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The McKinney Legacy Generation One

The McKinney Legacy Chapter 1

Jan 14, 2017


Kaitlin Byrnes
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: The McKinney Legacy Chapter 1

The McKinney Legacy Generation One

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The house was small but it would do for his purposes. Plus it wasn’t like he was going to be staying for very long. He just wanted to make a quick buck and move onto the next town.

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He wasn’t one for staying in one place for very long. He didn’t like the feeling of being tied down. Hell even his family didn’t know where he was or how to contact him he mused as he lay on the grass staring up at the sky.It was so quiet out here in Poppy Pointe. Not a lot of foot traffic and that worried him a little how would he be able to make his money and move on?

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Then he noticed the newspaper outside the front door to the house and he picked it up scanning through it quickly. That’s when he saw it, the ad in the classifieds.Can you lie straight through your teeth to you mother? Are you good at fabricating elaborate stories and can keep them straight? Well we’re looking for you! Come hone your skills with the best of the best. Call 516-342-5800.

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Iain smiled as he finished reading the ad, it sounded just like what he needed to make a quick buck. Plus it didn’t seem like he’d need a lot of skill for the job. He walked into the house and picked the phone up and dialed the number on the ad. ‘Criminals Inc-I mean Corporations Review Internal Mediation Enterprises how may I assist you?’ said a gruff voice on the other side of the phone.‘Yes I am interested in your ad in the newspaper.’ Iain replied.

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‘Do you have any experience in law enforcement?’ came the quick question.‘Only on the opposite side of the bars.’ Iain quipped grinning easily. There was a long pause on the phone and Iain wondered if he had gotten the ad wrong and then they had hung up on him.‘Hah, smart ass.’ The sim said on the other side of the line. ‘Be ready at 8am tomorrow we’ll send a car around to your address to pick you up.’‘Don’t you need my address to be able to do that?’ Iain asked curiously.‘We already got it smart ass.’ Said the voice and then a loud click sounded in his ear and line went dead. Iain shook his head smiling as he hung up his phone.

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Just then there was a knock on his door and he opened it to see an elderly sim and a young blond haired sim standing outside.‘Hi we’re the welcome committee!’ said the elderly sim. ‘My name is Tiffany Zarubin and this is Benny Blake we’re here to welcome to Poppy Pointe.’ ‘Hi my name is Iain McKinney. Thanks for stopping by I was starting to wonder if anyone else lived here.’

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‘Oh yeah there are others who live in the town but not many a lot of sims live in Downtown where there are a lot more shops and businesses.’ Said Tiffany warmly. ‘Usually the ones who live in Downtown call new residents later in the day and invite them on an outing.’‘Oh ok that’s pretty cool.’ ‘Yeah we try to create a sense of community with new residents to try to get them to stay in the town and build legacies.’ Tiffany explained.‘What are these legacies?’ Iain asked interested.

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‘Well usually it starts with one founder and he builds a legacy and earns a lot of money and is able to spend it however he sees fit and starts a family.’ She said.‘Oh a family?’ Iain asked, it all sounded great except for the family bit. It sounded like he’d be settling in the town.‘Well yeah once the wife of the founder pops out the second generation heir then the founder has it easy. He can do whatever he wants after that as long as the heir lives to adulthood then the founder can do whatever he wants.’ Tiffany said.

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Iain thought about this as he made sandwiches for Benny and Tiffany and invited them into his house. He was still a little cautious about staying in one place but the idea of earning a lot of money and doing whatever he wanted with it sounded a lot like what he wanted in his life. Also the whole part about raising his heir didn’t really appeal to him. He was more into making money and having best friends or connections.

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Later on that night when he got the phone call from Vera to go Downtown Tiffany came back over to him before she left with Benny.‘Think about it Iain. You seem like a nice enough sim and you’re interested in making best friends, plus most all legacy founders are well off even before their first heir is born. So I’d think about it. It sounds like a good match for you and the lifestyle you want.’ She said as she put her jacket back on getting ready to leave. ‘C’mon Benny Pleasant Life is almost on I wanna get home so I can watch it. We’ll see you later Iain if you need anything just call us.’

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Later that night Iain went down to Lucky Card Shack with a large group of sims from the welcome committee. Vera was the leader of the group and she seemed pretty laid back as a sim and Iain was instantly attracted to her. He spent most of the night sidling up to her getting to know her better.

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He had a good night singing karaoke with Vera and meeting some sim celebrities like Goopy GilsCarbo and Melissa Bendett. But his favorite past time was playing card games at the poker tables. It was there where he finished his night.

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‘So what do you guys know about legacy sims?’ Iain asked as he looked at his hand.‘Oh they’re like royalty around here.’ Joe Carr said huffing softly. Iain knew he had a bad hand the way his shoulders slumped a little after he looked at his cards.‘Yeah the SimQueen looks out for them and makes sure that they get everything they want.’ Said Martin Brown. Iain couldn’t read him yet but it was getting a little easier as the night went on. ‘The SimQueen wants the legacy to go to generation 10 and will do anything to get it there. So she does whatever she can to make sure that the legacy is safe and taken care of.’

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‘Why Iain are you thinking about becoming a legacy sim?’ Vera asked as she lightly dragged her finger over her bottom lip and Martin and Joe rolled their eyes. Iain focused on her lips and grinned easily she was so transparent.‘I’m still thinking about it.’ He said honestly. ‘It has it’s perks but I don’t know if I can be tied down and stay in one place for a whole generation.’

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‘Well fellas it’s been nice but I’m going to call it a night I have to get up for work tomorrow morning.’ He said as he got up from the table.‘Well it sounds like just the right sim will make you become the legacy sim and stay in Poppy Pointe.’ She said huskily slowly smiling at him. Joe and Martin groaned and Vera frowned at them. Iain laughed easily and they all showed their cards and pulled the simoleons over to his side of the table.‘Yeah I guess you’re right Vera. The right sim will have to come around and keep me in Poppy Pointe.’ He said easily.

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The next morning Iain was up early and waiting for the carpool to come and pick him for his job. When it did show up it was beat up old hatchback a young sim who played his music way too loud to be inconspicuous. But he was happy for the work, it was a grueling 8 hours and he was working as a pickpocket in Downtown. Since he had met some of the sims in Downtown he had to wear a disguise so they wouldn’t recognize him and he saw Vera that first day in Downtown. She was in the culinary career and a high end celebrity chef so he didn’t feel too guilty picking her pocket and taking some of her cash. At the end of the 8 hours Iain had to split his findings with the Boss and felt a little bitter about that but he understood it. Plus if he really thought about it he could become the Boss later on in life if he decided to become a legacy sim. He was promoted after that first day because the Boss liked that he brought in the most profit out of all of the pickpockets. So he was quickly promoted to Bagman and he would be going to at 11pm the next day.

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With the little bit of time off the next day Iain was able to pay his bills and check his mail. Vera had sent him a perfumed letter to obviously entice him to go out with her again. But there was something about Vera that Iain didn’t like; she was too needy and transparent. She wanted to become a celebrity sim by becoming a spouse of a legacy sim and he didn’t particularly like that about her.

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So life quickly began picking up for Iain, he quickly moved up the rank of crime and went from Bookie to Con Artist then to Getaway Driver. He even had an appointment with the Boss next week and he heard through the ranks that it usually meant the Boss liked what he was doing and would want to make him a partner. He was eager and excited about that because it would mean more money. He was even able to make it to the small business around town that were popping up in town and enjoy himself. He was even meeting more sims to become best friends with. He just had to continue to keep his work life and his personal life separate for the time being until he could get in good with the Boss.

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But his life quickly came to a halt one night when there was knock on the door. Iain was still up working on his body skill so he could impress the Boss when he heard the knock on the door. He stopped his workout and got off the exercise bike moving to the door. When he opened it he felt his stomach drop.

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‘Allie’ he gasped. The brunette who stood before was wearing a brown ugly dress that almost blended with her gorgeous tanned skin, almost as if she were incognito and wanted to remain invisible.

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‘Hello Iain.’ She said softly. ‘Aren’t you going to invite me in?’ she asked smirking at him. Iain was instantly brought back to his past and how this beauty used to have him wrapped around her tiny finger. He moved back and allowed her to come into his house knowing that it was messy and dirty. Nothing like how he’d want her to see it.

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‘What are you doing here Allie?’ he asked once he managed to get his thoughts together. She turned to him and laid her lips on his in a soft romantic gesture and his breath was stolen from him. The gesture was soft, sweet and gentle much like how she always was with him.

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‘We’re going to get married Iain and you’re going to become a legacy sim.’ She said firmly as she pulled back from him. He stared at her shocked as she moved back farther from him. ‘I’ll be back in two days once I get everything together and have it all moved here.’ She whispered before kissing him softly again and then walked out the front door.