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The Malone Legacy Chapter Three: Is This Love? Written by: HippieLayla86

The Malone Legacy, Chapter Three: Is This Love?

Jan 29, 2016




Delia Malone returns in my sims 4 legacy story. Tank had something he wanted to tell her... let's see what that could be!
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Page 1: The Malone Legacy, Chapter Three: Is This Love?

The Malone Legacy

Chapter Three: Is This Love?Written by: HippieLayla86

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Hello everyone and welcome back to the Malone Legacy! It has been a bit of a lengthy start to a legacy, Delia hasn't been the most decisive of

founders, especially when it comes to love. Normally in a legacy, she would have already had 3 babies by now, but she had other plans.

It might also, possibly, maybe be because I'm enjoying trying out Sims 4 and her aspiration is a bit of a bear. I had hoped to be further with it

by now. So, I don't particularly recommend the Green Thumb aspiration this early on in a legacy.

But that's another story.

When I left you last time, Tank and Delia were talking entirely too much about work, and Tank was thinking he may have something

better in mind to speak to Delia about.

This legacy is narrated by Delia, if I have anything to add, I will do so in italics.

Thanks for coming back to read! I hope you enjoy Chapter Three: Is This Love?

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“Well, I can probably think of something better... Delia, come here, I have something I want to tell you. I'm a man of few words, so I think this could really be said better with

actions than words.”“Oh Tank, why don't you come here?”

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After so many duds Delia had finally figured out when something was real. I think the more traditional Tank may have been surprised when she stole his thunder, but it was a

look of surprise not disdain.

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“Speaking of disregarding society's expectations... what do you think about moving in

with me? I know it's sudden, but I-”

“I would love to Delia. I can't believe how quickly I'm falling

for you...”

“Tank, I've been told that I'm hard to read. So I guess

I'm trying not to be that way anymore. I really like

you, and I want you to have this rose.”

“Wow Delia, thank you... but aren't I supposed to be

the one giving you the rose?”

“Who says we need to follow the prefabricated expectations of society. I

happen to love flowers, and fruits and vegetables, so for me, this just makes sense.”

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And all of a sudden, after days, weeks, and months of

stringing Jed and Travis along Delia decides Tank is

the real deal. And Tank moves in.

Tank didn't bring any money with him because I

made him and had him live with his brothers and a

remake of Ajay Loner in my game. Since I copied his

personality type from Sims 2, I'm counting him as fair game because he doesn't

have skills.

I was disappointed about him not bringing any

money originally, but it turns out the rules got

changed so that spouses couldn't bring any money, so it all worked out in the


But enough about his money, what about Tank. We already know he loves

the outdoors, he is also active and is a bro. Yes, a

bro. I thought it fitting for Tank.

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When Tank and Delia first moved in together, their possessions were very minimal. A single bed, a refrigerator, a counter, an easel, a toilet and a shower. Fortunately the two

really enjoyed each others company. Tank was a very attentive boyfriend.“You know Delia, I honestly have been enjoying living outside and with no distractions. It

gives us time to learn more about each other.”It didn't hurt that Tank always had the “Loves Outdoors” happy moodlet too. While I don't recommend gardening as a first aspiration, loves the outdoors on the other hand was a

happy find!

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To fixing the toilet that was constantly breaking.

But that meant their time together was at odd hours

since they slept opposite of each other.

With only one bed, the couple took turns sleeping.

And Tank was helpful right off the bat from tending the


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“Layla, I thought you said once I had a boyfriend I wouldn't have to worry about money anymore – if that's true, why do I have to go to work?”

Whoa, whoa, whoa – way to take me out of context – besides I said double the income, not live off of your boyfriend's income! Big difference there dear Delia.

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I see you made it home from work Delia – why do you look so annoyed?“I'm not annoyed, I'm tense... and the only thing that was getting me through today was

thinking about coming home and spending time with Tank... but look at him!”

Certainly training to be an astronaut is tiring stuff... even for an active guy like Tank. Give him a power nap, and he'll be all yours, don't worry about it.

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After the pair was well rested and neither was tense anymore from work they finally got to spend some time with each other. They are so adorable together!

And did you notice they were finally able to buy a double bed! Moving on up, slowly but surely.

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The double bed excitement was short lived.

This whole chivalry thing is getting old. One way or another one of them has to sleep on the new couch, and I think that is making a snowball effect with their bad moods after


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While Tank and his athletic wishes also make him

suffer from lack of hygiene and social...

The other thing is neither of their aspirations allow

them to be social. Delia in her garden all day suffers from lack of hygiene and


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It has been a week now since Tank has moved in. But Travis still walks by almost everyday. And I guess Tank's father (in the green) has wondered what happened to his eldest son.

“Layla, why can't I eat my breakfast in peace?”I think maybe you should try, you know, not eating it in your nightie by the mailbox...

maybe that would help.This seems to be her favorite spot to eat, we really need to get a house!

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It really was a rough couple of weeks when they first lived together. Tank's job as an astronaut was very exhausting, and I think their salad diet could probably benefit from

some more protein. But, they didn't have money for an oven.

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One thing that I found especially funny, was that anytime Delia would take a shower Tank would “leave the room.” And since there was no actual room to leave, he visited the sidelot

by their house and sat on the bench. What a gentleman!

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And then of course continued to sleep on the couch.

I was a little perplexed as to why they wouldn't share a bed, I feel like once sims were friends in 2 they would sleep next to each other no problem, but these two...

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On an exceptionally sunny, beautiful day, Tank invited his little brothers over to visit. And for some reason they both decided to dress up.

Let me be candid, I had really hoped Buck, in the pink, would have met Delia first, but honestly Tank is such a great, unexpected match for her I'm happy it turned out the way it

did.Ripp turned out to be a very handsome adult too! Great genes in this Grunt family.

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Buck and Ripp were just as smitten with Delia as their brother Tank. And to be honest, Delia loved the attention.

“It's so wonderful to meet both of you! I'm sorry to have taken your brother away without notice, but things just happened so fast.”

“I can see why,” Ripp said without thinking, but Buck added,“You seem like such a sweet, fun, person to be around, we can't wait to get to know you

better, and we're happy for our brother.”Good cover Buck!

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After a short visit with the brothers Grunt, Tank decided to make sure Delia knew how much he meant to her.

“Delia, since we're all dressed up, why don't you let the man in your life treat you to a nice time?”

“Oh wow Tank, I would love to get out of here!”

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“Delia, I will always love taking long walks and runs at night, do you want to know why?”“Why darling?”

“Because thanks to one night run I found my shining morning sun.”

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“Now let me show you how it's done, a flower for my lady?”“How did you know! I love it!”

“I have my sources.” Tank laughed and winked at his beautiful date.

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It had been a long time since the couple had gone out together, and honestly this is their first real date. Most of their dating has happened out in fields. Which I suppose is very

fitting for this green thumb, outdoor enthusiast couple.

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“You look so beautiful tonight Delia.”“And you clean up well, I never thought I'd see you without athletic clothing on!”

“I'll take that as a hint for later.”Subtle, but clear.

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Things are finally starting to heat up between the two now that they have some time for each other.

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But the stress of long work hours really seems to get the best of Tank no matter how hard he tries. That or Delia is really just a night owl.

“Now to wake up my knight in shining armor and head home.”

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It was short and sweet and a gold date.

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Ending with Delia and Tank becoming best friends!

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I guess that's all they needed to be able to sleep in the same bed. Thank goodness for that!

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The next morning the two are in a great mood having gotten a good night's sleep!“Delia, I really had a wonderful time last night, sorry I fell asleep on you!”

“Well, you do work very hard sweetie, don't feel badly about it.”“And maybe all of that hard work will finally pay off, I have a surprise for you after work


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I was really sad to sell this painting because I thought

it was really cute, and I haven't seen it since then.

As Delia was painting some construction workers

showed up.

While Tank was at work, Delia had the day off.

She spent her day painting to pass the time and

continue to earn money.

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Tank's surprise was that they finally had enough money for a very small roof over their heads.

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And Tank is a Technician.

He makes a lot more per hour than Delia at $54/hour

versus her $29/hour.

Delia and Tank were able to afford their new home by

their hard work.

Delia is now a Watercolor Dabbler.

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Good thing she has her painting which ends up making her more money overall.

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And soon they go from one room to two!

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The outside may not have siding, but the inside is painted, floored and sparsely decorated.

Bare necessities people. “Forget about your worries and your strife...”Oh wait, that's Bear Necessities... *whistles away innocently to the next slide*

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“Delia, do you like my surprise?”“I really, really do! I honestly was beginning to wonder if I'd ever live inside ever again.”

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The tense moodlets are strong with these two.

Though I must say Delia is super cute when she pouts,


I think Sims 4 is a bit too realistic about the sim's

moods when they get home from work.

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“It almost feels like we're real adults now, a roof over

our heads, warm food, a comfortable warm room.

Can it get any better?”

Once they had their first hot meal in ages, with their

new oven, it was all worth it.

Fish tacos courtesy of the lovely Delia of course.

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“Delia I want to give you the world, and this is just

the first step in always sweeping you off your feet.”

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“Delia, I knew I had to move quickly otherwise you may have asked first.Delia Malone, will you do me the honors of being my wife and best friend for the rest of our


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“Yes Tank! I will marry you!”

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The happy couple started their new engagement with a sweet kiss.

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Even with such a happy occasion, Delia couldn't let her gardening go. That night she noticed some lovely strawberries were growing right outside their backyard. Just the

perfect fruit to add to her garden.

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Meanwhile Tank invited over his family to tell them the good news. I can't help but think Buck and Ripp are hoping they'll get just as lucky in love.

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The next morning while making breakfast with her new stove Delia gets an unwelcome visit with lady fire.

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It looked pretty serious, but luckily Tank was there as always to help his beautiful fiance.

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How do you like your new stove now, Delia?“We're just going to pretend this never happened...”

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Thank you for reading! I hope you have enjoyed Chapter 3: Is This Love?

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members.Happy Simming! HippieLayla86

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Doesn't look like quite a good night out, poor sleepy Tank and book worm Delia...


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Talk about tight living quarters...And yes, that is quite possibly a wedding arch in the background... ;)

See you next time!!