-p- wMeb be t xreparad t sell towrrtb Btaeyeaab ta say i art ef the Takm. frdeet prose'y stxadedto wbveaale or retail Tracks ravteteerder with aeataet sad 'erp.tck. X. GENSBCRSER, OcS-t- T Tru k Meeafseterer. tS Prent Raw GEO. FliHERTY IX eenarrce . the - IliiSaL PKESS1XO DEM AND F" FO XOXET. w, tjMij ij oa- -, rtax onr a'o kef Piauos, MelodeoDs, FURlVITOKE, (JARPETS, CrJIXTaVIS, SASH, &C. &C . At price- - tt win pir pnrcuer to czurlM jltk! itxida lorueoLMiTef, a. CEO. FLAHERTY Sl BRO.'S, noral-x- w Corner ef Xala aad Ucica streets, FIXE TE AS ! A LABOH asMrtmcat, parchsaea before 'be lata rtea Xi. ItTess, for sals eery low, at wholesale or retm. By H. J. FARX8W0RTH A. 00 . it Xo.TxTorttBow. Sransferkfnm 81 1 orient Mmite TB M Memphis to Atlantic fitieg. IJV IJAII.nain .we. rLH??L!i ' u A w xow piXisfid. . "e toaiiaae, hoar, to Chloaaj aeebeetor. NTyT JSS, ''u ttoattc Cltie Oa rtlaiS.1 - Obto. to BV.9 radUn. j TitoelerrjiL,taal.j arjal the Re, aV KaVtffftietf llj -- eTTJR ILe . ae . 22T!LI. "wwiuker aiawra er Start Baa -- -- - i" uaa 9 '' na wee. Twreatr, ht. , AAvke aaap CoIUac v.- --, a"T Merato, aV siea;aafel- - (ASA. II., tMeaaa aaa! BaaaXth estoplid. xprwa, Sandiyt Tht Trata mx re... - llllia aeer Wleaneu, T. "'M'ri Llfbt- - Stow Terk Ceatoai perreeV tbiwawa'aTtll. T1 " TM Traaa Ma. m xTZxiIZ wMatMtoalRahVeaad Me St lZrZL SZjl 'Z run. wtx. Traaa rf the 1ar7n.e. I.TP ' yaj.a.SVa.ttor. wtoh WSr aZ7 PaMiaab; the Let- t- ---. . Z Caasaaaas. e- -d. te .'ZTVJT Jj" Prt rerJaaeen Oe aa. oiaZSatd IU.LTI roestaeaaad IBtort Rente tecbe See, rew UeutXU ""on'. Sfepef the rnltee HUtea, ST, Wasaacript are of as; Tie amiiBawas Ie1irTpf mmUW Cairn tn ao. aoe tba rorasrrw . neaad ti, ., - . il'bewlfkek.M T' 1 w pwaear a. wet? a ay Mker te taa! kr the Ca,k3LJ t'T " ZStlZZLL 1. - ,n Xe. M JeSersea Htrr " rari-l- y WILLIAV AfORiX. At. V awl e TVi DIRECT RODTR TO Northern Texas. T.W. t JMyof Oaavaea to irataae. Ha" r . BttLMKA A avoaya. Aa-n- ta, I..--- .' i Pr gtvit Cms uijutije Choice Fruits of AU Kinds. HUE aalaaittot ae, Met ta. . t . --L to f MtSlf.V-HOtj- ptAs- y- om . i 3 BWL SBRirtaj m, aTOMRKBaT. . escrtttteaa, taatniT wtra ra. aa- - ,i... aattvetka pwnrpa 1 ait -- r. . ReOTS. FtOW'RSEWBJSaW aP wmZi-- t u,t,x Xwraer. tot-- ,. Art order aeMn i be ac! t- - atoaeat. Bex tu. w i reeet. smasp illiasi Nam a Hera Lake Read pert baa seat) IXmrrs S. WWHHAT,, JOSEPH ETCHAVANE, Horn Lake Road. c t-- FICERT? ttst - THIrteMiertrxesvtTe H t M u, aet S.r-- KTf the Unj reiew t W - URBBW-- B C.-- E PL Jfrs. SSRHSe Ml SVBKARBBXS, tosr larr wUbtV aaetlest.,,t cl.o. of PttriT TB.KS of ai aef BffLelewt HawPrs PLOWBRMBO Ac aad ar. aew a nrea t all at. eraWa. Al. wtji att ad to 1SJ? rn.'" a la f.wa or HaertkOa wi reeaere preey atteeat . BT ktH Biposr T a XR NUESE E Y. A a Xa atarea. .wnu ateasjaaK. ke. rer ie . . w riitssa roeaus, at a its uaa et riBBta rtdtrl, cnarr, MAR, OWAsWa, mm! STAXBARD CLBS, Aamil- 3- Arioc worn a elAdUnc r . Hilbitt SlattriaiSe B MOOMB. .J HALSTBAO. STAR PLANING MILL, Ubsx; Stub xai Biinrj MitM&etorr, Awa IsUiWBER WIt&9 SECOND STREET, SOUTH OF UNION, MBMPHIS, TE.X.T. . W'eataerbaarda. Doer, Seah, Bltadt, Door i mrina taataca, waotx, x ass. ce Othas. L t Week, Bsiabsiess, Work. Sbxtrtaa. Roaea, , aad erery cf Suiidtna- - Xatortal dreawsd aad aadrraeed. aleays oa head and made t order XOORB, HALHTK AD A CO. X X. The asaat saah prtoe past far aM kind, of L"CT Btyt ly I h seaalassttyeahaad a asaem Mrtraeet of BUILDING LUMBER, SILLS. JOICE, W KATHgR -- BOARDlHa, STOVUM. SetBlrTINO, D?,Pe52..8er'" 'H'I. I . 14 B. . aaaf a. Teatow 'tae, Papiaread G na tet rettta . ALt . ler i,t VstIi- - 1x- - sawed sad beweO, isAtatoaaMBtS isres MB. fwpnWRAX oa-'- y P alia taej.lee .n- - t ..........j. s. ERwnr. tftlenipMss Factory AMD LTJXBBH YAHD, OrerSen aaYeef. aveer (Ar Jfreajtitis sW Otto Dtfot, KBRT for sale sad iak to order Been. Btirxia Oijv Praaw. Xesxtass aaa eremhiag n at tiae, e .by be- -t aatervls sod woreauaah.p Tbra-- a alao prepare-- l to do ail nvt of Sawing aad Fan ;rT tbe traee. aaal toereet bai.dtna af erery daseriptwc te heir, and St up toae. aad other joabiss-Harta- preeaeed sejitaale macbtorry they will sooa ba enabled to maaafaetare FACEIXO BOXES at all k "'j, Reaper and better taaa erer fer mad tn l - r Sbeaeiee White Plae aad t ter l.nmbar ret me, attxvA sad U"dreeeM. S3- - Oners frem the asaaliy priwatly attended t. apta tatelT e. J. H. MULFORD. Sash, IDoor and Blind IXn.Xi'LZlVt.Ct'LXX-027- . SASH. Beers. Bttnes Asm, aad Knaldbig kept oa ssd 13d DOORS AXD. WINDOW TRAM 13, Worked Floorings, Ceilings, Aad all ether atacatae work ba his Uae was be tarniabod to Sal Mi.' a ea abort settee. CONTRACTU UK BOlLB-lje- MKBX. Oeace aad Xaaadarteer ea teaau s'reet. aearXempnls tad OB art. t ton RaBread Baps. Messashs. Tees. toll-l- y (Carriage lf0sitorus i'airriasre Factory. THB eadersiaaed bare sptaid a Carriage Factory cn atreet, brtweea WteataatoB aad Adima atreet, wtrere tbey are prepared to XaaaraetBre and Re pair Oarriages at the abertesi aettea. All work done by them will be gaaraatteii, aaa a ahare et paatsc patrons I sdlclsrd. JaaS-l- T L S. BfTRR A CO GREAT SOUTHWESTERV CAE EI AGE EMPOEITJM! i. M. WISWELL k rn 9 THIS x teaatre at aatu tmten t contlaaea at tae oat asaea oa uasaa eee, pet a M are aad See ad. where ssarb. found a very See artatat of Oarrtoxe.. B jr rlea Roefcawaya. Ac . of tbetr owa iwaaalaatiui Tb y take tbl aetbed ef retarataa; thaaaa tor past tsTors. aad tartte these w .shta M bar to aaastfie their tock befere prehasaag eta e tat at api7 ly $100 Seward. TWII rtre the ab r rewerd Par tae aperrbentlon aw aa t e ease, least., et BSN7A- - Xlt CONXRR, wbi w. evasR-- d ta 111 hi said iwa. aa two tsellctaieete for Herder, s.d srbe brake saia ill m the ntaht-- ef the irth at. Silt Casr a ahoa thirty or Bsr,T-gT- e years o'd . wri-k- a aaoet IPS or lat soaed ; has kraek heir, a car whlah aaaa oeer hie rtoht p ; i ah at are eel sit 'toto leeket btab ; torateat ta hH ippiaraace aa' abmiag ta hia sder t aa Dig is i aaa Arttet aV a-- trnxsnas. a; a traTkt of haacl Ha Lo -- biae iilasiuer :th nejeta. a dark ktoe- - e start Jr si oeet, a Mask attk bl. a graraaa.antl aad a parr at bocu, aa a ea oeariy repuswiea ttoksBif taetewt. M. J X S.LXT. wkeewr r Plaaaaevicn'' GREAT BARGAINS TO BE HAD AT THE FRBKIffli' m AND SADDLERY MANUFACTORY, 231 MAIN-ST- ., OPP. COURT SQUARE. TTTE are sow BtaBalrtartBe; VV iad keep entsetaatr oa baad the large ' aad be a sorted oek et all snod to oar baeererofer la Alr, GIX BAX"S ef ee--rr deacrtpttaas, to e et wfetcb we tartte the stteattoa ef parcaa-se- rs aa we eaa aad wta sell Par ab or rrempt Bay a c ep as the cheapest, ani gaareatee ea-- ' ttre altafaettoii. totete, GrtOw'JrVw- -' prrmp'lr aueaded to aad week awle to order nerS-da- PQRP, BBBS'B ACf. JACOB BECHTOID, C0H2.EE OPCfflCKASAW ..' JACXwM XVCoxxtTolaJLis, Tern.. DKAuKR in Ale, Farter. Older sad wtaa ef tU ktadg, d ky tbe mux- - reted estwish"rs fa the Daitrd SUtes For ale, W.ria; cr KeltS. Frorama lot? experience ia 'be (twrtreyeatt cf which babe-- a la tbe city Xarba) I niter aryserx with tbe gusranry I bare tud Toa rer ct cuatcorrs tUst m czertioBS bSTaeeea sppssctsrM br them. JulySO aawt - JACOB RZOHrOLQ,

The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-12 …...iBd wBl resiabs pertaaarBtly. He treat, tbe feltow-c-c Garortc Biaeuee: Caeyra. Scraffala. Wat r SweMaf, Tacun aad Wear without

Feb 10, 2020



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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1857-12 …...iBd wBl resiabs pertaaarBtly. He treat, tbe feltow-c-c Garortc Biaeuee: Caeyra. Scraffala. Wat r SweMaf, Tacun aad Wear without

. 't ' ' 1





I'B.:ck of MacaiFXfs., to, Nnwtw wa !HM

T i! 0" "Kt- - .. ......

in vw at ts M each ; esreabhc bmiKMr IB -IB . im mil low 1 , eorar.

ty-Aao-nt tat.tat at aaa nwmjttWteta U--CeefcswiitSdeeeaa.

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tutelar laeeaaee i iaii rt I with tbe

tJ-iA- B a eAaattitlif wuT Jlln't sdrtyeMe h4.yeerty SB tdrutc.

l3ritJwBMMta B be stiMHy is rvgatliy

ibrse. .

BAIT.Y RATES fOK ABVKKfXMSe.Xftflf M '. mC ae ! laktMlra.

f- a- 's' C 1

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U I e Ti a S aa IHHNIiattH KM

L (M m im fTWifewar6a mm. oo leaMwnwKtMiiMHR so o

i. i m h m kmIii m mIii 91 ksiIhn. IMSMtf ( aafM Mjpa M1! M Mfj M M

It m n m ttnMiM srtt w m w M

7! IS MJ4 0'S : H9tt OVH W!38 S M MOtis eSsJagpe8. BC IS M WWI 6 RfNN

OoliO mImt, S6 OW-- M-4- Oa V an B Milt M tM M

ry Ow u iMiwtiln Mii, par innaii," " matna; M

p-- AH aar?tfcia,rala mait to taat aa namFaze, chabseb as sew EACH BAT. tl aa thtra yog,an.4raaaaa4ac itatya rata .

d AamttOuauU iltrrct-- J ta a tSaaiaftd, ar act Inur HM, cauina motile maa.

Hatre to ba vaa, r ts sinrUMaant top: aa BWM a(

EST Tartr 4rCTtfcerf win V fterfw tra at rafalarawa ior Want. ltia, Baatovaa. OifiiUinatt --

Ueaa. TaOaaitrfii n, Ac.Q TBunim AstntitiN starr e taid ros

IS ASTABCB.E3 2?a aarrrttseavst vtil prr sc tea Weokiy sapor

siHtM r crX"' eaetraa.Cyj.T-ntT-- ll ta laaartad ta ta roaarpaaer

nr. er attmcaiar mnniinwr ueaapna, vuba chrr $1 ptr miot iar enty taMtrtam.

T3 Aaa juaalaK ei uiMaaU rr State, OacatytS eacfc. to fee paU ta ainaoe ta rrtry

tnsi&Baa.A3 riwtthmmlt tor OfeartUlMO MaUtstlaai,

rtre Oamauiln, 1Tar4, Tm, as3etiMr Mttc aa Ehavaaa katf price.

C3 JitrrUa IXtaj ir ;allaa mi bw; bat0tfBurt. Mkato a( Kiajat aaf I'Maanal Ianuttaaa

atber aiBttlinajt.t3 Al Lacal aai Traaalcat AAnrttaaBWBta wW ke

c&aixec ar k tatta.CT" gttortal KaMcrt la Loot Clrlama wta tw oargtO

33 ceal V ttaagg Xe litianlaa r Tariattea trM aa Bade tram tie

professional carOs.IIC. TATLOB.. J I BOeLE.

TATLOR K HOOLB,AKD OOVXt-BLO- AT LA7. rasata.ArrOEKKrS wtD attraa preatTtt to tae euHiitaia tt

mH ctatsaaj part of N'aittt Mafclnlpiil.ap-w- ta

AT LAW, JaTkeaft. MB AH kutBMtATTO&KET to bk aare pnaaptlr aitaslnl to.

v. rsuk EE,

BROffy & FUtZBH,A TTOKKGTa) AT LA"VT. (HBceaXa ata alrset,

ri. mr P Xoatc Sure, tav. aadHerausta, 9rSatoraair, Mtaa. W.I atMM praatpUrtea uuM Hlaai tTilir- - iHjii! ta tkaai m TTeatTruaefa'r aa Kartax af 1

RrrEA t Train p--o ft. Go , PHi tptiH ; Ortaas,HnrxtaaB St Scan. Watt s-- 9tjairu, X T. w. B.afWcr, Jaaaa, Sn 2. Co., W J. Weaa&Ca . Hrm-pb-

aparlrAT LAW. aa tVal Kaub- - Aanrt, Xp.C(HTK3tj0a

Befwto A Wrtrtt. Bt , aa4 Oat Piyna, Haai-pbi-

Joan 3.. L aaratawa. iniai Onrx; E. 6.KutstaB, &M-- . Xarmr; Mjar S 4. Hnry , Claitu-rtlt- e,

Taaa , aaA 6a T E. ftiaraaj', Daa ea.. Ark.Bafftl twtf

JOBX . RALSTON,ATTORXKT AT LtW. Baaabjl. 8feaay escaty, Tea.

Oaf Pattowa HaB.RE'EB TO Haa W V. Keadrfek, WayneaberaacB,

Teuj Jlewrs Kiaate&Hera. HMkaaaa Ey.. Gea.C.T-- Pram, r J. W Ltwteb, S. T Wataeu. . Jt

Jean Trtzc, Vea. . Ultra Beck, Ark ; W. G... XaaVea Ark '

EDWARD PICHETT, Jr.,A TTMirar AT LAW. V BMK.Tnm. (kBec, JerJ tea rK. aalawxy tae Peat Oftfee BalHas.

J. A. MOON,AT LAW, Oiaetal Cutaataii, aad LisdATTeMaKKT aba Xertms aad JEaatan GeaaMea at

Arkaaeaa, BBS AS. ABX.ntaai niy


ta tar Feat OSes BaiMtwcAlaaaaiaMeetraatedtoba earewfa ncetre preaipt

tadtaamtantNa. CtOhi tlaae p- - aaiptly ataee la tawt il ileal Ilia' aoaattia of Wfeat Teaaettie, XtaaaMeppt aadArbaea.

)aa-J.w- tr -Die-Blutic-

THK parlerraWp ia tae aaacaree ef tb Law, beTrtefaKMw.t SalBtra. TreadweH Sl Tentatlate,

1 . l4 day eiavitvei. Jsly I, Hat.



.tract, ap ctajra seeuad deer Seat efHitet iy

riCtV X.ifT PAIITNERSHIP.rx R FOLK. aa4 tuatih P. Beateewad. bartm;lefBkl a Mrtaerabep, wiu bereafter praattoe law

toe- - ta tar ea- t- ef Xeaapbla

J IKES MOOKE,A TmEIT AT LAW, M eatpeiM, Taaa Re'c

f X ar. Wmr A Jeaaa. Paantpa A Wbtt Laaab.Teaac ft Oa., MeMaakaaTraaadte & Bin, Xil'.ea i.7etasa IlUXlmi &X..E Si. Aery, Baa.. 2taaaaa.

03ee. ap .talrt, at tbe coroer ef XaU aad XadttMitrewt, BMztducr to ahe ejafeae SiTiBga laatttatMa.een-- tr

THSODORct C GONE,at LAW. Meaapai. Teaa OSK iaATTORNEI erer Ortana A 6aaa'a Beatatore.

garaieegaaJBrtatea. bt. ly

HA AC St. STEELE .. T. MBAX..WK. O. 1TEELE,Ooriaftoa. Bran Mnapbta. Xempbte. Teas.

STEELE, MORGAN &. STEELE,cocxskohis at law,ATToaxcra'AKD Wett Tea-se-

OSoe a Mala at., a Walkrr'a Bkk Xe. . 9dfleer apjetil aUeatiaa pall to the cetrMttea af OUIbm.

eet-.- y

JOHN H.1LLUM.AT LAW, aad Oceenl CerettB( aad

ATTOtlXKT tor WeatTfaaeaa".. I litemXSee to TT'ttea Btock, 0art

itrret.rr OtMTe&.aai ' U rttUtr. r&-- T

J. H. UNTHANH,AT LAW, Xo. 5S Cocrt 84am,ATT0RKET aagS-t- f

J. XT. SCALES,2A.TTORXET AT LAW, Xnapbta, Teea. 0e apJ .firs Xe. 17 Km ef Halt atreet. hi-6-

C T. TABCE. ............. A. ABHEBIOH.

VANCE Si. ANDERSON,AT LAW. Jo(li, Tana. OSoe ca

AR0B.XETS Vetwoaa iiuu aad Sausi atrwtt.Jaaee-l- r


FLOURNOV & FARUBLLY, -AT LAW Xeaapaia, Teaaearte. ttOoa,

ATTORXATS Btythe BoHataf, Xorlkfait ceraer efCaertBaaare jfS-t- r

CH AS. D. FONTAINE,AT LlW, Peatotsc. iliM.. wl at leadAITOBXET prate atonal baataeaa wblch maybe

tatraaVd to Ms is lay ef tbe CearU ef Xertb HUataiSppl. frbI7 ly

R. G. PAYNE,AT LAW, XeatpMa, Teaa. OQce Ib tbe

ATTORXET BarMtDt, Jefjeraea etre--t aaar-dl- y


AT LAW. Xearpata, Teaaeaaee. OSce,ATPe&XKTS etreet lanl-- tf


ATTORN Oafce, aeatb aM of Ooart Sqaire, one doorwtat ef WiBice1! AacUan Heaae, ap atalre.

fci-- f

D DUBOSE,EXIT AT -- AW, Xetapbia. Tean. OSce ea eatt

ATM Xala atreet, between Jeffcreen and Aaama.Refer to T. TMaa, XcEwea, Brrta A XcXetV., J. V.

VBaAms, W. B. XIBei and Jtllei Owea. Xetnpbla.Teac ;11OT. Tttea A fie.. V rM taalAJf

DR. JAMES M. K.ELLER,ert hia prefwheal aarcicea to tbe

RKSPOTFOLI.T iad It TtaaKy.Hit reeMeaee i. --n tbeoerner ef Xata and Beal lrteto,

mi. r v.. idar or Mala, between Madiaee aad Xearoe,where be any be 'eajad it aO bean, bbK prfetoBailyaeriCTd




Two Doors East of Oranrrcial Hotel,MEMPHIS, TE.V.f.

tnayllUlty R H JOHNSON V D

f Card.3AXIT3L GILBBRT, SC. haa reterned te kU old

DR. aieatead Bear Xeawbl. aad raupea'd at iBSna-er- y,

iBd wBl resiabs pertaaarBtly. He treat, tbe feltow-c- cGarortc Biaeuee : Caeyra. Scraffala. Wat r SweMaf,

Tacun aad Wear without Siriatal ofrritieaa. He llaotreat IB taraBar I'lawlr a Tea ef leBxatineaBE.Tetter, Kheainatlani, SyxaQli, isd iS fetcti of XerearlilACecttoBt.

Dr G.deeaa It saaeceetUT te aiy Caere, as be baa Mr--El

wftEs il lil ccalrra Mate io OrrjanxwtttawlT

tJfjfedicaS Card.RODKNHAltKK, Jt. U . ef ew Tork. ceatem- -w. ketsa in New nlraet by tbe 90ib Deers

txr, te rreule tb--r ter or three swath, ne will, itmeet, eeroie ata 'tdbkt a.ti'ucu .gatEtcai Treitmeavef hrraleDlaeitea; eapetlallr thaeeef ta hv BewU aacb aa PiVM.Ceoattriilen, PietolaFtanr, raPAef ef the Bmwcl Uloeritloo ef tbe BowelfctrteM ef tbe Bowel Ac Hia mldenee aH be at tht

ied bl offle wis be made knewa aijob a-- ar artea NewO-lee- n.

Vttera ea be addrnard to Dr hewLa . aad the, oitl be prcstp-l- y attended to.



7T fXTynrrJAC'i' ii JL-m-t- ..

I rune. Lockiaz GUtiOLD Ail wo-- k wimou-C- OJ nintinzi and rjatana on baad tor Ml, WHSlnitta tueet, bejotr HihUti.

DTJ-ci- y

(Sotfou factors.J30. T. ITUATTulf ..EtMiAE, SICDATITT.

s. a. msicwi.STRA'ITOIf, McDAVITr & 00.,


&. TO Front Row,arEMrKis, Tennessee,

WILL store and aetl Otto- -, at arreety-n- v

tCAy MM tar b.Ue &au:2Dd U Ussst forat wt be foiu sided at fifty easts per

mm, awareata for UruvMWt cetebraUd Ola Steads.



TXTtLLxiaa emrrtal aad trneapt attmttaa ta I Jtox aPrr ra: 7111 sell OmImi ti TS cvata per bale.01on far FctatpcarBt terirarM at M onto. All taip

Met- - lMr4 ataar-t- iiMnxtt.Oaaatca rraat Row, No. IS, op, aUIra ta Xoaay &

Baataanr aaMa. airltwta( WILBf TEtWOH. . C. WILLIAM.

S. W. YEMON & CO.,Cotton Factors, Commission and


X. 8 Fraat Eiw, arer Meaettasi ac GalbraitVa,"TPWir. artf-I- r


Cotton FactorsABB


SIC IX PIUS, TEA.V.Xa U Xala-ai- ., Mnn AUaw a4 Jeer.OITICK. Mm atara at Ptoaraoj, Oooper & Laeke.

BXBIB....... .......XIX 1BELTOK,or f Atoeaaia



Commission jTIcrchants,A'O. 38 FROXT ROW,

MEMPHIS, wxx.V ALLOottoa eat toaar aalran taaarvd. unVti

ggMr3 Btraelon totke eaatraryara ncelred. Beif' taltUB t pt iraipHy sitae io enter, ruattra'nra l4 vtth eare Srfl er F rwam Coitnaatoaeestoper bale. Liberal adTaaea maae oa h1h-aus- U


Atalie, Wilson Co.,


NO. 25. FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS.tVV 0O)UllsSIOKSferSteriBcaBdSHI-- lTiiail nil ea --a all oiaar aaiei peri

A taU tapplr ft tMactei: Rape, Gracerles, Ac., ees.ataaOr ea baad, aad aO araera Sited at the lew. It sar-t- rt

prionoeaap9U 1 Praeaaa mpwan iiiwm

A8H, 1LSON & CO.

r. ueaoajf. ...........w. b. chbiit.MOEGAK" & CHEISP,

Cotton Factors,AKD


eaaad daor to the Plasten' Bank,)

MEMPHIS, TENN.COTTON aadetWr Praaaae oaaatoaet to n winALL laaaraaea, aatow atbenrtoa fcatraeted.


T. B. BOBS EXT, j!e. a. rsPE.Lateef Hayweodco.


Cott&2& JFactors,CO! uaion

l?orwariVins Merchants,No. 3 ICadison st.. ilemphis, Tenn ,1TTILL atore and nl Oettea at 76 orau per bale.r Cottoa Par re.bapaaeat farwarded at M orato per


B. o. BAoe....H. h cwercB... .jbo. t. bauoh.


RECEIVING,Forwardigg an4 Geaeral Commission

tJIlsrcIiants,il EM r H I S, TXXX.

MBfCr ACT1XTMX peM to eiaara tor Ri- -Ktac. Bapa aaa naBMtaoai Mppnee.


X. A. SAXPLE....K n. MITCHKIX-...- J. at. 1AHPLZ.Xetapbla Late of AbereVea. Iteef roatotec&u.


Cotton Factors,'Cofflifflgtion EeeetTiag, tnd forwarding



MEMPHIS, TESS.A SCTPLT ef beat Beetles' aba Rope alway to etert.A OnVrt ter aapp i--a ailed at tae Ijweet caab prtara.

We are ale AraaU fur lb ee-- ef 8o. W Wlatea'aBaablc SeatM Portable Tbres'iera .ad Wbeat faaa,wMeb are raprir to aayteaac ef the ktad ewer eaaredto tbr pbisier. bets' caeap-- r. awr. durable, aad ha ht-M- e

to it a' ef rmei' aad mar be ae4 wtth rqaaltr, lth- -f H,o H.a or setd

GOODLETT, SOKE & CO.,(Seemat era te GaeMrtt, Xabara Co.)

Receiving, ForwardingABO



A ALL Oet ea aad etber Predafe eanrtraal toaaNjHJ-i- ateaat er Y atbeata, w.n be-- oar

peh policy ar IBatntABCE BT aet prerteaa- -

lr laatraetod to tba ceaLrary.Ve bare a la-- aad m-- laaerted tteck er rT

AKD 1NRIA BfMIXJ. aa ataa a oar rtepoed-tn- caapp'y ef HOPS, frt aa tbe beet BMawteetertea, which

w wlB enttek apes aa eaay toraM M lay heeae at tbKetty.

Oar eba'r-- a STORIXO. StVPLIXS, S8IXINGAXB WBfOHIMS TI)S, wUl b. aa beaetetere, 60eeata p--r b.K wbleh eoeera aU ezerpt drayaC a taaa- -

.m .w t

C M. nOBTOB....B. C. HORTOX...J. 1. WOSBDELL,Ptorrnre, Ala.

c. in. noBTos &. co.,

Cotton JP actors,GHOCERB,

Commission and Forwardlns;MERCHANTS,

NO. 33 FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS, TENN.PARTICULAR attention paid toai SelliBC iad SelpplBs Cettm LaJsyieep ceaattBtty oa bind Baaztarn

Rone, aad Fuatatlon Sapoliea rra---raSy. ly



COMMISSION HEECHANT.aMectlen (ITea toStorlnji aad Seiltaf Cettoti,

PROMPT Xe. M Praat Row, XeaapbJ.aaalztawlT

X TR. O. 0. BOONE, late of LealTl, Ey., hi Vcensei,;L awocaated witb aa la tbe Grocery iad CtsamlailenBaatBea. dattaxfraei tbe lat iaatiat



& Forwarding Mercbants, !

TSo. 1811Main-S-t, Memphis, Tenn.BAGGING, Rope, Jeaa. Liwye, iad l traeral atock of

FliBtittoa Sappllea oafiataaUypn baad. ipSS

T a T A TT.A. 1 MOBTOrHIEBT,Of jtnapui. Lite of TiteaTBIe. Kill.


COTTON FACTORS1aonanssioK xIierchaxts,"

JNi O. A. JJLX n. v.,HetweeaTront


Row and Main,MEMPHIS, TENN.

Oettoa .tapped to aa, or at. re by na after 1UALL will be WTerrd fcy epJ jMlcy ef I aa aace, aa- -a otbrwa latrcted.


E. 31. APPERSOX & CO.,

COTTON FACTORS,Groccrj' and Conimisslon

2fo. 66 Fnl Ra and 6 Jefmn Strttt,MEAIPHIS, TENN.

v V W WE bit-- la ataje aad are aew

. , . .am .l to tele.sarin, h " -

chiaed lor caab. coBlateM IB ptrt of Puwer LoeBi, Rea.tarty aad tedti BarfJar; Xaebta R--pt, Bil treatpare Map i Hiadpta o.i Crataety "T.iadOaaAwrtai Baoea. Xer--- LTbjr Bran-

dy, Win--. Beartwe, Rye aad Oero tdaid a seaeral atock at Staple rireeertea. ate . Ac., ill ofwbaca we HI eX fer eah al tte lewtat rnirket price.,

caatemer ea the aeeaa term.crStole sen or Ship Oettea. a heretofore, t FIFTT

eSHSFiH. to .to e. Brie., laatraeted

WirtWOTtea for exit xa ion m"1"'-.-- ' w -- ycue Tiacn o. am'. Onr opm , all Oottoa croalroed to t TJBbelt''J:piatea ty a B n er taunt, 'lafB-iB- c " er - Injured etaewhere."


W. HOWARD & CO.,Cotton Factors, Commission and

Forwarding Merchants,N0. 4 HOWARD'S ROW, MEMPHIS,-


7 XALXRS in BUTtB, Rope Twine. Sarar, OoCee, ilo--SJ

Uae Sloe, PHrur, Lird, Bicoa, Xackerel, 811,Loadoa Farter, Aw Wine. Wbteky, Tutelar, Lbae,Laad-Plart- and Graoerte graera-l-y. A (cod alocknew en baad, aad for MM at reaaoniKe prlcea.

adnaoea nude oa Cottoai ta .tore for ule oriblocicat. Oar Opra Policy ft Iniansce corer, aU Out

to T;. tr water; elan, the rUk of Firewhile a atore, caiaaa otherwise iaitrocteS. Oar pricelor atortcs aad Kl'Uyt Cottoaa, tbe use a we baiecLArcec. for Tir rJ" any eeata per an. on

(Cotton factors

COMIIISSIOS UlEItCHA.VTomei, no. ts xosbt & ncxTS blo-- e,


C0XSIGXMXXT3 of Cotton anl Vbrat aoU- -Ure.K'(Ktc-- d B--P aad all SnppUet. turoUhal

Mtommt raiea.rtraea't Plaalatloa Htlit alvaj 0 kasd.

BCS-l- lT




l.OOl3CE BROKERS,Commission Merchants, &c,


w. a. PArrxBAOs.. I. r. iiabiball.FYTIERSOX, MARSHALL & CO.,

--SI COTTON FACTORS,Co at mission ami Grocery

MERCHANTS,xo. s rnoxT now, uxdeb cox. hotel,

tatdawfta Me'mphUtTnn.



General Commission Merchant,5fO. 80 FRONT ROW,

KempltiH, Teun.COTWN aad ather Pr&Joce eonaUned tolALL

ataenrlae taitraeted. Kreuixfe4loreai2'ariZe!errstr'tTe oat per bite.

Efgw, i




Commission and ForvrardingMERCHANTS,

Ne.ABankJv(w,3doonfrom BtlUtinOJUcTTTE take tait artbed of"lnfannH!; tie pabHe tbat weVV are MB tojMber to toe COTTON FACTORAGE

B0S1NKS6. aBd rttaraoar raoet ttnorre tlucka for tnpatraaazebeiUwd apaa Badarlaj tbe Ut two rein;Ui bopa. by etriet atteatlan to batlneaa, to ncelra tbeeapport ef ear tin ami frl pda, ar d ai oany more aa Buythlak preper to it re ea a trial.

Oottoa ml so a. will Xe coTered by tuaraaoe, arlraaetberwtf tBctrartnl.

We abtp, itere asd eil Oattea at 60 ereta per bale. Weare tlae prepared to ttvr all kla a ef Predece; aad earcbirpM far eemac trd atertar. t H per rest.

CoaaUBtly ea baa 1 a good eepply of utttlas", Rope aaaTwtBC.





MEMPHIS. T3TT1T.E9Ordera far BarginE, Rope aaJ otker Sapailea

prataptly atteaded to a

r. T1TCX........B, A. SIOON. ...B, T. PATTIIOX.



-- Commission Merchants,BANK BDILDING,

Opposite Cemnurcial Beltl,JtffmontlTUt,JyH dtwawSaj MEMF11I, TEN.N.

jr. oil. meiip,(Lite ef E. Reid & Bro.)



NO. 3i FRONT ROW, 5IEMPHI3.will be pleaned o wait apoa anyWniREae aad tbepaMicairra!ly. H- - win

Birepa-Mcaia- r atii-etie- t.i tbe Storlat ad Sttlr. tOottoa aad Pro'laor. All Co tea or Pnace cooa'.-a- ed tebua 'ill be tBaand, aalera otberl-- e iBttiuitrd.

PirtKalar atteBttea clnB teerdtra for B'trlar aadSope. aad ether asppelea. Mere aad aetta Cot-- n far 15eaata per bale. cetS-de- ia

Baste aad E&e,ajrrr ecpy

W. 5 BBOWW. u. 8. JOXE1 B. C. BATH

JOKES, BROWN & CO.,Cotton Factors, Grocers, Commission

& Porwarding Koichants,No. ISO Main street.

MEMPHIS, TENN.rtT?AWS keen eeaatastly m feaad tbeUSt?Z3raa4t ef Baastaw aad R w alaa. Si

OidaV.Sart WWr naroe XatlaMaocerea. iar, rwiemiiDo uraam

Xorm, TobweB, Starch. St-a- aad Wesdea Wire, to-ne h r witb all artlaleakept in a H.av,wblch w are uafclat ea ti. BHnt; pre-pared with a la-- gt ami cvmnetHoiti Wrthout feraAeriaccittoa. we i I eeati-a- w to atara 4 w4 cottoa

teer.-- In ea PiriT Cebts rrs Bale, awayacweilaa: cat tana reg.itaed te aa b IKfrUBAJtCEetrwte ioHtroeied. Liberal cub adraaori aiide anco ton. or ether predate ia atore.



GRAY & FARMER,Cotton Factors9



Cominissiou ITScrchants,NO. 106 MAIN STREET.LIBERAL CAST ADVAXCBKJ.IPSt'na'te ea .bipmeutt of COTTON aiiaWUj

lYTFHnnnf a a e'er. EgSaaeptt deja6at



Cotton JFactors 9

General Commission Merchants,No. 25 CARONDELET STREET,

XEiV ORLEJNS,an efitre ia j uj. XA t fa X7 lllo,KEEP where a y aie pirpar-dt- o eaa e liberal

aaacea oa Oettea er other Frodace cawlx fd to tte..bea.e. aep9f&wCm

J. L. VERSER,& otton FactorAXD

COMMISSION MERCHANT,Up ataln, ilotij & Hant'a aewbtcck,

Xo. 17 Front Row,, Teatnttt.OOrrOX and etlerPradoceoBalirBed torn winALL iaaarei aaleaa otbrrwiae ordered.

Fer ttorinc and arrHo; cottoa 75c. per bale.IwlRpirparticBlirittentlMitoSBlBEord'Ti 'er

Baatak, Rope, Ac, it tbe Uweat market 1 rice.J, ft dawitni



COTTOIH FACTORS,General Keccivinj, Forwarding


H"o. 49 Front How,Office with J. W. McCracken ii Co.,




AO. 2, SOUTH SIDE ffXIOX ST.,iiExrnis, TEKK.

1VW PARTICULAR attention paid to S(o- -ae, ablpptBC iad tMUaz cotton Atk4 tteck ef Btcdne, Rope ind P in--

taUon aoasli alwiT on baad. andfamlabad at tb Uurrat market prlcee. m

U ALXXABDER . ......XOBXAX C. J0SE1.raltoa, Teaa. AlempbU.


COTTON FACTOKS,Oonoral Comm 1 fiiaion



O. IS FRON ROT,Memphis, Tenn.

Room Xo. 18, ap atalra.T OITR charrra for SeniBi Cotton, in

JWOwJsodme Storage, will be two aad a baity liyrr cent on tee ameaot of aaiea

rartlnfar aumen t'iu ve anci,mr F.roinHea aad Setllna: Oraln. and all klnda ofProdaoe at d Xiau'aciareo aim prepirea to911 ill erdera for Gooda, Gtriea, Jte. . at tba loweatrholmto nricra. All eonattKnrnt ta aa by river w n

be eire-e- d b oar open poUctea, anieamirkd not Inaaredon bin of lidmx. AR ctton In atore toaired, aaleaaotbrrwiae Inatrnrted. Oar brain- - aa betas exdcttTriyconmlaaloa, and oar time entirely derated to tbe interestof car patroaa, we feel tnit we ire esuuea to a inn.Tait 1. ill we aak



" ABUGeneral Commission Me reliant,


Office, No." 35 Fiont Row,Hp STAIRS, MBXriIIS, TBXX.

B0T15 dlwtwira ,



Votton Factors,AND

GENERAL COJDlbMOS MERCHASTS,Aseats for the, Sale of


And General Steamooat Agents,20 Madison Streot,


vr B. We keep eoatUctly oa Band 1 gea-- 1. 1 ..uWhImI a. 1,t-tiF- nrl end ,I 1 , M

Fawkins Tcbirno, and win yay atrtct attention I

to tb Ferwardlax tnl RcaiTlrf Battceit.Bartt-e- m

Motion factors.. A. rBItk......JAMtI cues


otton Sellers,Grocers and Commission 3I(,rc!iants.

No. 6 Havard't flete, Mtmphu, Tnu,JXKEP eonrtjntly oa baad BaHbig, Bpe aal TUntaA. II- a nartvl" cnrtJy. felt daaCm

tenir icviEt ..... .OEM JAI WARBEK,of TnKBM Ala of Lawteor o., Ala,



AD "

Cotawilssion fc Fovw:vulnsr2VX rZ. ANTG


J.T. HILL...........................I T. B 1TLET.



rOrrr 7). H. TowmriWi.TTTV FOB STORIXO ASD SKLUKS COTTOK,hk.i.ii IS eeata ter IU1 . All Cotton eoed t. terar- -

ffliir BOl.ei otberwlaa laatraeted. AH orderprmnptlT a(tndM ta aacOet.wCtn

Ali.ES Da via late of HaTWieeatT. TeanTnoa. n. Wiluabi. late at KrwOrleaaa.W Vas Wikele. lite ef Loatarl le. Ey.




Gen'I Steamboat and Railroad Agents,XO. 1 HOWARD'S POW, lIXHTH S, TISK,.

1 LEO AcenU far iTaatra. JeBStaca A RryBaeaa. farXA. tuaaaieox rritoa'i aenjBirpeaiac unuHI ta.

AH bttlwi rntraated to onr eire wlB recelTe oat.A9Mt l att Bttaa. t.aoiwly

tflotljittu storesB. 17ALKEE & BEOS.,



Manufacturers or Clothing,MEMPHIS, TEXX.


CLOTHING!are now reae'Tlac tbe ta (rat atock ef Pall aadWEWlate- - Clo'bIM we bare erar bid, ouaaltetarrd

by o raHree at PbPad-lpbt- a.

Alao, a Ufa auartateat ef FereKa ead Bos-a'- ic DrySeoda, eoaiatlai; of tbe Utaat aiyle Lad ra' Dree.Otoita Uaatin.f, Wul and Gasta-r- e Sanwla. Li''awl jfHe' Pitict Wool Talataa, Hosiery, Q laTea, EMOaaalleta, BesbratoVrl a. Ac

AHo a eery la'ce aad eoeaplete laaertateat ef RnetaBee a. X.ltre BrKia, Hat. Btinkttl, Eeny., Iaalharm, Llaaeta, Traaka, Carpal B--2. Geata' ParatabiaiGeedi, Ac

We call lb-- attratlea at Plaetera, Ceantry XereaiataaadRiTTTTradrra toexaattBe ear atock pn.cb.ih;elaewb-i- e aa we asaaattetare ear Oletblac ezpnta'y fartbla rnirket, wblch eaibiea aa to aell ear teoda at Riat-er- n

priori .Oar atock ef CtothtBr fer laberisi oea aad ea era

baTe it oar aaaal low prie.B. WA1EER A BROS .

7 Praat Raw,J. tTALCKR A 00.,

917 Jfata atreet, MeraawM. TeaB.M IB n lattery, 113 Xarta Third atreei,

Pbl'adetpala. aeaa-t- ai


$50. o o oIX



"Wo offer our entire Stock of

FINE CLOTHING,Furnishing Goods,

Fine Sole Trunks, Xegro nothing, &c.


OTJR trfsdi aH tae paWte Bcaeratty, awy rlr eaw ateeeae tode. We tarrle all ww are ia

waet af (avd Ototaiac, ta cut aad rxaaaaae fer tbem- -arlr.. STIVBT A CLAHER,: Uala-I-H . appeal 'Oat Paaare.

P. 3 ABGeedt aebt ae crrdtt, win becaarBtd a rrf-at- ar

pregu S it C.BAvli-4- 'f

hirqcrn anlr gcntrisiru


corstaoB. TO BR, S. nFCTT.DEXTAL OPRtt ATIO VS perferaaed at tae abortALL airfare, awl cairaBtled. Oatoa ea Xata atreet.

epp. . t-- b - W "h.-t h m dfS V

DENTIST&Y.wantl' c lay op rat ooaPERSONS tbr TKEfH. had tetter ra I

av.Dr J C ROLE, oa Mala atreet beew'Xadiaea, orer J. u. wnDsni' dnno e

A new aiyte af ARTIFICIAL WORK, hvrerrtol byDr J C LeeeBU, of PbUadelpeU. TbM a'yle rf workb-- a aaparaor adraaute- - errr jt et tat odete tothe profealea. la that It ta d,r. bo chaaee lr theaeerveaef fnad. more beautiful aad ce--ep than 'beed atyee, d eajnary aa atr u. ft-- net atrsaaer Allrpera'len wirraat-i- I bare tbe ti'teAiro rtxht frwee.lyaf Xatphlt, aad State of leeaeaaee "a loo--tfUBl. net'

DR. G. W. ACREE,licntist ,

0OV7RT STRKXT. CORNER BtXK AI.LRT.LI, deetat eperatiea perferaed ia lb ,

XX nHMt atrifal Btasnar wra tbe leartpotaible paia. Fell er pr'l4 aetia oftee b Inrted with tbe Uleat laasreT- r-

meat, aad catraatlM Sofreet rree Raak auev-- par wbea the cat, l aatddewa rtt7lly


HAS lFACTl3lEi,No. 6G Front Row,

SIGN OF THE BIG SOOT,ZaXo233.T33xis, I'onn.,

..the KEEPS eeattiatlyoa bind. , , . ,T .fc" f BDrtM -- . l. .t. , iv a cum, ea ewe me&r, aiew ef

maaafaetareta. He keep. a)o. LeathermSole aad TJpeer. Calf Skta. Freacb.American Sbee Ftadieca, Traaka, Carpet Bar iad Va-lues, all of which be wt'l etti 11 cheap 11 lay In tblamarket Glre htta 1 call beiere percbAKlnr elaewbere.

JB' 13-'-T


--el ei

0 a CO S 5 C9- S3o55 I rjT a

W 'AT lai W S H 3

1 r3 Z g? ca

1 co .2 2Sit n a.S om p

a a sif -Qzzu



UPPER COUNTRY PRODUCE,Soatbeatt Corner et Mala and Dnlos Sts

MEMPHIS, TKNX.,TTATR ilwiyi on bind 1 well an CArrfaQy selectedXI ato et irtlde la their llae, wbica they will stn atae lewett curreat prites.C3 Ordai promptly SHed with dlapataa.


CLiEUl-.'- S SAliK.City Iot "South Half No. 404."

Joba Plnly Meana, by next friead The. L. Sal IranEip.rte petition for ate ef lot for relnrHm-a- t Ae.

Tirtae et a decreetal order of the Circalt Osart ofBT county, term mad ia .bt can e at lta See- -tcaber term, ISS7, 1 will en the prrattee ea SATGRDAT,

tbe I6tbdtyof Jauairy Eexl, !S5rJ.vfter at paMIc taletor cih nd tbe biUaceen a credit ef alx,tweWeaadetzMeea moatb. with bead aad trod

b laiereet from date, ad a Hen retained,tae fottowluc eecribel let ta tbe city ef XempMa,Teaaeaaee. telaz the aoatb. bf et nrlxtail let Xe 40tfrontier It feet J lacbet ea Third atreet, iad runningback 143 feet 6 lecbe to a private alley, weR tmproredis4 ercneiea at praaeatBy or fiee w Jon. a.

declO Ua X. D L. SrTRWARr, Oerk. Ac.

Tipton County Land for Sale.Xltneod d. Wiaetoa, Jbeait. B Wtaten, XirtbrX.

Wla.too WB la n R. Win-te- a, 0. Wtnitea asdMary L. WlB'tea tbe latt Are mtaor. who pitttlont?their mxt freed Datd S Creaabaw, aad Dim S.Crenshaw admlalatrater of Xiry F, Wlaeto",

x?trte fr tttua to .ell Land fer Pirrptonpursuance f a let rlocatery decree el tbe OeantyIX of Tipton oo'inty, at It. XeTember Ter m IS57,

ta tb foroTotaf cae, I wis) ofrar at pabiK aaattoa to theb gbe-- t bidder at tbe Coat Haa. doer In tbe town ofCoTlarton. on MOVDIT Jina-- y 4'h, ISM. two ot

LAKD nliptw tnuaiy oaatilaiai tezeiber S6SU acres aid land He. la tbe Insted il. Ttclalliof the Ciopton Camp-frone- and U in a bl(h state ofcultlTitlon witb lmproT-meat- t.

Cb tbe remainder on a creditpf one and two years, by the pirchtr ftTlac bead withiparsTed iren-lt- y ind i lira tet'lsd.a tbe land to oc-

curs tbe payment of tbe percbi'e m eeJOHN T DOCGLAS, Cterk.

3. X Steele, Soiloitar for Pctllloien.nortl-dawu-

Clerk's Sale or Laud.TOMit L. AE( and Jam. A. A A aaa., a miner ncder

SI years o are be Ht fatb- -r and rest inead TbemuL. Anrol Kxparte Petl'lsn to tell Liad tor Parti Ion.

oe'of i decree ef tbe hoer-V- e Coantr CourtBTnr ertanty, St tb Term, t&ST, intbe Abore ran'. I wm expoae to pablie ta e at tb CoartHours 6vT in tbe town of 0,THtlo".on XOXDAT, bday o' Jin-ar- y nfxt ISM. i tri. t of ISt acre of L AXDtrtotuttnr to tee ibore pel II loners, tyinc ta Tipton Ct,an-t- r,

ta tbe lib Sanreror'. Diatrlcl. Ranze d, tod Sec .

lERttt --One btlf cash tbe balance on a cred't cf 15

Tiontbt, bond and apptuted arcarity, and a lien retainedan tbe liad to secure tbe unpaid purcb. money.

JOHN T DOUGLAS, Clerk,j. X. Steele, Solicitor f jr aaw'os

5 bsntls ceauiae Xorth rarollaa, for sale byPIPES H. T. FARNSWOBTH - CO.

iustnws diixte.

New Wiarl-Boa- t,





uCtSS diwly ,


ITS a larz, tot r SADDLR8 tk,fl wU aeltf,IH COaT FOR CA" II Ca 1 aaoa If yea wttBIbir-- a btrc n I bae alao iarae uaartaBiwt n)ef narr.e.. Brtdlee Ca lira. Sat - 03, M tad- - (4dl-- ri Valeria a irvl nu mi Itiwitiea f latent .traAlaa f i14m Tr ea of er rr TirtMyj all ar wblea t writ

H at a rr tit'LL Atrnci: a fer Cak. AIklo.1 of SaMh-- Harrc. lx , mi teaeaa- - at abertea-- ettee. 1 wamat te lire aall'.'acti a. aMaefl liw fe--riiab. Uy4jal'ia-Pmcataeian.rar- a' to ke-- ptaemaa it work, ntber this to etiaampi awM weak- -a,ea. W p. II I.

Oonwr Xafi ib4 Maarw a'.ifta,BerS-t- m Wat hit, Tno. riTXBERALB.CHAa. C Olt-L.- J. WaMDWOHTHi

H. FITZGERALD b. CO.,(isctcaon to Perk, (wr-.r- 4-- Oe.J


Ifo. 44 Front How, Memphis,Aim


j. xoro ...j. j.JtsnrJAMES BOKO & COt,



B. W. MOKBItt. .D. C. WAIO...U. If. fABBOMEB.

Li'orriss, Ward & Sannoner.n e w


W. wnald Tery remectfoHr afaeaace to tba parrbiaor urt goods f niraLy teat we ire bow re.

eetrlne ear sew at ck tFALL AND WHITER GOOD3.

We ire prepared to offer PLAIITBRS treat lsdDceraecU.Oar laaartarctotBLANKETS, KERSEYS. OSNABDRGS

and BRlJiiANo,Compritea ill tba Tiriellea that

In the Fnncy Itepnrtnipnt,Will b fond alt tf-c- aoTeitiea .if tbe aaa

Tbe at entiea f tne Ladiea t ta emvraaHeB er oara eorttacatof SILES. KMBR'!Dk:RIBrt, Aa,, la rrapeet-tal- ly

aeliciUd.AtUttKI33, WARD A SAXXOXER,

aep51 tai Xa ass Ma.a etreet.

K. M. ariCEB ....a am'l a- artrca.R. M. SFICSR & SON,


Fino Groceries and Provisions,WHOLESALE AKD BETAIL.

NO. 2 SHELBY, NEAR MAIN STREET.OW receiriaz, aad wHI eon; lose bmh bt atockabaB be replete with erety irtlcjr la tbe llae. AD

weiaklaacaa We feet esnBd'Bl tat tbe Reality efear geeda iad tee prior will Urlaoe yea to trade E-- rr-

thtns aew iad frna, aeieod jKTeonal.'y with rreat caaa.aepis-l- a R. X PICKR ta HW.

Pricis to fcait the Uses.

. STREETT & CO.oa t i--d i lire- - .tock rf rASCT i"t S'APLEHAVB GOOD.t, rteh Silk. tae . f axeryde- -

acrtpttia Ct tb and Vaint Claaka aad MialW. SeawiaSearfa, ic .: Eoibreiderte, Lim, bua a, Ave , wbKbwif b g.,ii at redaod p icta. AI- - . a larce ato-- e fPlanUtton Go la. at rery 'low prl- - a a-- ta Ble-k.t-a,

Er ia, Liaaeya, a. Ooaberar Xerro PhX xti HaU, Xearo OMblar, ac : tatnea'. SaeCwth'n aad Fara'aLiax GxjSj. t axtb r wtth a fanatock of Soya' Ctetblae. C.I. and ejpi.j auk; a s'R'irrT & on.,

octlS Vo Ha Male atret.


B89TS AND SHOES!'uxcrib r wuBLt aamt raaaeottuily laforaa hla eldTHE aad the pab b: ta zeneral, b.t bebaare-Cet-aut I daily renetr( a larpe aad wu aelected

atock of BK)Tr AXD SHOSS ef e.aiy decrlrtiea,which he etTifi at Wbe'eaali. ed Recall fer Caaa, aacaap aa any boaae la town.

I ba-- e ai. r.eelced a tartn aaeil Uuiat ef LEATHERAXD FINDINGS ef eartoai kaaaVa. wleh I eTr to

at a aatiB adraace ea Kaatera OeetWX XILLRR.

Xe. 13Jea9tea4t.,ldita aboTe Plaat r'a Balk,eeeSI-a- n r a atato a ri Pweit new



MoIcsUin nnd CassiiuercS3! &



tbeee ia wiat o tfe Sae4 aad BaaatWnSRB Mau wl I peaie eaH. CocetaatlT band,and d.ilr recetTlag, the Utta.t iad aaeat atuck ef 90 rrHATS ta the city, it WH TUN'S,

a pln H Fraat Rew.

1. B. ivith b t rottTEB.

SMITH & PORTER,(STcee-nn-r, te Satltb. Xnehara A k...)


MEacrivNrs,(Xraby A Hant'a Xew BntMiae;.)

No. 18 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn1

J3 0b D' ller. In ill ktad ef Prd ice.



Hicks, Terry & AndersonNO. 245 MAIN STEET,

2YX 33 iVr 3? X & ,reoetred the " rxteo-ir- - at ck of BOOTSHAVE n.tTS, CAPS. TRUXK. TAUStS Ac ,

which la TArWy, quality, qnastity r prK, b-- at; eJ

br any tk la Xeapals For Geotlesea, Ltd!'aad Children', weer we oSer tbe beat Fbaadelpbl, andPreach maJe cuttom work.

N'gro Bro;art and TVool Hats.Flaater. may rely oa betas tuppli-- d en 'be net rior

Me trrut We are determined aet t be eadermld ietbeblXeziMBroM. Merc ilu, Deiiera iad

ire reapectfnliy lurlted to exiatlae oar atock.WhaieeaK Koama up atalra.

niCEIS, TERP.T K AXDHR"50X,oct4 daw Xo. 315 Xm-- .t . opp. Ooart Sqatr.

J. D. SnABlT ...Z. H. EJTXJ



URXPHIS, TENN.,T) ILLS and order clUd with tbe Genuine Article itU minuftctBrer' Ono bandred dutrentbrand constantly on bind.

airu Hawlr

W. J. WEBB... ".. ... u. WESB.



iroInce Itlercliants;N. 316 Main Strett, veer Union,

Ufempliis, Tenn.,ixTt WILL keep eabiadi fall atock ofUuajJJuS'iple Grocerlr, iBdudiM Sasir, Ceff-- e.

Teaa, Candlee, Lame, Cera, nay. Tobac-co. Flour, Silt, Xiu. Wtaea, LVioora, and ail

other ar.iciea osua'ly k pt la tbe grocery line, wblchthey will trW it tbe fcrreat market riles fat caah.


SIMON & SEESSEUSlnnnfacturcrs of Clolhin,



TJLD bpby aitaeaace to our cnttnuaera and theceVtccrnereUt.tbalwebaTe rcttred sad Eire

now opened obrlartf iLd wep.selected stock of

Fall and Winter Goods, iwblch we offer it tbt loweat wbor sale priers

Oaaatry ard rtter trader wedd do wtH tociU upon a befnre purohaalBC eta.where

SIHOX A SERA8EL,Xo. M Front Row, or. Jefferson at.,

augls-fa- i Tnder Commerrial nateL


MEMPHIS, TESX.,4r icon South of tht Old Stand, tffnitt Slam,

tt'tbb tr iUtxtnyt, and FMUTlf f Bra.

THHsarcrlberecsleiTetoana-cet- bisin conaecinenee ef tbe

erection of budding l it hlscMatiad. corner of Mala andXadlaoa street, he I a ramOTed bis DRVO STORE to

S17 Main-St- ., ileraphis, Tens.,Where to wrll be pi eased' to see hla friend aad custom--era, and assures tbt a isd ill In want of ai jftlat la tbeDrusliae,itwboiler retail, that heuciVrlns tnebIndncements la tbdouinty lad price ef bis (h1s aa can-n- ut

fill to sir eat. faction.AU orders from Eratxuts, PbylcUns, Mercbaata, Flut-

ters, and others, W.ll meet witb. prompt sad carefel atuu-Ut- a.

Tenderinit my tiitaksto tbe cttlxeas af Veetpbts iadtbe itrrTesadlnr, roiatry for the Ttry Hberalpatreasze

d to me dariiz alee years pst, I trust, by strict at--teaUoatoboalocassnd the wat of ay caaUatera, tomerit a coaunasx 01 uu: paaeaaxe

. D JOHXSOX,JintS-daw- lr Dnutsl.t and Apothecary. Xernib.


NEW PLUM.JToJinson S L,on&

TTATS thia day forood a partnership for the purpose etIa dotns aWhoifsalc and Retail Drag Basiness

it ht Wln iirnt. Atemsbia. foDWlte Kessrs.Webb ARAWIlngi, and Fliberty ta Bro-,-) and would In- -t

lta the attentkvl at all in w.ut of anrthiag lojbeir Uatotbeexaailaatunot tbe atock aedprce.

rill recti r psrtlcnlar attrntlod it all

hMtiof tbe dsy nd Blsit.O. D.JOEA SOX,

JtalS-lsw-iy A. O. LOXO.

MOr. TUOMEUY ts. BROTHER,GomakeioB Merchants and Whosale Deal-e- n

in Rectified Whisfcy,FOKEIO.I AJID IM)5IETIC LiaWO

BOORDO.w TTIIISKY, AO ,2d St., botweon XCaln and M arkOt,

Louisviilo, Ky.TTK iBTlte the attratlea ef dealer! In Becti- -d Wblkr lid Ltuaura, te our bt ladaef

Whiaky, aart tb aaalrttea iad prteea of enraaed la (r bnade ef Wbb Ay ire

npul Hi qwAlity iad tlyl to lay, 14 wtB bewat Ted attow rate.

Atway on bead BUire-n- d eaele atock ef Bee rboe,Kenentaaeta M 1 wtk aaca e anIt, ITklHlTII C. 0. IMt'TU



Not. 1 and IS West aide SWxnd atreet, between Xlinand water,

Louisville, Kentucky.iu9-l- y


JAOESOXFOST. ARC,rTTIT.L attend peraoeiay to tbe locattnx of Swamp LandVV Scrip iad Wirrinta ia tbe Jacktospert iad HelenaDtotrieu, aeaRBg Laryt aaa pipattx Tlxia.

lioforenees.B.aribam,Xem;bU,TeBn. A. S. Haey, Little Rock;R.C IVtaUry, mi T. Jta, Jua.jw v. rawta. ' J. Xerbtn A Co , X. O.Ir Iav a Co , " J. A. Hoaaieea, LaQrufe.CI F OeaMdaa, Heieai,! 9eaa.iatrrtM la ateere, ' W S. Batta, Lawrence-nKa- ,

tB Peak,1. W Beird, JarkMaport; Pool fa WationrJickioapirt



iinGeneral Commission Agents,For tbe PBrcbiae iad Sue ef

STOCKS, BONDS,Eeal and Personal Estate,

PRODUCE, &c.Office Ssatb Side Anger's What,



. LA WTO 5, C-- M. B BEAKER,

rruaerly ef LiwtaaTBte S. 0 Of Cairketoa, S. C.

LA"V7T0N & CO.,Upland nnd Sea Island


Forwarding & Commission Merchants.XO. 3d EAST BIT AXD BOTCB St CO.S WHARF,


Cettoa, Bare, Flesr, Wheat, Cera, XitiHartu as experimce of twenty fire year la baaiaeaa.

we rwraatee atllctln to all who patrenlie aa.Preaapt, peneaaT attealMii Elyen to tbe tarwarOlac

depart Bt.Bt.BErERENCEa nea. K. D. TrerHr, ez.uewi. gt.;

H. Sapaerd. Xaq . of tbe firm of Sheptfrd it Ma- -Crary: Jaa Tapaer. Baa.. Xiater la Eeaaty; Hen w.J. Grarea. aad Ex.X C, Cturreatea, S.C. Rer H D. Demean. Gen. L. H Ayr, Barnwell, S.C. Gar. 0. J XeDeeiat. Jodie T Stoeka. GeerjU. E.(3. Jaadea, Ba.. Dr. R. G. Mays. Ftoridi. JeaephRasaey, Re,., Teaa. W J Dane. Xestpbti, Taaa.

BtfMlr. o. taint. ...b. r. otrruBiE....OE0. J. rowlaxb.


Commission SlcrchantsABB


Foreign and Domestic Liquors,ABB AGENTS FOB THE .ALE OP

Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco,,a. So Main Street, between Second and Third,

)'l-l- y 1AMTIRT1LLR. ET.


iMaiu Street, Louisville, Ky.,MAXVFAOtTRIIR'S Aceau for Micblae Rep- -.

tjc Ma2?--ly

xi. AVEEILX,KotwardiK and Csmmhsiog

AGE.VT,(succEaaoK to t. iTctnorii A eo.,)


RBFXREb OSS John OaMweit, PreatoVet 3. C R. R.,t C ; Col. J. A. Wblteee, aad H. W.XaiMBCBIe. CaattiBenSi, Term ; Oer.fW. Jfttltieu AOe , Cbartoeton. S C; Caaa. X' Aaderua. tiI

Asrat, XwhTaa, 7bb.; Wm. Tajler fa Cnv, I.ntf.m- -ery, Aiaaaaai

Pamaalar ar-ett- rte to the SBTTLEMRXT etrHBrSHTS, aaa far tott in oaaaiad Geoaa. by Teaadj

Ptl dtp

C. P. M B9LAB.. ...A. I. HBET.



TO- -J Kboz Walker, MBea Owen aad CipLCbnrch. fearr.iT





ill Iain-Stre- ct, Tuouisville, Ry.'I'M eMIfttwlv

grii Q3ooi)3 Ijoiisrs.


Y GOODSAt Greatly Reduced Prices

FOR CASH!13,000 Worth

Still on Hand.


Ladies' "Wbito Goods,Slack and Fancy Silks.


Embroidered Sett, Binds, Collars, c.

Rid and Silk Gloves.

Men's and Youths'

Clotliing,BOOTS & SHOES,


Satinctts, Tweeds, and Jeans.

FINE CLOTHS,Doeskins and Cassimeres


ISHHITS & DRAWERS,Silk and Linen Cambric Uindkerchlcf s,







Saddles, Harness, Bags, Bridles, Whips,

Terms Cash, or City Acceptance,

J. L. TAYLOR,octs-da- Near tbe Worpham Wu

Schwoob's UcstaurantAXD

QCHWOOB'S Xew Oyster Saloon Adim'

new open f.r tbe s'lion. and our .rl di.. . (.nlikel with tba

best ietotoOiatersitab 'Ur.irjd InCTsyletbtlmay be de Ited W caalieaEe aaopetitHatty aad . yVe of cocking JOi. 8CHX00B k CO.

oe, 1 --Cum


MA1STJPACTOBY.form bis friends aadDKELLTwoaUrtspectfullrl maaafsetures dally

at bis stand, a are aat large asaorimeat ct erentblmla bia Hoe, which b wtB sen as low st tbey can bebootbtanywhere else, and warranted to lire xrneri: satltfae-Ho- n.

Glr htm a eaH, as pes can get them nod andrreahat D KELLY'S,

aeeS-I- rd Xe. R Heward'a Rew. Merarbla. Tea J1o Rent.

rtTORE HOCSB Xo. 375 Main street. To.O session Elrtn tie 1st dty of Jaaciry.

Apply tedecl--J B. GRAH AX.

Sfplar Dathcts'i'or Big Katchle River.

(Oa the art ilet ar the ne--r )JOAX OF XR7. Jjro. OEABima. Mafer.rpOtu neeceaaaer wUl aaate regaiar SaUa. tlp bwe n VenpM iad Beftrar, KeHXtOooiBieectr r n tfce, r.t a taae' ceebaala; taiabeat tb leuon. 's


REGULARIThiteaad Little Rci Rlrer Pack-- t.

RETURN. Eilet Joieb, Mr,wu w i - ew aear --. --SSBtorre. I,nl avepate p4al. ea eeerr ItATtTR. f ffTT .

AI. at e'eaock r at , en a'rtr lef t- -e

Xrmiita aM Ohaeees a R .11,- -. I ...For tretftt or fan a re, aapt--, Sn-- rf , te

w w. KAfXIE A CO .X ad Pawn Raw. ap atAtra. I

Pir'Vreiar aaWattaa alrea to any in toot. .aee-1- t'aat



TR'' aew, mattaaceat, fattmi w-- w hear. eeiVf rfc"fTKT BUS 'AT far lb. iter pert M PjrrSletrrnrdlat Uretoaa. atSa'ctoekr at.rT""'i' maFar' te luFare te Xw Ha4H aaaPare te Htcwal 271

FfelerMumbaf soaPare te 1 faPare to St. Lnal V"

F.r rrrttht or pittara irpr aBATIa. WH,?.UXS It Co .

Xe 3 Ho--a" Rew orLAVALLKTTE, SIIBUrr A Co .


MOSES McLELLAK.J. V. SMITH, il aatee . . ,- ....H,,eui.uiriTI ABepbTery .t1J efk v . w . . .

tratoa, tit ajilu at Calm lavttme to connect wtali traloe fertba XartbLearea C1I-- 0 fer TeMtaeato ererr Weaaa4ar-i LaoH Title rer -r--e, PrM'if"' Ollre for Memphto .mr 4Tbla beat Ten. m . the - . .

ct.ByaJaptMtofato trade, karrTMr ja f.rihe c n-e- ST--f?C:n.1? tot le,,,

1 i.btu is, 3TI1HLIT A r--Zm Areeta1S5T. IS3S.

SEASON ARRANGEMENT.Jlemphls Y.Otle.ins Rpgalar Packet

ECLIPSE.BBOa.DWE'.L, Sf aster J. portbr n..eTTTUr,....-- -,Ww. , - ".'' aiweeB

atcl X'W Orteaa. eera.meneine PATURDAT. Sti yeyeaiberal oentl n. tbreeaaeet Ib-- eiiM. 'Iw aay, i J ara xaapata. SaIUR&at. Deerteber C

" .

Jaaatry 2- IS- rFabmity 3

" nXtreh 11- tr

April tflt

Xae 8TVa tnarnlflaeat atean- -r Haa eett ea the w.aaaia

V4 W1 Rt Paetete. aad wtth I.1 ON'RVr - '""" -MeSit.Forfreixbt yeeeuaea appre-- a beard er to

-- TALLBTrB SHIRLBT At f(i . Areata.Fre---t Hew aad Ceart aireet.



No. 55 Front Rowortl-4- MRVPHIS. TRXX



Xe ST Fraat Rw,XEXPFin TENN KMEE.t3-- Ptr-Ka'- .If. lie, rH recetT -- c aad ralt rare e. aedean i ree tt. ) li-H- m


Rlrer Mail Packet Corniiany,


Xtt deer le W. B. Hi btaead A Co. 'a See.

jQrleans t5 Cairo

V. S. M A I L I.ISX, ua ''war Beer er la. . tare af tke XaB earente. Tj. Sa' evack r x. xarpi est Saadeyswaea ibe MeasseraT. C TWrcMIELL H. W. Smith. Mtr,VIRGINIA C. F. RETiTOLSM.Wi vee euher r--rt Xew Orl aa aad Cairo, p. aet ear-ly -- t Id aJ ck a x

Fram Oalre to X-- w Ortaaaa. th"y wtH arrtw at Mw-pb- j-en Mea'ay and tear, tor V w Orhn- - iaaafdsato-l- y" tb arrtr.1 ef ah-- ran at S ed k p. xRaraiec frtm Xew Of-.- . wT a rrtre at XeeaaUea Wada aday. aad pr ce--d to Oalr

L P. Htrj. . baT. Preetb-Bt- .N-- w Oea-.- . ivl n, ri Mali Oeapaey

Per rrriiht r piaasse aep y .r taR. T RBBXtX Araet.

New Orleiaa iad C tra w.,i Uae.. ,alM " X SI i Fraat Rew.

artosavxlnT" Vr7 ooXkJ1 VWhile and Little Red River Packet,


reEbeea 'hnreaib'y rerial'- -t dal.bed with n the ut few wev.. n.vBSiCBtgHpre-a- ty ter tbe abere trada haa aew entoed a r aaa-at- -lr

Sot the oaon. ae--t wll' : t. aVaee n- - Aerd"aCtarral a Pi Arc Hot h er T tn vd 'leer Weesaad Searer, WBDX8SDAT. at 8 p. .. eatb' arrlTil ef ta. ear.

Fee frettbt or rt'-ar- a apo- l- en b .ard taDAVtS, WILLIAMS t"0 . t',

llll a Xa 3 Hewar 's Rew.

Memphis, White Rlrer and ffapeieonTS. S. MAU. PACKKT,

Helena. Friars Point, Lacoaia & ConcordiaSTEAMER RATE'FRISnES,

JOnX T. SHIRLEY, Matter.. ..WX. T. WOOD, CWr.THIS aew, apt adtdaRd fa.t cr, e2PwtbiTtat bea earcaaerd for ib Prt.t f "iLIlJ

Trade la plaoref the Jaa-- a I aaa,ta, IB 5fisienatlna regularly in ts. trade. --alec'.' iTKiXestpbl erery MOXDAT aad PBIDAT a lad ck r.M-- , paactuilly. eeaaectlaz at XaacK oa wl'b Wkle aedArkintis rlrer butt aMas; fn Hrht and roWhHe rlTtr at rate . tkit'O Bi, leaee Xp-- Hn

erery TTJBSD AT aad StTVRDAT.arnTlae atXtm-th- rs

Sunday and Wedaesday n i areTbiaxp.' far firmer pstraaare, the ewB-- rs bepeto

nertt a et the aase te taetr xw beat, iat

sttlct alt-ntl- oka leeeLAVAI LETTS, StHRLSTfc CO.. Akrets.

Notice to Smri-ra-t Ta Frleb wtl receiveuntil on eeteck oa Xeaday. ad dariaf ihe

entire day Th .rsdsya, until aa a'stock

I.S57. IS5S.Xew Orleans nnd Memphis

PACKET LINE.TtAXEFtTL fjr tbe liberal support extended te taam


Hare new tbe pi-ar- e et laeouacttn to ia--1r frles.Uand tbe public leaerally, that totr arriaiuiiBta fer taeaporvaehwc eawa are perfected, aad she! teste aad af-ter tb tat uctober, tbetr boai wBl eetaspttocly in tartrade, and win leare pe i trrtr aul a Bella. I o. tbeday. l aiTtlaed XOKDATS, WXtrSBSBATS autFillDATS. at P Mt boat are all f tb Brt etas aad ate arrsaxrd tIf are as felltws :


OX WKDXBSDA1S:JORX SIVOXDd f! B Chbbcr, XaatorIG0XAR J wr. Gbslee, -


Tba Coapaay bare in aAdtttoi. arraoj-- d with theowoera of etber beat if larce ripulty toraaleteetrad in cennecllen witb them, as tb aaae'r of cottonand other freixbl may reentre; laHrebtott kesat la ip-pi- y

toants aafSotVn. ti tbeeaats f be use.Oar Way aad PUalattua frvad re aared tkit w.

wan pay pirttcalar iitratton te aocoBHteette isna la tbeFrtht ead P.seeerrrwar

eiarbaa' hay been teoruta ererbatod and icfl'-t- ol

andarelncaarcef aw t .xp-rf- ae d, pnarat andstto ceasmsndTf, aad eapectal rnl w.ll pr pe!d latheeeflre manaseoeut. toererr reaat-i- f tb.t w ii e tweote lb com 'art itfrly ai pwieorecf to thecirefal tran.poruU m ef .; and to tb aceeaae-da'p- .a

xen-ra- ef eor pairea.Th-a- e packets eoaaeet at wtlb eteata packtt

foe Cairo, St. Ll. Lul rtile, aetmatt aad Na.a-rtn- -i

and Hb tba X'kH d Cbir'esien the X mEblsiBdObjo. iad tbeXsmphu iad Geee Rotlroada.

J W SOSt.EK. Protect.7r all buala'a reaaectel with toe I ae, apply at tbe

eOcea of tse 0mane toJ. J BAWLINGS. Seey aad Treaaarer, .

St XjiSj x II mi't Bamtar, Xempkls,and J. H. FRELBMR General Aoet.

aS dswla UndrSt Oa H- - te'. X. Qaas.

AGENCY.PLANTERS. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST.wtB sen Xe. I Eanawha Salt, at 1Wat per battel, sad te barrel at peel or-

der I Tbe Kanawha 5.1 bis brsa Ikereezhit tasted tathe last few jeira. asd bat pr red to be tb but tilt fercurias meit, auf: eiattr biadltil aad lex liable to wattetbaa sack silt. Apply te


Rare Opening.suDtcnn-r- s carr mr eaie ineirThis on Orertea street, rear tbe Xetepels

ard UbkiDrpx corsll'lniof a Kram.Bn Mr.Mbr 111 fee. A An. V rt.ral Eaclaeef tklrtrbore pawr, wua hi tae cu,Binery for ariytsen theBaslLind Deor muinfactery ; together wl h n npOghtSaw'lar witb trelraee or tht best lot laXcut'hi fer miBBtactartne, lyttg en tke Bayee,ladcoataiaiegeneanr tbretiusrrers acre It wttt

low sad en loot time Ai o 700 ROD feet of rrasoaedwhite p ae Also a lot with a See B'l--k DwrfHi jr. enXarkrt street near F. Tit. A Lot f IT feet front nSccnad atreet Dortb of Jack on aad on of la feet fr--at

oa Lirvten atreet, nrar to J. J Bawling, all oa len(iiaeBotTS l WEt I.BR EBWIX.

J.O.GfiiFi'llG&BRO.,Cornmission Merchants,

MEMPHIS, TE3CT.ep30-l- y

asportationsftlissljisi&pi Central

RAILROAD.aatil.ieu..JJT" tb.XerUM,rt- -

MiBtoaia tear, at S 01. a M B--,er

. JUL?' mi. taTjueVatoux . a tor ihe rrt.u.f abe auiT,ato .a ae Xaeapei. aal JaR.toi RealraadTLd I?

riT a at Jacfca at It; i , KXw raats "aea'ct wiu Staaa A C 'a reareat JeketMteatltt a M . tVr!

VaaVe. raaA Ouretaee I'M a d atwKh H aate JiBMeeja A Co 'a tea .h. n 1.1' aeh't far Puato oc ABerde-- n aad Udaaabee, ti,.,'""TNI e a be peaeared free. Patter m A Br , Caaa-rae--ar

Kotet. and tht ticket actat of tjMttr.toa &MMraa4, at Xempbto

--el M G. WALL, Sapetlat'Baeat.



FROw aad after TRIPir, Xereataer TT, SST, theoa tM read will rua feitoTa :

Ta aad Paaeter TahM -t Xeraaeia darrtlto r x.. aad arrtr at Pemta p it... .' wa ware PaBaaa at UO a. Ja.. aad arrfre

ef wTWri A. at.The Traaa artai leer Veapblt dally it SJ aMaerrfeatPaaeaaatreMA 5).RefuM. paaeta it ll:a a k. aad arrlTeat

"J-itkJB- p. x. jf w. XSWBLL.General SeYruiadent.

Jfletnphis andTouio


CotoioetKlos FRIDAY, NoTetaber 11, 1857.

Two Daily Trains Each Way.OX aad after FRIDAY, Xmmbrr 1. Tralaa wR rua

Ust iws:Xatl PasaeacerTraia wtB leare BrewaTBtodafaaa.y aete4t at Se"eloci a. M., iad arrtre at Xemsba.t II A at.

eatsMa Leasee Hempats at S .'stock p. x., aadarnree at crewaarsae at :uo p. ar.Tae Preaaat .asi Aeaeaaastdattoa Trla teaTta Xeaspai

dtBa Sae4ar eieeeAert,) at 7:15 extort a. st , aad a I ranat BsawsMTsReat plsMp at . coDneatint iIxihb'i watt

Itoe af laak tor eeetastoa.Retaralaw Leare BrewasTffle at 1:15 p. a., aad

at XaaapMs at :rft r. K.CY Taraia Tirteu fw tae rettowVir place eaateee-tot- al

air K. Fattenon a. Br... Cnmmsretol Batei,Tlx:





BTlI-t- f StweriaieneVntIS3T- -' SOTJTHEELN 1S3T.





New Terk and PfeUaphia Steamship Libm,TIA

CHARLESTON' ASD SAVAXSAII.FIRST CLASS. Ptaao Pert, ts tsBoeba, Stattoaii, Bee. Saxes, TCBaa4ta. ifcTp,ia.

Leaner. Oil Ac, ha bestteaiCaaiphla aad SpsrrTBrpeaelaeia serrete; Crpettojl. OMaa,tslaaa and OUseware. Cafars, Bt

; Ctsek-- , Ossttrenleaeries,Oettea Care. Pry ttoea) to bea- -

tad baisHt Bew. Praat FruitT as4Srsty, Fats. Series aeeat. uanaf eteaaea. aadlaablaerilats Ptate-i- . (at ewaerrtak ) Opatan B aaa aad iars,--atafcrj. Taa aad Wrrltaato Ware,Tea aad Space, par tee Ike 13 11 12 U

SROOXD CLAS4 Hardware.except --art a iLiasiid as Tatrdfell Cee-V- MaPa, XiabaBMj.

want Uaaon ta barrel aadptpae. IbkMce la beatea. Leatherta roll aad km' Oat ta barret taad ta(. Creek' r, aad Qayeaaware la erase aad eark. Rtre,Whtttoc Ptar.aaetBaeaaad

Mb l 84 I MTHIRD CLASH tie. Saer- -

et Seaae. ae lean. Mae sadAatefss.

Tpea. cask ef tBlitol aad He,VaaiO aaal Oattea Oseaaaa. Oef--ae,

Caatoaa arto- - aad tarts. ResV

ahae. acd Raiaa aa karreia. perisoo. ...... .......... ......... l a 1 Ta CIAL SATIS Baxes... S a t isForatrare aati Cewrtotea besed.

das. CaitMi ef Ae--ta er ether tesBkatt, w.rjbeekareAetaet .i kkt. hast atdeubte PUt Cbsaarale, per KMja........................... 'x 2s ,Tke ahaee rate, eeeer an expae teaat Xew Task aadraatohi ta XtasiaaU aad Taeeaaihaa. Xe -

BT1yf Waarfaee eaatpM at eltker Cbarleawa

S3 Send to all Hattoa ea the XEVPHaft A SBCbTARLBSTOX RdtAB are eatttstd to tliroash ratoa; alleri to Baal . f TeaiBaihta wtll be cbarsed PSMcaawia

ratoa, aaal afl Wees ef Ta. emit kla rate.UIREOTIOSS FOR MIIPPIXO.

B'f'lt br Saraeaab --oM be tee-t-e Aeeat flea.tret Retires, aad Paeknse marked " Care Aaeat C R.R . STaath. taa."8e ky CaarleeteB abeaat b-- eeastcvd to AaeetcSeath a Retrre-el- . aad rsekase starked OireAee-- a s C R .R., Cbirleetoa. S. C."

J3-H- are erery P.ttige pulaty niaiW. with aasaeof onanataa- - dratiaatloa. aad depot ef daiieesy. At- -teatlea to tbla taatleT.Btarr a epedy dettresr ky pre- -

i'Heqmtipi ujijLuu.asuiuiijis.TIIKOKSII RATKS FROII CHARLESTUX

AXD S.lYA.VtAII.'aaa Ship law .y Sell Ycmm er Preaetor Inm

aal'laaere Xew York, BeaUa aad Pa ladalpala 'til re-c-

br rati twaeal ef coal rart aside with eMkrewl',sad hp auailratex tket. se4 ' the aerwts ef the Shiarttaa Kattrea at Ohaat ttoaer Cratrel Raaeaad itSaraoaaa they wB ta torwsraed Jrtt of CPnealsetenat the fuO.'Wlac rates:

To TiueumKa. Ta UmApix.Pirat Claet Per ISO Ik, , toctadtac

Hate 11 IS g HSecMtd CIua Per MS uaa In...... 1 aa lTbirdCi" rr Veo psaad. ...... 87 1 00ilaiatot Bate FerUaat ned per

a batfrred peaaat. 3 TS 3 Mstoars are iraerally bat eaeeay r wkertaaa Prpetlet, aad rraat two to 'aree dart oetcker taa SeitaasTbeeata Mwaa Xew Trk sad nr aaslphl i aadBeearra pert to Oaartettoa sat Saeaaaab. Aad wherea lew tsara ttear V aeta aatosf, frees Iweatyte fortyneat ter baadri I pnaad can be tared bj aTiltijalii. intbe latter daH at True

CHARLES W. AXDRRSOX.Iaa-- T geaeral Aeeat fe- - tbe Soathweat.

For Daltimore, VTatliinctou, SewYork, Philadelphia, &cDirect Through Line for the East!

Baltimore and OJiio

RAIL ROOTTHIS Ba4 raaa from Wbeetius; to ButtBiere firaad to Wubtastoa. (tea mitei,) aad pmeetatbe ranest adrasrasea both a a aad pasaeacetUae. It raaa throaitb wild aad remaatic reztoaa of ts.AJIeeAenies; aad beiai aelklly oeoatracted. oompletoliequipped aad eirrraBy BMaaged, u aaeef the awet

aad safest Raitread tu the rurtt State tvCentral Oato RaBroad, na Ooraatba, and SsaesriiietiWbeettof, nuttes tblt read with an pertieas ef see Wearnd Seathveet.The ohlt Thbocbh Tickets rsoei XcarniaLfluisriLLE aad St. Lorn to tae Xatio.tal

are setd by this reej. wtiteb reoa 41r-- ct tWaabiastoa. witheat th delay et pesetas: tare oak. SaMi.Bture. It la abas tbe eely Ua by whleat baesAse on becbecbed to Waaasaxtea from the Ohls rteer.

wJ-- By tbe KAIL ROUTE frees Xesaptos, take tbe mapsteamers, raaaiBC daily fer LoaJiritto. oaaaertlag therewtth atail steamers er JenkrsoatilM Sab read fer Gtncavnati, where they arrtre so a to connect with the ears ofLittle Mfctasl Railroad for Col era bua. cobbkIwe tswith Orntni OhtoRaVroad, threash Newark aad Zabt.rwle. to WbeelutE. By the express trala m! tats rsatotba Uaae tsetB Ctactaaatl to Btltimere sad to WaebsBstoobj W zhw 37 bear.

53--e aare to ask fer tkkeU by tbeBaHtaere SBdObhtRaitread Real.rlrrati'es frets Xmapbls eebur Rant tannib St

Leal, taa bay T reath Tsckets by ta RaltiaMre sat 01. toRayroad. Tbla rente lay thronf h YiBceaaet, Trm Haute,IneSaaapeils, etc., to Wheel to, orer tbe aew Obsa aadMiMdteappt and ronnneettaa; Reads. These coaaiclleatare aU tareet, aad tbe time treat St. Loom to BaltiBtattorWaaaiawtoalsbatabeat el boars. Throats. Ticketby this route may be had of the Ajent, ajeirr Ibe

it tbe featowtoE rites: FramSt. Lsato toPjltoBwr tH to Waihtettea $3t.

At Wheelms th paMaster takra the anperlcr cars ofthe BaUotMre tad Onto RiUreaJ, winch leare tiree timesJaBy fer Batttmere, Wasatsctoa, Fbiladebphis and XewTask. Tbreaxh ia It er 17 bears, lecraamu atoppatesFerufety, speed, rexalartty. beaaty ef the eeaatry. andItneral osafert, tbla read is srcead to Bene ts tbe tTaiea

FREIGHTS. Tbt essapaay pofwe. the lirsrctnialpaeat ef any RaSnid la tbe Catted states, aad Iprepared to do aa tssease baaaaess In trasepsrUtsse.The road makes tmatediato cormeetton at tbe wham aadas the atnett of Baltimore wtth the Railroad to PaUadal.pMa sad Xew Tort, ateaaen r Briessea aad Balti-mor- e

Steamship Lie, by Saaal aad Sea to X wTerk. asd by aw Urrebaat' aad Xteers Uae to Boatoe,

c to Kerfei-k- , CbarleateB. SaraaaAb, Ac. pa,particular, aee fretsat tana", copses ef watch Buy be hadit the faawjidlBs Beatee ta tbe West, erer J. B. FORD,ReceiTtat aad FerwanRaz Aeat at WheeHez.

WX. 8. WOODSrlVZ,Xarterof TraBeportattoa. BlMtBMre.

THRtJR THXETS, alewtac ib heaters te stop atay peswt, ad iceaaae their ei at pleasare, saey b.

preh.J at tbe Oaaapaay's OtBce, Xe. M, JeBbma et,trret 3 doors Kast of the Ceata-Tet- ii Hetei, Xtraphas o

jsatat-l-r WX. XOBIX. Aevat.

Encourage Home Iaduatry.CX3ERliiXBO d reaenUelly saaeaiiee toTHB ef Muniekl. ard sBrnnntsg ceantry.

teal he b new ea kaM aad cwllaaaSy msaafaetBuB.Truakesad Va'wea ef erery grade, setor, style a d qaa-p-

wMeb be t xreparad t sell towrrtb Btaeyeaabta say i art ef the Takm. frdeet prose'y

stxadedto wbveaale or retail Tracks ravteteerderwith aeataet sad 'erp.tck. X. GENSBCRSER,

OcS-t- T Tru k Meeafseterer. tS Prent Raw


IX eenarrce . the -IliiSaL PKESS1XO DEM AND F"FO XOXET. w,

tjMij ij oa--, rtax onr a'o kef

Piauos, MelodeoDs,FURlVITOKE,


At price- - tt win pir pnrcuer to czurlM jltk! itxidalorueoLMiTef, a.

CEO. FLAHERTY Sl BRO.'S,noral-x- w Corner ef Xala aad Ucica streets,

FIXE TE AS !A LABOH asMrtmcat, parchsaea before 'be lata rtea

Xi. ItTess, for sals eery low, at wholesale or retm. ByH. J. FARX8W0RTH A. 00 .it Xo.TxTorttBow.

Sransferkfnm811orient Mmite


Memphis to Atlantic fitieg.

IJV IJAII.nain .we.

rLH??L!i ' u A w xow piXisfid.. "e toaiiaae, hoar, to Chloaaj

aeebeetor. NTyT JSS, ''uttoattc Cltie Oa rtlaiS.1 -

Obto. to BV.9 radUn. j

TitoelerrjiL,taal.jarjal the Re,aV KaVtffftietf llj

-- eTTJR ILe . ae . 22T!LI. "wwiukeraiawra er Start Baa

-- --- i" uaa 9 '' na

wee. Twreatr, ht., AAvke aaap CoIUac

v.---, a"T Merato, aV siea;aafel- -(ASA. II., tMeaaa aaa! BaaaXthestoplid. xprwa, SandiytTht Trata mx re... -

llllia aeer Wleaneu, T. "'M'ri Llfbt- -Stow Terk Ceatoai perreeV tbiwawa'aTtll. T1 "

TM Traaa Ma. m xTZxiIZwMatMtoalRahVeaad Me St lZrZL SZjl 'Zrun. wtx. Traaa rf the 1ar7n.e. I.TP '

yaj.a.SVa.ttor. wtoh WSr aZ7PaMiaab; the Let- t- ---. . Z

Caasaaaas. e--d. te .'ZTVJTJj" PrtrerJaaeen Oe aa. oiaZSatdIU.LTI

roestaeaaad IBtortRente tecbe See, rew UeutXU""on'. Sfepef the rnltee HUtea, ST, Wasaacript



TieamiiBawas Ie1irTpf mmUW Cairn tnao. aoe tba rorasrrw . neaad ti, ., - .il'bewlfkek.M T' 1w pwaeara. wet? a

ay Mker te taa!kr the Ca,k3LJ t'T "

ZStlZZLL 1. - ,n

Xe. M JeSersea Htrr "rari-l- y


Northern Texas.T.W. t

JMyof Oaavaea to irataae. Ha" r .BttLMKA A avoaya. Aa-n-ta,

I..--- .' i Pr

gtvit Cms uijutijeChoice Fruits of AU Kinds.HUE aalaaittot ae, Met ta. . t .

--L to f MtSlf.V-HOtj- ptAs-y- om . i3BWL SBRirtaj m, aTOMRKBaT. .escrtttteaa, taatniT wtra ra. aa-- ,i...aattvetka pwnrpa 1 ait -- r. .

ReOTS. FtOW'RSEWBJSaW aP wmZi-- t u,t,xXwraer. tot--,. Art order aeMn i be ac! t--atoaeat. Bex tu. w i reeet. smasp illiasiNam a Hera Lake Read pert baa seat) IXmrrsS. WWHHAT,,

JOSEPH ETCHAVANE,Horn Lake Road.c t-- FICERT? ttst -

THIrteMiertrxesvtTe H t M u, aet S.r-- KTfthe Unj reiew t W- URBBW-- B C.--E PL Jfrs.

SSRHSe Ml SVBKARBBXS, tosr larr wUbtVaaetlest.,,t cl.o. of PttriT TB.KS of aiaef BffLelewt HawPrs PLOWBRMBO Ac aadar. aew a nrea t all at. eraWa. Al. wtji att ad to1SJ? rn.'" a la f.wa orHaertkOa wi reeaere preey atteeat .

BT ktH Biposr Ta XR


A a Xa atarea. .wnuateasjaaK. ke. rer ie . . w

riitssa roeaus, at a its uaa etriBBtartdtrl,




3- Arioc worna elAdUnc

r .

Hilbitt SlattriaiSeB MOOMB. .J HALSTBAO.

STAR PLANING MILL,Ubsx; Stub xai Biinrj MitM&etorr,




.W'eataerbaarda. Doer, Seah, Bltadt, Door

i mrina taataca, waotx, xass. ce Othas. L t Week, Bsiabsiess,Work. Sbxtrtaa. Roaea, , aad erery

cf Suiidtna-- Xatortal dreawsd aad aadrraeed.aleays oa head and made t orderXOORB, HALHTK AD A CO.X X. The asaat saah prtoe past far aM kind, ofL"CT Btyt ly

I h seaalassttyeahaad a asaem Mrtraeet ofBUILDING LUMBER, SILLS. JOICE,


D?,Pe52..8er'" 'H'I. I . 14 B. . aaaf a.Teatow 'tae, Papiaread G natet rettta . ALt . ler i,t VstIi- - 1x- -

sawed sad beweO, isAtatoaaMBtS isresMB. fwpnWRAX

oa-'- y P alia taej.lee .n- - t..........j. s. ERwnr.

tftlenipMss FactoryAMD LTJXBBH YAHD,

OrerSen aaYeef. aveer (Ar Jfreajtitis sW Otto Dtfot,KBRT for sale sad iak to order Been. Btirxia Oijv

Praaw. Xesxtass aaa eremhiag n attiae, e .by be- -t aatervls sod woreauaah.p Tbra-- aalao prepare-- l to do ail nvt of Sawing aad Fan ;rTtbe traee. aaal toereet bai.dtna af erery daseriptwc teheir, and St up toae. aad other joabiss-Harta-

preeaeed sejitaale macbtorry they will sooa baenabled to maaafaetare FACEIXO BOXES at all k "'j,Reaper and better taaa erer fer mad tn l - rSbeaeiee White Plae aad t ter l.nmbar ret me, attxvAsad U"dreeeM.

S3-- Oners frem the asaaliy priwatly attended t.apta tatelT e.

J. H. MULFORD.Sash, IDoor and Blind

IXn.Xi'LZlVt.Ct'LXX-027- .

SASH. Beers. BttnesAsm,

aad Knaldbig kept oa ssd 13d

DOORS AXD. WINDOW TRAM 13,Worked Floorings, Ceilings,

Aad all ether atacatae work ba his Uae was be tarniabodto Sal Mi.' a ea abort settee.

CONTRACTU UK BOlLB-lje- MKBX.Oeace aad Xaaadarteer ea teaau s'reet. aearXempnls

tad OB art. t ton RaBread Baps. Messashs. Tees.toll-l- y

(Carriage lf0sitorus

i'airriasre Factory.THB eadersiaaed bare sptaid a Carriage Factory cn

atreet, brtweea WteataatoB aad Adimaatreet, wtrere tbey are prepared to XaaaraetBre and Repair Oarriages at the abertesi aettea. All work done bythem will be gaaraatteii, aaa a ahare et paatsc patrons Isdlclsrd.

JaaS-l- T L S. BfTRR A CO


i. M. WISWELL k rn9 THIS x teaatre at aatu tmten t contlaaea

at tae oat asaea oa uasaa eee, pet aM are aad See ad. where ssarb. found avery See artatat of Oarrtoxe.. B jr

rlea Roefcawaya. Ac . of tbetr owa iwaaalaatiui Tb ytake tbl aetbed ef retarataa; thaaaa tor past tsTors.aad tartte these w .shta M bar to aaastfie their tockbefere prehasaag eta e tat at api7 ly

$100 Seward.TWII rtre the ab r rewerd Par tae aperrbentlon

aw aa t e ease, least., et BSN7A--Xlt CONXRR, wbi w. evasR-- d ta 111 hi said iwa.aa two tsellctaieete for Herder, s.d srbe brake saia illm the ntaht-- ef the irth at.Silt Casr a ahoa thirty or Bsr,T-gT- e years o'd .

wri-k- a aaoet IPS or lat soaed ; has kraek heir, a carwhlah aaaa oeer hie rtoht p ; i ah at are eel sit'toto leeket btab ; torateat ta hH ippiaraace aa'

abmiag ta hia sder t a a Dig is i aaa Arttet a V a--trnxsnas. a; a traTkt of haacl Ha Lo --

biae iilasiuer :th nejeta. a dark ktoe- - e start Jr sioeet, a Mask attk bl. a graraaa.antl aad a parr at bocu,aa a ea oeariy repuswiea ttoksBif taetewt.

M. J X S.LXT.wkeewr r Plaaaaevicn''



MANUFACTORY,231 MAIN-ST- ., OPP. COURT SQUARE.TTTE are sow BtaBalrtartBe;VV iad keep entsetaatr oa

baad the large ' aad be asorted oek et all snod to oarbaeererofer la

Alr, GIX BAX"S ef ee--rr

deacrtpttaas, to e et wfetcb wetartte the stteattoa ef parcaa-se- rs

aa we eaa aad wta sell Parab or rrempt Bay a c ep as

the cheapest, ani gaareatee ea-- 'ttre altafaettoii. totete, GrtOw'JrVw- -'

prrmp'lr aueaded to aad week awle to ordernerS-da- PQRP, BBBS'B ACf.


XVCoxxtTolaJLis, Tern..DKAuKR in Ale, Farter. Older sad wtaa ef tU ktadg,

d ky tbe mux- - reted estwish"rsfa the Daitrd SUtes For ale, W.ria; cr KeltS.Frorama lot? experience ia 'be (twrtreyeatt cfwhich babe-- a la tbe city Xarba) I niter aryserxwith tbe gusranry I bare tud Toa rer ct cuatcorrstUst m czertioBS bSTaeeea sppssctsrM br them.