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Issue 649 Dundee The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long Psalm 25: 4-5 NIV

The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Aug 18, 2020



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Page 1: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Issue 649


The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are

God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long Psalm 25: 4-5 NIV

Page 2: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Every Sunday at 11am

Créche, Sunday Sunbeams, Stars and Seekers meet after the All Age Worship

Followed by tea/coffee in the St Andrew’s Hall


Holy Week Services Sunday 25th March - Palm Sunday 11am

Thursday 29th March - Café Church 7.15pm

Friday 30th March - Good Friday Service

led by the choir 7.30pm

Sunday 1st April - Easter Morning 9am

followed by breakfast

Morning Worship 11am

Teas/Coffees Saturdays 10am - 12pm

Sundays after service

Girls’ Brigade Mondays 6.30pm

Scottish Dancing Mondays 7.30pm

Guild alternate Tuesdays 2pm

Bowling Club Thursdays 7pm

Something else happening? Let the congregation know by including it in

the pre-service slides on Sunday mornings.

Please email information, by a Friday at the

latest, to Garry Collins at

[email protected]

Contributions for the next edition are welcome

anytime during the coming weeks,

but at the very latest by:

THURSDAY 29th March

email to

[email protected]

The February edition of the Wyvern will be

available for collection by distributors

on Sunday 8th April Cong Ref No - 291743 Scottish Charity No - SC011775

Session Clerk

Mrs Helen Holden

Deputy Session Clerk

Mr Ron Chimiak

Finance Director

Mr Lindsay McCallum

Gift Aid Promoter

Mrs Anne Clarke

Freewill Offering

Mrs Audrey Johnston

Fabric Co-ordinator

Mrs Sheila Valentine

Church Officer

Mr Ron Chimiak

Presbytery Elder

Mr Ron Chimiak

Roll Keeper

Mrs Evelyn Scanlan

Director of Music

Ms Ruth Irons

Hall Letting Convenor

Mr Roddy MacKinnon

Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Mrs Pam Chimiak

Christian Aid Co-ordinator

Mrs Lynn Hutchinson

Reader Co-ordinator

Mrs Merelyn Baxter

Sunday Seekers

Mrs Sharon Miller

Sunday Stars

Mrs Fay Scott

Sunday Sunbeams

Mrs Alison Collins

Tuesday 13th March - 7.30pm

Tea/Coffee will be served from 6.45pm

Page 3: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Dear Friends,

As I write, there are flurries of snow outside my window,

interspersed with brief periods of sunshine. More snow is

forecast for the coming days, which may come as a shock to

the crocus and daffodil shoots beginning to appear above

the ground. However, by the time you read this, I hope that spring will have

reasserted itself. It is always a relief after the long winter to get into the lighter

nights and see all the signs of life and celebration that we associate with


And with the new life and hope of spring, it’s tempting for us to step quickly

from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday; to focus only on the celebration, the

holidays and the enjoyable bits of Easter, and to play down the real story of

betrayal, cruelty, self seeking and heartache that unfolds during Jesus ’ last

week in Jerusalem. After all, surely it’s unhealthy to dwell on the unpleasant

side of life?

And yet we can hardly escape the wrongs and ills of the world. Some of us

struggle with them on a daily basis ourselves, and none of us can miss the

tragedies that unfold nightly on our television screens — the shooting of school

students in Florida and the bombing of civilians in Syria immediately come to

mind. It doesn’t take a huge leap of imagination to understand how the hatred,

cruelty and casual disregard for human life that led Jesus to a cross are still

played out in acts of violence between nations in the Middle East and within

school communities in America. Perhaps these vivid pictures bring home to us

what it means to share in the darkness of the world and, in the words of the

hymn, what it cost Jesus to ‘pay the price of sin’.

The Gospels spell out just how Jesus was betrayed by his friend, falsely

accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good

news is that the story did not end there. Beyond the death of Jesus there came

the day of Resurrection. Out of death came life that was offered to all who

would trust in Christ and follow him; a life given so that the whole of creation

could be transformed and made whole. Christian hope is not something which

helps us avoid the darkness, but something which takes us through darkness

and transforms it. Many people have discovered that for themselves, and only

you can say what it might mean for you.

….continued overleaf 3

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….continued from previous page

A few years ago I helped the children of a Primary School to celebrate a simple

Passover meal in preparation for their Easter service. We finished by each

person saying ‘Shalom’ (‘peace’) to their neighbour. One boy asked afterwards,

‘Can we do this next year?’ When I asked why, he said, ‘Because it was

lovely’. ‘Shalom’ means peace and wholeness for body mind and spirit, and it

was the word of greeting used by Jesus to encourage his frightened and

unhappy disciples at Easter.

On a world scale, we must continue to pray and work for peace and renewal in

Syria and elsewhere. And closer to home, there will be many situations where

the peace of Christ needs to be given and received. Jesus said, ‘In this world

you shall have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’ (John

16: 33).

The peace of Christ be with you all throughout Lent and Easter.

Your Interim Moderator,

Rev David A Collins

Ian Clarke

It’s almost a year since we held our first Cafe Church - 13th April, 2017, which

was Maundy Thursday, and have held five more since then. We’ve been very

encouraged by the support and enthusiasm shown for these, and we are

already planning the next, which will take place on Thursday 29th March.

Coincidentally, this lands again on Maundy Thursday, and this year we will have

an informal communion as part of our service. We will be joined by members of

Meadowside St. Paul’s and the Methodist Church.

Normally, Cafe Church is held in the Glasite Hall and we hope to continue this,

but, should there be building work underway, we will hold it in St Andrew ’s Hall

instead. As ever, we’d love to welcome more of our congregation - please come

and see what we get up to! Cafe opens at 7.15pm and the worship starts

around 7.30pm.


As mentioned in last month’s Wyvern, we are planning our Forward In Faith

Gatherings for the following dates, so please note these in your diaries:

Thursday 6th September at 2pm

Friday 7th September at 7.30pm

Saturday 8th September at 10.30am 4

Page 5: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

At their meeting in February, the Kirk Session agreed that

the church could be a collection point for the Foodbank.

This idea was put forward by the Sunday Seekers, who will

now take responsibility for the collection point, and delivering any donations to

the foodbank on a regular basis.

The Seekers came up with the idea following the fantastic response of the

congregation to the Foodbank appeals over the festive period.

As their theme for the session is generosity and kindness, it seemed a natural

follow on to see St Andrew’s adopt the Foodbank as a year-round cause.

There will be a collection point outside the St Andrew’s Hall beside the

recycling point - based here with the idea that other hall users may then see it

and donate too (it may re-locate while the lift work takes place). On a Sunday

there will also be a collection point in the Glasite Hall.

Posters will be up around the church encouraging people to donate what they


We look forward to your support.

A Prayer for Lent & Easter

God of Lent and Easter,

in the glory of the cross

your Son embraced the power of death

and broke its hold over your people.

During this time of repentance,

draw us to yourself,

that we may put aside the deeds of darkness and death

and accept the light and life of your kingdom,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Elders’ Roll


will be available

to collect on

Sunday 25th March

Can any Elder who has not

returned their Roll Book from

the October communion,

please remember to give

them back to the Roll Keeper

as soon as possible.


Teas and coffees will be

served, for the congregation,

after the 11am Communion

service on April 22nd

Sunday Seekers

Page 6: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond


As part of the Year of Young People celebrations, the Sunday

School leaders thought it would be good for the congregation

to get to know our young people more. So, each month we will

have a Young Voices page featuring a different young person

each month. This month we’d like you to meet Stewart:

Hello, what is your full name, and age?

Hi, my full name is Stewart John Alexander Lennon (after my dad and both my

grandpa’s) and I am 13, almost 14.

Which school do you attend and what year are you in?

I go to Bell Baxter High School in Cupar, and I am half way through 2nd year.

What are your favourite subjects at school?

I just love Drama! And I get a great amount of enjoyment out of learning to play

instruments in music. I enjoy imaginative writing in English. And the logic and

sequence of Maths is one of my favourites too. I am also a huge fan of History,

I am fascinated by all the events that have brought us to where we are today.

RMPS is also another subject that I hugely enjoy because I love learning about

all the other religions.

What is your favourite TV show or movie?

I don’t really watch TV. There are lots of movies that I like and its difficult to

pick a favourite. I really enjoyed one we watched a couple of weeks ago called

Cool Runnings. I also really enjoyed going to the cinema with dad to see

Dunkirk. However, my all time favourite has to be the film adaptation of the

book Wonder.

What music or bands do you like listening to?

Ok I’m really going to surprise you here! I’m a big fan of the Spice Girls! My

favourite song is Wannabe! But to redeem myself, I’m also a huge fan of choir/

church music. There are so many that I like, but my favourite must be How

Great Thou Art. (but I do get so emotional when I hear Ruth playing Walking In

the Air on the Organ, it gets me every time)

What hobbies and interests do you have?

My main hobby is computer games. I am a big Nintendo fan, and enjoy playing

Page 7: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Saturday 10th February was the date of our first planned walk this year when

8 excited walkers, and our guide dog Jo, headed for Redmyre Loch near

Tullybaccart, a six-mile hike.

February type weather dominated the walk for most of the time but that did not

diminish our enjoyment and everyone was glad to be out on the hills again,

exercising and socializing together.

Eventually we found the lovely fishing loch and after lunch we started on our

way back to the car park and then onto the Pine Cone Restaurant for a

relaxing hour after an energetic walk. Number one completed.

There are seven other walks planned for 2018, come along and join us.

my Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 2DS. I also enjoy researching things on

YouTube and the internet. I love to learn! I have also recently enjoyed being

part of the Indoor Bowling group at the church, it’s a great fun group and I

really enjoy going along to it.

What do you want to be when you are older?

I have absolutely no idea, at the moment!

If you had a superpower it would be?

I’ve not really thought of super powers since I was about 4 years old! But lets

see, being able to make everyone smile, and bring an end to 3 rd world poverty.

Or even get the homeless a home.

What is your first memory of St Andrew's Church?

I can’t remember my first ever memory, but when we came back after not

coming for a year or so, I remember all these smiling faces and everyone

telling me how tall I was and feeling so welcome and so glad to be back!

The best thing about St Andrew's Church is...

Can I have a whole page to answer this? There isn’t one thing, there are so

many things. The people, the building, the warmth (that’s the people not the

building), Ruth and the choir, the great things that go on like the groups, like

Girls’ Brigade, the gardening group, the bowling club, and the amazing Café

Church that has become such an amazing project. The coffees on a Saturday

and Sunday and Sunday Seekers and just the whole church family that is

welcoming to everyone.


Roddy MacKinnon

Page 8: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Sheila Valentine

After celebrating Australia Day at the end of January, we

hopped across the Tasman Sea to New Zealand to celebrate

Waitangi Day. This involved a great deal of grunting and face-

pulling as we performed a Haka. Eating a Kiwi fruit was much

more relaxing! The Explorers also made a kiwi, the flightless bird native to

New Zealand, complete with its long beak which it uses for foraging in the


The following Monday was busy with pancake and crepe making to mark

Shrove Tuesday and card making for Valentine's Day. The pancakes tasted

delicious despite their weird shapes. The laughter from the kitchen showed

that Monday is Funday in St Andrews!

We celebrated Chinese New Year with the older girls making a stir fry and, as

it is the Year of the Dog, the Explorers made a picture of a dog. As a special

treat, Carol, the church cleaner, brought her Guide dog puppy, Dudley, along

to visit the company.

To mark the end of the Winter Olympics, we held our own Olympics with a

range of activities. Curling was very popular. This involved sending frisbees

along a paper rink towards a target. The Explorers became very adept on the

slalom course although we didn't attempt it on skis!


On 6th February Susan Whyte was our speaker on the V & A. It was wonderful

to see what the inside of the building would be like and to hear about the

exhibitions that will be there. The V & A is a museum of design, and exhibitions

from all over the world will have the opportunity to come to Dundee.

On 20th February, Margaret Clarke from Malawi Fruits was our speaker. Not a

piece of fruit in sight. Malawi Fruits help the people of Malawi with various

projects to give them a sustainable future. Some projects include bringing

irrigation and clean water to communities and supporting young people to grow

their business to they can improve the lives of their families. Margaret brought

along some items made by the people and with the donation from the Guild

and the money raised by the sale of goods £60 in total was raised for Malawi.

Our last meeting for the session is on the 20th March when we have our

Daffodil Tea with musical entertainment from Alison Bishop and Friends. All are


Anne Barrowman

Page 9: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

Silvie Taylor

2008 - "There was a good turn out when Sally Romilly gave a very 'educational'

talk on Traidcraft, capturing her audience by setting a few challenges which

soon had everyone interacting," wrote Gayle Lennon. "There was an in-depth look at

Fairtrade and Traidcraft, followed by Fairtrade refreshments."

1998 - The Rev. I D Petrie quoted the following from a current publication: "In the first

world war, 745,000 British soldiers died, 1,500,000 were wounded. German casualties

were similar. Churches and church leaders on both sides supported their governments.

Theology failed...and has never recovered. A few chaplains and poets managed to

struggle with the disillusionment."

1988 - The Guild began the month with a talk "Healthy Eating" by Mrs. Grassie. The

following Tuesday a Business Meeting and Gift Night Service were held. On the 15th, Mr.

Stockdale's talk was "In the Deep Midwinter". Entertainment on the 22nd was by Stobswell

FP choir.

1978 - The Rev TRS Campbell, referring to the Communicants' Class, said it was

encouraging to know beforehand that 20 young people had indicated their intention to

become members, most having no previous connection with St. Andrew's. Realising that

the Sunday class made attendance difficult for some, he said arrangements could be

made to give instruction at a more convenient time.

1968 - "Our Girls' Brigade is now well supplied with Lieutenants," wrote Mr. Campbell.

"On successive years there have been appointed Miss Dorothy Doig, Miss Merelyn Coull,

Miss Sheila MacDougall and now Miss Elizabeth Moug. Of these four, Dorothy and Sheila

hold the Duke of Edinburgh gold award.

1958 - At the Annual Congregational Meeting, the Rev. TRS Campbell paid tribute to

beadle Mr. George D. Ormond, describing him as an ambassador of St. Andrew's

church. "Even more, he is the very spirit of St. Andrew's. On behalf of all of you, I want to

thank George and his family for the way they keep going on and on in the service of our

kirk." (And those of us who remember the unique George with affection, would agree.)

1948 - The church Dramatic Society presented the three-act comedy "Charity Begins..."

in the Little Theatre for three nights, with Miss Ella Templeton as producer. This polished

performance drew comments of surprise from the local community that the society should

be competing in drama festivals.

1938 - In course of time, because the seven weeks of Lent were meant to be austere,

Shrove Tuesday became a time of mirth and rejoicing, making the most of the liberty

which was allowed before days of abstinence came." (Rev. WT Smellie.)

1928 - "The end of the session is in sight. Soon our Supplement will be filled with

accounts of closing socials and break-up meetings, as our many hard-working, willing

workers gain a well-earned season of rest. May the satisfaction of work well done make

the 'off season' happy and delightful for them all." (Rev. RFV Scott.)

Apology - Sometimes this computer ignores a word I've type and invents one of its own. Nevertheless, I should have checked last month’s MOT more carefully and made sure that among the assistant ministers, it was Mr. Sherrard and not "Gerrard". Silvie


Page 10: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

The next meeting of the Kirk Session

is on Tuesday 13th March at 7.30pm.

Teas and coffees will be served

from 6.45pm so elders can meet for

fellowship before the meeting.


Funerals 7th Feb Ruby (Rubina) Moore

12th Feb Christina Marra

13th Feb Cranston Guthrie

14th Feb Graeme Ritchie

16th Feb Margaret Crossan

We now have a preliminary start date of mid-March for the building work to

commence on the lift. Building control is still holding up the process at the

moment but the builders, architect and lift company are on stand by for an

immediate start, once our building warrant is passed.

Over the 13 weeks that the work is being carried out there will be some

disruption to everyone who uses the church halls. The lower entrance from the

car park will be out of use while the new disabled-friendly entrance is being

installed. This will mean for some of the time that the upper entrance will be

the main entry point for the St Andrew’s hall and access for the church. The

ground floor toilets and the Raitt and Davidson Halls may be out of service for

some of the time with access to the Glasite hall, upstairs kitchen and church

office only via the ‘back’ stairs. We would hope that most of these areas will be

accessible most of the time but we are preparing to work around the times

when they are not.

If you are part of a group that uses the halls then be assured that the Redesign

Team will be in touch to make sure that your group is accommodated during

the building work. A portable PA system is available for the St Andrew’s Hall

and we will do all that we can to make the alternative arrangements work. Car

park users will also be contacted if their spaces are going to be temporarily

changed while the work is being carried out.

Hopefully, before the next edition of the Wyvern the builders will be on site and

work will have commenced at last.

Evelyn Scanlan

Come unto me,

all ye that labour

and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Page 11: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond


Flower Donors Flower Committee

March March

11th Mrs. I. Dryden 11th Mrs. E. Strachan

18th Mrs. A. Lowe 18th Mrs. L. Evans

Mrs. E. Davidson

25th Mrs. M. Hunter 25th Ms. M. Graham

Mr. I. McDougall

April April

1st Mrs. D. Steven 1st Mrs. A. Henderson

8th Mrs. A. Forbes 8th Mrs. M. McKenzie

Mrs. A. Guthrie

15th Mrs. S. Valentine 15th Mrs. A. Sanderson

Mrs. S. Johnston

22nd Mrs. M. McKenzie 22nd Mrs. E. Strachan

Stewart Lennon

29th Mrs. M. Spence 29th Mrs. A. MacKinnon

Easter Gift Service - Sunday 18th March

These lovely pictures were sent in by Anne Lowe, daughter

of Reg Mulheron, who celebrated his 89th birthday in


Many members will know Reg and will be delighted to

see that as well as his wonderful cake, Anne also sent a

lovely picture of the oldest and youngest members of the

Mulheron family on Reg’s birthday - Reg with his 3 year

old great granddaughter.

Best wishes from us all here at St. Andrew’s, Reg.

Page 12: The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish Church Dundee · accused, and wrongly condemned to an agonising execution. And yet the good news is that the story did not end there. Beyond

If you have any pastoral needs or if you

know of anybody at home, or in hospital who

requires a visit please contact our Interim


Rev David Collins BSc BD

Or the Church Office

Church Office St Andrew’s Parish Church

2 King Street, Dundee, DD1 2JB Tel: 01382 224860

Email: [email protected]


Bill Grant

Boys Brigade FMA

John James BEM

Care Group

Liz Davidson

Crèche Rota

Anne Barrowman

Flower Committee

Anne MacKinnon

Muriel McKenzie


Jimmy Robertson

Girls’ Brigade

Sheila Valentine


Anne Barrowman

Life and Work

Ron Coull

Outdoor Activities Group

Roddy MacKinnon

Stewardship Team

Email: [email protected]


Sally Romilly


Claire Andrews

Wyvern Distribution Co-ordinators

Anne Lowe

Brian Forsyth

Wyvern Editor

Gayle Lennon

Mar 13th - Session Meeting 7.30pm


Mar 14th - Fashion Show 7pm


Mar 18th - Easter Gift Service 11am


Mar 29th - Café Church 7.15pm


Mar 30th - Good Friday Choir Service 7.30pm


April 1st - Easter Breakfast after 9am service


April 22nd - Communion 11am - 2.15pm

Mar 20th - Daffodil Tea

Alison Bishop & Friends

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Our Facebook Page is updated regularly.

Search Facebook for

St Andrews Parish Church Dundee

April 14th - Elie - Anstruther

May 12th - Loch Leven

June 9th - Montrose Bay

July 14th - Minister’s Path

Aug 11th - St Andrew’s Coastal Path

Sept 8th - Lunan Bay

Oct 13th - Loch Ericht, Blairgowrie